id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15019 Stoller, Michael A.; Christopherson, Robert; Miranda, Michael The Economics of Professional Journal Pricing 1996-01-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 7507 348 54 26 In fact, the Robinson-Patman Act could not possibly apply to journal price dis- crimination because it is a piece of depres- sion era legislation aimed at protecting small competitors from large ones (most notably from A&P, the retail giant of the 1930s). 11 fter more than two decades of extraordinary inflation, pro- f~ssiona~ journal prices con- tinue to mcrease at rates sev- eral times as high as the American economy's overall inflation rate and far higher than the rate of cost increase in the journal publishing industry.14 Academic economists, marketing researchers, librar- ians, And paid economic consultants have undertaken economic analyses of journal markets in order to explain the high rates of price increase and the great extent of price discrimination against libraries and United States buyers in general. cache/crl-15019.pdf txt/crl-15019.txt