id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15033 Crowley, Bill Redefining the Status of the Librarian in Higher Education 1996-03-01 10 .pdf application/pdf 5025 253 46 Characteristics of the Library Subsystem ยท The condition of academic libraries on the eve of the twenty-first century is well documented in the library and in- formation studies literature. In a response to the author's 1995 surveys, one library edu- cator-whose confidentiality was guar- anteed as a condition of reply-as- Redefining the Status of the Librarian 115 serted in an e-mail message of January 31, 1995, that: the reality facing academic libraries today ... is one of budgetary cut- backs and financial constraint. cache/crl-15033.pdf txt/crl-15033.txt