id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15599 Krueger, Janice M. Continuing Professional Education for the Information Society: The Fifth World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Science Professions. Ed. Patricia Layzell Ward. Munchen: Saur (IFLA Publications 100), 2002. 263p. EUR 98 (IFLA Members EUR 73.50) (ISBN 598218303). ISSN 0344-6891. 2003-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1678 151 31 Andretta describes the develop- ment of an information literacy module for first-year college students using the ALA’s definition of information literacy. The most important, perhaps, is the seventh, addressing and beseeching school and public librarians to assist teachers in in- tegrating information literacy into their disciplines. Williams, School of Information and Media at The Robert Gordon University in Scotland, describes research measur- ing the integration of the school library resource center into the overall teaching and learning process in her article, “Learning to Learn: An ICT Training Model to Support Professional Develop- ment and Change in School Libraries.” cache/crl-15599.pdf txt/crl-15599.txt