id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15738 Jacoby, JoAnn; O’Brien, Nancy P. Assessing the Impact of Reference Services Provided to Undergraduate Students 2005-07-01 17 .pdf application/pdf 9454 478 54 The regres- sion coefficients of the first two variables, “confidence before” reference interaction and “friendliness” of reference staff, added to the model were both significant (p = 0.0289 and p = 0.0114, respectively), explaining a total of 14.56 percent of the variation in “confidence a er” reference interaction. Directional questions (referring to the location of books, journals, rest rooms, and so on or having to do with the operation of copiers, computers, printers, or other machinery) were not considered reference interactions for the purposes of this study. cache/crl-15738.pdf txt/crl-15738.txt