id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15825 Garrett, Jeffrey Foot, Mirjam M. Bookbinders at Work: Their Role and Methods. Newcastle, Del.: Oak Knoll; London: The British Library, 2006. 163 p. $59.95 (ISBN 1584561688 [US]; 0712349014 [UK]). 2006-09-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1958 97 61 To stay for a moment with the example at hand: we learn in Foot’s book that sprinkled edges on books were not just decorative, but often helped hide the dirt on the edges; that red and green sprin- kling said “French” to German readers; that sprinkling with red alone suggested 480 College & Research Libraries elegance, but a solid red edge signaled a book that was for peasants. Readers of Mirjam Foot’s book on binding quickly learn how naïve assumptions of randomness are. cache/crl-15825.pdf txt/crl-15825.txt