id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15834 Knowlton, Sean Patrick; Imamoto, Becky Recruiting Non-MLIS Graduate Students to Academic Librarianship 2006-11-01 10 .pdf application/pdf 5449 281 45 In response to declining numbers of qualified applicants nationwide for librarian positions in academic libraries, the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries, in collaboration with the University’s Graduate Teacher Program, has developed a fellowship program that encourages gradu- ate students with advanced subject or language expertise to consider careers in academic librarianship. In November of 2002, the Association of College & Research Li- braries’ (ACRL) Focus on the Future Task Force identified recruitment, education, and retention of librarians as core issues facing academic libraries.1 Fewer quali- fied individuals are seeking positions in academic libraries, which has led to shal- lower pools of applicants with advanced subject skills.2 Moreover, many academic libraries are also increasingly having difficulty recruiting librarians who pos- sess the foreign language expertise that academic institutions seek.3 In 2002, cache/crl-15834.pdf txt/crl-15834.txt