id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-16266	Samuelson, Todd; Sare, Laura; Coker, Catherine	Unusual Suspects: The Case of Insider Theft in Research Libraries and Special Collections	2012-11-01	13	.pdf	application/pdf	6733	224	45	This climate of disclosure frequently extends to the active pursuit of thieves, including the willingness among libraries to press charges or to publicize the loss in an effort to recover the stolen artifact.1 Libraries have begun to engage in collaboration among themselves and with other groups, such as associations of book dealers, in producing databases and lists that are commonly disseminated online in an ef- fort to lead to the identification of stolen material and to ensure its return.2 Though library theft is being discussed more frequently as a major issue in the discipline, many elements related to theft remain poorly understood. The lack of quan- tifiable detail about library theft extends from information regarding the items that are reported missing (leaving aside the volumes and artifacts that are never discovered or publicized as stolen) to in- formation about other aspects of the theft.	cache/crl-16266.pdf	txt/crl-16266.txt