id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16792 Bussell, Hilary; Hagman, Jessica; Guder, Christopher S. Research Needs and Learning Format Preferences of Graduate Students at a Large Public University: An Exploratory Study 2017-10-30 21 .pdf application/pdf 9901 376 44 Because undergraduate research experiences vary widely, graduate students may not be prepared for graduate- level research when they matriculate.2 Once in graduate school, students do not always learn the skills they need to do independent research through their coursework.3 Many faculty members assume graduate students already know how to do research, and thus do not emphasize the acquisition of research skills in their roles as teachers and advi- sors.4 Graduate students are more likely to ask for help from their professors than from librarians, but academic programs do not always provide help in acquiring the skills to perform effective literature reviews and to engage in other research activities.5 Further, graduate students bring to their programs a variety of prior experiences, career goals, Hilary Bussell is Assistant Professor and Social Sciences Librarian at The Ohio State University Librar- ies; e-mail: Graduate students often begin research tasks with a Google search and show affinity for Google Scholar as an easy-to-use and useful tool for identifying research sources.10 At the same time, graduate students report dissatisfaction with library-based research tools even as librarians have sought to improve the breadth of resources available online to their patrons. cache/crl-16792.pdf txt/crl-16792.txt