id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-18158	Burns, Erin; Green, Kristin E.C.	Academic Librarians’ Experiences and Perceptions on Mental Illness Stigma and the Workplace	2019-07-11	20	.pdf	application/pdf	8800	336	44	638 Academic Librarians’ Experiences and Perceptions on Mental Illness Stigma and the Workplace Erin Burns and Kristin E.C. Green* Research has been conducted within academia about faculty members and students who have experienced mental illness from a variety of theoretical perspectives, including disability studies. While this research acknowledges that the stigma sur- rounding mental illness keeps people from sharing their experiences, there has not been research that focused specifically on librarians in higher education.	cache/crl-18158.pdf	txt/crl-18158.txt