id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-25198 Dawe, Lydia; Stevens, Jackie; Hoffman, Bob; Quilty, Morgann Citation and Referencing Support at an Academic Library: Exploring Student and Faculty Perspectives on Authority and Effectiveness 2021-11-02 13 .pdf application/pdf 7286 300 43 Although the ACRL’s Standards for Libraries in Higher Education includes academic integrity support as a key professional value, external perceptions of the librarian’s role in its instruc- tion vary.20 While some faculty view collaboration with librarians as important to academic integrity instruction,21 Ard and Ard’s faculty survey on library roles revealed that “educating students about plagiarism” and “teaching citation styles” were ranked low among the library’s perceived responsibilities.22 The ubiquitous availability of online materials and many new types of materials has made citing sources more challenging.23 In his 2014 study, Kargbo found that 62.1 percent of undergraduates were not confident in their ability to cite sources correctly and that even those who considered themselves confident often produced inconsistent references.24 This grow- ing complexity of source types may be one of the reasons libraries are fielding an increase in student citation questions.25 Another may be the unique position libraries have in students’ academic life. What is the faculty perspective on student citation skills? cache/crl-25198.pdf txt/crl-25198.txt