id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crl-14725	1	1	college	college	NOUN
crl-14725	1	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	1	3	research	research	NOUN
crl-14725	1	4	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-14725	1	5	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	1	6	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	1	7	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	1	8	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	1	9	assistants	assistant	NOUN
crl-14725	1	10	jane	jane	PROPN
crl-14725	1	11	mcgurn	mcgurn	PROPN
crl-14725	1	12	kathman	kathman	PROPN
crl-14725	1	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	1	14	michael	michael	PROPN
crl-14725	1	15	d.	d.	PROPN
crl-14725	1	16	kathman	kathman	PROPN
crl-14725	1	17	this	this	DET
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crl-14725	1	24	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-14725	1	30	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-14725	1	32	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-14725	1	33	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	1	34	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	2	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	2	14	evaluate	evaluate	VERB
crl-14725	2	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	2	16	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-14725	2	18	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	2	19	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-14725	2	29	a	a	DET
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crl-14725	2	34	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	2	35	jobs	job	NOUN
crl-14725	2	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	3	1	drawing	draw	VERB
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crl-14725	3	7	full	full	ADJ
crl-14725	3	8	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-14725	3	11	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	3	20	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	3	21	'	'	PART
crl-14725	3	22	unique	unique	ADJ
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crl-14725	3	24	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	3	32	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	3	33	time	time	NOUN
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crl-14725	3	40	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	3	42	itself	itself	PRON
crl-14725	3	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	4	1	tudent	tudent	NOUN
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crl-14725	4	10	;	;	PUNCT
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crl-14725	4	13	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-14725	4	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	5	7	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-14725	5	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	5	10	little	little	ADJ
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crl-14725	5	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	6	8	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-14725	6	19	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-14725	6	22	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	7	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	8	13	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	8	15	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	8	30	accomplishment	accomplishment	NOUN
crl-14725	8	31	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	9	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	10	24	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	10	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	10	27	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	10	36	an	an	DET
crl-14725	10	37	hour	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	10	38	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	11	3	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	11	5	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	11	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	12	4	#	#	SYM
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crl-14725	12	21	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-14725	12	35	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	13	12	#	#	SYM
crl-14725	13	13	7	7	NUM
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crl-14725	13	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	14	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	15	26	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-14725	16	7	we	we	PRON
crl-14725	16	8	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	16	9	use	use	VERB
crl-14725	16	10	the	the	DET
crl-14725	16	11	following	following	NOUN
crl-14725	16	12	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	16	13	a	a	DET
crl-14725	16	14	beginning	beginning	NOUN
crl-14725	16	15	point	point	NOUN
crl-14725	16	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	17	1	a	a	DET
crl-14725	17	2	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	17	3	measure	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	17	4	jane	jane	NOUN
crl-14725	17	5	mcgurn	mcgurn	PROPN
crl-14725	17	6	kathman	kathman	NOUN
crl-14725	17	7	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	17	8	associate	associate	ADJ
crl-14725	17	9	professor	professor	NOUN
crl-14725	17	10	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	17	11	the	the	DET
crl-14725	17	12	management	management	NOUN
crl-14725	17	13	department	department	NOUN
crl-14725	17	14	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	17	15	the	the	DET
crl-14725	17	16	college	college	NOUN
crl-14725	17	17	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	17	18	saint	saint	PROPN
crl-14725	17	19	benedict	benedict	PROPN
crl-14725	17	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	17	21	st	st	PROPN
crl-14725	17	22	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	17	23	joseph	joseph	PROPN
crl-14725	17	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	17	25	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crl-14725	17	26	56374	56374	NUM
crl-14725	17	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	17	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	17	29	michael	michael	PROPN
crl-14725	17	30	d.	d.	PROPN
crl-14725	17	31	kathman	kathman	PROPN
crl-14725	17	32	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	17	33	director	director	NOUN
crl-14725	17	34	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	17	35	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	17	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	17	37	media	medium	NOUN
crl-14725	17	38	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	17	39	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-14725	17	40	computing	computing	NOUN
crl-14725	17	41	at	at	ADP
crl-14725	17	42	st	st	PROPN
crl-14725	17	43	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	17	44	john	john	PROPN
crl-14725	17	45	's	's	PART
crl-14725	17	46	university	university	PROPN
crl-14725	17	47	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	17	48	collegeville	collegeville	PROPN
crl-14725	17	49	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	17	50	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crl-14725	17	51	56321	56321	NUM
crl-14725	17	52	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	18	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	18	2	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	19	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	20	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	20	2	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	21	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	21	2	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	22	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	22	2	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	23	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	23	2	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	24	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	24	2	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	25	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	26	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	26	2	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	27	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	28	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	29	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	30	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	31	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	32	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	33	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	34	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	35	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	36	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	37	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	38	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	39	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	40	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	41	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	42	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	2	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	3	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	4	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	5	2.;	2.;	PROPN
crl-14725	43	6	..	..	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	7	;;	;;	NUM
crl-14725	43	8	...	...	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	9	9.;;	9.;;	NUM
crl-14725	43	10	..	..	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	11	_9	_9	X
crl-14725	43	12	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	43	13	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	44	1	_	_	PUNCT
crl-14725	44	2	300	300	NUM
crl-14725	44	3	college	college	NOUN
crl-14725	44	4	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	44	5	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	44	6	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	44	7	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	44	8	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	44	9	a	a	DET
crl-14725	44	10	statement	statement	NOUN
crl-14725	44	11	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	44	12	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	44	13	well	well	ADV
crl-14725	44	14	the	the	DET
crl-14725	44	15	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	44	16	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	44	17	expected	expect	VERB
crl-14725	44	18	to	to	PART
crl-14725	44	19	achieve	achieve	VERB
crl-14725	44	20	each	each	PRON
crl-14725	44	21	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	44	22	the	the	DET
crl-14725	44	23	primary	primary	ADJ
crl-14725	44	24	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	44	25	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	44	26	the	the	DET
crl-14725	44	27	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	44	28	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	44	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	45	1	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	45	2	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	45	3	the	the	DET
crl-14725	45	4	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	45	5	against	against	ADP
crl-14725	45	6	which	which	PRON
crl-14725	45	7	his	his	PRON
crl-14725	45	8	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	45	9	her	her	PRON
crl-14725	45	10	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	45	11	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	45	12	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	45	13	measured	measure	VERB
crl-14725	45	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	46	1	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	46	2	sets	set	VERB
crl-14725	46	3	the	the	DET
crl-14725	46	4	par	par	NOUN
crl-14725	46	5	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	46	6	the	the	DET
crl-14725	46	7	course	course	NOUN
crl-14725	46	8	so	so	SCONJ
crl-14725	46	9	the	the	DET
crl-14725	46	10	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	46	11	knows	know	VERB
crl-14725	46	12	at	at	ADP
crl-14725	46	13	all	all	DET
crl-14725	46	14	times	time	NOUN
crl-14725	46	15	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	46	16	he	he	PRON
crl-14725	46	17	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	46	18	she	she	PRON
crl-14725	46	19	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	46	20	progressing	progress	VERB
crl-14725	46	21	toward	toward	ADP
crl-14725	46	22	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	46	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	46	24	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	47	1	3	3	NUM
crl-14725	47	2	having	having	AUX
crl-14725	47	3	defined	define	VERB
crl-14725	47	4	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	47	5	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	47	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	47	7	we	we	PRON
crl-14725	47	8	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	47	9	now	now	ADV
crl-14725	47	10	look	look	VERB
crl-14725	47	11	at	at	ADP
crl-14725	47	12	why	why	SCONJ
crl-14725	47	13	they	they	PRON
crl-14725	47	14	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	47	15	necessary	necessary	ADJ
crl-14725	47	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	47	17	what	what	DET
crl-14725	47	18	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	47	19	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	47	20	appropriate	appropriate	ADJ
crl-14725	47	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	47	22	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	47	23	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	47	24	to	to	PART
crl-14725	47	25	establish	establish	VERB
crl-14725	47	26	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	47	27	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	47	28	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-14725	47	29	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	47	30	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	47	31	jobs	job	NOUN
crl-14725	47	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	48	1	necessity	necessity	NOUN
crl-14725	48	2	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	48	3	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	48	4	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	48	5	why	why	SCONJ
crl-14725	48	6	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	48	7	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	48	8	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	48	9	necessary	necessary	ADJ
crl-14725	48	10	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	48	11	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	48	12	assistants	assistant	NOUN
crl-14725	48	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	48	14	given	give	VERB
crl-14725	48	15	the	the	DET
crl-14725	48	16	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-14725	48	17	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	48	18	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	48	19	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	48	20	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	48	21	our	our	PRON
crl-14725	48	22	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	48	23	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	49	1	planning	plan	VERB
crl-14725	49	2	the	the	DET
crl-14725	49	3	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	49	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	49	5	monitoring	monitoring	NOUN
crl-14725	49	6	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	49	7	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	49	8	crucial	crucial	ADJ
crl-14725	49	9	managerial	managerial	ADJ
crl-14725	49	10	tasks	task	NOUN
crl-14725	49	11	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	50	1	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	50	2	usually	usually	ADV
crl-14725	50	3	work	work	VERB
crl-14725	50	4	a	a	DET
crl-14725	50	5	maximum	maximum	NOUN
crl-14725	50	6	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	50	7	ten	ten	NUM
crl-14725	50	8	hours	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	50	9	per	per	ADP
crl-14725	50	10	week	week	NOUN
crl-14725	50	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	50	12	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	50	13	effect	effect	NOUN
crl-14725	50	14	share	share	NOUN
crl-14725	50	15	jobs	job	NOUN
crl-14725	50	16	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	50	17	the	the	DET
crl-14725	50	18	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	50	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	51	1	therefore	therefore	ADV
crl-14725	51	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	51	3	eight	eight	NUM
crl-14725	51	4	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	51	5	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	51	6	do	do	VERB
crl-14725	51	7	the	the	DET
crl-14725	51	8	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	51	9	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	51	10	two	two	NUM
crl-14725	51	11	full	full	ADJ
crl-14725	51	12	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	51	13	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	51	14	workers	worker	NOUN
crl-14725	51	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	52	1	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	52	2	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	52	3	assist	assist	VERB
crl-14725	52	4	managers	manager	NOUN
crl-14725	52	5	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	52	6	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-14725	52	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	52	8	monitoring	monitoring	NOUN
crl-14725	52	9	activities.•	activities.•	NOUN
crl-14725	52	10	coordinating	coordinate	VERB
crl-14725	52	11	the	the	DET
crl-14725	52	12	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	52	13	'	'	PART
crl-14725	52	14	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	52	15	by	by	ADP
crl-14725	52	16	the	the	DET
crl-14725	52	17	use	use	NOUN
crl-14725	52	18	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	52	19	hourly	hourly	ADJ
crl-14725	52	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	52	21	daily	daily	ADJ
crl-14725	52	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	52	23	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	52	24	weekly	weekly	ADJ
crl-14725	52	25	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	52	26	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	52	27	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	52	28	enable	enable	VERB
crl-14725	52	29	the	the	DET
crl-14725	52	30	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	52	31	to	to	PART
crl-14725	52	32	know	know	VERB
crl-14725	52	33	what	what	PRON
crl-14725	52	34	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	52	35	expected	expect	VERB
crl-14725	52	36	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	52	37	them	they	PRON
crl-14725	52	38	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	52	39	decrease	decrease	VERB
crl-14725	52	40	the	the	DET
crl-14725	52	41	need	need	NOUN
crl-14725	52	42	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	52	43	constant	constant	ADJ
crl-14725	52	44	supervision	supervision	NOUN
crl-14725	52	45	while	while	SCONJ
crl-14725	52	46	improving	improve	VERB
crl-14725	52	47	the	the	DET
crl-14725	52	48	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-14725	52	49	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	52	50	quantity	quantity	NOUN
crl-14725	52	51	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	52	52	their	their	PRON
crl-14725	52	53	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	52	54	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	53	1	james	james	PROPN
crl-14725	53	2	evered	evere	VERB
crl-14725	53	3	has	have	AUX
crl-14725	53	4	observed	observe	VERB
crl-14725	53	5	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	53	6	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	53	7	every	every	DET
crl-14725	53	8	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	53	9	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	53	10	entitled	entitle	VERB
crl-14725	53	11	to	to	PART
crl-14725	53	12	know	know	VERB
crl-14725	53	13	exactly	exactly	ADV
crl-14725	53	14	what	what	PRON
crl-14725	53	15	he	he	PRON
crl-14725	53	16	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	53	17	she	she	PRON
crl-14725	53	18	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	53	19	expected	expect	VERB
crl-14725	53	20	to	to	PART
crl-14725	53	21	do	do	VERB
crl-14725	53	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	53	23	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	53	24	well	well	ADV
crl-14725	53	25	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	53	26	needs	need	VERB
crl-14725	53	27	to	to	PART
crl-14725	53	28	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	53	29	done	do	VERB
crl-14725	53	30	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	53	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	53	32	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	53	33	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	53	34	compares	compare	VERB
crl-14725	53	35	against	against	ADP
crl-14725	53	36	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	53	38	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	53	39	the	the	DET
crl-14725	53	40	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	53	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	54	1	''5	''5	VERB
crl-14725	54	2	having	have	VERB
crl-14725	54	3	a	a	DET
crl-14725	54	4	set	set	NOUN
crl-14725	54	5	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	54	6	performance	performance	NOUN
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crl-14725	54	9	jobs	job	NOUN
crl-14725	54	10	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	54	11	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	54	12	expected	expect	VERB
crl-14725	54	13	to	to	PART
crl-14725	54	14	perform	perform	VERB
crl-14725	54	15	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	54	16	increase	increase	VERB
crl-14725	54	17	the	the	DET
crl-14725	54	18	efficiency	efficiency	NOUN
crl-14725	54	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	54	20	effectiveness	effectiveness	NOUN
crl-14725	54	21	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	54	22	utilizing	utilize	VERB
crl-14725	54	23	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	54	24	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	54	25	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	54	26	the	the	DET
crl-14725	54	27	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	54	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	55	1	such	such	ADJ
crl-14725	55	2	standards	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	55	3	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	55	4	be	be	AUX
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crl-14725	55	6	communicated	communicate	VERB
crl-14725	55	7	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	55	8	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	55	9	during	during	ADP
crl-14725	55	10	their	their	PRON
crl-14725	55	11	initial	initial	ADJ
crl-14725	55	12	training	training	NOUN
crl-14725	55	13	period	period	NOUN
crl-14725	55	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	55	15	referred	refer	VERB
crl-14725	55	16	to	to	PART
crl-14725	55	17	frequently	frequently	ADV
crl-14725	55	18	thereafter	thereafter	ADV
crl-14725	55	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	56	1	by	by	ADP
crl-14725	56	2	doing	do	VERB
crl-14725	56	3	so	so	ADV
crl-14725	56	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	56	5	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	56	6	communicate	communicate	VERB
crl-14725	56	7	the	the	DET
crl-14725	56	8	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-14725	56	9	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	56	10	the	the	DET
crl-14725	56	11	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	56	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	56	13	increase	increase	VERB
crl-14725	56	14	student	student	NOUN
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crl-14725	56	17	a	a	DET
crl-14725	56	18	particular	particular	ADJ
crl-14725	56	19	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-14725	56	20	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	56	21	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	56	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	56	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	56	24	provide	provide	VERB
crl-14725	56	25	an	an	DET
crl-14725	56	26	ongoing	ongoing	ADJ
crl-14725	56	27	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crl-14725	56	28	tool	tool	NOUN
crl-14725	56	29	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	56	30	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	56	31	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	56	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	56	33	''	''	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	1	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	57	2	standards	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	57	3	provide	provide	VERB
crl-14725	57	4	beforethe	beforethe	ADJ
crl-14725	57	5	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	6	fact	fact	NOUN
crl-14725	57	7	challenge	challenge	NOUN
crl-14725	57	8	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	57	9	commitment	commitment	NOUN
crl-14725	57	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	11	duringjuly	duringjuly	ADV
crl-14725	57	12	1992	1992	NUM
crl-14725	57	13	the	the	DET
crl-14725	57	14	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	15	fact	fact	NOUN
crl-14725	57	16	monitoring	monitoring	NOUN
crl-14725	57	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	57	18	control	control	NOUN
crl-14725	57	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	57	21	after	after	ADP
crl-14725	57	22	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	23	the	the	DET
crl-14725	57	24	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	25	fact	fact	NOUN
crl-14725	57	26	review	review	NOUN
crl-14725	57	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	57	28	appraisal	appraisal	NOUN
crl-14725	57	29	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	30	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	57	31	asserted	assert	VERB
crl-14725	57	32	robert	robert	PROPN
crl-14725	57	33	f.	f.	PROPN
crl-14725	57	34	smith	smith	PROPN
crl-14725	57	35	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	57	36	kerry	kerry	PROPN
crl-14725	57	37	tucker	tucker	PROPN
crl-14725	57	38	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	58	1	6	6	NUM
crl-14725	58	2	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	58	3	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	58	4	represent	represent	VERB
crl-14725	58	5	objectives	objective	NOUN
crl-14725	58	6	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	58	7	a	a	DET
crl-14725	58	8	particular	particular	ADJ
crl-14725	58	9	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	58	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	58	11	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	58	12	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	58	13	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	58	14	perfor	perfor	NOUN
crl-14725	58	15	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	58	16	mance	mance	NOUN
crl-14725	58	17	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	58	18	order	order	NOUN
crl-14725	58	19	to	to	PART
crl-14725	58	20	achieve	achieve	VERB
crl-14725	58	21	the	the	DET
crl-14725	58	22	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	58	23	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	58	24	the	the	DET
crl-14725	58	25	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	58	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	59	1	generally	generally	ADV
crl-14725	59	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	59	3	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	59	4	already	already	ADV
crl-14725	59	5	have	have	VERB
crl-14725	59	6	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	59	7	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	59	8	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	59	9	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	59	10	their	their	PRON
crl-14725	59	11	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	59	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	60	1	these	these	DET
crl-14725	60	2	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	60	3	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	60	4	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	60	5	not	not	PART
crl-14725	60	6	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	60	7	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	60	8	writing	writing	NOUN
crl-14725	60	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	60	10	but	but	CCONJ
crl-14725	60	11	most	most	ADJ
crl-14725	60	12	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	60	13	have	have	AUX
crl-14725	60	14	thought	think	VERB
crl-14725	60	15	about	about	ADP
crl-14725	60	16	what	what	PRON
crl-14725	60	17	they	they	PRON
crl-14725	60	18	expect	expect	VERB
crl-14725	60	19	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	60	20	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	60	21	assistants	assistant	NOUN
crl-14725	60	22	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	60	23	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	60	24	upset	upset	ADJ
crl-14725	60	25	when	when	SCONJ
crl-14725	60	26	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	60	27	do	do	AUX
crl-14725	60	28	not	not	PART
crl-14725	60	29	meet	meet	VERB
crl-14725	60	30	these	these	DET
crl-14725	60	31	expectations.7	expectations.7	NOUN
crl-14725	60	32	intuitive	intuitive	ADJ
crl-14725	60	33	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	60	34	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	60	35	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	60	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	60	37	however	however	ADV
crl-14725	60	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	60	39	not	not	PART
crl-14725	60	40	sufficient	sufficient	ADJ
crl-14725	60	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	61	1	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	61	2	need	need	VERB
crl-14725	61	3	to	to	PART
crl-14725	61	4	have	have	AUX
crl-14725	61	5	written	write	VERB
crl-14725	61	6	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	61	7	based	base	VERB
crl-14725	61	8	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	61	9	data	datum	NOUN
crl-14725	61	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	62	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-14725	62	2	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	62	3	do	do	AUX
crl-14725	62	4	not	not	PART
crl-14725	62	5	record	record	VERB
crl-14725	62	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	62	7	communicate	communicate	VERB
crl-14725	62	8	written	write	VERB
crl-14725	62	9	standards	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	62	10	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	62	11	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	62	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	62	13	they	they	PRON
crl-14725	62	14	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	62	15	neglecting	neglect	VERB
crl-14725	62	16	an	an	DET
crl-14725	62	17	important	important	ADJ
crl-14725	62	18	managerial	managerial	ADJ
crl-14725	62	19	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	62	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	62	21	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	62	22	not	not	PART
crl-14725	62	23	get	get	VERB
crl-14725	62	24	the	the	DET
crl-14725	62	25	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	62	26	done	do	VERB
crl-14725	62	27	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	62	28	their	their	PRON
crl-14725	62	29	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-14725	62	30	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	63	1	appropriate	appropriate	ADJ
crl-14725	63	2	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	63	3	what	what	PRON
crl-14725	63	4	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	63	5	an	an	DET
crl-14725	63	6	appropriate	appropriate	ADJ
crl-14725	63	7	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	63	8	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	63	9	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	63	10	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	1	mary	mary	PROPN
crl-14725	64	2	ann	ann	PROPN
crl-14725	64	3	joyce	joyce	PROPN
crl-14725	64	4	offers	offer	VERB
crl-14725	64	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	6	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	7	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	64	8	's	be	AUX
crl-14725	64	9	many	many	ADJ
crl-14725	64	10	things	thing	NOUN
crl-14725	64	11	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	12	one	one	NUM
crl-14725	64	13	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	64	14	accurately	accurately	ADV
crl-14725	64	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	64	16	completely	completely	ADV
crl-14725	64	17	measures	measure	VERB
crl-14725	64	18	the	the	DET
crl-14725	64	19	right	right	ADJ
crl-14725	64	20	things	thing	NOUN
crl-14725	64	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	22	with	with	ADP
crl-14725	64	23	the	the	DET
crl-14725	64	24	right	right	ADJ
crl-14725	64	25	emphasis	emphasis	NOUN
crl-14725	64	26	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	27	one	one	NUM
crl-14725	64	28	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	64	29	's	be	AUX
crl-14725	64	30	flexible	flexible	ADJ
crl-14725	64	31	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	32	one	one	NUM
crl-14725	64	33	that	that	PRON
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crl-14725	64	36	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	64	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	39	a	a	DET
crl-14725	64	40	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	64	41	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	64	42	the	the	DET
crl-14725	64	43	current	current	ADJ
crl-14725	64	44	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	64	45	force	force	NOUN
crl-14725	64	46	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	64	47	reasonably	reasonably	ADV
crl-14725	64	48	meet	meet	VERB
crl-14725	64	49	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	64	50	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	64	51	one	one	NUM
crl-14725	64	52	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	64	53	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	64	54	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	64	55	administered	administer	VERB
crl-14725	64	56	equitably	equitably	ADV
crl-14725	64	57	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	64	58	efficiently	efficiently	ADV
crl-14725	64	59	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	65	1	"8	"8	VERB
crl-14725	65	2	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-14725	65	3	the	the	DET
crl-14725	65	4	right	right	ADJ
crl-14725	65	5	things	thing	NOUN
crl-14725	65	6	means	mean	VERB
crl-14725	65	7	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	65	8	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crl-14725	65	9	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	65	10	attentive	attentive	ADJ
crl-14725	65	11	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	65	12	the	the	DET
crl-14725	65	13	results	result	NOUN
crl-14725	65	14	expected	expect	VERB
crl-14725	65	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	65	16	not	not	PART
crl-14725	65	17	the	the	DET
crl-14725	65	18	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	65	19	needed	need	VERB
crl-14725	65	20	to	to	PART
crl-14725	65	21	attain	attain	VERB
crl-14725	65	22	the	the	DET
crl-14725	65	23	results	result	NOUN
crl-14725	65	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	66	1	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	66	2	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	66	3	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	66	4	a	a	DET
crl-14725	66	5	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	66	6	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	66	7	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	66	8	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	66	9	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	66	10	the	the	DET
crl-14725	66	11	correct	correct	ADJ
crl-14725	66	12	order	order	NOUN
crl-14725	66	13	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	66	14	a	a	DET
crl-14725	66	15	result	result	NOUN
crl-14725	66	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	67	1	the	the	DET
crl-14725	67	2	right	right	ADJ
crl-14725	67	3	emphasis	emphasis	NOUN
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crl-14725	67	5	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	67	6	we	we	PRON
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crl-14725	67	8	need	need	VERB
crl-14725	67	9	to	to	PART
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crl-14725	67	11	some	some	DET
crl-14725	67	12	results	result	NOUN
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crl-14725	67	14	heavily	heavily	ADV
crl-14725	67	15	than	than	ADP
crl-14725	67	16	others	other	NOUN
crl-14725	67	17	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	67	18	a	a	DET
crl-14725	67	19	particular	particular	ADJ
crl-14725	67	20	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	67	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	68	1	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	68	2	example	example	NOUN
crl-14725	68	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	68	4	we	we	PRON
crl-14725	68	5	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	68	6	weigh	weigh	VERB
crl-14725	68	7	the	the	DET
crl-14725	68	8	accuracy	accuracy	NOUN
crl-14725	68	9	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	68	10	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	68	11	books	book	NOUN
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crl-14725	68	13	heavily	heavily	ADV
crl-14725	68	14	than	than	ADP
crl-14725	68	15	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	68	17	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	68	18	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	68	19	shelved	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	68	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	69	1	sometimes	sometimes	ADV
crl-14725	69	2	there	there	PRON
crl-14725	69	3	is	be	VERB
crl-14725	69	4	a	a	DET
crl-14725	69	5	need	need	NOUN
crl-14725	69	6	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	69	7	a	a	DET
crl-14725	69	8	flexible	flexible	ADJ
crl-14725	69	9	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	69	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	70	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-14725	70	2	something	something	PRON
crl-14725	70	3	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	70	4	the	the	DET
crl-14725	70	5	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-14725	70	6	changes	change	NOUN
crl-14725	70	7	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	70	8	affects	affect	VERB
crl-14725	70	9	the	the	DET
crl-14725	70	10	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-14725	70	11	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	70	12	the	the	DET
crl-14725	70	13	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	70	14	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	70	15	uneven	uneven	ADJ
crl-14725	70	16	work	work	NOUN
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crl-14725	70	18	beyond	beyond	ADP
crl-14725	70	19	anyone	anyone	PRON
crl-14725	70	20	's	's	PART
crl-14725	70	21	control	control	NOUN
crl-14725	70	22	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	70	23	radical	radical	ADJ
crl-14725	70	24	change	change	NOUN
crl-14725	70	25	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	70	26	the	the	DET
crl-14725	70	27	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-14725	70	28	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	70	29	a	a	DET
crl-14725	70	30	given	give	VERB
crl-14725	70	31	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	70	32	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	70	33	a	a	DET
crl-14725	70	34	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	70	35	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	70	36	have	have	VERB
crl-14725	70	37	to	to	PART
crl-14725	70	38	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	70	39	changed	change	VERB
crl-14725	70	40	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	71	1	an	an	DET
crl-14725	71	2	example	example	NOUN
crl-14725	71	3	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	71	4	uneven	uneven	ADJ
crl-14725	71	5	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	71	6	flow	flow	NOUN
crl-14725	71	7	might	might	AUX
crl-14725	71	8	occur	occur	VERB
crl-14725	71	9	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	71	10	processing	processing	NOUN
crl-14725	71	11	materials	material	NOUN
crl-14725	71	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	72	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-14725	72	2	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	72	3	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	72	4	be	be	AUX
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crl-14725	72	6	to	to	PART
crl-14725	72	7	have	have	VERB
crl-14725	72	8	a	a	DET
crl-14725	72	9	relatively	relatively	ADV
crl-14725	72	10	consistent	consistent	ADJ
crl-14725	72	11	flow	flow	NOUN
crl-14725	72	12	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	72	13	materials	material	NOUN
crl-14725	72	14	coming	come	VERB
crl-14725	72	15	into	into	ADP
crl-14725	72	16	the	the	DET
crl-14725	72	17	processing	processing	NOUN
crl-14725	72	18	area	area	NOUN
crl-14725	72	19	each	each	DET
crl-14725	72	20	day	day	NOUN
crl-14725	72	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	72	22	there	there	PRON
crl-14725	72	23	are	be	VERB
crl-14725	72	24	times	time	NOUN
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crl-14725	72	26	the	the	DET
crl-14725	72	27	year	year	NOUN
crl-14725	72	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	72	29	external	external	ADJ
crl-14725	72	30	events	event	NOUN
crl-14725	72	31	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	72	32	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	72	33	make	make	VERB
crl-14725	72	34	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	72	35	impossible	impossible	ADJ
crl-14725	72	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	73	1	shipping	shipping	NOUN
crl-14725	73	2	strikes	strike	NOUN
crl-14725	73	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	73	4	year	year	NOUN
crl-14725	73	5	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	73	6	end	end	NOUN
crl-14725	73	7	mass	mass	NOUN
crl-14725	73	8	ordering	ordering	NOUN
crl-14725	73	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	73	10	institution	institution	NOUN
crl-14725	73	11	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-14725	73	15	ordering	ordering	NOUN
crl-14725	73	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	73	17	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-14725	73	19	such	such	ADJ
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crl-14725	73	21	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	73	22	make	make	VERB
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crl-14725	73	33	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	73	34	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	73	35	jobs	job	NOUN
crl-14725	73	36	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	74	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	75	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	75	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	76	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	77	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	78	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	79	31	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	80	22	code	code	PROPN
crl-14725	80	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	81	23	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	81	25	i	i	PROPN
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crl-14725	81	35	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	82	17	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	82	18	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	82	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	83	10	library	library	NOUN
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crl-14725	83	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	84	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	84	8	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	84	9	ethic	ethic	ADJ
crl-14725	84	10	should	should	AUX
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crl-14725	84	17	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	84	21	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	84	24	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	84	27	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	84	28	goals	goal	NOUN
crl-14725	84	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	85	1	different	different	ADJ
crl-14725	85	2	institutions	institution	NOUN
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crl-14725	85	4	different	different	ADJ
crl-14725	85	5	priorities	priority	NOUN
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crl-14725	85	7	various	various	ADJ
crl-14725	85	8	tasks	task	NOUN
crl-14725	85	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	86	1	at	at	ADP
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crl-14725	86	5	up	up	ADP
crl-14725	86	6	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	86	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	86	12	having	have	VERB
crl-14725	86	13	few	few	ADJ
crl-14725	86	14	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	86	15	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	86	16	the	the	PRON
crl-14725	86	17	"	"	PUNCT
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crl-14725	86	19	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	86	20	shelved	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	86	21	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	86	22	area	area	NOUN
crl-14725	86	23	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	86	24	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	86	25	primary	primary	ADJ
crl-14725	86	26	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-14725	86	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	87	1	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	87	2	a	a	DET
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crl-14725	87	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	87	5	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	87	6	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-14725	87	14	this	this	DET
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crl-14725	87	19	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	87	20	priority	priority	NOUN
crl-14725	87	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	88	1	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	88	2	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	88	3	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	88	4	301	301	NUM
crl-14725	88	5	other	other	ADJ
crl-14725	88	6	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	88	7	the	the	DET
crl-14725	88	8	rapid	rapid	ADJ
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crl-14725	88	14	prime	prime	ADJ
crl-14725	88	15	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-14725	88	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	89	1	again	again	ADV
crl-14725	89	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	89	3	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	89	4	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	89	5	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	89	6	shifted	shift	VERB
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crl-14725	89	8	other	other	ADJ
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crl-14725	89	11	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	89	12	one	one	NUM
crl-14725	89	13	reason	reason	NOUN
crl-14725	89	14	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	89	15	another	another	PRON
crl-14725	89	16	a	a	DET
crl-14725	89	17	backlog	backlog	NOUN
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crl-14725	89	19	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	89	20	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	89	22	area	area	NOUN
crl-14725	89	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	90	1	these	these	DET
crl-14725	90	2	priori	priori	ADJ
crl-14725	90	3	ties	tie	NOUN
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crl-14725	90	8	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	90	9	the	the	DET
crl-14725	90	10	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	90	11	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	90	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	91	1	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	91	2	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	91	3	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	91	4	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	91	5	determined	determine	VERB
crl-14725	91	6	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	92	1	to	to	PART
crl-14725	92	2	set	set	VERB
crl-14725	92	3	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	92	4	meqsures	meqsure	NOUN
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crl-14725	92	6	one	one	PRON
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crl-14725	92	18	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-14725	92	22	perform	perform	VERB
crl-14725	92	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	93	1	a	a	DET
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crl-14725	93	9	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	93	11	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	93	13	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
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crl-14725	93	23	elements.9	elements.9	NOUN
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crl-14725	93	34	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	93	36	elements	element	NOUN
crl-14725	93	37	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	94	12	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	94	13	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	94	14	emphasizes	emphasize	VERB
crl-14725	94	15	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	94	16	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	94	17	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	94	18	the	the	DET
crl-14725	94	19	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	94	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	94	21	not	not	PART
crl-14725	94	22	the	the	DET
crl-14725	94	23	activities	activity	NOUN
crl-14725	94	24	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	94	25	the	the	DET
crl-14725	94	26	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	94	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	95	1	"1	"1	X
crl-14725	95	2	°	°	SPACE
crl-14725	95	3	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	95	4	example	example	NOUN
crl-14725	95	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	95	6	a	a	DET
crl-14725	95	7	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	95	8	working	work	VERB
crl-14725	95	9	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	95	10	catalogingmayhaveanactivityoflabeling	catalogingmayhaveanactivityoflabele	VERB
crl-14725	95	11	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	95	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	95	13	but	but	CCONJ
crl-14725	95	14	the	the	DET
crl-14725	95	15	responsibility	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	95	16	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	95	17	to	to	PART
crl-14725	95	18	label	label	VERB
crl-14725	95	19	the	the	DET
crl-14725	95	20	~	~	PUNCT
crl-14725	95	21	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	95	22	accurately	accurately	ADV
crl-14725	95	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	96	1	the	the	DET
crl-14725	96	2	delivery	delivery	NOUN
crl-14725	96	3	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	96	4	mail	mail	NOUN
crl-14725	96	5	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	96	6	a	a	DET
crl-14725	96	7	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	96	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	96	9	but	but	CCONJ
crl-14725	96	10	the	the	DET
crl-14725	96	11	timely	timely	ADJ
crl-14725	96	12	delivery	delivery	NOUN
crl-14725	96	13	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	96	14	mail	mail	NOUN
crl-14725	96	15	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	96	16	a	a	DET
crl-14725	96	17	responsibility	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	96	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	97	1	outlining	outline	VERB
crl-14725	97	2	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	97	3	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	97	4	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	97	5	the	the	DET
crl-14725	97	6	first	first	ADJ
crl-14725	97	7	step	step	NOUN
crl-14725	97	8	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	97	9	establishing	establish	VERB
crl-14725	97	10	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	97	11	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	97	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	98	1	the	the	DET
crl-14725	98	2	next	next	ADJ
crl-14725	98	3	step	step	NOUN
crl-14725	98	4	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	98	5	to	to	PART
crl-14725	98	6	determine	determine	VERB
crl-14725	98	7	satisfactory	satisfactory	ADJ
crl-14725	98	8	levels	level	NOUN
crl-14725	98	9	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	98	10	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	98	11	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	98	12	each	each	DET
crl-14725	98	13	important	important	ADJ
crl-14725	98	14	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	98	15	element	element	NOUN
crl-14725	98	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	99	1	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	99	2	developing	develop	VERB
crl-14725	99	3	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	99	4	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	99	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	99	6	select	select	VERB
crl-14725	99	7	any	any	DET
crl-14725	99	8	one	one	NUM
crl-14725	99	9	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	99	10	the	the	DET
crl-14725	99	11	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	99	12	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	99	13	a	a	DET
crl-14725	99	14	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	99	15	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	99	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	99	17	complete	complete	VERB
crl-14725	99	18	this	this	DET
crl-14725	99	19	sentence	sentence	NOUN
crl-14725	99	20	regarding	regard	VERB
crl-14725	99	21	the	the	DET
crl-14725	99	22	particular	particular	ADJ
crl-14725	99	23	responsibility	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	99	24	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	99	25	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	99	26	i	i	PRON
crl-14725	99	27	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	99	28	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	99	29	completely	completely	ADV
crl-14725	99	30	satisfied	satisfied	ADJ
crl-14725	99	31	with	with	ADP
crl-14725	99	32	your	your	PRON
crl-14725	99	33	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	99	34	when	when	SCONJ
crl-14725	99	35	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	99	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	99	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	99	38	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	99	39	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	100	1	11	11	NUM
crl-14725	100	2	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	100	3	a	a	DET
crl-14725	100	4	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	100	5	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	100	6	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	100	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	100	8	the	the	DET
crl-14725	100	9	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	100	10	measure	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	100	11	could	could	AUX
crl-14725	100	12	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	100	13	to	to	PART
crl-14725	100	14	shelve	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	100	15	fifty	fifty	NUM
crl-14725	100	16	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	100	17	accurately	accurately	ADV
crl-14725	100	18	within	within	ADP
crl-14725	100	19	an	an	DET
crl-14725	100	20	hour	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	100	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	101	1	smith	smith	PROPN
crl-14725	101	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	101	3	tucker	tucker	PROPN
crl-14725	101	4	stated	state	VERB
crl-14725	101	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	101	6	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	101	7	standards	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	101	8	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	101	9	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	101	10	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-14725	101	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	101	12	quantifiable	quantifiable	ADJ
crl-14725	101	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	101	14	hinging	hinge	VERB
crl-14725	101	15	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	101	16	hard	hard	ADJ
crl-14725	101	17	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	101	18	data	data	NOUN
crl-14725	101	19	answers	answer	NOUN
crl-14725	101	20	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	101	21	questions	question	NOUN
crl-14725	101	22	such	such	ADJ
crl-14725	101	23	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	101	24	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	101	25	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	101	26	much	much	ADJ
crl-14725	101	27	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	102	1	by	by	ADP
crl-14725	102	2	what	what	DET
crl-14725	102	3	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	102	4	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	103	1	at	at	ADP
crl-14725	103	2	what	what	PRON
crl-14725	103	3	cost	cost	NOUN
crl-14725	103	4	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	104	1	within	within	ADP
crl-14725	104	2	what	what	DET
crl-14725	104	3	degree	degree	NOUN
crl-14725	104	4	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	104	5	accuracy	accuracy	NOUN
crl-14725	104	6	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	105	1	as	as	SCONJ
crl-14725	105	2	compared	compare	VERB
crl-14725	105	3	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	105	4	what	what	PRON
crl-14725	105	5	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	105	6	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	105	7	12	12	NUM
crl-14725	105	8	developing	develop	VERB
crl-14725	105	9	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-14725	105	10	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	105	11	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	105	12	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	105	13	establishing	establish	VERB
crl-14725	105	14	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	105	15	means	mean	VERB
crl-14725	105	16	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	105	17	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	105	18	need	need	VERB
crl-14725	105	19	to	to	PART
crl-14725	105	20	think	think	VERB
crl-14725	105	21	about	about	ADP
crl-14725	105	22	the	the	DET
crl-14725	105	23	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	105	24	module	module	NOUN
crl-14725	105	25	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	105	26	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	105	27	assistants	assistant	NOUN
crl-14725	105	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	106	1	this	this	PRON
crl-14725	106	2	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	106	3	important	important	ADJ
crl-14725	106	4	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	106	5	all	all	DET
crl-14725	106	6	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	106	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	106	8	but	but	CCONJ
crl-14725	106	9	especially	especially	ADV
crl-14725	106	10	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	106	11	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	106	12	who	who	PRON
crl-14725	106	13	work	work	VERB
crl-14725	106	14	only	only	ADV
crl-14725	106	15	a	a	DET
crl-14725	106	16	few	few	ADJ
crl-14725	106	17	hours	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	106	18	per	per	ADP
crl-14725	106	19	day	day	NOUN
crl-14725	106	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	106	21	tend	tend	VERB
crl-14725	106	22	to	to	PART
crl-14725	106	23	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	106	24	given	give	VERB
crl-14725	106	25	re302	re302	PROPN
crl-14725	106	26	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	106	27	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	106	28	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	106	29	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-14725	106	30	petitive	petitive	ADJ
crl-14725	106	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	106	32	routine	routine	ADJ
crl-14725	106	33	tasks	task	NOUN
crl-14725	106	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	107	1	the	the	DET
crl-14725	107	2	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	107	3	module	module	NOUN
crl-14725	107	4	refers	refer	VERB
crl-14725	107	5	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	107	6	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	107	8	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	107	9	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	107	10	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	107	11	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	107	12	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	107	13	planned	plan	VERB
crl-14725	107	14	so	so	SCONJ
crl-14725	107	15	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	107	16	it	it	PRON
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crl-14725	107	18	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	107	19	successful	successful	ADJ
crl-14725	107	20	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	107	21	completion	completion	NOUN
crl-14725	107	22	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	107	23	successful	successful	ADJ
crl-14725	107	24	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	107	25	the	the	DET
crl-14725	107	26	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	107	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	107	28	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	107	29	the	the	DET
crl-14725	107	30	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	107	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	108	1	planning	plan	VERB
crl-14725	108	2	a	a	DET
crl-14725	108	3	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	108	4	module	module	NOUN
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crl-14725	108	6	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	108	7	the	the	DET
crl-14725	108	8	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	108	9	determines	determine	VERB
crl-14725	108	10	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	108	11	long	long	ADJ
crl-14725	108	12	a	a	DET
crl-14725	108	13	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	108	14	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	108	15	do	do	VERB
crl-14725	108	16	a	a	DET
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crl-14725	108	19	beginning	begin	VERB
crl-14725	108	20	to	to	PART
crl-14725	108	21	commit	commit	VERB
crl-14725	108	22	errors	error	NOUN
crl-14725	108	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	109	1	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	109	2	example	example	NOUN
crl-14725	109	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	109	4	the	the	DET
crl-14725	109	5	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	109	6	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	109	7	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	109	8	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	109	9	responsible	responsible	ADJ
crl-14725	109	10	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	109	11	accurately	accurately	ADV
crl-14725	109	12	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	109	13	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	109	14	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	109	15	look	look	VERB
crl-14725	109	16	closely	closely	ADV
crl-14725	109	17	at	at	ADP
crl-14725	109	18	the	the	DET
crl-14725	109	19	number	number	NOUN
crl-14725	109	20	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	109	21	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	109	22	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	109	23	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	109	24	be	be	AUX
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crl-14725	109	26	shelved	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	109	27	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	109	28	his	his	PRON
crl-14725	109	29	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	109	30	her	her	PRON
crl-14725	109	31	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	109	32	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	109	33	the	the	DET
crl-14725	109	34	number	number	NOUN
crl-14725	109	35	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	109	36	hours	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	109	37	a	a	DET
crl-14725	109	38	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	109	39	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	109	40	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	109	41	shelve	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	109	42	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	109	43	without	without	ADP
crl-14725	109	44	a	a	DET
crl-14725	109	45	high	high	ADJ
crl-14725	109	46	error	error	NOUN
crl-14725	109	47	rate	rate	NOUN
crl-14725	109	48	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	110	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-14725	110	2	the	the	DET
crl-14725	110	3	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	110	4	determines	determine	VERB
crl-14725	110	5	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	110	6	the	the	DET
crl-14725	110	7	average	average	ADJ
crl-14725	110	8	shelver	shelver	NOUN
crl-14725	110	9	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	110	10	accurately	accurately	ADV
crl-14725	110	11	shelve	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	110	12	fifty	fifty	NUM
crl-14725	110	13	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	110	14	per	per	ADP
crl-14725	110	15	hour	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	110	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	110	17	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	110	18	two	two	NUM
crl-14725	110	19	hours	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	110	20	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	110	21	the	the	DET
crl-14725	110	22	maximum	maximum	ADJ
crl-14725	110	23	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	110	24	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	110	25	a	a	DET
crl-14725	110	26	person	person	NOUN
crl-14725	110	27	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	110	28	shelve	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	110	29	without	without	ADP
crl-14725	110	30	errors	error	NOUN
crl-14725	110	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	110	32	then	then	ADV
crl-14725	110	33	the	the	DET
crl-14725	110	34	performance	performance	NOUN
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crl-14725	110	36	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	110	37	this	this	DET
crl-14725	110	38	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	110	39	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	110	40	defined	define	VERB
crl-14725	110	41	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	110	42	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	110	43	100	100	NUM
crl-14725	110	44	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	110	45	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	110	46	two	two	NUM
crl-14725	110	47	hours	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	110	48	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	111	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-14725	111	2	the	the	DET
crl-14725	111	3	average	average	ADJ
crl-14725	111	4	book	book	NOUN
crl-14725	111	5	truck	truck	NOUN
crl-14725	111	6	holds	hold	VERB
crl-14725	111	7	150	150	NUM
crl-14725	111	8	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	111	9	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	111	10	twenty	twenty	NUM
crl-14725	111	11	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	111	12	five	five	NUM
crl-14725	111	13	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	111	14	per	per	ADP
crl-14725	111	15	shelf	shelf	NOUN
crl-14725	111	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	111	17	then	then	ADV
crl-14725	111	18	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	111	19	would	would	AUX
crl-14725	111	20	be	be	AUX
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crl-14725	111	22	to	to	PART
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crl-14725	111	24	only	only	ADV
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crl-14725	111	27	the	the	DET
crl-14725	111	28	six	six	NUM
crl-14725	111	29	shelves	shelf	NOUN
crl-14725	111	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	112	2	communicates	communicate	VERB
crl-14725	112	3	the	the	DET
crl-14725	112	4	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	112	5	that	that	PRON
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crl-14725	112	9	a	a	DET
crl-14725	112	10	two	two	NUM
crl-14725	112	11	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	112	12	hour	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	112	13	shift	shift	NOUN
crl-14725	112	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	112	15	gives	give	VERB
crl-14725	112	16	the	the	DET
crl-14725	112	17	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	112	18	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	112	19	a	a	DET
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crl-14725	112	21	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	112	22	accomplishment	accomplishment	NOUN
crl-14725	112	23	when	when	SCONJ
crl-14725	112	24	the	the	DET
crl-14725	112	25	truck	truck	NOUN
crl-14725	112	26	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	112	27	empty	empty	ADJ
crl-14725	112	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	113	1	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	113	2	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	113	3	important	important	ADJ
crl-14725	113	4	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	113	5	this	this	DET
crl-14725	113	6	type	type	NOUN
crl-14725	113	7	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	113	8	standard	standard	NOUN
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crl-14725	113	11	out	out	ADP
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crl-14725	113	13	each	each	DET
crl-14725	113	14	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-14725	113	15	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	113	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	114	1	the	the	DET
crl-14725	114	2	number	number	NOUN
crl-14725	114	3	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	114	4	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	114	5	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	114	6	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	114	7	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	114	8	shelved	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	114	9	depends	depend	VERB
crl-14725	114	10	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	114	11	the	the	DET
crl-14725	114	12	size	size	NOUN
crl-14725	114	13	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	114	14	the	the	DET
crl-14725	114	15	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	114	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	114	17	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-14725	114	18	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	114	19	not	not	PART
crl-14725	114	20	the	the	DET
crl-14725	114	21	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	114	22	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	114	23	presorted	presorte	VERB
crl-14725	114	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	114	25	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	114	26	the	the	DET
crl-14725	114	27	size	size	NOUN
crl-14725	114	28	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	114	29	the	the	DET
crl-14725	114	30	class	class	NOUN
crl-14725	114	31	range	range	NOUN
crl-14725	114	32	each	each	DET
crl-14725	114	33	shelver	shelver	NOUN
crl-14725	114	34	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	114	35	expected	expect	VERB
crl-14725	114	36	to	to	PART
crl-14725	114	37	shelve	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	114	38	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	115	1	using	use	VERB
crl-14725	115	2	a	a	DET
crl-14725	115	3	given	give	VERB
crl-14725	115	4	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	115	5	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	115	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	115	7	the	the	DET
crl-14725	115	8	immediate	immediate	ADJ
crl-14725	115	9	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	115	10	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	115	11	develop	develop	VERB
crl-14725	115	12	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	115	13	measures	measure	NOUN
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crl-14725	115	15	each	each	DET
crl-14725	115	16	responsibility	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	115	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	116	2	individual	individual	NOUN
crl-14725	116	3	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	116	4	group	group	NOUN
crl-14725	116	5	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	116	6	individuals	individual	NOUN
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crl-14725	116	8	doing	do	VERB
crl-14725	116	9	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	116	13	invaluable	invaluable	ADJ
crl-14725	116	14	help	help	NOUN
crl-14725	116	15	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	116	16	this	this	DET
crl-14725	116	17	process	process	NOUN
crl-14725	116	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	117	1	the	the	DET
crl-14725	117	2	incumbent	incumbent	NOUN
crl-14725	117	3	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	117	4	verify	verify	VERB
crl-14725	117	5	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	117	6	the	the	DET
crl-14725	117	7	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	117	8	reflect	reflect	VERB
crl-14725	117	9	what	what	PRON
crl-14725	117	10	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	117	11	currently	currently	ADV
crl-14725	117	12	being	be	AUX
crl-14725	117	13	done	do	VERB
crl-14725	117	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	117	15	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	117	16	have	have	VERB
crl-14725	117	17	insight	insight	NOUN
crl-14725	117	18	into	into	ADP
crl-14725	117	19	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	117	20	much	much	ADJ
crl-14725	117	21	can	can	AUX
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crl-14725	117	25	the	the	DET
crl-14725	117	26	amount	amount	NOUN
crl-14725	117	27	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	117	28	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	117	29	allotted	allot	VERB
crl-14725	117	30	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	118	1	this	this	PRON
crl-14725	118	2	also	also	ADV
crl-14725	118	3	assures	assure	NOUN
crl-14725	118	4	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	118	5	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	118	6	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	118	7	be	be	AUX
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crl-14725	118	9	as	as	ADV
crl-14725	118	10	well	well	ADV
crl-14725	118	11	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	118	12	efficient	efficient	ADJ
crl-14725	118	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	119	1	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	119	2	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	119	3	important	important	ADJ
crl-14725	119	4	to	to	PART
crl-14725	119	5	remember	remember	VERB
crl-14725	119	6	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	119	7	average	average	ADJ
crl-14725	119	8	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	119	9	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	119	10	the	the	DET
crl-14725	119	11	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	119	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	120	1	the	the	DET
crl-14725	120	2	fact	fact	NOUN
crl-14725	120	3	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	120	4	the	the	DET
crl-14725	120	5	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	120	6	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	120	7	do	do	AUX
crl-14725	120	8	the	the	DET
crl-14725	120	9	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	120	10	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	120	11	25	25	NUM
crl-14725	120	12	percent	percent	NOUN
crl-14725	120	13	less	less	ADJ
crl-14725	120	14	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	120	15	does	do	AUX
crl-14725	120	16	not	not	PART
crl-14725	120	17	necessarily	necessarily	ADV
crl-14725	120	18	mean	mean	VERB
crl-14725	120	19	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	120	20	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	120	21	july	july	PROPN
crl-14725	120	22	1992	1992	NUM
crl-14725	120	23	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	120	24	constitute	constitute	VERB
crl-14725	120	25	the	the	DET
crl-14725	120	26	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	120	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	121	1	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	121	2	may	may	AUX
crl-14725	121	3	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	121	4	impossible	impossible	ADJ
crl-14725	121	5	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	121	6	the	the	DET
crl-14725	121	7	training	training	NOUN
crl-14725	121	8	process	process	NOUN
crl-14725	121	9	to	to	PART
crl-14725	121	10	provide	provide	VERB
crl-14725	121	11	the	the	DET
crl-14725	121	12	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	121	13	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	121	14	with	with	ADP
crl-14725	121	15	all	all	PRON
crl-14725	121	16	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	121	17	the	the	DET
crl-14725	121	18	information	information	NOUN
crl-14725	121	19	the	the	DET
crl-14725	121	20	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	121	21	has	have	VERB
crl-14725	121	22	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	121	23	thus	thus	ADV
crl-14725	121	24	the	the	DET
crl-14725	121	25	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	121	26	employee	employee	NOUN
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crl-14725	121	28	not	not	PART
crl-14725	121	29	have	have	VERB
crl-14725	121	30	the	the	DET
crl-14725	121	31	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-14725	121	32	necessary	necessary	ADJ
crl-14725	121	33	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	121	34	to	to	PART
crl-14725	121	35	perform	perform	VERB
crl-14725	121	36	the	the	DET
crl-14725	121	37	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	121	38	as	as	ADV
crl-14725	121	39	quickly	quickly	ADV
crl-14725	121	40	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	121	41	the	the	DET
crl-14725	121	42	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	121	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	122	1	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	122	2	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	122	3	important	important	ADJ
crl-14725	122	4	to	to	PART
crl-14725	122	5	remember	remember	VERB
crl-14725	122	6	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	122	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	122	8	as	as	SCONJ
crl-14725	122	9	smith	smith	PROPN
crl-14725	122	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	122	11	tucker	tucker	PROPN
crl-14725	122	12	pointed	point	VERB
crl-14725	122	13	out	out	ADP
crl-14725	122	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	122	15	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	122	16	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	122	17	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	122	18	do	do	AUX
crl-14725	122	19	not	not	PART
crl-14725	122	20	define	define	VERB
crl-14725	122	21	outstanding	outstanding	ADJ
crl-14725	122	22	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	122	23	but	but	CCONJ
crl-14725	122	24	rather	rather	ADV
crl-14725	122	25	identify	identify	VERB
crl-14725	122	26	a	a	DET
crl-14725	122	27	baseline	baseline	NOUN
crl-14725	122	28	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	122	29	degrees	degree	NOUN
crl-14725	122	30	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	122	31	excellence	excellence	NOUN
crl-14725	122	32	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	122	33	failure	failure	NOUN
crl-14725	122	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	122	35	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	123	1	13	13	NUM
crl-14725	123	2	this	this	PRON
crl-14725	123	3	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	123	4	why	why	SCONJ
crl-14725	123	5	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	123	6	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	123	7	important	important	ADJ
crl-14725	123	8	to	to	PART
crl-14725	123	9	develop	develop	VERB
crl-14725	123	10	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	123	11	data	datum	NOUN
crl-14725	123	12	using	use	VERB
crl-14725	123	13	a	a	DET
crl-14725	123	14	variety	variety	NOUN
crl-14725	123	15	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	123	16	people	people	NOUN
crl-14725	123	17	rather	rather	ADV
crl-14725	123	18	than	than	ADP
crl-14725	123	19	figuring	figure	VERB
crl-14725	123	20	out	out	ADP
crl-14725	123	21	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	123	22	long	long	ADV
crl-14725	123	23	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	123	24	would	would	AUX
crl-14725	123	25	take	take	VERB
crl-14725	123	26	the	the	DET
crl-14725	123	27	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	123	28	to	to	PART
crl-14725	123	29	accomplish	accomplish	VERB
crl-14725	123	30	the	the	DET
crl-14725	123	31	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	123	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	124	1	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-14725	124	2	the	the	DET
crl-14725	124	3	right	right	ADJ
crl-14725	124	4	things	thing	NOUN
crl-14725	124	5	means	mean	VERB
crl-14725	124	6	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	124	7	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crl-14725	124	8	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	124	9	attentive	attentive	ADJ
crl-14725	124	10	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	124	11	the	the	DET
crl-14725	124	12	results	result	NOUN
crl-14725	124	13	expected	expect	VERB
crl-14725	124	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	124	15	not	not	PART
crl-14725	124	16	the	the	DET
crl-14725	124	17	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	124	18	needed	need	VERB
crl-14725	124	19	to	to	PART
crl-14725	124	20	attain	attain	VERB
crl-14725	124	21	the	the	DET
crl-14725	124	22	results	result	NOUN
crl-14725	124	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	125	1	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	125	2	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	125	3	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	125	4	a	a	DET
crl-14725	125	5	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	125	6	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	125	7	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-14725	125	8	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	125	9	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	125	10	the	the	DET
crl-14725	125	11	correct	correct	ADJ
crl-14725	125	12	order	order	NOUN
crl-14725	125	13	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	125	14	a	a	DET
crl-14725	125	15	result	result	NOUN
crl-14725	125	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	126	1	at	at	ADP
crl-14725	126	2	the	the	DET
crl-14725	126	3	same	same	ADJ
crl-14725	126	4	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	126	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	126	6	the	the	DET
crl-14725	126	7	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	126	8	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	126	9	look	look	VERB
crl-14725	126	10	at	at	ADP
crl-14725	126	11	the	the	DET
crl-14725	126	12	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-14725	126	13	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	126	14	the	the	DET
crl-14725	126	15	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	126	16	module	module	NOUN
crl-14725	126	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	127	1	obviously	obviously	ADV
crl-14725	127	2	a	a	DET
crl-14725	127	3	serials	serial	NOUN
crl-14725	127	4	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	127	5	assistant	assistant	NOUN
crl-14725	127	6	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	127	7	not	not	PART
crl-14725	127	8	begin	begin	VERB
crl-14725	127	9	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	127	10	before	before	SCONJ
crl-14725	127	11	the	the	DET
crl-14725	127	12	mail	mail	NOUN
crl-14725	127	13	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	127	14	delivered	deliver	VERB
crl-14725	127	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	127	16	sorted	sort	VERB
crl-14725	127	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	128	1	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	128	2	addition	addition	NOUN
crl-14725	128	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	128	4	the	the	DET
crl-14725	128	5	supervisor	supervisor	NOUN
crl-14725	128	6	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	128	7	determine	determine	VERB
crl-14725	128	8	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	128	9	much	much	ADJ
crl-14725	128	10	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	128	11	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	128	12	takes	take	VERB
crl-14725	128	13	each	each	DET
crl-14725	128	14	day	day	NOUN
crl-14725	128	15	to	to	PART
crl-14725	128	16	complete	complete	VERB
crl-14725	128	17	the	the	DET
crl-14725	128	18	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	128	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	129	1	is	be	AUX
crl-14725	129	2	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	129	3	necessary	necessary	ADJ
crl-14725	129	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	129	5	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	129	6	example	example	NOUN
crl-14725	129	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	129	8	to	to	PART
crl-14725	129	9	have	have	VERB
crl-14725	129	10	a	a	DET
crl-14725	129	11	longer	long	ADJ
crl-14725	129	12	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	129	13	period	period	NOUN
crl-14725	129	14	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	129	15	monday	monday	PROPN
crl-14725	129	16	than	than	ADP
crl-14725	129	17	the	the	DET
crl-14725	129	18	other	other	ADJ
crl-14725	129	19	days	day	NOUN
crl-14725	129	20	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	129	21	the	the	DET
crl-14725	129	22	week	week	NOUN
crl-14725	129	23	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	130	1	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	130	2	the	the	DET
crl-14725	130	3	sake	sake	NOUN
crl-14725	130	4	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	130	5	this	this	DET
crl-14725	130	6	example	example	NOUN
crl-14725	130	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	130	8	we	we	PRON
crl-14725	130	9	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	130	10	assume	assume	VERB
crl-14725	130	11	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	130	12	the	the	DET
crl-14725	130	13	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
crl-14725	130	14	listed	list	VERB
crl-14725	130	15	above	above	ADV
crl-14725	130	16	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	130	17	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	130	18	accomplished	accomplish	VERB
crl-14725	130	19	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	130	20	two	two	NUM
crl-14725	130	21	hours	hour	NOUN
crl-14725	130	22	per	per	ADP
crl-14725	130	23	day	day	NOUN
crl-14725	130	24	monday	monday	PROPN
crl-14725	130	25	through	through	ADP
crl-14725	130	26	friday	friday	PROPN
crl-14725	130	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	131	1	care	care	NOUN
crl-14725	131	2	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	131	3	be	be	AUX
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crl-14725	131	5	to	to	PART
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crl-14725	131	7	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	131	8	equitable	equitable	ADJ
crl-14725	131	9	measures	measure	NOUN
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crl-14725	131	12	for	for	ADP
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crl-14725	131	14	with	with	ADP
crl-14725	131	15	varying	vary	VERB
crl-14725	131	16	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	131	17	flows	flow	NOUN
crl-14725	131	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	132	2	first	first	ADJ
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crl-14725	132	10	the	the	DET
crl-14725	132	11	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	132	12	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	132	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	133	1	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	133	2	is	be	AUX
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crl-14725	133	4	that	that	SCONJ
crl-14725	133	5	time	time	NOUN
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crl-14725	133	10	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	133	11	descriptions	description	NOUN
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crl-14725	133	13	each	each	DET
crl-14725	133	14	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-14725	133	15	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	133	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	134	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-14725	134	2	there	there	PRON
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crl-14725	134	4	some	some	DET
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crl-14725	134	6	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	134	7	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	134	10	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	134	11	long	long	ADV
crl-14725	134	12	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	134	13	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	134	14	take	take	VERB
crl-14725	134	15	to	to	PART
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crl-14725	134	17	various	various	ADJ
crl-14725	134	18	tasks	task	NOUN
crl-14725	134	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	134	20	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	134	23	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	134	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	134	26	division	division	NOUN
crl-14725	134	27	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	134	28	labor	labor	NOUN
crl-14725	134	29	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	134	32	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	134	33	physical	physical	ADJ
crl-14725	134	34	location	location	NOUN
crl-14725	134	35	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	134	36	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	134	37	the	the	DET
crl-14725	134	38	degree	degree	NOUN
crl-14725	134	39	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	134	40	accur	accur	NOUN
crl-14725	134	41	~	~	PUNCT
crl-14725	134	42	cy	cy	PROPN
crl-14725	134	43	needed	need	VERB
crl-14725	134	44	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	134	45	all	all	PRON
crl-14725	134	46	have	have	VERB
crl-14725	134	47	a	a	DET
crl-14725	134	48	dramatic	dramatic	ADJ
crl-14725	134	49	effect	effect	NOUN
crl-14725	134	50	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	134	51	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	134	52	long	long	ADV
crl-14725	134	53	it	it	PRON
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crl-14725	134	55	to	to	PART
crl-14725	134	56	perform	perform	VERB
crl-14725	134	57	a	a	DET
crl-14725	134	58	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-14725	134	59	task	task	NOUN
crl-14725	134	60	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	135	1	sampiing	sampie	VERB
crl-14725	135	2	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	135	4	being	be	AUX
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crl-14725	135	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	135	7	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	135	8	studies	study	NOUN
crl-14725	135	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	135	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	135	11	standard	standard	ADJ
crl-14725	135	12	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	135	13	data	datum	NOUN
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crl-14725	135	18	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	135	21	richard	richard	PROPN
crl-14725	135	22	m.	m.	PROPN
crl-14725	135	23	dougherty	dougherty	PROPN
crl-14725	135	24	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	135	25	fredj	fredj	NOUN
crl-14725	135	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	136	1	heinritz	heinritz	PROPN
crl-14725	136	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	136	3	scientific	scientific	ADJ
crl-14725	136	4	management	management	NOUN
crl-14725	136	5	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	136	6	library	library	NOUN
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crl-14725	136	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	136	9	for	for	ADP
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crl-14725	136	12	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	136	13	investigating	investigate	VERB
crl-14725	136	14	this	this	DET
crl-14725	136	15	further.14	further.14	NOUN
crl-14725	136	16	the	the	DET
crl-14725	136	17	next	next	ADJ
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crl-14725	136	23	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	136	28	the	the	DET
crl-14725	136	29	job	job	NOUN
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crl-14725	136	34	the	the	DET
crl-14725	136	35	time	time	NOUN
crl-14725	136	36	available	available	ADJ
crl-14725	136	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	1	all	all	DET
crl-14725	137	2	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	137	3	measures	measure	NOUN
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crl-14725	137	6	the	the	DET
crl-14725	137	7	following	following	ADJ
crl-14725	137	8	characteristics	characteristic	NOUN
crl-14725	137	9	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	10	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	137	11	based	base	VERB
crl-14725	137	12	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	137	13	an	an	DET
crl-14725	137	14	up	up	ADP
crl-14725	137	15	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	16	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	137	17	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	18	date	date	NOUN
crl-14725	137	19	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	137	20	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	137	21	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	22	be	be	AUX
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crl-14725	137	24	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	137	25	results	result	NOUN
crl-14725	137	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	27	not	not	PART
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crl-14725	137	29	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	30	be	be	AUX
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crl-14725	137	32	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	137	33	reasonable	reasonable	ADJ
crl-14725	137	34	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	35	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	137	36	observable	observable	ADJ
crl-14725	137	37	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	137	38	measurable	measurable	ADJ
crl-14725	137	39	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	40	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	137	41	controllable	controllable	ADJ
crl-14725	137	42	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	43	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	137	44	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	137	45	understandable	understandable	ADJ
crl-14725	137	46	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	47	not	not	PART
crl-14725	137	48	too	too	ADV
crl-14725	137	49	wordy	wordy	ADJ
crl-14725	137	50	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	137	51	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	137	52	not	not	PART
crl-14725	137	53	too	too	ADV
crl-14725	137	54	numerous	numerous	ADJ
crl-14725	137	55	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	138	1	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	138	2	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	138	3	the	the	DET
crl-14725	138	4	quantitative	quantitative	ADJ
crl-14725	138	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	138	6	qualitative	qualitative	ADJ
crl-14725	138	7	performance	performance	NOUN
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crl-14725	138	9	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	138	10	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	138	11	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	138	12	any	any	DET
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crl-14725	138	14	position	position	NOUN
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crl-14725	138	16	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	138	17	summarized	summarize	VERB
crl-14725	138	18	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	138	19	a	a	DET
crl-14725	138	20	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	138	21	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	138	22	worksheet	worksheet	VERB
crl-14725	138	23	such	such	ADJ
crl-14725	138	24	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	138	25	the	the	DET
crl-14725	138	26	following	follow	VERB
crl-14725	138	27	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	138	28	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	138	29	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	138	30	worksheet	worksheet	VERB
crl-14725	138	31	1	1	NUM
crl-14725	138	32	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	138	33	list	list	NOUN
crl-14725	138	34	three	three	NUM
crl-14725	138	35	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	138	36	four	four	NUM
crl-14725	138	37	key	key	ADJ
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crl-14725	138	39	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	138	40	the	the	DET
crl-14725	138	41	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	138	42	2	2	NUM
crl-14725	138	43	.	.	NOUN
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crl-14725	138	45	the	the	DET
crl-14725	138	46	key	key	ADJ
crl-14725	138	47	results	result	NOUN
crl-14725	138	48	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	138	49	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
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crl-14725	138	51	these	these	DET
crl-14725	138	52	activities	activity	NOUN
crl-14725	138	53	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	139	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	139	2	what	what	PRON
crl-14725	139	3	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	139	4	the	the	DET
crl-14725	139	5	results	result	NOUN
crl-14725	139	6	you	you	PRON
crl-14725	139	7	want	want	VERB
crl-14725	139	8	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	139	9	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	140	1	3	3	X
crl-14725	140	2	.	.	X
crl-14725	140	3	list	list	VERB
crl-14725	140	4	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	140	6	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-14725	140	13	the	the	DET
crl-14725	140	14	results	result	NOUN
crl-14725	140	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	141	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	141	2	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	141	3	do	do	AUX
crl-14725	141	4	you	you	PRON
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crl-14725	141	6	the	the	DET
crl-14725	141	7	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	141	8	done	do	VERB
crl-14725	141	9	?	?	PUNCT
crl-14725	141	10	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	142	1	4	4	X
crl-14725	142	2	.	.	X
crl-14725	142	3	write	write	VERB
crl-14725	142	4	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	142	6	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	142	7	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	142	8	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	142	11	numbers	number	NOUN
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crl-14725	142	14	three	three	NUM
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crl-14725	142	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	143	2	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	143	3	303	303	NUM
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crl-14725	143	5	if	if	SCONJ
crl-14725	143	6	both	both	CCONJ
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crl-14725	143	9	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-14725	143	14	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-14725	143	33	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	144	2	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	144	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	144	5	quality	quality	NOUN
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crl-14725	144	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	144	15	the	the	DET
crl-14725	144	16	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
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crl-14725	144	21	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	144	31	stated	state	VERB
crl-14725	144	32	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	144	33	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-14725	145	6	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-14725	145	8	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	145	9	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	145	10	work	work	NOUN
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crl-14725	145	14	ongoing	ongoing	ADJ
crl-14725	145	15	process	process	NOUN
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crl-14725	145	17	than	than	ADP
crl-14725	145	18	an	an	DET
crl-14725	145	19	end	end	NOUN
crl-14725	145	20	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-14725	145	22	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	145	23	the	the	DET
crl-14725	145	24	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	145	25	year	year	NOUN
crl-14725	145	26	summation	summation	NOUN
crl-14725	145	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	146	1	combining	combine	VERB
crl-14725	146	2	the	the	DET
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crl-14725	146	12	a	a	DET
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crl-14725	146	16	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-14725	146	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	146	18	prevents	prevent	VERB
crl-14725	146	19	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	146	20	problem	problem	NOUN
crl-14725	146	21	workers	worker	NOUN
crl-14725	146	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	146	23	"	"	PUNCT
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crl-14725	147	3	both	both	CCONJ
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crl-14725	147	16	from	from	ADP
crl-14725	147	17	a	a	DET
crl-14725	147	18	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	147	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	148	1	conclusion	conclusion	NOUN
crl-14725	148	2	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	148	3	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	148	4	set	set	VERB
crl-14725	148	5	our	our	PRON
crl-14725	148	6	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-14725	148	7	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	148	8	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	148	9	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	148	10	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	148	11	should	should	AUX
crl-14725	148	12	perform	perform	VERB
crl-14725	148	13	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	148	14	our	our	PRON
crl-14725	148	15	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	148	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	149	1	perfor	perfor	NOUN
crl-14725	149	2	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	149	3	mance	mance	NOUN
crl-14725	149	4	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	149	5	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	149	6	important	important	ADJ
crl-14725	149	7	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	149	8	identifying	identify	VERB
crl-14725	149	9	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	149	10	much	much	ADJ
crl-14725	149	11	a	a	DET
crl-14725	149	12	given	give	VERB
crl-14725	149	13	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	149	14	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	149	15	be	be	AUX
crl-14725	149	16	expected	expect	VERB
crl-14725	149	17	to	to	PART
crl-14725	149	18	do	do	VERB
crl-14725	149	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	150	1	even	even	ADV
crl-14725	150	2	though	though	SCONJ
crl-14725	150	3	each	each	DET
crl-14725	150	4	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	150	5	needs	need	VERB
crl-14725	150	6	to	to	PART
crl-14725	150	7	tailor	tailor	VERB
crl-14725	150	8	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	150	9	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	150	10	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	150	11	its	its	PRON
crl-14725	150	12	unique	unique	ADJ
crl-14725	150	13	situation	situation	NOUN
crl-14725	150	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	150	15	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	150	16	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	150	17	clearly	clearly	ADV
crl-14725	150	18	assist	assist	VERB
crl-14725	150	19	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	150	20	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-14725	150	21	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	150	22	monitoring	monitor	VERB
crl-14725	150	23	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	150	24	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	150	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	151	1	standards	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	151	2	can	can	AUX
crl-14725	151	3	improve	improve	VERB
crl-14725	151	4	the	the	DET
crl-14725	151	5	students	student	NOUN
crl-14725	151	6	'	'	PART
crl-14725	151	7	commitment	commitment	NOUN
crl-14725	151	8	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	151	9	their	their	PRON
crl-14725	151	10	work	work	NOUN
crl-14725	151	11	along	along	ADP
crl-14725	151	12	with	with	ADP
crl-14725	151	13	their	their	PRON
crl-14725	151	14	sense	sense	NOUN
crl-14725	151	15	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	151	16	accomplishment	accomplishment	NOUN
crl-14725	151	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	152	1	finally	finally	ADV
crl-14725	152	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	152	3	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	152	4	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-14725	152	5	are	be	AUX
crl-14725	152	6	invaluable	invaluable	ADJ
crl-14725	152	7	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	152	8	the	the	DET
crl-14725	152	9	management	management	NOUN
crl-14725	152	10	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	152	11	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	152	12	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	152	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	152	14	particularly	particularly	ADV
crl-14725	152	15	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	152	16	motivation	motivation	NOUN
crl-14725	152	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	152	18	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crl-14725	152	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	153	1	references	reference	NOUN
crl-14725	153	2	1	1	NUM
crl-14725	153	3	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	154	1	michael	michael	PROPN
crl-14725	154	2	d.	d.	PROPN
crl-14725	154	3	kathman	kathman	PROPN
crl-14725	154	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	154	5	jane	jane	PROPN
crl-14725	154	6	m.	m.	NOUN
crl-14725	154	7	kathman	kathman	PROPN
crl-14725	154	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	154	9	ce	ce	PROPN
crl-14725	154	10	107	107	NUM
crl-14725	154	11	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	154	12	managing	manage	VERB
crl-14725	154	13	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	154	14	workers	worker	NOUN
crl-14725	154	15	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	154	16	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-14725	154	17	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	154	18	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	154	19	chicago	chicago	PROPN
crl-14725	154	20	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	154	21	assn	assn	PROPN
crl-14725	154	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	155	1	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	155	2	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	155	3	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	155	4	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	155	5	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	155	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	155	7	1983	1983	NUM
crl-14725	155	8	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	155	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	156	1	2	2	X
crl-14725	156	2	.	.	X
crl-14725	156	3	michael	michael	PROPN
crl-14725	156	4	d.	d.	PROPN
crl-14725	156	5	kathman	kathman	PROPN
crl-14725	156	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	156	7	jane	jane	NOUN
crl-14725	156	8	m.	m.	NOUN
crl-14725	156	9	ka!hman	ka!hman	PROPN
crl-14725	156	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	156	11	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	156	12	integrating	integrate	VERB
crl-14725	156	13	student	student	NOUN
crl-14725	156	14	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-14725	156	15	into	into	ADP
crl-14725	156	16	the	the	DET
crl-14725	156	17	management	management	NOUN
crl-14725	156	18	structure	structure	NOUN
crl-14725	156	19	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	156	20	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-14725	156	21	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	156	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	156	23	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	156	24	catholic	catholic	PROPN
crl-14725	156	25	library	library	PROPN
crl-14725	156	26	world	world	PROPN
crl-14725	156	27	56:328	56:328	PROPN
crl-14725	156	28	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	156	29	30	30	NUM
crl-14725	156	30	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	156	31	mar	mar	PROPN
crl-14725	156	32	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	156	33	1985	1985	NUM
crl-14725	156	34	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	156	35	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	157	1	3	3	X
crl-14725	157	2	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	157	3	james	james	PROPN
crl-14725	157	4	evered	evere	VERB
crl-14725	157	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	157	6	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	157	7	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	157	8	to	to	PART
crl-14725	157	9	write	write	VERB
crl-14725	157	10	a	a	DET
crl-14725	157	11	good	good	ADJ
crl-14725	157	12	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	157	13	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	157	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	157	15	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	157	16	supervisory	supervisory	ADJ
crl-14725	157	17	management	management	NOUN
crl-14725	157	18	26:17	26:17	NUM
crl-14725	157	19	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	157	20	apr	apr	NOUN
crl-14725	157	21	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	157	22	1981	1981	NUM
crl-14725	157	23	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	157	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	158	1	·	·	PUNCT
crl-14725	158	2	4	4	X
crl-14725	158	3	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	158	4	richard	richard	PROPN
crl-14725	158	5	m.	m.	PROPN
crl-14725	158	6	dougherty	dougherty	PROPN
crl-14725	158	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	158	8	fred	fred	PROPN
crl-14725	158	9	j.	j.	PROPN
crl-14725	158	10	heinritz	heinritz	PROPN
crl-14725	158	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	158	12	scientific	scientific	ADJ
crl-14725	158	13	management	management	NOUN
crl-14725	158	14	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	158	15	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	158	16	operations	operation	NOUN
crl-14725	158	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	158	18	2d	2d	NOUN
crl-14725	158	19	ed	ed	NOUN
crl-14725	158	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	2	metuchen	metuchen	PROPN
crl-14725	159	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	4	n.j	n.j	PROPN
crl-14725	159	5	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	159	6	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	7	scarecrow	scarecrow	PROPN
crl-14725	159	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	9	1982	1982	NUM
crl-14725	159	10	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	12	p.237	p.237	PROPN
crl-14725	159	13	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	159	14	5	5	NUM
crl-14725	159	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	16	evered	evere	VERB
crl-14725	159	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	18	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	19	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	159	20	to	to	PART
crl-14725	159	21	write	write	VERB
crl-14725	159	22	a	a	DET
crl-14725	159	23	good	good	ADJ
crl-14725	159	24	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	159	25	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	159	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	27	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	28	p.14	p.14	PRON
crl-14725	159	29	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	159	30	6	6	NUM
crl-14725	159	31	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	159	32	robert	robert	PROPN
crl-14725	159	33	f.	f.	PROPN
crl-14725	159	34	smith	smith	PROPN
crl-14725	159	35	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	159	36	kerry	kerry	PROPN
crl-14725	159	37	tucker	tucker	PROPN
crl-14725	159	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	39	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	40	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-14725	159	41	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-14725	159	42	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	159	43	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	44	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	45	public	public	ADJ
crl-14725	159	46	relations	relation	NOUN
crl-14725	159	47	journal	journal	PROPN
crl-14725	159	48	38:27	38:27	NUM
crl-14725	159	49	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	50	oct	oct	PROPN
crl-14725	159	51	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	159	52	1982	1982	NUM
crl-14725	159	53	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	159	54	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	160	1	304	304	NUM
crl-14725	160	2	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	160	3	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	160	4	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	160	5	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	160	6	july	july	PROPN
crl-14725	160	7	1992	1992	NUM
crl-14725	160	8	7	7	NUM
crl-14725	160	9	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	160	10	donald	donald	PROPN
crl-14725	160	11	shabel	shabel	PROPN
crl-14725	160	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	160	13	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	160	14	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	160	15	standards	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	160	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	160	17	cost	cost	NOUN
crl-14725	160	18	analysis,"illinois	analysis,"illinois	PROPN
crl-14725	160	19	librarian	librarian	PROPN
crl-14725	160	20	64:875	64:875	PROPN
crl-14725	160	21	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	160	22	spring	spring	NOUN
crl-14725	160	23	1982	1982	NUM
crl-14725	160	24	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	160	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	161	1	8	8	X
crl-14725	161	2	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	161	3	mary	mary	PROPN
crl-14725	161	4	ann	ann	PROPN
crl-14725	161	5	joyce	joyce	PROPN
crl-14725	161	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	161	7	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	161	8	developing	develop	VERB
crl-14725	161	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	161	10	negotiating	negotiate	VERB
crl-14725	161	11	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	161	12	standards	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	161	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	161	14	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	161	15	the	the	DET
crl-14725	161	16	bookmark	bookmark	PROPN
crl-14725	161	17	40:213	40:213	NUM
crl-14725	161	18	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	161	19	summer	summer	NOUN
crl-14725	161	20	1982	1982	NUM
crl-14725	161	21	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	161	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	162	1	9	9	X
crl-14725	162	2	.	.	X
crl-14725	162	3	stanley	stanley	PROPN
crl-14725	162	4	p.	p.	PROPN
crl-14725	162	5	hodge	hodge	PROPN
crl-14725	162	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	162	7	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	162	8	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	162	9	appraisals	appraisal	NOUN
crl-14725	162	10	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	162	11	developing	develop	VERB
crl-14725	162	12	a	a	DET
crl-14725	162	13	sound	sound	ADJ
crl-14725	162	14	legal	legal	ADJ
crl-14725	162	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	162	16	managerial	managerial	ADJ
crl-14725	162	17	system	system	NOUN
crl-14725	162	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	162	19	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	162	20	college	college	NOUN
crl-14725	162	21	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	162	22	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	162	23	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	162	24	44:240	44:240	NUM
crl-14725	162	25	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	162	26	july	july	PROPN
crl-14725	162	27	1983	1983	NUM
crl-14725	162	28	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	162	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	163	1	10	10	NUM
crl-14725	163	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	163	3	evered	evere	VERB
crl-14725	163	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	163	5	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	163	6	how	how	SCONJ
crl-14725	163	7	to	to	PART
crl-14725	163	8	write	write	VERB
crl-14725	163	9	a	a	DET
crl-14725	163	10	good	good	ADJ
crl-14725	163	11	job	job	NOUN
crl-14725	163	12	description	description	NOUN
crl-14725	163	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	163	14	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	163	15	p.16	p.16	PROPN
crl-14725	163	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	164	1	11	11	NUM
crl-14725	164	2	.	.	X
crl-14725	164	3	ibid	ibid	NOUN
crl-14725	164	4	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	165	1	12	12	NUM
crl-14725	165	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	165	3	smith	smith	PROPN
crl-14725	165	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	165	5	tucker	tucker	ADJ
crl-14725	165	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	165	7	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	165	8	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-14725	165	9	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-14725	165	10	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-14725	165	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	165	12	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	165	13	p.27	p.27	PROPN
crl-14725	165	14	.	.	PROPN
crl-14725	165	15	13	13	NUM
crl-14725	165	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	165	17	ibid	ibid	VERB
crl-14725	165	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	166	1	14	14	NUM
crl-14725	166	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	167	1	dougherty	dougherty	PROPN
crl-14725	167	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	167	3	heinritz	heinritz	PROPN
crl-14725	167	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	167	5	scientific	scientific	ADJ
crl-14725	167	6	management	management	NOUN
crl-14725	167	7	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	167	8	library	library	PROPN
crl-14725	167	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	167	10	p.237	p.237	PROPN
crl-14725	167	11	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	168	1	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	168	2	forthcoming	forthcoming	ADJ
crl-14725	168	3	issues	issue	NOUN
crl-14725	168	4	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	168	5	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	168	6	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	168	7	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	168	8	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-14725	168	9	joumal	joumal	ADJ
crl-14725	168	10	price	price	NOUN
crl-14725	168	11	escalation	escalation	NOUN
crl-14725	168	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	168	13	the	the	DET
crl-14725	168	14	market	market	NOUN
crl-14725	168	15	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	168	16	information	information	NOUN
crl-14725	168	17	bruce	bruce	PROPN
crl-14725	168	18	r.	r.	PROPN
crl-14725	168	19	kingma	kingma	PROPN
crl-14725	168	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	168	21	philip	philip	PROPN
crl-14725	168	22	b.	b.	PROPN
crl-14725	168	23	eppard	eppard	PROPN
crl-14725	168	24	new	new	ADJ
crl-14725	168	25	norms	norm	NOUN
crl-14725	168	26	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	168	27	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-14725	168	28	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-14725	168	29	staffing	staffing	NOUN
crl-14725	168	30	adequacy	adequacy	NOUN
crl-14725	168	31	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	168	32	a	a	DET
crl-14725	168	33	comparative	comparative	ADJ
crl-14725	168	34	study	study	NOUN
crl-14725	168	35	deborah	deborah	PROPN
crl-14725	168	36	rinderknecht	rinderknecht	VERB
crl-14725	168	37	strategic	strategic	ADJ
crl-14725	168	38	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-14725	168	39	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	168	40	a	a	DET
crl-14725	168	41	catalyst	catalyst	NOUN
crl-14725	168	42	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	168	43	change	change	NOUN
crl-14725	168	44	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	168	45	the	the	DET
crl-14725	168	46	1990s	1990	NOUN
crl-14725	168	47	meredith	meredith	NOUN
crl-14725	168	48	butler	butler	NOUN
crl-14725	168	49	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	168	50	hiram	hiram	PROPN
crl-14725	168	51	davis	davis	PROPN
crl-14725	168	52	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	168	53	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	168	54	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	168	55	resource	resource	NOUN
crl-14725	168	56	sharing	sharing	NOUN
crl-14725	168	57	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	168	58	testing	test	VERB
crl-14725	168	59	a	a	DET
crl-14725	168	60	compact	compact	ADJ
crl-14725	168	61	disc	disc	NOUN
crl-14725	168	62	union	union	NOUN
crl-14725	168	63	catalog	catalog	NOUN
crl-14725	168	64	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	168	65	the	the	DET
crl-14725	168	66	associated	associate	VERB
crl-14725	168	67	college	college	NOUN
crl-14725	168	68	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	168	69	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	168	70	central	central	ADJ
crl-14725	168	71	pennsylvania	pennsylvania	PROPN
crl-14725	168	72	charles	charles	PROPN
crl-14725	168	73	townley	townley	NOUN
crl-14725	168	74	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	168	75	becoming	become	VERB
crl-14725	168	76	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-14725	168	77	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crl-14725	168	78	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	168	79	acculturation	acculturation	NOUN
crl-14725	168	80	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-14725	168	81	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	168	82	remedies	remedy	NOUN
crl-14725	168	83	w.	w.	PROPN
crl-14725	168	84	bede	bede	PROPN
crl-14725	168	85	mitchell	mitchell	PROPN
crl-14725	168	86	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	168	87	bruce	bruce	PROPN
crl-14725	168	88	morton	morton	PROPN
crl-14725	168	89	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	168	90	notes	note	NOUN
crl-14725	168	91	conference	conference	NOUN
crl-14725	168	92	proceedings	proceeding	NOUN
crl-14725	168	93	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	168	94	plzysics	plzysics	PROPN
crl-14725	168	95	h.	h.	PROPN
crl-14725	168	96	h.	h.	PROPN
crl-14725	168	97	barschall	barschall	PROPN
crl-14725	168	98	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	168	99	w.	w.	PROPN
crl-14725	168	100	haeberli	haeberli	PROPN
crl-14725	168	101	available	available	ADJ
crl-14725	168	102	now	now	ADV
crl-14725	168	103	from	from	ADP
crl-14725	168	104	acrl	acrl	ADJ
crl-14725	168	105	·	·	PUNCT
crl-14725	168	106	·	·	NUM
crl-14725	168	107	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	168	108	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	168	109	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	1	·	·	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	2	·	·	NUM
crl-14725	169	3	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	4	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	6	·	·	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	7	•	•	X
crl-14725	169	8	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	9	'	'	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	10	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	11	'	'	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	12	·	·	SYM
crl-14725	169	13	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	14	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	15	'	'	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	169	17	''	''	PUNCT
crl-14725	170	1	the	the	DET
crl-14725	170	2	evolving	evolve	VERB
crl-14725	170	3	educational	educational	ADJ
crl-14725	170	4	mission	mission	NOUN
crl-14725	170	5	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	170	6	the	the	DET
crl-14725	170	7	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	170	8	the	the	DET
crl-14725	170	9	evolving	evolve	VERB
crl-14725	170	10	educational	educational	ADJ
crl-14725	170	11	mission	mission	NOUN
crl-14725	170	12	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	170	13	the	the	DET
crl-14725	170	14	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	170	15	betsy	betsy	PROPN
crl-14725	170	16	baker	baker	PROPN
crl-14725	170	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	170	18	mary	mary	PROPN
crl-14725	170	19	ellen	ellen	PROPN
crl-14725	170	20	litzinger	litzinger	PROPN
crl-14725	170	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	170	22	editors	editor	VERB
crl-14725	170	23	the	the	DET
crl-14725	170	24	evolving	evolve	VERB
crl-14725	170	25	educational	educational	ADJ
crl-14725	170	26	mission	mission	NOUN
crl-14725	170	27	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	170	28	the	the	DET
crl-14725	170	29	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	170	30	provides	provide	VERB
crl-14725	170	31	a	a	DET
crl-14725	170	32	series	series	NOUN
crl-14725	170	33	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	170	34	essays	essay	NOUN
crl-14725	170	35	articulating	articulate	VERB
crl-14725	170	36	ideas	idea	NOUN
crl-14725	170	37	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	170	38	information	information	NOUN
crl-14725	170	39	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crl-14725	170	40	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	170	41	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	170	42	user	user	NOUN
crl-14725	170	43	education	education	NOUN
crl-14725	170	44	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	170	45	the	the	DET
crl-14725	170	46	information	information	NOUN
crl-14725	170	47	explosion	explosion	NOUN
crl-14725	170	48	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-14725	170	49	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	170	50	information	information	NOUN
crl-14725	170	51	organization	organization	NOUN
crl-14725	170	52	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	170	53	access	access	NOUN
crl-14725	170	54	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	170	55	the	the	DET
crl-14725	170	56	curriculum	curriculum	NOUN
crl-14725	170	57	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	170	58	user	user	NOUN
crl-14725	170	59	demography	demography	NOUN
crl-14725	170	60	creating	create	VERB
crl-14725	170	61	new	new	ADJ
crl-14725	170	62	educational	educational	ADJ
crl-14725	170	63	constituencies	constituency	NOUN
crl-14725	170	64	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	170	65	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	170	66	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-14725	170	67	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	170	68	changes	change	NOUN
crl-14725	170	69	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	170	70	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-14725	170	71	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	170	72	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	170	73	information	information	NOUN
crl-14725	170	74	science	science	NOUN
crl-14725	170	75	curricula	curricula	NOUN
crl-14725	170	76	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	171	1	while	while	SCONJ
crl-14725	171	2	these	these	DET
crl-14725	171	3	essays	essay	NOUN
crl-14725	171	4	were	be	AUX
crl-14725	171	5	not	not	PART
crl-14725	171	6	explicitly	explicitly	ADV
crl-14725	171	7	prepared	prepare	VERB
crl-14725	171	8	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	171	9	the	the	DET
crl-14725	171	10	bibliographic	bibliographic	ADJ
crl-14725	171	11	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crl-14725	171	12	section	section	NOUN
crl-14725	171	13	's	's	PART
crl-14725	171	14	think	think	NOUN
crl-14725	171	15	tank	tank	NOUN
crl-14725	171	16	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	171	17	june	june	PROPN
crl-14725	171	18	22	22	NUM
crl-14725	171	19	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	171	20	23	23	NUM
crl-14725	171	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	171	22	1989	1989	NUM
crl-14725	171	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	171	24	they	they	PRON
crl-14725	171	25	represent	represent	VERB
crl-14725	171	26	an	an	DET
crl-14725	171	27	articulation	articulation	NOUN
crl-14725	171	28	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	171	29	ideas	idea	NOUN
crl-14725	171	30	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	171	31	had	have	VERB
crl-14725	171	32	their	their	PRON
crl-14725	171	33	genesis	genesis	NOUN
crl-14725	171	34	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	171	35	those	those	DET
crl-14725	171	36	deliberations	deliberation	NOUN
crl-14725	171	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	172	1	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-14725	172	2	librarians	librarians	PROPN
crl-14725	172	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	172	4	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	172	5	school	school	NOUN
crl-14725	172	6	educators	educator	NOUN
crl-14725	172	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	172	8	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	172	9	higher	high	ADJ
crl-14725	172	10	education	education	NOUN
crl-14725	172	11	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-14725	172	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	172	13	administrators	administrator	NOUN
crl-14725	172	14	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	172	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	173	1	~ant	~ant	VERB
crl-14725	173	2	this	this	DET
crl-14725	173	3	book	book	NOUN
crl-14725	173	4	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	174	1	$	$	SYM
crl-14725	174	2	29.95	29.95	NUM
crl-14725	174	3	(	(	PUNCT
crl-14725	174	4	$	$	SYM
crl-14725	174	5	19.95	19.95	NUM
crl-14725	174	6	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	174	7	acrl	acrl	ADJ
crl-14725	174	8	members	member	NOUN
crl-14725	174	9	)	)	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	1	202	202	NUM
crl-14725	175	2	pp	pp	PROPN
crl-14725	175	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	4	1992	1992	NUM
crl-14725	175	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	6	isbn	isbn	VERB
crl-14725	175	7	0~8389~	0~8389~	NUM
crl-14725	175	8	7584~4	7584~4	NUM
crl-14725	175	9	order	order	NOUN
crl-14725	175	10	department	department	NOUN
crl-14725	175	11	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-14725	175	12	publishing	publishing	NOUN
crl-14725	175	13	services	service	NOUN
crl-14725	175	14	50	50	NUM
crl-14725	175	15	east	east	PROPN
crl-14725	175	16	huron	huron	PROPN
crl-14725	175	17	street	street	PROPN
crl-14725	175	18	chicago	chicago	PROPN
crl-14725	175	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	20	il	il	PROPN
crl-14725	175	21	60611	60611	NUM
crl-14725	175	22	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	175	23	call	call	VERB
crl-14725	175	24	toll	toll	NOUN
crl-14725	175	25	~	~	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	26	free	free	ADJ
crl-14725	175	27	1	1	NUM
crl-14725	175	28	~800~545~2433	~800~545~2433	NOUN
crl-14725	175	29	fax	fax	NOUN
crl-14725	175	30	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	31	312~944~	312~944~	NUM
crl-14725	175	32	2641	2641	NUM
crl-14725	175	33	..	..	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	34	·	·	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	35	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	175	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	176	1	·	·	NUM
crl-14725	176	2	·	·	PUNCT
crl-14725	176	3	assoct.ation	assoct.ation	NOUN
crl-14725	176	4	·	·	NUM
crl-14725	176	5	·	·	NUM
crl-14725	176	6	.oi	.oi	NUM
crl-14725	176	7	<	<	X
crl-14725	177	1	f	f	X
crl-14725	177	2	tr)j	tr)j	PROPN
crl-14725	177	3	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	178	1	t	t	NOUN
crl-14725	178	2	.•	.•	PUNCT
crl-14725	179	1	e	e	NOUN
crl-14725	180	1	~le	~le	X
crl-14725	180	2	<	<	X
crl-14725	180	3	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	180	4	~e$e	~e$e	PROPN
crl-14725	180	5	~	~	PUNCT
crl-14725	180	6	rch	rch	NOUN
crl-14725	180	7	ll	ll	AUX
crl-14725	180	8	b	b	NOUN
crl-14725	180	9	r	r	VERB
crl-14725	180	10	a	a	DET
crl-14725	180	11	r	r	NOUN
crl-14725	180	12	1	1	NUM
crl-14725	180	13	£	£	PROPN
crl-14725	180	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	180	15	s	s	PROPN
crl-14725	180	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	180	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	180	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	181	1	•	•	INTJ
crl-14725	181	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	181	3	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	181	4	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	181	5	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	181	6	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	181	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	182	1	associ~	associ~	PROPN
crl-14725	182	2	non	non	PROPN
crl-14725	182	3	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	182	4	c	c	PROPN
crl-14725	182	5	0lt	0lt	NOUN
crl-14725	182	6	e	e	NOUN
crl-14725	182	7	g	g	NOUN
crl-14725	182	8	e	e	NOUN
crl-14725	182	9	·	·	NUM
crl-14725	182	10	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	182	11	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	182	12	·	·	PUNCT
crl-14725	183	1	research	research	NOUN
crl-14725	183	2	.libraries	.librarie	NOUN
crl-14725	183	3	as$qcjation	as$qcjation	NOUN
crl-14725	183	4	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	183	5	c	c	NOUN
crl-14725	183	6	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	183	7	ollege	ollege	PROPN
crl-14725	183	8	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	183	9	re	re	NOUN
crl-14725	183	10	~	~	VERB
crl-14725	183	11	earch	earch	NOUN
crl-14725	183	12	ll	ll	AUX
crl-14725	183	13	bra	bra	VERB
crl-14725	183	14	r	r	NOUN
crl-14725	183	15	ie	ie	X
crl-14725	183	16	s	s	PART
crl-14725	183	17	association	association	NOUN
crl-14725	183	18	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	183	19	c.o	c.o	PROPN
crl-14725	183	20	ll£	ll£	PROPN
crl-14725	183	21	'	'	PART
crl-14725	183	22	g	g	PROPN
crl-14725	183	23	e	e	PROPN
crl-14725	183	24	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	183	25	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	183	26	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-14725	183	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	183	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	183	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	1	association	association	PROPN
crl-14725	184	2	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	184	3	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	184	4	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	5	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	184	6	'	'	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	7	tl	tl	PROPN
crl-14725	184	8	bra	bra	NOUN
crl-14725	184	9	r	r	NOUN
crl-14725	184	10	ie	ie	X
crl-14725	184	11	s	s	PROPN
crl-14725	184	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	13	association	association	PROPN
crl-14725	184	14	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	184	15	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	184	16	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	17	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	184	18	kl	kl	PROPN
crl-14725	184	19	8	8	NUM
crl-14725	184	20	~a	~a	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	21	rl	rl	ADP
crl-14725	184	22	e	e	PROPN
crl-14725	184	23	s	s	PROPN
crl-14725	184	24	.....	.....	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	25	association	association	NOUN
crl-14725	184	26	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	184	27	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	184	28	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	29	research	research	NOUN
crl-14725	184	30	·	·	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	31	ll	ll	AUX
crl-14725	184	32	bra	bra	VERB
crl-14725	184	33	r	r	NOUN
crl-14725	184	34	ie	ie	X
crl-14725	184	35	s	s	PART
crl-14725	184	36	association	association	NOUN
crl-14725	184	37	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	184	38	college	college	PROPN
crl-14725	184	39	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	40	research	research	PROPN
crl-14725	184	41	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-14725	184	42	a	a	DET
crl-14725	184	43	oiv.ision	oiv.ision	NOUN
crl-14725	184	44	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	184	45	the	the	DET
crl-14725	184	46	american	american	PROPN
crl-14725	184	47	library	library	PROPN
crl-14725	184	48	association	association	PROPN
crl-14725	184	49	preserve	preserve	PROPN
crl-14725	184	50	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	51	prokct	prokct	PROPN
crl-14725	184	52	wlih	wlih	PROPN
crl-14725	184	53	outslllnding	outslllnde	VERB
crl-14725	184	54	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	184	55	guidelines	guideline	NOUN
crl-14725	184	56	from	from	ADP
crl-14725	184	57	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-14725	184	58	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	184	59	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	60	the	the	DET
crl-14725	184	61	associtltion	associtltion	NOUN
crl-14725	184	62	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	184	63	li	li	PROPN
crl-14725	184	64	~	~	SYM
crl-14725	184	65	rary	rary	ADJ
crl-14725	184	66	co	co	NOUN
crl-14725	184	67	~	~	PROPN
crl-14725	184	68	ctions	ction	NOUN
crl-14725	184	69	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	70	technkal	technkal	PROPN
crl-14725	184	71	servkes	servke	VERB
crl-14725	184	72	guide	guide	VERB
crl-14725	184	73	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	184	74	the	the	DET
crl-14725	184	75	library	library	PROPN
crl-14725	184	76	binding	binding	PROPN
crl-14725	184	77	institute	institute	PROPN
crl-14725	184	78	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	184	79	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	184	80	ubrary	ubrary	ADJ
crl-14725	184	81	binding	bind	VERB
crl-14725	184	82	jan	jan	PROPN
crl-14725	184	83	merrill	merrill	PROPN
crl-14725	184	84	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	85	oldham	oldham	PROPN
crl-14725	184	86	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	87	paul	paul	PROPN
crl-14725	184	88	parisi	parisi	VERB
crl-14725	184	89	the	the	DET
crl-14725	184	90	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-14725	184	91	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	92	both	both	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	93	a	a	DET
crl-14725	184	94	supplement	supplement	NOUN
crl-14725	184	95	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	184	96	complement	complement	ADJ
crl-14725	184	97	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	184	98	the	the	DET
crl-14725	184	99	lbi	lbi	PROPN
crl-14725	184	100	standard	standard	PROPN
crl-14725	184	101	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	184	102	translates	translate	VERB
crl-14725	184	103	the	the	DET
crl-14725	184	104	technical	technical	ADJ
crl-14725	184	105	language	language	NOUN
crl-14725	184	106	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	184	107	the	the	DET
crl-14725	184	108	standard	standard	NOUN
crl-14725	184	109	into	into	ADP
crl-14725	184	110	usable	usable	ADJ
crl-14725	184	111	information	information	NOUN
crl-14725	184	112	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	184	113	will	will	AUX
crl-14725	184	114	enable	enable	VERB
crl-14725	184	115	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crl-14725	184	116	to	to	PART
crl-14725	184	117	use	use	VERB
crl-14725	184	118	it	it	PRON
crl-14725	184	119	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	184	120	its	its	PRON
crl-14725	184	121	fullest	full	ADJ
crl-14725	184	122	advantage	advantage	NOUN
crl-14725	184	123	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	185	1	$	$	SYM
crl-14725	185	2	23.00pbk	23.00pbk	NUM
crl-14725	185	3	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	185	4	62p	62p	NOUN
crl-14725	185	5	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	186	1	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-14725	186	2	order	order	PROPN
crl-14725	186	3	code	code	PROPN
crl-14725	186	4	3391	3391	NUM
crl-14725	186	5	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	186	6	2	2	NUM
crl-14725	186	7	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	186	8	0011	0011	NUM
crl-14725	186	9	1990	1990	NUM
crl-14725	186	10	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-14725	186	11	to	to	PART
crl-14725	186	12	review	review	VERB
crl-14725	186	13	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	186	14	ubrary	ubrary	ADJ
crl-14725	186	15	collections	collection	NOUN
crl-14725	186	16	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	186	17	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	186	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	186	19	storage	storage	NOUN
crl-14725	186	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	186	21	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	186	22	withdrawal	withdrawal	NOUN
crl-14725	186	23	collection	collection	NOUN
crl-14725	186	24	management	management	NOUN
crl-14725	186	25	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	186	26	development	development	NOUN
crl-14725	186	27	guides	guide	NOUN
crl-14725	186	28	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	186	29	#	#	SYM
crl-14725	186	30	5	5	NUM
crl-14725	186	31	lenore	lenore	ADJ
crl-14725	186	32	clark	clark	NOUN
crl-14725	186	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	186	34	editor	editor	NOUN
crl-14725	186	35	designed	design	VERB
crl-14725	186	36	to	to	PART
crl-14725	186	37	assist	assist	VERB
crl-14725	186	38	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crl-14725	186	39	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	186	40	others	other	NOUN
crl-14725	186	41	who	who	PRON
crl-14725	186	42	review	review	VERB
crl-14725	186	43	materials	material	NOUN
crl-14725	186	44	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	186	45	general	general	ADJ
crl-14725	186	46	collections	collection	NOUN
crl-14725	186	47	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	186	48	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	186	49	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	186	50	storage	storage	NOUN
crl-14725	186	51	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	186	52	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	186	53	withdrawal	withdrawal	NOUN
crl-14725	186	54	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	187	1	based	base	VERB
crl-14725	187	2	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	187	3	review	review	NOUN
crl-14725	187	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	187	5	study	study	NOUN
crl-14725	187	6	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	187	7	the	the	DET
crl-14725	187	8	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-14725	187	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	187	10	examination	examination	NOUN
crl-14725	187	11	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	187	12	various	various	ADJ
crl-14725	187	13	existing	exist	VERB
crl-14725	187	14	policies	policy	NOUN
crl-14725	187	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	187	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	187	17	contributions	contribution	NOUN
crl-14725	187	18	from	from	ADP
crl-14725	187	19	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-14725	187	20	colleagues	colleague	NOUN
crl-14725	187	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	188	1	$	$	SYM
crl-14725	188	2	7.00pbk	7.00pbk	NUM
crl-14725	188	3	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	189	1	41p	41p	NOUN
crl-14725	189	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	190	1	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-14725	190	2	order	order	NOUN
crl-14725	190	3	code	code	PROPN
crl-14725	190	4	3396	3396	NUM
crl-14725	190	5	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	190	6	3	3	NUM
crl-14725	190	7	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	190	8	0011	0011	NUM
crl-14725	190	9	1991	1991	NUM
crl-14725	190	10	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-14725	190	11	target	target	NOUN
crl-14725	190	12	packet	packet	NOUN
crl-14725	190	13	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	190	14	use	use	NOUN
crl-14725	190	15	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	190	16	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	190	17	microfilming	microfilm	VERB
crl-14725	190	18	debra	debra	PROPN
crl-14725	190	19	mckern	mckern	PROPN
crl-14725	190	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	190	21	sherry	sherry	ADJ
crl-14725	190	22	byrne	byrne	PROPN
crl-14725	190	23	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	190	24	...	...	PUNCT
crl-14725	190	25	a	a	DET
crl-14725	190	26	necessary	necessary	ADJ
crl-14725	190	27	purchase	purchase	NOUN
crl-14725	190	28	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	190	29	anyone	anyone	PRON
crl-14725	190	30	involved	involve	VERB
crl-14725	190	31	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	190	32	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	190	33	microfilming	microfilming	NOUN
crl-14725	190	34	...	...	PUNCT
crl-14725	190	35	joins	join	VERB
crl-14725	190	36	the	the	DET
crl-14725	190	37	two	two	NUM
crl-14725	190	38	or	or	CCONJ
crl-14725	190	39	three	three	NUM
crl-14725	190	40	other	other	ADJ
crl-14725	190	41	such	such	ADJ
crl-14725	190	42	titles	title	NOUN
crl-14725	190	43	that	that	PRON
crl-14725	190	44	comprise	comprise	VERB
crl-14725	190	45	the	the	DET
crl-14725	190	46	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	190	47	microfilmer	microfilmer	NOUN
crl-14725	190	48	's	's	PART
crl-14725	190	49	basic	basic	ADJ
crl-14725	190	50	bookshelf	bookshelf	NOUN
crl-14725	190	51	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	190	52	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	191	1	conservation	conservation	NOUN
crl-14725	191	2	administration	administration	NOUN
crl-14725	191	3	news	news	PROPN
crl-14725	191	4	$	$	SYM
crl-14725	191	5	32.00pbk	32.00pbk	PROPN
crl-14725	191	6	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	191	7	60p	60p	NOUN
crl-14725	191	8	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	1	manual/18	manual/18	X
crl-14725	192	2	camera	camera	NOUN
crl-14725	192	3	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	4	ready	ready	ADJ
crl-14725	192	5	cards	card	NOUN
crl-14725	192	6	1991	1991	NUM
crl-14725	192	7	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-14725	192	8	order	order	NOUN
crl-14725	192	9	code	code	NOUN
crl-14725	192	10	7	7	NUM
crl-14725	192	11	492	492	NUM
crl-14725	192	12	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	192	13	9	9	NUM
crl-14725	192	14	-	-	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	15	0011	0011	NUM
crl-14725	192	16	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	192	17	microfilming	microfilming	NOUN
crl-14725	192	18	:	:	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	19	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-14725	192	20	&	&	CCONJ
crl-14725	192	21	production	production	NOUN
crl-14725	192	22	gay	gay	NOUN
crl-14725	192	23	walker	walker	NOUN
crl-14725	192	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	25	editor	editor	NOUN
crl-14725	192	26	papers	paper	NOUN
crl-14725	192	27	from	from	ADP
crl-14725	192	28	the	the	DET
crl-14725	192	29	rtsd	rtsd	ADJ
crl-14725	192	30	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	192	31	microfilming	microfilming	PROPN
crl-14725	192	32	institute	institute	PROPN
crl-14725	192	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	34	new	new	ADJ
crl-14725	192	35	haven	haven	NOUN
crl-14725	192	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	37	ct	ct	INTJ
crl-14725	192	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	39	april	april	PROPN
crl-14725	192	40	21	21	NUM
crl-14725	192	41	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	192	42	23	23	NUM
crl-14725	192	43	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	192	44	1988	1988	NUM
crl-14725	192	45	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	193	1	$	$	SYM
crl-14725	193	2	12.00pbk	12.00pbk	NUM
crl-14725	193	3	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	193	4	72p	72p	PROPN
crl-14725	193	5	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	194	1	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-14725	194	2	order	order	PROPN
crl-14725	194	3	code	code	PROPN
crl-14725	194	4	7324	7324	NUM
crl-14725	194	5	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	194	6	8	8	NUM
crl-14725	194	7	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	194	8	0011	0011	NUM
crl-14725	194	9	1989	1989	NUM
crl-14725	194	10	a	a	DET
crl-14725	194	11	core	core	NOUN
crl-14725	194	12	collection	collection	NOUN
crl-14725	194	13	in	in	ADP
crl-14725	194	14	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	194	15	lisa	lisa	PROPN
crl-14725	194	16	l.	l.	PROPN
crl-14725	194	17	fox	fox	PROPN
crl-14725	194	18	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	194	19	an	an	DET
crl-14725	194	20	extremely	extremely	ADV
crl-14725	194	21	useful	useful	ADJ
crl-14725	194	22	and	and	CCONJ
crl-14725	194	23	inexpensive	inexpensive	ADJ
crl-14725	194	24	bibliography	bibliography	NOUN
crl-14725	194	25	[	[	PUNCT
crl-14725	194	26	listing	list	VERB
crl-14725	194	27	]	]	PUNCT
crl-14725	194	28	works	work	VERB
crl-14725	194	29	on	on	ADP
crl-14725	194	30	applications	application	NOUN
crl-14725	194	31	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	194	32	micrographics	micrographic	NOUN
crl-14725	194	33	for	for	ADP
crl-14725	194	34	library	library	NOUN
crl-14725	194	35	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	194	36	as	as	ADP
crl-14725	194	37	part	part	NOUN
crl-14725	194	38	of	of	ADP
crl-14725	194	39	a	a	DET
crl-14725	194	40	holistic	holistic	ADJ
crl-14725	194	41	approach	approach	NOUN
crl-14725	194	42	to	to	ADP
crl-14725	194	43	the	the	DET
crl-14725	194	44	national	national	ADJ
crl-14725	194	45	preservation	preservation	NOUN
crl-14725	194	46	effort	effort	NOUN
crl-14725	194	47	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	194	48	"	"	PUNCT
crl-14725	195	1	microfilm	microfilm	NOUN
crl-14725	195	2	review	review	VERB
crl-14725	195	3	quarterly	quarterly	ADJ
crl-14725	195	4	$	$	SYM
crl-14725	195	5	5.00pbk	5.00pbk	NUM
crl-14725	195	6	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	195	7	15p	15p	PROPN
crl-14725	195	8	.	.	PUNCT
crl-14725	196	1	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-14725	196	2	order	order	NOUN
crl-14725	196	3	code	code	PROPN
crl-14725	196	4	7224	7224	NUM
crl-14725	196	5	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	196	6	1	1	NUM
crl-14725	196	7	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	196	8	0011	0011	NUM
crl-14725	196	9	1988	1988	NUM
crl-14725	196	10	ala	ala	NOUN
crl-14725	196	11	books	book	NOUN
crl-14725	196	12	•	•	VERB
crl-14725	196	13	50	50	NUM
crl-14725	196	14	east	east	PROPN
crl-14725	196	15	huron	huron	PROPN
crl-14725	196	16	street	street	PROPN
crl-14725	196	17	•	•	PROPN
crl-14725	196	18	chicago	chicago	PROPN
crl-14725	196	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-14725	196	20	il	il	PROPN
crl-14725	196	21	60.611	60.611	NUM
crl-14725	196	22	1	1	NUM
crl-14725	196	23	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	196	24	800	800	NUM
crl-14725	196	25	-	-	NUM
crl-14725	196	26	545	545	NUM
crl-14725	196	27	-	-	SYM
crl-14725	196	28	2433	2433	NUM
crl-14725	196	29	;	;	PUNCT
crl-14725	196	30	press	press	VERB
crl-14725	196	31	7	7	NUM
crl-14725	196	32	to	to	PART
crl-14725	196	33	order	order	VERB