id sid tid token lemma pos crl-15247 1 1 untitled-16 untitled-16 PROPN crl-15247 1 2 528 528 NUM crl-15247 1 3 college college PROPN crl-15247 1 4 & & CCONJ crl-15247 1 5 research research PROPN crl-15247 1 6 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 1 7 november november PROPN crl-15247 1 8 1997 1997 NUM crl-15247 1 9 post post NOUN crl-15247 1 10 - - ADJ crl-15247 1 11 master master NOUN crl-15247 1 12 ’s ’s NUM crl-15247 1 13 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 1 14 programs program NOUN crl-15247 1 15 : : PUNCT crl-15247 1 16 enhancing enhance VERB crl-15247 1 17 the the DET crl-15247 1 18 development development NOUN crl-15247 1 19 of of ADP crl-15247 1 20 new new ADJ crl-15247 1 21 professionals professional NOUN crl-15247 1 22 and and CCONJ crl-15247 1 23 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 1 24 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 1 25 in in ADP crl-15247 1 26 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 1 27 and and CCONJ crl-15247 1 28 research research NOUN crl-15247 1 29 libraries librarie VERB crl-15247 1 30 julie julie PROPN crl-15247 1 31 brewer brewer PROPN crl-15247 1 32 two two NUM crl-15247 1 33 of of ADP crl-15247 1 34 the the DET crl-15247 1 35 greatest great ADJ crl-15247 1 36 human human ADJ crl-15247 1 37 resource resource NOUN crl-15247 1 38 concerns concern NOUN crl-15247 1 39 in in ADP crl-15247 1 40 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 1 41 and and CCONJ crl-15247 1 42 research research NOUN crl-15247 1 43 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 1 44 are be AUX crl-15247 1 45 the the DET crl-15247 1 46 preparation preparation NOUN crl-15247 1 47 of of ADP crl-15247 1 48 new new ADJ crl-15247 1 49 library library NOUN crl-15247 1 50 professionals professional NOUN crl-15247 1 51 and and CCONJ crl-15247 1 52 the the DET crl-15247 1 53 re­ re­ NOUN crl-15247 1 54 cruitment cruitment NOUN crl-15247 1 55 of of ADP crl-15247 1 56 underrepresented underrepresented ADJ crl-15247 1 57 minorities minority NOUN crl-15247 1 58 . . PUNCT crl-15247 2 1 the the DET crl-15247 2 2 lack lack NOUN crl-15247 2 3 of of ADP crl-15247 2 4 practical practical ADJ crl-15247 2 5 experi­ experi­ NOUN crl-15247 2 6 ence ence NOUN crl-15247 2 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 2 8 the the DET crl-15247 2 9 changing change VERB crl-15247 2 10 competencies competency NOUN crl-15247 2 11 required require VERB crl-15247 2 12 of of ADP crl-15247 2 13 new new ADJ crl-15247 2 14 graduates graduate NOUN crl-15247 2 15 are be AUX crl-15247 2 16 discussed discuss VERB crl-15247 2 17 frequently frequently ADV crl-15247 2 18 at at ADP crl-15247 2 19 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 2 20 meetings meeting NOUN crl-15247 2 21 and and CCONJ crl-15247 2 22 in in ADP crl-15247 2 23 the the DET crl-15247 2 24 library library NOUN crl-15247 2 25 litera­ litera­ PROPN crl-15247 2 26 ture ture NOUN crl-15247 2 27 . . PUNCT crl-15247 3 1 diversity diversity NOUN crl-15247 3 2 initiatives initiative NOUN crl-15247 3 3 on on ADP crl-15247 3 4 college college NOUN crl-15247 3 5 and and CCONJ crl-15247 3 6 university university NOUN crl-15247 3 7 campuses campus NOUN crl-15247 3 8 and and CCONJ crl-15247 3 9 within within ADP crl-15247 3 10 the the DET crl-15247 3 11 ala ala NOUN crl-15247 3 12 also also ADV crl-15247 3 13 have have AUX crl-15247 3 14 raised raise VERB crl-15247 3 15 awareness awareness NOUN crl-15247 3 16 of of ADP crl-15247 3 17 the the DET crl-15247 3 18 underrepresentation underrepresentation NOUN crl-15247 3 19 of of ADP crl-15247 3 20 mi­ mi­ ADJ crl-15247 3 21 nority nority NOUN crl-15247 3 22 librarians librarian VERB crl-15247 3 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 4 1 post post ADJ crl-15247 4 2 - - ADJ crl-15247 4 3 master master ADJ crl-15247 4 4 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 4 5 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 4 6 programs program NOUN crl-15247 4 7 are be AUX crl-15247 4 8 one one NUM crl-15247 4 9 approach approach NOUN crl-15247 4 10 that that SCONJ crl-15247 4 11 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 4 12 and and CCONJ crl-15247 4 13 research research NOUN crl-15247 4 14 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 4 15 have have AUX crl-15247 4 16 used use VERB crl-15247 4 17 to to PART crl-15247 4 18 address address VERB crl-15247 4 19 these these DET crl-15247 4 20 con­ con­ NOUN crl-15247 4 21 tinuing tinue VERB crl-15247 4 22 human human ADJ crl-15247 4 23 resource resource NOUN crl-15247 4 24 concerns concern NOUN crl-15247 4 25 . . PUNCT crl-15247 5 1 this this DET crl-15247 5 2 article article NOUN crl-15247 5 3 examines examine VERB crl-15247 5 4 post post ADJ crl-15247 5 5 - - ADJ crl-15247 5 6 master master ADJ crl-15247 5 7 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 5 8 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 5 9 programs program NOUN crl-15247 5 10 from from ADP crl-15247 5 11 the the DET crl-15247 5 12 perspective perspective NOUN crl-15247 5 13 of of ADP crl-15247 5 14 former former ADJ crl-15247 5 15 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 5 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 6 1 the the DET crl-15247 6 2 sur­ sur­ NOUN crl-15247 6 3 vey vey NOUN crl-15247 6 4 findings finding NOUN crl-15247 6 5 present present VERB crl-15247 6 6 important important ADJ crl-15247 6 7 information information NOUN crl-15247 6 8 for for ADP crl-15247 6 9 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 6 10 that that PRON crl-15247 6 11 currently currently ADV crl-15247 6 12 host host NOUN crl-15247 6 13 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 6 14 programs program NOUN crl-15247 6 15 or or CCONJ crl-15247 6 16 are be AUX crl-15247 6 17 considering consider VERB crl-15247 6 18 implementing implement VERB crl-15247 6 19 new new PROPN crl-15247 6 20 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 6 21 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 6 22 programs program NOUN crl-15247 6 23 in in ADP crl-15247 6 24 the the DET crl-15247 6 25 future future NOUN crl-15247 6 26 , , PUNCT crl-15247 6 27 as as ADV crl-15247 6 28 well well ADV crl-15247 6 29 as as ADP crl-15247 6 30 for for ADP crl-15247 6 31 library library NOUN crl-15247 6 32 educators educator NOUN crl-15247 6 33 . . PUNCT crl-15247 7 1 cademic cademic NOUN crl-15247 7 2 and and CCONJ crl-15247 7 3 research research NOUN crl-15247 7 4 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 7 5 began begin VERB crl-15247 7 6 experimenting experiment VERB crl-15247 7 7 with with ADP crl-15247 7 8 post post ADJ crl-15247 7 9 - - ADJ crl-15247 7 10 master master ADJ crl-15247 7 11 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 7 12 work work NOUN crl-15247 7 13 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 7 14 programs program NOUN crl-15247 7 15 in in ADP crl-15247 7 16 the the DET crl-15247 7 17 1940s 1940 NOUN crl-15247 7 18 in in ADP crl-15247 7 19 an an DET crl-15247 7 20 ef­ ef­ PROPN crl-15247 7 21 fort fort NOUN crl-15247 7 22 to to PART crl-15247 7 23 better well ADV crl-15247 7 24 prepare prepare VERB crl-15247 7 25 new new ADJ crl-15247 7 26 library library NOUN crl-15247 7 27 profes­ profes­ PROPN crl-15247 7 28 sionals sional NOUN crl-15247 7 29 . . PUNCT crl-15247 8 1 two two NUM crl-15247 8 2 of of ADP crl-15247 8 3 the the DET crl-15247 8 4 longest long ADV crl-15247 8 5 continuing continue VERB crl-15247 8 6 post post ADJ crl-15247 8 7 - - ADJ crl-15247 8 8 master master NOUN crl-15247 8 9 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 8 10 programs program NOUN crl-15247 8 11 are be AUX crl-15247 8 12 those those PRON crl-15247 8 13 hosted host VERB crl-15247 8 14 by by ADP crl-15247 8 15 the the DET crl-15247 8 16 library library NOUN crl-15247 8 17 of of ADP crl-15247 8 18 congress congress PROPN crl-15247 8 19 and and CCONJ crl-15247 8 20 the the DET crl-15247 8 21 na­ na­ PROPN crl-15247 8 22 tional tional ADJ crl-15247 8 23 library library NOUN crl-15247 8 24 of of ADP crl-15247 8 25 medicine medicine NOUN crl-15247 8 26 . . PUNCT crl-15247 9 1 the the DET crl-15247 9 2 purpose purpose NOUN crl-15247 9 3 of of ADP crl-15247 9 4 post post ADJ crl-15247 9 5 - - ADJ crl-15247 9 6 master master NOUN crl-15247 9 7 ’s ’s NUM crl-15247 9 8 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 9 9 programs program NOUN crl-15247 9 10 is be AUX crl-15247 9 11 to to PART crl-15247 9 12 recruit recruit VERB crl-15247 9 13 highly highly ADV crl-15247 9 14 talented talente VERB crl-15247 9 15 graduates graduate NOUN crl-15247 9 16 from from ADP crl-15247 9 17 li­ li­ PROPN crl-15247 9 18 brary brary PROPN crl-15247 9 19 education education NOUN crl-15247 9 20 programs program NOUN crl-15247 9 21 and and CCONJ crl-15247 9 22 to to PART crl-15247 9 23 prepare prepare VERB crl-15247 9 24 them they PRON crl-15247 9 25 for for ADP crl-15247 9 26 accelerated accelerated ADJ crl-15247 9 27 careers career NOUN crl-15247 9 28 in in ADP crl-15247 9 29 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 9 30 and and CCONJ crl-15247 9 31 research research NOUN crl-15247 9 32 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 9 33 . . PUNCT crl-15247 10 1 some some DET crl-15247 10 2 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 10 3 programs program NOUN crl-15247 10 4 provide provide VERB crl-15247 10 5 advanced advanced ADJ crl-15247 10 6 education education NOUN crl-15247 10 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 10 8 training training NOUN crl-15247 10 9 for for ADP crl-15247 10 10 specialized specialized ADJ crl-15247 10 11 careers career NOUN crl-15247 10 12 in in ADP crl-15247 10 13 ar­ ar­ PROPN crl-15247 10 14 eas ea NOUN crl-15247 10 15 such such ADJ crl-15247 10 16 as as ADP crl-15247 10 17 medical medical ADJ crl-15247 10 18 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-15247 10 19 or or CCONJ crl-15247 10 20 con­ con­ PROPN crl-15247 10 21 servation servation NOUN crl-15247 10 22 administration administration NOUN crl-15247 10 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 11 1 because because SCONJ crl-15247 11 2 profes­ profes­ PROPN crl-15247 11 3 sional sional ADJ crl-15247 11 4 positions position NOUN crl-15247 11 5 in in ADP crl-15247 11 6 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 11 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 11 8 research research NOUN crl-15247 11 9 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 11 10 often often ADV crl-15247 11 11 are be AUX crl-15247 11 12 highly highly ADV crl-15247 11 13 specialized specialized ADJ crl-15247 11 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 11 15 most most ADJ crl-15247 11 16 new new ADJ crl-15247 11 17 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 11 18 are be AUX crl-15247 11 19 unprepared unprepared ADJ crl-15247 11 20 to to PART crl-15247 11 21 assume assume VERB crl-15247 11 22 the the DET crl-15247 11 23 level level NOUN crl-15247 11 24 and and CCONJ crl-15247 11 25 depth depth NOUN crl-15247 11 26 of of ADP crl-15247 11 27 these these DET crl-15247 11 28 responsibili­ responsibili­ PROPN crl-15247 11 29 ties tie NOUN crl-15247 11 30 immediately immediately ADV crl-15247 11 31 following follow VERB crl-15247 11 32 graduation graduation NOUN crl-15247 11 33 . . PUNCT crl-15247 12 1 many many ADJ crl-15247 12 2 large large ADJ crl-15247 12 3 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 12 4 and and CCONJ crl-15247 12 5 research research NOUN crl-15247 12 6 librar­ librar­ NOUN crl-15247 12 7 ies ie NOUN crl-15247 12 8 do do AUX crl-15247 12 9 not not PART crl-15247 12 10 hire hire VERB crl-15247 12 11 entry entry NOUN crl-15247 12 12 - - PUNCT crl-15247 12 13 level level NOUN crl-15247 12 14 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 12 15 . . PUNCT crl-15247 13 1 this this DET crl-15247 13 2 practice practice NOUN crl-15247 13 3 restricts restrict VERB crl-15247 13 4 access access NOUN crl-15247 13 5 to to ADP crl-15247 13 6 library library NOUN crl-15247 13 7 careers career VERB crl-15247 13 8 julie julie PROPN crl-15247 13 9 brewer brewer PROPN crl-15247 13 10 is be AUX crl-15247 13 11 associate associate ADJ crl-15247 13 12 librarian librarian NOUN crl-15247 13 13 at at ADP crl-15247 13 14 the the DET crl-15247 13 15 university university PROPN crl-15247 13 16 of of ADP crl-15247 13 17 delaware delaware PROPN crl-15247 13 18 library library PROPN crl-15247 13 19 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 13 20 e e X crl-15247 13 21 - - NOUN crl-15247 13 22 mail mail NOUN crl-15247 13 23 : : PUNCT crl-15247 13 24 PROPN crl-15247 13 25 . . PUNCT crl-15247 14 1 528 528 NUM crl-15247 14 2 PROPN crl-15247 14 3 post post ADJ crl-15247 14 4 - - ADJ crl-15247 14 5 master master ADJ crl-15247 14 6 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 14 7 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 14 8 programs program NOUN crl-15247 14 9 529 529 NUM crl-15247 14 10 in in ADP crl-15247 14 11 these these DET crl-15247 14 12 areas area NOUN crl-15247 14 13 and and CCONJ crl-15247 14 14 limits limit VERB crl-15247 14 15 the the DET crl-15247 14 16 pool pool NOUN crl-15247 14 17 of of ADP crl-15247 14 18 quali­ quali­ PROPN crl-15247 14 19 fied fied ADJ crl-15247 14 20 candidates candidate NOUN crl-15247 14 21 available available ADJ crl-15247 14 22 for for ADP crl-15247 14 23 upper upper ADJ crl-15247 14 24 - - PUNCT crl-15247 14 25 level level NOUN crl-15247 14 26 positions position NOUN crl-15247 14 27 . . PUNCT crl-15247 15 1 approximately approximately ADV crl-15247 15 2 twenty twenty NUM crl-15247 15 3 years year NOUN crl-15247 15 4 ago ago ADV crl-15247 15 5 , , PUNCT crl-15247 15 6 a a DET crl-15247 15 7 group group NOUN crl-15247 15 8 of of ADP crl-15247 15 9 library library NOUN crl-15247 15 10 educators educator NOUN crl-15247 15 11 and and CCONJ crl-15247 15 12 practitio­ practitio­ NOUN crl-15247 15 13 ners ner NOUN crl-15247 15 14 met meet VERB crl-15247 15 15 to to PART crl-15247 15 16 establish establish VERB crl-15247 15 17 cooperative cooperative ADJ crl-15247 15 18 efforts effort NOUN crl-15247 15 19 in in ADP crl-15247 15 20 placing place VERB crl-15247 15 21 new new ADJ crl-15247 15 22 library library NOUN crl-15247 15 23 school school NOUN crl-15247 15 24 graduates.1 graduates.1 NOUN crl-15247 15 25 the the DET crl-15247 15 26 outcome outcome NOUN crl-15247 15 27 of of ADP crl-15247 15 28 those those DET crl-15247 15 29 meetings meeting NOUN crl-15247 15 30 was be AUX crl-15247 15 31 a a DET crl-15247 15 32 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 15 33 posal posal NOUN crl-15247 15 34 to to PART crl-15247 15 35 expand expand VERB crl-15247 15 36 the the DET crl-15247 15 37 availability availability NOUN crl-15247 15 38 of of ADP crl-15247 15 39 post­ post­ NOUN crl-15247 15 40 master master NOUN crl-15247 15 41 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 15 42 work work NOUN crl-15247 15 43 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 15 44 programs program NOUN crl-15247 15 45 . . PUNCT crl-15247 16 1 the the DET crl-15247 16 2 joint joint ADJ crl-15247 16 3 subcommittee subcommittee NOUN crl-15247 16 4 of of ADP crl-15247 16 5 the the DET crl-15247 16 6 association association NOUN crl-15247 16 7 of of ADP crl-15247 16 8 american american PROPN crl-15247 16 9 library library PROPN crl-15247 16 10 schools schools PROPN crl-15247 16 11 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 16 12 aals aal NOUN crl-15247 16 13 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 16 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 16 15 pre­ pre­ NOUN crl-15247 16 16 decessor decessor NOUN crl-15247 16 17 of of ADP crl-15247 16 18 the the DET crl-15247 16 19 current current ADJ crl-15247 16 20 association association NOUN crl-15247 16 21 for for ADP crl-15247 16 22 li­ li­ PROPN crl-15247 16 23 brary brary PROPN crl-15247 16 24 and and CCONJ crl-15247 16 25 information information NOUN crl-15247 16 26 science science NOUN crl-15247 16 27 education education NOUN crl-15247 16 28 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 16 29 alise alise ADV crl-15247 16 30 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 16 31 , , PUNCT crl-15247 16 32 and and CCONJ crl-15247 16 33 the the DET crl-15247 16 34 acrl acrl ADJ crl-15247 16 35 personnel personnel NOUN crl-15247 16 36 admin­ admin­ NOUN crl-15247 16 37 istrators istrator NOUN crl-15247 16 38 and and CCONJ crl-15247 16 39 staff staff NOUN crl-15247 16 40 development development NOUN crl-15247 16 41 officers officer NOUN crl-15247 16 42 discussion discussion NOUN crl-15247 16 43 group group NOUN crl-15247 16 44 proposed propose VERB crl-15247 16 45 that that SCONJ crl-15247 16 46 each each DET crl-15247 16 47 ma­ ma­ PROPN crl-15247 16 48 jor jor PROPN crl-15247 16 49 research research PROPN crl-15247 16 50 library library PROPN crl-15247 16 51 create create VERB crl-15247 16 52 at at ADV crl-15247 16 53 least least ADV crl-15247 16 54 one one NUM crl-15247 16 55 per­ per­ NOUN crl-15247 16 56 manent manent NOUN crl-15247 16 57 entry entry NOUN crl-15247 16 58 - - PUNCT crl-15247 16 59 level level NOUN crl-15247 16 60 intern intern NOUN crl-15247 16 61 position position NOUN crl-15247 16 62 . . PUNCT crl-15247 17 1 al­ al­ PROPN crl-15247 17 2 though though SCONJ crl-15247 17 3 the the DET crl-15247 17 4 proposal proposal NOUN crl-15247 17 5 was be AUX crl-15247 17 6 not not PART crl-15247 17 7 widely widely ADV crl-15247 17 8 imple­ imple­ AUX crl-15247 17 9 mented mente VERB crl-15247 17 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 17 11 more more ADJ crl-15247 17 12 than than ADP crl-15247 17 13 two two NUM crl-15247 17 14 dozen dozen NOUN crl-15247 17 15 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 17 16 and and CCONJ crl-15247 17 17 research research NOUN crl-15247 17 18 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 17 19 have have AUX crl-15247 17 20 been be AUX crl-15247 17 21 identified identify VERB crl-15247 17 22 as as ADP crl-15247 17 23 currently currently ADV crl-15247 17 24 hosting host VERB crl-15247 17 25 a a DET crl-15247 17 26 post post ADJ crl-15247 17 27 - - ADJ crl-15247 17 28 master master ADJ crl-15247 17 29 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 17 30 field field NOUN crl-15247 17 31 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 17 32 program program NOUN crl-15247 17 33 or or CCONJ crl-15247 17 34 as as ADP crl-15247 17 35 having having AUX crl-15247 17 36 hosted host VERB crl-15247 17 37 one one NUM crl-15247 17 38 in in ADP crl-15247 17 39 the the DET crl-15247 17 40 past.2 past.2 NOUN crl-15247 17 41 in in ADP crl-15247 17 42 addition addition NOUN crl-15247 17 43 to to ADP crl-15247 17 44 preparing prepare VERB crl-15247 17 45 new new ADJ crl-15247 17 46 profes­ profes­ NOUN crl-15247 17 47 sionals sional NOUN crl-15247 17 48 for for ADP crl-15247 17 49 careers career NOUN crl-15247 17 50 in in ADP crl-15247 17 51 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 17 52 and and CCONJ crl-15247 17 53 re­ re­ NOUN crl-15247 17 54 search search NOUN crl-15247 17 55 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 17 56 , , PUNCT crl-15247 17 57 a a DET crl-15247 17 58 number number NOUN crl-15247 17 59 of of ADP crl-15247 17 60 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 17 61 programs program NOUN crl-15247 17 62 started start VERB crl-15247 17 63 in in ADP crl-15247 17 64 the the DET crl-15247 17 65 past past ADJ crl-15247 17 66 ten ten NUM crl-15247 17 67 to to PART crl-15247 17 68 fifteen fifteen NUM crl-15247 17 69 years year NOUN crl-15247 17 70 also also ADV crl-15247 17 71 focus focus VERB crl-15247 17 72 on on ADP crl-15247 17 73 the the DET crl-15247 17 74 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 17 75 of of ADP crl-15247 17 76 mi­ mi­ ADJ crl-15247 17 77 nority nority NOUN crl-15247 17 78 librarians librarian VERB crl-15247 17 79 . . PUNCT crl-15247 18 1 eighteen eighteen NUM crl-15247 18 2 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 18 3 cur­ cur­ ADJ crl-15247 18 4 rently rently ADV crl-15247 18 5 host host NOUN crl-15247 18 6 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 18 7 programs program NOUN crl-15247 18 8 targeted target VERB crl-15247 18 9 to to ADP crl-15247 18 10 recent recent ADJ crl-15247 18 11 graduates graduate NOUN crl-15247 18 12 from from ADP crl-15247 18 13 underrepresented underrepresented ADJ crl-15247 18 14 ra­ ra­ PROPN crl-15247 18 15 cial cial NOUN crl-15247 18 16 and and CCONJ crl-15247 18 17 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 18 18 backgrounds background NOUN crl-15247 18 19 or or CCONJ crl-15247 18 20 have have AUX crl-15247 18 21 hosted host VERB crl-15247 18 22 such such DET crl-15247 18 23 a a DET crl-15247 18 24 program program NOUN crl-15247 18 25 in in ADP crl-15247 18 26 the the DET crl-15247 18 27 past.3 past.3 PROPN crl-15247 18 28 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 18 29 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 18 30 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 18 31 programs program NOUN crl-15247 18 32 are be AUX crl-15247 18 33 key key ADJ crl-15247 18 34 affirmative affirmative ADJ crl-15247 18 35 ac­ ac­ PROPN crl-15247 18 36 tion tion NOUN crl-15247 18 37 initiatives initiative NOUN crl-15247 18 38 at at ADP crl-15247 18 39 many many ADJ crl-15247 18 40 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 18 41 and and CCONJ crl-15247 18 42 re­ re­ NOUN crl-15247 18 43 search search NOUN crl-15247 18 44 institutions institution NOUN crl-15247 18 45 . . PUNCT crl-15247 19 1 the the DET crl-15247 19 2 acrl acrl ADJ crl-15247 19 3 strategic strategic ADJ crl-15247 19 4 plan plan NOUN crl-15247 19 5 acknowl­ acknowl­ PUNCT crl-15247 19 6 edges edge VERB crl-15247 19 7 the the DET crl-15247 19 8 need need NOUN crl-15247 19 9 to to PART crl-15247 19 10 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 19 11 support support VERB crl-15247 19 12 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 19 13 efforts effort NOUN crl-15247 19 14 to to PART crl-15247 19 15 bring bring VERB crl-15247 19 16 into into ADP crl-15247 19 17 the the DET crl-15247 19 18 profession profession NOUN crl-15247 19 19 those those DET crl-15247 19 20 individuals individual NOUN crl-15247 19 21 who who PRON crl-15247 19 22 will will AUX crl-15247 19 23 enrich enrich VERB crl-15247 19 24 the the DET crl-15247 19 25 diversity diversity NOUN crl-15247 19 26 of of ADP crl-15247 19 27 the the DET crl-15247 19 28 profession profession NOUN crl-15247 19 29 . . PUNCT crl-15247 19 30 ”4 ”4 SPACE crl-15247 20 1 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 20 2 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 20 3 are be AUX crl-15247 20 4 concerned concern VERB crl-15247 20 5 about about ADP crl-15247 20 6 creating create VERB crl-15247 20 7 a a DET crl-15247 20 8 welcoming welcome VERB crl-15247 20 9 environment environment NOUN crl-15247 20 10 and and CCONJ crl-15247 20 11 providing provide VERB crl-15247 20 12 appropriate appropriate ADJ crl-15247 20 13 services service NOUN crl-15247 20 14 to to ADP crl-15247 20 15 the the DET crl-15247 20 16 increasing increase VERB crl-15247 20 17 number number NOUN crl-15247 20 18 of of ADP crl-15247 20 19 mi­ mi­ ADJ crl-15247 20 20 nority nority NOUN crl-15247 20 21 students student NOUN crl-15247 20 22 on on ADP crl-15247 20 23 their their PRON crl-15247 20 24 college college NOUN crl-15247 20 25 and and CCONJ crl-15247 20 26 uni­ uni­ PROPN crl-15247 20 27 versity versity NOUN crl-15247 20 28 campuses campus NOUN crl-15247 20 29 . . PUNCT crl-15247 21 1 yet yet ADV crl-15247 21 2 , , PUNCT crl-15247 21 3 addressing address VERB crl-15247 21 4 these these DET crl-15247 21 5 concerns concern NOUN crl-15247 21 6 is be AUX crl-15247 21 7 difficult difficult ADJ crl-15247 21 8 with with ADP crl-15247 21 9 so so ADV crl-15247 21 10 few few ADJ crl-15247 21 11 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 21 12 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 21 13 . . PUNCT crl-15247 22 1 the the DET crl-15247 22 2 ala ala PROPN crl-15247 22 3 office office PROPN crl-15247 22 4 for for ADP crl-15247 22 5 library library NOUN crl-15247 22 6 personnel personnel NOUN crl-15247 22 7 resources resource NOUN crl-15247 22 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 22 9 olpr olpr PROPN crl-15247 22 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 22 11 1991 1991 NUM crl-15247 22 12 data datum NOUN crl-15247 22 13 indicate indicate VERB crl-15247 22 14 a a DET crl-15247 22 15 total total NOUN crl-15247 22 16 of of ADP crl-15247 22 17 2,850 2,850 NUM crl-15247 22 18 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 22 19 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 22 20 in in ADP crl-15247 22 21 aca­ aca­ PROPN crl-15247 22 22 demic demic ADJ crl-15247 22 23 and and CCONJ crl-15247 22 24 public public ADJ crl-15247 22 25 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 22 26 . . PUNCT crl-15247 23 1 the the DET crl-15247 23 2 olpr olpr PROPN crl-15247 23 3 data data PROPN crl-15247 23 4 are be AUX crl-15247 23 5 presented present VERB crl-15247 23 6 in in ADP crl-15247 23 7 table table NOUN crl-15247 23 8 1 1 NUM crl-15247 23 9 as as ADP crl-15247 23 10 a a DET crl-15247 23 11 distri­ distri­ PROPN crl-15247 23 12 bution bution NOUN crl-15247 23 13 of of ADP crl-15247 23 14 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 23 15 by by ADP crl-15247 23 16 racial racial ADJ crl-15247 23 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 23 18 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 23 19 , , PUNCT crl-15247 23 20 and and CCONJ crl-15247 23 21 gender gender NOUN crl-15247 23 22 groups group NOUN crl-15247 23 23 in in ADP crl-15247 23 24 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 23 25 and and CCONJ crl-15247 23 26 public public ADJ crl-15247 23 27 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15247 23 28 braries.5 braries.5 VERB crl-15247 23 29 these these DET crl-15247 23 30 data datum NOUN crl-15247 23 31 show show VERB crl-15247 23 32 that that SCONJ crl-15247 23 33 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-15247 23 34 in in ADP crl-15247 23 35 general general ADJ crl-15247 23 36 , , PUNCT crl-15247 23 37 and and CCONJ crl-15247 23 38 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 23 39 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-15247 23 40 in in ADP crl-15247 23 41 particular particular ADJ crl-15247 23 42 , , PUNCT crl-15247 23 43 continues continue VERB crl-15247 23 44 to to PART crl-15247 23 45 be be AUX crl-15247 23 46 a a DET crl-15247 23 47 pre­ pre­ NOUN crl-15247 23 48 dominately dominately ADV crl-15247 23 49 white white ADJ crl-15247 23 50 , , PUNCT crl-15247 23 51 female female ADJ crl-15247 23 52 profession profession NOUN crl-15247 23 53 . . PUNCT crl-15247 24 1 a a DET crl-15247 24 2 number number NOUN crl-15247 24 3 of of ADP crl-15247 24 4 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 24 5 programs program NOUN crl-15247 24 6 started start VERB crl-15247 24 7 in in ADP crl-15247 24 8 the the DET crl-15247 24 9 past past ADJ crl-15247 24 10 ten ten NUM crl-15247 24 11 to to PART crl-15247 24 12 fifteen fifteen NUM crl-15247 24 13 years year NOUN crl-15247 24 14 also also ADV crl-15247 24 15 focus focus VERB crl-15247 24 16 on on ADP crl-15247 24 17 the the DET crl-15247 24 18 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 24 19 of of ADP crl-15247 24 20 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 24 21 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 24 22 . . PUNCT crl-15247 25 1 although although SCONJ crl-15247 25 2 the the DET crl-15247 25 3 need need NOUN crl-15247 25 4 for for ADP crl-15247 25 5 attracting attract VERB crl-15247 25 6 more more ADJ crl-15247 25 7 minorities minority NOUN crl-15247 25 8 to to ADP crl-15247 25 9 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 25 10 and and CCONJ crl-15247 25 11 research research NOUN crl-15247 25 12 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15247 25 13 braries brarie NOUN crl-15247 25 14 is be AUX crl-15247 25 15 widely widely ADV crl-15247 25 16 understood understand VERB crl-15247 25 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 25 18 the the DET crl-15247 25 19 practice practice NOUN crl-15247 25 20 of of ADP crl-15247 25 21 targeting target VERB crl-15247 25 22 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 25 23 programs program NOUN crl-15247 25 24 to to ADP crl-15247 25 25 minor­ minor­ PROPN crl-15247 25 26 ity ity PROPN crl-15247 25 27 graduates graduates PROPN crl-15247 25 28 has have AUX crl-15247 25 29 raised raise VERB crl-15247 25 30 some some DET crl-15247 25 31 concerns concern NOUN crl-15247 25 32 . . PUNCT crl-15247 26 1 the the DET crl-15247 26 2 acrl acrl ADJ crl-15247 26 3 task task NOUN crl-15247 26 4 force force NOUN crl-15247 26 5 on on ADP crl-15247 26 6 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 26 7 of of ADP crl-15247 26 8 underrepresented underrepresented ADJ crl-15247 26 9 minorities minority NOUN crl-15247 26 10 identified identify VERB crl-15247 26 11 a a DET crl-15247 26 12 number number NOUN crl-15247 26 13 of of ADP crl-15247 26 14 potential potential ADJ crl-15247 26 15 stumbling stumbling NOUN crl-15247 26 16 blocks block NOUN crl-15247 26 17 as­ as­ NOUN crl-15247 26 18 sociated sociate VERB crl-15247 26 19 with with ADP crl-15247 26 20 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 26 21 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 26 22 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 26 23 grams gram NOUN crl-15247 26 24 in in ADP crl-15247 26 25 its its PRON crl-15247 26 26 1990 1990 NUM crl-15247 26 27 final final ADJ crl-15247 26 28 report.6 report.6 NOUN crl-15247 26 29 a a DET crl-15247 26 30 primary primary ADJ crl-15247 26 31 concern concern NOUN crl-15247 26 32 is be AUX crl-15247 26 33 that that SCONJ crl-15247 26 34 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 26 35 graduates graduate NOUN crl-15247 26 36 se­ se­ VERB crl-15247 26 37 lected lecte VERB crl-15247 26 38 for for ADP crl-15247 26 39 these these DET crl-15247 26 40 programs program NOUN crl-15247 26 41 will will AUX crl-15247 26 42 be be AUX crl-15247 26 43 stigma­ stigma­ AUX crl-15247 26 44 tized tize VERB crl-15247 26 45 as as ADP crl-15247 26 46 underprepared underprepared ADJ crl-15247 26 47 , , PUNCT crl-15247 26 48 lacking lack VERB crl-15247 26 49 skills skill NOUN crl-15247 26 50 , , PUNCT crl-15247 26 51 or or CCONJ crl-15247 26 52 otherwise otherwise ADV crl-15247 26 53 unqualified unqualified ADJ crl-15247 26 54 for for ADP crl-15247 26 55 permanent permanent ADJ crl-15247 26 56 en­ en­ NOUN crl-15247 26 57 try try VERB crl-15247 26 58 - - PUNCT crl-15247 26 59 level level NOUN crl-15247 26 60 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 26 61 positions position NOUN crl-15247 26 62 . . PUNCT crl-15247 27 1 library library NOUN crl-15247 27 2 educators educator NOUN crl-15247 27 3 have have AUX crl-15247 27 4 shown show VERB crl-15247 27 5 contin­ contin­ PRON crl-15247 27 6 ued ued ADJ crl-15247 27 7 interest interest NOUN crl-15247 27 8 in in ADP crl-15247 27 9 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 27 10 programs program NOUN crl-15247 27 11 by by ADP crl-15247 27 12 working work VERB crl-15247 27 13 to to PART crl-15247 27 14 establish establish VERB crl-15247 27 15 general general ADJ crl-15247 27 16 guidelines guideline NOUN crl-15247 27 17 for for ADP crl-15247 27 18 the the DET crl-15247 27 19 design design NOUN crl-15247 27 20 , , PUNCT crl-15247 27 21 operation operation NOUN crl-15247 27 22 , , PUNCT crl-15247 27 23 and and CCONJ crl-15247 27 24 evaluation evaluation NOUN crl-15247 27 25 of of ADP crl-15247 27 26 post post ADJ crl-15247 27 27 - - ADJ crl-15247 27 28 master master NOUN crl-15247 27 29 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 27 30 work work NOUN crl-15247 27 31 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 27 32 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 27 33 grams gram NOUN crl-15247 27 34 . . PUNCT crl-15247 28 1 the the DET crl-15247 28 2 guidelines guideline NOUN crl-15247 28 3 adopted adopt VERB crl-15247 28 4 by by ADP crl-15247 28 5 alise alise NOUN crl-15247 28 6 in in ADP crl-15247 28 7 1992 1992 NUM crl-15247 28 8 outline outline NOUN crl-15247 28 9 programmatic programmatic ADJ crl-15247 28 10 standards.7 standards.7 NOUN crl-15247 28 11 the the DET crl-15247 28 12 definition definition NOUN crl-15247 28 13 of of ADP crl-15247 28 14 terms term NOUN crl-15247 28 15 referring refer VERB crl-15247 28 16 to to ADP crl-15247 28 17 gradu­ gradu­ NOUN crl-15247 28 18 ate eat VERB crl-15247 28 19 and and CCONJ crl-15247 28 20 postgraduate postgraduate VERB crl-15247 28 21 work work NOUN crl-15247 28 22 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 28 23 programs program NOUN crl-15247 28 24 is be AUX crl-15247 28 25 an an DET crl-15247 28 26 important important ADJ crl-15247 28 27 contribution contribution NOUN crl-15247 28 28 of of ADP crl-15247 28 29 the the DET crl-15247 28 30 alise alise ADJ crl-15247 28 31 guidelines guideline NOUN crl-15247 28 32 . . PUNCT crl-15247 29 1 the the DET crl-15247 29 2 guidelines guideline NOUN crl-15247 29 3 de­ de­ VERB crl-15247 29 4 fine fine ADJ crl-15247 29 5 internships internship NOUN crl-15247 29 6 as as ADP crl-15247 29 7 structured structure VERB crl-15247 29 8 preprofessional preprofessional ADJ crl-15247 29 9 work work NOUN crl-15247 29 10 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 29 11 that that PRON crl-15247 29 12 take take VERB crl-15247 29 13 place place NOUN crl-15247 29 14 either either CCONJ crl-15247 29 15 during during ADP crl-15247 29 16 or or CCONJ crl-15247 29 17 after after SCONJ crl-15247 29 18 graduate graduate NOUN crl-15247 29 19 course course NOUN crl-15247 29 20 work work NOUN crl-15247 29 21 but but CCONJ crl-15247 29 22 preceding precede VERB crl-15247 29 23 the the DET crl-15247 29 24 degree degree NOUN crl-15247 29 25 , , PUNCT crl-15247 29 26 usually usually ADV crl-15247 29 27 for for ADP crl-15247 29 28 a a DET crl-15247 29 29 short short ADJ crl-15247 29 30 amount amount NOUN crl-15247 29 31 of of ADP crl-15247 29 32 time time NOUN crl-15247 29 33 . . PUNCT crl-15247 30 1 residencies residency NOUN crl-15247 30 2 are be AUX crl-15247 30 3 de­ de­ AUX crl-15247 30 4 fined fine VERB crl-15247 30 5 as as ADP crl-15247 30 6 post post ADJ crl-15247 30 7 - - ADJ crl-15247 30 8 degree degree ADJ crl-15247 30 9 work work NOUN crl-15247 30 10 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 30 11 de­ de­ VERB crl-15247 30 12 530 530 NUM crl-15247 30 13 college college PROPN crl-15247 30 14 & & CCONJ crl-15247 30 15 research research PROPN crl-15247 30 16 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 30 17 november november PROPN crl-15247 30 18 1997 1997 NUM crl-15247 30 19 table table NOUN crl-15247 30 20 1 1 NUM crl-15247 30 21 distribution distribution NOUN crl-15247 30 22 of of ADP crl-15247 30 23 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 30 24 by by ADP crl-15247 30 25 ethnicity ethnicity NOUN crl-15247 30 26 / / SYM crl-15247 30 27 race race NOUN crl-15247 30 28 , , PUNCT crl-15247 30 29 gender gender NOUN crl-15247 30 30 , , PUNCT crl-15247 30 31 and and CCONJ crl-15247 30 32 type type NOUN crl-15247 30 33 of of ADP crl-15247 30 34 library library NOUN crl-15247 30 35 ethnicity ethnicity NOUN crl-15247 30 36 / / SYM crl-15247 30 37 race race NOUN crl-15247 30 38 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 30 39 public public ADJ crl-15247 30 40 total total ADJ crl-15247 30 41 gender gender NOUN crl-15247 31 1 n n ADP crl-15247 31 2 % % NOUN crl-15247 31 3 n n CCONJ crl-15247 31 4 % % NOUN crl-15247 31 5 n n CCONJ crl-15247 31 6 % % NOUN crl-15247 31 7 american american PROPN crl-15247 31 8 indian indian PROPN crl-15247 31 9 / / SYM crl-15247 31 10 alaskan alaskan ADJ crl-15247 31 11 native native ADJ crl-15247 31 12 female female NOUN crl-15247 31 13 39 39 NUM crl-15247 31 14 .40 .40 NUM crl-15247 31 15 26 26 NUM crl-15247 31 16 .20 .20 PROPN crl-15247 31 17 65 65 NUM crl-15247 32 1 .28 .28 NUM crl-15247 32 2 male male NOUN crl-15247 32 3 23 23 NUM crl-15247 32 4 .23 .23 NUM crl-15247 32 5 3 3 NUM crl-15247 32 6 .02 .02 NUM crl-15247 32 7 26 26 NUM crl-15247 32 8 .11 .11 NUM crl-15247 32 9 total total NOUN crl-15247 32 10 62 62 NUM crl-15247 32 11 .63 .63 NUM crl-15247 32 12 29 29 NUM crl-15247 32 13 .22 .22 NUM crl-15247 32 14 91 91 NUM crl-15247 32 15 .39 .39 NUM crl-15247 32 16 asian asian PROPN crl-15247 32 17 / / SYM crl-15247 32 18 pacific pacific PROPN crl-15247 32 19 islander islander NOUN crl-15247 32 20 female female NOUN crl-15247 32 21 331 331 NUM crl-15247 32 22 3.38 3.38 NUM crl-15247 32 23 343 343 NUM crl-15247 32 24 2.58 2.58 NUM crl-15247 32 25 674 674 NUM crl-15247 32 26 2.92 2.92 NUM crl-15247 32 27 male male NOUN crl-15247 33 1 154 154 NUM crl-15247 34 1 1.57 1.57 NUM crl-15247 34 2 61 61 NUM crl-15247 34 3 .46 .46 NUM crl-15247 34 4 215 215 NUM crl-15247 34 5 .93 .93 NUM crl-15247 34 6 total total NOUN crl-15247 34 7 485 485 NUM crl-15247 34 8 4.95 4.95 NUM crl-15247 34 9 404 404 NUM crl-15247 34 10 3.03 3.03 NUM crl-15247 34 11 889 889 NUM crl-15247 34 12 3.85 3.85 NUM crl-15247 34 13 black black ADJ crl-15247 34 14 female female NOUN crl-15247 34 15 368 368 NUM crl-15247 34 16 3.75 3.75 NUM crl-15247 34 17 822 822 NUM crl-15247 34 18 6.17 6.17 NUM crl-15247 34 19 1190 1190 NUM crl-15247 34 20 5.15 5.15 NUM crl-15247 34 21 male male NOUN crl-15247 34 22 118 118 NUM crl-15247 34 23 1.20 1.20 NUM crl-15247 34 24 143 143 NUM crl-15247 34 25 1.07 1.07 NUM crl-15247 34 26 261 261 NUM crl-15247 34 27 1.13 1.13 NUM crl-15247 34 28 total total NOUN crl-15247 34 29 486 486 NUM crl-15247 34 30 4.96 4.96 NUM crl-15247 34 31 965 965 NUM crl-15247 34 32 7.25 7.25 NUM crl-15247 34 33 1451 1451 NUM crl-15247 34 34 6.28 6.28 NUM crl-15247 34 35 hispanic hispanic ADJ crl-15247 34 36 female female ADJ crl-15247 34 37 99 99 NUM crl-15247 34 38 1.01 1.01 NUM crl-15247 34 39 187 187 NUM crl-15247 34 40 1.40 1.40 NUM crl-15247 34 41 286 286 NUM crl-15247 34 42 1.24 1.24 NUM crl-15247 34 43 male male NOUN crl-15247 34 44 51 51 NUM crl-15247 34 45 .52 .52 NUM crl-15247 34 46 82 82 NUM crl-15247 34 47 .62 .62 NUM crl-15247 34 48 133 133 NUM crl-15247 34 49 .58 .58 NUM crl-15247 34 50 total total VERB crl-15247 34 51 150 150 NUM crl-15247 34 52 1.53 1.53 NUM crl-15247 34 53 269 269 NUM crl-15247 34 54 2.02 2.02 NUM crl-15247 34 55 419 419 NUM crl-15247 34 56 1.81 1.81 NUM crl-15247 34 57 white white ADJ crl-15247 34 58 female female NOUN crl-15247 34 59 5,537 5,537 NUM crl-15247 34 60 56.49 56.49 NUM crl-15247 34 61 9,157 9,157 NUM crl-15247 34 62 68.78 68.78 NUM crl-15247 34 63 14,694 14,694 NUM crl-15247 34 64 63.57 63.57 NUM crl-15247 34 65 male male NOUN crl-15247 34 66 3,081 3,081 NUM crl-15247 34 67 31.44 31.44 NUM crl-15247 34 68 2,489 2,489 NUM crl-15247 34 69 18.70 18.70 NUM crl-15247 34 70 5,570 5,570 NUM crl-15247 34 71 26.85 26.85 NUM crl-15247 34 72 total total NOUN crl-15247 34 73 8,618 8,618 NUM crl-15247 34 74 87.93 87.93 NUM crl-15247 34 75 11,646 11,646 NUM crl-15247 34 76 87.48 87.48 NUM crl-15247 34 77 20,264 20,264 NUM crl-15247 34 78 87.67 87.67 NUM crl-15247 34 79 total total ADJ crl-15247 34 80 female female NOUN crl-15247 34 81 6,372 6,372 NUM crl-15247 34 82 65.01 65.01 NUM crl-15247 34 83 10,535 10,535 NUM crl-15247 34 84 79.13 79.13 NUM crl-15247 34 85 16,907 16,907 NUM crl-15247 34 86 73.15 73.15 NUM crl-15247 34 87 male male NOUN crl-15247 34 88 3,427 3,427 NUM crl-15247 34 89 34.17 34.17 NUM crl-15247 34 90 2,778 2,778 NUM crl-15247 34 91 20.87 20.87 NUM crl-15247 34 92 6,204 6,204 NUM crl-15247 34 93 26.85 26.85 NUM crl-15247 34 94 total total NOUN crl-15247 34 95 9,801 9,801 NUM crl-15247 34 96 100.00 100.00 NUM crl-15247 34 97 13,313 13,313 NUM crl-15247 34 98 100.00 100.00 NUM crl-15247 34 99 23,114 23,114 NUM crl-15247 34 100 100.00 100.00 NUM crl-15247 34 101 signed sign VERB crl-15247 34 102 as as ADP crl-15247 34 103 entry entry NOUN crl-15247 34 104 - - PUNCT crl-15247 34 105 level level NOUN crl-15247 34 106 programs program NOUN crl-15247 34 107 for for ADP crl-15247 34 108 profes­ profes­ NOUN crl-15247 34 109 sionals sional NOUN crl-15247 34 110 who who PRON crl-15247 34 111 have have AUX crl-15247 34 112 recently recently ADV crl-15247 34 113 received receive VERB crl-15247 34 114 an an DET crl-15247 34 115 mls mls NOUN crl-15247 34 116 . . PUNCT crl-15247 35 1 fellowships fellowship NOUN crl-15247 35 2 are be AUX crl-15247 35 3 midcareer midcareer NOUN crl-15247 35 4 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 35 5 designed design VERB crl-15247 35 6 to to PART crl-15247 35 7 assist assist VERB crl-15247 35 8 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 35 9 who who PRON crl-15247 35 10 already already ADV crl-15247 35 11 have have VERB crl-15247 35 12 some some DET crl-15247 35 13 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 35 14 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 35 15 to to PART crl-15247 35 16 de­ de­ VERB crl-15247 35 17 velop velop PROPN crl-15247 35 18 a a DET crl-15247 35 19 specialty specialty NOUN crl-15247 35 20 or or CCONJ crl-15247 35 21 to to PART crl-15247 35 22 improve improve VERB crl-15247 35 23 manage­ manage­ PROPN crl-15247 35 24 ment ment NOUN crl-15247 35 25 skills skill NOUN crl-15247 35 26 . . PUNCT crl-15247 36 1 this this DET crl-15247 36 2 article article NOUN crl-15247 36 3 uses use VERB crl-15247 36 4 the the DET crl-15247 36 5 term term NOUN crl-15247 36 6 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 36 7 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 36 8 as as SCONJ crl-15247 36 9 defined define VERB crl-15247 36 10 by by ADP crl-15247 36 11 the the DET crl-15247 36 12 alise alise ADJ crl-15247 36 13 guidelines guideline NOUN crl-15247 36 14 . . PUNCT crl-15247 37 1 rationale rationale NOUN crl-15247 37 2 for for ADP crl-15247 37 3 research research NOUN crl-15247 37 4 although although SCONJ crl-15247 37 5 most most ADJ crl-15247 37 6 post post ADJ crl-15247 37 7 - - ADJ crl-15247 37 8 master master NOUN crl-15247 37 9 ’s ’s NUM crl-15247 37 10 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 37 11 programs program NOUN crl-15247 37 12 have have AUX crl-15247 37 13 existed exist VERB crl-15247 37 14 for for ADP crl-15247 37 15 many many ADJ crl-15247 37 16 years year NOUN crl-15247 37 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 37 18 very very ADV crl-15247 37 19 little little ADJ crl-15247 37 20 information information NOUN crl-15247 37 21 is be AUX crl-15247 37 22 available available ADJ crl-15247 37 23 about about ADP crl-15247 37 24 them they PRON crl-15247 37 25 . . PUNCT crl-15247 38 1 the the DET crl-15247 38 2 library library PROPN crl-15247 38 3 literature literature NOUN crl-15247 38 4 provides provide VERB crl-15247 38 5 some some DET crl-15247 38 6 descriptive descriptive ADJ crl-15247 38 7 information information NOUN crl-15247 38 8 about about ADP crl-15247 38 9 indi­ indi­ PROPN crl-15247 38 10 vidual vidual ADJ crl-15247 38 11 programs program NOUN crl-15247 38 12 , , PUNCT crl-15247 38 13 yet yet CCONJ crl-15247 38 14 no no DET crl-15247 38 15 objective objective ADJ crl-15247 38 16 data datum NOUN crl-15247 38 17 on on ADP crl-15247 38 18 their their PRON crl-15247 38 19 quality quality NOUN crl-15247 38 20 and and CCONJ crl-15247 38 21 value value NOUN crl-15247 38 22 exist.8 exist.8 PROPN crl-15247 38 23 little little ADJ crl-15247 38 24 is be AUX crl-15247 38 25 known know VERB crl-15247 38 26 about about ADP crl-15247 38 27 how how SCONJ crl-15247 38 28 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 38 29 programs program NOUN crl-15247 38 30 affect affect VERB crl-15247 38 31 career career NOUN crl-15247 38 32 development development NOUN crl-15247 38 33 , , PUNCT crl-15247 38 34 how how SCONJ crl-15247 38 35 targeted target VERB crl-15247 38 36 programs program NOUN crl-15247 38 37 contribute contribute VERB crl-15247 38 38 to to ADP crl-15247 38 39 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 38 40 recruit­ recruit­ PROPN crl-15247 38 41 ment ment NOUN crl-15247 38 42 , , PUNCT crl-15247 38 43 or or CCONJ crl-15247 38 44 what what PRON crl-15247 38 45 the the DET crl-15247 38 46 value value NOUN crl-15247 38 47 is be AUX crl-15247 38 48 of of ADP crl-15247 38 49 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 38 50 programs program NOUN crl-15247 38 51 in in ADP crl-15247 38 52 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 38 53 and and CCONJ crl-15247 38 54 research research NOUN crl-15247 39 1 librar­ librar­ NOUN crl-15247 39 2 ies ies NOUN crl-15247 39 3 . . PUNCT crl-15247 40 1 the the DET crl-15247 40 2 general general ADJ crl-15247 40 3 lack lack NOUN crl-15247 40 4 of of ADP crl-15247 40 5 information information NOUN crl-15247 40 6 about about ADP crl-15247 40 7 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 40 8 programs program NOUN crl-15247 40 9 is be AUX crl-15247 40 10 a a DET crl-15247 40 11 problem problem NOUN crl-15247 40 12 from from ADP crl-15247 40 13 the the DET crl-15247 40 14 lack lack NOUN crl-15247 40 15 of of ADP crl-15247 40 16 information information NOUN crl-15247 40 17 and and CCONJ crl-15247 40 18 miscon­ miscon­ NOUN crl-15247 40 19 ceptions ception NOUN crl-15247 40 20 about about ADP crl-15247 40 21 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 40 22 programs program NOUN crl-15247 40 23 among among ADP crl-15247 40 24 staff staff NOUN crl-15247 40 25 in in ADP crl-15247 40 26 host host NOUN crl-15247 40 27 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 40 28 can can AUX crl-15247 40 29 affect affect VERB crl-15247 40 30 the the DET crl-15247 40 31 quality quality NOUN crl-15247 40 32 of of ADP crl-15247 40 33 the the DET crl-15247 40 34 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 40 35 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 40 36 . . PUNCT crl-15247 41 1 many many ADJ crl-15247 41 2 perspectives perspective NOUN crl-15247 41 3 . . PUNCT crl-15247 42 1 without without ADP crl-15247 42 2 adequate adequate ADJ crl-15247 42 3 in­ in­ NOUN crl-15247 42 4 formation formation NOUN crl-15247 42 5 , , PUNCT crl-15247 42 6 library library NOUN crl-15247 42 7 educators educator NOUN crl-15247 42 8 have have VERB crl-15247 42 9 difficulty difficulty NOUN crl-15247 42 10 advising advise VERB crl-15247 42 11 students student NOUN crl-15247 42 12 , , PUNCT crl-15247 42 13 and and CCONJ crl-15247 42 14 new new ADJ crl-15247 42 15 graduates graduate NOUN crl-15247 42 16 post post PROPN crl-15247 42 17 - - ADJ crl-15247 42 18 master master ADJ crl-15247 42 19 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 42 20 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 42 21 programs program NOUN crl-15247 42 22 531 531 NUM crl-15247 42 23 have have VERB crl-15247 42 24 difficulty difficulty NOUN crl-15247 42 25 making make VERB crl-15247 42 26 informed informed ADJ crl-15247 42 27 career career NOUN crl-15247 42 28 choices choice NOUN crl-15247 42 29 . . PUNCT crl-15247 43 1 the the DET crl-15247 43 2 lack lack NOUN crl-15247 43 3 of of ADP crl-15247 43 4 information information NOUN crl-15247 43 5 and and CCONJ crl-15247 43 6 mis­ mis­ PROPN crl-15247 43 7 conceptions conception NOUN crl-15247 43 8 about about ADP crl-15247 43 9 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 43 10 programs program NOUN crl-15247 43 11 among among ADP crl-15247 43 12 staff staff NOUN crl-15247 43 13 in in ADP crl-15247 43 14 host host NOUN crl-15247 43 15 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 43 16 can can AUX crl-15247 43 17 affect affect VERB crl-15247 43 18 the the DET crl-15247 43 19 quality quality NOUN crl-15247 43 20 of of ADP crl-15247 43 21 the the DET crl-15247 43 22 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 43 23 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 43 24 . . PUNCT crl-15247 44 1 more­ more­ NOUN crl-15247 44 2 over over ADV crl-15247 44 3 , , PUNCT crl-15247 44 4 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 44 5 may may AUX crl-15247 44 6 feel feel VERB crl-15247 44 7 isolated isolated ADJ crl-15247 44 8 without without ADP crl-15247 44 9 a a DET crl-15247 44 10 broader broad ADJ crl-15247 44 11 understanding understanding NOUN crl-15247 44 12 of of ADP crl-15247 44 13 similar similar ADJ crl-15247 44 14 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 44 15 grams gram NOUN crl-15247 44 16 and and CCONJ crl-15247 44 17 contacts contact NOUN crl-15247 44 18 in in ADP crl-15247 44 19 other other ADJ crl-15247 44 20 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 44 21 . . PUNCT crl-15247 45 1 a a DET crl-15247 45 2 number number NOUN crl-15247 45 3 of of ADP crl-15247 45 4 efforts effort NOUN crl-15247 45 5 to to PART crl-15247 45 6 gather gather VERB crl-15247 45 7 informa­ informa­ PRON crl-15247 45 8 tion tion NOUN crl-15247 45 9 and and CCONJ crl-15247 45 10 facilitate facilitate VERB crl-15247 45 11 communication communication NOUN crl-15247 45 12 about about ADP crl-15247 45 13 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 45 14 programs program NOUN crl-15247 45 15 have have AUX crl-15247 45 16 been be AUX crl-15247 45 17 made make VERB crl-15247 45 18 in in ADP crl-15247 45 19 the the DET crl-15247 45 20 past past ADJ crl-15247 45 21 few few ADJ crl-15247 45 22 years year NOUN crl-15247 45 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 46 1 olpr olpr PROPN crl-15247 46 2 hosted host VERB crl-15247 46 3 two two NUM crl-15247 46 4 dis­ dis­ NOUN crl-15247 46 5 cussion cussion NOUN crl-15247 46 6 group group NOUN crl-15247 46 7 meetings meeting NOUN crl-15247 46 8 at at ADP crl-15247 46 9 the the DET crl-15247 46 10 1991 1991 NUM crl-15247 46 11 an­ an­ VERB crl-15247 46 12 nual nual ADJ crl-15247 46 13 conference conference NOUN crl-15247 46 14 in in ADP crl-15247 46 15 atlanta atlanta PROPN crl-15247 46 16 and and CCONJ crl-15247 46 17 at at ADP crl-15247 46 18 the the DET crl-15247 46 19 1995 1995 NUM crl-15247 46 20 midwinter midwinter NOUN crl-15247 46 21 meeting meeting NOUN crl-15247 46 22 in in ADP crl-15247 46 23 philadelphia philadelphia PROPN crl-15247 46 24 . . PUNCT crl-15247 47 1 in in ADP crl-15247 47 2 1992 1992 NUM crl-15247 47 3 , , PUNCT crl-15247 47 4 the the DET crl-15247 47 5 association association NOUN crl-15247 47 6 for for ADP crl-15247 47 7 research research NOUN crl-15247 47 8 librar­ librar­ NOUN crl-15247 47 9 ies ies PROPN crl-15247 47 10 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 47 11 arl arl PROPN crl-15247 47 12 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 47 13 published publish VERB crl-15247 47 14 a a DET crl-15247 47 15 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 47 16 of of ADP crl-15247 47 17 member member NOUN crl-15247 47 18 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 47 19 in in ADP crl-15247 47 20 spec spec ADJ crl-15247 47 21 kit kit NOUN crl-15247 47 22 # # SYM crl-15247 47 23 188 188 NUM crl-15247 47 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 47 25 internship internship NOUN crl-15247 47 26 , , PUNCT crl-15247 47 27 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 47 28 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 47 29 , , PUNCT crl-15247 47 30 and and CCONJ crl-15247 47 31 fellowship fellowship NOUN crl-15247 47 32 programs program NOUN crl-15247 47 33 in in ADP crl-15247 47 34 arl arl PROPN crl-15247 47 35 li­ li­ PROPN crl-15247 47 36 braries brarie NOUN crl-15247 47 37 , , PUNCT crl-15247 47 38 which which PRON crl-15247 47 39 includes include VERB crl-15247 47 40 descriptive descriptive ADJ crl-15247 47 41 infor­ infor­ PROPN crl-15247 47 42 mation mation NOUN crl-15247 47 43 about about ADV crl-15247 47 44 six six NUM crl-15247 47 45 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 47 46 programs.9 programs.9 PROPN crl-15247 47 47 arl arl PROPN crl-15247 47 48 also also ADV crl-15247 47 49 hosted host VERB crl-15247 47 50 two two NUM crl-15247 47 51 seminars seminar NOUN crl-15247 47 52 in in ADP crl-15247 47 53 1996 1996 NUM crl-15247 47 54 on on ADP crl-15247 47 55 implementing implement VERB crl-15247 47 56 post post ADJ crl-15247 47 57 - - ADJ crl-15247 47 58 master master NOUN crl-15247 47 59 ’s ’s NUM crl-15247 47 60 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 47 61 programs program NOUN crl-15247 47 62 . . PUNCT crl-15247 48 1 research research NOUN crl-15247 48 2 focus focus NOUN crl-15247 48 3 and and CCONJ crl-15247 48 4 methodology methodology NOUN crl-15247 48 5 to to PART crl-15247 48 6 expand expand VERB crl-15247 48 7 on on ADP crl-15247 48 8 these these DET crl-15247 48 9 efforts effort NOUN crl-15247 48 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 48 11 olpr olpr PROPN crl-15247 48 12 de­ de­ PROPN crl-15247 48 13 signed sign VERB crl-15247 48 14 a a DET crl-15247 48 15 study study NOUN crl-15247 48 16 with with ADP crl-15247 48 17 three three NUM crl-15247 48 18 primary primary ADJ crl-15247 48 19 objec­ objec­ NOUN crl-15247 48 20 tives tive NOUN crl-15247 48 21 : : PUNCT crl-15247 48 22 to to PART crl-15247 48 23 collect collect VERB crl-15247 48 24 qualitative qualitative ADJ crl-15247 48 25 data datum NOUN crl-15247 48 26 about about ADP crl-15247 48 27 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 48 28 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 48 29 programs program NOUN crl-15247 48 30 from from ADP crl-15247 48 31 the the DET crl-15247 48 32 perspective perspective NOUN crl-15247 48 33 of of ADP crl-15247 48 34 former former ADJ crl-15247 48 35 program program NOUN crl-15247 48 36 participants participant NOUN crl-15247 48 37 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 48 38 to to PART crl-15247 48 39 track track VERB crl-15247 48 40 the the DET crl-15247 48 41 career career NOUN crl-15247 48 42 development development NOUN crl-15247 48 43 of of ADP crl-15247 48 44 former former ADJ crl-15247 48 45 post­ post­ PROPN crl-15247 48 46 master master NOUN crl-15247 48 47 ’s ’s PART crl-15247 48 48 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 48 49 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 48 50 and and CCONJ crl-15247 48 51 to to PART crl-15247 48 52 understand understand VERB crl-15247 48 53 differences difference NOUN crl-15247 48 54 in in ADP crl-15247 48 55 perspectives perspective NOUN crl-15247 48 56 , , PUNCT crl-15247 48 57 if if SCONJ crl-15247 48 58 any any PRON crl-15247 48 59 , , PUNCT crl-15247 48 60 be­ be­ PROPN crl-15247 48 61 tween tween NOUN crl-15247 48 62 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 48 63 who who PRON crl-15247 48 64 participated participate VERB crl-15247 48 65 in in ADP crl-15247 48 66 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 48 67 grams gram NOUN crl-15247 48 68 targeted target VERB crl-15247 48 69 to to ADP crl-15247 48 70 minorities minority NOUN crl-15247 48 71 and and CCONJ crl-15247 48 72 those those PRON crl-15247 48 73 who who PRON crl-15247 48 74 participated participate VERB crl-15247 48 75 in in ADP crl-15247 48 76 open open ADJ crl-15247 48 77 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 48 78 programs program NOUN crl-15247 48 79 . . PUNCT crl-15247 49 1 in in ADP crl-15247 49 2 may may PROPN crl-15247 49 3 1994 1994 NUM crl-15247 49 4 , , PUNCT crl-15247 49 5 a a DET crl-15247 49 6 sixty sixty NUM crl-15247 49 7 - - PUNCT crl-15247 49 8 question question NOUN crl-15247 49 9 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 49 10 instrument instrument NOUN crl-15247 49 11 was be AUX crl-15247 49 12 mailed mail VERB crl-15247 49 13 to to ADP crl-15247 49 14 230 230 NUM crl-15247 49 15 former former ADJ crl-15247 49 16 post post ADJ crl-15247 49 17 - - ADJ crl-15247 49 18 master master NOUN crl-15247 49 19 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 49 20 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 49 21 . . PUNCT crl-15247 50 1 the the DET crl-15247 50 2 instrument instrument NOUN crl-15247 50 3 was be AUX crl-15247 50 4 designed design VERB crl-15247 50 5 to to PART crl-15247 50 6 gather gather VERB crl-15247 50 7 information information NOUN crl-15247 50 8 about about ADP crl-15247 50 9 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 50 10 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 50 11 from from ADP crl-15247 50 12 the the DET crl-15247 50 13 perspec­ perspec­ NOUN crl-15247 50 14 tive tive NOUN crl-15247 50 15 of of ADP crl-15247 50 16 former former ADJ crl-15247 50 17 program program NOUN crl-15247 50 18 participants participant NOUN crl-15247 50 19 . . PUNCT crl-15247 51 1 it it PRON crl-15247 51 2 did do AUX crl-15247 51 3 not not PART crl-15247 51 4 ask ask VERB crl-15247 51 5 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 51 6 to to PART crl-15247 51 7 identify identify VERB crl-15247 51 8 the the DET crl-15247 51 9 insti­ insti­ ADJ crl-15247 51 10 tutions tution NOUN crl-15247 51 11 that that PRON crl-15247 51 12 had have AUX crl-15247 51 13 hosted host VERB crl-15247 51 14 their their PRON crl-15247 51 15 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 51 16 programs program NOUN crl-15247 51 17 . . PUNCT crl-15247 52 1 rather rather ADV crl-15247 52 2 , , PUNCT crl-15247 52 3 it it PRON crl-15247 52 4 focused focus VERB crl-15247 52 5 on on ADP crl-15247 52 6 general general ADJ crl-15247 52 7 issues issue NOUN crl-15247 52 8 of of ADP crl-15247 52 9 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 52 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 52 11 program program NOUN crl-15247 52 12 design design NOUN crl-15247 52 13 , , PUNCT crl-15247 52 14 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 52 15 development development NOUN crl-15247 52 16 , , PUNCT crl-15247 52 17 and and CCONJ crl-15247 52 18 attitudes attitude NOUN crl-15247 52 19 . . PUNCT crl-15247 53 1 the the DET crl-15247 53 2 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 53 3 asked ask VERB crl-15247 53 4 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 53 5 to to PART crl-15247 53 6 recomtable recomtable VERB crl-15247 53 7 2 2 NUM crl-15247 53 8 characteristics characteristic NOUN crl-15247 53 9 of of ADP crl-15247 53 10 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 53 11 age age NOUN crl-15247 53 12 * * PUNCT crl-15247 53 13 % % NOUN crl-15247 53 14 21 21 NUM crl-15247 53 15 - - SYM crl-15247 53 16 25 25 NUM crl-15247 53 17 26 26 NUM crl-15247 53 18 - - SYM crl-15247 53 19 30 30 NUM crl-15247 53 20 31 31 NUM crl-15247 53 21 - - SYM crl-15247 53 22 35 35 NUM crl-15247 53 23 36 36 NUM crl-15247 53 24 - - SYM crl-15247 53 25 39 39 NUM crl-15247 53 26 40 40 NUM crl-15247 53 27 + + NUM crl-15247 53 28 no no DET crl-15247 53 29 response response NOUN crl-15247 53 30 total total VERB crl-15247 53 31 28 28 NUM crl-15247 53 32 42 42 NUM crl-15247 53 33 18 18 NUM crl-15247 53 34 5 5 NUM crl-15247 53 35 4 4 NUM crl-15247 53 36 3 3 NUM crl-15247 53 37 100 100 NUM crl-15247 53 38 ethnicity!race ethnicity!race NUM crl-15247 53 39 % % NOUN crl-15247 53 40 black!african black!african PROPN crl-15247 53 41 american american PROPN crl-15247 53 42 asian!asian asian!asian PROPN crl-15247 53 43 american american PROPN crl-15247 53 44 hispanic hispanic PROPN crl-15247 53 45 american american PROPN crl-15247 53 46 indian indian PROPN crl-15247 53 47 ! ! PUNCT crl-15247 54 1 alaskan alaskan ADJ crl-15247 54 2 native native ADJ crl-15247 54 3 white white PROPN crl-15247 54 4 no no DET crl-15247 54 5 response response NOUN crl-15247 54 6 total total VERB crl-15247 54 7 13 13 NUM crl-15247 54 8 3 3 NUM crl-15247 54 9 4 4 NUM crl-15247 54 10 1 1 NUM crl-15247 54 11 77 77 NUM crl-15247 54 12 2 2 NUM crl-15247 54 13 100 100 NUM crl-15247 54 14 gender gender NOUN crl-15247 54 15 % % NOUN crl-15247 54 16 female female ADJ crl-15247 54 17 male male NOUN crl-15247 54 18 total total ADJ crl-15247 54 19 76 76 NUM crl-15247 54 20 24 24 NUM crl-15247 54 21 100 100 NUM crl-15247 54 22 * * PUNCT crl-15247 54 23 age age NOUN crl-15247 54 24 at at ADP crl-15247 54 25 beginning beginning NOUN crl-15247 54 26 of of ADP crl-15247 54 27 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 54 28 program program NOUN crl-15247 54 29 mend mend NOUN crl-15247 54 30 ways way NOUN crl-15247 54 31 to to PART crl-15247 54 32 improve improve VERB crl-15247 54 33 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 54 34 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 54 35 grams gram NOUN crl-15247 54 36 and and CCONJ crl-15247 54 37 to to PART crl-15247 54 38 offer offer VERB crl-15247 54 39 advice advice NOUN crl-15247 54 40 for for ADP crl-15247 54 41 those those DET crl-15247 54 42 con­ con­ NOUN crl-15247 54 43 sidering sidere VERB crl-15247 54 44 this this DET crl-15247 54 45 type type NOUN crl-15247 54 46 of of ADP crl-15247 54 47 career career NOUN crl-15247 54 48 development development NOUN crl-15247 54 49 opportunity opportunity NOUN crl-15247 54 50 . . PUNCT crl-15247 55 1 identifying identify VERB crl-15247 55 2 the the DET crl-15247 55 3 potential potential ADJ crl-15247 55 4 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 55 5 popu­ popu­ PART crl-15247 55 6 lation lation NOUN crl-15247 55 7 was be AUX crl-15247 55 8 a a DET crl-15247 55 9 challenge challenge NOUN crl-15247 55 10 because because SCONJ crl-15247 55 11 no no DET crl-15247 55 12 central central ADJ crl-15247 55 13 information information NOUN crl-15247 55 14 about about ADP crl-15247 55 15 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 55 16 programs program NOUN crl-15247 55 17 exists exist VERB crl-15247 55 18 , , PUNCT crl-15247 55 19 nor nor CCONJ crl-15247 55 20 do do AUX crl-15247 55 21 many many ADJ crl-15247 55 22 of of ADP crl-15247 55 23 the the DET crl-15247 55 24 institutions institution NOUN crl-15247 55 25 have have VERB crl-15247 55 26 extensive extensive ADJ crl-15247 55 27 records record NOUN crl-15247 55 28 on on ADP crl-15247 55 29 former former ADJ crl-15247 55 30 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 55 31 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 55 32 and and CCONJ crl-15247 55 33 their their PRON crl-15247 55 34 current current ADJ crl-15247 55 35 locations location NOUN crl-15247 55 36 . . PUNCT crl-15247 56 1 al­ al­ PROPN crl-15247 56 2 though though SCONJ crl-15247 56 3 a a DET crl-15247 56 4 few few ADJ crl-15247 56 5 program program NOUN crl-15247 56 6 coordinators coordinator NOUN crl-15247 56 7 pro­ pro­ VERB crl-15247 56 8 vided vide VERB crl-15247 56 9 lists list NOUN crl-15247 56 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 56 11 most most ADJ crl-15247 56 12 people people NOUN crl-15247 56 13 who who PRON crl-15247 56 14 volunteered volunteer VERB crl-15247 56 15 to to PART crl-15247 56 16 participate participate VERB crl-15247 56 17 noticed notice VERB crl-15247 56 18 the the DET crl-15247 56 19 announcement announcement NOUN crl-15247 56 20 of of ADP crl-15247 56 21 the the DET crl-15247 56 22 study study NOUN crl-15247 56 23 on on ADP crl-15247 56 24 listservs listservs NOUN crl-15247 56 25 such such ADJ crl-15247 56 26 as as ADP crl-15247 56 27 libper libper NOUN crl-15247 56 28 , , PUNCT crl-15247 56 29 libadmin libadmin NOUN crl-15247 56 30 , , PUNCT crl-15247 56 31 and and CCONJ crl-15247 56 32 jesse jesse PROPN crl-15247 56 33 , , PUNCT crl-15247 56 34 and and CCONJ crl-15247 56 35 in in ADP crl-15247 56 36 various various ADJ crl-15247 56 37 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 56 38 newsletters newsletter NOUN crl-15247 56 39 . . PUNCT crl-15247 57 1 nearly nearly ADV crl-15247 57 2 all all DET crl-15247 57 3 the the DET crl-15247 57 4 volunteers volunteer NOUN crl-15247 57 5 responded respond VERB crl-15247 57 6 via via ADP crl-15247 57 7 e e NOUN crl-15247 57 8 - - NOUN crl-15247 57 9 mail mail NOUN crl-15247 57 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 57 11 and and CCONJ crl-15247 57 12 many many ADJ crl-15247 57 13 suggested suggest VERB crl-15247 57 14 the the DET crl-15247 57 15 names name NOUN crl-15247 57 16 of of ADP crl-15247 57 17 colleagues colleague NOUN crl-15247 57 18 who who PRON crl-15247 57 19 had have AUX crl-15247 57 20 worked work VERB crl-15247 57 21 in in ADP crl-15247 57 22 their their PRON crl-15247 57 23 programs program NOUN crl-15247 57 24 . . PUNCT crl-15247 58 1 based base VERB crl-15247 58 2 on on ADP crl-15247 58 3 this this DET crl-15247 58 4 solicitation solicitation NOUN crl-15247 58 5 for for ADP crl-15247 58 6 volunteers volunteer NOUN crl-15247 58 7 , , PUNCT crl-15247 58 8 230 230 NUM crl-15247 58 9 former former ADJ crl-15247 58 10 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 58 11 were be AUX crl-15247 58 12 identified identify VERB crl-15247 58 13 and and CCONJ crl-15247 58 14 sent send VERB crl-15247 58 15 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 58 16 instruments instrument NOUN crl-15247 58 17 . . PUNCT crl-15247 59 1 532 532 NUM crl-15247 59 2 college college PROPN crl-15247 59 3 & & CCONJ crl-15247 59 4 research research PROPN crl-15247 59 5 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 59 6 november november PROPN crl-15247 59 7 1997 1997 NUM crl-15247 59 8 one one NUM crl-15247 59 9 hundred hundred NUM crl-15247 59 10 and and CCONJ crl-15247 59 11 nine nine NUM crl-15247 59 12 former former ADJ crl-15247 59 13 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 59 14 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 59 15 , , PUNCT crl-15247 59 16 or or CCONJ crl-15247 59 17 47 47 NUM crl-15247 59 18 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 59 19 of of ADP crl-15247 59 20 the the DET crl-15247 59 21 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 59 22 popu­ popu­ PART crl-15247 59 23 lation lation NOUN crl-15247 59 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 59 25 completed complete VERB crl-15247 59 26 and and CCONJ crl-15247 59 27 returned return VERB crl-15247 59 28 the the DET crl-15247 59 29 sur­ sur­ NOUN crl-15247 59 30 vey vey NOUN crl-15247 59 31 instruments instrument NOUN crl-15247 59 32 . . PUNCT crl-15247 60 1 the the DET crl-15247 60 2 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 60 3 were be AUX crl-15247 60 4 predominately predominately ADV crl-15247 60 5 white white ADJ crl-15247 60 6 women woman NOUN crl-15247 60 7 between between ADP crl-15247 60 8 twenty twenty NUM crl-15247 60 9 - - PUNCT crl-15247 60 10 one one NUM crl-15247 60 11 and and CCONJ crl-15247 60 12 thirty thirty NUM crl-15247 60 13 years year NOUN crl-15247 60 14 of of ADP crl-15247 60 15 age age NOUN crl-15247 60 16 at at ADP crl-15247 60 17 the the DET crl-15247 60 18 beginning beginning NOUN crl-15247 60 19 of of ADP crl-15247 60 20 their their PRON crl-15247 60 21 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 60 22 program program NOUN crl-15247 60 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 61 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 61 2 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 61 3 had have VERB crl-15247 61 4 two two NUM crl-15247 61 5 years year NOUN crl-15247 61 6 or or CCONJ crl-15247 61 7 less less ADJ crl-15247 61 8 of of ADP crl-15247 61 9 preprofessional preprofessional ADJ crl-15247 61 10 library library NOUN crl-15247 61 11 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 61 12 prior prior ADV crl-15247 61 13 to to ADP crl-15247 61 14 their their PRON crl-15247 61 15 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 61 16 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 61 17 see see VERB crl-15247 61 18 table table NOUN crl-15247 61 19 2 2 NUM crl-15247 61 20 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 61 21 . . PUNCT crl-15247 62 1 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 62 2 reported report VERB crl-15247 62 3 that that SCONJ crl-15247 62 4 their their PRON crl-15247 62 5 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 62 6 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 62 7 programs program NOUN crl-15247 62 8 varied vary VERB crl-15247 62 9 in in ADP crl-15247 62 10 length length NOUN crl-15247 62 11 and and CCONJ crl-15247 62 12 structure structure NOUN crl-15247 62 13 , , PUNCT crl-15247 62 14 and and CCONJ crl-15247 62 15 by by ADP crl-15247 62 16 type type NOUN crl-15247 62 17 of of ADP crl-15247 62 18 library library NOUN crl-15247 62 19 . . PUNCT crl-15247 63 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 63 2 programs program NOUN crl-15247 63 3 were be AUX crl-15247 63 4 one one NUM crl-15247 63 5 year year NOUN crl-15247 63 6 or or CCONJ crl-15247 63 7 less less ADJ crl-15247 63 8 in in ADP crl-15247 63 9 length length NOUN crl-15247 63 10 . . PUNCT crl-15247 64 1 typically typically ADV crl-15247 64 2 , , PUNCT crl-15247 64 3 they they PRON crl-15247 64 4 were be AUX crl-15247 64 5 structured structure VERB crl-15247 64 6 as as ADP crl-15247 64 7 a a DET crl-15247 64 8 rota­ rota­ NOUN crl-15247 64 9 tion tion NOUN crl-15247 64 10 through through ADP crl-15247 64 11 several several ADJ crl-15247 64 12 areas area NOUN crl-15247 64 13 of of ADP crl-15247 64 14 the the DET crl-15247 64 15 library library NOUN crl-15247 64 16 followed follow VERB crl-15247 64 17 by by ADP crl-15247 64 18 a a DET crl-15247 64 19 specific specific ADJ crl-15247 64 20 project project NOUN crl-15247 64 21 or or CCONJ crl-15247 64 22 assign­ assign­ PROPN crl-15247 64 23 ment ment NOUN crl-15247 64 24 . . PUNCT crl-15247 65 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 65 2 programs program NOUN crl-15247 65 3 hosted host VERB crl-15247 65 4 more more ADJ crl-15247 65 5 than than ADP crl-15247 65 6 one one NUM crl-15247 65 7 resident resident NOUN crl-15247 65 8 at at ADP crl-15247 65 9 a a DET crl-15247 65 10 time time NOUN crl-15247 65 11 . . PUNCT crl-15247 66 1 the the DET crl-15247 66 2 programs program NOUN crl-15247 66 3 were be AUX crl-15247 66 4 approximately approximately ADV crl-15247 66 5 split split VERB crl-15247 66 6 between between ADP crl-15247 66 7 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 66 8 and and CCONJ crl-15247 66 9 government government NOUN crl-15247 66 10 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 66 11 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 66 12 see see VERB crl-15247 66 13 table table NOUN crl-15247 66 14 3 3 NUM crl-15247 66 15 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 66 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 67 1 readers reader NOUN crl-15247 67 2 should should AUX crl-15247 67 3 be be AUX crl-15247 67 4 aware aware ADJ crl-15247 67 5 that that SCONJ crl-15247 67 6 these these DET crl-15247 67 7 program program NOUN crl-15247 67 8 characteristics characteristic NOUN crl-15247 67 9 and and CCONJ crl-15247 67 10 other other ADJ crl-15247 67 11 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 67 12 findings finding NOUN crl-15247 67 13 may may AUX crl-15247 67 14 be be AUX crl-15247 67 15 skewed skew VERB crl-15247 67 16 in in ADP crl-15247 67 17 overrepresent­ overrepresent­ NOUN crl-15247 67 18 ing e VERB crl-15247 67 19 the the DET crl-15247 67 20 older old ADJ crl-15247 67 21 , , PUNCT crl-15247 67 22 larger large ADJ crl-15247 67 23 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 67 24 programs program NOUN crl-15247 67 25 in in ADP crl-15247 67 26 government government NOUN crl-15247 67 27 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 67 28 , , PUNCT crl-15247 67 29 such such ADJ crl-15247 67 30 as as ADP crl-15247 67 31 the the DET crl-15247 67 32 na­ na­ PROPN crl-15247 67 33 tional tional ADJ crl-15247 67 34 library library NOUN crl-15247 67 35 of of ADP crl-15247 67 36 medicine medicine NOUN crl-15247 67 37 and and CCONJ crl-15247 67 38 the the DET crl-15247 67 39 library library NOUN crl-15247 67 40 of of ADP crl-15247 67 41 congress congress PROPN crl-15247 67 42 . . PUNCT crl-15247 68 1 the the DET crl-15247 68 2 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 68 3 population population NOUN crl-15247 68 4 had have VERB crl-15247 68 5 a a DET crl-15247 68 6 high high ADJ crl-15247 68 7 percentage percentage NOUN crl-15247 68 8 of of ADP crl-15247 68 9 former former ADJ crl-15247 68 10 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 68 11 from from ADP crl-15247 68 12 these these DET crl-15247 68 13 larger large ADJ crl-15247 68 14 programs program NOUN crl-15247 68 15 which which PRON crl-15247 68 16 host host VERB crl-15247 68 17 many many ADJ crl-15247 68 18 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 68 19 at at ADP crl-15247 68 20 one one NUM crl-15247 68 21 time time NOUN crl-15247 68 22 and and CCONJ crl-15247 68 23 have have AUX crl-15247 68 24 been be AUX crl-15247 68 25 operating operate VERB crl-15247 68 26 for for ADP crl-15247 68 27 several several ADJ crl-15247 68 28 decades decade NOUN crl-15247 68 29 . . PUNCT crl-15247 69 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 69 2 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 69 3 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 69 4 programs program NOUN crl-15247 69 5 started start VERB crl-15247 69 6 in in ADP crl-15247 69 7 the the DET crl-15247 69 8 past past ADJ crl-15247 69 9 ten ten NUM crl-15247 69 10 to to PART crl-15247 69 11 fifteen fifteen NUM crl-15247 69 12 years year NOUN crl-15247 69 13 generally generally ADV crl-15247 69 14 host host VERB crl-15247 69 15 one one NUM crl-15247 69 16 to to PART crl-15247 69 17 three three NUM crl-15247 69 18 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 69 19 at at ADP crl-15247 69 20 a a DET crl-15247 69 21 time time NOUN crl-15247 69 22 . . PUNCT crl-15247 70 1 the the DET crl-15247 70 2 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 70 3 popula­ popula­ ADJ crl-15247 70 4 tion tion NOUN crl-15247 70 5 naturally naturally ADV crl-15247 70 6 had have VERB crl-15247 70 7 a a DET crl-15247 70 8 lower low ADJ crl-15247 70 9 number number NOUN crl-15247 70 10 of of ADP crl-15247 70 11 former former ADJ crl-15247 70 12 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 70 13 from from ADP crl-15247 70 14 these these DET crl-15247 70 15 programs program NOUN crl-15247 70 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 71 1 findings finding NOUN crl-15247 71 2 and and CCONJ crl-15247 71 3 implications implication NOUN crl-15247 71 4 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 71 5 use use VERB crl-15247 71 6 a a DET crl-15247 71 7 variety variety NOUN crl-15247 71 8 of of ADP crl-15247 71 9 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 71 10 methods method NOUN crl-15247 71 11 to to PART crl-15247 71 12 attract attract VERB crl-15247 71 13 new new ADJ crl-15247 71 14 professionals professional NOUN crl-15247 71 15 to to ADP crl-15247 71 16 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 71 17 programs program NOUN crl-15247 71 18 , , PUNCT crl-15247 71 19 including include VERB crl-15247 71 20 traditional traditional ADJ crl-15247 71 21 employment employment NOUN crl-15247 71 22 tools tool NOUN crl-15247 71 23 such such ADJ crl-15247 71 24 as as ADP crl-15247 71 25 position position NOUN crl-15247 71 26 an­ an­ PROPN crl-15247 71 27 nouncements nouncement NOUN crl-15247 71 28 in in ADP crl-15247 71 29 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 71 30 publica­ publica­ NOUN crl-15247 71 31 tions tion NOUN crl-15247 71 32 , , PUNCT crl-15247 71 33 as as ADV crl-15247 71 34 well well ADV crl-15247 71 35 as as ADP crl-15247 71 36 brochures brochure NOUN crl-15247 71 37 distributed distribute VERB crl-15247 71 38 to to ADP crl-15247 71 39 graduate graduate VERB crl-15247 71 40 library library NOUN crl-15247 71 41 education education NOUN crl-15247 71 42 programs program NOUN crl-15247 71 43 . . PUNCT crl-15247 72 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 72 2 former former ADJ crl-15247 72 3 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 72 4 learned learn VERB crl-15247 72 5 of of ADP crl-15247 72 6 the the DET crl-15247 72 7 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 72 8 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 72 9 opportunity opportunity NOUN crl-15247 72 10 from from ADP crl-15247 72 11 a a DET crl-15247 72 12 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15247 72 13 or or CCONJ crl-15247 72 14 staff staff NOUN crl-15247 72 15 person person NOUN crl-15247 72 16 in in ADP crl-15247 72 17 their their PRON crl-15247 72 18 graduate graduate ADJ crl-15247 72 19 library library NOUN crl-15247 72 20 education education NOUN crl-15247 72 21 program program NOUN crl-15247 72 22 . . PUNCT crl-15247 73 1 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 73 2 tended tend VERB crl-15247 73 3 to to PART crl-15247 73 4 apply apply VERB crl-15247 73 5 to to ADP crl-15247 73 6 table table NOUN crl-15247 73 7 3 3 NUM crl-15247 73 8 characteristics characteristic NOUN crl-15247 73 9 of of ADP crl-15247 73 10 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 73 11 programs program NOUN crl-15247 73 12 type type NOUN crl-15247 73 13 of of ADP crl-15247 73 14 library library NOUN crl-15247 73 15 % % NOUN crl-15247 73 16 government government NOUN crl-15247 73 17 54 54 NUM crl-15247 73 18 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 73 19 42 42 NUM crl-15247 73 20 corporate corporate ADJ crl-15247 73 21 1 1 NUM crl-15247 73 22 other other ADJ crl-15247 73 23 2 2 NUM crl-15247 73 24 no no DET crl-15247 73 25 response response NOUN crl-15247 73 26 1 1 NUM crl-15247 73 27 total total ADJ crl-15247 73 28 100 100 NUM crl-15247 73 29 length length NOUN crl-15247 73 30 % % NOUN crl-15247 73 31 1 1 NUM crl-15247 73 32 year year NOUN crl-15247 73 33 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 73 34 or or CCONJ crl-15247 73 35 less less ADJ crl-15247 73 36 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 73 37 70 70 NUM crl-15247 73 38 2 2 NUM crl-15247 73 39 years year NOUN crl-15247 73 40 28 28 NUM crl-15247 73 41 more more ADJ crl-15247 73 42 than than ADP crl-15247 73 43 2 2 NUM crl-15247 73 44 years year NOUN crl-15247 73 45 2 2 NUM crl-15247 73 46 total total NOUN crl-15247 73 47 100 100 NUM crl-15247 73 48 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 73 49 focus focus NOUN crl-15247 73 50 % % INTJ crl-15247 73 51 no no DET crl-15247 73 52 82 82 NUM crl-15247 74 1 yes yes INTJ crl-15247 74 2 17 17 NUM crl-15247 74 3 no no DET crl-15247 74 4 response response NOUN crl-15247 74 5 1 1 NUM crl-15247 74 6 total total NOUN crl-15247 74 7 100 100 NUM crl-15247 74 8 specific specific ADJ crl-15247 74 9 programs program NOUN crl-15247 74 10 rather rather ADV crl-15247 74 11 than than ADP crl-15247 74 12 seek seek VERB crl-15247 74 13 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 74 14 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 74 15 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 74 16 in in ADP crl-15247 74 17 general general ADJ crl-15247 74 18 . . PUNCT crl-15247 75 1 the the DET crl-15247 75 2 major­ major­ PROPN crl-15247 75 3 ity ity PROPN crl-15247 75 4 of of ADP crl-15247 75 5 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 75 6 applied apply VERB crl-15247 75 7 to to ADP crl-15247 75 8 only only ADV crl-15247 75 9 one one NUM crl-15247 75 10 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 75 11 program program NOUN crl-15247 75 12 . . PUNCT crl-15247 76 1 the the DET crl-15247 76 2 key key ADJ crl-15247 76 3 factors factor NOUN crl-15247 76 4 in in ADP crl-15247 76 5 choosing choose VERB crl-15247 76 6 a a DET crl-15247 76 7 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 76 8 position position NOUN crl-15247 76 9 were be AUX crl-15247 76 10 the the DET crl-15247 76 11 reputation reputation NOUN crl-15247 76 12 or or CCONJ crl-15247 76 13 prestige prestige NOUN crl-15247 76 14 of of ADP crl-15247 76 15 the the DET crl-15247 76 16 library library NOUN crl-15247 76 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 76 18 the the DET crl-15247 76 19 institution institution NOUN crl-15247 76 20 , , PUNCT crl-15247 76 21 or or CCONJ crl-15247 76 22 the the DET crl-15247 76 23 people people NOUN crl-15247 76 24 involved involve VERB crl-15247 76 25 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 76 26 and and CCONJ crl-15247 76 27 the the DET crl-15247 76 28 opportunity opportunity NOUN crl-15247 76 29 to to PART crl-15247 76 30 gain gain VERB crl-15247 76 31 a a DET crl-15247 76 32 breadth breadth NOUN crl-15247 76 33 of of ADP crl-15247 76 34 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 76 35 fessional fessional ADJ crl-15247 76 36 library library NOUN crl-15247 76 37 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 76 38 . . PUNCT crl-15247 77 1 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 77 2 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 77 3 generally generally ADV crl-15247 77 4 were be AUX crl-15247 77 5 orientation orientation NOUN crl-15247 77 6 to to ADP crl-15247 77 7 the the DET crl-15247 77 8 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 77 9 program program NOUN crl-15247 77 10 and and CCONJ crl-15247 77 11 library library NOUN crl-15247 77 12 and and CCONJ crl-15247 77 13 overall overall ADJ crl-15247 77 14 training training NOUN crl-15247 77 15 were be AUX crl-15247 77 16 rated rate VERB crl-15247 77 17 as as ADP crl-15247 77 18 good good ADJ crl-15247 77 19 or or CCONJ crl-15247 77 20 very very ADV crl-15247 77 21 good good ADJ crl-15247 77 22 by by ADP crl-15247 77 23 83 83 NUM crl-15247 77 24 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 77 25 of of ADP crl-15247 77 26 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 77 27 . . PUNCT crl-15247 78 1 very very ADV crl-15247 78 2 pleased pleased ADJ crl-15247 78 3 with with ADP crl-15247 78 4 the the DET crl-15247 78 5 management management NOUN crl-15247 78 6 of of ADP crl-15247 78 7 their their PRON crl-15247 78 8 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 78 9 programs program NOUN crl-15247 78 10 . . PUNCT crl-15247 79 1 orientation orientation NOUN crl-15247 79 2 to to ADP crl-15247 79 3 the the DET crl-15247 79 4 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 79 5 program program NOUN crl-15247 79 6 and and CCONJ crl-15247 79 7 library library NOUN crl-15247 79 8 and and CCONJ crl-15247 79 9 overall overall ADJ crl-15247 79 10 training training NOUN crl-15247 79 11 were be AUX crl-15247 79 12 rated rate VERB crl-15247 79 13 as as ADP crl-15247 79 14 good good ADJ crl-15247 79 15 or or CCONJ crl-15247 79 16 very very ADV crl-15247 79 17 good good ADJ crl-15247 79 18 by by ADP crl-15247 79 19 83 83 NUM crl-15247 79 20 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 79 21 of of ADP crl-15247 79 22 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 79 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 80 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 80 2 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 80 3 93 93 NUM crl-15247 80 4 % % NOUN crl-15247 80 5 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 80 6 felt feel VERB crl-15247 80 7 their their PRON crl-15247 80 8 assignments assignment NOUN crl-15247 80 9 matched match VERB crl-15247 80 10 their their PRON crl-15247 80 11 interests interest NOUN crl-15247 80 12 and and CCONJ crl-15247 80 13 abilities ability NOUN crl-15247 80 14 rea­ rea­ ADP crl-15247 80 15 sonably sonably ADV crl-15247 80 16 well well ADV crl-15247 80 17 or or CCONJ crl-15247 80 18 very very ADV crl-15247 80 19 well well ADV crl-15247 80 20 . . PUNCT crl-15247 81 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 81 2 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 81 3 72 72 NUM crl-15247 81 4 % % NOUN crl-15247 81 5 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 81 6 also also ADV crl-15247 81 7 post post ADJ crl-15247 81 8 - - ADJ crl-15247 81 9 master master ADJ crl-15247 81 10 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 81 11 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 81 12 programs program NOUN crl-15247 81 13 533 533 NUM crl-15247 81 14 table table NOUN crl-15247 81 15 4 4 NUM crl-15247 81 16 attributes attribute NOUN crl-15247 81 17 of of ADP crl-15247 81 18 supervisors supervisor NOUN crl-15247 81 19 most most ADV crl-15247 81 20 next next ADV crl-15247 81 21 most most ADV crl-15247 81 22 attribute attribute VERB crl-15247 81 23 important important ADJ crl-15247 81 24 important important ADJ crl-15247 81 25 availability availability NOUN crl-15247 81 26 14 14 NUM crl-15247 81 27 % % NOUN crl-15247 81 28 13 13 NUM crl-15247 81 29 % % NOUN crl-15247 81 30 flexibility flexibility NOUN crl-15247 81 31 2 2 NUM crl-15247 81 32 15 15 NUM crl-15247 81 33 technical technical ADJ crl-15247 81 34 expertise expertise NOUN crl-15247 81 35 6 6 NUM crl-15247 81 36 6 6 NUM crl-15247 81 37 familiarity familiarity NOUN crl-15247 81 38 with with ADP crl-15247 81 39 staff staff NOUN crl-15247 81 40 and and CCONJ crl-15247 81 41 organization organization NOUN crl-15247 81 42 11 11 NUM crl-15247 81 43 15 15 NUM crl-15247 81 44 mentoring mentoring NOUN crl-15247 81 45 skills skill NOUN crl-15247 81 46 42 42 NUM crl-15247 81 47 12 12 NUM crl-15247 81 48 support support NOUN crl-15247 81 49 for for ADP crl-15247 81 50 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 81 51 program program NOUN crl-15247 81 52 5 5 NUM crl-15247 81 53 7 7 NUM crl-15247 81 54 ability ability NOUN crl-15247 81 55 to to PART crl-15247 81 56 provide provide VERB crl-15247 81 57 constructive constructive ADJ crl-15247 81 58 feedback feedback NOUN crl-15247 81 59 7 7 NUM crl-15247 81 60 20 20 NUM crl-15247 81 61 other other ADJ crl-15247 81 62 7 7 NUM crl-15247 81 63 2 2 NUM crl-15247 81 64 no no DET crl-15247 81 65 response response NOUN crl-15247 81 66 6 6 NUM crl-15247 81 67 10 10 NUM crl-15247 81 68 total total NOUN crl-15247 81 69 100 100 NUM crl-15247 81 70 100 100 NUM crl-15247 81 71 felt feel VERB crl-15247 81 72 the the DET crl-15247 81 73 expectations expectation NOUN crl-15247 81 74 for for ADP crl-15247 81 75 their their PRON crl-15247 81 76 responsibili­ responsibili­ PROPN crl-15247 81 77 ties tie NOUN crl-15247 81 78 were be AUX crl-15247 81 79 reasonably reasonably ADV crl-15247 81 80 well well ADV crl-15247 81 81 defined define VERB crl-15247 81 82 or or CCONJ crl-15247 81 83 very very ADV crl-15247 81 84 well well ADV crl-15247 81 85 defined define VERB crl-15247 81 86 . . PUNCT crl-15247 82 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 82 2 former former ADJ crl-15247 82 3 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 82 4 rated rate VERB crl-15247 82 5 their their PRON crl-15247 82 6 rela­ rela­ ADJ crl-15247 82 7 tionship tionship NOUN crl-15247 82 8 with with ADP crl-15247 82 9 the the DET crl-15247 82 10 program program NOUN crl-15247 82 11 coordinator coordinator NOUN crl-15247 82 12 as as ADP crl-15247 82 13 good good ADJ crl-15247 82 14 or or CCONJ crl-15247 82 15 excellent excellent ADJ crl-15247 82 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 83 1 they they PRON crl-15247 83 2 reported report VERB crl-15247 83 3 regular regular ADJ crl-15247 83 4 meetings meeting NOUN crl-15247 83 5 with with ADP crl-15247 83 6 program program NOUN crl-15247 83 7 coordinators coordinator NOUN crl-15247 83 8 sev­ sev­ VERB crl-15247 83 9 eral eral ADJ crl-15247 83 10 times time NOUN crl-15247 83 11 a a DET crl-15247 83 12 year year NOUN crl-15247 83 13 , , PUNCT crl-15247 83 14 although although SCONJ crl-15247 83 15 many many ADJ crl-15247 83 16 met meet VERB crl-15247 83 17 more more ADV crl-15247 83 18 frequently frequently ADV crl-15247 83 19 . . PUNCT crl-15247 84 1 exceptional exceptional ADJ crl-15247 84 2 program program NOUN crl-15247 84 3 coordinators coordinator NOUN crl-15247 84 4 were be AUX crl-15247 84 5 noted note VERB crl-15247 84 6 for for ADP crl-15247 84 7 providing provide VERB crl-15247 84 8 a a DET crl-15247 84 9 broad broad ADJ crl-15247 84 10 perspective perspective NOUN crl-15247 84 11 of of ADP crl-15247 84 12 the the DET crl-15247 84 13 organization organization NOUN crl-15247 84 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 84 15 providing provide VERB crl-15247 84 16 moral moral ADJ crl-15247 84 17 support support NOUN crl-15247 84 18 , , PUNCT crl-15247 84 19 creating create VERB crl-15247 84 20 learn­ learn­ ADV crl-15247 84 21 ing ing ADJ crl-15247 84 22 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 84 23 , , PUNCT crl-15247 84 24 and and CCONJ crl-15247 84 25 providing provide VERB crl-15247 84 26 feed­ feed­ PRON crl-15247 84 27 back back ADV crl-15247 84 28 . . PUNCT crl-15247 85 1 more more ADJ crl-15247 85 2 than than ADP crl-15247 85 3 half half NOUN crl-15247 85 4 of of ADP crl-15247 85 5 the the DET crl-15247 85 6 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 85 7 had have VERB crl-15247 85 8 two two NUM crl-15247 85 9 or or CCONJ crl-15247 85 10 more more ADJ crl-15247 85 11 supervisors supervisor NOUN crl-15247 85 12 during during ADP crl-15247 85 13 their their PRON crl-15247 85 14 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 85 15 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 85 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 86 1 having have VERB crl-15247 86 2 multiple multiple ADJ crl-15247 86 3 supervisors supervisor NOUN crl-15247 86 4 was be AUX crl-15247 86 5 viewed view VERB crl-15247 86 6 as as ADP crl-15247 86 7 no no DET crl-15247 86 8 problem problem NOUN crl-15247 86 9 or or CCONJ crl-15247 86 10 an an DET crl-15247 86 11 advantage advantage NOUN crl-15247 86 12 in in ADP crl-15247 86 13 most most ADJ crl-15247 86 14 instances instance NOUN crl-15247 86 15 . . PUNCT crl-15247 87 1 former former ADJ crl-15247 87 2 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 87 3 iden­ iden­ VERB crl-15247 87 4 tified tified ADJ crl-15247 87 5 mentoring mentoring NOUN crl-15247 87 6 skills skill NOUN crl-15247 87 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 87 8 ability ability NOUN crl-15247 87 9 to to PART crl-15247 87 10 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 87 11 vide vide VERB crl-15247 87 12 constructive constructive ADJ crl-15247 87 13 feedback feedback NOUN crl-15247 87 14 as as ADP crl-15247 87 15 the the DET crl-15247 87 16 two two NUM crl-15247 87 17 most most ADV crl-15247 87 18 important important ADJ crl-15247 87 19 attributes attribute NOUN crl-15247 87 20 for for ADP crl-15247 87 21 supervisors supervisor NOUN crl-15247 87 22 . . PUNCT crl-15247 88 1 al­ al­ PROPN crl-15247 88 2 though though SCONJ crl-15247 88 3 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 88 4 gave give VERB crl-15247 88 5 their their PRON crl-15247 88 6 supervisors supervisor NOUN crl-15247 88 7 the the DET crl-15247 88 8 highest high ADJ crl-15247 88 9 ratings rating NOUN crl-15247 88 10 for for ADP crl-15247 88 11 familiarity familiarity NOUN crl-15247 88 12 with with ADP crl-15247 88 13 li­ li­ PROPN crl-15247 88 14 brary brary PROPN crl-15247 88 15 staff staff NOUN crl-15247 88 16 and and CCONJ crl-15247 88 17 organization organization NOUN crl-15247 88 18 and and CCONJ crl-15247 88 19 support support NOUN crl-15247 88 20 for for ADP crl-15247 88 21 the the DET crl-15247 88 22 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 88 23 program program NOUN crl-15247 88 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 88 25 which which PRON crl-15247 88 26 are be AUX crl-15247 88 27 im­ im­ NOUN crl-15247 88 28 portant portant ADJ crl-15247 88 29 elements element NOUN crl-15247 88 30 of of ADP crl-15247 88 31 mentoring mentor VERB crl-15247 88 32 , , PUNCT crl-15247 88 33 they they PRON crl-15247 88 34 rated rate VERB crl-15247 88 35 their their PRON crl-15247 88 36 supervisors supervisor NOUN crl-15247 88 37 ’ ' PUNCT crl-15247 88 38 overall overall ADJ crl-15247 88 39 mentoring mentoring NOUN crl-15247 88 40 skills skill NOUN crl-15247 88 41 relatively relatively ADV crl-15247 88 42 low low ADJ crl-15247 88 43 . . PUNCT crl-15247 89 1 this this PRON crl-15247 89 2 is be AUX crl-15247 89 3 an an DET crl-15247 89 4 important important ADJ crl-15247 89 5 find­ find­ NOUN crl-15247 89 6 ing ing NOUN crl-15247 89 7 for for ADP crl-15247 89 8 program program NOUN crl-15247 89 9 coordinators coordinator NOUN crl-15247 89 10 . . PUNCT crl-15247 90 1 mentoring mentor VERB crl-15247 90 2 skills skill NOUN crl-15247 90 3 may may AUX crl-15247 90 4 need need VERB crl-15247 90 5 to to PART crl-15247 90 6 be be AUX crl-15247 90 7 emphasized emphasize VERB crl-15247 90 8 for for ADP crl-15247 90 9 all all DET crl-15247 90 10 library library NOUN crl-15247 90 11 employees employee NOUN crl-15247 90 12 who who PRON crl-15247 90 13 work work VERB crl-15247 90 14 with with ADP crl-15247 90 15 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 90 16 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 90 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 90 18 see see VERB crl-15247 90 19 table table NOUN crl-15247 90 20 4 4 NUM crl-15247 90 21 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 90 22 . . PUNCT crl-15247 91 1 former former ADJ crl-15247 91 2 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 91 3 rated rate VERB crl-15247 91 4 in in ADP crl-15247 91 5 - - PUNCT crl-15247 91 6 house house NOUN crl-15247 91 7 semi­ semi­ ADJ crl-15247 91 8 nars nar NOUN crl-15247 91 9 , , PUNCT crl-15247 91 10 interaction interaction NOUN crl-15247 91 11 with with ADP crl-15247 91 12 other other ADJ crl-15247 91 13 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 91 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 91 15 and and CCONJ crl-15247 91 16 travel travel NOUN crl-15247 91 17 funding funding NOUN crl-15247 91 18 to to ADP crl-15247 91 19 regional regional ADJ crl-15247 91 20 and and CCONJ crl-15247 91 21 national national ADJ crl-15247 91 22 meetings meeting NOUN crl-15247 91 23 as as ADP crl-15247 91 24 the the DET crl-15247 91 25 three three NUM crl-15247 91 26 most most ADV crl-15247 91 27 important important ADJ crl-15247 91 28 de­ de­ ADJ crl-15247 91 29 velopment velopment ADJ crl-15247 91 30 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 91 31 . . PUNCT crl-15247 92 1 responses response NOUN crl-15247 92 2 to to PART crl-15247 92 3 open open ADJ crl-15247 92 4 - - PUNCT crl-15247 92 5 ended end VERB crl-15247 92 6 questions question NOUN crl-15247 92 7 on on ADP crl-15247 92 8 peer peer NOUN crl-15247 92 9 interaction interaction NOUN crl-15247 92 10 with with ADP crl-15247 92 11 other other ADJ crl-15247 92 12 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 92 13 were be AUX crl-15247 92 14 particularly particularly ADV crl-15247 92 15 enthusiastic enthusiastic ADJ crl-15247 92 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 93 1 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 93 2 reported report VERB crl-15247 93 3 that that SCONJ crl-15247 93 4 peer peer NOUN crl-15247 93 5 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 93 6 provided provide VERB crl-15247 93 7 social social ADJ crl-15247 93 8 camarade­ camarade­ VERB crl-15247 93 9 rie rie NOUN crl-15247 93 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 93 11 moral moral ADJ crl-15247 93 12 support support NOUN crl-15247 93 13 , , PUNCT crl-15247 93 14 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 93 15 for for ADP crl-15247 93 16 group group NOUN crl-15247 93 17 projects project NOUN crl-15247 93 18 , , PUNCT crl-15247 93 19 shared share VERB crl-15247 93 20 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 93 21 knowledge knowledge NOUN crl-15247 93 22 and and CCONJ crl-15247 93 23 expertise expertise NOUN crl-15247 93 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 93 25 motivation motivation NOUN crl-15247 93 26 , , PUNCT crl-15247 93 27 quicker quick ADJ crl-15247 93 28 learning learning NOUN crl-15247 93 29 , , PUNCT crl-15247 93 30 different different ADJ crl-15247 93 31 perspectives perspective NOUN crl-15247 93 32 , , PUNCT crl-15247 93 33 and and CCONJ crl-15247 93 34 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 93 35 career career NOUN crl-15247 93 36 - - PUNCT crl-15247 93 37 long long ADJ crl-15247 93 38 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 93 39 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 93 40 relation­ relation­ NOUN crl-15247 93 41 ships ship NOUN crl-15247 93 42 . . PUNCT crl-15247 94 1 one one NUM crl-15247 94 2 respondent respondent NOUN crl-15247 94 3 observed observe VERB crl-15247 94 4 , , PUNCT crl-15247 94 5 how­ how­ ADV crl-15247 94 6 ever ever ADV crl-15247 94 7 , , PUNCT crl-15247 94 8 that that SCONJ crl-15247 94 9 an an DET crl-15247 94 10 optimal optimal ADJ crl-15247 94 11 number number NOUN crl-15247 94 12 of of ADP crl-15247 94 13 four four NUM crl-15247 94 14 to to PART crl-15247 94 15 five five NUM crl-15247 94 16 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 94 17 was be AUX crl-15247 94 18 more more ADV crl-15247 94 19 manageable manageable ADJ crl-15247 94 20 than than ADP crl-15247 94 21 situations situation NOUN crl-15247 94 22 where where SCONJ crl-15247 94 23 there there PRON crl-15247 94 24 were be VERB crl-15247 94 25 seven seven NUM crl-15247 94 26 or or CCONJ crl-15247 94 27 more more ADJ crl-15247 94 28 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 94 29 . . PUNCT crl-15247 95 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 95 2 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 95 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 95 4 85 85 NUM crl-15247 95 5 % % NOUN crl-15247 95 6 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 95 7 felt feel VERB crl-15247 95 8 they they PRON crl-15247 95 9 were be AUX crl-15247 95 10 treated treat VERB crl-15247 95 11 as as ADP crl-15247 95 12 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 95 13 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 95 14 most most ADJ crl-15247 95 15 of of ADP crl-15247 95 16 the the DET crl-15247 95 17 time time NOUN crl-15247 95 18 . . PUNCT crl-15247 96 1 examples example NOUN crl-15247 96 2 of of ADP crl-15247 96 3 work work NOUN crl-15247 96 4 felt feel VERB crl-15247 96 5 to to PART crl-15247 96 6 be be AUX crl-15247 96 7 less less ADJ crl-15247 96 8 than than ADP crl-15247 96 9 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 96 10 included include VERB crl-15247 96 11 : : PUNCT crl-15247 96 12 filing file VERB crl-15247 96 13 in in ADP crl-15247 96 14 the the DET crl-15247 96 15 card card NOUN crl-15247 96 16 catalog catalog NOUN crl-15247 96 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 18 shelf shelf NOUN crl-15247 96 19 reading reading NOUN crl-15247 96 20 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 21 manual manual ADJ crl-15247 96 22 tasks task NOUN crl-15247 96 23 prior prior ADV crl-15247 96 24 to to ADP crl-15247 96 25 personal personal ADJ crl-15247 96 26 computers computer NOUN crl-15247 96 27 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 28 physically physically ADV crl-15247 96 29 moving move VERB crl-15247 96 30 books book NOUN crl-15247 96 31 during during ADP crl-15247 96 32 building building NOUN crl-15247 96 33 move move NOUN crl-15247 96 34 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 35 se­ se­ VERB crl-15247 96 36 rial rial ADJ crl-15247 96 37 check check NOUN crl-15247 96 38 - - PUNCT crl-15247 96 39 in in NOUN crl-15247 96 40 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 41 rearranging rearrange VERB crl-15247 96 42 supply supply NOUN crl-15247 96 43 cabinet cabinet NOUN crl-15247 96 44 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 45 copy copy NOUN crl-15247 96 46 cataloging catalog VERB crl-15247 96 47 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 48 working work VERB crl-15247 96 49 the the DET crl-15247 96 50 information information NOUN crl-15247 96 51 desk desk NOUN crl-15247 96 52 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 53 inventorying inventory VERB crl-15247 96 54 the the DET crl-15247 96 55 reference reference NOUN crl-15247 96 56 collec­ collec­ PROPN crl-15247 96 57 tion tion NOUN crl-15247 96 58 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 59 routine routine ADJ crl-15247 96 60 file file NOUN crl-15247 96 61 maintenance maintenance NOUN crl-15247 96 62 of of ADP crl-15247 96 63 online online ADJ crl-15247 96 64 catalog catalog NOUN crl-15247 96 65 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 66 photocopying photocopy VERB crl-15247 96 67 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 68 checking check VERB crl-15247 96 69 in in ADP crl-15247 96 70 mail mail NOUN crl-15247 96 71 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 72 searching search VERB crl-15247 96 73 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-15247 96 74 loan loan NOUN crl-15247 96 75 requests request NOUN crl-15247 96 76 , , PUNCT crl-15247 96 77 and and CCONJ crl-15247 96 78 processing processing NOUN crl-15247 96 79 and and CCONJ crl-15247 96 80 shelving shelving ADJ crl-15247 96 81 books book NOUN crl-15247 96 82 . . PUNCT crl-15247 97 1 however however ADV crl-15247 97 2 , , PUNCT crl-15247 97 3 former former ADJ crl-15247 97 4 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 97 5 were be AUX crl-15247 97 6 more more ADV crl-15247 97 7 disturbed disturb VERB crl-15247 97 8 by by ADP crl-15247 97 9 patronizing patronize VERB crl-15247 97 10 attitudes attitude NOUN crl-15247 97 11 than than ADP crl-15247 97 12 by by ADP crl-15247 97 13 work work NOUN crl-15247 97 14 as­ as­ VERB crl-15247 97 15 signments signment NOUN crl-15247 97 16 they they PRON crl-15247 97 17 felt feel VERB crl-15247 97 18 to to PART crl-15247 97 19 be be AUX crl-15247 97 20 less less ADJ crl-15247 97 21 than than ADP crl-15247 97 22 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 97 23 fessional fessional NOUN crl-15247 97 24 . . PUNCT crl-15247 98 1 a a DET crl-15247 98 2 number number NOUN crl-15247 98 3 of of ADP crl-15247 98 4 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 98 5 felt feel VERB crl-15247 98 6 talked talk VERB crl-15247 98 7 - - PUNCT crl-15247 98 8 down down ADV crl-15247 98 9 - - PUNCT crl-15247 98 10 to to NOUN crl-15247 98 11 during during ADP crl-15247 98 12 seminars seminar NOUN crl-15247 98 13 and and CCONJ crl-15247 98 14 felt feel VERB crl-15247 98 15 they they PRON crl-15247 98 16 were be AUX crl-15247 98 17 treated treat VERB crl-15247 98 18 as as ADP crl-15247 98 19 students student NOUN crl-15247 98 20 . . PUNCT crl-15247 99 1 some some PRON crl-15247 99 2 were be AUX crl-15247 99 3 made make VERB crl-15247 99 4 to to PART crl-15247 99 5 feel feel VERB crl-15247 99 6 that that SCONJ crl-15247 99 7 their their PRON crl-15247 99 8 opinions opinion NOUN crl-15247 99 9 were be AUX crl-15247 99 10 of of ADP crl-15247 99 11 no no DET crl-15247 99 12 value value NOUN crl-15247 99 13 or or CCONJ crl-15247 99 14 that that SCONJ crl-15247 99 15 they they PRON crl-15247 99 16 were be AUX crl-15247 99 17 powerless powerless ADJ crl-15247 99 18 be­ be­ PROPN crl-15247 99 19 cause cause NOUN crl-15247 99 20 of of ADP crl-15247 99 21 the the DET crl-15247 99 22 temporary temporary ADJ crl-15247 99 23 nature nature NOUN crl-15247 99 24 of of ADP crl-15247 99 25 their their PRON crl-15247 99 26 position position NOUN crl-15247 99 27 . . PUNCT crl-15247 100 1 534 534 NUM crl-15247 100 2 college college PROPN crl-15247 100 3 & & CCONJ crl-15247 100 4 research research PROPN crl-15247 100 5 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 100 6 november november PROPN crl-15247 100 7 1997 1997 NUM crl-15247 100 8 table table NOUN crl-15247 100 9 5 5 NUM crl-15247 100 10 position position NOUN crl-15247 100 11 titles title NOUN crl-15247 100 12 title title NOUN crl-15247 100 13 % % NOUN crl-15247 100 14 associate associate VERB crl-15247 100 15 40 40 NUM crl-15247 100 16 intern intern PROPN crl-15247 100 17 28 28 NUM crl-15247 100 18 resident resident NOUN crl-15247 100 19 22 22 NUM crl-15247 100 20 otherlno otherlno NOUN crl-15247 100 21 answer answer NOUN crl-15247 100 22 10 10 NUM crl-15247 100 23 total total ADJ crl-15247 100 24 100 100 NUM crl-15247 100 25 most most ADJ crl-15247 100 26 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 100 27 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 100 28 90 90 NUM crl-15247 100 29 % % NOUN crl-15247 100 30 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 100 31 felt feel VERB crl-15247 100 32 involved involve VERB crl-15247 100 33 as as ADP crl-15247 100 34 a a DET crl-15247 100 35 contributing contribute VERB crl-15247 100 36 member member NOUN crl-15247 100 37 of of ADP crl-15247 100 38 the the DET crl-15247 100 39 organiza­ organiza­ DET crl-15247 100 40 tion tion NOUN crl-15247 100 41 . . PUNCT crl-15247 101 1 examples example NOUN crl-15247 101 2 of of ADP crl-15247 101 3 involvement involvement NOUN crl-15247 101 4 included include VERB crl-15247 101 5 working work VERB crl-15247 101 6 on on ADP crl-15247 101 7 critical critical ADJ crl-15247 101 8 projects project NOUN crl-15247 101 9 that that PRON crl-15247 101 10 contributed contribute VERB crl-15247 101 11 to to ADP crl-15247 101 12 the the DET crl-15247 101 13 library library NOUN crl-15247 101 14 mission mission NOUN crl-15247 101 15 , , PUNCT crl-15247 101 16 being be AUX crl-15247 101 17 included include VERB crl-15247 101 18 as as ADP crl-15247 101 19 mem­ mem­ NOUN crl-15247 101 20 bers ber NOUN crl-15247 101 21 of of ADP crl-15247 101 22 a a DET crl-15247 101 23 team team NOUN crl-15247 101 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 101 25 conducting conduct VERB crl-15247 101 26 training training NOUN crl-15247 101 27 sessions session NOUN crl-15247 101 28 for for ADP crl-15247 101 29 staff staff NOUN crl-15247 101 30 , , PUNCT crl-15247 101 31 presenting present VERB crl-15247 101 32 results result NOUN crl-15247 101 33 of of ADP crl-15247 101 34 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 101 35 work work NOUN crl-15247 101 36 to to ADP crl-15247 101 37 peers peer NOUN crl-15247 101 38 , , PUNCT crl-15247 101 39 and and CCONJ crl-15247 101 40 having have VERB crl-15247 101 41 opinions opinion NOUN crl-15247 101 42 and and CCONJ crl-15247 101 43 feed­ feed­ VERB crl-15247 101 44 back back ADV crl-15247 101 45 solicited solicited ADJ crl-15247 101 46 . . PUNCT crl-15247 102 1 a a DET crl-15247 102 2 number number NOUN crl-15247 102 3 of of ADP crl-15247 102 4 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 102 5 said say VERB crl-15247 102 6 they they PRON crl-15247 102 7 would would AUX crl-15247 102 8 have have AUX crl-15247 102 9 liked like VERB crl-15247 102 10 to to PART crl-15247 102 11 have have AUX crl-15247 102 12 been be AUX crl-15247 102 13 in­ in­ VERB crl-15247 102 14 cluded clude VERB crl-15247 102 15 on on ADP crl-15247 102 16 committees committee NOUN crl-15247 102 17 . . PUNCT crl-15247 103 1 the the DET crl-15247 103 2 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 103 3 data datum NOUN crl-15247 103 4 were be AUX crl-15247 103 5 inconclusive inconclusive ADJ crl-15247 103 6 in in ADP crl-15247 103 7 measuring measure VERB crl-15247 103 8 the the DET crl-15247 103 9 career career NOUN crl-15247 103 10 development development NOUN crl-15247 103 11 of of ADP crl-15247 103 12 former former ADJ crl-15247 103 13 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 103 14 . . PUNCT crl-15247 104 1 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 104 2 were be AUX crl-15247 104 3 asked ask VERB crl-15247 104 4 to to PART crl-15247 104 5 name name VERB crl-15247 104 6 their their PRON crl-15247 104 7 first first ADJ crl-15247 104 8 position position NOUN crl-15247 104 9 or or CCONJ crl-15247 104 10 title title NOUN crl-15247 104 11 following follow VERB crl-15247 104 12 the the DET crl-15247 104 13 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 104 14 program program NOUN crl-15247 104 15 , , PUNCT crl-15247 104 16 as as ADV crl-15247 104 17 well well ADV crl-15247 104 18 as as ADP crl-15247 104 19 their their PRON crl-15247 104 20 current current ADJ crl-15247 104 21 position position NOUN crl-15247 104 22 or or CCONJ crl-15247 104 23 title title NOUN crl-15247 104 24 . . PUNCT crl-15247 105 1 because because SCONJ crl-15247 105 2 there there PRON crl-15247 105 3 is be VERB crl-15247 105 4 little little ADJ crl-15247 105 5 uniformity uniformity NOUN crl-15247 105 6 in in ADP crl-15247 105 7 titles title NOUN crl-15247 105 8 in in ADP crl-15247 105 9 aca­ aca­ PROPN crl-15247 105 10 demic demic ADJ crl-15247 105 11 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 105 12 , , PUNCT crl-15247 105 13 better well ADJ crl-15247 105 14 measures measure NOUN crl-15247 105 15 are be AUX crl-15247 105 16 needed need VERB crl-15247 105 17 to to PART crl-15247 105 18 track track VERB crl-15247 105 19 career career NOUN crl-15247 105 20 development development NOUN crl-15247 105 21 . . PUNCT crl-15247 106 1 however however ADV crl-15247 106 2 , , PUNCT crl-15247 106 3 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 106 4 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 106 5 regard regard VERB crl-15247 106 6 their their PRON crl-15247 106 7 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 106 8 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 106 9 as as ADP crl-15247 106 10 significant significant ADJ crl-15247 106 11 elements element NOUN crl-15247 106 12 in in ADP crl-15247 106 13 their their PRON crl-15247 106 14 career career NOUN crl-15247 106 15 development development NOUN crl-15247 106 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 107 1 although although SCONJ crl-15247 107 2 approxi­ approxi­ DET crl-15247 107 3 mately mately ADV crl-15247 107 4 half half NUM crl-15247 107 5 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 107 6 51 51 NUM crl-15247 107 7 % % NOUN crl-15247 107 8 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 107 9 felt feel VERB crl-15247 107 10 they they PRON crl-15247 107 11 would would AUX crl-15247 107 12 have have AUX crl-15247 107 13 had have VERB crl-15247 107 14 little little ADJ crl-15247 107 15 difficulty difficulty NOUN crl-15247 107 16 finding find VERB crl-15247 107 17 another another DET crl-15247 107 18 entry entry NOUN crl-15247 107 19 - - PUNCT crl-15247 107 20 level level NOUN crl-15247 107 21 position position NOUN crl-15247 107 22 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 107 23 rather rather ADV crl-15247 107 24 than than ADP crl-15247 107 25 the the DET crl-15247 107 26 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 107 27 posi­ posi­ PROPN crl-15247 107 28 tion tion NOUN crl-15247 107 29 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 107 30 , , PUNCT crl-15247 107 31 most most ADJ crl-15247 107 32 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 107 33 88 88 NUM crl-15247 107 34 % % NOUN crl-15247 107 35 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 107 36 said say VERB crl-15247 107 37 the the DET crl-15247 107 38 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 107 39 experi­ experi­ NOUN crl-15247 107 40 ence ence NOUN crl-15247 107 41 contributed contribute VERB crl-15247 107 42 to to ADP crl-15247 107 43 some some DET crl-15247 107 44 extent extent NOUN crl-15247 107 45 , , PUNCT crl-15247 107 46 or or CCONJ crl-15247 107 47 to to ADP crl-15247 107 48 a a DET crl-15247 107 49 great great ADJ crl-15247 107 50 extent extent NOUN crl-15247 107 51 , , PUNCT crl-15247 107 52 to to ADP crl-15247 107 53 subsequent subsequent ADJ crl-15247 107 54 jobs job NOUN crl-15247 107 55 . . PUNCT crl-15247 108 1 eightythree eightythree ADJ crl-15247 108 2 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 108 3 said say VERB crl-15247 108 4 their their PRON crl-15247 108 5 career career NOUN crl-15247 108 6 path path NOUN crl-15247 108 7 would would AUX crl-15247 108 8 have have AUX crl-15247 108 9 been be AUX crl-15247 108 10 different different ADJ crl-15247 108 11 without without ADP crl-15247 108 12 the the DET crl-15247 108 13 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 108 14 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 108 15 . . PUNCT crl-15247 109 1 the the DET crl-15247 109 2 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 109 3 results result NOUN crl-15247 109 4 indicate indicate VERB crl-15247 109 5 that that SCONJ crl-15247 109 6 host host NOUN crl-15247 109 7 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 109 8 have have VERB crl-15247 109 9 differing differ VERB crl-15247 109 10 views view NOUN crl-15247 109 11 of of ADP crl-15247 109 12 their their PRON crl-15247 109 13 role role NOUN crl-15247 109 14 in in ADP crl-15247 109 15 retaining retain VERB crl-15247 109 16 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 109 17 and and CCONJ crl-15247 109 18 helping help VERB crl-15247 109 19 resi­ resi­ PRON crl-15247 109 20 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 109 21 to to PART crl-15247 109 22 find find VERB crl-15247 109 23 subsequent subsequent ADJ crl-15247 109 24 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 109 25 positions position NOUN crl-15247 109 26 . . PUNCT crl-15247 110 1 although although SCONJ crl-15247 110 2 some some DET crl-15247 110 3 programs program NOUN crl-15247 110 4 aim aim VERB crl-15247 110 5 to to PART crl-15247 110 6 recruit recruit VERB crl-15247 110 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 110 8 prepare prepare VERB crl-15247 110 9 new new ADJ crl-15247 110 10 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 110 11 for for ADP crl-15247 110 12 careers career NOUN crl-15247 110 13 in in ADP crl-15247 110 14 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 110 15 and and CCONJ crl-15247 110 16 research research NOUN crl-15247 110 17 librar­ librar­ NOUN crl-15247 110 18 ies ie NOUN crl-15247 110 19 , , PUNCT crl-15247 110 20 or or CCONJ crl-15247 110 21 specifically specifically ADV crl-15247 110 22 in in ADP crl-15247 110 23 medical medical ADJ crl-15247 110 24 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 110 25 , , PUNCT crl-15247 110 26 other other ADJ crl-15247 110 27 programs program NOUN crl-15247 110 28 may may AUX crl-15247 110 29 be be AUX crl-15247 110 30 using use VERB crl-15247 110 31 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 110 32 programs program NOUN crl-15247 110 33 to to PART crl-15247 110 34 screen screen VERB crl-15247 110 35 future future ADJ crl-15247 110 36 employees employee NOUN crl-15247 110 37 for for ADP crl-15247 110 38 that that DET crl-15247 110 39 individual individual ADJ crl-15247 110 40 institution institution NOUN crl-15247 110 41 . . PUNCT crl-15247 111 1 approxi­ approxi­ DET crl-15247 111 2 mately mately ADV crl-15247 111 3 two two NUM crl-15247 111 4 - - PUNCT crl-15247 111 5 thirds third NOUN crl-15247 111 6 of of ADP crl-15247 111 7 the the DET crl-15247 111 8 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 111 9 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 111 10 64 64 NUM crl-15247 111 11 % % NOUN crl-15247 111 12 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 111 13 were be AUX crl-15247 111 14 offered offer VERB crl-15247 111 15 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 111 16 positions position NOUN crl-15247 111 17 in in ADP crl-15247 111 18 their their PRON crl-15247 111 19 host host NOUN crl-15247 111 20 library library NOUN crl-15247 111 21 following follow VERB crl-15247 111 22 their their PRON crl-15247 111 23 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 111 24 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 111 25 . . PUNCT crl-15247 112 1 fifty fifty NUM crl-15247 112 2 - - PUNCT crl-15247 112 3 one one NUM crl-15247 112 4 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 112 5 accepted accept VERB crl-15247 112 6 the the DET crl-15247 112 7 of­ of­ PROPN crl-15247 112 8 fer fer NOUN crl-15247 112 9 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 112 10 13 13 NUM crl-15247 112 11 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 112 12 declined decline VERB crl-15247 112 13 . . PUNCT crl-15247 113 1 a a DET crl-15247 113 2 wide wide ADJ crl-15247 113 3 array array NOUN crl-15247 113 4 of of ADP crl-15247 113 5 titles title NOUN crl-15247 113 6 are be AUX crl-15247 113 7 assigned assign VERB crl-15247 113 8 to to ADP crl-15247 113 9 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 113 10 in in ADP crl-15247 113 11 different different ADJ crl-15247 113 12 programs program NOUN crl-15247 113 13 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 113 14 see see VERB crl-15247 113 15 table table NOUN crl-15247 113 16 5 5 NUM crl-15247 113 17 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 113 18 . . PUNCT crl-15247 114 1 although although SCONJ crl-15247 114 2 most most ADJ crl-15247 114 3 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 114 4 were be AUX crl-15247 114 5 un­ un­ PROPN crl-15247 114 6 concerned concerned ADJ crl-15247 114 7 about about ADP crl-15247 114 8 the the DET crl-15247 114 9 titles title NOUN crl-15247 114 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 114 11 some some DET crl-15247 114 12 former former ADJ crl-15247 114 13 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 114 14 who who PRON crl-15247 114 15 worked work VERB crl-15247 114 16 in in ADP crl-15247 114 17 medical medical ADJ crl-15247 114 18 librar­ librar­ NOUN crl-15247 114 19 ies ies PROPN crl-15247 114 20 felt feel VERB crl-15247 114 21 the the DET crl-15247 114 22 term term NOUN crl-15247 114 23 intern intern NOUN crl-15247 114 24 was be AUX crl-15247 114 25 confusing confusing ADJ crl-15247 114 26 be­ be­ PROPN crl-15247 114 27 cause cause VERB crl-15247 114 28 it it PRON crl-15247 114 29 also also ADV crl-15247 114 30 is be AUX crl-15247 114 31 used use VERB crl-15247 114 32 to to PART crl-15247 114 33 designate designate VERB crl-15247 114 34 medical medical ADJ crl-15247 114 35 students student NOUN crl-15247 114 36 preparing prepare VERB crl-15247 114 37 to to PART crl-15247 114 38 become become VERB crl-15247 114 39 physicians physician NOUN crl-15247 114 40 . . PUNCT crl-15247 115 1 others other NOUN crl-15247 115 2 expressed express VERB crl-15247 115 3 discomfort discomfort NOUN crl-15247 115 4 with with ADP crl-15247 115 5 the the DET crl-15247 115 6 term term NOUN crl-15247 115 7 intern intern NOUN crl-15247 115 8 for for ADP crl-15247 115 9 its its PRON crl-15247 115 10 less less ADJ crl-15247 115 11 - - PUNCT crl-15247 115 12 than than ADP crl-15247 115 13 - - PUNCT crl-15247 115 14 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 115 15 connotation connotation NOUN crl-15247 115 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 116 1 a a DET crl-15247 116 2 few few ADJ crl-15247 116 3 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 116 4 com­ com­ PROPN crl-15247 116 5 mented mente VERB crl-15247 116 6 on on ADP crl-15247 116 7 being be AUX crl-15247 116 8 treated treat VERB crl-15247 116 9 as as ADP crl-15247 116 10 a a DET crl-15247 116 11 continuing continue VERB crl-15247 116 12 student student NOUN crl-15247 116 13 rather rather ADV crl-15247 116 14 than than ADP crl-15247 116 15 a a DET crl-15247 116 16 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 116 17 librar­ librar­ PROPN crl-15247 116 18 ian ian PROPN crl-15247 116 19 . . PUNCT crl-15247 117 1 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 117 2 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 117 3 also also ADV crl-15247 117 4 expressed express VERB crl-15247 117 5 some some DET crl-15247 117 6 discomfort discomfort NOUN crl-15247 117 7 with with ADP crl-15247 117 8 their their PRON crl-15247 117 9 titles title NOUN crl-15247 117 10 . . PUNCT crl-15247 118 1 some some PRON crl-15247 118 2 of of ADP crl-15247 118 3 the the DET crl-15247 118 4 titles title NOUN crl-15247 118 5 used use VERB crl-15247 118 6 in in ADP crl-15247 118 7 programs program NOUN crl-15247 118 8 targeted target VERB crl-15247 118 9 to to PART crl-15247 118 10 graduates graduate NOUN crl-15247 118 11 from from ADP crl-15247 118 12 underrepresented underrepresented ADJ crl-15247 118 13 racial racial ADJ crl-15247 118 14 and and CCONJ crl-15247 118 15 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 118 16 groups group NOUN crl-15247 118 17 include include VERB crl-15247 118 18 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 118 19 intern intern NOUN crl-15247 118 20 , , PUNCT crl-15247 118 21 affirmative affirmative ADJ crl-15247 118 22 action action NOUN crl-15247 118 23 intern intern NOUN crl-15247 118 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 118 25 and and CCONJ crl-15247 118 26 minority minority PROPN crl-15247 118 27 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 118 28 dent dent PROPN crl-15247 118 29 . . PUNCT crl-15247 119 1 some some DET crl-15247 119 2 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 119 3 felt feel VERB crl-15247 119 4 discomfort discomfort ADJ crl-15247 119 5 when when SCONJ crl-15247 119 6 their their PRON crl-15247 119 7 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 119 8 status status NOUN crl-15247 119 9 was be AUX crl-15247 119 10 overem­ overem­ CCONJ crl-15247 119 11 phasized phasize VERB crl-15247 119 12 . . PUNCT crl-15247 120 1 the the DET crl-15247 120 2 emphasis emphasis NOUN crl-15247 120 3 on on ADP crl-15247 120 4 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 120 5 sta­ sta­ PROPN crl-15247 120 6 tus tus PROPN crl-15247 120 7 unnecessarily unnecessarily ADV crl-15247 120 8 focused focus VERB crl-15247 120 9 on on ADP crl-15247 120 10 differences difference NOUN crl-15247 120 11 or or CCONJ crl-15247 120 12 led lead VERB crl-15247 120 13 to to ADP crl-15247 120 14 perceptions perception NOUN crl-15247 120 15 that that SCONJ crl-15247 120 16 these these DET crl-15247 120 17 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 120 18 were be AUX crl-15247 120 19 substandard substandard ADJ crl-15247 120 20 . . PUNCT crl-15247 121 1 the the DET crl-15247 121 2 term term NOUN crl-15247 121 3 affirmative affirmative ADJ crl-15247 121 4 action action NOUN crl-15247 121 5 in in ADP crl-15247 121 6 the the DET crl-15247 121 7 title title NOUN crl-15247 121 8 was be AUX crl-15247 121 9 very very ADV crl-15247 121 10 awkward awkward ADJ crl-15247 121 11 for for ADP crl-15247 121 12 one one NUM crl-15247 121 13 respon­ respon­ NOUN crl-15247 121 14 dent dent NOUN crl-15247 121 15 , , PUNCT crl-15247 121 16 who who PRON crl-15247 121 17 felt feel VERB crl-15247 121 18 the the DET crl-15247 121 19 confusion confusion NOUN crl-15247 121 20 and and CCONJ crl-15247 121 21 stigma stigma NOUN crl-15247 121 22 associated associate VERB crl-15247 121 23 with with ADP crl-15247 121 24 the the DET crl-15247 121 25 public public ADJ crl-15247 121 26 debate debate NOUN crl-15247 121 27 about about ADP crl-15247 121 28 affirmative affirmative ADJ crl-15247 121 29 action action NOUN crl-15247 121 30 . . PUNCT crl-15247 122 1 nineteen nineteen NUM crl-15247 122 2 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 122 3 reported report VERB crl-15247 122 4 working work VERB crl-15247 122 5 in in ADP crl-15247 122 6 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 122 7 programs program NOUN crl-15247 122 8 targeted target VERB crl-15247 122 9 to to ADP crl-15247 122 10 racial racial ADJ crl-15247 122 11 and and CCONJ crl-15247 122 12 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 122 13 minorities minority NOUN crl-15247 122 14 . . PUNCT crl-15247 123 1 the the DET crl-15247 123 2 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 123 3 asked ask VERB crl-15247 123 4 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 123 5 from from ADP crl-15247 123 6 these these DET crl-15247 123 7 programs program NOUN crl-15247 123 8 to to PART crl-15247 123 9 comment comment VERB crl-15247 123 10 on on ADP crl-15247 123 11 their their PRON crl-15247 123 12 treatment treatment NOUN crl-15247 123 13 . . PUNCT crl-15247 124 1 seventy seventy NUM crl-15247 124 2 - - PUNCT crl-15247 124 3 five five NUM crl-15247 124 4 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 124 5 felt feel VERB crl-15247 124 6 their their PRON crl-15247 124 7 ra­ ra­ ADJ crl-15247 124 8 cial cial NOUN crl-15247 124 9 or or CCONJ crl-15247 124 10 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 124 11 background background NOUN crl-15247 124 12 had have VERB crl-15247 124 13 a a DET crl-15247 124 14 positive positive ADJ crl-15247 124 15 role role NOUN crl-15247 124 16 or or CCONJ crl-15247 124 17 no no DET crl-15247 124 18 role role NOUN crl-15247 124 19 in in ADP crl-15247 124 20 their their PRON crl-15247 124 21 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 124 22 program program NOUN crl-15247 124 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 125 1 a a DET crl-15247 125 2 few few ADJ crl-15247 125 3 commented comment VERB crl-15247 125 4 that that SCONJ crl-15247 125 5 their their PRON crl-15247 125 6 racial racial ADJ crl-15247 125 7 or or CCONJ crl-15247 125 8 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 125 9 background background NOUN crl-15247 125 10 had have VERB crl-15247 125 11 both both CCONJ crl-15247 125 12 a a DET crl-15247 125 13 positive positive ADJ crl-15247 125 14 and and CCONJ crl-15247 125 15 a a DET crl-15247 125 16 negative negative ADJ crl-15247 125 17 role role NOUN crl-15247 125 18 . . PUNCT crl-15247 126 1 and and CCONJ crl-15247 126 2 one one NUM crl-15247 126 3 respondent respondent NOUN crl-15247 126 4 felt feel VERB crl-15247 126 5 that that SCONJ crl-15247 126 6 racial racial ADJ crl-15247 126 7 or or CCONJ crl-15247 126 8 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 126 9 background background NOUN crl-15247 126 10 had have VERB crl-15247 126 11 a a DET crl-15247 126 12 post post ADJ crl-15247 126 13 - - ADJ crl-15247 126 14 master master ADJ crl-15247 126 15 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 126 16 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 126 17 programs program NOUN crl-15247 126 18 535 535 NUM crl-15247 126 19 negative negative ADJ crl-15247 126 20 role role NOUN crl-15247 126 21 . . PUNCT crl-15247 127 1 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 127 2 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 127 3 felt feel VERB crl-15247 127 4 that that SCONJ crl-15247 127 5 their their PRON crl-15247 127 6 racial racial ADJ crl-15247 127 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 127 8 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 127 9 background background NOUN crl-15247 127 10 was be AUX crl-15247 127 11 impor­ impor­ PROPN crl-15247 127 12 tant tant NOUN crl-15247 127 13 in in ADP crl-15247 127 14 adding add VERB crl-15247 127 15 diversity diversity NOUN crl-15247 127 16 to to ADP crl-15247 127 17 predominantly predominantly ADV crl-15247 127 18 white white ADJ crl-15247 127 19 library library NOUN crl-15247 127 20 staffs staff NOUN crl-15247 127 21 . . PUNCT crl-15247 128 1 it it PRON crl-15247 128 2 provided provide VERB crl-15247 128 3 an an DET crl-15247 128 4 oppor­ oppor­ PROPN crl-15247 128 5 tunity tunity NOUN crl-15247 128 6 for for SCONJ crl-15247 128 7 students student NOUN crl-15247 128 8 and and CCONJ crl-15247 128 9 staff staff NOUN crl-15247 128 10 to to PART crl-15247 128 11 work work VERB crl-15247 128 12 with with ADP crl-15247 128 13 minorities minority NOUN crl-15247 128 14 . . PUNCT crl-15247 129 1 most most ADV crl-15247 129 2 often often ADV crl-15247 129 3 , , PUNCT crl-15247 129 4 the the DET crl-15247 129 5 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 129 6 were be AUX crl-15247 129 7 accepted accept VERB crl-15247 129 8 as as ADP crl-15247 129 9 professionals professional NOUN crl-15247 129 10 who who PRON crl-15247 129 11 happened happen VERB crl-15247 129 12 to to PART crl-15247 129 13 be be AUX crl-15247 129 14 minorities minority NOUN crl-15247 129 15 . . PUNCT crl-15247 130 1 racial racial ADJ crl-15247 130 2 and and CCONJ crl-15247 130 3 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 130 4 back­ back­ PROPN crl-15247 130 5 ground ground NOUN crl-15247 130 6 also also ADV crl-15247 130 7 determined determine VERB crl-15247 130 8 some some DET crl-15247 130 9 assign­ assign­ PROPN crl-15247 130 10 ments ment NOUN crl-15247 130 11 directed direct VERB crl-15247 130 12 to to ADP crl-15247 130 13 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 130 14 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 130 15 . . PUNCT crl-15247 131 1 this this PRON crl-15247 131 2 was be AUX crl-15247 131 3 a a DET crl-15247 131 4 positive positive ADJ crl-15247 131 5 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 131 6 when when SCONJ crl-15247 131 7 the the DET crl-15247 131 8 as­ as­ NOUN crl-15247 131 9 signment signment NOUN crl-15247 131 10 related relate VERB crl-15247 131 11 to to ADP crl-15247 131 12 the the DET crl-15247 131 13 resident resident NOUN crl-15247 131 14 ’s ’s PART crl-15247 131 15 area area NOUN crl-15247 131 16 of of ADP crl-15247 131 17 interest interest NOUN crl-15247 131 18 . . PUNCT crl-15247 132 1 in in ADP crl-15247 132 2 other other ADJ crl-15247 132 3 situations situation NOUN crl-15247 132 4 , , PUNCT crl-15247 132 5 minority minority PROPN crl-15247 132 6 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 132 7 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 132 8 were be AUX crl-15247 132 9 looked look VERB crl-15247 132 10 to to ADP crl-15247 132 11 as as ADP crl-15247 132 12 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 132 13 experts expert NOUN crl-15247 132 14 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 132 15 on on ADP crl-15247 132 16 questions question NOUN crl-15247 132 17 dealing deal VERB crl-15247 132 18 with with ADP crl-15247 132 19 ethnic ethnic ADJ crl-15247 132 20 issues issue NOUN crl-15247 132 21 . . PUNCT crl-15247 133 1 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 133 2 programs program NOUN crl-15247 133 3 seem seem VERB crl-15247 133 4 to to PART crl-15247 133 5 be be AUX crl-15247 133 6 effec­ effec­ NOUN crl-15247 133 7 tive tive NOUN crl-15247 133 8 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 133 9 tools tool NOUN crl-15247 133 10 for for ADP crl-15247 133 11 attracting attract VERB crl-15247 133 12 mi­ mi­ PROPN crl-15247 133 13 norities noritie NOUN crl-15247 133 14 and and CCONJ crl-15247 133 15 other other ADJ crl-15247 133 16 individuals individual NOUN crl-15247 133 17 for for ADP crl-15247 133 18 shortterm shortterm ADJ crl-15247 133 19 , , PUNCT crl-15247 133 20 temporary temporary ADJ crl-15247 133 21 assignments assignment NOUN crl-15247 133 22 who who PRON crl-15247 133 23 would would AUX crl-15247 133 24 not not PART crl-15247 133 25 consider consider VERB crl-15247 133 26 moving move VERB crl-15247 133 27 to to ADP crl-15247 133 28 a a DET crl-15247 133 29 specific specific ADJ crl-15247 133 30 geo­ geo­ PROPN crl-15247 133 31 graphic graphic ADJ crl-15247 133 32 location location NOUN crl-15247 133 33 for for ADP crl-15247 133 34 more more ADV crl-15247 133 35 permanent permanent ADJ crl-15247 133 36 po­ po­ NOUN crl-15247 133 37 sitions sition NOUN crl-15247 133 38 . . PUNCT crl-15247 134 1 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 134 2 responses response NOUN crl-15247 134 3 indicated indicate VERB crl-15247 134 4 the the DET crl-15247 134 5 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 134 6 programs program NOUN crl-15247 134 7 succeed succeed VERB crl-15247 134 8 in in ADP crl-15247 134 9 recruiting recruit VERB crl-15247 134 10 individuals individual NOUN crl-15247 134 11 to to ADP crl-15247 134 12 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 134 13 and and CCONJ crl-15247 134 14 research research NOUN crl-15247 134 15 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15247 134 16 braries brarie NOUN crl-15247 134 17 who who PRON crl-15247 134 18 otherwise otherwise ADV crl-15247 134 19 were be AUX crl-15247 134 20 not not PART crl-15247 134 21 consider­ consider­ VERB crl-15247 134 22 ing ing ADJ crl-15247 134 23 careers career NOUN crl-15247 134 24 in in ADP crl-15247 134 25 these these DET crl-15247 134 26 areas area NOUN crl-15247 134 27 . . PUNCT crl-15247 135 1 one one NUM crl-15247 135 2 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 135 3 re­ re­ PROPN crl-15247 135 4 spondent spondent NOUN crl-15247 135 5 wrote write VERB crl-15247 135 6 : : PUNCT crl-15247 135 7 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 135 8 the the DET crl-15247 135 9 program program NOUN crl-15247 135 10 was be AUX crl-15247 135 11 the the DET crl-15247 135 12 single single ADJ crl-15247 135 13 most most ADV crl-15247 135 14 important important ADJ crl-15247 135 15 factor factor NOUN crl-15247 135 16 in in ADP crl-15247 135 17 my my PRON crl-15247 135 18 choos­ choos­ NOUN crl-15247 135 19 ing ing NOUN crl-15247 135 20 employment employment NOUN crl-15247 135 21 in in ADP crl-15247 135 22 an an DET crl-15247 135 23 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 135 24 library library NOUN crl-15247 135 25 . . PUNCT crl-15247 135 26 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 136 1 overall overall ADV crl-15247 136 2 , , PUNCT crl-15247 136 3 the the DET crl-15247 136 4 response response NOUN crl-15247 136 5 to to ADP crl-15247 136 6 the the DET crl-15247 136 7 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 136 8 was be AUX crl-15247 136 9 overwhelmingly overwhelmingly ADV crl-15247 136 10 positive positive ADJ crl-15247 136 11 . . PUNCT crl-15247 137 1 an an DET crl-15247 137 2 over­ over­ NOUN crl-15247 137 3 whelming whelm VERB crl-15247 137 4 amount amount NOUN crl-15247 137 5 of of ADP crl-15247 137 6 support support NOUN crl-15247 137 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 137 8 enthu­ enthu­ NOUN crl-15247 137 9 siasm siasm NOUN crl-15247 137 10 for for ADP crl-15247 137 11 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 137 12 programs program NOUN crl-15247 137 13 was be AUX crl-15247 137 14 ex­ ex­ NOUN crl-15247 137 15 pressed press VERB crl-15247 137 16 in in ADP crl-15247 137 17 the the DET crl-15247 137 18 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 137 19 responses response NOUN crl-15247 137 20 . . PUNCT crl-15247 138 1 nearly nearly ADV crl-15247 138 2 all all PRON crl-15247 138 3 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 138 4 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 138 5 97 97 NUM crl-15247 138 6 % % NOUN crl-15247 138 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 138 8 said say VERB crl-15247 138 9 they they PRON crl-15247 138 10 enjoyed enjoy VERB crl-15247 138 11 their their PRON crl-15247 138 12 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 138 13 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 138 14 very very ADV crl-15247 138 15 much much ADV crl-15247 138 16 or or CCONJ crl-15247 138 17 most most ADJ crl-15247 138 18 of of ADP crl-15247 138 19 the the DET crl-15247 138 20 time time NOUN crl-15247 138 21 . . PUNCT crl-15247 139 1 given give VERB crl-15247 139 2 the the DET crl-15247 139 3 opportunity opportunity NOUN crl-15247 139 4 to to PART crl-15247 139 5 apply apply VERB crl-15247 139 6 for for ADP crl-15247 139 7 the the DET crl-15247 139 8 same same ADJ crl-15247 139 9 or or CCONJ crl-15247 139 10 similar similar ADJ crl-15247 139 11 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 139 12 program program NOUN crl-15247 139 13 , , PUNCT crl-15247 139 14 93 93 NUM crl-15247 139 15 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 139 16 said say VERB crl-15247 139 17 they they PRON crl-15247 139 18 would would AUX crl-15247 139 19 do do VERB crl-15247 139 20 it it PRON crl-15247 139 21 again again ADV crl-15247 139 22 . . PUNCT crl-15247 140 1 typical typical ADJ crl-15247 140 2 words word NOUN crl-15247 140 3 used use VERB crl-15247 140 4 to to PART crl-15247 140 5 describe describe VERB crl-15247 140 6 the the DET crl-15247 140 7 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 140 8 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 140 9 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 140 10 include include VERB crl-15247 140 11 : : PUNCT crl-15247 140 12 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 140 13 valuable valuable ADJ crl-15247 140 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 140 15 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 140 16 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 140 17 great great ADJ crl-15247 140 18 , , PUNCT crl-15247 140 19 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 140 20 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 140 21 fantastic fantastic ADJ crl-15247 140 22 , , PUNCT crl-15247 140 23 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 140 24 and and CCONJ crl-15247 140 25 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 140 26 excellent excellent ADJ crl-15247 140 27 . . PUNCT crl-15247 140 28 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 141 1 the the DET crl-15247 141 2 most most ADV crl-15247 141 3 frequent frequent ADJ crl-15247 141 4 remarks remark NOUN crl-15247 141 5 suggest suggest VERB crl-15247 141 6 that that SCONJ crl-15247 141 7 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 141 8 dency dency NOUN crl-15247 141 9 programs program NOUN crl-15247 141 10 provide provide VERB crl-15247 141 11 unique unique ADJ crl-15247 141 12 learning learning NOUN crl-15247 141 13 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 141 14 and and CCONJ crl-15247 141 15 are be AUX crl-15247 141 16 important important ADJ crl-15247 141 17 founda­ founda­ NOUN crl-15247 141 18 tions tion NOUN crl-15247 141 19 for for ADP crl-15247 141 20 beginning begin VERB crl-15247 141 21 careers career NOUN crl-15247 141 22 . . PUNCT crl-15247 142 1 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 142 2 found find VERB crl-15247 142 3 the the DET crl-15247 142 4 mentoring mentoring NOUN crl-15247 142 5 and and CCONJ crl-15247 142 6 networking network VERB crl-15247 142 7 in­ in­ PROPN crl-15247 142 8 valuable valuable ADJ crl-15247 142 9 . . PUNCT crl-15247 143 1 the the DET crl-15247 143 2 programs program NOUN crl-15247 143 3 exposed expose VERB crl-15247 143 4 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 143 5 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 143 6 to to ADP crl-15247 143 7 a a DET crl-15247 143 8 breadth breadth NOUN crl-15247 143 9 of of ADP crl-15247 143 10 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 143 11 experi­ experi­ NOUN crl-15247 143 12 ences ence NOUN crl-15247 143 13 typically typically ADV crl-15247 143 14 unavailable unavailable ADJ crl-15247 143 15 in in ADP crl-15247 143 16 other other ADJ crl-15247 143 17 en­ en­ NOUN crl-15247 143 18 try try VERB crl-15247 143 19 - - PUNCT crl-15247 143 20 level level NOUN crl-15247 143 21 positions position NOUN crl-15247 143 22 or or CCONJ crl-15247 143 23 traditional traditional ADJ crl-15247 143 24 career career NOUN crl-15247 143 25 paths path NOUN crl-15247 143 26 . . PUNCT crl-15247 144 1 those those PRON crl-15247 144 2 who who PRON crl-15247 144 3 were be AUX crl-15247 144 4 uncommitted uncommitte VERB crl-15247 144 5 to to ADP crl-15247 144 6 specific specific ADJ crl-15247 144 7 career career NOUN crl-15247 144 8 plans plan NOUN crl-15247 144 9 valued value VERB crl-15247 144 10 the the DET crl-15247 144 11 opportu­ opportu­ PROPN crl-15247 144 12 nity nity NOUN crl-15247 144 13 to to PART crl-15247 144 14 explore explore VERB crl-15247 144 15 and and CCONJ crl-15247 144 16 test test VERB crl-15247 144 17 their their PRON crl-15247 144 18 interest interest NOUN crl-15247 144 19 in in ADP crl-15247 144 20 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 144 21 and and CCONJ crl-15247 144 22 research research NOUN crl-15247 144 23 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 144 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 144 25 particu­ particu­ VERB crl-15247 144 26 larly larly ADV crl-15247 144 27 in in ADP crl-15247 144 28 light light NOUN crl-15247 144 29 of of ADP crl-15247 144 30 the the DET crl-15247 144 31 rigorous rigorous ADJ crl-15247 144 32 promotion promotion NOUN crl-15247 144 33 and and CCONJ crl-15247 144 34 tenure tenure NOUN crl-15247 144 35 system system NOUN crl-15247 144 36 at at ADP crl-15247 144 37 most most ADJ crl-15247 144 38 institutions institution NOUN crl-15247 144 39 . . PUNCT crl-15247 145 1 a a DET crl-15247 145 2 certain certain ADJ crl-15247 145 3 sense sense NOUN crl-15247 145 4 of of ADP crl-15247 145 5 delight delight NOUN crl-15247 145 6 and and CCONJ crl-15247 145 7 renewed renew VERB crl-15247 145 8 appreciation appreciation NOUN crl-15247 145 9 for for ADP crl-15247 145 10 their their PRON crl-15247 145 11 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 145 12 experi­ experi­ NOUN crl-15247 145 13 ences ence NOUN crl-15247 145 14 came come VERB crl-15247 145 15 through through ADP crl-15247 145 16 in in ADP crl-15247 145 17 written write VERB crl-15247 145 18 comments comment NOUN crl-15247 145 19 . . PUNCT crl-15247 146 1 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 146 2 frequently frequently ADV crl-15247 146 3 commented comment VERB crl-15247 146 4 that that SCONJ crl-15247 146 5 at at ADP crl-15247 146 6 the the DET crl-15247 146 7 beginning beginning NOUN crl-15247 146 8 of of ADP crl-15247 146 9 their their PRON crl-15247 146 10 programs program NOUN crl-15247 146 11 they they PRON crl-15247 146 12 had have VERB crl-15247 146 13 no no DET crl-15247 146 14 idea idea NOUN crl-15247 146 15 of of ADP crl-15247 146 16 the the DET crl-15247 146 17 value value NOUN crl-15247 146 18 they they PRON crl-15247 146 19 would would AUX crl-15247 146 20 later later ADV crl-15247 146 21 attach attach VERB crl-15247 146 22 to to ADP crl-15247 146 23 the the DET crl-15247 146 24 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 146 25 . . PUNCT crl-15247 147 1 reflection reflection NOUN crl-15247 147 2 and and CCONJ crl-15247 147 3 hindsight hindsight NOUN crl-15247 147 4 seemed seem VERB crl-15247 147 5 to to PART crl-15247 147 6 be be AUX crl-15247 147 7 very very ADV crl-15247 147 8 satisfying satisfying ADJ crl-15247 147 9 for for ADP crl-15247 147 10 most most ADJ crl-15247 147 11 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 147 12 , , PUNCT crl-15247 147 13 although although SCONJ crl-15247 147 14 two two NUM crl-15247 147 15 had have VERB crl-15247 147 16 negative negative ADJ crl-15247 147 17 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 147 18 to to PART crl-15247 147 19 relate relate VERB crl-15247 147 20 : : PUNCT crl-15247 147 21 limited limit VERB crl-15247 147 22 op­ op­ PROPN crl-15247 147 23 portunities portunitie NOUN crl-15247 147 24 and and CCONJ crl-15247 147 25 exposure exposure NOUN crl-15247 147 26 , , PUNCT crl-15247 147 27 and and CCONJ crl-15247 147 28 poor poor ADJ crl-15247 147 29 rela­ rela­ ADJ crl-15247 147 30 tions tion NOUN crl-15247 147 31 with with ADP crl-15247 147 32 supervisors supervisor NOUN crl-15247 147 33 . . PUNCT crl-15247 148 1 overall overall ADJ crl-15247 148 2 , , PUNCT crl-15247 148 3 respon­ respon­ NOUN crl-15247 148 4 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 148 5 continue continue VERB crl-15247 148 6 to to PART crl-15247 148 7 enjoy enjoy VERB crl-15247 148 8 the the DET crl-15247 148 9 careers career NOUN crl-15247 148 10 they they PRON crl-15247 148 11 have have AUX crl-15247 148 12 built build VERB crl-15247 148 13 on on ADP crl-15247 148 14 their their PRON crl-15247 148 15 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 148 16 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 148 17 . . PUNCT crl-15247 149 1 ninety ninety NUM crl-15247 149 2 - - PUNCT crl-15247 149 3 three three NUM crl-15247 149 4 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 149 5 report report NOUN crl-15247 149 6 enjoying enjoy VERB crl-15247 149 7 their their PRON crl-15247 149 8 current current ADJ crl-15247 149 9 work work NOUN crl-15247 149 10 very very ADV crl-15247 149 11 much much ADV crl-15247 149 12 or or CCONJ crl-15247 149 13 most most ADJ crl-15247 149 14 of of ADP crl-15247 149 15 the the DET crl-15247 149 16 time time NOUN crl-15247 149 17 . . PUNCT crl-15247 150 1 another another DET crl-15247 150 2 measure measure NOUN crl-15247 150 3 of of ADP crl-15247 150 4 the the DET crl-15247 150 5 high high ADJ crl-15247 150 6 regard regard NOUN crl-15247 150 7 former former ADJ crl-15247 150 8 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 150 9 have have VERB crl-15247 150 10 for for ADP crl-15247 150 11 these these DET crl-15247 150 12 programs program NOUN crl-15247 150 13 is be AUX crl-15247 150 14 the the DET crl-15247 150 15 volume volume NOUN crl-15247 150 16 of of ADP crl-15247 150 17 written write VERB crl-15247 150 18 responses response NOUN crl-15247 150 19 . . PUNCT crl-15247 151 1 more more ADJ crl-15247 151 2 than than ADP crl-15247 151 3 80 80 NUM crl-15247 151 4 percent percent NOUN crl-15247 151 5 of of ADP crl-15247 151 6 the the DET crl-15247 151 7 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 151 8 offer offer VERB crl-15247 151 9 advice advice NOUN crl-15247 151 10 to to ADP crl-15247 151 11 supervisors supervisor NOUN crl-15247 151 12 and and CCONJ crl-15247 151 13 program program NOUN crl-15247 151 14 coor­ coor­ PROPN crl-15247 151 15 dinators dinator NOUN crl-15247 151 16 . . PUNCT crl-15247 152 1 examples example NOUN crl-15247 152 2 of of ADP crl-15247 152 3 advice advice NOUN crl-15247 152 4 include include VERB crl-15247 152 5 : : PUNCT crl-15247 152 6 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 152 7 emphasize emphasize VERB crl-15247 152 8 big big ADJ crl-15247 152 9 picture picture NOUN crl-15247 152 10 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 152 11 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 152 12 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 152 13 provide provide VERB crl-15247 152 14 broad broad ADJ crl-15247 152 15 exposure exposure NOUN crl-15247 152 16 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 152 17 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 152 18 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 152 19 appreciate appreciate VERB crl-15247 152 20 different different ADJ crl-15247 152 21 back­ back­ PRON crl-15247 152 22 ground ground NOUN crl-15247 152 23 and and CCONJ crl-15247 152 24 interests interest NOUN crl-15247 152 25 of of ADP crl-15247 152 26 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 152 27 and and CCONJ crl-15247 152 28 try try VERB crl-15247 152 29 to to PART crl-15247 152 30 design design VERB crl-15247 152 31 parts part NOUN crl-15247 152 32 of of ADP crl-15247 152 33 their their PRON crl-15247 152 34 program program NOUN crl-15247 152 35 to to PART crl-15247 152 36 match match VERB crl-15247 152 37 those those DET crl-15247 152 38 areas area NOUN crl-15247 152 39 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 152 40 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 152 41 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 152 42 provide provide VERB crl-15247 152 43 more more ADJ crl-15247 152 44 opportuni­ opportuni­ NUM crl-15247 152 45 ties tie NOUN crl-15247 152 46 for for ADP crl-15247 152 47 projects project NOUN crl-15247 152 48 that that PRON crl-15247 152 49 will will AUX crl-15247 152 50 benefit benefit VERB crl-15247 152 51 the the DET crl-15247 152 52 library library NOUN crl-15247 152 53 and and CCONJ crl-15247 152 54 challenge challenge VERB crl-15247 152 55 the the DET crl-15247 152 56 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 152 57 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 152 58 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 152 59 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 152 60 encourage encourage VERB crl-15247 152 61 mentoring mentor VERB crl-15247 152 62 relationships relationship NOUN crl-15247 152 63 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 152 64 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 152 65 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 152 66 clearly clearly ADV crl-15247 152 67 define define VERB crl-15247 152 68 goals goal NOUN crl-15247 152 69 of of ADP crl-15247 152 70 the the DET crl-15247 152 71 program program NOUN crl-15247 152 72 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 152 73 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 152 74 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 152 75 be be AUX crl-15247 152 76 accessible accessible ADJ crl-15247 152 77 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 152 78 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 152 79 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 152 80 be be AUX crl-15247 152 81 flexible flexible ADJ crl-15247 152 82 . . PUNCT crl-15247 152 83 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 153 1 numerous numerous ADJ crl-15247 153 2 responses response NOUN crl-15247 153 3 em­ em­ PROPN crl-15247 153 4 phasized phasize VERB crl-15247 153 5 the the DET crl-15247 153 6 need need NOUN crl-15247 153 7 to to PART crl-15247 153 8 make make VERB crl-15247 153 9 programs program NOUN crl-15247 153 10 two two NUM crl-15247 153 11 years year NOUN crl-15247 153 12 long long ADV crl-15247 153 13 , , PUNCT crl-15247 153 14 with with ADP crl-15247 153 15 at at ADV crl-15247 153 16 least least ADV crl-15247 153 17 one one NUM crl-15247 153 18 peer peer NOUN crl-15247 153 19 resident resident NOUN crl-15247 153 20 . . PUNCT crl-15247 154 1 an an DET crl-15247 154 2 even even ADV crl-15247 154 3 larger large ADJ crl-15247 154 4 number number NOUN crl-15247 154 5 of of ADP crl-15247 154 6 written write VERB crl-15247 154 7 re­ re­ NOUN crl-15247 154 8 sponses sponse NOUN crl-15247 154 9 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 154 10 84 84 NUM crl-15247 154 11 % % NOUN crl-15247 154 12 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 154 13 were be AUX crl-15247 154 14 directed direct VERB crl-15247 154 15 to to ADP crl-15247 154 16 new new ADJ crl-15247 154 17 master master PROPN crl-15247 154 18 ’s ’s PART crl-15247 154 19 graduates graduate NOUN crl-15247 154 20 considering consider VERB crl-15247 154 21 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 154 22 programs program NOUN crl-15247 154 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 155 1 nearly nearly ADV crl-15247 155 2 all all PRON crl-15247 155 3 respondents respondent NOUN crl-15247 155 4 said say VERB crl-15247 155 5 , , PUNCT crl-15247 155 6 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 155 7 do do VERB crl-15247 155 8 it it PRON crl-15247 155 9 ! ! PUNCT crl-15247 155 10 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 156 1 they they PRON crl-15247 156 2 emphasized emphasize VERB crl-15247 156 3 the the DET crl-15247 156 4 network­ network­ NOUN crl-15247 156 5 ing ing NOUN crl-15247 156 6 and and CCONJ crl-15247 156 7 learning learn VERB crl-15247 156 8 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 156 9 , , PUNCT crl-15247 156 10 and and CCONJ crl-15247 156 11 sug­ sug­ NOUN crl-15247 156 12 536 536 NUM crl-15247 156 13 college college PROPN crl-15247 156 14 & & CCONJ crl-15247 156 15 research research PROPN crl-15247 156 16 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 156 17 november november PROPN crl-15247 156 18 1997 1997 NUM crl-15247 156 19 gested geste VERB crl-15247 156 20 that that SCONJ crl-15247 156 21 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 156 22 need need VERB crl-15247 156 23 to to PART crl-15247 156 24 be be AUX crl-15247 156 25 willing willing ADJ crl-15247 156 26 to to PART crl-15247 156 27 explore explore VERB crl-15247 156 28 all all DET crl-15247 156 29 aspects aspect NOUN crl-15247 156 30 of of ADP crl-15247 156 31 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-15247 156 32 . . PUNCT crl-15247 157 1 one one NUM crl-15247 157 2 respondent respondent NOUN crl-15247 157 3 suggested suggest VERB crl-15247 157 4 that that SCONJ crl-15247 157 5 , , PUNCT crl-15247 157 6 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 157 7 you you PRON crl-15247 157 8 may may AUX crl-15247 157 9 find find VERB crl-15247 157 10 your your PRON crl-15247 157 11 niche niche NOUN crl-15247 157 12 is be AUX crl-15247 157 13 not not PART crl-15247 157 14 what what PRON crl-15247 157 15 you you PRON crl-15247 157 16 ex­ ex­ NOUN crl-15247 157 17 pected pecte VERB crl-15247 157 18 . . PUNCT crl-15247 157 19 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 158 1 other other ADJ crl-15247 158 2 advice advice NOUN crl-15247 158 3 included include VERB crl-15247 158 4 : : PUNCT crl-15247 158 5 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 158 6 be be AUX crl-15247 158 7 re­ re­ VERB crl-15247 158 8 spectful spectful ADJ crl-15247 158 9 and and CCONJ crl-15247 158 10 diplomatic diplomatic ADJ crl-15247 158 11 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 158 12 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 158 13 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 158 14 be be AUX crl-15247 158 15 flexible flexible ADJ crl-15247 158 16 and and CCONJ crl-15247 158 17 open open ADJ crl-15247 158 18 - - PUNCT crl-15247 158 19 minded minded ADJ crl-15247 158 20 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 158 21 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 158 22 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 158 23 be be AUX crl-15247 158 24 prepared prepare VERB crl-15247 158 25 to to PART crl-15247 158 26 be be AUX crl-15247 158 27 very very ADV crl-15247 158 28 self self NOUN crl-15247 158 29 - - PUNCT crl-15247 158 30 motivated motivate VERB crl-15247 158 31 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 158 32 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 158 33 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 158 34 be be AUX crl-15247 158 35 aware aware ADJ crl-15247 158 36 of of ADP crl-15247 158 37 organiza­ organiza­ DET crl-15247 158 38 tional tional ADJ crl-15247 158 39 politics politic NOUN crl-15247 158 40 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 158 41 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 158 42 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 158 43 make make VERB crl-15247 158 44 a a DET crl-15247 158 45 site site NOUN crl-15247 158 46 visit visit NOUN crl-15247 158 47 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 158 48 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 158 49 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 158 50 talk talk VERB crl-15247 158 51 to to ADP crl-15247 158 52 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 158 53 who who PRON crl-15247 158 54 have have AUX crl-15247 158 55 been be AUX crl-15247 158 56 in in ADP crl-15247 158 57 the the DET crl-15247 158 58 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 158 59 gram gram NOUN crl-15247 158 60 to to PART crl-15247 158 61 assess assess VERB crl-15247 158 62 support support NOUN crl-15247 158 63 for for ADP crl-15247 158 64 the the DET crl-15247 158 65 program program NOUN crl-15247 158 66 and and CCONJ crl-15247 158 67 placement placement NOUN crl-15247 158 68 assistance assistance NOUN crl-15247 158 69 . . PUNCT crl-15247 158 70 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 159 1 conclusions conclusion NOUN crl-15247 159 2 the the DET crl-15247 159 3 survey survey NOUN crl-15247 159 4 findings finding NOUN crl-15247 159 5 indicate indicate VERB crl-15247 159 6 that that SCONJ crl-15247 159 7 post­ post­ PROPN crl-15247 159 8 master master NOUN crl-15247 159 9 ’s ’s PART crl-15247 159 10 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 159 11 programs program NOUN crl-15247 159 12 are be AUX crl-15247 159 13 valuable valuable ADJ crl-15247 159 14 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 159 15 tools tool NOUN crl-15247 159 16 that that PRON crl-15247 159 17 provide provide VERB crl-15247 159 18 positive positive ADJ crl-15247 159 19 ca­ ca­ NOUN crl-15247 159 20 reer reer NOUN crl-15247 159 21 development development NOUN crl-15247 159 22 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 159 23 for for ADP crl-15247 159 24 new new ADJ crl-15247 159 25 li­ li­ PROPN crl-15247 159 26 brary brary ADJ crl-15247 159 27 professionals professional NOUN crl-15247 159 28 . . PUNCT crl-15247 160 1 most most ADJ crl-15247 160 2 former former ADJ crl-15247 160 3 residents resident NOUN crl-15247 160 4 are be AUX crl-15247 160 5 extremely extremely ADV crl-15247 160 6 pleased pleased ADJ crl-15247 160 7 with with ADP crl-15247 160 8 their their PRON crl-15247 160 9 experi­ experi­ NOUN crl-15247 160 10 ences ence NOUN crl-15247 160 11 and and CCONJ crl-15247 160 12 encourage encourage VERB crl-15247 160 13 others other NOUN crl-15247 160 14 to to PART crl-15247 160 15 take take VERB crl-15247 160 16 advan­ advan­ DET crl-15247 160 17 tage tage NOUN crl-15247 160 18 of of ADP crl-15247 160 19 these these DET crl-15247 160 20 unique unique ADJ crl-15247 160 21 career career NOUN crl-15247 160 22 development development NOUN crl-15247 160 23 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 160 24 . . PUNCT crl-15247 161 1 post post ADJ crl-15247 161 2 - - ADJ crl-15247 161 3 master master ADJ crl-15247 161 4 ’s ’s NUM crl-15247 161 5 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 161 6 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 161 7 grams gram NOUN crl-15247 161 8 provide provide VERB crl-15247 161 9 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 161 10 for for ADP crl-15247 161 11 new new ADJ crl-15247 161 12 graduates graduate NOUN crl-15247 161 13 to to PART crl-15247 161 14 gain gain VERB crl-15247 161 15 substantial substantial ADJ crl-15247 161 16 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 161 17 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 161 18 and and CCONJ crl-15247 161 19 accelerated accelerate VERB crl-15247 161 20 training training NOUN crl-15247 161 21 at at ADP crl-15247 161 22 the the DET crl-15247 161 23 beginning beginning NOUN crl-15247 161 24 of of ADP crl-15247 161 25 their their PRON crl-15247 161 26 careers career NOUN crl-15247 161 27 which which PRON crl-15247 161 28 generally generally ADV crl-15247 161 29 are be AUX crl-15247 161 30 not not PART crl-15247 161 31 available available ADJ crl-15247 161 32 in in ADP crl-15247 161 33 traditional traditional ADJ crl-15247 161 34 entry entry NOUN crl-15247 161 35 - - PUNCT crl-15247 161 36 level level NOUN crl-15247 161 37 positions position NOUN crl-15247 161 38 . . PUNCT crl-15247 162 1 although although SCONJ crl-15247 162 2 the the DET crl-15247 162 3 study study NOUN crl-15247 162 4 was be AUX crl-15247 162 5 incon­ incon­ VERB crl-15247 162 6 clusive clusive ADJ crl-15247 162 7 on on ADP crl-15247 162 8 how how SCONJ crl-15247 162 9 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 162 10 programs program NOUN crl-15247 162 11 affect affect VERB crl-15247 162 12 individual individual ADJ crl-15247 162 13 career career NOUN crl-15247 162 14 patterns pattern NOUN crl-15247 162 15 , , PUNCT crl-15247 162 16 most most ADJ crl-15247 162 17 former former ADJ crl-15247 162 18 resi­ resi­ PROPN crl-15247 162 19 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 162 20 feel feel VERB crl-15247 162 21 their their PRON crl-15247 162 22 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 162 23 were be AUX crl-15247 162 24 invaluable invaluable ADJ crl-15247 162 25 . . PUNCT crl-15247 163 1 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 163 2 and and CCONJ crl-15247 163 3 research research NOUN crl-15247 163 4 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 163 5 ben­ ben­ VERB crl-15247 163 6 efit efit ADJ crl-15247 163 7 from from ADP crl-15247 163 8 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 163 9 programs program NOUN crl-15247 163 10 by by ADP crl-15247 163 11 having have VERB crl-15247 163 12 a a DET crl-15247 163 13 continuous continuous ADJ crl-15247 163 14 pool pool NOUN crl-15247 163 15 of of ADP crl-15247 163 16 talented talented ADJ crl-15247 163 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 163 18 well well ADV crl-15247 163 19 - - PUNCT crl-15247 163 20 pre­ pre­ NOUN crl-15247 163 21 pared pare VERB crl-15247 163 22 , , PUNCT crl-15247 163 23 new new ADJ crl-15247 163 24 professionals professional NOUN crl-15247 163 25 . . PUNCT crl-15247 164 1 given give VERB crl-15247 164 2 the the DET crl-15247 164 3 highly highly ADV crl-15247 164 4 specialized specialized ADJ crl-15247 164 5 nature nature NOUN crl-15247 164 6 of of ADP crl-15247 164 7 positions position NOUN crl-15247 164 8 in in ADP crl-15247 164 9 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 164 10 and and CCONJ crl-15247 164 11 research research NOUN crl-15247 164 12 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 164 13 , , PUNCT crl-15247 164 14 access access NOUN crl-15247 164 15 to to ADP crl-15247 164 16 , , PUNCT crl-15247 164 17 and and CCONJ crl-15247 164 18 recruitment recruitment NOUN crl-15247 164 19 for for ADP crl-15247 164 20 , , PUNCT crl-15247 164 21 careers career NOUN crl-15247 164 22 in in ADP crl-15247 164 23 these these DET crl-15247 164 24 ar­ ar­ PROPN crl-15247 164 25 eas ea NOUN crl-15247 164 26 will will AUX crl-15247 164 27 always always ADV crl-15247 164 28 be be AUX crl-15247 164 29 difficult difficult ADJ crl-15247 164 30 . . PUNCT crl-15247 165 1 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 165 2 programs program NOUN crl-15247 165 3 address address VERB crl-15247 165 4 both both PRON crl-15247 165 5 of of ADP crl-15247 165 6 these these DET crl-15247 165 7 concerns concern NOUN crl-15247 165 8 , , PUNCT crl-15247 165 9 as as ADV crl-15247 165 10 well well ADV crl-15247 165 11 as as ADP crl-15247 165 12 attract attract VERB crl-15247 165 13 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 165 14 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 165 15 to to ADP crl-15247 165 16 careers career NOUN crl-15247 165 17 in in ADP crl-15247 165 18 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 165 19 and and CCONJ crl-15247 165 20 research research NOUN crl-15247 165 21 librar­ librar­ NOUN crl-15247 165 22 ies ie NOUN crl-15247 165 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 166 1 however however ADV crl-15247 166 2 , , PUNCT crl-15247 166 3 recruiting recruit VERB crl-15247 166 4 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 166 5 stu­ stu­ PROPN crl-15247 166 6 dents dent NOUN crl-15247 166 7 to to PART crl-15247 166 8 graduate graduate VERB crl-15247 166 9 library library NOUN crl-15247 166 10 education education NOUN crl-15247 166 11 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15247 166 12 grams gram NOUN crl-15247 166 13 needs need VERB crl-15247 166 14 to to PART crl-15247 166 15 be be AUX crl-15247 166 16 a a DET crl-15247 166 17 continuing continue VERB crl-15247 166 18 priority priority NOUN crl-15247 166 19 for for ADP crl-15247 166 20 the the DET crl-15247 166 21 library library NOUN crl-15247 166 22 profession profession NOUN crl-15247 166 23 . . PUNCT crl-15247 167 1 and and CCONJ crl-15247 167 2 finally finally ADV crl-15247 167 3 , , PUNCT crl-15247 167 4 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 167 5 programs program NOUN crl-15247 167 6 may may AUX crl-15247 167 7 offer offer VERB crl-15247 167 8 a a DET crl-15247 167 9 new new ADJ crl-15247 167 10 flexibility flexibility NOUN crl-15247 167 11 to to ADP crl-15247 167 12 large large ADJ crl-15247 167 13 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 167 14 and and CCONJ crl-15247 167 15 research research NOUN crl-15247 167 16 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 167 17 . . PUNCT crl-15247 168 1 the the DET crl-15247 168 2 availability availability NOUN crl-15247 168 3 of of ADP crl-15247 168 4 temporary temporary ADJ crl-15247 168 5 , , PUNCT crl-15247 168 6 new new ADJ crl-15247 168 7 professionals professional NOUN crl-15247 168 8 allows allow VERB crl-15247 168 9 large large ADJ crl-15247 168 10 organizations organization NOUN crl-15247 168 11 the the DET crl-15247 168 12 opportunity opportunity NOUN crl-15247 168 13 to to PART crl-15247 168 14 respond respond VERB crl-15247 168 15 to to ADP crl-15247 168 16 quickly quickly ADV crl-15247 168 17 shifting shift VERB crl-15247 168 18 priorities priority NOUN crl-15247 168 19 . . PUNCT crl-15247 169 1 some some DET crl-15247 169 2 librar­ librar­ NOUN crl-15247 169 3 ies ies ADJ crl-15247 169 4 use use NOUN crl-15247 169 5 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 169 6 assignments assignment NOUN crl-15247 169 7 as as SCONJ crl-15247 169 8 opportu­ opportu­ ADP crl-15247 169 9 nities nitie NOUN crl-15247 169 10 to to PART crl-15247 169 11 experiment experiment VERB crl-15247 169 12 with with ADP crl-15247 169 13 the the DET crl-15247 169 14 design design NOUN crl-15247 169 15 of of ADP crl-15247 169 16 new new ADJ crl-15247 169 17 positions position NOUN crl-15247 169 18 and and CCONJ crl-15247 169 19 services service NOUN crl-15247 169 20 . . PUNCT crl-15247 170 1 in in ADP crl-15247 170 2 addition addition NOUN crl-15247 170 3 to to ADP crl-15247 170 4 be­ be­ PROPN crl-15247 170 5 ing ing ADJ crl-15247 170 6 effective effective ADJ crl-15247 170 7 strategies strategy NOUN crl-15247 170 8 for for ADP crl-15247 170 9 preparing prepare VERB crl-15247 170 10 new new ADJ crl-15247 170 11 library library NOUN crl-15247 170 12 professionals professional NOUN crl-15247 170 13 and and CCONJ crl-15247 170 14 recruiting recruit VERB crl-15247 170 15 underrepresented underrepresented ADJ crl-15247 170 16 minorities minority NOUN crl-15247 170 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 170 18 post­ post­ PROPN crl-15247 170 19 master master NOUN crl-15247 170 20 ’s ’s PART crl-15247 170 21 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 170 22 programs program NOUN crl-15247 170 23 address address VERB crl-15247 170 24 emerging emerge VERB crl-15247 170 25 human human ADJ crl-15247 170 26 resource resource NOUN crl-15247 170 27 needs need NOUN crl-15247 170 28 for for ADP crl-15247 170 29 flex­ flex­ NOUN crl-15247 170 30 ibility ibility NOUN crl-15247 170 31 in in ADP crl-15247 170 32 rapidly rapidly ADV crl-15247 170 33 changing change VERB crl-15247 170 34 organizations organization NOUN crl-15247 170 35 . . PUNCT crl-15247 171 1 the the DET crl-15247 171 2 author author NOUN crl-15247 171 3 expresses express VERB crl-15247 171 4 deep deep ADJ crl-15247 171 5 gratitude gratitude NOUN crl-15247 171 6 to to ADP crl-15247 171 7 former former ADJ crl-15247 171 8 associate associate NOUN crl-15247 171 9 professor professor PROPN crl-15247 171 10 barry barry PROPN crl-15247 171 11 morstain morstain PROPN crl-15247 171 12 , , PUNCT crl-15247 171 13 college college NOUN crl-15247 171 14 of of ADP crl-15247 171 15 urban urban ADJ crl-15247 171 16 affairs affair NOUN crl-15247 171 17 and and CCONJ crl-15247 171 18 public public ADJ crl-15247 171 19 policy policy NOUN crl-15247 171 20 , , PUNCT crl-15247 171 21 university university PROPN crl-15247 171 22 of of ADP crl-15247 171 23 delaware delaware PROPN crl-15247 171 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 171 25 for for ADP crl-15247 171 26 his his PRON crl-15247 171 27 encourage­ encourage­ NOUN crl-15247 171 28 ment ment NOUN crl-15247 171 29 , , PUNCT crl-15247 171 30 critical critical ADJ crl-15247 171 31 review review NOUN crl-15247 171 32 of of ADP crl-15247 171 33 research research NOUN crl-15247 171 34 design design NOUN crl-15247 171 35 and and CCONJ crl-15247 171 36 analysis analysis NOUN crl-15247 171 37 , , PUNCT crl-15247 171 38 and and CCONJ crl-15247 171 39 lifelong lifelong ADJ crl-15247 171 40 commitment commitment NOUN crl-15247 171 41 to to PART crl-15247 171 42 enhanc­ enhanc­ VERB crl-15247 171 43 ing ing ADJ crl-15247 171 44 employment employment NOUN crl-15247 171 45 opportunities opportunity NOUN crl-15247 171 46 for for ADP crl-15247 171 47 all all PRON crl-15247 171 48 . . PUNCT crl-15247 172 1 notes note NOUN crl-15247 172 2 1 1 NUM crl-15247 172 3 . . PROPN crl-15247 172 4 margo margo PROPN crl-15247 172 5 c. c. PROPN crl-15247 172 6 trumpeter trumpeter PROPN crl-15247 172 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 172 8 paul paul PROPN crl-15247 172 9 gherman gherman PROPN crl-15247 172 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 172 11 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 172 12 a a DET crl-15247 172 13 post post ADJ crl-15247 172 14 - - ADJ crl-15247 172 15 master master ADJ crl-15247 172 16 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 172 17 degree degree NOUN crl-15247 172 18 internship internship NOUN crl-15247 172 19 program program NOUN crl-15247 172 20 , , PUNCT crl-15247 172 21 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 172 22 library library PROPN crl-15247 172 23 journal journal PROPN crl-15247 172 24 105 105 NUM crl-15247 172 25 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 172 26 june june PROPN crl-15247 172 27 1980 1980 NUM crl-15247 172 28 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 172 29 1366–69 1366–69 NUM crl-15247 172 30 . . PUNCT crl-15247 173 1 2 2 X crl-15247 173 2 . . X crl-15247 173 3 these these DET crl-15247 173 4 included include VERB crl-15247 173 5 auburn auburn ADJ crl-15247 173 6 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 7 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 8 cleveland cleveland PROPN crl-15247 173 9 state state PROPN crl-15247 173 10 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 11 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 12 cornell cornell PROPN crl-15247 173 13 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 15 iowa iowa PROPN crl-15247 173 16 state state PROPN crl-15247 173 17 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 18 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 19 library library NOUN crl-15247 173 20 of of ADP crl-15247 173 21 congress congress PROPN crl-15247 173 22 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 23 miami miami PROPN crl-15247 173 24 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 25 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 173 26 ohio ohio PROPN crl-15247 173 27 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 173 28 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 29 national national ADJ crl-15247 173 30 library library NOUN crl-15247 173 31 of of ADP crl-15247 173 32 medicine medicine NOUN crl-15247 173 33 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 34 ohio ohio PROPN crl-15247 173 35 state state PROPN crl-15247 173 36 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 37 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 38 smithsonian smithsonian ADJ crl-15247 173 39 institution institution NOUN crl-15247 173 40 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 173 41 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 42 stanford stanford PROPN crl-15247 173 43 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 44 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 45 suny suny NOUN crl-15247 173 46 - - PUNCT crl-15247 173 47 buffalo buffalo PROPN crl-15247 173 48 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 49 uni­ uni­ NUM crl-15247 173 50 versity versity NOUN crl-15247 173 51 of of ADP crl-15247 173 52 california california PROPN crl-15247 173 53 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 54 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 55 of of ADP crl-15247 173 56 california california PROPN crl-15247 173 57 - - PUNCT crl-15247 173 58 berkeley berkeley PROPN crl-15247 173 59 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 60 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 61 of of ADP crl-15247 173 62 california california PROPN crl-15247 173 63 - - PUNCT crl-15247 173 64 santa santa PROPN crl-15247 173 65 barbara barbara PROPN crl-15247 173 66 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 67 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 68 of of ADP crl-15247 173 69 colorado colorado PROPN crl-15247 173 70 - - PUNCT crl-15247 173 71 denver denver PROPN crl-15247 173 72 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 73 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 74 of of ADP crl-15247 173 75 delaware delaware PROPN crl-15247 173 76 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 77 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 78 of of ADP crl-15247 173 79 illinois illinois PROPN crl-15247 173 80 at at ADP crl-15247 173 81 chicago chicago PROPN crl-15247 173 82 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 83 uni­ uni­ NUM crl-15247 173 84 versity versity NOUN crl-15247 173 85 of of ADP crl-15247 173 86 illinois illinois PROPN crl-15247 173 87 at at ADP crl-15247 173 88 urbana urbana PROPN crl-15247 173 89 - - PUNCT crl-15247 173 90 champaign champaign PROPN crl-15247 173 91 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 92 university university NOUN crl-15247 173 93 of of ADP crl-15247 173 94 iowa iowa PROPN crl-15247 173 95 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 96 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 97 of of ADP crl-15247 173 98 michigan michigan PROPN crl-15247 173 99 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 100 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 101 of of ADP crl-15247 173 102 minnesota minnesota PROPN crl-15247 173 103 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 104 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 105 of of ADP crl-15247 173 106 missouri missouri PROPN crl-15247 173 107 - - PROPN crl-15247 173 108 columbia columbia PROPN crl-15247 173 109 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 110 university university NOUN crl-15247 173 111 of of ADP crl-15247 173 112 missouri missouri PROPN crl-15247 173 113 - - PROPN crl-15247 173 114 st st PROPN crl-15247 173 115 . . PROPN crl-15247 173 116 louis louis PROPN crl-15247 173 117 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 118 wright wright NOUN crl-15247 173 119 state state PROPN crl-15247 173 120 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 121 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 122 yale yale PROPN crl-15247 173 123 university university PROPN crl-15247 173 124 , , PUNCT crl-15247 173 125 and and CCONJ crl-15247 173 126 various various ADJ crl-15247 173 127 conservation conservation NOUN crl-15247 173 128 administration administration NOUN crl-15247 173 129 programs program NOUN crl-15247 173 130 supported support VERB crl-15247 173 131 by by ADP crl-15247 173 132 the the DET crl-15247 173 133 andrew andrew PROPN crl-15247 173 134 w. w. PROPN crl-15247 173 135 mellon mellon PROPN crl-15247 173 136 foundation foundation PROPN crl-15247 173 137 . . PUNCT crl-15247 174 1 3 3 X crl-15247 174 2 . . X crl-15247 174 3 these these PRON crl-15247 174 4 include include VERB crl-15247 174 5 auburn auburn PROPN crl-15247 174 6 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 7 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 8 cleveland cleveland PROPN crl-15247 174 9 state state PROPN crl-15247 174 10 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 11 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 12 cornell cornell PROPN crl-15247 174 13 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 15 iowa iowa PROPN crl-15247 174 16 state state PROPN crl-15247 174 17 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 18 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 19 miami miami PROPN crl-15247 174 20 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 21 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 174 22 ohio ohio PROPN crl-15247 174 23 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 174 24 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 25 ohio ohio PROPN crl-15247 174 26 state state PROPN crl-15247 174 27 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 28 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 29 smithsonian smithsonian ADJ crl-15247 174 30 institution institution NOUN crl-15247 174 31 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15247 174 32 braries brarie NOUN crl-15247 174 33 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 34 stanford stanford PROPN crl-15247 174 35 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 36 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 37 state state PROPN crl-15247 174 38 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 39 of of ADP crl-15247 174 40 new new PROPN crl-15247 174 41 york york PROPN crl-15247 174 42 - - PUNCT crl-15247 174 43 buffalo buffalo PROPN crl-15247 174 44 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 45 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 46 of of ADP crl-15247 174 47 california california PROPN crl-15247 174 48 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 49 uni­ uni­ PROPN crl-15247 174 50 post post ADJ crl-15247 174 51 - - ADJ crl-15247 174 52 master master ADJ crl-15247 174 53 ’s ’s NOUN crl-15247 174 54 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 174 55 programs program NOUN crl-15247 174 56 537 537 NUM crl-15247 174 57 versity versity NOUN crl-15247 174 58 of of ADP crl-15247 174 59 california california PROPN crl-15247 174 60 - - PUNCT crl-15247 174 61 berkeley berkeley PROPN crl-15247 174 62 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 63 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 64 of of ADP crl-15247 174 65 california california PROPN crl-15247 174 66 - - PUNCT crl-15247 174 67 santa santa PROPN crl-15247 174 68 barbara barbara PROPN crl-15247 174 69 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 70 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 71 of of ADP crl-15247 174 72 delaware delaware PROPN crl-15247 174 73 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 74 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 75 of of ADP crl-15247 174 76 iowa iowa PROPN crl-15247 174 77 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 78 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 79 of of ADP crl-15247 174 80 minnesota minnesota PROPN crl-15247 174 81 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 82 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 83 of of ADP crl-15247 174 84 missouri missouri PROPN crl-15247 174 85 - - PROPN crl-15247 174 86 st st PROPN crl-15247 174 87 . . PROPN crl-15247 174 88 louis louis PROPN crl-15247 174 89 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 90 wright wright NOUN crl-15247 174 91 state state NOUN crl-15247 174 92 uni­ uni­ PROPN crl-15247 174 93 versity versity NOUN crl-15247 174 94 , , PUNCT crl-15247 174 95 and and CCONJ crl-15247 174 96 yale yale PROPN crl-15247 174 97 university university PROPN crl-15247 174 98 . . PUNCT crl-15247 175 1 4 4 X crl-15247 175 2 . . X crl-15247 175 3 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 175 4 acrl acrl ADJ crl-15247 175 5 charts chart VERB crl-15247 175 6 new new ADJ crl-15247 175 7 direction direction NOUN crl-15247 175 8 , , PUNCT crl-15247 175 9 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 175 10 college college PROPN crl-15247 175 11 & & CCONJ crl-15247 175 12 research research PROPN crl-15247 175 13 libraries librarie VERB crl-15247 175 14 news news NOUN crl-15247 175 15 56 56 NUM crl-15247 175 16 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 175 17 sept sept PROPN crl-15247 175 18 . . PROPN crl-15247 175 19 1995 1995 NUM crl-15247 175 20 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 175 21 571 571 NUM crl-15247 175 22 . . NUM crl-15247 175 23 5 5 NUM crl-15247 175 24 . . PUNCT crl-15247 176 1 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 176 2 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 176 3 and and CCONJ crl-15247 176 4 public public ADJ crl-15247 176 5 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 176 6 : : PUNCT crl-15247 176 7 data datum NOUN crl-15247 176 8 by by ADP crl-15247 176 9 race race NOUN crl-15247 176 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 176 11 ethnicity ethnicity NOUN crl-15247 176 12 & & CCONJ crl-15247 176 13 sex sex NOUN crl-15247 176 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 176 15 1991 1991 NUM crl-15247 176 16 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 176 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 176 18 chicago chicago PROPN crl-15247 176 19 : : PUNCT crl-15247 176 20 ala ala PROPN crl-15247 176 21 , , PUNCT crl-15247 176 22 1991 1991 NUM crl-15247 176 23 , , PUNCT crl-15247 176 24 photocopy photocopy NOUN crl-15247 176 25 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 176 26 , , PUNCT crl-15247 176 27 3 3 NUM crl-15247 176 28 . . NUM crl-15247 176 29 6 6 NUM crl-15247 176 30 . . X crl-15247 177 1 janice janice PROPN crl-15247 177 2 beaudin beaudin PROPN crl-15247 177 3 et et PROPN crl-15247 177 4 al al PROPN crl-15247 177 5 . . PROPN crl-15247 177 6 , , PUNCT crl-15247 177 7 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 177 8 recruiting recruit VERB crl-15247 177 9 the the DET crl-15247 177 10 under under ADV crl-15247 177 11 - - PUNCT crl-15247 177 12 represented represent VERB crl-15247 177 13 to to ADP crl-15247 177 14 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 177 15 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 177 16 , , PUNCT crl-15247 177 17 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 177 18 college college PROPN crl-15247 177 19 & & CCONJ crl-15247 177 20 research research PROPN crl-15247 177 21 libraries librarie VERB crl-15247 177 22 news news NOUN crl-15247 177 23 51 51 NUM crl-15247 177 24 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 177 25 dec dec PROPN crl-15247 177 26 . . PROPN crl-15247 177 27 1990 1990 NUM crl-15247 177 28 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 177 29 1024 1024 NUM crl-15247 177 30 . . PUNCT crl-15247 178 1 7 7 X crl-15247 178 2 . . X crl-15247 178 3 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 178 4 guidelines guideline NOUN crl-15247 178 5 for for ADP crl-15247 178 6 practices practice NOUN crl-15247 178 7 and and CCONJ crl-15247 178 8 principles principle NOUN crl-15247 178 9 in in ADP crl-15247 178 10 the the DET crl-15247 178 11 design design NOUN crl-15247 178 12 , , PUNCT crl-15247 178 13 operation operation NOUN crl-15247 178 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 178 15 and and CCONJ crl-15247 178 16 evaluaton evaluaton NOUN crl-15247 178 17 of of ADP crl-15247 178 18 post­ post­ PROPN crl-15247 178 19 master master NOUN crl-15247 178 20 ’s ’s PART crl-15247 178 21 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 178 22 programs program NOUN crl-15247 178 23 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 178 24 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 178 25 association association NOUN crl-15247 178 26 for for ADP crl-15247 178 27 library library PROPN crl-15247 178 28 and and CCONJ crl-15247 178 29 informaton informaton PROPN crl-15247 178 30 science science NOUN crl-15247 178 31 education education NOUN crl-15247 178 32 , , PUNCT crl-15247 178 33 1992 1992 NUM crl-15247 178 34 , , PUNCT crl-15247 178 35 photocopy photocopy NOUN crl-15247 178 36 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 178 37 . . PUNCT crl-15247 179 1 8 8 X crl-15247 179 2 . . X crl-15247 179 3 for for ADP crl-15247 179 4 example example NOUN crl-15247 179 5 , , PUNCT crl-15247 179 6 see see VERB crl-15247 179 7 jon jon PROPN crl-15247 179 8 e. e. PROPN crl-15247 179 9 cawthorne cawthorne PROPN crl-15247 179 10 and and CCONJ crl-15247 179 11 teri teri PROPN crl-15247 179 12 b. b. PROPN crl-15247 179 13 weil weil PROPN crl-15247 179 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 179 15 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 179 16 internships internships PROPN crl-15247 179 17 / / SYM crl-15247 179 18 residencies residency NOUN crl-15247 179 19 : : PUNCT crl-15247 179 20 exploring explore VERB crl-15247 179 21 the the DET crl-15247 179 22 possibilities possibility NOUN crl-15247 179 23 for for ADP crl-15247 179 24 the the DET crl-15247 179 25 future future NOUN crl-15247 179 26 , , PUNCT crl-15247 179 27 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 179 28 in in ADP crl-15247 179 29 in in ADP crl-15247 179 30 our our PRON crl-15247 179 31 own own ADJ crl-15247 179 32 voices voice NOUN crl-15247 179 33 : : PUNCT crl-15247 179 34 the the DET crl-15247 179 35 changing change VERB crl-15247 179 36 face face NOUN crl-15247 179 37 of of ADP crl-15247 179 38 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-15247 179 39 , , PUNCT crl-15247 179 40 ed ed PROPN crl-15247 179 41 . . PROPN crl-15247 180 1 teresa teresa PROPN crl-15247 180 2 y. y. PROPN crl-15247 180 3 neely neely PROPN crl-15247 180 4 and and CCONJ crl-15247 180 5 khafre khafre PROPN crl-15247 180 6 k. k. NOUN crl-15247 180 7 abif abif PROPN crl-15247 180 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 180 9 lanham lanham PROPN crl-15247 180 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 180 11 md md PROPN crl-15247 180 12 . . PROPN crl-15247 180 13 : : PUNCT crl-15247 180 14 scarecrow scarecrow VERB crl-15247 180 15 pr pr PROPN crl-15247 180 16 . . PROPN crl-15247 180 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 180 18 1996 1996 NUM crl-15247 180 19 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 180 20 45–71 45–71 NUM crl-15247 180 21 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 180 22 jose jose PROPN crl-15247 180 23 diaz diaz PROPN crl-15247 180 24 and and CCONJ crl-15247 180 25 kristina kristina PROPN crl-15247 180 26 starkus starkus PROPN crl-15247 180 27 , , PUNCT crl-15247 180 28 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 180 29 increasing increase VERB crl-15247 180 30 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 180 31 representation representation NOUN crl-15247 180 32 in in ADP crl-15247 180 33 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 180 34 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 180 35 : : PUNCT crl-15247 180 36 the the DET crl-15247 180 37 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 180 38 li­ li­ PROPN crl-15247 180 39 brarian brarian PROPN crl-15247 180 40 intern intern PROPN crl-15247 180 41 program program NOUN crl-15247 180 42 at at ADP crl-15247 180 43 the the DET crl-15247 180 44 ohio ohio PROPN crl-15247 180 45 state state PROPN crl-15247 180 46 university university PROPN crl-15247 180 47 , , PUNCT crl-15247 180 48 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 180 49 c&rl c&rl PROPN crl-15247 180 50 55 55 NUM crl-15247 180 51 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 180 52 jan jan PROPN crl-15247 180 53 . . PROPN crl-15247 180 54 1994 1994 NUM crl-15247 180 55 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 180 56 41–46 41–46 NUM crl-15247 180 57 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 180 58 deborah deborah PROPN crl-15247 180 59 hollis hollis PROPN crl-15247 180 60 , , PUNCT crl-15247 180 61 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 180 62 on on ADP crl-15247 180 63 the the DET crl-15247 180 64 ambiguous ambiguous ADJ crl-15247 180 65 side side NOUN crl-15247 180 66 : : PUNCT crl-15247 180 67 experiences experience NOUN crl-15247 180 68 in in ADP crl-15247 180 69 a a DET crl-15247 180 70 predominantly predominantly ADV crl-15247 180 71 white white ADJ crl-15247 180 72 and and CCONJ crl-15247 180 73 female female ADJ crl-15247 180 74 profession profession NOUN crl-15247 180 75 , , PUNCT crl-15247 180 76 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 180 77 in in ADP crl-15247 180 78 in in ADP crl-15247 180 79 our our PRON crl-15247 180 80 own own ADJ crl-15247 180 81 voices voice NOUN crl-15247 180 82 : : PUNCT crl-15247 180 83 the the DET crl-15247 180 84 changing change VERB crl-15247 180 85 face face NOUN crl-15247 180 86 of of ADP crl-15247 180 87 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-15247 180 88 , , PUNCT crl-15247 180 89 ed ed PROPN crl-15247 180 90 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 1 teresa teresa PROPN crl-15247 181 2 y. y. PROPN crl-15247 181 3 neely neely PROPN crl-15247 181 4 and and CCONJ crl-15247 181 5 khafre khafre PROPN crl-15247 181 6 k. k. NOUN crl-15247 181 7 abif abif PROPN crl-15247 181 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 181 9 lanham lanham PROPN crl-15247 181 10 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 11 md md PROPN crl-15247 181 12 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 13 : : PUNCT crl-15247 181 14 scarecrow scarecrow VERB crl-15247 181 15 pr pr PROPN crl-15247 181 16 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 17 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 18 1996 1996 NUM crl-15247 181 19 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 181 20 139–54 139–54 NUM crl-15247 181 21 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 181 22 joseph joseph PROPN crl-15247 181 23 a. a. PROPN crl-15247 181 24 boissé boissé PROPN crl-15247 181 25 and and CCONJ crl-15247 181 26 connie connie PROPN crl-15247 181 27 v. v. ADP crl-15247 181 28 dowell dowell PROPN crl-15247 181 29 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 30 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 181 31 increasing increase VERB crl-15247 181 32 minority minority NOUN crl-15247 181 33 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15247 181 34 in in ADP crl-15247 181 35 academic academic ADJ crl-15247 181 36 research research NOUN crl-15247 181 37 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 181 38 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 39 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 181 40 library library PROPN crl-15247 181 41 journal journal PROPN crl-15247 181 42 112 112 NUM crl-15247 181 43 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 181 44 apr apr NOUN crl-15247 181 45 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 46 1987 1987 NUM crl-15247 181 47 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 181 48 52–54 52–54 NUM crl-15247 181 49 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 181 50 sheila sheila PROPN crl-15247 181 51 d. d. PROPN crl-15247 181 52 creth creth PROPN crl-15247 181 53 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 54 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 181 55 the the DET crl-15247 181 56 first first ADJ crl-15247 181 57 two two NUM crl-15247 181 58 years year NOUN crl-15247 181 59 ’ ’ PART crl-15247 181 60 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 181 61 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 62 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 181 63 library library PROPN crl-15247 181 64 journal journal PROPN crl-15247 181 65 111 111 NUM crl-15247 181 66 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 181 67 feb feb PROPN crl-15247 181 68 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 69 1986 1986 NUM crl-15247 181 70 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 181 71 121–24 121–24 NUM crl-15247 181 72 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 181 73 richard richard PROPN crl-15247 181 74 m. m. NOUN crl-15247 181 75 doughery doughery NOUN crl-15247 181 76 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 77 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 181 78 the the DET crl-15247 181 79 underlying underlie VERB crl-15247 181 80 rationale rationale NOUN crl-15247 181 81 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 82 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 181 83 library library PROPN crl-15247 181 84 journal journal PROPN crl-15247 181 85 111 111 NUM crl-15247 181 86 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 181 87 feb feb PROPN crl-15247 181 88 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 89 1986 1986 NUM crl-15247 181 90 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 181 91 118–20 118–20 NUM crl-15247 181 92 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 181 93 betty betty PROPN crl-15247 181 94 glass glass NOUN crl-15247 181 95 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 96 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 181 97 a a DET crl-15247 181 98 time time NOUN crl-15247 181 99 of of ADP crl-15247 181 100 tran­ tran­ NUM crl-15247 181 101 sition sition NOUN crl-15247 181 102 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 103 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 181 104 library library PROPN crl-15247 181 105 journal journal PROPN crl-15247 181 106 111 111 NUM crl-15247 181 107 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 181 108 feb feb PROPN crl-15247 181 109 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 110 1986 1986 NUM crl-15247 181 111 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 181 112 127–28 127–28 NUM crl-15247 181 113 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 181 114 sarah sarah PROPN crl-15247 181 115 shoemaker shoemaker NOUN crl-15247 181 116 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 117 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 181 118 a a DET crl-15247 181 119 unique unique ADJ crl-15247 181 120 experience experience NOUN crl-15247 181 121 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 122 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 181 123 library library PROPN crl-15247 181 124 journal journal PROPN crl-15247 181 125 111 111 NUM crl-15247 181 126 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 181 127 feb feb PROPN crl-15247 181 128 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 129 1986 1986 NUM crl-15247 181 130 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 181 131 125–26 125–26 NUM crl-15247 181 132 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 181 133 molly molly ADV crl-15247 181 134 mahony mahony ADJ crl-15247 181 135 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 136 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 181 137 preparation preparation NOUN crl-15247 181 138 for for ADP crl-15247 181 139 the the DET crl-15247 181 140 future future NOUN crl-15247 181 141 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 142 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 181 143 library library PROPN crl-15247 181 144 journal journal PROPN crl-15247 181 145 111 111 NUM crl-15247 181 146 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 181 147 feb feb PROPN crl-15247 181 148 . . PROPN crl-15247 181 149 1986 1986 NUM crl-15247 181 150 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 181 151 129–30 129–30 NUM crl-15247 181 152 ; ; PUNCT crl-15247 181 153 richard richard PROPN crl-15247 181 154 m. m. PROPN crl-15247 181 155 dougherty dougherty PROPN crl-15247 181 156 and and CCONJ crl-15247 181 157 wendy wendy PROPN crl-15247 181 158 p. p. PROPN crl-15247 181 159 lougee lougee PROPN crl-15247 181 160 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 161 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 181 162 research research NOUN crl-15247 181 163 library library PROPN crl-15247 181 164 residen­ residen­ PROPN crl-15247 181 165 cies cie NOUN crl-15247 181 166 : : PUNCT crl-15247 181 167 a a DET crl-15247 181 168 new new ADJ crl-15247 181 169 model model NOUN crl-15247 181 170 of of ADP crl-15247 181 171 professional professional ADJ crl-15247 181 172 development development NOUN crl-15247 181 173 , , PUNCT crl-15247 181 174 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 181 175 library library PROPN crl-15247 181 176 journal journal PROPN crl-15247 181 177 108 108 NUM crl-15247 181 178 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 181 179 july july PROPN crl-15247 181 180 1983 1983 NUM crl-15247 181 181 ): ): PUNCT crl-15247 181 182 1322–24 1322–24 NUM crl-15247 181 183 . . PUNCT crl-15247 182 1 9 9 X crl-15247 182 2 . . X crl-15247 182 3 “ " PUNCT crl-15247 182 4 internship internship NOUN crl-15247 182 5 , , PUNCT crl-15247 182 6 residency residency NOUN crl-15247 182 7 , , PUNCT crl-15247 182 8 and and CCONJ crl-15247 182 9 fellowship fellowship NOUN crl-15247 182 10 programs program NOUN crl-15247 182 11 in in ADP crl-15247 182 12 arl arl PROPN crl-15247 182 13 libraries library NOUN crl-15247 182 14 , , PUNCT crl-15247 182 15 ” " PUNCT crl-15247 182 16 spec spec NOUN crl-15247 182 17 kit kit NOUN crl-15247 182 18 # # SYM crl-15247 182 19 188 188 NUM crl-15247 182 20 ( ( PUNCT crl-15247 182 21 wash­ wash­ PROPN crl-15247 182 22 ington ington PROPN crl-15247 182 23 , , PUNCT crl-15247 182 24 d.c d.c PROPN crl-15247 182 25 . . PROPN crl-15247 182 26 : : PUNCT crl-15247 182 27 arl arl PROPN crl-15247 182 28 , , PUNCT crl-15247 182 29 1992 1992 NUM crl-15247 182 30 ) ) PUNCT crl-15247 182 31 . . PUNCT