id sid tid token lemma pos crl-15298 1 1 toc toc PROPN crl-15298 1 2 editorial editorial NOUN crl-15298 1 3 305 305 NUM crl-15298 1 4 editorial editorial ADJ crl-15298 1 5 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 1 6 status status NOUN crl-15298 1 7 for for ADP crl-15298 1 8 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 1 9 : : PUNCT crl-15298 1 10 force force NOUN crl-15298 1 11 - - PUNCT crl-15298 1 12 fitting fitting NOUN crl-15298 1 13 into into ADP crl-15298 1 14 an an DET crl-15298 1 15 inappropriate inappropriate ADJ crl-15298 1 16 mold mold NOUN crl-15298 1 17 or or CCONJ crl-15298 1 18 not not PART crl-15298 1 19 ? ? PUNCT crl-15298 2 1 much much ADJ crl-15298 2 2 has have AUX crl-15298 2 3 been be AUX crl-15298 2 4 written write VERB crl-15298 2 5 on on ADP crl-15298 2 6 the the DET crl-15298 2 7 status status NOUN crl-15298 2 8 of of ADP crl-15298 2 9 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 2 10 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 2 11 . . PUNCT crl-15298 3 1 if if SCONJ crl-15298 3 2 one one NUM crl-15298 3 3 were be AUX crl-15298 3 4 to to ADP crl-15298 3 5 com­ com­ PROPN crl-15298 3 6 pile pile VERB crl-15298 3 7 a a DET crl-15298 3 8 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-15298 3 9 on on ADP crl-15298 3 10 the the DET crl-15298 3 11 topic topic NOUN crl-15298 3 12 , , PUNCT crl-15298 3 13 it it PRON crl-15298 3 14 would would AUX crl-15298 3 15 be be AUX crl-15298 3 16 reasonable reasonable ADJ crl-15298 3 17 to to PART crl-15298 3 18 expect expect VERB crl-15298 3 19 at at ADP crl-15298 3 20 least least ADV crl-15298 3 21 250 250 NUM crl-15298 3 22 entries entry NOUN crl-15298 3 23 . . PUNCT crl-15298 4 1 based base VERB crl-15298 4 2 on on ADP crl-15298 4 3 a a DET crl-15298 4 4 casual casual ADJ crl-15298 4 5 observation observation NOUN crl-15298 4 6 of of ADP crl-15298 4 7 the the DET crl-15298 4 8 litera­ litera­ PROPN crl-15298 4 9 ture ture NOUN crl-15298 4 10 , , PUNCT crl-15298 4 11 many many ADJ crl-15298 4 12 of of ADP crl-15298 4 13 the the DET crl-15298 4 14 articles article NOUN crl-15298 4 15 published publish VERB crl-15298 4 16 on on ADP crl-15298 4 17 the the DET crl-15298 4 18 topic topic NOUN crl-15298 4 19 occurred occur VERB crl-15298 4 20 in in ADP crl-15298 4 21 the the DET crl-15298 4 22 1970s 1970 NOUN crl-15298 4 23 and and CCONJ crl-15298 4 24 1980s 1980s NUM crl-15298 4 25 . . PUNCT crl-15298 5 1 fewer few ADJ crl-15298 5 2 articles article NOUN crl-15298 5 3 have have AUX crl-15298 5 4 been be AUX crl-15298 5 5 published publish VERB crl-15298 5 6 on on ADP crl-15298 5 7 the the DET crl-15298 5 8 status status NOUN crl-15298 5 9 of of ADP crl-15298 5 10 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 5 11 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 5 12 in in ADP crl-15298 5 13 the the DET crl-15298 5 14 1990s 1990 NOUN crl-15298 5 15 than than ADP crl-15298 5 16 in in ADP crl-15298 5 17 the the DET crl-15298 5 18 1980s 1980s NUM crl-15298 5 19 . . PUNCT crl-15298 6 1 are be AUX crl-15298 6 2 our our PRON crl-15298 6 3 colleagues colleague NOUN crl-15298 6 4 hav­ hav­ PROPN crl-15298 6 5 ing e VERB crl-15298 6 6 second second ADJ crl-15298 6 7 thoughts thought NOUN crl-15298 6 8 about about ADP crl-15298 6 9 achieving achieve VERB crl-15298 6 10 and/ and/ NOUN crl-15298 6 11 or or CCONJ crl-15298 6 12 maintaining maintain VERB crl-15298 6 13 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 6 14 status status NOUN crl-15298 6 15 ? ? PUNCT crl-15298 7 1 i i PRON crl-15298 7 2 think think VERB crl-15298 7 3 not not PART crl-15298 7 4 . . PUNCT crl-15298 8 1 notwithstanding notwithstanding ADP crl-15298 8 2 the the DET crl-15298 8 3 tremendous tremendous ADJ crl-15298 8 4 growing grow VERB crl-15298 8 5 pressures pressure NOUN crl-15298 8 6 on on ADP crl-15298 8 7 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 8 8 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 8 9 to to PART crl-15298 8 10 meet meet VERB crl-15298 8 11 higher high ADJ crl-15298 8 12 expectations expectation NOUN crl-15298 8 13 of of ADP crl-15298 8 14 users user NOUN crl-15298 8 15 , , PUNCT crl-15298 8 16 it it PRON crl-15298 8 17 is be AUX crl-15298 8 18 my my PRON crl-15298 8 19 opin­ opin­ NOUN crl-15298 8 20 ion ion NOUN crl-15298 8 21 that that PRON crl-15298 8 22 most most ADJ crl-15298 8 23 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 8 24 with with ADP crl-15298 8 25 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 8 26 status status NOUN crl-15298 8 27 still still ADV crl-15298 8 28 firmly firmly ADV crl-15298 8 29 believe believe VERB crl-15298 8 30 in in ADP crl-15298 8 31 the the DET crl-15298 8 32 virtues virtue NOUN crl-15298 8 33 associated associate VERB crl-15298 8 34 with with ADP crl-15298 8 35 this this DET crl-15298 8 36 standing standing NOUN crl-15298 8 37 . . PUNCT crl-15298 9 1 due due ADP crl-15298 9 2 to to ADP crl-15298 9 3 the the DET crl-15298 9 4 position position NOUN crl-15298 9 5 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 9 6 chief chief ADJ crl-15298 9 7 officer officer NOUN crl-15298 9 8 of of ADP crl-15298 9 9 the the DET crl-15298 9 10 university university NOUN crl-15298 9 11 libraries library NOUN crl-15298 9 12 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 9 13 , , PUNCT crl-15298 9 14 provosts provost NOUN crl-15298 9 15 and and CCONJ crl-15298 9 16 presidents president NOUN crl-15298 9 17 normally normally ADV crl-15298 9 18 “ " PUNCT crl-15298 9 19 give give VERB crl-15298 9 20 ” " PUNCT crl-15298 9 21 the the DET crl-15298 9 22 head head NOUN crl-15298 9 23 librarian librarian VERB crl-15298 9 24 the the DET crl-15298 9 25 rank rank NOUN crl-15298 9 26 of of ADP crl-15298 9 27 professor professor NOUN crl-15298 9 28 or or CCONJ crl-15298 9 29 its its PRON crl-15298 9 30 equivalent equivalent NOUN crl-15298 9 31 . . PUNCT crl-15298 10 1 personal personal ADJ crl-15298 10 2 bias bias NOUN crl-15298 10 3 unquestionably unquestionably ADV crl-15298 10 4 , , PUNCT crl-15298 10 5 i i PRON crl-15298 10 6 believe believe VERB crl-15298 10 7 in in ADP crl-15298 10 8 and and CCONJ crl-15298 10 9 support support VERB crl-15298 10 10 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 10 11 status status NOUN crl-15298 10 12 for for ADP crl-15298 10 13 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 10 14 . . PUNCT crl-15298 11 1 my my PRON crl-15298 11 2 profes­ profes­ NOUN crl-15298 11 3 sional sional ADJ crl-15298 11 4 career career NOUN crl-15298 11 5 has have AUX crl-15298 11 6 provided provide VERB crl-15298 11 7 me i PRON crl-15298 11 8 the the DET crl-15298 11 9 oppor­ oppor­ PROPN crl-15298 11 10 tunity tunity NOUN crl-15298 11 11 to to PART crl-15298 11 12 work work VERB crl-15298 11 13 in in ADP crl-15298 11 14 libraries library NOUN crl-15298 11 15 with with ADP crl-15298 11 16 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 11 17 sta­ sta­ NOUN crl-15298 11 18 tus tus PROPN crl-15298 11 19 and and CCONJ crl-15298 11 20 rank rank PROPN crl-15298 11 21 , , PUNCT crl-15298 11 22 in in ADP crl-15298 11 23 libraries library NOUN crl-15298 11 24 with with ADP crl-15298 11 25 only only ADJ crl-15298 11 26 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 11 27 status status NOUN crl-15298 11 28 , , PUNCT crl-15298 11 29 and and CCONJ crl-15298 11 30 in in ADP crl-15298 11 31 libraries library NOUN crl-15298 11 32 without without ADP crl-15298 11 33 either either ADV crl-15298 11 34 . . PUNCT crl-15298 12 1 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15298 12 2 brarians brarian VERB crl-15298 12 3 with with ADP crl-15298 12 4 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 12 5 status status NOUN crl-15298 12 6 and and CCONJ crl-15298 12 7 rank rank NOUN crl-15298 12 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 12 9 i.e. i.e. X crl-15298 12 10 , , PUNCT crl-15298 12 11 assistant assistant NOUN crl-15298 12 12 professor professor NOUN crl-15298 12 13 , , PUNCT crl-15298 12 14 associate associate ADJ crl-15298 12 15 professor professor NOUN crl-15298 12 16 , , PUNCT crl-15298 12 17 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15298 12 18 fessor fessor NOUN crl-15298 12 19 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 12 20 tend tend VERB crl-15298 12 21 to to PART crl-15298 12 22 be be AUX crl-15298 12 23 better well ADV crl-15298 12 24 perceived perceive VERB crl-15298 12 25 as as ADP crl-15298 12 26 peers peer NOUN crl-15298 12 27 by by ADP crl-15298 12 28 nonlibrarian nonlibrarian ADJ crl-15298 12 29 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 12 30 . . PUNCT crl-15298 13 1 also also ADV crl-15298 13 2 , , PUNCT crl-15298 13 3 these these DET crl-15298 13 4 librar­ librar­ ADJ crl-15298 13 5 ians ian NOUN crl-15298 13 6 appear appear VERB crl-15298 13 7 to to PART crl-15298 13 8 have have VERB crl-15298 13 9 more more ADJ crl-15298 13 10 intellectual intellectual ADJ crl-15298 13 11 vi­ vi­ NOUN crl-15298 13 12 brancy brancy NOUN crl-15298 13 13 , , PUNCT crl-15298 13 14 owing owe VERB crl-15298 13 15 , , PUNCT crl-15298 13 16 i i PRON crl-15298 13 17 believe believe VERB crl-15298 13 18 , , PUNCT crl-15298 13 19 to to ADP crl-15298 13 20 the the DET crl-15298 13 21 research research NOUN crl-15298 13 22 and and CCONJ crl-15298 13 23 publishing publishing NOUN crl-15298 13 24 expectations expectation NOUN crl-15298 13 25 . . PUNCT crl-15298 14 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV crl-15298 14 2 , , PUNCT crl-15298 14 3 if if SCONJ crl-15298 14 4 a a DET crl-15298 14 5 library library NOUN crl-15298 14 6 does do AUX crl-15298 14 7 not not PART crl-15298 14 8 have have VERB crl-15298 14 9 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 14 10 status status NOUN crl-15298 14 11 and and CCONJ crl-15298 14 12 the the DET crl-15298 14 13 librarians librarians PROPN crl-15298 14 14 do do AUX crl-15298 14 15 not not PART crl-15298 14 16 want want VERB crl-15298 14 17 to to PART crl-15298 14 18 pursue pursue VERB crl-15298 14 19 such such ADJ crl-15298 14 20 , , PUNCT crl-15298 14 21 i i PRON crl-15298 14 22 believe believe VERB crl-15298 14 23 it it PRON crl-15298 14 24 is be AUX crl-15298 14 25 counterproductive counterproductive ADJ crl-15298 14 26 to to PART crl-15298 14 27 force force VERB crl-15298 14 28 fac­ fac­ PROPN crl-15298 14 29 ulty ulty PROPN crl-15298 14 30 status status NOUN crl-15298 14 31 on on ADP crl-15298 14 32 them they PRON crl-15298 14 33 . . PUNCT crl-15298 15 1 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 15 2 status status NOUN crl-15298 15 3 carries carry VERB crl-15298 15 4 with with ADP crl-15298 15 5 it it PRON crl-15298 15 6 many many ADJ crl-15298 15 7 expectations expectation NOUN crl-15298 15 8 and and CCONJ crl-15298 15 9 responsi­ responsi­ PROPN crl-15298 15 10 bilities bilitie NOUN crl-15298 15 11 . . PUNCT crl-15298 16 1 job job NOUN crl-15298 16 2 performance performance NOUN crl-15298 16 3 is be AUX crl-15298 16 4 usually usually ADV crl-15298 16 5 the the DET crl-15298 16 6 criterion criterion NOUN crl-15298 16 7 given give VERB crl-15298 16 8 the the DET crl-15298 16 9 most most ADJ crl-15298 16 10 weight weight NOUN crl-15298 16 11 during during ADP crl-15298 16 12 evaluations evaluation NOUN crl-15298 16 13 of of ADP crl-15298 16 14 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 16 15 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 16 16 . . PUNCT crl-15298 17 1 however however ADV crl-15298 17 2 , , PUNCT crl-15298 17 3 research/ research/ NUM crl-15298 17 4 publications publication NOUN crl-15298 17 5 is be AUX crl-15298 17 6 the the DET crl-15298 17 7 number number NOUN crl-15298 17 8 one one NUM crl-15298 17 9 criterion criterion NOUN crl-15298 17 10 for for ADP crl-15298 17 11 promotion promotion NOUN crl-15298 17 12 / / SYM crl-15298 17 13 tenure tenure NOUN crl-15298 17 14 for for ADP crl-15298 17 15 teaching teach VERB crl-15298 17 16 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 17 17 in in ADP crl-15298 17 18 many many ADJ crl-15298 17 19 research research NOUN crl-15298 17 20 universities university NOUN crl-15298 17 21 . . PUNCT crl-15298 18 1 at at ADP crl-15298 18 2 some some DET crl-15298 18 3 ma­ ma­ PROPN crl-15298 18 4 jor jor NOUN crl-15298 18 5 research research NOUN crl-15298 18 6 universities university NOUN crl-15298 18 7 , , PUNCT crl-15298 18 8 excellent excellent ADJ crl-15298 18 9 teaching teaching NOUN crl-15298 18 10 may may AUX crl-15298 18 11 be be AUX crl-15298 18 12 suspect suspect ADJ crl-15298 18 13 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 18 14 i.e. i.e. X crl-15298 18 15 , , PUNCT crl-15298 18 16 devoting devote VERB crl-15298 18 17 too too ADV crl-15298 18 18 much much ADJ crl-15298 18 19 time time NOUN crl-15298 18 20 to to ADP crl-15298 18 21 teaching teaching NOUN crl-15298 18 22 and and CCONJ crl-15298 18 23 not not PART crl-15298 18 24 enough enough ADJ crl-15298 18 25 time time NOUN crl-15298 18 26 to to ADP crl-15298 18 27 research research NOUN crl-15298 18 28 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 18 29 . . PUNCT crl-15298 19 1 the the DET crl-15298 19 2 “ " PUNCT crl-15298 19 3 teacher teacher NOUN crl-15298 19 4 of of ADP crl-15298 19 5 the the DET crl-15298 19 6 year year NOUN crl-15298 19 7 ” " PUNCT crl-15298 19 8 recipi­ recipi­ NOUN crl-15298 19 9 ents ent NOUN crl-15298 19 10 at at ADP crl-15298 19 11 some some DET crl-15298 19 12 universities university NOUN crl-15298 19 13 have have AUX crl-15298 19 14 lost lose VERB crl-15298 19 15 their their PRON crl-15298 19 16 jobs job NOUN crl-15298 19 17 because because SCONJ crl-15298 19 18 they they PRON crl-15298 19 19 did do AUX crl-15298 19 20 not not PART crl-15298 19 21 have have VERB crl-15298 19 22 sufficient sufficient ADJ crl-15298 19 23 publi­ publi­ NUM crl-15298 19 24 cations cation NOUN crl-15298 19 25 to to PART crl-15298 19 26 qualify qualify VERB crl-15298 19 27 for for ADP crl-15298 19 28 tenure tenure NOUN crl-15298 19 29 . . PUNCT crl-15298 20 1 do do AUX crl-15298 20 2 as as SCONJ crl-15298 20 3 i i PRON crl-15298 20 4 say say VERB crl-15298 20 5 unlike unlike ADP crl-15298 20 6 the the DET crl-15298 20 7 deans dean NOUN crl-15298 20 8 of of ADP crl-15298 20 9 schools school NOUN crl-15298 20 10 and and CCONJ crl-15298 20 11 colleges college NOUN crl-15298 20 12 in in ADP crl-15298 20 13 major major ADJ crl-15298 20 14 research research NOUN crl-15298 20 15 universities university NOUN crl-15298 20 16 , , PUNCT crl-15298 20 17 many many ADJ crl-15298 20 18 of of ADP crl-15298 20 19 the the DET crl-15298 20 20 directors director NOUN crl-15298 20 21 of of ADP crl-15298 20 22 libraries library NOUN crl-15298 20 23 holding hold VERB crl-15298 20 24 mem­ mem­ NOUN crl-15298 20 25 bership bership NOUN crl-15298 20 26 in in ADP crl-15298 20 27 the the DET crl-15298 20 28 association association NOUN crl-15298 20 29 of of ADP crl-15298 20 30 research research NOUN crl-15298 20 31 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15298 20 32 braries brarie NOUN crl-15298 20 33 do do AUX crl-15298 20 34 not not PART crl-15298 20 35 hold hold VERB crl-15298 20 36 a a DET crl-15298 20 37 doctorate doctorate NOUN crl-15298 20 38 and and CCONJ crl-15298 20 39 are be AUX crl-15298 20 40 not not PART crl-15298 20 41 perceived perceive VERB crl-15298 20 42 as as ADP crl-15298 20 43 established establish VERB crl-15298 20 44 scholars scholar NOUN crl-15298 20 45 . . PUNCT crl-15298 21 1 they they PRON crl-15298 21 2 are be AUX crl-15298 21 3 generally generally ADV crl-15298 21 4 perceived perceive VERB crl-15298 21 5 as as ADP crl-15298 21 6 good good ADJ crl-15298 21 7 ad­ ad­ NOUN crl-15298 21 8 ministrators ministrator NOUN crl-15298 21 9 . . PUNCT crl-15298 22 1 search search NOUN crl-15298 22 2 committees committee NOUN crl-15298 22 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 22 4 which which PRON crl-15298 22 5 normally normally ADV crl-15298 22 6 include include VERB crl-15298 22 7 some some DET crl-15298 22 8 nonlibrarian nonlibrarian ADJ crl-15298 22 9 fac­ fac­ PROPN crl-15298 22 10 ulty ulty PROPN crl-15298 22 11 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 22 12 are be AUX crl-15298 22 13 recommending recommend VERB crl-15298 22 14 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 22 15 to to PART crl-15298 22 16 fill fill VERB crl-15298 22 17 the the DET crl-15298 22 18 position position NOUN crl-15298 22 19 of of ADP crl-15298 22 20 director director NOUN crl-15298 22 21 / / SYM crl-15298 22 22 university university NOUN crl-15298 22 23 librar­ librar­ PROPN crl-15298 22 24 ian ian PROPN crl-15298 22 25 / / SYM crl-15298 22 26 dean dean NOUN crl-15298 22 27 whose whose DET crl-15298 22 28 research research NOUN crl-15298 22 29 / / SYM crl-15298 22 30 publications publication NOUN crl-15298 22 31 may may AUX crl-15298 22 32 only only ADV crl-15298 22 33 qualify qualify VERB crl-15298 22 34 them they PRON crl-15298 22 35 for for ADP crl-15298 22 36 the the DET crl-15298 22 37 rank rank NOUN crl-15298 22 38 of of ADP crl-15298 22 39 assistant assistant NOUN crl-15298 22 40 professor professor NOUN crl-15298 22 41 . . PUNCT crl-15298 23 1 however however ADV crl-15298 23 2 , , PUNCT crl-15298 23 3 due due ADP crl-15298 23 4 to to ADP crl-15298 23 5 the the DET crl-15298 23 6 position position NOUN crl-15298 23 7 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 23 8 chief chief ADJ crl-15298 23 9 officer officer NOUN crl-15298 23 10 of of ADP crl-15298 23 11 the the DET crl-15298 23 12 university university NOUN crl-15298 23 13 libraries library NOUN crl-15298 23 14 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 23 15 , , PUNCT crl-15298 23 16 provosts provost NOUN crl-15298 23 17 and and CCONJ crl-15298 23 18 presidents president NOUN crl-15298 23 19 nor­ nor­ PROPN crl-15298 23 20 mally mally ADV crl-15298 23 21 “ " PUNCT crl-15298 23 22 give give VERB crl-15298 23 23 ” " PUNCT crl-15298 23 24 the the DET crl-15298 23 25 head head NOUN crl-15298 23 26 librarian librarian VERB crl-15298 23 27 the the DET crl-15298 23 28 rank rank NOUN crl-15298 23 29 of of ADP crl-15298 23 30 professor professor NOUN crl-15298 23 31 or or CCONJ crl-15298 23 32 its its PRON crl-15298 23 33 equivalent equivalent NOUN crl-15298 23 34 . . PUNCT crl-15298 24 1 and and CCONJ crl-15298 24 2 this this DET crl-15298 24 3 same same ADJ crl-15298 24 4 head head NOUN crl-15298 24 5 librarian librarian NOUN crl-15298 24 6 has have VERB crl-15298 24 7 final final ADJ crl-15298 24 8 say say NOUN crl-15298 24 9 on on ADP crl-15298 24 10 the the DET crl-15298 24 11 305 305 NUM crl-15298 24 12 306 306 NUM crl-15298 24 13 college college NOUN crl-15298 24 14 & & CCONJ crl-15298 24 15 research research PROPN crl-15298 24 16 libraries library NOUN crl-15298 24 17 july july PROPN crl-15298 24 18 1999 1999 NUM crl-15298 24 19 promotion promotion NOUN crl-15298 24 20 of of ADP crl-15298 24 21 librarians librarians PROPN crl-15298 24 22 jumping jump VERB crl-15298 24 23 the the DET crl-15298 24 24 hurdles hurdle NOUN crl-15298 24 25 necessary necessary ADJ crl-15298 24 26 for for ADP crl-15298 24 27 becoming become VERB crl-15298 24 28 an an DET crl-15298 24 29 asso­ asso­ ADJ crl-15298 24 30 ciate ciate NOUN crl-15298 24 31 professor professor NOUN crl-15298 24 32 and and CCONJ crl-15298 24 33 professor professor NOUN crl-15298 24 34 . . PUNCT crl-15298 25 1 four four NUM crl-15298 25 2 - - PUNCT crl-15298 25 3 year year NOUN crl-15298 25 4 colleges college NOUN crl-15298 25 5 and and CCONJ crl-15298 25 6 smallto smallto PROPN crl-15298 25 7 medium medium ADJ crl-15298 25 8 - - PUNCT crl-15298 25 9 sized sized ADJ crl-15298 25 10 uni­ uni­ ADJ crl-15298 25 11 versities versitie NOUN crl-15298 25 12 tend tend VERB crl-15298 25 13 to to PART crl-15298 25 14 place place VERB crl-15298 25 15 more more ADJ crl-15298 25 16 emphasis emphasis NOUN crl-15298 25 17 on on ADP crl-15298 25 18 the the DET crl-15298 25 19 doctorate doctorate NOUN crl-15298 25 20 while while SCONJ crl-15298 25 21 filling fill VERB crl-15298 25 22 their their PRON crl-15298 25 23 head head NOUN crl-15298 25 24 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15298 25 25 brarian brarian PROPN crl-15298 25 26 position position NOUN crl-15298 25 27 . . PUNCT crl-15298 26 1 could could AUX crl-15298 26 2 one one NUM crl-15298 26 3 extract extract NOUN crl-15298 26 4 from from ADP crl-15298 26 5 these these DET crl-15298 26 6 practices practice NOUN crl-15298 26 7 that that PRON crl-15298 26 8 research research NOUN crl-15298 26 9 universities university NOUN crl-15298 26 10 are be AUX crl-15298 26 11 less less ADV crl-15298 26 12 interested interested ADJ crl-15298 26 13 in in ADP crl-15298 26 14 their their PRON crl-15298 26 15 head head NOUN crl-15298 26 16 librar­ librar­ ADP crl-15298 26 17 ians ians PROPN crl-15298 26 18 having have VERB crl-15298 26 19 an an DET crl-15298 26 20 understanding understanding NOUN crl-15298 26 21 of of ADP crl-15298 26 22 research research NOUN crl-15298 26 23 skills skill NOUN crl-15298 26 24 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 26 25 e.g. e.g. ADV crl-15298 26 26 , , PUNCT crl-15298 26 27 completion completion NOUN crl-15298 26 28 of of ADP crl-15298 26 29 a a DET crl-15298 26 30 doctoral doctoral ADJ crl-15298 26 31 dis­ dis­ NOUN crl-15298 26 32 sertation sertation NOUN crl-15298 26 33 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 26 34 than than ADP crl-15298 26 35 four four NUM crl-15298 26 36 - - PUNCT crl-15298 26 37 year year NOUN crl-15298 26 38 colleges college NOUN crl-15298 26 39 and and CCONJ crl-15298 26 40 smallto smallto PROPN crl-15298 26 41 medium medium ADJ crl-15298 26 42 - - PUNCT crl-15298 26 43 sized sized ADJ crl-15298 26 44 universities university NOUN crl-15298 26 45 ? ? PUNCT crl-15298 27 1 possibly possibly ADV crl-15298 27 2 . . PUNCT crl-15298 28 1 such such ADJ crl-15298 28 2 practices practice NOUN crl-15298 28 3 contain contain VERB crl-15298 28 4 a a DET crl-15298 28 5 bit bit NOUN crl-15298 28 6 of of ADP crl-15298 28 7 both both DET crl-15298 28 8 irony irony NOUN crl-15298 28 9 and and CCONJ crl-15298 28 10 paradox paradox NOUN crl-15298 28 11 . . PUNCT crl-15298 29 1 why why SCONJ crl-15298 29 2 bother bother VERB crl-15298 29 3 ? ? PUNCT crl-15298 30 1 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 30 2 have have AUX crl-15298 30 3 expressed express VERB crl-15298 30 4 to to ADP crl-15298 30 5 me i PRON crl-15298 30 6 their their PRON crl-15298 30 7 ear­ ear­ DET crl-15298 30 8 nest nest NOUN crl-15298 30 9 concerns concern NOUN crl-15298 30 10 about about ADP crl-15298 30 11 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 30 12 status status NOUN crl-15298 30 13 . . PUNCT crl-15298 31 1 some some PRON crl-15298 31 2 believe believe VERB crl-15298 31 3 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 31 4 status status NOUN crl-15298 31 5 has have VERB crl-15298 31 6 a a DET crl-15298 31 7 negative negative ADJ crl-15298 31 8 impact impact NOUN crl-15298 31 9 on on ADP crl-15298 31 10 their their PRON crl-15298 31 11 service service NOUN crl-15298 31 12 performance performance NOUN crl-15298 31 13 . . PUNCT crl-15298 32 1 many many ADJ crl-15298 32 2 are be AUX crl-15298 32 3 concerned concerned ADJ crl-15298 32 4 about about ADP crl-15298 32 5 lacking lack VERB crl-15298 32 6 the the DET crl-15298 32 7 skills skill NOUN crl-15298 32 8 neces­ neces­ PROPN crl-15298 32 9 sary sary ADJ crl-15298 32 10 to to PART crl-15298 32 11 perform perform VERB crl-15298 32 12 research research NOUN crl-15298 32 13 at at ADP crl-15298 32 14 a a DET crl-15298 32 15 level level NOUN crl-15298 32 16 compa­ compa­ NOUN crl-15298 32 17 rable rable ADJ crl-15298 32 18 to to ADP crl-15298 32 19 the the DET crl-15298 32 20 nonlibrarian nonlibrarian ADJ crl-15298 32 21 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 32 22 . . PUNCT crl-15298 33 1 in in ADP crl-15298 33 2 addi­ addi­ NUM crl-15298 33 3 tion tion NOUN crl-15298 33 4 , , PUNCT crl-15298 33 5 the the DET crl-15298 33 6 length length NOUN crl-15298 33 7 of of ADP crl-15298 33 8 appointment appointment NOUN crl-15298 33 9 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 33 10 i.e. i.e. X crl-15298 33 11 , , PUNCT crl-15298 33 12 nineor nineor PROPN crl-15298 33 13 ten ten NUM crl-15298 33 14 - - PUNCT crl-15298 33 15 month month NOUN crl-15298 33 16 versus versus ADP crl-15298 33 17 twelve twelve NUM crl-15298 33 18 - - PUNCT crl-15298 33 19 month month NOUN crl-15298 33 20 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 33 21 is be AUX crl-15298 33 22 an an DET crl-15298 33 23 understandable understandable ADJ crl-15298 33 24 bone bone NOUN crl-15298 33 25 of of ADP crl-15298 33 26 contention contention NOUN crl-15298 33 27 for for ADP crl-15298 33 28 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15298 33 29 brarians brarian NOUN crl-15298 33 30 . . PUNCT crl-15298 34 1 why why SCONJ crl-15298 34 2 should should AUX crl-15298 34 3 the the DET crl-15298 34 4 nonlibrarian nonlibrarian PROPN crl-15298 34 5 fac­ fac­ PROPN crl-15298 34 6 ulty ulty PROPN crl-15298 34 7 get get VERB crl-15298 34 8 two two NUM crl-15298 34 9 to to PART crl-15298 34 10 three three NUM crl-15298 34 11 months month NOUN crl-15298 34 12 off off ADV crl-15298 34 13 in in ADP crl-15298 34 14 the the DET crl-15298 34 15 sum­ sum­ PROPN crl-15298 34 16 mer mer NOUN crl-15298 34 17 to to PART crl-15298 34 18 conduct conduct VERB crl-15298 34 19 research research NOUN crl-15298 34 20 , , PUNCT crl-15298 34 21 recharge recharge VERB crl-15298 34 22 , , PUNCT crl-15298 34 23 and and CCONJ crl-15298 34 24 reflect reflect VERB crl-15298 34 25 while while SCONJ crl-15298 34 26 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 34 27 have have VERB crl-15298 34 28 twelve twelve NUM crl-15298 34 29 - - PUNCT crl-15298 34 30 month month NOUN crl-15298 34 31 appointments appointment NOUN crl-15298 34 32 ? ? PUNCT crl-15298 35 1 in in ADP crl-15298 35 2 1983 1983 NUM crl-15298 35 3 , , PUNCT crl-15298 35 4 john john PROPN crl-15298 35 5 n. n. PROPN crl-15298 35 6 depew depew NOUN crl-15298 35 7 expressed express VERB crl-15298 35 8 his his PRON crl-15298 35 9 views view NOUN crl-15298 35 10 on on ADP crl-15298 35 11 problems problem NOUN crl-15298 35 12 gener­ gener­ PROPN crl-15298 35 13 ated ate VERB crl-15298 35 14 by by ADP crl-15298 35 15 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 35 16 status status NOUN crl-15298 35 17 for for ADP crl-15298 35 18 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 35 19 : : PUNCT crl-15298 35 20 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 35 21 status status NOUN crl-15298 35 22 is be AUX crl-15298 35 23 inappropriate inappropriate ADJ crl-15298 35 24 for for SCONJ crl-15298 35 25 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15298 35 26 brarians brarian NOUN crl-15298 35 27 because because SCONJ crl-15298 35 28 it it PRON crl-15298 35 29 creates create VERB crl-15298 35 30 tensions tension NOUN crl-15298 35 31 that that PRON crl-15298 35 32 obscure obscure VERB crl-15298 35 33 the the DET crl-15298 35 34 proper proper ADJ crl-15298 35 35 role role NOUN crl-15298 35 36 of of ADP crl-15298 35 37 the the DET crl-15298 35 38 li­ li­ NOUN crl-15298 35 39 brarian brarian PROPN crl-15298 35 40 , , PUNCT crl-15298 35 41 and and CCONJ crl-15298 35 42 it it PRON crl-15298 35 43 interferes interfere VERB crl-15298 35 44 with with ADP crl-15298 35 45 the the DET crl-15298 35 46 ef­ ef­ PROPN crl-15298 35 47 fective fective ADJ crl-15298 35 48 delivery delivery NOUN crl-15298 35 49 of of ADP crl-15298 35 50 library library NOUN crl-15298 35 51 services service NOUN crl-15298 35 52 by by ADP crl-15298 35 53 diverting divert VERB crl-15298 35 54 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 35 55 ’ ’ PART crl-15298 35 56 energies energy NOUN crl-15298 35 57 and and CCONJ crl-15298 35 58 at­ at­ NOUN crl-15298 35 59 tentions tention NOUN crl-15298 35 60 from from ADP crl-15298 36 1 those those DET crl-15298 36 2 services.1 services.1 NOUN crl-15298 37 1 the the DET crl-15298 37 2 debate debate NOUN crl-15298 37 3 continues continue VERB crl-15298 37 4 the the DET crl-15298 37 5 acrl acrl ADJ crl-15298 37 6 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 37 7 status status NOUN crl-15298 37 8 committee committee NOUN crl-15298 37 9 has have AUX crl-15298 37 10 been be AUX crl-15298 37 11 quite quite ADV crl-15298 37 12 active active ADJ crl-15298 37 13 in in ADP crl-15298 37 14 strengthening strengthen VERB crl-15298 37 15 the the DET crl-15298 37 16 con­ con­ NOUN crl-15298 37 17 cept cept NOUN crl-15298 37 18 and and CCONJ crl-15298 37 19 practice practice NOUN crl-15298 37 20 of of ADP crl-15298 37 21 granting grant VERB crl-15298 37 22 / / SYM crl-15298 37 23 maintaining maintain VERB crl-15298 37 24 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 37 25 status status NOUN crl-15298 37 26 for for ADP crl-15298 37 27 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 37 28 . . PUNCT crl-15298 38 1 this this DET crl-15298 38 2 important important ADJ crl-15298 38 3 committee committee NOUN crl-15298 38 4 has have AUX crl-15298 38 5 expressed express VERB crl-15298 38 6 concern concern NOUN crl-15298 38 7 that that SCONJ crl-15298 38 8 with with ADP crl-15298 38 9 each each DET crl-15298 38 10 succeeding succeed VERB crl-15298 38 11 generation generation NOUN crl-15298 38 12 of of ADP crl-15298 38 13 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 38 14 , , PUNCT crl-15298 38 15 there there PRON crl-15298 38 16 is be VERB crl-15298 38 17 a a DET crl-15298 38 18 worry worry NOUN crl-15298 38 19 that that SCONJ crl-15298 38 20 the the DET crl-15298 38 21 values value NOUN crl-15298 38 22 of of ADP crl-15298 38 23 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 38 24 status status NOUN crl-15298 38 25 are be AUX crl-15298 38 26 being be AUX crl-15298 38 27 forgotten.2 forgotten.2 VERB crl-15298 38 28 according accord VERB crl-15298 38 29 to to ADP crl-15298 38 30 the the DET crl-15298 38 31 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 38 32 status status NOUN crl-15298 38 33 committee committee NOUN crl-15298 38 34 , , PUNCT crl-15298 38 35 guarantees guarantee NOUN crl-15298 38 36 of of ADP crl-15298 38 37 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 38 38 freedom freedom NOUN crl-15298 38 39 , , PUNCT crl-15298 38 40 provision provision NOUN crl-15298 38 41 of of ADP crl-15298 38 42 collegial collegial ADJ crl-15298 38 43 gov­ gov­ NOUN crl-15298 38 44 ernance ernance NOUN crl-15298 38 45 , , PUNCT crl-15298 38 46 fair fair ADJ crl-15298 38 47 compensation compensation NOUN crl-15298 38 48 , , PUNCT crl-15298 38 49 greater great ADJ crl-15298 38 50 involve­ involve­ CCONJ crl-15298 38 51 ment ment NOUN crl-15298 38 52 in in ADP crl-15298 38 53 and and CCONJ crl-15298 38 54 support support NOUN crl-15298 38 55 for for ADP crl-15298 38 56 the the DET crl-15298 38 57 educational educational ADJ crl-15298 38 58 pro­ pro­ NOUN crl-15298 38 59 cess cess ADJ crl-15298 38 60 , , PUNCT crl-15298 38 61 higher high ADJ crl-15298 38 62 standards standard NOUN crl-15298 38 63 of of ADP crl-15298 38 64 achievement achievement NOUN crl-15298 38 65 for for ADP crl-15298 38 66 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 38 67 , , PUNCT crl-15298 38 68 and and CCONJ crl-15298 38 69 recognition recognition NOUN crl-15298 38 70 of of ADP crl-15298 38 71 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 38 72 ’ ' PUNCT crl-15298 38 73 teach­ teach­ NUM crl-15298 38 74 ing ing NOUN crl-15298 38 75 role role NOUN crl-15298 38 76 are be AUX crl-15298 38 77 some some PRON crl-15298 38 78 of of ADP crl-15298 38 79 the the DET crl-15298 38 80 basic basic ADJ crl-15298 38 81 reasons reason NOUN crl-15298 38 82 that that PRON crl-15298 38 83 fac­ fac­ PROPN crl-15298 38 84 ulty ulty PROPN crl-15298 38 85 status status NOUN crl-15298 38 86 should should AUX crl-15298 38 87 endure endure VERB crl-15298 38 88 and and CCONJ crl-15298 38 89 flourish.3 flourish.3 ADJ crl-15298 38 90 in in ADP crl-15298 38 91 1993 1993 NUM crl-15298 38 92 , , PUNCT crl-15298 38 93 beth beth PROPN crl-15298 38 94 j. j. PROPN crl-15298 38 95 shapiro shapiro PROPN crl-15298 38 96 argued argue VERB crl-15298 38 97 that that SCONJ crl-15298 38 98 there there PRON crl-15298 38 99 are be VERB crl-15298 38 100 many many ADJ crl-15298 38 101 myths myth NOUN crl-15298 38 102 about about ADP crl-15298 38 103 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 38 104 status status NOUN crl-15298 38 105 for for ADP crl-15298 38 106 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 38 107 . . PUNCT crl-15298 39 1 she she PRON crl-15298 39 2 indicated indicate VERB crl-15298 39 3 that that SCONJ crl-15298 39 4 acrl acrl ADJ crl-15298 39 5 should should AUX crl-15298 39 6 reevaluate reevaluate VERB crl-15298 39 7 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 39 8 status status NOUN crl-15298 39 9 for for ADP crl-15298 39 10 librarians librarians PROPN crl-15298 39 11 be­ be­ PROPN crl-15298 39 12 cause cause VERB crl-15298 39 13 the the DET crl-15298 39 14 concept concept NOUN crl-15298 39 15 has have AUX crl-15298 39 16 outlived outlive VERB crl-15298 39 17 its its PRON crl-15298 39 18 useful­ useful­ ADJ crl-15298 39 19 ness ness NOUN crl-15298 40 1 and and CCONJ crl-15298 40 2 that that PRON crl-15298 40 3 acrl acrl ADJ crl-15298 40 4 should should AUX crl-15298 40 5 stop stop VERB crl-15298 40 6 promot­ promot­ ADJ crl-15298 40 7 ing ing ADJ crl-15298 40 8 unproductive unproductive ADJ crl-15298 40 9 issues issue NOUN crl-15298 40 10 such such ADJ crl-15298 40 11 as as ADP crl-15298 40 12 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 40 13 sta­ sta­ PROPN crl-15298 40 14 tus tus PROPN crl-15298 40 15 and and CCONJ crl-15298 40 16 begin begin VERB crl-15298 40 17 developing develop VERB crl-15298 40 18 a a DET crl-15298 40 19 framework framework NOUN crl-15298 40 20 for for ADP crl-15298 40 21 professional professional ADJ crl-15298 40 22 work work NOUN crl-15298 40 23 in in ADP crl-15298 40 24 the the DET crl-15298 40 25 library library NOUN crl-15298 40 26 of of ADP crl-15298 40 27 the the DET crl-15298 40 28 twenty twenty NUM crl-15298 40 29 - - PUNCT crl-15298 40 30 first first ADJ crl-15298 40 31 century.4 century.4 NOUN crl-15298 40 32 in in ADP crl-15298 40 33 the the DET crl-15298 40 34 graduate graduate NOUN crl-15298 40 35 library library NOUN crl-15298 40 36 and and CCONJ crl-15298 40 37 information information NOUN crl-15298 40 38 science science NOUN crl-15298 40 39 courses course NOUN crl-15298 40 40 i i PRON crl-15298 40 41 teach teach VERB crl-15298 40 42 , , PUNCT crl-15298 40 43 the the DET crl-15298 40 44 issue issue NOUN crl-15298 40 45 of of ADP crl-15298 40 46 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 40 47 status status NOUN crl-15298 40 48 surfaces surface NOUN crl-15298 40 49 . . PUNCT crl-15298 41 1 my my PRON crl-15298 41 2 advice advice NOUN crl-15298 41 3 to to ADP crl-15298 41 4 the the DET crl-15298 41 5 students student NOUN crl-15298 41 6 planning plan VERB crl-15298 41 7 to to PART crl-15298 41 8 become become VERB crl-15298 41 9 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 41 10 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 41 11 is be AUX crl-15298 41 12 that that SCONJ crl-15298 41 13 if if SCONJ crl-15298 41 14 they they PRON crl-15298 41 15 want want VERB crl-15298 41 16 to to PART crl-15298 41 17 become become VERB crl-15298 41 18 like like ADP crl-15298 41 19 the the DET crl-15298 41 20 nonlibrarian nonlibrarian ADJ crl-15298 41 21 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 41 22 , , PUNCT crl-15298 41 23 they they PRON crl-15298 41 24 should should AUX crl-15298 41 25 seek seek VERB crl-15298 41 26 em­ em­ NOUN crl-15298 41 27 ployment ployment NOUN crl-15298 41 28 in in ADP crl-15298 41 29 an an DET crl-15298 41 30 institution institution NOUN crl-15298 41 31 of of ADP crl-15298 41 32 higher high ADJ crl-15298 41 33 edu­ edu­ PROPN crl-15298 41 34 cation cation NOUN crl-15298 41 35 offering offer VERB crl-15298 41 36 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 41 37 status status NOUN crl-15298 41 38 for for ADP crl-15298 41 39 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 41 40 . . PUNCT crl-15298 42 1 if if SCONJ crl-15298 42 2 they they PRON crl-15298 42 3 do do AUX crl-15298 42 4 not not PART crl-15298 42 5 want want VERB crl-15298 42 6 the the DET crl-15298 42 7 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crl-15298 42 8 that that PRON crl-15298 42 9 go go VERB crl-15298 42 10 with with ADP crl-15298 42 11 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 42 12 status status NOUN crl-15298 42 13 , , PUNCT crl-15298 42 14 they they PRON crl-15298 42 15 should should AUX crl-15298 42 16 look look VERB crl-15298 42 17 for for ADP crl-15298 42 18 employment employment NOUN crl-15298 42 19 in in ADP crl-15298 42 20 an an DET crl-15298 42 21 academic academic ADJ crl-15298 42 22 setting setting NOUN crl-15298 42 23 that that PRON crl-15298 42 24 does do AUX crl-15298 42 25 not not PART crl-15298 42 26 require require VERB crl-15298 42 27 such such ADJ crl-15298 42 28 . . PUNCT crl-15298 43 1 regardless regardless ADV crl-15298 43 2 , , PUNCT crl-15298 43 3 the the DET crl-15298 43 4 de­ de­ ADJ crl-15298 43 5 cision cision NOUN crl-15298 43 6 is be AUX crl-15298 43 7 personal personal ADJ crl-15298 43 8 and and CCONJ crl-15298 43 9 should should AUX crl-15298 43 10 be be AUX crl-15298 43 11 respected respect VERB crl-15298 43 12 . . PUNCT crl-15298 44 1 and and CCONJ crl-15298 44 2 that that PRON crl-15298 44 3 is be AUX crl-15298 44 4 the the DET crl-15298 44 5 way way NOUN crl-15298 44 6 it it PRON crl-15298 44 7 should should AUX crl-15298 44 8 be be AUX crl-15298 44 9 ! ! PUNCT crl-15298 45 1 donald donald PROPN crl-15298 45 2 e. e. PROPN crl-15298 45 3 riggs riggs PROPN crl-15298 45 4 editor editor PROPN crl-15298 45 5 notes note VERB crl-15298 45 6 1 1 NUM crl-15298 45 7 . . PROPN crl-15298 46 1 thomas thomas PROPN crl-15298 46 2 n. n. PROPN crl-15298 46 3 depew depew PROPN crl-15298 46 4 , , PUNCT crl-15298 46 5 “ " PUNCT crl-15298 46 6 the the DET crl-15298 46 7 acrl acrl ADJ crl-15298 46 8 standards standard NOUN crl-15298 46 9 for for ADP crl-15298 46 10 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 46 11 status status NOUN crl-15298 46 12 : : PUNCT crl-15298 46 13 panacea panacea PROPN crl-15298 46 14 or or CCONJ crl-15298 46 15 placebo placebo NOUN crl-15298 46 16 , , PUNCT crl-15298 46 17 ” " PUNCT crl-15298 46 18 college college PROPN crl-15298 46 19 & & CCONJ crl-15298 46 20 research research PROPN crl-15298 46 21 libraries library NOUN crl-15298 46 22 44 44 NUM crl-15298 46 23 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 46 24 nov nov PROPN crl-15298 46 25 . . PROPN crl-15298 46 26 1983 1983 NUM crl-15298 46 27 ): ): PUNCT crl-15298 46 28 407–13 407–13 PROPN crl-15298 46 29 . . PROPN crl-15298 47 1 2 2 X crl-15298 47 2 . . X crl-15298 47 3 " " PUNCT crl-15298 47 4 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 47 5 status status NOUN crl-15298 47 6 : : PUNCT crl-15298 47 7 2001 2001 NUM crl-15298 47 8 , , PUNCT crl-15298 47 9 ” " PUNCT crl-15298 47 10 college college PROPN crl-15298 47 11 & & CCONJ crl-15298 47 12 research research PROPN crl-15298 47 13 libraries librarie VERB crl-15298 47 14 news news NOUN crl-15298 47 15 54 54 NUM crl-15298 47 16 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 47 17 june june PROPN crl-15298 47 18 1993 1993 NUM crl-15298 47 19 ): ): PUNCT crl-15298 47 20 338–40 338–40 NUM crl-15298 47 21 . . PUNCT crl-15298 48 1 3 3 X crl-15298 48 2 . . X crl-15298 48 3 ibid ibid PROPN crl-15298 48 4 . . PUNCT crl-15298 48 5 , , PUNCT crl-15298 48 6 339 339 NUM crl-15298 48 7 . . NUM crl-15298 49 1 4 4 X crl-15298 49 2 . . PROPN crl-15298 49 3 beth beth PROPN crl-15298 49 4 j. j. PROPN crl-15298 49 5 shapiro shapiro PROPN crl-15298 49 6 , , PUNCT crl-15298 49 7 “ " PUNCT crl-15298 49 8 the the DET crl-15298 49 9 myths myth NOUN crl-15298 49 10 surrounding surround VERB crl-15298 49 11 faculty faculty NOUN crl-15298 49 12 status status NOUN crl-15298 49 13 for for ADP crl-15298 49 14 librarians librarian NOUN crl-15298 49 15 , , PUNCT crl-15298 49 16 ” " PUNCT crl-15298 49 17 college college PROPN crl-15298 49 18 & & CCONJ crl-15298 49 19 research research PROPN crl-15298 49 20 libraries librarie VERB crl-15298 49 21 news news NOUN crl-15298 49 22 54 54 NUM crl-15298 49 23 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 49 24 nov nov PROPN crl-15298 49 25 . . PROPN crl-15298 49 26 1993 1993 NUM crl-15298 49 27 ): ): PUNCT crl-15298 49 28 362–63 362–63 NUM crl-15298 49 29 . . PUNCT crl-15298 50 1 < < X crl-15298 50 2 < < X crl-15298 50 3 /ascii85encodepages /ascii85encodepage NOUN crl-15298 51 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 51 2 /allowtransparency /allowtransparency NOUN crl-15298 52 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 52 2 /autopositionepsfiles /autopositionepsfile NOUN crl-15298 52 3 true true ADJ crl-15298 52 4 /autorotatepages /autorotatepage NOUN crl-15298 53 1 /all /all PUNCT crl-15298 54 1 /binding /binding INTJ crl-15298 54 2 /left /left INTJ crl-15298 54 3 /calgrayprofile /calgrayprofile ADV crl-15298 54 4 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 54 5 dot dot NOUN crl-15298 54 6 gain gain NOUN crl-15298 54 7 20 20 NUM crl-15298 54 8 % % NOUN crl-15298 54 9 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 54 10 /calrgbprofile /calrgbprofile ADV crl-15298 54 11 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 54 12 srgb srgb PROPN crl-15298 54 13 iec61966 iec61966 NOUN crl-15298 54 14 - - PUNCT crl-15298 54 15 2.1 2.1 NUM crl-15298 54 16 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 54 17 /calcmykprofile /calcmykprofile ADV crl-15298 55 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 55 2 u.s u.s PROPN crl-15298 55 3 . . PROPN crl-15298 55 4 web web NOUN crl-15298 55 5 coated coat VERB crl-15298 55 6 \050swop\051 \050swop\051 ADJ crl-15298 55 7 v2 v2 NOUN crl-15298 55 8 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 55 9 /srgbprofile /srgbprofile ADV crl-15298 55 10 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 55 11 srgb srgb PROPN crl-15298 55 12 iec61966 iec61966 NOUN crl-15298 55 13 - - PUNCT crl-15298 55 14 2.1 2.1 NUM crl-15298 55 15 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 56 1 /cannotembedfontpolicy /cannotembedfontpolicy PUNCT crl-15298 57 1 /warning /warne VERB crl-15298 57 2 /compatibilitylevel /compatibilitylevel INTJ crl-15298 58 1 1.3 1.3 NUM crl-15298 58 2 /compressobjects /compressobject VERB crl-15298 58 3 /tags /tags PUNCT crl-15298 58 4 /compresspages /compresspages PROPN crl-15298 59 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 59 2 /convertimagestoindexed /convertimagestoindexed ADJ crl-15298 59 3 true true ADJ crl-15298 59 4 /passthroughjpegimages /passthroughjpegimages INTJ crl-15298 59 5 true true ADJ crl-15298 59 6 /createjobticket /createjobticket AUX crl-15298 60 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 60 2 /defaultrenderingintent /defaultrenderingintent NOUN crl-15298 61 1 /default /default ADP crl-15298 61 2 /detectblends /detectblend NOUN crl-15298 61 3 true true ADJ crl-15298 61 4 /detectcurves /detectcurve NOUN crl-15298 61 5 0.0000 0.0000 NUM crl-15298 61 6 /colorconversionstrategy /colorconversionstrategy NOUN crl-15298 62 1 /cmyk /cmyk INTJ crl-15298 63 1 /dothumbnails /dothumbnails X crl-15298 64 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 64 2 /embedallfonts /embedallfont NOUN crl-15298 64 3 true true ADJ crl-15298 64 4 /embedopentype /embedopentype X crl-15298 64 5 false false ADJ crl-15298 64 6 /parseiccprofilesincomments /parseiccprofilesincomment VERB crl-15298 64 7 true true ADJ crl-15298 64 8 /embedjoboptions /embedjoboption NOUN crl-15298 65 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 65 2 /dscreportinglevel /dscreportinglevel NOUN crl-15298 65 3 0 0 NUM crl-15298 66 1 /emitdscwarnings /emitdscwarning NOUN crl-15298 66 2 false false ADJ crl-15298 66 3 /endpage /endpage NOUN crl-15298 66 4 -1 -1 PUNCT crl-15298 66 5 /imagememory /imagememory PROPN crl-15298 66 6 1048576 1048576 NUM crl-15298 66 7 /lockdistillerparams /lockdistillerparam VERB crl-15298 67 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 67 2 /maxsubsetpct /maxsubsetpct PUNCT crl-15298 67 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 67 4 /optimize /optimize SYM crl-15298 68 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 68 2 /opm /opm PUNCT crl-15298 69 1 1 1 NUM crl-15298 69 2 /parsedsccomments /parsedsccomment NOUN crl-15298 69 3 true true ADJ crl-15298 69 4 /parsedsccommentsfordocinfo /parsedsccommentsfordocinfo INTJ crl-15298 69 5 true true ADJ crl-15298 69 6 /preservecopypage /preservecopypage ADJ crl-15298 70 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 70 2 /preservedicmykvalues /preservedicmykvalues X crl-15298 70 3 true true ADJ crl-15298 70 4 /preserveepsinfo /preserveepsinfo CCONJ crl-15298 70 5 true true ADJ crl-15298 70 6 /preserveflatness /preserveflatness ADP crl-15298 70 7 false false ADJ crl-15298 70 8 /preservehalftoneinfo /preservehalftoneinfo ADJ crl-15298 70 9 true true ADJ crl-15298 70 10 /preserveopicomments /preserveopicomment NOUN crl-15298 70 11 false false ADJ crl-15298 70 12 /preserveoverprintsettings /preserveoverprintsetting NOUN crl-15298 71 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 71 2 /startpage /startpage NOUN crl-15298 71 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 71 4 /subsetfonts /subsetfonts SYM crl-15298 72 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 72 2 /transferfunctioninfo /transferfunctioninfo INTJ crl-15298 73 1 /apply /apply PUNCT crl-15298 74 1 /ucrandbginfo /ucrandbginfo PUNCT crl-15298 74 2 /preserve /preserve ADV crl-15298 75 1 /useprologue /useprologue INTJ crl-15298 76 1 false false INTJ crl-15298 76 2 /colorsettingsfile /colorsettingsfile PROPN crl-15298 76 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 76 4 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 76 5 /alwaysembed /alwaysembe VERB crl-15298 77 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 77 2 true true ADJ crl-15298 77 3 ] ] X crl-15298 77 4 /neverembed /neverembed PUNCT crl-15298 78 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 78 2 true true ADJ crl-15298 78 3 ] ] X crl-15298 78 4 /antialiascolorimages /antialiascolorimage VERB crl-15298 78 5 false false ADJ crl-15298 78 6 /cropcolorimages /cropcolorimages INTJ crl-15298 79 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 80 1 /colorimageminresolution /colorimageminresolution NOUN crl-15298 80 2 151 151 NUM crl-15298 80 3 /colorimageminresolutionpolicy /colorimageminresolutionpolicy PROPN crl-15298 80 4 /ok /ok PUNCT crl-15298 80 5 /downsamplecolorimages /downsamplecolorimages PUNCT crl-15298 81 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 81 2 /colorimagedownsampletype /colorimagedownsampletype PROPN crl-15298 81 3 /bicubic /bicubic PROPN crl-15298 82 1 /colorimageresolution /colorimageresolution NOUN crl-15298 83 1 300 300 NUM crl-15298 83 2 /colorimagedepth /colorimagedepth PROPN crl-15298 83 3 -1 -1 PROPN crl-15298 83 4 /colorimagemindownsampledepth /colorimagemindownsampledepth PROPN crl-15298 83 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 83 6 /colorimagedownsamplethreshold /colorimagedownsamplethreshold SYM crl-15298 83 7 1.10000 1.10000 NUM crl-15298 83 8 /encodecolorimages /encodecolorimage NOUN crl-15298 84 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 84 2 /colorimagefilter /colorimagefilter NOUN crl-15298 85 1 /dctencode /dctencode INTJ crl-15298 85 2 /autofiltercolorimages /autofiltercolorimage NOUN crl-15298 86 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 86 2 /colorimageautofilterstrategy /colorimageautofilterstrategy INTJ crl-15298 87 1 /jpeg /jpeg INTJ crl-15298 87 2 /coloracsimagedict /coloracsimagedict X crl-15298 88 1 < < X crl-15298 88 2 < < X crl-15298 88 3 /qfactor /qfactor NOUN crl-15298 88 4 0.15 0.15 NUM crl-15298 88 5 /hsamples /hsample NOUN crl-15298 89 1 [ [ X crl-15298 89 2 1 1 NUM crl-15298 89 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 89 4 1 1 NUM crl-15298 89 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 89 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 89 7 /vsamples /vsample NOUN crl-15298 90 1 [ [ X crl-15298 90 2 1 1 NUM crl-15298 90 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 90 4 1 1 NUM crl-15298 90 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 90 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 90 7 > > X crl-15298 90 8 > > X crl-15298 90 9 /colorimagedict /colorimagedict PUNCT crl-15298 91 1 < < X crl-15298 91 2 < < X crl-15298 91 3 /qfactor /qfactor NOUN crl-15298 91 4 0.15 0.15 NUM crl-15298 91 5 /hsamples /hsample NOUN crl-15298 92 1 [ [ X crl-15298 92 2 1 1 NUM crl-15298 92 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 92 4 1 1 NUM crl-15298 92 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 92 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 92 7 /vsamples /vsample NOUN crl-15298 93 1 [ [ X crl-15298 93 2 1 1 NUM crl-15298 93 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 93 4 1 1 NUM crl-15298 93 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 93 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 93 7 > > X crl-15298 93 8 > > X crl-15298 93 9 /jpeg2000coloracsimagedict /jpeg2000coloracsimagedict PUNCT crl-15298 94 1 < < X crl-15298 94 2 < < X crl-15298 94 3 /tilewidth /tilewidth NOUN crl-15298 95 1 256 256 NUM crl-15298 95 2 /tileheight /tileheight SYM crl-15298 95 3 256 256 NUM crl-15298 95 4 /quality /quality NOUN crl-15298 95 5 30 30 NUM crl-15298 95 6 > > X crl-15298 95 7 > > X crl-15298 95 8 /jpeg2000colorimagedict /jpeg2000colorimagedict PUNCT crl-15298 96 1 < < X crl-15298 96 2 < < X crl-15298 96 3 /tilewidth /tilewidth NOUN crl-15298 97 1 256 256 NUM crl-15298 97 2 /tileheight /tileheight SYM crl-15298 97 3 256 256 NUM crl-15298 97 4 /quality /quality NOUN crl-15298 97 5 30 30 NUM crl-15298 97 6 > > X crl-15298 97 7 > > X crl-15298 97 8 /antialiasgrayimages /antialiasgrayimages VERB crl-15298 97 9 false false ADJ crl-15298 97 10 /cropgrayimages /cropgrayimage NOUN crl-15298 98 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 98 2 /grayimageminresolution /grayimageminresolution NOUN crl-15298 98 3 151 151 NUM crl-15298 99 1 /grayimageminresolutionpolicy /grayimageminresolutionpolicy INTJ crl-15298 99 2 /ok /ok PUNCT crl-15298 99 3 /downsamplegrayimages /downsamplegrayimages X crl-15298 100 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 100 2 /grayimagedownsampletype /grayimagedownsampletype PROPN crl-15298 100 3 /bicubic /bicubic PUNCT crl-15298 101 1 /grayimageresolution /grayimageresolution NOUN crl-15298 101 2 300 300 NUM crl-15298 102 1 /grayimagedepth /grayimagedepth ADP crl-15298 102 2 -1 -1 PROPN crl-15298 102 3 /grayimagemindownsampledepth /grayimagemindownsampledepth PUNCT crl-15298 103 1 2 2 NUM crl-15298 103 2 /grayimagedownsamplethreshold /grayimagedownsamplethreshold SYM crl-15298 103 3 1.10000 1.10000 NUM crl-15298 103 4 /encodegrayimages /encodegrayimage VERB crl-15298 103 5 true true ADJ crl-15298 104 1 /grayimagefilter /grayimagefilter INTJ crl-15298 104 2 /dctencode /dctencode INTJ crl-15298 104 3 /autofiltergrayimages /autofiltergrayimage VERB crl-15298 104 4 true true ADJ crl-15298 104 5 /grayimageautofilterstrategy /grayimageautofilterstrategy PROPN crl-15298 105 1 /jpeg /jpeg PUNCT crl-15298 106 1 /grayacsimagedict /grayacsimagedict PUNCT crl-15298 107 1 < < X crl-15298 107 2 < < X crl-15298 107 3 /qfactor /qfactor NOUN crl-15298 107 4 0.15 0.15 NUM crl-15298 107 5 /hsamples /hsample NOUN crl-15298 108 1 [ [ X crl-15298 108 2 1 1 NUM crl-15298 108 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 108 4 1 1 NUM crl-15298 108 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 108 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 108 7 /vsamples /vsample NOUN crl-15298 109 1 [ [ X crl-15298 109 2 1 1 NUM crl-15298 109 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 109 4 1 1 NUM crl-15298 109 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 109 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 109 7 > > X crl-15298 109 8 > > X crl-15298 109 9 /grayimagedict /grayimagedict PUNCT crl-15298 110 1 < < X crl-15298 110 2 < < X crl-15298 110 3 /qfactor /qfactor NOUN crl-15298 110 4 0.15 0.15 NUM crl-15298 110 5 /hsamples /hsample NOUN crl-15298 111 1 [ [ X crl-15298 111 2 1 1 NUM crl-15298 111 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 111 4 1 1 NUM crl-15298 111 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 111 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 111 7 /vsamples /vsample NOUN crl-15298 112 1 [ [ X crl-15298 112 2 1 1 NUM crl-15298 112 3 1 1 NUM crl-15298 112 4 1 1 NUM crl-15298 112 5 1 1 NUM crl-15298 112 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 112 7 > > X crl-15298 112 8 > > X crl-15298 112 9 /jpeg2000grayacsimagedict /jpeg2000grayacsimagedict PUNCT crl-15298 113 1 < < X crl-15298 113 2 < < X crl-15298 113 3 /tilewidth /tilewidth NOUN crl-15298 114 1 256 256 NUM crl-15298 114 2 /tileheight /tileheight SYM crl-15298 114 3 256 256 NUM crl-15298 114 4 /quality /quality NOUN crl-15298 114 5 30 30 NUM crl-15298 114 6 > > X crl-15298 114 7 > > X crl-15298 114 8 /jpeg2000grayimagedict /jpeg2000grayimagedict PUNCT crl-15298 115 1 < < X crl-15298 115 2 < < X crl-15298 115 3 /tilewidth /tilewidth NOUN crl-15298 116 1 256 256 NUM crl-15298 116 2 /tileheight /tileheight SYM crl-15298 116 3 256 256 NUM crl-15298 116 4 /quality /quality NOUN crl-15298 116 5 30 30 NUM crl-15298 116 6 > > X crl-15298 116 7 > > X crl-15298 116 8 /antialiasmonoimages /antialiasmonoimage NOUN crl-15298 117 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 117 2 /cropmonoimages /cropmonoimages INTJ crl-15298 117 3 false false ADJ crl-15298 117 4 /monoimageminresolution /monoimageminresolution PROPN crl-15298 118 1 600 600 NUM crl-15298 118 2 /monoimageminresolutionpolicy /monoimageminresolutionpolicy PUNCT crl-15298 118 3 /ok /ok PUNCT crl-15298 118 4 /downsamplemonoimages /downsamplemonoimages PUNCT crl-15298 118 5 true true ADJ crl-15298 119 1 /monoimagedownsampletype /monoimagedownsampletype PROPN crl-15298 119 2 /bicubic /bicubic PUNCT crl-15298 119 3 /monoimageresolution /monoimageresolution PROPN crl-15298 120 1 1200 1200 NUM crl-15298 120 2 /monoimagedepth /monoimagedepth ADV crl-15298 121 1 -1 -1 INTJ crl-15298 121 2 /monoimagedownsamplethreshold /monoimagedownsamplethreshold PROPN crl-15298 121 3 1.16667 1.16667 NUM crl-15298 121 4 /encodemonoimages /encodemonoimage VERB crl-15298 121 5 true true ADJ crl-15298 121 6 /monoimagefilter /monoimagefilter INTJ crl-15298 122 1 /ccittfaxencode /ccittfaxencode ADV crl-15298 123 1 /monoimagedict /monoimagedict X crl-15298 124 1 < < X crl-15298 124 2 < < X crl-15298 124 3 /k /k PUNCT crl-15298 124 4 -1 -1 X crl-15298 125 1 > > X crl-15298 125 2 > > X crl-15298 125 3 /allowpsxobjects /allowpsxobject NOUN crl-15298 126 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 126 2 /checkcompliance /checkcompliance NOUN crl-15298 127 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 127 2 /none /none X crl-15298 127 3 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 127 4 /pdfx1acheck /pdfx1acheck PUNCT crl-15298 128 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 128 2 /pdfx3check /pdfx3check PUNCT crl-15298 128 3 false false ADJ crl-15298 129 1 /pdfxcompliantpdfonly /pdfxcompliantpdfonly ADV crl-15298 129 2 false false ADJ crl-15298 129 3 /pdfxnotrimboxerror /pdfxnotrimboxerror ADJ crl-15298 130 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 130 2 /pdfxtrimboxtomediaboxoffset /pdfxtrimboxtomediaboxoffset PUNCT crl-15298 131 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 131 2 0.00000 0.00000 NUM crl-15298 131 3 0.00000 0.00000 NUM crl-15298 131 4 0.00000 0.00000 NUM crl-15298 131 5 0.00000 0.00000 NUM crl-15298 131 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 131 7 /pdfxsetbleedboxtomediabox /pdfxsetbleedboxtomediabox VERB crl-15298 131 8 true true ADJ crl-15298 131 9 /pdfxbleedboxtotrimboxoffset /pdfxbleedboxtotrimboxoffset PUNCT crl-15298 132 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 133 1 0.00000 0.00000 NUM crl-15298 133 2 0.00000 0.00000 NUM crl-15298 133 3 0.00000 0.00000 NUM crl-15298 133 4 0.00000 0.00000 NUM crl-15298 133 5 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 133 6 /pdfxoutputintentprofile /pdfxoutputintentprofile X crl-15298 133 7 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 133 8 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 133 9 /pdfxoutputconditionidentifier /pdfxoutputconditionidentifi ADJ crl-15298 133 10 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 133 11 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 133 12 /pdfxoutputcondition /pdfxoutputcondition NOUN crl-15298 133 13 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 133 14 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 133 15 /pdfxregistryname /pdfxregistryname NOUN crl-15298 133 16 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 133 17 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 133 18 /pdfxtrapped /pdfxtrapped PUNCT crl-15298 134 1 /false /false INTJ crl-15298 134 2 /createjdffile /createjdffile INTJ crl-15298 135 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 135 2 /description /description NOUN crl-15298 136 1 < < X crl-15298 136 2 < < X crl-15298 136 3 /enu /enu PUNCT crl-15298 137 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 137 2 ipc ipc PROPN crl-15298 137 3 print print NOUN crl-15298 137 4 services services PROPN crl-15298 137 5 , , PUNCT crl-15298 137 6 inc inc PROPN crl-15298 137 7 . . PROPN crl-15298 137 8 please please INTJ crl-15298 137 9 use use VERB crl-15298 137 10 these these DET crl-15298 137 11 settings setting NOUN crl-15298 137 12 with with ADP crl-15298 137 13 indesign indesign ADJ crl-15298 137 14 cs4 cs4 NOUN crl-15298 137 15 \(6.x\ \(6.x\ NOUN crl-15298 137 16 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 137 17 . . PUNCT crl-15298 138 1 these these DET crl-15298 138 2 settings setting NOUN crl-15298 138 3 should should AUX crl-15298 138 4 work work VERB crl-15298 138 5 well well ADV crl-15298 138 6 for for ADP crl-15298 138 7 every every DET crl-15298 138 8 type type NOUN crl-15298 138 9 of of ADP crl-15298 138 10 job job NOUN crl-15298 138 11 ; ; PUNCT crl-15298 138 12 b b PROPN crl-15298 138 13 / / SYM crl-15298 138 14 w w NOUN crl-15298 138 15 , , PUNCT crl-15298 138 16 color color NOUN crl-15298 138 17 or or CCONJ crl-15298 138 18 spot spot NOUN crl-15298 138 19 color color NOUN crl-15298 138 20 . . PUNCT crl-15298 139 1 contact contact NOUN crl-15298 139 2 pre pre ADJ crl-15298 139 3 - - ADJ crl-15298 139 4 press press ADJ crl-15298 139 5 helpdesk helpdesk NOUN crl-15298 139 6 at at ADP crl-15298 139 7 X crl-15298 139 8 if if SCONJ crl-15298 139 9 you you PRON crl-15298 139 10 have have VERB crl-15298 139 11 questions question NOUN crl-15298 139 12 or or CCONJ crl-15298 139 13 need need VERB crl-15298 139 14 customized customized ADJ crl-15298 139 15 settings setting NOUN crl-15298 139 16 . . PUNCT crl-15298 139 17 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 140 1 > > X crl-15298 140 2 > > X crl-15298 140 3 /namespace /namespace NOUN crl-15298 141 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 141 2 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 141 3 adobe adobe PROPN crl-15298 141 4 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 141 5 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 141 6 common common NOUN crl-15298 141 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 141 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 141 9 1.0 1.0 NUM crl-15298 141 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 141 11 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 142 1 /othernamespaces /othernamespace NOUN crl-15298 143 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 143 2 < < X crl-15298 143 3 < < X crl-15298 143 4 /asreaderspreads /asreaderspread NOUN crl-15298 143 5 false false ADJ crl-15298 143 6 /cropimagestoframes /cropimagestoframe NOUN crl-15298 143 7 true true ADJ crl-15298 144 1 /errorcontrol /errorcontrol INTJ crl-15298 145 1 /warnandcontinue /warnandcontinue INTJ crl-15298 145 2 /flattenerignorespreadoverrides /flattenerignorespreadoverride VERB crl-15298 146 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 146 2 /includeguidesgrids /includeguidesgrid NOUN crl-15298 146 3 false false ADJ crl-15298 146 4 /includenonprinting /includenonprinting INTJ crl-15298 147 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 147 2 /includeslug /includeslug INTJ crl-15298 147 3 false false ADJ crl-15298 147 4 /namespace /namespace NOUN crl-15298 148 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 148 2 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 148 3 adobe adobe PROPN crl-15298 148 4 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 148 5 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 148 6 indesign indesign NOUN crl-15298 148 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 148 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 148 9 4.0 4.0 NUM crl-15298 148 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 148 11 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 148 12 /omitplacedbitmaps /omitplacedbitmaps PUNCT crl-15298 149 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 149 2 /omitplacedeps /omitplacedeps INTJ crl-15298 149 3 false false ADJ crl-15298 149 4 /omitplacedpdf /omitplacedpdf NOUN crl-15298 150 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 150 2 /simulateoverprint /simulateoverprint NOUN crl-15298 150 3 /legacy /legacy PUNCT crl-15298 151 1 > > X crl-15298 151 2 > > X crl-15298 152 1 < < X crl-15298 152 2 < < X crl-15298 152 3 /addbleedmarks /addbleedmarks PRON crl-15298 152 4 true true ADJ crl-15298 152 5 /addcolorbars /addcolorbar VERB crl-15298 152 6 false false ADJ crl-15298 152 7 /addcropmarks /addcropmark NOUN crl-15298 153 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 154 1 /addpageinfo /addpageinfo INTJ crl-15298 154 2 true true ADJ crl-15298 154 3 /addregmarks /addregmark NOUN crl-15298 155 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 155 2 /bleedoffset /bleedoffset NOUN crl-15298 156 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 156 2 9 9 NUM crl-15298 156 3 9 9 NUM crl-15298 156 4 9 9 NUM crl-15298 156 5 9 9 NUM crl-15298 156 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 156 7 /convertcolors /convertcolors X crl-15298 156 8 /converttocmyk /converttocmyk INTJ crl-15298 156 9 /destinationprofilename /destinationprofilename PUNCT crl-15298 157 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 157 2 u.s u.s PROPN crl-15298 157 3 . . PROPN crl-15298 157 4 web web NOUN crl-15298 157 5 coated coat VERB crl-15298 157 6 \(swop\ \(swop\ NOUN crl-15298 157 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 157 8 v2 v2 NOUN crl-15298 157 9 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 157 10 /destinationprofileselector /destinationprofileselector NOUN crl-15298 157 11 /documentcmyk /documentcmyk NOUN crl-15298 157 12 /downsample16bitimages /downsample16bitimage NOUN crl-15298 157 13 true true ADJ crl-15298 157 14 /flattenerpreset /flattenerpreset INTJ crl-15298 158 1 < < X crl-15298 158 2 < < X crl-15298 158 3 /clipcomplexregions /clipcomplexregions X crl-15298 159 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 159 2 /convertstrokestooutlines /convertstrokestooutline NOUN crl-15298 159 3 true true ADJ crl-15298 159 4 /converttexttooutlines /converttexttooutlines X crl-15298 160 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 160 2 /gradientresolution /gradientresolution NOUN crl-15298 161 1 300 300 NUM crl-15298 161 2 /linearttextresolution /linearttextresolution NOUN crl-15298 161 3 1200 1200 NUM crl-15298 161 4 /presetname /presetname PUNCT crl-15298 162 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 162 2 [ [ X crl-15298 162 3 high high ADJ crl-15298 162 4 resolution resolution NOUN crl-15298 162 5 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 162 6 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 163 1 /presetselector /presetselector VERB crl-15298 163 2 /highresolution /highresolution NOUN crl-15298 163 3 /rastervectorbalance /rastervectorbalance ADP crl-15298 164 1 1 1 NUM crl-15298 164 2 > > X crl-15298 164 3 > > X crl-15298 164 4 /formelements /formelement NOUN crl-15298 165 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 165 2 /generatestructure /generatestructure INTJ crl-15298 166 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 166 2 /includebookmarks /includebookmark NOUN crl-15298 167 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 167 2 /includehyperlinks /includehyperlink NOUN crl-15298 167 3 false false ADJ crl-15298 168 1 /includeinteractive /includeinteractive ADJ crl-15298 168 2 false false ADJ crl-15298 168 3 /includelayers /includelayer NOUN crl-15298 168 4 false false ADJ crl-15298 168 5 /includeprofiles /includeprofile NOUN crl-15298 168 6 true true ADJ crl-15298 168 7 /marksoffset /marksoffset VERB crl-15298 168 8 9 9 NUM crl-15298 168 9 /marksweight /marksweight SYM crl-15298 168 10 0.250000 0.250000 NUM crl-15298 168 11 /multimediahandling /multimediahandling PROPN crl-15298 169 1 /useobjectsettings /useobjectsetting NOUN crl-15298 169 2 /namespace /namespace PUNCT crl-15298 170 1 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 170 2 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 170 3 adobe adobe PROPN crl-15298 170 4 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 170 5 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 170 6 creativesuite creativesuite NOUN crl-15298 170 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 170 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 170 9 3.0 3.0 NUM crl-15298 170 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 170 11 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 171 1 /pdfxoutputintentprofileselector /pdfxoutputintentprofileselector X crl-15298 171 2 /na /na INTJ crl-15298 172 1 /pagemarksfile /pagemarksfile INTJ crl-15298 172 2 /romandefault /romandefault PUNCT crl-15298 173 1 /preserveediting /preserveedite VERB crl-15298 173 2 true true ADJ crl-15298 174 1 /untaggedcmykhandling /untaggedcmykhandling NOUN crl-15298 175 1 /leaveuntagged /leaveuntagged INTJ crl-15298 176 1 /untaggedrgbhandling /untaggedrgbhandling INTJ crl-15298 176 2 /usedocumentprofile /usedocumentprofile INTJ crl-15298 177 1 /usedocumentbleed /usedocumentbleed ADP crl-15298 177 2 false false ADJ crl-15298 177 3 > > X crl-15298 177 4 > > X crl-15298 178 1 < < X crl-15298 178 2 < < X crl-15298 178 3 /allowimagebreaks /allowimagebreaks PUNCT crl-15298 178 4 true true ADJ crl-15298 178 5 /allowtablebreaks /allowtablebreak VERB crl-15298 178 6 true true ADJ crl-15298 178 7 /expandpage /expandpage X crl-15298 178 8 false false ADJ crl-15298 178 9 /honorbaseurl /honorbaseurl PUNCT crl-15298 178 10 true true ADJ crl-15298 178 11 /honorrollovereffect /honorrollovereffect VERB crl-15298 179 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 179 2 /ignorehtmlpagebreaks /ignorehtmlpagebreaks X crl-15298 180 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 180 2 /includeheaderfooter /includeheaderfooter NOUN crl-15298 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/namespace X crl-15298 184 4 [ [ PUNCT crl-15298 184 5 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 184 6 adobe adobe PROPN crl-15298 184 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 184 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 184 9 golive golive ADJ crl-15298 184 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 184 11 ( ( PUNCT crl-15298 184 12 8.0 8.0 NUM crl-15298 184 13 ) ) PUNCT crl-15298 184 14 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 184 15 /openzoomtohtmlfontsize /openzoomtohtmlfontsize VERB crl-15298 185 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 185 2 /pageorientation /pageorientation NOUN crl-15298 185 3 /portrait /portrait PUNCT crl-15298 185 4 /removebackground /removebackground PUNCT crl-15298 186 1 false false ADJ crl-15298 186 2 /shrinkcontent /shrinkcontent PROPN crl-15298 187 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 187 2 /treatcolorsas /treatcolorsas PROPN crl-15298 188 1 /mainmonitorcolors /mainmonitorcolors PUNCT crl-15298 188 2 /useembeddedprofiles /useembeddedprofile NOUN crl-15298 189 1 false false INTJ crl-15298 189 2 /usehtmltitleasmetadata /usehtmltitleasmetadata INTJ crl-15298 190 1 true true ADJ crl-15298 190 2 > > X crl-15298 190 3 > > X crl-15298 191 1 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 192 1 > > X crl-15298 192 2 > > X crl-15298 192 3 setdistillerparams setdistillerparam NOUN crl-15298 193 1 < < X crl-15298 193 2 < < X crl-15298 193 3 /hwresolution /hwresolution NUM crl-15298 194 1 [ [ X crl-15298 194 2 2400 2400 NUM crl-15298 194 3 2400 2400 NUM crl-15298 194 4 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 194 5 /pagesize /pagesize PUNCT crl-15298 195 1 [ [ X crl-15298 195 2 612.000 612.000 NUM crl-15298 195 3 792.000 792.000 NUM crl-15298 195 4 ] ] PUNCT crl-15298 195 5 > > X crl-15298 195 6 > > X crl-15298 195 7 setpagedevice setpagedevice VERB