id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crl-15314	1	1	bell.p65	bell.p65	PROPN
crl-15314	1	2	440	440	NUM
crl-15314	1	3	college	college	PROPN
crl-15314	1	4	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15314	1	5	research	research	PROPN
crl-15314	1	6	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15314	1	7	september	september	PROPN
crl-15314	1	8	1999	1999	NUM
crl-15314	1	9	440	440	NUM
crl-15314	1	10	understanding	understanding	NOUN
crl-15314	1	11	preferences	preference	NOUN
crl-15314	1	12	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	1	13	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	1	14	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	1	15	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	1	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	1	17	the	the	DET
crl-15314	1	18	role	role	NOUN
crl-15314	1	19	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	1	20	emotive	emotive	ADJ
crl-15314	1	21	forces	force	NOUN
crl-15314	1	22	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	1	23	a	a	DET
crl-15314	1	24	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	1	25	challenge	challenge	NOUN
crl-15314	1	26	steven	steven	PROPN
crl-15314	1	27	j.	j.	PROPN
crl-15314	1	28	bell	bell	PROPN
crl-15314	1	29	steven	steven	PROPN
crl-15314	1	30	j.	j.	PROPN
crl-15314	1	31	bell	bell	PROPN
crl-15314	1	32	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	1	33	director	director	NOUN
crl-15314	1	34	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	1	35	the	the	DET
crl-15314	1	36	paul	paul	PROPN
crl-15314	1	37	j.	j.	PROPN
crl-15314	1	38	gutman	gutman	PROPN
crl-15314	1	39	library	library	PROPN
crl-15314	1	40	at	at	ADP
crl-15314	1	41	philadelphia	philadelphia	PROPN
crl-15314	1	42	university	university	PROPN
crl-15314	1	43	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15314	1	44	e	e	X
crl-15314	1	45	-	-	NOUN
crl-15314	1	46	mail	mail	NOUN
crl-15314	1	47	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	1	48	PROPN
crl-15314	1	49	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	2	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	2	2	author	author	NOUN
crl-15314	2	3	would	would	AUX
crl-15314	2	4	like	like	VERB
crl-15314	2	5	to	to	PART
crl-15314	2	6	gratefully	gratefully	ADV
crl-15314	2	7	acknowledge	acknowledge	VERB
crl-15314	2	8	dr	dr	PROPN
crl-15314	2	9	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	2	10	michael	michael	PROPN
crl-15314	2	11	halperin	halperin	PROPN
crl-15314	2	12	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	2	13	his	his	PRON
crl-15314	2	14	assistance	assistance	NOUN
crl-15314	2	15	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	2	16	the	the	DET
crl-15314	2	17	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-15314	2	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	2	19	interpretation	interpretation	NOUN
crl-15314	2	20	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	2	21	the	the	DET
crl-15314	2	22	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15314	2	23	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15314	2	24	jane	jane	PROPN
crl-15314	2	25	bryan	bryan	PROPN
crl-15314	2	26	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	2	27	her	her	PRON
crl-15314	2	28	helpful	helpful	ADJ
crl-15314	2	29	review	review	NOUN
crl-15314	2	30	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	2	31	comments	comment	NOUN
crl-15314	2	32	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15314	2	33	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	2	34	jordana	jordana	PROPN
crl-15314	2	35	m.	m.	PROPN
crl-15314	2	36	y.	y.	PROPN
crl-15314	2	37	shane	shane	PROPN
crl-15314	2	38	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	2	39	her	her	PRON
crl-15314	2	40	assistance	assistance	NOUN
crl-15314	2	41	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	2	42	data	data	NOUN
crl-15314	2	43	collection	collection	NOUN
crl-15314	2	44	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	2	45	interviewing	interview	VERB
crl-15314	2	46	study	study	NOUN
crl-15314	2	47	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15314	2	48	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	3	1	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	3	2	professionals	professional	NOUN
crl-15314	3	3	have	have	AUX
crl-15314	3	4	observed	observe	VERB
crl-15314	3	5	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	3	6	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	3	7	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	3	8	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	3	9	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	3	10	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	3	11	simplify	simplify	VERB
crl-15314	3	12	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	3	13	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	3	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	3	15	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	3	16	preferred	prefer	VERB
crl-15314	3	17	over	over	ADP
crl-15314	3	18	other	other	ADJ
crl-15314	3	19	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	3	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	4	1	a	a	DET
crl-15314	4	2	further	further	ADJ
crl-15314	4	3	anecdotal	anecdotal	ADJ
crl-15314	4	4	observation	observation	NOUN
crl-15314	4	5	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	4	6	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	4	7	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	4	8	features	feature	NOUN
crl-15314	4	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	4	10	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	4	11	comparison	comparison	NOUN
crl-15314	4	12	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	4	13	other	other	ADJ
crl-15314	4	14	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	4	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	4	16	enhance	enhance	VERB
crl-15314	4	17	the	the	DET
crl-15314	4	18	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15314	4	19	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	4	20	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	4	21	sessions	session	NOUN
crl-15314	4	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	4	23	resulting	result	VERB
crl-15314	4	24	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	4	25	better	well	ADJ
crl-15314	4	26	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15314	4	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	5	1	one	one	NUM
crl-15314	5	2	explanation	explanation	NOUN
crl-15314	5	3	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	5	4	that	that	DET
crl-15314	5	5	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	5	6	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	5	7	ease	ease	VERB
crl-15314	5	8	the	the	DET
crl-15314	5	9	negative	negative	ADJ
crl-15314	5	10	emotive	emotive	ADJ
crl-15314	5	11	forces	force	NOUN
crl-15314	5	12	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	5	13	experience	experience	VERB
crl-15314	5	14	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	5	15	other	other	ADJ
crl-15314	5	16	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	5	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	6	1	this	this	DET
crl-15314	6	2	paper	paper	NOUN
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crl-15314	6	4	the	the	DET
crl-15314	6	5	challenges	challenge	NOUN
crl-15314	6	6	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	6	7	designing	design	VERB
crl-15314	6	8	a	a	DET
crl-15314	6	9	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	6	10	method	method	NOUN
crl-15314	6	11	to	to	PART
crl-15314	6	12	test	test	VERB
crl-15314	6	13	the	the	DET
crl-15314	6	14	validity	validity	NOUN
crl-15314	6	15	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	6	16	these	these	DET
crl-15314	6	17	assumptions	assumption	NOUN
crl-15314	6	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	6	19	observations	observation	NOUN
crl-15314	6	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	7	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15314	7	2	web	web	NOUN
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crl-15314	7	4	may	may	AUX
crl-15314	7	5	provide	provide	VERB
crl-15314	7	6	a	a	DET
crl-15314	7	7	more	more	ADV
crl-15314	7	8	supportive	supportive	ADJ
crl-15314	7	9	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	7	10	setting	setting	NOUN
crl-15314	7	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	7	12	particularly	particularly	ADV
crl-15314	7	13	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	7	14	less	less	ADV
crl-15314	7	15	experienced	experienced	ADJ
crl-15314	7	16	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	7	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	7	18	there	there	PRON
crl-15314	7	19	is	be	VERB
crl-15314	7	20	no	no	DET
crl-15314	7	21	evidence	evidence	NOUN
crl-15314	7	22	they	they	PRON
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crl-15314	7	24	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	7	25	better	well	ADJ
crl-15314	7	26	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	7	27	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15314	7	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	8	1	rofessional	rofessional	ADJ
crl-15314	8	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	8	3	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	8	4	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	8	5	user	user	NOUN
crl-15314	8	6	searchers	searcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	8	8	commercial	commercial	ADJ
crl-15314	8	9	online	online	NOUN
crl-15314	8	10	databases	database	NOUN
crl-15314	8	11	have	have	VERB
crl-15314	8	12	more	more	ADJ
crl-15314	8	13	interface	interface	ADJ
crl-15314	8	14	options	option	NOUN
crl-15314	8	15	today	today	NOUN
crl-15314	8	16	than	than	ADP
crl-15314	8	17	at	at	ADP
crl-15314	8	18	any	any	DET
crl-15314	8	19	time	time	NOUN
crl-15314	8	20	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	8	21	the	the	DET
crl-15314	8	22	recent	recent	ADJ
crl-15314	8	23	past	past	NOUN
crl-15314	8	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	9	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	9	2	three	three	NUM
crl-15314	9	3	primary	primary	ADJ
crl-15314	9	4	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	9	5	options	option	NOUN
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crl-15314	9	8	clients	client	NOUN
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crl-15314	9	10	pcs	pc	NOUN
crl-15314	9	11	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	9	12	macs	mac	NOUN
crl-15314	9	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	9	14	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	9	15	clients	client	NOUN
crl-15314	9	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	9	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	9	18	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	9	19	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	9	20	dos	do	VERB
crl-15314	9	21	clients	client	NOUN
crl-15314	9	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	1	windows	window	NOUN
crl-15314	10	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	10	3	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	10	4	clients	client	NOUN
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crl-15314	10	6	characterized	characterize	VERB
crl-15314	10	7	by	by	ADP
crl-15314	10	8	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	10	9	point	point	NOUN
crl-15314	10	10	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	10	12	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	13	click	click	VERB
crl-15314	10	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	15	graphical	graphical	ADJ
crl-15314	10	16	user	user	NOUN
crl-15314	10	17	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	10	18	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	19	gui	gui	NOUN
crl-15314	10	20	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	22	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15314	10	23	windows	window	NOUN
crl-15314	10	24	clients	client	NOUN
crl-15314	10	25	typically	typically	ADV
crl-15314	10	26	offer	offer	VERB
crl-15314	10	27	greater	great	ADJ
crl-15314	10	28	functionality	functionality	NOUN
crl-15314	10	29	than	than	ADP
crl-15314	10	30	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	10	31	clients	client	NOUN
crl-15314	10	32	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	33	whereas	whereas	SCONJ
crl-15314	10	34	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	10	35	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	10	36	dos	do	VERB
crl-15314	10	37	clients	client	NOUN
crl-15314	10	38	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	10	39	character	character	NOUN
crl-15314	10	40	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	10	41	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	10	42	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	10	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	11	1	having	have	VERB
crl-15314	11	2	more	more	ADJ
crl-15314	11	3	options	option	NOUN
crl-15314	11	4	means	mean	VERB
crl-15314	11	5	more	more	ADJ
crl-15314	11	6	confusion	confusion	NOUN
crl-15314	11	7	about	about	ADP
crl-15314	11	8	choices	choice	NOUN
crl-15314	11	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	12	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	12	2	pc	pc	NOUN
crl-15314	12	3	client	client	NOUN
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crl-15314	12	5	offer	offer	VERB
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crl-15314	12	7	greatest	great	ADJ
crl-15314	12	8	level	level	NOUN
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crl-15314	12	10	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	12	11	functionality	functionality	NOUN
crl-15314	12	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	12	13	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	12	14	it	it	PRON
crl-15314	12	15	brings	bring	VERB
crl-15314	12	16	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	12	19	distributing	distribute	VERB
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crl-15314	12	23	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	12	25	population	population	NOUN
crl-15314	12	26	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	12	27	of	of	ADP
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crl-15314	12	29	an	an	DET
crl-15314	12	30	update	update	NOUN
crl-15314	12	31	mechanism	mechanism	NOUN
crl-15314	12	32	each	each	DET
crl-15314	12	33	time	time	NOUN
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crl-15314	12	35	new	new	ADJ
crl-15314	12	36	upgrade	upgrade	NOUN
crl-15314	12	37	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	12	38	available	available	ADJ
crl-15314	12	39	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	13	1	library	library	NOUN
crl-15314	13	2	managers	manager	NOUN
crl-15314	13	3	may	may	AUX
crl-15314	13	4	prefer	prefer	VERB
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crl-15314	13	9	it	it	PRON
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crl-15314	13	14	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	13	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	13	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	13	19	provides	provide	VERB
crl-15314	13	20	a	a	DET
crl-15314	13	21	platform	platform	NOUN
crl-15314	13	22	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	13	23	free	free	ADJ
crl-15314	13	24	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	13	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	14	1	online	online	ADJ
crl-15314	14	2	searchers	searcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	14	6	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	14	12	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	14	13	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	14	14	computing	computing	NOUN
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crl-15314	14	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	14	17	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-15314	14	18	informationseeking	informationseeke	VERB
crl-15314	14	19	styles	style	NOUN
crl-15314	14	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	15	1	this	this	PRON
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crl-15314	15	8	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	15	9	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	16	12	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	16	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	16	14	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	16	17	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	16	18	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	16	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	17	1	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	17	8	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	17	13	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	17	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	18	1	this	this	PRON
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crl-15314	18	6	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	18	7	understanding	understanding	NOUN
crl-15314	18	8	preferences	preference	NOUN
crl-15314	18	9	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	18	10	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	18	11	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	18	12	interfaces	interface	VERB
crl-15314	18	13	441	441	NUM
crl-15314	18	14	growing	grow	VERB
crl-15314	18	15	popularity	popularity	NOUN
crl-15314	18	16	as	as	SCONJ
crl-15314	18	17	both	both	CCONJ
crl-15314	18	18	the	the	DET
crl-15314	18	19	opac	opac	ADJ
crl-15314	18	20	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	18	21	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	18	22	choice	choice	NOUN
crl-15314	18	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	18	24	the	the	DET
crl-15314	18	25	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	18	26	most	most	ADJ
crl-15314	18	27	commercial	commercial	ADJ
crl-15314	18	28	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	18	29	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-15314	18	30	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	18	31	adopting	adopt	VERB
crl-15314	18	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	19	1	owing	owe	VERB
crl-15314	19	2	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	19	3	an	an	DET
crl-15314	19	4	easier	easy	ADJ
crl-15314	19	5	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	19	6	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	19	7	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	19	8	interpret	interpret	NOUN
crl-15314	19	9	layout	layout	NOUN
crl-15314	19	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	19	11	contextual	contextual	ADJ
crl-15314	19	12	help	help	NOUN
crl-15314	19	13	at	at	ADP
crl-15314	19	14	the	the	DET
crl-15314	19	15	click	click	NOUN
crl-15314	19	16	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	19	17	the	the	DET
crl-15314	19	18	mouse	mouse	NOUN
crl-15314	19	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	19	20	screens	screen	NOUN
crl-15314	19	21	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	19	22	guide	guide	VERB
crl-15314	19	23	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	19	24	through	through	ADP
crl-15314	19	25	the	the	DET
crl-15314	19	26	misunderstood	misunderstood	NOUN
crl-15314	19	27	world	world	NOUN
crl-15314	19	28	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	19	29	boolean	boolean	ADJ
crl-15314	19	30	operators	operator	NOUN
crl-15314	19	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	19	32	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	19	33	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	19	34	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	19	35	screen	screen	NOUN
crl-15314	19	36	assistance	assistance	NOUN
crl-15314	19	37	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	19	38	the	the	DET
crl-15314	19	39	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	19	40	client	client	NOUN
crl-15314	19	41	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	19	42	becoming	become	VERB
crl-15314	19	43	the	the	DET
crl-15314	19	44	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	19	45	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	19	46	most	most	ADJ
crl-15314	19	47	library	library	NOUN
crl-15314	19	48	administrators	administrator	NOUN
crl-15314	19	49	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	19	50	choosing	choose	VERB
crl-15314	19	51	to	to	PART
crl-15314	19	52	deliver	deliver	VERB
crl-15314	19	53	over	over	ADP
crl-15314	19	54	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	19	55	networks	network	NOUN
crl-15314	19	56	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	20	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	20	2	fact	fact	NOUN
crl-15314	20	3	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	20	4	these	these	DET
crl-15314	20	5	administrators	administrator	NOUN
crl-15314	20	6	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	20	7	choosing	choose	VERB
crl-15314	20	8	to	to	PART
crl-15314	20	9	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	20	10	webify	webify	VERB
crl-15314	20	11	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	20	12	traditional	traditional	ADJ
crl-15314	20	13	library	library	NOUN
crl-15314	20	14	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	20	15	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	20	16	raises	raise	VERB
crl-15314	20	17	the	the	DET
crl-15314	20	18	question	question	NOUN
crl-15314	20	19	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	20	20	what	what	PRON
crl-15314	20	21	real	real	ADJ
crl-15314	20	22	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-15314	20	23	the	the	DET
crl-15314	20	24	evolution	evolution	NOUN
crl-15314	20	25	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	20	26	the	the	DET
crl-15314	20	27	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	20	28	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	20	29	having	have	VERB
crl-15314	20	30	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	20	31	the	the	DET
crl-15314	20	32	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	20	33	user	user	NOUN
crl-15314	20	34	’s	’s	PART
crl-15314	20	35	ability	ability	NOUN
crl-15314	20	36	to	to	PART
crl-15314	20	37	perform	perform	VERB
crl-15314	20	38	high	high	ADJ
crl-15314	20	39	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	20	40	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15314	20	41	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	20	42	searches	search	NOUN
crl-15314	20	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	21	1	a	a	DET
crl-15314	21	2	related	related	ADJ
crl-15314	21	3	issue	issue	NOUN
crl-15314	21	4	addressed	address	VERB
crl-15314	21	5	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	21	6	this	this	DET
crl-15314	21	7	article	article	NOUN
crl-15314	21	8	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	21	9	the	the	DET
crl-15314	21	10	challenge	challenge	NOUN
crl-15314	21	11	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	21	12	conducting	conduct	VERB
crl-15314	21	13	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	21	14	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	21	15	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	21	16	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	21	17	seeking	seek	VERB
crl-15314	21	18	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	21	19	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	21	20	digital	digital	ADJ
crl-15314	21	21	environments	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	21	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	22	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	22	2	difficulty	difficulty	NOUN
crl-15314	22	3	lies	lie	VERB
crl-15314	22	4	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	22	5	isolating	isolate	VERB
crl-15314	22	6	the	the	DET
crl-15314	22	7	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	22	8	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	22	9	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	22	10	responsible	responsible	ADJ
crl-15314	22	11	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	22	12	a	a	DET
crl-15314	22	13	change	change	NOUN
crl-15314	22	14	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	22	15	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	22	16	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	22	17	seeking	seek	VERB
crl-15314	22	18	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	22	19	owing	owe	VERB
crl-15314	22	20	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	22	21	the	the	DET
crl-15314	22	22	overwhelming	overwhelming	ADJ
crl-15314	22	23	number	number	NOUN
crl-15314	22	24	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	22	25	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-15314	22	26	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	22	27	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-15314	22	28	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	22	29	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	22	30	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	22	31	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15314	22	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	23	1	creating	create	VERB
crl-15314	23	2	a	a	DET
crl-15314	23	3	controlled	control	VERB
crl-15314	23	4	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	23	5	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	23	6	allows	allow	VERB
crl-15314	23	7	the	the	DET
crl-15314	23	8	researcher	researcher	NOUN
crl-15314	23	9	to	to	PART
crl-15314	23	10	isolate	isolate	VERB
crl-15314	23	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	23	12	identify	identify	VERB
crl-15314	23	13	those	those	DET
crl-15314	23	14	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	23	15	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	23	16	modifying	modifying	NOUN
crl-15314	23	17	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-15314	23	18	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	23	19	a	a	DET
crl-15314	23	20	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	23	21	challenge	challenge	NOUN
crl-15314	23	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	1	consider	consider	VERB
crl-15314	24	2	just	just	ADV
crl-15314	24	3	a	a	DET
crl-15314	24	4	few	few	ADJ
crl-15314	24	5	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	24	6	these	these	DET
crl-15314	24	7	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-15314	24	8	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	9	•	•	VERB
crl-15314	24	10	general	general	ADJ
crl-15314	24	11	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-15314	24	12	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	24	13	electronic	electronic	ADJ
crl-15314	24	14	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15314	24	15	banks	bank	NOUN
crl-15314	24	16	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	17	•	•	VERB
crl-15314	24	18	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-15314	24	19	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-15314	24	20	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	24	21	the	the	DET
crl-15314	24	22	data	data	PROPN
crl-15314	24	23	bank	bank	NOUN
crl-15314	24	24	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	24	25	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	26	•	•	PROPN
crl-15314	24	27	computer	computer	NOUN
crl-15314	24	28	skill	skill	NOUN
crl-15314	24	29	level	level	NOUN
crl-15314	24	30	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	31	e.g.	e.g.	ADV
crl-15314	24	32	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	33	familiarity	familiarity	NOUN
crl-15314	24	34	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	24	35	guls	gul	NOUN
crl-15314	24	36	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	37	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	38	•	•	ADJ
crl-15314	24	39	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	24	40	intricacies	intricacy	NOUN
crl-15314	24	41	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	42	e.g.	e.g.	ADV
crl-15314	24	43	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	44	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	24	45	syntax	syntax	NOUN
crl-15314	24	46	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	24	47	structural	structural	ADJ
crl-15314	24	48	differences	difference	NOUN
crl-15314	24	49	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	50	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15314	24	51	•	•	VERB
crl-15314	24	52	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-15314	24	53	willingness	willingness	NOUN
crl-15314	24	54	to	to	PART
crl-15314	24	55	experiment	experiment	VERB
crl-15314	24	56	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	24	57	take	take	VERB
crl-15314	24	58	risks	risk	NOUN
crl-15314	24	59	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	25	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	25	2	difficulty	difficulty	NOUN
crl-15314	25	3	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	25	4	performing	perform	VERB
crl-15314	25	5	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	25	6	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	25	7	topics	topic	NOUN
crl-15314	25	8	such	such	ADJ
crl-15314	25	9	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	25	10	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	25	11	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	25	12	seeking	seek	VERB
crl-15314	25	13	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	25	14	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	25	15	user	user	NOUN
crl-15314	25	16	responses	response	NOUN
crl-15314	25	17	to	to	PART
crl-15314	25	18	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	25	19	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	25	20	lies	lie	VERB
crl-15314	25	21	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	25	22	controlling	control	VERB
crl-15314	25	23	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	25	24	the	the	DET
crl-15314	25	25	above	above	ADJ
crl-15314	25	26	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-15314	25	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	26	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-15314	26	2	not	not	PART
crl-15314	26	3	properly	properly	ADV
crl-15314	26	4	devised	devise	VERB
crl-15314	26	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	26	6	the	the	DET
crl-15314	26	7	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	26	8	methodology	methodology	NOUN
crl-15314	26	9	can	can	AUX
crl-15314	26	10	mistakenly	mistakenly	ADV
crl-15314	26	11	associate	associate	VERB
crl-15314	26	12	cause	cause	NOUN
crl-15314	26	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	26	14	effect	effect	NOUN
crl-15314	26	15	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	26	16	the	the	DET
crl-15314	26	17	wrong	wrong	ADJ
crl-15314	26	18	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-15314	26	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	27	1	emotive	emotive	ADJ
crl-15314	27	2	aspects	aspect	NOUN
crl-15314	27	3	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	27	4	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	27	5	a	a	DET
crl-15314	27	6	body	body	NOUN
crl-15314	27	7	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	27	8	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	27	9	has	have	AUX
crl-15314	27	10	identified	identify	VERB
crl-15314	27	11	three	three	NUM
crl-15314	27	12	important	important	ADJ
crl-15314	27	13	behaviors	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	27	14	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	27	15	have	have	VERB
crl-15314	27	16	an	an	DET
crl-15314	27	17	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-15314	27	18	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	27	19	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	27	20	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15314	27	21	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	27	22	cognitive	cognitive	PROPN
crl-15314	27	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	27	24	sensorimotor	sensorimotor	NOUN
crl-15314	27	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	27	26	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	27	27	affective	affective	ADJ
crl-15314	27	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	28	1	most	most	ADJ
crl-15314	28	2	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	28	3	the	the	DET
crl-15314	28	4	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	28	5	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	28	6	these	these	DET
crl-15314	28	7	behaviors	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	28	8	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	28	9	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	28	10	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	28	11	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	28	12	conducted	conduct	VERB
crl-15314	28	13	by	by	ADP
crl-15314	28	14	diane	diane	NOUN
crl-15314	28	15	nahl	nahl	NOUN
crl-15314	28	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	28	17	carol	carol	PROPN
crl-15314	28	18	tenopir.1–3	tenopir.1–3	PROPN
crl-15314	28	19	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	28	20	studies	study	NOUN
crl-15314	28	21	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	28	22	the	the	DET
crl-15314	28	23	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	28	24	sessions	session	NOUN
crl-15314	28	25	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	28	26	novice	novice	NOUN
crl-15314	28	27	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	28	28	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	28	29	have	have	AUX
crl-15314	28	30	indicated	indicate	VERB
crl-15314	28	31	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	28	32	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	28	33	instructors	instructor	NOUN
crl-15314	28	34	place	place	VERB
crl-15314	28	35	great	great	ADJ
crl-15314	28	36	emphasis	emphasis	NOUN
crl-15314	28	37	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	28	38	the	the	DET
crl-15314	28	39	cognitive	cognitive	ADJ
crl-15314	28	40	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	28	41	sensorimotor	sensorimotor	NOUN
crl-15314	28	42	skills	skill	NOUN
crl-15314	28	43	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	28	44	rarely	rarely	ADV
crl-15314	28	45	consider	consider	VERB
crl-15314	28	46	the	the	DET
crl-15314	28	47	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-15314	28	48	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	28	49	the	the	DET
crl-15314	28	50	emotive	emotive	ADJ
crl-15314	28	51	side	side	NOUN
crl-15314	28	52	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	28	53	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	28	54	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	29	1	cognitive	cognitive	ADJ
crl-15314	29	2	skills	skill	NOUN
crl-15314	29	3	focus	focus	VERB
crl-15314	29	4	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	29	5	the	the	DET
crl-15314	29	6	ability	ability	NOUN
crl-15314	29	7	to	to	PART
crl-15314	29	8	understand	understand	VERB
crl-15314	29	9	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	29	10	syntax	syntax	NOUN
crl-15314	29	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	29	12	to	to	PART
crl-15314	29	13	use	use	VERB
crl-15314	29	14	it	it	PRON
crl-15314	29	15	to	to	PART
crl-15314	29	16	build	build	VERB
crl-15314	29	17	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	29	18	strategies	strategy	NOUN
crl-15314	29	19	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15314	29	20	sensorimotor	sensorimotor	NOUN
crl-15314	29	21	skills	skill	VERB
crl-15314	29	22	focus	focus	VERB
crl-15314	29	23	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	29	24	the	the	DET
crl-15314	29	25	ability	ability	NOUN
crl-15314	29	26	to	to	PART
crl-15314	29	27	understand	understand	VERB
crl-15314	29	28	what	what	PRON
crl-15314	29	29	keys	key	NOUN
crl-15314	29	30	to	to	PART
crl-15314	29	31	use	use	VERB
crl-15314	29	32	to	to	PART
crl-15314	29	33	make	make	VERB
crl-15314	29	34	the	the	DET
crl-15314	29	35	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	29	36	respond	respond	VERB
crl-15314	29	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	30	1	what	what	PRON
crl-15314	30	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	30	3	less	less	ADV
crl-15314	30	4	understood	understood	ADJ
crl-15314	30	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	30	6	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	30	7	equally	equally	ADV
crl-15314	30	8	critical	critical	ADJ
crl-15314	30	9	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	30	10	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	30	11	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	30	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	30	13	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	30	14	the	the	DET
crl-15314	30	15	affective	affective	ADJ
crl-15314	30	16	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	30	17	emotional	emotional	ADJ
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crl-15314	30	20	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	30	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	31	5	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	31	9	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	31	11	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	31	12	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	32	2	of	of	ADP
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crl-15314	32	4	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	32	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	32	7	anger	anger	NOUN
crl-15314	32	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	32	9	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	32	10	surprise	surprise	NOUN
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crl-15314	32	15	searcher	searcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	32	23	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	32	24	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15314	32	26	his	his	PRON
crl-15314	32	27	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	32	28	her	her	PRON
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crl-15314	32	32	out	out	ADP
crl-15314	32	33	alternate	alternate	ADJ
crl-15314	32	34	sources	source	NOUN
crl-15314	32	35	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	33	3	finding	finding	NOUN
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crl-15314	33	11	emotive	emotive	ADJ
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crl-15314	33	18	people	people	NOUN
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crl-15314	33	27	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	33	28	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	33	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	34	1	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	34	2	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	34	19	realm	realm	NOUN
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crl-15314	34	22	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	34	23	behaviors	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	34	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	34	25	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	34	26	an	an	DET
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crl-15314	34	28	outcome	outcome	NOUN
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crl-15314	34	31	arrival	arrival	NOUN
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crl-15314	34	35	new	new	ADJ
crl-15314	34	36	era	era	NOUN
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crl-15314	34	51	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	34	52	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	34	53	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	35	1	end	end	NOUN
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crl-15314	35	7	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	35	9	syntax	syntax	NOUN
crl-15314	35	10	structure	structure	NOUN
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crl-15314	35	13	systems	system	NOUN
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crl-15314	35	18	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	35	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	36	2	technical	technical	ADJ
crl-15314	36	3	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
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crl-15314	36	14	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	36	16	emotions	emotion	NOUN
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crl-15314	36	20	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	36	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	37	1	public	public	ADJ
crl-15314	37	2	service	service	NOUN
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crl-15314	37	17	web	web	NOUN
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crl-15314	37	22	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15314	37	30	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	37	31	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	37	33	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	37	37	the	the	DET
crl-15314	37	38	searcher	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	37	39	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	38	1	442	442	NUM
crl-15314	38	2	college	college	PROPN
crl-15314	38	3	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15314	38	4	research	research	PROPN
crl-15314	38	5	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15314	38	6	september	september	PROPN
crl-15314	38	7	1999	1999	NUM
crl-15314	38	8	experience	experience	VERB
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crl-15314	38	11	states	state	NOUN
crl-15314	38	12	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	39	2	little	little	ADJ
crl-15314	39	3	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	39	4	no	no	PRON
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crl-15314	39	6	online	online	ADJ
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crl-15314	39	16	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	39	17	dialog	dialog	NOUN
crl-15314	39	18	(	(	PUNCT
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crl-15314	39	20	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	39	22	instr	instr	NOUN
crl-15314	39	23	uction	uction	NOUN
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crl-15314	39	25	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15314	39	26	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	39	27	lexis	lexis	NOUN
crl-15314	39	28	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	39	29	nexis	nexis	NOUN
crl-15314	39	30	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	40	1	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15314	40	5	deal	deal	NOUN
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crl-15314	40	7	hand	hand	NOUN
crl-15314	40	8	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	40	23	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	40	24	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15314	40	25	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	40	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	41	1	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	41	2	little	little	ADJ
crl-15314	41	3	understanding	understanding	NOUN
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crl-15314	41	6	intricacies	intricacy	NOUN
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crl-15314	41	11	most	most	ADJ
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crl-15314	41	18	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	41	19	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-15314	41	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	42	26	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	42	27	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	42	39	?	?	PUNCT
crl-15314	43	1	research	research	NOUN
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crl-15314	43	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	44	1	particular	particular	ADJ
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crl-15314	44	6	how	how	SCONJ
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crl-15314	44	31	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	45	26	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	45	42	majority	majority	NOUN
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crl-15314	45	44	online	online	ADJ
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crl-15314	45	46	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	46	16	sensorimotor	sensorimotor	NOUN
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crl-15314	46	30	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	46	31	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	46	32	e.g.	e.g.	ADV
crl-15314	46	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	46	34	stress	stress	NOUN
crl-15314	46	35	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	46	39	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	46	43	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15314	46	44	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	47	22	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	48	14	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	49	8	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	49	29	ticking	tick	VERB
crl-15314	49	30	clock	clock	NOUN
crl-15314	49	31	”	"	PUNCT
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crl-15314	49	35	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	49	37	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	49	39	go	go	VERB
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crl-15314	49	48	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	49	49	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	49	50	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	50	18	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	50	35	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	51	11	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	51	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	52	13	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	53	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	54	14	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	54	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	54	19	abi	abi	NOUN
crl-15314	54	20	/	/	SYM
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crl-15314	54	38	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	55	28	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	55	31	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	56	28	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	57	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	58	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	60	28	some	some	DET
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crl-15314	60	30	(	(	PUNCT
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crl-15314	60	32	no	no	DET
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crl-15314	60	34	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15314	60	35	)	)	PUNCT
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crl-15314	60	56	443	443	NUM
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crl-15314	60	70	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	60	71	detract	detract	NOUN
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crl-15314	60	73	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	60	74	a	a	DET
crl-15314	60	75	high	high	ADJ
crl-15314	60	76	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	60	77	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15314	60	78	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	60	79	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	61	1	many	many	ADJ
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crl-15314	61	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	62	9	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	62	13	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	62	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	63	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	64	29	specialists	specialist	NOUN
crl-15314	64	30	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	65	1	a.	a.	PROPN
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crl-15314	65	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	66	38	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	67	42	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	68	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	69	12	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	69	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	70	27	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	71	8	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	71	27	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	72	8	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	73	29	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	75	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	77	9	any	any	DET
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crl-15314	77	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	78	29	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	78	30	user	user	NOUN
crl-15314	78	31	populations	population	NOUN
crl-15314	78	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	79	9	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	79	11	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	79	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	80	47	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	80	48	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	81	22	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	81	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	82	11	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	83	13	significance	significance	NOUN
crl-15314	83	14	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	83	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	84	28	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	85	19	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	85	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	86	6	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	86	22	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	87	9	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	88	15	1999	1999	NUM
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crl-15314	88	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	89	31	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	89	32	sessions	session	NOUN
crl-15314	89	33	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	90	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	90	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	91	14	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	91	15	mode	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	91	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	92	19	search	search	NOUN
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crl-15314	92	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	93	1	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	93	2	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	93	18	limited	limited	ADJ
crl-15314	93	19	functionality	functionality	NOUN
crl-15314	93	20	that	that	PRON
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crl-15314	93	27	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	93	28	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	93	29	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	94	19	crucial	crucial	ADJ
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crl-15314	94	24	of	of	ADP
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crl-15314	94	26	“	"	PUNCT
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crl-15314	94	28	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	94	30	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	94	31	use	use	NOUN
crl-15314	94	32	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	94	33	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	94	34	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	95	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	95	4	searchers	searcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	95	11	it	it	PRON
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crl-15314	95	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	95	18	use	use	VERB
crl-15314	95	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	96	18	degrees	degree	NOUN
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crl-15314	96	28	technique	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	96	29	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	96	33	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	96	35	the	the	DET
crl-15314	96	36	ease	ease	NOUN
crl-15314	96	37	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	96	39	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	96	40	use	use	NOUN
crl-15314	96	41	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	96	42	considerably	considerably	ADV
crl-15314	96	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	97	1	participants	participant	NOUN
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crl-15314	97	5	their	their	PRON
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crl-15314	97	20	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	97	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	97	24	level	level	NOUN
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crl-15314	97	27	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	97	34	information	information	NOUN
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crl-15314	97	48	other	other	ADJ
crl-15314	97	49	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	98	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	99	6	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	100	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	101	44	experimentation	experimentation	NOUN
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crl-15314	101	46	different	different	ADJ
crl-15314	101	47	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	101	48	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	102	36	preference	preference	NOUN
crl-15314	102	37	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	103	10	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	103	13	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	104	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	105	5	•	•	INTJ
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crl-15314	105	11	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	105	39	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	106	1	•	•	PROPN
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crl-15314	106	10	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	106	21	total	total	ADJ
crl-15314	106	22	number	number	NOUN
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crl-15314	106	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	107	1	•	•	VERB
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crl-15314	107	15	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	107	39	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	108	8	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	109	13	;	;	PUNCT
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crl-15314	109	15	;	;	PUNCT
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crl-15314	109	18	;	;	PUNCT
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crl-15314	109	21	;	;	PUNCT
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crl-15314	109	48	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	111	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	112	9	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	113	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	114	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	115	33	445	445	NUM
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crl-15314	116	13	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	117	11	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	118	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	119	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	120	31	summary	summary	NOUN
crl-15314	120	32	(	(	PUNCT
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crl-15314	120	34	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	120	35	a	a	DET
crl-15314	120	36	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	120	37	display	display	NOUN
crl-15314	120	38	sets	set	NOUN
crl-15314	120	39	”	"	PUNCT
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crl-15314	120	41	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15314	120	42	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	120	43	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15314	120	45	cost	cost	NOUN
crl-15314	120	46	/	/	SYM
crl-15314	120	47	time	time	NOUN
crl-15314	120	48	display	display	NOUN
crl-15314	120	49	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	121	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	122	13	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	123	33	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	124	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	125	10	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	126	7	questionnaires	questionnaire	NOUN
crl-15314	126	8	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	127	19	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	127	25	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	127	27	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	127	43	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	128	8	circumstances	circumstance	NOUN
crl-15314	128	9	(	(	PUNCT
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crl-15314	128	13	)	)	PUNCT
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crl-15314	128	22	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	129	15	•	•	PROPN
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crl-15314	129	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	130	1	•	•	PROPN
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crl-15314	130	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	131	1	•	•	VERB
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crl-15314	131	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	132	1	•	•	PROPN
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crl-15314	132	10	searching	searching	NOUN
crl-15314	132	11	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	133	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15314	133	2	these	these	DET
crl-15314	133	3	hypotheses	hypothesis	NOUN
crl-15314	133	4	are	be	AUX
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crl-15314	133	8	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	133	16	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	133	19	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	133	25	amount	amount	NOUN
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crl-15314	133	27	anecdotal	anecdotal	ADJ
crl-15314	133	28	evidence	evidence	NOUN
crl-15314	133	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	134	1	despite	despite	SCONJ
crl-15314	134	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	134	16	exam	exam	NOUN
crl-15314	134	17	time	time	NOUN
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crl-15314	134	24	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	134	25	because	because	SCONJ
crl-15314	134	26	there	there	PRON
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crl-15314	134	32	subject	subject	NOUN
crl-15314	134	33	)	)	PUNCT
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crl-15314	134	46	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	134	48	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	134	50	library	library	NOUN
crl-15314	134	51	databases	database	NOUN
crl-15314	134	52	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	135	1	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	135	5	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	135	8	conclude	conclude	VERB
crl-15314	135	9	there	there	PRON
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crl-15314	135	12	conclusive	conclusive	ADJ
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crl-15314	135	23	better	well	ADJ
crl-15314	135	24	search	search	VERB
crl-15314	135	25	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
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crl-15314	135	28	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	135	30	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	135	31	searcher	searcher	ADV
crl-15314	135	32	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	135	33	friendly	friendly	ADJ
crl-15314	135	34	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	135	35	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	135	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	136	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	136	2	survey	survey	NOUN
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crl-15314	136	4	do	do	AUX
crl-15314	136	5	indicate	indicate	VERB
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crl-15314	136	18	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	136	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	137	8	at	at	ADP
crl-15314	137	9	neutralizing	neutralize	VERB
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crl-15314	137	12	emotive	emotive	ADJ
crl-15314	137	13	aspects	aspect	NOUN
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crl-15314	137	16	searching	searching	NOUN
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crl-15314	137	21	other	other	ADJ
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crl-15314	137	24	influential	influential	ADJ
crl-15314	137	25	factors	factor	NOUN
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crl-15314	137	32	choose	choose	VERB
crl-15314	137	33	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	138	4	this	this	DET
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crl-15314	138	8	some	some	DET
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crl-15314	138	21	revealing	revealing	ADJ
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crl-15314	138	33	success	success	NOUN
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crl-15314	138	38	than	than	SCONJ
crl-15314	138	39	previously	previously	ADV
crl-15314	138	40	thought	think	VERB
crl-15314	138	41	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	139	2	direct	direct	ADJ
crl-15314	139	3	comparison	comparison	NOUN
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crl-15314	139	5	each	each	DET
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crl-15314	139	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	140	6	telnet	telnet	NOUN
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crl-15314	140	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	141	4	determinant	determinant	NOUN
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crl-15314	141	6	search	search	NOUN
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crl-15314	141	18	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	141	20	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	141	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	142	4	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	142	14	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	142	16	searcher	searcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	142	19	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	142	26	searcher	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	142	27	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	143	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	143	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	144	13	1999	1999	NUM
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crl-15314	144	30	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	144	31	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	145	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	146	15	codes	code	NOUN
crl-15314	146	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	147	15	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	147	16	the	the	DET
crl-15314	147	17	codes	code	NOUN
crl-15314	147	18	from	from	ADP
crl-15314	147	19	the	the	DET
crl-15314	147	20	same	same	ADJ
crl-15314	147	21	screen	screen	NOUN
crl-15314	147	22	where	where	SCONJ
crl-15314	147	23	the	the	DET
crl-15314	147	24	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	147	25	strategy	strategy	NOUN
crl-15314	147	26	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	147	27	being	be	AUX
crl-15314	147	28	formulated	formulate	VERB
crl-15314	147	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	148	1	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	148	2	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	148	3	would	would	AUX
crl-15314	148	4	require	require	VERB
crl-15314	148	5	more	more	ADJ
crl-15314	148	6	effort	effort	NOUN
crl-15314	148	7	to	to	PART
crl-15314	148	8	obtain	obtain	VERB
crl-15314	148	9	the	the	DET
crl-15314	148	10	same	same	ADJ
crl-15314	148	11	code	code	NOUN
crl-15314	148	12	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	148	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	149	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	149	2	same	same	ADJ
crl-15314	149	3	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	149	4	also	also	ADV
crl-15314	149	5	required	require	VERB
crl-15314	149	6	the	the	DET
crl-15314	149	7	searcher	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	149	8	to	to	PART
crl-15314	149	9	compile	compile	VERB
crl-15314	149	10	a	a	DET
crl-15314	149	11	report	report	NOUN
crl-15314	149	12	using	use	VERB
crl-15314	149	13	the	the	DET
crl-15314	149	14	dialog	dialog	NOUN
crl-15314	149	15	sort	sort	NOUN
crl-15314	149	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	149	17	report	report	VERB
crl-15314	149	18	commands	command	NOUN
crl-15314	149	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	150	1	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	150	2	who	who	PRON
crl-15314	150	3	did	do	AUX
crl-15314	150	4	not	not	PART
crl-15314	150	5	know	know	VERB
crl-15314	150	6	to	to	PART
crl-15314	150	7	use	use	VERB
crl-15314	150	8	these	these	DET
crl-15314	150	9	commands	command	NOUN
crl-15314	150	10	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	150	11	how	how	SCONJ
crl-15314	150	12	to	to	PART
crl-15314	150	13	execute	execute	VERB
crl-15314	150	14	them	they	PRON
crl-15314	150	15	properly	properly	ADV
crl-15314	150	16	would	would	AUX
crl-15314	150	17	get	get	VERB
crl-15314	150	18	poor	poor	ADJ
crl-15314	150	19	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	150	20	regardless	regardless	ADV
crl-15314	150	21	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	150	22	the	the	DET
crl-15314	150	23	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	150	24	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	150	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	151	1	other	other	ADJ
crl-15314	151	2	indicators	indicator	NOUN
crl-15314	151	3	support	support	VERB
crl-15314	151	4	the	the	DET
crl-15314	151	5	observation	observation	NOUN
crl-15314	151	6	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	151	7	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	151	8	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	151	9	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	151	10	less	less	ADV
crl-15314	151	11	critical	critical	ADJ
crl-15314	151	12	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	151	13	searcher	searcher	ADV
crl-15314	151	14	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	151	15	than	than	ADP
crl-15314	151	16	hypothesized	hypothesized	ADJ
crl-15314	151	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	152	1	respondents	respondent	NOUN
crl-15314	152	2	were	be	AUX
crl-15314	152	3	asked	ask	VERB
crl-15314	152	4	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	152	5	rank	rank	NOUN
crl-15314	152	6	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	152	7	order	order	NOUN
crl-15314	152	8	several	several	ADJ
crl-15314	152	9	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	152	10	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	152	11	influenced	influence	VERB
crl-15314	152	12	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	152	13	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	152	14	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	152	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	153	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	153	2	highest	highest	ADV
crl-15314	153	3	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	153	4	rated	rate	VERB
crl-15314	153	5	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	153	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	153	7	as	as	SCONJ
crl-15314	153	8	shown	show	VERB
crl-15314	153	9	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	153	10	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	153	11	1	1	NUM
crl-15314	153	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	153	13	was	be	AUX
crl-15314	153	14	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	153	15	familiarity	familiarity	NOUN
crl-15314	153	16	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	153	17	techniques	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	153	18	required	require	VERB
crl-15314	153	19	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	153	21	a	a	DET
crl-15314	153	22	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	153	23	correctly	correctly	ADV
crl-15314	153	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	153	25	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	154	1	this	this	DET
crl-15314	154	2	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	154	3	was	be	AUX
crl-15314	154	4	ranked	rank	VERB
crl-15314	154	5	1	1	NUM
crl-15314	154	6	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	154	7	2	2	NUM
crl-15314	154	8	by	by	ADP
crl-15314	154	9	65	65	NUM
crl-15314	154	10	percent	percent	NOUN
crl-15314	154	11	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	154	12	the	the	DET
crl-15314	154	13	respondents	respondent	NOUN
crl-15314	154	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	155	1	online	online	ADJ
crl-15314	155	2	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	155	3	instructors	instructor	NOUN
crl-15314	155	4	know	know	VERB
crl-15314	155	5	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	155	6	students	student	NOUN
crl-15314	155	7	do	do	VERB
crl-15314	155	8	well	well	ADV
crl-15314	155	9	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15314	155	10	they	they	PRON
crl-15314	155	11	achieve	achieve	VERB
crl-15314	155	12	a	a	DET
crl-15314	155	13	comfort	comfort	NOUN
crl-15314	155	14	level	level	NOUN
crl-15314	155	15	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	155	16	a	a	DET
crl-15314	155	17	particular	particular	ADJ
crl-15314	155	18	technique	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	155	19	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	155	20	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	155	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	156	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15314	156	2	asked	ask	VERB
crl-15314	156	3	to	to	PART
crl-15314	156	4	perform	perform	VERB
crl-15314	156	5	the	the	DET
crl-15314	156	6	same	same	ADJ
crl-15314	156	7	technique	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	156	8	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	156	9	a	a	DET
crl-15314	156	10	less	less	ADV
crl-15314	156	11	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	156	12	well	well	ADV
crl-15314	156	13	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	156	14	known	know	VERB
crl-15314	156	15	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	156	16	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	156	17	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	156	19	a	a	DET
crl-15314	156	20	new	new	ADJ
crl-15314	156	21	function	function	NOUN
crl-15314	156	22	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	156	23	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	156	24	a	a	DET
crl-15314	156	25	slight	slight	ADJ
crl-15314	156	26	variation	variation	NOUN
crl-15314	156	27	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	156	28	a	a	DET
crl-15314	156	29	familiar	familiar	ADJ
crl-15314	156	30	technique	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	156	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	156	32	many	many	ADJ
crl-15314	156	33	students	student	NOUN
crl-15314	156	34	experience	experience	VERB
crl-15314	156	35	difficulty	difficulty	NOUN
crl-15314	156	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	157	1	given	give	VERB
crl-15314	157	2	a	a	DET
crl-15314	157	3	choice	choice	NOUN
crl-15314	157	4	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	157	5	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	157	6	to	to	PART
crl-15314	157	7	perform	perform	VERB
crl-15314	157	8	a	a	DET
crl-15314	157	9	similar	similar	ADJ
crl-15314	157	10	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	157	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	157	12	most	most	ADJ
crl-15314	157	13	students	student	NOUN
crl-15314	157	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	157	15	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-15314	157	16	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	157	17	prefer	prefer	VERB
crl-15314	157	18	the	the	DET
crl-15314	157	19	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	157	20	they	they	PRON
crl-15314	157	21	first	first	ADV
crl-15314	157	22	learned	learn	VERB
crl-15314	157	23	—	—	PUNCT
crl-15314	157	24	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	157	25	other	other	ADJ
crl-15314	157	26	words	word	NOUN
crl-15314	157	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	157	28	the	the	DET
crl-15314	157	29	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	157	30	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	157	31	which	which	PRON
crl-15314	157	32	they	they	PRON
crl-15314	157	33	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	157	34	most	most	ADV
crl-15314	157	35	familiar	familiar	ADJ
crl-15314	157	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	158	1	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	158	2	i	i	PRON
crl-15314	158	3	further	far	ADV
crl-15314	158	4	shows	show	VERB
crl-15314	158	5	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	158	6	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	158	7	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	158	8	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	158	9	less	less	ADV
crl-15314	158	10	important	important	ADJ
crl-15314	158	11	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	158	12	achieving	achieve	VERB
crl-15314	158	13	highquality	highquality	NOUN
crl-15314	158	14	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	158	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	159	1	seventy	seventy	NUM
crl-15314	159	2	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	159	3	three	three	NUM
crl-15314	159	4	percent	percent	NOUN
crl-15314	159	5	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	159	6	the	the	DET
crl-15314	159	7	respondents	respondent	NOUN
crl-15314	159	8	rated	rate	VERB
crl-15314	159	9	the	the	DET
crl-15314	159	10	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	159	11	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	159	12	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	159	13	mode	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	159	14	used	use	VERB
crl-15314	159	15	to	to	PART
crl-15314	159	16	perform	perform	VERB
crl-15314	159	17	the	the	DET
crl-15314	159	18	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	159	19	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	159	20	fifth	fifth	ADJ
crl-15314	159	21	out	out	ADP
crl-15314	159	22	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	159	23	five	five	NUM
crl-15314	159	24	possible	possible	ADJ
crl-15314	159	25	influential	influential	ADJ
crl-15314	159	26	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	159	27	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	159	28	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	159	29	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	159	30	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	160	1	what	what	PRON
crl-15314	160	2	could	could	AUX
crl-15314	160	3	be	be	AUX
crl-15314	160	4	termed	term	VERB
crl-15314	160	5	as	as	ADV
crl-15314	160	6	more	more	ADJ
crl-15314	160	7	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	160	8	practical	practical	ADJ
crl-15314	160	9	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	160	10	searcher	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	160	11	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-15314	160	12	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	160	13	consistently	consistently	ADV
crl-15314	160	14	ranked	rank	VERB
crl-15314	160	15	higher	high	ADJ
crl-15314	160	16	than	than	ADP
crl-15314	160	17	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	160	18	mode	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	160	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	161	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	161	2	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-15314	161	3	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	161	4	the	the	DET
crl-15314	161	5	question	question	NOUN
crl-15314	161	6	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	161	7	particularly	particularly	ADV
crl-15314	161	8	its	its	PRON
crl-15314	161	9	level	level	NOUN
crl-15314	161	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	161	11	difficulty	difficulty	NOUN
crl-15314	161	12	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15314	161	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	161	14	the	the	DET
crl-15314	161	15	amount	amount	NOUN
crl-15314	161	16	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	161	17	time	time	NOUN
crl-15314	161	18	allowed	allow	VERB
crl-15314	161	19	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	161	20	the	the	DET
crl-15314	161	21	question	question	NOUN
crl-15314	161	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	161	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	161	24	even	even	ADV
crl-15314	161	25	the	the	DET
crl-15314	161	26	availability	availability	NOUN
crl-15314	161	27	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	161	28	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	161	29	documentation	documentation	NOUN
crl-15314	161	30	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	161	31	students	student	NOUN
crl-15314	161	32	could	could	AUX
crl-15314	161	33	use	use	VERB
crl-15314	161	34	any	any	DET
crl-15314	161	35	notes	note	NOUN
crl-15314	161	36	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	161	37	other	other	ADJ
crl-15314	161	38	documentation	documentation	NOUN
crl-15314	161	39	gathered	gather	VERB
crl-15314	161	40	during	during	ADP
crl-15314	161	41	the	the	DET
crl-15314	161	42	semester	semester	NOUN
crl-15314	161	43	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	161	44	the	the	DET
crl-15314	161	45	exam	exam	NOUN
crl-15314	161	46	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15314	161	47	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	161	48	all	all	PRON
crl-15314	161	49	ranked	rank	VERB
crl-15314	161	50	above	above	ADP
crl-15314	161	51	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	161	52	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	161	53	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	162	1	one	one	NUM
crl-15314	162	2	common	common	ADJ
crl-15314	162	3	characteristic	characteristic	NOUN
crl-15314	162	4	among	among	ADP
crl-15314	162	5	the	the	DET
crl-15314	162	6	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	162	7	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	162	8	ranked	rank	VERB
crl-15314	162	9	above	above	ADP
crl-15314	162	10	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	162	11	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	162	12	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	162	13	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	162	14	all	all	PRON
crl-15314	162	15	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	162	16	relatively	relatively	ADV
crl-15314	162	17	tangible	tangible	ADJ
crl-15314	162	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	163	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	163	2	rankings	ranking	NOUN
crl-15314	163	3	may	may	AUX
crl-15314	163	4	be	be	AUX
crl-15314	163	5	influenced	influence	VERB
crl-15314	163	6	by	by	ADP
crl-15314	163	7	the	the	DET
crl-15314	163	8	searcher	searcher	ADV
crl-15314	163	9	being	be	AUX
crl-15314	163	10	able	able	ADJ
crl-15314	163	11	to	to	PART
crl-15314	163	12	readily	readily	ADV
crl-15314	163	13	point	point	VERB
crl-15314	163	14	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	163	15	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	163	16	such	such	ADJ
crl-15314	163	17	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	163	18	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-15314	163	19	techniques	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	163	20	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	163	21	amount	amount	NOUN
crl-15314	163	22	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	163	23	time	time	NOUN
crl-15314	163	24	to	to	PART
crl-15314	163	25	complete	complete	VERB
crl-15314	163	26	a	a	DET
crl-15314	163	27	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	163	28	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	163	29	having	have	VERB
crl-15314	163	30	an	an	DET
crl-15314	163	31	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-15314	163	32	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	163	33	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	163	34	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	163	35	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	164	1	it	it	PRON
crl-15314	164	2	may	may	AUX
crl-15314	164	3	be	be	AUX
crl-15314	164	4	more	more	ADV
crl-15314	164	5	difficult	difficult	ADJ
crl-15314	164	6	to	to	PART
crl-15314	164	7	gauge	gauge	VERB
crl-15314	164	8	the	the	DET
crl-15314	164	9	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-15314	164	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	164	11	an	an	DET
crl-15314	164	12	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	164	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	165	1	screen	screen	NOUN
crl-15314	165	2	design	design	NOUN
crl-15314	165	3	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	165	4	a	a	DET
crl-15314	165	5	less	less	ADV
crl-15314	165	6	tangible	tangible	ADJ
crl-15314	165	7	feature	feature	NOUN
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crl-15314	165	9	the	the	DET
crl-15314	165	10	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	165	11	session	session	NOUN
crl-15314	165	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	166	1	it	it	PRON
crl-15314	166	2	tends	tend	VERB
crl-15314	166	3	to	to	PART
crl-15314	166	4	be	be	AUX
crl-15314	166	5	noticed	notice	VERB
crl-15314	166	6	only	only	ADV
crl-15314	166	7	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15314	166	8	there	there	PRON
crl-15314	166	9	is	be	VERB
crl-15314	166	10	a	a	DET
crl-15314	166	11	technical	technical	ADJ
crl-15314	166	12	problem	problem	NOUN
crl-15314	166	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	167	1	consider	consider	VERB
crl-15314	167	2	a	a	DET
crl-15314	167	3	simple	simple	ADJ
crl-15314	167	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	167	5	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	167	6	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-15314	167	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	167	8	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-15314	167	9	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	167	10	the	the	DET
crl-15314	167	11	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	167	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	167	13	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	167	14	modes	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	167	15	—	—	PUNCT
crl-15314	167	16	the	the	DET
crl-15314	167	17	correction	correction	NOUN
crl-15314	167	18	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	167	19	typing	type	VERB
crl-15314	167	20	errors	error	NOUN
crl-15314	167	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	168	1	this	this	PRON
crl-15314	168	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	168	3	considerably	considerably	ADV
crl-15314	168	4	easier	easy	ADJ
crl-15314	168	5	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	168	6	a	a	DET
crl-15314	168	7	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	168	8	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	168	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	169	1	using	use	VERB
crl-15314	169	2	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	169	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	169	4	a	a	DET
crl-15314	169	5	searcher	searcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	169	7	a	a	DET
crl-15314	169	8	typing	type	VERB
crl-15314	169	9	error	error	NOUN
crl-15314	169	10	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	169	11	the	the	DET
crl-15314	169	12	second	second	ADJ
crl-15314	169	13	word	word	NOUN
crl-15314	169	14	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	169	15	a	a	DET
crl-15314	169	16	seven	seven	NUM
crl-15314	169	17	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	169	18	word	word	NOUN
crl-15314	169	19	statement	statement	NOUN
crl-15314	169	20	would	would	AUX
crl-15314	169	21	need	need	VERB
crl-15314	169	22	to	to	PART
crl-15314	169	23	backspace	backspace	VERB
crl-15314	169	24	over	over	ADP
crl-15314	169	25	the	the	DET
crl-15314	169	26	entire	entire	ADJ
crl-15314	169	27	statement	statement	NOUN
crl-15314	169	28	to	to	PART
crl-15314	169	29	get	get	VERB
crl-15314	169	30	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	169	31	the	the	DET
crl-15314	169	32	error	error	NOUN
crl-15314	169	33	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	169	34	then	then	ADV
crl-15314	169	35	retype	retype	VERB
crl-15314	169	36	the	the	DET
crl-15314	169	37	statement	statement	NOUN
crl-15314	169	38	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	170	1	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	170	2	1	1	NUM
crl-15314	170	3	respondents	respondent	NOUN
crl-15314	170	4	�	�	X
crl-15314	170	5	ranking	ranking	NOUN
crl-15314	170	6	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	170	7	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	170	8	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	170	9	influence	influence	NOUN
crl-15314	170	10	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	11	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	170	12	rank	rank	NOUN
crl-15314	170	13	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	170	14	description	description	NOUN
crl-15314	170	15	1	1	NUM
crl-15314	170	16	familiarity	familiarity	NOUN
crl-15314	170	17	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	170	18	techniques	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	170	19	required	require	VERB
crl-15314	170	20	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	170	22	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	23	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	24	correctly	correctly	ADV
crl-15314	170	25	2	2	NUM
crl-15314	170	26	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-15314	170	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	170	28	difficulty	difficulty	NOUN
crl-15314	170	29	level	level	NOUN
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crl-15314	170	31	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	32	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	33	question	question	NOUN
crl-15314	170	34	3	3	NUM
crl-15314	170	35	amount	amount	NOUN
crl-15314	170	36	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	170	37	time	time	NOUN
crl-15314	170	38	allowed	allow	VERB
crl-15314	170	39	to	to	PART
crl-15314	170	40	perform	perform	VERB
crl-15314	170	41	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	42	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	43	4	4	NUM
crl-15314	170	44	documentation	documentation	NOUN
crl-15314	170	45	available	available	ADJ
crl-15314	170	46	at	at	ADP
crl-15314	170	47	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	48	time	time	NOUN
crl-15314	170	49	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	170	50	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	51	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	52	5	5	NUM
crl-15314	170	53	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	54	mode	mode	NOUN
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crl-15314	170	56	to	to	PART
crl-15314	170	57	perform	perform	VERB
crl-15314	170	58	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	59	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	60	understanding	understanding	NOUN
crl-15314	170	61	preferences	preference	NOUN
crl-15314	170	62	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	170	63	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	64	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	170	65	interfaces	interface	VERB
crl-15314	170	66	447	447	NUM
crl-15314	170	67	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	170	68	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	69	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	170	70	mode	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	170	71	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	170	72	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	73	searcher	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	170	74	could	could	AUX
crl-15314	170	75	simply	simply	ADV
crl-15314	170	76	put	put	VERB
crl-15314	170	77	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	78	insert	insert	ADJ
crl-15314	170	79	tool	tool	NOUN
crl-15314	170	80	where	where	SCONJ
crl-15314	170	81	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	82	error	error	NOUN
crl-15314	170	83	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	170	84	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	170	85	make	make	VERB
crl-15314	170	86	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	87	correction	correction	NOUN
crl-15314	170	88	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	170	89	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	170	90	then	then	ADV
crl-15314	170	91	continue	continue	VERB
crl-15314	170	92	the	the	DET
crl-15314	170	93	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	170	94	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	171	1	these	these	DET
crl-15314	171	2	less	less	ADV
crl-15314	171	3	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	171	4	noticeable	noticeable	ADJ
crl-15314	171	5	features	feature	NOUN
crl-15314	171	6	can	can	AUX
crl-15314	171	7	save	save	VERB
crl-15314	171	8	time	time	NOUN
crl-15314	171	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	171	10	prevent	prevent	VERB
crl-15314	171	11	frustration	frustration	NOUN
crl-15314	171	12	during	during	ADP
crl-15314	171	13	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	171	14	sessions	session	NOUN
crl-15314	171	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	172	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15314	172	2	asked	ask	VERB
crl-15314	172	3	to	to	PART
crl-15314	172	4	rank	rank	VERB
crl-15314	172	5	the	the	DET
crl-15314	172	6	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-15314	172	7	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	172	8	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	172	9	to	to	PART
crl-15314	172	10	search	search	VERB
crl-15314	172	11	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15314	172	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	172	13	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15314	172	14	may	may	AUX
crl-15314	172	15	have	have	AUX
crl-15314	172	16	overlooked	overlook	VERB
crl-15314	172	17	these	these	DET
crl-15314	172	18	simple	simple	ADJ
crl-15314	172	19	differences	difference	NOUN
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crl-15314	172	21	the	the	DET
crl-15314	172	22	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	172	23	modes	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	172	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	173	1	this	this	DET
crl-15314	173	2	question	question	NOUN
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crl-15314	173	4	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	173	5	the	the	DET
crl-15314	173	6	larger	large	ADJ
crl-15314	173	7	issue	issue	NOUN
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crl-15314	173	13	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	173	16	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	173	17	design	design	NOUN
crl-15314	173	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	174	1	a	a	DET
crl-15314	174	2	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	174	3	design	design	NOUN
crl-15314	174	4	could	could	AUX
crl-15314	174	5	be	be	AUX
crl-15314	174	6	structured	structure	VERB
crl-15314	174	7	to	to	PART
crl-15314	174	8	place	place	VERB
crl-15314	174	9	greater	great	ADJ
crl-15314	174	10	emphasis	emphasis	NOUN
crl-15314	174	11	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	174	12	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	174	15	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	174	16	mode	mode	NOUN
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crl-15314	174	18	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	174	21	the	the	DET
crl-15314	174	22	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	174	23	session	session	NOUN
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crl-15314	174	25	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	174	29	this	this	DET
crl-15314	174	30	study	study	NOUN
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crl-15314	174	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	175	1	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	175	2	the	the	DET
crl-15314	175	3	researcher	researcher	NOUN
crl-15314	175	4	would	would	AUX
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crl-15314	175	8	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	175	12	the	the	DET
crl-15314	175	13	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15314	175	14	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	175	16	greater	great	ADJ
crl-15314	175	17	attention	attention	NOUN
crl-15314	175	18	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	175	19	the	the	DET
crl-15314	175	20	intangible	intangible	ADJ
crl-15314	175	21	elements	element	NOUN
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crl-15314	175	23	the	the	DET
crl-15314	175	24	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	175	25	session	session	NOUN
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crl-15314	175	27	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	175	28	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	175	30	obvious	obvious	ADJ
crl-15314	175	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	175	32	tangible	tangible	ADJ
crl-15314	175	33	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	175	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	176	1	alternately	alternately	ADV
crl-15314	176	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	176	3	the	the	DET
crl-15314	176	4	use	use	NOUN
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crl-15314	176	6	postsearch	postsearch	NOUN
crl-15314	176	7	interviews	interview	NOUN
crl-15314	176	8	could	could	AUX
crl-15314	176	9	better	well	ADV
crl-15314	176	10	probe	probe	VERB
crl-15314	176	11	searchers	searcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	176	13	these	these	DET
crl-15314	176	14	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-15314	176	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	177	1	a	a	DET
crl-15314	177	2	researcher	researcher	NOUN
crl-15314	177	3	also	also	ADV
crl-15314	177	4	might	might	AUX
crl-15314	177	5	question	question	VERB
crl-15314	177	6	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	177	9	the	the	DET
crl-15314	177	10	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	177	11	design	design	NOUN
crl-15314	177	12	because	because	SCONJ
crl-15314	177	13	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	177	14	the	the	DET
crl-15314	177	15	inconsistencies	inconsistency	NOUN
crl-15314	177	16	that	that	PRON
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crl-15314	177	18	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	177	19	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	177	22	participant	participant	ADJ
crl-15314	177	23	responses	response	NOUN
crl-15314	177	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	178	1	this	this	DET
crl-15314	178	2	study	study	NOUN
crl-15314	178	3	’s	’s	PART
crl-15314	178	4	only	only	ADV
crl-15314	178	5	consistency	consistency	NOUN
crl-15314	178	6	might	might	AUX
crl-15314	178	7	be	be	AUX
crl-15314	178	8	the	the	DET
crl-15314	178	9	regular	regular	ADJ
crl-15314	178	10	inconsistency	inconsistency	NOUN
crl-15314	178	11	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	178	12	its	its	PRON
crl-15314	178	13	findings	finding	NOUN
crl-15314	178	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	179	1	tables	table	NOUN
crl-15314	179	2	2	2	NUM
crl-15314	179	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	179	4	3	3	NUM
crl-15314	179	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	179	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	179	7	4	4	NUM
crl-15314	179	8	reflect	reflect	VERB
crl-15314	179	9	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	179	12	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	179	16	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15314	179	17	to	to	PART
crl-15314	179	18	indicate	indicate	VERB
crl-15314	179	19	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	179	20	preferences	preference	NOUN
crl-15314	179	21	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	179	22	a	a	DET
crl-15314	179	23	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-15314	179	24	mode	mode	NOUN
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crl-15314	179	26	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	179	28	quantifiable	quantifiable	ADJ
crl-15314	179	29	fashion	fashion	NOUN
crl-15314	179	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	180	2	researcher	researcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	180	4	be	be	AUX
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crl-15314	180	9	conclusions	conclusion	NOUN
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crl-15314	180	13	preferences	preference	NOUN
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crl-15314	180	15	tables	table	NOUN
crl-15314	180	16	2	2	NUM
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crl-15314	180	18	3	3	NUM
crl-15314	180	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	180	20	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	180	21	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	180	22	4	4	NUM
crl-15314	180	23	immediately	immediately	ADV
crl-15314	180	24	shatters	shatter	VERB
crl-15314	180	25	any	any	DET
crl-15314	180	26	effort	effort	NOUN
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crl-15314	180	29	a	a	DET
crl-15314	180	30	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-15314	180	31	conclusion	conclusion	NOUN
crl-15314	180	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	181	2	2	2	NUM
crl-15314	181	3	provides	provide	VERB
crl-15314	181	4	evidence	evidence	NOUN
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crl-15314	181	6	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	181	17	the	the	DET
crl-15314	181	18	search	search	NOUN
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crl-15314	181	21	providing	provide	VERB
crl-15314	181	22	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	181	24	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	181	25	stressful	stressful	ADJ
crl-15314	181	26	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	181	27	level	level	NOUN
crl-15314	181	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	182	1	stress	stress	NOUN
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crl-15314	182	5	increased	increase	VERB
crl-15314	182	6	pressure	pressure	NOUN
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crl-15314	182	8	which	which	PRON
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crl-15314	182	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	182	20	complex	complex	NOUN
crl-15314	182	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	183	1	that	that	PRON
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crl-15314	183	42	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	184	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	185	2	4	4	NUM
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crl-15314	185	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	186	19	3	3	NUM
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crl-15314	186	23	4	4	NUM
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crl-15314	186	42	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	187	13	solid	solid	ADJ
crl-15314	187	14	conclusions	conclusion	NOUN
crl-15314	187	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	188	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	188	3	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	188	7	4	4	NUM
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crl-15314	188	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	189	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	189	4	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	189	16	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	189	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	190	22	2	2	NUM
crl-15314	190	23	respondent	respondent	NOUN
crl-15314	190	24	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	190	25	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-15314	190	26	stress	stress	NOUN
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crl-15314	190	28	mode	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	190	29	high	high	ADJ
crl-15314	190	30	stress	stress	NOUN
crl-15314	190	31	low	low	ADJ
crl-15314	190	32	stress	stress	PROPN
crl-15314	190	33	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	190	34	73	73	NUM
crl-15314	190	35	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	36	27	27	NUM
crl-15314	190	37	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	38	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	190	39	36	36	NUM
crl-15314	190	40	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	41	64	64	NUM
crl-15314	190	42	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	43	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	190	44	3	3	NUM
crl-15314	190	45	reported	report	VERB
crl-15314	190	46	degree	degree	NOUN
crl-15314	190	47	of	of	ADP
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crl-15314	190	49	ease	ease	NOUN
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crl-15314	190	51	mode	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	190	52	mode	mode	PROPN
crl-15314	190	53	easy	easy	ADV
crl-15314	190	54	difficult	difficult	ADJ
crl-15314	190	55	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	190	56	64	64	NUM
crl-15314	190	57	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	58	36	36	NUM
crl-15314	190	59	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	60	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	190	61	36	36	NUM
crl-15314	190	62	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	63	64	64	NUM
crl-15314	190	64	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	65	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	190	66	4	4	NUM
crl-15314	190	67	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-15314	190	68	level	level	NOUN
crl-15314	190	69	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	190	70	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	190	71	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	190	72	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	190	73	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	190	74	vs.	vs.	X
crl-15314	190	75	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	190	76	not	not	PART
crl-15314	190	77	very	very	ADV
crl-15314	190	78	successful	successful	ADJ
crl-15314	190	79	successful	successful	ADJ
crl-15314	190	80	1	1	NUM
crl-15314	190	81	2	2	NUM
crl-15314	190	82	3	3	NUM
crl-15314	190	83	4	4	NUM
crl-15314	190	84	5	5	NUM
crl-15314	190	85	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	190	86	0	0	NUM
crl-15314	190	87	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	88	18	18	NUM
crl-15314	190	89	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	90	18	18	NUM
crl-15314	190	91	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	92	55	55	NUM
crl-15314	190	93	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	94	9	9	NUM
crl-15314	190	95	%	%	NOUN
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crl-15314	190	97	9	9	NUM
crl-15314	190	98	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	99	0	0	NUM
crl-15314	190	100	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	101	45	45	NUM
crl-15314	190	102	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	103	27	27	NUM
crl-15314	190	104	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	105	18	18	NUM
crl-15314	190	106	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	190	107	448	448	NUM
crl-15314	190	108	college	college	PROPN
crl-15314	190	109	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15314	190	110	research	research	PROPN
crl-15314	190	111	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15314	190	112	september	september	PROPN
crl-15314	190	113	1999	1999	NUM
crl-15314	190	114	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	190	115	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	191	1	therefore	therefore	ADV
crl-15314	191	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	191	3	it	it	PRON
crl-15314	191	4	may	may	AUX
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crl-15314	191	7	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	191	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	192	3	inconsistency	inconsistency	NOUN
crl-15314	192	4	is	be	AUX
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crl-15314	192	12	5	5	NUM
crl-15314	192	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	192	14	6	6	NUM
crl-15314	192	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	193	2	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	193	3	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	193	4	5	5	NUM
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crl-15314	193	19	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15314	193	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	194	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	194	4	to	to	ADP
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crl-15314	194	6	6	6	NUM
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crl-15314	194	20	mode	mode	NOUN
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crl-15314	194	35	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	194	36	question	question	NOUN
crl-15314	194	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	195	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-15314	195	2	there	there	PRON
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crl-15314	195	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	195	13	then	then	ADV
crl-15314	195	14	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	195	24	?	?	PUNCT
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crl-15314	196	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	197	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	197	13	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	197	22	risk	risk	NOUN
crl-15314	197	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	198	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	199	34	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	200	9	5	5	NUM
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crl-15314	200	11	6	6	NUM
crl-15314	200	12	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	201	25	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	201	26	known	know	VERB
crl-15314	201	27	entity	entity	NOUN
crl-15314	201	28	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	202	22	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	202	41	exam	exam	NOUN
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crl-15314	202	43	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	203	16	(	(	PUNCT
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crl-15314	203	22	5	5	NUM
crl-15314	203	23	)	)	PUNCT
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crl-15314	203	39	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	204	30	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	204	31	tools	tool	NOUN
crl-15314	204	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	205	35	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	206	33	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	206	34	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	207	13	prefertable	prefertable	ADJ
crl-15314	207	14	5	5	NUM
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crl-15314	207	20	mode	mode	NOUN
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crl-15314	207	24	prefer	prefer	VERB
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crl-15314	207	29	50	50	NUM
crl-15314	207	30	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	207	31	50	50	NUM
crl-15314	207	32	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	207	33	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	207	34	50	50	NUM
crl-15314	207	35	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	207	36	50	50	NUM
crl-15314	207	37	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	207	38	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	207	39	6	6	NUM
crl-15314	207	40	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	207	41	mode	mode	NOUN
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crl-15314	207	45	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	207	46	mode	mode	NOUN
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crl-15314	207	51	third	third	ADJ
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crl-15314	207	54	82	82	NUM
crl-15314	207	55	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	207	56	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	207	57	18	18	NUM
crl-15314	207	58	%	%	NOUN
crl-15314	207	59	table	table	NOUN
crl-15314	207	60	7	7	NUM
crl-15314	207	61	searcher	searcher	NOUN
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crl-15314	207	64	factors	factor	NOUN
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crl-15314	207	71	web	web	NOUN
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crl-15314	207	74	low	low	ADJ
crl-15314	207	75	time	time	NOUN
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crl-15314	207	78	low	low	ADJ
crl-15314	207	79	familiarity	familiarity	NOUN
crl-15314	207	80	more	more	ADV
crl-15314	207	81	less	less	ADJ
crl-15314	207	82	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15314	207	83	capture	capture	NOUN
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crl-15314	207	85	worse	bad	ADJ
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crl-15314	207	87	speed	speed	NOUN
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crl-15314	208	9	low	low	ADJ
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crl-15314	208	13	high	high	ADJ
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crl-15314	208	16	ambiguous	ambiguous	ADJ
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crl-15314	208	23	449	449	NUM
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crl-15314	208	27	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	208	31	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	208	33	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	209	14	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	211	43	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	212	10	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	213	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	214	27	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	220	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	221	22	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	221	24	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	221	25	readyfor	readyfor	NOUN
crl-15314	221	26	-prime	-prime	NOUN
crl-15314	221	27	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	221	33	commercial	commercial	ADJ
crl-15314	221	34	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	221	35	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	221	36	products	product	NOUN
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crl-15314	221	39	ultimate	ultimate	ADJ
crl-15314	221	40	inconsistency	inconsistency	NOUN
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crl-15314	221	43	telnet	telnet	NOUN
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crl-15314	221	51	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	221	53	web	web	NOUN
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crl-15314	221	55	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	222	4	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15314	222	21	interface	interface	NOUN
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crl-15314	222	32	an	an	DET
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crl-15314	222	35	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	222	38	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	222	39	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	222	40	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	223	12	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	223	24	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	223	25	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	223	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	224	1	scarce	scarce	ADJ
crl-15314	224	2	attention	attention	NOUN
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crl-15314	224	6	other	other	ADJ
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crl-15314	224	10	as	as	ADP
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crl-15314	224	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	224	13	frustration	frustration	NOUN
crl-15314	224	14	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	224	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	224	17	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	224	18	surprise	surprise	NOUN
crl-15314	224	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	224	20	that	that	PRON
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crl-15314	224	23	searcher	searcher	ADV
crl-15314	224	24	’s	’s	NUM
crl-15314	224	25	emotional	emotional	ADJ
crl-15314	224	26	state	state	NOUN
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crl-15314	224	34	session	session	NOUN
crl-15314	224	35	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	225	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	225	5	including	include	VERB
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crl-15314	225	15	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15314	225	18	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	225	24	the	the	DET
crl-15314	225	25	pressure	pressure	NOUN
crl-15314	225	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	225	27	tension	tension	NOUN
crl-15314	225	28	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	225	29	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	225	30	stress	stress	NOUN
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crl-15314	225	34	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	225	35	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	226	4	forces	force	NOUN
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crl-15314	226	16	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15314	226	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	227	15	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	227	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	228	6	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	228	8	ticking	tick	VERB
crl-15314	228	9	meter	meter	NOUN
crl-15314	228	10	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	228	11	syndrome	syndrome	NOUN
crl-15314	228	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	228	13	supported	support	VERB
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crl-15314	228	20	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	228	21	documentation	documentation	NOUN
crl-15314	228	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	228	23	the	the	DET
crl-15314	228	24	author	author	NOUN
crl-15314	228	25	believed	believe	VERB
crl-15314	228	26	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	228	27	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	228	28	would	would	AUX
crl-15314	228	29	be	be	AUX
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crl-15314	228	33	concentrate	concentrate	VERB
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crl-15314	228	35	the	the	DET
crl-15314	228	36	cognitive	cognitive	ADJ
crl-15314	228	37	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	228	38	sensorimotor	sensorimotor	NOUN
crl-15314	228	39	elements	element	NOUN
crl-15314	228	40	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	228	41	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	228	42	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	229	1	however	however	ADV
crl-15314	229	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	229	3	the	the	DET
crl-15314	229	4	analyzed	analyze	VERB
crl-15314	229	5	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	229	6	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	229	7	failed	fail	VERB
crl-15314	229	8	to	to	PART
crl-15314	229	9	support	support	VERB
crl-15314	229	10	the	the	DET
crl-15314	229	11	hypothesis	hypothesis	NOUN
crl-15314	229	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	230	1	no	no	DET
crl-15314	230	2	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-15314	230	3	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-15314	230	4	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	230	5	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	230	6	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15314	230	7	was	be	AUX
crl-15314	230	8	detected	detect	VERB
crl-15314	230	9	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15314	230	10	directly	directly	ADV
crl-15314	230	11	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-15314	230	12	searches	search	NOUN
crl-15314	230	13	performed	perform	VERB
crl-15314	230	14	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	230	15	both	both	DET
crl-15314	230	16	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	230	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	230	18	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	230	19	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	230	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	231	1	rather	rather	ADV
crl-15314	231	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	231	3	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	231	4	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15314	231	5	was	be	AUX
crl-15314	231	6	determined	determine	VERB
crl-15314	231	7	by	by	ADP
crl-15314	231	8	a	a	DET
crl-15314	231	9	searcher	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	231	10	’s	’s	PRON
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crl-15314	231	13	the	the	DET
crl-15314	231	14	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	231	15	question	question	NOUN
crl-15314	231	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	231	17	familiarity	familiarity	NOUN
crl-15314	231	18	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	231	19	the	the	DET
crl-15314	231	20	techniques	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	231	21	required	require	VERB
crl-15314	231	22	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	231	24	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	231	26	correctly	correctly	ADV
crl-15314	231	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	231	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	231	29	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-15314	231	30	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	231	31	the	the	DET
crl-15314	231	32	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	231	33	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	231	34	’s	’s	PART
crl-15314	231	35	syntax	syntax	NOUN
crl-15314	231	36	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	231	37	structure	structure	NOUN
crl-15314	231	38	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	232	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15314	232	2	asked	ask	VERB
crl-15314	232	3	to	to	PART
crl-15314	232	4	state	state	VERB
crl-15314	232	5	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	232	6	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	232	7	preferences	preference	NOUN
crl-15314	232	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	232	9	despite	despite	SCONJ
crl-15314	232	10	the	the	DET
crl-15314	232	11	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	232	12	’	'	PUNCT
crl-15314	232	13	higher	high	ADJ
crl-15314	232	14	comfort	comfort	NOUN
crl-15314	232	15	level	level	NOUN
crl-15314	232	16	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	232	17	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	232	18	interfaces	interface	NOUN
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crl-15314	232	22	practical	practical	ADJ
crl-15314	232	23	reasons	reason	NOUN
crl-15314	232	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	232	25	most	most	ADV
crl-15314	232	26	preferred	preferred	ADJ
crl-15314	232	27	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	232	28	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	232	29	mode	mode	NOUN
crl-15314	232	30	searching	searching	NOUN
crl-15314	232	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	233	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	233	2	demonstrated	demonstrate	VERB
crl-15314	233	3	preference	preference	NOUN
crl-15314	233	4	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	233	5	character	character	NOUN
crl-15314	233	6	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	233	7	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	233	8	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	233	9	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	233	10	this	this	DET
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crl-15314	233	12	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	233	13	scarce	scarce	ADJ
crl-15314	233	14	attention	attention	NOUN
crl-15314	233	15	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	233	16	given	give	VERB
crl-15314	233	17	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	233	18	other	other	ADJ
crl-15314	233	19	forces	force	NOUN
crl-15314	233	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	233	21	such	such	ADJ
crl-15314	233	22	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	233	23	stress	stress	NOUN
crl-15314	233	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	233	25	frustration	frustration	NOUN
crl-15314	233	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	233	27	anger	anger	NOUN
crl-15314	233	28	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	233	29	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	233	30	surprise	surprise	NOUN
crl-15314	233	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	233	32	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	233	33	affect	affect	VERB
crl-15314	233	34	a	a	DET
crl-15314	233	35	searcher	searcher	ADV
crl-15314	233	36	’s	’s	NUM
crl-15314	233	37	emotional	emotional	ADJ
crl-15314	233	38	state	state	NOUN
crl-15314	233	39	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	233	40	influence	influence	VERB
crl-15314	233	41	the	the	DET
crl-15314	233	42	outcome	outcome	NOUN
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crl-15314	233	44	a	a	DET
crl-15314	233	45	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	233	46	session	session	NOUN
crl-15314	233	47	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	234	1	450	450	NUM
crl-15314	234	2	college	college	PROPN
crl-15314	234	3	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15314	234	4	research	research	PROPN
crl-15314	234	5	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15314	234	6	september	september	PROPN
crl-15314	234	7	1999	1999	NUM
crl-15314	234	8	no	no	DET
crl-15314	234	9	way	way	NOUN
crl-15314	234	10	suggests	suggest	VERB
crl-15314	234	11	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	234	12	a	a	DET
crl-15314	234	13	rethinking	rethinking	NOUN
crl-15314	234	14	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	234	15	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	234	16	producers	producer	NOUN
crl-15314	234	17	’	’	PART
crl-15314	234	18	migration	migration	NOUN
crl-15314	234	19	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	234	20	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	234	21	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	234	22	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	234	23	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	234	24	order	order	NOUN
crl-15314	234	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	235	1	that	that	DET
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crl-15314	235	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	235	4	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	235	5	this	this	DET
crl-15314	235	6	author	author	NOUN
crl-15314	235	7	’s	’s	PART
crl-15314	235	8	opinion	opinion	NOUN
crl-15314	235	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	235	10	has	have	AUX
crl-15314	235	11	yielded	yield	VERB
crl-15314	235	12	mostly	mostly	ADV
crl-15314	235	13	positive	positive	ADJ
crl-15314	235	14	benefits	benefit	NOUN
crl-15314	235	15	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	235	16	library	library	PROPN
crl-15314	235	17	administrators	administrator	NOUN
crl-15314	235	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	235	19	frontline	frontline	VERB
crl-15314	235	20	public	public	ADJ
crl-15314	235	21	service	service	NOUN
crl-15314	235	22	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crl-15314	235	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	235	24	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	235	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	235	26	most	most	ADV
crl-15314	235	27	important	important	ADJ
crl-15314	235	28	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	235	29	library	library	NOUN
crl-15314	235	30	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	235	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	236	1	a	a	DET
crl-15314	236	2	reversal	reversal	NOUN
crl-15314	236	3	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	236	4	this	this	DET
crl-15314	236	5	migration	migration	NOUN
crl-15314	236	6	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	236	7	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	236	8	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	236	9	would	would	AUX
crl-15314	236	10	be	be	AUX
crl-15314	236	11	irrational	irrational	ADJ
crl-15314	236	12	given	give	VERB
crl-15314	236	13	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	236	16	the	the	DET
crl-15314	236	17	current	current	ADJ
crl-15314	236	18	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	236	19	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	236	20	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	236	21	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	236	22	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	236	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	237	1	hypertext	hypertext	PROPN
crl-15314	237	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	237	3	platform	platform	NOUN
crl-15314	237	4	freedom	freedom	NOUN
crl-15314	237	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	237	6	simpler	simple	ADJ
crl-15314	237	7	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	237	8	by	by	ADP
crl-15314	237	9	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	237	10	comparison	comparison	NOUN
crl-15314	237	11	syntax	syntax	NOUN
crl-15314	237	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	237	13	guided	guide	VERB
crl-15314	237	14	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	237	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	237	16	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	237	17	redirection	redirection	NOUN
crl-15314	237	18	via	via	ADP
crl-15314	237	19	hypertext	hypertext	PROPN
crl-15314	237	20	linking	linking	NOUN
crl-15314	237	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	237	22	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	237	23	guis	guis	PROPN
crl-15314	237	24	provide	provide	VERB
crl-15314	237	25	a	a	DET
crl-15314	237	26	rich	rich	ADJ
crl-15314	237	27	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	237	28	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	237	29	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	237	30	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	237	31	far	far	ADV
crl-15314	237	32	better	well	ADV
crl-15314	237	33	understood	understand	VERB
crl-15314	237	34	by	by	ADP
crl-15314	237	35	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	237	36	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	237	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	238	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	238	2	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	238	3	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	238	4	also	also	ADV
crl-15314	238	5	encourages	encourage	VERB
crl-15314	238	6	end	end	VERB
crl-15314	238	7	users	user	NOUN
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crl-15314	238	9	experiment	experiment	VERB
crl-15314	238	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	238	11	take	take	VERB
crl-15314	238	12	risks	risk	NOUN
crl-15314	238	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	238	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	238	15	explore	explore	VERB
crl-15314	238	16	uncharted	uncharted	ADJ
crl-15314	238	17	territories	territory	NOUN
crl-15314	238	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	239	1	to	to	PART
crl-15314	239	2	add	add	VERB
crl-15314	239	3	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	239	4	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	239	5	advantages	advantage	NOUN
crl-15314	239	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	239	7	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	239	8	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	239	9	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	239	10	systems	system	NOUN
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crl-15314	239	13	introducing	introduce	VERB
crl-15314	239	14	alternate	alternate	ADJ
crl-15314	239	15	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	239	16	engines	engine	NOUN
crl-15314	239	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	239	18	such	such	ADJ
crl-15314	239	19	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	239	20	relevancy	relevancy	NOUN
crl-15314	239	21	retrieval	retrieval	NOUN
crl-15314	239	22	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	239	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	239	24	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	239	25	further	further	ADJ
crl-15314	239	26	aid	aid	NOUN
crl-15314	239	27	end	end	VERB
crl-15314	239	28	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	239	29	who	who	PRON
crl-15314	239	30	have	have	VERB
crl-15314	239	31	little	little	ADJ
crl-15314	239	32	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-15314	239	33	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	239	34	the	the	DET
crl-15314	239	35	rules	rule	NOUN
crl-15314	239	36	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	239	37	keyword	keyword	PROPN
crl-15314	239	38	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	239	39	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	239	40	arcane	arcane	ADJ
crl-15314	239	41	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	239	42	syntax	syntax	NOUN
crl-15314	239	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	240	1	much	much	ADJ
crl-15314	240	2	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	240	3	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	240	5	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15314	240	6	’	’	PART
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crl-15314	240	9	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	240	10	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	240	18	benefits	benefit	NOUN
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crl-15314	240	21	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-15314	240	22	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	240	23	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	240	24	decades	decade	NOUN
crl-15314	240	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	241	1	those	those	DET
crl-15314	241	2	features	feature	NOUN
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crl-15314	241	4	yet	yet	ADV
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crl-15314	241	8	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	241	11	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	242	16	producers	producer	NOUN
crl-15314	242	17	to	to	PART
crl-15314	242	18	build	build	VERB
crl-15314	242	19	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	242	21	of	of	ADP
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crl-15314	242	23	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	242	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	243	17	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	243	18	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	243	19	speed	speed	NOUN
crl-15314	243	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	243	21	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15314	243	22	capture	capture	NOUN
crl-15314	243	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	244	1	many	many	ADJ
crl-15314	244	2	enhancements	enhancement	NOUN
crl-15314	244	3	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	244	4	innovations	innovation	NOUN
crl-15314	244	5	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	244	6	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	244	7	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	244	9	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	244	10	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	244	11	result	result	VERB
crl-15314	244	12	directly	directly	ADV
crl-15314	244	13	from	from	ADP
crl-15314	244	14	customer	customer	NOUN
crl-15314	244	15	suggestions	suggestion	NOUN
crl-15314	244	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	245	1	the	the	DET
crl-15314	245	2	tremendous	tremendous	ADJ
crl-15314	245	3	progress	progress	NOUN
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crl-15314	245	5	the	the	DET
crl-15314	245	6	past	past	ADJ
crl-15314	245	7	few	few	ADJ
crl-15314	245	8	years	year	NOUN
crl-15314	245	9	gives	give	VERB
crl-15314	245	10	great	great	ADJ
crl-15314	245	11	reason	reason	NOUN
crl-15314	245	12	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	245	14	that	that	DET
crl-15314	245	15	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	245	16	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	245	17	will	will	AUX
crl-15314	245	18	continue	continue	VERB
crl-15314	245	19	to	to	PART
crl-15314	245	20	improve	improve	VERB
crl-15314	245	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	246	1	conclusion	conclusion	NOUN
crl-15314	246	2	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-15314	246	3	librarians	librarian	NOUN
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crl-15314	246	5	end	end	NOUN
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crl-15314	246	9	wise	wise	ADJ
crl-15314	246	10	consumers	consumer	NOUN
crl-15314	246	11	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	246	12	electronic	electronic	ADJ
crl-15314	246	13	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	246	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	247	1	college	college	NOUN
crl-15314	247	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	247	3	university	university	NOUN
crl-15314	247	4	students	student	NOUN
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crl-15314	247	6	be	be	AUX
crl-15314	247	7	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	247	8	literate	literate	ADJ
crl-15314	247	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	248	1	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	248	2	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	248	3	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	248	4	interfaces	interface	NOUN
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crl-15314	248	7	a	a	DET
crl-15314	248	8	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crl-15314	248	9	’s	’s	NOUN
crl-15314	248	10	ability	ability	NOUN
crl-15314	248	11	to	to	PART
crl-15314	248	12	help	help	VERB
crl-15314	248	13	students	student	NOUN
crl-15314	248	14	find	find	VERB
crl-15314	248	15	needed	need	VERB
crl-15314	248	16	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	248	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	248	18	support	support	VERB
crl-15314	248	19	our	our	PRON
crl-15314	248	20	goal	goal	NOUN
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crl-15314	248	24	students	student	NOUN
crl-15314	248	25	’	’	PART
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crl-15314	248	27	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crl-15314	248	28	proficiency	proficiency	NOUN
crl-15314	248	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	249	1	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	249	2	the	the	DET
crl-15314	249	3	surface	surface	NOUN
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crl-15314	249	5	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	249	6	web	web	NOUN
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crl-15314	249	9	not	not	PART
crl-15314	249	10	lull	lull	VERB
crl-15314	249	11	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	249	13	into	into	ADP
crl-15314	249	14	a	a	DET
crl-15314	249	15	retreat	retreat	NOUN
crl-15314	249	16	from	from	ADP
crl-15314	249	17	traditional	traditional	ADJ
crl-15314	249	18	instructional	instructional	ADJ
crl-15314	249	19	efforts	effort	NOUN
crl-15314	249	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	250	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-15314	250	2	anything	anything	PRON
crl-15314	250	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	250	4	the	the	DET
crl-15314	250	5	findings	finding	NOUN
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crl-15314	250	7	this	this	DET
crl-15314	250	8	experimental	experimental	ADJ
crl-15314	250	9	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	250	10	reinforce	reinforce	VERB
crl-15314	250	11	the	the	DET
crl-15314	250	12	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-15314	250	13	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	250	14	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	250	15	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	250	16	user	user	NOUN
crl-15314	250	17	training	training	NOUN
crl-15314	250	18	programs	program	NOUN
crl-15314	250	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	251	1	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15314	251	2	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	251	3	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15314	251	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	251	5	as	as	SCONJ
crl-15314	251	6	this	this	DET
crl-15314	251	7	study	study	NOUN
crl-15314	251	8	shows	show	VERB
crl-15314	251	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	251	10	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	251	11	still	still	ADV
crl-15314	251	12	largely	largely	ADV
crl-15314	251	13	dependent	dependent	ADJ
crl-15314	251	14	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	251	15	basic	basic	ADJ
crl-15314	251	16	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-15314	251	17	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	251	18	search	search	NOUN
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crl-15314	251	20	features	feature	VERB
crl-15314	251	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	251	22	familiarity	familiarity	NOUN
crl-15314	251	23	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	251	24	the	the	DET
crl-15314	251	25	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	251	26	techniques	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	251	27	required	require	VERB
crl-15314	251	28	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	251	30	certain	certain	ADJ
crl-15314	251	31	kinds	kind	NOUN
crl-15314	251	32	of	of	ADP
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crl-15314	251	34	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	251	35	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	251	36	the	the	DET
crl-15314	251	37	acquisition	acquisition	NOUN
crl-15314	251	38	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	251	39	a	a	DET
crl-15314	251	40	comfort	comfort	NOUN
crl-15314	251	41	level	level	NOUN
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crl-15314	251	43	a	a	DET
crl-15314	251	44	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	251	45	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	251	46	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	252	1	an	an	DET
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crl-15314	252	3	alone	alone	ADV
crl-15314	252	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	252	5	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15314	252	6	it	it	PRON
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crl-15314	252	11	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15314	252	14	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	252	15	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	252	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	252	17	fails	fail	VERB
crl-15314	252	18	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	252	20	successful	successful	ADJ
crl-15314	252	21	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	252	22	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15314	252	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	253	12	an	an	DET
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crl-15314	253	16	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	253	17	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	253	19	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	253	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	253	21	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	253	22	which	which	PRON
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crl-15314	253	28	than	than	ADP
crl-15314	253	29	ever	ever	ADV
crl-15314	253	30	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	253	32	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15314	253	33	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	253	34	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	253	35	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	253	36	searching	searching	NOUN
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crl-15314	253	38	simple	simple	ADJ
crl-15314	253	39	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	253	40	members	member	NOUN
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crl-15314	253	42	our	our	PRON
crl-15314	253	43	profession	profession	NOUN
crl-15314	253	44	should	should	AUX
crl-15314	253	45	consider	consider	VERB
crl-15314	253	46	emphasizing	emphasize	VERB
crl-15314	253	47	the	the	DET
crl-15314	253	48	following	follow	VERB
crl-15314	253	49	factors	factor	NOUN
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crl-15314	253	51	their	their	PRON
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crl-15314	253	53	to	to	PART
crl-15314	253	54	end	end	VERB
crl-15314	253	55	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	253	56	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	253	57	•	•	PUNCT
crl-15314	253	58	teach	teach	VERB
crl-15314	253	59	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	253	60	skills	skill	NOUN
crl-15314	253	61	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	254	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15314	254	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	254	6	traditional	traditional	ADJ
crl-15314	254	7	boolean	boolean	ADJ
crl-15314	254	8	logic	logic	NOUN
crl-15314	254	9	may	may	AUX
crl-15314	254	10	diminish	diminish	VERB
crl-15314	254	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	254	12	the	the	DET
crl-15314	254	13	value	value	NOUN
crl-15314	254	14	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	254	15	learning	learn	VERB
crl-15314	254	16	how	how	SCONJ
crl-15314	254	17	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	254	18	engines	engine	NOUN
crl-15314	254	19	work	work	VERB
crl-15314	254	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	254	21	why	why	SCONJ
crl-15314	254	22	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	254	23	offer	offer	VERB
crl-15314	254	24	special	special	ADJ
crl-15314	254	25	features	feature	NOUN
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crl-15314	254	27	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	254	28	limiting	limit	VERB
crl-15314	254	29	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	254	30	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	254	31	techniques	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	254	32	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	254	33	capturing	capture	VERB
crl-15314	254	34	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	254	35	postprocessing	postprocesse	VERB
crl-15314	254	36	retrieved	retrieve	VERB
crl-15314	254	37	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	254	38	will	will	AUX
crl-15314	254	39	increase	increase	VERB
crl-15314	254	40	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	255	1	bibliographic	bibliographic	ADJ
crl-15314	255	2	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crl-15314	255	3	should	should	AUX
crl-15314	255	4	change	change	VERB
crl-15314	255	5	accordingly	accordingly	ADV
crl-15314	255	6	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	255	8	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	255	9	new	new	ADJ
crl-15314	255	10	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15314	255	11	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	255	15	issues	issue	NOUN
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crl-15314	255	18	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	255	19	the	the	DET
crl-15314	255	20	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-15314	255	21	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	255	22	evaluating	evaluate	VERB
crl-15314	255	23	information	information	NOUN
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crl-15314	255	26	the	the	DET
crl-15314	255	27	web	web	NOUN
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crl-15314	255	31	teaching	teach	VERB
crl-15314	255	32	students	student	NOUN
crl-15314	255	33	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	255	35	between	between	ADP
crl-15314	255	36	free	free	ADJ
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crl-15314	255	39	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	255	47	’s	’s	PART
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crl-15314	255	49	online	online	NOUN
crl-15314	255	50	databases	database	NOUN
crl-15314	255	51	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	256	1	•	•	PROPN
crl-15314	256	2	familiarity	familiarity	NOUN
crl-15314	256	3	influences	influence	NOUN
crl-15314	256	4	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	256	5	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	256	6	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	257	1	end	end	NOUN
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crl-15314	257	8	new	new	ADJ
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crl-15314	257	10	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15314	257	14	ones	one	NOUN
crl-15314	257	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	258	5	loss	loss	NOUN
crl-15314	258	6	perspective	perspective	NOUN
crl-15314	258	7	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	258	8	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15314	258	9	an	an	DET
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crl-15314	258	11	system	system	NOUN
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crl-15314	258	13	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	258	14	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	258	15	replaced	replace	VERB
crl-15314	258	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	259	3	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	259	4	what	what	PRON
crl-15314	259	5	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	259	6	lost	lose	VERB
crl-15314	259	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	260	1	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	260	10	what	what	PRON
crl-15314	260	11	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	260	12	gained	gain	VERB
crl-15314	260	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	261	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15314	261	2	introducing	introduce	VERB
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crl-15314	261	17	time	time	NOUN
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crl-15314	261	26	451	451	NUM
crl-15314	261	27	acceptance	acceptance	NOUN
crl-15314	261	28	to	to	PART
crl-15314	261	29	grow	grow	VERB
crl-15314	261	30	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	262	1	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	262	2	above	above	ADV
crl-15314	262	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	262	4	bibliographic	bibliographic	ADJ
crl-15314	262	5	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crl-15314	262	6	will	will	AUX
crl-15314	262	7	foster	foster	VERB
crl-15314	262	8	acceptance	acceptance	NOUN
crl-15314	262	9	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15314	262	10	so	so	ADV
crl-15314	262	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	262	12	too	too	ADV
crl-15314	262	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	262	14	do	do	VERB
crl-15314	262	15	marketing	marketing	NOUN
crl-15314	262	16	efforts	effort	NOUN
crl-15314	262	17	such	such	ADJ
crl-15314	262	18	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	262	19	library	library	NOUN
crl-15314	262	20	events	event	NOUN
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crl-15314	262	22	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	262	23	introducing	introduce	VERB
crl-15314	262	24	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	262	25	popularizing	popularize	VERB
crl-15314	262	26	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-15314	262	27	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	262	28	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	262	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	263	1	•	•	PROPN
crl-15314	263	2	practical	practical	ADJ
crl-15314	263	3	considerations	consideration	NOUN
crl-15314	263	4	influence	influence	NOUN
crl-15314	263	5	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	263	6	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	263	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	263	8	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	263	9	choice	choice	NOUN
crl-15314	263	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	264	1	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	264	2	users	user	NOUN
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crl-15314	264	6	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	264	7	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	264	8	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	264	9	optimizes	optimize	VERB
crl-15314	264	10	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	264	11	practical	practical	ADJ
crl-15314	264	12	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15314	264	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	265	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-15314	265	2	a	a	DET
crl-15314	265	3	full	full	ADJ
crl-15314	265	4	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	265	5	text	text	NOUN
crl-15314	265	6	article	article	NOUN
crl-15314	265	7	is	be	AUX
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crl-15314	265	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	265	10	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	265	12	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	265	13	text	text	NOUN
crl-15314	265	14	system	system	NOUN
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crl-15314	265	19	a	a	DET
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crl-15314	265	21	system	system	NOUN
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crl-15314	265	23	only	only	ADV
crl-15314	265	24	partial	partial	ADJ
crl-15314	265	25	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	265	26	no	no	DET
crl-15314	265	27	full	full	ADJ
crl-15314	265	28	text	text	NOUN
crl-15314	265	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	266	1	a	a	DET
crl-15314	266	2	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	266	3	that	that	PRON
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crl-15314	266	5	free	free	ADJ
crl-15314	266	6	printing	printing	NOUN
crl-15314	266	7	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	266	8	e	e	NOUN
crl-15314	266	9	-	-	NOUN
crl-15314	266	10	mail	mail	NOUN
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crl-15314	266	19	neither	neither	PRON
crl-15314	266	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	267	2	developing	develop	VERB
crl-15314	267	3	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	267	4	skills	skill	NOUN
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crl-15314	267	6	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	267	7	familiarity	familiarity	NOUN
crl-15314	267	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	267	9	appeal	appeal	VERB
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crl-15314	267	11	the	the	DET
crl-15314	267	12	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	267	13	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	267	14	’	’	PART
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crl-15314	267	17	what	what	PRON
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crl-15314	267	19	practical	practical	ADJ
crl-15314	267	20	value	value	NOUN
crl-15314	267	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	268	1	•	•	PROPN
crl-15314	268	2	work	work	VERB
crl-15314	268	3	independently	independently	ADV
crl-15314	268	4	with	with	ADP
crl-15314	268	5	consortium	consortium	NOUN
crl-15314	268	6	partners	partner	NOUN
crl-15314	268	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	268	8	system	system	NOUN
crl-15314	268	9	vendors	vendor	NOUN
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crl-15314	268	11	optimize	optimize	VERB
crl-15314	268	12	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	268	13	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	268	14	design	design	NOUN
crl-15314	268	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	268	16	emphasizing	emphasize	VERB
crl-15314	268	17	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	268	21	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	268	23	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	268	24	use	use	NOUN
crl-15314	268	25	tutorials	tutorial	NOUN
crl-15314	268	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	268	27	quick	quick	ADJ
crl-15314	268	28	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	268	29	tips	tip	NOUN
crl-15314	268	30	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	268	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	268	32	clear	clear	ADJ
crl-15314	268	33	descriptions	description	NOUN
crl-15314	268	34	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	268	35	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-15314	268	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	269	1	web	web	NOUN
crl-15314	269	2	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	269	3	based	base	VERB
crl-15314	269	4	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	269	5	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	269	6	likely	likely	ADJ
crl-15314	269	7	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	269	9	the	the	DET
crl-15314	269	10	landscape	landscape	NOUN
crl-15314	269	11	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	269	12	commercial	commercial	ADJ
crl-15314	269	13	library	library	NOUN
crl-15314	269	14	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	269	15	systems	system	NOUN
crl-15314	269	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	270	1	even	even	ADV
crl-15314	270	2	so	so	ADV
crl-15314	270	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	270	4	it	it	PRON
crl-15314	270	5	is	be	AUX
crl-15314	270	6	probably	probably	ADV
crl-15314	270	7	too	too	ADV
crl-15314	270	8	soon	soon	ADV
crl-15314	270	9	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	270	11	the	the	DET
crl-15314	270	12	demise	demise	NOUN
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crl-15314	270	14	telnet	telnet	NOUN
crl-15314	270	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	270	16	windows	windows	PROPN
crl-15314	270	17	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	270	19	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	270	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	271	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-15314	271	2	anything	anything	PRON
crl-15314	271	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	271	4	the	the	DET
crl-15314	271	5	landscape	landscape	NOUN
crl-15314	271	6	may	may	AUX
crl-15314	271	7	grow	grow	VERB
crl-15314	271	8	more	more	ADV
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crl-15314	271	11	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	271	13	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	271	14	java	java	NOUN
crl-15314	271	15	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	271	17	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	271	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	271	19	combining	combine	VERB
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crl-15314	271	22	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	271	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	271	29	windows	window	NOUN
crl-15314	271	30	’s	’s	PART
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crl-15314	271	32	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	271	33	functionality	functionality	NOUN
crl-15314	271	34	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	271	35	become	become	VERB
crl-15314	271	36	more	more	ADV
crl-15314	271	37	predominant	predominant	ADJ
crl-15314	271	38	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	272	1	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	272	4	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	272	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	272	6	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	272	7	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-15314	272	8	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	272	9	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	272	10	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	272	11	seeking	seek	VERB
crl-15314	272	12	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	272	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	272	14	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	272	17	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	272	18	sessions	session	NOUN
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crl-15314	272	21	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	272	26	searching	searching	NOUN
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crl-15314	272	29	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	272	33	field	field	NOUN
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crl-15314	272	35	study	study	NOUN
crl-15314	272	36	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	273	2	how	how	SCONJ
crl-15314	273	3	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	273	6	this	this	DET
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crl-15314	273	19	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	273	20	the	the	DET
crl-15314	273	21	core	core	NOUN
crl-15314	273	22	issue	issue	NOUN
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crl-15314	273	24	how	how	SCONJ
crl-15314	273	25	to	to	PART
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crl-15314	273	27	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	273	30	all	all	PRON
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crl-15314	273	32	the	the	DET
crl-15314	273	33	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-15314	273	34	that	that	PRON
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crl-15314	273	37	the	the	DET
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crl-15314	273	42	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	273	43	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-15314	273	44	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	274	1	though	though	SCONJ
crl-15314	274	2	only	only	ADV
crl-15314	274	3	partially	partially	ADV
crl-15314	274	4	successful	successful	ADJ
crl-15314	274	5	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15314	274	29	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	274	30	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	274	31	user	user	NOUN
crl-15314	274	32	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	274	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	275	1	future	future	ADJ
crl-15314	275	2	research	research	NOUN
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crl-15314	275	8	eliminating	eliminate	VERB
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crl-15314	275	14	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15314	275	16	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15314	275	18	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	275	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	276	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	277	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	278	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15314	279	20	results	result	NOUN
crl-15314	279	21	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	279	22	those	those	PRON
crl-15314	279	23	experiencing	experience	VERB
crl-15314	279	24	another	another	DET
crl-15314	279	25	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	279	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	280	1	data	data	NOUN
crl-15314	280	2	collection	collection	NOUN
crl-15314	280	3	techniques	technique	NOUN
crl-15314	280	4	could	could	AUX
crl-15314	280	5	combine	combine	VERB
crl-15314	280	6	several	several	ADJ
crl-15314	280	7	methods	method	NOUN
crl-15314	280	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	280	9	including	include	VERB
crl-15314	280	10	questionnaires	questionnaire	NOUN
crl-15314	280	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	280	12	interviews	interview	NOUN
crl-15314	280	13	both	both	CCONJ
crl-15314	280	14	during	during	ADP
crl-15314	280	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	280	16	after	after	ADP
crl-15314	280	17	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	280	18	sessions	session	NOUN
crl-15314	280	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	281	1	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	281	2	this	this	DET
crl-15314	281	3	study	study	NOUN
crl-15314	281	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	281	5	both	both	DET
crl-15314	281	6	methods	method	NOUN
crl-15314	281	7	yielded	yield	VERB
crl-15314	281	8	beneficial	beneficial	ADJ
crl-15314	281	9	insights	insight	NOUN
crl-15314	281	10	into	into	ADP
crl-15314	281	11	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	281	12	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	281	13	seeking	seek	VERB
crl-15314	281	14	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	281	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	282	1	whatever	whatever	DET
crl-15314	282	2	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	282	3	design	design	NOUN
crl-15314	282	4	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15314	282	5	study	study	NOUN
crl-15314	282	6	methods	method	NOUN
crl-15314	282	7	are	be	AUX
crl-15314	282	8	used	use	VERB
crl-15314	282	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	282	10	researchers	researcher	NOUN
crl-15314	282	11	should	should	AUX
crl-15314	282	12	continue	continue	VERB
crl-15314	282	13	to	to	PART
crl-15314	282	14	explore	explore	VERB
crl-15314	282	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	282	16	study	study	VERB
crl-15314	282	17	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	282	18	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	282	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	282	20	their	their	PRON
crl-15314	282	21	impact	impact	NOUN
crl-15314	282	22	on	on	ADP
crl-15314	282	23	online	online	ADJ
crl-15314	282	24	searching	searching	NOUN
crl-15314	282	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	283	1	our	our	PRON
crl-15314	283	2	profession	profession	NOUN
crl-15314	283	3	must	must	AUX
crl-15314	283	4	make	make	VERB
crl-15314	283	5	a	a	DET
crl-15314	283	6	commitment	commitment	NOUN
crl-15314	283	7	to	to	PART
crl-15314	283	8	increase	increase	VERB
crl-15314	283	9	the	the	DET
crl-15314	283	10	efficiency	efficiency	NOUN
crl-15314	283	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	283	12	effectiveness	effectiveness	NOUN
crl-15314	283	13	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	283	14	our	our	PRON
crl-15314	283	15	own	own	ADJ
crl-15314	283	16	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	283	17	abilities	ability	NOUN
crl-15314	283	18	in	in	ADP
crl-15314	283	19	order	order	NOUN
crl-15314	283	20	to	to	PART
crl-15314	283	21	help	help	VERB
crl-15314	283	22	the	the	DET
crl-15314	283	23	next	next	ADJ
crl-15314	283	24	generation	generation	NOUN
crl-15314	283	25	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	283	26	professionals	professional	NOUN
crl-15314	283	27	achieve	achieve	VERB
crl-15314	283	28	success	success	NOUN
crl-15314	283	29	as	as	ADP
crl-15314	283	30	searchers	searcher	NOUN
crl-15314	283	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	283	32	to	to	PART
crl-15314	283	33	create	create	VERB
crl-15314	283	34	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	283	35	environments	environment	NOUN
crl-15314	283	36	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	283	37	help	help	VERB
crl-15314	283	38	our	our	PRON
crl-15314	283	39	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	283	40	successfully	successfully	ADV
crl-15314	283	41	connect	connect	VERB
crl-15314	283	42	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	283	43	needed	need	VERB
crl-15314	283	44	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	283	45	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	284	1	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	284	2	makes	make	VERB
crl-15314	284	3	it	it	PRON
crl-15314	284	4	our	our	PRON
crl-15314	284	5	responsibility	responsibility	NOUN
crl-15314	284	6	to	to	PART
crl-15314	284	7	identify	identify	VERB
crl-15314	284	8	the	the	DET
crl-15314	284	9	features	feature	NOUN
crl-15314	284	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	284	11	interfaces	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	284	12	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	284	13	further	further	ADJ
crl-15314	284	14	these	these	DET
crl-15314	284	15	goals	goal	NOUN
crl-15314	284	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	284	17	to	to	PART
crl-15314	284	18	communicate	communicate	VERB
crl-15314	284	19	this	this	DET
crl-15314	284	20	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-15314	284	21	to	to	ADP
crl-15314	284	22	the	the	DET
crl-15314	284	23	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	284	24	producers	producer	NOUN
crl-15314	284	25	who	who	PRON
crl-15314	284	26	will	will	AUX
crl-15314	284	27	create	create	VERB
crl-15314	284	28	the	the	DET
crl-15314	284	29	new	new	ADJ
crl-15314	284	30	generation	generation	NOUN
crl-15314	284	31	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	284	32	products	product	NOUN
crl-15314	284	33	that	that	PRON
crl-15314	284	34	help	help	VERB
crl-15314	284	35	us	we	PRON
crl-15314	284	36	do	do	VERB
crl-15314	284	37	our	our	PRON
crl-15314	284	38	job	job	NOUN
crl-15314	284	39	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	285	1	notes	note	NOUN
crl-15314	285	2	1	1	NUM
crl-15314	285	3	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	285	4	carol	carol	NOUN
crl-15314	285	5	tenopir	tenopir	NOUN
crl-15314	285	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	285	7	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	285	8	the	the	DET
crl-15314	285	9	emotions	emotion	NOUN
crl-15314	285	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	285	11	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	285	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	285	13	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	285	14	library	library	PROPN
crl-15314	285	15	journal	journal	PROPN
crl-15314	285	16	119	119	NUM
crl-15314	285	17	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	285	18	sept	sept	PROPN
crl-15314	285	19	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	285	20	1994	1994	NUM
crl-15314	285	21	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15314	285	22	134–35	134–35	NUM
crl-15314	285	23	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	286	1	2	2	X
crl-15314	286	2	.	.	X
crl-15314	286	3	carol	carol	PROPN
crl-15314	286	4	tenopir	tenopir	NOUN
crl-15314	286	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	6	diane	diane	NOUN
crl-15314	286	7	nahl	nahl	PROPN
crl-15314	286	8	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	9	jakobovits	jakobovit	NOUN
crl-15314	286	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	286	12	dara	dara	PROPN
crl-15314	286	13	lee	lee	PROPN
crl-15314	286	14	howard	howard	PROPN
crl-15314	286	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	16	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	17	strategies	strategy	NOUN
crl-15314	286	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	286	19	assessments	assessment	NOUN
crl-15314	286	20	online	online	ADV
crl-15314	286	21	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	22	novices	novice	NOUN
crl-15314	286	23	’	'	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	24	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-15314	286	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	26	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	27	library	library	NOUN
crl-15314	286	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	286	29	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	286	30	science	science	NOUN
crl-15314	286	31	research	research	NOUN
crl-15314	286	32	13	13	NUM
crl-15314	286	33	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	34	july	july	PROPN
crl-15314	286	35	–	–	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	36	sept	sept	PROPN
crl-15314	286	37	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	286	38	1991	1991	NUM
crl-15314	286	39	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	40	237	237	NUM
crl-15314	286	41	–	–	PUNCT
crl-15314	286	42	66	66	NUM
crl-15314	286	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	1	452	452	NUM
crl-15314	287	2	college	college	PROPN
crl-15314	287	3	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15314	287	4	research	research	PROPN
crl-15314	287	5	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15314	287	6	september	september	PROPN
crl-15314	287	7	1999	1999	NUM
crl-15314	287	8	3	3	NUM
crl-15314	287	9	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	287	10	diane	diane	NOUN
crl-15314	287	11	nahl	nahl	NOUN
crl-15314	287	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	287	14	carol	carol	NOUN
crl-15314	287	15	tenopir	tenopir	NOUN
crl-15314	287	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	17	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	18	affective	affective	ADJ
crl-15314	287	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	287	20	cognitive	cognitive	ADJ
crl-15314	287	21	searching	search	VERB
crl-15314	287	22	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15314	287	23	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	287	24	novice	novice	NOUN
crl-15314	287	25	end	end	NOUN
crl-15314	287	26	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	27	users	user	NOUN
crl-15314	287	28	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	287	29	a	a	DET
crl-15314	287	30	full	full	ADJ
crl-15314	287	31	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	32	text	text	NOUN
crl-15314	287	33	database	database	NOUN
crl-15314	287	34	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	35	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	36	journal	journal	NOUN
crl-15314	287	37	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	287	38	the	the	DET
crl-15314	287	39	american	american	ADJ
crl-15314	287	40	society	society	NOUN
crl-15314	287	41	for	for	ADP
crl-15314	287	42	information	information	NOUN
crl-15314	287	43	science	science	NOUN
crl-15314	287	44	47	47	NUM
crl-15314	287	45	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	46	apr	apr	NOUN
crl-15314	287	47	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	287	48	1996	1996	NUM
crl-15314	287	49	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15314	287	50	276–86	276–86	PROPN
crl-15314	287	51	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	1	4	4	X
crl-15314	288	2	.	.	X
crl-15314	288	3	karen	karen	PROPN
crl-15314	288	4	eliasen	eliasen	PROPN
crl-15314	288	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	6	jill	jill	PROPN
crl-15314	288	7	mckinstry	mckinstry	PROPN
crl-15314	288	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	9	beth	beth	PROPN
crl-15314	288	10	m.	m.	PROPN
crl-15314	288	11	fraser	fraser	PROPN
crl-15314	288	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	288	14	elizabeth	elizabeth	PROPN
crl-15314	288	15	p.	p.	PROPN
crl-15314	288	16	babbitt	babbitt	PROPN
crl-15314	288	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	18	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	19	navigating	navigate	VERB
crl-15314	288	20	online	online	ADJ
crl-15314	288	21	menus	menus	NOUN
crl-15314	288	22	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	23	a	a	DET
crl-15314	288	24	quantitative	quantitative	ADJ
crl-15314	288	25	experiment	experiment	NOUN
crl-15314	288	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	27	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	28	college	college	PROPN
crl-15314	288	29	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15314	288	30	research	research	PROPN
crl-15314	288	31	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-15314	288	32	58	58	NUM
crl-15314	288	33	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	34	nov	nov	PROPN
crl-15314	288	35	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	288	36	1997	1997	NUM
crl-15314	288	37	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15314	288	38	509–16	509–16	NUM
crl-15314	288	39	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15314	289	1	5	5	X
crl-15314	289	2	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	289	3	alison	alison	PROPN
crl-15314	289	4	j.	j.	PROPN
crl-15314	289	5	head	head	PROPN
crl-15314	289	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	289	7	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	289	8	a	a	DET
crl-15314	289	9	question	question	NOUN
crl-15314	289	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	289	11	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	289	12	design	design	NOUN
crl-15314	289	13	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15314	289	14	how	how	SCONJ
crl-15314	289	15	do	do	AUX
crl-15314	289	16	online	online	NOUN
crl-15314	289	17	service	service	NOUN
crl-15314	289	18	guis	guis	PROPN
crl-15314	289	19	measure	measure	VERB
crl-15314	289	20	up	up	ADP
crl-15314	289	21	?	?	PUNCT
crl-15314	289	22	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	1	online	online	ADV
crl-15314	290	2	21	21	NUM
crl-15314	290	3	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	4	may	may	PROPN
crl-15314	290	5	–	–	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	6	june	june	PROPN
crl-15314	290	7	1997	1997	NUM
crl-15314	290	8	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	9	20–24	20–24	NUM
crl-15314	290	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	11	26–29	26–29	NUM
crl-15314	290	12	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	290	13	6	6	NUM
crl-15314	290	14	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	290	15	brian	brian	PROPN
crl-15314	290	16	vickery	vickery	PROPN
crl-15314	290	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15314	290	18	alina	alina	PROPN
crl-15314	290	19	vickery	vickery	PROPN
crl-15314	290	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	21	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	22	online	online	ADJ
crl-15314	290	23	search	search	NOUN
crl-15314	290	24	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	290	25	design	design	NOUN
crl-15314	290	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	27	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	28	journal	journal	NOUN
crl-15314	290	29	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	290	30	documentation	documentation	NOUN
crl-15314	290	31	49	49	NUM
crl-15314	290	32	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	33	june	june	PROPN
crl-15314	290	34	1993	1993	NUM
crl-15314	290	35	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	36	103–87	103–87	NUM
crl-15314	290	37	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	290	38	7	7	X
crl-15314	290	39	.	.	PROPN
crl-15314	290	40	a.	a.	PROPN
crl-15314	290	41	p.	p.	PROPN
crl-15314	290	42	suess	suess	NOUN
crl-15314	290	43	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	44	“	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	45	designing	design	VERB
crl-15314	290	46	the	the	DET
crl-15314	290	47	user	user	NOUN
crl-15314	290	48	interface	interface	NOUN
crl-15314	290	49	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	50	”	"	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	51	journal	journal	NOUN
crl-15314	290	52	of	of	ADP
crl-15314	290	53	interactive	interactive	ADJ
crl-15314	290	54	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crl-15314	290	55	development	development	NOUN
crl-15314	290	56	10	10	NUM
crl-15314	290	57	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	58	fall	fall	NOUN
crl-15314	290	59	1997	1997	NUM
crl-15314	290	60	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15314	290	61	28–33	28–33	NUM
crl-15314	290	62	.	.	PUNCT