id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crl-15585	1	1	shoaf.p65	shoaf.p65	PROPN
crl-15585	1	2	124	124	NUM
crl-15585	1	3	college	college	PROPN
crl-15585	1	4	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	1	5	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	1	6	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15585	1	7	march	march	PROPN
crl-15585	1	8	2003	2003	NUM
crl-15585	1	9	124	124	NUM
crl-15585	1	10	using	use	VERB
crl-15585	1	11	a	a	DET
crl-15585	1	12	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-15585	1	13	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	1	14	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	1	15	library	library	PROPN
crl-15585	1	16	focus	focus	PROPN
crl-15585	1	17	group	group	PROPN
crl-15585	1	18	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	1	19	eric	eric	PROPN
crl-15585	1	20	c.	c.	PROPN
crl-15585	1	21	shoaf	shoaf	PROPN
crl-15585	1	22	eric	eric	PROPN
crl-15585	1	23	c.	c.	PROPN
crl-15585	1	24	shoaf	shoaf	PROPN
crl-15585	1	25	leads	lead	VERB
crl-15585	1	26	the	the	DET
crl-15585	1	27	materials	material	NOUN
crl-15585	1	28	care	care	NOUN
crl-15585	1	29	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	1	30	delivery	delivery	NOUN
crl-15585	1	31	service	service	NOUN
crl-15585	1	32	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	1	33	at	at	ADP
crl-15585	1	34	brown	brown	ADJ
crl-15585	1	35	university	university	PROPN
crl-15585	1	36	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	1	37	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15585	1	38	email	email	NOUN
crl-15585	1	39	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	1	40	PROPN
crl-15585	1	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	2	1	brown	brown	PROPN
crl-15585	2	2	university	university	PROPN
crl-15585	2	3	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	2	4	hired	hire	VERB
crl-15585	2	5	a	a	DET
crl-15585	2	6	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-15585	2	7	marketing	marketing	NOUN
crl-15585	2	8	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	2	9	opinion	opinion	NOUN
crl-15585	2	10	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	2	11	firm	firm	NOUN
crl-15585	2	12	to	to	PART
crl-15585	2	13	conduct	conduct	VERB
crl-15585	2	14	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	2	15	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	2	16	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	2	17	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	2	18	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	2	19	users	user	NOUN
crl-15585	2	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	2	21	to	to	PART
crl-15585	2	22	provide	provide	VERB
crl-15585	2	23	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15585	2	24	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-15585	2	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	3	1	the	the	DET
crl-15585	3	2	discussion	discussion	NOUN
crl-15585	3	3	includes	include	VERB
crl-15585	3	4	a	a	DET
crl-15585	3	5	review	review	NOUN
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crl-15585	3	7	the	the	DET
crl-15585	3	8	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	3	9	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-15585	3	10	on	on	ADP
crl-15585	3	11	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	3	12	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	3	13	use	use	NOUN
crl-15585	3	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	3	15	practical	practical	ADJ
crl-15585	3	16	aspects	aspect	NOUN
crl-15585	3	17	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	3	18	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	3	19	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	3	20	methodology	methodology	NOUN
crl-15585	3	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	3	22	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	3	23	the	the	DET
crl-15585	3	24	benefits	benefit	NOUN
crl-15585	3	25	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	3	26	employing	employ	VERB
crl-15585	3	27	professionals	professional	NOUN
crl-15585	3	28	where	where	SCONJ
crl-15585	3	29	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crl-15585	3	30	expertise	expertise	NOUN
crl-15585	3	31	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	3	32	low	low	ADJ
crl-15585	3	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	4	1	logistics	logistic	NOUN
crl-15585	4	2	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	4	3	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	4	4	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	4	5	preparation	preparation	NOUN
crl-15585	4	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	4	7	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	4	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	4	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	4	10	report	report	NOUN
crl-15585	4	11	are	be	AUX
crl-15585	4	12	discussed	discuss	VERB
crl-15585	4	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	5	1	findings	finding	NOUN
crl-15585	5	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	5	3	lessons	lesson	NOUN
crl-15585	5	4	learned	learn	VERB
crl-15585	5	5	are	be	AUX
crl-15585	5	6	presented	present	VERB
crl-15585	5	7	along	along	ADP
crl-15585	5	8	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	5	9	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15585	5	10	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	5	11	the	the	DET
crl-15585	5	12	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	5	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	6	1	sing	sing	VERB
crl-15585	6	2	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	6	3	groups	group	NOUN
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crl-15585	6	5	find	find	VERB
crl-15585	6	6	out	out	ADP
crl-15585	6	7	about	about	ADP
crl-15585	6	8	customer	customer	NOUN
crl-15585	6	9	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15585	6	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	6	11	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-15585	6	12	has	have	AUX
crl-15585	6	13	been	be	AUX
crl-15585	6	14	customary	customary	ADJ
crl-15585	6	15	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	6	16	many	many	ADJ
crl-15585	6	17	years	year	NOUN
crl-15585	6	18	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	6	19	the	the	DET
crl-15585	6	20	advertising	advertising	NOUN
crl-15585	6	21	business	business	NOUN
crl-15585	6	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	6	23	politics	politic	NOUN
crl-15585	6	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	6	25	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	6	26	broadcasting	broadcasting	NOUN
crl-15585	6	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	7	1	a	a	DET
crl-15585	7	2	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	7	3	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	7	4	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	7	5	a	a	DET
crl-15585	7	6	small	small	ADJ
crl-15585	7	7	set	set	NOUN
crl-15585	7	8	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	7	9	interested	interested	ADJ
crl-15585	7	10	consumers	consumer	NOUN
crl-15585	7	11	who	who	PRON
crl-15585	7	12	meet	meet	VERB
crl-15585	7	13	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	7	14	a	a	DET
crl-15585	7	15	moderator/	moderator/	NUM
crl-15585	7	16	facilitator	facilitator	NOUN
crl-15585	7	17	to	to	PART
crl-15585	7	18	discuss	discuss	VERB
crl-15585	7	19	a	a	DET
crl-15585	7	20	product	product	NOUN
crl-15585	7	21	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	7	22	topic	topic	NOUN
crl-15585	7	23	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	7	24	depth	depth	NOUN
crl-15585	7	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	8	1	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	8	2	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	8	3	use	use	NOUN
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crl-15585	8	5	the	the	DET
crl-15585	8	6	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	8	7	setting	setting	NOUN
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crl-15585	8	12	over	over	ADP
crl-15585	8	13	the	the	DET
crl-15585	8	14	years	year	NOUN
crl-15585	8	15	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	8	16	has	have	AUX
crl-15585	8	17	not	not	PART
crl-15585	8	18	achieved	achieve	VERB
crl-15585	8	19	widespread	widespread	ADJ
crl-15585	8	20	use	use	NOUN
crl-15585	8	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	9	1	this	this	PRON
crl-15585	9	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	9	3	most	most	ADV
crl-15585	9	4	likely	likely	ADJ
crl-15585	9	5	because	because	SCONJ
crl-15585	9	6	costs	cost	NOUN
crl-15585	9	7	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	9	8	dollars	dollar	NOUN
crl-15585	9	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	9	10	time	time	NOUN
crl-15585	9	11	prevent	prevent	VERB
crl-15585	9	12	such	such	DET
crl-15585	9	13	a	a	DET
crl-15585	9	14	detailed	detailed	ADJ
crl-15585	9	15	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	9	16	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15585	9	17	print	print	NOUN
crl-15585	9	18	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	9	19	online	online	ADJ
crl-15585	9	20	tools	tool	NOUN
crl-15585	9	21	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	9	22	provide	provide	VERB
crl-15585	9	23	similar	similar	ADJ
crl-15585	9	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	9	25	though	though	SCONJ
crl-15585	9	26	not	not	PART
crl-15585	9	27	as	as	ADP
crl-15585	9	28	detailed	detailed	ADJ
crl-15585	9	29	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	9	30	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	9	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	10	1	yet	yet	ADV
crl-15585	10	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	10	3	borrowing	borrow	VERB
crl-15585	10	4	the	the	DET
crl-15585	10	5	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	10	6	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	10	7	tool	tool	NOUN
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crl-15585	10	9	marketing	marketing	NOUN
crl-15585	10	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	10	11	advertising	advertising	NOUN
crl-15585	10	12	professions	profession	NOUN
crl-15585	10	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	10	14	applying	apply	VERB
crl-15585	10	15	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	10	16	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	10	17	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15585	10	18	can	can	AUX
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crl-15585	10	21	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	10	23	level	level	NOUN
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crl-15585	10	25	expertise	expertise	NOUN
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crl-15585	10	27	user	user	NOUN
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crl-15585	10	29	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	10	30	improvements	improvement	NOUN
crl-15585	10	31	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	10	32	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	10	33	services	service	NOUN
crl-15585	10	34	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	10	35	programs	program	NOUN
crl-15585	10	36	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	11	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	11	4	setting	setting	NOUN
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crl-15585	11	6	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	11	7	group	group	NOUN
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crl-15585	11	10	especially	especially	ADV
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crl-15585	11	12	after	after	SCONJ
crl-15585	11	13	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	11	15	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	11	16	online	online	ADJ
crl-15585	11	17	survey	survey	NOUN
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crl-15585	11	19	been	be	AUX
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crl-15585	11	21	because	because	SCONJ
crl-15585	11	22	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	11	24	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	11	25	guide	guide	VERB
crl-15585	11	26	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	11	30	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	11	31	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	11	32	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	11	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	12	1	thus	thus	ADV
crl-15585	12	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	12	3	focus	focus	NOUN
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crl-15585	12	8	additional	additional	ADJ
crl-15585	12	9	means	mean	NOUN
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crl-15585	12	11	data	data	NOUN
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crl-15585	12	14	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	12	16	more	more	ADJ
crl-15585	12	17	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	12	18	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	12	19	depth	depth	NOUN
crl-15585	12	20	scale	scale	NOUN
crl-15585	12	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	12	22	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	12	23	the	the	DET
crl-15585	12	24	potential	potential	NOUN
crl-15585	12	25	to	to	PART
crl-15585	12	26	provide	provide	VERB
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crl-15585	12	28	about	about	ADP
crl-15585	12	29	user	user	NOUN
crl-15585	12	30	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15585	12	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	12	32	habits	habit	NOUN
crl-15585	12	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	12	34	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	12	35	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	12	36	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	12	37	overall	overall	ADJ
crl-15585	12	38	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-15585	12	39	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	12	40	the	the	DET
crl-15585	12	41	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	12	42	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	13	1	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-15585	13	2	review	review	PROPN
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crl-15585	13	4	group	group	NOUN
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crl-15585	13	6	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	13	7	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15585	13	8	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	13	10	well	well	ADV
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crl-15585	13	13	library	library	PROPN
crl-15585	13	14	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-15585	13	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	13	16	does	do	AUX
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crl-15585	13	19	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	13	21	common	common	ADJ
crl-15585	13	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	14	1	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	14	4	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	14	5	moderating	moderate	VERB
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crl-15585	14	10	l.	l.	PROPN
crl-15585	14	11	greenbaum	greenbaum	PROPN
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crl-15585	14	14	to	to	ADP
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crl-15585	14	21	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	14	25	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	14	26	groups.1	groups.1	NOUN
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crl-15585	14	30	written	write	VERB
crl-15585	14	31	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	14	37	those	those	PRON
crl-15585	14	38	who	who	PRON
crl-15585	14	39	prefer	prefer	VERB
crl-15585	14	40	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	14	42	out	out	ADP
crl-15585	14	43	their	their	PRON
crl-15585	14	44	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	14	45	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	14	46	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	14	47	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	15	1	some	some	PRON
crl-15585	15	2	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	15	3	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	15	7	publications	publication	NOUN
crl-15585	15	8	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	15	9	library	library	PROPN
crl-15585	15	10	literature	literature	PROPN
crl-15585	15	11	since	since	SCONJ
crl-15585	15	12	1990	1990	NUM
crl-15585	15	13	include	include	VERB
crl-15585	15	14	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	15	16	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15585	15	22	deborah	deborah	PROPN
crl-15585	15	23	leather	leather	NOUN
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crl-15585	15	33	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	15	34	developing	develop	VERB
crl-15585	15	35	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	15	36	building	building	NOUN
crl-15585	15	37	projects	project	NOUN
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crl-15585	15	39	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	15	42	actual	actual	ADJ
crl-15585	15	43	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	15	44	group	group	NOUN
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crl-15585	15	47	purdue	purdue	ADJ
crl-15585	15	48	university	university	NOUN
crl-15585	15	49	that	that	PRON
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crl-15585	15	51	the	the	DET
crl-15585	15	52	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	15	53	�	�	SPACE
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crl-15585	15	57	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	15	58	group	group	NOUN
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crl-15585	15	60	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	15	61	its	its	PRON
crl-15585	15	62	practical	practical	ADJ
crl-15585	15	63	applications.2,3	applications.2,3	PROPN
crl-15585	15	64	using	use	VERB
crl-15585	15	65	a	a	DET
crl-15585	15	66	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-15585	15	67	moderator	moderator	NOUN
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crl-15585	15	69	library	library	PROPN
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crl-15585	15	71	group	group	PROPN
crl-15585	15	72	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	15	73	125	125	NUM
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crl-15585	15	75	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	15	76	the	the	DET
crl-15585	15	77	latter	latter	ADJ
crl-15585	15	78	were	be	AUX
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crl-15585	15	87	no	no	DET
crl-15585	15	88	monetary	monetary	ADJ
crl-15585	15	89	outlay	outlay	NOUN
crl-15585	15	90	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	15	91	garnered	garner	VERB
crl-15585	15	92	useful	useful	ADJ
crl-15585	15	93	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	15	94	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	16	1	given	give	VERB
crl-15585	16	2	the	the	DET
crl-15585	16	3	precarious	precarious	ADJ
crl-15585	16	4	nature	nature	NOUN
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crl-15585	16	6	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	16	7	funding	funding	NOUN
crl-15585	16	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	16	9	this	this	PRON
crl-15585	16	10	is	be	AUX
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crl-15585	16	12	for	for	ADP
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crl-15585	16	22	funding	funding	NOUN
crl-15585	16	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	17	1	similarly	similarly	ADV
crl-15585	17	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	17	3	victoria	victoria	PROPN
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crl-15585	17	6	barbara	barbara	PROPN
crl-15585	17	7	valentine	valentine	PROPN
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crl-15585	17	22	library	library	NOUN
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crl-15585	17	30	virginia	virginia	PROPN
crl-15585	17	31	massey	massey	PROPN
crl-15585	17	32	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	17	33	burzio.4	burzio.4	PROPN
crl-15585	17	34	�	�	X
crl-15585	17	35	7	7	NUM
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crl-15585	17	48	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	17	49	including	include	VERB
crl-15585	17	50	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	17	52	user	user	NOUN
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crl-15585	17	54	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	17	55	testing	test	VERB
crl-15585	17	56	program	program	NOUN
crl-15585	17	57	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-15585	17	58	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	18	5	successful	successful	ADJ
crl-15585	18	6	applications	application	NOUN
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crl-15585	18	14	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	18	15	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	18	16	house	house	NOUN
crl-15585	18	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	19	1	morrison	morrison	NOUN
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crl-15585	19	9	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	19	10	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	19	11	s	s	PART
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crl-15585	19	22	example	example	NOUN
crl-15585	19	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	20	2	norlin	norlin	PROPN
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crl-15585	20	4	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	20	12	user	user	NOUN
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crl-15585	20	24	an	an	DET
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crl-15585	20	26	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15585	20	30	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	20	46	public	public	ADJ
crl-15585	20	47	relations	relation	NOUN
crl-15585	20	48	element.8	element.8	X
crl-15585	20	49	�	�	X
crl-15585	20	50	10	10	NUM
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crl-15585	20	52	particular	particular	ADJ
crl-15585	20	53	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	20	56	approach	approach	NOUN
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crl-15585	20	65	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	20	72	their	their	PRON
crl-15585	20	73	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15585	20	74	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	21	2	particular	particular	ADJ
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crl-15585	21	4	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	21	16	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	21	20	as	as	ADP
crl-15585	21	21	moderators	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	21	22	/	/	SYM
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crl-15585	21	25	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	21	28	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	21	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	22	1	skill	skill	NOUN
crl-15585	22	2	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	22	3	training	training	NOUN
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crl-15585	22	9	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	22	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	22	12	only	only	ADV
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crl-15585	22	15	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15585	22	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	23	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	23	5	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	23	8	parang	parang	PROPN
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crl-15585	23	14	consulting	consulting	NOUN
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crl-15585	23	26	library.11	library.11	PROPN
crl-15585	23	27	however	however	ADV
crl-15585	23	28	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	23	29	the	the	DET
crl-15585	23	30	university	university	NOUN
crl-15585	23	31	chose	choose	VERB
crl-15585	23	32	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	23	34	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	23	38	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15585	23	42	having	have	VERB
crl-15585	23	43	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	23	45	firm	firm	NOUN
crl-15585	23	46	do	do	VERB
crl-15585	23	47	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	23	48	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	24	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	24	10	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	24	11	neutral	neutral	ADJ
crl-15585	24	12	experienced	experienced	ADJ
crl-15585	24	13	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	24	14	�	�	X
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crl-15585	24	62	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	25	22	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15585	25	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	25	25	beryl	beryl	NOUN
crl-15585	25	26	glitz	glitz	PROPN
crl-15585	25	27	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	25	28	s	s	PART
crl-15585	25	29	manual	manual	NOUN
crl-15585	25	30	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	25	31	essential	essential	ADJ
crl-15585	25	32	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	25	33	covers	cover	VERB
crl-15585	25	34	all	all	DET
crl-15585	25	35	aspects	aspect	NOUN
crl-15585	25	36	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	25	37	the	the	DET
crl-15585	25	38	topic	topic	NOUN
crl-15585	25	39	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	25	40	exceptional	exceptional	ADJ
crl-15585	25	41	detail.13	detail.13	NOUN
crl-15585	25	42	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	25	43	was	be	AUX
crl-15585	25	44	referenced	reference	VERB
crl-15585	25	45	throughout	throughout	ADP
crl-15585	25	46	the	the	DET
crl-15585	25	47	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	25	48	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	25	49	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-15585	25	50	at	at	ADP
crl-15585	25	51	brown	brown	ADJ
crl-15585	25	52	university	university	PROPN
crl-15585	25	53	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	25	54	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	25	55	even	even	ADV
crl-15585	25	56	though	though	SCONJ
crl-15585	25	57	an	an	DET
crl-15585	25	58	outside	outside	ADJ
crl-15585	25	59	firm	firm	NOUN
crl-15585	25	60	was	be	AUX
crl-15585	25	61	chosen	choose	VERB
crl-15585	25	62	eventually	eventually	ADV
crl-15585	25	63	to	to	PART
crl-15585	25	64	conduct	conduct	VERB
crl-15585	25	65	the	the	DET
crl-15585	25	66	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	25	67	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	25	68	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	25	69	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	1	similarly	similarly	ADV
crl-15585	26	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	3	mary	mary	PROPN
crl-15585	26	4	wagner	wagner	PROPN
crl-15585	26	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	26	6	suzanne	suzanne	PROPN
crl-15585	26	7	mahmoodi	mahmoodi	NOUN
crl-15585	26	8	offered	offer	VERB
crl-15585	26	9	a	a	DET
crl-15585	26	10	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-15585	26	11	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	26	12	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crl-15585	26	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	14	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	26	15	theirs	theirs	PRON
crl-15585	26	16	was	be	AUX
crl-15585	26	17	much	much	ADV
crl-15585	26	18	more	more	ADJ
crl-15585	26	19	succinct.14	succinct.14	NOUN
crl-15585	26	20	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	26	21	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	26	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	23	the	the	DET
crl-15585	26	24	authors	author	NOUN
crl-15585	26	25	provided	provide	VERB
crl-15585	26	26	a	a	DET
crl-15585	26	27	capsule	capsule	ADJ
crl-15585	26	28	approach	approach	NOUN
crl-15585	26	29	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	26	30	planning	plan	VERB
crl-15585	26	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	26	32	implementing	implement	VERB
crl-15585	26	33	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	26	34	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	26	35	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	26	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	37	a	a	DET
crl-15585	26	38	sort	sort	NOUN
crl-15585	26	39	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	26	40	field	field	NOUN
crl-15585	26	41	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-15585	26	42	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	43	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	26	44	included	include	VERB
crl-15585	26	45	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-15585	26	46	help	help	NOUN
crl-15585	26	47	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	48	lists	list	NOUN
crl-15585	26	49	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	26	50	possible	possible	ADJ
crl-15585	26	51	questions	question	NOUN
crl-15585	26	52	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	53	report	report	VERB
crl-15585	26	54	forms	form	NOUN
crl-15585	26	55	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	56	debriefing	debriefing	NOUN
crl-15585	26	57	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	26	58	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	26	59	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crl-15585	26	60	guidelines	guideline	NOUN
crl-15585	26	61	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	27	1	nearly	nearly	ADV
crl-15585	27	2	all	all	DET
crl-15585	27	3	those	those	PRON
crl-15585	27	4	reporting	report	VERB
crl-15585	27	5	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	27	6	the	the	DET
crl-15585	27	7	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	27	8	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-15585	27	9	noted	note	VERB
crl-15585	27	10	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	27	11	conducting	conduct	VERB
crl-15585	27	12	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	27	13	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	27	14	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	27	15	could	could	AUX
crl-15585	27	16	be	be	AUX
crl-15585	27	17	costly	costly	ADJ
crl-15585	27	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	27	19	particularly	particularly	ADV
crl-15585	27	20	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15585	27	21	a	a	DET
crl-15585	27	22	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-15585	27	23	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	27	24	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	27	25	used	use	VERB
crl-15585	27	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	28	1	besides	besides	SCONJ
crl-15585	28	2	the	the	DET
crl-15585	28	3	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	28	4	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	28	5	s	s	PART
crl-15585	28	6	fee	fee	NOUN
crl-15585	28	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	28	8	there	there	PRON
crl-15585	28	9	are	be	VERB
crl-15585	28	10	location	location	NOUN
crl-15585	28	11	costs	cost	NOUN
crl-15585	28	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	28	13	refreshments	refreshment	NOUN
crl-15585	28	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	28	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	28	16	honoraria	honoraria	NOUN
crl-15585	28	17	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	28	18	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	28	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	29	1	given	give	VERB
crl-15585	29	2	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	29	3	there	there	PRON
crl-15585	29	4	are	be	VERB
crl-15585	29	5	usually	usually	ADV
crl-15585	29	6	several	several	ADJ
crl-15585	29	7	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	29	8	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	29	9	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	29	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	29	11	the	the	DET
crl-15585	29	12	amounts	amount	NOUN
crl-15585	29	13	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	29	14	quickly	quickly	ADV
crl-15585	29	15	escalate	escalate	VERB
crl-15585	29	16	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	29	17	many	many	ADJ
crl-15585	29	18	thousands	thousand	NOUN
crl-15585	29	19	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	29	20	dollars	dollar	NOUN
crl-15585	29	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	30	1	these	these	DET
crl-15585	30	2	costs	cost	NOUN
crl-15585	30	3	lead	lead	VERB
crl-15585	30	4	some	some	DET
crl-15585	30	5	institutions	institution	NOUN
crl-15585	30	6	to	to	PART
crl-15585	30	7	select	select	VERB
crl-15585	30	8	a	a	DET
crl-15585	30	9	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	30	10	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	30	11	their	their	PRON
crl-15585	30	12	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-15585	30	13	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	30	14	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	30	15	within	within	ADP
crl-15585	30	16	the	the	DET
crl-15585	30	17	institution	institution	NOUN
crl-15585	30	18	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	30	19	order	order	NOUN
crl-15585	30	20	to	to	PART
crl-15585	30	21	reduce	reduce	VERB
crl-15585	30	22	costs	cost	NOUN
crl-15585	30	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	31	1	sometimes	sometimes	ADV
crl-15585	31	2	the	the	DET
crl-15585	31	3	selected	select	VERB
crl-15585	31	4	person	person	NOUN
crl-15585	31	5	receives	receive	VERB
crl-15585	31	6	training	training	NOUN
crl-15585	31	7	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15585	31	8	other	other	ADJ
crl-15585	31	9	times	time	NOUN
crl-15585	31	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	31	11	he	he	PRON
crl-15585	31	12	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	31	13	she	she	PRON
crl-15585	31	14	relies	rely	VERB
crl-15585	31	15	on	on	ADP
crl-15585	31	16	a	a	DET
crl-15585	31	17	manual	manual	NOUN
crl-15585	31	18	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	31	19	guidebook	guidebook	NOUN
crl-15585	31	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	32	1	however	however	ADV
crl-15585	32	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	32	3	nearly	nearly	ADV
crl-15585	32	4	all	all	DET
crl-15585	32	5	those	those	DET
crl-15585	32	6	reporting	report	VERB
crl-15585	32	7	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	32	8	the	the	DET
crl-15585	32	9	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-15585	32	10	clearly	clearly	ADV
crl-15585	32	11	stated	state	VERB
crl-15585	32	12	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	32	13	useful	useful	ADJ
crl-15585	32	14	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	32	15	depend	depend	VERB
crl-15585	32	16	on	on	ADP
crl-15585	32	17	the	the	DET
crl-15585	32	18	skill	skill	NOUN
crl-15585	32	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	32	20	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-15585	32	21	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	32	22	the	the	DET
crl-15585	32	23	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	32	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	33	1	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	33	2	interactions	interaction	NOUN
crl-15585	33	3	are	be	AUX
crl-15585	33	4	highly	highly	ADV
crl-15585	33	5	complex	complex	ADJ
crl-15585	33	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	33	7	involve	involve	VERB
crl-15585	33	8	different	different	ADJ
crl-15585	33	9	aspects	aspect	NOUN
crl-15585	33	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	33	11	personality	personality	NOUN
crl-15585	33	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	33	13	social	social	ADJ
crl-15585	33	14	development	development	NOUN
crl-15585	33	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	33	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	33	17	verbal	verbal	ADJ
crl-15585	33	18	skills	skill	NOUN
crl-15585	33	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	34	1	the	the	DET
crl-15585	34	2	most	most	ADV
crl-15585	34	3	valid	valid	ADJ
crl-15585	34	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	34	5	useful	useful	ADJ
crl-15585	34	6	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	34	7	are	be	AUX
crl-15585	34	8	obtained	obtain	VERB
crl-15585	34	9	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	34	10	a	a	DET
crl-15585	34	11	skilled	skilled	ADJ
crl-15585	34	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	34	13	experienced	experienced	ADJ
crl-15585	34	14	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	34	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	35	1	methods	method	NOUN
crl-15585	35	2	the	the	DET
crl-15585	35	3	brown	brown	ADJ
crl-15585	35	4	university	university	NOUN
crl-15585	35	5	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	35	6	formed	form	VERB
crl-15585	35	7	a	a	DET
crl-15585	35	8	user	user	NOUN
crl-15585	35	9	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15585	35	10	team	team	NOUN
crl-15585	35	11	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	35	12	lunt	lunt	VERB
crl-15585	35	13	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15585	35	14	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	35	15	1997	1997	NUM
crl-15585	35	16	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	35	17	ob126	ob126	PROPN
crl-15585	35	18	college	college	PROPN
crl-15585	35	19	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	35	20	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	35	21	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15585	35	22	march	march	PROPN
crl-15585	35	23	2003	2003	NUM
crl-15585	35	24	tain	tain	NOUN
crl-15585	35	25	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	35	26	disseminate	disseminate	VERB
crl-15585	35	27	information	information	NOUN
crl-15585	35	28	about	about	ADP
crl-15585	35	29	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	35	30	users	user	NOUN
crl-15585	35	31	�	�	VERB
crl-15585	35	32	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15585	35	33	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	35	34	preferences	preference	NOUN
crl-15585	35	35	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	35	36	order	order	NOUN
crl-15585	35	37	to	to	PART
crl-15585	35	38	assist	assist	VERB
crl-15585	35	39	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	35	40	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-15585	35	41	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	35	42	units/	units/	NUM
crl-15585	35	43	teams	team	NOUN
crl-15585	35	44	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	35	45	setting	set	VERB
crl-15585	35	46	priorities	priority	NOUN
crl-15585	35	47	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	35	48	establishing	establish	VERB
crl-15585	35	49	policies	policy	NOUN
crl-15585	35	50	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	35	51	making	make	VERB
crl-15585	35	52	decisions	decision	NOUN
crl-15585	35	53	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	35	54	developing	develop	VERB
crl-15585	35	55	programs	program	NOUN
crl-15585	35	56	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	35	57	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	35	58	providing	provide	VERB
crl-15585	35	59	services	service	NOUN
crl-15585	35	60	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	36	1	membership	membership	NOUN
crl-15585	36	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	36	3	drawn	draw	VERB
crl-15585	36	4	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	36	5	a	a	DET
crl-15585	36	6	variety	variety	NOUN
crl-15585	36	7	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	36	8	departments	department	NOUN
crl-15585	36	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	36	10	throughout	throughout	ADP
crl-15585	36	11	the	the	DET
crl-15585	36	12	hierarchy	hierarchy	NOUN
crl-15585	36	13	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	36	14	responsibility	responsibility	NOUN
crl-15585	36	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	37	1	the	the	DET
crl-15585	37	2	eight	eight	NUM
crl-15585	37	3	lunt	lunt	NOUN
crl-15585	37	4	members	member	NOUN
crl-15585	37	5	demonstrate	demonstrate	VERB
crl-15585	37	6	skills	skill	NOUN
crl-15585	37	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	37	8	interest	interest	NOUN
crl-15585	37	9	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	37	10	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15585	37	11	gathering	gathering	NOUN
crl-15585	37	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	37	13	oversee	oversee	VERB
crl-15585	37	14	the	the	DET
crl-15585	37	15	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-15585	37	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	37	17	implementation	implementation	NOUN
crl-15585	37	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	37	19	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15585	37	20	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-15585	37	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	37	22	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	37	23	reporting	reporting	NOUN
crl-15585	37	24	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	37	25	all	all	DET
crl-15585	37	26	types	type	NOUN
crl-15585	37	27	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	37	28	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	37	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	38	1	generally	generally	ADV
crl-15585	38	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	38	3	work	work	NOUN
crl-15585	38	4	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	38	5	the	the	DET
crl-15585	38	6	lunt	lunt	NOUN
crl-15585	38	7	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	38	8	split	split	VERB
crl-15585	38	9	among	among	ADP
crl-15585	38	10	subgroups	subgroup	NOUN
crl-15585	38	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	38	12	the	the	DET
crl-15585	38	13	larger	large	ADJ
crl-15585	38	14	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	38	15	acts	act	VERB
crl-15585	38	16	to	to	PART
crl-15585	38	17	organize	organize	VERB
crl-15585	38	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	38	19	oversee	oversee	VERB
crl-15585	38	20	the	the	DET
crl-15585	38	21	work	work	NOUN
crl-15585	38	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	39	1	lunt	lunt	NOUN
crl-15585	39	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	39	3	led	lead	VERB
crl-15585	39	4	by	by	ADP
crl-15585	39	5	a	a	DET
crl-15585	39	6	team	team	NOUN
crl-15585	39	7	leader	leader	NOUN
crl-15585	39	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	39	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	39	10	some	some	DET
crl-15585	39	11	members	member	NOUN
crl-15585	39	12	have	have	VERB
crl-15585	39	13	formal	formal	ADJ
crl-15585	39	14	training	training	NOUN
crl-15585	39	15	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	39	16	data	data	NOUN
crl-15585	39	17	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	39	18	gathering	gathering	NOUN
crl-15585	39	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	39	20	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-15585	39	21	techniques	technique	NOUN
crl-15585	39	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	40	1	however	however	ADV
crl-15585	40	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	40	3	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15585	40	4	some	some	DET
crl-15585	40	5	lunt	lunt	NOUN
crl-15585	40	6	members	member	NOUN
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crl-15585	40	9	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	40	11	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	40	12	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	40	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	40	14	none	none	NOUN
crl-15585	40	15	had	have	VERB
crl-15585	40	16	any	any	DET
crl-15585	40	17	direct	direct	ADJ
crl-15585	40	18	experience	experience	NOUN
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crl-15585	40	23	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	40	25	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	40	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	41	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	42	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	42	11	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	42	26	students	student	NOUN
crl-15585	42	27	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	43	3	print	print	NOUN
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crl-15585	43	8	well	well	ADV
crl-15585	43	9	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	44	22	user	user	NOUN
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crl-15585	44	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	45	42	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	46	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	47	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	48	18	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-15585	48	19	report.15	report.15	PROPN
crl-15585	48	20	lunt	lunt	PROPN
crl-15585	48	21	�	�	SPACE
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crl-15585	48	59	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	49	3	librarian	librarian	NOUN
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crl-15585	49	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	50	16	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	50	22	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15585	50	24	intervention	intervention	NOUN
crl-15585	50	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	51	13	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	52	17	feedback	feedback	NOUN
crl-15585	52	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	53	10	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	54	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	55	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	56	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	56	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	58	9	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	58	10	mr	mr	PROPN
crl-15585	58	11	)	)	PUNCT
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crl-15585	58	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	59	1	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	59	5	thirty	thirty	NUM
crl-15585	59	6	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	59	7	five	five	NUM
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crl-15585	59	9	�	�	NOUN
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crl-15585	59	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	60	5	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	60	8	normal	normal	ADJ
crl-15585	60	9	review	review	NOUN
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crl-15585	60	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	60	12	approval	approval	NOUN
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crl-15585	60	14	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	60	16	�	�	SPACE
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crl-15585	60	19	office	office	NOUN
crl-15585	60	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	61	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	62	12	thousand	thousand	NUM
crl-15585	62	13	dollars	dollar	NOUN
crl-15585	62	14	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	63	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	63	11	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	63	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	64	30	127	127	NUM
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crl-15585	64	45	observations	observation	NOUN
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crl-15585	64	50	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	65	7	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	65	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	66	1	preparation	preparation	NOUN
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crl-15585	66	6	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	66	13	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	66	15	.	.	PROPN
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crl-15585	66	23	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	66	36	its	its	PRON
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crl-15585	66	38	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	66	41	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	66	43	collections	collection	NOUN
crl-15585	66	44	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	67	1	during	during	ADP
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crl-15585	67	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	68	2	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	68	4	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	68	16	graduate	graduate	NOUN
crl-15585	68	17	students	student	NOUN
crl-15585	68	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	69	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	69	5	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	69	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	70	6	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	71	24	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	71	26	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	71	27	week	week	NOUN
crl-15585	71	28	period	period	NOUN
crl-15585	71	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	72	1	refreshments	refreshment	NOUN
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crl-15585	72	5	an	an	DET
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crl-15585	72	7	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15585	72	9	vendor	vendor	NOUN
crl-15585	72	10	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	72	14	lunt	lunt	NOUN
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crl-15585	72	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	73	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	74	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	74	8	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	75	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	75	10	which	which	PRON
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crl-15585	75	13	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	75	17	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	75	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	76	11	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	77	7	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15585	77	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	78	2	�	�	PROPN
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crl-15585	78	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	80	4	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	80	9	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	80	13	if	if	SCONJ
crl-15585	80	14	they	they	PRON
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crl-15585	80	22	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	81	13	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	82	3	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	82	5	pool	pool	NOUN
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crl-15585	82	8	focus	focus	NOUN
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crl-15585	82	11	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	83	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	83	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	83	14	before	before	ADP
crl-15585	83	15	midterm	midterm	NOUN
crl-15585	83	16	break	break	NOUN
crl-15585	83	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	83	18	many	many	ADJ
crl-15585	83	19	exams	exam	NOUN
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crl-15585	83	24	not	not	PART
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crl-15585	83	28	participants	participant	NOUN
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crl-15585	83	34	to	to	PART
crl-15585	83	35	attend	attend	VERB
crl-15585	83	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	84	1	an	an	DET
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crl-15585	84	7	a	a	DET
crl-15585	84	8	$	$	SYM
crl-15585	84	9	25	25	NUM
crl-15585	84	10	gift	gift	NOUN
crl-15585	84	11	certificate	certificate	NOUN
crl-15585	84	12	at	at	ADP
crl-15585	84	13	a	a	DET
crl-15585	84	14	local	local	ADJ
crl-15585	84	15	bookstore	bookstore	NOUN
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crl-15585	84	19	an	an	DET
crl-15585	84	20	incentive	incentive	NOUN
crl-15585	84	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	84	22	payable	payable	ADJ
crl-15585	84	23	only	only	ADV
crl-15585	84	24	upon	upon	SCONJ
crl-15585	84	25	attendance	attendance	NOUN
crl-15585	84	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	85	1	however	however	ADV
crl-15585	85	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	85	3	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	85	20	limit	limit	VERB
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crl-15585	85	28	part	part	NOUN
crl-15585	85	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	86	1	two	two	NUM
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crl-15585	86	20	the	the	DET
crl-15585	86	21	mr	mr	PROPN
crl-15585	86	22	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	86	23	faculty	faculty	PROPN
crl-15585	86	24	members	member	NOUN
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crl-15585	86	27	directly	directly	ADV
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crl-15585	86	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	87	1	attempts	attempt	NOUN
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crl-15585	87	7	representation	representation	NOUN
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crl-15585	87	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	87	12	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	87	13	eventually	eventually	ADV
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crl-15585	87	18	securing	secure	VERB
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crl-15585	87	23	number	number	NOUN
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crl-15585	87	25	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	87	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	88	3	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	88	10	e	e	NOUN
crl-15585	88	11	-	-	NOUN
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crl-15585	88	14	complete	complete	ADJ
crl-15585	88	15	details	detail	NOUN
crl-15585	88	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	89	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	89	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	90	1	graduate	graduate	NOUN
crl-15585	90	2	student	student	NOUN
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crl-15585	90	9	-	-	NOUN
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crl-15585	90	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	91	7	-	-	PUNCT
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crl-15585	91	10	-	-	NOUN
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crl-15585	91	18	attendance	attendance	NOUN
crl-15585	91	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	92	14	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	93	4	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	93	6	�	�	SPACE
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crl-15585	93	13	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	93	15	tours	tour	NOUN
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crl-15585	93	17	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	93	19	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	93	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	94	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	95	20	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-15585	95	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	96	17	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15585	96	27	w	w	PROPN
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crl-15585	96	43	evening	evening	NOUN
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crl-15585	96	47	this	this	PRON
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crl-15585	96	58	&	&	CCONJ
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crl-15585	96	60	libraries	library	NOUN
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crl-15585	96	62	2003	2003	NUM
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crl-15585	96	64	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	96	65	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	97	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	99	5	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	99	21	so	so	SCONJ
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crl-15585	99	27	the	the	DET
crl-15585	99	28	mr	mr	PROPN
crl-15585	99	29	.	.	PROPN
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crl-15585	99	31	time	time	NOUN
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crl-15585	99	36	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	99	39	the	the	DET
crl-15585	99	40	meetings	meeting	NOUN
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crl-15585	99	42	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	99	43	most	most	ADJ
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crl-15585	99	50	seventy	seventy	NUM
crl-15585	99	51	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	99	52	eighty	eighty	NUM
crl-15585	99	53	minutes	minute	NOUN
crl-15585	99	54	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	100	1	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	100	19	graduate	graduate	NOUN
crl-15585	100	20	students	student	NOUN
crl-15585	100	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	101	19	two	two	NUM
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crl-15585	101	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	102	15	disappointing	disappointing	ADJ
crl-15585	102	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	103	13	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	103	16	minimum	minimum	NOUN
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crl-15585	103	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	104	4	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15585	104	6	-	-	ADJ
crl-15585	104	7	mailed	mail	VERB
crl-15585	104	8	regrets	regret	NOUN
crl-15585	104	9	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15585	104	10	others	other	NOUN
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crl-15585	104	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	105	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	105	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	106	18	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	106	21	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	106	25	ten	ten	NUM
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crl-15585	106	27	the	the	DET
crl-15585	106	28	third	third	ADJ
crl-15585	106	29	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	107	5	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	107	11	early	early	ADJ
crl-15585	107	12	evening	evening	NOUN
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crl-15585	107	16	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	107	23	participation	participation	NOUN
crl-15585	107	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	108	1	final	final	ADJ
crl-15585	108	2	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-15585	108	3	report	report	NOUN
crl-15585	108	4	two	two	NUM
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crl-15585	108	15	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	108	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	109	3	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	109	4	s	s	PART
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crl-15585	109	6	report	report	NOUN
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crl-15585	109	11	set	set	NOUN
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crl-15585	109	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	110	9	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	110	33	discussions	discussion	NOUN
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crl-15585	110	57	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	111	11	�	�	NOUN
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crl-15585	111	13	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	111	31	services	service	NOUN
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crl-15585	111	35	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	112	9	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	113	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	114	12	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	116	27	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	117	7	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	117	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	118	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	119	35	site	site	NOUN
crl-15585	119	36	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	120	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	121	28	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	122	14	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	123	36	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	124	28	129	129	NUM
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crl-15585	124	31	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	125	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	125	13	82	82	NUM
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crl-15585	125	29	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	126	10	85	85	NUM
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crl-15585	126	33	93	93	NUM
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crl-15585	126	44	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	127	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	128	9	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	129	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	130	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	131	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	132	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	133	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	134	11	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	135	12	report	report	NOUN
crl-15585	135	13	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	135	15	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	135	25	their	their	PRON
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crl-15585	135	27	unmet	unmet	ADV
crl-15585	135	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	136	1	however	however	ADV
crl-15585	136	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	136	3	the	the	DET
crl-15585	136	4	report	report	NOUN
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crl-15585	136	6	not	not	PART
crl-15585	136	7	entirely	entirely	ADV
crl-15585	136	8	negative	negative	ADJ
crl-15585	136	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	137	1	praise	praise	NOUN
crl-15585	137	2	also	also	ADV
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crl-15585	137	6	many	many	ADJ
crl-15585	137	7	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	137	8	functions	function	NOUN
crl-15585	137	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	138	1	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	138	2	more	more	ADV
crl-15585	138	3	interestingly	interestingly	ADV
crl-15585	138	4	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	138	7	the	the	DET
crl-15585	138	8	mr	mr	PROPN
crl-15585	138	9	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	138	10	s	s	PART
crl-15585	138	11	sense	sense	NOUN
crl-15585	138	12	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	138	13	faculty	faculty	NOUN
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crl-15585	138	16	less	less	ADJ
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crl-15585	138	23	students	student	NOUN
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crl-15585	138	30	less	less	ADV
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crl-15585	138	32	research	research	NOUN
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crl-15585	138	34	the	the	DET
crl-15585	138	35	student	student	NOUN
crl-15585	138	36	do	do	VERB
crl-15585	138	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	139	1	this	this	PRON
crl-15585	139	2	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	139	3	have	have	VERB
crl-15585	139	4	implications	implication	NOUN
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crl-15585	139	7	future	future	ADJ
crl-15585	139	8	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	139	9	services	service	NOUN
crl-15585	139	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	140	1	one	one	NUM
crl-15585	140	2	conclusion	conclusion	NOUN
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crl-15585	140	16	positive	positive	ADJ
crl-15585	140	17	print	print	NOUN
crl-15585	140	18	survey	survey	NOUN
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crl-15585	140	29	outspoken	outspoken	ADJ
crl-15585	140	30	complainers	complainer	NOUN
crl-15585	140	31	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	141	2	such	such	ADJ
crl-15585	141	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	141	4	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	141	7	not	not	PART
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crl-15585	141	13	user	user	NOUN
crl-15585	141	14	population	population	NOUN
crl-15585	141	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	142	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	142	3	this	this	PRON
crl-15585	142	4	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	142	5	incorrect	incorrect	ADJ
crl-15585	142	6	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	143	1	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	143	2	spring	spring	NOUN
crl-15585	143	3	2002	2002	NUM
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crl-15585	143	7	library	library	NOUN
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crl-15585	143	11	libqual	libqual	ADJ
crl-15585	143	12	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	143	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	143	14	joining	join	VERB
crl-15585	143	15	162	162	NUM
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crl-15585	143	17	libraries	library	NOUN
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crl-15585	143	20	this	this	DET
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crl-15585	143	28	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	143	30	students	student	NOUN
crl-15585	143	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	143	32	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	143	33	undergraduates	undergraduate	NOUN
crl-15585	143	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	144	1	brown	brown	PROPN
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crl-15585	144	3	just	just	ADV
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crl-15585	144	5	1,100	1,100	NUM
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crl-15585	144	7	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	144	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	144	9	which	which	PRON
crl-15585	144	10	represents	represent	VERB
crl-15585	144	11	a	a	DET
crl-15585	144	12	large	large	ADJ
crl-15585	144	13	percentage	percentage	NOUN
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crl-15585	144	15	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	144	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	145	6	measuring	measure	VERB
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crl-15585	145	8	users	user	NOUN
crl-15585	145	9	�	�	VERB
crl-15585	145	10	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-15585	145	11	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	145	12	service	service	NOUN
crl-15585	145	13	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-15585	145	14	that	that	PRON
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crl-15585	145	25	perceived	perceive	VERB
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crl-15585	145	29	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	146	10	survey	survey	NOUN
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crl-15585	146	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	147	1	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	147	2	staff	staff	NOUN
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crl-15585	147	4	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	147	10	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	147	12	results	result	NOUN
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crl-15585	147	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	148	1	however	however	ADV
crl-15585	148	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	148	3	it	it	PRON
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crl-15585	148	6	that	that	SCONJ
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crl-15585	148	16	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	148	24	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	148	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	149	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	149	6	�	�	NOUN
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crl-15585	149	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	150	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	150	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	151	1	1	1	X
crl-15585	151	2	.	.	PROPN
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crl-15585	151	25	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	151	31	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	151	34	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	151	46	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	152	1	2	2	X
crl-15585	152	2	.	.	X
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crl-15585	152	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	153	11	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	154	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	155	2	.	.	X
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crl-15585	155	15	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	155	16	a	a	DET
crl-15585	155	17	carefully	carefully	ADV
crl-15585	155	18	managed	manage	VERB
crl-15585	155	19	discussion	discussion	NOUN
crl-15585	155	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	156	1	4	4	X
crl-15585	156	2	.	.	X
crl-15585	156	3	the	the	DET
crl-15585	156	4	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	156	5	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	156	6	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	156	7	can	can	AUX
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crl-15585	156	9	as	as	ADP
crl-15585	156	10	a	a	DET
crl-15585	156	11	public	public	ADJ
crl-15585	156	12	relations	relation	NOUN
crl-15585	156	13	tool	tool	NOUN
crl-15585	156	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	157	1	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	157	2	get	get	VERB
crl-15585	157	3	to	to	PART
crl-15585	157	4	provide	provide	VERB
crl-15585	157	5	targeted	target	VERB
crl-15585	157	6	feedback	feedback	NOUN
crl-15585	157	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	157	8	appreciate	appreciate	VERB
crl-15585	157	9	the	the	DET
crl-15585	157	10	opportunity	opportunity	NOUN
crl-15585	157	11	to	to	PART
crl-15585	157	12	do	do	AUX
crl-15585	157	13	so	so	ADV
crl-15585	157	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	158	1	130	130	NUM
crl-15585	158	2	college	college	PROPN
crl-15585	158	3	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	158	4	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	158	5	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15585	158	6	march	march	PROPN
crl-15585	158	7	2003	2003	NUM
crl-15585	158	8	5	5	NUM
crl-15585	158	9	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	158	10	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	158	11	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	158	12	use	use	NOUN
crl-15585	158	13	works	work	VERB
crl-15585	158	14	well	well	ADV
crl-15585	158	15	as	as	ADP
crl-15585	158	16	an	an	DET
crl-15585	158	17	adjunct	adjunct	ADJ
crl-15585	158	18	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	158	19	other	other	ADJ
crl-15585	158	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	158	21	more	more	ADV
crl-15585	158	22	general	general	ADJ
crl-15585	158	23	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	158	24	as	as	ADP
crl-15585	158	25	a	a	DET
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crl-15585	158	27	to	to	PART
crl-15585	158	28	pinpoint	pinpoint	VERB
crl-15585	158	29	issues	issue	NOUN
crl-15585	158	30	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	158	31	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-15585	158	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	159	1	the	the	DET
crl-15585	159	2	mr	mr	PROPN
crl-15585	159	3	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	159	4	s	s	PART
crl-15585	159	5	skill	skill	NOUN
crl-15585	159	6	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	159	7	paramount	paramount	ADJ
crl-15585	159	8	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	159	9	valid	valid	ADJ
crl-15585	159	10	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	159	11	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	160	1	an	an	DET
crl-15585	160	2	unfortunate	unfortunate	ADJ
crl-15585	160	3	byproduct	byproduct	NOUN
crl-15585	160	4	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	160	5	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	160	6	dynamics	dynamic	NOUN
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crl-15585	160	9	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	160	10	often	often	ADV
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crl-15585	160	13	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	160	17	under	under	ADP
crl-15585	160	18	discussion	discussion	NOUN
crl-15585	160	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	161	1	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	161	2	is	be	AUX
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crl-15585	161	4	the	the	DET
crl-15585	161	5	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-15585	161	6	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	161	7	most	most	ADJ
crl-15585	161	8	people	people	NOUN
crl-15585	161	9	to	to	PART
crl-15585	161	10	be	be	AUX
crl-15585	161	11	negative	negative	ADJ
crl-15585	161	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	161	13	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	161	14	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	161	15	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	161	16	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	161	17	their	their	PRON
crl-15585	161	18	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-15585	161	19	to	to	PART
crl-15585	161	20	want	want	VERB
crl-15585	161	21	to	to	PART
crl-15585	161	22	be	be	AUX
crl-15585	161	23	liked	like	VERB
crl-15585	161	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	162	1	this	this	PRON
crl-15585	162	2	influences	influence	VERB
crl-15585	162	3	the	the	DET
crl-15585	162	4	responses	response	NOUN
crl-15585	162	5	of	of	ADP
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crl-15585	162	7	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	162	8	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	162	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	162	10	who	who	PRON
crl-15585	162	11	may	may	AUX
crl-15585	162	12	respond	respond	VERB
crl-15585	162	13	positively	positively	ADV
crl-15585	162	14	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15585	162	15	speaking	speak	VERB
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crl-15585	162	17	a	a	DET
crl-15585	162	18	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crl-15585	162	19	about	about	ADP
crl-15585	162	20	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	162	21	issues	issue	NOUN
crl-15585	162	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	162	23	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	162	24	who	who	PRON
crl-15585	162	25	also	also	ADV
crl-15585	162	26	may	may	AUX
crl-15585	162	27	harbor	harbor	VERB
crl-15585	162	28	deep	deep	ADJ
crl-15585	162	29	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-15585	162	30	about	about	ADP
crl-15585	162	31	those	those	DET
crl-15585	162	32	same	same	ADJ
crl-15585	162	33	issues	issue	NOUN
crl-15585	162	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	163	1	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	163	2	may	may	AUX
crl-15585	163	3	be	be	AUX
crl-15585	163	4	courtesy	courtesy	NOUN
crl-15585	163	5	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	163	6	friendship	friendship	NOUN
crl-15585	163	7	that	that	PRON
crl-15585	163	8	prevents	prevent	VERB
crl-15585	163	9	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	163	11	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	163	12	surfacing	surfacing	NOUN
crl-15585	163	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	163	14	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	163	15	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	163	16	could	could	AUX
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crl-15585	163	19	a	a	DET
crl-15585	163	20	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	163	21	dynamic	dynamic	NOUN
crl-15585	163	22	creates	create	VERB
crl-15585	163	23	�	�	X
crl-15585	163	24	warm	warm	ADJ
crl-15585	163	25	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	163	26	fuzzy	fuzzy	ADJ
crl-15585	163	27	�	�	NOUN
crl-15585	163	28	feelings	feeling	NOUN
crl-15585	163	29	that	that	PRON
crl-15585	163	30	color	color	NOUN
crl-15585	163	31	responses	response	NOUN
crl-15585	163	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	164	1	the	the	DET
crl-15585	164	2	danger	danger	NOUN
crl-15585	164	3	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	164	4	valid	valid	ADJ
crl-15585	164	5	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	164	6	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	164	7	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	164	8	responses	response	NOUN
crl-15585	164	9	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	164	10	be	be	AUX
crl-15585	164	11	skewed	skew	VERB
crl-15585	164	12	by	by	ADP
crl-15585	164	13	the	the	DET
crl-15585	164	14	social	social	ADJ
crl-15585	164	15	interaction	interaction	NOUN
crl-15585	164	16	between	between	ADP
crl-15585	164	17	mr	mr	PROPN
crl-15585	164	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	164	19	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	164	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	164	21	by	by	ADP
crl-15585	164	22	the	the	DET
crl-15585	164	23	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	164	24	dynamics	dynamic	NOUN
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crl-15585	164	26	the	the	DET
crl-15585	164	27	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	164	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	165	1	brown	brown	PROPN
crl-15585	165	2	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	165	3	s	s	PART
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crl-15585	165	5	specifically	specifically	ADV
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crl-15585	165	7	at	at	ADP
crl-15585	165	8	each	each	DET
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crl-15585	165	12	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	165	13	he	he	PRON
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crl-15585	165	15	a	a	DET
crl-15585	165	16	market	market	NOUN
crl-15585	165	17	researcher	researcher	NOUN
crl-15585	165	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	165	19	had	have	VERB
crl-15585	165	20	no	no	DET
crl-15585	165	21	affiliation	affiliation	NOUN
crl-15585	165	22	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	165	23	the	the	DET
crl-15585	165	24	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	165	25	beyond	beyond	ADP
crl-15585	165	26	that	that	DET
crl-15585	165	27	fact	fact	NOUN
crl-15585	165	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	166	1	as	as	ADP
crl-15585	166	2	part	part	NOUN
crl-15585	166	3	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	166	4	his	his	PRON
crl-15585	166	5	script	script	NOUN
crl-15585	166	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	166	7	he	he	PRON
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crl-15585	166	9	the	the	DET
crl-15585	166	10	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	166	11	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	166	13	open	open	ADJ
crl-15585	166	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	166	15	honest	honest	ADJ
crl-15585	166	16	feedback	feedback	NOUN
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crl-15585	166	18	the	the	DET
crl-15585	166	19	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	166	20	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	166	21	s	s	PART
crl-15585	166	22	programs	program	NOUN
crl-15585	166	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	166	24	services	service	NOUN
crl-15585	166	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	167	1	he	he	PRON
crl-15585	167	2	also	also	ADV
crl-15585	167	3	asked	ask	VERB
crl-15585	167	4	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	167	5	they	they	PRON
crl-15585	167	6	not	not	PART
crl-15585	167	7	concern	concern	VERB
crl-15585	167	8	themselves	themselves	PRON
crl-15585	167	9	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	167	10	his	his	PRON
crl-15585	167	11	opinion	opinion	NOUN
crl-15585	167	12	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	167	13	even	even	ADV
crl-15585	167	14	that	that	PRON
crl-15585	167	15	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	167	16	others	other	NOUN
crl-15585	167	17	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	167	18	the	the	DET
crl-15585	167	19	discussion	discussion	NOUN
crl-15585	167	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	168	1	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	168	2	short	short	ADJ
crl-15585	168	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	168	4	every	every	DET
crl-15585	168	5	effort	effort	NOUN
crl-15585	168	6	was	be	AUX
crl-15585	168	7	made	make	VERB
crl-15585	168	8	to	to	PART
crl-15585	168	9	avoid	avoid	VERB
crl-15585	168	10	instances	instance	NOUN
crl-15585	168	11	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	168	12	influence	influence	NOUN
crl-15585	168	13	or	or	CCONJ
crl-15585	168	14	misunderstanding	misunderstanding	NOUN
crl-15585	168	15	that	that	PRON
crl-15585	168	16	could	could	AUX
crl-15585	168	17	lead	lead	VERB
crl-15585	168	18	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	168	19	false	false	ADJ
crl-15585	168	20	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	168	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	169	1	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	169	2	the	the	DET
crl-15585	169	3	two	two	NUM
crl-15585	169	4	years	year	NOUN
crl-15585	169	5	following	follow	VERB
crl-15585	169	6	the	the	DET
crl-15585	169	7	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	169	8	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	169	9	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	169	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	169	11	the	the	DET
crl-15585	169	12	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	169	13	received	receive	VERB
crl-15585	169	14	a	a	DET
crl-15585	169	15	major	major	ADJ
crl-15585	169	16	increase	increase	NOUN
crl-15585	169	17	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	169	18	the	the	DET
crl-15585	169	19	base	base	NOUN
crl-15585	169	20	acquisitions	acquisition	NOUN
crl-15585	169	21	budget	budget	NOUN
crl-15585	169	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	169	23	funding	funding	NOUN
crl-15585	169	24	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	169	25	cosmetic	cosmetic	ADJ
crl-15585	169	26	enhancements	enhancement	NOUN
crl-15585	169	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	169	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	169	29	acquisition	acquisition	NOUN
crl-15585	169	30	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	169	31	a	a	DET
crl-15585	169	32	building	building	NOUN
crl-15585	169	33	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	169	34	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	169	35	storage	storage	NOUN
crl-15585	169	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	170	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15585	170	2	none	none	NOUN
crl-15585	170	3	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	170	4	these	these	DET
crl-15585	170	5	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	170	6	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	170	7	the	the	DET
crl-15585	170	8	direct	direct	ADJ
crl-15585	170	9	result	result	NOUN
crl-15585	170	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	170	11	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	170	12	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	170	13	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	170	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	170	15	there	there	PRON
crl-15585	170	16	is	be	VERB
crl-15585	170	17	no	no	DET
crl-15585	170	18	question	question	NOUN
crl-15585	170	19	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	170	20	the	the	DET
crl-15585	170	21	information	information	NOUN
crl-15585	170	22	obtained	obtain	VERB
crl-15585	170	23	by	by	ADP
crl-15585	170	24	lunt	lunt	NOUN
crl-15585	170	25	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	170	26	print	print	NOUN
crl-15585	170	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	170	28	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	170	29	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	170	30	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-15585	170	31	supplied	supply	VERB
crl-15585	170	32	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15585	170	33	that	that	PRON
crl-15585	170	34	helped	help	VERB
crl-15585	170	35	the	the	DET
crl-15585	170	36	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	170	37	build	build	VERB
crl-15585	170	38	a	a	DET
crl-15585	170	39	case	case	NOUN
crl-15585	170	40	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	170	41	university	university	NOUN
crl-15585	170	42	administrators	administrator	NOUN
crl-15585	170	43	to	to	PART
crl-15585	170	44	fund	fund	VERB
crl-15585	170	45	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-15585	170	46	projects	project	NOUN
crl-15585	170	47	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	170	48	improvements	improvement	NOUN
crl-15585	170	49	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	170	50	the	the	DET
crl-15585	170	51	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	170	52	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	170	53	s	s	PART
crl-15585	170	54	collections	collection	NOUN
crl-15585	170	55	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	170	56	physical	physical	ADJ
crl-15585	170	57	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-15585	170	58	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	171	1	internally	internally	ADV
crl-15585	171	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	171	3	the	the	DET
crl-15585	171	4	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	171	5	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-15585	171	6	has	have	AUX
crl-15585	171	7	examined	examine	VERB
crl-15585	171	8	several	several	ADJ
crl-15585	171	9	services	service	NOUN
crl-15585	171	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	171	11	some	some	DET
crl-15585	171	12	policies	policy	NOUN
crl-15585	171	13	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	171	14	light	light	NOUN
crl-15585	171	15	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	171	16	observations	observation	NOUN
crl-15585	171	17	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	171	18	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	171	19	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	171	20	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	171	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	172	1	new	new	ADJ
crl-15585	172	2	shelving	shelve	VERB
crl-15585	172	3	practices	practice	NOUN
crl-15585	172	4	cut	cut	VERB
crl-15585	172	5	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	172	7	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	172	9	-	-	VERB
crl-15585	172	10	shelve	shelve	VERB
crl-15585	172	11	a	a	DET
crl-15585	172	12	book	book	NOUN
crl-15585	172	13	after	after	ADP
crl-15585	172	14	use	use	NOUN
crl-15585	172	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	173	1	tracking	track	VERB
crl-15585	173	2	newly	newly	ADV
crl-15585	173	3	acquired	acquire	VERB
crl-15585	173	4	materials	material	NOUN
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crl-15585	173	6	the	the	DET
crl-15585	173	7	acquisitions	acquisition	NOUN
crl-15585	173	8	/	/	PUNCT
crl-15585	173	9	cataloging	catalog	VERB
crl-15585	173	10	/	/	SYM
crl-15585	173	11	processing	processing	NOUN
crl-15585	173	12	function	function	NOUN
crl-15585	173	13	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	173	14	enhanced	enhance	VERB
crl-15585	173	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	174	1	support	support	NOUN
crl-15585	174	2	services	service	NOUN
crl-15585	174	3	are	be	AUX
crl-15585	174	4	improved	improve	VERB
crl-15585	174	5	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	175	1	more	more	ADV
crl-15585	175	2	important	important	ADJ
crl-15585	175	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	175	4	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	175	5	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-15585	175	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	175	7	discussions	discussion	NOUN
crl-15585	175	8	about	about	ADP
crl-15585	175	9	the	the	DET
crl-15585	175	10	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	175	11	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	175	12	s	s	PART
crl-15585	175	13	future	future	ADJ
crl-15585	175	14	direction	direction	NOUN
crl-15585	175	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	175	16	the	the	DET
crl-15585	175	17	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	175	18	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	175	19	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	175	20	are	be	AUX
crl-15585	175	21	nearly	nearly	ADV
crl-15585	175	22	always	always	ADV
crl-15585	175	23	referenced	reference	VERB
crl-15585	175	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	176	1	they	they	PRON
crl-15585	176	2	continue	continue	VERB
crl-15585	176	3	to	to	PART
crl-15585	176	4	have	have	VERB
crl-15585	176	5	a	a	DET
crl-15585	176	6	profound	profound	ADJ
crl-15585	176	7	influence	influence	NOUN
crl-15585	176	8	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	176	9	framing	frame	VERB
crl-15585	176	10	user	user	NOUN
crl-15585	176	11	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15585	176	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	176	13	desires	desire	NOUN
crl-15585	176	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	177	1	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	177	2	light	light	NOUN
crl-15585	177	3	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	177	4	recent	recent	ADJ
crl-15585	177	5	libqual	libqual	ADJ
crl-15585	177	6	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	177	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	177	8	the	the	DET
crl-15585	177	9	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	177	10	has	have	AUX
crl-15585	177	11	confirmed	confirm	VERB
crl-15585	177	12	many	many	ADJ
crl-15585	177	13	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	177	14	the	the	DET
crl-15585	177	15	issues	issue	NOUN
crl-15585	177	16	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	177	17	concern	concern	NOUN
crl-15585	177	18	raised	raise	VERB
crl-15585	177	19	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	177	20	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	177	21	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	177	22	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	177	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	178	1	such	such	ADJ
crl-15585	178	2	was	be	AUX
crl-15585	178	3	the	the	DET
crl-15585	178	4	success	success	NOUN
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crl-15585	178	8	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	178	9	project	project	NOUN
crl-15585	178	10	that	that	PRON
crl-15585	178	11	the	the	DET
crl-15585	178	12	library	library	NOUN
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crl-15585	178	18	meetings	meeting	NOUN
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crl-15585	178	21	undergraduate	undergraduate	NOUN
crl-15585	178	22	students	student	NOUN
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crl-15585	178	24	the	the	DET
crl-15585	178	25	coming	come	VERB
crl-15585	178	26	year	year	NOUN
crl-15585	178	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	179	1	lessons	lesson	NOUN
crl-15585	179	2	learned	learn	VERB
crl-15585	179	3	you	you	PRON
crl-15585	179	4	get	get	VERB
crl-15585	179	5	what	what	PRON
crl-15585	179	6	you	you	PRON
crl-15585	179	7	pay	pay	VERB
crl-15585	179	8	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	179	9	contracting	contract	VERB
crl-15585	179	10	out	out	ADP
crl-15585	179	11	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	179	13	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	179	14	survey	survey	NOUN
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crl-15585	179	16	a	a	DET
crl-15585	179	17	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-15585	179	18	firm	firm	NOUN
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crl-15585	179	21	the	the	DET
crl-15585	179	22	costs	cost	NOUN
crl-15585	179	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	180	3	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	180	4	lunt	lunt	NOUN
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crl-15585	180	6	not	not	PART
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crl-15585	180	8	achieved	achieve	VERB
crl-15585	180	9	its	its	PRON
crl-15585	180	10	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	180	11	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	180	12	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-15585	180	13	trying	try	VERB
crl-15585	180	14	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	180	16	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	180	17	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	180	18	moderators	moderator	NOUN
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crl-15585	180	21	the	the	DET
crl-15585	180	22	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	180	23	have	have	AUX
crl-15585	180	24	analyzed	analyze	VERB
crl-15585	180	25	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	180	28	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	180	30	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	180	31	meetings	meeting	NOUN
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crl-15585	180	33	such	such	DET
crl-15585	180	34	a	a	DET
crl-15585	180	35	way	way	NOUN
crl-15585	180	36	to	to	PART
crl-15585	180	37	produce	produce	VERB
crl-15585	180	38	useful	useful	ADJ
crl-15585	180	39	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	180	40	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	181	1	a	a	DET
crl-15585	181	2	marketing	marketing	NOUN
crl-15585	181	3	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	181	4	opinion	opinion	NOUN
crl-15585	181	5	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	181	6	professional	professional	NOUN
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crl-15585	181	8	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	181	11	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	181	12	such	such	ADJ
crl-15585	181	13	work	work	NOUN
crl-15585	181	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	182	1	these	these	DET
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crl-15585	182	4	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	182	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	182	7	abilities	ability	NOUN
crl-15585	182	8	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	182	9	elicit	elicit	ADJ
crl-15585	182	10	responses	response	NOUN
crl-15585	182	11	without	without	ADP
crl-15585	182	12	influencing	influence	VERB
crl-15585	182	13	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	182	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	183	1	do	do	AUX
crl-15585	183	2	not	not	PART
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crl-15585	183	7	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	183	9	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-15585	183	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	183	13	undertake	undertake	VERB
crl-15585	183	14	parts	part	NOUN
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crl-15585	183	16	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	183	18	that	that	PRON
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crl-15585	183	21	you	you	PRON
crl-15585	183	22	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	183	23	accomplish	accomplish	VERB
crl-15585	183	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	184	1	brown	brown	PROPN
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crl-15585	184	6	expenses	expense	NOUN
crl-15585	184	7	somewhat	somewhat	ADV
crl-15585	184	8	by	by	ADP
crl-15585	184	9	managing	manage	VERB
crl-15585	184	10	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	184	15	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	184	16	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	184	17	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	184	18	the	the	DET
crl-15585	184	19	recruiting	recruiting	NOUN
crl-15585	184	20	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	184	21	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	184	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	184	23	booking	book	VERB
crl-15585	184	24	a	a	DET
crl-15585	184	25	meeting	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	184	26	room	room	NOUN
crl-15585	184	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	184	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	184	29	preparing	prepare	VERB
crl-15585	184	30	refreshments	refreshment	NOUN
crl-15585	184	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	185	1	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	185	2	do	do	AUX
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crl-15585	185	5	to	to	PART
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crl-15585	185	7	what	what	PRON
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crl-15585	185	12	to	to	PART
crl-15585	185	13	do	do	VERB
crl-15585	185	14	;	;	PUNCT
crl-15585	185	15	instead	instead	ADV
crl-15585	185	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	185	17	hire	hire	VERB
crl-15585	185	18	a	a	DET
crl-15585	185	19	professional	professional	NOUN
crl-15585	185	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	186	1	divide	divide	VERB
crl-15585	186	2	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	186	7	lunt	lunt	NOUN
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crl-15585	186	10	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	186	12	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	186	14	can	can	AUX
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crl-15585	186	17	overstated	overstate	VERB
crl-15585	186	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	187	1	all	all	DET
crl-15585	187	2	eight	eight	NUM
crl-15585	187	3	team	team	NOUN
crl-15585	187	4	members	member	NOUN
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crl-15585	187	6	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	187	7	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	187	12	made	make	VERB
crl-15585	187	13	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	187	15	a	a	DET
crl-15585	187	16	success	success	NOUN
crl-15585	187	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	188	2	addition	addition	NOUN
crl-15585	188	3	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-15585	188	6	guided	guide	VERB
crl-15585	188	7	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	188	9	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-15585	188	13	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-15585	188	14	moderator	moderator	NOUN
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crl-15585	188	16	library	library	PROPN
crl-15585	188	17	focus	focus	NOUN
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crl-15585	188	19	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	188	20	131	131	NUM
crl-15585	188	21	many	many	ADJ
crl-15585	188	22	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	188	23	the	the	DET
crl-15585	188	24	decisions	decision	NOUN
crl-15585	188	25	that	that	PRON
crl-15585	188	26	were	be	AUX
crl-15585	188	27	made	make	VERB
crl-15585	188	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	189	1	no	no	DET
crl-15585	189	2	single	single	ADJ
crl-15585	189	3	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	189	4	representative	representative	NOUN
crl-15585	189	5	could	could	AUX
crl-15585	189	6	manage	manage	VERB
crl-15585	189	7	this	this	DET
crl-15585	189	8	sort	sort	NOUN
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crl-15585	189	10	project	project	NOUN
crl-15585	189	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	189	12	achieve	achieve	VERB
crl-15585	189	13	positive	positive	ADJ
crl-15585	189	14	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	189	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	190	1	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-15585	190	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	190	3	everything	everything	PRON
crl-15585	190	4	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	190	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	190	7	most	most	ADV
crl-15585	190	8	intensive	intensive	ADJ
crl-15585	190	9	period	period	NOUN
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crl-15585	190	11	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	190	18	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	190	19	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	190	20	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	190	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	191	1	careful	careful	ADJ
crl-15585	191	2	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-15585	191	3	ensures	ensure	VERB
crl-15585	191	4	the	the	DET
crl-15585	191	5	best	good	ADJ
crl-15585	191	6	outcome	outcome	NOUN
crl-15585	191	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	192	1	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	192	2	learn	learn	VERB
crl-15585	192	3	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	192	4	your	your	PRON
crl-15585	192	5	mistakes	mistake	NOUN
crl-15585	192	6	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	193	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15585	193	2	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	193	3	became	become	VERB
crl-15585	193	4	clear	clear	ADJ
crl-15585	193	5	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	193	6	the	the	DET
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crl-15585	193	12	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	193	13	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	193	14	attendance	attendance	NOUN
crl-15585	193	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	193	16	brown	brown	NOUN
crl-15585	193	17	quickly	quickly	ADV
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crl-15585	193	20	an	an	DET
crl-15585	193	21	afternoon	afternoon	NOUN
crl-15585	193	22	meeting	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	193	23	time	time	NOUN
crl-15585	193	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-15585	194	3	group	group	PROPN
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crl-15585	194	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	194	20	experienced	experienced	ADJ
crl-15585	194	21	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	194	22	see	see	VERB
crl-15585	194	23	above	above	ADV
crl-15585	194	24	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15585	194	25	but	but	CCONJ
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crl-15585	194	42	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	194	43	change	change	VERB
crl-15585	194	44	direction	direction	NOUN
crl-15585	194	45	as	as	SCONJ
crl-15585	194	46	dictated	dictate	VERB
crl-15585	194	47	by	by	ADP
crl-15585	194	48	the	the	DET
crl-15585	194	49	collective	collective	ADJ
crl-15585	194	50	mood	mood	NOUN
crl-15585	194	51	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	194	52	the	the	DET
crl-15585	194	53	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	194	54	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	195	1	consider	consider	VERB
crl-15585	195	2	carefully	carefully	ADV
crl-15585	195	3	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-15585	195	4	you	you	PRON
crl-15585	195	5	want	want	VERB
crl-15585	195	6	to	to	PART
crl-15585	195	7	risk	risk	NOUN
crl-15585	195	8	obtaining	obtain	VERB
crl-15585	195	9	biased	biased	ADJ
crl-15585	195	10	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	195	11	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	195	12	having	have	VERB
crl-15585	195	13	a	a	DET
crl-15585	195	14	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crl-15585	195	15	act	act	NOUN
crl-15585	195	16	as	as	ADP
crl-15585	195	17	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	195	18	group	group	PROPN
crl-15585	195	19	moderator	moderator	PROPN
crl-15585	195	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	196	1	help	help	VERB
crl-15585	196	2	to	to	PART
crl-15585	196	3	frame	frame	VERB
crl-15585	196	4	the	the	DET
crl-15585	196	5	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	196	6	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	196	7	s	s	PART
crl-15585	196	8	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-15585	196	9	the	the	DET
crl-15585	196	10	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	196	11	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	196	12	s	s	PART
crl-15585	196	13	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-15585	196	14	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	196	15	produced	produce	VERB
crl-15585	196	16	before	before	ADP
crl-15585	196	17	the	the	DET
crl-15585	196	18	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	196	19	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	196	20	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	196	21	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	196	22	serves	serve	VERB
crl-15585	196	23	as	as	ADP
crl-15585	196	24	a	a	DET
crl-15585	196	25	script	script	NOUN
crl-15585	196	26	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	196	27	the	the	DET
crl-15585	196	28	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	196	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	197	1	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	197	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	197	3	the	the	DET
crl-15585	197	4	best	good	ADJ
crl-15585	197	5	opportunity	opportunity	NOUN
crl-15585	197	6	for	for	SCONJ
crl-15585	197	7	the	the	DET
crl-15585	197	8	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	197	9	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-15585	197	10	to	to	PART
crl-15585	197	11	influence	influence	VERB
crl-15585	197	12	the	the	DET
crl-15585	197	13	content	content	NOUN
crl-15585	197	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	197	15	direction	direction	NOUN
crl-15585	197	16	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	197	17	the	the	DET
crl-15585	197	18	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	197	19	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	197	20	meeting	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	197	21	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	197	22	to	to	PART
crl-15585	197	23	be	be	AUX
crl-15585	197	24	sure	sure	ADJ
crl-15585	197	25	that	that	SCONJ
crl-15585	197	26	issues	issue	NOUN
crl-15585	197	27	needing	need	VERB
crl-15585	197	28	clarification	clarification	NOUN
crl-15585	197	29	are	be	AUX
crl-15585	197	30	discussed	discuss	VERB
crl-15585	197	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	198	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15585	198	2	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	198	3	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	198	4	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-15585	198	5	often	often	ADV
crl-15585	198	6	deviate	deviate	VERB
crl-15585	198	7	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	198	8	the	the	DET
crl-15585	198	9	script	script	NOUN
crl-15585	198	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	198	11	should	should	AUX
crl-15585	198	12	do	do	VERB
crl-15585	198	13	so	so	ADV
crl-15585	198	14	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15585	198	15	properly	properly	ADV
crl-15585	198	16	moderated	moderate	VERB
crl-15585	198	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	198	18	all	all	DET
crl-15585	198	19	points	point	NOUN
crl-15585	198	20	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	198	21	the	the	DET
crl-15585	198	22	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-15585	198	23	will	will	AUX
crl-15585	198	24	generally	generally	ADV
crl-15585	198	25	be	be	AUX
crl-15585	198	26	covered	cover	VERB
crl-15585	198	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	199	1	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	199	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	199	3	important	important	ADJ
crl-15585	199	4	to	to	PART
crl-15585	199	5	make	make	VERB
crl-15585	199	6	sure	sure	ADJ
crl-15585	199	7	the	the	DET
crl-15585	199	8	completed	complete	VERB
crl-15585	199	9	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-15585	199	10	covers	cover	VERB
crl-15585	199	11	all	all	DET
crl-15585	199	12	areas	area	NOUN
crl-15585	199	13	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	199	14	concern	concern	NOUN
crl-15585	199	15	that	that	PRON
crl-15585	199	16	need	need	VERB
crl-15585	199	17	clarification	clarification	NOUN
crl-15585	199	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	200	1	recruiting	recruiting	NOUN
crl-15585	200	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	200	3	difficult	difficult	ADJ
crl-15585	200	4	recruiting	recruiting	NOUN
crl-15585	200	5	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	200	6	hard	hard	ADJ
crl-15585	200	7	work	work	NOUN
crl-15585	200	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	200	9	period	period	NOUN
crl-15585	200	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	201	1	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	201	2	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-15585	201	3	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	201	4	do	do	VERB
crl-15585	201	5	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	201	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	201	7	but	but	CCONJ
crl-15585	201	8	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	201	9	means	mean	VERB
crl-15585	201	10	lots	lot	NOUN
crl-15585	201	11	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	201	12	reminders	reminder	NOUN
crl-15585	201	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	201	14	follow	follow	VERB
crl-15585	201	15	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	201	16	up	up	NOUN
crl-15585	201	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	201	18	lots	lot	NOUN
crl-15585	201	19	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	201	20	telephone	telephone	NOUN
crl-15585	201	21	calls	call	NOUN
crl-15585	201	22	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	201	23	e	e	NOUN
crl-15585	201	24	-	-	NOUN
crl-15585	201	25	mails	mail	NOUN
crl-15585	201	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	202	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-15585	202	2	this	this	DET
crl-15585	202	3	approach	approach	NOUN
crl-15585	202	4	worked	work	VERB
crl-15585	202	5	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	202	6	the	the	DET
crl-15585	202	7	brown	brown	ADJ
crl-15585	202	8	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	202	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	202	10	other	other	ADJ
crl-15585	202	11	institutions	institution	NOUN
crl-15585	202	12	have	have	AUX
crl-15585	202	13	reported	report	VERB
crl-15585	202	14	success	success	NOUN
crl-15585	202	15	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	202	16	simply	simply	ADV
crl-15585	202	17	asking	ask	VERB
crl-15585	202	18	people	people	NOUN
crl-15585	202	19	arriving	arrive	VERB
crl-15585	202	20	at	at	ADP
crl-15585	202	21	the	the	DET
crl-15585	202	22	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	202	23	if	if	SCONJ
crl-15585	202	24	they	they	PRON
crl-15585	202	25	would	would	AUX
crl-15585	202	26	mind	mind	VERB
crl-15585	202	27	talking	talk	VERB
crl-15585	202	28	about	about	ADP
crl-15585	202	29	their	their	PRON
crl-15585	202	30	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	202	31	experiences	experience	NOUN
crl-15585	202	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	203	1	consider	consider	VERB
crl-15585	203	2	the	the	DET
crl-15585	203	3	options	option	NOUN
crl-15585	203	4	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	204	1	criticism	criticism	NOUN
crl-15585	204	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	204	3	painful	painful	ADJ
crl-15585	204	4	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	204	5	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	204	6	part	part	NOUN
crl-15585	204	7	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	204	8	the	the	DET
crl-15585	204	9	nature	nature	NOUN
crl-15585	204	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	204	11	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	204	12	groups	group	NOUN
crl-15585	204	13	to	to	PART
crl-15585	204	14	draw	draw	VERB
crl-15585	204	15	a	a	DET
crl-15585	204	16	lot	lot	NOUN
crl-15585	204	17	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	204	18	criticism	criticism	NOUN
crl-15585	204	19	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	204	20	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	204	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	204	22	particularly	particularly	ADV
crl-15585	204	23	when	when	SCONJ
crl-15585	204	24	the	the	DET
crl-15585	204	25	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-15585	204	26	feel	feel	VERB
crl-15585	204	27	at	at	ADP
crl-15585	204	28	ease	ease	NOUN
crl-15585	204	29	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	204	30	the	the	DET
crl-15585	204	31	mr	mr	PROPN
crl-15585	204	32	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	204	33	speak	speak	VERB
crl-15585	204	34	freely	freely	ADV
crl-15585	204	35	about	about	ADP
crl-15585	204	36	their	their	PRON
crl-15585	204	37	thoughts	thought	NOUN
crl-15585	204	38	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	204	39	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-15585	204	40	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	205	1	it	it	PRON
crl-15585	205	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	205	3	especially	especially	ADV
crl-15585	205	4	painful	painful	ADJ
crl-15585	205	5	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	205	6	those	those	PRON
crl-15585	205	7	on	on	ADP
crl-15585	205	8	the	the	DET
crl-15585	205	9	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-15585	205	10	who	who	PRON
crl-15585	205	11	read	read	VERB
crl-15585	205	12	the	the	DET
crl-15585	205	13	final	final	ADJ
crl-15585	205	14	report	report	NOUN
crl-15585	205	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	205	16	feel	feel	AUX
crl-15585	205	17	singled	single	VERB
crl-15585	205	18	out	out	ADP
crl-15585	205	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	206	1	however	however	ADV
crl-15585	206	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	206	3	careful	careful	ADJ
crl-15585	206	4	elucidation	elucidation	NOUN
crl-15585	206	5	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	206	6	the	the	DET
crl-15585	206	7	objects	object	NOUN
crl-15585	206	8	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	206	9	concern	concern	NOUN
crl-15585	206	10	by	by	ADP
crl-15585	206	11	a	a	DET
crl-15585	206	12	wise	wise	ADJ
crl-15585	206	13	moderator	moderator	NOUN
crl-15585	206	14	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	206	15	minimize	minimize	VERB
crl-15585	206	16	the	the	DET
crl-15585	206	17	pain	pain	NOUN
crl-15585	206	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	206	19	turn	turn	VERB
crl-15585	206	20	the	the	DET
crl-15585	206	21	criticism	criticism	NOUN
crl-15585	206	22	into	into	ADP
crl-15585	206	23	areas	area	NOUN
crl-15585	206	24	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	206	25	improvement	improvement	NOUN
crl-15585	206	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	207	1	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-15585	207	2	is	be	AUX
crl-15585	207	3	a	a	DET
crl-15585	207	4	job	job	NOUN
crl-15585	207	5	well	well	ADV
crl-15585	207	6	done	do	VERB
crl-15585	207	7	results	result	NOUN
crl-15585	207	8	may	may	AUX
crl-15585	207	9	be	be	AUX
crl-15585	207	10	the	the	DET
crl-15585	207	11	best	good	ADJ
crl-15585	207	12	measure	measure	NOUN
crl-15585	207	13	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	207	14	success	success	NOUN
crl-15585	207	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	208	1	focus	focus	PROPN
crl-15585	208	2	group	group	PROPN
crl-15585	208	3	data	datum	NOUN
crl-15585	208	4	provide	provide	VERB
crl-15585	208	5	the	the	DET
crl-15585	208	6	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	208	7	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	208	8	a	a	DET
crl-15585	208	9	set	set	NOUN
crl-15585	208	10	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	208	11	actionable	actionable	ADJ
crl-15585	208	12	proposals	proposal	NOUN
crl-15585	208	13	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	208	14	improvement	improvement	NOUN
crl-15585	208	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	208	16	also	also	ADV
crl-15585	208	17	help	help	VERB
crl-15585	208	18	document	document	NOUN
crl-15585	208	19	clear	clear	ADJ
crl-15585	208	20	needs	need	NOUN
crl-15585	208	21	to	to	ADP
crl-15585	208	22	university	university	PROPN
crl-15585	208	23	administration	administration	NOUN
crl-15585	208	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	209	1	notes	note	NOUN
crl-15585	209	2	1	1	NUM
crl-15585	209	3	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	209	4	thomas	thomas	PROPN
crl-15585	209	5	l.	l.	PROPN
crl-15585	209	6	greenbaum	greenbaum	PROPN
crl-15585	209	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	209	8	moderating	moderate	VERB
crl-15585	209	9	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	209	10	groups	group	NOUN
crl-15585	209	11	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	209	12	a	a	DET
crl-15585	209	13	practical	practical	ADJ
crl-15585	209	14	guide	guide	NOUN
crl-15585	209	15	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	209	16	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	209	17	facilitation	facilitation	NOUN
crl-15585	209	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	209	19	revised	revise	VERB
crl-15585	209	20	ed	ed	NOUN
crl-15585	209	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	210	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	210	2	thousand	thousand	NUM
crl-15585	210	3	oaks	oak	NOUN
crl-15585	210	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	210	5	calif	calif	PROPN
crl-15585	210	6	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	210	7	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	210	8	sage	sage	NOUN
crl-15585	210	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	210	10	2000	2000	NUM
crl-15585	210	11	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15585	210	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	211	1	2	2	X
crl-15585	211	2	.	.	X
crl-15585	211	3	deborah	deborah	PROPN
crl-15585	211	4	leather	leather	PROPN
crl-15585	211	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	211	6	�	�	VERB
crl-15585	211	7	how	how	SCONJ
crl-15585	211	8	the	the	DET
crl-15585	211	9	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	211	10	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	211	11	technique	technique	NOUN
crl-15585	211	12	can	can	AUX
crl-15585	211	13	strengthen	strengthen	VERB
crl-15585	211	14	the	the	DET
crl-15585	211	15	development	development	NOUN
crl-15585	211	16	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	211	17	a	a	DET
crl-15585	211	18	building	building	NOUN
crl-15585	211	19	program	program	NOUN
crl-15585	211	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	211	21	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	211	22	library	library	PROPN
crl-15585	211	23	administration	administration	PROPN
crl-15585	211	24	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	211	25	management	management	PROPN
crl-15585	211	26	4	4	NUM
crl-15585	211	27	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	211	28	spring	spring	NOUN
crl-15585	211	29	1990	1990	NUM
crl-15585	211	30	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	211	31	92	92	NUM
crl-15585	211	32	�	�	SYM
crl-15585	211	33	95	95	NUM
crl-15585	211	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	212	1	3	3	X
crl-15585	212	2	.	.	X
crl-15585	212	3	richard	richard	PROPN
crl-15585	212	4	widdows	widdows	PROPN
crl-15585	212	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	212	6	tia	tia	PROPN
crl-15585	212	7	hensler	hensler	NOUN
crl-15585	212	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	212	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	212	10	marlaya	marlaya	PROPN
crl-15585	212	11	wynott	wynott	VERB
crl-15585	212	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	212	13	�	�	VERB
crl-15585	212	14	the	the	DET
crl-15585	212	15	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	212	16	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	212	17	interview	interview	NOUN
crl-15585	212	18	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	212	19	a	a	DET
crl-15585	212	20	method	method	NOUN
crl-15585	212	21	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	212	22	assessing	assess	VERB
crl-15585	212	23	users	user	NOUN
crl-15585	212	24	�	�	X
crl-15585	212	25	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crl-15585	212	26	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	212	27	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	212	28	services	service	NOUN
crl-15585	212	29	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	212	30	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	212	31	college	college	PROPN
crl-15585	212	32	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	212	33	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	212	34	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15585	212	35	52	52	NUM
crl-15585	212	36	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	212	37	july	july	PROPN
crl-15585	212	38	1991	1991	NUM
crl-15585	212	39	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	212	40	353	353	NUM
crl-15585	212	41	�	�	NUM
crl-15585	212	42	59	59	NUM
crl-15585	212	43	.	.	NUM
crl-15585	213	1	4	4	X
crl-15585	213	2	.	.	X
crl-15585	213	3	victoria	victoria	PROPN
crl-15585	213	4	young	young	PROPN
crl-15585	213	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	213	6	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	213	7	focus	focus	VERB
crl-15585	213	8	on	on	ADP
crl-15585	213	9	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	213	10	groups	group	NOUN
crl-15585	213	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	213	12	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	213	13	college	college	PROPN
crl-15585	213	14	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	213	15	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	213	16	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-15585	213	17	news	news	NOUN
crl-15585	213	18	7	7	NUM
crl-15585	213	19	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	213	20	july	july	PROPN
crl-15585	213	21	/	/	SYM
crl-15585	213	22	aug	aug	PROPN
crl-15585	213	23	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	213	24	1993	1993	NUM
crl-15585	213	25	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	213	26	391	391	NUM
crl-15585	213	27	�	�	NUM
crl-15585	213	28	94	94	NUM
crl-15585	213	29	.	.	NUM
crl-15585	214	1	5	5	X
crl-15585	214	2	.	.	X
crl-15585	214	3	barbara	barbara	PROPN
crl-15585	214	4	valentine	valentine	PROPN
crl-15585	214	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	214	6	�	�	NOUN
crl-15585	214	7	undergraduate	undergraduate	NOUN
crl-15585	214	8	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	214	9	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-15585	214	10	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	214	11	using	use	VERB
crl-15585	214	12	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	214	13	groups	group	NOUN
crl-15585	214	14	to	to	PART
crl-15585	214	15	generate	generate	VERB
crl-15585	214	16	theory	theory	NOUN
crl-15585	214	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	214	18	�	�	X
crl-15585	214	19	journal	journal	NOUN
crl-15585	214	20	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	214	21	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-15585	214	22	librarianship	librarianship	NOUN
crl-15585	214	23	19	19	NUM
crl-15585	214	24	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	214	25	nov	nov	PROPN
crl-15585	214	26	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	214	27	1993	1993	NUM
crl-15585	214	28	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	214	29	300	300	NUM
crl-15585	214	30	�	�	NUM
crl-15585	214	31	304	304	NUM
crl-15585	214	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	1	6	6	NUM
crl-15585	215	2	.	.	X
crl-15585	215	3	heather	heather	PROPN
crl-15585	215	4	morrison	morrison	PROPN
crl-15585	215	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	6	�	�	NOUN
crl-15585	215	7	information	information	NOUN
crl-15585	215	8	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crl-15585	215	9	skills	skill	NOUN
crl-15585	215	10	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	11	an	an	DET
crl-15585	215	12	exploratory	exploratory	ADJ
crl-15585	215	13	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	215	14	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	215	15	study	study	NOUN
crl-15585	215	16	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	215	17	student	student	NOUN
crl-15585	215	18	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-15585	215	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	20	�	�	NOUN
crl-15585	215	21	research	research	NOUN
crl-15585	215	22	strategies	strategy	NOUN
crl-15585	215	23	15	15	NUM
crl-15585	215	24	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	25	winter	winter	NOUN
crl-15585	215	26	1997	1997	NUM
crl-15585	215	27	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	28	4	4	NUM
crl-15585	215	29	�	�	NUM
crl-15585	215	30	17	17	NUM
crl-15585	215	31	.	.	NUM
crl-15585	215	32	7	7	NUM
crl-15585	215	33	.	.	X
crl-15585	215	34	virginia	virginia	PROPN
crl-15585	215	35	massey	massey	PROPN
crl-15585	215	36	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	37	burzio	burzio	NOUN
crl-15585	215	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	39	�	�	X
crl-15585	215	40	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	215	41	the	the	DET
crl-15585	215	42	other	other	ADJ
crl-15585	215	43	side	side	NOUN
crl-15585	215	44	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	215	45	the	the	DET
crl-15585	215	46	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-15585	215	47	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-15585	215	48	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	49	a	a	DET
crl-15585	215	50	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	215	51	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	215	52	study	study	NOUN
crl-15585	215	53	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	54	�	�	X
crl-15585	215	55	journal	journal	NOUN
crl-15585	215	56	of	of	ADP
crl-15585	215	57	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-15585	215	58	librarianship	librarianship	NOUN
crl-15585	215	59	24	24	NUM
crl-15585	215	60	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	61	may	may	AUX
crl-15585	215	62	1998	1998	NUM
crl-15585	215	63	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	215	64	208	208	NUM
crl-15585	215	65	�	�	NOUN
crl-15585	215	66	15	15	NUM
crl-15585	215	67	.	.	NUM
crl-15585	215	68	132	132	NUM
crl-15585	215	69	college	college	PROPN
crl-15585	215	70	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	215	71	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	215	72	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15585	215	73	march	march	PROPN
crl-15585	215	74	2003	2003	NUM
crl-15585	215	75	8	8	NUM
crl-15585	215	76	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	1	elaina	elaina	PROPN
crl-15585	216	2	norlin	norlin	PROPN
crl-15585	216	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	4	�	�	NOUN
crl-15585	216	5	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-15585	216	6	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crl-15585	216	7	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	8	a	a	DET
crl-15585	216	9	three	three	NUM
crl-15585	216	10	-	-	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	11	step	step	NOUN
crl-15585	216	12	approach	approach	NOUN
crl-15585	216	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	14	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	216	15	college	college	PROPN
crl-15585	216	16	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	216	17	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	216	18	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-15585	216	19	61	61	NUM
crl-15585	216	20	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	21	nov	nov	PROPN
crl-15585	216	22	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	216	23	2000	2000	NUM
crl-15585	216	24	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	25	546	546	NUM
crl-15585	216	26	�	�	NUM
crl-15585	216	27	53	53	NUM
crl-15585	216	28	.	.	NUM
crl-15585	216	29	9	9	NUM
crl-15585	216	30	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	216	31	lynn	lynn	PROPN
crl-15585	216	32	connaway	connaway	PROPN
crl-15585	216	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	34	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	216	35	focus	focus	PROPN
crl-15585	216	36	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	216	37	interviews	interview	NOUN
crl-15585	216	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	39	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	216	40	library	library	PROPN
crl-15585	216	41	administration	administration	PROPN
crl-15585	216	42	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	216	43	management	management	PROPN
crl-15585	216	44	10	10	NUM
crl-15585	216	45	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	46	fall	fall	NOUN
crl-15585	216	47	1996	1996	NUM
crl-15585	216	48	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	216	49	231	231	NUM
crl-15585	216	50	�	�	SYM
crl-15585	216	51	39	39	NUM
crl-15585	216	52	.	.	NUM
crl-15585	216	53	10	10	NUM
crl-15585	216	54	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	217	1	lynn	lynn	PROPN
crl-15585	217	2	connaway	connaway	PROPN
crl-15585	217	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	217	4	debra	debra	PROPN
crl-15585	217	5	johnson	johnson	PROPN
crl-15585	217	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	217	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	217	8	susan	susan	PROPN
crl-15585	217	9	searing	searing	PROPN
crl-15585	217	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	217	11	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	217	12	online	online	NOUN
crl-15585	217	13	catalogs	catalog	NOUN
crl-15585	217	14	from	from	ADP
crl-15585	217	15	the	the	DET
crl-15585	217	16	users	user	NOUN
crl-15585	217	17	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	217	18	perspective	perspective	NOUN
crl-15585	217	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	217	20	�	�	PROPN
crl-15585	217	21	college	college	PROPN
crl-15585	217	22	&	&	CCONJ
crl-15585	217	23	research	research	PROPN
crl-15585	217	24	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-15585	217	25	58	58	NUM
crl-15585	217	26	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	217	27	sept	sept	PROPN
crl-15585	217	28	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	217	29	1997	1997	NUM
crl-15585	217	30	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	218	1	403	403	NUM
crl-15585	218	2	�	�	NUM
crl-15585	218	3	20	20	NUM
crl-15585	218	4	.	.	NUM
crl-15585	218	5	11	11	NUM
crl-15585	218	6	.	.	PROPN
crl-15585	218	7	elizabeth	elizabeth	PROPN
crl-15585	218	8	parang	parang	PROPN
crl-15585	218	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	218	10	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	218	11	using	use	VERB
crl-15585	218	12	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	218	13	groups	group	NOUN
crl-15585	218	14	to	to	PART
crl-15585	218	15	match	match	VERB
crl-15585	218	16	user	user	NOUN
crl-15585	218	17	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-15585	218	18	with	with	ADP
crl-15585	218	19	library	library	NOUN
crl-15585	218	20	constraints	constraint	NOUN
crl-15585	218	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	218	22	�	�	NOUN
crl-15585	218	23	serials	serial	NOUN
crl-15585	218	24	librarian	librarian	PROPN
crl-15585	218	25	31	31	NUM
crl-15585	218	26	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	218	27	1997	1997	NUM
crl-15585	218	28	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	218	29	335	335	NUM
crl-15585	218	30	�	�	SYM
crl-15585	218	31	39	39	NUM
crl-15585	218	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	219	1	12	12	NUM
crl-15585	219	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	220	1	nancy	nancy	PROPN
crl-15585	220	2	young	young	ADJ
crl-15585	220	3	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	220	4	marilyn	marilyn	PROPN
crl-15585	220	5	seggern	seggern	PROPN
crl-15585	220	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	220	7	�	�	SPACE
crl-15585	220	8	general	general	ADJ
crl-15585	220	9	information	information	NOUN
crl-15585	220	10	seeking	seek	VERB
crl-15585	220	11	in	in	ADP
crl-15585	220	12	changing	change	VERB
crl-15585	220	13	times	time	NOUN
crl-15585	220	14	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	220	15	a	a	DET
crl-15585	220	16	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	220	17	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	220	18	study	study	NOUN
crl-15585	220	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	220	20	�	�	NOUN
crl-15585	220	21	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-15585	220	22	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	220	23	user	user	NOUN
crl-15585	220	24	services	service	NOUN
crl-15585	220	25	quarterly	quarterly	ADJ
crl-15585	220	26	41	41	NUM
crl-15585	220	27	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	220	28	winter	winter	NOUN
crl-15585	220	29	2001	2001	NUM
crl-15585	220	30	):	):	PUNCT
crl-15585	220	31	159	159	NUM
crl-15585	220	32	�	�	NUM
crl-15585	220	33	68	68	NUM
crl-15585	220	34	.	.	NUM
crl-15585	221	1	13	13	NUM
crl-15585	221	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	221	3	beryl	beryl	PROPN
crl-15585	221	4	glitz	glitz	PROPN
crl-15585	221	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	221	6	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	221	7	groups	group	NOUN
crl-15585	221	8	for	for	ADP
crl-15585	221	9	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-15585	221	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	221	11	librarians	librarians	PROPN
crl-15585	221	12	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	221	13	new	new	PROPN
crl-15585	221	14	york	york	PROPN
crl-15585	221	15	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	221	16	forbes	forbes	PROPN
crl-15585	221	17	custom	custom	PROPN
crl-15585	221	18	publications	publication	NOUN
crl-15585	221	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	221	20	1998	1998	NUM
crl-15585	221	21	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15585	221	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	222	1	14	14	NUM
crl-15585	222	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	223	1	mary	mary	PROPN
crl-15585	223	2	wagner	wagner	PROPN
crl-15585	223	3	and	and	CCONJ
crl-15585	223	4	suzanne	suzanne	PROPN
crl-15585	223	5	mahmoodi	mahmoodi	NOUN
crl-15585	223	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	223	7	a	a	DET
crl-15585	223	8	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	223	9	group	group	NOUN
crl-15585	223	10	interview	interview	NOUN
crl-15585	223	11	manual	manual	NOUN
crl-15585	223	12	(	(	PUNCT
crl-15585	223	13	chicago	chicago	PROPN
crl-15585	223	14	:	:	PUNCT
crl-15585	223	15	ala	ala	PROPN
crl-15585	223	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	223	17	1994	1994	NUM
crl-15585	223	18	)	)	PUNCT
crl-15585	223	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-15585	224	1	15	15	NUM
crl-15585	224	2	.	.	X
crl-15585	224	3	greenbaum	greenbaum	NOUN
crl-15585	224	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-15585	224	5	moderating	moderate	VERB
crl-15585	224	6	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-15585	224	7	groups	group	NOUN
crl-15585	224	8	.	.	PUNCT