id sid tid token lemma pos crl-16133 1 1 79 79 NUM crl-16133 1 2 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 1 3 as as ADP crl-16133 1 4 a a DET crl-16133 1 5 library library NOUN crl-16133 1 6 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 1 7 : : PUNCT crl-16133 1 8 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 1 9 vs. vs. ADP crl-16133 1 10 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 1 11 use use NOUN crl-16133 1 12 terra terra PROPN crl-16133 1 13 b. b. PROPN crl-16133 1 14 jacobson jacobson PROPN crl-16133 1 15 terra terra PROPN crl-16133 1 16 b. b. PROPN crl-16133 1 17 jacobson jacobson PROPN crl-16133 1 18 is be AUX crl-16133 1 19 public public ADJ crl-16133 1 20 services service NOUN crl-16133 1 21 manager manager NOUN crl-16133 1 22 in in ADP crl-16133 1 23 the the DET crl-16133 1 24 library library NOUN crl-16133 1 25 at at ADP crl-16133 1 26 prairie prairie PROPN crl-16133 1 27 state state PROPN crl-16133 1 28 college college NOUN crl-16133 1 29 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 1 30 e e X crl-16133 1 31 - - NOUN crl-16133 1 32 mail mail NOUN crl-16133 1 33 : : PUNCT crl-16133 1 34 terra.jacobson@ terra.jacobson@ NOUN crl-16133 1 35 X crl-16133 1 36 . . PUNCT crl-16133 2 1 the the DET crl-16133 2 2 author author NOUN crl-16133 2 3 would would AUX crl-16133 2 4 like like VERB crl-16133 2 5 to to PART crl-16133 2 6 thank thank VERB crl-16133 2 7 dr dr PROPN crl-16133 2 8 . . PROPN crl-16133 2 9 noriko noriko PROPN crl-16133 2 10 hara hara PROPN crl-16133 2 11 for for ADP crl-16133 2 12 all all PRON crl-16133 2 13 of of ADP crl-16133 2 14 her her PRON crl-16133 2 15 assistance assistance NOUN crl-16133 2 16 and and CCONJ crl-16133 2 17 guidance guidance NOUN crl-16133 2 18 with with ADP crl-16133 2 19 this this DET crl-16133 2 20 paper paper NOUN crl-16133 2 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 3 1 © © PROPN crl-16133 3 2 terra terra PROPN crl-16133 3 3 b. b. PROPN crl-16133 3 4 jacobson jacobson PROPN crl-16133 3 5 as as ADP crl-16133 3 6 facebook facebook PROPN crl-16133 3 7 has have AUX crl-16133 3 8 come come VERB crl-16133 3 9 to to PART crl-16133 3 10 dominate dominate VERB crl-16133 3 11 the the DET crl-16133 3 12 social social ADJ crl-16133 3 13 networking networking NOUN crl-16133 3 14 site site NOUN crl-16133 3 15 arena arena NOUN crl-16133 3 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 3 17 more more ADJ crl-16133 3 18 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 3 19 have have AUX crl-16133 3 20 created create VERB crl-16133 3 21 their their PRON crl-16133 3 22 own own ADJ crl-16133 3 23 library library NOUN crl-16133 3 24 pages page NOUN crl-16133 3 25 on on ADP crl-16133 3 26 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 3 27 to to PART crl-16133 3 28 create create VERB crl-16133 3 29 library library NOUN crl-16133 3 30 awareness awareness NOUN crl-16133 3 31 and and CCONJ crl-16133 3 32 to to PART crl-16133 3 33 function function VERB crl-16133 3 34 as as ADP crl-16133 3 35 a a DET crl-16133 3 36 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 3 37 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 3 38 . . PUNCT crl-16133 4 1 this this DET crl-16133 4 2 paper paper NOUN crl-16133 4 3 examines examine NOUN crl-16133 4 4 reported report VERB crl-16133 4 5 versus versus ADP crl-16133 4 6 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 4 7 use use NOUN crl-16133 4 8 of of ADP crl-16133 4 9 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 4 10 in in ADP crl-16133 4 11 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 4 12 to to PART crl-16133 4 13 identify identify VERB crl-16133 4 14 discrepancies discrepancy NOUN crl-16133 4 15 between between ADP crl-16133 4 16 intended intend VERB crl-16133 4 17 goals goal NOUN crl-16133 4 18 and and CCONJ crl-16133 4 19 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 4 20 use use NOUN crl-16133 4 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 5 1 the the DET crl-16133 5 2 results result NOUN crl-16133 5 3 of of ADP crl-16133 5 4 a a DET crl-16133 5 5 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 5 6 study study NOUN crl-16133 5 7 about about ADP crl-16133 5 8 the the DET crl-16133 5 9 use use NOUN crl-16133 5 10 of of ADP crl-16133 5 11 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 5 12 in in ADP crl-16133 5 13 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 5 14 are be AUX crl-16133 5 15 used use VERB crl-16133 5 16 as as ADP crl-16133 5 17 a a DET crl-16133 5 18 guide guide NOUN crl-16133 5 19 to to PART crl-16133 5 20 gauge gauge VERB crl-16133 5 21 the the DET crl-16133 5 22 perceived perceived ADJ crl-16133 5 23 and and CCONJ crl-16133 5 24 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 5 25 uses use NOUN crl-16133 5 26 for for ADP crl-16133 5 27 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 5 28 in in ADP crl-16133 5 29 this this DET crl-16133 5 30 study study NOUN crl-16133 5 31 . . PUNCT crl-16133 6 1 results result NOUN crl-16133 6 2 of of ADP crl-16133 6 3 the the DET crl-16133 6 4 test test NOUN crl-16133 6 5 reveal reveal VERB crl-16133 6 6 that that SCONJ crl-16133 6 7 the the DET crl-16133 6 8 two two NUM crl-16133 6 9 ranks rank NOUN crl-16133 6 10 are be AUX crl-16133 6 11 not not PART crl-16133 6 12 statistically statistically ADV crl-16133 6 13 different different ADJ crl-16133 6 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 6 15 but but CCONJ crl-16133 6 16 that that SCONJ crl-16133 6 17 there there PRON crl-16133 6 18 is be VERB crl-16133 6 19 a a DET crl-16133 6 20 noticeable noticeable ADJ crl-16133 6 21 difference difference NOUN crl-16133 6 22 when when SCONJ crl-16133 6 23 looking look VERB crl-16133 6 24 at at ADP crl-16133 6 25 the the DET crl-16133 6 26 perceived perceived ADJ crl-16133 6 27 and and CCONJ crl-16133 6 28 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 6 29 rankings ranking NOUN crl-16133 6 30 qualitatively qualitatively ADV crl-16133 6 31 . . PUNCT crl-16133 7 1 n n ADV crl-16133 7 2 the the DET crl-16133 7 3 past past ADJ crl-16133 7 4 few few ADJ crl-16133 7 5 years year NOUN crl-16133 7 6 , , PUNCT crl-16133 7 7 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 7 8 have have AUX crl-16133 7 9 begun begin VERB crl-16133 7 10 to to PART crl-16133 7 11 examine examine VERB crl-16133 7 12 the the DET crl-16133 7 13 possibilities possibility NOUN crl-16133 7 14 available available ADJ crl-16133 7 15 to to ADP crl-16133 7 16 them they PRON crl-16133 7 17 through through ADP crl-16133 7 18 social social ADJ crl-16133 7 19 networking networking NOUN crl-16133 7 20 sites site NOUN crl-16133 7 21 like like ADP crl-16133 7 22 twitter twitter NOUN crl-16133 7 23 and and CCONJ crl-16133 7 24 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 7 25 as as ADP crl-16133 7 26 a a DET crl-16133 7 27 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 7 28 for for ADP crl-16133 7 29 library library NOUN crl-16133 7 30 awareness awareness NOUN crl-16133 7 31 and and CCONJ crl-16133 7 32 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 7 33 . . PUNCT crl-16133 8 1 as as SCONJ crl-16133 8 2 facebook facebook PROPN crl-16133 8 3 has have AUX crl-16133 8 4 come come VERB crl-16133 8 5 to to PART crl-16133 8 6 dominate dominate VERB crl-16133 8 7 the the DET crl-16133 8 8 social social ADJ crl-16133 8 9 networking networking NOUN crl-16133 8 10 site site NOUN crl-16133 8 11 arena arena NOUN crl-16133 8 12 , , PUNCT crl-16133 8 13 more more ADJ crl-16133 8 14 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 8 15 have have AUX crl-16133 8 16 created create VERB crl-16133 8 17 their their PRON crl-16133 8 18 own own ADJ crl-16133 8 19 library library NOUN crl-16133 8 20 pages page NOUN crl-16133 8 21 on on ADP crl-16133 8 22 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 8 23 to to PART crl-16133 8 24 create create VERB crl-16133 8 25 library library NOUN crl-16133 8 26 awareness awareness NOUN crl-16133 8 27 and and CCONJ crl-16133 8 28 to to PART crl-16133 8 29 function function VERB crl-16133 8 30 as as ADP crl-16133 8 31 a a DET crl-16133 8 32 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 8 33 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 8 34 . . PUNCT crl-16133 9 1 this this PRON crl-16133 9 2 has have AUX crl-16133 9 3 spurred spur VERB crl-16133 9 4 a a DET crl-16133 9 5 large large ADJ crl-16133 9 6 number number NOUN crl-16133 9 7 of of ADP crl-16133 9 8 how how SCONJ crl-16133 9 9 - - PUNCT crl-16133 9 10 to to PART crl-16133 9 11 articles article NOUN crl-16133 9 12 about about ADP crl-16133 9 13 the the DET crl-16133 9 14 uses use NOUN crl-16133 9 15 for for ADP crl-16133 9 16 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 9 17 in in ADP crl-16133 9 18 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 9 19 as as ADV crl-16133 9 20 well well ADV crl-16133 9 21 as as ADP crl-16133 9 22 research research NOUN crl-16133 9 23 about about ADP crl-16133 9 24 how how SCONJ crl-16133 9 25 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 9 26 and and CCONJ crl-16133 9 27 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 9 28 use use VERB crl-16133 9 29 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 9 30 . . PUNCT crl-16133 10 1 this this DET crl-16133 10 2 paper paper NOUN crl-16133 10 3 examines examine NOUN crl-16133 10 4 reported report VERB crl-16133 10 5 versus versus ADP crl-16133 10 6 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 10 7 use use NOUN crl-16133 10 8 of of ADP crl-16133 10 9 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 10 10 in in ADP crl-16133 10 11 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 10 12 to to PART crl-16133 10 13 identify identify VERB crl-16133 10 14 discrepancies discrepancy NOUN crl-16133 10 15 between between ADP crl-16133 10 16 intended intend VERB crl-16133 10 17 goals goal NOUN crl-16133 10 18 and and CCONJ crl-16133 10 19 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 10 20 use use NOUN crl-16133 10 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 11 1 the the DET crl-16133 11 2 results result NOUN crl-16133 11 3 of of ADP crl-16133 11 4 the the DET crl-16133 11 5 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 11 6 study study NOUN crl-16133 11 7 by by ADP crl-16133 11 8 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 11 9 , , PUNCT crl-16133 11 10 chiarella chiarella PROPN crl-16133 11 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 11 12 hasman hasman NOUN crl-16133 11 13 , , PUNCT crl-16133 11 14 murphy murphy NOUN crl-16133 11 15 and and CCONJ crl-16133 11 16 zafron zafron NOUN crl-16133 11 17 , , PUNCT crl-16133 11 18 about about ADP crl-16133 11 19 the the DET crl-16133 11 20 use use NOUN crl-16133 11 21 of of ADP crl-16133 11 22 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 11 23 in in ADP crl-16133 11 24 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 11 25 , , PUNCT crl-16133 11 26 is be AUX crl-16133 11 27 used use VERB crl-16133 11 28 as as ADP crl-16133 11 29 a a DET crl-16133 11 30 guide guide NOUN crl-16133 11 31 to to PART crl-16133 11 32 gauge gauge VERB crl-16133 11 33 the the DET crl-16133 11 34 perceived perceived ADJ crl-16133 11 35 and and CCONJ crl-16133 11 36 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 11 37 uses use NOUN crl-16133 11 38 for for ADP crl-16133 11 39 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 11 40 in in ADP crl-16133 11 41 this this DET crl-16133 11 42 study.1 study.1 NOUN crl-16133 11 43 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 11 44 review review NOUN crl-16133 11 45 although although SCONJ crl-16133 11 46 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 11 47 ’s ’s PART crl-16133 11 48 existence existence NOUN crl-16133 11 49 is be AUX crl-16133 11 50 hardly hardly ADV crl-16133 11 51 new new ADJ crl-16133 11 52 , , PUNCT crl-16133 11 53 its its PRON crl-16133 11 54 use use NOUN crl-16133 11 55 in in ADP crl-16133 11 56 the the DET crl-16133 11 57 library library NOUN crl-16133 11 58 setting setting NOUN crl-16133 11 59 is be AUX crl-16133 11 60 just just ADV crl-16133 11 61 taking take VERB crl-16133 11 62 hold hold NOUN crl-16133 11 63 . . PUNCT crl-16133 12 1 library library NOUN crl-16133 12 2 literature literature PROPN crl-16133 12 3 relating relate VERB crl-16133 12 4 specifically specifically ADV crl-16133 12 5 to to AUX crl-16133 12 6 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 12 7 has have VERB crl-16133 12 8 a a DET crl-16133 12 9 very very ADV crl-16133 12 10 limited limited ADJ crl-16133 12 11 range range NOUN crl-16133 12 12 at at ADP crl-16133 12 13 this this DET crl-16133 12 14 time time NOUN crl-16133 12 15 and and CCONJ crl-16133 12 16 is be AUX crl-16133 12 17 not not PART crl-16133 12 18 widely widely ADV crl-16133 12 19 published publish VERB crl-16133 12 20 or or CCONJ crl-16133 12 21 is be AUX crl-16133 12 22 found find VERB crl-16133 12 23 in in ADP crl-16133 12 24 smaller small ADJ crl-16133 12 25 or or CCONJ crl-16133 12 26 digitalonly digitalonly ADJ crl-16133 12 27 journals journal NOUN crl-16133 12 28 . . PUNCT crl-16133 13 1 a a DET crl-16133 13 2 review review NOUN crl-16133 13 3 of of ADP crl-16133 13 4 the the DET crl-16133 13 5 existing exist VERB crl-16133 13 6 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 13 7 shows show VERB crl-16133 13 8 that that SCONJ crl-16133 13 9 most most ADJ crl-16133 13 10 research research NOUN crl-16133 13 11 relating relate VERB crl-16133 13 12 to to PART crl-16133 13 13 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 13 14 in in ADP crl-16133 13 15 the the DET crl-16133 13 16 library library NOUN crl-16133 13 17 setting setting NOUN crl-16133 13 18 fits fit VERB crl-16133 13 19 into into ADP crl-16133 13 20 one one NUM crl-16133 13 21 of of ADP crl-16133 13 22 five five NUM crl-16133 13 23 categories category NOUN crl-16133 13 24 , , PUNCT crl-16133 13 25 with with ADP crl-16133 13 26 some some PRON crl-16133 13 27 of of ADP crl-16133 13 28 these these DET crl-16133 13 29 categories category NOUN crl-16133 13 30 consisting consist VERB crl-16133 13 31 of of ADP crl-16133 13 32 only only ADV crl-16133 13 33 one one NUM crl-16133 13 34 paper paper NOUN crl-16133 13 35 . . PUNCT crl-16133 14 1 this this DET crl-16133 14 2 review review NOUN crl-16133 14 3 examines examine VERB crl-16133 14 4 each each PRON crl-16133 14 5 of of ADP crl-16133 14 6 these these DET crl-16133 14 7 five five NUM crl-16133 14 8 categories category NOUN crl-16133 14 9 to to PART crl-16133 14 10 determine determine VERB crl-16133 14 11 what what PRON crl-16133 14 12 is be AUX crl-16133 14 13 missing miss VERB crl-16133 14 14 in in ADP crl-16133 14 15 library library NOUN crl-16133 14 16 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 14 17 on on ADP crl-16133 14 18 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 14 19 and and CCONJ crl-16133 14 20 to to PART crl-16133 14 21 explain explain VERB crl-16133 14 22 what what PRON crl-16133 14 23 this this DET crl-16133 14 24 study study NOUN crl-16133 14 25 has have VERB crl-16133 14 26 to to PART crl-16133 14 27 contribute contribute VERB crl-16133 14 28 to to ADP crl-16133 14 29 library library PROPN crl-16133 14 30 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 14 31 . . PUNCT crl-16133 15 1 currently currently ADV crl-16133 15 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 15 3 the the DET crl-16133 15 4 most most ADV crl-16133 15 5 popular popular ADJ crl-16133 15 6 type type NOUN crl-16133 15 7 of of ADP crl-16133 15 8 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 15 9 is be AUX crl-16133 15 10 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 15 11 how how ADV crl-16133 15 12 - - PUNCT crl-16133 15 13 to to ADP crl-16133 15 14 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 15 15 based base VERB crl-16133 15 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 16 1 included include VERB crl-16133 16 2 in in ADP crl-16133 16 3 this this DET crl-16133 16 4 category category NOUN crl-16133 16 5 are be AUX crl-16133 16 6 also also ADV crl-16133 16 7 articles article NOUN crl-16133 16 8 relating relate VERB crl-16133 16 9 to to ADP crl-16133 16 10 best good ADJ crl-16133 16 11 practices practice NOUN crl-16133 16 12 as as ADV crl-16133 16 13 well well ADV crl-16133 16 14 as as ADP crl-16133 16 15 ideas idea NOUN crl-16133 16 16 for for ADP crl-16133 16 17 the the DET crl-16133 16 18 use use NOUN crl-16133 16 19 of of ADP crl-16133 16 20 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 16 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 17 1 this this DET crl-16133 17 2 area area NOUN crl-16133 17 3 includes include VERB crl-16133 17 4 a a DET crl-16133 17 5 study study NOUN crl-16133 17 6 by by ADP crl-16133 17 7 charnigo charnigo PROPN crl-16133 17 8 and and CCONJ crl-16133 17 9 barnett barnett PROPN crl-16133 17 10 - - PUNCT crl-16133 17 11 ellis ellis PROPN crl-16133 17 12 , , PUNCT crl-16133 17 13 in in ADP crl-16133 17 14 crl-88r1 crl-88r1 PROPN crl-16133 17 15 80 80 NUM crl-16133 17 16       SPACE crl-16133 17 17 college college NOUN crl-16133 17 18     SPACE crl-16133 17 19 & & CCONJ crl-16133 17 20     SPACE crl-16133 17 21 research research NOUN crl-16133 17 22     SPACE crl-16133 17 23 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 17 24     SPACE crl-16133 17 25 january january NOUN crl-16133 17 26     SPACE crl-16133 17 27 2011 2011 NUM crl-16133 17 28 which which PRON crl-16133 17 29 they they PRON crl-16133 17 30 survey survey VERB crl-16133 17 31 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 17 32 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 17 33 to to PART crl-16133 17 34 understand understand VERB crl-16133 17 35 their their PRON crl-16133 17 36 knowledge knowledge NOUN crl-16133 17 37 of of ADP crl-16133 17 38 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 17 39 use use NOUN crl-16133 17 40 on on ADP crl-16133 17 41 campus campus NOUN crl-16133 17 42 as as ADV crl-16133 17 43 well well ADV crl-16133 17 44 as as ADP crl-16133 17 45 the the DET crl-16133 17 46 potential potential NOUN crl-16133 17 47 it it PRON crl-16133 17 48 has have VERB crl-16133 17 49 to to PART crl-16133 17 50 be be AUX crl-16133 17 51 used use VERB crl-16133 17 52 as as ADP crl-16133 17 53 an an DET crl-16133 17 54 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 17 55 resource resource NOUN crl-16133 17 56 . . PUNCT crl-16133 18 1 their their PRON crl-16133 18 2 study study NOUN crl-16133 18 3 found find VERB crl-16133 18 4 that that SCONJ crl-16133 18 5 librarians librarians PROPN crl-16133 18 6 were be AUX crl-16133 18 7 wary wary ADJ crl-16133 18 8 about about ADP crl-16133 18 9 the the DET crl-16133 18 10 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 18 11 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 18 12 purpose purpose NOUN crl-16133 18 13 of of ADP crl-16133 18 14 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 18 15 with with ADP crl-16133 18 16 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 18 17 54 54 NUM crl-16133 18 18 percent percent NOUN crl-16133 18 19 of of ADP crl-16133 18 20 those those PRON crl-16133 18 21 surveyed survey VERB crl-16133 18 22 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 18 23 stating state VERB crl-16133 18 24 that that SCONJ crl-16133 18 25 it it PRON crl-16133 18 26 did do AUX crl-16133 18 27 not not PART crl-16133 18 28 serve serve VERB crl-16133 18 29 an an DET crl-16133 18 30 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 18 31 purpose.2 purpose.2 PROPN crl-16133 18 32 the the DET crl-16133 18 33 lack lack NOUN crl-16133 18 34 of of ADP crl-16133 18 35 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 18 36 purpose purpose NOUN crl-16133 18 37 found find VERB crl-16133 18 38 in in ADP crl-16133 18 39 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 18 40 may may AUX crl-16133 18 41 be be AUX crl-16133 18 42 what what PRON crl-16133 18 43 led lead VERB crl-16133 18 44 to to ADP crl-16133 18 45 the the DET crl-16133 18 46 many many ADJ crl-16133 18 47 how how ADV crl-16133 18 48 - - PUNCT crl-16133 18 49 to to PART crl-16133 18 50 and and CCONJ crl-16133 18 51 library library NOUN crl-16133 18 52 promotion promotion NOUN crl-16133 18 53 articles article NOUN crl-16133 18 54 that that PRON crl-16133 18 55 followed follow VERB crl-16133 18 56 this this DET crl-16133 18 57 2007 2007 NUM crl-16133 18 58 study study NOUN crl-16133 18 59 . . PUNCT crl-16133 19 1 this this PRON crl-16133 19 2 includes include VERB crl-16133 19 3 a a DET crl-16133 19 4 wide wide ADJ crl-16133 19 5 range range NOUN crl-16133 19 6 of of ADP crl-16133 19 7 purposes purpose NOUN crl-16133 19 8 for for ADP crl-16133 19 9 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 19 10 , , PUNCT crl-16133 19 11 from from ADP crl-16133 19 12 cooper cooper NOUN crl-16133 19 13 ’s ’s PART crl-16133 19 14 article article NOUN crl-16133 19 15 addressing address VERB crl-16133 19 16 how how SCONJ crl-16133 19 17 to to PART crl-16133 19 18 create create VERB crl-16133 19 19 custom custom NOUN crl-16133 19 20 or or CCONJ crl-16133 19 21 use use NOUN crl-16133 19 22 - - PUNCT crl-16133 19 23 existing exist VERB crl-16133 19 24 library library NOUN crl-16133 19 25 - - PUNCT crl-16133 19 26 related relate VERB crl-16133 19 27 applications application NOUN crl-16133 19 28 to to ADP crl-16133 19 29 articles article NOUN crl-16133 19 30 stating state VERB crl-16133 19 31 the the DET crl-16133 19 32 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 19 33 benefits benefit NOUN crl-16133 19 34 of of ADP crl-16133 19 35 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 19 36 for for ADP crl-16133 19 37 libraries.3 libraries.3 NOUN crl-16133 19 38 with with ADP crl-16133 19 39 an an DET crl-16133 19 40 onslaught onslaught NOUN crl-16133 19 41 of of ADP crl-16133 19 42 facebook facebook ADJ crl-16133 19 43 suggestions suggestion NOUN crl-16133 19 44 , , PUNCT crl-16133 19 45 the the DET crl-16133 19 46 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 19 47 of of ADP crl-16133 19 48 library library NOUN crl-16133 19 49 - - PUNCT crl-16133 19 50 centered center VERB crl-16133 19 51 case case NOUN crl-16133 19 52 studies study NOUN crl-16133 19 53 soon soon ADV crl-16133 19 54 followed follow VERB crl-16133 19 55 suit suit NOUN crl-16133 19 56 in in ADP crl-16133 19 57 discussing discuss VERB crl-16133 19 58 individual individual ADJ crl-16133 19 59 library library NOUN crl-16133 19 60 experiences experience NOUN crl-16133 19 61 using use VERB crl-16133 19 62 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 19 63 in in ADP crl-16133 19 64 a a DET crl-16133 19 65 variety variety NOUN crl-16133 19 66 of of ADP crl-16133 19 67 outreach outreach NOUN crl-16133 19 68 and and CCONJ crl-16133 19 69 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 19 70 levels level NOUN crl-16133 19 71 . . PUNCT crl-16133 20 1 glazer glazer NOUN crl-16133 20 2 describes describe VERB crl-16133 20 3 the the DET crl-16133 20 4 attempt attempt NOUN crl-16133 20 5 to to PART crl-16133 20 6 use use VERB crl-16133 20 7 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 20 8 to to PART crl-16133 20 9 market market VERB crl-16133 20 10 the the DET crl-16133 20 11 rutgers rutger NOUN crl-16133 20 12 library library NOUN crl-16133 20 13 , , PUNCT crl-16133 20 14 sending send VERB crl-16133 20 15 out out ADP crl-16133 20 16 mass mass NOUN crl-16133 20 17 messages message NOUN crl-16133 20 18 through through ADP crl-16133 20 19 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 20 20 as as ADV crl-16133 20 21 well well ADV crl-16133 20 22 as as ADP crl-16133 20 23 using use VERB crl-16133 20 24 it it PRON crl-16133 20 25 to to PART crl-16133 20 26 create create VERB crl-16133 20 27 closer close ADJ crl-16133 20 28 ties tie NOUN crl-16133 20 29 with with ADP crl-16133 20 30 other other ADJ crl-16133 20 31 campus campus NOUN crl-16133 20 32 organizations.4 organizations.4 PROPN crl-16133 20 33 yet yet CCONJ crl-16133 20 34 this this DET crl-16133 20 35 study study NOUN crl-16133 20 36 does do AUX crl-16133 20 37 not not PART crl-16133 20 38 provide provide VERB crl-16133 20 39 any any DET crl-16133 20 40 measurable measurable ADJ crl-16133 20 41 results result NOUN crl-16133 20 42 , , PUNCT crl-16133 20 43 just just ADV crl-16133 20 44 a a DET crl-16133 20 45 qualitative qualitative ADJ crl-16133 20 46 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 20 47 about about ADP crl-16133 20 48 their their PRON crl-16133 20 49 personal personal ADJ crl-16133 20 50 experience experience NOUN crl-16133 20 51 . . PUNCT crl-16133 21 1 this this DET crl-16133 21 2 type type NOUN crl-16133 21 3 of of ADP crl-16133 21 4 article article NOUN crl-16133 21 5 is be AUX crl-16133 21 6 reflected reflect VERB crl-16133 21 7 in in ADP crl-16133 21 8 much much ADJ crl-16133 21 9 of of ADP crl-16133 21 10 the the DET crl-16133 21 11 case case NOUN crl-16133 21 12 studies study NOUN crl-16133 21 13 found find VERB crl-16133 21 14 in in ADP crl-16133 21 15 the the DET crl-16133 21 16 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 21 17 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 21 18 similar similar ADJ crl-16133 21 19 discussions discussion NOUN crl-16133 21 20 occur occur VERB crl-16133 21 21 in in ADP crl-16133 21 22 both both DET crl-16133 21 23 adamich adamich PROPN crl-16133 21 24 ’s ’s PROPN crl-16133 21 25 study study NOUN crl-16133 21 26 , , PUNCT crl-16133 21 27 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 21 28 the the DET crl-16133 21 29 ‘ ' PUNCT crl-16133 21 30 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 21 31 ’ ' PUNCT crl-16133 21 32 effect effect NOUN crl-16133 21 33 on on ADP crl-16133 21 34 fdlp fdlp NOUN crl-16133 21 35 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 21 36 , , PUNCT crl-16133 21 37 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 21 38 and and CCONJ crl-16133 21 39 in in ADP crl-16133 21 40 powers power NOUN crl-16133 21 41 , , PUNCT crl-16133 21 42 schmidt schmidt PROPN crl-16133 21 43 and and CCONJ crl-16133 21 44 hill hill NOUN crl-16133 21 45 ’s ’s PART crl-16133 22 1 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 22 2 why why SCONJ crl-16133 22 3 ca can AUX crl-16133 22 4 n’t not PART crl-16133 22 5 we we PRON crl-16133 22 6 be be VERB crl-16133 22 7 friends friend NOUN crl-16133 22 8 ? ? PUNCT crl-16133 23 1 the the DET crl-16133 23 2 msu msu NOUN crl-16133 23 3 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 23 4 find find VERB crl-16133 23 5 friends friend NOUN crl-16133 23 6 on on ADP crl-16133 23 7 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 23 8 . . PUNCT crl-16133 23 9 ”5 ”5 SPACE crl-16133 24 1 both both PRON crl-16133 24 2 of of ADP crl-16133 24 3 these these DET crl-16133 24 4 studies study NOUN crl-16133 24 5 look look VERB crl-16133 24 6 at at ADP crl-16133 24 7 how how SCONJ crl-16133 24 8 their their PRON crl-16133 24 9 library library NOUN crl-16133 24 10 has have AUX crl-16133 24 11 used use VERB crl-16133 24 12 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 24 13 , , PUNCT crl-16133 24 14 but but CCONJ crl-16133 24 15 none none NOUN crl-16133 24 16 can can AUX crl-16133 24 17 really really ADV crl-16133 24 18 evaluate evaluate VERB crl-16133 24 19 its its PRON crl-16133 24 20 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-16133 24 21 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 24 22 a a DET crl-16133 24 23 crux crux NOUN crl-16133 24 24 in in ADP crl-16133 24 25 the the DET crl-16133 24 26 study study NOUN crl-16133 24 27 of of ADP crl-16133 24 28 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 24 29 as as SCONJ crl-16133 24 30 it it PRON crl-16133 24 31 is be AUX crl-16133 24 32 very very ADV crl-16133 24 33 difficult difficult ADJ crl-16133 24 34 to to PART crl-16133 24 35 measure measure VERB crl-16133 24 36 . . PUNCT crl-16133 25 1 the the DET crl-16133 25 2 previous previous ADJ crl-16133 25 3 studies study NOUN crl-16133 25 4 , , PUNCT crl-16133 25 5 as as ADV crl-16133 25 6 well well ADV crl-16133 25 7 as as ADP crl-16133 25 8 others other NOUN crl-16133 25 9 , , PUNCT crl-16133 25 10 have have AUX crl-16133 25 11 often often ADV crl-16133 25 12 included include VERB crl-16133 25 13 an an DET crl-16133 25 14 element element NOUN crl-16133 25 15 of of ADP crl-16133 25 16 the the DET crl-16133 25 17 survey survey NOUN crl-16133 25 18 method method NOUN crl-16133 25 19 . . PUNCT crl-16133 26 1 the the DET crl-16133 26 2 next next ADJ crl-16133 26 3 category category NOUN crl-16133 26 4 of of ADP crl-16133 26 5 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 26 6 falls fall VERB crl-16133 26 7 under under ADP crl-16133 26 8 the the DET crl-16133 26 9 area area NOUN crl-16133 26 10 of of ADP crl-16133 26 11 student student NOUN crl-16133 26 12 - - PUNCT crl-16133 26 13 based base VERB crl-16133 26 14 research research NOUN crl-16133 26 15 . . PUNCT crl-16133 27 1 two two NUM crl-16133 27 2 articles article NOUN crl-16133 27 3 that that PRON crl-16133 27 4 conducted conduct VERB crl-16133 27 5 studies study NOUN crl-16133 27 6 relevant relevant ADJ crl-16133 27 7 to to ADP crl-16133 27 8 the the DET crl-16133 27 9 use use NOUN crl-16133 27 10 of of ADP crl-16133 27 11 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 27 12 in in ADP crl-16133 27 13 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 27 14 both both PRON crl-16133 27 15 examine examine VERB crl-16133 27 16 the the DET crl-16133 27 17 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-16133 27 18 of of ADP crl-16133 27 19 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 27 20 as as ADP crl-16133 27 21 an an DET crl-16133 27 22 outreach outreach ADJ crl-16133 27 23 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 27 24 through through ADP crl-16133 27 25 student student NOUN crl-16133 27 26 perspectives perspective NOUN crl-16133 27 27 . . PUNCT crl-16133 28 1 mathews mathews NOUN crl-16133 28 2 ’ ' PUNCT crl-16133 28 3 article article NOUN crl-16133 28 4 describes describe VERB crl-16133 28 5 the the DET crl-16133 28 6 author author NOUN crl-16133 28 7 ’s ’s NOUN crl-16133 28 8 experience experience NOUN crl-16133 28 9 in in ADP crl-16133 28 10 contacting contact VERB crl-16133 28 11 students student NOUN crl-16133 28 12 via via ADP crl-16133 28 13 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 28 14 and and CCONJ crl-16133 28 15 the the DET crl-16133 28 16 results result NOUN crl-16133 28 17 of of ADP crl-16133 28 18 his his PRON crl-16133 28 19 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 28 20 friend friend NOUN crl-16133 28 21 requests request NOUN crl-16133 28 22 . . PUNCT crl-16133 28 23 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 29 1 the the DET crl-16133 29 2 author author NOUN crl-16133 29 3 found find VERB crl-16133 29 4 that that SCONJ crl-16133 29 5 it it PRON crl-16133 29 6 helped help VERB crl-16133 29 7 in in ADP crl-16133 29 8 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 29 9 promoting promote VERB crl-16133 29 10 the the DET crl-16133 29 11 library library NOUN crl-16133 29 12 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 29 13 and and CCONJ crl-16133 29 14 prompted prompt VERB crl-16133 29 15 some some DET crl-16133 29 16 questions question NOUN crl-16133 29 17 about about ADP crl-16133 29 18 library library NOUN crl-16133 29 19 resources.6 resources.6 VERB crl-16133 29 20 the the DET crl-16133 29 21 author author NOUN crl-16133 29 22 suggests suggest VERB crl-16133 29 23 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 29 24 as as ADP crl-16133 29 25 an an DET crl-16133 29 26 outreach outreach ADJ crl-16133 29 27 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 29 28 to to PART crl-16133 29 29 connect connect VERB crl-16133 29 30 with with ADP crl-16133 29 31 students student NOUN crl-16133 29 32 and and CCONJ crl-16133 29 33 encourages encourage VERB crl-16133 29 34 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 29 35 colleagues colleague NOUN crl-16133 29 36 to to PART crl-16133 29 37 do do VERB crl-16133 29 38 the the DET crl-16133 29 39 same same ADJ crl-16133 29 40 . . PUNCT crl-16133 29 41 ”7 ”7 SPACE crl-16133 30 1 another another DET crl-16133 30 2 student student NOUN crl-16133 30 3 - - PUNCT crl-16133 30 4 based base VERB crl-16133 30 5 study study NOUN crl-16133 30 6 , , PUNCT crl-16133 30 7 by by ADP crl-16133 30 8 chu chu PROPN crl-16133 30 9 and and CCONJ crl-16133 30 10 meulemans meuleman NOUN crl-16133 30 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 30 12 investigates investigate VERB crl-16133 30 13 the the DET crl-16133 30 14 willingness willingness NOUN crl-16133 30 15 of of ADP crl-16133 30 16 students student NOUN crl-16133 30 17 to to PART crl-16133 30 18 communicate communicate VERB crl-16133 30 19 with with ADP crl-16133 30 20 professors professor NOUN crl-16133 30 21 via via ADP crl-16133 30 22 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 30 23 and and CCONJ crl-16133 30 24 offers offer VERB crl-16133 30 25 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 30 26 practical practical ADJ crl-16133 30 27 integration integration NOUN crl-16133 30 28 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 30 29 ideas idea NOUN crl-16133 30 30 for for ADP crl-16133 30 31 library library NOUN crl-16133 30 32 use use NOUN crl-16133 30 33 of of ADP crl-16133 30 34 facebook.8 facebook.8 PROPN crl-16133 30 35 they they PRON crl-16133 30 36 suggest suggest VERB crl-16133 30 37 the the DET crl-16133 30 38 use use NOUN crl-16133 30 39 of of ADP crl-16133 30 40 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 30 41 for for ADP crl-16133 30 42 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 30 43 content content NOUN crl-16133 30 44 delivery delivery NOUN crl-16133 30 45 , , PUNCT crl-16133 30 46 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 30 47 assistance assistance NOUN crl-16133 30 48 , , PUNCT crl-16133 30 49 outreach outreach NOUN crl-16133 30 50 , , PUNCT crl-16133 30 51 and and CCONJ crl-16133 30 52 information information NOUN crl-16133 30 53 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16133 30 54 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16133 30 55 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 30 56 and and CCONJ crl-16133 30 57 suggest suggest VERB crl-16133 30 58 that that SCONJ crl-16133 30 59 students student NOUN crl-16133 30 60 may may AUX crl-16133 30 61 be be AUX crl-16133 30 62 willing willing ADJ crl-16133 30 63 to to PART crl-16133 30 64 communicate communicate VERB crl-16133 30 65 with with ADP crl-16133 30 66 organizations organization NOUN crl-16133 30 67 via via ADP crl-16133 30 68 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 30 69 , , PUNCT crl-16133 30 70 although although SCONJ crl-16133 30 71 their their PRON crl-16133 30 72 research research NOUN crl-16133 30 73 showed show VERB crl-16133 30 74 that that SCONJ crl-16133 30 75 students student NOUN crl-16133 30 76 were be AUX crl-16133 30 77 reluctant reluctant ADJ crl-16133 30 78 to to PART crl-16133 30 79 communicate communicate VERB crl-16133 30 80 with with ADP crl-16133 30 81 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16133 30 82 this this DET crl-16133 30 83 way.9 way.9 PROPN crl-16133 30 84 another another DET crl-16133 30 85 type type NOUN crl-16133 30 86 of of ADP crl-16133 30 87 study study NOUN crl-16133 30 88 concerning concern VERB crl-16133 30 89 the the DET crl-16133 30 90 use use NOUN crl-16133 30 91 of of ADP crl-16133 30 92 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 30 93 in in ADP crl-16133 30 94 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 30 95 is be AUX crl-16133 30 96 the the DET crl-16133 30 97 serviceprovided serviceprovide VERB crl-16133 30 98 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 30 99 . . PUNCT crl-16133 31 1 this this PRON crl-16133 31 2 looks look VERB crl-16133 31 3 at at ADP crl-16133 31 4 a a DET crl-16133 31 5 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 31 6 service service NOUN crl-16133 31 7 that that PRON crl-16133 31 8 the the DET crl-16133 31 9 library library NOUN crl-16133 31 10 is be AUX crl-16133 31 11 attempting attempt VERB crl-16133 31 12 to to PART crl-16133 31 13 provide provide VERB crl-16133 31 14 . . PUNCT crl-16133 32 1 the the DET crl-16133 32 2 study study NOUN crl-16133 32 3 by by ADP crl-16133 32 4 mack mack PROPN crl-16133 32 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 32 6 behler behler NOUN crl-16133 32 7 , , PUNCT crl-16133 32 8 roberts robert NOUN crl-16133 32 9 , , PUNCT crl-16133 32 10 and and CCONJ crl-16133 32 11 rimland rimland PROPN crl-16133 32 12 follows follow VERB crl-16133 32 13 the the DET crl-16133 32 14 implementation implementation NOUN crl-16133 32 15 and and CCONJ crl-16133 32 16 promotion promotion NOUN crl-16133 32 17 of of ADP crl-16133 32 18 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 32 19 services service NOUN crl-16133 32 20 via via ADP crl-16133 32 21 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 32 22 . . PUNCT crl-16133 33 1 the the DET crl-16133 33 2 study study NOUN crl-16133 33 3 found find VERB crl-16133 33 4 that that SCONJ crl-16133 33 5 from from ADP crl-16133 33 6 september september PROPN crl-16133 33 7 through through ADP crl-16133 33 8 the the DET crl-16133 33 9 end end NOUN crl-16133 33 10 of of ADP crl-16133 33 11 the the DET crl-16133 33 12 semester semester NOUN crl-16133 33 13 in in ADP crl-16133 33 14 december december PROPN crl-16133 33 15 , , PUNCT crl-16133 33 16 126 126 NUM crl-16133 33 17 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 33 18 questions question NOUN crl-16133 33 19 were be AUX crl-16133 33 20 received receive VERB crl-16133 33 21 via via ADP crl-16133 33 22 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 33 23 out out ADP crl-16133 33 24 of of ADP crl-16133 33 25 the the DET crl-16133 33 26 441 441 NUM crl-16133 33 27 total total ADJ crl-16133 33 28 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 33 29 questions question NOUN crl-16133 33 30 tracked track VERB crl-16133 33 31 . . PUNCT crl-16133 34 1 this this PRON crl-16133 34 2 was be AUX crl-16133 34 3 the the DET crl-16133 34 4 highest high ADJ crl-16133 34 5 of of ADP crl-16133 34 6 all all DET crl-16133 34 7 areas area NOUN crl-16133 34 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 34 9 prompting prompt VERB crl-16133 34 10 the the DET crl-16133 34 11 authors author NOUN crl-16133 34 12 to to PART crl-16133 34 13 recommend recommend VERB crl-16133 34 14 that that SCONJ crl-16133 34 15 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 34 16 create create VERB crl-16133 34 17 a a DET crl-16133 34 18 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 34 19 page page NOUN crl-16133 34 20 to to PART crl-16133 34 21 connect connect VERB crl-16133 34 22 with with ADP crl-16133 34 23 their their PRON crl-16133 34 24 patrons.10 patrons.10 NOUN crl-16133 34 25 the the DET crl-16133 34 26 final final ADJ crl-16133 34 27 subset subset NOUN crl-16133 34 28 of of ADP crl-16133 34 29 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 34 30 is be AUX crl-16133 34 31 the the DET crl-16133 34 32 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 34 33 - - PUNCT crl-16133 34 34 use use NOUN crl-16133 34 35 study study NOUN crl-16133 34 36 . . PUNCT crl-16133 35 1 this this PRON crl-16133 35 2 is be AUX crl-16133 35 3 currently currently ADV crl-16133 35 4 a a DET crl-16133 35 5 small small ADJ crl-16133 35 6 subset subset NOUN crl-16133 35 7 of of ADP crl-16133 35 8 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 35 9 containing contain VERB crl-16133 35 10 an an DET crl-16133 35 11 article article NOUN crl-16133 35 12 by by ADP crl-16133 35 13 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 35 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 35 15 chiarella chiarella PROPN crl-16133 35 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 35 17 hasman hasman NOUN crl-16133 35 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 35 19 murphy murphy NOUN crl-16133 35 20 , , PUNCT crl-16133 35 21 and and CCONJ crl-16133 35 22 zafron zafron PROPN crl-16133 35 23 . . PUNCT crl-16133 36 1 this this DET crl-16133 36 2 study study NOUN crl-16133 36 3 uses use VERB crl-16133 36 4 the the DET crl-16133 36 5 survey survey NOUN crl-16133 36 6 method method NOUN crl-16133 36 7 to to PART crl-16133 36 8 question question VERB crl-16133 36 9 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 36 10 in in ADP crl-16133 36 11 the the DET crl-16133 36 12 health health NOUN crl-16133 36 13 sciences science NOUN crl-16133 36 14 about about ADP crl-16133 36 15 their their PRON crl-16133 36 16 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 36 17 ’ ' PUNCT crl-16133 36 18 use use NOUN crl-16133 36 19 of of ADP crl-16133 36 20 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 36 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 37 1 this this DET crl-16133 37 2 survey survey NOUN crl-16133 37 3 provided provide VERB crl-16133 37 4 a a DET crl-16133 37 5 listing listing NOUN crl-16133 37 6 of of ADP crl-16133 37 7 what what PRON crl-16133 37 8 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 37 9 believe believe VERB crl-16133 37 10 their their PRON crl-16133 37 11 library library NOUN crl-16133 37 12 uses use VERB crl-16133 37 13 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 37 14 for for ADP crl-16133 37 15 . . PUNCT crl-16133 38 1 the the DET crl-16133 38 2 results result NOUN crl-16133 38 3 provided provide VERB crl-16133 38 4 illustrated illustrate VERB crl-16133 38 5 that that SCONJ crl-16133 38 6 most most ADJ crl-16133 38 7 librarians librarians PROPN crl-16133 38 8 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 38 9     SPACE crl-16133 38 10 as as ADP crl-16133 38 11     SPACE crl-16133 38 12 a a DET crl-16133 38 13     SPACE crl-16133 38 14 library library NOUN crl-16133 38 15     SPACE crl-16133 38 16 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 38 17 : : PUNCT crl-16133 38 18     SPACE crl-16133 38 19 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 38 20     SPACE crl-16133 38 21 vs. vs. ADP crl-16133 38 22     SPACE crl-16133 38 23 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 38 24     SPACE crl-16133 38 25 use use NOUN crl-16133 38 26       SPACE crl-16133 38 27 81 81 NUM crl-16133 38 28 say say VERB crl-16133 38 29 they they PRON crl-16133 38 30 use use VERB crl-16133 38 31 their their PRON crl-16133 38 32 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 38 33 page page NOUN crl-16133 38 34 to to PART crl-16133 38 35 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 38 36 push push VERB crl-16133 38 37 out out ADP crl-16133 38 38 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 38 39 , , PUNCT crl-16133 38 40 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 38 41 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 38 42 post post NOUN crl-16133 38 43 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 38 44 , , PUNCT crl-16133 38 45 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 38 46 and and CCONJ crl-16133 38 47 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 38 48 to to PART crl-16133 38 49 be be AUX crl-16133 38 50 where where SCONJ crl-16133 38 51 users user NOUN crl-16133 38 52 are be AUX crl-16133 38 53 . . PUNCT crl-16133 39 1 ”11 ”11 NOUN crl-16133 39 2 the the DET crl-16133 39 3 authors author NOUN crl-16133 39 4 concluded conclude VERB crl-16133 39 5 that that SCONJ crl-16133 39 6 it it PRON crl-16133 39 7 was be AUX crl-16133 39 8 not not PART crl-16133 39 9 possible possible ADJ crl-16133 39 10 to to PART crl-16133 39 11 determine determine VERB crl-16133 39 12 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 39 13 whether whether SCONJ crl-16133 39 14 or or CCONJ crl-16133 39 15 not not PART crl-16133 39 16 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 39 17 is be AUX crl-16133 39 18 a a DET crl-16133 39 19 useful useful ADJ crl-16133 39 20 and and CCONJ crl-16133 39 21 effective effective ADJ crl-16133 39 22 application application NOUN crl-16133 39 23 . . PUNCT crl-16133 40 1 ”12 ”12 SPACE crl-16133 40 2     SPACE crl-16133 40 3 this this PRON crl-16133 40 4 is be AUX crl-16133 40 5 one one NUM crl-16133 40 6 of of ADP crl-16133 40 7 the the DET crl-16133 40 8 very very ADV crl-16133 40 9 few few ADJ crl-16133 40 10 studies study NOUN crl-16133 40 11 to to PART crl-16133 40 12 address address VERB crl-16133 40 13 what what PRON crl-16133 40 14 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 40 15 is be AUX crl-16133 40 16 used use VERB crl-16133 40 17 for for ADP crl-16133 40 18 in in ADP crl-16133 40 19 the the DET crl-16133 40 20 library library NOUN crl-16133 40 21 setting setting NOUN crl-16133 40 22 and and CCONJ crl-16133 40 23 provides provide VERB crl-16133 40 24 useful useful ADJ crl-16133 40 25 guidelines guideline NOUN crl-16133 40 26 for for ADP crl-16133 40 27 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 40 28 use use NOUN crl-16133 40 29 for for ADP crl-16133 40 30 the the DET crl-16133 40 31 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 40 32 presented present VERB crl-16133 40 33 in in ADP crl-16133 40 34 this this DET crl-16133 40 35 paper paper NOUN crl-16133 40 36 . . PUNCT crl-16133 41 1 this this DET crl-16133 41 2 current current ADJ crl-16133 41 3 study study NOUN crl-16133 41 4 attempts attempt NOUN crl-16133 41 5 to to PART crl-16133 41 6 add add VERB crl-16133 41 7 to to ADP crl-16133 41 8 the the DET crl-16133 41 9 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 41 10 on on ADP crl-16133 41 11 library library NOUN crl-16133 41 12 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 41 13 use use NOUN crl-16133 41 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 41 15 as as SCONJ crl-16133 41 16 there there PRON crl-16133 41 17 is be VERB crl-16133 41 18 a a DET crl-16133 41 19 lack lack NOUN crl-16133 41 20 of of ADP crl-16133 41 21 research research NOUN crl-16133 41 22 studies study NOUN crl-16133 41 23 in in ADP crl-16133 41 24 this this DET crl-16133 41 25 area area NOUN crl-16133 41 26 . . PUNCT crl-16133 42 1 what what PRON crl-16133 42 2 none none NOUN crl-16133 42 3 of of ADP crl-16133 42 4 the the DET crl-16133 42 5 previous previous ADJ crl-16133 42 6 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 42 7 addresses address NOUN crl-16133 42 8 are be AUX crl-16133 42 9 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 42 10 library library NOUN crl-16133 42 11 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 42 12 pages page NOUN crl-16133 42 13 and and CCONJ crl-16133 42 14 their their PRON crl-16133 42 15 content content NOUN crl-16133 42 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 43 1 this this DET crl-16133 43 2 study study NOUN crl-16133 43 3 compares compare VERB crl-16133 43 4 the the DET crl-16133 43 5 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 43 6 use use NOUN crl-16133 43 7 of of ADP crl-16133 43 8 library library NOUN crl-16133 43 9 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 43 10 pages page NOUN crl-16133 43 11 as as SCONJ crl-16133 43 12 viewed view VERB crl-16133 43 13 by by ADP crl-16133 43 14 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 43 15 with with ADP crl-16133 43 16 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 43 17 library library NOUN crl-16133 43 18 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 43 19 pages page NOUN crl-16133 43 20 . . PUNCT crl-16133 44 1 this this DET crl-16133 44 2 examination examination NOUN crl-16133 44 3 will will AUX crl-16133 44 4 shed shed VERB crl-16133 44 5 light light NOUN crl-16133 44 6 on on ADP crl-16133 44 7 what what PRON crl-16133 44 8 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 44 9 are be AUX crl-16133 44 10 actually actually ADV crl-16133 44 11 using use VERB crl-16133 44 12 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 44 13 for for ADP crl-16133 44 14 and and CCONJ crl-16133 44 15 help help VERB crl-16133 44 16 in in ADP crl-16133 44 17 establishing establish VERB crl-16133 44 18 a a DET crl-16133 44 19 set set NOUN crl-16133 44 20 of of ADP crl-16133 44 21 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 44 22 uses use NOUN crl-16133 44 23 for for ADP crl-16133 44 24 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 44 25 . . PUNCT crl-16133 45 1 the the DET crl-16133 45 2 study study NOUN crl-16133 45 3 will will AUX crl-16133 45 4 add add VERB crl-16133 45 5 to to ADP crl-16133 45 6 the the DET crl-16133 45 7 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 45 8 and and CCONJ crl-16133 45 9 future future ADJ crl-16133 45 10 research research NOUN crl-16133 45 11 by by ADP crl-16133 45 12 providing provide VERB crl-16133 45 13 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 45 14 with with ADP crl-16133 45 15 a a DET crl-16133 45 16 list list NOUN crl-16133 45 17 of of ADP crl-16133 45 18 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 45 19 uses use NOUN crl-16133 45 20 they they PRON crl-16133 45 21 can can AUX crl-16133 45 22 implement implement VERB crl-16133 45 23 and and CCONJ crl-16133 45 24 also also ADV crl-16133 45 25 provide provide VERB crl-16133 45 26 researchers researcher NOUN crl-16133 45 27 with with ADP crl-16133 45 28 an an DET crl-16133 45 29 outline outline NOUN crl-16133 45 30 of of ADP crl-16133 45 31 services service NOUN crl-16133 45 32 that that PRON crl-16133 45 33 can can AUX crl-16133 45 34 potentially potentially ADV crl-16133 45 35 be be AUX crl-16133 45 36 evaluated evaluate VERB crl-16133 45 37 for for ADP crl-16133 45 38 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-16133 45 39 in in ADP crl-16133 45 40 further further ADJ crl-16133 45 41 research research NOUN crl-16133 45 42 . . PUNCT crl-16133 46 1 methodology methodology NOUN crl-16133 46 2 this this DET crl-16133 46 3 study study NOUN crl-16133 46 4 used use VERB crl-16133 46 5 the the DET crl-16133 46 6 results result NOUN crl-16133 46 7 from from ADP crl-16133 46 8 the the DET crl-16133 46 9 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 46 10 et et PROPN crl-16133 46 11 al al PROPN crl-16133 46 12 . . PROPN crl-16133 46 13 study study PROPN crl-16133 46 14 to to PART crl-16133 46 15 set set VERB crl-16133 46 16 a a DET crl-16133 46 17 framework framework NOUN crl-16133 46 18 for for ADP crl-16133 46 19 the the DET crl-16133 46 20 comparison comparison NOUN crl-16133 46 21 of of ADP crl-16133 46 22 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 46 23 library library NOUN crl-16133 46 24 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 46 25 pages page NOUN crl-16133 46 26 , , PUNCT crl-16133 46 27 groups group NOUN crl-16133 46 28 , , PUNCT crl-16133 46 29 and and CCONJ crl-16133 46 30 profiles profile NOUN crl-16133 46 31 to to ADP crl-16133 46 32 what what PRON crl-16133 46 33 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 46 34 are be AUX crl-16133 46 35 stating state VERB crl-16133 46 36 they they PRON crl-16133 46 37 are be AUX crl-16133 46 38 used use VERB crl-16133 46 39 for for ADP crl-16133 46 40 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 46 41 in in ADP crl-16133 46 42 other other ADJ crl-16133 46 43 words word NOUN crl-16133 46 44 , , PUNCT crl-16133 46 45 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 46 46 use).13 use).13 X crl-16133 46 47 the the DET crl-16133 46 48 top top ADJ crl-16133 46 49 responses response NOUN crl-16133 46 50 from from ADP crl-16133 46 51 their their PRON crl-16133 46 52 survey survey NOUN crl-16133 46 53 will will AUX crl-16133 46 54 be be AUX crl-16133 46 55 used use VERB crl-16133 46 56 to to PART crl-16133 46 57 compare compare VERB crl-16133 46 58 with with ADP crl-16133 46 59 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 46 60 use use NOUN crl-16133 46 61 . . PUNCT crl-16133 47 1 the the DET crl-16133 47 2 current current ADJ crl-16133 47 3 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 47 4 uses use VERB crl-16133 47 5 two two NUM crl-16133 47 6 data datum NOUN crl-16133 47 7 collection collection NOUN crl-16133 47 8 steps step NOUN crl-16133 47 9 to to PART crl-16133 47 10 obtain obtain VERB crl-16133 47 11 the the DET crl-16133 47 12 broadest broad ADJ crl-16133 47 13 range range NOUN crl-16133 47 14 of of ADP crl-16133 47 15 data datum NOUN crl-16133 47 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 48 1 the the DET crl-16133 48 2 investigation investigation NOUN crl-16133 48 3 began begin VERB crl-16133 48 4 with with ADP crl-16133 48 5 a a DET crl-16133 48 6 selection selection NOUN crl-16133 48 7 process process NOUN crl-16133 48 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 48 9 determining determine VERB crl-16133 48 10 which which DET crl-16133 48 11 library library NOUN crl-16133 48 12 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 48 13 pages page NOUN crl-16133 48 14 would would AUX crl-16133 48 15 be be AUX crl-16133 48 16 used use VERB crl-16133 48 17 in in ADP crl-16133 48 18 the the DET crl-16133 48 19 evaluation evaluation NOUN crl-16133 48 20 . . PUNCT crl-16133 49 1 since since SCONJ crl-16133 49 2 many many ADJ crl-16133 49 3 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 49 4 do do AUX crl-16133 49 5 not not PART crl-16133 49 6 update update VERB crl-16133 49 7 their their PRON crl-16133 49 8 pages page NOUN crl-16133 49 9 regularly regularly ADV crl-16133 49 10 , , PUNCT crl-16133 49 11 shown show VERB crl-16133 49 12 by by ADP crl-16133 49 13 the the DET crl-16133 49 14 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 49 15 et et PROPN crl-16133 49 16 al al PROPN crl-16133 49 17 . . PROPN crl-16133 49 18 study study VERB crl-16133 49 19 with with ADP crl-16133 49 20 some some DET crl-16133 49 21 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 49 22 only only ADV crl-16133 49 23 performing perform VERB crl-16133 49 24 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 49 25 0 0 NUM crl-16133 49 26 to to PART crl-16133 49 27 20 20 NUM crl-16133 49 28 minutes minute NOUN crl-16133 49 29 of of ADP crl-16133 49 30 maintenance maintenance NOUN crl-16133 49 31 a a DET crl-16133 49 32 week week NOUN crl-16133 49 33 , , PUNCT crl-16133 49 34 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 49 35 library library NOUN crl-16133 49 36 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 49 37 pages page NOUN crl-16133 49 38 , , PUNCT crl-16133 49 39 for for ADP crl-16133 49 40 this this DET crl-16133 49 41 study study NOUN crl-16133 49 42 , , PUNCT crl-16133 49 43 had have VERB crl-16133 49 44 to to PART crl-16133 49 45 be be AUX crl-16133 49 46 carefully carefully ADV crl-16133 49 47 selected select VERB crl-16133 49 48 to to PART crl-16133 49 49 gain gain VERB crl-16133 49 50 insight insight NOUN crl-16133 49 51 on on ADP crl-16133 49 52 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 49 53 page page NOUN crl-16133 49 54 performance.14 performance.14 NOUN crl-16133 49 55 to to PART crl-16133 49 56 avoid avoid VERB crl-16133 49 57 performing perform VERB crl-16133 49 58 an an DET crl-16133 49 59 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 49 60 on on ADP crl-16133 49 61 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 49 62 pages page NOUN crl-16133 49 63 that that PRON crl-16133 49 64 were be AUX crl-16133 49 65 not not PART crl-16133 49 66 updated update VERB crl-16133 49 67 at at ADV crl-16133 49 68 all all ADV crl-16133 49 69 in in ADP crl-16133 49 70 the the DET crl-16133 49 71 past past ADJ crl-16133 49 72 month month NOUN crl-16133 49 73 , , PUNCT crl-16133 49 74 a a DET crl-16133 49 75 listserv listserv NOUN crl-16133 49 76 of of ADP crl-16133 49 77 college college NOUN crl-16133 49 78 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 49 79 were be AUX crl-16133 49 80 asked ask VERB crl-16133 49 81 for for ADP crl-16133 49 82 their their PRON crl-16133 49 83 input input NOUN crl-16133 49 84 on on ADP crl-16133 49 85 frequently frequently ADV crl-16133 49 86 updated update VERB crl-16133 49 87 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 49 88 at at ADP crl-16133 49 89 least least ADJ crl-16133 49 90 once once ADV crl-16133 49 91 a a DET crl-16133 49 92 week week NOUN crl-16133 49 93 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 49 94 library library NOUN crl-16133 49 95 pages page NOUN crl-16133 49 96 . . PUNCT crl-16133 50 1 the the DET crl-16133 50 2 facebook facebook PROPN crl-16133 50 3 web web NOUN crl-16133 50 4 site site NOUN crl-16133 50 5 was be AUX crl-16133 50 6 also also ADV crl-16133 50 7 searched search VERB crl-16133 50 8 for for ADP crl-16133 50 9 frequently frequently ADV crl-16133 50 10 updated update VERB crl-16133 50 11 library library NOUN crl-16133 50 12 pages page NOUN crl-16133 50 13 to to PART crl-16133 50 14 include include VERB crl-16133 50 15 in in ADP crl-16133 50 16 the the DET crl-16133 50 17 study study NOUN crl-16133 50 18 . . PUNCT crl-16133 51 1 this this DET crl-16133 51 2 frequency frequency NOUN crl-16133 51 3 of of ADP crl-16133 51 4 updates update NOUN crl-16133 51 5 is be AUX crl-16133 51 6 important important ADJ crl-16133 51 7 since since SCONJ crl-16133 51 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 51 9 if if SCONJ crl-16133 51 10 the the DET crl-16133 51 11 pages page NOUN crl-16133 51 12 are be AUX crl-16133 51 13 not not PART crl-16133 51 14 active active ADJ crl-16133 51 15 , , PUNCT crl-16133 51 16 there there PRON crl-16133 51 17 would would AUX crl-16133 51 18 have have AUX crl-16133 51 19 been be AUX crl-16133 51 20 nothing nothing PRON crl-16133 51 21 to to PART crl-16133 51 22 observe observe VERB crl-16133 51 23 . . PUNCT crl-16133 52 1 the the DET crl-16133 52 2 selection selection NOUN crl-16133 52 3 process process NOUN crl-16133 52 4 resulted result VERB crl-16133 52 5 in in ADP crl-16133 52 6 12 12 NUM crl-16133 52 7 library library NOUN crl-16133 52 8 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 52 9 pages page NOUN crl-16133 52 10 for for ADP crl-16133 52 11 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 52 12 . . PUNCT crl-16133 53 1 to to PART crl-16133 53 2 be be AUX crl-16133 53 3 sure sure ADJ crl-16133 53 4 to to PART crl-16133 53 5 provide provide VERB crl-16133 53 6 an an DET crl-16133 53 7 even even ADJ crl-16133 53 8 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 53 9 of of ADP crl-16133 53 10 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 53 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 53 12 2 2 NUM crl-16133 53 13 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 53 14 from from ADP crl-16133 53 15 6 6 NUM crl-16133 53 16 categories category NOUN crl-16133 53 17 of of ADP crl-16133 53 18 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 53 19 were be AUX crl-16133 53 20 selected select VERB crl-16133 53 21 to to PART crl-16133 53 22 be be AUX crl-16133 53 23 observed observe VERB crl-16133 53 24 . . PUNCT crl-16133 54 1 these these DET crl-16133 54 2 categories category NOUN crl-16133 54 3 were be AUX crl-16133 54 4 as as SCONJ crl-16133 54 5 follows follow VERB crl-16133 54 6 : : PUNCT crl-16133 54 7 small small ADJ crl-16133 54 8 colleges college NOUN crl-16133 54 9 / / SYM crl-16133 54 10 universities university NOUN crl-16133 54 11 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 54 12 under under ADP crl-16133 54 13 3,000 3,000 NUM crl-16133 54 14 students student NOUN crl-16133 54 15 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 54 16 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 54 17 midsize midsize ADJ crl-16133 54 18 colleges college NOUN crl-16133 54 19 / / SYM crl-16133 54 20 universities university NOUN crl-16133 54 21 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 54 22 3,000–10,000 3,000–10,000 NUM crl-16133 54 23 students student NOUN crl-16133 54 24 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 54 25 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 54 26 large large ADJ crl-16133 54 27 colleges college NOUN crl-16133 54 28 / / SYM crl-16133 54 29 universities university NOUN crl-16133 54 30 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 54 31 10,000 10,000 NUM crl-16133 54 32 students student NOUN crl-16133 54 33 and and CCONJ crl-16133 54 34 above above ADV crl-16133 54 35 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 54 36 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 54 37 branch branch NOUN crl-16133 54 38 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 54 39 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 54 40 part part NOUN crl-16133 54 41 of of ADP crl-16133 54 42 a a DET crl-16133 54 43 larger large ADJ crl-16133 54 44 university university NOUN crl-16133 54 45 system system NOUN crl-16133 54 46 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 54 47 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 54 48 community community NOUN crl-16133 54 49 colleges college NOUN crl-16133 54 50 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 54 51 offering offer VERB crl-16133 54 52 up up ADP crl-16133 54 53 to to ADP crl-16133 54 54 associates associate NOUN crl-16133 54 55 degrees degree NOUN crl-16133 54 56 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 54 57 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 54 58 special special ADJ crl-16133 54 59 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 54 60 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 54 61 subject subject ADJ crl-16133 54 62 - - PUNCT crl-16133 54 63 specific specific ADJ crl-16133 54 64 collections collection NOUN crl-16133 54 65 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 54 66 . . PUNCT crl-16133 55 1 data datum NOUN crl-16133 55 2 collection collection NOUN crl-16133 55 3 for for ADP crl-16133 55 4 this this DET crl-16133 55 5 study study NOUN crl-16133 55 6 was be AUX crl-16133 55 7 performed perform VERB crl-16133 55 8 on on ADP crl-16133 55 9 the the DET crl-16133 55 10 same same ADJ crl-16133 55 11 day day NOUN crl-16133 55 12 for for SCONJ crl-16133 55 13 all all DET crl-16133 55 14 individual individual ADJ crl-16133 55 15 library library NOUN crl-16133 55 16 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 55 17 pages page NOUN crl-16133 55 18 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 55 19 april april PROPN crl-16133 55 20 14 14 NUM crl-16133 55 21 , , PUNCT crl-16133 55 22 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 55 23 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 55 24 . . PUNCT crl-16133 56 1 a a DET crl-16133 56 2 form form NOUN crl-16133 56 3 was be AUX crl-16133 56 4 created create VERB crl-16133 56 5 to to PART crl-16133 56 6 collect collect VERB crl-16133 56 7 data datum NOUN crl-16133 56 8 from from ADP crl-16133 56 9 the the DET crl-16133 56 10 pages page NOUN crl-16133 56 11 as as ADV crl-16133 56 12 objectively objectively ADV crl-16133 56 13 as as ADP crl-16133 56 14 possible possible ADJ crl-16133 56 15 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 56 16 see see VERB crl-16133 56 17 appendix appendix PROPN crl-16133 56 18 1 1 NUM crl-16133 56 19 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 56 20 . . PUNCT crl-16133 57 1 each each DET crl-16133 57 2 library library NOUN crl-16133 57 3 was be AUX crl-16133 57 4 assigned assign VERB crl-16133 57 5 a a DET crl-16133 57 6 random random ADJ crl-16133 57 7 number number NOUN crl-16133 57 8 from from ADP crl-16133 57 9 1 1 NUM crl-16133 57 10 through through ADP crl-16133 57 11 12 12 NUM crl-16133 57 12 to to PART crl-16133 57 13 distance distance VERB crl-16133 57 14 the the DET crl-16133 57 15 results result NOUN crl-16133 57 16 from from ADP crl-16133 57 17 other other ADJ crl-16133 57 18 known know VERB crl-16133 57 19 information information NOUN crl-16133 57 20 about about ADP crl-16133 57 21 each each DET crl-16133 57 22 institution institution NOUN crl-16133 57 23 . . PUNCT crl-16133 58 1 the the DET crl-16133 58 2 areas area NOUN crl-16133 58 3 selected select VERB crl-16133 58 4 for for ADP crl-16133 58 5 data data NOUN crl-16133 58 6 collection collection NOUN crl-16133 58 7 on on ADP crl-16133 58 8 the the DET crl-16133 58 9 site site NOUN crl-16133 58 10 observation observation NOUN crl-16133 58 11 form form NOUN crl-16133 58 12 are be AUX crl-16133 58 13 all all PRON crl-16133 58 14 possible possible ADJ crl-16133 58 15 indicators indicator NOUN crl-16133 58 16 for for ADP crl-16133 58 17 the the DET crl-16133 58 18 uses use NOUN crl-16133 58 19 indicated indicate VERB crl-16133 58 20 in in ADP crl-16133 58 21 the the DET crl-16133 58 22 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 58 23 et et PROPN crl-16133 58 24 al al PROPN crl-16133 58 25 . . PROPN crl-16133 58 26 study study NOUN crl-16133 58 27 as as ADV crl-16133 58 28 well well ADV crl-16133 58 29 as as ADP crl-16133 58 30 other other ADJ crl-16133 58 31 relevant relevant ADJ crl-16133 58 32 data datum NOUN crl-16133 58 33 that that PRON crl-16133 58 34 would would AUX crl-16133 58 35 be be AUX crl-16133 58 36 useful useful ADJ crl-16133 58 37 for for ADP crl-16133 58 38 possible possible ADJ crl-16133 58 39 correlations.15 correlations.15 NOUN crl-16133 58 40 information information NOUN crl-16133 58 41 collected collect VERB crl-16133 58 42 in in ADP crl-16133 58 43 the the DET crl-16133 58 44 site site NOUN crl-16133 58 45 observation observation NOUN crl-16133 58 46 form form NOUN crl-16133 58 47 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 58 48 see see VERB crl-16133 58 49 appendix appendix PROPN crl-16133 58 50 1 1 NUM crl-16133 58 51 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 58 52 included include VERB crl-16133 58 53 the the DET crl-16133 58 54 date date NOUN crl-16133 58 55 of of ADP crl-16133 58 56 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 58 57 page page NOUN crl-16133 58 58 creation creation NOUN crl-16133 58 59 for for ADP crl-16133 58 60 each each DET crl-16133 58 61 page page NOUN crl-16133 58 62 , , PUNCT crl-16133 58 63 the the DET crl-16133 58 64 number number NOUN crl-16133 58 65 of of ADP crl-16133 58 66 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 58 67 , , PUNCT crl-16133 58 68 the the DET crl-16133 58 69 number number NOUN crl-16133 58 70 of of ADP crl-16133 58 71 tracked track VERB crl-16133 58 72 page page NOUN crl-16133 58 73 changes change NOUN crl-16133 58 74 and and CCONJ crl-16133 58 75 the the DET crl-16133 58 76 number number NOUN crl-16133 58 77 of of ADP crl-16133 58 78 days day NOUN crl-16133 58 79 the the DET crl-16133 58 80 page page NOUN crl-16133 58 81 was be AUX crl-16133 58 82 in in ADP crl-16133 58 83 existence existence NOUN crl-16133 58 84 . . PUNCT crl-16133 59 1 the the DET crl-16133 59 2 form form NOUN crl-16133 59 3 also also ADV crl-16133 59 4 collected collect VERB crl-16133 59 5 information information NOUN crl-16133 59 6 about about ADP crl-16133 59 7 the the DET crl-16133 59 8 use use NOUN crl-16133 59 9 of of ADP crl-16133 59 10 specific specific ADJ crl-16133 59 11 applications application NOUN crl-16133 59 12 such such ADJ crl-16133 59 13 as as ADP crl-16133 59 14 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 59 15 , , PUNCT crl-16133 59 16 events event NOUN crl-16133 59 17 , , PUNCT crl-16133 59 18 and and CCONJ crl-16133 59 19 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 59 20 help help NOUN crl-16133 59 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 60 1 it it PRON crl-16133 60 2 also also ADV crl-16133 60 3 collected collect VERB crl-16133 60 4 information information NOUN crl-16133 60 5 on on ADP crl-16133 60 6 the the DET crl-16133 60 7 total total ADJ crl-16133 60 8 number number NOUN crl-16133 60 9 of of ADP crl-16133 60 10 wall wall NOUN crl-16133 60 11 posts post NOUN crl-16133 60 12 and and CCONJ crl-16133 60 13 the the DET crl-16133 60 14 number number NOUN crl-16133 60 15 of of ADP crl-16133 60 16 82 82 NUM crl-16133 60 17       SPACE crl-16133 60 18 college college NOUN crl-16133 60 19     SPACE crl-16133 60 20 & & CCONJ crl-16133 60 21     SPACE crl-16133 60 22 research research NOUN crl-16133 60 23     SPACE crl-16133 60 24 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 60 25     SPACE crl-16133 60 26 january january NOUN crl-16133 60 27     SPACE crl-16133 60 28 2011 2011 NUM crl-16133 60 29 posts post NOUN crl-16133 60 30 from from ADP crl-16133 60 31 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 60 32 as as ADV crl-16133 60 33 well well ADV crl-16133 60 34 as as ADP crl-16133 60 35 other other ADJ crl-16133 60 36 optional optional ADJ crl-16133 60 37 applications application NOUN crl-16133 60 38 that that PRON crl-16133 60 39 were be AUX crl-16133 60 40 added add VERB crl-16133 60 41 to to ADP crl-16133 60 42 the the DET crl-16133 60 43 facebook facebook ADJ crl-16133 60 44 pages page NOUN crl-16133 60 45 . . PUNCT crl-16133 61 1 the the DET crl-16133 61 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 61 3 collected collect VERB crl-16133 61 4 from from ADP crl-16133 61 5 this this DET crl-16133 61 6 form form NOUN crl-16133 61 7 was be AUX crl-16133 61 8 entered enter VERB crl-16133 61 9 into into ADP crl-16133 61 10 two two NUM crl-16133 61 11 tables table NOUN crl-16133 61 12 for for ADP crl-16133 61 13 data datum NOUN crl-16133 61 14 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 61 15 . . PUNCT crl-16133 62 1 the the DET crl-16133 62 2 first first ADJ crl-16133 62 3 table table NOUN crl-16133 62 4 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 62 5 see see VERB crl-16133 62 6 table table NOUN crl-16133 62 7 1 1 NUM crl-16133 62 8 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 62 9 contains contain VERB crl-16133 62 10 data datum NOUN crl-16133 62 11 relating relate VERB crl-16133 62 12 to to ADP crl-16133 62 13 the the DET crl-16133 62 14 maintenance maintenance NOUN crl-16133 62 15 and and CCONJ crl-16133 62 16 use use NOUN crl-16133 62 17 of of ADP crl-16133 62 18 the the DET crl-16133 62 19 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 62 20 page page NOUN crl-16133 62 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 63 1 this this PRON crl-16133 63 2 includes include VERB crl-16133 63 3 information information NOUN crl-16133 63 4 about about ADP crl-16133 63 5 how how SCONJ crl-16133 63 6 many many ADJ crl-16133 63 7 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 63 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 63 9 wall wall NOUN crl-16133 63 10 messages message NOUN crl-16133 63 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 63 12 fan fan NOUN crl-16133 63 13 messages message NOUN crl-16133 63 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 63 15 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 63 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 63 17 events event NOUN crl-16133 63 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 63 19 and and CCONJ crl-16133 63 20 boxes box NOUN crl-16133 63 21 applications application NOUN crl-16133 63 22 could could AUX crl-16133 63 23 be be AUX crl-16133 63 24 found find VERB crl-16133 63 25 on on ADP crl-16133 63 26 the the DET crl-16133 63 27 page page NOUN crl-16133 63 28 . . PUNCT crl-16133 64 1 it it PRON crl-16133 64 2 also also ADV crl-16133 64 3 contains contain VERB crl-16133 64 4 information information NOUN crl-16133 64 5 about about ADP crl-16133 64 6 how how SCONJ crl-16133 64 7 many many ADJ crl-16133 64 8 days day NOUN crl-16133 64 9 each each DET crl-16133 64 10 library library NOUN crl-16133 64 11 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 64 12 page page NOUN crl-16133 64 13 has have AUX crl-16133 64 14 existed exist VERB crl-16133 64 15 and and CCONJ crl-16133 64 16 the the DET crl-16133 64 17 average average ADJ crl-16133 64 18 days day NOUN crl-16133 64 19 between between ADP crl-16133 64 20 update update NOUN crl-16133 64 21 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 64 22 calculated calculate VERB crl-16133 64 23 by by ADP crl-16133 64 24 the the DET crl-16133 64 25 days day NOUN crl-16133 64 26 in in ADP crl-16133 64 27 existence existence NOUN crl-16133 64 28 divided divide VERB crl-16133 64 29 by by ADP crl-16133 64 30 the the DET crl-16133 64 31 total total ADJ crl-16133 64 32 updates update NOUN crl-16133 64 33 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 64 34 . . PUNCT crl-16133 65 1 the the DET crl-16133 65 2 second second ADJ crl-16133 65 3 data datum NOUN crl-16133 65 4 set set VERB crl-16133 65 5 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 65 6 see see VERB crl-16133 65 7 table table NOUN crl-16133 65 8 2 2 NUM crl-16133 65 9 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 65 10 is be AUX crl-16133 65 11 a a DET crl-16133 65 12 collection collection NOUN crl-16133 65 13 of of ADP crl-16133 65 14 yes yes INTJ crl-16133 65 15 / / SYM crl-16133 65 16 no no DET crl-16133 65 17 data datum NOUN crl-16133 66 1 where where SCONJ crl-16133 66 2 1 1 NUM crl-16133 66 3 = = X crl-16133 66 4 yes yes INTJ crl-16133 66 5 and and CCONJ crl-16133 66 6 0 0 NUM crl-16133 66 7 = = SYM crl-16133 66 8 no no NOUN crl-16133 66 9 . . PUNCT crl-16133 67 1 these these DET crl-16133 67 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 67 3 calculate calculate VERB crl-16133 67 4 how how SCONJ crl-16133 67 5 many many ADJ crl-16133 67 6 add add VERB crl-16133 67 7 - - PUNCT crl-16133 67 8 on on ADP crl-16133 67 9 applications application NOUN crl-16133 67 10 are be AUX crl-16133 67 11 used use VERB crl-16133 67 12 on on ADP crl-16133 67 13 each each PRON crl-16133 67 14 of of ADP crl-16133 67 15 the the DET crl-16133 67 16 library library NOUN crl-16133 67 17 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 67 18 pages page NOUN crl-16133 67 19 and and CCONJ crl-16133 67 20 how how SCONJ crl-16133 67 21 many many ADJ crl-16133 67 22 times time NOUN crl-16133 67 23 each each DET crl-16133 67 24 application application NOUN crl-16133 67 25 is be AUX crl-16133 67 26 used use VERB crl-16133 67 27 between between ADP crl-16133 67 28 the the DET crl-16133 67 29 12 12 NUM crl-16133 67 30 library library NOUN crl-16133 67 31 pages page NOUN crl-16133 67 32 . . PUNCT crl-16133 68 1 additionally additionally ADV crl-16133 68 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 68 3 to to PART crl-16133 68 4 prepare prepare VERB crl-16133 68 5 for for ADP crl-16133 68 6 the the DET crl-16133 68 7 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 68 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 68 9 the the DET crl-16133 68 10 survey survey NOUN crl-16133 68 11 results result VERB crl-16133 68 12 from from ADP crl-16133 68 13 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 68 14 et et PROPN crl-16133 69 1 al al PROPN crl-16133 69 2 . . PROPN crl-16133 69 3 were be AUX crl-16133 69 4 categorized categorize VERB crl-16133 69 5 into into ADP crl-16133 69 6 6 6 NUM crl-16133 69 7 tiers tier NOUN crl-16133 69 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 69 9 ranking rank VERB crl-16133 69 10 from from ADP crl-16133 69 11 highest high ADJ crl-16133 69 12 to to ADP crl-16133 69 13 lowest low ADJ crl-16133 69 14 number number NOUN crl-16133 69 15 of of ADP crl-16133 69 16 responses response NOUN crl-16133 69 17 . . PUNCT crl-16133 70 1 the the DET crl-16133 70 2 items item NOUN crl-16133 70 3 with with ADP crl-16133 70 4 the the DET crl-16133 70 5 highest high ADJ crl-16133 70 6 number number NOUN crl-16133 70 7 of of ADP crl-16133 70 8 responses response NOUN crl-16133 70 9 were be AUX crl-16133 70 10 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 70 11 as as ADP crl-16133 70 12 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 70 13 1 1 NUM crl-16133 70 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 70 15 the the DET crl-16133 70 16 second second ADV crl-16133 70 17 highest high ADJ crl-16133 70 18 as as ADP crl-16133 70 19 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 70 20 2 2 NUM crl-16133 70 21 , , PUNCT crl-16133 70 22 and and CCONJ crl-16133 70 23 so so ADV crl-16133 70 24 on on ADP crl-16133 70 25 through through ADP crl-16133 70 26 5 5 NUM crl-16133 70 27 tiers tier NOUN crl-16133 70 28 of of ADP crl-16133 70 29 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 70 30 use use NOUN crl-16133 70 31 . . PUNCT crl-16133 70 32 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 71 1 any any DET crl-16133 71 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 71 3 from from ADP crl-16133 71 4 the the DET crl-16133 71 5 survey survey NOUN crl-16133 71 6 that that PRON crl-16133 71 7 did do AUX crl-16133 71 8 not not PART crl-16133 71 9 generate generate VERB crl-16133 71 10 any any DET crl-16133 71 11 response response NOUN crl-16133 71 12 was be AUX crl-16133 71 13 stated state VERB crl-16133 71 14 to to PART crl-16133 71 15 have have VERB crl-16133 71 16 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 71 17 no no DET crl-16133 71 18 use use NOUN crl-16133 71 19 . . PUNCT crl-16133 72 1 ”16 ”16 NOUN crl-16133 73 1 this this DET crl-16133 73 2 ranking rank VERB crl-16133 73 3 system system NOUN crl-16133 73 4 is be AUX crl-16133 73 5 also also ADV crl-16133 73 6 used use VERB crl-16133 73 7 in in ADP crl-16133 73 8 the the DET crl-16133 73 9 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 73 10 to to PART crl-16133 73 11 compare compare VERB crl-16133 73 12 the the DET crl-16133 73 13 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 73 14 use use NOUN crl-16133 73 15 from from ADP crl-16133 73 16 the the DET crl-16133 73 17 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 73 18 study study NOUN crl-16133 73 19 to to ADP crl-16133 73 20 the the DET crl-16133 73 21 data datum NOUN crl-16133 73 22 retrieved retrieve VERB crl-16133 73 23 from from ADP crl-16133 73 24 this this DET crl-16133 73 25 study study NOUN crl-16133 73 26 . . PUNCT crl-16133 74 1 these these DET crl-16133 74 2 uses use NOUN crl-16133 74 3 were be AUX crl-16133 74 4 developed develop VERB crl-16133 74 5 by by ADP crl-16133 74 6 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 74 7 in in ADP crl-16133 74 8 their their PRON crl-16133 74 9 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 74 10 study study NOUN crl-16133 74 11 as as ADP crl-16133 74 12 possible possible ADJ crl-16133 74 13 uses use NOUN crl-16133 74 14 for for ADP crl-16133 74 15 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 74 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 75 1 the the DET crl-16133 75 2 types type NOUN crl-16133 75 3 of of ADP crl-16133 75 4 use use NOUN crl-16133 75 5 and and CCONJ crl-16133 75 6 their their PRON crl-16133 75 7 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 75 8 from from ADP crl-16133 75 9 the the DET crl-16133 75 10 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 75 11 data datum NOUN crl-16133 75 12 are be AUX crl-16133 75 13 as as SCONJ crl-16133 75 14 follows follow VERB crl-16133 75 15 : : PUNCT crl-16133 75 16 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 75 17 1 1 NUM crl-16133 75 18 : : PUNCT crl-16133 75 19 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 75 20 / / SYM crl-16133 75 21 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 75 22 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 23 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 75 24 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 25 to to PART crl-16133 75 26 be be AUX crl-16133 75 27 where where SCONJ crl-16133 75 28 users user NOUN crl-16133 75 29 are be AUX crl-16133 75 30 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 75 31 2 2 NUM crl-16133 75 32 : : PUNCT crl-16133 75 33 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 75 34 services service NOUN crl-16133 75 35 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 75 36 3 3 NUM crl-16133 75 37 : : PUNCT crl-16133 75 38 forum forum NOUN crl-16133 75 39 for for ADP crl-16133 75 40 users user NOUN crl-16133 75 41 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 75 42 4 4 NUM crl-16133 75 43 : : PUNCT crl-16133 75 44 rsvp rsvp NOUN crl-16133 75 45 to to ADP crl-16133 75 46 events event NOUN crl-16133 75 47 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 48 opac opac ADJ crl-16133 75 49 search search NOUN crl-16133 75 50 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 51 database database NOUN crl-16133 75 52 search search NOUN crl-16133 75 53 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 75 54 5 5 NUM crl-16133 75 55 : : PUNCT crl-16133 75 56 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 75 57 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 75 58 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 59 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 75 60 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 75 61 no no DET crl-16133 75 62 use use NOUN crl-16133 75 63 : : PUNCT crl-16133 75 64 administer administer VERB crl-16133 75 65 a a DET crl-16133 75 66 course course NOUN crl-16133 75 67 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 68 tutorials tutorial NOUN crl-16133 75 69 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 70 post post PROPN crl-16133 75 71 audio audio ADJ crl-16133 75 72 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 73 post post NOUN crl-16133 75 74 video video NOUN crl-16133 75 75 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 76 podcasts17 podcasts17 PROPN crl-16133 75 77 results result VERB crl-16133 75 78 data datum NOUN crl-16133 75 79 collected collect VERB crl-16133 75 80 from from ADP crl-16133 75 81 the the DET crl-16133 75 82 site site NOUN crl-16133 75 83 observation observation NOUN crl-16133 75 84 form form NOUN crl-16133 75 85 was be AUX crl-16133 75 86 input input NOUN crl-16133 75 87 into into ADP crl-16133 75 88 their their PRON crl-16133 75 89 corresponding corresponding ADJ crl-16133 75 90 excel excel ADJ crl-16133 75 91 spreadsheets spreadsheet NOUN crl-16133 75 92 totaling total VERB crl-16133 75 93 the the DET crl-16133 75 94 number number NOUN crl-16133 75 95 of of ADP crl-16133 75 96 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 75 97 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 98 wall wall NOUN crl-16133 75 99 messages message NOUN crl-16133 75 100 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 101 fan fan NOUN crl-16133 75 102 messages message NOUN crl-16133 75 103 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 104 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 75 105 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 106 events event NOUN crl-16133 75 107 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 108 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 75 109 boxes box NOUN crl-16133 75 110 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 75 111 applications application NOUN crl-16133 75 112 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 113 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 75 114 add add VERB crl-16133 75 115 - - PUNCT crl-16133 75 116 ons on NOUN crl-16133 75 117 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 118 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 75 119 updates update VERB crl-16133 75 120 , , PUNCT crl-16133 75 121 and and CCONJ crl-16133 75 122 days day NOUN crl-16133 75 123 in in ADP crl-16133 75 124 existence existence NOUN crl-16133 75 125 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 75 126 quantity quantity NOUN crl-16133 75 127 of of ADP crl-16133 75 128 use use NOUN crl-16133 75 129 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 75 130 . . PUNCT crl-16133 76 1 additional additional ADJ crl-16133 76 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 76 3 were be AUX crl-16133 76 4 also also ADV crl-16133 76 5 gathered gather VERB crl-16133 76 6 about about ADP crl-16133 76 7 how how SCONJ crl-16133 76 8 many many ADJ crl-16133 76 9 library library NOUN crl-16133 76 10 pages page NOUN crl-16133 76 11 used use VERB crl-16133 76 12 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 76 13 applications application NOUN crl-16133 76 14 such such ADJ crl-16133 76 15 as as ADP crl-16133 76 16 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 76 17 services service NOUN crl-16133 76 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 76 19 video video NOUN crl-16133 76 20 , , PUNCT crl-16133 76 21 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 76 22 boards board NOUN crl-16133 76 23 , , PUNCT crl-16133 76 24 and and CCONJ crl-16133 76 25 the the DET crl-16133 76 26 like like ADJ crl-16133 76 27 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 76 28 yes yes INTJ crl-16133 76 29 / / SYM crl-16133 76 30 no no PRON crl-16133 76 31 responses response NOUN crl-16133 76 32 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 76 33 . . PUNCT crl-16133 77 1 table table NOUN crl-16133 77 2 1 1 NUM crl-16133 77 3 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 77 4 page page NOUN crl-16133 77 5 maintenance maintenance NOUN crl-16133 77 6 and and CCONJ crl-16133 77 7 use use VERB crl-16133 77 8 * * PUNCT crl-16133 77 9 data datum NOUN crl-16133 77 10 format format NOUN crl-16133 77 11 for for ADP crl-16133 77 12 this this DET crl-16133 77 13 item item NOUN crl-16133 77 14 only only ADV crl-16133 77 15 1 1 NUM crl-16133 77 16 = = PRON crl-16133 77 17 yes yes INTJ crl-16133 77 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 77 19 0 0 NUM crl-16133 77 20 = = NOUN crl-16133 77 21 no no DET crl-16133 77 22 library library NOUN crl-16133 77 23 number number NOUN crl-16133 77 24 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 77 25 wall wall VERB crl-16133 77 26 messages message NOUN crl-16133 77 27 fan fan NOUN crl-16133 77 28 messages message NOUN crl-16133 77 29 photos photo VERB crl-16133 77 30 info info NOUN crl-16133 77 31 tab tab NOUN crl-16133 77 32 used use VERB crl-16133 77 33 * * PUNCT crl-16133 77 34 events event NOUN crl-16133 77 35 boxes box NOUN crl-16133 77 36 total total ADJ crl-16133 77 37 updates update VERB crl-16133 77 38 days day NOUN crl-16133 77 39 in in ADP crl-16133 77 40 existence existence PROPN crl-16133 77 41 avg avg PROPN crl-16133 77 42 . . PUNCT crl-16133 78 1 day day NOUN crl-16133 78 2 update update NOUN crl-16133 78 3 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 4 62 62 NUM crl-16133 78 5 10 10 NUM crl-16133 78 6 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 7 6 6 NUM crl-16133 78 8 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 9 5 5 NUM crl-16133 78 10 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 11 15 15 NUM crl-16133 78 12 81 81 NUM crl-16133 78 13 5.40 5.40 NUM crl-16133 78 14 2 2 NUM crl-16133 78 15 20 20 NUM crl-16133 78 16 28 28 NUM crl-16133 78 17 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 18 10 10 NUM crl-16133 78 19 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 20 2 2 NUM crl-16133 78 21 4 4 NUM crl-16133 78 22 55 55 NUM crl-16133 78 23 449 449 NUM crl-16133 78 24 8.16 8.16 NUM crl-16133 78 25 3 3 NUM crl-16133 78 26 103 103 NUM crl-16133 78 27 69 69 NUM crl-16133 78 28 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 29 3 3 NUM crl-16133 78 30 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 31 32 32 NUM crl-16133 78 32 6 6 NUM crl-16133 78 33 82 82 NUM crl-16133 78 34 201 201 NUM crl-16133 78 35 2.45 2.45 NUM crl-16133 78 36 4 4 NUM crl-16133 78 37 147 147 NUM crl-16133 78 38 140 140 NUM crl-16133 78 39 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 40 25 25 NUM crl-16133 78 41 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 42 45 45 NUM crl-16133 78 43 3 3 NUM crl-16133 78 44 45 45 NUM crl-16133 78 45 340 340 NUM crl-16133 78 46 7.50 7.50 NUM crl-16133 78 47 5 5 NUM crl-16133 78 48 217 217 NUM crl-16133 78 49 19 19 NUM crl-16133 78 50 10 10 NUM crl-16133 78 51 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 52 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 53 3 3 NUM crl-16133 78 54 6 6 NUM crl-16133 78 55 21 21 NUM crl-16133 78 56 45 45 NUM crl-16133 78 57 2.14 2.14 NUM crl-16133 78 58 6 6 NUM crl-16133 78 59 534 534 NUM crl-16133 78 60 153 153 NUM crl-16133 78 61 7 7 NUM crl-16133 78 62 70 70 NUM crl-16133 78 63 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 64 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 65 4 4 NUM crl-16133 78 66 179 179 NUM crl-16133 78 67 312 312 NUM crl-16133 78 68 1.74 1.74 NUM crl-16133 78 69 7 7 NUM crl-16133 78 70 57 57 NUM crl-16133 78 71 16 16 NUM crl-16133 78 72 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 73 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 74 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 75 2 2 NUM crl-16133 78 76 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 77 24 24 NUM crl-16133 78 78 56 56 NUM crl-16133 78 79 2.30 2.30 NUM crl-16133 78 80 8 8 NUM crl-16133 78 81 132 132 NUM crl-16133 78 82 17 17 NUM crl-16133 78 83 4 4 NUM crl-16133 78 84 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 85 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 86 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 87 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 88 19 19 NUM crl-16133 78 89 489 489 NUM crl-16133 78 90 25.74 25.74 NUM crl-16133 78 91 9 9 NUM crl-16133 78 92 369 369 NUM crl-16133 78 93 111 111 NUM crl-16133 78 94 7 7 NUM crl-16133 78 95 2 2 NUM crl-16133 78 96 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 97 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 98 4 4 NUM crl-16133 78 99 115 115 NUM crl-16133 78 100 439 439 NUM crl-16133 78 101 3.82 3.82 NUM crl-16133 78 102 10 10 NUM crl-16133 78 103 228 228 NUM crl-16133 78 104 37 37 NUM crl-16133 78 105 9 9 NUM crl-16133 78 106 252 252 NUM crl-16133 78 107 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 108 7 7 NUM crl-16133 78 109 8 8 NUM crl-16133 78 110 45 45 NUM crl-16133 78 111 348 348 NUM crl-16133 78 112 7.73 7.73 NUM crl-16133 78 113 11 11 NUM crl-16133 78 114 100 100 NUM crl-16133 78 115 10 10 NUM crl-16133 78 116 2 2 NUM crl-16133 78 117 7 7 NUM crl-16133 78 118 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 119 2 2 NUM crl-16133 78 120 0 0 NUM crl-16133 78 121 16 16 NUM crl-16133 78 122 73 73 NUM crl-16133 78 123 4.56 4.56 NUM crl-16133 78 124 12 12 NUM crl-16133 78 125 804 804 NUM crl-16133 78 126 41 41 NUM crl-16133 78 127 5 5 NUM crl-16133 78 128 53 53 NUM crl-16133 78 129 1 1 NUM crl-16133 78 130 11 11 NUM crl-16133 78 131 4 4 NUM crl-16133 78 132 47 47 NUM crl-16133 78 133 239 239 NUM crl-16133 78 134 5.09 5.09 NUM crl-16133 78 135 total total NOUN crl-16133 78 136 2773 2773 NUM crl-16133 78 137 651 651 NUM crl-16133 78 138 46 46 NUM crl-16133 78 139 429 429 NUM crl-16133 78 140 12 12 NUM crl-16133 78 141 109 109 NUM crl-16133 78 142 41 41 NUM crl-16133 78 143 663 663 NUM crl-16133 78 144 3072 3072 NUM crl-16133 78 145 76.63 76.63 NUM crl-16133 78 146 mean mean NOUN crl-16133 78 147 231.08 231.08 NUM crl-16133 78 148 54.25 54.25 NUM crl-16133 78 149 3.83 3.83 NUM crl-16133 78 150 35.75 35.75 NUM crl-16133 78 151 1.00 1.00 NUM crl-16133 78 152 9.08 9.08 NUM crl-16133 78 153 3.42 3.42 NUM crl-16133 78 154 55.25 55.25 NUM crl-16133 78 155 256.00 256.00 NUM crl-16133 78 156 6.39 6.39 NUM crl-16133 78 157 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 78 158     SPACE crl-16133 78 159 as as ADP crl-16133 78 160     SPACE crl-16133 78 161 a a DET crl-16133 78 162     SPACE crl-16133 78 163 library library NOUN crl-16133 78 164     SPACE crl-16133 78 165 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 78 166 : : PUNCT crl-16133 78 167     SPACE crl-16133 78 168 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 78 169     SPACE crl-16133 78 170 vs. vs. ADP crl-16133 78 171     SPACE crl-16133 78 172 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 78 173     SPACE crl-16133 78 174 use use NOUN crl-16133 78 175       SPACE crl-16133 78 176 83 83 NUM crl-16133 78 177 therefore therefore ADV crl-16133 78 178 , , PUNCT crl-16133 78 179 two two NUM crl-16133 78 180 different different ADJ crl-16133 78 181 types type NOUN crl-16133 78 182 of of ADP crl-16133 78 183 data datum NOUN crl-16133 78 184 were be AUX crl-16133 78 185 collected collect VERB crl-16133 78 186 and and CCONJ crl-16133 78 187 analyzed analyze VERB crl-16133 78 188 : : PUNCT crl-16133 78 189 data datum NOUN crl-16133 78 190 on on ADP crl-16133 78 191 how how SCONJ crl-16133 78 192 many many ADJ crl-16133 78 193 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 78 194 used use VERB crl-16133 78 195 a a DET crl-16133 78 196 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 78 197 application application NOUN crl-16133 78 198 and and CCONJ crl-16133 78 199 the the DET crl-16133 78 200 quantity quantity NOUN crl-16133 78 201 of of ADP crl-16133 78 202 use use NOUN crl-16133 78 203 . . PUNCT crl-16133 79 1 averages average NOUN crl-16133 79 2 were be AUX crl-16133 79 3 collected collect VERB crl-16133 79 4 for for ADP crl-16133 79 5 information information NOUN crl-16133 79 6 pertaining pertain VERB crl-16133 79 7 to to ADP crl-16133 79 8 the the DET crl-16133 79 9 quantity quantity NOUN crl-16133 79 10 of of ADP crl-16133 79 11 use use NOUN crl-16133 79 12 , , PUNCT crl-16133 79 13 and and CCONJ crl-16133 79 14 ratios ratio NOUN crl-16133 79 15 for for ADP crl-16133 79 16 updates update NOUN crl-16133 79 17 were be AUX crl-16133 79 18 also also ADV crl-16133 79 19 determined determine VERB crl-16133 79 20 . . PUNCT crl-16133 80 1 these these DET crl-16133 80 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 80 3 are be AUX crl-16133 80 4 useful useful ADJ crl-16133 80 5 in in ADP crl-16133 80 6 understanding understand VERB crl-16133 80 7 library library NOUN crl-16133 80 8 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 80 9 usage usage NOUN crl-16133 80 10 as as ADP crl-16133 80 11 a a DET crl-16133 80 12 whole whole NOUN crl-16133 80 13 , , PUNCT crl-16133 80 14 whereas whereas SCONJ crl-16133 80 15 the the DET crl-16133 80 16 yes yes INTJ crl-16133 80 17 / / SYM crl-16133 80 18 no no DET crl-16133 80 19 data datum NOUN crl-16133 80 20 for for ADP crl-16133 80 21 how how SCONJ crl-16133 80 22 many many ADJ crl-16133 80 23 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 80 24 use use VERB crl-16133 80 25 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 80 26 applications application NOUN crl-16133 80 27 were be AUX crl-16133 80 28 very very ADV crl-16133 80 29 useful useful ADJ crl-16133 80 30 in in ADP crl-16133 80 31 determining determine VERB crl-16133 80 32 the the DET crl-16133 80 33 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 80 34 ranking rank VERB crl-16133 80 35 for for ADP crl-16133 80 36 specific specific ADJ crl-16133 80 37 applications application NOUN crl-16133 80 38 . . PUNCT crl-16133 81 1 both both PRON crl-16133 81 2 were be AUX crl-16133 81 3 used use VERB crl-16133 81 4 to to PART crl-16133 81 5 determine determine VERB crl-16133 81 6 the the DET crl-16133 81 7 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 81 8 use use NOUN crl-16133 81 9 to to PART crl-16133 81 10 compare compare VERB crl-16133 81 11 to to ADP crl-16133 81 12 the the DET crl-16133 81 13 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 81 14 et et PROPN crl-16133 81 15 al al PROPN crl-16133 81 16 . . PROPN crl-16133 81 17 survey survey PROPN crl-16133 81 18 data datum NOUN crl-16133 81 19 as as ADP crl-16133 81 20 a a DET crl-16133 81 21 ranking rank VERB crl-16133 81 22     SPACE crl-16133 81 23 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 81 24 , , PUNCT crl-16133 81 25 which which PRON crl-16133 81 26 will will AUX crl-16133 81 27 be be AUX crl-16133 81 28 discussed discuss VERB crl-16133 81 29 in in ADP crl-16133 81 30 the the DET crl-16133 81 31 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 81 32 section.18 section.18 VERB crl-16133 82 1 the the DET crl-16133 82 2 data data NOUN crl-16133 82 3 sets set NOUN crl-16133 82 4 will will AUX crl-16133 82 5 not not PART crl-16133 82 6 be be AUX crl-16133 82 7 discussed discuss VERB crl-16133 82 8 at at ADP crl-16133 82 9 length length NOUN crl-16133 82 10 in in ADP crl-16133 82 11 this this DET crl-16133 82 12 paper paper NOUN crl-16133 82 13 , , PUNCT crl-16133 82 14 as as SCONJ crl-16133 82 15 these these DET crl-16133 82 16 data datum NOUN crl-16133 82 17 were be AUX crl-16133 82 18 used use VERB crl-16133 82 19 primarily primarily ADV crl-16133 82 20 for for ADP crl-16133 82 21 the the DET crl-16133 82 22 ranking ranking ADJ crl-16133 82 23 procedure procedure NOUN crl-16133 82 24 discussed discuss VERB crl-16133 82 25 in in ADP crl-16133 82 26 both both CCONJ crl-16133 82 27 the the DET crl-16133 82 28 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 82 29 and and CCONJ crl-16133 82 30 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 82 31 sections section NOUN crl-16133 82 32 of of ADP crl-16133 82 33 this this DET crl-16133 82 34 paper paper NOUN crl-16133 82 35 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 82 36 the the DET crl-16133 82 37 collected collect VERB crl-16133 82 38 data datum NOUN crl-16133 82 39 are be AUX crl-16133 82 40 available available ADJ crl-16133 82 41 in in ADP crl-16133 82 42 table table NOUN crl-16133 82 43 1 1 NUM crl-16133 82 44 and and CCONJ crl-16133 82 45 table table NOUN crl-16133 82 46 2 2 NUM crl-16133 82 47 . . PUNCT crl-16133 83 1 these these DET crl-16133 83 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 83 3 did do AUX crl-16133 83 4 allow allow VERB crl-16133 83 5 for for SCONJ crl-16133 83 6 a a DET crl-16133 83 7 pearson pearson NOUN crl-16133 83 8 correlation correlation NOUN crl-16133 83 9 to to PART crl-16133 83 10 be be AUX crl-16133 83 11 conducted conduct VERB crl-16133 83 12 to to PART crl-16133 83 13 determine determine VERB crl-16133 83 14 if if SCONJ crl-16133 83 15 any any PRON crl-16133 83 16 of of ADP crl-16133 83 17 the the DET crl-16133 83 18 data datum NOUN crl-16133 83 19 showed show VERB crl-16133 83 20 any any DET crl-16133 83 21 correlations correlation NOUN crl-16133 83 22 , , PUNCT crl-16133 83 23 meaning mean VERB crl-16133 83 24 if if SCONJ crl-16133 83 25 any any DET crl-16133 83 26 one one NUM crl-16133 83 27 aspect aspect NOUN crl-16133 83 28 of of ADP crl-16133 83 29 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 83 30 use use NOUN crl-16133 83 31 was be AUX crl-16133 83 32 at at ADV crl-16133 83 33 all all ADV crl-16133 83 34 related relate VERB crl-16133 83 35 to to ADP crl-16133 83 36 other other ADJ crl-16133 83 37 types type NOUN crl-16133 83 38 of of ADP crl-16133 83 39 use use NOUN crl-16133 83 40 . . PUNCT crl-16133 84 1 pearson pearson NOUN crl-16133 84 2 correlations correlation NOUN crl-16133 84 3 were be AUX crl-16133 84 4 run run VERB crl-16133 84 5 using use VERB crl-16133 84 6 spss spss PROPN crl-16133 84 7 to to PART crl-16133 84 8 determine determine VERB crl-16133 84 9 relationships relationship NOUN crl-16133 84 10 between between ADP crl-16133 84 11 how how SCONJ crl-16133 84 12 many many ADJ crl-16133 84 13 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 84 14 a a DET crl-16133 84 15 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 84 16 page page NOUN crl-16133 84 17 has have AUX crl-16133 84 18 and and CCONJ crl-16133 84 19 how how SCONJ crl-16133 84 20 many many ADJ crl-16133 84 21 events event NOUN crl-16133 84 22 , , PUNCT crl-16133 84 23 add add VERB crl-16133 84 24 - - PUNCT crl-16133 84 25 on on ADP crl-16133 84 26 applications application NOUN crl-16133 84 27 , , PUNCT crl-16133 84 28 and and CCONJ crl-16133 84 29 updates update VERB crl-16133 84 30 a a DET crl-16133 84 31 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 84 32 page page NOUN crl-16133 84 33 has have VERB crl-16133 84 34 . . PUNCT crl-16133 85 1 it it PRON crl-16133 85 2 was be AUX crl-16133 85 3 found find VERB crl-16133 85 4 that that SCONJ crl-16133 85 5 there there PRON crl-16133 85 6 is be VERB crl-16133 85 7 no no DET crl-16133 85 8 relationship relationship NOUN crl-16133 85 9 between between ADP crl-16133 85 10 how how SCONJ crl-16133 85 11 many many ADJ crl-16133 85 12 events event NOUN crl-16133 85 13 are be AUX crl-16133 85 14 posted post VERB crl-16133 85 15 on on ADP crl-16133 85 16 a a DET crl-16133 85 17 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 85 18 page page NOUN crl-16133 85 19 and and CCONJ crl-16133 85 20 how how SCONJ crl-16133 85 21 many many ADJ crl-16133 85 22 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 85 23 a a DET crl-16133 85 24 page page NOUN crl-16133 85 25 may may AUX crl-16133 85 26 have have VERB crl-16133 85 27 , , PUNCT crl-16133 85 28 with with ADP crl-16133 85 29 a a DET crl-16133 85 30 negative negative ADJ crl-16133 85 31 correlation correlation NOUN crl-16133 85 32 of of ADP crl-16133 85 33 .096 .096 NUM crl-16133 85 34 . . PUNCT crl-16133 86 1 there there PRON crl-16133 86 2 were be VERB crl-16133 86 3 moderate moderate ADJ crl-16133 86 4 relationships relationship NOUN crl-16133 86 5 found find VERB crl-16133 86 6 in in ADP crl-16133 86 7 both both CCONJ crl-16133 86 8 the the DET crl-16133 86 9 number number NOUN crl-16133 86 10 of of ADP crl-16133 86 11 add add VERB crl-16133 86 12 - - PUNCT crl-16133 86 13 on on ADP crl-16133 86 14 applications application NOUN crl-16133 86 15 and and CCONJ crl-16133 86 16 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 86 17 , , PUNCT crl-16133 86 18 a a DET crl-16133 86 19 positive positive ADJ crl-16133 86 20 correlation correlation NOUN crl-16133 86 21 of of ADP crl-16133 86 22 .554 .554 NUM crl-16133 86 23 , , PUNCT crl-16133 86 24 as as ADV crl-16133 86 25 well well ADV crl-16133 86 26 as as ADP crl-16133 86 27 the the DET crl-16133 86 28 relationship relationship NOUN crl-16133 86 29 concerning concern VERB crl-16133 86 30 how how SCONJ crl-16133 86 31 many many ADJ crl-16133 86 32 updates update NOUN crl-16133 86 33 had have AUX crl-16133 86 34 occurred occur VERB crl-16133 86 35 on on ADP crl-16133 86 36 the the DET crl-16133 86 37 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 86 38 page page NOUN crl-16133 86 39 and and CCONJ crl-16133 86 40 the the DET crl-16133 86 41 number number NOUN crl-16133 86 42 of of ADP crl-16133 86 43 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 86 44 the the DET crl-16133 86 45 page page NOUN crl-16133 86 46 had have VERB crl-16133 86 47 , , PUNCT crl-16133 86 48 a a DET crl-16133 86 49 positive positive ADJ crl-16133 86 50 correlation correlation NOUN crl-16133 86 51 of of ADP crl-16133 86 52 .478 .478 NUM crl-16133 86 53 . . PUNCT crl-16133 87 1 this this PRON crl-16133 87 2 does do AUX crl-16133 87 3 not not PART crl-16133 87 4 mean mean VERB crl-16133 87 5 that that SCONJ crl-16133 87 6 these these DET crl-16133 87 7 addons addon NOUN crl-16133 87 8 or or CCONJ crl-16133 87 9 number number NOUN crl-16133 87 10 of of ADP crl-16133 87 11 updates update NOUN crl-16133 87 12 increases increase VERB crl-16133 87 13 the the DET crl-16133 87 14 number number NOUN crl-16133 87 15 of of ADP crl-16133 87 16 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 87 17 a a DET crl-16133 87 18 page page NOUN crl-16133 87 19 may may AUX crl-16133 87 20 have have VERB crl-16133 87 21 , , PUNCT crl-16133 87 22 but but CCONJ crl-16133 87 23 that that SCONJ crl-16133 87 24 there there PRON crl-16133 87 25 is be VERB crl-16133 87 26 some some DET crl-16133 87 27 relationship relationship NOUN crl-16133 87 28 between between ADP crl-16133 87 29 these these DET crl-16133 87 30 items item NOUN crl-16133 87 31 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 87 32 although although SCONJ crl-16133 87 33 none none NOUN crl-16133 87 34 of of ADP crl-16133 87 35 them they PRON crl-16133 87 36 are be AUX crl-16133 87 37 statistically statistically ADV crl-16133 87 38 significant significant ADJ crl-16133 87 39 at at ADP crl-16133 87 40 the the DET crl-16133 87 41 0.05 0.05 NUM crl-16133 87 42 level level NOUN crl-16133 87 43 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 87 44 . . PUNCT crl-16133 88 1 also also ADV crl-16133 88 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 88 3 it it PRON crl-16133 88 4 must must AUX crl-16133 88 5 be be AUX crl-16133 88 6 noted note VERB crl-16133 88 7 that that SCONJ crl-16133 88 8 the the DET crl-16133 88 9 sample sample NOUN crl-16133 88 10 size size NOUN crl-16133 88 11 in in ADP crl-16133 88 12 this this DET crl-16133 88 13 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 88 14 is be AUX crl-16133 88 15 very very ADV crl-16133 88 16 small small ADJ crl-16133 88 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 88 18 n=12 n=12 PROPN crl-16133 88 19 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 88 20 . . PUNCT crl-16133 89 1 it it PRON crl-16133 89 2 may may AUX crl-16133 89 3 be be AUX crl-16133 89 4 possible possible ADJ crl-16133 89 5 that that SCONJ crl-16133 89 6 frequent frequent ADJ crl-16133 89 7 updates update NOUN crl-16133 89 8 and and CCONJ crl-16133 89 9 an an DET crl-16133 89 10 increased increase VERB crl-16133 89 11 number number NOUN crl-16133 89 12 of of ADP crl-16133 89 13 add add VERB crl-16133 89 14 - - PUNCT crl-16133 89 15 on on ADP crl-16133 89 16 applications application NOUN crl-16133 89 17 may may AUX crl-16133 89 18 help help VERB crl-16133 89 19 in in ADP crl-16133 89 20 developing develop VERB crl-16133 89 21 a a DET crl-16133 89 22 larger large ADJ crl-16133 89 23 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 89 24 fan fan NOUN crl-16133 89 25 base base NOUN crl-16133 89 26 , , PUNCT crl-16133 89 27 and and CCONJ crl-16133 89 28 it it PRON crl-16133 89 29 would would AUX crl-16133 89 30 be be AUX crl-16133 89 31 worth worth ADJ crl-16133 89 32 consideration consideration NOUN crl-16133 89 33 in in ADP crl-16133 89 34 library library PROPN crl-16133 89 35 facebook facebook PROPN crl-16133 89 36 page page NOUN crl-16133 89 37 development development NOUN crl-16133 89 38 . . PUNCT crl-16133 90 1 table table NOUN crl-16133 90 2 2 2 NUM crl-16133 90 3 number number NOUN crl-16133 90 4 of of ADP crl-16133 90 5 add add VERB crl-16133 90 6 - - PUNCT crl-16133 90 7 on on ADP crl-16133 90 8 applications application NOUN crl-16133 90 9 on on ADP crl-16133 90 10 facebook facebook PROPN crl-16133 90 11 pages page NOUN crl-16133 90 12 note note VERB crl-16133 90 13 . . PUNCT crl-16133 91 1 1 1 NUM crl-16133 91 2 = = SYM crl-16133 91 3 yes yes INTJ crl-16133 91 4 , , PUNCT crl-16133 91 5 0 0 NUM crl-16133 91 6 = = NOUN crl-16133 91 7 no no INTJ crl-16133 91 8 for for ADP crl-16133 91 9 this this DET crl-16133 91 10 data datum NOUN crl-16133 91 11 set set VERB crl-16133 91 12 . . PUNCT crl-16133 92 1 library library NOUN crl-16133 92 2 number number NOUN crl-16133 92 3 ref ref AUX crl-16133 92 4 / / SYM crl-16133 92 5 ask ask VERB crl-16133 92 6 help help NOUN crl-16133 92 7 notes note NOUN crl-16133 92 8 links link NOUN crl-16133 92 9 i i PRON crl-16133 92 10 m m VERB crl-16133 92 11 video video NOUN crl-16133 92 12 fav fav NOUN crl-16133 92 13 . . PUNCT crl-16133 93 1 pages page NOUN crl-16133 93 2 extended extend VERB crl-16133 93 3 info info NOUN crl-16133 93 4 search search NOUN crl-16133 93 5 works work NOUN crl-16133 93 6 flickr flickr VERB crl-16133 93 7 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 93 8 books book NOUN crl-16133 93 9 contact contact VERB crl-16133 93 10 us we PRON crl-16133 93 11 rss rss NOUN crl-16133 93 12 / / SYM crl-16133 93 13 blog blog NOUN crl-16133 93 14 total total NOUN crl-16133 93 15 add add VERB crl-16133 93 16 ons on NOUN crl-16133 93 17 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 18 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 19 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 20 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 21 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 22 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 23 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 24 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 25 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 26 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 27 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 28 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 29 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 30 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 31 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 32 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 33 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 34 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 35 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 36 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 37 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 38 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 39 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 40 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 41 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 42 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 43 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 44 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 45 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 46 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 47 3 3 NUM crl-16133 93 48 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 49 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 50 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 51 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 52 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 53 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 54 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 55 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 56 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 57 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 58 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 59 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 60 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 61 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 62 4 4 NUM crl-16133 93 63 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 64 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 65 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 66 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 67 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 68 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 69 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 70 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 71 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 72 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 73 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 74 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 75 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 76 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 77 5 5 NUM crl-16133 93 78 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 79 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 80 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 81 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 82 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 83 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 84 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 85 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 86 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 87 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 88 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 89 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 90 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 91 4 4 NUM crl-16133 93 92 6 6 NUM crl-16133 93 93 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 94 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 95 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 96 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 97 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 98 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 99 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 100 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 101 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 102 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 103 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 104 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 105 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 106 5 5 NUM crl-16133 93 107 7 7 NUM crl-16133 93 108 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 109 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 110 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 111 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 112 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 113 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 114 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 115 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 116 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 117 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 118 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 119 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 120 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 121 5 5 NUM crl-16133 93 122 8 8 NUM crl-16133 93 123 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 124 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 125 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 126 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 127 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 128 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 129 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 130 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 131 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 132 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 133 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 134 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 135 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 136 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 137 9 9 NUM crl-16133 93 138 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 139 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 140 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 141 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 142 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 143 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 144 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 145 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 146 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 147 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 148 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 149 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 150 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 151 4 4 NUM crl-16133 93 152 10 10 NUM crl-16133 93 153 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 154 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 155 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 156 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 157 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 158 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 159 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 160 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 161 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 162 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 163 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 164 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 165 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 166 3 3 NUM crl-16133 93 167 11 11 NUM crl-16133 93 168 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 169 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 170 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 171 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 172 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 173 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 174 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 175 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 176 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 177 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 178 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 179 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 180 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 181 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 182 12 12 NUM crl-16133 93 183 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 184 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 185 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 186 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 187 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 188 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 189 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 190 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 191 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 192 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 193 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 194 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 195 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 196 4 4 NUM crl-16133 93 197 total total NOUN crl-16133 93 198 4 4 NUM crl-16133 93 199 4 4 NUM crl-16133 93 200 5 5 NUM crl-16133 93 201 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 202 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 203 6 6 NUM crl-16133 93 204 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 205 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 206 0 0 NUM crl-16133 93 207 5 5 NUM crl-16133 93 208 1 1 NUM crl-16133 93 209 2 2 NUM crl-16133 93 210 3 3 NUM crl-16133 93 211 36 36 NUM crl-16133 93 212 mean mean NOUN crl-16133 93 213 0.33 0.33 NUM crl-16133 93 214 0.33 0.33 NUM crl-16133 93 215 0.42 0.42 NUM crl-16133 93 216 0.17 0.17 NUM crl-16133 93 217 0.17 0.17 NUM crl-16133 93 218 0.50 0.50 NUM crl-16133 93 219 0.08 0.08 NUM crl-16133 93 220 0.08 0.08 NUM crl-16133 93 221 0.00 0.00 NUM crl-16133 93 222 0.42 0.42 NUM crl-16133 93 223 0.08 0.08 NUM crl-16133 93 224 0.17 0.17 NUM crl-16133 93 225 0.25 0.25 NUM crl-16133 93 226 3.00 3.00 NUM crl-16133 93 227 84 84 NUM crl-16133 93 228       SPACE crl-16133 93 229 college college NOUN crl-16133 93 230     SPACE crl-16133 93 231 & & CCONJ crl-16133 93 232     SPACE crl-16133 93 233 research research NOUN crl-16133 93 234     SPACE crl-16133 93 235 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 93 236     SPACE crl-16133 93 237 january january NOUN crl-16133 93 238     SPACE crl-16133 93 239 2011 2011 NUM crl-16133 93 240 from from ADP crl-16133 93 241 the the DET crl-16133 93 242 data datum NOUN crl-16133 93 243 collected collect VERB crl-16133 93 244 with with ADP crl-16133 93 245 the the DET crl-16133 93 246 site site NOUN crl-16133 93 247 observation observation NOUN crl-16133 93 248 form form NOUN crl-16133 93 249 , , PUNCT crl-16133 93 250 it it PRON crl-16133 93 251 was be AUX crl-16133 93 252 then then ADV crl-16133 93 253 determined determine VERB crl-16133 93 254 whether whether SCONJ crl-16133 93 255 the the DET crl-16133 93 256 library library NOUN crl-16133 93 257 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 93 258 pages page NOUN crl-16133 93 259 were be AUX crl-16133 93 260 performing perform VERB crl-16133 93 261 the the DET crl-16133 93 262 expected expect VERB crl-16133 93 263 uses use NOUN crl-16133 93 264 presented present VERB crl-16133 93 265 in in ADP crl-16133 93 266 the the DET crl-16133 93 267 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 93 268 study study NOUN crl-16133 93 269 . . PUNCT crl-16133 94 1 the the DET crl-16133 94 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 94 3 were be AUX crl-16133 94 4 gathered gather VERB crl-16133 94 5 in in ADP crl-16133 94 6 table table NOUN crl-16133 94 7 1 1 NUM crl-16133 94 8 and and CCONJ crl-16133 94 9 table table NOUN crl-16133 94 10 2 2 NUM crl-16133 94 11 and and CCONJ crl-16133 94 12 were be AUX crl-16133 94 13 then then ADV crl-16133 94 14 used use VERB crl-16133 94 15 to to PART crl-16133 94 16 determine determine VERB crl-16133 94 17 the the DET crl-16133 94 18 ranking ranking NOUN crl-16133 94 19 of of ADP crl-16133 94 20 each each DET crl-16133 94 21 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 94 22 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 94 23 use use NOUN crl-16133 94 24 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 94 25 that that PRON crl-16133 94 26 was be AUX crl-16133 94 27 previously previously ADV crl-16133 94 28 determined determine VERB crl-16133 94 29 by by ADP crl-16133 94 30 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 94 31 et et PROPN crl-16133 95 1 al al PROPN crl-16133 95 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 96 1 for for ADP crl-16133 96 2 each each DET crl-16133 96 3 time time NOUN crl-16133 96 4 a a DET crl-16133 96 5 library library NOUN crl-16133 96 6 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 96 7 page page NOUN crl-16133 96 8 had have VERB crl-16133 96 9 an an DET crl-16133 96 10 application application NOUN crl-16133 96 11 on on ADP crl-16133 96 12 its its PRON crl-16133 96 13 page page NOUN crl-16133 96 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 96 15 the the DET crl-16133 96 16 task task NOUN crl-16133 96 17 was be AUX crl-16133 96 18 counted count VERB crl-16133 96 19 as as ADP crl-16133 96 20 a a DET crl-16133 96 21 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 96 22 use use NOUN crl-16133 96 23 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 96 24 of of ADP crl-16133 96 25 that that DET crl-16133 96 26 item item NOUN crl-16133 96 27 . . PUNCT crl-16133 97 1 this this PRON crl-16133 97 2 could could AUX crl-16133 97 3 result result VERB crl-16133 97 4 in in ADP crl-16133 97 5 a a DET crl-16133 97 6 total total NOUN crl-16133 97 7 of of ADP crl-16133 97 8 up up ADP crl-16133 97 9 to to PART crl-16133 97 10 12 12 NUM crl-16133 97 11 out out ADP crl-16133 97 12 of of ADP crl-16133 97 13 12 12 NUM crl-16133 97 14 uses use NOUN crl-16133 97 15 for for ADP crl-16133 97 16 any any DET crl-16133 97 17 one one NUM crl-16133 97 18 application application NOUN crl-16133 97 19 . . PUNCT crl-16133 98 1 each each DET crl-16133 98 2 application application NOUN crl-16133 98 3 was be AUX crl-16133 98 4 associated associate VERB crl-16133 98 5 with with ADP crl-16133 98 6 a a DET crl-16133 98 7 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 98 8 use use NOUN crl-16133 98 9 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 98 10 that that PRON crl-16133 98 11 was be AUX crl-16133 98 12 defined define VERB crl-16133 98 13 by by ADP crl-16133 98 14 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 98 15 et et PROPN crl-16133 99 1 al al PROPN crl-16133 99 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 100 1 that that PRON crl-16133 100 2 was be AUX crl-16133 100 3 determined determine VERB crl-16133 100 4 by by ADP crl-16133 100 5 each each DET crl-16133 100 6 use use NOUN crl-16133 100 7 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 100 8 such such ADJ crl-16133 100 9 as as ADP crl-16133 100 10 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 100 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 100 12 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 100 13 services service NOUN crl-16133 100 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 100 15 and and CCONJ crl-16133 100 16 the the DET crl-16133 100 17 like like ADJ crl-16133 100 18 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 100 19 being be AUX crl-16133 100 20 matched match VERB crl-16133 100 21 up up ADP crl-16133 100 22 with with ADP crl-16133 100 23 plausible plausible ADJ crl-16133 100 24 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 100 25 applications application NOUN crl-16133 100 26 , , PUNCT crl-16133 100 27 options option NOUN crl-16133 100 28 , , PUNCT crl-16133 100 29 or or CCONJ crl-16133 100 30 sections section NOUN crl-16133 100 31 of of ADP crl-16133 100 32 the the DET crl-16133 100 33 page page NOUN crl-16133 100 34 that that PRON crl-16133 100 35 would would AUX crl-16133 100 36 indicate indicate VERB crl-16133 100 37 that that SCONJ crl-16133 100 38 a a DET crl-16133 100 39 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 100 40 use use NOUN crl-16133 100 41 was be AUX crl-16133 100 42 occurring occur VERB crl-16133 100 43 in in ADP crl-16133 100 44 library library NOUN crl-16133 100 45 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 100 46 pages page NOUN crl-16133 100 47 . . PUNCT crl-16133 101 1 for for ADP crl-16133 101 2 example example NOUN crl-16133 101 3 , , PUNCT crl-16133 101 4 the the DET crl-16133 101 5 use use NOUN crl-16133 101 6 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 101 7 forum forum NOUN crl-16133 101 8 for for SCONJ crl-16133 101 9 users user NOUN crl-16133 101 10 to to PART crl-16133 101 11 communicate communicate VERB crl-16133 101 12 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 101 13 would would AUX crl-16133 101 14 be be AUX crl-16133 101 15 observed observe VERB crl-16133 101 16 through through ADP crl-16133 101 17 the the DET crl-16133 101 18 use use NOUN crl-16133 101 19 of of ADP crl-16133 101 20 the the DET crl-16133 101 21 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 101 22 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 101 23 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 101 24 and and CCONJ crl-16133 101 25 by by ADP crl-16133 101 26 the the DET crl-16133 101 27 number number NOUN crl-16133 101 28 of of ADP crl-16133 101 29 messages message NOUN crl-16133 101 30 left leave VERB crl-16133 101 31 on on ADP crl-16133 101 32 the the DET crl-16133 101 33 wall wall NOUN crl-16133 101 34 that that PRON crl-16133 101 35 were be AUX crl-16133 101 36 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 101 37 from from ADP crl-16133 101 38 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 101 39 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 101 40 . . PUNCT crl-16133 101 41 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 102 1 if if SCONJ crl-16133 102 2 these these PRON crl-16133 102 3 were be AUX crl-16133 102 4 used use VERB crl-16133 102 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 102 6 then then ADV crl-16133 102 7 this this PRON crl-16133 102 8 would would AUX crl-16133 102 9 confirm confirm VERB crl-16133 102 10 the the DET crl-16133 102 11 use use NOUN crl-16133 102 12 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 102 13 forum forum NOUN crl-16133 102 14 for for SCONJ crl-16133 102 15 users user NOUN crl-16133 102 16 to to PART crl-16133 102 17 communicate communicate VERB crl-16133 102 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 102 19 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 102 20 and and CCONJ crl-16133 102 21 based base VERB crl-16133 102 22 on on ADP crl-16133 102 23 how how SCONJ crl-16133 102 24 many many ADJ crl-16133 102 25 of of ADP crl-16133 102 26 the the DET crl-16133 102 27 twelve twelve NUM crl-16133 102 28 pages page NOUN crl-16133 102 29 confirmed confirm VERB crl-16133 102 30 this this DET crl-16133 102 31 use use NOUN crl-16133 102 32 , , PUNCT crl-16133 102 33 that that DET crl-16133 102 34 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 102 35 use use NOUN crl-16133 102 36 would would AUX crl-16133 102 37 be be AUX crl-16133 102 38 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 102 39 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 102 40 according accord VERB crl-16133 102 41 to to ADP crl-16133 102 42 the the DET crl-16133 102 43 same same ADJ crl-16133 102 44 tiers tier NOUN crl-16133 102 45 laid lay VERB crl-16133 102 46 out out ADP crl-16133 102 47 in in ADP crl-16133 102 48 the the DET crl-16133 102 49 methodology methodology NOUN crl-16133 102 50 section section NOUN crl-16133 102 51 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 102 52 . . PUNCT crl-16133 103 1 the the DET crl-16133 103 2 ranking ranking ADJ crl-16133 103 3 requirements requirement NOUN crl-16133 103 4 are be AUX crl-16133 103 5 indicated indicate VERB crl-16133 103 6 as as SCONJ crl-16133 103 7 follows follow VERB crl-16133 103 8 : : PUNCT crl-16133 103 9 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 103 10 1 1 NUM crl-16133 103 11 : : PUNCT crl-16133 103 12 at at ADP crl-16133 103 13 least least ADV crl-16133 103 14 10 10 NUM crl-16133 103 15 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 103 16 perform perform VERB crl-16133 103 17 this this DET crl-16133 103 18 use use NOUN crl-16133 103 19 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 103 20 2 2 NUM crl-16133 103 21 : : PUNCT crl-16133 103 22 at at ADP crl-16133 103 23 least least ADJ crl-16133 103 24 8 8 NUM crl-16133 103 25 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 103 26 perform perform VERB crl-16133 103 27 this this DET crl-16133 103 28 use use NOUN crl-16133 103 29 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 103 30 3 3 NUM crl-16133 103 31 : : PUNCT crl-16133 103 32 at at ADP crl-16133 103 33 least least ADJ crl-16133 103 34 6 6 NUM crl-16133 103 35 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 103 36 perform perform VERB crl-16133 103 37 this this DET crl-16133 103 38 use use NOUN crl-16133 103 39 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 103 40 4 4 NUM crl-16133 103 41 : : PUNCT crl-16133 103 42 at at ADP crl-16133 103 43 least least ADV crl-16133 103 44 4 4 NUM crl-16133 103 45 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 103 46 perform perform VERB crl-16133 103 47 this this DET crl-16133 103 48 use use NOUN crl-16133 103 49 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 103 50 5 5 NUM crl-16133 103 51 : : PUNCT crl-16133 103 52 at at ADP crl-16133 103 53 least least ADV crl-16133 103 54 1 1 NUM crl-16133 103 55 library library NOUN crl-16133 103 56 performs perform VERB crl-16133 103 57 this this PRON crl-16133 103 58 use use NOUN crl-16133 103 59 no no DET crl-16133 103 60 use use NOUN crl-16133 103 61 : : PUNCT crl-16133 103 62 indicated indicate VERB crl-16133 103 63 by by ADP crl-16133 103 64 0 0 NUM crl-16133 103 65 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 103 66 performing perform VERB crl-16133 103 67 this this DET crl-16133 103 68 use use NOUN crl-16133 103 69 these these DET crl-16133 103 70 rankings ranking NOUN crl-16133 103 71 were be AUX crl-16133 103 72 created create VERB crl-16133 103 73 to to PART crl-16133 103 74 mirror mirror VERB crl-16133 103 75 the the DET crl-16133 103 76 information information NOUN crl-16133 103 77 provided provide VERB crl-16133 103 78 by by ADP crl-16133 103 79 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 103 80 et et PROPN crl-16133 104 1 al al PROPN crl-16133 104 2 . . PROPN crl-16133 104 3 to to PART crl-16133 104 4 best well ADV crl-16133 104 5 recreate recreate VERB crl-16133 104 6 a a DET crl-16133 104 7 similar similar ADJ crl-16133 104 8 and and CCONJ crl-16133 104 9 equally equally ADV crl-16133 104 10 placed place VERB crl-16133 104 11 difference difference NOUN crl-16133 104 12 between between ADP crl-16133 104 13 the the DET crl-16133 104 14 tiers tier NOUN crl-16133 104 15 . . PUNCT crl-16133 105 1 in in ADP crl-16133 105 2 this this DET crl-16133 105 3 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 105 4 system system NOUN crl-16133 105 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 105 6 zero zero NUM crl-16133 105 7 indicates indicate VERB crl-16133 105 8 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 105 9 no no DET crl-16133 105 10 use use NOUN crl-16133 105 11 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 105 12 since since SCONJ crl-16133 105 13 any any DET crl-16133 105 14 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 105 15 use use NOUN crl-16133 105 16 of of ADP crl-16133 105 17 that that DET crl-16133 105 18 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 105 19 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 105 20 use use NOUN crl-16133 105 21 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 105 22 would would AUX crl-16133 105 23 have have AUX crl-16133 105 24 been be AUX crl-16133 105 25 determined determine VERB crl-16133 105 26 by by ADP crl-16133 105 27 the the DET crl-16133 105 28 data datum NOUN crl-16133 105 29 collected collect VERB crl-16133 105 30 . . PUNCT crl-16133 106 1 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 106 2 to to PART crl-16133 106 3 understand understand VERB crl-16133 106 4 how how SCONJ crl-16133 106 5 each each DET crl-16133 106 6 use use NOUN crl-16133 106 7 was be AUX crl-16133 106 8 classified classify VERB crl-16133 106 9 into into ADP crl-16133 106 10 a a DET crl-16133 106 11 specific specific ADJ crl-16133 106 12 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 106 13 for for ADP crl-16133 106 14 ranking ranking NOUN crl-16133 106 15 of of ADP crl-16133 106 16 its its PRON crl-16133 106 17 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 106 18 presence presence NOUN crl-16133 106 19 on on ADP crl-16133 106 20 facebook facebook ADJ crl-16133 106 21 pages page NOUN crl-16133 106 22 , , PUNCT crl-16133 106 23 each each DET crl-16133 106 24 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 106 25 use use NOUN crl-16133 106 26 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 106 27 ranking ranking NOUN crl-16133 106 28 will will AUX crl-16133 106 29 be be AUX crl-16133 106 30 explained explain VERB crl-16133 106 31 , , PUNCT crl-16133 106 32 outlining outline VERB crl-16133 106 33 which which PRON crl-16133 106 34 data data NOUN crl-16133 106 35 supports support VERB crl-16133 106 36 the the DET crl-16133 106 37 placement placement NOUN crl-16133 106 38 of of ADP crl-16133 106 39 that that DET crl-16133 106 40 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 106 41 use use NOUN crl-16133 106 42 . . PUNCT crl-16133 106 43 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 107 1 the the DET crl-16133 107 2 use use NOUN crl-16133 107 3 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 107 4 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 107 5 / / SYM crl-16133 107 6 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 107 7 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 107 8 was be AUX crl-16133 107 9 determined determine VERB crl-16133 107 10 by by ADP crl-16133 107 11 the the DET crl-16133 107 12 information information NOUN crl-16133 107 13 provided provide VERB crl-16133 107 14 by by ADP crl-16133 107 15 the the DET crl-16133 107 16 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 107 17 wall wall NOUN crl-16133 107 18 and and CCONJ crl-16133 107 19 the the DET crl-16133 107 20 number number NOUN crl-16133 107 21 of of ADP crl-16133 107 22 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 107 23 a a DET crl-16133 107 24 page page NOUN crl-16133 107 25 had have VERB crl-16133 107 26 as as ADV crl-16133 107 27 well well ADV crl-16133 107 28 as as SCONJ crl-16133 107 29 the the DET crl-16133 107 30 events event NOUN crl-16133 107 31 posted post VERB crl-16133 107 32 . . PUNCT crl-16133 108 1 in in ADP crl-16133 108 2 this this DET crl-16133 108 3 case case NOUN crl-16133 108 4 , , PUNCT crl-16133 108 5 11 11 NUM crl-16133 108 6 out out ADP crl-16133 108 7 of of ADP crl-16133 108 8 12 12 NUM crl-16133 108 9 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 108 10 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 108 11 all all DET crl-16133 108 12 numbers number NOUN crl-16133 108 13 concerning concern VERB crl-16133 108 14 how how SCONJ crl-16133 108 15 many many ADJ crl-16133 108 16 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 108 17 will will AUX crl-16133 108 18 be be AUX crl-16133 108 19 out out ADP crl-16133 108 20 of of ADP crl-16133 108 21 a a DET crl-16133 108 22 total total NOUN crl-16133 108 23 of of ADP crl-16133 108 24 12 12 NUM crl-16133 108 25 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 108 26 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 108 27 posted post VERB crl-16133 108 28 information information NOUN crl-16133 108 29 about about ADP crl-16133 108 30 events event NOUN crl-16133 108 31 and and CCONJ crl-16133 108 32 8 8 NUM crl-16133 108 33 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 108 34 announced announce VERB crl-16133 108 35 research research NOUN crl-16133 108 36 services service NOUN crl-16133 108 37 and and CCONJ crl-16133 108 38 sources source NOUN crl-16133 108 39 . . PUNCT crl-16133 109 1 the the DET crl-16133 109 2 average average ADJ crl-16133 109 3 update update NOUN crl-16133 109 4 time time NOUN crl-16133 109 5 for for ADP crl-16133 109 6 library library NOUN crl-16133 109 7 pages page NOUN crl-16133 109 8 was be AUX crl-16133 109 9 every every DET crl-16133 109 10 6.4 6.4 NUM crl-16133 109 11 days day NOUN crl-16133 109 12 with with ADP crl-16133 109 13 an an DET crl-16133 109 14 average average NOUN crl-16133 109 15 of of ADP crl-16133 109 16 9 9 NUM crl-16133 109 17 events event NOUN crl-16133 109 18 posted post VERB crl-16133 109 19 per per ADP crl-16133 109 20 library library NOUN crl-16133 109 21 site site NOUN crl-16133 109 22 . . PUNCT crl-16133 110 1 these these DET crl-16133 110 2 results result NOUN crl-16133 110 3 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 110 4 this this DET crl-16133 110 5 use use NOUN crl-16133 110 6 in in ADP crl-16133 110 7 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 110 8 1 1 NUM crl-16133 110 9 . . PUNCT crl-16133 111 1 the the DET crl-16133 111 2 use use NOUN crl-16133 111 3 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 111 4 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 111 5 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 111 6 used use VERB crl-16133 111 7 flickr flickr ADJ crl-16133 111 8 applications application NOUN crl-16133 111 9 and and CCONJ crl-16133 111 10 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 111 11 posted post VERB crl-16133 111 12 in in ADP crl-16133 111 13 the the DET crl-16133 111 14 photo photo NOUN crl-16133 111 15 section section NOUN crl-16133 111 16 of of ADP crl-16133 111 17 the the DET crl-16133 111 18 page page NOUN crl-16133 111 19 to to PART crl-16133 111 20 determine determine VERB crl-16133 111 21 the the DET crl-16133 111 22 ranking ranking NOUN crl-16133 111 23 of of ADP crl-16133 111 24 this this DET crl-16133 111 25 use use NOUN crl-16133 111 26 . . PUNCT crl-16133 112 1 the the DET crl-16133 112 2 average average ADJ crl-16133 112 3 number number NOUN crl-16133 112 4 of of ADP crl-16133 112 5 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 112 6 per per ADP crl-16133 112 7 page page NOUN crl-16133 112 8 was be AUX crl-16133 112 9 35.75 35.75 NUM crl-16133 112 10 , , PUNCT crl-16133 112 11 and and CCONJ crl-16133 112 12 10 10 NUM crl-16133 112 13 out out ADP crl-16133 112 14 of of ADP crl-16133 112 15 12 12 NUM crl-16133 112 16 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 112 17 had have VERB crl-16133 112 18 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 112 19 on on ADP crl-16133 112 20 the the DET crl-16133 112 21 page page NOUN crl-16133 112 22 . . PUNCT crl-16133 113 1 however however ADV crl-16133 113 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 113 3 6 6 NUM crl-16133 113 4 of of ADP crl-16133 113 5 these these DET crl-16133 113 6 pages page NOUN crl-16133 113 7 only only ADV crl-16133 113 8 had have VERB crl-16133 113 9 profile profile ADJ crl-16133 113 10 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 113 11 posted post VERB crl-16133 113 12 . . PUNCT crl-16133 114 1 therefore therefore ADV crl-16133 114 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 114 3 this this PRON crl-16133 114 4 is be AUX crl-16133 114 5 not not PART crl-16133 114 6 the the DET crl-16133 114 7 primary primary ADJ crl-16133 114 8 use use NOUN crl-16133 114 9 of of ADP crl-16133 114 10 that that DET crl-16133 114 11 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 114 12 site site NOUN crl-16133 114 13 and and CCONJ crl-16133 114 14 the the DET crl-16133 114 15 use use NOUN crl-16133 114 16 was be AUX crl-16133 114 17 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 114 18 accordingly accordingly ADV crl-16133 114 19 , , PUNCT crl-16133 114 20 at at ADP crl-16133 114 21 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 114 22 3 3 NUM crl-16133 114 23 . . PUNCT crl-16133 115 1 the the DET crl-16133 115 2 next next ADJ crl-16133 115 3 use use NOUN crl-16133 115 4 to to PART crl-16133 115 5 be be AUX crl-16133 115 6 examined examine VERB crl-16133 115 7 is be AUX crl-16133 115 8 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 115 9 to to PART crl-16133 115 10 be be AUX crl-16133 115 11 where where SCONJ crl-16133 115 12 users user NOUN crl-16133 115 13 are be AUX crl-16133 115 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 115 15 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 115 16 which which PRON crl-16133 115 17 used use VERB crl-16133 115 18 users user NOUN crl-16133 115 19 ’ ' PUNCT crl-16133 115 20 posts post NOUN crl-16133 115 21 and and CCONJ crl-16133 115 22 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 115 23 to to PART crl-16133 115 24 determine determine VERB crl-16133 115 25 its its PRON crl-16133 115 26 ranking ranking NOUN crl-16133 115 27 . . PUNCT crl-16133 116 1 the the DET crl-16133 116 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 116 3 show show VERB crl-16133 116 4 an an DET crl-16133 116 5 average average NOUN crl-16133 116 6 of of ADP crl-16133 116 7 about about ADV crl-16133 116 8 231 231 NUM crl-16133 116 9 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 116 10 per per ADP crl-16133 116 11 site site NOUN crl-16133 116 12 with with ADP crl-16133 116 13 all all DET crl-16133 116 14 but but CCONJ crl-16133 116 15 three three NUM crl-16133 116 16 pages page NOUN crl-16133 116 17 having have VERB crl-16133 116 18 over over ADP crl-16133 116 19 100 100 NUM crl-16133 116 20 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 116 21 , , PUNCT crl-16133 116 22 but but CCONJ crl-16133 116 23 there there PRON crl-16133 116 24 are be VERB crl-16133 116 25 only only ADV crl-16133 116 26 3.8 3.8 NUM crl-16133 116 27 fan fan NOUN crl-16133 116 28 messages message NOUN crl-16133 116 29 per per ADP crl-16133 116 30 library library NOUN crl-16133 116 31 on on ADP crl-16133 116 32 average average ADJ crl-16133 116 33 . . PUNCT crl-16133 117 1 only only ADV crl-16133 117 2 6 6 NUM crl-16133 117 3 have have VERB crl-16133 117 4 more more ADJ crl-16133 117 5 than than ADP crl-16133 117 6 2 2 NUM crl-16133 117 7 posts post NOUN crl-16133 117 8 individually individually ADV crl-16133 117 9 and and CCONJ crl-16133 117 10 4 4 NUM crl-16133 117 11 library library NOUN crl-16133 117 12 pages page NOUN crl-16133 117 13 have have VERB crl-16133 117 14 0 0 NUM crl-16133 117 15 posts post NOUN crl-16133 117 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 118 1 this this PRON crl-16133 118 2 is be AUX crl-16133 118 3 not not PART crl-16133 118 4 what what PRON crl-16133 118 5 one one PRON crl-16133 118 6 would would AUX crl-16133 118 7 consider consider VERB crl-16133 118 8 user user NOUN crl-16133 118 9 participation participation NOUN crl-16133 118 10 , , PUNCT crl-16133 118 11 and and CCONJ crl-16133 118 12 therefore therefore ADV crl-16133 118 13 this this DET crl-16133 118 14 use use NOUN crl-16133 118 15 was be AUX crl-16133 118 16 also also ADV crl-16133 118 17 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 118 18 at at ADP crl-16133 118 19 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 118 20 3 3 NUM crl-16133 118 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 118 22 the the DET crl-16133 118 23 next next ADJ crl-16133 118 24 use use NOUN crl-16133 118 25 , , PUNCT crl-16133 118 26 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 118 27 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 118 28 services service NOUN crl-16133 118 29 , , PUNCT crl-16133 118 30 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 118 31 is be AUX crl-16133 118 32 an an DET crl-16133 118 33 outreach outreach ADJ crl-16133 118 34 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 118 35 that that PRON crl-16133 118 36 has have AUX crl-16133 118 37 been be AUX crl-16133 118 38 discussed discuss VERB crl-16133 118 39 in in ADP crl-16133 118 40 past past ADJ crl-16133 118 41 literature literature NOUN crl-16133 118 42 , , PUNCT crl-16133 118 43 but but CCONJ crl-16133 118 44 only only ADV crl-16133 118 45 4 4 NUM crl-16133 118 46 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 118 47 provided provide VERB crl-16133 118 48 an an DET crl-16133 118 49 option option NOUN crl-16133 118 50 to to PART crl-16133 118 51 contact contact VERB crl-16133 118 52 the the DET crl-16133 118 53 library library NOUN crl-16133 118 54 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 118 55 determined determine VERB crl-16133 118 56 by by ADP crl-16133 118 57 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 118 58 contact contact NOUN crl-16133 118 59 information information NOUN crl-16133 118 60 or or CCONJ crl-16133 118 61 ask ask VERB crl-16133 118 62 a a DET crl-16133 118 63 librarian librarian ADJ crl-16133 118 64 services service NOUN crl-16133 118 65 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 118 66 , , PUNCT crl-16133 118 67 resulting result VERB crl-16133 118 68 in in ADP crl-16133 118 69 a a DET crl-16133 118 70 ranking ranking NOUN crl-16133 118 71 at at ADP crl-16133 118 72 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 118 73 4 4 NUM crl-16133 118 74 . . PUNCT crl-16133 119 1 the the DET crl-16133 119 2 use use NOUN crl-16133 119 3 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 119 4 forum forum NOUN crl-16133 119 5 for for SCONJ crl-16133 119 6 users user NOUN crl-16133 119 7 to to PART crl-16133 119 8 communicate communicate VERB crl-16133 119 9 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 119 10 was be AUX crl-16133 119 11 determined determine VERB crl-16133 119 12 by by ADP crl-16133 119 13 the the DET crl-16133 119 14 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 119 15 options option NOUN crl-16133 119 16 as as ADV crl-16133 119 17 well well ADV crl-16133 119 18 as as ADP crl-16133 119 19 wall wall NOUN crl-16133 119 20 posts post NOUN crl-16133 119 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 120 1 out out ADP crl-16133 120 2 of of ADP crl-16133 120 3 12 12 NUM crl-16133 120 4 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 120 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 120 6 5 5 NUM crl-16133 120 7 had have VERB crl-16133 120 8 a a DET crl-16133 120 9 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 120 10 section section NOUN crl-16133 120 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 120 12 which which PRON crl-16133 120 13 shows show VERB crl-16133 120 14 effacebook effacebook NOUN crl-16133 120 15     SPACE crl-16133 120 16 as as ADP crl-16133 120 17     SPACE crl-16133 120 18 a a DET crl-16133 120 19     SPACE crl-16133 120 20 library library NOUN crl-16133 120 21     SPACE crl-16133 120 22 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 120 23 : : PUNCT crl-16133 120 24     SPACE crl-16133 120 25 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 120 26     SPACE crl-16133 120 27 vs. vs. ADP crl-16133 120 28     SPACE crl-16133 120 29 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 120 30     SPACE crl-16133 120 31 use use NOUN crl-16133 120 32       SPACE crl-16133 120 33 85 85 NUM crl-16133 120 34 fort fort NOUN crl-16133 120 35 , , PUNCT crl-16133 120 36 but but CCONJ crl-16133 120 37 most most ADJ crl-16133 120 38 of of ADP crl-16133 120 39 these these DET crl-16133 120 40 discussions discussion NOUN crl-16133 120 41 had have VERB crl-16133 120 42 no no DET crl-16133 120 43 past past ADJ crl-16133 120 44 or or CCONJ crl-16133 120 45 current current ADJ crl-16133 120 46 participants participant NOUN crl-16133 120 47 . . PUNCT crl-16133 121 1 along along ADP crl-16133 121 2 with with ADP crl-16133 121 3 this this DET crl-16133 121 4 finding finding NOUN crl-16133 121 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 121 6 only only ADV crl-16133 121 7 3.8 3.8 NUM crl-16133 121 8 out out ADP crl-16133 121 9 of of ADP crl-16133 121 10 54.25 54.25 NUM crl-16133 121 11 average average ADJ crl-16133 121 12 wall wall NOUN crl-16133 121 13 posts post NOUN crl-16133 121 14 were be AUX crl-16133 121 15 from from ADP crl-16133 121 16 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 121 17 , , PUNCT crl-16133 121 18 which which PRON crl-16133 121 19 is be AUX crl-16133 121 20 not not PART crl-16133 121 21 a a DET crl-16133 121 22 high high ADJ crl-16133 121 23 percentage percentage NOUN crl-16133 121 24 of of ADP crl-16133 121 25 fan fan NOUN crl-16133 121 26 input input NOUN crl-16133 121 27 . . PUNCT crl-16133 122 1 this this DET crl-16133 122 2 study study NOUN crl-16133 122 3 is be AUX crl-16133 122 4 not not PART crl-16133 122 5 discussing discuss VERB crl-16133 122 6 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-16133 122 7 of of ADP crl-16133 122 8 these these DET crl-16133 122 9 tools tool NOUN crl-16133 122 10 , , PUNCT crl-16133 122 11 but but CCONJ crl-16133 122 12 the the DET crl-16133 122 13 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 122 14 use use NOUN crl-16133 122 15 on on ADP crl-16133 122 16 the the DET crl-16133 122 17 library library PROPN crl-16133 122 18 ’s ’s PART crl-16133 122 19 end end NOUN crl-16133 122 20 , , PUNCT crl-16133 122 21 resulting result VERB crl-16133 122 22 in in ADP crl-16133 122 23 this this DET crl-16133 122 24 use use NOUN crl-16133 122 25 being be AUX crl-16133 122 26 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 122 27 in in ADP crl-16133 122 28 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 122 29 4 4 NUM crl-16133 122 30 . . PUNCT crl-16133 123 1 along along ADP crl-16133 123 2 the the DET crl-16133 123 3 same same ADJ crl-16133 123 4 vein vein NOUN crl-16133 123 5 of of ADP crl-16133 123 6 fan fan NOUN crl-16133 123 7 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 123 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 123 9 the the DET crl-16133 123 10 use use NOUN crl-16133 123 11 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 123 12 rsvp rsvp NOUN crl-16133 123 13 to to ADP crl-16133 123 14 events event NOUN crl-16133 123 15 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 123 16 is be AUX crl-16133 123 17 evaluated evaluate VERB crl-16133 123 18 by by ADP crl-16133 123 19 the the DET crl-16133 123 20 use use NOUN crl-16133 123 21 of of ADP crl-16133 123 22 the the DET crl-16133 123 23 events event NOUN crl-16133 123 24 tab tab NOUN crl-16133 123 25 . . PUNCT crl-16133 124 1 the the DET crl-16133 124 2 data datum NOUN crl-16133 124 3 collected collect VERB crl-16133 124 4 showed show VERB crl-16133 124 5 an an DET crl-16133 124 6 average average NOUN crl-16133 124 7 of of ADP crl-16133 124 8 9 9 NUM crl-16133 124 9 events event NOUN crl-16133 124 10 posted post VERB crl-16133 124 11 per per ADP crl-16133 124 12 library library NOUN crl-16133 124 13 with with ADP crl-16133 124 14 9 9 NUM crl-16133 124 15 out out ADP crl-16133 124 16 of of ADP crl-16133 124 17 the the DET crl-16133 124 18 total total ADJ crl-16133 124 19 12 12 NUM crl-16133 124 20 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 124 21 posting post VERB crl-16133 124 22 events event NOUN crl-16133 124 23 . . PUNCT crl-16133 125 1 since since SCONJ crl-16133 125 2 it it PRON crl-16133 125 3 is be AUX crl-16133 125 4 not not PART crl-16133 125 5 possible possible ADJ crl-16133 125 6 to to PART crl-16133 125 7 see see VERB crl-16133 125 8 the the DET crl-16133 125 9 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 125 10 replies reply NOUN crl-16133 125 11 to to ADP crl-16133 125 12 events event NOUN crl-16133 125 13 from from ADP crl-16133 125 14 viewing view VERB crl-16133 125 15 the the DET crl-16133 125 16 profile profile NOUN crl-16133 125 17 alone alone ADV crl-16133 125 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 125 19 this this PRON crl-16133 125 20 was be AUX crl-16133 125 21 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 125 22 based base VERB crl-16133 125 23 on on ADP crl-16133 125 24 the the DET crl-16133 125 25 number number NOUN crl-16133 125 26 of of ADP crl-16133 125 27 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 125 28 posting post VERB crl-16133 125 29 events event NOUN crl-16133 125 30 , , PUNCT crl-16133 125 31 giving give VERB crl-16133 125 32 it it PRON crl-16133 125 33 a a DET crl-16133 125 34 high high ADJ crl-16133 125 35 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 125 36 of of ADP crl-16133 125 37 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 125 38 2 2 NUM crl-16133 125 39 . . PUNCT crl-16133 125 40 the the DET crl-16133 125 41 next next ADJ crl-16133 125 42 items item NOUN crl-16133 125 43 examined examine VERB crl-16133 125 44 were be AUX crl-16133 125 45 library library NOUN crl-16133 125 46 search search NOUN crl-16133 125 47 tools tool NOUN crl-16133 125 48 . . PUNCT crl-16133 126 1 in in ADP crl-16133 126 2 the the DET crl-16133 126 3 first first ADJ crl-16133 126 4 of of ADP crl-16133 126 5 these these DET crl-16133 126 6 uses use NOUN crl-16133 126 7 , , PUNCT crl-16133 126 8 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 126 9 opac opac ADJ crl-16133 126 10 search search NOUN crl-16133 126 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 126 12 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 126 13 evaluation evaluation NOUN crl-16133 126 14 was be AUX crl-16133 126 15 determined determine VERB crl-16133 126 16 by by ADP crl-16133 126 17 library library NOUN crl-16133 126 18 pages page NOUN crl-16133 126 19 that that PRON crl-16133 126 20 included include VERB crl-16133 126 21 a a DET crl-16133 126 22 search search NOUN crl-16133 126 23 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 126 24 . . PUNCT crl-16133 127 1 a a DET crl-16133 127 2 total total NOUN crl-16133 127 3 of of ADP crl-16133 127 4 10 10 NUM crl-16133 127 5 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 127 6 supplied supply VERB crl-16133 127 7 an an DET crl-16133 127 8 opac opac ADJ crl-16133 127 9 or or CCONJ crl-16133 127 10 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16133 127 11 search search NOUN crl-16133 127 12 on on ADP crl-16133 127 13 their their PRON crl-16133 127 14 site site NOUN crl-16133 127 15 , , PUNCT crl-16133 127 16 making make VERB crl-16133 127 17 it it PRON crl-16133 127 18 highly highly ADV crl-16133 127 19 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 127 20 as as ADP crl-16133 127 21 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 127 22 1 1 NUM crl-16133 127 23 . . PUNCT crl-16133 128 1 the the DET crl-16133 128 2 other other ADJ crl-16133 128 3 search search NOUN crl-16133 128 4 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 128 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 128 6 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 128 7 database database NOUN crl-16133 128 8 search search NOUN crl-16133 128 9 , , PUNCT crl-16133 128 10 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 128 11 only only ADV crl-16133 128 12 had have VERB crl-16133 128 13 2 2 NUM crl-16133 128 14 out out ADP crl-16133 128 15 of of ADP crl-16133 128 16 12 12 NUM crl-16133 128 17 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 128 18 using use VERB crl-16133 128 19 this this DET crl-16133 128 20 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 128 21 , , PUNCT crl-16133 128 22 which which PRON crl-16133 128 23 was be AUX crl-16133 128 24 evaluated evaluate VERB crl-16133 128 25 by by ADP crl-16133 128 26 the the DET crl-16133 128 27 presence presence NOUN crl-16133 128 28 of of ADP crl-16133 128 29 a a DET crl-16133 128 30 database database NOUN crl-16133 128 31 search search NOUN crl-16133 128 32 utility utility NOUN crl-16133 128 33 on on ADP crl-16133 128 34 the the DET crl-16133 128 35 pages page NOUN crl-16133 128 36 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 128 37 this this PRON crl-16133 128 38 resulted result VERB crl-16133 128 39 in in ADP crl-16133 128 40 it it PRON crl-16133 128 41 being be AUX crl-16133 128 42 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 128 43 at at ADP crl-16133 128 44 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 128 45 5 5 NUM crl-16133 128 46 . . PUNCT crl-16133 129 1 originally originally ADV crl-16133 129 2 in in ADP crl-16133 129 3 the the DET crl-16133 129 4 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 129 5 et et PROPN crl-16133 129 6 al al PROPN crl-16133 129 7 . . PROPN crl-16133 129 8 study study PROPN crl-16133 129 9 , , PUNCT crl-16133 129 10 the the DET crl-16133 129 11 use use NOUN crl-16133 129 12 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 129 13 post post NOUN crl-16133 129 14 video video NOUN crl-16133 129 15 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 129 16 was be AUX crl-16133 129 17 determined determined ADJ crl-16133 129 18 to to PART crl-16133 129 19 have have VERB crl-16133 129 20 no no DET crl-16133 129 21 use.19 use.19 NOUN crl-16133 129 22 this this DET crl-16133 129 23 study study NOUN crl-16133 129 24 found find VERB crl-16133 129 25 that that SCONJ crl-16133 129 26 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 129 27 post post NOUN crl-16133 129 28 video video NOUN crl-16133 129 29 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 129 30 was be AUX crl-16133 129 31 actually actually ADV crl-16133 129 32 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 129 33 at at ADP crl-16133 129 34 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 129 35 5 5 NUM crl-16133 129 36 , , PUNCT crl-16133 129 37 with with ADP crl-16133 129 38 2 2 NUM crl-16133 129 39 out out ADP crl-16133 129 40 of of ADP crl-16133 129 41 12 12 NUM crl-16133 129 42 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 129 43 using use VERB crl-16133 129 44 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 129 45 to to PART crl-16133 129 46 post post VERB crl-16133 129 47 video video NOUN crl-16133 129 48 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 129 49 determined determine VERB crl-16133 129 50 by by ADP crl-16133 129 51 the the DET crl-16133 129 52 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 129 53 posting posting NOUN crl-16133 129 54 of of ADP crl-16133 129 55 video video NOUN crl-16133 129 56 on on ADP crl-16133 129 57 the the DET crl-16133 129 58 page page NOUN crl-16133 129 59 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 129 60 . . PUNCT crl-16133 130 1 the the DET crl-16133 130 2 last last ADJ crl-16133 130 3 items item NOUN crl-16133 130 4 listed list VERB crl-16133 130 5 with with ADP crl-16133 130 6 use use NOUN crl-16133 130 7 in in ADP crl-16133 130 8 the the DET crl-16133 130 9 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 130 10 et et PROPN crl-16133 130 11 al al PROPN crl-16133 130 12 . . PROPN crl-16133 130 13 survey survey PROPN crl-16133 130 14 , , PUNCT crl-16133 130 15 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 130 16 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 130 17 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 130 18 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 130 19 and and CCONJ crl-16133 130 20 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 130 21 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 130 22 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 130 23 , , PUNCT crl-16133 130 24 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 130 25 were be AUX crl-16133 130 26 determined determine VERB crl-16133 130 27 by by ADP crl-16133 130 28 listings listing NOUN crl-16133 130 29 on on ADP crl-16133 130 30 the the DET crl-16133 130 31 rss rss NOUN crl-16133 130 32 feed feed NOUN crl-16133 130 33 as as ADV crl-16133 130 34 well well ADV crl-16133 130 35 as as ADP crl-16133 130 36 the the DET crl-16133 130 37 events event NOUN crl-16133 130 38 tool.20 tool.20 PRON crl-16133 130 39 both both PRON crl-16133 130 40 of of ADP crl-16133 130 41 these these DET crl-16133 130 42 uses use NOUN crl-16133 130 43 were be AUX crl-16133 130 44 not not PART crl-16133 130 45 mentioned mention VERB crl-16133 130 46 in in ADP crl-16133 130 47 either either CCONJ crl-16133 130 48 the the DET crl-16133 130 49 rss rss NOUN crl-16133 130 50 feed feed NOUN crl-16133 130 51 or or CCONJ crl-16133 130 52 the the DET crl-16133 130 53 events event NOUN crl-16133 130 54 section section NOUN crl-16133 130 55 . . PUNCT crl-16133 131 1 this this PRON crl-16133 131 2 resulted result VERB crl-16133 131 3 as as ADP crl-16133 131 4 these these DET crl-16133 131 5 items item NOUN crl-16133 131 6 having have VERB crl-16133 131 7 no no DET crl-16133 131 8 use use NOUN crl-16133 131 9 . . PUNCT crl-16133 132 1 a a DET crl-16133 132 2 difficulty difficulty NOUN crl-16133 132 3 in in ADP crl-16133 132 4 this this DET crl-16133 132 5 determination determination NOUN crl-16133 132 6 of of ADP crl-16133 132 7 use use NOUN crl-16133 132 8 was be AUX crl-16133 132 9 that that SCONJ crl-16133 132 10 this this DET crl-16133 132 11 research research NOUN crl-16133 132 12 does do AUX crl-16133 132 13 not not PART crl-16133 132 14 allow allow VERB crl-16133 132 15 for for ADP crl-16133 132 16 examination examination NOUN crl-16133 132 17 of of ADP crl-16133 132 18 private private ADJ crl-16133 132 19 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 132 20 through through ADP crl-16133 132 21 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 132 22 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 132 23 therefore therefore ADV crl-16133 132 24 , , PUNCT crl-16133 132 25 this this DET crl-16133 132 26 finding finding NOUN crl-16133 132 27 of of ADP crl-16133 132 28 no no DET crl-16133 132 29 use use NOUN crl-16133 132 30 could could AUX crl-16133 132 31 be be AUX crl-16133 132 32 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-16133 132 33 . . PUNCT crl-16133 133 1 other other ADJ crl-16133 133 2 items item NOUN crl-16133 133 3 resulting result VERB crl-16133 133 4 in in ADP crl-16133 133 5 no no DET crl-16133 133 6 use use NOUN crl-16133 133 7 in in ADP crl-16133 133 8 the the DET crl-16133 133 9 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 133 10 et et PROPN crl-16133 133 11 al al PROPN crl-16133 133 12 . . PROPN crl-16133 133 13 study study PROPN crl-16133 133 14 — — PUNCT crl-16133 133 15 administer administer VERB crl-16133 133 16 a a DET crl-16133 133 17 course course NOUN crl-16133 133 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 133 19 tutorials tutorial NOUN crl-16133 133 20 , , PUNCT crl-16133 133 21 post post VERB crl-16133 133 22 audio audio NOUN crl-16133 133 23 and and CCONJ crl-16133 133 24 podcasts podcast NOUN crl-16133 133 25 — — PUNCT crl-16133 133 26 also also ADV crl-16133 133 27 were be AUX crl-16133 133 28 found find VERB crl-16133 133 29 to to PART crl-16133 133 30 have have VERB crl-16133 133 31 no no DET crl-16133 133 32 use use NOUN crl-16133 133 33 on on ADP crl-16133 133 34 the the DET crl-16133 133 35 library library NOUN crl-16133 133 36 facebook facebook PROPN crl-16133 133 37 pages.21 pages.21 NOUN crl-16133 133 38 these these PRON crl-16133 133 39 were be AUX crl-16133 133 40 determined determine VERB crl-16133 133 41 by by ADP crl-16133 133 42 the the DET crl-16133 133 43 posting posting NOUN crl-16133 133 44 of of ADP crl-16133 133 45 course course NOUN crl-16133 133 46 materials material NOUN crl-16133 133 47 or or CCONJ crl-16133 133 48 links link NOUN crl-16133 133 49 , , PUNCT crl-16133 133 50 tutorials tutorial NOUN crl-16133 133 51 , , PUNCT crl-16133 133 52 and and CCONJ crl-16133 133 53 audio audio ADJ crl-16133 133 54 posts post NOUN crl-16133 133 55 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 133 56 both both CCONJ crl-16133 133 57 general general ADJ crl-16133 133 58 and and CCONJ crl-16133 133 59 podcasts podcast NOUN crl-16133 133 60 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 133 61 . . PUNCT crl-16133 134 1 none none NOUN crl-16133 134 2 of of ADP crl-16133 134 3 the the DET crl-16133 134 4 pages page NOUN crl-16133 134 5 examined examine VERB crl-16133 134 6 used use VERB crl-16133 134 7 these these DET crl-16133 134 8 tools tool NOUN crl-16133 134 9 , , PUNCT crl-16133 134 10 resulting result VERB crl-16133 134 11 in in ADP crl-16133 134 12 no no DET crl-16133 134 13 use use NOUN crl-16133 134 14 for for ADP crl-16133 134 15 these these DET crl-16133 134 16 areas area NOUN crl-16133 134 17 . . PUNCT crl-16133 135 1 items item NOUN crl-16133 135 2 found find VERB crl-16133 135 3 to to PART crl-16133 135 4 have have VERB crl-16133 135 5 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 135 6 no no DET crl-16133 135 7 use use NOUN crl-16133 135 8 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 135 9 do do AUX crl-16133 135 10 not not PART crl-16133 135 11 necessarily necessarily ADV crl-16133 135 12 mean mean VERB crl-16133 135 13 that that SCONJ crl-16133 135 14 these these PRON crl-16133 135 15 are be AUX crl-16133 135 16 not not PART crl-16133 135 17 used use VERB crl-16133 135 18 in in ADP crl-16133 135 19 other other ADJ crl-16133 135 20 library library NOUN crl-16133 135 21 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 135 22 pages page NOUN crl-16133 135 23 , , PUNCT crl-16133 135 24 but but CCONJ crl-16133 135 25 this this PRON crl-16133 135 26 does do AUX crl-16133 135 27 tell tell VERB crl-16133 135 28 us we PRON crl-16133 135 29 that that SCONJ crl-16133 135 30 the the DET crl-16133 135 31 use use NOUN crl-16133 135 32 of of ADP crl-16133 135 33 these these DET crl-16133 135 34 tools tool NOUN crl-16133 135 35 is be AUX crl-16133 135 36 very very ADV crl-16133 135 37 low low ADJ crl-16133 135 38 in in ADP crl-16133 135 39 general general ADJ crl-16133 135 40 , , PUNCT crl-16133 135 41 since since SCONJ crl-16133 135 42 this this DET crl-16133 135 43 sample sample NOUN crl-16133 135 44 covered cover VERB crl-16133 135 45 various various ADJ crl-16133 135 46 library library NOUN crl-16133 135 47 types type NOUN crl-16133 135 48 . . PUNCT crl-16133 136 1 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 136 2 of of ADP crl-16133 136 3 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 136 4 use use NOUN crl-16133 136 5 and and CCONJ crl-16133 136 6 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 136 7 use use NOUN crl-16133 136 8 to to PART crl-16133 136 9 illustrate illustrate VERB crl-16133 136 10 the the DET crl-16133 136 11 change change NOUN crl-16133 136 12 in in ADP crl-16133 136 13 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 136 14 order order NOUN crl-16133 136 15 for for ADP crl-16133 136 16 the the DET crl-16133 136 17 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 136 18 uses use NOUN crl-16133 136 19 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 136 20 evaluated evaluate VERB crl-16133 136 21 in in ADP crl-16133 136 22 this this DET crl-16133 136 23 study study NOUN crl-16133 136 24 , , PUNCT crl-16133 136 25 figure figure NOUN crl-16133 136 26 1 1 NUM crl-16133 136 27 shows show VERB crl-16133 136 28 the the DET crl-16133 136 29 comparison comparison NOUN crl-16133 136 30 between between ADP crl-16133 136 31 the the DET crl-16133 136 32 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 136 33 et et PROPN crl-16133 136 34 al al PROPN crl-16133 136 35 . . PROPN crl-16133 136 36 study study PROPN crl-16133 136 37 and and CCONJ crl-16133 136 38 the the DET crl-16133 136 39 results result NOUN crl-16133 136 40 of of ADP crl-16133 136 41 this this DET crl-16133 136 42 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 136 43 or or CCONJ crl-16133 136 44 the the DET crl-16133 136 45 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 136 46 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 136 47 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 136 48 contents content NOUN crl-16133 136 49 . . PUNCT crl-16133 137 1 ”22 ”22 PUNCT crl-16133 138 1 each each DET crl-16133 138 2 item item NOUN crl-16133 138 3 is be AUX crl-16133 138 4 listed list VERB crl-16133 138 5 from from ADP crl-16133 138 6 highest high ADJ crl-16133 138 7 to to PART crl-16133 138 8 lowest lowest ADV crl-16133 138 9 ranking rank VERB crl-16133 138 10 on on ADP crl-16133 138 11 the the DET crl-16133 138 12 predetermined predetermined ADJ crl-16133 138 13 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 138 14 system system NOUN crl-16133 138 15 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 138 16 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 138 17 1–5 1–5 NUM crl-16133 138 18 and and CCONJ crl-16133 138 19 no no DET crl-16133 138 20 use use NOUN crl-16133 138 21 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 138 22 . . PUNCT crl-16133 139 1 the the DET crl-16133 139 2 number number NOUN crl-16133 139 3 to to ADP crl-16133 139 4 the the DET crl-16133 139 5 left left NOUN crl-16133 139 6 of of ADP crl-16133 139 7 each each DET crl-16133 139 8 use use NOUN crl-16133 139 9 is be AUX crl-16133 139 10 its its PRON crl-16133 139 11 determined determined ADJ crl-16133 139 12 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 139 13 , , PUNCT crl-16133 139 14 and and CCONJ crl-16133 139 15 items item NOUN crl-16133 139 16 that that PRON crl-16133 139 17 were be AUX crl-16133 139 18 not not PART crl-16133 139 19 found find VERB crl-16133 139 20 on on ADP crl-16133 139 21 the the DET crl-16133 139 22 pages page NOUN crl-16133 139 23 or or CCONJ crl-16133 139 24 were be AUX crl-16133 139 25 listed list VERB crl-16133 139 26 as as ADP crl-16133 139 27 having have VERB crl-16133 139 28 no no DET crl-16133 139 29 use use NOUN crl-16133 139 30 were be AUX crl-16133 139 31 classified classify VERB crl-16133 139 32 in in ADP crl-16133 139 33 the the DET crl-16133 139 34 category category NOUN crl-16133 139 35 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 139 36 no no DET crl-16133 139 37 use use NOUN crl-16133 139 38 . . PUNCT crl-16133 139 39 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 140 1 the the DET crl-16133 140 2 results result NOUN crl-16133 140 3 of of ADP crl-16133 140 4 this this DET crl-16133 140 5 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16133 140 6 show show VERB crl-16133 140 7 that that SCONJ crl-16133 140 8 many many ADJ crl-16133 140 9 of of ADP crl-16133 140 10 the the DET crl-16133 140 11 same same ADJ crl-16133 140 12 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 140 13 uses use NOUN crl-16133 140 14 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 140 15 had have VERB crl-16133 140 16 no no DET crl-16133 140 17 use use NOUN crl-16133 140 18 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 140 19 added add VERB crl-16133 140 20 to to ADP crl-16133 140 21 the the DET crl-16133 140 22 category category NOUN crl-16133 140 23 of of ADP crl-16133 140 24 no no DET crl-16133 140 25 use use NOUN crl-16133 140 26 is be AUX crl-16133 140 27 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 140 28 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 140 29 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 140 30 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 140 31 and and CCONJ crl-16133 140 32 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 140 33 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 140 34 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 140 35 , , PUNCT crl-16133 140 36 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 140 37 and and CCONJ crl-16133 140 38 the the DET crl-16133 140 39 use use NOUN crl-16133 140 40 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 140 41 video video NOUN crl-16133 140 42 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 140 43 was be AUX crl-16133 140 44 moved move VERB crl-16133 140 45 to to ADP crl-16133 140 46 a a DET crl-16133 140 47 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 140 48 5 5 NUM crl-16133 140 49 category category NOUN crl-16133 140 50 since since SCONJ crl-16133 140 51 some some DET crl-16133 140 52 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 140 53 pages page NOUN crl-16133 140 54 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 140 55 2 2 X crl-16133 140 56 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 140 57 used use VERB crl-16133 140 58 video video NOUN crl-16133 140 59 applications application NOUN crl-16133 140 60 . . PUNCT crl-16133 141 1 other other ADJ crl-16133 141 2 major major ADJ crl-16133 141 3 differences difference NOUN crl-16133 141 4 noticeable noticeable ADJ crl-16133 141 5 in in ADP crl-16133 141 6 figure figure NOUN crl-16133 141 7 1 1 NUM crl-16133 141 8 is be AUX crl-16133 141 9 the the DET crl-16133 141 10 higher high ADJ crl-16133 141 11 ranking ranking NOUN crl-16133 141 12 of of ADP crl-16133 141 13 opac opac ADJ crl-16133 141 14 searches search NOUN crl-16133 141 15 , , PUNCT crl-16133 141 16 rsvp rsvp NOUN crl-16133 141 17 to to ADP crl-16133 141 18 events event NOUN crl-16133 141 19 , , PUNCT crl-16133 141 20 and and CCONJ crl-16133 141 21 the the DET crl-16133 141 22 drop drop NOUN crl-16133 141 23 in in ADP crl-16133 141 24 ranking rank VERB crl-16133 141 25 from from ADP crl-16133 141 26 the the DET crl-16133 141 27 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 141 28 et et PROPN crl-16133 141 29 al al PROPN crl-16133 141 30 . . PROPN crl-16133 141 31 survey survey PROPN crl-16133 141 32 of of ADP crl-16133 141 33 the the DET crl-16133 141 34 photo photo NOUN crl-16133 141 35 , , PUNCT crl-16133 141 36 to to PART crl-16133 141 37 be be AUX crl-16133 141 38 where where SCONJ crl-16133 141 39 users user NOUN crl-16133 141 40 are be AUX crl-16133 141 41 , , PUNCT crl-16133 141 42 forum forum NOUN crl-16133 141 43 for for ADP crl-16133 141 44 users user NOUN crl-16133 141 45 , , PUNCT crl-16133 141 46 and and CCONJ crl-16133 141 47 database database NOUN crl-16133 141 48 search search NOUN crl-16133 141 49 uses use NOUN crl-16133 141 50 . . PUNCT crl-16133 142 1 the the DET crl-16133 142 2 surveys survey NOUN crl-16133 142 3 both both PRON crl-16133 142 4 seem seem VERB crl-16133 142 5 to to PART crl-16133 142 6 be be AUX crl-16133 142 7 on on ADP crl-16133 142 8 par par NOUN crl-16133 142 9 with with ADP crl-16133 142 10 the the DET crl-16133 142 11 use use NOUN crl-16133 142 12 , , PUNCT crl-16133 142 13 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 142 14 / / SYM crl-16133 142 15 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 142 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 142 17 perhaps perhaps ADV crl-16133 142 18 confirming confirm VERB crl-16133 142 19 that that SCONJ crl-16133 142 20 this this PRON crl-16133 142 21 may may AUX crl-16133 142 22 be be AUX crl-16133 142 23 a a DET crl-16133 142 24 good good ADJ crl-16133 142 25 use use NOUN crl-16133 142 26 of of ADP crl-16133 142 27 this this DET crl-16133 142 28 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 142 29 . . PUNCT crl-16133 143 1 to to PART crl-16133 143 2 fully fully ADV crl-16133 143 3 examine examine VERB crl-16133 143 4 the the DET crl-16133 143 5 change change NOUN crl-16133 143 6 between between ADP crl-16133 143 7 the the DET crl-16133 143 8 perceived perceived ADJ crl-16133 143 9 and and CCONJ crl-16133 143 10 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 143 11 use use NOUN crl-16133 143 12 of of ADP crl-16133 143 13 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 143 14 by by ADP crl-16133 143 15 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 143 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 143 17 a a DET crl-16133 143 18 wilcoxon wilcoxon ADJ crl-16133 143 19 signed sign VERB crl-16133 143 20 - - PUNCT crl-16133 143 21 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 143 22 86 86 NUM crl-16133 143 23       SPACE crl-16133 143 24 college college NOUN crl-16133 143 25     SPACE crl-16133 143 26 & & CCONJ crl-16133 143 27     SPACE crl-16133 143 28 research research NOUN crl-16133 143 29     SPACE crl-16133 143 30 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 143 31     SPACE crl-16133 143 32 january january PROPN crl-16133 143 33     SPACE crl-16133 143 34 2011 2011 NUM crl-16133 143 35 test test NOUN crl-16133 143 36 was be AUX crl-16133 143 37 conducted conduct VERB crl-16133 143 38 that that PRON crl-16133 143 39 assesses assess VERB crl-16133 143 40 the the DET crl-16133 143 41 null null ADJ crl-16133 143 42 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN crl-16133 143 43 for for ADP crl-16133 143 44 the the DET crl-16133 143 45 data datum NOUN crl-16133 143 46 sets set NOUN crl-16133 143 47 . . PUNCT crl-16133 144 1 each each DET crl-16133 144 2 use use NOUN crl-16133 144 3 was be AUX crl-16133 144 4 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 144 5 against against ADP crl-16133 144 6 itself itself PRON crl-16133 144 7 as as SCONJ crl-16133 144 8 shown show VERB crl-16133 144 9 in in ADP crl-16133 144 10 figure figure NOUN crl-16133 144 11 1 1 NUM crl-16133 144 12 , , PUNCT crl-16133 144 13 and and CCONJ crl-16133 144 14 all all DET crl-16133 144 15 items item NOUN crl-16133 144 16 that that PRON crl-16133 144 17 had have VERB crl-16133 144 18 a a DET crl-16133 144 19 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 144 20 of of ADP crl-16133 144 21 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 144 22 no no DET crl-16133 144 23 use use NOUN crl-16133 144 24 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 144 25 were be AUX crl-16133 144 26 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 144 27 as as ADP crl-16133 144 28 a a DET crl-16133 144 29 value value NOUN crl-16133 144 30 of of ADP crl-16133 144 31 6 6 NUM crl-16133 144 32 to to PART crl-16133 144 33 be be AUX crl-16133 144 34 able able ADJ crl-16133 144 35 to to PART crl-16133 144 36 conduct conduct VERB crl-16133 144 37 the the DET crl-16133 144 38 wilcoxon wilcoxon ADJ crl-16133 144 39 signed sign VERB crl-16133 144 40 - - PUNCT crl-16133 144 41 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 144 42 test test NOUN crl-16133 144 43 with with ADP crl-16133 144 44 spss spss PROPN crl-16133 144 45 version version PROPN crl-16133 144 46 16 16 NUM crl-16133 144 47 . . PUNCT crl-16133 145 1 the the DET crl-16133 145 2 null null ADJ crl-16133 145 3 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN crl-16133 145 4 in in ADP crl-16133 145 5 this this DET crl-16133 145 6 test test NOUN crl-16133 145 7 is be AUX crl-16133 145 8 that that SCONJ crl-16133 145 9 the the DET crl-16133 145 10 two two NUM crl-16133 145 11 samples sample NOUN crl-16133 145 12 do do AUX crl-16133 145 13 not not PART crl-16133 145 14 differ differ VERB crl-16133 145 15 . . PUNCT crl-16133 146 1 results result NOUN crl-16133 146 2 of of ADP crl-16133 146 3 this this DET crl-16133 146 4 test test NOUN crl-16133 146 5 accepted accept VERB crl-16133 146 6 the the DET crl-16133 146 7 null null ADJ crl-16133 146 8 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN crl-16133 146 9 . . PUNCT crl-16133 147 1 the the DET crl-16133 147 2 results result NOUN crl-16133 147 3 of of ADP crl-16133 147 4 the the DET crl-16133 147 5 wilcoxon wilcoxon ADJ crl-16133 147 6 signed sign VERB crl-16133 147 7 - - PUNCT crl-16133 147 8 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 147 9 test test NOUN crl-16133 147 10 shown show VERB crl-16133 147 11 in in ADP crl-16133 147 12 tables table NOUN crl-16133 147 13 3 3 NUM crl-16133 147 14 and and CCONJ crl-16133 147 15 4 4 NUM crl-16133 147 16 illustrate illustrate VERB crl-16133 147 17 that that SCONJ crl-16133 147 18 the the DET crl-16133 147 19 p p NOUN crl-16133 147 20 value value NOUN crl-16133 147 21 of of ADP crl-16133 147 22 .467 .467 NUM crl-16133 147 23 is be AUX crl-16133 147 24 not not PART crl-16133 147 25 statistically statistically ADV crl-16133 147 26 significant significant ADJ crl-16133 147 27 , , PUNCT crl-16133 147 28 leaving leave VERB crl-16133 147 29 the the DET crl-16133 147 30 results result NOUN crl-16133 147 31 to to PART crl-16133 147 32 be be AUX crl-16133 147 33 questionable questionable ADJ crl-16133 147 34 when when SCONJ crl-16133 147 35 relating relate VERB crl-16133 147 36 to to ADP crl-16133 147 37 the the DET crl-16133 147 38 differences difference NOUN crl-16133 147 39 in in ADP crl-16133 147 40 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 147 41 between between ADP crl-16133 147 42 the the DET crl-16133 147 43 perceived perceived ADJ crl-16133 147 44 and and CCONJ crl-16133 147 45 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 147 46 use use NOUN crl-16133 147 47 . . PUNCT crl-16133 148 1 what what PRON crl-16133 148 2 these these DET crl-16133 148 3 data datum NOUN crl-16133 148 4 present present ADJ crl-16133 148 5 is be AUX crl-16133 148 6 that that SCONJ crl-16133 148 7 the the DET crl-16133 148 8 two two NUM crl-16133 148 9 rankings ranking NOUN crl-16133 148 10 are be AUX crl-16133 148 11 not not PART crl-16133 148 12 statistically statistically ADV crl-16133 148 13 significantly significantly ADV crl-16133 148 14 different different ADJ crl-16133 148 15 . . PUNCT crl-16133 149 1 qualitatively qualitatively ADV crl-16133 149 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 149 3 though though ADV crl-16133 149 4 , , PUNCT crl-16133 149 5 the the DET crl-16133 149 6 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 149 7 et et PROPN crl-16133 149 8 al al PROPN crl-16133 149 9 . . PROPN crl-16133 149 10 survey survey NOUN crl-16133 149 11 ranked rank VERB crl-16133 149 12 many many ADJ crl-16133 149 13 of of ADP crl-16133 149 14 these these DET crl-16133 149 15 items item NOUN crl-16133 149 16 slightly slightly ADV crl-16133 149 17 higher high ADJ crl-16133 149 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 149 19 which which PRON crl-16133 149 20 could could AUX crl-16133 149 21 indicate indicate VERB crl-16133 149 22 that that PRON crl-16133 149 23 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 149 24 perceive perceive VERB crl-16133 149 25 their their PRON crl-16133 149 26 use use NOUN crl-16133 149 27 of of ADP crl-16133 149 28 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 149 29 to to PART crl-16133 149 30 be be AUX crl-16133 149 31 much much ADV crl-16133 149 32 more more ADV crl-16133 149 33 active active ADJ crl-16133 149 34 than than SCONJ crl-16133 149 35 it it PRON crl-16133 149 36 actually actually ADV crl-16133 149 37 is be AUX crl-16133 149 38 even even ADV crl-16133 149 39 though though SCONJ crl-16133 149 40 the the DET crl-16133 149 41 wilcoxon wilcoxon ADJ crl-16133 149 42 signed sign VERB crl-16133 149 43 - - PUNCT crl-16133 149 44 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 149 45 test test NOUN crl-16133 149 46 accepts accept VERB crl-16133 149 47 the the DET crl-16133 149 48 null null ADJ crl-16133 149 49 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN crl-16133 149 50 that that PRON crl-16133 149 51 their their PRON crl-16133 149 52 differences difference NOUN crl-16133 149 53 are be AUX crl-16133 149 54 not not PART crl-16133 149 55 statistically statistically ADV crl-16133 149 56 significant significant ADJ crl-16133 149 57 . . PUNCT crl-16133 150 1 this this PRON crl-16133 150 2 could could AUX crl-16133 150 3 be be AUX crl-16133 150 4 a a DET crl-16133 150 5 result result NOUN crl-16133 150 6 from from ADP crl-16133 150 7 the the DET crl-16133 150 8 homogenous homogenous ADJ crl-16133 150 9 nature nature NOUN crl-16133 150 10 of of ADP crl-16133 150 11 the the DET crl-16133 150 12 librarians librarians PROPN crl-16133 150 13 surveyed survey VERB crl-16133 150 14 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 150 15 all all DET crl-16133 150 16 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 150 17 health health NOUN crl-16133 150 18 science science NOUN crl-16133 150 19 librarians librarians PROPN crl-16133 150 20 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 150 21 in in ADP crl-16133 150 22 the the DET crl-16133 150 23 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 150 24 et et PROPN crl-16133 150 25 al al PROPN crl-16133 150 26 . . PROPN crl-16133 150 27 study study NOUN crl-16133 150 28 resulting result VERB crl-16133 150 29 from from ADP crl-16133 150 30 beliefs belief NOUN crl-16133 150 31 developed develop VERB crl-16133 150 32 in in ADP crl-16133 150 33 their their PRON crl-16133 150 34 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 150 35 community community NOUN crl-16133 150 36 of of ADP crl-16133 150 37 practice.23 practice.23 NOUN crl-16133 150 38 this this DET crl-16133 150 39 result result NOUN crl-16133 150 40 could could AUX crl-16133 150 41 also also ADV crl-16133 150 42 be be AUX crl-16133 150 43 influenced influence VERB crl-16133 150 44 by by ADP crl-16133 150 45 the the DET crl-16133 150 46 attempt attempt NOUN crl-16133 150 47 to to PART crl-16133 150 48 classify classify VERB crl-16133 150 49 these these DET crl-16133 150 50 items item NOUN crl-16133 150 51 into into ADP crl-16133 150 52 a a DET crl-16133 150 53 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 150 54 ranking ranking ADJ crl-16133 150 55 system system NOUN crl-16133 150 56 with with ADP crl-16133 150 57 the the DET crl-16133 150 58 addition addition NOUN crl-16133 150 59 of of ADP crl-16133 150 60 a a DET crl-16133 150 61 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 150 62 of of ADP crl-16133 150 63 6 6 NUM crl-16133 150 64 to to PART crl-16133 150 65 calculate calculate VERB crl-16133 150 66 the the DET crl-16133 150 67 wilcoxon wilcoxon ADJ crl-16133 150 68 signed sign VERB crl-16133 150 69 - - PUNCT crl-16133 150 70 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 150 71 test test NOUN crl-16133 150 72 . . PUNCT crl-16133 151 1 also also ADV crl-16133 151 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 151 3 many many ADJ crl-16133 151 4 nonparametric nonparametric NOUN crl-16133 151 5 tests test NOUN crl-16133 151 6 were be AUX crl-16133 151 7 examined examine VERB crl-16133 151 8 for for ADP crl-16133 151 9 use use NOUN crl-16133 151 10 in in ADP crl-16133 151 11 this this DET crl-16133 151 12 study study NOUN crl-16133 151 13 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 151 14 mannwhitney mannwhitney NOUN crl-16133 151 15 test test NOUN crl-16133 151 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 151 17 spearman spearman NOUN crl-16133 151 18 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 151 19 order order NOUN crl-16133 151 20 correlation correlation NOUN crl-16133 151 21 coefficient coefficient NOUN crl-16133 151 22 , , PUNCT crl-16133 151 23 and and CCONJ crl-16133 151 24 others other NOUN crl-16133 151 25 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 151 26 , , PUNCT crl-16133 151 27 but but CCONJ crl-16133 151 28 none none NOUN crl-16133 151 29 of of ADP crl-16133 151 30 them they PRON crl-16133 151 31 were be AUX crl-16133 151 32 correct correct ADJ crl-16133 151 33 for for ADP crl-16133 151 34 the the DET crl-16133 151 35 type type NOUN crl-16133 151 36 figure figure NOUN crl-16133 151 37 1 1 NUM crl-16133 151 38 comparison comparison NOUN crl-16133 151 39 in in ADP crl-16133 151 40 raking rake VERB crl-16133 151 41 between between ADP crl-16133 151 42 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 151 43 et et PROPN crl-16133 151 44 al al PROPN crl-16133 151 45 . . PUNCT crl-16133 152 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 152 2 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 152 3 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 152 4 and and CCONJ crl-16133 152 5 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 152 6 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 152 7 contents content NOUN crl-16133 152 8 hendrix hendrix VERB crl-16133 152 9 et et PROPN crl-16133 153 1 al al PROPN crl-16133 153 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 154 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 154 2 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 154 3 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 154 4 survey survey NOUN crl-16133 154 5 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 154 6 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 154 7 contents content NOUN crl-16133 154 8 1 1 NUM crl-16133 154 9 . . PUNCT crl-16133 155 1 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 155 2 / / SYM crl-16133 155 3 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 155 4 1 1 NUM crl-16133 155 5 . . PUNCT crl-16133 155 6 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 155 7 / / SYM crl-16133 155 8 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 155 9 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 155 10 - - PUNCT crl-16133 155 11 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 155 12 1 1 X crl-16133 155 13 . . X crl-16133 155 14 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 155 15 1 1 NUM crl-16133 155 16 . . X crl-16133 155 17 opac opac PROPN crl-16133 155 18 search search PROPN crl-16133 155 19 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 155 20 ↑ ↑ PROPN crl-16133 155 21 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 155 22 1 1 X crl-16133 155 23 . . X crl-16133 155 24 to to PART crl-16133 155 25 be be AUX crl-16133 155 26 where where SCONJ crl-16133 155 27 users user NOUN crl-16133 155 28 are be AUX crl-16133 155 29 2 2 NUM crl-16133 155 30 . . X crl-16133 155 31 rsvp rsvp NOUN crl-16133 155 32 to to ADP crl-16133 155 33 events event NOUN crl-16133 155 34 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 155 35 ↑ ↑ PROPN crl-16133 155 36 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 155 37 2 2 X crl-16133 155 38 . . X crl-16133 155 39 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 155 40 services service NOUN crl-16133 155 41 3 3 NUM crl-16133 155 42 . . NOUN crl-16133 155 43 photos photo NOUN crl-16133 155 44 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 155 45 ↓ ↓ NUM crl-16133 155 46 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 155 47 3 3 X crl-16133 155 48 . . X crl-16133 155 49 forum forum NOUN crl-16133 155 50 for for ADP crl-16133 155 51 users user NOUN crl-16133 155 52 3 3 NUM crl-16133 155 53 . . PUNCT crl-16133 155 54 to to PART crl-16133 155 55 be be AUX crl-16133 155 56 where where SCONJ crl-16133 155 57 users user NOUN crl-16133 155 58 are be AUX crl-16133 155 59 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 155 60 ↓ ↓ NOUN crl-16133 155 61 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 1 4 4 X crl-16133 156 2 . . X crl-16133 156 3 rsvp rsvp NOUN crl-16133 156 4 to to ADP crl-16133 156 5 events event NOUN crl-16133 156 6 4 4 NUM crl-16133 156 7 . . PUNCT crl-16133 156 8 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 156 9 services service NOUN crl-16133 156 10 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 11 ↓ ↓ NUM crl-16133 156 12 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 13 4 4 X crl-16133 156 14 . . X crl-16133 156 15 opac opac PROPN crl-16133 156 16 search search PROPN crl-16133 156 17 4 4 NUM crl-16133 156 18 . . X crl-16133 156 19 forum forum NOUN crl-16133 156 20 for for ADP crl-16133 156 21 users user NOUN crl-16133 156 22 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 23 ↓ ↓ NUM crl-16133 156 24 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 25 4 4 X crl-16133 156 26 . . PROPN crl-16133 156 27 database database NOUN crl-16133 156 28 search search NOUN crl-16133 156 29 5 5 NUM crl-16133 156 30 . . PROPN crl-16133 156 31 database database NOUN crl-16133 156 32 search search NOUN crl-16133 156 33 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 34 ↓ ↓ NOUN crl-16133 156 35 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 36 5 5 X crl-16133 156 37 . . X crl-16133 156 38 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 156 39 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 156 40 5 5 NUM crl-16133 156 41 . . NUM crl-16133 156 42 video video NOUN crl-16133 156 43 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 44 ↑ ↑ PROPN crl-16133 156 45 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 46 5 5 X crl-16133 156 47 . . X crl-16133 156 48 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 156 49 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 156 50 no no DET crl-16133 156 51 use use NOUN crl-16133 156 52 no no DET crl-16133 156 53 use use NOUN crl-16133 156 54 administer administer NOUN crl-16133 156 55 a a DET crl-16133 156 56 course course NOUN crl-16133 156 57 administer administer VERB crl-16133 156 58 a a DET crl-16133 156 59 course course NOUN crl-16133 156 60 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 61 - - PUNCT crl-16133 156 62 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 63 tutorials tutorial NOUN crl-16133 156 64 tutorials tutorial NOUN crl-16133 156 65 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 66 - - PUNCT crl-16133 156 67 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 68 post post NOUN crl-16133 156 69 audio audio ADJ crl-16133 156 70 post post NOUN crl-16133 156 71 audio audio ADJ crl-16133 156 72 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 73 - - PUNCT crl-16133 156 74 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 75 video video NOUN crl-16133 156 76 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 156 77 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 156 78 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 79 ↓ ↓ NOUN crl-16133 156 80 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 81 podcasts podcast VERB crl-16133 156 82 employee employee NOUN crl-16133 156 83 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 156 84 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 156 85 ↓ ↓ SPACE crl-16133 156 86 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 156 87 note note NOUN crl-16133 156 88 . . PUNCT crl-16133 157 1 each each DET crl-16133 157 2 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 157 3 can can AUX crl-16133 157 4 contain contain VERB crl-16133 157 5 more more ADJ crl-16133 157 6 than than ADP crl-16133 157 7 one one NUM crl-16133 157 8 use use NOUN crl-16133 157 9 . . PUNCT crl-16133 158 1 there there PRON crl-16133 158 2 is be VERB crl-16133 158 3 no no DET crl-16133 158 4 limit limit NOUN crl-16133 158 5 to to ADP crl-16133 158 6 how how SCONJ crl-16133 158 7 many many ADJ crl-16133 158 8 uses use NOUN crl-16133 158 9 may may AUX crl-16133 158 10 fall fall VERB crl-16133 158 11 into into ADP crl-16133 158 12 a a DET crl-16133 158 13 specific specific ADJ crl-16133 158 14 tier tier NOUN crl-16133 158 15 classification classification NOUN crl-16133 158 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 159 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 159 2 - - PUNCT crl-16133 159 3 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 159 4 = = PUNCT crl-16133 159 5 no no DET crl-16133 159 6 change change NOUN crl-16133 159 7 in in ADP crl-16133 159 8 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 159 9 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 159 10 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 159 11 ↓ ↓ X crl-16133 159 12 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 159 13 = = PUNCT crl-16133 159 14 decrease decrease NOUN crl-16133 159 15 in in ADP crl-16133 159 16 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 159 17 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 159 18 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 159 19 ↑ ↑ X crl-16133 159 20 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 159 21 = = PUNCT crl-16133 159 22 increase increase NOUN crl-16133 159 23 in in ADP crl-16133 159 24 rank rank PROPN crl-16133 159 25 . . PUNCT crl-16133 160 1 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 160 2     SPACE crl-16133 160 3 as as ADP crl-16133 160 4     SPACE crl-16133 160 5 a a DET crl-16133 160 6     SPACE crl-16133 160 7 library library NOUN crl-16133 160 8     SPACE crl-16133 160 9 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 160 10 : : PUNCT crl-16133 160 11     SPACE crl-16133 160 12 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 160 13     SPACE crl-16133 160 14 vs. vs. ADP crl-16133 160 15     SPACE crl-16133 160 16 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 160 17     SPACE crl-16133 160 18 use use NOUN crl-16133 160 19       SPACE crl-16133 160 20 87 87 NUM crl-16133 160 21 of of ADP crl-16133 160 22 ranking rank VERB crl-16133 160 23 data datum NOUN crl-16133 160 24 used use VERB crl-16133 160 25 in in ADP crl-16133 160 26 this this DET crl-16133 160 27 comparison comparison NOUN crl-16133 160 28 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 160 29 it it PRON crl-16133 160 30 is be AUX crl-16133 160 31 still still ADV crl-16133 160 32 difficult difficult ADJ crl-16133 160 33 to to PART crl-16133 160 34 say say VERB crl-16133 160 35 if if SCONJ crl-16133 160 36 the the DET crl-16133 160 37 wilcoxon wilcoxon ADJ crl-16133 160 38 signed sign VERB crl-16133 160 39 - - PUNCT crl-16133 160 40 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 160 41 test test NOUN crl-16133 160 42 can can AUX crl-16133 160 43 appropriately appropriately ADV crl-16133 160 44 match match VERB crl-16133 160 45 these these DET crl-16133 160 46 types type NOUN crl-16133 160 47 of of ADP crl-16133 160 48 data datum NOUN crl-16133 160 49 , , PUNCT crl-16133 160 50 but but CCONJ crl-16133 160 51 it it PRON crl-16133 160 52 was be AUX crl-16133 160 53 the the DET crl-16133 160 54 best good ADJ crl-16133 160 55 fit fit ADJ crl-16133 160 56 out out ADP crl-16133 160 57 of of ADP crl-16133 160 58 all all DET crl-16133 160 59 the the DET crl-16133 160 60 nonparametric nonparametric NOUN crl-16133 160 61 tests test NOUN crl-16133 160 62 . . PUNCT crl-16133 161 1 although although SCONJ crl-16133 161 2 the the DET crl-16133 161 3 results result NOUN crl-16133 161 4 of of ADP crl-16133 161 5 the the DET crl-16133 161 6 test test NOUN crl-16133 161 7 reveal reveal VERB crl-16133 161 8 that that SCONJ crl-16133 161 9 the the DET crl-16133 161 10 two two NUM crl-16133 161 11 ranks rank NOUN crl-16133 161 12 are be AUX crl-16133 161 13 not not PART crl-16133 161 14 statistically statistically ADV crl-16133 161 15 different different ADJ crl-16133 161 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 161 17 i i PRON crl-16133 161 18 observe observe VERB crl-16133 161 19 that that DET crl-16133 161 20 figure figure NOUN crl-16133 161 21 1 1 NUM crl-16133 161 22 illustrates illustrate VERB crl-16133 161 23 a a DET crl-16133 161 24 noticeable noticeable ADJ crl-16133 161 25 difference difference NOUN crl-16133 161 26 when when SCONJ crl-16133 161 27 looking look VERB crl-16133 161 28 at at ADP crl-16133 161 29 the the DET crl-16133 161 30 types type NOUN crl-16133 161 31 of of ADP crl-16133 161 32 use use NOUN crl-16133 161 33 in in ADP crl-16133 161 34 both both CCONJ crl-16133 161 35 the the DET crl-16133 161 36 perceived perceived ADJ crl-16133 161 37 and and CCONJ crl-16133 161 38 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 161 39 rankings ranking NOUN crl-16133 161 40 qualitatively qualitatively ADV crl-16133 161 41 . . PUNCT crl-16133 162 1 there there PRON crl-16133 162 2 may may AUX crl-16133 162 3 not not PART crl-16133 162 4 be be AUX crl-16133 162 5 a a DET crl-16133 162 6 large large ADJ crl-16133 162 7 difference difference NOUN crl-16133 162 8 in in ADP crl-16133 162 9 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 162 10 , , PUNCT crl-16133 162 11 but but CCONJ crl-16133 162 12 it it PRON crl-16133 162 13 seems seem VERB crl-16133 162 14 that that SCONJ crl-16133 162 15 there there PRON crl-16133 162 16 is be VERB crl-16133 162 17 a a DET crl-16133 162 18 difference difference NOUN crl-16133 162 19 of of ADP crl-16133 162 20 one one NUM crl-16133 162 21 or or CCONJ crl-16133 162 22 two two NUM crl-16133 162 23 tiers tier NOUN crl-16133 162 24 in in ADP crl-16133 162 25 many many ADJ crl-16133 162 26 of of ADP crl-16133 162 27 the the DET crl-16133 162 28 uses use NOUN crl-16133 162 29 for for ADP crl-16133 162 30 facebook facebook PROPN crl-16133 162 31 presented present VERB crl-16133 162 32 here here ADV crl-16133 162 33 . . PUNCT crl-16133 163 1 issues issue NOUN crl-16133 163 2 / / SYM crl-16133 163 3 recommendations recommendation NOUN crl-16133 163 4 this this DET crl-16133 163 5 study study NOUN crl-16133 163 6 is be AUX crl-16133 163 7 not not PART crl-16133 163 8 without without ADP crl-16133 163 9 issues issue NOUN crl-16133 163 10 that that PRON crl-16133 163 11 influence influence VERB crl-16133 163 12 the the DET crl-16133 163 13 results result NOUN crl-16133 163 14 presented present VERB crl-16133 163 15 here here ADV crl-16133 163 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 164 1 because because SCONJ crl-16133 164 2 not not PART crl-16133 164 3 many many ADJ crl-16133 164 4 library library NOUN crl-16133 164 5 pages page NOUN crl-16133 164 6 are be AUX crl-16133 164 7 still still ADV crl-16133 164 8 active active ADJ crl-16133 164 9 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 164 10 not not PART crl-16133 164 11 updated update VERB crl-16133 164 12 within within ADP crl-16133 164 13 the the DET crl-16133 164 14 past past ADJ crl-16133 164 15 6 6 NUM crl-16133 164 16 months month NOUN crl-16133 164 17 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 164 18 , , PUNCT crl-16133 164 19 it it PRON crl-16133 164 20 was be AUX crl-16133 164 21 very very ADV crl-16133 164 22 difficult difficult ADJ crl-16133 164 23 to to PART crl-16133 164 24 select select VERB crl-16133 164 25 candidates candidate NOUN crl-16133 164 26 for for ADP crl-16133 164 27 this this DET crl-16133 164 28 study study NOUN crl-16133 164 29 . . PUNCT crl-16133 165 1 also also ADV crl-16133 165 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 165 3 inactive inactive ADJ crl-16133 165 4 pages page NOUN crl-16133 165 5 are be AUX crl-16133 165 6 not not PART crl-16133 165 7 represented represent VERB crl-16133 165 8 in in ADP crl-16133 165 9 this this DET crl-16133 165 10 study study NOUN crl-16133 165 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 165 12 which which PRON crl-16133 165 13 would would AUX crl-16133 165 14 greatly greatly ADV crl-16133 165 15 influence influence VERB crl-16133 165 16 the the DET crl-16133 165 17 results result NOUN crl-16133 165 18 of of ADP crl-16133 165 19 this this DET crl-16133 165 20 evaluation evaluation NOUN crl-16133 165 21 . . PUNCT crl-16133 166 1 however however ADV crl-16133 166 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 166 3 since since SCONJ crl-16133 166 4 this this DET crl-16133 166 5 study study NOUN crl-16133 166 6 is be AUX crl-16133 166 7 looking look VERB crl-16133 166 8 at at ADP crl-16133 166 9 use use NOUN crl-16133 166 10 , , PUNCT crl-16133 166 11 it it PRON crl-16133 166 12 was be AUX crl-16133 166 13 determined determine VERB crl-16133 166 14 by by ADP crl-16133 166 15 the the DET crl-16133 166 16 author author NOUN crl-16133 166 17 that that SCONJ crl-16133 166 18 pages page NOUN crl-16133 166 19 must must AUX crl-16133 166 20 be be AUX crl-16133 166 21 in in ADP crl-16133 166 22 use use NOUN crl-16133 166 23 to to PART crl-16133 166 24 evaluate evaluate VERB crl-16133 166 25 the the DET crl-16133 166 26 current current ADJ crl-16133 166 27 uses use NOUN crl-16133 166 28 . . PUNCT crl-16133 167 1 along along ADP crl-16133 167 2 with with ADP crl-16133 167 3 this this DET crl-16133 167 4 issue issue NOUN crl-16133 167 5 of of ADP crl-16133 167 6 use use NOUN crl-16133 167 7 , , PUNCT crl-16133 167 8 the the DET crl-16133 167 9 study study NOUN crl-16133 167 10 is be AUX crl-16133 167 11 also also ADV crl-16133 167 12 based base VERB crl-16133 167 13 on on ADP crl-16133 167 14 the the DET crl-16133 167 15 researcher researcher NOUN crl-16133 167 16 ’s ’s PART crl-16133 167 17 perception perception NOUN crl-16133 167 18 of of ADP crl-16133 167 19 what what PRON crl-16133 167 20 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 167 21 programs program NOUN crl-16133 167 22 and and CCONJ crl-16133 167 23 application application NOUN crl-16133 167 24 are be AUX crl-16133 167 25 predictors predictor NOUN crl-16133 167 26 of of ADP crl-16133 167 27 particular particular ADJ crl-16133 167 28 uses use NOUN crl-16133 167 29 , , PUNCT crl-16133 167 30 and and CCONJ crl-16133 167 31 the the DET crl-16133 167 32 evaluation evaluation NOUN crl-16133 167 33 in in ADP crl-16133 167 34 this this DET crl-16133 167 35 study study NOUN crl-16133 167 36 is be AUX crl-16133 167 37 only only ADV crl-16133 167 38 performed perform VERB crl-16133 167 39 by by ADP crl-16133 167 40 one one NUM crl-16133 167 41 researcher researcher NOUN crl-16133 167 42 . . PUNCT crl-16133 168 1 perhaps perhaps ADV crl-16133 168 2 further further ADJ crl-16133 168 3 evaluations evaluation NOUN crl-16133 168 4 would would AUX crl-16133 168 5 consider consider VERB crl-16133 168 6 conducting conduct VERB crl-16133 168 7 multiple multiple ADJ crl-16133 168 8 evaluations evaluation NOUN crl-16133 168 9 of of ADP crl-16133 168 10 each each DET crl-16133 168 11 site site NOUN crl-16133 168 12 by by ADP crl-16133 168 13 various various ADJ crl-16133 168 14 evaluators evaluator NOUN crl-16133 168 15 . . PUNCT crl-16133 169 1 it it PRON crl-16133 169 2 is be AUX crl-16133 169 3 also also ADV crl-16133 169 4 difficult difficult ADJ crl-16133 169 5 to to PART crl-16133 169 6 determine determine VERB crl-16133 169 7 or or CCONJ crl-16133 169 8 predict predict VERB crl-16133 169 9 use use NOUN crl-16133 169 10 since since ADV crl-16133 169 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 169 12 although although SCONJ crl-16133 169 13 an an DET crl-16133 169 14 application application NOUN crl-16133 169 15 may may AUX crl-16133 169 16 be be AUX crl-16133 169 17 provided provide VERB crl-16133 169 18 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 169 19 such such ADJ crl-16133 169 20 as as ADP crl-16133 169 21 a a DET crl-16133 169 22 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 169 23 board board NOUN crl-16133 169 24 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 169 25 , , PUNCT crl-16133 169 26 that that PRON crl-16133 169 27 does do AUX crl-16133 169 28 not not PART crl-16133 169 29 necessarily necessarily ADV crl-16133 169 30 mean mean VERB crl-16133 169 31 that that SCONJ crl-16133 169 32 it it PRON crl-16133 169 33 is be AUX crl-16133 169 34 being be AUX crl-16133 169 35 used use VERB crl-16133 169 36 by by ADP crl-16133 169 37 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 169 38 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 169 39 . . PUNCT crl-16133 169 40 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 170 1 this this PRON crl-16133 170 2 was be AUX crl-16133 170 3 not not PART crl-16133 170 4 accounted account VERB crl-16133 170 5 for for ADP crl-16133 170 6 in in ADP crl-16133 170 7 this this DET crl-16133 170 8 study study NOUN crl-16133 170 9 since since SCONJ crl-16133 170 10 this this DET crl-16133 170 11 observation observation NOUN crl-16133 170 12 does do AUX crl-16133 170 13 not not PART crl-16133 170 14 attempt attempt VERB crl-16133 170 15 to to PART crl-16133 170 16 predict predict VERB crl-16133 170 17 use use NOUN crl-16133 170 18 of of ADP crl-16133 170 19 the the DET crl-16133 170 20 facebook facebook ADJ crl-16133 170 21 pages page NOUN crl-16133 170 22 by by ADP crl-16133 170 23 patrons patron NOUN crl-16133 170 24 or or CCONJ crl-16133 170 25 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 170 26 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 170 27 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 170 28 but but CCONJ crl-16133 170 29 how how SCONJ crl-16133 170 30 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 170 31 and and CCONJ crl-16133 170 32 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 170 33 use use VERB crl-16133 170 34 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 170 35 as as ADP crl-16133 170 36 a a DET crl-16133 170 37 library library NOUN crl-16133 170 38 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 170 39 . . PUNCT crl-16133 171 1 although although SCONJ crl-16133 171 2 this this DET crl-16133 171 3 study study NOUN crl-16133 171 4 confirms confirm VERB crl-16133 171 5 many many ADJ crl-16133 171 6 of of ADP crl-16133 171 7 the the DET crl-16133 171 8 same same ADJ crl-16133 171 9 uses use NOUN crl-16133 171 10 as as ADP crl-16133 171 11 the the DET crl-16133 171 12 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 171 13 et et PROPN crl-16133 171 14 al al PROPN crl-16133 171 15 . . PROPN crl-16133 171 16 study study PROPN crl-16133 171 17 , , PUNCT crl-16133 171 18 it it PRON crl-16133 171 19 does do AUX crl-16133 171 20 illustrate illustrate VERB crl-16133 171 21 that that SCONJ crl-16133 171 22 there there PRON crl-16133 171 23 are be VERB crl-16133 171 24 specific specific ADJ crl-16133 171 25 ways way NOUN crl-16133 171 26 in in ADP crl-16133 171 27 which which PRON crl-16133 171 28 libraries librarie VERB crl-16133 171 29 and and CCONJ crl-16133 171 30 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 171 31 can can AUX crl-16133 171 32 best well ADV crl-16133 171 33 use use VERB crl-16133 171 34 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 171 35 . . PUNCT crl-16133 172 1 the the DET crl-16133 172 2 results result NOUN crl-16133 172 3 presented present VERB crl-16133 172 4 here here ADV crl-16133 172 5 show show VERB crl-16133 172 6 that that SCONJ crl-16133 172 7 many many ADJ crl-16133 172 8 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 172 9 are be AUX crl-16133 172 10 using use VERB crl-16133 172 11 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 172 12 primarily primarily ADV crl-16133 172 13 as as ADP crl-16133 172 14 a a DET crl-16133 172 15 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 172 16 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 172 17 , , PUNCT crl-16133 172 18 and and CCONJ crl-16133 172 19 it it PRON crl-16133 172 20 may may AUX crl-16133 172 21 be be AUX crl-16133 172 22 valid valid ADJ crl-16133 172 23 to to PART crl-16133 172 24 assert assert VERB crl-16133 172 25 that that SCONJ crl-16133 172 26 this this PRON crl-16133 172 27 is be AUX crl-16133 172 28 currently currently ADV crl-16133 172 29 the the DET crl-16133 172 30 best good ADJ crl-16133 172 31 use use NOUN crl-16133 172 32 in in ADP crl-16133 172 33 the the DET crl-16133 172 34 library library NOUN crl-16133 172 35 realm realm NOUN crl-16133 172 36 . . PUNCT crl-16133 173 1 however however ADV crl-16133 173 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 173 3 uses use VERB crl-16133 173 4 for for ADP crl-16133 173 5 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 173 6 from from ADP crl-16133 173 7 patrons patron NOUN crl-16133 173 8 or or CCONJ crl-16133 173 9 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 173 10 fans fan NOUN crl-16133 173 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 173 12 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 173 13 communicating communicate VERB crl-16133 173 14 library library NOUN crl-16133 173 15 needs need NOUN crl-16133 173 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 173 17 and and CCONJ crl-16133 173 18 as as ADP crl-16133 173 19 a a DET crl-16133 173 20 forum forum NOUN crl-16133 173 21 / / SYM crl-16133 173 22 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 173 23 space space NOUN crl-16133 173 24 for for ADP crl-16133 173 25 users user NOUN crl-16133 173 26 may may AUX crl-16133 173 27 not not PART crl-16133 173 28 be be AUX crl-16133 173 29 an an DET crl-16133 173 30 ideal ideal ADJ crl-16133 173 31 use use NOUN crl-16133 173 32 . . PUNCT crl-16133 174 1 most most ADJ crl-16133 174 2 pages page NOUN crl-16133 174 3 observed observe VERB crl-16133 174 4 in in ADP crl-16133 174 5 this this DET crl-16133 174 6 study study NOUN crl-16133 174 7 did do AUX crl-16133 174 8 not not PART crl-16133 174 9 have have VERB crl-16133 174 10 any any DET crl-16133 174 11 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 174 12 fan fan NOUN crl-16133 174 13 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 174 14 posts post NOUN crl-16133 174 15 or or CCONJ crl-16133 174 16 user user NOUN crl-16133 174 17 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16133 174 18 even even ADV crl-16133 174 19 though though SCONJ crl-16133 174 20 the the DET crl-16133 174 21 space space NOUN crl-16133 174 22 was be AUX crl-16133 174 23 provided provide VERB crl-16133 174 24 for for ADP crl-16133 174 25 them they PRON crl-16133 174 26 . . PUNCT crl-16133 175 1 librarians librarian VERB crl-16133 175 2 state state NOUN crl-16133 175 3 that that SCONJ crl-16133 175 4 many many ADJ crl-16133 175 5 of of ADP crl-16133 175 6 them they PRON crl-16133 175 7 are be AUX crl-16133 175 8 doing do VERB crl-16133 175 9 more more ADJ crl-16133 175 10 with with ADP crl-16133 175 11 their their PRON crl-16133 175 12 facebook facebook ADJ crl-16133 175 13 pages page NOUN crl-16133 175 14 than than ADP crl-16133 175 15 what what PRON crl-16133 175 16 is be AUX crl-16133 175 17 actually actually ADV crl-16133 175 18 showing show VERB crl-16133 175 19 up up ADP crl-16133 175 20 in in ADP crl-16133 175 21 their their PRON crl-16133 175 22 page page NOUN crl-16133 175 23 content content NOUN crl-16133 175 24 . . PUNCT crl-16133 176 1 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 176 2 need need VERB crl-16133 176 3 to to PART crl-16133 176 4 be be AUX crl-16133 176 5 aware aware ADJ crl-16133 176 6 of of ADP crl-16133 176 7 how how SCONJ crl-16133 176 8 much much ADJ crl-16133 176 9 they they PRON crl-16133 176 10 are be AUX crl-16133 176 11 actually actually ADV crl-16133 176 12 doing do VERB crl-16133 176 13 with with ADP crl-16133 176 14 their their PRON crl-16133 176 15 facebook facebook ADJ crl-16133 176 16 pages page NOUN crl-16133 176 17 and and CCONJ crl-16133 176 18 look look VERB crl-16133 176 19 at at ADP crl-16133 176 20 why why SCONJ crl-16133 176 21 they they PRON crl-16133 176 22 created create VERB crl-16133 176 23 or or CCONJ crl-16133 176 24 want want VERB crl-16133 176 25 to to PART crl-16133 176 26 create create VERB crl-16133 176 27 a a DET crl-16133 176 28 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 176 29 page page NOUN crl-16133 176 30 . . PUNCT crl-16133 177 1 this this DET crl-16133 177 2 study study NOUN crl-16133 177 3 shows show VERB crl-16133 177 4 that that SCONJ crl-16133 177 5 we we PRON crl-16133 177 6 , , PUNCT crl-16133 177 7 as as ADP crl-16133 177 8 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 177 9 , , PUNCT crl-16133 177 10 may may AUX crl-16133 177 11 be be AUX crl-16133 177 12 more more ADV crl-16133 177 13 ambitious ambitious ADJ crl-16133 177 14 in in ADP crl-16133 177 15 our our PRON crl-16133 177 16 hopes hope NOUN crl-16133 177 17 for for ADP crl-16133 177 18 our our PRON crl-16133 177 19 facebook facebook ADJ crl-16133 177 20 presence presence NOUN crl-16133 177 21 than than SCONJ crl-16133 177 22 we we PRON crl-16133 177 23 can can AUX crl-16133 177 24 actually actually ADV crl-16133 177 25 materialize materialize VERB crl-16133 177 26 . . PUNCT crl-16133 178 1 table table NOUN crl-16133 178 2 3 3 NUM crl-16133 178 3 wilcoxon wilcoxon ADJ crl-16133 178 4 signed sign VERB crl-16133 178 5 - - PUNCT crl-16133 178 6 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 178 7 test test NOUN crl-16133 178 8 : : PUNCT crl-16133 178 9 ranks rank VERB crl-16133 178 10 n n ADV crl-16133 178 11 mean mean VERB crl-16133 178 12 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 178 13 sum sum NOUN crl-16133 178 14 of of ADP crl-16133 178 15 ranks rank NOUN crl-16133 178 16 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 178 17 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 178 18 negative negative ADJ crl-16133 178 19 ranks rank NOUN crl-16133 178 20 7a 7a NOUN crl-16133 178 21 4.93 4.93 NUM crl-16133 178 22 34.50 34.50 NUM crl-16133 178 23 positive positive ADJ crl-16133 178 24 ranks rank VERB crl-16133 178 25 3b 3b NUM crl-16133 178 26 6.83 6.83 NUM crl-16133 178 27 20.50 20.50 NUM crl-16133 178 28 ties tie NOUN crl-16133 178 29 5c 5c NUM crl-16133 178 30 total total ADJ crl-16133 178 31 15 15 NUM crl-16133 178 32 a. a. NOUN crl-16133 178 33 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 178 34 < < X crl-16133 178 35 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 178 36 | | NOUN crl-16133 178 37 b. b. PROPN crl-16133 178 38 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 178 39 > > X crl-16133 178 40 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 178 41 | | NOUN crl-16133 178 42 c. c. PROPN crl-16133 178 43 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 178 44 = = PUNCT crl-16133 178 45 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 178 46 table table NOUN crl-16133 178 47 4 4 NUM crl-16133 178 48 wilcoxon wilcoxon ADV crl-16133 178 49 signed sign VERB crl-16133 178 50 - - PUNCT crl-16133 178 51 rank rank NOUN crl-16133 178 52 test test NOUN crl-16133 178 53 : : PUNCT crl-16133 178 54 test test PROPN crl-16133 178 55 statisticsb statisticsb PROPN crl-16133 178 56 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 178 57 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 178 58 z z NOUN crl-16133 178 59 -.728a -.728a NUM crl-16133 178 60 asymp asymp NOUN crl-16133 178 61 . . PUNCT crl-16133 179 1 sig sig PROPN crl-16133 179 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 180 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 180 2 2 2 NUM crl-16133 180 3 - - PUNCT crl-16133 180 4 tailed tail VERB crl-16133 180 5 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 180 6 .467 .467 NUM crl-16133 180 7 a. a. NOUN crl-16133 180 8 based base VERB crl-16133 180 9 on on ADP crl-16133 180 10 positive positive ADJ crl-16133 180 11 ranks rank NOUN crl-16133 180 12 . . PUNCT crl-16133 181 1 b. b. PROPN crl-16133 181 2 wilcoxon wilcoxon PRON crl-16133 181 3 signed sign VERB crl-16133 181 4 - - PUNCT crl-16133 181 5 ranks rank NOUN crl-16133 181 6 test test VERB crl-16133 181 7 88 88 NUM crl-16133 181 8       SPACE crl-16133 181 9 college college NOUN crl-16133 181 10     SPACE crl-16133 181 11 & & CCONJ crl-16133 181 12     SPACE crl-16133 181 13 research research NOUN crl-16133 181 14     SPACE crl-16133 181 15 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 181 16     SPACE crl-16133 181 17 january january PROPN crl-16133 181 18     SPACE crl-16133 181 19 2011 2011 NUM crl-16133 181 20 conclusion conclusion NOUN crl-16133 181 21 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 181 22 must must AUX crl-16133 181 23 be be AUX crl-16133 181 24 aware aware ADJ crl-16133 181 25 that that SCONJ crl-16133 181 26 using use VERB crl-16133 181 27 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 181 28 as as ADP crl-16133 181 29 a a DET crl-16133 181 30 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 181 31 requires require VERB crl-16133 181 32 a a DET crl-16133 181 33 lot lot NOUN crl-16133 181 34 of of ADP crl-16133 181 35 attention attention NOUN crl-16133 181 36 , , PUNCT crl-16133 181 37 and and CCONJ crl-16133 181 38 , , PUNCT crl-16133 181 39 if if SCONJ crl-16133 181 40 a a DET crl-16133 181 41 library library NOUN crl-16133 181 42 can can AUX crl-16133 181 43 not not PART crl-16133 181 44 commit commit VERB crl-16133 181 45 to to ADP crl-16133 181 46 updating update VERB crl-16133 181 47 its its PRON crl-16133 181 48 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 181 49 page page NOUN crl-16133 181 50 at at ADP crl-16133 181 51 least least ADJ crl-16133 181 52 once once ADV crl-16133 181 53 a a DET crl-16133 181 54 week week NOUN crl-16133 181 55 or or CCONJ crl-16133 181 56 more more ADJ crl-16133 181 57 , , PUNCT crl-16133 181 58 it it PRON crl-16133 181 59 may may AUX crl-16133 181 60 not not PART crl-16133 181 61 be be AUX crl-16133 181 62 a a DET crl-16133 181 63 very very ADV crl-16133 181 64 useful useful ADJ crl-16133 181 65 or or CCONJ crl-16133 181 66 successful successful ADJ crl-16133 181 67 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 181 68 . . PUNCT crl-16133 182 1 from from ADP crl-16133 182 2 this this DET crl-16133 182 3 study study NOUN crl-16133 182 4 , , PUNCT crl-16133 182 5 it it PRON crl-16133 182 6 also also ADV crl-16133 182 7 was be AUX crl-16133 182 8 found find VERB crl-16133 182 9 that that SCONJ crl-16133 182 10 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 182 11 would would AUX crl-16133 182 12 be be AUX crl-16133 182 13 a a DET crl-16133 182 14 better well ADJ crl-16133 182 15 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 182 16 for for ADP crl-16133 182 17 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 182 18 active active ADJ crl-16133 182 19 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 182 20 , , PUNCT crl-16133 182 21 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 182 22 or or CCONJ crl-16133 182 23 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 182 24 that that PRON crl-16133 182 25 host host NOUN crl-16133 182 26 a a DET crl-16133 182 27 lot lot NOUN crl-16133 182 28 of of ADP crl-16133 182 29 events event NOUN crl-16133 182 30 , , PUNCT crl-16133 182 31 exhibits exhibit NOUN crl-16133 182 32 , , PUNCT crl-16133 182 33 workshop workshop NOUN crl-16133 182 34 , , PUNCT crl-16133 182 35 and and CCONJ crl-16133 182 36 other other ADJ crl-16133 182 37 activities activity NOUN crl-16133 182 38 , , PUNCT crl-16133 182 39 as as SCONJ crl-16133 182 40 its its PRON crl-16133 182 41 top top ADJ crl-16133 182 42 use use NOUN crl-16133 182 43 is be AUX crl-16133 182 44 for for ADP crl-16133 182 45 announcements announcement NOUN crl-16133 182 46 and and CCONJ crl-16133 182 47 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16133 182 48 . . PUNCT crl-16133 183 1 also also ADV crl-16133 183 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 183 3 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 183 4 should should AUX crl-16133 183 5 not not PART crl-16133 183 6 get get VERB crl-16133 183 7 too too ADV crl-16133 183 8 attached attach VERB crl-16133 183 9 to to PART crl-16133 183 10 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 183 11 , , PUNCT crl-16133 183 12 as as SCONJ crl-16133 183 13 there there PRON crl-16133 183 14 is be VERB crl-16133 183 15 always always ADV crl-16133 183 16 the the DET crl-16133 183 17 next next ADJ crl-16133 183 18 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 183 19 or or CCONJ crl-16133 183 20 social social ADJ crl-16133 183 21 networking networking NOUN crl-16133 183 22 site site NOUN crl-16133 183 23 that that PRON crl-16133 183 24 people people NOUN crl-16133 183 25 are be AUX crl-16133 183 26 using use VERB crl-16133 183 27 . . PUNCT crl-16133 184 1 web web NOUN crl-16133 184 2 2.0 2.0 NUM crl-16133 184 3 applications application NOUN crl-16133 184 4 move move VERB crl-16133 184 5 quickly quickly ADV crl-16133 184 6 , , PUNCT crl-16133 184 7 and and CCONJ crl-16133 184 8 the the DET crl-16133 184 9 internet internet NOUN crl-16133 184 10 is be AUX crl-16133 184 11 constantly constantly ADV crl-16133 184 12 changing change VERB crl-16133 184 13 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 184 14 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16133 184 15 should should AUX crl-16133 184 16 be be AUX crl-16133 184 17 prepared prepare VERB crl-16133 184 18 to to PART crl-16133 184 19 leave leave VERB crl-16133 184 20 their their PRON crl-16133 184 21 hard hard ADJ crl-16133 184 22 work work NOUN crl-16133 184 23 behind behind ADV crl-16133 184 24 to to PART crl-16133 184 25 jump jump VERB crl-16133 184 26 to to ADP crl-16133 184 27 the the DET crl-16133 184 28 next next ADJ crl-16133 184 29 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 184 30 . . PUNCT crl-16133 185 1 notes note NOUN crl-16133 185 2 1 1 NUM crl-16133 185 3 . . PUNCT crl-16133 186 1 d. d. PROPN crl-16133 186 2 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 186 3 and and CCONJ crl-16133 186 4 others other NOUN crl-16133 186 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 186 6 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 186 7 use use NOUN crl-16133 186 8 of of ADP crl-16133 186 9 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 186 10 in in ADP crl-16133 186 11 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 186 12 health health NOUN crl-16133 186 13 sciences science NOUN crl-16133 186 14 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 186 15 , , PUNCT crl-16133 186 16 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 186 17 journal journal NOUN crl-16133 186 18 of of ADP crl-16133 186 19 the the DET crl-16133 186 20 medical medical PROPN crl-16133 186 21 library library PROPN crl-16133 186 22 association association PROPN crl-16133 186 23 97 97 NUM crl-16133 186 24 , , PUNCT crl-16133 186 25 no no NOUN crl-16133 186 26 . . NOUN crl-16133 186 27 1 1 NUM crl-16133 186 28 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 186 29 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 186 30 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 186 31 44–47 44–47 NUM crl-16133 186 32 . . PROPN crl-16133 187 1 2 2 X crl-16133 187 2 . . X crl-16133 187 3 laurie laurie PROPN crl-16133 187 4 charnigo charnigo PROPN crl-16133 187 5 and and CCONJ crl-16133 187 6 paula paula PROPN crl-16133 187 7 barnett barnett PROPN crl-16133 187 8 - - PUNCT crl-16133 187 9 ellis ellis PROPN crl-16133 187 10 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 11 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 187 12 checking check VERB crl-16133 187 13 out out ADP crl-16133 187 14 X crl-16133 187 15 : : PUNCT crl-16133 187 16 the the DET crl-16133 187 17 impact impact NOUN crl-16133 187 18 of of ADP crl-16133 187 19 a a DET crl-16133 187 20 digital digital ADJ crl-16133 187 21 trend trend NOUN crl-16133 187 22 on on ADP crl-16133 187 23 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 187 24 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 187 25 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 26 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 187 27 information information NOUN crl-16133 187 28 technology technology NOUN crl-16133 187 29 and and CCONJ crl-16133 187 30 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 187 31 26 26 NUM crl-16133 187 32 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 33 no no INTJ crl-16133 187 34 . . NOUN crl-16133 187 35 1 1 NUM crl-16133 187 36 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 187 37 2007 2007 NUM crl-16133 187 38 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 187 39 30 30 NUM crl-16133 187 40 . . NUM crl-16133 187 41 3 3 X crl-16133 187 42 . . PROPN crl-16133 187 43 jason jason PROPN crl-16133 187 44 d. d. PROPN crl-16133 187 45 cooper cooper PROPN crl-16133 187 46 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 47 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 187 48 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 187 49 applications application NOUN crl-16133 187 50 for for ADP crl-16133 187 51 the the DET crl-16133 187 52 library library NOUN crl-16133 187 53 community community NOUN crl-16133 187 54 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 55 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 187 56 the the DET crl-16133 187 57 alabama alabama PROPN crl-16133 187 58 librarian librarian PROPN crl-16133 187 59 58 58 NUM crl-16133 187 60 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 61 no no INTJ crl-16133 187 62 . . NOUN crl-16133 187 63 1 1 NUM crl-16133 187 64 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 187 65 2008 2008 NUM crl-16133 187 66 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 187 67 8–11 8–11 NUM crl-16133 187 68 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 187 69 susan susan PROPN crl-16133 187 70 jennings jennings PROPN crl-16133 187 71 and and CCONJ crl-16133 187 72 jamie jamie ADJ crl-16133 187 73 price price NOUN crl-16133 187 74 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 75 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 187 76 be be AUX crl-16133 187 77 my my PRON crl-16133 187 78 friend friend NOUN crl-16133 187 79 : : PUNCT crl-16133 187 80 using use VERB crl-16133 187 81 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 187 82 in in ADP crl-16133 187 83 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 187 84 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 85 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 187 86 tennessee tennessee PROPN crl-16133 187 87 libraries librarie VERB crl-16133 187 88 58 58 NUM crl-16133 187 89 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 90 no no NOUN crl-16133 187 91 . . NOUN crl-16133 187 92 2 2 NUM crl-16133 187 93 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 187 94 2008 2008 NUM crl-16133 187 95 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 187 96 , , PUNCT crl-16133 187 97 available available ADJ crl-16133 187 98 online online ADV crl-16133 187 99 at at ADP crl-16133 187 100 NUM crl-16133 187 101 . . PUNCT crl-16133 188 1 cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=213 cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=213 PROPN crl-16133 188 2 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 188 3 accessed access VERB crl-16133 188 4 12 12 NUM crl-16133 188 5 march march NOUN crl-16133 188 6 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 188 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 188 8 . . PUNCT crl-16133 189 1 4 4 X crl-16133 189 2 . . X crl-16133 189 3 harry harry PROPN crl-16133 189 4 glazer glazer PROPN crl-16133 189 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 189 6 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 189 7 clever clever ADJ crl-16133 189 8 outreach outreach NOUN crl-16133 189 9 or or CCONJ crl-16133 189 10 costly costly ADJ crl-16133 189 11 diversion diversion NOUN crl-16133 189 12 ? ? PUNCT crl-16133 190 1 an an DET crl-16133 190 2 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 190 3 library library NOUN crl-16133 190 4 evaluates evaluate VERB crl-16133 190 5 its its PRON crl-16133 190 6 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 190 7 experience experience NOUN crl-16133 190 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 190 9 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 190 10 college college NOUN crl-16133 190 11 and and CCONJ crl-16133 190 12 research research NOUN crl-16133 190 13 libraries librarie VERB crl-16133 190 14 news news NOUN crl-16133 190 15 70 70 NUM crl-16133 190 16 , , PUNCT crl-16133 190 17 no no NOUN crl-16133 190 18 . . NOUN crl-16133 190 19 1 1 NUM crl-16133 190 20 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 190 21 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 190 22 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 190 23 11–19 11–19 NUM crl-16133 190 24 . . PUNCT crl-16133 191 1 5 5 X crl-16133 191 2 . . X crl-16133 191 3 tom tom PROPN crl-16133 191 4 adamich adamich PROPN crl-16133 191 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 191 6 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 191 7 the the DET crl-16133 191 8 faceboook faceboook NOUN crl-16133 191 9 effect effect NOUN crl-16133 191 10 on on ADP crl-16133 191 11 fdlp fdlp NOUN crl-16133 191 12 communication communication NOUN crl-16133 191 13 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 191 14 documents document NOUN crl-16133 191 15 to to ADP crl-16133 191 16 the the DET crl-16133 191 17 people people NOUN crl-16133 191 18 36 36 NUM crl-16133 191 19 , , PUNCT crl-16133 191 20 no no NOUN crl-16133 191 21 . . NOUN crl-16133 191 22 2 2 NUM crl-16133 191 23 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 191 24 2008 2008 NUM crl-16133 191 25 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 191 26 29–32 29–32 NUM crl-16133 191 27 ; ; PUNCT crl-16133 191 28 amanda amanda ADJ crl-16133 191 29 clay clay NOUN crl-16133 191 30 powers power NOUN crl-16133 191 31 , , PUNCT crl-16133 191 32 june june PROPN crl-16133 191 33 schmidt schmidt NOUN crl-16133 191 34 , , PUNCT crl-16133 191 35 and and CCONJ crl-16133 191 36 clay clay PROPN crl-16133 191 37 hill hill PROPN crl-16133 191 38 , , PUNCT crl-16133 191 39 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 191 40 why why SCONJ crl-16133 191 41 ca can AUX crl-16133 191 42 n’t not PART crl-16133 191 43 we we PRON crl-16133 191 44 be be VERB crl-16133 191 45 friends friend NOUN crl-16133 191 46 ? ? PUNCT crl-16133 192 1 the the DET crl-16133 192 2 msu msu NOUN crl-16133 192 3 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 192 4 find find VERB crl-16133 192 5 friends friend NOUN crl-16133 192 6 on on ADP crl-16133 192 7 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 192 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 192 9 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 192 10 mississippi mississippi PROPN crl-16133 192 11 libraries librarie VERB crl-16133 192 12 72 72 NUM crl-16133 192 13 , , PUNCT crl-16133 192 14 no no NOUN crl-16133 192 15 . . NOUN crl-16133 192 16 1 1 NUM crl-16133 192 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 192 18 2008 2008 NUM crl-16133 192 19 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 192 20 3–5 3–5 NUM crl-16133 192 21 . . PROPN crl-16133 192 22 6 6 NUM crl-16133 192 23 . . PROPN crl-16133 192 24 brian brian PROPN crl-16133 192 25 s. s. PROPN crl-16133 192 26 mathews mathews PROPN crl-16133 192 27 , , PUNCT crl-16133 192 28 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 192 29 do do AUX crl-16133 192 30 you you PRON crl-16133 192 31 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 192 32 ? ? PUNCT crl-16133 193 1 networking network VERB crl-16133 193 2 with with ADP crl-16133 193 3 students student NOUN crl-16133 193 4 online online ADJ crl-16133 193 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 193 6 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 193 7 college college NOUN crl-16133 193 8 and and CCONJ crl-16133 193 9 research research NOUN crl-16133 193 10 libraries librarie VERB crl-16133 193 11 news news NOUN crl-16133 193 12 67 67 NUM crl-16133 193 13 , , PUNCT crl-16133 193 14 no no NOUN crl-16133 193 15 . . NOUN crl-16133 193 16 5 5 NUM crl-16133 193 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 193 18 2006 2006 NUM crl-16133 193 19 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 193 20 307 307 NUM crl-16133 193 21 . . NUM crl-16133 193 22 7 7 NUM crl-16133 193 23 . . X crl-16133 193 24 ibid ibid PROPN crl-16133 193 25 . . PUNCT crl-16133 193 26 , , PUNCT crl-16133 193 27 307 307 NUM crl-16133 193 28 . . PROPN crl-16133 193 29 8 8 NUM crl-16133 193 30 . . PROPN crl-16133 193 31 melanie melanie PROPN crl-16133 193 32 chu chu PROPN crl-16133 193 33 and and CCONJ crl-16133 193 34 yvonne yvonne PROPN crl-16133 193 35 nalani nalani PROPN crl-16133 193 36 meulemans meulemans PROPN crl-16133 193 37 , , PUNCT crl-16133 193 38 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 193 39 the the DET crl-16133 193 40 problems problem NOUN crl-16133 193 41 and and CCONJ crl-16133 193 42 potential potential NOUN crl-16133 193 43 of of ADP crl-16133 193 44 myspace myspace NOUN crl-16133 193 45 and and CCONJ crl-16133 193 46 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 193 47 usage usage NOUN crl-16133 193 48 in in ADP crl-16133 193 49 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 193 50 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 193 51 . . PUNCT crl-16133 194 1 , , PUNCT crl-16133 194 2 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 194 3 internet internet NOUN crl-16133 194 4 reference reference NOUN crl-16133 194 5 services service NOUN crl-16133 194 6 quarterly quarterly ADJ crl-16133 194 7 13 13 NUM crl-16133 194 8 , , PUNCT crl-16133 194 9 no no INTJ crl-16133 194 10 . . NOUN crl-16133 194 11 1 1 NUM crl-16133 194 12 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 194 13 2007 2007 NUM crl-16133 194 14 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 194 15 80–84 80–84 NUM crl-16133 194 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 195 1 9 9 NUM crl-16133 195 2 . . X crl-16133 195 3 ibid ibid PROPN crl-16133 195 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 195 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 195 6 83 83 NUM crl-16133 195 7 . . NUM crl-16133 196 1 10 10 NUM crl-16133 196 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 197 1 d. d. PROPN crl-16133 197 2 mack mack PROPN crl-16133 197 3 and and CCONJ crl-16133 197 4 others other NOUN crl-16133 197 5 , , PUNCT crl-16133 197 6 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 197 7 reaching reach VERB crl-16133 197 8 students student NOUN crl-16133 197 9 with with ADP crl-16133 197 10 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 197 11 : : PUNCT crl-16133 197 12 data datum NOUN crl-16133 197 13 and and CCONJ crl-16133 197 14 best good ADJ crl-16133 197 15 practices practice NOUN crl-16133 197 16 . . PUNCT crl-16133 197 17 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 198 1 electronic electronic ADJ crl-16133 198 2 journal journal NOUN crl-16133 198 3 of of ADP crl-16133 198 4 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 198 5 and and CCONJ crl-16133 198 6 special special ADJ crl-16133 198 7 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-16133 198 8 8 8 NUM crl-16133 198 9 , , PUNCT crl-16133 198 10 no no DET crl-16133 198 11 2 2 NUM crl-16133 198 12 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 198 13 2007 2007 NUM crl-16133 198 14 ): ): PUNCT crl-16133 198 15 PROPN crl-16133 198 16 indexv8.html indexv8.html PROPN crl-16133 198 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-16133 198 18 accessed access VERB crl-16133 198 19 march march PROPN crl-16133 198 20 12 12 NUM crl-16133 198 21 , , PUNCT crl-16133 198 22 2009 2009 NUM crl-16133 198 23 ) ) PUNCT crl-16133 198 24 . . PUNCT crl-16133 199 1 11 11 NUM crl-16133 199 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 200 1 hendrix hendrix NOUN crl-16133 200 2 , , PUNCT crl-16133 200 3 “ " PUNCT crl-16133 200 4 use use NOUN crl-16133 200 5 of of ADP crl-16133 200 6 facebook facebook NOUN crl-16133 200 7 in in ADP crl-16133 200 8 academic academic ADJ crl-16133 200 9 health health NOUN crl-16133 200 10 sciences science NOUN crl-16133 200 11 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 200 12 , , PUNCT crl-16133 200 13 ” " PUNCT crl-16133 200 14 44–47 44–47 NUM crl-16133 200 15 . . PUNCT crl-16133 201 1 12 12 NUM crl-16133 201 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 201 3 ibid ibid VERB crl-16133 201 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 202 1 13 13 NUM crl-16133 202 2 . . X crl-16133 202 3 ibid ibid VERB crl-16133 202 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 203 1 14 14 NUM crl-16133 203 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 204 1 ibid ibid VERB crl-16133 204 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 205 1 15 15 NUM crl-16133 205 2 . . X crl-16133 205 3 ibid ibid NOUN crl-16133 205 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 206 1 16 16 X crl-16133 206 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 206 3 ibid ibid VERB crl-16133 206 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 207 1 17 17 NUM crl-16133 207 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 207 3 ibid ibid VERB crl-16133 207 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 208 1 18 18 NUM crl-16133 208 2 . . X crl-16133 208 3 ibid ibid PROPN crl-16133 208 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 209 1 19 19 NUM crl-16133 209 2 . . X crl-16133 209 3 ibid ibid VERB crl-16133 209 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 210 1 20 20 NUM crl-16133 210 2 . . X crl-16133 210 3 ibid ibid NOUN crl-16133 210 4 . . PUNCT crl-16133 211 1 21 21 NUM crl-16133 211 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 212 1 ibid ibid VERB crl-16133 212 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 213 1 22 22 NUM crl-16133 213 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 214 1 ibid ibid VERB crl-16133 214 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 215 1 23 23 NUM crl-16133 215 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 216 1 ibid ibid PROPN crl-16133 216 2 . . PUNCT crl-16133 217 1 facebook facebook VERB crl-16133 217 2     SPACE crl-16133 217 3 as as ADP crl-16133 217 4     SPACE crl-16133 217 5 a a DET crl-16133 217 6     SPACE crl-16133 217 7 library library NOUN crl-16133 217 8     SPACE crl-16133 217 9 tool tool NOUN crl-16133 217 10 : : PUNCT crl-16133 217 11     SPACE crl-16133 217 12 perceived perceive VERB crl-16133 217 13     SPACE crl-16133 217 14 vs. vs. ADP crl-16133 217 15     SPACE crl-16133 217 16 actual actual ADJ crl-16133 217 17     SPACE crl-16133 217 18 use use NOUN crl-16133 217 19       SPACE crl-16133 217 20 89 89 NUM crl-16133 217 21 appendix appendix NOUN crl-16133 217 22     SPACE crl-16133 217 23 1 1 NUM crl-16133 217 24 : : PUNCT crl-16133 217 25     SPACE crl-16133 217 26 site site NOUN crl-16133 217 27     SPACE crl-16133 217 28 observation observation NOUN crl-16133 217 29     SPACE crl-16133 217 30 form form NOUN crl-16133 217 31 : : PUNCT crl-16133 217 32     SPACE crl-16133 217 33 page page NOUN crl-16133 217 34     SPACE crl-16133 217 35 1 1 NUM crl-16133 217 36 90 90 NUM crl-16133 217 37       SPACE crl-16133 217 38 college college NOUN crl-16133 217 39     SPACE crl-16133 217 40 & & CCONJ crl-16133 217 41     SPACE crl-16133 217 42 research research NOUN crl-16133 217 43     SPACE crl-16133 217 44 libraries library NOUN crl-16133 217 45     SPACE crl-16133 217 46 january january PROPN crl-16133 217 47     SPACE crl-16133 217 48 2011 2011 NUM crl-16133 217 49 site site NOUN crl-16133 217 50     SPACE crl-16133 217 51 observation observation NOUN crl-16133 217 52     SPACE crl-16133 217 53 form form NOUN crl-16133 217 54 : : PUNCT crl-16133 217 55     SPACE crl-16133 217 56 page page NOUN crl-16133 217 57     SPACE crl-16133 217 58 2 2 NUM