id sid tid token lemma pos crl-16588 1 1 283 283 NUM crl-16588 1 2 the the DET crl-16588 1 3 language language NOUN crl-16588 1 4 of of ADP crl-16588 1 5 information information NOUN crl-16588 1 6 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 1 7 : : PUNCT crl-16588 1 8 do do AUX crl-16588 1 9 students student NOUN crl-16588 1 10 understand understand VERB crl-16588 1 11 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 1 12 gayle gayle PROPN crl-16588 1 13 schaub schaub PROPN crl-16588 1 14 , , PUNCT crl-16588 1 15 cara cara PROPN crl-16588 1 16 cadena cadena PROPN crl-16588 1 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 1 18 patricia patricia PROPN crl-16588 1 19 bravender bravender NOUN crl-16588 1 20 , , PUNCT crl-16588 1 21 and and CCONJ crl-16588 1 22 christopher christopher PROPN crl-16588 1 23 kierkus kierkus PROPN crl-16588 1 24 * * PUNCT crl-16588 1 25 to to PART crl-16588 1 26 effectively effectively ADV crl-16588 1 27 access access VERB crl-16588 1 28 and and CCONJ crl-16588 1 29 use use VERB crl-16588 1 30 the the DET crl-16588 1 31 resources resource NOUN crl-16588 1 32 of of ADP crl-16588 1 33 the the DET crl-16588 1 34 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 1 35 library library NOUN crl-16588 1 36 and and CCONJ crl-16588 1 37 to to PART crl-16588 1 38 become become VERB crl-16588 1 39 information information NOUN crl-16588 1 40 - - PUNCT crl-16588 1 41 literate literate NOUN crl-16588 1 42 , , PUNCT crl-16588 1 43 students student NOUN crl-16588 1 44 must must AUX crl-16588 1 45 understand understand VERB crl-16588 1 46 the the DET crl-16588 1 47 language language NOUN crl-16588 1 48 of of ADP crl-16588 1 49 information information NOUN crl-16588 1 50 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 1 51 . . PUNCT crl-16588 2 1 this this DET crl-16588 2 2 study study NOUN crl-16588 2 3 analyzes analyze VERB crl-16588 2 4 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crl-16588 2 5 students student NOUN crl-16588 2 6 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 2 7 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 2 8 of of ADP crl-16588 2 9 fourteen fourteen NUM crl-16588 2 10 commonly commonly ADV crl-16588 2 11 used use VERB crl-16588 2 12 information information NOUN crl-16588 2 13 - - PUNCT crl-16588 2 14 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 2 15 terms term NOUN crl-16588 2 16 . . PUNCT crl-16588 3 1 it it PRON crl-16588 3 2 was be AUX crl-16588 3 3 found find VERB crl-16588 3 4 that that SCONJ crl-16588 3 5 some some PRON crl-16588 3 6 of of ADP crl-16588 3 7 the the DET crl-16588 3 8 terms term NOUN crl-16588 3 9 least least ADV crl-16588 3 10 understood understand VERB crl-16588 3 11 by by ADP crl-16588 3 12 students student NOUN crl-16588 3 13 are be AUX crl-16588 3 14 those those PRON crl-16588 3 15 most most ADV crl-16588 3 16 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 3 17 found find VERB crl-16588 3 18 in in ADP crl-16588 3 19 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 3 20 - - PUNCT crl-16588 3 21 created create VERB crl-16588 3 22 research research NOUN crl-16588 3 23 assignments assignment NOUN crl-16588 3 24 and and CCONJ crl-16588 3 25 syllabi syllabi NOUN crl-16588 3 26 and and CCONJ crl-16588 3 27 that that PRON crl-16588 3 28 are be AUX crl-16588 3 29 used use VERB crl-16588 3 30 by by ADP crl-16588 3 31 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 3 32 during during ADP crl-16588 3 33 library library NOUN crl-16588 3 34 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 3 35 . . PUNCT crl-16588 4 1 it it PRON crl-16588 4 2 is be AUX crl-16588 4 3 recommended recommend VERB crl-16588 4 4 that that PRON crl-16588 4 5 librarians librarian VERB crl-16588 4 6 work work VERB crl-16588 4 7 with with ADP crl-16588 4 8 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 4 9 to to PART crl-16588 4 10 make make VERB crl-16588 4 11 them they PRON crl-16588 4 12 aware aware ADJ crl-16588 4 13 of of ADP crl-16588 4 14 students student NOUN crl-16588 4 15 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 4 16 lack lack NOUN crl-16588 4 17 of of ADP crl-16588 4 18 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 4 19 of of ADP crl-16588 4 20 information information NOUN crl-16588 4 21 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 4 22 terms term NOUN crl-16588 4 23 and and CCONJ crl-16588 4 24 that that SCONJ crl-16588 4 25 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 4 26 also also ADV crl-16588 4 27 reinforce reinforce VERB crl-16588 4 28 their their PRON crl-16588 4 29 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 4 30 during during ADP crl-16588 4 31 library library NOUN crl-16588 4 32 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 4 33 and and CCONJ crl-16588 4 34 in in ADP crl-16588 4 35 one one NUM crl-16588 4 36 - - PUNCT crl-16588 4 37 on on ADP crl-16588 4 38 - - PUNCT crl-16588 4 39 one one NUM crl-16588 4 40 consultations consultation NOUN crl-16588 4 41 . . PUNCT crl-16588 5 1 there there PRON crl-16588 5 2 is be VERB crl-16588 5 3 a a DET crl-16588 5 4 language language NOUN crl-16588 5 5 of of ADP crl-16588 5 6 information information NOUN crl-16588 5 7 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 5 8 that that PRON crl-16588 5 9 explains explain VERB crl-16588 5 10 how how SCONJ crl-16588 5 11 information information NOUN crl-16588 5 12 is be AUX crl-16588 5 13 organized organize VERB crl-16588 5 14 , , PUNCT crl-16588 5 15 stored store VERB crl-16588 5 16 , , PUNCT crl-16588 5 17 retrieved retrieve VERB crl-16588 5 18 , , PUNCT crl-16588 5 19 evaluated evaluated ADJ crl-16588 5 20 , , PUNCT crl-16588 5 21 and and CCONJ crl-16588 5 22 ethically ethically ADV crl-16588 5 23 used use VERB crl-16588 5 24 . . PUNCT crl-16588 6 1 while while SCONJ crl-16588 6 2 there there PRON crl-16588 6 3 is be VERB crl-16588 6 4 ongoing ongoing ADJ crl-16588 6 5 debate debate NOUN crl-16588 6 6 about about ADP crl-16588 6 7 its its PRON crl-16588 6 8 status status NOUN crl-16588 6 9 as as ADP crl-16588 6 10 an an DET crl-16588 6 11 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 6 12 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 6 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 6 14 there there PRON crl-16588 6 15 are be VERB crl-16588 6 16 specific specific ADJ crl-16588 6 17 terms term NOUN crl-16588 6 18 that that PRON crl-16588 6 19 students student NOUN crl-16588 6 20 must must AUX crl-16588 6 21 understand understand VERB crl-16588 6 22 in in ADP crl-16588 6 23 context context NOUN crl-16588 6 24 to to ADP crl-16588 6 25 effectively effectively ADV crl-16588 6 26 access access VERB crl-16588 6 27 and and CCONJ crl-16588 6 28 use use VERB crl-16588 6 29 the the DET crl-16588 6 30 resources resource NOUN crl-16588 6 31 of of ADP crl-16588 6 32 the the DET crl-16588 6 33 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 6 34 library library NOUN crl-16588 6 35 and and CCONJ crl-16588 6 36 to to PART crl-16588 6 37 become become VERB crl-16588 6 38 information information NOUN crl-16588 6 39 - - PUNCT crl-16588 6 40 literate literate NOUN crl-16588 6 41 . . PUNCT crl-16588 7 1 students student NOUN crl-16588 7 2 encounter encounter VERB crl-16588 7 3 these these DET crl-16588 7 4 terms term NOUN crl-16588 7 5 in in ADP crl-16588 7 6 library library NOUN crl-16588 7 7 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 7 8 and and CCONJ crl-16588 7 9 individual individual ADJ crl-16588 7 10 consultations consultation NOUN crl-16588 7 11 and and CCONJ crl-16588 7 12 through through ADP crl-16588 7 13 research research NOUN crl-16588 7 14 and and CCONJ crl-16588 7 15 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 7 16 assignments assignment NOUN crl-16588 7 17 given give VERB crl-16588 7 18 by by ADP crl-16588 7 19 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 7 20 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 7 21 . . PUNCT crl-16588 8 1 this this DET crl-16588 8 2 study study NOUN crl-16588 8 3 had have VERB crl-16588 8 4 its its PRON crl-16588 8 5 genesis genesis NOUN crl-16588 8 6 in in ADP crl-16588 8 7 conversations conversation NOUN crl-16588 8 8 between between ADP crl-16588 8 9 the the DET crl-16588 8 10 authors author NOUN crl-16588 8 11 when when SCONJ crl-16588 8 12 they they PRON crl-16588 8 13 were be AUX crl-16588 8 14 writing write VERB crl-16588 8 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 8 16 editing edit VERB crl-16588 8 17 lesson lesson NOUN crl-16588 8 18 plans plan NOUN crl-16588 8 19 designed design VERB crl-16588 8 20 to to PART crl-16588 8 21 teach teach VERB crl-16588 8 22 students student NOUN crl-16588 8 23 information information NOUN crl-16588 8 24 - - PUNCT crl-16588 8 25 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 8 26 threshold threshold NOUN crl-16588 8 27 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 8 28 . . PUNCT crl-16588 9 1 often often ADV crl-16588 9 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 9 3 these these DET crl-16588 9 4 written write VERB crl-16588 9 5 lesson lesson NOUN crl-16588 9 6 plans plan NOUN crl-16588 9 7 included include VERB crl-16588 9 8 terms term NOUN crl-16588 9 9 used use VERB crl-16588 9 10 by by ADP crl-16588 9 11 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 9 12 when when SCONJ crl-16588 9 13 teaching teach VERB crl-16588 9 14 information information NOUN crl-16588 9 15 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 9 16 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 9 17 such such ADJ crl-16588 9 18 as as ADP crl-16588 9 19 source source NOUN crl-16588 9 20 , , PUNCT crl-16588 9 21 database database NOUN crl-16588 9 22 , , PUNCT crl-16588 9 23 and and CCONJ crl-16588 9 24 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 9 25 review review NOUN crl-16588 9 26 . . PUNCT crl-16588 10 1 many many ADJ crl-16588 10 2 of of ADP crl-16588 10 3 these these DET crl-16588 10 4 same same ADJ crl-16588 10 5 terms term NOUN crl-16588 10 6 are be AUX crl-16588 10 7 used use VERB crl-16588 10 8 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 10 9 by by ADP crl-16588 10 10 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 10 11 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 10 12 in in ADP crl-16588 10 13 course course NOUN crl-16588 10 14 syllabi syllabi NOUN crl-16588 10 15 . . PUNCT crl-16588 11 1 when when SCONJ crl-16588 11 2 students student NOUN crl-16588 11 3 do do AUX crl-16588 11 4 not not PART crl-16588 11 5 understand understand VERB crl-16588 11 6 this this DET crl-16588 11 7 language language NOUN crl-16588 11 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 11 9 it it PRON crl-16588 11 10 can can AUX crl-16588 11 11 interfere interfere VERB crl-16588 11 12 with with ADP crl-16588 11 13 their their PRON crl-16588 11 14 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 11 15 of of ADP crl-16588 11 16 how how SCONJ crl-16588 11 17 information information NOUN crl-16588 11 18 is be AUX crl-16588 11 19 created create VERB crl-16588 11 20 , , PUNCT crl-16588 11 21 disseminated disseminate VERB crl-16588 11 22 , , PUNCT crl-16588 11 23 and and CCONJ crl-16588 11 24 used use VERB crl-16588 11 25 in in ADP crl-16588 11 26 research research NOUN crl-16588 11 27 , , PUNCT crl-16588 11 28 making make VERB crl-16588 11 29 it it PRON crl-16588 11 30 difficult difficult ADJ crl-16588 11 31 for for SCONJ crl-16588 11 32 students student NOUN crl-16588 11 33 to to PART crl-16588 11 34 become become VERB crl-16588 11 35 information information NOUN crl-16588 11 36 - - PUNCT crl-16588 11 37 literate literate NOUN crl-16588 11 38 . . PUNCT crl-16588 12 1 the the DET crl-16588 12 2 authors author NOUN crl-16588 12 3 wanted want VERB crl-16588 12 4 to to PART crl-16588 12 5 measure measure VERB crl-16588 12 6 student student NOUN crl-16588 12 7 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 12 8 of of ADP crl-16588 12 9 this this DET crl-16588 12 10 language language NOUN crl-16588 12 11 . . PUNCT crl-16588 13 1 by by ADP crl-16588 13 2 assessing assess VERB crl-16588 13 3 what what PRON crl-16588 13 4 students student NOUN crl-16588 13 5 do do VERB crl-16588 13 6 and and CCONJ crl-16588 13 7 do do AUX crl-16588 13 8 not not PART crl-16588 13 9 know know VERB crl-16588 13 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 13 11 librarians librarians PROPN crl-16588 13 12 can can AUX crl-16588 13 13 be be AUX crl-16588 13 14 more more ADV crl-16588 13 15 purposeful purposeful ADJ crl-16588 13 16 in in ADP crl-16588 13 17 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 13 18 and and CCONJ crl-16588 13 19 can can AUX crl-16588 13 20 more more ADV crl-16588 13 21 effectively effectively ADV crl-16588 13 22 integrate integrate VERB crl-16588 13 23 information information NOUN crl-16588 13 24 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 13 25 into into ADP crl-16588 13 26 the the DET crl-16588 13 27 curriculum curriculum NOUN crl-16588 13 28 . . PUNCT crl-16588 14 1 * * PUNCT crl-16588 14 2     SPACE crl-16588 14 3 gayle gayle NOUN crl-16588 14 4 schaub schaub PROPN crl-16588 14 5 is be AUX crl-16588 14 6 liberal liberal ADJ crl-16588 14 7 arts art NOUN crl-16588 14 8 librarian librarian NOUN crl-16588 14 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 14 10 cara cara PROPN crl-16588 14 11 cadena cadena NOUN crl-16588 14 12 is be AUX crl-16588 14 13 business business NOUN crl-16588 14 14 librarian librarian PROPN crl-16588 14 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 14 16 patricia patricia PROPN crl-16588 14 17 bravender bravender NOUN crl-16588 14 18 is be AUX crl-16588 14 19 professional professional ADJ crl-16588 14 20 programs program NOUN crl-16588 14 21 librarian librarian ADJ crl-16588 14 22 , , PUNCT crl-16588 14 23 and and CCONJ crl-16588 14 24 christopher christopher PROPN crl-16588 14 25 kierkus kierkus PROPN crl-16588 14 26 is be AUX crl-16588 14 27 associate associate ADJ crl-16588 14 28 professor professor NOUN crl-16588 14 29 of of ADP crl-16588 14 30 criminal criminal ADJ crl-16588 14 31 justice justice NOUN crl-16588 14 32 , , PUNCT crl-16588 14 33 all all PRON crl-16588 14 34 at at ADP crl-16588 14 35 grand grand PROPN crl-16588 14 36 valley valley PROPN crl-16588 14 37 state state PROPN crl-16588 14 38 university university PROPN crl-16588 14 39 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 14 40 e e X crl-16588 14 41 - - NOUN crl-16588 14 42 mail mail NOUN crl-16588 14 43 : : PUNCT crl-16588 14 44 PROPN crl-16588 14 45 , , PUNCT crl-16588 14 46 NOUN crl-16588 14 47 , , PUNCT crl-16588 14 48 PROPN crl-16588 14 49 , , PUNCT crl-16588 14 50 kierkusc@ kierkusc@ PROPN crl-16588 14 51 X crl-16588 14 52 . . PUNCT crl-16588 15 1 © © ADJ crl-16588 15 2 2017 2017 NUM crl-16588 15 3 gayle gayle NOUN crl-16588 15 4 schaub schaub PROPN crl-16588 15 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 15 6 cara cara PROPN crl-16588 15 7 cadena cadena PROPN crl-16588 15 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 15 9 patricia patricia PROPN crl-16588 15 10 bravender bravender NOUN crl-16588 15 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 15 12 and and CCONJ crl-16588 15 13 christopher christopher PROPN crl-16588 15 14 kierkus kierkus PROPN crl-16588 15 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 15 16 attributionnoncommercial attributionnoncommercial ADJ crl-16588 15 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 15 18 NOUN crl-16588 15 19 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 15 20 cc cc VERB crl-16588 15 21 by by ADP crl-16588 15 22 - - PUNCT crl-16588 15 23 nc nc PROPN crl-16588 15 24 . . PUNCT crl-16588 15 25 doi:10.5860 doi:10.5860 PROPN crl-16588 15 26 / / SYM crl-16588 15 27 crl.78.3.283 crl.78.3.283 NOUN crl-16588 15 28 VERB crl-16588 15 29 PROPN crl-16588 16 1 PROPN crl-16588 16 2 PROPN crl-16588 16 3 PROPN crl-16588 16 4 http://10.5860 http://10.5860 PROPN crl-16588 16 5 / / SYM crl-16588 16 6 crl crl PROPN crl-16588 16 7 284 284 NUM crl-16588 16 8 college college PROPN crl-16588 16 9 & & CCONJ crl-16588 16 10 research research PROPN crl-16588 16 11 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 16 12 march march PROPN crl-16588 16 13 2017 2017 NUM crl-16588 16 14 background background NOUN crl-16588 16 15 grand grand PROPN crl-16588 16 16 valley valley PROPN crl-16588 16 17 state state PROPN crl-16588 16 18 university university PROPN crl-16588 16 19 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 16 20 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 16 21 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 16 22 is be AUX crl-16588 16 23 a a DET crl-16588 16 24 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ crl-16588 16 25 state state NOUN crl-16588 16 26 - - PUNCT crl-16588 16 27 supported support VERB crl-16588 16 28 university university NOUN crl-16588 16 29 with with ADP crl-16588 16 30 campuses campus NOUN crl-16588 16 31 in in ADP crl-16588 16 32 allendale allendale ADJ crl-16588 16 33 and and CCONJ crl-16588 16 34 grand grand ADJ crl-16588 16 35 rapids rapid NOUN crl-16588 16 36 , , PUNCT crl-16588 16 37 michigan michigan PROPN crl-16588 16 38 . . PUNCT crl-16588 17 1 at at ADP crl-16588 17 2 the the DET crl-16588 17 3 time time NOUN crl-16588 17 4 of of ADP crl-16588 17 5 this this DET crl-16588 17 6 study study NOUN crl-16588 17 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 17 8 21,235 21,235 NUM crl-16588 17 9 undergraduates undergraduate NOUN crl-16588 17 10 and and CCONJ crl-16588 17 11 3,049 3,049 NUM crl-16588 17 12 graduate graduate NOUN crl-16588 17 13 students student NOUN crl-16588 17 14 were be AUX crl-16588 17 15 enrolled enrol VERB crl-16588 17 16 in in ADP crl-16588 17 17 classes class NOUN crl-16588 17 18 at at ADP crl-16588 17 19 the the DET crl-16588 17 20 university university PROPN crl-16588 17 21 . . PUNCT crl-16588 18 1 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 18 2 libraries librarie VERB crl-16588 18 3 consists consist VERB crl-16588 18 4 of of ADP crl-16588 18 5 three three NUM crl-16588 18 6 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 18 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 18 8 including include VERB crl-16588 18 9 the the DET crl-16588 18 10 main main ADJ crl-16588 18 11 building building NOUN crl-16588 18 12 in in ADP crl-16588 18 13 allendale allendale ADJ crl-16588 18 14 and and CCONJ crl-16588 18 15 two two NUM crl-16588 18 16 satellite satellite NOUN crl-16588 18 17 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 18 18 in in ADP crl-16588 18 19 downtown downtown NOUN crl-16588 18 20 grand grand ADJ crl-16588 18 21 rapids rapid NOUN crl-16588 18 22 . . PUNCT crl-16588 19 1 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 19 2 libraries libraries PROPN crl-16588 19 3 uses use VERB crl-16588 19 4 a a DET crl-16588 19 5 liaison liaison NOUN crl-16588 19 6 system system NOUN crl-16588 19 7 in in ADP crl-16588 19 8 which which PRON crl-16588 19 9 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 19 10 are be AUX crl-16588 19 11 assigned assign VERB crl-16588 19 12 to to PART crl-16588 19 13 work work VERB crl-16588 19 14 with with ADP crl-16588 19 15 specific specific ADJ crl-16588 19 16 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 19 17 areas area NOUN crl-16588 19 18 within within ADP crl-16588 19 19 the the DET crl-16588 19 20 university university NOUN crl-16588 19 21 community community NOUN crl-16588 19 22 . . PUNCT crl-16588 20 1 primary primary ADJ crl-16588 20 2 among among ADP crl-16588 20 3 each each DET crl-16588 20 4 liaison liaison NOUN crl-16588 20 5 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 20 6 duties duty NOUN crl-16588 20 7 is be AUX crl-16588 20 8 providing provide VERB crl-16588 20 9 classroom classroom NOUN crl-16588 20 10 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 20 11 in in ADP crl-16588 20 12 information information NOUN crl-16588 20 13 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 20 14 to to ADP crl-16588 20 15 the the DET crl-16588 20 16 students student NOUN crl-16588 20 17 in in ADP crl-16588 20 18 those those DET crl-16588 20 19 disciplines discipline NOUN crl-16588 20 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 21 1 literature literature NOUN crl-16588 21 2 review review NOUN crl-16588 21 3 much much ADJ crl-16588 21 4 of of ADP crl-16588 21 5 the the DET crl-16588 21 6 literature literature NOUN crl-16588 21 7 on on ADP crl-16588 21 8 the the DET crl-16588 21 9 subject subject NOUN crl-16588 21 10 of of ADP crl-16588 21 11 information information NOUN crl-16588 21 12 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 21 13 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 21 14 focuses focus VERB crl-16588 21 15 on on ADP crl-16588 21 16 website website NOUN crl-16588 21 17 usability usability NOUN crl-16588 21 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 22 1 a a DET crl-16588 22 2 library library NOUN crl-16588 22 3 website website NOUN crl-16588 22 4 guides guide VERB crl-16588 22 5 the the DET crl-16588 22 6 student student NOUN crl-16588 22 7 to to ADP crl-16588 22 8 library library NOUN crl-16588 22 9 resources resource NOUN crl-16588 22 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 22 11 often often ADV crl-16588 22 12 in in ADP crl-16588 22 13 lieu lieu NOUN crl-16588 22 14 of of ADP crl-16588 22 15 interaction interaction NOUN crl-16588 22 16 with with ADP crl-16588 22 17 library library NOUN crl-16588 22 18 personnel personnel NOUN crl-16588 22 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 23 1 therefore therefore ADV crl-16588 23 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 23 3 ease ease NOUN crl-16588 23 4 of of ADP crl-16588 23 5 use use NOUN crl-16588 23 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 23 7 intelligibility intelligibility NOUN crl-16588 23 8 of of ADP crl-16588 23 9 language language NOUN crl-16588 23 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 23 11 and and CCONJ crl-16588 23 12 simplicity simplicity NOUN crl-16588 23 13 of of ADP crl-16588 23 14 design design NOUN crl-16588 23 15 are be AUX crl-16588 23 16 essentials essential NOUN crl-16588 23 17 for for ADP crl-16588 23 18 the the DET crl-16588 23 19 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 23 20 face face NOUN crl-16588 23 21 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 23 22 of of ADP crl-16588 23 23 the the DET crl-16588 23 24 library library PROPN crl-16588 23 25 . . PUNCT crl-16588 24 1 library library PROPN crl-16588 24 2 terminology terminology PROPN crl-16588 24 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 24 4 or or CCONJ crl-16588 24 5 jargon jargon PROPN crl-16588 24 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 24 7 used use VERB crl-16588 24 8 in in ADP crl-16588 24 9 a a DET crl-16588 24 10 website website NOUN crl-16588 24 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 24 12 can can AUX crl-16588 24 13 create create VERB crl-16588 24 14 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 24 15 barriers barrier NOUN crl-16588 24 16 for for ADP crl-16588 24 17 users user NOUN crl-16588 24 18 who who PRON crl-16588 24 19 are be AUX crl-16588 24 20 unfamiliar unfamiliar ADJ crl-16588 24 21 with with ADP crl-16588 24 22 it it PRON crl-16588 24 23 , , PUNCT crl-16588 24 24 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 24 25 though though SCONJ crl-16588 24 26 thomas thomas PROPN crl-16588 24 27 dowling dowle VERB crl-16588 24 28 , , PUNCT crl-16588 24 29 author author NOUN crl-16588 24 30 of of ADP crl-16588 24 31 the the DET crl-16588 24 32 web web NOUN crl-16588 24 33 manager manager NOUN crl-16588 24 34 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 24 35 handbook handbook NOUN crl-16588 24 36 , , PUNCT crl-16588 24 37 acknowledges acknowledge VERB crl-16588 24 38 its its PRON crl-16588 24 39 necessity necessity NOUN crl-16588 24 40 in in ADP crl-16588 24 41 framing frame VERB crl-16588 24 42 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 24 43 a a DET crl-16588 24 44 specific specific ADJ crl-16588 24 45 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 24 46 that that PRON crl-16588 24 47 is be AUX crl-16588 24 48 not not PART crl-16588 24 49 directly directly ADV crl-16588 24 50 captured capture VERB crl-16588 24 51 by by ADP crl-16588 24 52 more more ADJ crl-16588 24 53 general general ADJ crl-16588 24 54 wording wording NOUN crl-16588 24 55 . . PUNCT crl-16588 24 56 ”1 ”1 SPACE crl-16588 25 1 a a DET crl-16588 25 2 number number NOUN crl-16588 25 3 of of ADP crl-16588 25 4 researchers researcher NOUN crl-16588 25 5 have have AUX crl-16588 25 6 identified identify VERB crl-16588 25 7 issues issue NOUN crl-16588 25 8 with with ADP crl-16588 25 9 language language NOUN crl-16588 25 10 use use NOUN crl-16588 25 11 and and CCONJ crl-16588 25 12 misunderstanding misunderstanding NOUN crl-16588 25 13 when when SCONJ crl-16588 25 14 examining examine VERB crl-16588 25 15 college college NOUN crl-16588 25 16 students student NOUN crl-16588 25 17 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 25 18 information information NOUN crl-16588 25 19 - - PUNCT crl-16588 25 20 seeking seek VERB crl-16588 25 21 behavior behavior NOUN crl-16588 25 22 . . PUNCT crl-16588 26 1 vicki vicki PROPN crl-16588 26 2 tolar tolar PROPN crl-16588 26 3 burton burton PROPN crl-16588 26 4 and and CCONJ crl-16588 26 5 scott scott PROPN crl-16588 26 6 chadwick chadwick PROPN crl-16588 26 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 26 8 in in ADP crl-16588 26 9 their their PRON crl-16588 26 10 investigation investigation NOUN crl-16588 26 11 of of ADP crl-16588 26 12 the the DET crl-16588 26 13 criteria criterion NOUN crl-16588 26 14 students student NOUN crl-16588 26 15 use use VERB crl-16588 26 16 to to PART crl-16588 26 17 evaluate evaluate VERB crl-16588 26 18 internet internet NOUN crl-16588 26 19 and and CCONJ crl-16588 26 20 library library NOUN crl-16588 26 21 information information NOUN crl-16588 26 22 sources source NOUN crl-16588 26 23 , , PUNCT crl-16588 26 24 found find VERB crl-16588 26 25 that that SCONJ crl-16588 26 26 students student NOUN crl-16588 26 27 were be AUX crl-16588 26 28 unsure unsure ADJ crl-16588 26 29 of of ADP crl-16588 26 30 the the DET crl-16588 26 31 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 26 32 of of ADP crl-16588 26 33 primary primary ADJ crl-16588 26 34 source source NOUN crl-16588 26 35 and and CCONJ crl-16588 26 36 conflated conflate VERB crl-16588 26 37 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 26 38 review review NOUN crl-16588 26 39 with with ADP crl-16588 26 40 the the DET crl-16588 26 41 informal informal ADJ crl-16588 26 42 feedback feedback NOUN crl-16588 26 43 process process NOUN crl-16588 26 44 used use VERB crl-16588 26 45 in in ADP crl-16588 26 46 their their PRON crl-16588 26 47 first first ADJ crl-16588 26 48 - - PUNCT crl-16588 26 49 year year NOUN crl-16588 26 50 writing write VERB crl-16588 26 51 courses.2 courses.2 PROPN crl-16588 26 52 this this DET crl-16588 26 53 lack lack NOUN crl-16588 26 54 of of ADP crl-16588 26 55 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 26 56 may may AUX crl-16588 26 57 have have AUX crl-16588 26 58 affected affect VERB crl-16588 26 59 the the DET crl-16588 26 60 way way NOUN crl-16588 26 61 they they PRON crl-16588 26 62 ranked rank VERB crl-16588 26 63 various various ADJ crl-16588 26 64 criteria criterion NOUN crl-16588 26 65 for for ADP crl-16588 26 66 evaluating evaluate VERB crl-16588 26 67 the the DET crl-16588 26 68 information information NOUN crl-16588 26 69 accessed access VERB crl-16588 26 70 in in ADP crl-16588 26 71 library library NOUN crl-16588 26 72 databases database NOUN crl-16588 26 73 and and CCONJ crl-16588 26 74 on on ADP crl-16588 26 75 the the DET crl-16588 26 76 internet internet NOUN crl-16588 26 77 , , PUNCT crl-16588 26 78 placing place VERB crl-16588 26 79 higher high ADJ crl-16588 26 80 importance importance NOUN crl-16588 26 81 on on ADP crl-16588 26 82 ease ease NOUN crl-16588 26 83 of of ADP crl-16588 26 84 access access NOUN crl-16588 26 85 and and CCONJ crl-16588 26 86 use use NOUN crl-16588 26 87 than than ADP crl-16588 26 88 on on ADP crl-16588 26 89 authority authority NOUN crl-16588 26 90 and and CCONJ crl-16588 26 91 accuracy.3 accuracy.3 PROPN crl-16588 26 92 studies study NOUN crl-16588 26 93 of of ADP crl-16588 26 94 website website NOUN crl-16588 26 95 design design NOUN crl-16588 26 96 and and CCONJ crl-16588 26 97 use use NOUN crl-16588 26 98 have have AUX crl-16588 26 99 examined examine VERB crl-16588 26 100 students student NOUN crl-16588 26 101 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 26 102 information information NOUN crl-16588 26 103 - - PUNCT crl-16588 26 104 seeking seek VERB crl-16588 26 105 behavior behavior NOUN crl-16588 26 106 that that PRON crl-16588 26 107 is be AUX crl-16588 26 108 independent independent ADJ crl-16588 26 109 of of ADP crl-16588 26 110 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 26 111 or or CCONJ crl-16588 26 112 library library NOUN crl-16588 26 113 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 26 114 , , PUNCT crl-16588 26 115 but but CCONJ crl-16588 26 116 their their PRON crl-16588 26 117 findings finding NOUN crl-16588 26 118 often often ADV crl-16588 26 119 demonstrate demonstrate VERB crl-16588 26 120 the the DET crl-16588 26 121 point point NOUN crl-16588 26 122 that that SCONJ crl-16588 26 123 language language NOUN crl-16588 26 124 is be AUX crl-16588 26 125 an an DET crl-16588 26 126 issue issue NOUN crl-16588 26 127 , , PUNCT crl-16588 26 128 and and CCONJ crl-16588 26 129 removing remove VERB crl-16588 26 130 or or CCONJ crl-16588 26 131 simplifying simplify VERB crl-16588 26 132 the the DET crl-16588 26 133 language language NOUN crl-16588 26 134 does do AUX crl-16588 26 135 not not PART crl-16588 26 136 automatically automatically ADV crl-16588 26 137 eliminate eliminate VERB crl-16588 26 138 confusion confusion NOUN crl-16588 26 139 . . PUNCT crl-16588 27 1 bonnie bonnie PROPN crl-16588 27 2 imler imler PROPN crl-16588 27 3 and and CCONJ crl-16588 27 4 michelle michelle PROPN crl-16588 27 5 eichelberger eichelberger PROPN crl-16588 27 6 analyzed analyze VERB crl-16588 27 7 students student NOUN crl-16588 27 8 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 27 9 research research NOUN crl-16588 27 10 sessions session NOUN crl-16588 27 11 to to PART crl-16588 27 12 discern discern VERB crl-16588 27 13 between between ADP crl-16588 27 14 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 27 15 ease ease NOUN crl-16588 27 16 of of ADP crl-16588 27 17 use use NOUN crl-16588 27 18 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 27 19 and and CCONJ crl-16588 27 20 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 27 21 usefulness usefulness NOUN crl-16588 27 22 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 27 23 in in ADP crl-16588 27 24 library library NOUN crl-16588 27 25 web web NOUN crl-16588 27 26 page page NOUN crl-16588 27 27 design design NOUN crl-16588 27 28 , , PUNCT crl-16588 27 29 noting note VERB crl-16588 27 30 that that SCONJ crl-16588 27 31 the the DET crl-16588 27 32 attractiveness attractiveness NOUN crl-16588 27 33 of of ADP crl-16588 27 34 an an DET crl-16588 27 35 easy easy ADJ crl-16588 27 36 - - PUNCT crl-16588 27 37 to to PART crl-16588 27 38 - - PUNCT crl-16588 27 39 use use NOUN crl-16588 27 40 search search NOUN crl-16588 27 41 may may AUX crl-16588 27 42 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 27 43 cause cause VERB crl-16588 27 44 the the DET crl-16588 27 45 researcher researcher NOUN crl-16588 27 46 to to PART crl-16588 27 47 lose lose VERB crl-16588 27 48 sight sight NOUN crl-16588 27 49 of of ADP crl-16588 27 50 the the DET crl-16588 27 51 … … PUNCT crl-16588 27 52 added add VERB crl-16588 27 53 value value NOUN crl-16588 27 54 of of ADP crl-16588 27 55 library library NOUN crl-16588 27 56 material material NOUN crl-16588 27 57 over over ADP crl-16588 27 58 a a DET crl-16588 27 59 simple simple ADJ crl-16588 27 60 google google NOUN crl-16588 27 61 search search NOUN crl-16588 27 62 . . PUNCT crl-16588 27 63 ”4 ”4 SPACE crl-16588 28 1 students student NOUN crl-16588 28 2 in in ADP crl-16588 28 3 the the DET crl-16588 28 4 study study NOUN crl-16588 28 5 printed print VERB crl-16588 28 6 abstracts abstract NOUN crl-16588 28 7 rather rather ADV crl-16588 28 8 than than ADP crl-16588 28 9 the the DET crl-16588 28 10 full full ADJ crl-16588 28 11 - - PUNCT crl-16588 28 12 text text NOUN crl-16588 28 13 articles article NOUN crl-16588 28 14 for for ADP crl-16588 28 15 two two NUM crl-16588 28 16 reasons reason NOUN crl-16588 28 17 . . PUNCT crl-16588 29 1 either either CCONJ crl-16588 29 2 they they PRON crl-16588 29 3 were be AUX crl-16588 29 4 unable unable ADJ crl-16588 29 5 to to PART crl-16588 29 6 locate locate VERB crl-16588 29 7 the the DET crl-16588 29 8 print print NOUN crl-16588 29 9 function function NOUN crl-16588 29 10 on on ADP crl-16588 29 11 the the DET crl-16588 29 12 web web NOUN crl-16588 29 13 page page NOUN crl-16588 29 14 , , PUNCT crl-16588 29 15 or or CCONJ crl-16588 29 16 they they PRON crl-16588 29 17 were be AUX crl-16588 29 18 unclear unclear ADJ crl-16588 29 19 on on ADP crl-16588 29 20 the the DET crl-16588 29 21 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 29 22 of of ADP crl-16588 29 23 the the DET crl-16588 29 24 term term NOUN crl-16588 29 25 abstract.5 abstract.5 PROPN crl-16588 29 26 as as SCONJ crl-16588 29 27 dowling dowle VERB crl-16588 29 28 pointed point VERB crl-16588 29 29 out out ADP crl-16588 29 30 in in ADP crl-16588 29 31 his his PRON crl-16588 29 32 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16588 29 33 of of ADP crl-16588 29 34 usability usability NOUN crl-16588 29 35 and and CCONJ crl-16588 29 36 user user NOUN crl-16588 29 37 behavior behavior NOUN crl-16588 29 38 , , PUNCT crl-16588 29 39 it it PRON crl-16588 29 40 is be AUX crl-16588 29 41 impossible impossible ADJ crl-16588 29 42 to to PART crl-16588 29 43 know know VERB crl-16588 29 44 exactly exactly ADV crl-16588 29 45 what what PRON crl-16588 29 46 students student NOUN crl-16588 29 47 know know VERB crl-16588 29 48 or or CCONJ crl-16588 29 49 what what PRON crl-16588 29 50 they they PRON crl-16588 29 51 will will AUX crl-16588 29 52 comprehend comprehend VERB crl-16588 29 53 . . PUNCT crl-16588 30 1 in in ADP crl-16588 30 2 some some DET crl-16588 30 3 cases case NOUN crl-16588 30 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 30 5 a a DET crl-16588 30 6 term term NOUN crl-16588 30 7 like like ADP crl-16588 30 8 abstract abstract NOUN crl-16588 30 9 or or CCONJ crl-16588 30 10 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 30 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 30 12 though though SCONJ crl-16588 30 13 jargon jargon PROPN crl-16588 30 14 to to ADP crl-16588 30 15 some some PRON crl-16588 30 16 , , PUNCT crl-16588 30 17 is be AUX crl-16588 30 18 the the DET crl-16588 30 19 best good ADJ crl-16588 30 20 and and CCONJ crl-16588 30 21 clearest clear ADJ crl-16588 30 22 word word NOUN crl-16588 30 23 choice choice NOUN crl-16588 30 24 . . PUNCT crl-16588 31 1 since since SCONJ crl-16588 31 2 it it PRON crl-16588 31 3 is be AUX crl-16588 31 4 impossible impossible ADJ crl-16588 31 5 to to PART crl-16588 31 6 know know VERB crl-16588 31 7 exactly exactly ADV crl-16588 31 8 what what PRON crl-16588 31 9 students student NOUN crl-16588 31 10 do do VERB crl-16588 31 11 or or CCONJ crl-16588 31 12 do do AUX crl-16588 31 13 not not PART crl-16588 31 14 know know VERB crl-16588 31 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 31 16 it it PRON crl-16588 31 17 is be AUX crl-16588 31 18 best good ADJ crl-16588 31 19 to to PART crl-16588 31 20 err err VERB crl-16588 31 21 on on ADP crl-16588 31 22 the the DET crl-16588 31 23 side side NOUN crl-16588 31 24 of of ADP crl-16588 31 25 clarity clarity NOUN crl-16588 31 26 and and CCONJ crl-16588 31 27 define define VERB crl-16588 31 28 the the DET crl-16588 31 29 terms term NOUN crl-16588 31 30 when when SCONJ crl-16588 31 31 necessary.6 necessary.6 PROPN crl-16588 31 32 there there PRON crl-16588 31 33 are be VERB crl-16588 31 34 only only ADV crl-16588 31 35 a a DET crl-16588 31 36 handful handful NOUN crl-16588 31 37 of of ADP crl-16588 31 38 studies study NOUN crl-16588 31 39 that that PRON crl-16588 31 40 identify identify VERB crl-16588 31 41 information information NOUN crl-16588 31 42 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 31 43 terms term NOUN crl-16588 31 44 least least ADV crl-16588 31 45 understood understand VERB crl-16588 31 46 by by ADP crl-16588 31 47 students student NOUN crl-16588 31 48 , , PUNCT crl-16588 31 49 with with ADP crl-16588 31 50 the the DET crl-16588 31 51 goal goal NOUN crl-16588 31 52 of of ADP crl-16588 31 53 either either CCONJ crl-16588 31 54 improving improve VERB crl-16588 31 55 communication communication NOUN crl-16588 31 56 between between ADP crl-16588 31 57 library library NOUN crl-16588 31 58 staff staff NOUN crl-16588 31 59 and and CCONJ crl-16588 31 60 students student NOUN crl-16588 31 61 or or CCONJ crl-16588 31 62 examining examine VERB crl-16588 31 63 whether whether SCONJ crl-16588 31 64 library library NOUN crl-16588 31 65 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 31 66 interferes interfere VERB crl-16588 31 67 with with ADP crl-16588 31 68 student student NOUN crl-16588 31 69 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 31 70 . . PUNCT crl-16588 32 1 in in ADP crl-16588 32 2 1989 1989 NUM crl-16588 32 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 32 4 rachel rachel PROPN crl-16588 32 5 naismith naismith PROPN crl-16588 32 6 and and CCONJ crl-16588 32 7 joan joan PROPN crl-16588 32 8 stein stein PROPN crl-16588 32 9 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 32 10 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 32 11 of of ADP crl-16588 32 12 terms term NOUN crl-16588 32 13 taken take VERB crl-16588 32 14 from from ADP crl-16588 32 15 reference reference NOUN crl-16588 32 16 interviews interview NOUN crl-16588 32 17 and and CCONJ crl-16588 32 18 library library NOUN crl-16588 32 19 publications publication NOUN crl-16588 32 20 showed show VERB crl-16588 32 21 that that SCONJ crl-16588 32 22 students student NOUN crl-16588 32 23 understood understand VERB crl-16588 32 24 only only ADV crl-16588 32 25 about about ADP crl-16588 32 26 half half NOUN crl-16588 32 27 of of ADP crl-16588 32 28 the the DET crl-16588 32 29 terms term NOUN crl-16588 32 30 they they PRON crl-16588 32 31 encountered encounter VERB crl-16588 32 32 . . PUNCT crl-16588 33 1 they they PRON crl-16588 33 2 asserted assert VERB crl-16588 33 3 that that SCONJ crl-16588 33 4 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 33 5 [ [ X crl-16588 33 6 i]f i]f VERB crl-16588 33 7 the the DET crl-16588 33 8 library library NOUN crl-16588 33 9 patron patron NOUN crl-16588 33 10 can can AUX crl-16588 33 11 not not PART crl-16588 33 12 comprehend comprehend VERB crl-16588 33 13 this this DET crl-16588 33 14 language language NOUN crl-16588 33 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 33 16 the the DET crl-16588 33 17 reference reference NOUN crl-16588 33 18 transaction transaction NOUN crl-16588 33 19 is be AUX crl-16588 33 20 impeded impede VERB crl-16588 33 21 . . PUNCT crl-16588 33 22 ”7 ”7 SPACE crl-16588 34 1 the the DET crl-16588 34 2 list list NOUN crl-16588 34 3 of of ADP crl-16588 34 4 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 34 5 common common ADJ crl-16588 34 6 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 34 7 library library NOUN crl-16588 34 8 terms term NOUN crl-16588 34 9 has have AUX crl-16588 34 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 34 11 of of ADP crl-16588 34 12 course course NOUN crl-16588 34 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 34 14 changed change VERB crl-16588 34 15 over over ADP crl-16588 34 16 the the DET crl-16588 34 17 more more ADJ crl-16588 34 18 than than ADP crl-16588 34 19 twenty twenty NUM crl-16588 34 20 - - PUNCT crl-16588 34 21 five five NUM crl-16588 34 22 the the DET crl-16588 34 23 language language NOUN crl-16588 34 24 of of ADP crl-16588 34 25 information information NOUN crl-16588 34 26 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 34 27 : : PUNCT crl-16588 34 28 do do AUX crl-16588 34 29 students student NOUN crl-16588 34 30 understand understand VERB crl-16588 34 31 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 35 1 285 285 NUM crl-16588 35 2 years year NOUN crl-16588 35 3 since since SCONJ crl-16588 35 4 this this DET crl-16588 35 5 study study NOUN crl-16588 35 6 . . PUNCT crl-16588 36 1 use use NOUN crl-16588 36 2 of of ADP crl-16588 36 3 some some DET crl-16588 36 4 terms term NOUN crl-16588 36 5 has have AUX crl-16588 36 6 fallen fall VERB crl-16588 36 7 off off ADP crl-16588 36 8 while while SCONJ crl-16588 36 9 the the DET crl-16588 36 10 use use NOUN crl-16588 36 11 of of ADP crl-16588 36 12 others other NOUN crl-16588 36 13 has have AUX crl-16588 36 14 burgeoned burgeon VERB crl-16588 36 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 36 16 mainly mainly ADV crl-16588 36 17 those those PRON crl-16588 36 18 referring refer VERB crl-16588 36 19 to to ADP crl-16588 36 20 or or CCONJ crl-16588 36 21 representing represent VERB crl-16588 36 22 digital digital ADJ crl-16588 36 23 objects object NOUN crl-16588 36 24 or or CCONJ crl-16588 36 25 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 36 26 . . PUNCT crl-16588 37 1 naismith naismith PROPN crl-16588 37 2 and and CCONJ crl-16588 37 3 stein stein PROPN crl-16588 37 4 ’s ’s NOUN crl-16588 37 5 list list NOUN crl-16588 37 6 included include VERB crl-16588 37 7 such such ADJ crl-16588 37 8 terms term NOUN crl-16588 37 9 as as ADP crl-16588 37 10 clearinghouse clearinghouse NOUN crl-16588 37 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 37 12 viewing view VERB crl-16588 37 13 carrel carrel NOUN crl-16588 37 14 area area NOUN crl-16588 37 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 37 16 microform microform NOUN crl-16588 37 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 37 18 and and CCONJ crl-16588 37 19 proceedings proceeding NOUN crl-16588 37 20 , , PUNCT crl-16588 37 21 none none NOUN crl-16588 37 22 of of ADP crl-16588 37 23 which which PRON crl-16588 37 24 are be AUX crl-16588 37 25 likely likely ADJ crl-16588 37 26 to to PART crl-16588 37 27 make make VERB crl-16588 37 28 a a DET crl-16588 37 29 list list NOUN crl-16588 37 30 of of ADP crl-16588 37 31 common common ADJ crl-16588 37 32 library library NOUN crl-16588 37 33 terms term NOUN crl-16588 37 34 today today NOUN crl-16588 37 35 . . PUNCT crl-16588 38 1 in in ADP crl-16588 38 2 2001 2001 NUM crl-16588 38 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 38 4 abdus abdus VERB crl-16588 38 5 sattar sattar PROPN crl-16588 38 6 chaudhry chaudhry PROPN crl-16588 38 7 and and CCONJ crl-16588 38 8 meng meng PROPN crl-16588 38 9 choo choo PROPN crl-16588 38 10 created create VERB crl-16588 38 11 a a DET crl-16588 38 12 list list NOUN crl-16588 38 13 of of ADP crl-16588 38 14 twenty twenty NUM crl-16588 38 15 commonly commonly ADV crl-16588 38 16 used use VERB crl-16588 38 17 technical technical ADJ crl-16588 38 18 terms term NOUN crl-16588 38 19 from from ADP crl-16588 38 20 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 38 21 ’ ' PUNCT crl-16588 38 22 e e NOUN crl-16588 38 23 - - NOUN crl-16588 38 24 mail mail NOUN crl-16588 38 25 replies reply NOUN crl-16588 38 26 to to PART crl-16588 38 27 student student NOUN crl-16588 38 28 queries.8 queries.8 PRON crl-16588 38 29 their their PRON crl-16588 38 30 results result NOUN crl-16588 38 31 were be AUX crl-16588 38 32 more more ADV crl-16588 38 33 positive positive ADJ crl-16588 38 34 than than ADP crl-16588 38 35 naismith naismith NOUN crl-16588 38 36 and and CCONJ crl-16588 38 37 stein stein PROPN crl-16588 38 38 ’s ’s NOUN crl-16588 38 39 , , PUNCT crl-16588 38 40 although although SCONJ crl-16588 38 41 they they PRON crl-16588 38 42 , , PUNCT crl-16588 38 43 too too ADV crl-16588 38 44 , , PUNCT crl-16588 38 45 discovered discover VERB crl-16588 38 46 students student NOUN crl-16588 38 47 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 38 48 lack lack NOUN crl-16588 38 49 of of ADP crl-16588 38 50 familiarity familiarity NOUN crl-16588 38 51 with with ADP crl-16588 38 52 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 38 53 . . PUNCT crl-16588 39 1 prescient prescient VERB crl-16588 39 2 of of ADP crl-16588 39 3 dowling dowle VERB crl-16588 39 4 ’s ’s NUM crl-16588 39 5 2003 2003 NUM crl-16588 39 6 comments comment NOUN crl-16588 39 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 39 8 they they PRON crl-16588 39 9 cautioned caution VERB crl-16588 39 10 that that SCONJ crl-16588 39 11 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 39 12 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 39 13 should should AUX crl-16588 39 14 not not PART crl-16588 39 15 make make VERB crl-16588 39 16 any any DET crl-16588 39 17 preliminary preliminary ADJ crl-16588 39 18 or or CCONJ crl-16588 39 19 hasty hasty ADJ crl-16588 39 20 assumption assumption NOUN crl-16588 39 21 about about ADP crl-16588 39 22 the the DET crl-16588 39 23 client client NOUN crl-16588 39 24 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 39 25 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 39 26 about about ADP crl-16588 39 27 the the DET crl-16588 39 28 library library NOUN crl-16588 39 29 . . PUNCT crl-16588 39 30 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 40 1 rather rather ADV crl-16588 40 2 than than ADP crl-16588 40 3 complete complete ADJ crl-16588 40 4 avoidance avoidance NOUN crl-16588 40 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 40 6 however however ADV crl-16588 40 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 40 8 they they PRON crl-16588 40 9 advocated advocate VERB crl-16588 40 10 for for ADP crl-16588 40 11 a a DET crl-16588 40 12 careful careful ADJ crl-16588 40 13 use use NOUN crl-16588 40 14 of of ADP crl-16588 40 15 technical technical ADJ crl-16588 40 16 language language NOUN crl-16588 40 17 that that PRON crl-16588 40 18 strives strive VERB crl-16588 40 19 to to PART crl-16588 40 20 find find VERB crl-16588 40 21 similar similar ADJ crl-16588 40 22 linguistic linguistic ADJ crl-16588 40 23 ground ground NOUN crl-16588 40 24 with with ADP crl-16588 40 25 the the DET crl-16588 40 26 client client NOUN crl-16588 40 27 , , PUNCT crl-16588 40 28 patron patron NOUN crl-16588 40 29 , , PUNCT crl-16588 40 30 or or CCONJ crl-16588 40 31 student.9 student.9 X crl-16588 40 32 a a DET crl-16588 40 33 2005 2005 NUM crl-16588 40 34 study study NOUN crl-16588 40 35 done do VERB crl-16588 40 36 in in ADP crl-16588 40 37 the the DET crl-16588 40 38 philippines philippine NOUN crl-16588 40 39 of of ADP crl-16588 40 40 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 40 41 ’ ' PUNCT crl-16588 40 42 perceived perceive VERB crl-16588 40 43 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 40 44 used use VERB crl-16588 40 45 terms term NOUN crl-16588 40 46 and and CCONJ crl-16588 40 47 their their PRON crl-16588 40 48 students student NOUN crl-16588 40 49 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 40 50 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 40 51 of of ADP crl-16588 40 52 them they PRON crl-16588 40 53 found find VERB crl-16588 40 54 that that SCONJ crl-16588 40 55 the the DET crl-16588 40 56 terms term NOUN crl-16588 40 57 were be AUX crl-16588 40 58 less less ADJ crl-16588 40 59 of of ADP crl-16588 40 60 an an DET crl-16588 40 61 obstacle obstacle NOUN crl-16588 40 62 to to PART crl-16588 40 63 student student NOUN crl-16588 40 64 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 40 65 than than SCONJ crl-16588 40 66 was be AUX crl-16588 40 67 the the DET crl-16588 40 68 method method NOUN crl-16588 40 69 of of ADP crl-16588 40 70 information information NOUN crl-16588 40 71 access access NOUN crl-16588 40 72 the the DET crl-16588 40 73 student student NOUN crl-16588 40 74 employed employ VERB crl-16588 40 75 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 40 76 for for ADP crl-16588 40 77 instance instance NOUN crl-16588 40 78 , , PUNCT crl-16588 40 79 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 40 80 vs. vs. X crl-16588 40 81 personal personal ADJ crl-16588 40 82 assistance assistance NOUN crl-16588 40 83 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 40 84 . . PUNCT crl-16588 41 1 as as ADP crl-16588 41 2 in in ADP crl-16588 41 3 previous previous ADJ crl-16588 41 4 studies study NOUN crl-16588 41 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 41 6 several several ADJ crl-16588 41 7 of of ADP crl-16588 41 8 the the DET crl-16588 41 9 terms term NOUN crl-16588 41 10 tested test VERB crl-16588 41 11 for for ADP crl-16588 41 12 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 41 13 would would AUX crl-16588 41 14 not not PART crl-16588 41 15 be be AUX crl-16588 41 16 considered consider VERB crl-16588 41 17 common common ADJ crl-16588 41 18 for for ADP crl-16588 41 19 student student NOUN crl-16588 41 20 use use NOUN crl-16588 41 21 by by ADP crl-16588 41 22 current current ADJ crl-16588 41 23 standards standard NOUN crl-16588 41 24 , , PUNCT crl-16588 41 25 including include VERB crl-16588 41 26 opac opac PROPN crl-16588 41 27 , , PUNCT crl-16588 41 28 vertical vertical ADJ crl-16588 41 29 file file NOUN crl-16588 41 30 , , PUNCT crl-16588 41 31 serial serial NOUN crl-16588 41 32 , , PUNCT crl-16588 41 33 and and CCONJ crl-16588 41 34 gazetteer.10 gazetteer.10 PROPN crl-16588 41 35 norman norman PROPN crl-16588 41 36 hutcherson hutcherson PROPN crl-16588 41 37 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 41 38 2004 2004 NUM crl-16588 41 39 work work NOUN crl-16588 41 40 is be AUX crl-16588 41 41 the the DET crl-16588 41 42 most most ADV crl-16588 41 43 similar similar ADJ crl-16588 41 44 to to ADP crl-16588 41 45 the the DET crl-16588 41 46 current current ADJ crl-16588 41 47 study study NOUN crl-16588 41 48 regarding regard VERB crl-16588 41 49 purpose purpose NOUN crl-16588 41 50 and and CCONJ crl-16588 41 51 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 41 52 studied study VERB crl-16588 41 53 . . PUNCT crl-16588 42 1 he he PRON crl-16588 42 2 found find VERB crl-16588 42 3 that that SCONJ crl-16588 42 4 students student NOUN crl-16588 42 5 better well ADV crl-16588 42 6 understood understand VERB crl-16588 42 7 words word NOUN crl-16588 42 8 with with ADP crl-16588 42 9 one one NUM crl-16588 42 10 commonly commonly ADV crl-16588 42 11 understood understand VERB crl-16588 42 12 definition definition NOUN crl-16588 42 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 42 14 such such ADJ crl-16588 42 15 as as ADP crl-16588 42 16 copyright copyright NOUN crl-16588 42 17 and and CCONJ crl-16588 42 18 plagiarism plagiarism NOUN crl-16588 42 19 , , PUNCT crl-16588 42 20 and and CCONJ crl-16588 42 21 were be AUX crl-16588 42 22 more more ADV crl-16588 42 23 confused confused ADJ crl-16588 42 24 by by ADP crl-16588 42 25 those those DET crl-16588 42 26 terms term NOUN crl-16588 42 27 having have VERB crl-16588 42 28 a a DET crl-16588 42 29 different different ADJ crl-16588 42 30 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 42 31 outside outside ADP crl-16588 42 32 a a DET crl-16588 42 33 library library NOUN crl-16588 42 34 context context NOUN crl-16588 42 35 , , PUNCT crl-16588 42 36 like like ADP crl-16588 42 37 abstract abstract ADJ crl-16588 42 38 , , PUNCT crl-16588 42 39 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 42 40 , , PUNCT crl-16588 42 41 and and CCONJ crl-16588 42 42 authority.11 authority.11 VERB crl-16588 42 43 hutcherson hutcherson PROPN crl-16588 42 44 ’s ’s PUNCT crl-16588 42 45 published publish VERB crl-16588 42 46 study study NOUN crl-16588 42 47 did do AUX crl-16588 42 48 not not PART crl-16588 42 49 include include VERB crl-16588 42 50 the the DET crl-16588 42 51 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 42 52 instrument instrument NOUN crl-16588 42 53 , , PUNCT crl-16588 42 54 information information NOUN crl-16588 42 55 about about ADP crl-16588 42 56 the the DET crl-16588 42 57 methodology methodology NOUN crl-16588 42 58 , , PUNCT crl-16588 42 59 or or CCONJ crl-16588 42 60 sample sample NOUN crl-16588 42 61 size size NOUN crl-16588 42 62 , , PUNCT crl-16588 42 63 so so CCONJ crl-16588 42 64 it it PRON crl-16588 42 65 is be AUX crl-16588 42 66 impossible impossible ADJ crl-16588 42 67 to to PART crl-16588 42 68 assess assess VERB crl-16588 42 69 the the DET crl-16588 42 70 statistical statistical ADJ crl-16588 42 71 significance significance NOUN crl-16588 42 72 of of ADP crl-16588 42 73 his his PRON crl-16588 42 74 findings finding NOUN crl-16588 42 75 . . PUNCT crl-16588 43 1 however however ADV crl-16588 43 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 43 3 his his PRON crl-16588 43 4 work work NOUN crl-16588 43 5 did do AUX crl-16588 43 6 add add VERB crl-16588 43 7 to to ADP crl-16588 43 8 the the DET crl-16588 43 9 small small ADJ crl-16588 43 10 but but CCONJ crl-16588 43 11 growing grow VERB crl-16588 43 12 body body NOUN crl-16588 43 13 of of ADP crl-16588 43 14 literature literature NOUN crl-16588 43 15 aimed aim VERB crl-16588 43 16 at at ADP crl-16588 43 17 enriching enrich VERB crl-16588 43 18 student student NOUN crl-16588 43 19 learning learn VERB crl-16588 43 20 through through ADP crl-16588 43 21 improved improved ADJ crl-16588 43 22 communication communication NOUN crl-16588 43 23 between between ADP crl-16588 43 24 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 43 25 and and CCONJ crl-16588 43 26 students student NOUN crl-16588 43 27 . . PUNCT crl-16588 44 1 since since SCONJ crl-16588 44 2 hutcherson hutcherson PROPN crl-16588 44 3 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 44 4 paper paper NOUN crl-16588 44 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 44 6 there there PRON crl-16588 44 7 has have AUX crl-16588 44 8 been be AUX crl-16588 44 9 no no DET crl-16588 44 10 published publish VERB crl-16588 44 11 research research NOUN crl-16588 44 12 examining examine VERB crl-16588 44 13 the the DET crl-16588 44 14 use use NOUN crl-16588 44 15 of of ADP crl-16588 44 16 terms term NOUN crl-16588 44 17 used use VERB crl-16588 44 18 in in ADP crl-16588 44 19 library library NOUN crl-16588 44 20 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 44 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 44 22 and and CCONJ crl-16588 44 23 no no DET crl-16588 44 24 recent recent ADJ crl-16588 44 25 research research NOUN crl-16588 44 26 exists exist VERB crl-16588 44 27 that that PRON crl-16588 44 28 attempts attempt VERB crl-16588 44 29 to to PART crl-16588 44 30 measure measure VERB crl-16588 44 31 the the DET crl-16588 44 32 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-16588 44 33 of of ADP crl-16588 44 34 library library NOUN crl-16588 44 35 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 44 36 on on ADP crl-16588 44 37 student student NOUN crl-16588 44 38 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 44 39 of of ADP crl-16588 44 40 information information NOUN crl-16588 44 41 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 44 42 terms term NOUN crl-16588 44 43 . . PUNCT crl-16588 45 1 the the DET crl-16588 45 2 language language NOUN crl-16588 45 3 of of ADP crl-16588 45 4 information information NOUN crl-16588 45 5 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 45 6 has have AUX crl-16588 45 7 changed change VERB crl-16588 45 8 in in ADP crl-16588 45 9 the the DET crl-16588 45 10 past past ADJ crl-16588 45 11 decade decade NOUN crl-16588 45 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 45 13 and and CCONJ crl-16588 45 14 this this DET crl-16588 45 15 study study NOUN crl-16588 45 16 will will AUX crl-16588 45 17 examine examine VERB crl-16588 45 18 student student NOUN crl-16588 45 19 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 45 20 of of ADP crl-16588 45 21 the the DET crl-16588 45 22 current current ADJ crl-16588 45 23 lexicon lexicon NOUN crl-16588 45 24 used use VERB crl-16588 45 25 by by ADP crl-16588 45 26 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 45 27 and and CCONJ crl-16588 45 28 classroom classroom VERB crl-16588 45 29 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 45 30 . . PUNCT crl-16588 46 1 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 46 2 instrument instrument NOUN crl-16588 46 3 and and CCONJ crl-16588 46 4 methodology methodology NOUN crl-16588 46 5 target target NOUN crl-16588 46 6 population population NOUN crl-16588 46 7 and and CCONJ crl-16588 46 8 data datum NOUN crl-16588 46 9 collection collection NOUN crl-16588 46 10 the the DET crl-16588 46 11 population population NOUN crl-16588 46 12 selected select VERB crl-16588 46 13 for for ADP crl-16588 46 14 this this DET crl-16588 46 15 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 46 16 was be AUX crl-16588 46 17 that that PRON crl-16588 46 18 of of ADP crl-16588 46 19 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crl-16588 46 20 students student NOUN crl-16588 46 21 at at ADP crl-16588 46 22 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 46 23 . . PUNCT crl-16588 47 1 the the DET crl-16588 47 2 sample sample NOUN crl-16588 47 3 was be AUX crl-16588 47 4 taken take VERB crl-16588 47 5 from from ADP crl-16588 47 6 the the DET crl-16588 47 7 21,235 21,235 NUM crl-16588 47 8 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crl-16588 47 9 students student NOUN crl-16588 47 10 enrolled enrol VERB crl-16588 47 11 in in ADP crl-16588 47 12 3,080 3,080 NUM crl-16588 47 13 separate separate ADJ crl-16588 47 14 classes class NOUN crl-16588 47 15 during during ADP crl-16588 47 16 winter winter NOUN crl-16588 47 17 semester semester NOUN crl-16588 47 18 2015 2015 NUM crl-16588 47 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 48 1 to to PART crl-16588 48 2 obtain obtain VERB crl-16588 48 3 a a DET crl-16588 48 4 sufficient sufficient ADJ crl-16588 48 5 number number NOUN crl-16588 48 6 of of ADP crl-16588 48 7 responses response NOUN crl-16588 48 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 48 9 the the DET crl-16588 48 10 authors author NOUN crl-16588 48 11 randomly randomly ADV crl-16588 48 12 selected select VERB crl-16588 48 13 400 400 NUM crl-16588 48 14 classes class NOUN crl-16588 48 15 for for ADP crl-16588 48 16 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 48 17 distribution distribution NOUN crl-16588 48 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 49 1 the the DET crl-16588 49 2 professors professor NOUN crl-16588 49 3 of of ADP crl-16588 49 4 those those DET crl-16588 49 5 classes class NOUN crl-16588 49 6 were be AUX crl-16588 49 7 asked ask VERB crl-16588 49 8 via via ADP crl-16588 49 9 e e NOUN crl-16588 49 10 - - NOUN crl-16588 49 11 mail mail NOUN crl-16588 49 12 to to PART crl-16588 49 13 invite invite VERB crl-16588 49 14 their their PRON crl-16588 49 15 students student NOUN crl-16588 49 16 to to PART crl-16588 49 17 participate participate VERB crl-16588 49 18 in in ADP crl-16588 49 19 the the DET crl-16588 49 20 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 49 21 . . PUNCT crl-16588 50 1 professors professor NOUN crl-16588 50 2 were be AUX crl-16588 50 3 given give VERB crl-16588 50 4 a a DET crl-16588 50 5 link link NOUN crl-16588 50 6 to to ADP crl-16588 50 7 the the DET crl-16588 50 8 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 50 9 and and CCONJ crl-16588 50 10 asked ask VERB crl-16588 50 11 to to PART crl-16588 50 12 either either CCONJ crl-16588 50 13 post post VERB crl-16588 50 14 it it PRON crl-16588 50 15 in in ADP crl-16588 50 16 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 50 17 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 50 18 learning learn VERB crl-16588 50 19 management management NOUN crl-16588 50 20 system system NOUN crl-16588 50 21 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 50 22 blackboard blackboard NOUN crl-16588 50 23 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 50 24 or or CCONJ crl-16588 50 25 provide provide VERB crl-16588 50 26 students student NOUN crl-16588 50 27 with with ADP crl-16588 50 28 the the DET crl-16588 50 29 link link NOUN crl-16588 50 30 via via ADP crl-16588 50 31 e e NOUN crl-16588 50 32 - - NOUN crl-16588 50 33 mail mail NOUN crl-16588 50 34 . . PUNCT crl-16588 51 1 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 51 2 responses response NOUN crl-16588 51 3 were be AUX crl-16588 51 4 collected collect VERB crl-16588 51 5 over over ADP crl-16588 51 6 a a DET crl-16588 51 7 four four NUM crl-16588 51 8 - - PUNCT crl-16588 51 9 week week NOUN crl-16588 51 10 period period NOUN crl-16588 51 11 . . PUNCT crl-16588 52 1 the the DET crl-16588 52 2 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 52 3 included include VERB crl-16588 52 4 three three NUM crl-16588 52 5 demographic demographic ADJ crl-16588 52 6 questions question NOUN crl-16588 52 7 : : PUNCT crl-16588 52 8 class class NOUN crl-16588 52 9 level level NOUN crl-16588 52 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 52 11 age age NOUN crl-16588 52 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 52 13 and and CCONJ crl-16588 52 14 whether whether SCONJ crl-16588 52 15 the the DET crl-16588 52 16 student student NOUN crl-16588 52 17 had have VERB crl-16588 52 18 previous previous ADJ crl-16588 52 19 library library NOUN crl-16588 52 20 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 52 21 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 52 22 and and CCONJ crl-16588 52 23 fourteen fourteen NUM crl-16588 52 24 multiple multiple ADJ crl-16588 52 25 choice choice NOUN crl-16588 52 26 questions question NOUN crl-16588 52 27 that that PRON crl-16588 52 28 asked ask VERB crl-16588 52 29 them they PRON crl-16588 52 30 to to PART crl-16588 52 31 select select VERB crl-16588 52 32 the the DET crl-16588 52 33 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 52 34 definition definition NOUN crl-16588 52 35 of of ADP crl-16588 52 36 common common ADJ crl-16588 52 37 library library NOUN crl-16588 52 38 terms term NOUN crl-16588 52 39 . . PUNCT crl-16588 53 1 each each PRON crl-16588 53 2 of of ADP crl-16588 53 3 these these DET crl-16588 53 4 questions question NOUN crl-16588 53 5 included include VERB crl-16588 53 6 the the DET crl-16588 53 7 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 53 8 answer answer NOUN crl-16588 53 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 53 10 three three NUM crl-16588 53 11 distractors distractor NOUN crl-16588 53 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 53 13 and and CCONJ crl-16588 53 14 an an DET crl-16588 53 15 unsure unsure ADJ crl-16588 53 16 option option NOUN crl-16588 53 17 . . PUNCT crl-16588 54 1 for for ADP crl-16588 54 2 the the DET crl-16588 54 3 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 54 4 definitions definition NOUN crl-16588 54 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 54 6 the the DET crl-16588 54 7 authors author NOUN crl-16588 54 8 consulted consult VERB crl-16588 54 9 the the DET crl-16588 54 10 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 54 11 for for ADP crl-16588 54 12 diverse diverse ADJ crl-16588 54 13 populations population NOUN crl-16588 54 14 multilingual multilingual ADJ crl-16588 54 15 glossary glossary PROPN crl-16588 54 16 definitions12 definitions12 PROPN crl-16588 54 17 and and CCONJ crl-16588 54 18 the the DET crl-16588 54 19 online online ADJ crl-16588 54 20 dictionary dictionary NOUN crl-16588 54 21 for for ADP crl-16588 54 22 library library NOUN crl-16588 54 23 and and CCONJ crl-16588 54 24 information information NOUN crl-16588 54 25 science.13 science.13 NOUN crl-16588 54 26 to to PART crl-16588 54 27 avoid avoid VERB crl-16588 54 28 false false ADJ crl-16588 54 29 positives positive NOUN crl-16588 54 30 , , PUNCT crl-16588 54 31 the the DET crl-16588 54 32 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 54 33 instructions instruction NOUN crl-16588 54 34 advised advise VERB crl-16588 54 35 students student NOUN crl-16588 54 36 to to PART crl-16588 54 37 select select VERB crl-16588 54 38 286 286 NUM crl-16588 54 39 college college NOUN crl-16588 54 40 & & CCONJ crl-16588 54 41 research research PROPN crl-16588 54 42 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 54 43 march march VERB crl-16588 54 44 2017 2017 NUM crl-16588 54 45 the the DET crl-16588 54 46 unsure unsure ADJ crl-16588 54 47 option option NOUN crl-16588 54 48 rather rather ADV crl-16588 54 49 than than ADP crl-16588 54 50 guess guess VERB crl-16588 54 51 . . PUNCT crl-16588 55 1 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 55 2 were be AUX crl-16588 55 3 allowed allow VERB crl-16588 55 4 to to PART crl-16588 55 5 skip skip VERB crl-16588 55 6 questions question NOUN crl-16588 55 7 . . PUNCT crl-16588 56 1 as as ADP crl-16588 56 2 a a DET crl-16588 56 3 result result NOUN crl-16588 56 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 56 5 not not PART crl-16588 56 6 every every DET crl-16588 56 7 student student NOUN crl-16588 56 8 answered answer VERB crl-16588 56 9 every every DET crl-16588 56 10 question question NOUN crl-16588 56 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 56 12 and and CCONJ crl-16588 56 13 sample sample NOUN crl-16588 56 14 sizes size NOUN crl-16588 56 15 for for ADP crl-16588 56 16 particular particular ADJ crl-16588 56 17 analyses analysis NOUN crl-16588 56 18 may may AUX crl-16588 56 19 not not PART crl-16588 56 20 always always ADV crl-16588 56 21 correspond correspond VERB crl-16588 56 22 to to ADP crl-16588 56 23 the the DET crl-16588 56 24 total total ADJ crl-16588 56 25 sample sample NOUN crl-16588 56 26 size size NOUN crl-16588 56 27 . . PUNCT crl-16588 57 1 to to PART crl-16588 57 2 identify identify VERB crl-16588 57 3 a a DET crl-16588 57 4 list list NOUN crl-16588 57 5 of of ADP crl-16588 57 6 terms term NOUN crl-16588 57 7 to to PART crl-16588 57 8 test test VERB crl-16588 57 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 57 10 the the DET crl-16588 57 11 authors author NOUN crl-16588 57 12 compiled compile VERB crl-16588 57 13 a a DET crl-16588 57 14 list list NOUN crl-16588 57 15 of of ADP crl-16588 57 16 terms term NOUN crl-16588 57 17 used use VERB crl-16588 57 18 in in ADP crl-16588 57 19 their their PRON crl-16588 57 20 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 57 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 57 22 consulted consult VERB crl-16588 57 23 with with ADP crl-16588 57 24 colleagues colleague NOUN crl-16588 57 25 , , PUNCT crl-16588 57 26 and and CCONJ crl-16588 57 27 reviewed review VERB crl-16588 57 28 syllabi syllabus NOUN crl-16588 57 29 in in ADP crl-16588 57 30 their their PRON crl-16588 57 31 liaison liaison NOUN crl-16588 57 32 disciplines discipline NOUN crl-16588 57 33 . . PUNCT crl-16588 58 1 from from ADP crl-16588 58 2 this this DET crl-16588 58 3 process process NOUN crl-16588 58 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 58 5 a a DET crl-16588 58 6 list list NOUN crl-16588 58 7 of of ADP crl-16588 58 8 fourteen fourteen NUM crl-16588 58 9 terms term NOUN crl-16588 58 10 was be AUX crl-16588 58 11 identified identify VERB crl-16588 58 12 . . PUNCT crl-16588 59 1 the the DET crl-16588 59 2 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 59 3 instrument instrument NOUN crl-16588 59 4 was be AUX crl-16588 59 5 pilot pilot NOUN crl-16588 59 6 - - PUNCT crl-16588 59 7 tested test VERB crl-16588 59 8 with with ADP crl-16588 59 9 one one NUM crl-16588 59 10 class class NOUN crl-16588 59 11 of of ADP crl-16588 59 12 15 15 NUM crl-16588 59 13 students student NOUN crl-16588 59 14 , , PUNCT crl-16588 59 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 59 16 adjustments adjustment NOUN crl-16588 59 17 were be AUX crl-16588 59 18 made make VERB crl-16588 59 19 to to ADP crl-16588 59 20 some some PRON crl-16588 59 21 of of ADP crl-16588 59 22 the the DET crl-16588 59 23 distractors distractor NOUN crl-16588 59 24 based base VERB crl-16588 59 25 on on ADP crl-16588 59 26 the the DET crl-16588 59 27 results result NOUN crl-16588 59 28 . . PUNCT crl-16588 60 1 the the DET crl-16588 60 2 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 60 3 was be AUX crl-16588 60 4 created create VERB crl-16588 60 5 in in ADP crl-16588 60 6 surveymonkey surveymonkey NOUN crl-16588 60 7 and and CCONJ crl-16588 60 8 is be AUX crl-16588 60 9 provided provide VERB crl-16588 60 10 in in ADP crl-16588 60 11 appendix appendix PROPN crl-16588 60 12 a. a. NOUN crl-16588 60 13 response response PROPN crl-16588 60 14 rate rate NOUN crl-16588 60 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 60 16 respondent respondent VERB crl-16588 60 17 demographics demographic NOUN crl-16588 60 18 a a DET crl-16588 60 19 total total NOUN crl-16588 60 20 of of ADP crl-16588 60 21 773 773 NUM crl-16588 60 22 responses response NOUN crl-16588 60 23 was be AUX crl-16588 60 24 collected collect VERB crl-16588 60 25 , , PUNCT crl-16588 60 26 although although SCONJ crl-16588 60 27 sample sample NOUN crl-16588 60 28 sizes size NOUN crl-16588 60 29 vary vary VERB crl-16588 60 30 for for ADP crl-16588 60 31 specific specific ADJ crl-16588 60 32 analyses analysis NOUN crl-16588 60 33 . . PUNCT crl-16588 61 1 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 61 2 responses response NOUN crl-16588 61 3 were be AUX crl-16588 61 4 exported export VERB crl-16588 61 5 to to ADP crl-16588 61 6 the the DET crl-16588 61 7 software software NOUN crl-16588 61 8 program program NOUN crl-16588 61 9 spss spss NOUN crl-16588 61 10 for for ADP crl-16588 61 11 statistical statistical ADJ crl-16588 61 12 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16588 61 13 . . PUNCT crl-16588 62 1 table table NOUN crl-16588 62 2 1 1 NUM crl-16588 62 3 describes describe VERB crl-16588 62 4 the the DET crl-16588 62 5 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 62 6 by by ADP crl-16588 62 7 class class NOUN crl-16588 62 8 level level NOUN crl-16588 62 9 . . PUNCT crl-16588 63 1 five five NUM crl-16588 63 2 graduate graduate NOUN crl-16588 63 3 students student NOUN crl-16588 63 4 who who PRON crl-16588 63 5 were be AUX crl-16588 63 6 enrolled enrol VERB crl-16588 63 7 in in ADP crl-16588 63 8 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crl-16588 63 9 classes class NOUN crl-16588 63 10 responded respond VERB crl-16588 63 11 to to ADP crl-16588 63 12 the the DET crl-16588 63 13 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 63 14 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 63 15 their their PRON crl-16588 63 16 answers answer NOUN crl-16588 63 17 are be AUX crl-16588 63 18 included include VERB crl-16588 63 19 in in ADP crl-16588 63 20 certain certain ADJ crl-16588 63 21 analyses analysis NOUN crl-16588 63 22 . . PUNCT crl-16588 64 1 table table NOUN crl-16588 64 2 2 2 NUM crl-16588 64 3 shows show VERB crl-16588 64 4 the the DET crl-16588 64 5 percentage percentage NOUN crl-16588 64 6 of of ADP crl-16588 64 7 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 64 8 who who PRON crl-16588 64 9 had have VERB crl-16588 64 10 previous previous ADJ crl-16588 64 11 library library NOUN crl-16588 64 12 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 64 13 and and CCONJ crl-16588 64 14 the the DET crl-16588 64 15 percentage percentage NOUN crl-16588 64 16 of of ADP crl-16588 64 17 those those PRON crl-16588 64 18 who who PRON crl-16588 64 19 had have VERB crl-16588 64 20 not not PART crl-16588 64 21 . . PUNCT crl-16588 65 1 findings finding NOUN crl-16588 65 2 tested test VERB crl-16588 65 3 terms term NOUN crl-16588 65 4 the the DET crl-16588 65 5 researchers researcher NOUN crl-16588 65 6 tested test VERB crl-16588 65 7 fourteen fourteen NUM crl-16588 65 8 information information NOUN crl-16588 65 9 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 65 10 terms term NOUN crl-16588 65 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 65 12 as as SCONJ crl-16588 65 13 identified identify VERB crl-16588 65 14 in in ADP crl-16588 65 15 table table NOUN crl-16588 65 16 3 3 NUM crl-16588 65 17 . . PROPN crl-16588 65 18 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 65 19 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 65 20 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 65 21 answers answer NOUN crl-16588 65 22 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 65 23 ranged range VERB crl-16588 65 24 from from ADP crl-16588 65 25 a a DET crl-16588 65 26 high high NOUN crl-16588 65 27 of of ADP crl-16588 65 28 87.1 87.1 NUM crl-16588 65 29 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 65 30 of of ADP crl-16588 65 31 students student NOUN crl-16588 65 32 who who PRON crl-16588 65 33 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 65 34 identified identify VERB crl-16588 65 35 the the DET crl-16588 65 36 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 65 37 of of ADP crl-16588 65 38 the the DET crl-16588 65 39 term term NOUN crl-16588 65 40 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 65 41 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 65 42 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 65 43 to to ADP crl-16588 65 44 a a DET crl-16588 65 45 low low NOUN crl-16588 65 46 of of ADP crl-16588 65 47 22.3 22.3 NUM crl-16588 65 48 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 65 49 who who PRON crl-16588 65 50 understood understand VERB crl-16588 65 51 the the DET crl-16588 65 52 term term NOUN crl-16588 65 53 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 65 54 stacks stack NOUN crl-16588 65 55 . . PUNCT crl-16588 65 56 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 66 1 the the DET crl-16588 66 2 data datum NOUN crl-16588 66 3 revealed reveal VERB crl-16588 66 4 no no DET crl-16588 66 5 statistically statistically ADV crl-16588 66 6 significant significant ADJ crl-16588 66 7 associations association NOUN crl-16588 66 8 between between ADP crl-16588 66 9 a a DET crl-16588 66 10 student student NOUN crl-16588 66 11 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 66 12 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 66 13 of of ADP crl-16588 66 14 the the DET crl-16588 66 15 tested test VERB crl-16588 66 16 terms term NOUN crl-16588 66 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 66 18 as as SCONJ crl-16588 66 19 evidenced evidence VERB crl-16588 66 20 by by ADP crl-16588 66 21 a a DET crl-16588 66 22 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 66 23 answer answer NOUN crl-16588 66 24 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 66 25 and and CCONJ crl-16588 66 26 whether whether SCONJ crl-16588 66 27 or or CCONJ crl-16588 66 28 not not PART crl-16588 66 29 they they PRON crl-16588 66 30 had have AUX crl-16588 66 31 received receive VERB crl-16588 66 32 library library NOUN crl-16588 66 33 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 66 34 in in ADP crl-16588 66 35 a a DET crl-16588 66 36 university university NOUN crl-16588 66 37 class class NOUN crl-16588 66 38 . . PUNCT crl-16588 67 1 table table NOUN crl-16588 67 2 1 1 NUM crl-16588 67 3 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 67 4 by by ADP crl-16588 67 5 class class NOUN crl-16588 67 6 level level NOUN crl-16588 67 7 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 67 8 n n CCONJ crl-16588 67 9 = = X crl-16588 67 10 770 770 NUM crl-16588 67 11 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 67 12 class class NOUN crl-16588 67 13 level level NOUN crl-16588 67 14 responses response NOUN crl-16588 67 15 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 67 16 of of ADP crl-16588 67 17 total total ADJ crl-16588 67 18 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 67 19 freshman freshman NOUN crl-16588 67 20 207 207 NUM crl-16588 67 21 26.88 26.88 NUM crl-16588 67 22 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 23 sophomore sophomore NOUN crl-16588 67 24 176 176 NUM crl-16588 67 25 22.86 22.86 NUM crl-16588 67 26 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 27 junior junior ADJ crl-16588 67 28 173 173 NUM crl-16588 67 29 22.47 22.47 NUM crl-16588 67 30 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 31 senior senior ADJ crl-16588 67 32 209 209 NUM crl-16588 67 33 27.14 27.14 NUM crl-16588 67 34 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 35 graduate graduate NOUN crl-16588 67 36 5 5 NUM crl-16588 67 37 0.65 0.65 NUM crl-16588 67 38 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 39 table table NOUN crl-16588 67 40 2 2 NUM crl-16588 67 41 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 67 42 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 67 43 exposure exposure NOUN crl-16588 67 44 to to ADP crl-16588 67 45 library library NOUN crl-16588 67 46 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 67 47 in in ADP crl-16588 67 48 a a DET crl-16588 67 49 university university NOUN crl-16588 67 50 class class NOUN crl-16588 67 51 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 67 52 n n CCONJ crl-16588 67 53 = = PROPN crl-16588 67 54 766 766 NUM crl-16588 67 55 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 67 56 class class NOUN crl-16588 67 57 level level NOUN crl-16588 67 58 total total NOUN crl-16588 67 59 responses response NOUN crl-16588 67 60 had have VERB crl-16588 67 61 previous previous ADJ crl-16588 67 62 library library NOUN crl-16588 67 63 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 67 64 had have VERB crl-16588 67 65 no no DET crl-16588 67 66 previous previous ADJ crl-16588 67 67 library library NOUN crl-16588 67 68 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 67 69 responses response NOUN crl-16588 67 70 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 67 71 responses response NOUN crl-16588 67 72 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 67 73 freshman freshman NOUN crl-16588 67 74 205 205 NUM crl-16588 67 75 145 145 NUM crl-16588 67 76 70.73 70.73 NUM crl-16588 67 77 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 78 60 60 NUM crl-16588 67 79 29.27 29.27 NUM crl-16588 67 80 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 81 sophomore sophomore NOUN crl-16588 67 82 176 176 NUM crl-16588 67 83 104 104 NUM crl-16588 67 84 59.09 59.09 NUM crl-16588 67 85 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 86 72 72 NUM crl-16588 67 87 40.90 40.90 NUM crl-16588 67 88 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 89 junior junior ADJ crl-16588 67 90 172 172 NUM crl-16588 67 91 108 108 NUM crl-16588 67 92 62.79 62.79 NUM crl-16588 67 93 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 94 64 64 NUM crl-16588 67 95 37.21 37.21 NUM crl-16588 67 96 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 97 senior senior ADJ crl-16588 67 98 208 208 NUM crl-16588 67 99 148 148 NUM crl-16588 67 100 71.15 71.15 NUM crl-16588 67 101 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 102 60 60 NUM crl-16588 67 103 28.85 28.85 NUM crl-16588 67 104 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 105 graduate graduate NOUN crl-16588 67 106 5 5 NUM crl-16588 67 107 3 3 NUM crl-16588 67 108 60.00 60.00 NUM crl-16588 67 109 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 110 2 2 NUM crl-16588 67 111 40.00 40.00 NUM crl-16588 67 112 % % NOUN crl-16588 67 113 the the DET crl-16588 67 114 language language NOUN crl-16588 67 115 of of ADP crl-16588 67 116 information information NOUN crl-16588 67 117 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 67 118 : : PUNCT crl-16588 67 119 do do AUX crl-16588 67 120 students student NOUN crl-16588 67 121 understand understand VERB crl-16588 67 122 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 68 1 287 287 NUM crl-16588 68 2 with with ADP crl-16588 68 3 respect respect NOUN crl-16588 68 4 to to ADP crl-16588 68 5 class class NOUN crl-16588 68 6 level level NOUN crl-16588 68 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 68 8 significant significant ADJ crl-16588 68 9 relationships relationship NOUN crl-16588 68 10 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 68 11 p p NOUN crl-16588 68 12 < < X crl-16588 68 13 0.05 0.05 NUM crl-16588 68 14 via via ADP crl-16588 68 15 chi chi ADJ crl-16588 68 16 - - PUNCT crl-16588 68 17 square square ADJ crl-16588 68 18 test test NOUN crl-16588 68 19 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 68 20 were be AUX crl-16588 68 21 discovered discover VERB crl-16588 68 22 on on ADP crl-16588 68 23 ten ten NUM crl-16588 68 24 of of ADP crl-16588 68 25 the the DET crl-16588 68 26 fourteen fourteen NUM crl-16588 68 27 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 68 28 71.4 71.4 NUM crl-16588 68 29 % % NOUN crl-16588 68 30 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 68 31 dependent dependent ADJ crl-16588 68 32 variables variable NOUN crl-16588 68 33 . . PUNCT crl-16588 69 1 individual individual ADJ crl-16588 69 2 item item NOUN crl-16588 69 3 results result NOUN crl-16588 69 4 are be AUX crl-16588 69 5 discussed discuss VERB crl-16588 69 6 below below ADV crl-16588 69 7 . . PUNCT crl-16588 70 1 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16588 70 2 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16588 70 3 of of ADP crl-16588 70 4 responses response NOUN crl-16588 70 5 student student NOUN crl-16588 70 6 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 70 7 of of ADP crl-16588 70 8 the the DET crl-16588 70 9 fourteen fourteen NUM crl-16588 70 10 tested test VERB crl-16588 70 11 terms term NOUN crl-16588 70 12 as as SCONJ crl-16588 70 13 indicated indicate VERB crl-16588 70 14 by by ADP crl-16588 70 15 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 70 16 answers answer NOUN crl-16588 70 17 is be AUX crl-16588 70 18 shown show VERB crl-16588 70 19 in in ADP crl-16588 70 20 table table NOUN crl-16588 70 21 3 3 NUM crl-16588 70 22 . . PUNCT crl-16588 71 1 these these DET crl-16588 71 2 answers answer NOUN crl-16588 71 3 fall fall VERB crl-16588 71 4 into into ADP crl-16588 71 5 five five NUM crl-16588 71 6 distinct distinct ADJ crl-16588 71 7 categories category NOUN crl-16588 71 8 : : PUNCT crl-16588 71 9 1 1 X crl-16588 71 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 71 11 terms term NOUN crl-16588 71 12 related relate VERB crl-16588 71 13 to to ADP crl-16588 71 14 writing write VERB crl-16588 71 15 research research NOUN crl-16588 71 16 papers paper NOUN crl-16588 71 17 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 71 18 2 2 X crl-16588 71 19 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 71 20 terms term NOUN crl-16588 71 21 related relate VERB crl-16588 71 22 to to ADP crl-16588 71 23 database database NOUN crl-16588 71 24 searching searching NOUN crl-16588 71 25 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 71 26 3 3 X crl-16588 71 27 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 71 28 terms term NOUN crl-16588 71 29 related relate VERB crl-16588 71 30 to to ADP crl-16588 71 31 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 71 32 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 71 33 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 71 34 4 4 X crl-16588 71 35 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 71 36 archaic archaic ADJ crl-16588 71 37 terms term NOUN crl-16588 71 38 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 71 39 and and CCONJ crl-16588 71 40 5 5 X crl-16588 71 41 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 71 42 open open ADJ crl-16588 71 43 - - PUNCT crl-16588 71 44 access access NOUN crl-16588 71 45 , , PUNCT crl-16588 71 46 which which PRON crl-16588 71 47 is be AUX crl-16588 71 48 considered consider VERB crl-16588 71 49 separately separately ADV crl-16588 71 50 . . PUNCT crl-16588 72 1 category category NOUN crl-16588 72 2 1 1 NUM crl-16588 72 3 : : PUNCT crl-16588 72 4 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 72 5 and and CCONJ crl-16588 72 6 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-16588 72 7 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 72 8 terms term NOUN crl-16588 72 9 related relate VERB crl-16588 72 10 to to ADP crl-16588 72 11 writing write VERB crl-16588 72 12 research research NOUN crl-16588 72 13 papers paper NOUN crl-16588 72 14 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 72 15 according accord VERB crl-16588 72 16 to to ADP crl-16588 72 17 the the DET crl-16588 72 18 results result NOUN crl-16588 72 19 of of ADP crl-16588 72 20 this this DET crl-16588 72 21 study study NOUN crl-16588 72 22 , , PUNCT crl-16588 72 23 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 72 24 students student NOUN crl-16588 72 25 appear appear VERB crl-16588 72 26 to to PART crl-16588 72 27 have have VERB crl-16588 72 28 a a DET crl-16588 72 29 relatively relatively ADV crl-16588 72 30 good good ADJ crl-16588 72 31 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 72 32 of of ADP crl-16588 72 33 two two NUM crl-16588 72 34 terms term NOUN crl-16588 72 35 that that PRON crl-16588 72 36 are be AUX crl-16588 72 37 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 72 38 used use VERB crl-16588 72 39 by by ADP crl-16588 72 40 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 72 41 and and CCONJ crl-16588 72 42 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 72 43 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 72 44 with with ADP crl-16588 72 45 reference reference NOUN crl-16588 72 46 to to ADP crl-16588 72 47 writing write VERB crl-16588 72 48 research research NOUN crl-16588 72 49 papers paper NOUN crl-16588 72 50 : : PUNCT crl-16588 72 51 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 72 52 and and CCONJ crl-16588 72 53 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-16588 72 54 . . PUNCT crl-16588 73 1 students student NOUN crl-16588 73 2 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 73 3 k–12 k–12 NOUN crl-16588 73 4 experience experience NOUN crl-16588 73 5 may may AUX crl-16588 73 6 have have AUX crl-16588 73 7 played play VERB crl-16588 73 8 a a DET crl-16588 73 9 role role NOUN crl-16588 73 10 in in ADP crl-16588 73 11 this this DET crl-16588 73 12 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 73 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 73 14 as as SCONJ crl-16588 73 15 annotated annotate VERB crl-16588 73 16 bibliographies bibliography NOUN crl-16588 73 17 are be AUX crl-16588 73 18 a a DET crl-16588 73 19 common common ADJ crl-16588 73 20 assignment assignment NOUN crl-16588 73 21 in in ADP crl-16588 73 22 high high ADJ crl-16588 73 23 school school NOUN crl-16588 73 24 and and CCONJ crl-16588 73 25 in in ADP crl-16588 73 26 college college NOUN crl-16588 73 27 . . PUNCT crl-16588 74 1 while while SCONJ crl-16588 74 2 they they PRON crl-16588 74 3 may may AUX crl-16588 74 4 not not PART crl-16588 74 5 always always ADV crl-16588 74 6 understand understand VERB crl-16588 74 7 how how SCONJ crl-16588 74 8 to to PART crl-16588 74 9 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 74 10 format format VERB crl-16588 74 11 citations citation NOUN crl-16588 74 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 74 13 students student NOUN crl-16588 74 14 do do AUX crl-16588 74 15 appear appear VERB crl-16588 74 16 to to PART crl-16588 74 17 understand understand VERB crl-16588 74 18 what what PRON crl-16588 74 19 a a DET crl-16588 74 20 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 74 21 is be AUX crl-16588 74 22 . . PUNCT crl-16588 75 1 library library NOUN crl-16588 75 2 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 75 3 did do AUX crl-16588 75 4 not not PART crl-16588 75 5 have have VERB crl-16588 75 6 a a DET crl-16588 75 7 statistically statistically ADV crl-16588 75 8 significant significant ADJ crl-16588 75 9 effect effect NOUN crl-16588 75 10 on on ADP crl-16588 75 11 student student NOUN crl-16588 75 12 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 75 13 of of ADP crl-16588 75 14 either either PRON crl-16588 75 15 of of ADP crl-16588 75 16 these these DET crl-16588 75 17 terms term NOUN crl-16588 75 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 76 1 however however ADV crl-16588 76 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 76 3 statistical statistical ADJ crl-16588 76 4 analysis analysis NOUN crl-16588 76 5 did do AUX crl-16588 76 6 reveal reveal VERB crl-16588 76 7 that that SCONJ crl-16588 76 8 more more ADV crl-16588 76 9 advanced advanced ADJ crl-16588 76 10 students student NOUN crl-16588 76 11 appeared appear VERB crl-16588 76 12 to to PART crl-16588 76 13 more more ADV crl-16588 76 14 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 76 15 identify identify VERB crl-16588 76 16 the the DET crl-16588 76 17 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 76 18 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 76 19 of of ADP crl-16588 76 20 the the DET crl-16588 76 21 word word NOUN crl-16588 76 22 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 76 23 as as ADP crl-16588 76 24 compared compare VERB crl-16588 76 25 to to ADP crl-16588 76 26 less less ADV crl-16588 76 27 advanced advanced ADJ crl-16588 76 28 ones one NOUN crl-16588 76 29 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 76 30 88.5 88.5 NUM crl-16588 76 31 % % NOUN crl-16588 76 32 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 76 33 responses response NOUN crl-16588 76 34 for for ADP crl-16588 76 35 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 76 36 vs. vs. ADP crl-16588 76 37 79.5 79.5 NUM crl-16588 76 38 % % NOUN crl-16588 76 39 for for ADP crl-16588 76 40 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 76 41 , , PUNCT crl-16588 76 42 p p NOUN crl-16588 76 43 < < X crl-16588 76 44 0.001 0.001 NUM crl-16588 76 45 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 76 46 . . PUNCT crl-16588 77 1 similar similar ADJ crl-16588 77 2 results result NOUN crl-16588 77 3 were be AUX crl-16588 77 4 revealed reveal VERB crl-16588 77 5 for for ADP crl-16588 77 6 the the DET crl-16588 77 7 term term NOUN crl-16588 77 8 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-16588 77 9 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 77 10 92.3 92.3 NUM crl-16588 77 11 % % NOUN crl-16588 77 12 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 77 13 responses response NOUN crl-16588 77 14 for for ADP crl-16588 77 15 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 77 16 vs. vs. ADP crl-16588 77 17 77.3 77.3 NUM crl-16588 77 18 % % NOUN crl-16588 77 19 for for ADP crl-16588 77 20 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 77 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 77 22 p p NOUN crl-16588 77 23 < < X crl-16588 77 24 0.001 0.001 NUM crl-16588 77 25 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 77 26 . . PUNCT crl-16588 78 1 category category NOUN crl-16588 78 2 2 2 NUM crl-16588 78 3 : : PUNCT crl-16588 78 4 keyword keyword NOUN crl-16588 78 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 78 6 abstract abstract ADJ crl-16588 78 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 78 8 full full ADJ crl-16588 78 9 text text NOUN crl-16588 78 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 78 11 database database NOUN crl-16588 78 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 78 13 and and CCONJ crl-16588 78 14 subject subject ADJ crl-16588 78 15 heading heading NOUN crl-16588 78 16 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 78 17 terms term NOUN crl-16588 78 18 related relate VERB crl-16588 78 19 to to AUX crl-16588 78 20 database database VERB crl-16588 78 21 searching search VERB crl-16588 78 22 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 78 23 three three NUM crl-16588 78 24 - - PUNCT crl-16588 78 25 quarters quarter NOUN crl-16588 78 26 or or CCONJ crl-16588 78 27 more more ADJ crl-16588 78 28 of of ADP crl-16588 78 29 responding respond VERB crl-16588 78 30 students student NOUN crl-16588 78 31 also also ADV crl-16588 78 32 appear appear VERB crl-16588 78 33 to to PART crl-16588 78 34 understand understand VERB crl-16588 78 35 the the DET crl-16588 78 36 four four NUM crl-16588 78 37 terms term NOUN crl-16588 78 38 that that PRON crl-16588 78 39 relate relate VERB crl-16588 78 40 to to PART crl-16588 78 41 database database VERB crl-16588 78 42 searching search VERB crl-16588 78 43 : : PUNCT crl-16588 78 44 keyword keyword NOUN crl-16588 78 45 , , PUNCT crl-16588 78 46 abstract abstract ADJ crl-16588 78 47 , , PUNCT crl-16588 78 48 full full ADJ crl-16588 78 49 text text NOUN crl-16588 78 50 , , PUNCT crl-16588 78 51 and and CCONJ crl-16588 78 52 database database NOUN crl-16588 78 53 . . PUNCT crl-16588 79 1 using use VERB crl-16588 79 2 databases database NOUN crl-16588 79 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 79 4 citing cite VERB crl-16588 79 5 sources source NOUN crl-16588 79 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 79 7 accessing access VERB crl-16588 79 8 abstracts abstract NOUN crl-16588 79 9 or or CCONJ crl-16588 79 10 full full ADJ crl-16588 79 11 - - PUNCT crl-16588 79 12 text text NOUN crl-16588 79 13 articles article NOUN crl-16588 79 14 via via ADP crl-16588 79 15 keyword keyword PROPN crl-16588 79 16 searches search VERB crl-16588 79 17 table table NOUN crl-16588 79 18 3 3 NUM crl-16588 79 19 tested test VERB crl-16588 79 20 terms term NOUN crl-16588 79 21 from from ADP crl-16588 79 22 most most ADV crl-16588 79 23 to to PART crl-16588 79 24 least least ADV crl-16588 79 25 understood understand VERB crl-16588 79 26 total total ADJ crl-16588 79 27 responses response NOUN crl-16588 79 28 correct correct VERB crl-16588 79 29 responses response NOUN crl-16588 79 30 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 79 31 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 79 32 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 79 33 768 768 NUM crl-16588 79 34 669 669 NUM crl-16588 79 35 87.11 87.11 NUM crl-16588 79 36 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 37 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-16588 79 38 771 771 NUM crl-16588 79 39 668 668 NUM crl-16588 79 40 86.64 86.64 NUM crl-16588 79 41 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 42 keyword keyword PROPN crl-16588 79 43 767 767 PROPN crl-16588 79 44 650 650 NUM crl-16588 79 45 84.75 84.75 NUM crl-16588 79 46 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 47 full full ADJ crl-16588 79 48 text text NOUN crl-16588 79 49 763 763 NUM crl-16588 79 50 629 629 NUM crl-16588 79 51 82.44 82.44 NUM crl-16588 79 52 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 53 abstract abstract ADJ crl-16588 79 54 770 770 NUM crl-16588 79 55 610 610 NUM crl-16588 79 56 79.22 79.22 NUM crl-16588 79 57 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 58 database database NOUN crl-16588 79 59 764 764 NUM crl-16588 79 60 554 554 NUM crl-16588 79 61 72.51 72.51 NUM crl-16588 79 62 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 63 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 79 64 review review NOUN crl-16588 79 65 769 769 NUM crl-16588 79 66 477 477 NUM crl-16588 79 67 62.03 62.03 NUM crl-16588 79 68 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 69 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 79 70 765 765 NUM crl-16588 79 71 416 416 NUM crl-16588 79 72 54.38 54.38 NUM crl-16588 79 73 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 74 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 79 75 767 767 NUM crl-16588 79 76 402 402 NUM crl-16588 79 77 52.41 52.41 NUM crl-16588 79 78 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 79 open open ADJ crl-16588 79 80 access access NOUN crl-16588 79 81 764 764 NUM crl-16588 79 82 393 393 NUM crl-16588 79 83 51.44 51.44 NUM crl-16588 79 84 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 85 subject subject NOUN crl-16588 79 86 heading head VERB crl-16588 79 87 767 767 NUM crl-16588 79 88 390 390 NUM crl-16588 79 89 50.85 50.85 NUM crl-16588 79 90 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 91 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 79 92 766 766 NUM crl-16588 79 93 315 315 NUM crl-16588 79 94 41.12 41.12 NUM crl-16588 79 95 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 96 source source NOUN crl-16588 79 97 763 763 NUM crl-16588 79 98 286 286 NUM crl-16588 79 99 37.48 37.48 NUM crl-16588 79 100 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 101 stacks stack VERB crl-16588 79 102 764 764 NUM crl-16588 79 103 170 170 NUM crl-16588 79 104 22.25 22.25 NUM crl-16588 79 105 % % NOUN crl-16588 79 106 288 288 NUM crl-16588 79 107 college college PROPN crl-16588 79 108 & & CCONJ crl-16588 79 109 research research PROPN crl-16588 79 110 libraries librarie VERB crl-16588 79 111 march march PROPN crl-16588 79 112 2017 2017 NUM crl-16588 79 113 are be AUX crl-16588 79 114 common common ADJ crl-16588 79 115 topics topic NOUN crl-16588 79 116 of of ADP crl-16588 79 117 library library NOUN crl-16588 79 118 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 79 119 . . PUNCT crl-16588 80 1 these these PRON crl-16588 80 2 are be AUX crl-16588 80 3 task task NOUN crl-16588 80 4 - - PUNCT crl-16588 80 5 oriented orient VERB crl-16588 80 6 terms term NOUN crl-16588 80 7 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 80 8 their their PRON crl-16588 80 9 definitions definition NOUN crl-16588 80 10 are be AUX crl-16588 80 11 often often ADV crl-16588 80 12 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crl-16588 80 13 at at ADP crl-16588 80 14 the the DET crl-16588 80 15 point point NOUN crl-16588 80 16 of of ADP crl-16588 80 17 need need NOUN crl-16588 80 18 and and CCONJ crl-16588 80 19 are be AUX crl-16588 80 20 learned learn VERB crl-16588 80 21 through through ADP crl-16588 80 22 application application NOUN crl-16588 80 23 in in ADP crl-16588 80 24 a a DET crl-16588 80 25 way way NOUN crl-16588 80 26 that that PRON crl-16588 80 27 more more ADJ crl-16588 80 28 conceptual conceptual ADJ crl-16588 80 29 terms term NOUN crl-16588 80 30 are be AUX crl-16588 80 31 not not PART crl-16588 80 32 . . PUNCT crl-16588 81 1 it it PRON crl-16588 81 2 is be AUX crl-16588 81 3 concerning concern VERB crl-16588 81 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 81 5 however however ADV crl-16588 81 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 81 7 that that SCONJ crl-16588 81 8 a a DET crl-16588 81 9 full full ADJ crl-16588 81 10 quarter quarter NOUN crl-16588 81 11 of of ADP crl-16588 81 12 students student NOUN crl-16588 81 13 do do AUX crl-16588 81 14 not not PART crl-16588 81 15 know know VERB crl-16588 81 16 the the DET crl-16588 81 17 definition definition NOUN crl-16588 81 18 of of ADP crl-16588 81 19 a a DET crl-16588 81 20 database database NOUN crl-16588 81 21 . . PUNCT crl-16588 82 1 a a DET crl-16588 82 2 little little ADJ crl-16588 82 3 more more ADJ crl-16588 82 4 than than ADP crl-16588 82 5 50 50 NUM crl-16588 82 6 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 82 7 of of ADP crl-16588 82 8 students student NOUN crl-16588 82 9 defined define VERB crl-16588 82 10 subject subject NOUN crl-16588 82 11 heading head VERB crl-16588 82 12 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 82 13 . . PUNCT crl-16588 83 1 subject subject NOUN crl-16588 83 2 headings heading NOUN crl-16588 83 3 are be AUX crl-16588 83 4 also also ADV crl-16588 83 5 known know VERB crl-16588 83 6 as as ADP crl-16588 83 7 descriptors descriptor NOUN crl-16588 83 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 83 9 subjects subject NOUN crl-16588 83 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 83 11 major major ADJ crl-16588 83 12 subjects subject NOUN crl-16588 83 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 83 14 and and CCONJ crl-16588 83 15 subject subject ADJ crl-16588 83 16 terms term NOUN crl-16588 83 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 83 18 among among ADP crl-16588 83 19 others other NOUN crl-16588 83 20 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 83 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 83 22 and and CCONJ crl-16588 83 23 such such ADJ crl-16588 83 24 variety variety NOUN crl-16588 83 25 in in ADP crl-16588 83 26 nomenclature nomenclature NOUN crl-16588 83 27 likely likely ADV crl-16588 83 28 contributed contribute VERB crl-16588 83 29 to to ADP crl-16588 83 30 students student NOUN crl-16588 83 31 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 83 32 confusion confusion NOUN crl-16588 83 33 . . PUNCT crl-16588 84 1 as as SCONJ crl-16588 84 2 databases database NOUN crl-16588 84 3 and and CCONJ crl-16588 84 4 discovery discovery NOUN crl-16588 84 5 tools tool NOUN crl-16588 84 6 become become VERB crl-16588 84 7 more more ADV crl-16588 84 8 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ crl-16588 84 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 84 10 users user NOUN crl-16588 84 11 need need VERB crl-16588 84 12 to to PART crl-16588 84 13 rely rely VERB crl-16588 84 14 less less ADV crl-16588 84 15 on on ADP crl-16588 84 16 strictly strictly ADV crl-16588 84 17 controlled control VERB crl-16588 84 18 vocabularies vocabulary NOUN crl-16588 84 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 85 1 often often ADV crl-16588 85 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 85 3 this this PRON crl-16588 85 4 means mean VERB crl-16588 85 5 that that SCONJ crl-16588 85 6 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 85 7 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 85 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 85 9 particularly particularly ADV crl-16588 85 10 in in ADP crl-16588 85 11 single single ADJ crl-16588 85 12 sessions session NOUN crl-16588 85 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 85 14 spend spend VERB crl-16588 85 15 little little ADJ crl-16588 85 16 time time NOUN crl-16588 85 17 teaching teach VERB crl-16588 85 18 the the DET crl-16588 85 19 use use NOUN crl-16588 85 20 of of ADP crl-16588 85 21 such such ADJ crl-16588 85 22 strategies strategy NOUN crl-16588 85 23 and and CCONJ crl-16588 85 24 , , PUNCT crl-16588 85 25 in in ADP crl-16588 85 26 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 85 27 , , PUNCT crl-16588 85 28 may may AUX crl-16588 85 29 not not PART crl-16588 85 30 explicitly explicitly ADV crl-16588 85 31 define define VERB crl-16588 85 32 this this DET crl-16588 85 33 term term NOUN crl-16588 85 34 to to ADP crl-16588 85 35 students student NOUN crl-16588 85 36 . . PUNCT crl-16588 86 1 however however ADV crl-16588 86 2 user user NOUN crl-16588 86 3 - - PUNCT crl-16588 86 4 friendly friendly ADJ crl-16588 86 5 databases database NOUN crl-16588 86 6 become become VERB crl-16588 86 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 86 8 it it PRON crl-16588 86 9 is be AUX crl-16588 86 10 still still ADV crl-16588 86 11 imperative imperative ADJ crl-16588 87 1 that that SCONJ crl-16588 87 2 students student NOUN crl-16588 87 3 familiar familiar ADJ crl-16588 87 4 only only ADV crl-16588 87 5 with with ADP crl-16588 87 6 google google PROPN crl-16588 87 7 - - PUNCT crl-16588 87 8 type type NOUN crl-16588 87 9 natural natural ADJ crl-16588 87 10 - - PUNCT crl-16588 87 11 language language NOUN crl-16588 87 12 searching searching NOUN crl-16588 87 13 understand understand VERB crl-16588 87 14 database database NOUN crl-16588 87 15 structure structure NOUN crl-16588 87 16 and and CCONJ crl-16588 87 17 the the DET crl-16588 87 18 need need NOUN crl-16588 87 19 to to PART crl-16588 87 20 use use VERB crl-16588 87 21 targeted targeted ADJ crl-16588 87 22 language language NOUN crl-16588 87 23 to to PART crl-16588 87 24 retrieve retrieve VERB crl-16588 87 25 optimal optimal ADJ crl-16588 87 26 results result NOUN crl-16588 87 27 . . PUNCT crl-16588 88 1 whatever whatever PRON crl-16588 88 2 the the DET crl-16588 88 3 name name NOUN crl-16588 88 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 88 5 the the DET crl-16588 88 6 concept concept NOUN crl-16588 88 7 of of ADP crl-16588 88 8 subject subject ADJ crl-16588 88 9 headings heading NOUN crl-16588 88 10 as as SCONJ crl-16588 88 11 linked link VERB crl-16588 88 12 to to ADP crl-16588 88 13 organized organized ADJ crl-16588 88 14 , , PUNCT crl-16588 88 15 indexed indexed ADJ crl-16588 88 16 information information NOUN crl-16588 88 17 is be AUX crl-16588 88 18 crucial crucial ADJ crl-16588 88 19 to to ADP crl-16588 88 20 developing develop VERB crl-16588 88 21 strong strong ADJ crl-16588 88 22 information information NOUN crl-16588 88 23 - - PUNCT crl-16588 88 24 seeking seek VERB crl-16588 88 25 skills skill NOUN crl-16588 88 26 . . PUNCT crl-16588 89 1 as as ADP crl-16588 89 2 above above ADV crl-16588 89 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 89 4 library library NOUN crl-16588 89 5 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 89 6 did do AUX crl-16588 89 7 not not PART crl-16588 89 8 have have VERB crl-16588 89 9 a a DET crl-16588 89 10 statistically statistically ADV crl-16588 89 11 significant significant ADJ crl-16588 89 12 effect effect NOUN crl-16588 89 13 on on ADP crl-16588 89 14 student student NOUN crl-16588 89 15 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 89 16 of of ADP crl-16588 89 17 these these DET crl-16588 89 18 terms term NOUN crl-16588 89 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 90 1 however however ADV crl-16588 90 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 90 3 chi chi PROPN crl-16588 90 4 - - PUNCT crl-16588 90 5 square square PROPN crl-16588 90 6 did do AUX crl-16588 90 7 reveal reveal VERB crl-16588 90 8 that that SCONJ crl-16588 90 9 more more ADV crl-16588 90 10 advanced advanced ADJ crl-16588 90 11 students student NOUN crl-16588 90 12 were be AUX crl-16588 90 13 more more ADV crl-16588 90 14 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 90 15 able able ADJ crl-16588 90 16 to to PART crl-16588 90 17 identify identify VERB crl-16588 90 18 the the DET crl-16588 90 19 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 90 20 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 90 21 of of ADP crl-16588 90 22 keyword keyword NOUN crl-16588 90 23 than than ADP crl-16588 90 24 their their PRON crl-16588 90 25 less less ADV crl-16588 90 26 experienced experienced ADJ crl-16588 90 27 counterparts counterpart NOUN crl-16588 90 28 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 90 29 85.6 85.6 NUM crl-16588 90 30 % % NOUN crl-16588 90 31 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 90 32 responses response NOUN crl-16588 90 33 for for ADP crl-16588 90 34 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 90 35 vs. vs. ADP crl-16588 90 36 78.6 78.6 NUM crl-16588 90 37 % % NOUN crl-16588 90 38 for for ADP crl-16588 90 39 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 90 40 , , PUNCT crl-16588 90 41 p p NOUN crl-16588 90 42 < < X crl-16588 90 43 0.02 0.02 NUM crl-16588 90 44 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 90 45 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 90 46 similar similar ADJ crl-16588 90 47 results result NOUN crl-16588 90 48 were be AUX crl-16588 90 49 revealed reveal VERB crl-16588 90 50 for for ADP crl-16588 90 51 the the DET crl-16588 90 52 terms term NOUN crl-16588 90 53 abstract abstract ADJ crl-16588 90 54 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 90 55 88.0 88.0 NUM crl-16588 90 56 % % NOUN crl-16588 90 57 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 90 58 responses response NOUN crl-16588 90 59 for for ADP crl-16588 90 60 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 90 61 vs. vs. ADP crl-16588 90 62 62.1 62.1 NUM crl-16588 90 63 % % NOUN crl-16588 90 64 for for ADP crl-16588 90 65 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 90 66 , , PUNCT crl-16588 90 67 p p NOUN crl-16588 90 68 < < X crl-16588 90 69 0.001 0.001 NUM crl-16588 90 70 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 90 71 , , PUNCT crl-16588 90 72 full full ADJ crl-16588 90 73 text text NOUN crl-16588 90 74 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 90 75 86.5 86.5 NUM crl-16588 90 76 % % NOUN crl-16588 90 77 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 90 78 responses response NOUN crl-16588 90 79 for for ADP crl-16588 90 80 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 90 81 vs. vs. ADP crl-16588 90 82 74.9 74.9 NUM crl-16588 90 83 % % NOUN crl-16588 90 84 for for ADP crl-16588 90 85 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 90 86 , , PUNCT crl-16588 90 87 p p NOUN crl-16588 90 88 < < X crl-16588 90 89 0.02 0.02 NUM crl-16588 90 90 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 90 91 and and CCONJ crl-16588 90 92 database database NOUN crl-16588 90 93 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 90 94 82.0 82.0 NUM crl-16588 90 95 % % NOUN crl-16588 90 96 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 90 97 responses response NOUN crl-16588 90 98 for for ADP crl-16588 90 99 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 90 100 vs. vs. ADP crl-16588 90 101 66.0 66.0 NUM crl-16588 90 102 % % NOUN crl-16588 90 103 for for ADP crl-16588 90 104 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 90 105 , , PUNCT crl-16588 90 106 p p NOUN crl-16588 90 107 = = SYM crl-16588 90 108 0.001 0.001 NUM crl-16588 90 109 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 90 110 . . PUNCT crl-16588 91 1 however however ADV crl-16588 91 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 91 3 there there PRON crl-16588 91 4 was be VERB crl-16588 91 5 no no DET crl-16588 91 6 statistically statistically ADV crl-16588 91 7 significant significant ADJ crl-16588 91 8 relationship relationship NOUN crl-16588 91 9 between between ADP crl-16588 91 10 class class NOUN crl-16588 91 11 level level NOUN crl-16588 91 12 and and CCONJ crl-16588 91 13 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 91 14 of of ADP crl-16588 91 15 the the DET crl-16588 91 16 term term NOUN crl-16588 91 17 subject subject NOUN crl-16588 91 18 heading heading NOUN crl-16588 91 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 92 1 category category NOUN crl-16588 92 2 3 3 NUM crl-16588 92 3 : : PUNCT crl-16588 92 4 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 92 5 review review NOUN crl-16588 92 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 92 7 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 92 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 92 9 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 92 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 92 11 and and CCONJ crl-16588 92 12 source source NOUN crl-16588 92 13 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 92 14 terms term NOUN crl-16588 92 15 related relate VERB crl-16588 92 16 to to ADP crl-16588 92 17 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 92 18 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 92 19 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 92 20 students student NOUN crl-16588 92 21 begin begin VERB crl-16588 92 22 to to PART crl-16588 92 23 falter falter VERB crl-16588 92 24 when when SCONJ crl-16588 92 25 asked ask VERB crl-16588 92 26 to to PART crl-16588 92 27 define define VERB crl-16588 92 28 information information NOUN crl-16588 92 29 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 92 30 terms term NOUN crl-16588 92 31 that that PRON crl-16588 92 32 are be AUX crl-16588 92 33 more more ADV crl-16588 92 34 conceptual conceptual ADJ crl-16588 92 35 in in ADP crl-16588 92 36 nature nature NOUN crl-16588 92 37 , , PUNCT crl-16588 92 38 particularly particularly ADV crl-16588 92 39 the the DET crl-16588 92 40 terms term NOUN crl-16588 92 41 peer peer VERB crl-16588 92 42 review review NOUN crl-16588 92 43 , , PUNCT crl-16588 92 44 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 92 45 , , PUNCT crl-16588 92 46 source source NOUN crl-16588 92 47 , , PUNCT crl-16588 92 48 and and CCONJ crl-16588 92 49 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 92 50 . . PUNCT crl-16588 93 1 these these DET crl-16588 93 2 terms term NOUN crl-16588 93 3 are be AUX crl-16588 93 4 used use VERB crl-16588 93 5 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 93 6 by by ADP crl-16588 93 7 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 93 8 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 93 9 with with ADP crl-16588 93 10 reference reference NOUN crl-16588 93 11 to to ADP crl-16588 93 12 research research NOUN crl-16588 93 13 assignments assignment NOUN crl-16588 93 14 , , PUNCT crl-16588 93 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 93 16 liaison liaison NOUN crl-16588 93 17 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 93 18 often often ADV crl-16588 93 19 refer refer VERB crl-16588 93 20 to to ADP crl-16588 93 21 these these DET crl-16588 93 22 terms term NOUN crl-16588 93 23 when when SCONJ crl-16588 93 24 teaching teach VERB crl-16588 93 25 students student NOUN crl-16588 93 26 how how SCONJ crl-16588 93 27 to to PART crl-16588 93 28 find find VERB crl-16588 93 29 information information NOUN crl-16588 93 30 to to PART crl-16588 93 31 complete complete VERB crl-16588 93 32 these these DET crl-16588 93 33 assignments assignment NOUN crl-16588 93 34 . . PUNCT crl-16588 94 1 and and CCONJ crl-16588 94 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 94 3 according accord VERB crl-16588 94 4 to to ADP crl-16588 94 5 the the DET crl-16588 94 6 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 94 7 results result NOUN crl-16588 94 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 94 9 even even ADV crl-16588 94 10 when when SCONJ crl-16588 94 11 these these DET crl-16588 94 12 terms term NOUN crl-16588 94 13 are be AUX crl-16588 94 14 defined define VERB crl-16588 94 15 in in ADP crl-16588 94 16 class class NOUN crl-16588 94 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 94 18 students student NOUN crl-16588 94 19 do do AUX crl-16588 94 20 not not PART crl-16588 94 21 understand understand VERB crl-16588 94 22 or or CCONJ crl-16588 94 23 retain retain VERB crl-16588 94 24 the the DET crl-16588 94 25 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 94 26 of of ADP crl-16588 94 27 these these DET crl-16588 94 28 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 94 29 . . PUNCT crl-16588 95 1 for for ADP crl-16588 95 2 instance instance NOUN crl-16588 95 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 95 4 roughly roughly ADV crl-16588 95 5 60 60 NUM crl-16588 95 6 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 95 7 of of ADP crl-16588 95 8 students student NOUN crl-16588 95 9 were be AUX crl-16588 95 10 unable unable ADJ crl-16588 95 11 to to PART crl-16588 95 12 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 95 13 define define VERB crl-16588 95 14 the the DET crl-16588 95 15 terms term NOUN crl-16588 95 16 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 95 17 or or CCONJ crl-16588 95 18 source source NOUN crl-16588 95 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 96 1 as as ADP crl-16588 96 2 in in ADP crl-16588 96 3 previous previous ADJ crl-16588 96 4 cases case NOUN crl-16588 96 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 96 6 library library NOUN crl-16588 96 7 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 96 8 did do AUX crl-16588 96 9 not not PART crl-16588 96 10 significantly significantly ADV crl-16588 96 11 improve improve VERB crl-16588 96 12 student student NOUN crl-16588 96 13 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 96 14 of of ADP crl-16588 96 15 any any PRON crl-16588 96 16 of of ADP crl-16588 96 17 these these DET crl-16588 96 18 terms term NOUN crl-16588 96 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 97 1 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 97 2 review review NOUN crl-16588 97 3 and and CCONJ crl-16588 97 4 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 97 5 the the DET crl-16588 97 6 authors author NOUN crl-16588 97 7 reviewed review VERB crl-16588 97 8 more more ADJ crl-16588 97 9 than than ADP crl-16588 97 10 one one NUM crl-16588 97 11 hundred hundred NUM crl-16588 97 12 syllabi syllabus NOUN crl-16588 97 13 for for ADP crl-16588 97 14 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crl-16588 97 15 classes class NOUN crl-16588 97 16 in in ADP crl-16588 97 17 several several ADJ crl-16588 97 18 disciplines14 disciplines14 NOUN crl-16588 97 19 at at ADP crl-16588 97 20 gvsu gvsu NOUN crl-16588 97 21 and and CCONJ crl-16588 97 22 found find VERB crl-16588 97 23 that that SCONJ crl-16588 97 24 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 97 25 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 97 26 often often ADV crl-16588 97 27 use use VERB crl-16588 97 28 both both PRON crl-16588 97 29 of of ADP crl-16588 97 30 these these DET crl-16588 97 31 terms term NOUN crl-16588 97 32 when when SCONJ crl-16588 97 33 describing describe VERB crl-16588 97 34 the the DET crl-16588 97 35 requirements requirement NOUN crl-16588 97 36 of of ADP crl-16588 97 37 a a DET crl-16588 97 38 research research NOUN crl-16588 97 39 assignment assignment NOUN crl-16588 97 40 or or CCONJ crl-16588 97 41 paper paper NOUN crl-16588 97 42 . . PUNCT crl-16588 98 1 and and CCONJ crl-16588 98 2 they they PRON crl-16588 98 3 often often ADV crl-16588 98 4 do do VERB crl-16588 98 5 so so ADV crl-16588 98 6 in in ADP crl-16588 98 7 ways way NOUN crl-16588 98 8 that that PRON crl-16588 98 9 may may AUX crl-16588 98 10 be be AUX crl-16588 98 11 confusing confusing ADJ crl-16588 98 12 to to ADP crl-16588 98 13 students student NOUN crl-16588 98 14 . . PUNCT crl-16588 99 1 for for ADP crl-16588 99 2 example example NOUN crl-16588 99 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 99 4 the the DET crl-16588 99 5 following follow VERB crl-16588 99 6 uses use NOUN crl-16588 99 7 of of ADP crl-16588 99 8 these these DET crl-16588 99 9 terms term NOUN crl-16588 99 10 were be AUX crl-16588 99 11 found find VERB crl-16588 99 12 in in ADP crl-16588 99 13 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 99 14 syllabi syllabi NOUN crl-16588 99 15 : : PUNCT crl-16588 99 16 professional professional ADJ crl-16588 99 17 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 99 18 sources source NOUN crl-16588 99 19 selected select VERB crl-16588 99 20 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 99 21 article article NOUN crl-16588 99 22 empirical empirical ADJ crl-16588 99 23 article article NOUN crl-16588 99 24 from from ADP crl-16588 99 25 a a DET crl-16588 99 26 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 99 27 listed list VERB crl-16588 99 28 below below ADP crl-16588 99 29 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 99 30 - - PUNCT crl-16588 99 31 reviewed review VERB crl-16588 99 32 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 99 33 article article NOUN crl-16588 99 34 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 99 35 - - PUNCT crl-16588 99 36 reviewed review VERB crl-16588 99 37 / / SYM crl-16588 99 38 refereed refereed NOUN crl-16588 99 39 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 99 40 - - PUNCT crl-16588 99 41 reviewed review VERB crl-16588 99 42 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 99 43 journals journal NOUN crl-16588 99 44 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 99 45 review review NOUN crl-16588 99 46 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 99 47 meaning mean VERB crl-16588 99 48 student student NOUN crl-16588 99 49 - - PUNCT crl-16588 99 50 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 99 51 critiquing critiquing NOUN crl-16588 99 52 of of ADP crl-16588 99 53 each each DET crl-16588 99 54 other other ADJ crl-16588 99 55 ’s ’s NOUN crl-16588 99 56 work work NOUN crl-16588 99 57 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 99 58 the the DET crl-16588 99 59 language language NOUN crl-16588 99 60 of of ADP crl-16588 99 61 information information NOUN crl-16588 99 62 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 99 63 : : PUNCT crl-16588 99 64 do do AUX crl-16588 99 65 students student NOUN crl-16588 99 66 understand understand VERB crl-16588 99 67 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 100 1 289 289 NUM crl-16588 100 2 articles article NOUN crl-16588 100 3 include include VERB crl-16588 100 4 those those PRON crl-16588 100 5 from from ADP crl-16588 100 6 journals journal NOUN crl-16588 100 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 100 8 publications publication NOUN crl-16588 100 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 100 10 the the DET crl-16588 100 11 internet internet NOUN crl-16588 100 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 100 13 the the DET crl-16588 100 14 newspaper newspaper NOUN crl-16588 100 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 100 16 and and CCONJ crl-16588 100 17 the the DET crl-16588 100 18 like like INTJ crl-16588 100 19 no no DET crl-16588 100 20 more more ADJ crl-16588 100 21 than than ADP crl-16588 100 22 2 2 NUM crl-16588 100 23 non non ADJ crl-16588 100 24 – – PUNCT crl-16588 100 25 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 100 26 - - PUNCT crl-16588 100 27 reviewed review VERB crl-16588 100 28 resources resource NOUN crl-16588 100 29 students student NOUN crl-16588 100 30 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 100 31 confusion confusion NOUN crl-16588 100 32 over over ADP crl-16588 100 33 the the DET crl-16588 100 34 term term NOUN crl-16588 100 35 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 100 36 review review NOUN crl-16588 100 37 may may AUX crl-16588 100 38 be be AUX crl-16588 100 39 due due ADJ crl-16588 100 40 , , PUNCT crl-16588 100 41 in in ADP crl-16588 100 42 part part NOUN crl-16588 100 43 , , PUNCT crl-16588 100 44 to to ADP crl-16588 100 45 the the DET crl-16588 100 46 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 100 47 that that SCONJ crl-16588 100 48 all all DET crl-16588 100 49 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crl-16588 100 50 students student NOUN crl-16588 100 51 at at ADP crl-16588 100 52 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 100 53 are be AUX crl-16588 100 54 required require VERB crl-16588 100 55 to to PART crl-16588 100 56 take take VERB crl-16588 100 57 at at ADV crl-16588 100 58 least least ADJ crl-16588 100 59 two two NUM crl-16588 100 60 courses course NOUN crl-16588 100 61 with with ADP crl-16588 100 62 a a DET crl-16588 100 63 supplemental supplemental ADJ crl-16588 100 64 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 100 65 skills skill NOUN crl-16588 100 66 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 100 67 sws sws ADJ crl-16588 100 68 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 100 69 designation designation NOUN crl-16588 100 70 . . PUNCT crl-16588 101 1 almost almost ADV crl-16588 101 2 30 30 NUM crl-16588 101 3 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 101 4 of of ADP crl-16588 101 5 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 101 6 chose choose VERB crl-16588 101 7 choice choice NOUN crl-16588 101 8 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 101 9 d d PROPN crl-16588 101 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 101 11 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 101 12 a a DET crl-16588 101 13 system system NOUN crl-16588 101 14 of of ADP crl-16588 101 15 grading grade VERB crl-16588 101 16 in in ADP crl-16588 101 17 which which PRON crl-16588 101 18 students student NOUN crl-16588 101 19 grade grade VERB crl-16588 101 20 the the DET crl-16588 101 21 work work NOUN crl-16588 101 22 of of ADP crl-16588 101 23 other other ADJ crl-16588 101 24 students student NOUN crl-16588 101 25 . . PUNCT crl-16588 102 1 a a DET crl-16588 102 2 review review NOUN crl-16588 102 3 of of ADP crl-16588 102 4 sws sws PROPN crl-16588 102 5 syllabi syllabi PROPN crl-16588 102 6 reveals reveal VERB crl-16588 102 7 frequent frequent ADJ crl-16588 102 8 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 102 9 evaluations evaluation NOUN crl-16588 102 10 of of ADP crl-16588 102 11 writing write VERB crl-16588 102 12 assignments assignment NOUN crl-16588 102 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 102 14 a a DET crl-16588 102 15 term term NOUN crl-16588 102 16 easily easily ADV crl-16588 102 17 confused confuse VERB crl-16588 102 18 with with ADP crl-16588 102 19 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 102 20 review review NOUN crl-16588 102 21 as as SCONJ crl-16588 102 22 used use VERB crl-16588 102 23 in in ADP crl-16588 102 24 this this DET crl-16588 102 25 study study NOUN crl-16588 102 26 . . PUNCT crl-16588 103 1 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 103 2 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 103 3 first first ADJ crl-16588 103 4 - - PUNCT crl-16588 103 5 year year NOUN crl-16588 103 6 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 103 7 class class NOUN crl-16588 103 8 features feature NOUN crl-16588 103 9 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 103 10 - - PUNCT crl-16588 103 11 review review NOUN crl-16588 103 12 workshops workshop NOUN crl-16588 103 13 in in ADP crl-16588 103 14 which which PRON crl-16588 103 15 students student NOUN crl-16588 103 16 learn learn VERB crl-16588 103 17 to to PART crl-16588 103 18 give give VERB crl-16588 103 19 and and CCONJ crl-16588 103 20 receive receive VERB crl-16588 103 21 constructive constructive ADJ crl-16588 103 22 feedback feedback NOUN crl-16588 103 23 on on ADP crl-16588 103 24 their their PRON crl-16588 103 25 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 103 26 , , PUNCT crl-16588 103 27 both both CCONJ crl-16588 103 28 in in ADP crl-16588 103 29 small small ADJ crl-16588 103 30 groups group NOUN crl-16588 103 31 guided guide VERB crl-16588 103 32 by by ADP crl-16588 103 33 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 103 34 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 103 35 consultants consultant NOUN crl-16588 103 36 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 103 37 students student NOUN crl-16588 103 38 hired hire VERB crl-16588 103 39 by by ADP crl-16588 103 40 the the DET crl-16588 103 41 university university NOUN crl-16588 103 42 ’s ’s NOUN crl-16588 103 43 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 103 44 center center NOUN crl-16588 103 45 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 103 46 and and CCONJ crl-16588 103 47 in in ADP crl-16588 103 48 one one NUM crl-16588 103 49 - - PUNCT crl-16588 103 50 on on ADP crl-16588 103 51 - - PUNCT crl-16588 103 52 one one NUM crl-16588 103 53 sessions session NOUN crl-16588 103 54 . . PUNCT crl-16588 104 1 just just ADV crl-16588 104 2 less less ADJ crl-16588 104 3 than than ADP crl-16588 104 4 50 50 NUM crl-16588 104 5 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 104 6 of of ADP crl-16588 104 7 first first ADJ crl-16588 104 8 - - PUNCT crl-16588 104 9 year year NOUN crl-16588 104 10 gvsu gvsu NOUN crl-16588 104 11 students student NOUN crl-16588 104 12 take take VERB crl-16588 104 13 this this DET crl-16588 104 14 class class NOUN crl-16588 104 15 each each DET crl-16588 104 16 year year NOUN crl-16588 104 17 . . PUNCT crl-16588 105 1 additionally additionally ADV crl-16588 105 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 105 3 this this DET crl-16588 105 4 term term NOUN crl-16588 105 5 is be AUX crl-16588 105 6 occasionally occasionally ADV crl-16588 105 7 found find VERB crl-16588 105 8 in in ADP crl-16588 105 9 other other ADJ crl-16588 105 10 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 105 11 syllabi syllabus NOUN crl-16588 105 12 referring refer VERB crl-16588 105 13 to to ADP crl-16588 105 14 in in ADP crl-16588 105 15 - - PUNCT crl-16588 105 16 class class NOUN crl-16588 105 17 studentto studentto ADJ crl-16588 105 18 - - PUNCT crl-16588 105 19 student student NOUN crl-16588 105 20 evaluation evaluation NOUN crl-16588 105 21 or or CCONJ crl-16588 105 22 critiquing critiquing NOUN crl-16588 105 23 of of ADP crl-16588 105 24 coursework coursework NOUN crl-16588 105 25 . . PUNCT crl-16588 106 1 journal journal PROPN crl-16588 106 2 is be AUX crl-16588 106 3 a a DET crl-16588 106 4 term term NOUN crl-16588 106 5 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 106 6 appearing appear VERB crl-16588 106 7 in in ADP crl-16588 106 8 course course NOUN crl-16588 106 9 syllabi syllabi NOUN crl-16588 106 10 and and CCONJ crl-16588 106 11 class class NOUN crl-16588 106 12 discussions discussion NOUN crl-16588 106 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 106 14 the the DET crl-16588 106 15 library library NOUN crl-16588 106 16 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 106 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 106 18 and and CCONJ crl-16588 106 19 library library NOUN crl-16588 106 20 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 106 21 . . PUNCT crl-16588 107 1 nearly nearly ADV crl-16588 107 2 half half NOUN crl-16588 107 3 of of ADP crl-16588 107 4 the the DET crl-16588 107 5 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 107 6 failed fail VERB crl-16588 107 7 to to PART crl-16588 107 8 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 107 9 define define VERB crl-16588 107 10 it it PRON crl-16588 107 11 . . PUNCT crl-16588 108 1 like like ADP crl-16588 108 2 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 108 3 review review NOUN crl-16588 108 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 108 5 journal journal PROPN crl-16588 108 6 is be AUX crl-16588 108 7 a a DET crl-16588 108 8 term term NOUN crl-16588 108 9 that that PRON crl-16588 108 10 has have VERB crl-16588 108 11 more more ADJ crl-16588 108 12 than than ADP crl-16588 108 13 one one NUM crl-16588 108 14 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 108 15 . . PUNCT crl-16588 109 1 to to ADP crl-16588 109 2 students student NOUN crl-16588 109 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 109 4 journaling journaling NOUN crl-16588 109 5 may may AUX crl-16588 109 6 have have AUX crl-16588 109 7 been be AUX crl-16588 109 8 a a DET crl-16588 109 9 common common ADJ crl-16588 109 10 practice practice NOUN crl-16588 109 11 in in ADP crl-16588 109 12 their their PRON crl-16588 109 13 k–12 k–12 NOUN crl-16588 109 14 experience experience NOUN crl-16588 109 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 109 16 so so CCONJ crl-16588 109 17 their their PRON crl-16588 109 18 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 109 19 of of ADP crl-16588 109 20 the the DET crl-16588 109 21 term term NOUN crl-16588 109 22 may may AUX crl-16588 109 23 be be AUX crl-16588 109 24 as as ADP crl-16588 109 25 a a DET crl-16588 109 26 diary diary NOUN crl-16588 109 27 or or CCONJ crl-16588 109 28 activity activity NOUN crl-16588 109 29 log log NOUN crl-16588 109 30 . . PUNCT crl-16588 110 1 as as SCONJ crl-16588 110 2 addressed address VERB crl-16588 110 3 in in ADP crl-16588 110 4 hutcherson hutcherson PROPN crl-16588 110 5 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 110 6 study study NOUN crl-16588 110 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 110 8 terms term NOUN crl-16588 110 9 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 110 10 which which PRON crl-16588 110 11 in in ADP crl-16588 110 12 a a DET crl-16588 110 13 library library NOUN crl-16588 110 14 setting setting NOUN crl-16588 110 15 may may AUX crl-16588 110 16 have have VERB crl-16588 110 17 a a DET crl-16588 110 18 markedly markedly ADV crl-16588 110 19 different different ADJ crl-16588 110 20 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 110 21 from from ADP crl-16588 110 22 that that PRON crl-16588 110 23 which which PRON crl-16588 110 24 is be AUX crl-16588 110 25 typically typically ADV crl-16588 110 26 understood understand VERB crl-16588 110 27 , , PUNCT crl-16588 110 28 also also ADV crl-16588 110 29 can can AUX crl-16588 110 30 be be AUX crl-16588 110 31 an an DET crl-16588 110 32 impediment impediment NOUN crl-16588 110 33 to to PART crl-16588 110 34 student student NOUN crl-16588 110 35 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 110 36 . . PUNCT crl-16588 110 37 ”15 ”15 PUNCT crl-16588 111 1 even even ADV crl-16588 111 2 the the DET crl-16588 111 3 notion notion NOUN crl-16588 111 4 of of ADP crl-16588 111 5 a a DET crl-16588 111 6 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 111 7 periodical periodical ADJ crl-16588 111 8 devoted devoted ADJ crl-16588 111 9 to to ADP crl-16588 111 10 disseminating disseminate VERB crl-16588 111 11 original original ADJ crl-16588 111 12 research research NOUN crl-16588 111 13 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 111 14 is be AUX crl-16588 111 15 new new ADJ crl-16588 111 16 to to ADP crl-16588 111 17 most most ADJ crl-16588 111 18 college college NOUN crl-16588 111 19 students student NOUN crl-16588 111 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 112 1 the the DET crl-16588 112 2 word word NOUN crl-16588 112 3 periodical periodical ADJ crl-16588 112 4 is be AUX crl-16588 112 5 confusing confusing ADJ crl-16588 112 6 and and CCONJ crl-16588 112 7 perhaps perhaps ADV crl-16588 112 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 112 9 in in ADP crl-16588 112 10 hindsight hindsight NOUN crl-16588 112 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 112 12 should should AUX crl-16588 112 13 have have AUX crl-16588 112 14 been be AUX crl-16588 112 15 included include VERB crl-16588 112 16 in in ADP crl-16588 112 17 the the DET crl-16588 112 18 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 112 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 113 1 further far ADV crl-16588 113 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 113 3 in in ADP crl-16588 113 4 digital digital ADJ crl-16588 113 5 form form NOUN crl-16588 113 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 113 7 a a DET crl-16588 113 8 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 113 9 article article NOUN crl-16588 113 10 looks look VERB crl-16588 113 11 no no ADV crl-16588 113 12 different different ADJ crl-16588 113 13 from from ADP crl-16588 113 14 a a DET crl-16588 113 15 magazine magazine NOUN crl-16588 113 16 or or CCONJ crl-16588 113 17 newspaper newspaper NOUN crl-16588 113 18 article article NOUN crl-16588 113 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 114 1 so so ADV crl-16588 114 2 the the DET crl-16588 114 3 lack lack NOUN crl-16588 114 4 of of ADP crl-16588 114 5 physical physical ADJ crl-16588 114 6 form form NOUN crl-16588 114 7 makes make VERB crl-16588 114 8 it it PRON crl-16588 114 9 difficult difficult ADJ crl-16588 114 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 114 11 if if SCONJ crl-16588 114 12 not not PART crl-16588 114 13 impossible impossible ADJ crl-16588 114 14 , , PUNCT crl-16588 114 15 for for SCONJ crl-16588 114 16 students student NOUN crl-16588 114 17 to to PART crl-16588 114 18 readily readily ADV crl-16588 114 19 understand understand VERB crl-16588 114 20 the the DET crl-16588 114 21 purpose purpose NOUN crl-16588 114 22 for for ADP crl-16588 114 23 which which PRON crl-16588 114 24 the the DET crl-16588 114 25 information information NOUN crl-16588 114 26 was be AUX crl-16588 114 27 created create VERB crl-16588 114 28 and and CCONJ crl-16588 114 29 how how SCONJ crl-16588 114 30 it it PRON crl-16588 114 31 differs differ VERB crl-16588 114 32 from from ADP crl-16588 114 33 other other ADJ crl-16588 114 34 , , PUNCT crl-16588 114 35 more more ADJ crl-16588 114 36 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 114 37 popular popular ADJ crl-16588 114 38 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 114 39 information information NOUN crl-16588 114 40 . . PUNCT crl-16588 115 1 knowing know VERB crl-16588 115 2 what what PRON crl-16588 115 3 an an DET crl-16588 115 4 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 115 5 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 115 6 is be AUX crl-16588 115 7 and and CCONJ crl-16588 115 8 what what PRON crl-16588 115 9 it it PRON crl-16588 115 10 does do AUX crl-16588 115 11 helps help VERB crl-16588 115 12 to to PART crl-16588 115 13 synthesize synthesize VERB crl-16588 115 14 the the DET crl-16588 115 15 idea idea NOUN crl-16588 115 16 that that SCONJ crl-16588 115 17 quality quality NOUN crl-16588 115 18 information information NOUN crl-16588 115 19 takes take VERB crl-16588 115 20 time time NOUN crl-16588 115 21 to to PART crl-16588 115 22 produce produce VERB crl-16588 115 23 . . PUNCT crl-16588 116 1 still still ADV crl-16588 116 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 116 3 notwithstanding notwithstanding ADP crl-16588 116 4 these these DET crl-16588 116 5 difficulties difficulty NOUN crl-16588 116 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 116 7 there there PRON crl-16588 116 8 did do AUX crl-16588 116 9 appear appear VERB crl-16588 116 10 to to PART crl-16588 116 11 be be AUX crl-16588 116 12 substantial substantial ADJ crl-16588 116 13 statistical statistical ADJ crl-16588 116 14 evidence evidence NOUN crl-16588 116 15 to to PART crl-16588 116 16 suggest suggest VERB crl-16588 116 17 that that SCONJ crl-16588 116 18 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 116 19 of of ADP crl-16588 116 20 this this DET crl-16588 116 21 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 116 22 improves improve VERB crl-16588 116 23 as as SCONJ crl-16588 116 24 students student NOUN crl-16588 116 25 advance advance VERB crl-16588 116 26 through through ADP crl-16588 116 27 their their PRON crl-16588 116 28 college college NOUN crl-16588 116 29 careers career NOUN crl-16588 116 30 . . PUNCT crl-16588 117 1 for for ADP crl-16588 117 2 instance instance NOUN crl-16588 117 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 117 4 65.7 65.7 NUM crl-16588 117 5 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 117 6 of of ADP crl-16588 117 7 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 117 8 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 117 9 identified identify VERB crl-16588 117 10 the the DET crl-16588 117 11 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 117 12 of of ADP crl-16588 117 13 the the DET crl-16588 117 14 term term NOUN crl-16588 117 15 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 117 16 , , PUNCT crl-16588 117 17 as as SCONJ crl-16588 117 18 compared compare VERB crl-16588 117 19 to to ADP crl-16588 117 20 43.7 43.7 NUM crl-16588 117 21 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 117 22 of of ADP crl-16588 117 23 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 117 24 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 117 25 p p NOUN crl-16588 117 26 < < X crl-16588 117 27 0.001 0.001 NUM crl-16588 117 28 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 117 29 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 117 30 similarly similarly ADV crl-16588 117 31 , , PUNCT crl-16588 117 32 77.9 77.9 NUM crl-16588 117 33 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 117 34 of of ADP crl-16588 117 35 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 117 36 , , PUNCT crl-16588 117 37 but but CCONJ crl-16588 117 38 only only ADV crl-16588 117 39 42.0 42.0 NUM crl-16588 117 40 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 117 41 of of ADP crl-16588 117 42 incoming incoming ADJ crl-16588 117 43 students student NOUN crl-16588 117 44 , , PUNCT crl-16588 117 45 knew know VERB crl-16588 117 46 the the DET crl-16588 117 47 definition definition NOUN crl-16588 117 48 of of ADP crl-16588 117 49 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 117 50 review review NOUN crl-16588 117 51 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 117 52 p p NOUN crl-16588 117 53 < < X crl-16588 117 54 0.001 0.001 NUM crl-16588 117 55 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 117 56 . . PUNCT crl-16588 118 1 scholarly scholarly ADV crl-16588 118 2 scholarly scholarly ADV crl-16588 118 3 is be AUX crl-16588 118 4 a a DET crl-16588 118 5 term term NOUN crl-16588 118 6 that that PRON crl-16588 118 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 118 8 again again ADV crl-16588 118 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 118 10 may may AUX crl-16588 118 11 have have VERB crl-16588 118 12 more more ADJ crl-16588 118 13 than than ADP crl-16588 118 14 one one NUM crl-16588 118 15 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 118 16 to to ADP crl-16588 118 17 students student NOUN crl-16588 118 18 and and CCONJ crl-16588 118 19 professors professor NOUN crl-16588 118 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 119 1 beginning begin VERB crl-16588 119 2 college college NOUN crl-16588 119 3 students student NOUN crl-16588 119 4 are be AUX crl-16588 119 5 exposed expose VERB crl-16588 119 6 to to ADP crl-16588 119 7 new new ADJ crl-16588 119 8 ideas idea NOUN crl-16588 119 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 119 10 theories theory NOUN crl-16588 119 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 119 12 and and CCONJ crl-16588 119 13 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 119 14 within within ADP crl-16588 119 15 the the DET crl-16588 119 16 context context NOUN crl-16588 119 17 of of ADP crl-16588 119 18 their their PRON crl-16588 119 19 course course NOUN crl-16588 119 20 disciplines discipline NOUN crl-16588 119 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 119 22 taught teach VERB crl-16588 119 23 by by ADP crl-16588 119 24 experts expert NOUN crl-16588 119 25 — — PUNCT crl-16588 119 26 or or CCONJ crl-16588 119 27 scholars scholar NOUN crl-16588 119 28 — — PUNCT crl-16588 119 29 in in ADP crl-16588 119 30 a a DET crl-16588 119 31 field field NOUN crl-16588 119 32 . . PUNCT crl-16588 120 1 the the DET crl-16588 120 2 concept concept NOUN crl-16588 120 3 of of ADP crl-16588 120 4 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 120 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 120 6 as as SCONJ crl-16588 120 7 it it PRON crl-16588 120 8 refers refer VERB crl-16588 120 9 to to ADP crl-16588 120 10 a a DET crl-16588 120 11 type type NOUN crl-16588 120 12 of of ADP crl-16588 120 13 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 120 14 , , PUNCT crl-16588 120 15 is be AUX crl-16588 120 16 not not PART crl-16588 120 17 one one NUM crl-16588 120 18 that that PRON crl-16588 120 19 students student NOUN crl-16588 120 20 automatically automatically ADV crl-16588 120 21 understand understand VERB crl-16588 120 22 . . PUNCT crl-16588 121 1 they they PRON crl-16588 121 2 need need VERB crl-16588 121 3 to to PART crl-16588 121 4 recognize recognize VERB crl-16588 121 5 the the DET crl-16588 121 6 characteristics characteristic NOUN crl-16588 121 7 of of ADP crl-16588 121 8 the the DET crl-16588 121 9 style style NOUN crl-16588 121 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 121 11 and and CCONJ crl-16588 121 12 this this PRON crl-16588 121 13 takes take VERB crl-16588 121 14 time time NOUN crl-16588 121 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 121 16 exposure exposure NOUN crl-16588 121 17 to to ADP crl-16588 121 18 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 121 19 work work NOUN crl-16588 121 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 122 1 while while SCONJ crl-16588 122 2 many many ADJ crl-16588 122 3 professors professor NOUN crl-16588 122 4 do do AUX crl-16588 122 5 define define VERB crl-16588 122 6 the the DET crl-16588 122 7 term term NOUN crl-16588 122 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 122 9 some some PRON crl-16588 122 10 may may AUX crl-16588 122 11 use use VERB crl-16588 122 12 it it PRON crl-16588 122 13 in in ADP crl-16588 122 14 lectures lecture NOUN crl-16588 122 15 or or CCONJ crl-16588 122 16 course course VERB crl-16588 122 17 materials material NOUN crl-16588 122 18 without without ADP crl-16588 122 19 a a DET crl-16588 122 20 clear clear ADJ crl-16588 122 21 explanation explanation NOUN crl-16588 122 22 , , PUNCT crl-16588 122 23 assuming assume VERB crl-16588 122 24 this this DET crl-16588 122 25 type type NOUN crl-16588 122 26 of of ADP crl-16588 122 27 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 122 28 is be AUX crl-16588 122 29 familiar familiar ADJ crl-16588 122 30 to to ADP crl-16588 122 31 students student NOUN crl-16588 122 32 . . PUNCT crl-16588 123 1 this this DET crl-16588 123 2 study study NOUN crl-16588 123 3 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 123 4 findings finding NOUN crl-16588 123 5 demonstrate demonstrate VERB crl-16588 123 6 otherwise otherwise ADV crl-16588 123 7 . . PUNCT crl-16588 124 1 a a DET crl-16588 124 2 little little ADJ crl-16588 124 3 more more ADJ crl-16588 124 4 than than ADP crl-16588 124 5 40 40 NUM crl-16588 124 6 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 124 7 of of ADP crl-16588 124 8 students student NOUN crl-16588 124 9 were be AUX crl-16588 124 10 able able ADJ crl-16588 124 11 to to PART crl-16588 124 12 identify identify VERB crl-16588 124 13 the the DET crl-16588 124 14 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 124 15 of of ADP crl-16588 124 16 the the DET crl-16588 124 17 term term NOUN crl-16588 124 18 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 124 19 and and CCONJ crl-16588 124 20 its its PRON crl-16588 124 21 relevance relevance NOUN crl-16588 124 22 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 124 23 in in ADP crl-16588 124 24 a a DET crl-16588 124 25 library library NOUN crl-16588 124 26 research research NOUN crl-16588 124 27 context context NOUN crl-16588 124 28 . . PUNCT crl-16588 125 1 moreover moreover ADV crl-16588 125 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 125 3 unlike unlike ADP crl-16588 125 4 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 125 5 and and CCONJ crl-16588 125 6 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 125 7 review review NOUN crl-16588 125 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 125 9 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 125 10 of of ADP crl-16588 125 11 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 125 12 did do AUX crl-16588 125 13 not not PART crl-16588 125 14 significantly significantly ADV crl-16588 125 15 improve improve VERB crl-16588 125 16 with with ADP crl-16588 125 17 class class NOUN crl-16588 125 18 standing standing NOUN crl-16588 125 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 126 1 290 290 NUM crl-16588 126 2 college college PROPN crl-16588 126 3 & & CCONJ crl-16588 126 4 research research PROPN crl-16588 126 5 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 126 6 march march VERB crl-16588 126 7 2017 2017 NUM crl-16588 127 1 the the DET crl-16588 127 2 term term NOUN crl-16588 127 3 scholarly scholarly ADV crl-16588 127 4 is be AUX crl-16588 127 5 also also ADV crl-16588 127 6 frequently frequently ADV crl-16588 127 7 found find VERB crl-16588 127 8 in in ADP crl-16588 127 9 syllabi syllabi NOUN crl-16588 127 10 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 127 11 examples example NOUN crl-16588 127 12 of of ADP crl-16588 127 13 its its PRON crl-16588 127 14 use use NOUN crl-16588 127 15 at at ADP crl-16588 127 16 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 127 17 include include VERB crl-16588 127 18 : : PUNCT crl-16588 127 19 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 127 20 literature literature NOUN crl-16588 127 21 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 127 22 perspective perspective NOUN crl-16588 127 23 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 127 24 debate debate NOUN crl-16588 127 25 15 15 NUM crl-16588 127 26 sources source NOUN crl-16588 127 27 , , PUNCT crl-16588 127 28 10 10 NUM crl-16588 127 29 of of ADP crl-16588 127 30 which which PRON crl-16588 127 31 must must AUX crl-16588 127 32 be be AUX crl-16588 127 33 scholarly scholarly ADV crl-16588 127 34 3 3 NUM crl-16588 127 35 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 127 36 citations citation NOUN crl-16588 127 37 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 127 38 journals journal NOUN crl-16588 127 39 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 127 40 research research NOUN crl-16588 127 41 articles article NOUN crl-16588 127 42 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 127 43 book book NOUN crl-16588 127 44 source source NOUN crl-16588 127 45 students student NOUN crl-16588 127 46 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 127 47 lack lack NOUN crl-16588 127 48 of of ADP crl-16588 127 49 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 127 50 of of ADP crl-16588 127 51 the the DET crl-16588 127 52 term term NOUN crl-16588 127 53 source source NOUN crl-16588 127 54 may may AUX crl-16588 127 55 seem seem VERB crl-16588 127 56 initially initially ADV crl-16588 127 57 surprising surprising ADJ crl-16588 127 58 , , PUNCT crl-16588 127 59 but but CCONJ crl-16588 127 60 the the DET crl-16588 127 61 word word NOUN crl-16588 127 62 means mean VERB crl-16588 127 63 different different ADJ crl-16588 127 64 things thing NOUN crl-16588 127 65 in in ADP crl-16588 127 66 different different ADJ crl-16588 127 67 contexts context NOUN crl-16588 127 68 . . PUNCT crl-16588 128 1 the the DET crl-16588 128 2 word word NOUN crl-16588 128 3 was be AUX crl-16588 128 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 128 5 in in ADP crl-16588 128 6 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 128 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 128 8 part part NOUN crl-16588 128 9 of of ADP crl-16588 128 10 the the DET crl-16588 128 11 discussion discussion NOUN crl-16588 128 12 that that PRON crl-16588 128 13 inspired inspire VERB crl-16588 128 14 this this DET crl-16588 128 15 study study NOUN crl-16588 128 16 . . PUNCT crl-16588 129 1 in in ADP crl-16588 129 2 reviewing review VERB crl-16588 129 3 submissions submission NOUN crl-16588 129 4 for for ADP crl-16588 129 5 inclusion inclusion NOUN crl-16588 129 6 in in ADP crl-16588 129 7 a a DET crl-16588 129 8 collection collection NOUN crl-16588 129 9 of of ADP crl-16588 129 10 lesson lesson NOUN crl-16588 129 11 plans plan NOUN crl-16588 129 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 129 13 the the DET crl-16588 129 14 authors author NOUN crl-16588 129 15 noticed notice VERB crl-16588 129 16 varying vary VERB crl-16588 129 17 uses use NOUN crl-16588 129 18 of of ADP crl-16588 129 19 the the DET crl-16588 129 20 term term NOUN crl-16588 129 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 129 22 leading lead VERB crl-16588 129 23 to to ADP crl-16588 129 24 discussions discussion NOUN crl-16588 129 25 with with ADP crl-16588 129 26 each each DET crl-16588 129 27 other other ADJ crl-16588 129 28 and and CCONJ crl-16588 129 29 with with ADP crl-16588 129 30 colleagues colleague NOUN crl-16588 129 31 about about ADP crl-16588 129 32 the the DET crl-16588 129 33 need need NOUN crl-16588 129 34 to to PART crl-16588 129 35 define define VERB crl-16588 129 36 terms term NOUN crl-16588 129 37 , , PUNCT crl-16588 129 38 not not PART crl-16588 129 39 only only ADV crl-16588 129 40 for for ADP crl-16588 129 41 students student NOUN crl-16588 129 42 , , PUNCT crl-16588 129 43 but but CCONJ crl-16588 129 44 for for ADP crl-16588 129 45 one one NUM crl-16588 129 46 another another DET crl-16588 129 47 . . PUNCT crl-16588 130 1 one one PRON crl-16588 130 2 could could AUX crl-16588 130 3 consider consider VERB crl-16588 130 4 a a DET crl-16588 130 5 database database NOUN crl-16588 130 6 a a DET crl-16588 130 7 source source NOUN crl-16588 130 8 of of ADP crl-16588 130 9 information information NOUN crl-16588 130 10 . . PUNCT crl-16588 131 1 an an DET crl-16588 131 2 interviewee interviewee NOUN crl-16588 131 3 is be AUX crl-16588 131 4 a a DET crl-16588 131 5 source source NOUN crl-16588 131 6 of of ADP crl-16588 131 7 information information NOUN crl-16588 131 8 to to ADP crl-16588 131 9 a a DET crl-16588 131 10 reporter reporter NOUN crl-16588 131 11 . . PUNCT crl-16588 132 1 other other ADJ crl-16588 132 2 potential potential ADJ crl-16588 132 3 sources source NOUN crl-16588 132 4 could could AUX crl-16588 132 5 be be AUX crl-16588 132 6 the the DET crl-16588 132 7 students student NOUN crl-16588 132 8 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 132 9 professors professor NOUN crl-16588 132 10 or or CCONJ crl-16588 132 11 even even ADV crl-16588 132 12 the the DET crl-16588 132 13 entire entire ADJ crl-16588 132 14 library library NOUN crl-16588 132 15 . . PUNCT crl-16588 133 1 in in ADP crl-16588 133 2 this this DET crl-16588 133 3 context context NOUN crl-16588 133 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 133 5 however however ADV crl-16588 133 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 133 7 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 133 8 typically typically ADV crl-16588 133 9 define define VERB crl-16588 133 10 source source NOUN crl-16588 133 11 as as ADP crl-16588 133 12 a a DET crl-16588 133 13 single single ADJ crl-16588 133 14 piece piece NOUN crl-16588 133 15 of of ADP crl-16588 133 16 information information NOUN crl-16588 133 17 such such ADJ crl-16588 133 18 as as ADP crl-16588 133 19 a a DET crl-16588 133 20 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 133 21 or or CCONJ crl-16588 133 22 newspaper newspaper NOUN crl-16588 133 23 article article NOUN crl-16588 133 24 , , PUNCT crl-16588 133 25 book book NOUN crl-16588 133 26 , , PUNCT crl-16588 133 27 online online ADJ crl-16588 133 28 article article NOUN crl-16588 133 29 , , PUNCT crl-16588 133 30 or or CCONJ crl-16588 133 31 video video NOUN crl-16588 133 32 . . PUNCT crl-16588 134 1 the the DET crl-16588 134 2 high high ADJ crl-16588 134 3 number number NOUN crl-16588 134 4 of of ADP crl-16588 134 5 responses response NOUN crl-16588 134 6 for for ADP crl-16588 134 7 choice choice NOUN crl-16588 134 8 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 134 9 d d PROPN crl-16588 134 10 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 134 11 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 134 12 information information NOUN crl-16588 134 13 used use VERB crl-16588 134 14 in in ADP crl-16588 134 15 research research NOUN crl-16588 134 16 for for ADP crl-16588 134 17 which which PRON crl-16588 134 18 the the DET crl-16588 134 19 author author NOUN crl-16588 134 20 can can AUX crl-16588 134 21 be be AUX crl-16588 134 22 identified identify VERB crl-16588 134 23 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 134 24 may may AUX crl-16588 134 25 indicate indicate VERB crl-16588 134 26 that that SCONJ crl-16588 134 27 students student NOUN crl-16588 134 28 think think VERB crl-16588 134 29 that that SCONJ crl-16588 134 30 the the DET crl-16588 134 31 source source NOUN crl-16588 134 32 is be AUX crl-16588 134 33 the the DET crl-16588 134 34 creator creator NOUN crl-16588 134 35 of of ADP crl-16588 134 36 that that DET crl-16588 134 37 information information NOUN crl-16588 134 38 rather rather ADV crl-16588 134 39 than than ADP crl-16588 134 40 the the DET crl-16588 134 41 information information NOUN crl-16588 134 42 itself itself PRON crl-16588 134 43 . . PUNCT crl-16588 135 1 as as SCONJ crl-16588 135 2 was be AUX crl-16588 135 3 the the DET crl-16588 135 4 case case NOUN crl-16588 135 5 with with ADP crl-16588 135 6 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 135 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 135 8 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 135 9 were be AUX crl-16588 135 10 no no ADV crl-16588 135 11 better well ADJ crl-16588 135 12 than than ADP crl-16588 135 13 freshman freshman NOUN crl-16588 135 14 at at ADP crl-16588 135 15 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 135 16 defining define VERB crl-16588 135 17 source source NOUN crl-16588 135 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 136 1 the the DET crl-16588 136 2 term term NOUN crl-16588 136 3 source source NOUN crl-16588 136 4 is be AUX crl-16588 136 5 commonly commonly ADV crl-16588 136 6 found find VERB crl-16588 136 7 in in ADP crl-16588 136 8 syllabi syllabi NOUN crl-16588 136 9 and and CCONJ crl-16588 136 10 research research NOUN crl-16588 136 11 assignments assignment NOUN crl-16588 136 12 and and CCONJ crl-16588 136 13 is be AUX crl-16588 136 14 used use VERB crl-16588 136 15 in in ADP crl-16588 136 16 a a DET crl-16588 136 17 variety variety NOUN crl-16588 136 18 of of ADP crl-16588 136 19 ways way NOUN crl-16588 136 20 that that PRON crl-16588 136 21 can can AUX crl-16588 136 22 be be AUX crl-16588 136 23 confusing confusing ADJ crl-16588 136 24 to to ADP crl-16588 136 25 students student NOUN crl-16588 136 26 . . PUNCT crl-16588 137 1 some some DET crl-16588 137 2 examples example NOUN crl-16588 137 3 found find VERB crl-16588 137 4 in in ADP crl-16588 137 5 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 137 6 syllabi syllabi PROPN crl-16588 137 7 include include VERB crl-16588 137 8 : : PUNCT crl-16588 137 9 using use VERB crl-16588 137 10 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 137 11 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 12 to to PART crl-16588 137 13 support support VERB crl-16588 137 14 your your PRON crl-16588 137 15 claim claim NOUN crl-16588 137 16 one one NUM crl-16588 137 17 paper paper NOUN crl-16588 137 18 that that PRON crl-16588 137 19 uses use VERB crl-16588 137 20 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 21 internet internet NOUN crl-16588 137 22 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 23 news news NOUN crl-16588 137 24 source source NOUN crl-16588 137 25 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 137 26 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 27 qualifying qualify VERB crl-16588 137 28 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 29 find find VERB crl-16588 137 30 two two NUM crl-16588 137 31 places place NOUN crl-16588 137 32 where where SCONJ crl-16588 137 33 solid solid ADJ crl-16588 137 34 source source NOUN crl-16588 137 35 integration integration NOUN crl-16588 137 36 outside outside ADP crl-16588 137 37 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 38 of of ADP crl-16588 137 39 supporting support VERB crl-16588 137 40 references reference NOUN crl-16588 137 41 add add VERB crl-16588 137 42 research research NOUN crl-16588 137 43 to to ADP crl-16588 137 44 any any DET crl-16588 137 45 sourced source VERB crl-16588 137 46 - - PUNCT crl-16588 137 47 based base VERB crl-16588 137 48 paper paper NOUN crl-16588 137 49 that that PRON crl-16588 137 50 needs need VERB crl-16588 137 51 to to PART crl-16588 137 52 be be AUX crl-16588 137 53 explained explain VERB crl-16588 137 54 multiple multiple ADJ crl-16588 137 55 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 56 relevant relevant ADJ crl-16588 137 57 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 58 of of ADP crl-16588 137 59 data datum NOUN crl-16588 137 60 acknowledge acknowledge VERB crl-16588 137 61 the the DET crl-16588 137 62 source source NOUN crl-16588 137 63 of of ADP crl-16588 137 64 your your PRON crl-16588 137 65 ideas idea NOUN crl-16588 137 66 cite cite VERB crl-16588 137 67 the the DET crl-16588 137 68 source source NOUN crl-16588 137 69 other other ADJ crl-16588 137 70 sources source NOUN crl-16588 137 71 category category NOUN crl-16588 137 72 4 4 NUM crl-16588 137 73 : : PUNCT crl-16588 137 74 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 137 75 and and CCONJ crl-16588 137 76 stacks stack NOUN crl-16588 137 77 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 137 78 archaic archaic ADJ crl-16588 137 79 terms term NOUN crl-16588 137 80 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 137 81 these these DET crl-16588 137 82 terms term NOUN crl-16588 137 83 are be AUX crl-16588 137 84 ones one NOUN crl-16588 137 85 that that PRON crl-16588 137 86 may may AUX crl-16588 137 87 or or CCONJ crl-16588 137 88 may may AUX crl-16588 137 89 not not PART crl-16588 137 90 be be AUX crl-16588 137 91 used use VERB crl-16588 137 92 in in ADP crl-16588 137 93 reference reference NOUN crl-16588 137 94 interviews interview NOUN crl-16588 137 95 , , PUNCT crl-16588 137 96 and and CCONJ crl-16588 137 97 use use VERB crl-16588 137 98 in in ADP crl-16588 137 99 classroom classroom NOUN crl-16588 137 100 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 137 101 may may AUX crl-16588 137 102 be be AUX crl-16588 137 103 limited limit VERB crl-16588 137 104 . . PUNCT crl-16588 138 1 these these DET crl-16588 138 2 terms term NOUN crl-16588 138 3 were be AUX crl-16588 138 4 included include VERB crl-16588 138 5 because because SCONJ crl-16588 138 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 138 7 with with ADP crl-16588 138 8 the the DET crl-16588 138 9 exception exception NOUN crl-16588 138 10 of of ADP crl-16588 138 11 open open ADJ crl-16588 138 12 access access NOUN crl-16588 138 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 138 14 their their PRON crl-16588 138 15 obsolescence obsolescence NOUN crl-16588 138 16 can can AUX crl-16588 138 17 not not PART crl-16588 138 18 be be AUX crl-16588 138 19 assumed assume VERB crl-16588 138 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 139 1 the the DET crl-16588 139 2 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 139 3 that that SCONJ crl-16588 139 4 these these DET crl-16588 139 5 terms term NOUN crl-16588 139 6 represent represent VERB crl-16588 139 7 physical physical ADJ crl-16588 139 8 entities entity NOUN crl-16588 139 9 with with ADP crl-16588 139 10 names name NOUN crl-16588 139 11 that that PRON crl-16588 139 12 may may AUX crl-16588 139 13 have have AUX crl-16588 139 14 changed change VERB crl-16588 139 15 over over ADP crl-16588 139 16 time time NOUN crl-16588 139 17 means mean VERB crl-16588 139 18 they they PRON crl-16588 139 19 require require VERB crl-16588 139 20 explanation explanation NOUN crl-16588 139 21 when when SCONJ crl-16588 139 22 encountered encounter VERB crl-16588 139 23 . . PUNCT crl-16588 140 1 the the DET crl-16588 140 2 words word NOUN crl-16588 140 3 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 140 4 and and CCONJ crl-16588 140 5 stacks stack NOUN crl-16588 140 6 were be AUX crl-16588 140 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 140 8 in in ADP crl-16588 140 9 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 140 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 140 11 only only ADV crl-16588 140 12 recently recently ADV crl-16588 140 13 removed remove VERB crl-16588 140 14 from from ADP crl-16588 140 15 the the DET crl-16588 140 16 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 140 17 website website NOUN crl-16588 140 18 and and CCONJ crl-16588 140 19 replaced replace VERB crl-16588 140 20 with with ADP crl-16588 140 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 140 22 respectively respectively ADV crl-16588 140 23 , , PUNCT crl-16588 140 24 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 140 25 books book NOUN crl-16588 140 26 & & CCONJ crl-16588 140 27 media medium NOUN crl-16588 140 28 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 140 29 and and CCONJ crl-16588 140 30 a a DET crl-16588 140 31 floor floor NOUN crl-16588 140 32 location location NOUN crl-16588 140 33 designation designation NOUN crl-16588 140 34 . . PUNCT crl-16588 141 1 the the DET crl-16588 141 2 card card NOUN crl-16588 141 3 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 141 4 is be AUX crl-16588 141 5 a a DET crl-16588 141 6 rare rare ADJ crl-16588 141 7 component component NOUN crl-16588 141 8 of of ADP crl-16588 141 9 the the DET crl-16588 141 10 language language NOUN crl-16588 141 11 of of ADP crl-16588 141 12 information information NOUN crl-16588 141 13 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 141 14 : : PUNCT crl-16588 141 15 do do AUX crl-16588 141 16 students student NOUN crl-16588 141 17 understand understand VERB crl-16588 141 18 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 142 1 291 291 NUM crl-16588 142 2 today today NOUN crl-16588 142 3 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 142 4 library library NOUN crl-16588 142 5 and and CCONJ crl-16588 142 6 is be AUX crl-16588 142 7 more more ADV crl-16588 142 8 often often ADV crl-16588 142 9 used use VERB crl-16588 142 10 in in ADP crl-16588 142 11 reference reference NOUN crl-16588 142 12 to to ADP crl-16588 142 13 a a DET crl-16588 142 14 university university NOUN crl-16588 142 15 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 142 16 course course NOUN crl-16588 142 17 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 142 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 143 1 the the DET crl-16588 143 2 use use NOUN crl-16588 143 3 of of ADP crl-16588 143 4 stacks stack NOUN crl-16588 143 5 to to PART crl-16588 143 6 refer refer VERB crl-16588 143 7 to to ADP crl-16588 143 8 library library NOUN crl-16588 143 9 bookshelves bookshelf NOUN crl-16588 143 10 is be AUX crl-16588 143 11 the the DET crl-16588 143 12 one one NUM crl-16588 143 13 jargon jargon PROPN crl-16588 143 14 term term NOUN crl-16588 143 15 included include VERB crl-16588 143 16 in in ADP crl-16588 143 17 the the DET crl-16588 143 18 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 143 19 , , PUNCT crl-16588 143 20 and and CCONJ crl-16588 143 21 it it PRON crl-16588 143 22 appeared appear VERB crl-16588 143 23 on on ADP crl-16588 143 24 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 143 25 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 143 26 website website NOUN crl-16588 143 27 until until ADP crl-16588 143 28 february february PROPN crl-16588 143 29 of of ADP crl-16588 143 30 2015 2015 NUM crl-16588 143 31 . . PUNCT crl-16588 144 1 library library NOUN crl-16588 144 2 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 144 3 did do AUX crl-16588 144 4 not not PART crl-16588 144 5 influence influence VERB crl-16588 144 6 student student NOUN crl-16588 144 7 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 144 8 of of ADP crl-16588 144 9 either either DET crl-16588 144 10 term term NOUN crl-16588 144 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 144 12 and and CCONJ crl-16588 144 13 class class NOUN crl-16588 144 14 standing standing NOUN crl-16588 144 15 was be AUX crl-16588 144 16 not not PART crl-16588 144 17 significantly significantly ADV crl-16588 144 18 related relate VERB crl-16588 144 19 to to ADP crl-16588 144 20 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 144 21 of of ADP crl-16588 144 22 the the DET crl-16588 144 23 term term NOUN crl-16588 144 24 stacks stack NOUN crl-16588 144 25 . . PUNCT crl-16588 145 1 however however ADV crl-16588 145 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 145 3 while while SCONJ crl-16588 145 4 only only ADV crl-16588 145 5 44.2 44.2 NUM crl-16588 145 6 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 145 7 of of ADP crl-16588 145 8 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 145 9 could could AUX crl-16588 145 10 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 145 11 identify identify VERB crl-16588 145 12 the the DET crl-16588 145 13 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 145 14 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 145 15 of of ADP crl-16588 145 16 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 145 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 145 18 62.5 62.5 NUM crl-16588 145 19 percent percent NOUN crl-16588 145 20 of of ADP crl-16588 145 21 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 145 22 were be AUX crl-16588 145 23 able able ADJ crl-16588 145 24 to to PART crl-16588 145 25 do do VERB crl-16588 145 26 so so ADV crl-16588 145 27 , , PUNCT crl-16588 145 28 a a DET crl-16588 145 29 statistically statistically ADV crl-16588 145 30 significant significant ADJ crl-16588 145 31 difference difference NOUN crl-16588 145 32 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 145 33 p p NOUN crl-16588 145 34 < < X crl-16588 145 35 0.001 0.001 NUM crl-16588 145 36 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 145 37 . . PUNCT crl-16588 146 1 category category NOUN crl-16588 146 2 5 5 NUM crl-16588 146 3 : : PUNCT crl-16588 146 4 open open ADJ crl-16588 146 5 access access NOUN crl-16588 146 6 the the DET crl-16588 146 7 term term NOUN crl-16588 146 8 open open ADJ crl-16588 146 9 access access NOUN crl-16588 146 10 did do AUX crl-16588 146 11 not not PART crl-16588 146 12 easily easily ADV crl-16588 146 13 fit fit VERB crl-16588 146 14 into into ADP crl-16588 146 15 any any PRON crl-16588 146 16 of of ADP crl-16588 146 17 the the DET crl-16588 146 18 former former ADJ crl-16588 146 19 categories category NOUN crl-16588 146 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 147 1 perhaps perhaps ADV crl-16588 147 2 this this PRON crl-16588 147 3 is be AUX crl-16588 147 4 because because SCONJ crl-16588 147 5 it it PRON crl-16588 147 6 has have AUX crl-16588 147 7 only only ADV crl-16588 147 8 recently recently ADV crl-16588 147 9 come come VERB crl-16588 147 10 into into ADP crl-16588 147 11 the the DET crl-16588 147 12 library library NOUN crl-16588 147 13 lexicon lexicon NOUN crl-16588 147 14 and and CCONJ crl-16588 147 15 students student NOUN crl-16588 147 16 have have AUX crl-16588 147 17 not not PART crl-16588 147 18 yet yet ADV crl-16588 147 19 been be AUX crl-16588 147 20 exposed expose VERB crl-16588 147 21 to to ADP crl-16588 147 22 it it PRON crl-16588 147 23 . . PUNCT crl-16588 148 1 this this PRON crl-16588 148 2 is be AUX crl-16588 148 3 evidenced evidence VERB crl-16588 148 4 by by ADP crl-16588 148 5 the the DET crl-16588 148 6 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 148 7 that that SCONJ crl-16588 148 8 only only ADV crl-16588 148 9 half half NOUN crl-16588 148 10 of of ADP crl-16588 148 11 respondents respondent NOUN crl-16588 148 12 defined define VERB crl-16588 148 13 it it PRON crl-16588 148 14 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 148 15 . . PUNCT crl-16588 149 1 the the DET crl-16588 149 2 open open ADJ crl-16588 149 3 - - PUNCT crl-16588 149 4 access access NOUN crl-16588 149 5 movement movement NOUN crl-16588 149 6 has have AUX crl-16588 149 7 gained gain VERB crl-16588 149 8 significant significant ADJ crl-16588 149 9 momentum momentum NOUN crl-16588 149 10 in in ADP crl-16588 149 11 recent recent ADJ crl-16588 149 12 years year NOUN crl-16588 149 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 149 14 and and CCONJ crl-16588 149 15 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 149 16 are be AUX crl-16588 149 17 leading lead VERB crl-16588 149 18 the the DET crl-16588 149 19 charge charge NOUN crl-16588 149 20 to to PART crl-16588 149 21 provide provide VERB crl-16588 149 22 alternative alternative ADJ crl-16588 149 23 modes mode NOUN crl-16588 149 24 of of ADP crl-16588 149 25 information information NOUN crl-16588 149 26 storage storage NOUN crl-16588 149 27 and and CCONJ crl-16588 149 28 dissemination dissemination NOUN crl-16588 149 29 . . PUNCT crl-16588 150 1 this this PRON crl-16588 150 2 has have AUX crl-16588 150 3 been be AUX crl-16588 150 4 due due ADJ crl-16588 150 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 150 6 in in ADP crl-16588 150 7 large large ADJ crl-16588 150 8 part part NOUN crl-16588 150 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 150 10 to to ADP crl-16588 150 11 rising rise VERB crl-16588 150 12 publication publication NOUN crl-16588 150 13 costs cost NOUN crl-16588 150 14 and and CCONJ crl-16588 150 15 has have AUX crl-16588 150 16 , , PUNCT crl-16588 150 17 until until ADP crl-16588 150 18 now now ADV crl-16588 150 19 , , PUNCT crl-16588 150 20 involved involve VERB crl-16588 150 21 mainly mainly ADV crl-16588 150 22 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 150 23 . . PUNCT crl-16588 151 1 as as SCONJ crl-16588 151 2 these these DET crl-16588 151 3 models model NOUN crl-16588 151 4 change change VERB crl-16588 151 5 and and CCONJ crl-16588 151 6 institutions institution NOUN crl-16588 151 7 of of ADP crl-16588 151 8 higher high ADJ crl-16588 151 9 education education NOUN crl-16588 151 10 acknowledge acknowledge VERB crl-16588 151 11 students student NOUN crl-16588 151 12 as as ADP crl-16588 151 13 creators creator NOUN crl-16588 151 14 as as ADV crl-16588 151 15 well well ADV crl-16588 151 16 as as ADP crl-16588 151 17 consumers consumer NOUN crl-16588 151 18 of of ADP crl-16588 151 19 information information NOUN crl-16588 151 20 , , PUNCT crl-16588 151 21 open open ADJ crl-16588 151 22 access access NOUN crl-16588 151 23 may may AUX crl-16588 151 24 become become VERB crl-16588 151 25 a a DET crl-16588 151 26 common common ADJ crl-16588 151 27 topic topic NOUN crl-16588 151 28 on on ADP crl-16588 151 29 campuses campus NOUN crl-16588 151 30 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 151 31 recognizability recognizability NOUN crl-16588 151 32 of of ADP crl-16588 151 33 the the DET crl-16588 151 34 term term NOUN crl-16588 151 35 would would AUX crl-16588 151 36 likely likely ADV crl-16588 151 37 follow follow VERB crl-16588 151 38 . . PUNCT crl-16588 152 1 as as ADP crl-16588 152 2 in in ADP crl-16588 152 3 all all DET crl-16588 152 4 other other ADJ crl-16588 152 5 cases case NOUN crl-16588 152 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 152 7 library library NOUN crl-16588 152 8 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 152 9 did do AUX crl-16588 152 10 not not PART crl-16588 152 11 improve improve VERB crl-16588 152 12 student student NOUN crl-16588 152 13 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 152 14 of of ADP crl-16588 152 15 this this DET crl-16588 152 16 term term NOUN crl-16588 152 17 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 152 18 however however ADV crl-16588 152 19 , , PUNCT crl-16588 152 20 there there PRON crl-16588 152 21 was be VERB crl-16588 152 22 statistical statistical ADJ crl-16588 152 23 evidence evidence NOUN crl-16588 152 24 suggesting suggest VERB crl-16588 152 25 that that SCONJ crl-16588 152 26 seniors senior NOUN crl-16588 152 27 were be AUX crl-16588 152 28 able able ADJ crl-16588 152 29 to to PART crl-16588 152 30 correctly correctly ADV crl-16588 152 31 define define VERB crl-16588 152 32 open open ADJ crl-16588 152 33 access access NOUN crl-16588 152 34 more more ADV crl-16588 152 35 often often ADV crl-16588 152 36 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 152 37 61.7 61.7 NUM crl-16588 152 38 % % NOUN crl-16588 152 39 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 152 40 than than ADP crl-16588 152 41 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-16588 152 42 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 152 43 41.5 41.5 NUM crl-16588 152 44 % % NOUN crl-16588 152 45 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 152 46 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 152 47 p p NOUN crl-16588 152 48 < < X crl-16588 152 49 0.001 0.001 NUM crl-16588 152 50 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 152 51 . . PUNCT crl-16588 153 1 conclusion conclusion VERB crl-16588 153 2 the the DET crl-16588 153 3 fourteen fourteen NUM crl-16588 153 4 terms term NOUN crl-16588 153 5 the the DET crl-16588 153 6 authors author NOUN crl-16588 153 7 used use VERB crl-16588 153 8 in in ADP crl-16588 153 9 the the DET crl-16588 153 10 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 153 11 are be AUX crl-16588 153 12 part part NOUN crl-16588 153 13 of of ADP crl-16588 153 14 the the DET crl-16588 153 15 language language NOUN crl-16588 153 16 of of ADP crl-16588 153 17 information information NOUN crl-16588 153 18 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 153 19 , , PUNCT crl-16588 153 20 a a DET crl-16588 153 21 language language NOUN crl-16588 153 22 that that PRON crl-16588 153 23 describes describe VERB crl-16588 153 24 both both CCONJ crl-16588 153 25 concrete concrete ADJ crl-16588 153 26 and and CCONJ crl-16588 153 27 abstract abstract ADJ crl-16588 153 28 ideas idea NOUN crl-16588 153 29 in in ADP crl-16588 153 30 our our PRON crl-16588 153 31 field field NOUN crl-16588 153 32 . . PUNCT crl-16588 154 1 to to PART crl-16588 154 2 truly truly ADV crl-16588 154 3 be be AUX crl-16588 154 4 effective effective ADJ crl-16588 154 5 users user NOUN crl-16588 154 6 and and CCONJ crl-16588 154 7 creators creator NOUN crl-16588 154 8 of of ADP crl-16588 154 9 information information NOUN crl-16588 154 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 154 11 students student NOUN crl-16588 154 12 need need VERB crl-16588 154 13 to to PART crl-16588 154 14 understand understand VERB crl-16588 154 15 the the DET crl-16588 154 16 words word NOUN crl-16588 154 17 that that PRON crl-16588 154 18 define define VERB crl-16588 154 19 not not PART crl-16588 154 20 only only ADV crl-16588 154 21 the the DET crl-16588 154 22 tools tool NOUN crl-16588 154 23 and and CCONJ crl-16588 154 24 resources resource NOUN crl-16588 154 25 , , PUNCT crl-16588 154 26 but but CCONJ crl-16588 154 27 also also ADV crl-16588 154 28 the the DET crl-16588 154 29 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 154 30 underlying underlie VERB crl-16588 154 31 their their PRON crl-16588 154 32 existence existence NOUN crl-16588 154 33 . . PUNCT crl-16588 155 1 what what PRON crl-16588 155 2 makes make VERB crl-16588 155 3 an an DET crl-16588 155 4 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 155 5 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 155 6 a a DET crl-16588 155 7 more more ADV crl-16588 155 8 credible credible ADJ crl-16588 155 9 source source NOUN crl-16588 155 10 than than ADP crl-16588 155 11 a a DET crl-16588 155 12 popular popular ADJ crl-16588 155 13 magazine magazine NOUN crl-16588 155 14 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 156 1 how how SCONJ crl-16588 156 2 do do AUX crl-16588 156 3 these these DET crl-16588 156 4 two two NUM crl-16588 156 5 periodicals periodical NOUN crl-16588 156 6 differ differ VERB crl-16588 156 7 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 157 1 fruitful fruitful ADJ crl-16588 157 2 discussions discussion NOUN crl-16588 157 3 on on ADP crl-16588 157 4 topics topic NOUN crl-16588 157 5 such such ADJ crl-16588 157 6 as as ADP crl-16588 157 7 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 157 8 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 157 9 and and CCONJ crl-16588 157 10 authority authority NOUN crl-16588 157 11 of of ADP crl-16588 157 12 information information NOUN crl-16588 157 13 can can AUX crl-16588 157 14 take take VERB crl-16588 157 15 place place NOUN crl-16588 157 16 only only ADV crl-16588 157 17 when when SCONJ crl-16588 157 18 all all DET crl-16588 157 19 participants participant NOUN crl-16588 157 20 understand understand VERB crl-16588 157 21 the the DET crl-16588 157 22 terms term NOUN crl-16588 157 23 being be AUX crl-16588 157 24 used use VERB crl-16588 157 25 . . PUNCT crl-16588 158 1 as as SCONJ crl-16588 158 2 it it PRON crl-16588 158 3 stands stand VERB crl-16588 158 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 158 5 many many ADJ crl-16588 158 6 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 158 7 may may AUX crl-16588 158 8 work work VERB crl-16588 158 9 under under ADP crl-16588 158 10 the the DET crl-16588 158 11 assumption assumption NOUN crl-16588 158 12 that that SCONJ crl-16588 158 13 students student NOUN crl-16588 158 14 come come VERB crl-16588 158 15 to to ADP crl-16588 158 16 college college NOUN crl-16588 158 17 with with ADP crl-16588 158 18 an an DET crl-16588 158 19 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 158 20 of of ADP crl-16588 158 21 the the DET crl-16588 158 22 terms term NOUN crl-16588 158 23 associated associate VERB crl-16588 158 24 with with ADP crl-16588 158 25 the the DET crl-16588 158 26 library library NOUN crl-16588 158 27 . . PUNCT crl-16588 159 1 the the DET crl-16588 159 2 results result NOUN crl-16588 159 3 of of ADP crl-16588 159 4 this this DET crl-16588 159 5 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 159 6 show show VERB crl-16588 159 7 otherwise otherwise ADV crl-16588 159 8 . . PUNCT crl-16588 160 1 students student NOUN crl-16588 160 2 learn learn VERB crl-16588 160 3 the the DET crl-16588 160 4 language language NOUN crl-16588 160 5 of of ADP crl-16588 160 6 their their PRON crl-16588 160 7 major major ADJ crl-16588 160 8 or or CCONJ crl-16588 160 9 area area NOUN crl-16588 160 10 of of ADP crl-16588 160 11 study study NOUN crl-16588 160 12 through through ADP crl-16588 160 13 repeated repeat VERB crl-16588 160 14 exposure exposure NOUN crl-16588 160 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 160 16 direct direct ADJ crl-16588 160 17 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 160 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 161 1 the the DET crl-16588 161 2 cross cross ADJ crl-16588 161 3 - - ADJ crl-16588 161 4 disciplinary disciplinary ADJ crl-16588 161 5 nature nature NOUN crl-16588 161 6 of of ADP crl-16588 161 7 information information NOUN crl-16588 161 8 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 161 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 161 10 however however ADV crl-16588 161 11 , , PUNCT crl-16588 161 12 makes make VERB crl-16588 161 13 its its PRON crl-16588 161 14 particular particular ADJ crl-16588 161 15 lexicon lexicon NOUN crl-16588 161 16 not not PART crl-16588 161 17 so so ADV crl-16588 161 18 easily easily ADV crl-16588 161 19 conveyed convey VERB crl-16588 161 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 162 1 it it PRON crl-16588 162 2 is be AUX crl-16588 162 3 clear clear ADJ crl-16588 162 4 from from ADP crl-16588 162 5 the the DET crl-16588 162 6 results result NOUN crl-16588 162 7 of of ADP crl-16588 162 8 this this DET crl-16588 162 9 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 162 10 that that SCONJ crl-16588 162 11 library library NOUN crl-16588 162 12 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 162 13 does do AUX crl-16588 162 14 not not PART crl-16588 162 15 significantly significantly ADV crl-16588 162 16 enhance enhance VERB crl-16588 162 17 student student NOUN crl-16588 162 18 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 162 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 163 1 while while SCONJ crl-16588 163 2 a a DET crl-16588 163 3 library library NOUN crl-16588 163 4 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 163 5 session session NOUN crl-16588 163 6 may may AUX crl-16588 163 7 be be AUX crl-16588 163 8 the the DET crl-16588 163 9 only only ADJ crl-16588 163 10 setting setting NOUN crl-16588 163 11 in in ADP crl-16588 163 12 which which PRON crl-16588 163 13 these these DET crl-16588 163 14 terms term NOUN crl-16588 163 15 are be AUX crl-16588 163 16 explained explain VERB crl-16588 163 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 163 18 it it PRON crl-16588 163 19 is be AUX crl-16588 163 20 not not PART crl-16588 163 21 the the DET crl-16588 163 22 sole sole ADJ crl-16588 163 23 venue venue NOUN crl-16588 163 24 where where SCONJ crl-16588 163 25 they they PRON crl-16588 163 26 are be AUX crl-16588 163 27 used use VERB crl-16588 163 28 . . PUNCT crl-16588 164 1 not not PART crl-16588 164 2 all all DET crl-16588 164 3 students student NOUN crl-16588 164 4 take take VERB crl-16588 164 5 classes class NOUN crl-16588 164 6 in in ADP crl-16588 164 7 information information NOUN crl-16588 164 8 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 164 9 or or CCONJ crl-16588 164 10 research research NOUN crl-16588 164 11 skills skill NOUN crl-16588 164 12 . . PUNCT crl-16588 165 1 in in ADP crl-16588 165 2 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 165 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 165 4 many many ADJ crl-16588 165 5 universities university NOUN crl-16588 165 6 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 165 7 the the DET crl-16588 165 8 authors author NOUN crl-16588 165 9 ’ ' PUNCT crl-16588 165 10 included include VERB crl-16588 165 11 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 165 12 do do AUX crl-16588 165 13 not not PART crl-16588 165 14 offer offer VERB crl-16588 165 15 them they PRON crl-16588 165 16 . . PUNCT crl-16588 166 1 students student NOUN crl-16588 166 2 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 166 3 unfamiliarity unfamiliarity NOUN crl-16588 166 4 with with ADP crl-16588 166 5 information information NOUN crl-16588 166 6 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 166 7 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 166 8 is be AUX crl-16588 166 9 an an DET crl-16588 166 10 issue issue NOUN crl-16588 166 11 that that PRON crl-16588 166 12 is be AUX crl-16588 166 13 bigger big ADJ crl-16588 166 14 than than ADP crl-16588 166 15 the the DET crl-16588 166 16 library library NOUN crl-16588 166 17 . . PUNCT crl-16588 167 1 a a DET crl-16588 167 2 way way NOUN crl-16588 167 3 to to PART crl-16588 167 4 develop develop VERB crl-16588 167 5 information information NOUN crl-16588 167 6 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 167 7 across across ADP crl-16588 167 8 campus campus NOUN crl-16588 167 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 167 10 in in ADP crl-16588 167 11 addition addition NOUN crl-16588 167 12 to to ADP crl-16588 167 13 defining define VERB crl-16588 167 14 terms term NOUN crl-16588 167 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 167 16 using use VERB crl-16588 167 17 clear clear ADJ crl-16588 167 18 language language NOUN crl-16588 167 19 in in ADP crl-16588 167 20 the the DET crl-16588 167 21 information information NOUN crl-16588 167 22 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 167 23 classroom classroom NOUN crl-16588 167 24 , , PUNCT crl-16588 167 25 is be AUX crl-16588 167 26 through through ADP crl-16588 167 27 building build VERB crl-16588 167 28 awareness awareness NOUN crl-16588 167 29 among among ADP crl-16588 167 30 nonlibrary nonlibrary ADJ crl-16588 167 31 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 167 32 and and CCONJ crl-16588 167 33 integrating integrate VERB crl-16588 167 34 information information NOUN crl-16588 167 35 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 167 36 content content NOUN crl-16588 167 37 and and CCONJ crl-16588 167 38 critical critical ADJ crl-16588 167 39 thinking thinking NOUN crl-16588 167 40 skills skill NOUN crl-16588 167 41 into into ADP crl-16588 167 42 the the DET crl-16588 167 43 university university NOUN crl-16588 167 44 curriculum curriculum NOUN crl-16588 167 45 . . PUNCT crl-16588 168 1 the the DET crl-16588 168 2 authors author NOUN crl-16588 168 3 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 168 4 findings finding NOUN crl-16588 168 5 provide provide VERB crl-16588 168 6 useful useful ADJ crl-16588 168 7 insights insight NOUN crl-16588 168 8 to to ADP crl-16588 168 9 the the DET crl-16588 168 10 challenge challenge NOUN crl-16588 168 11 of of ADP crl-16588 168 12 teaching teach VERB crl-16588 168 13 information information NOUN crl-16588 168 14 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 168 15 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 168 16 . . PUNCT crl-16588 169 1 with with ADP crl-16588 169 2 limited limited ADJ crl-16588 169 3 time time NOUN crl-16588 169 4 in in ADP crl-16588 169 5 the the DET crl-16588 169 6 classroom classroom NOUN crl-16588 169 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 169 8 librarians librarians PROPN crl-16588 169 9 must must AUX crl-16588 169 10 find find VERB crl-16588 169 11 other other ADJ crl-16588 169 12 ways way NOUN crl-16588 169 13 to to PART crl-16588 169 14 help help VERB crl-16588 169 15 students student NOUN crl-16588 169 16 navigate navigate VERB crl-16588 169 17 a a DET crl-16588 169 18 complex complex ADJ crl-16588 169 19 information information NOUN crl-16588 169 20 landscape landscape NOUN crl-16588 169 21 . . PUNCT crl-16588 170 1 one one NUM crl-16588 170 2 way way NOUN crl-16588 170 3 is be AUX crl-16588 170 4 through through ADP crl-16588 170 5 communication communication NOUN crl-16588 170 6 with with ADP crl-16588 170 7 the the DET crl-16588 170 8 wider wide ADJ crl-16588 170 9 college college NOUN crl-16588 170 10 community community NOUN crl-16588 170 11 . . PUNCT crl-16588 171 1 in in ADP crl-16588 171 2 discussing discuss VERB crl-16588 171 3 the the DET crl-16588 171 4 use use NOUN crl-16588 171 5 of of ADP crl-16588 171 6 language language NOUN crl-16588 171 7 in in ADP crl-16588 171 8 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 171 9 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 171 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 171 11 daniel daniel PROPN crl-16588 171 12 coffey coffey NOUN crl-16588 171 13 and and CCONJ crl-16588 171 14 karen karen PROPN crl-16588 171 15 lawson lawson PROPN crl-16588 171 16 stated state VERB crl-16588 171 17 that that SCONJ crl-16588 171 18 the the DET crl-16588 171 19 [ [ PUNCT crl-16588 171 20 librarian librarian NOUN crl-16588 171 21 ’s ’s X crl-16588 171 22 ] ] PUNCT crl-16588 171 23 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 171 24 value value NOUN crl-16588 171 25 lies lie VERB crl-16588 171 26 in in ADP crl-16588 171 27 his his PRON crl-16588 171 28 or or CCONJ crl-16588 171 29 her her PRON crl-16588 171 30 ability ability NOUN crl-16588 171 31 to to PART crl-16588 171 32 distribute distribute VERB crl-16588 171 33 internal internal ADJ crl-16588 171 34 information information NOUN crl-16588 171 35 to to ADP crl-16588 171 36 other other ADJ crl-16588 171 37 parts part NOUN crl-16588 171 38 of of ADP crl-16588 171 39 the the DET crl-16588 171 40 organization organization NOUN crl-16588 171 41 that that PRON crl-16588 171 42 most most ADJ crl-16588 171 43 need need VERB crl-16588 171 44 to to PART crl-16588 171 45 use use VERB crl-16588 171 46 the the DET crl-16588 171 47 information information NOUN crl-16588 171 48 . . PUNCT crl-16588 172 1 ”16 ”16 PROPN crl-16588 172 2 292 292 NUM crl-16588 172 3 college college PROPN crl-16588 172 4 & & CCONJ crl-16588 172 5 research research PROPN crl-16588 172 6 libraries librarie VERB crl-16588 172 7 march march PROPN crl-16588 172 8 2017 2017 NUM crl-16588 172 9 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 172 10 can can AUX crl-16588 172 11 distribute distribute VERB crl-16588 172 12 information information NOUN crl-16588 172 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 172 14 such such ADJ crl-16588 172 15 as as ADP crl-16588 172 16 the the DET crl-16588 172 17 findings finding NOUN crl-16588 172 18 of of ADP crl-16588 172 19 this this DET crl-16588 172 20 study study NOUN crl-16588 172 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 172 22 to to ADP crl-16588 172 23 others other NOUN crl-16588 172 24 in in ADP crl-16588 172 25 the the DET crl-16588 172 26 university university NOUN crl-16588 172 27 in in ADP crl-16588 172 28 the the DET crl-16588 172 29 following follow VERB crl-16588 172 30 ways way NOUN crl-16588 172 31 : : PUNCT crl-16588 172 32 • • VERB crl-16588 172 33 formally formally ADV crl-16588 172 34 present present ADJ crl-16588 172 35 findings finding NOUN crl-16588 172 36 in in ADP crl-16588 172 37 a a DET crl-16588 172 38 workshop workshop NOUN crl-16588 172 39 for for ADP crl-16588 172 40 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 172 41 via via ADP crl-16588 172 42 the the DET crl-16588 172 43 university university NOUN crl-16588 172 44 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 172 45 teaching teaching NOUN crl-16588 172 46 and and CCONJ crl-16588 172 47 learning learning NOUN crl-16588 172 48 center center NOUN crl-16588 172 49 . . PUNCT crl-16588 173 1 • • PROPN crl-16588 173 2 design design VERB crl-16588 173 3 a a DET crl-16588 173 4 professional professional ADJ crl-16588 173 5 development development NOUN crl-16588 173 6 program program NOUN crl-16588 173 7 for for ADP crl-16588 173 8 library library NOUN crl-16588 173 9 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 173 10 and and CCONJ crl-16588 173 11 user user NOUN crl-16588 173 12 experience experience NOUN crl-16588 173 13 staff staff NOUN crl-16588 173 14 using use VERB crl-16588 173 15 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 173 16 results result NOUN crl-16588 173 17 to to PART crl-16588 173 18 reassess reassess VERB crl-16588 173 19 language language NOUN crl-16588 173 20 usage usage NOUN crl-16588 173 21 in in ADP crl-16588 173 22 reference reference NOUN crl-16588 173 23 consultations consultation NOUN crl-16588 173 24 and and CCONJ crl-16588 173 25 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 173 26 . . PUNCT crl-16588 174 1 • • PROPN crl-16588 174 2 provide provide VERB crl-16588 174 3 syllabus syllabus NOUN crl-16588 174 4 language language NOUN crl-16588 174 5 and and CCONJ crl-16588 174 6 a a DET crl-16588 174 7 glossary glossary NOUN crl-16588 174 8 in in ADP crl-16588 174 9 print print NOUN crl-16588 174 10 and and CCONJ crl-16588 174 11 digital digital ADJ crl-16588 174 12 form form NOUN crl-16588 174 13 for for ADP crl-16588 174 14 inclusion inclusion NOUN crl-16588 174 15 in in ADP crl-16588 174 16 course course NOUN crl-16588 174 17 packets packet NOUN crl-16588 174 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 175 1 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 175 2 interact interact VERB crl-16588 175 3 with with ADP crl-16588 175 4 students student NOUN crl-16588 175 5 for for ADP crl-16588 175 6 only only ADV crl-16588 175 7 a a DET crl-16588 175 8 small small ADJ crl-16588 175 9 portion portion NOUN crl-16588 175 10 of of ADP crl-16588 175 11 their their PRON crl-16588 175 12 college college NOUN crl-16588 175 13 careers career NOUN crl-16588 175 14 . . PUNCT crl-16588 176 1 without without ADP crl-16588 176 2 some some DET crl-16588 176 3 type type NOUN crl-16588 176 4 of of ADP crl-16588 176 5 increased increase VERB crl-16588 176 6 educational educational ADJ crl-16588 176 7 effort effort NOUN crl-16588 176 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 176 9 students student NOUN crl-16588 176 10 will will AUX crl-16588 176 11 continue continue VERB crl-16588 176 12 to to PART crl-16588 176 13 misunderstand misunderstand VERB crl-16588 176 14 or or CCONJ crl-16588 176 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 176 16 worse bad ADJ crl-16588 176 17 yet yet ADV crl-16588 176 18 , , PUNCT crl-16588 176 19 fail fail VERB crl-16588 176 20 to to PART crl-16588 176 21 understand understand VERB crl-16588 176 22 a a DET crl-16588 176 23 good good ADJ crl-16588 176 24 deal deal NOUN crl-16588 176 25 of of ADP crl-16588 176 26 what what PRON crl-16588 176 27 they they PRON crl-16588 176 28 need need VERB crl-16588 176 29 to to PART crl-16588 176 30 be be AUX crl-16588 176 31 effective effective ADJ crl-16588 176 32 researchers researcher NOUN crl-16588 176 33 . . PUNCT crl-16588 177 1 to to PART crl-16588 177 2 ensure ensure VERB crl-16588 177 3 students student NOUN crl-16588 177 4 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 177 5 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 177 6 of of ADP crl-16588 177 7 information information NOUN crl-16588 177 8 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 177 9 terms term NOUN crl-16588 177 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 177 11 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 177 12 need need VERB crl-16588 177 13 to to PART crl-16588 177 14 clearly clearly ADV crl-16588 177 15 define define VERB crl-16588 177 16 them they PRON crl-16588 177 17 in in ADP crl-16588 177 18 their their PRON crl-16588 177 19 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 177 20 sessions session NOUN crl-16588 177 21 and and CCONJ crl-16588 177 22 work work VERB crl-16588 177 23 with with ADP crl-16588 177 24 faculty faculty NOUN crl-16588 177 25 to to PART crl-16588 177 26 reinforce reinforce VERB crl-16588 177 27 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 177 28 of of ADP crl-16588 177 29 terms term NOUN crl-16588 177 30 in in ADP crl-16588 177 31 the the DET crl-16588 177 32 classes class NOUN crl-16588 177 33 and and CCONJ crl-16588 177 34 course course NOUN crl-16588 177 35 materials material NOUN crl-16588 177 36 . . PUNCT crl-16588 178 1 for for ADP crl-16588 178 2 any any DET crl-16588 178 3 kind kind NOUN crl-16588 178 4 of of ADP crl-16588 178 5 instructional instructional ADJ crl-16588 178 6 effort effort NOUN crl-16588 178 7 to to PART crl-16588 178 8 be be AUX crl-16588 178 9 successful successful ADJ crl-16588 178 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 178 11 it it PRON crl-16588 178 12 needs need VERB crl-16588 178 13 to to PART crl-16588 178 14 be be AUX crl-16588 178 15 collaborative collaborative ADJ crl-16588 178 16 and and CCONJ crl-16588 178 17 far far ADV crl-16588 178 18 - - PUNCT crl-16588 178 19 reaching reach VERB crl-16588 178 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 179 1 limitations limitation NOUN crl-16588 179 2 of of ADP crl-16588 179 3 the the DET crl-16588 179 4 present present ADJ crl-16588 179 5 study study NOUN crl-16588 179 6 and and CCONJ crl-16588 179 7 suggestions suggestion NOUN crl-16588 179 8 for for ADP crl-16588 179 9 future future ADJ crl-16588 179 10 research research NOUN crl-16588 179 11 from from ADP crl-16588 179 12 a a DET crl-16588 179 13 methodological methodological ADJ crl-16588 179 14 perspective perspective NOUN crl-16588 179 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 179 16 a a DET crl-16588 179 17 strength strength NOUN crl-16588 179 18 of of ADP crl-16588 179 19 the the DET crl-16588 179 20 present present ADJ crl-16588 179 21 study study NOUN crl-16588 179 22 is be AUX crl-16588 179 23 that that SCONJ crl-16588 179 24 it it PRON crl-16588 179 25 used use VERB crl-16588 179 26 a a DET crl-16588 179 27 numerically numerically ADV crl-16588 179 28 large large ADJ crl-16588 179 29 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 179 30 n n CCONJ crl-16588 179 31 = = X crl-16588 179 32 773 773 NUM crl-16588 179 33 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 179 34 , , PUNCT crl-16588 179 35 broadly broadly ADV crl-16588 179 36 representative representative ADJ crl-16588 179 37 sample sample NOUN crl-16588 179 38 to to PART crl-16588 179 39 explore explore VERB crl-16588 179 40 relationships relationship NOUN crl-16588 179 41 between between ADP crl-16588 179 42 library library NOUN crl-16588 179 43 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 179 44 , , PUNCT crl-16588 179 45 class class NOUN crl-16588 179 46 standing standing NOUN crl-16588 179 47 , , PUNCT crl-16588 179 48 and and CCONJ crl-16588 179 49 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 179 50 of of ADP crl-16588 179 51 key key ADJ crl-16588 179 52 information information NOUN crl-16588 179 53 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 179 54 terms term NOUN crl-16588 179 55 . . PUNCT crl-16588 180 1 the the DET crl-16588 180 2 authors author NOUN crl-16588 180 3 selected select VERB crl-16588 180 4 the the DET crl-16588 180 5 classes class NOUN crl-16588 180 6 contacted contact VERB crl-16588 180 7 for for ADP crl-16588 180 8 this this DET crl-16588 180 9 research research NOUN crl-16588 180 10 using use VERB crl-16588 180 11 probability probability NOUN crl-16588 180 12 methods method NOUN crl-16588 180 13 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 180 14 simple simple ADJ crl-16588 180 15 random random ADJ crl-16588 180 16 sampling sampling NOUN crl-16588 180 17 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 180 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 181 1 thereafter thereafter ADV crl-16588 181 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 181 3 however however ADV crl-16588 181 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 181 5 students student NOUN crl-16588 181 6 were be AUX crl-16588 181 7 allowed allow VERB crl-16588 181 8 to to PART crl-16588 181 9 self self NOUN crl-16588 181 10 - - PUNCT crl-16588 181 11 select select ADJ crl-16588 181 12 into into ADP crl-16588 181 13 the the DET crl-16588 181 14 sample sample NOUN crl-16588 181 15 . . PUNCT crl-16588 182 1 while while SCONJ crl-16588 182 2 it it PRON crl-16588 182 3 is be AUX crl-16588 182 4 not not PART crl-16588 182 5 known know VERB crl-16588 182 6 precisely precisely ADV crl-16588 182 7 how how SCONJ crl-16588 182 8 many many ADJ crl-16588 182 9 total total ADJ crl-16588 182 10 students student NOUN crl-16588 182 11 were be AUX crl-16588 182 12 contacted contact VERB crl-16588 182 13 within within ADP crl-16588 182 14 the the DET crl-16588 182 15 400 400 NUM crl-16588 182 16 selected select VERB crl-16588 182 17 classes class NOUN crl-16588 182 18 , , PUNCT crl-16588 182 19 the the DET crl-16588 182 20 data datum NOUN crl-16588 182 21 indicate indicate VERB crl-16588 182 22 that that SCONJ crl-16588 182 23 a a DET crl-16588 182 24 mean mean NOUN crl-16588 182 25 of of ADP crl-16588 182 26 1.92 1.92 NUM crl-16588 182 27 students student NOUN crl-16588 182 28 per per ADP crl-16588 182 29 class class NOUN crl-16588 182 30 responded respond VERB crl-16588 182 31 , , PUNCT crl-16588 182 32 suggesting suggest VERB crl-16588 182 33 that that SCONJ crl-16588 182 34 the the DET crl-16588 182 35 response response NOUN crl-16588 182 36 rate rate NOUN crl-16588 182 37 may may AUX crl-16588 182 38 not not PART crl-16588 182 39 have have AUX crl-16588 182 40 been be AUX crl-16588 182 41 exceptional exceptional ADJ crl-16588 182 42 . . PUNCT crl-16588 183 1 this this PRON crl-16588 183 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 183 3 of of ADP crl-16588 183 4 course course NOUN crl-16588 183 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 183 6 raises raise VERB crl-16588 183 7 the the DET crl-16588 183 8 issue issue NOUN crl-16588 183 9 of of ADP crl-16588 183 10 representativeness representativeness NOUN crl-16588 183 11 . . PUNCT crl-16588 184 1 were be AUX crl-16588 184 2 the the DET crl-16588 184 3 students student NOUN crl-16588 184 4 who who PRON crl-16588 184 5 replied reply VERB crl-16588 184 6 to to ADP crl-16588 184 7 the the DET crl-16588 184 8 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 184 9 typical typical ADJ crl-16588 184 10 of of ADP crl-16588 184 11 grand grand PROPN crl-16588 184 12 valley valley PROPN crl-16588 184 13 state state PROPN crl-16588 184 14 university university NOUN crl-16588 184 15 students student NOUN crl-16588 184 16 in in ADP crl-16588 184 17 general general ADJ crl-16588 184 18 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 185 1 might might AUX crl-16588 185 2 students student NOUN crl-16588 185 3 who who PRON crl-16588 185 4 failed fail VERB crl-16588 185 5 to to PART crl-16588 185 6 respond respond VERB crl-16588 185 7 be be AUX crl-16588 185 8 qualitatively qualitatively ADV crl-16588 185 9 different different ADJ crl-16588 185 10 from from ADP crl-16588 185 11 those those PRON crl-16588 185 12 who who PRON crl-16588 185 13 did do VERB crl-16588 185 14 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 186 1 it it PRON crl-16588 186 2 would would AUX crl-16588 186 3 not not PART crl-16588 186 4 be be AUX crl-16588 186 5 unreasonable unreasonable ADJ crl-16588 186 6 to to PART crl-16588 186 7 speculate speculate VERB crl-16588 186 8 that that SCONJ crl-16588 186 9 exceptional exceptional ADJ crl-16588 186 10 students student NOUN crl-16588 186 11 may may AUX crl-16588 186 12 have have AUX crl-16588 186 13 been be AUX crl-16588 186 14 overrepresented overrepresente VERB crl-16588 186 15 among among ADP crl-16588 186 16 responders responder NOUN crl-16588 186 17 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 186 18 in in ADP crl-16588 186 19 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 186 20 , , PUNCT crl-16588 186 21 this this DET crl-16588 186 22 study study NOUN crl-16588 186 23 somewhat somewhat ADV crl-16588 186 24 overestimates overestimate VERB crl-16588 186 25 overall overall ADJ crl-16588 186 26 information information NOUN crl-16588 186 27 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 186 28 . . PUNCT crl-16588 187 1 although although SCONJ crl-16588 187 2 the the DET crl-16588 187 3 sample sample NOUN crl-16588 187 4 is be AUX crl-16588 187 5 acceptably acceptably ADV crl-16588 187 6 representative representative ADJ crl-16588 187 7 within within ADP crl-16588 187 8 this this DET crl-16588 187 9 university university NOUN crl-16588 187 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 187 11 there there PRON crl-16588 187 12 is be VERB crl-16588 187 13 no no DET crl-16588 187 14 guarantee guarantee NOUN crl-16588 187 15 that that SCONJ crl-16588 187 16 the the DET crl-16588 187 17 findings finding NOUN crl-16588 187 18 reported report VERB crl-16588 187 19 here here ADV crl-16588 187 20 would would AUX crl-16588 187 21 generalize generalize VERB crl-16588 187 22 to to ADP crl-16588 187 23 other other ADJ crl-16588 187 24 institutions institution NOUN crl-16588 187 25 of of ADP crl-16588 187 26 higher high ADJ crl-16588 187 27 learning learning NOUN crl-16588 187 28 . . PUNCT crl-16588 188 1 perhaps perhaps ADV crl-16588 188 2 other other ADJ crl-16588 188 3 universities university NOUN crl-16588 188 4 devote devote VERB crl-16588 188 5 either either CCONJ crl-16588 188 6 far far ADV crl-16588 188 7 less less ADJ crl-16588 188 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 188 9 or or CCONJ crl-16588 188 10 far far ADV crl-16588 188 11 more more ADJ crl-16588 188 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 188 13 instructional instructional ADJ crl-16588 188 14 resources resource NOUN crl-16588 188 15 to to ADP crl-16588 188 16 information information NOUN crl-16588 188 17 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 188 18 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 188 19 . . PUNCT crl-16588 189 1 there there PRON crl-16588 189 2 were be VERB crl-16588 189 3 also also ADV crl-16588 189 4 some some DET crl-16588 189 5 technical technical ADJ crl-16588 189 6 issues issue NOUN crl-16588 189 7 pertaining pertain VERB crl-16588 189 8 to to PART crl-16588 189 9 question question VERB crl-16588 189 10 wording wording NOUN crl-16588 189 11 . . PUNCT crl-16588 190 1 the the DET crl-16588 190 2 authors author NOUN crl-16588 190 3 developed develop VERB crl-16588 190 4 their their PRON crl-16588 190 5 own own ADJ crl-16588 190 6 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 190 7 instrument instrument NOUN crl-16588 190 8 . . PUNCT crl-16588 191 1 therefore therefore ADV crl-16588 191 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 191 3 the the DET crl-16588 191 4 validity validity NOUN crl-16588 191 5 and and CCONJ crl-16588 191 6 reliability reliability NOUN crl-16588 191 7 of of ADP crl-16588 191 8 the the DET crl-16588 191 9 measures measure NOUN crl-16588 191 10 used use VERB crl-16588 191 11 here here ADV crl-16588 191 12 are be AUX crl-16588 191 13 not not PART crl-16588 191 14 assured assure VERB crl-16588 191 15 . . PUNCT crl-16588 192 1 still still ADV crl-16588 192 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 192 3 this this DET crl-16588 192 4 study study NOUN crl-16588 192 5 is be AUX crl-16588 192 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 192 7 to to ADP crl-16588 192 8 the the DET crl-16588 192 9 best good ADJ crl-16588 192 10 of of ADP crl-16588 192 11 the the DET crl-16588 192 12 authors author NOUN crl-16588 192 13 ’ ’ PART crl-16588 192 14 knowledge knowledge NOUN crl-16588 192 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 192 16 the the DET crl-16588 192 17 most most ADV crl-16588 192 18 advanced advanced ADJ crl-16588 192 19 and and CCONJ crl-16588 192 20 recent recent ADJ crl-16588 192 21 attempt attempt NOUN crl-16588 192 22 to to PART crl-16588 192 23 quantitatively quantitatively ADV crl-16588 192 24 explore explore VERB crl-16588 192 25 the the DET crl-16588 192 26 key key ADJ crl-16588 192 27 relationships relationship NOUN crl-16588 192 28 investigated investigate VERB crl-16588 192 29 here here ADV crl-16588 192 30 . . PUNCT crl-16588 193 1 it it PRON crl-16588 193 2 would would AUX crl-16588 193 3 not not PART crl-16588 193 4 be be AUX crl-16588 193 5 unfair unfair ADJ crl-16588 193 6 to to PART crl-16588 193 7 say say VERB crl-16588 193 8 that that SCONJ crl-16588 193 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 193 10 while while SCONJ crl-16588 193 11 librarians librarians PROPN crl-16588 193 12 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 193 13 and and CCONJ crl-16588 193 14 the the DET crl-16588 193 15 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 193 16 of of ADP crl-16588 193 17 library library NOUN crl-16588 193 18 science science NOUN crl-16588 193 19 in in ADP crl-16588 193 20 general general ADJ crl-16588 193 21 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 193 22 possess possess VERB crl-16588 193 23 a a DET crl-16588 193 24 great great ADJ crl-16588 193 25 deal deal NOUN crl-16588 193 26 of of ADP crl-16588 193 27 anecdotal anecdotal ADJ crl-16588 193 28 wisdom wisdom NOUN crl-16588 193 29 surrounding surround VERB crl-16588 193 30 student student NOUN crl-16588 193 31 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 193 32 of of ADP crl-16588 193 33 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 193 34 , , PUNCT crl-16588 193 35 very very ADV crl-16588 193 36 few few ADJ crl-16588 193 37 empirical empirical ADJ crl-16588 193 38 investigations investigation NOUN crl-16588 193 39 on on ADP crl-16588 193 40 this this DET crl-16588 193 41 topic topic NOUN crl-16588 193 42 have have AUX crl-16588 193 43 been be AUX crl-16588 193 44 conducted conduct VERB crl-16588 193 45 . . PUNCT crl-16588 194 1 consequently consequently ADV crl-16588 194 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 194 3 while while SCONJ crl-16588 194 4 the the DET crl-16588 194 5 conclusions conclusion NOUN crl-16588 194 6 of of ADP crl-16588 194 7 this this DET crl-16588 194 8 research research NOUN crl-16588 194 9 should should AUX crl-16588 194 10 not not PART crl-16588 194 11 be be AUX crl-16588 194 12 read read VERB crl-16588 194 13 as as ADP crl-16588 194 14 definitive definitive ADJ crl-16588 194 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 194 16 they they PRON crl-16588 194 17 do do AUX crl-16588 194 18 represent represent VERB crl-16588 194 19 an an DET crl-16588 194 20 important important ADJ crl-16588 194 21 foundation foundation NOUN crl-16588 194 22 for for ADP crl-16588 194 23 this this DET crl-16588 194 24 line line NOUN crl-16588 194 25 of of ADP crl-16588 194 26 inquiry inquiry NOUN crl-16588 194 27 . . PUNCT crl-16588 195 1 the the DET crl-16588 195 2 authors author NOUN crl-16588 195 3 would would AUX crl-16588 195 4 like like VERB crl-16588 195 5 to to PART crl-16588 195 6 encourage encourage VERB crl-16588 195 7 colleagues colleague NOUN crl-16588 195 8 at at ADP crl-16588 195 9 other other ADJ crl-16588 195 10 postsecondary postsecondary ADJ crl-16588 195 11 institutions institution NOUN crl-16588 195 12 to to PART crl-16588 195 13 empirically empirically ADV crl-16588 195 14 assess assess VERB crl-16588 195 15 information information NOUN crl-16588 195 16 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 195 17 within within ADP crl-16588 195 18 their their PRON crl-16588 195 19 student student NOUN crl-16588 195 20 bodies body NOUN crl-16588 195 21 and and CCONJ crl-16588 195 22 use use VERB crl-16588 195 23 their their PRON crl-16588 195 24 experiences experience NOUN crl-16588 195 25 to to PART crl-16588 195 26 develop develop VERB crl-16588 195 27 evidence evidence NOUN crl-16588 195 28 - - PUNCT crl-16588 195 29 based base VERB crl-16588 195 30 practice practice NOUN crl-16588 195 31 pertaining pertain VERB crl-16588 195 32 to to ADP crl-16588 195 33 facilitating facilitate VERB crl-16588 195 34 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 195 35 of of ADP crl-16588 195 36 key key ADJ crl-16588 195 37 terms term NOUN crl-16588 195 38 . . PUNCT crl-16588 196 1 ultimately ultimately ADV crl-16588 196 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 196 3 this this PRON crl-16588 196 4 could could AUX crl-16588 196 5 enable enable VERB crl-16588 196 6 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 196 7 to to PART crl-16588 196 8 play play VERB crl-16588 196 9 a a DET crl-16588 196 10 more more ADV crl-16588 196 11 important important ADJ crl-16588 196 12 role role NOUN crl-16588 196 13 within within ADP crl-16588 196 14 the the DET crl-16588 196 15 college college NOUN crl-16588 196 16 learning learning NOUN crl-16588 196 17 environment environment NOUN crl-16588 196 18 . . PUNCT crl-16588 197 1 the the DET crl-16588 197 2 language language NOUN crl-16588 197 3 of of ADP crl-16588 197 4 information information NOUN crl-16588 197 5 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 197 6 : : PUNCT crl-16588 197 7 do do AUX crl-16588 197 8 students student NOUN crl-16588 197 9 understand understand VERB crl-16588 197 10 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 198 1 293 293 NUM crl-16588 198 2 appendix appendix PROPN crl-16588 198 3 1 1 NUM crl-16588 198 4 . . PUNCT crl-16588 198 5 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 198 6 instrument instrument NOUN crl-16588 198 7 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 198 8 correct correct ADJ crl-16588 198 9 answers answer NOUN crl-16588 198 10 are be AUX crl-16588 198 11 in in ADP crl-16588 198 12 bold bold ADJ crl-16588 198 13 ) ) PUNCT crl-16588 198 14 library library NOUN crl-16588 198 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 198 16 information information NOUN crl-16588 198 17 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 198 18 terms term NOUN crl-16588 198 19 this this DET crl-16588 198 20 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 198 21 will will AUX crl-16588 198 22 help help VERB crl-16588 198 23 gvsu gvsu VERB crl-16588 198 24 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 198 25 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 198 26 determine determine VERB crl-16588 198 27 whether whether SCONJ crl-16588 198 28 or or CCONJ crl-16588 198 29 not not PART crl-16588 198 30 students student NOUN crl-16588 198 31 understand understand VERB crl-16588 198 32 the the DET crl-16588 198 33 language language NOUN crl-16588 198 34 they they PRON crl-16588 198 35 use use VERB crl-16588 198 36 in in ADP crl-16588 198 37 the the DET crl-16588 198 38 classroom classroom NOUN crl-16588 198 39 , , PUNCT crl-16588 198 40 so so SCONJ crl-16588 198 41 that that SCONJ crl-16588 198 42 they they PRON crl-16588 198 43 may may AUX crl-16588 198 44 provide provide VERB crl-16588 198 45 more more ADV crl-16588 198 46 effective effective ADJ crl-16588 198 47 , , PUNCT crl-16588 198 48 meaningful meaningful ADJ crl-16588 198 49 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 198 50 . . PUNCT crl-16588 199 1 informed informed ADJ crl-16588 199 2 consent consent NOUN crl-16588 199 3 : : PUNCT crl-16588 199 4 you you PRON crl-16588 199 5 are be AUX crl-16588 199 6 asked ask VERB crl-16588 199 7 to to PART crl-16588 199 8 voluntarily voluntarily ADV crl-16588 199 9 provide provide VERB crl-16588 199 10 the the DET crl-16588 199 11 requested request VERB crl-16588 199 12 information information NOUN crl-16588 199 13 on on ADP crl-16588 199 14 this this DET crl-16588 199 15 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 199 16 . . PUNCT crl-16588 200 1 you you PRON crl-16588 200 2 may may AUX crl-16588 200 3 quit quit VERB crl-16588 200 4 at at ADP crl-16588 200 5 any any DET crl-16588 200 6 time time NOUN crl-16588 200 7 . . PUNCT crl-16588 201 1 the the DET crl-16588 201 2 purpose purpose NOUN crl-16588 201 3 of of ADP crl-16588 201 4 the the DET crl-16588 201 5 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 201 6 is be AUX crl-16588 201 7 to to PART crl-16588 201 8 gather gather VERB crl-16588 201 9 data datum NOUN crl-16588 201 10 regarding regard VERB crl-16588 201 11 student student NOUN crl-16588 201 12 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 201 13 of of ADP crl-16588 201 14 library library PROPN crl-16588 201 15 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 201 16 . . PUNCT crl-16588 202 1 this this DET crl-16588 202 2 survey survey NOUN crl-16588 202 3 will will AUX crl-16588 202 4 be be AUX crl-16588 202 5 completely completely ADV crl-16588 202 6 anonymous anonymous ADJ crl-16588 202 7 . . PUNCT crl-16588 203 1 you you PRON crl-16588 203 2 are be AUX crl-16588 203 3 asked ask VERB crl-16588 203 4 to to PART crl-16588 203 5 voluntarily voluntarily ADV crl-16588 203 6 provide provide VERB crl-16588 203 7 specific specific ADJ crl-16588 203 8 information information NOUN crl-16588 203 9 to to ADP crl-16588 203 10 this this DET crl-16588 203 11 web web NOUN crl-16588 203 12 site site NOUN crl-16588 203 13 . . PUNCT crl-16588 204 1 you you PRON crl-16588 204 2 may may AUX crl-16588 204 3 skip skip VERB crl-16588 204 4 any any DET crl-16588 204 5 question question NOUN crl-16588 204 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 204 7 or or CCONJ crl-16588 204 8 stop stop VERB crl-16588 204 9 participating participate VERB crl-16588 204 10 at at ADP crl-16588 204 11 any any DET crl-16588 204 12 time time NOUN crl-16588 204 13 . . PUNCT crl-16588 205 1 the the DET crl-16588 205 2 information information NOUN crl-16588 205 3 collected collect VERB crl-16588 205 4 will will AUX crl-16588 205 5 be be AUX crl-16588 205 6 used use VERB crl-16588 205 7 for for ADP crl-16588 205 8 the the DET crl-16588 205 9 stated state VERB crl-16588 205 10 purposes purpose NOUN crl-16588 205 11 of of ADP crl-16588 205 12 this this DET crl-16588 205 13 research research NOUN crl-16588 205 14 project project NOUN crl-16588 205 15 only only ADV crl-16588 205 16 and and CCONJ crl-16588 205 17 will will AUX crl-16588 205 18 not not PART crl-16588 205 19 be be AUX crl-16588 205 20 provided provide VERB crl-16588 205 21 to to ADP crl-16588 205 22 any any DET crl-16588 205 23 other other ADJ crl-16588 205 24 party party NOUN crl-16588 205 25 for for ADP crl-16588 205 26 any any DET crl-16588 205 27 other other ADJ crl-16588 205 28 reason reason NOUN crl-16588 205 29 at at ADP crl-16588 205 30 any any DET crl-16588 205 31 time time NOUN crl-16588 205 32 except except SCONJ crl-16588 205 33 and and CCONJ crl-16588 205 34 only only ADV crl-16588 205 35 if if SCONJ crl-16588 205 36 required require VERB crl-16588 205 37 by by ADP crl-16588 205 38 law law NOUN crl-16588 205 39 . . PUNCT crl-16588 206 1 you you PRON crl-16588 206 2 should should AUX crl-16588 206 3 be be AUX crl-16588 206 4 aware aware ADJ crl-16588 206 5 that that SCONJ crl-16588 206 6 although although SCONJ crl-16588 206 7 the the DET crl-16588 206 8 information information NOUN crl-16588 206 9 you you PRON crl-16588 206 10 provide provide VERB crl-16588 206 11 is be AUX crl-16588 206 12 anonymous anonymous ADJ crl-16588 206 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 206 14 it it PRON crl-16588 206 15 is be AUX crl-16588 206 16 transmitted transmit VERB crl-16588 206 17 in in ADP crl-16588 206 18 a a DET crl-16588 206 19 non non ADJ crl-16588 206 20 - - ADJ crl-16588 206 21 secure secure ADJ crl-16588 206 22 manner manner NOUN crl-16588 206 23 . . PUNCT crl-16588 207 1 there there PRON crl-16588 207 2 is be VERB crl-16588 207 3 a a DET crl-16588 207 4 remote remote ADJ crl-16588 207 5 chance chance NOUN crl-16588 207 6 that that SCONJ crl-16588 207 7 skilled skilled ADJ crl-16588 207 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 207 9 knowledgeable knowledgeable ADJ crl-16588 207 10 persons person NOUN crl-16588 207 11 unaffiliated unaffiliate VERB crl-16588 207 12 with with ADP crl-16588 207 13 this this DET crl-16588 207 14 research research NOUN crl-16588 207 15 project project NOUN crl-16588 207 16 could could AUX crl-16588 207 17 track track VERB crl-16588 207 18 the the DET crl-16588 207 19 information information NOUN crl-16588 207 20 you you PRON crl-16588 207 21 provide provide VERB crl-16588 207 22 to to ADP crl-16588 207 23 the the DET crl-16588 207 24 ip ip NOUN crl-16588 207 25 address address NOUN crl-16588 207 26 of of ADP crl-16588 207 27 the the DET crl-16588 207 28 computer computer NOUN crl-16588 207 29 from from ADP crl-16588 207 30 which which PRON crl-16588 207 31 you you PRON crl-16588 207 32 send send VERB crl-16588 207 33 it it PRON crl-16588 207 34 . . PUNCT crl-16588 208 1 however however ADV crl-16588 208 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 208 3 your your PRON crl-16588 208 4 personal personal ADJ crl-16588 208 5 identity identity NOUN crl-16588 208 6 can can AUX crl-16588 208 7 not not PART crl-16588 208 8 be be AUX crl-16588 208 9 determined determine VERB crl-16588 208 10 . . PUNCT crl-16588 209 1 1 1 X crl-16588 209 2 . . X crl-16588 209 3 your your PRON crl-16588 209 4 class class NOUN crl-16588 209 5 rank rank NOUN crl-16588 209 6 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 209 7 freshman freshman NOUN crl-16588 209 8 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 209 9 sophomore sophomore NOUN crl-16588 209 10 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 209 11 junior junior ADJ crl-16588 209 12 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 209 13 senior senior ADJ crl-16588 209 14 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 209 15 graduate graduate NOUN crl-16588 209 16 2 2 NUM crl-16588 209 17 . . PUNCT crl-16588 209 18 age age NOUN crl-16588 209 19 3 3 NUM crl-16588 209 20 . . PUNCT crl-16588 209 21 have have AUX crl-16588 209 22 you you PRON crl-16588 209 23 ever ever ADV crl-16588 209 24 had have VERB crl-16588 209 25 library library NOUN crl-16588 209 26 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 209 27 in in ADP crl-16588 209 28 a a DET crl-16588 209 29 university university NOUN crl-16588 209 30 class class NOUN crl-16588 209 31 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 210 1 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 210 2 no no DET crl-16588 210 3 □ □ NOUN crl-16588 210 4 yes yes INTJ crl-16588 210 5 some some PRON crl-16588 210 6 of of ADP crl-16588 210 7 the the DET crl-16588 210 8 following follow VERB crl-16588 210 9 terms term NOUN crl-16588 210 10 may may AUX crl-16588 210 11 have have VERB crl-16588 210 12 different different ADJ crl-16588 210 13 meanings meaning NOUN crl-16588 210 14 in in ADP crl-16588 210 15 different different ADJ crl-16588 210 16 contexts context NOUN crl-16588 210 17 . . PUNCT crl-16588 211 1 please please INTJ crl-16588 211 2 choose choose VERB crl-16588 211 3 the the DET crl-16588 211 4 one one NUM crl-16588 211 5 definition definition NOUN crl-16588 211 6 that that PRON crl-16588 211 7 you you PRON crl-16588 211 8 believe believe VERB crl-16588 211 9 most most ADJ crl-16588 211 10 applies apply VERB crl-16588 211 11 to to ADP crl-16588 211 12 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 211 13 and and CCONJ crl-16588 211 14 library library NOUN crl-16588 211 15 research research NOUN crl-16588 211 16 . . PUNCT crl-16588 212 1 please please INTJ crl-16588 212 2 do do AUX crl-16588 212 3 not not PART crl-16588 212 4 guess guess VERB crl-16588 212 5 . . PUNCT crl-16588 213 1 if if SCONJ crl-16588 213 2 you you PRON crl-16588 213 3 are be AUX crl-16588 213 4 unsure unsure ADJ crl-16588 213 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 213 6 please please INTJ crl-16588 213 7 circle circle VERB crl-16588 213 8 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 213 9 . . PUNCT crl-16588 214 1 4 4 X crl-16588 214 2 . . X crl-16588 214 3 abstract abstract ADJ crl-16588 214 4 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 5 a a DET crl-16588 214 6 summary summary NOUN crl-16588 214 7 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 8 brief brief ADJ crl-16588 214 9 description description NOUN crl-16588 214 10 of of ADP crl-16588 214 11 the the DET crl-16588 214 12 content content NOUN crl-16588 214 13 of of ADP crl-16588 214 14 a a DET crl-16588 214 15 longer long ADJ crl-16588 214 16 work work NOUN crl-16588 214 17 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 18 not not PART crl-16588 214 19 easy easy ADJ crl-16588 214 20 to to PART crl-16588 214 21 understand understand VERB crl-16588 214 22 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 214 23 extremely extremely ADV crl-16588 214 24 complex complex ADJ crl-16588 214 25 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 26 the the DET crl-16588 214 27 section section NOUN crl-16588 214 28 of of ADP crl-16588 214 29 an an DET crl-16588 214 30 article article NOUN crl-16588 214 31 in in ADP crl-16588 214 32 which which PRON crl-16588 214 33 terms term NOUN crl-16588 214 34 are be AUX crl-16588 214 35 defined define VERB crl-16588 214 36 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 37 an an DET crl-16588 214 38 article article NOUN crl-16588 214 39 from from ADP crl-16588 214 40 a a DET crl-16588 214 41 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 214 42 , , PUNCT crl-16588 214 43 magazine magazine NOUN crl-16588 214 44 , , PUNCT crl-16588 214 45 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 46 newspaper newspaper NOUN crl-16588 214 47 that that PRON crl-16588 214 48 is be AUX crl-16588 214 49 less less ADJ crl-16588 214 50 than than ADP crl-16588 214 51 50 50 NUM crl-16588 214 52 words word NOUN crl-16588 214 53 in in ADP crl-16588 214 54 length length NOUN crl-16588 214 55 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 56 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 214 57 5 5 NUM crl-16588 214 58 . . NUM crl-16588 214 59 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-16588 214 60 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 61 excessive excessive ADJ crl-16588 214 62 adherence adherence NOUN crl-16588 214 63 to to ADP crl-16588 214 64 the the DET crl-16588 214 65 literal literal ADJ crl-16588 214 66 interpretation interpretation NOUN crl-16588 214 67 of of ADP crl-16588 214 68 a a DET crl-16588 214 69 written write VERB crl-16588 214 70 text text NOUN crl-16588 214 71 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 72 the the DET crl-16588 214 73 study study NOUN crl-16588 214 74 of of ADP crl-16588 214 75 the the DET crl-16588 214 76 written write VERB crl-16588 214 77 word word NOUN crl-16588 214 78 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 79 a a DET crl-16588 214 80 list list NOUN crl-16588 214 81 containing contain VERB crl-16588 214 82 references reference NOUN crl-16588 214 83 used use VERB crl-16588 214 84 in in ADP crl-16588 214 85 writing write VERB crl-16588 214 86 a a DET crl-16588 214 87 research research NOUN crl-16588 214 88 paper paper NOUN crl-16588 214 89 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 90 other other ADJ crl-16588 214 91 document document NOUN crl-16588 214 92 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 93 a a DET crl-16588 214 94 list list NOUN crl-16588 214 95 of of ADP crl-16588 214 96 books book NOUN crl-16588 214 97 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 98 journals journal NOUN crl-16588 214 99 in in ADP crl-16588 214 100 chronological chronological ADJ crl-16588 214 101 order order NOUN crl-16588 214 102 of of ADP crl-16588 214 103 publication publication NOUN crl-16588 214 104 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 105 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 214 106 294 294 NUM crl-16588 214 107 college college NOUN crl-16588 214 108 & & CCONJ crl-16588 214 109 research research PROPN crl-16588 214 110 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 214 111 march march NOUN crl-16588 214 112 2017 2017 NUM crl-16588 214 113 6 6 NUM crl-16588 214 114 . . PUNCT crl-16588 214 115 catalog catalog NOUN crl-16588 214 116 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 117 a a DET crl-16588 214 118 list list NOUN crl-16588 214 119 of of ADP crl-16588 214 120 items item NOUN crl-16588 214 121 for for ADP crl-16588 214 122 sale sale NOUN crl-16588 214 123 , , PUNCT crl-16588 214 124 with with ADP crl-16588 214 125 descriptive descriptive ADJ crl-16588 214 126 comments comment NOUN crl-16588 214 127 and/or and/or CCONJ crl-16588 214 128 illustrations illustration VERB crl-16588 214 129 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 130 a a DET crl-16588 214 131 list list NOUN crl-16588 214 132 of of ADP crl-16588 214 133 books book NOUN crl-16588 214 134 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 135 journals journal NOUN crl-16588 214 136 in in ADP crl-16588 214 137 chronological chronological ADJ crl-16588 214 138 order order NOUN crl-16588 214 139 of of ADP crl-16588 214 140 publication publication NOUN crl-16588 214 141 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 142 a a DET crl-16588 214 143 database database NOUN crl-16588 214 144 used use VERB crl-16588 214 145 to to PART crl-16588 214 146 document document VERB crl-16588 214 147 the the DET crl-16588 214 148 date date NOUN crl-16588 214 149 of of ADP crl-16588 214 150 receipt receipt NOUN crl-16588 214 151 of of ADP crl-16588 214 152 items item NOUN crl-16588 214 153 within within ADP crl-16588 214 154 a a DET crl-16588 214 155 library library NOUN crl-16588 214 156 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 157 a a DET crl-16588 214 158 database database NOUN crl-16588 214 159 listing list VERB crl-16588 214 160 and and CCONJ crl-16588 214 161 describing describe VERB crl-16588 214 162 the the DET crl-16588 214 163 books book NOUN crl-16588 214 164 and and CCONJ crl-16588 214 165 other other ADJ crl-16588 214 166 materials material NOUN crl-16588 214 167 held hold VERB crl-16588 214 168 by by ADP crl-16588 214 169 a a DET crl-16588 214 170 library library NOUN crl-16588 214 171 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 172 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 214 173 7 7 NUM crl-16588 214 174 . . NUM crl-16588 214 175 citation citation NOUN crl-16588 214 176 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 177 a a DET crl-16588 214 178 printer printer NOUN crl-16588 214 179 ’s ’s NUM crl-16588 214 180 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 181 publisher publisher NOUN crl-16588 214 182 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 214 183 name name NOUN crl-16588 214 184 , , PUNCT crl-16588 214 185 address address NOUN crl-16588 214 186 , , PUNCT crl-16588 214 187 and and CCONJ crl-16588 214 188 other other ADJ crl-16588 214 189 details detail NOUN crl-16588 214 190 in in ADP crl-16588 214 191 a a DET crl-16588 214 192 book book NOUN crl-16588 214 193 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 194 other other ADJ crl-16588 214 195 printed print VERB crl-16588 214 196 item item NOUN crl-16588 214 197 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 198 a a DET crl-16588 214 199 notice notice NOUN crl-16588 214 200 of of ADP crl-16588 214 201 overdue overdue ADJ crl-16588 214 202 library library NOUN crl-16588 214 203 materials material NOUN crl-16588 214 204 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 205 a a DET crl-16588 214 206 reference reference NOUN crl-16588 214 207 to to ADP crl-16588 214 208 a a DET crl-16588 214 209 book book NOUN crl-16588 214 210 , , PUNCT crl-16588 214 211 magazine magazine NOUN crl-16588 214 212 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 213 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 214 214 article article NOUN crl-16588 214 215 containing contain VERB crl-16588 214 216 the the DET crl-16588 214 217 information information NOUN crl-16588 214 218 necessary necessary ADJ crl-16588 214 219 to to PART crl-16588 214 220 identify identify VERB crl-16588 214 221 and and CCONJ crl-16588 214 222 locate locate VERB crl-16588 214 223 that that PRON crl-16588 214 224 work work VERB crl-16588 214 225 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 226 a a DET crl-16588 214 227 word word NOUN crl-16588 214 228 that that PRON crl-16588 214 229 describes describe VERB crl-16588 214 230 the the DET crl-16588 214 231 subject subject NOUN crl-16588 214 232 of of ADP crl-16588 214 233 an an DET crl-16588 214 234 article article NOUN crl-16588 214 235 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 236 book book NOUN crl-16588 214 237 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 214 238 used use VERB crl-16588 214 239 in in ADP crl-16588 214 240 many many ADJ crl-16588 214 241 computer computer NOUN crl-16588 214 242 databases database VERB crl-16588 214 243 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 244 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 214 245 8 8 NUM crl-16588 214 246 . . PUNCT crl-16588 214 247 database database NOUN crl-16588 214 248 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 249 the the DET crl-16588 214 250 central central ADJ crl-16588 214 251 location location NOUN crl-16588 214 252 or or CCONJ crl-16588 214 253 headquarters headquarters NOUN crl-16588 214 254 for for ADP crl-16588 214 255 mass mass ADJ crl-16588 214 256 information information NOUN crl-16588 214 257 storage storage NOUN crl-16588 214 258 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 259 a a DET crl-16588 214 260 type type NOUN crl-16588 214 261 of of ADP crl-16588 214 262 computer computer NOUN crl-16588 214 263 software software NOUN crl-16588 214 264 that that PRON crl-16588 214 265 allows allow VERB crl-16588 214 266 manipulation manipulation NOUN crl-16588 214 267 of of ADP crl-16588 214 268 numerical numerical ADJ crl-16588 214 269 data datum NOUN crl-16588 214 270 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 271 an an DET crl-16588 214 272 electronic electronic ADJ crl-16588 214 273 collection collection NOUN crl-16588 214 274 of of ADP crl-16588 214 275 information information NOUN crl-16588 214 276 organized organize VERB crl-16588 214 277 for for ADP crl-16588 214 278 searching search VERB crl-16588 214 279 and and CCONJ crl-16588 214 280 retrieval retrieval NOUN crl-16588 214 281 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 282 an an DET crl-16588 214 283 information information NOUN crl-16588 214 284 language language NOUN crl-16588 214 285 based base VERB crl-16588 214 286 on on ADP crl-16588 214 287 numeric numeric ADJ crl-16588 214 288 code code NOUN crl-16588 214 289 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 214 290 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 214 291 9 9 NUM crl-16588 214 292 . . PUNCT crl-16588 215 1 full full ADJ crl-16588 215 2 text text NOUN crl-16588 215 3 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 4 the the DET crl-16588 215 5 complete complete ADJ crl-16588 215 6 text text NOUN crl-16588 215 7 of of ADP crl-16588 215 8 a a DET crl-16588 215 9 document document NOUN crl-16588 215 10 is be AUX crl-16588 215 11 available available ADJ crl-16588 215 12 for for ADP crl-16588 215 13 online online ADJ crl-16588 215 14 viewing viewing NOUN crl-16588 215 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 215 16 printing printing NOUN crl-16588 215 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 215 18 or or CCONJ crl-16588 215 19 downloading download VERB crl-16588 215 20 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 21 the the DET crl-16588 215 22 main main ADJ crl-16588 215 23 body body NOUN crl-16588 215 24 of of ADP crl-16588 215 25 a a DET crl-16588 215 26 book book NOUN crl-16588 215 27 or or CCONJ crl-16588 215 28 other other ADJ crl-16588 215 29 piece piece NOUN crl-16588 215 30 of of ADP crl-16588 215 31 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 215 32 , , PUNCT crl-16588 215 33 as as ADP crl-16588 215 34 distinct distinct ADJ crl-16588 215 35 from from ADP crl-16588 215 36 other other ADJ crl-16588 215 37 material material NOUN crl-16588 215 38 such such ADJ crl-16588 215 39 as as ADP crl-16588 215 40 notes note NOUN crl-16588 215 41 , , PUNCT crl-16588 215 42 appendices appendix NOUN crl-16588 215 43 , , PUNCT crl-16588 215 44 and and CCONJ crl-16588 215 45 illustrations illustration VERB crl-16588 215 46 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 47 a a DET crl-16588 215 48 search search NOUN crl-16588 215 49 engine engine NOUN crl-16588 215 50 examines examine VERB crl-16588 215 51 all all PRON crl-16588 215 52 of of ADP crl-16588 215 53 the the DET crl-16588 215 54 words word NOUN crl-16588 215 55 in in ADP crl-16588 215 56 every every DET crl-16588 215 57 stored store VERB crl-16588 215 58 document document NOUN crl-16588 215 59 as as SCONJ crl-16588 215 60 it it PRON crl-16588 215 61 tries try VERB crl-16588 215 62 to to PART crl-16588 215 63 match match VERB crl-16588 215 64 search search NOUN crl-16588 215 65 criteria criterion NOUN crl-16588 215 66 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 67 an an DET crl-16588 215 68 article article NOUN crl-16588 215 69 with with ADP crl-16588 215 70 text text NOUN crl-16588 215 71 containing contain VERB crl-16588 215 72 all all DET crl-16588 215 73 search search NOUN crl-16588 215 74 words word NOUN crl-16588 215 75 used use VERB crl-16588 215 76 in in ADP crl-16588 215 77 a a DET crl-16588 215 78 specific specific ADJ crl-16588 215 79 database database NOUN crl-16588 215 80 query query NOUN crl-16588 215 81 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 82 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 215 83 10 10 NUM crl-16588 215 84 . . PUNCT crl-16588 215 85 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 215 86 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 87 a a DET crl-16588 215 88 detailed detailed ADJ crl-16588 215 89 description description NOUN crl-16588 215 90 or or CCONJ crl-16588 215 91 replication replication NOUN crl-16588 215 92 of of ADP crl-16588 215 93 the the DET crl-16588 215 94 methodology methodology NOUN crl-16588 215 95 and and CCONJ crl-16588 215 96 results result NOUN crl-16588 215 97 of of ADP crl-16588 215 98 a a DET crl-16588 215 99 study study NOUN crl-16588 215 100 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 101 a a DET crl-16588 215 102 periodical periodical NOUN crl-16588 215 103 devoted devoted ADJ crl-16588 215 104 to to ADP crl-16588 215 105 disseminating disseminate VERB crl-16588 215 106 original original ADJ crl-16588 215 107 research research NOUN crl-16588 215 108 or or CCONJ crl-16588 215 109 commentary commentary NOUN crl-16588 215 110 in in ADP crl-16588 215 111 a a DET crl-16588 215 112 specific specific ADJ crl-16588 215 113 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 215 114 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 115 a a DET crl-16588 215 116 daily daily ADJ crl-16588 215 117 account account NOUN crl-16588 215 118 of of ADP crl-16588 215 119 events event NOUN crl-16588 215 120 ; ; PUNCT crl-16588 215 121 a a DET crl-16588 215 122 log log NOUN crl-16588 215 123 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 124 a a DET crl-16588 215 125 daily daily ADJ crl-16588 215 126 or or CCONJ crl-16588 215 127 weekly weekly ADJ crl-16588 215 128 newspaper newspaper NOUN crl-16588 215 129 of of ADP crl-16588 215 130 large large ADJ crl-16588 215 131 circulation circulation NOUN crl-16588 215 132 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 215 133 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 215 134 11 11 NUM crl-16588 215 135 . . PUNCT crl-16588 216 1 keyword keyword PROPN crl-16588 216 2 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 216 3 the the DET crl-16588 216 4 clue clue NOUN crl-16588 216 5 word word NOUN crl-16588 216 6 that that PRON crl-16588 216 7 breaks break VERB crl-16588 216 8 a a DET crl-16588 216 9 cipher cipher NOUN crl-16588 216 10 or or CCONJ crl-16588 216 11 code code VERB crl-16588 216 12 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 216 13 a a DET crl-16588 216 14 word word NOUN crl-16588 216 15 or or CCONJ crl-16588 216 16 phrase phrase NOUN crl-16588 216 17 used use VERB crl-16588 216 18 as as ADP crl-16588 216 19 a a DET crl-16588 216 20 search search NOUN crl-16588 216 21 term term NOUN crl-16588 216 22 to to PART crl-16588 216 23 retrieve retrieve VERB crl-16588 216 24 all all DET crl-16588 216 25 the the DET crl-16588 216 26 information information NOUN crl-16588 216 27 resources resource NOUN crl-16588 216 28 that that PRON crl-16588 216 29 contain contain VERB crl-16588 216 30 it it PRON crl-16588 216 31 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 216 32 the the DET crl-16588 216 33 word word NOUN crl-16588 216 34 used use VERB crl-16588 216 35 most most ADV crl-16588 216 36 often often ADV crl-16588 216 37 in in ADP crl-16588 216 38 the the DET crl-16588 216 39 text text NOUN crl-16588 216 40 of of ADP crl-16588 216 41 a a DET crl-16588 216 42 book book NOUN crl-16588 216 43 or or CCONJ crl-16588 216 44 article article NOUN crl-16588 216 45 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 216 46 a a DET crl-16588 216 47 word word NOUN crl-16588 216 48 used use VERB crl-16588 216 49 to to PART crl-16588 216 50 identify identify VERB crl-16588 216 51 a a DET crl-16588 216 52 specific specific ADJ crl-16588 216 53 command command NOUN crl-16588 216 54 function function NOUN crl-16588 216 55 in in ADP crl-16588 216 56 a a DET crl-16588 216 57 database database NOUN crl-16588 216 58 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 216 59 unsure unsure VERB crl-16588 216 60 the the DET crl-16588 216 61 language language NOUN crl-16588 216 62 of of ADP crl-16588 216 63 information information NOUN crl-16588 216 64 literacy literacy NOUN crl-16588 216 65 : : PUNCT crl-16588 216 66 do do AUX crl-16588 216 67 students student NOUN crl-16588 216 68 understand understand VERB crl-16588 216 69 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 217 1 295 295 NUM crl-16588 217 2 12 12 NUM crl-16588 217 3 . . PUNCT crl-16588 218 1 open open ADJ crl-16588 218 2 access access NOUN crl-16588 218 3 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 218 4 book book NOUN crl-16588 218 5 shelving shelving NOUN crl-16588 218 6 or or CCONJ crl-16588 218 7 storage storage NOUN crl-16588 218 8 reachable reachable ADJ crl-16588 218 9 tall tall ADJ crl-16588 218 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 218 11 including include VERB crl-16588 218 12 the the DET crl-16588 218 13 disabled disabled ADJ crl-16588 218 14 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 218 15 literature literature NOUN crl-16588 218 16 that that PRON crl-16588 218 17 is be AUX crl-16588 218 18 freely freely ADV crl-16588 218 19 available available ADJ crl-16588 218 20 on on ADP crl-16588 218 21 the the DET crl-16588 218 22 public public ADJ crl-16588 218 23 internet internet NOUN crl-16588 218 24 to to ADP crl-16588 218 25 any any DET crl-16588 218 26 readers reader NOUN crl-16588 218 27 or or CCONJ crl-16588 218 28 users user NOUN crl-16588 218 29 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 218 30 library library NOUN crl-16588 218 31 resources resource NOUN crl-16588 218 32 and and CCONJ crl-16588 218 33 materials material NOUN crl-16588 218 34 that that PRON crl-16588 218 35 circulate circulate VERB crl-16588 218 36 without without ADP crl-16588 218 37 the the DET crl-16588 218 38 requirement requirement NOUN crl-16588 218 39 of of ADP crl-16588 218 40 an an DET crl-16588 218 41 i i NOUN crl-16588 218 42 d d PROPN crl-16588 218 43 card card NOUN crl-16588 218 44 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 218 45 to to PART crl-16588 218 46 retrieve retrieve VERB crl-16588 218 47 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 218 48 information information NOUN crl-16588 218 49 from from ADP crl-16588 218 50 a a DET crl-16588 218 51 physical physical ADJ crl-16588 218 52 or or CCONJ crl-16588 218 53 online online ADJ crl-16588 218 54 collection collection NOUN crl-16588 218 55 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 218 56 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 218 57 13 13 NUM crl-16588 218 58 . . PUNCT crl-16588 219 1 peer peer NOUN crl-16588 219 2 review review NOUN crl-16588 219 3 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 219 4 a a DET crl-16588 219 5 system system NOUN crl-16588 219 6 of of ADP crl-16588 219 7 grading grade VERB crl-16588 219 8 in in ADP crl-16588 219 9 which which PRON crl-16588 219 10 students student NOUN crl-16588 219 11 grade grade VERB crl-16588 219 12 the the DET crl-16588 219 13 work work NOUN crl-16588 219 14 of of ADP crl-16588 219 15 other other ADJ crl-16588 219 16 students student NOUN crl-16588 219 17 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 219 18 the the DET crl-16588 219 19 process process NOUN crl-16588 219 20 by by ADP crl-16588 219 21 which which PRON crl-16588 219 22 editors editor NOUN crl-16588 219 23 have have VERB crl-16588 219 24 experts expert NOUN crl-16588 219 25 in in ADP crl-16588 219 26 a a DET crl-16588 219 27 field field NOUN crl-16588 219 28 review review NOUN crl-16588 219 29 books book NOUN crl-16588 219 30 or or CCONJ crl-16588 219 31 articles article NOUN crl-16588 219 32 submitted submit VERB crl-16588 219 33 for for ADP crl-16588 219 34 publication publication NOUN crl-16588 219 35 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 219 36 the the DET crl-16588 219 37 process process NOUN crl-16588 219 38 by by ADP crl-16588 219 39 which which PRON crl-16588 219 40 search search NOUN crl-16588 219 41 terms term NOUN crl-16588 219 42 are be AUX crl-16588 219 43 determined determine VERB crl-16588 219 44 for for ADP crl-16588 219 45 articles article NOUN crl-16588 219 46 indexed index VERB crl-16588 219 47 within within ADP crl-16588 219 48 databases database NOUN crl-16588 219 49 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 219 50 the the DET crl-16588 219 51 process process NOUN crl-16588 219 52 of of ADP crl-16588 219 53 fact fact NOUN crl-16588 219 54 checking check VERB crl-16588 219 55 for for ADP crl-16588 219 56 print print NOUN crl-16588 219 57 / / SYM crl-16588 219 58 online online ADJ crl-16588 219 59 newspapers newspaper NOUN crl-16588 219 60 and and CCONJ crl-16588 219 61 magazines magazine NOUN crl-16588 219 62 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 219 63 unsure unsure ADJ crl-16588 219 64 14 14 NUM crl-16588 219 65 . . PUNCT crl-16588 220 1 scholarly scholarly ADJ crl-16588 220 2 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 3 written write VERB crl-16588 220 4 by by ADP crl-16588 220 5 an an DET crl-16588 220 6 author author NOUN crl-16588 220 7 with with ADP crl-16588 220 8 one one NUM crl-16588 220 9 or or CCONJ crl-16588 220 10 more more ADJ crl-16588 220 11 advanced advanced ADJ crl-16588 220 12 degrees degree NOUN crl-16588 220 13 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 14 written write VERB crl-16588 220 15 for for ADP crl-16588 220 16 the the DET crl-16588 220 17 purposes purpose NOUN crl-16588 220 18 of of ADP crl-16588 220 19 completing complete VERB crl-16588 220 20 the the DET crl-16588 220 21 requirements requirement NOUN crl-16588 220 22 of of ADP crl-16588 220 23 a a DET crl-16588 220 24 degree degree NOUN crl-16588 220 25 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 26 containing contain VERB crl-16588 220 27 a a DET crl-16588 220 28 lexile lexile ADJ crl-16588 220 29 level level NOUN crl-16588 220 30 of of ADP crl-16588 220 31 1000 1000 NUM crl-16588 220 32 or or CCONJ crl-16588 220 33 above above ADP crl-16588 220 34 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 35 concerned concern VERB crl-16588 220 36 with with ADP crl-16588 220 37 formal formal ADJ crl-16588 220 38 study study NOUN crl-16588 220 39 or or CCONJ crl-16588 220 40 research research NOUN crl-16588 220 41 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 42 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 220 43 15 15 NUM crl-16588 220 44 . . PUNCT crl-16588 220 45 source source NOUN crl-16588 220 46 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 47 the the DET crl-16588 220 48 donor donor NOUN crl-16588 220 49 or or CCONJ crl-16588 220 50 provider provider NOUN crl-16588 220 51 of of ADP crl-16588 220 52 a a DET crl-16588 220 53 book book NOUN crl-16588 220 54 , , PUNCT crl-16588 220 55 periodical periodical ADJ crl-16588 220 56 , , PUNCT crl-16588 220 57 or or CCONJ crl-16588 220 58 other other ADJ crl-16588 220 59 information information NOUN crl-16588 220 60 to to ADP crl-16588 220 61 a a DET crl-16588 220 62 library library NOUN crl-16588 220 63 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 64 any any DET crl-16588 220 65 document document NOUN crl-16588 220 66 that that PRON crl-16588 220 67 provides provide VERB crl-16588 220 68 information information NOUN crl-16588 220 69 sought seek VERB crl-16588 220 70 by by ADP crl-16588 220 71 a a DET crl-16588 220 72 writer writer NOUN crl-16588 220 73 , , PUNCT crl-16588 220 74 researcher researcher NOUN crl-16588 220 75 , , PUNCT crl-16588 220 76 or or CCONJ crl-16588 220 77 library library NOUN crl-16588 220 78 user user NOUN crl-16588 220 79 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 80 copyrighted copyright VERB crl-16588 220 81 information information NOUN crl-16588 220 82 used use VERB crl-16588 220 83 in in ADP crl-16588 220 84 research research NOUN crl-16588 220 85 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 86 information information NOUN crl-16588 220 87 used use VERB crl-16588 220 88 in in ADP crl-16588 220 89 research research NOUN crl-16588 220 90 for for ADP crl-16588 220 91 which which PRON crl-16588 220 92 the the DET crl-16588 220 93 author author NOUN crl-16588 220 94 can can AUX crl-16588 220 95 be be AUX crl-16588 220 96 identified identify VERB crl-16588 220 97 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 98 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 220 99 16 16 NUM crl-16588 220 100 . . PUNCT crl-16588 220 101 stacks stack VERB crl-16588 220 102 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 103 computer computer NOUN crl-16588 220 104 memory memory NOUN crl-16588 220 105 that that PRON crl-16588 220 106 can can AUX crl-16588 220 107 not not PART crl-16588 220 108 be be AUX crl-16588 220 109 accessed access VERB crl-16588 220 110 randomly randomly ADV crl-16588 220 111 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 112 lists list NOUN crl-16588 220 113 of of ADP crl-16588 220 114 subject subject ADJ crl-16588 220 115 terms term NOUN crl-16588 220 116 following follow VERB crl-16588 220 117 the the DET crl-16588 220 118 text text NOUN crl-16588 220 119 of of ADP crl-16588 220 120 an an DET crl-16588 220 121 online online ADJ crl-16588 220 122 article article NOUN crl-16588 220 123 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 124 a a DET crl-16588 220 125 structure structure NOUN crl-16588 220 126 of of ADP crl-16588 220 127 bookshelves bookshelf NOUN crl-16588 220 128 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 129 large large ADJ crl-16588 220 130 quantities quantity NOUN crl-16588 220 131 of of ADP crl-16588 220 132 vertical vertical ADJ crl-16588 220 133 text text NOUN crl-16588 220 134 , , PUNCT crl-16588 220 135 as as ADP crl-16588 220 136 in in ADP crl-16588 220 137 print print NOUN crl-16588 220 138 articles article NOUN crl-16588 220 139 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 220 140 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 220 141 17 17 NUM crl-16588 220 142 . . PUNCT crl-16588 221 1 subject subject NOUN crl-16588 221 2 heading head VERB crl-16588 221 3 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 221 4 the the DET crl-16588 221 5 description description NOUN crl-16588 221 6 of of ADP crl-16588 221 7 an an DET crl-16588 221 8 information information NOUN crl-16588 221 9 source source NOUN crl-16588 221 10 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 221 11 content content NOUN crl-16588 221 12 assigned assign VERB crl-16588 221 13 to to PART crl-16588 221 14 make make VERB crl-16588 221 15 finding find VERB crl-16588 221 16 information information NOUN crl-16588 221 17 easier easy ADJ crl-16588 221 18 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 221 19 the the DET crl-16588 221 20 first first ADJ crl-16588 221 21 word word NOUN crl-16588 221 22 in in ADP crl-16588 221 23 a a DET crl-16588 221 24 subject subject NOUN crl-16588 221 25 search search NOUN crl-16588 221 26 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 221 27 the the DET crl-16588 221 28 word word NOUN crl-16588 221 29 used use VERB crl-16588 221 30 most most ADV crl-16588 221 31 often often ADV crl-16588 221 32 in in ADP crl-16588 221 33 the the DET crl-16588 221 34 text text NOUN crl-16588 221 35 of of ADP crl-16588 221 36 a a DET crl-16588 221 37 book book NOUN crl-16588 221 38 or or CCONJ crl-16588 221 39 article article NOUN crl-16588 221 40 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 221 41 a a DET crl-16588 221 42 summary summary NOUN crl-16588 221 43 or or CCONJ crl-16588 221 44 brief brief ADJ crl-16588 221 45 description description NOUN crl-16588 221 46 of of ADP crl-16588 221 47 the the DET crl-16588 221 48 content content NOUN crl-16588 221 49 of of ADP crl-16588 221 50 another another DET crl-16588 221 51 longer long ADJ crl-16588 221 52 work work VERB crl-16588 221 53 □ □ PUNCT crl-16588 221 54 unsure unsure NOUN crl-16588 221 55 296 296 NUM crl-16588 221 56 college college NOUN crl-16588 221 57 & & CCONJ crl-16588 221 58 research research PROPN crl-16588 221 59 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 221 60 march march PROPN crl-16588 221 61 2017 2017 NUM crl-16588 221 62 notes note NOUN crl-16588 221 63 1 1 NUM crl-16588 221 64 . . PUNCT crl-16588 222 1 thomas thomas PROPN crl-16588 222 2 dowling dowle VERB crl-16588 222 3 , , PUNCT crl-16588 222 4 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 222 5 web web NOUN crl-16588 222 6 manager manager NOUN crl-16588 222 7 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 222 8 handbook handbook NOUN crl-16588 222 9 , , PUNCT crl-16588 222 10 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 222 11 special special ADJ crl-16588 222 12 issue issue NOUN crl-16588 222 13 , , PUNCT crl-16588 222 14 library library NOUN crl-16588 222 15 technology technology NOUN crl-16588 222 16 reports report VERB crl-16588 222 17 39 39 NUM crl-16588 222 18 , , PUNCT crl-16588 222 19 no no INTJ crl-16588 222 20 . . NOUN crl-16588 222 21 1 1 NUM crl-16588 222 22 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 222 23 2003 2003 NUM crl-16588 222 24 ): ): PUNCT crl-16588 222 25 50 50 NUM crl-16588 222 26 , , PUNCT crl-16588 222 27 available available ADJ crl-16588 222 28 online online ADV crl-16588 222 29 at at ADP crl-16588 222 30 NOUN crl-16588 222 31 [ [ X crl-16588 222 32 accessed access VERB crl-16588 222 33 5 5 NUM crl-16588 222 34 may may AUX crl-16588 222 35 2015 2015 NUM crl-16588 222 36 ] ] PUNCT crl-16588 222 37 . . PUNCT crl-16588 223 1 2 2 X crl-16588 223 2 . . X crl-16588 223 3 vicki vicki PROPN crl-16588 223 4 tolar tolar PROPN crl-16588 223 5 burton burton PROPN crl-16588 223 6 and and CCONJ crl-16588 223 7 scott scott PROPN crl-16588 223 8 a. a. PROPN crl-16588 223 9 chadwick chadwick PROPN crl-16588 223 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 223 11 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 223 12 investigating investigate VERB crl-16588 223 13 the the DET crl-16588 223 14 practices practice NOUN crl-16588 223 15 of of ADP crl-16588 223 16 student student NOUN crl-16588 223 17 researchers researcher NOUN crl-16588 223 18 : : PUNCT crl-16588 223 19 patterns pattern NOUN crl-16588 223 20 of of ADP crl-16588 223 21 use use NOUN crl-16588 223 22 and and CCONJ crl-16588 223 23 criteria criterion NOUN crl-16588 223 24 for for ADP crl-16588 223 25 use use NOUN crl-16588 223 26 of of ADP crl-16588 223 27 internet internet NOUN crl-16588 223 28 and and CCONJ crl-16588 223 29 library library NOUN crl-16588 223 30 sources source NOUN crl-16588 223 31 , , PUNCT crl-16588 223 32 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 223 33 computers computer NOUN crl-16588 223 34 and and CCONJ crl-16588 223 35 composition composition NOUN crl-16588 223 36 17 17 NUM crl-16588 223 37 , , PUNCT crl-16588 223 38 no no NOUN crl-16588 223 39 . . NOUN crl-16588 223 40 3 3 NUM crl-16588 223 41 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 223 42 2000 2000 NUM crl-16588 223 43 ): ): PUNCT crl-16588 223 44 322–23 322–23 NOUN crl-16588 223 45 . . PUNCT crl-16588 224 1 3 3 X crl-16588 224 2 . . X crl-16588 224 3 ibid ibid PROPN crl-16588 224 4 . . PUNCT crl-16588 224 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 224 6 322 322 NUM crl-16588 224 7 . . PROPN crl-16588 224 8 4 4 NUM crl-16588 224 9 . . PROPN crl-16588 224 10 bonnie bonnie PROPN crl-16588 224 11 imler imler PROPN crl-16588 224 12 and and CCONJ crl-16588 224 13 michelle michelle PROPN crl-16588 224 14 eichelberger eichelberger PROPN crl-16588 224 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 224 16 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 224 17 commercial commercial ADJ crl-16588 224 18 database database NOUN crl-16588 224 19 design design NOUN crl-16588 224 20 vs. vs. ADP crl-16588 224 21 library library PROPN crl-16588 224 22 terminology terminology NOUN crl-16588 224 23 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 224 24 : : PUNCT crl-16588 224 25 why why SCONJ crl-16588 224 26 do do AUX crl-16588 224 27 students student NOUN crl-16588 224 28 print print VERB crl-16588 224 29 abstracts abstract NOUN crl-16588 224 30 instead instead ADV crl-16588 224 31 of of ADP crl-16588 224 32 full full ADJ crl-16588 224 33 - - PUNCT crl-16588 224 34 text text NOUN crl-16588 224 35 articles article NOUN crl-16588 224 36 ? ? PUNCT crl-16588 224 37 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 224 38 college college NOUN crl-16588 224 39 and and CCONJ crl-16588 224 40 research research NOUN crl-16588 224 41 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 224 42 75 75 NUM crl-16588 224 43 , , PUNCT crl-16588 224 44 no no NOUN crl-16588 224 45 . . NOUN crl-16588 224 46 6 6 NUM crl-16588 224 47 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 224 48 2014 2014 NUM crl-16588 224 49 ): ): PUNCT crl-16588 224 50 286 286 NUM crl-16588 224 51 . . NUM crl-16588 225 1 5 5 X crl-16588 225 2 . . X crl-16588 225 3 ibid ibid NOUN crl-16588 225 4 . . PUNCT crl-16588 225 5 , , PUNCT crl-16588 225 6 287–90 287–90 PROPN crl-16588 225 7 . . PUNCT crl-16588 226 1 6 6 X crl-16588 226 2 . . X crl-16588 226 3 dowling dowle VERB crl-16588 226 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 226 5 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 226 6 web web NOUN crl-16588 226 7 manager manager NOUN crl-16588 226 8 ’s ’s PART crl-16588 226 9 handbook handbook NOUN crl-16588 226 10 , , PUNCT crl-16588 226 11 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 226 12 50 50 NUM crl-16588 226 13 . . NUM crl-16588 227 1 7 7 NUM crl-16588 227 2 . . X crl-16588 227 3 rachel rachel PROPN crl-16588 227 4 naismith naismith PROPN crl-16588 227 5 and and CCONJ crl-16588 227 6 joan joan PROPN crl-16588 227 7 stein stein PROPN crl-16588 227 8 , , PUNCT crl-16588 227 9 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 227 10 library library NOUN crl-16588 227 11 jargon jargon PROPN crl-16588 227 12 : : PUNCT crl-16588 227 13 student student NOUN crl-16588 227 14 comprehension comprehension NOUN crl-16588 227 15 of of ADP crl-16588 227 16 technical technical ADJ crl-16588 227 17 language language NOUN crl-16588 227 18 used use VERB crl-16588 227 19 by by ADP crl-16588 227 20 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 227 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 227 22 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 227 23 college college PROPN crl-16588 227 24 & & CCONJ crl-16588 227 25 research research PROPN crl-16588 227 26 libraries librarie VERB crl-16588 227 27 50 50 NUM crl-16588 227 28 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 227 29 sept sept PROPN crl-16588 227 30 . . PROPN crl-16588 227 31 1989 1989 NUM crl-16588 227 32 ): ): PUNCT crl-16588 228 1 548 548 NUM crl-16588 228 2 . . NUM crl-16588 228 3 8 8 X crl-16588 228 4 . . X crl-16588 229 1 abdus abdus VERB crl-16588 229 2 sattar sattar PROPN crl-16588 229 3 chaudhry chaudhry PROPN crl-16588 229 4 and and CCONJ crl-16588 229 5 meng meng PROPN crl-16588 229 6 choo choo PROPN crl-16588 229 7 , , PUNCT crl-16588 229 8 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 229 9 understanding understanding NOUN crl-16588 229 10 of of ADP crl-16588 229 11 library library NOUN crl-16588 229 12 jargon jargon PROPN crl-16588 229 13 in in ADP crl-16588 229 14 the the DET crl-16588 229 15 information information NOUN crl-16588 229 16 seeking seek VERB crl-16588 229 17 process process NOUN crl-16588 229 18 , , PUNCT crl-16588 229 19 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 229 20 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 229 21 of of ADP crl-16588 229 22 information information NOUN crl-16588 229 23 science science NOUN crl-16588 229 24 27 27 NUM crl-16588 229 25 , , PUNCT crl-16588 229 26 no no NOUN crl-16588 229 27 . . NOUN crl-16588 229 28 5 5 NUM crl-16588 229 29 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 229 30 2001 2001 NUM crl-16588 229 31 ): ): PUNCT crl-16588 229 32 344 344 NUM crl-16588 229 33 . . NUM crl-16588 229 34 9 9 NUM crl-16588 229 35 . . X crl-16588 229 36 ibid ibid PROPN crl-16588 229 37 . . PUNCT crl-16588 229 38 , , PUNCT crl-16588 229 39 348 348 NUM crl-16588 229 40 . . PUNCT crl-16588 230 1 10 10 NUM crl-16588 230 2 . . PUNCT crl-16588 230 3 mercy mercy PROPN crl-16588 230 4 b. b. PROPN crl-16588 230 5 caña caña PROPN crl-16588 230 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 230 7 quiza quiza PROPN crl-16588 230 8 lynn lynn PROPN crl-16588 230 9 grace grace PROPN crl-16588 230 10 g. g. PROPN crl-16588 230 11 cueto cueto PROPN crl-16588 230 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 230 13 allan allan PROPN crl-16588 230 14 b. b. PROPN crl-16588 230 15 de de PROPN crl-16588 230 16 guzman guzman PROPN crl-16588 230 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 230 18 kaori kaori PROPN crl-16588 230 19 b. b. PROPN crl-16588 230 20 fuchigami fuchigami PROPN crl-16588 230 21 , , PUNCT crl-16588 230 22 leona leona PROPN crl-16588 230 23 rica rica PROPN crl-16588 230 24 t. t. PROPN crl-16588 230 25 manalo manalo PROPN crl-16588 230 26 , , PUNCT crl-16588 230 27 and and CCONJ crl-16588 230 28 jake jake PROPN crl-16588 230 29 cathleen cathleen PROPN crl-16588 230 30 u. u. PROPN crl-16588 230 31 yu yu PROPN crl-16588 230 32 , , PUNCT crl-16588 230 33 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 230 34 clientele clientele PROPN crl-16588 230 35 recognition recognition NOUN crl-16588 230 36 of of ADP crl-16588 230 37 library library NOUN crl-16588 230 38 terms term NOUN crl-16588 230 39 and and CCONJ crl-16588 230 40 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 230 41 used use VERB crl-16588 230 42 by by ADP crl-16588 230 43 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 230 44 : : PUNCT crl-16588 230 45 a a DET crl-16588 230 46 case case NOUN crl-16588 230 47 of of ADP crl-16588 230 48 an an DET crl-16588 230 49 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 230 50 library library NOUN crl-16588 230 51 in in ADP crl-16588 230 52 the the DET crl-16588 230 53 philippines philippine NOUN crl-16588 230 54 , , PUNCT crl-16588 230 55 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 230 56 journal journal NOUN crl-16588 230 57 of of ADP crl-16588 230 58 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-16588 230 59 and and CCONJ crl-16588 230 60 information information NOUN crl-16588 230 61 science science NOUN crl-16588 230 62 37 37 NUM crl-16588 230 63 , , PUNCT crl-16588 230 64 no no NOUN crl-16588 230 65 . . NOUN crl-16588 230 66 4 4 NUM crl-16588 230 67 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 230 68 2005 2005 NUM crl-16588 230 69 ): ): PUNCT crl-16588 230 70 195–204 195–204 NUM crl-16588 230 71 . . PUNCT crl-16588 231 1 11 11 NUM crl-16588 231 2 . . PUNCT crl-16588 231 3 norman norman PROPN crl-16588 231 4 b. b. PROPN crl-16588 231 5 hutcherson hutcherson PROPN crl-16588 231 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 231 7 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 231 8 library library NOUN crl-16588 231 9 jargon jargon PROPN crl-16588 231 10 : : PUNCT crl-16588 231 11 student student NOUN crl-16588 231 12 recognition recognition NOUN crl-16588 231 13 of of ADP crl-16588 231 14 terms term NOUN crl-16588 231 15 and and CCONJ crl-16588 231 16 concepts concept NOUN crl-16588 231 17 commonly commonly ADV crl-16588 231 18 used use VERB crl-16588 231 19 by by ADP crl-16588 231 20 librarians librarian NOUN crl-16588 231 21 in in ADP crl-16588 231 22 the the DET crl-16588 231 23 classroom classroom NOUN crl-16588 231 24 , , PUNCT crl-16588 231 25 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 231 26 college college PROPN crl-16588 231 27 & & CCONJ crl-16588 231 28 research research PROPN crl-16588 231 29 libraries librarie VERB crl-16588 231 30 65 65 NUM crl-16588 231 31 , , PUNCT crl-16588 231 32 no no NOUN crl-16588 231 33 . . NOUN crl-16588 231 34 4 4 NUM crl-16588 231 35 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 231 36 2004 2004 NUM crl-16588 231 37 ): ): PUNCT crl-16588 231 38 353 353 NUM crl-16588 231 39 . . NUM crl-16588 231 40 12 12 NUM crl-16588 231 41 . . PUNCT crl-16588 232 1 american american PROPN crl-16588 232 2 library library PROPN crl-16588 232 3 association association PROPN crl-16588 232 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 232 5 instruction instruction NOUN crl-16588 232 6 for for ADP crl-16588 232 7 diverse diverse ADJ crl-16588 232 8 populations population NOUN crl-16588 232 9 multilingual multilingual ADJ crl-16588 232 10 glossary glossary ADJ crl-16588 232 11 definitions definition NOUN crl-16588 232 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 232 13 available available ADJ crl-16588 232 14 online online ADV crl-16588 232 15 at at ADP crl-16588 232 16 NOUN crl-16588 232 17 [ [ PUNCT crl-16588 232 18 accessed access VERB crl-16588 232 19 19 19 NUM crl-16588 232 20 february february PROPN crl-16588 232 21 2016 2016 NUM crl-16588 232 22 ] ] PUNCT crl-16588 232 23 . . PUNCT crl-16588 233 1 13 13 NUM crl-16588 233 2 . . PUNCT crl-16588 234 1 joan joan PROPN crl-16588 234 2 m. m. PROPN crl-16588 234 3 reitz reitz PROPN crl-16588 234 4 , , PUNCT crl-16588 234 5 online online ADJ crl-16588 234 6 dictionary dictionary NOUN crl-16588 234 7 for for ADP crl-16588 234 8 library library NOUN crl-16588 234 9 and and CCONJ crl-16588 234 10 information information NOUN crl-16588 234 11 science science NOUN crl-16588 234 12 , , PUNCT crl-16588 234 13 libraries librarie VERB crl-16588 234 14 unlimited unlimited ADJ crl-16588 234 15 , , PUNCT crl-16588 234 16 available available ADJ crl-16588 234 17 online online ADV crl-16588 234 18 at at ADP crl-16588 234 19 NOUN crl-16588 235 1 [ [ X crl-16588 235 2 accessed access VERB crl-16588 235 3 19 19 NUM crl-16588 235 4 february february PROPN crl-16588 235 5 2016 2016 NUM crl-16588 235 6 ] ] PUNCT crl-16588 235 7 . . PUNCT crl-16588 236 1 14 14 NUM crl-16588 236 2 . . PUNCT crl-16588 237 1 the the DET crl-16588 237 2 authors author NOUN crl-16588 237 3 reviewed review VERB crl-16588 237 4 syllabi syllabus NOUN crl-16588 237 5 from from ADP crl-16588 237 6 a a DET crl-16588 237 7 variety variety NOUN crl-16588 237 8 of of ADP crl-16588 237 9 gvsu gvsu PROPN crl-16588 237 10 discipline discipline NOUN crl-16588 237 11 areas area NOUN crl-16588 237 12 that that PRON crl-16588 237 13 described describe VERB crl-16588 237 14 a a DET crl-16588 237 15 research research NOUN crl-16588 237 16 component component NOUN crl-16588 237 17 or or CCONJ crl-16588 237 18 paper paper NOUN crl-16588 237 19 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 20 including include VERB crl-16588 237 21 psychology psychology NOUN crl-16588 237 22 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 23 sociology sociology NOUN crl-16588 237 24 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 25 criminal criminal ADJ crl-16588 237 26 justice justice NOUN crl-16588 237 27 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 28 legal legal ADJ crl-16588 237 29 studies study NOUN crl-16588 237 30 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 31 business business NOUN crl-16588 237 32 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 33 management management NOUN crl-16588 237 34 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 35 marketing marketing NOUN crl-16588 237 36 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 37 health health NOUN crl-16588 237 38 administration administration NOUN crl-16588 237 39 , , PUNCT crl-16588 237 40 and and CCONJ crl-16588 237 41 first first ADJ crl-16588 237 42 - - PUNCT crl-16588 237 43 year year NOUN crl-16588 237 44 writing writing NOUN crl-16588 237 45 . . PUNCT crl-16588 238 1 15 15 NUM crl-16588 238 2 . . PUNCT crl-16588 239 1 hutcherson hutcherson PROPN crl-16588 239 2 , , PUNCT crl-16588 239 3 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 239 4 library library NOUN crl-16588 239 5 jargon jargon NOUN crl-16588 239 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 239 7 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 239 8 353 353 NUM crl-16588 239 9 . . PUNCT crl-16588 239 10 16 16 NUM crl-16588 239 11 . . PUNCT crl-16588 240 1 daniel daniel PROPN crl-16588 240 2 coffee coffee PROPN crl-16588 240 3 and and CCONJ crl-16588 240 4 karen karen PROPN crl-16588 240 5 lawson lawson PROPN crl-16588 240 6 , , PUNCT crl-16588 240 7 “ " PUNCT crl-16588 240 8 managing manage VERB crl-16588 240 9 meaning meaning NOUN crl-16588 240 10 : : PUNCT crl-16588 240 11 language language NOUN crl-16588 240 12 and and CCONJ crl-16588 240 13 technology technology NOUN crl-16588 240 14 in in ADP crl-16588 240 15 academic academic ADJ crl-16588 240 16 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 240 17 , , PUNCT crl-16588 240 18 ” " PUNCT crl-16588 240 19 college college NOUN crl-16588 240 20 and and CCONJ crl-16588 240 21 research research NOUN crl-16588 240 22 libraries library NOUN crl-16588 240 23 63 63 NUM crl-16588 240 24 , , PUNCT crl-16588 240 25 no no NOUN crl-16588 240 26 . . NOUN crl-16588 240 27 2 2 NUM crl-16588 240 28 ( ( PUNCT crl-16588 240 29 2002 2002 NUM crl-16588 240 30 ): ): PUNCT crl-16588 241 1 153 153 NUM crl-16588 241 2 . . X crl-16588 241 3 PROPN crl-16588 241 4 PROPN crl-16588 241 5 X crl-16588 241 6 PROPN