id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crl-16592	1	1	359	359	NUM
crl-16592	1	2	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	1	3	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	1	4	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	1	5	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	1	6	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	1	7	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	1	8	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	1	9	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	1	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	1	11	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	1	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	1	13	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	1	14	crystal	crystal	PROPN
crl-16592	1	15	boyce	boyce	PROPN
crl-16592	1	16	*	*	PROPN
crl-16592	1	17	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	1	18	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	1	19	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	1	20	no	no	ADV
crl-16592	1	21	longer	long	ADV
crl-16592	1	22	evaluated	evaluate	VERB
crl-16592	1	23	solely	solely	ADV
crl-16592	1	24	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	1	25	the	the	DET
crl-16592	1	26	value	value	NOUN
crl-16592	1	27	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	1	28	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	1	29	collections	collection	NOUN
crl-16592	1	30	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	1	31	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	1	32	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	1	33	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	1	34	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	1	35	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	1	36	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	1	37	play	play	VERB
crl-16592	1	38	an	an	DET
crl-16592	1	39	increasingly	increasingly	ADV
crl-16592	1	40	important	important	ADJ
crl-16592	1	41	role	role	NOUN
crl-16592	1	42	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	1	43	defining	define	VERB
crl-16592	1	44	overall	overall	ADJ
crl-16592	1	45	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	1	46	value	value	NOUN
crl-16592	1	47	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	2	1	this	this	DET
crl-16592	2	2	paper	paper	NOUN
crl-16592	2	3	presents	present	VERB
crl-16592	2	4	a	a	DET
crl-16592	2	5	retooling	retooling	NOUN
crl-16592	2	6	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	2	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	2	8	libqual+	libqual+	PROPN
crl-16592	2	9	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	2	10	instrument	instrument	NOUN
crl-16592	2	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	2	12	blending	blend	VERB
crl-16592	2	13	the	the	DET
crl-16592	2	14	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	2	15	measurement	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	2	16	model	model	NOUN
crl-16592	2	17	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	2	18	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	2	19	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	2	20	model	model	NOUN
crl-16592	2	21	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	2	22	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	2	23	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	2	24	systems	system	NOUN
crl-16592	2	25	management	management	NOUN
crl-16592	2	26	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	2	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	3	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	3	2	new	new	ADJ
crl-16592	3	3	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	3	4	instrument	instrument	NOUN
crl-16592	3	5	redefines	redefine	NOUN
crl-16592	3	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	3	7	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	3	8	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	3	9	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	3	10	taking	take	VERB
crl-16592	3	11	into	into	ADP
crl-16592	3	12	consideration	consideration	NOUN
crl-16592	3	13	the	the	DET
crl-16592	3	14	perspectives	perspective	NOUN
crl-16592	3	15	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	3	16	both	both	DET
crl-16592	3	17	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	3	18	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	3	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	3	20	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	3	21	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	3	22	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	3	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	3	24	to	to	PART
crl-16592	3	25	help	help	VERB
crl-16592	3	26	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	3	27	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	3	28	gain	gain	VERB
crl-16592	3	29	a	a	DET
crl-16592	3	30	more	more	ADV
crl-16592	3	31	robust	robust	ADJ
crl-16592	3	32	sense	sense	NOUN
crl-16592	3	33	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	3	34	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	3	35	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	3	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	4	1	introduction	introduction	NOUN
crl-16592	4	2	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	4	3	decades	decade	NOUN
crl-16592	4	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	4	5	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	4	6	have	have	AUX
crl-16592	4	7	been	be	AUX
crl-16592	4	8	studying	study	VERB
crl-16592	4	9	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	4	10	people	people	NOUN
crl-16592	4	11	use	use	VERB
crl-16592	4	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	4	13	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	4	14	satisfied	satisfied	ADJ
crl-16592	4	15	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	4	16	their	their	PRON
crl-16592	4	17	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	4	18	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	4	19	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	4	20	facilities	facility	NOUN
crl-16592	4	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	4	22	collections	collection	NOUN
crl-16592	4	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	4	24	tools	tool	NOUN
crl-16592	4	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	4	26	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	4	27	personnel	personnel	NOUN
crl-16592	4	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	1	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	5	2	methodologies	methodology	NOUN
crl-16592	5	3	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	5	4	varied	varied	ADJ
crl-16592	5	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	6	including	include	VERB
crl-16592	5	7	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	5	8	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	5	9	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	5	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	11	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-16592	5	12	group	group	NOUN
crl-16592	5	13	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crl-16592	5	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	15	unobtrusive	unobtrusive	ADJ
crl-16592	5	16	evaluations,1	evaluations,1	PROPN
crl-16592	5	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	5	18	ethnographic	ethnographic	ADJ
crl-16592	5	19	studies.2	studies.2	PROPN
crl-16592	5	20	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	5	21	no	no	DET
crl-16592	5	22	one	one	NUM
crl-16592	5	23	methodology	methodology	NOUN
crl-16592	5	24	can	can	AUX
crl-16592	5	25	fulfill	fulfill	VERB
crl-16592	5	26	all	all	PRON
crl-16592	5	27	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	5	28	a	a	DET
crl-16592	5	29	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	5	30	’s	’s	PART
crl-16592	5	31	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	5	32	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	5	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	34	employing	employ	VERB
crl-16592	5	35	a	a	DET
crl-16592	5	36	variety	variety	NOUN
crl-16592	5	37	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	5	38	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	5	39	tools	tool	NOUN
crl-16592	5	40	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	5	41	essential	essential	ADJ
crl-16592	5	42	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	5	43	gaining	gain	VERB
crl-16592	5	44	the	the	DET
crl-16592	5	45	fullest	full	ADJ
crl-16592	5	46	understanding	understanding	NOUN
crl-16592	5	47	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	5	48	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	5	49	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	5	50	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	51	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	5	52	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	53	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	5	54	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	5	55	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	56	especially	especially	ADV
crl-16592	5	57	given	give	VERB
crl-16592	5	58	the	the	DET
crl-16592	5	59	interconnectedness	interconnectedness	NOUN
crl-16592	5	60	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	5	61	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	5	62	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	5	63	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	64	collections	collection	NOUN
crl-16592	5	65	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	5	66	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	5	67	spaces	space	NOUN
crl-16592	5	68	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	6	1	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	6	2	a	a	DET
crl-16592	6	3	primary	primary	ADJ
crl-16592	6	4	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	6	5	point	point	NOUN
crl-16592	6	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	6	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	6	8	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	6	9	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	6	10	has	have	AUX
crl-16592	6	11	been	be	AUX
crl-16592	6	12	the	the	DET
crl-16592	6	13	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-16592	6	14	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	6	15	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crl-16592	6	16	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	6	17	since	since	SCONJ
crl-16592	6	18	the	the	DET
crl-16592	6	19	1970s.3	1970s.3	NOUN
crl-16592	6	20	several	several	ADJ
crl-16592	6	21	early	early	ADJ
crl-16592	6	22	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	6	23	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	6	24	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	6	25	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	6	26	suggest	suggest	VERB
crl-16592	6	27	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	6	28	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	6	29	satisfied	satisfied	ADJ
crl-16592	6	30	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	6	31	their	their	PRON
crl-16592	6	32	experiences	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	6	33	as	as	ADV
crl-16592	6	34	long	long	ADV
crl-16592	6	35	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	6	36	the	the	DET
crl-16592	6	37	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	6	38	itself	itself	PRON
crl-16592	6	39	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	6	40	pleasant,4	pleasant,4	NOUN
crl-16592	6	41	yet	yet	ADV
crl-16592	6	42	these	these	DET
crl-16592	6	43	same	same	ADJ
crl-16592	6	44	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	6	45	reflect	reflect	VERB
crl-16592	6	46	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	6	47	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	6	48	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	6	49	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-16592	6	50	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	6	51	correct	correct	VERB
crl-16592	6	52	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	6	53	full	full	ADJ
crl-16592	6	54	answers	answer	NOUN
crl-16592	6	55	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	6	56	not	not	PART
crl-16592	6	57	provided	provide	VERB
crl-16592	6	58	during	during	ADP
crl-16592	6	59	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	6	60	transactions	transaction	NOUN
crl-16592	6	61	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	7	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	7	2	these	these	DET
crl-16592	7	3	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	7	4	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	7	5	done	do	VERB
crl-16592	7	6	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	7	7	institutions	institution	NOUN
crl-16592	7	8	where	where	SCONJ
crl-16592	7	9	mixed	mixed	ADJ
crl-16592	7	10	staffing	staffing	NOUN
crl-16592	7	11	models	model	NOUN
crl-16592	7	12	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	7	13	used	use	VERB
crl-16592	7	14	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	7	15	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	7	16	desks	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	7	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	7	18	the	the	DET
crl-16592	7	19	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-16592	7	20	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	7	21	answer	answer	NOUN
crl-16592	7	22	accuracy	accuracy	NOUN
crl-16592	7	23	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	7	24	even	even	ADV
crl-16592	7	25	more	more	ADV
crl-16592	7	26	emphasized.5	emphasized.5	PROPN
crl-16592	7	27	the	the	DET
crl-16592	7	28	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	7	29	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	7	30	further	far	ADV
crl-16592	7	31	complicated	complicate	VERB
crl-16592	7	32	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	7	33	one	one	PRON
crl-16592	7	34	considers	consider	VERB
crl-16592	7	35	current	current	ADJ
crl-16592	7	36	trends	trend	NOUN
crl-16592	7	37	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	7	38	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	7	39	librarianship	librarianship	NOUN
crl-16592	7	40	—	—	PUNCT
crl-16592	7	41	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	7	42	fewer	few	ADJ
crl-16592	7	43	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	7	44	fewer	few	ADJ
crl-16592	7	45	queries	query	NOUN
crl-16592	7	46	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	7	47	being	be	AUX
crl-16592	7	48	put	put	VERB
crl-16592	7	49	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	7	50	the	the	DET
crl-16592	7	51	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	7	52	but	but	CCONJ
crl-16592	7	53	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	7	54	those	those	DET
crl-16592	7	55	queries	query	NOUN
crl-16592	7	56	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	7	57	increasingly	increasingly	ADV
crl-16592	7	58	complicated.6	complicated.6	ADV
crl-16592	7	59	further	far	ADV
crl-16592	7	60	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	7	61	more	more	ADJ
crl-16592	7	62	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	7	63	more	more	ADJ
crl-16592	7	64	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	7	65	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	7	66	experimenting	experiment	VERB
crl-16592	7	67	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	7	68	combined	combine	VERB
crl-16592	7	69	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	7	70	desks	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	7	71	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	7	72	including	include	VERB
crl-16592	7	73	collaborations	collaboration	NOUN
crl-16592	7	74	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	7	75	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	7	76	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	7	77	desks7	desks7	NOUN
crl-16592	7	78	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	7	79	a	a	DET
crl-16592	7	80	result	result	NOUN
crl-16592	7	81	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	7	82	internal	internal	ADJ
crl-16592	7	83	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	7	84	external	external	ADJ
crl-16592	7	85	pressures	pressure	NOUN
crl-16592	7	86	such	such	ADJ
crl-16592	7	87	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	7	88	increased	increase	VERB
crl-16592	7	89	demands	demand	NOUN
crl-16592	7	90	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	7	91	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crl-16592	7	92	time	time	NOUN
crl-16592	7	93	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	7	94	decreased	decrease	VERB
crl-16592	7	95	budgets	budget	NOUN
crl-16592	7	96	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	7	97	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	7	98	a	a	DET
crl-16592	7	99	need	need	NOUN
crl-16592	7	100	to	to	PART
crl-16592	7	101	diversify	diversify	VERB
crl-16592	7	102	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	7	103	to	to	PART
crl-16592	7	104	meet	meet	VERB
crl-16592	7	105	the	the	DET
crl-16592	7	106	changing	change	VERB
crl-16592	7	107	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	7	108	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	7	109	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	7	110	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	8	1	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	8	2	fall	fall	NOUN
crl-16592	8	3	2012	2012	NUM
crl-16592	8	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	8	5	spring	spring	NOUN
crl-16592	8	6	2015	2015	NUM
crl-16592	8	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	8	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	8	9	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	8	10	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	8	11	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	8	12	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	8	13	wesleyan	wesleyan	PROPN
crl-16592	8	14	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	8	15	’s	’s	PART
crl-16592	8	16	ames	ames	PROPN
crl-16592	8	17	library	library	PROPN
crl-16592	8	18	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	8	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	8	20	first	first	ADJ
crl-16592	8	21	stop	stop	NOUN
crl-16592	8	22	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	8	23	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	8	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	8	25	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	8	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	8	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	8	28	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	8	29	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	8	30	 	 	SPACE
crl-16592	8	31	crystal	crystal	NOUN
crl-16592	8	32	boyce	boyce	NOUN
crl-16592	8	33	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	8	34	assistant	assistant	NOUN
crl-16592	8	35	professor	professor	NOUN
crl-16592	8	36	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	8	37	the	the	DET
crl-16592	8	38	ames	ames	PROPN
crl-16592	8	39	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	8	40	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	8	41	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	8	42	wesleyan	wesleyan	PROPN
crl-16592	8	43	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	8	44	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	8	45	e	e	X
crl-16592	8	46	-	-	NOUN
crl-16592	8	47	mail	mail	NOUN
crl-16592	8	48	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	8	49	cboyce@	cboyce@	X
crl-16592	8	50	NOUN
crl-16592	8	51	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	1	©	©	ADJ
crl-16592	9	2	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	9	3	crystal	crystal	PROPN
crl-16592	9	4	boyce	boyce	NOUN
crl-16592	9	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	6	attribution	attribution	NOUN
crl-16592	9	7	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	8	noncommercial	noncommercial	ADJ
crl-16592	9	9	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	10	NOUN
crl-16592	9	11	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	12	cc	cc	VERB
crl-16592	9	13	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	9	14	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	15	nc	nc	PROPN
crl-16592	9	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	17	doi:10.5860	doi:10.5860	PROPN
crl-16592	9	18	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	9	19	crl.78.3.359	crl.78.3.359	PROPN
crl-16592	9	20	PROPN
crl-16592	9	21	PROPN
crl-16592	9	22	http://10.5860	http://10.5860	PROPN
crl-16592	9	23	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	9	24	crl	crl	PROPN
crl-16592	9	25	360	360	NUM
crl-16592	9	26	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	9	27	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	9	28	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	9	29	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	9	30	march	march	NOUN
crl-16592	9	31	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	9	32	support	support	NOUN
crl-16592	9	33	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	9	34	iwu	iwu	NOUN
crl-16592	9	35	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	9	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	37	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	9	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	9	39	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	9	40	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	9	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	10	1	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	10	2	wesleyan	wesleyan	PROPN
crl-16592	10	3	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	10	4	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	10	5	a	a	DET
crl-16592	10	6	small	small	ADJ
crl-16592	10	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	10	8	private	private	ADJ
crl-16592	10	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	10	10	liberal	liberal	ADJ
crl-16592	10	11	arts	art	NOUN
crl-16592	10	12	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	10	13	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	10	14	central	central	ADJ
crl-16592	10	15	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	10	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	11	1	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	11	2	a	a	DET
crl-16592	11	3	teaching	teaching	NOUN
crl-16592	11	4	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	11	5	focused	focus	VERB
crl-16592	11	6	institution	institution	NOUN
crl-16592	11	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	11	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	11	9	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	11	10	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	11	11	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	11	12	ratio	ratio	NOUN
crl-16592	11	13	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	11	14	relatively	relatively	ADV
crl-16592	11	15	small	small	ADJ
crl-16592	11	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	11	17	11:1	11:1	NUM
crl-16592	11	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	12	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	12	2	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	12	3	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	12	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	12	5	located	locate	VERB
crl-16592	12	6	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	12	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	12	8	entry	entry	NOUN
crl-16592	12	9	level	level	NOUN
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crl-16592	12	11	the	the	DET
crl-16592	12	12	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	12	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	12	14	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	12	15	staffed	staff	VERB
crl-16592	12	16	entirely	entirely	ADV
crl-16592	12	17	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	12	18	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	12	19	assistants	assistant	NOUN
crl-16592	12	20	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	12	21	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	12	22	given	give	VERB
crl-16592	12	23	extensive	extensive	ADJ
crl-16592	12	24	training	training	NOUN
crl-16592	12	25	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	12	26	both	both	PRON
crl-16592	12	27	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	12	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	12	29	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	12	30	support	support	NOUN
crl-16592	12	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	13	1	a	a	DET
crl-16592	13	2	representative	representative	NOUN
crl-16592	13	3	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	13	4	the	the	DET
crl-16592	13	5	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	13	6	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	13	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	13	8	author	author	NOUN
crl-16592	13	9	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	13	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	13	11	a	a	DET
crl-16592	13	12	representative	representative	NOUN
crl-16592	13	13	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	13	14	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	13	15	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	13	16	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	13	17	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	13	18	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	13	19	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	13	20	cosupervised	cosupervise	VERB
crl-16592	13	21	the	the	DET
crl-16592	13	22	roughly	roughly	ADV
crl-16592	13	23	30	30	NUM
crl-16592	13	24	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	13	25	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	13	26	staffing	staff	VERB
crl-16592	13	27	the	the	DET
crl-16592	13	28	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	13	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	14	1	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	14	2	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	14	3	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	14	4	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	14	5	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	14	6	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	14	7	available	available	ADJ
crl-16592	14	8	during	during	ADP
crl-16592	14	9	business	business	NOUN
crl-16592	14	10	hours	hour	NOUN
crl-16592	14	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	14	12	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	14	13	evening	evening	NOUN
crl-16592	14	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	14	15	weekend	weekend	NOUN
crl-16592	14	16	transactions	transaction	NOUN
crl-16592	14	17	either	either	CCONJ
crl-16592	14	18	handled	handle	VERB
crl-16592	14	19	exclusively	exclusively	ADV
crl-16592	14	20	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	14	21	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	14	22	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	14	23	queued	queue	VERB
crl-16592	14	24	until	until	ADP
crl-16592	14	25	the	the	DET
crl-16592	14	26	next	next	ADJ
crl-16592	14	27	business	business	NOUN
crl-16592	14	28	day	day	NOUN
crl-16592	14	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	15	1	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	15	2	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	15	3	any	any	DET
crl-16592	15	4	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	15	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	15	6	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	15	7	were	be	VERB
crl-16592	15	8	numerous	numerous	ADJ
crl-16592	15	9	stakeholder	stakeholder	NOUN
crl-16592	15	10	groups	group	NOUN
crl-16592	15	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	15	12	divided	divide	VERB
crl-16592	15	13	here	here	ADV
crl-16592	15	14	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	15	15	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	15	16	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	15	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	15	18	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	15	19	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	15	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	16	2	our	our	PRON
crl-16592	16	3	case	case	NOUN
crl-16592	16	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	16	6	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	16	7	included	include	VERB
crl-16592	16	8	help@	help@	PROPN
crl-16592	16	9	ames	ame	NOUN
crl-16592	16	10	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	16	11	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	16	12	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	13	n	n	ADP
crl-16592	16	14	=	=	X
crl-16592	16	15	30	30	NUM
crl-16592	16	16	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	18	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	16	19	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	16	20	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	21	n	n	CCONJ
crl-16592	16	22	=	=	X
crl-16592	16	23	8)	8)	NUM
crl-16592	16	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	25	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	16	26	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	16	27	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	16	28	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	29	n	n	CCONJ
crl-16592	16	30	=	=	X
crl-16592	16	31	15	15	NUM
crl-16592	16	32	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	16	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	17	1	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	17	2	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	17	3	included	include	VERB
crl-16592	17	4	anyone	anyone	PRON
crl-16592	17	5	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	17	6	contacted	contact	VERB
crl-16592	17	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	17	8	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	17	9	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	17	10	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	17	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	17	12	the	the	DET
crl-16592	17	13	majority	majority	NOUN
crl-16592	17	14	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	17	15	whom	whom	PRON
crl-16592	17	16	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	17	17	iwu	iwu	NOUN
crl-16592	17	18	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	17	19	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	17	20	n	n	CCONJ
crl-16592	17	21	=	=	X
crl-16592	17	22	185	185	NUM
crl-16592	17	23	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	17	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	17	25	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	17	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	17	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	17	28	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	17	29	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	17	30	n	n	CCONJ
crl-16592	17	31	=	=	X
crl-16592	17	32	1,900	1,900	NUM
crl-16592	17	33	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	17	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	18	1	parents	parent	NOUN
crl-16592	18	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	18	3	community	community	NOUN
crl-16592	18	4	members	member	NOUN
crl-16592	18	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	18	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	18	7	alumni	alumnus	NOUN
crl-16592	18	8	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	18	9	also	also	ADV
crl-16592	18	10	considered	consider	VERB
crl-16592	18	11	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	18	12	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	18	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	19	1	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	19	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	19	3	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	19	4	administration	administration	NOUN
crl-16592	19	5	often	often	ADV
crl-16592	19	6	fielded	field	VERB
crl-16592	19	7	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	19	8	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	19	9	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	19	10	effectively	effectively	ADV
crl-16592	19	11	inquiries	inquiry	NOUN
crl-16592	19	12	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	19	13	the	the	DET
crl-16592	19	14	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	19	15	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	19	16	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	19	17	handled	handle	VERB
crl-16592	19	18	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	19	19	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	19	20	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	19	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	20	1	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-16592	20	2	often	often	ADV
crl-16592	20	3	centered	center	VERB
crl-16592	20	4	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	20	5	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	20	6	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	20	7	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	20	8	handled	handle	VERB
crl-16592	20	9	queries	query	VERB
crl-16592	20	10	expeditiously	expeditiously	ADV
crl-16592	20	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	20	12	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	20	13	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	20	14	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	20	15	referred	refer	VERB
crl-16592	20	16	appropriately	appropriately	ADV
crl-16592	20	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	21	1	an	an	DET
crl-16592	21	2	initial	initial	ADJ
crl-16592	21	3	review	review	NOUN
crl-16592	21	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	21	5	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	21	6	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	21	7	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	21	8	fall	fall	NOUN
crl-16592	21	9	2014	2014	NUM
crl-16592	21	10	indicated	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	21	11	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	21	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	21	13	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	21	14	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	21	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	21	16	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	21	17	were	be	VERB
crl-16592	21	18	interactions	interaction	NOUN
crl-16592	21	19	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	21	20	the	the	DET
crl-16592	21	21	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	21	22	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	21	23	could	could	AUX
crl-16592	21	24	have	have	AUX
crl-16592	21	25	benefited	benefit	VERB
crl-16592	21	26	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	21	27	the	the	DET
crl-16592	21	28	expertise	expertise	NOUN
crl-16592	21	29	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	21	30	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	21	31	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	21	32	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	21	33	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	21	34	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	21	35	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	22	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
crl-16592	22	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	22	3	a	a	DET
crl-16592	22	4	sense	sense	NOUN
crl-16592	22	5	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	22	6	dissatisfaction	dissatisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	22	7	had	have	AUX
crl-16592	22	8	been	be	AUX
crl-16592	22	9	expressed	express	VERB
crl-16592	22	10	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	22	11	campus	campus	NOUN
crl-16592	22	12	office	office	NOUN
crl-16592	22	13	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	22	14	regarding	regard	VERB
crl-16592	22	15	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	22	16	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	22	17	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	22	18	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	22	19	taking	take	VERB
crl-16592	22	20	too	too	ADV
crl-16592	22	21	long	long	ADV
crl-16592	22	22	to	to	PART
crl-16592	22	23	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	22	24	answered	answer	VERB
crl-16592	22	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	22	26	not	not	PART
crl-16592	22	27	getting	get	VERB
crl-16592	22	28	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	22	29	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	22	30	experts	expert	NOUN
crl-16592	22	31	fast	fast	VERB
crl-16592	22	32	enough	enough	ADV
crl-16592	22	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	22	34	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	22	35	the	the	DET
crl-16592	22	36	like	like	ADJ
crl-16592	22	37	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	22	38	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	23	1	finally	finally	ADV
crl-16592	23	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	23	3	the	the	DET
crl-16592	23	4	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
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crl-16592	23	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	23	7	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	23	8	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	23	9	often	often	ADV
crl-16592	23	10	received	receive	VERB
crl-16592	23	11	feedback	feedback	NOUN
crl-16592	23	12	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	23	13	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	23	14	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	23	15	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	23	16	regarding	regard	VERB
crl-16592	23	17	the	the	DET
crl-16592	23	18	strengths	strength	NOUN
crl-16592	23	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	23	20	weaknesses	weakness	NOUN
crl-16592	23	21	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	23	22	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-16592	23	23	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	23	24	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	23	25	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	23	26	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	23	27	the	the	DET
crl-16592	23	28	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	23	29	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	23	30	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	23	31	a	a	DET
crl-16592	23	32	whole	whole	NOUN
crl-16592	23	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	24	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	24	2	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-16592	24	3	wondered	wonder	VERB
crl-16592	24	4	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	24	5	their	their	PRON
crl-16592	24	6	own	own	ADJ
crl-16592	24	7	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	24	8	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	24	9	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	24	10	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	24	11	differed	differ	VERB
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crl-16592	24	13	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	24	16	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	24	17	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	24	18	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	24	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	25	1	however	however	ADV
crl-16592	25	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	25	3	without	without	ADP
crl-16592	25	4	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	25	5	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	25	6	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	25	7	to	to	PART
crl-16592	25	8	judge	judge	VERB
crl-16592	25	9	these	these	DET
crl-16592	25	10	various	various	ADJ
crl-16592	25	11	anecdotes	anecdote	NOUN
crl-16592	25	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	25	13	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	25	14	was	be	VERB
crl-16592	25	15	no	no	DET
crl-16592	25	16	way	way	NOUN
crl-16592	25	17	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	25	18	knowing	know	VERB
crl-16592	25	19	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	25	20	views	view	NOUN
crl-16592	25	21	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	25	22	representative	representative	ADJ
crl-16592	25	23	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	25	24	entire	entire	ADJ
crl-16592	25	25	populations	population	NOUN
crl-16592	25	26	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	25	27	simply	simply	ADV
crl-16592	25	28	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	25	30	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	25	31	outspoken	outspoken	ADJ
crl-16592	25	32	individuals	individual	NOUN
crl-16592	25	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	26	1	this	this	DET
crl-16592	26	2	project	project	NOUN
crl-16592	26	3	sought	seek	VERB
crl-16592	26	4	to	to	PART
crl-16592	26	5	establish	establish	VERB
crl-16592	26	6	a	a	DET
crl-16592	26	7	baseline	baseline	NOUN
crl-16592	26	8	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	26	9	understanding	understand	VERB
crl-16592	26	10	user	user	NOUN
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crl-16592	26	12	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	26	13	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	26	14	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	26	15	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	26	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	27	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	27	2	primary	primary	ADJ
crl-16592	27	3	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	27	4	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	27	5	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	27	6	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	27	7	1	1	X
crl-16592	27	8	.	.	X
crl-16592	27	9	do	do	AUX
crl-16592	27	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	27	11	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	27	12	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	27	13	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	27	14	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	27	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	27	16	perceptions	perception	NOUN
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crl-16592	27	18	the	the	DET
crl-16592	27	19	help@	help@	PROPN
crl-16592	27	20	ames	ames	PROPN
crl-16592	27	21	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	27	22	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	27	23	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	27	24	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	27	25	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	28	1	2	2	X
crl-16592	28	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	28	3	do	do	VERB
crl-16592	28	4	iwu	iwu	NOUN
crl-16592	28	5	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	28	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	28	7	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	28	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	28	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	28	10	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	28	11	expect	expect	VERB
crl-16592	28	12	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	28	14	level	level	NOUN
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crl-16592	28	18	what	what	PRON
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crl-16592	28	21	to	to	PART
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crl-16592	28	25	the	the	DET
crl-16592	28	26	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	28	27	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	28	28	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	29	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	29	2	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	29	3	words	word	NOUN
crl-16592	29	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	29	5	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	29	6	there	there	PRON
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crl-16592	29	18	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	29	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	29	20	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	29	21	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	29	22	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	30	1	3	3	X
crl-16592	30	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	30	3	do	do	VERB
crl-16592	30	4	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	30	5	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	30	6	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	30	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	30	8	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crl-16592	30	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	30	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	30	11	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	30	12	staff	staff	NOUN
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crl-16592	30	16	level	level	NOUN
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crl-16592	30	18	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	30	19	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	30	20	what	what	PRON
crl-16592	30	21	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	30	22	perceive	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	30	23	to	to	PART
crl-16592	30	24	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	30	25	delivered	deliver	VERB
crl-16592	30	26	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	31	1	put	put	VERB
crl-16592	31	2	another	another	DET
crl-16592	31	3	way	way	NOUN
crl-16592	31	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	31	5	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	31	6	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	31	7	a	a	DET
crl-16592	31	8	gap	gap	NOUN
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crl-16592	31	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	31	11	provider	provider	NOUN
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crl-16592	31	13	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	31	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	31	20	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	31	21	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	31	22	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	32	1	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	32	2	this	this	DET
crl-16592	32	3	project	project	NOUN
crl-16592	32	4	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	32	5	immediate	immediate	ADJ
crl-16592	32	6	value	value	NOUN
crl-16592	32	7	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	32	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	32	9	management	management	NOUN
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crl-16592	32	11	the	the	DET
crl-16592	32	12	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	32	13	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	32	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	32	15	the	the	DET
crl-16592	32	16	results	result	NOUN
crl-16592	32	17	will	will	AUX
crl-16592	32	18	also	also	ADV
crl-16592	32	19	be	be	AUX
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crl-16592	32	21	value	value	NOUN
crl-16592	32	22	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	32	23	the	the	DET
crl-16592	32	24	professional	professional	ADJ
crl-16592	32	25	community	community	NOUN
crl-16592	32	26	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	32	27	more	more	ADJ
crl-16592	32	28	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	32	29	experiment	experiment	NOUN
crl-16592	32	30	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	32	31	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	32	32	models	model	NOUN
crl-16592	32	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	32	34	including	include	VERB
crl-16592	32	35	mergers	merger	NOUN
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crl-16592	32	37	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	32	38	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	32	39	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	32	40	combined	combine	VERB
crl-16592	32	41	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	32	42	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	32	43	circulation	circulation	NOUN
crl-16592	32	44	desks	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	32	45	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	33	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	33	2	an	an	DET
crl-16592	33	3	environment	environment	NOUN
crl-16592	33	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	33	5	shrinking	shrink	VERB
crl-16592	33	6	budgets	budget	NOUN
crl-16592	33	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	33	8	staffing	staffing	NOUN
crl-16592	33	9	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-16592	33	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	33	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	33	12	changing	change	VERB
crl-16592	33	13	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	33	14	bodies	body	NOUN
crl-16592	33	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	33	16	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-16592	33	17	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	33	18	must	must	AUX
crl-16592	33	19	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	33	20	prepared	prepare	VERB
crl-16592	33	21	to	to	PART
crl-16592	33	22	meet	meet	VERB
crl-16592	33	23	the	the	DET
crl-16592	33	24	changing	change	VERB
crl-16592	33	25	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	33	26	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	33	27	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	33	28	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	33	29	continuing	continue	VERB
crl-16592	33	30	to	to	PART
crl-16592	33	31	provide	provide	VERB
crl-16592	33	32	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	33	33	support	support	NOUN
crl-16592	33	34	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	33	35	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	33	36	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	33	37	we	we	PRON
crl-16592	33	38	do	do	AUX
crl-16592	33	39	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	33	40	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	33	41	based	base	VERB
crl-16592	33	42	heavily	heavily	ADV
crl-16592	33	43	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	33	44	local	local	ADJ
crl-16592	33	45	culture	culture	NOUN
crl-16592	33	46	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	33	47	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	33	48	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	34	1	this	this	DET
crl-16592	34	2	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	34	3	offers	offer	VERB
crl-16592	34	4	one	one	NUM
crl-16592	34	5	methodology	methodology	NOUN
crl-16592	34	6	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	34	7	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	34	8	to	to	PART
crl-16592	34	9	assess	assess	VERB
crl-16592	34	10	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	34	11	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	34	12	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	34	13	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	34	14	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	34	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	35	1	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	35	2	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	35	3	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	35	4	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	35	5	361	361	NUM
crl-16592	35	6	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-16592	35	7	review	review	NOUN
crl-16592	35	8	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	35	9	considering	consider	VERB
crl-16592	35	10	the	the	DET
crl-16592	35	11	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crl-16592	35	12	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	35	13	mixed	mixed	ADJ
crl-16592	35	14	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	35	15	desks	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	35	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	35	17	an	an	DET
crl-16592	35	18	ideal	ideal	ADJ
crl-16592	35	19	approach	approach	NOUN
crl-16592	35	20	considers	consider	VERB
crl-16592	35	21	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	35	22	those	those	DET
crl-16592	35	23	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	35	24	have	have	AUX
crl-16592	35	25	been	be	AUX
crl-16592	35	26	evaluated	evaluate	VERB
crl-16592	35	27	individually	individually	ADV
crl-16592	35	28	then	then	ADV
crl-16592	35	29	combines	combine	VERB
crl-16592	35	30	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	35	31	methods	method	NOUN
crl-16592	35	32	cohesively	cohesively	ADV
crl-16592	35	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	36	1	educause	educause	NOUN
crl-16592	36	2	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	36	3	a	a	DET
crl-16592	36	4	nonprofit	nonprofit	ADJ
crl-16592	36	5	association	association	NOUN
crl-16592	36	6	whose	whose	DET
crl-16592	36	7	mission	mission	NOUN
crl-16592	36	8	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	36	9	to	to	PART
crl-16592	36	10	advance	advance	VERB
crl-16592	36	11	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	36	12	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	36	13	through	through	ADP
crl-16592	36	14	the	the	DET
crl-16592	36	15	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	36	16	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	36	17	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	36	18	technology.8	technology.8	PRON
crl-16592	36	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	36	20	educause	educause	NOUN
crl-16592	36	21	center	center	NOUN
crl-16592	36	22	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	36	23	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-16592	36	24	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	36	25	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	36	26	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	36	27	ecar	ecar	NOUN
crl-16592	36	28	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	36	29	has	have	AUX
crl-16592	36	30	conducted	conduct	VERB
crl-16592	36	31	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	36	32	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	36	33	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	36	34	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	36	35	stakeholder	stakeholder	NOUN
crl-16592	36	36	groups	group	NOUN
crl-16592	36	37	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	36	38	their	their	PRON
crl-16592	36	39	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	36	40	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	36	41	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	36	42	technologies,9	technologies,9	NOUN
crl-16592	36	43	including	include	VERB
crl-16592	36	44	discussions	discussion	NOUN
crl-16592	36	45	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	36	46	metrics	metric	NOUN
crl-16592	36	47	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	36	48	assessing	assess	VERB
crl-16592	36	49	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	36	50	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	36	51	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	36	52	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	36	53	the	the	DET
crl-16592	36	54	past	past	ADJ
crl-16592	36	55	decade	decade	NOUN
crl-16592	36	56	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	37	1	those	those	DET
crl-16592	37	2	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	37	3	mirror	mirror	VERB
crl-16592	37	4	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	37	5	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	37	6	evaluations	evaluation	NOUN
crl-16592	37	7	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	37	8	terms	term	NOUN
crl-16592	37	9	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	37	10	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	37	11	values	value	NOUN
crl-16592	37	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	37	13	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	37	14	ratings.10	ratings.10	ADV
crl-16592	37	15	interestingly	interestingly	ADV
crl-16592	37	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	37	17	corporate	corporate	ADJ
crl-16592	37	18	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	37	19	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	37	20	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-16592	37	21	similarly	similarly	ADV
crl-16592	37	22	suggests	suggest	VERB
crl-16592	37	23	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	37	24	the	the	DET
crl-16592	37	25	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	37	26	a	a	DET
crl-16592	37	27	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	37	28	has	have	VERB
crl-16592	37	29	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	37	30	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	37	31	greater	great	ADJ
crl-16592	37	32	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-16592	37	33	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	37	34	the	the	DET
crl-16592	37	35	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	37	36	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	37	37	the	the	DET
crl-16592	37	38	answer	answer	NOUN
crl-16592	37	39	received.11	received.11	VERB
crl-16592	37	40	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	37	41	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	37	42	techqual+	techqual+	PROPN
crl-16592	37	43	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	37	44	developed	develop	VERB
crl-16592	37	45	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	37	46	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	37	47	tools	tool	NOUN
crl-16592	37	48	to	to	PART
crl-16592	37	49	evaluate	evaluate	VERB
crl-16592	37	50	the	the	DET
crl-16592	37	51	entirety	entirety	NOUN
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crl-16592	37	53	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	37	54	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	37	55	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	37	56	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	37	57	offerings	offering	NOUN
crl-16592	37	58	based	base	VERB
crl-16592	37	59	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	37	60	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	37	61	measurements.12	measurements.12	NOUN
crl-16592	37	62	these	these	DET
crl-16592	37	63	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	37	64	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	37	65	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	37	66	a	a	DET
crl-16592	37	67	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	37	68	function	function	NOUN
crl-16592	37	69	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	37	70	differences	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	37	71	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	37	72	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	37	73	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	37	74	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	37	75	reported	report	VERB
crl-16592	37	76	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	37	77	stakeholders”13	stakeholders”13	NOUN
crl-16592	37	78	where	where	SCONJ
crl-16592	37	79	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	37	80	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	37	81	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	37	82	measured	measure	VERB
crl-16592	37	83	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	37	84	several	several	ADJ
crl-16592	37	85	dimensions	dimension	NOUN
crl-16592	37	86	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	1	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	2	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	38	3	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	38	4	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	38	5	each	each	DET
crl-16592	38	6	dimension	dimension	NOUN
crl-16592	38	7	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	38	8	captured	capture	VERB
crl-16592	38	9	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	38	10	a	a	DET
crl-16592	38	11	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	38	12	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	38	13	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	14	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	38	15	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	17	indicating	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	38	18	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	38	19	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	38	20	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	38	21	a	a	DET
crl-16592	38	22	given	give	VERB
crl-16592	38	23	item	item	NOUN
crl-16592	38	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	25	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	26	where	where	SCONJ
crl-16592	38	27	the	the	DET
crl-16592	38	28	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	38	29	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	38	30	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	31	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	38	32	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	33	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	38	34	the	the	DET
crl-16592	38	35	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	38	36	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	38	37	the	the	DET
crl-16592	38	38	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	38	39	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	38	40	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	38	41	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	38	42	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	43	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	38	44	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	45	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	38	46	the	the	DET
crl-16592	38	47	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	38	48	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	38	49	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	38	50	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	38	51	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	52	e).14	e).14	PROPN
crl-16592	38	53	both	both	PRON
crl-16592	38	54	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	38	55	a	a	DET
crl-16592	38	56	suite	suite	NOUN
crl-16592	38	57	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	38	58	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	38	59	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	38	60	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	38	61	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	38	62	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	38	63	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	38	64	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	38	65	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	38	66	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	38	67	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	68	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	38	69	to	to	PART
crl-16592	38	70	solicit	solicit	VERB
crl-16592	38	71	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	72	track	track	NOUN
crl-16592	38	73	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	74	understand	understand	VERB
crl-16592	38	75	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	38	76	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	38	77	act	act	VERB
crl-16592	38	78	upon	upon	SCONJ
crl-16592	38	79	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	38	80	’	’	PART
crl-16592	38	81	opinions	opinion	NOUN
crl-16592	38	82	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	38	83	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	38	84	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	38	85	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	39	1	”15	”15	PUNCT
crl-16592	40	1	various	various	ADJ
crl-16592	40	2	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	40	3	confirmed	confirm	VERB
crl-16592	40	4	the	the	DET
crl-16592	40	5	validity	validity	NOUN
crl-16592	40	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	40	7	reliability	reliability	NOUN
crl-16592	40	8	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	40	9	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	40	10	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	40	11	an	an	DET
crl-16592	40	12	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	40	13	tool,16	tool,16	PROPN
crl-16592	40	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	40	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	40	16	taken	take	VERB
crl-16592	40	17	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	40	18	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	40	19	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	40	20	methods	method	NOUN
crl-16592	40	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	40	22	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	40	23	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	40	24	often	often	ADV
crl-16592	40	25	able	able	ADJ
crl-16592	40	26	to	to	PART
crl-16592	40	27	gather	gather	VERB
crl-16592	40	28	enough	enough	ADJ
crl-16592	40	29	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	40	30	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	40	31	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	40	32	need	need	VERB
crl-16592	40	33	to	to	PART
crl-16592	40	34	make	make	VERB
crl-16592	40	35	informed	informed	ADJ
crl-16592	40	36	decisions	decision	NOUN
crl-16592	40	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	41	1	however	however	ADV
crl-16592	41	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	41	3	a	a	DET
crl-16592	41	4	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	41	5	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	41	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	41	7	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-16592	41	8	exists	exist	VERB
crl-16592	41	9	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	41	10	that	that	DET
crl-16592	41	11	most	most	ADJ
crl-16592	41	12	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	41	13	tools	tool	NOUN
crl-16592	41	14	used	use	VERB
crl-16592	41	15	today	today	NOUN
crl-16592	41	16	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	41	17	one	one	NUM
crl-16592	41	18	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	41	19	sided	sided	ADJ
crl-16592	41	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	42	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	42	2	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	42	3	words	word	NOUN
crl-16592	42	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	42	5	many	many	ADJ
crl-16592	42	6	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	42	7	focus	focus	VERB
crl-16592	42	8	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	42	9	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	42	10	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	42	11	evaluate	evaluate	VERB
crl-16592	42	12	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	42	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	42	14	but	but	CCONJ
crl-16592	42	15	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	42	16	do	do	AUX
crl-16592	42	17	n’t	not	PART
crl-16592	42	18	take	take	VERB
crl-16592	42	19	into	into	ADP
crl-16592	42	20	consideration	consideration	NOUN
crl-16592	42	21	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	42	22	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	42	23	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	42	24	evaluate	evaluate	VERB
crl-16592	42	25	those	those	DET
crl-16592	42	26	same	same	ADJ
crl-16592	42	27	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	42	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	43	1	borrowed	borrow	VERB
crl-16592	43	2	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	43	3	social	social	ADJ
crl-16592	43	4	psychology	psychology	NOUN
crl-16592	43	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	43	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	43	7	concept	concept	NOUN
crl-16592	43	8	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	43	9	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	43	10	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	43	11	individuals	individual	NOUN
crl-16592	43	12	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	43	13	groups	group	NOUN
crl-16592	43	14	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	43	15	refers	refer	VERB
crl-16592	43	16	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	43	17	the	the	DET
crl-16592	43	18	fit	fit	NOUN
crl-16592	43	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	43	20	match	match	NOUN
crl-16592	43	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	43	22	agreement	agreement	NOUN
crl-16592	43	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	43	24	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	43	25	similarity	similarity	NOUN
crl-16592	43	26	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	43	27	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	43	28	conceptually	conceptually	ADV
crl-16592	43	29	distinct	distinct	ADJ
crl-16592	43	30	constructs”17	constructs”17	PROPN
crl-16592	43	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	43	32	has	have	AUX
crl-16592	43	33	been	be	AUX
crl-16592	43	34	used	use	VERB
crl-16592	43	35	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	43	36	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-16592	43	37	research.18	research.18	VERB
crl-16592	43	38	a	a	DET
crl-16592	43	39	high	high	ADJ
crl-16592	43	40	degree	degree	NOUN
crl-16592	43	41	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	43	42	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	43	43	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	43	44	implies	imply	VERB
crl-16592	43	45	a	a	DET
crl-16592	43	46	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	43	47	degree	degree	NOUN
crl-16592	43	48	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	43	49	matching	match	VERB
crl-16592	43	50	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	43	51	stakeholders	stakeholder	NOUN
crl-16592	43	52	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	43	53	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	43	54	a	a	DET
crl-16592	43	55	low	low	ADJ
crl-16592	43	56	degree	degree	NOUN
crl-16592	43	57	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	43	58	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	43	59	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	43	60	indicates	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	43	61	large	large	ADJ
crl-16592	43	62	differences	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	43	63	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	43	64	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	43	65	and/or	and/or	CCONJ
crl-16592	43	66	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	43	67	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	44	1	corporate	corporate	ADJ
crl-16592	44	2	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	44	3	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	44	4	researchers	researcher	NOUN
crl-16592	44	5	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	44	6	combined	combine	VERB
crl-16592	44	7	incongruence	incongruence	NOUN
crl-16592	44	8	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	44	9	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	44	10	the	the	DET
crl-16592	44	11	principles	principle	NOUN
crl-16592	44	12	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	44	13	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	44	14	measurements	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	44	15	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	44	16	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	44	17	the	the	DET
crl-16592	44	18	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	44	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	44	20	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	44	21	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	44	22	both	both	DET
crl-16592	44	23	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	44	24	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	44	25	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	44	26	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	44	27	providers.19	providers.19	NOUN
crl-16592	44	28	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	44	29	differing	differ	VERB
crl-16592	44	30	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	44	31	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	44	32	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	44	33	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	44	34	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	44	35	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	44	36	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	44	37	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	44	38	can	can	AUX
crl-16592	44	39	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	44	40	quite	quite	ADV
crl-16592	44	41	costly	costly	ADJ
crl-16592	44	42	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	44	43	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	44	44	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	44	45	disagreement	disagreement	NOUN
crl-16592	44	46	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	44	47	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	44	48	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	44	49	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	44	50	among	among	ADP
crl-16592	44	51	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	44	52	professionals	professional	NOUN
crl-16592	44	53	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	44	54	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	44	55	has	have	AUX
crl-16592	44	56	been	be	AUX
crl-16592	44	57	found	find	VERB
crl-16592	44	58	to	to	PART
crl-16592	44	59	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	44	60	tied	tie	VERB
crl-16592	44	61	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	44	62	lower	lower	VERB
crl-16592	44	63	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	44	64	satisfaction”20	satisfaction”20	PROPN
crl-16592	44	65	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	44	66	the	the	DET
crl-16592	44	67	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	44	68	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	44	69	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	44	70	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	45	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	45	2	following	follow	VERB
crl-16592	45	3	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	45	4	describes	describe	VERB
crl-16592	45	5	a	a	DET
crl-16592	45	6	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	45	7	methodology	methodology	NOUN
crl-16592	45	8	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	45	9	blends	blend	VERB
crl-16592	45	10	the	the	DET
crl-16592	45	11	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	45	12	measurement	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	45	13	models	model	NOUN
crl-16592	45	14	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	45	15	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	45	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	45	17	techqual+	techqual+	X
crl-16592	45	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	45	19	continues	continue	VERB
crl-16592	45	20	to	to	PART
crl-16592	45	21	apply	apply	VERB
crl-16592	45	22	the	the	DET
crl-16592	45	23	concept	concept	NOUN
crl-16592	45	24	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	45	25	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	45	26	studies	study	NOUN
crl-16592	45	27	to	to	PART
crl-16592	45	28	service	service	VERB
crl-16592	45	29	provision	provision	NOUN
crl-16592	45	30	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	45	31	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	45	32	the	the	DET
crl-16592	45	33	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	45	34	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	45	35	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	45	36	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	45	37	both	both	PRON
crl-16592	45	38	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	45	39	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	45	40	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	45	41	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	45	42	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	45	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	46	1	methodology	methodology	NOUN
crl-16592	46	2	to	to	PART
crl-16592	46	3	measure	measure	VERB
crl-16592	46	4	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	46	5	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	46	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	46	7	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	46	8	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	46	9	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	46	10	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	46	11	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	46	12	provided	provide	VERB
crl-16592	46	13	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	46	14	the	the	DET
crl-16592	46	15	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	46	16	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	46	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	46	18	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	46	19	complementary	complementary	ADJ
crl-16592	46	20	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	46	21	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	46	22	designed	design	VERB
crl-16592	46	23	using	use	VERB
crl-16592	46	24	qualtrics	qualtric	NOUN
crl-16592	46	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	1	one	one	NUM
crl-16592	47	2	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	47	3	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	47	4	written	write	VERB
crl-16592	47	5	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	47	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	47	7	distributed	distribute	VERB
crl-16592	47	8	to	to	PART
crl-16592	47	9	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	47	10	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	47	11	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	12	iwu	iwu	NOUN
crl-16592	47	13	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	47	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	15	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	47	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	47	18	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	47	19	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	21	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	47	22	the	the	DET
crl-16592	47	23	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	47	24	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	47	25	written	write	VERB
crl-16592	47	26	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	47	27	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	47	29	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	47	30	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	47	31	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	47	32	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	33	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	47	34	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	47	35	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	47	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	37	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	47	38	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	47	39	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	40	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	47	41	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	47	42	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	47	43	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	47	44	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	48	1	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	48	2	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	48	3	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	48	4	designed	design	VERB
crl-16592	48	5	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	48	6	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-16592	48	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	48	8	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	48	9	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	48	10	instruments	instrument	NOUN
crl-16592	48	11	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	48	12	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	48	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	48	14	techqual+	techqual+	X
crl-16592	48	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	48	16	identifying	identify	VERB
crl-16592	48	17	those	those	PRON
crl-16592	48	18	most	most	ADV
crl-16592	48	19	relevant	relevant	ADJ
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crl-16592	48	21	an	an	DET
crl-16592	48	22	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	48	23	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	48	24	an	an	DET
crl-16592	48	25	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-16592	48	26	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	48	27	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	48	28	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	48	29	both	both	DET
crl-16592	48	30	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	48	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	48	32	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	48	33	responsibilities	responsibility	NOUN
crl-16592	48	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	49	1	both	both	CCONJ
crl-16592	49	2	the	the	DET
crl-16592	49	3	libqual+	libqual+	NOUN
crl-16592	49	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	49	5	techqual+	techqual+	X
crl-16592	49	6	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	49	7	had	have	AUX
crl-16592	49	8	previously	previously	ADV
crl-16592	49	9	been	be	AUX
crl-16592	49	10	administered	administer	VERB
crl-16592	49	11	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	49	12	iwu	iwu	NOUN
crl-16592	49	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	49	14	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	49	15	2004	2004	NUM
crl-16592	49	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	49	17	2009	2009	NUM
crl-16592	49	18	respectively	respectively	ADV
crl-16592	49	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	49	20	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	49	21	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	49	22	a	a	DET
crl-16592	49	23	list	list	NOUN
crl-16592	49	24	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	49	25	each	each	DET
crl-16592	49	26	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	49	27	’s	’s	PART
crl-16592	49	28	362	362	NUM
crl-16592	49	29	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	49	30	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	49	31	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	49	32	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	49	33	march	march	PROPN
crl-16592	49	34	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	49	35	full	full	ADJ
crl-16592	49	36	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	49	37	complement	complement	NOUN
crl-16592	49	38	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	49	39	assembled	assemble	VERB
crl-16592	49	40	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	49	41	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	49	42	appendices	appendix	NOUN
crl-16592	49	43	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	49	44	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	49	45	b	b	X
crl-16592	49	46	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	49	47	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	50	1	overlapping	overlap	VERB
crl-16592	50	2	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	50	3	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	50	4	combined	combine	VERB
crl-16592	50	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	50	6	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	50	7	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	50	8	not	not	PART
crl-16592	50	9	specific	specific	ADJ
crl-16592	50	10	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	50	11	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	50	14	the	the	DET
crl-16592	50	15	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	50	16	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	50	17	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	50	18	discarded	discard	VERB
crl-16592	50	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	51	1	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	51	2	an	an	DET
crl-16592	51	3	example	example	NOUN
crl-16592	51	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	51	5	most	most	ADJ
crl-16592	51	6	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	51	7	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	51	8	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	51	9	place	place	NOUN
crl-16592	51	10	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	51	11	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	51	12	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	51	13	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	51	14	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	51	15	would	would	AUX
crl-16592	51	16	have	have	AUX
crl-16592	51	17	been	be	AUX
crl-16592	51	18	inappropriate	inappropriate	ADJ
crl-16592	51	19	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	51	20	a	a	DET
crl-16592	51	21	survey	survey	NOUN
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crl-16592	51	23	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	51	24	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	51	25	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	51	26	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	51	28	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	51	29	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	51	30	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	51	31	therefore	therefore	ADV
crl-16592	51	32	not	not	PART
crl-16592	51	33	included	include	VERB
crl-16592	51	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	52	1	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	52	2	techqual+	techqual+	NUM
crl-16592	52	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	52	4	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	52	5	related	relate	VERB
crl-16592	52	6	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	52	7	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	52	8	connectivity	connectivity	NOUN
crl-16592	52	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	52	10	access	access	NOUN
crl-16592	52	11	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	52	12	would	would	AUX
crl-16592	52	13	have	have	AUX
crl-16592	52	14	been	be	AUX
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crl-16592	52	16	the	the	DET
crl-16592	52	17	purview	purview	NOUN
crl-16592	52	18	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	52	19	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	52	20	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
crl-16592	52	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	52	22	so	so	ADV
crl-16592	52	23	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	52	24	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	52	25	also	also	ADV
crl-16592	52	26	not	not	PART
crl-16592	52	27	included	include	VERB
crl-16592	52	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	53	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	53	2	this	this	DET
crl-16592	53	3	way	way	NOUN
crl-16592	53	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	53	5	the	the	DET
crl-16592	53	6	survey	survey	NOUN
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crl-16592	53	8	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	53	9	customized	customize	VERB
crl-16592	53	10	based	base	VERB
crl-16592	53	11	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	53	12	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	53	14	offered	offer	VERB
crl-16592	53	15	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	53	16	the	the	DET
crl-16592	53	17	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	53	18	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	53	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	54	1	this	this	DET
crl-16592	54	2	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	54	3	drew	draw	VERB
crl-16592	54	4	heavily	heavily	ADV
crl-16592	54	5	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	54	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	54	7	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	54	8	affect	affect	NOUN
crl-16592	54	9	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	54	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	54	11	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	54	12	category	category	NOUN
crl-16592	54	13	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	54	14	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	54	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	54	16	the	the	DET
crl-16592	54	17	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	54	18	support	support	NOUN
crl-16592	54	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	54	20	training	training	NOUN
crl-16592	54	21	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	54	22	category	category	NOUN
crl-16592	54	23	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	54	24	techqual+	techqual+	NUM
crl-16592	54	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	55	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	55	2	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	55	3	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	55	4	the	the	DET
crl-16592	55	5	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	55	6	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	55	7	addressed	address	VERB
crl-16592	55	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	55	9	same	same	ADJ
crl-16592	55	10	concepts	concept	NOUN
crl-16592	55	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	55	12	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	55	13	appropriate	appropriate	ADJ
crl-16592	55	14	changes	change	NOUN
crl-16592	55	15	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	55	16	language	language	NOUN
crl-16592	55	17	to	to	PART
crl-16592	55	18	address	address	VERB
crl-16592	55	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	55	20	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	55	21	perspectives	perspective	NOUN
crl-16592	55	22	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	55	23	the	the	DET
crl-16592	55	24	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	55	25	stakeholder	stakeholder	NOUN
crl-16592	55	26	groups	group	NOUN
crl-16592	55	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	1	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	56	2	example	example	NOUN
crl-16592	56	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	4	a	a	DET
crl-16592	56	5	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	56	6	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	56	7	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	56	8	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	56	9	phrased	phrase	VERB
crl-16592	56	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	11	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	12	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	56	13	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	56	14	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	56	15	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	56	16	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	56	17	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	56	18	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	56	19	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	56	20	instill	instill	VERB
crl-16592	56	21	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	56	22	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	56	23	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	56	24	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	26	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	27	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	56	28	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	56	29	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	56	30	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	56	31	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	56	32	worded	word	VERB
crl-16592	56	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	34	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	35	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	56	36	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	56	37	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	56	38	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	56	39	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	56	40	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	56	41	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	56	42	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	56	43	instill	instill	VERB
crl-16592	56	44	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	56	45	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	56	46	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	56	47	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	48	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	56	49	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	56	50	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	56	51	c	c	PROPN
crl-16592	56	52	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	56	53	a	a	DET
crl-16592	56	54	full	full	ADJ
crl-16592	56	55	list	list	NOUN
crl-16592	56	56	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	56	57	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	56	58	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	56	59	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	57	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	57	2	a	a	DET
crl-16592	57	3	traditional	traditional	ADJ
crl-16592	57	4	libqual+	libqual+	NOUN
crl-16592	57	5	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	57	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	57	7	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	57	8	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	57	9	presented	present	VERB
crl-16592	57	10	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	57	11	a	a	DET
crl-16592	57	12	series	series	NOUN
crl-16592	57	13	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	57	14	statements	statement	NOUN
crl-16592	57	15	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	57	16	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	57	17	each	each	DET
crl-16592	57	18	statement	statement	NOUN
crl-16592	57	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	57	20	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	57	21	rate	rate	VERB
crl-16592	57	22	those	those	DET
crl-16592	57	23	statements	statement	NOUN
crl-16592	57	24	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	57	25	three	three	NUM
crl-16592	57	26	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	57	27	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	57	28	a	a	DET
crl-16592	57	29	likert	likert	ADJ
crl-16592	57	30	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	57	31	type	type	NOUN
crl-16592	57	32	scale	scale	NOUN
crl-16592	57	33	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	57	34	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	57	35	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	57	36	9	9	NUM
crl-16592	57	37	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	57	38	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	57	39	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	57	40	being	be	AUX
crl-16592	57	41	the	the	DET
crl-16592	57	42	lowest	low	ADJ
crl-16592	57	43	rating	rating	NOUN
crl-16592	57	44	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	57	45	9	9	NUM
crl-16592	57	46	being	be	AUX
crl-16592	57	47	the	the	DET
crl-16592	57	48	highest	high	ADJ
crl-16592	57	49	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	58	1	those	those	DET
crl-16592	58	2	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	58	3	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	58	4	a	a	DET
crl-16592	58	5	participant	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	58	6	’s	’s	PRON
crl-16592	58	7	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	58	8	minimum	minimum	ADJ
crl-16592	58	9	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	58	10	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	58	11	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	58	12	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	58	13	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	58	14	deemed	deem	VERB
crl-16592	58	15	acceptable	acceptable	ADJ
crl-16592	58	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	58	17	the	the	DET
crl-16592	58	18	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	58	19	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	58	20	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	58	21	service	service	NOUN
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crl-16592	58	23	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	58	24	being	be	AUX
crl-16592	58	25	offered	offer	VERB
crl-16592	58	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	59	1	[	[	X
crl-16592	59	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	59	3	]	]	X
crl-16592	59	4	the	the	DET
crl-16592	59	5	desired	desire	VERB
crl-16592	59	6	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	59	7	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	59	8	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	59	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	60	1	”21	”21	PUNCT
crl-16592	61	1	this	this	DET
crl-16592	61	2	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	61	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	61	4	instead	instead	ADV
crl-16592	61	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	61	6	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	61	7	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	61	8	to	to	PART
crl-16592	61	9	rate	rate	VERB
crl-16592	61	10	statements	statement	NOUN
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crl-16592	61	12	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	61	13	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	61	14	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	61	15	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	61	16	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	61	17	desired	desire	VERB
crl-16592	61	18	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	61	19	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	61	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	61	21	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	61	22	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	61	23	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	61	24	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	61	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	61	26	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	61	27	a	a	DET
crl-16592	61	28	likert	likert	ADJ
crl-16592	61	29	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	61	30	type	type	NOUN
crl-16592	61	31	scale	scale	NOUN
crl-16592	61	32	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	61	33	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	61	34	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	61	35	7	7	NUM
crl-16592	61	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	61	37	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	61	38	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	61	39	being	be	AUX
crl-16592	61	40	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	61	42	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	61	43	7	7	NUM
crl-16592	61	44	being	be	AUX
crl-16592	61	45	the	the	DET
crl-16592	61	46	highest	high	ADJ
crl-16592	61	47	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	62	1	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	62	3	/	/	SYM
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crl-16592	62	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	62	6	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	62	7	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	62	8	e	e	X
crl-16592	62	9	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	62	10	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	62	11	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	62	15	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	62	19	participants	participant	NOUN
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crl-16592	62	21	should	should	AUX
crl-16592	62	22	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	62	23	provided	provide	VERB
crl-16592	62	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	63	1	lower	low	ADJ
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crl-16592	63	11	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	63	17	scale	scale	NOUN
crl-16592	63	18	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	63	19	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	63	20	expectations	expectation	NOUN
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crl-16592	63	33	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	64	3	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	64	4	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	64	5	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	64	6	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	64	7	)	)	PUNCT
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crl-16592	64	9	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	64	26	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	64	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	65	1	this	this	DET
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crl-16592	65	12	/	/	SYM
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crl-16592	65	14	ratings	rating	NOUN
crl-16592	65	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	66	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	66	2	participants	participant	NOUN
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crl-16592	66	11	service	service	NOUN
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crl-16592	66	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	66	14	ratings	rating	NOUN
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crl-16592	66	18	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	66	19	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-16592	66	23	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	66	24	ratings	rating	NOUN
crl-16592	66	25	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	67	2	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	67	9	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-16592	67	15	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-16592	67	17	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	67	18	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	67	19	/	/	SYM
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crl-16592	67	22	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	67	23	ratings	rating	NOUN
crl-16592	67	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	68	9	scale	scale	NOUN
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crl-16592	68	11	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	68	14	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	68	15	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	68	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	69	6	17	17	NUM
crl-16592	69	7	statements	statement	NOUN
crl-16592	69	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	69	9	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	69	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	69	11	providers	provider	NOUN
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crl-16592	69	14	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	69	15	14	14	NUM
crl-16592	69	16	statements	statement	NOUN
crl-16592	69	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	70	1	in	in	ADP
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crl-16592	70	7	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-16592	70	9	survey	survey	NOUN
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crl-16592	70	15	positive	positive	ADJ
crl-16592	70	16	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-16592	70	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	70	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	70	20	general	general	ADJ
crl-16592	70	21	feedback	feedback	NOUN
crl-16592	70	22	regarding	regard	VERB
crl-16592	70	23	their	their	PRON
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crl-16592	70	26	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	70	27	perceptions	perception	NOUN
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crl-16592	70	29	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	70	30	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	70	31	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	70	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	71	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	71	3	demographic	demographic	ADJ
crl-16592	71	4	information	information	NOUN
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crl-16592	71	7	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-16592	71	13	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	71	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	71	17	identifying	identify	VERB
crl-16592	71	18	trends	trend	NOUN
crl-16592	71	19	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	71	20	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	71	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	72	1	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	72	2	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	72	3	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	72	4	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	72	5	’	’	PART
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crl-16592	72	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	72	9	university	university	NOUN
crl-16592	72	10	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	72	11	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	72	12	table	table	NOUN
crl-16592	72	13	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	72	14	)	)	PUNCT
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crl-16592	72	16	an	an	DET
crl-16592	72	17	approximately	approximately	ADV
crl-16592	72	18	11:1	11:1	NUM
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crl-16592	72	23	rate	rate	NOUN
crl-16592	72	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	72	25	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	72	26	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	72	27	deemed	deem	VERB
crl-16592	72	28	appropriate	appropriate	ADJ
crl-16592	72	29	since	since	SCONJ
crl-16592	72	30	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	72	31	wesleyan	wesleyan	NOUN
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crl-16592	72	35	an	an	DET
crl-16592	72	36	11:1	11:1	NUM
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crl-16592	72	39	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	72	40	ratio	ratio	NOUN
crl-16592	72	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	73	1	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	73	2	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	73	7	response	response	NOUN
crl-16592	73	8	rate	rate	NOUN
crl-16592	73	9	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	73	10	15	15	NUM
crl-16592	73	11	percent	percent	NOUN
crl-16592	73	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	73	13	14	14	NUM
crl-16592	73	14	percent	percent	NOUN
crl-16592	73	15	respectively	respectively	ADV
crl-16592	73	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	74	11	the	the	DET
crl-16592	74	12	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	74	13	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	74	14	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	74	15	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	74	16	table	table	NOUN
crl-16592	74	17	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	74	18	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	74	19	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	74	21	what	what	PRON
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crl-16592	74	26	the	the	DET
crl-16592	74	27	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	74	28	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	74	29	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	74	30	table	table	NOUN
crl-16592	74	31	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	74	32	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	74	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	75	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	75	2	reasons	reason	NOUN
crl-16592	75	3	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	75	4	contacting	contact	VERB
crl-16592	75	5	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	75	10	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	75	11	based	base	VERB
crl-16592	75	12	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	75	13	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	75	14	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	75	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	75	16	giving	give	VERB
crl-16592	75	17	further	further	ADJ
crl-16592	75	18	value	value	NOUN
crl-16592	75	19	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	75	20	the	the	DET
crl-16592	75	21	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	75	22	set	set	VERB
crl-16592	75	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	76	1	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	76	2	providers	provider	NOUN
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crl-16592	76	7	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	76	8	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	76	9	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	76	10	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	76	11	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	76	12	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	76	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	76	14	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	76	15	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	76	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	76	17	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	76	18	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	76	19	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	76	20	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	76	21	n	n	CCONJ
crl-16592	76	22	=	=	X
crl-16592	76	23	25	25	NUM
crl-16592	76	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	76	25	5	5	NUM
crl-16592	76	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	76	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	76	28	7	7	NUM
crl-16592	76	29	respectively	respectively	ADV
crl-16592	76	30	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	76	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	77	1	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	77	2	each	each	DET
crl-16592	77	3	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	77	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	77	5	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	77	6	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	77	7	directed	direct	VERB
crl-16592	77	8	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	77	9	a	a	DET
crl-16592	77	10	secondary	secondary	ADJ
crl-16592	77	11	google	google	NOUN
crl-16592	77	12	form	form	NOUN
crl-16592	77	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	77	14	wherein	wherein	SCONJ
crl-16592	77	15	they	they	PRON
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crl-16592	77	17	their	their	PRON
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crl-16592	77	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	77	20	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	77	21	-	-	NOUN
crl-16592	77	22	mail	mail	NOUN
crl-16592	77	23	should	should	AUX
crl-16592	77	24	they	they	PRON
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crl-16592	77	30	the	the	DET
crl-16592	77	31	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	77	32	incentive	incentive	NOUN
crl-16592	77	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	78	1	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	78	2	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	78	3	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	78	4	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	78	5	363	363	NUM
crl-16592	78	6	table	table	NOUN
crl-16592	78	7	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	78	8	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	78	9	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	78	10	’	’	PART
crl-16592	78	11	indication	indication	NOUN
crl-16592	78	12	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	78	13	frequency	frequency	NOUN
crl-16592	78	14	of	of	ADP
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crl-16592	78	16	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	78	17	the	the	DET
crl-16592	78	18	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	78	19	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	78	20	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	78	21	often	often	ADV
crl-16592	78	22	do	do	AUX
crl-16592	78	23	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	78	24	contact	contact	VERB
crl-16592	78	25	/	/	PUNCT
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crl-16592	78	27	the	the	DET
crl-16592	78	28	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	78	29	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	78	30	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	1	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	79	2	percentage	percentage	NOUN
crl-16592	79	3	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	79	4	rarely	rarely	ADV
crl-16592	79	5	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-16592	79	10	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	79	11	79	79	NUM
crl-16592	79	12	23	23	NUM
crl-16592	79	13	%	%	NOUN
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crl-16592	79	20	or	or	CCONJ
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crl-16592	79	24	190	190	NUM
crl-16592	79	25	55	55	NUM
crl-16592	79	26	%	%	NOUN
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crl-16592	79	35	month	month	NOUN
crl-16592	79	36	65	65	NUM
crl-16592	79	37	19	19	NUM
crl-16592	79	38	%	%	NOUN
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crl-16592	79	42	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	79	43	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	79	44	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	79	45	once	once	ADV
crl-16592	79	46	per	per	ADP
crl-16592	79	47	week	week	NOUN
crl-16592	79	48	9	9	NUM
crl-16592	79	49	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	79	50	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	79	51	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	79	52	use	use	VERB
crl-16592	79	53	the	the	DET
crl-16592	79	54	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	79	55	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	79	56	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	79	57	once	once	ADV
crl-16592	79	58	per	per	ADP
crl-16592	79	59	day	day	NOUN
crl-16592	79	60	0	0	NUM
crl-16592	79	61	0	0	NUM
crl-16592	79	62	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	79	63	total	total	ADJ
crl-16592	79	64	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	79	65	100	100	NUM
crl-16592	79	66	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	79	67	table	table	NOUN
crl-16592	79	68	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	79	69	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	79	70	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	79	71	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	72	iwu	iwu	NOUN
crl-16592	79	73	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	79	74	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	75	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	76	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	77	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	78	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	79	79	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	80	affiliation	affiliation	NOUN
crl-16592	79	81	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	79	82	the	the	DET
crl-16592	79	83	university	university	NOUN
crl-16592	79	84	affiliation	affiliation	NOUN
crl-16592	79	85	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	79	86	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	79	87	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	88	first	first	ADJ
crl-16592	79	89	year	year	NOUN
crl-16592	79	90	76	76	NUM
crl-16592	79	91	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	79	92	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	93	second	second	ADJ
crl-16592	79	94	year	year	NOUN
crl-16592	79	95	83	83	NUM
crl-16592	79	96	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	79	97	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	98	third	third	ADJ
crl-16592	79	99	year	year	NOUN
crl-16592	79	100	69	69	NUM
crl-16592	79	101	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	79	102	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	103	fourth	fourth	ADJ
crl-16592	79	104	year	year	NOUN
crl-16592	79	105	60	60	NUM
crl-16592	79	106	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	79	107	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	108	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	79	109	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	79	110	total	total	ADJ
crl-16592	79	111	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	79	112	289	289	NUM
crl-16592	79	113	adjunct	adjunct	ADJ
crl-16592	79	114	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	79	115	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	116	instructor	instructor	NOUN
crl-16592	79	117	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	118	lecturer	lecturer	NOUN
crl-16592	79	119	5	5	NUM
crl-16592	79	120	assistant	assistant	NOUN
crl-16592	79	121	professor	professor	NOUN
crl-16592	79	122	7	7	NUM
crl-16592	79	123	associate	associate	NOUN
crl-16592	79	124	professor	professor	NOUN
crl-16592	79	125	6	6	NUM
crl-16592	79	126	full	full	ADJ
crl-16592	79	127	professor	professor	NOUN
crl-16592	79	128	8	8	NUM
crl-16592	79	129	total	total	ADJ
crl-16592	79	130	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	79	131	26	26	NUM
crl-16592	79	132	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	133	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	134	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-16592	79	135	affairs	affair	NOUN
crl-16592	79	136	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	79	137	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	138	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	139	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-16592	79	140	departments	department	NOUN
crl-16592	79	141	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	79	142	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	143	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	144	admissions	admission	NOUN
crl-16592	79	145	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	146	financial	financial	ADJ
crl-16592	79	147	aid	aid	NOUN
crl-16592	79	148	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	79	149	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	150	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	151	alumni	alumnus	NOUN
crl-16592	79	152	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	79	153	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	154	advancement	advancement	PROPN
crl-16592	79	155	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	79	156	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	157	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	158	business	business	NOUN
crl-16592	79	159	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	160	finance	finance	NOUN
crl-16592	79	161	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	162	hr	hr	NOUN
crl-16592	79	163	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	79	164	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	165	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	166	health	health	NOUN
crl-16592	79	167	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	168	counseling	counseling	NOUN
crl-16592	79	169	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	79	170	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	79	171	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	172	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	173	office	office	NOUN
crl-16592	79	174	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	79	175	communication	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	79	176	0	0	NUM
crl-16592	79	177	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	178	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	179	physical	physical	ADJ
crl-16592	79	180	plant	plant	NOUN
crl-16592	79	181	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	79	182	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	183	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	184	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	79	185	affairs	affair	NOUN
crl-16592	79	186	6	6	NUM
crl-16592	79	187	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	188	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	189	security	security	NOUN
crl-16592	79	190	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	79	191	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	192	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	193	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	79	194	6	6	NUM
crl-16592	79	195	total	total	ADJ
crl-16592	79	196	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	79	197	28	28	NUM
crl-16592	79	198	total	total	ADJ
crl-16592	79	199	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	79	200	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	79	201	364	364	NUM
crl-16592	79	202	college	college	NOUN
crl-16592	79	203	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	204	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	79	205	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	79	206	march	march	PROPN
crl-16592	79	207	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	79	208	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	79	209	both	both	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	210	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	79	211	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	212	techqual+	techqual+	X
crl-16592	79	213	recruit	recruit	VERB
crl-16592	79	214	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	79	215	via	via	ADP
crl-16592	79	216	random	random	ADJ
crl-16592	79	217	sampling	sampling	NOUN
crl-16592	79	218	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	219	this	this	DET
crl-16592	79	220	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	79	221	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	79	222	distributed	distribute	VERB
crl-16592	79	223	via	via	ADP
crl-16592	79	224	an	an	DET
crl-16592	79	225	all	all	DET
crl-16592	79	226	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	79	227	campus	campus	NOUN
crl-16592	79	228	listserv	listserv	NOUN
crl-16592	79	229	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	79	230	used	use	VERB
crl-16592	79	231	a	a	DET
crl-16592	79	232	convenience	convenience	NOUN
crl-16592	79	233	sample	sample	NOUN
crl-16592	79	234	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	80	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	80	2	subject	subject	ADJ
crl-16592	80	3	line	line	NOUN
crl-16592	80	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	80	5	the	the	DET
crl-16592	80	6	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	80	7	-	-	NOUN
crl-16592	80	8	mail	mail	NOUN
crl-16592	80	9	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	80	10	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	80	11	$	$	SYM
crl-16592	80	12	10	10	NUM
crl-16592	80	13	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	80	14	10	10	NUM
crl-16592	80	15	minutes	minute	NOUN
crl-16592	80	16	—	—	PUNCT
crl-16592	80	17	ames	ames	PROPN
crl-16592	80	18	library	library	PROPN
crl-16592	80	19	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	80	20	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	80	21	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	80	22	the	the	DET
crl-16592	80	23	first	first	ADJ
crl-16592	80	24	75	75	NUM
crl-16592	80	25	participants	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	80	26	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	80	27	eligible	eligible	ADJ
crl-16592	80	28	to	to	PART
crl-16592	80	29	receive	receive	VERB
crl-16592	80	30	a	a	DET
crl-16592	80	31	$	$	SYM
crl-16592	80	32	10	10	NUM
crl-16592	80	33	gift	gift	NOUN
crl-16592	80	34	card	card	NOUN
crl-16592	80	35	to	to	PART
crl-16592	80	36	target	target	VERB
crl-16592	80	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	81	1	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	81	2	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	81	3	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	81	4	e	e	VERB
crl-16592	81	5	-	-	VERB
crl-16592	81	6	mailed	mail	VERB
crl-16592	81	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	81	8	link	link	NOUN
crl-16592	81	9	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	81	10	their	their	PRON
crl-16592	81	11	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	81	12	directly	directly	ADV
crl-16592	81	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	81	14	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	81	15	instructions	instruction	NOUN
crl-16592	81	16	to	to	PART
crl-16592	81	17	ignore	ignore	VERB
crl-16592	81	18	the	the	DET
crl-16592	81	19	all	all	DET
crl-16592	81	20	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	81	21	campus	campus	NOUN
crl-16592	81	22	message	message	NOUN
crl-16592	81	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	82	1	similar	similar	ADJ
crl-16592	82	2	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	82	3	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	82	4	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	82	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	82	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	82	7	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	82	8	completing	complete	VERB
crl-16592	82	9	the	the	DET
crl-16592	82	10	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	82	11	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	82	12	given	give	VERB
crl-16592	82	13	a	a	DET
crl-16592	82	14	$	$	SYM
crl-16592	82	15	20	20	NUM
crl-16592	82	16	gift	gift	NOUN
crl-16592	82	17	certificate	certificate	NOUN
crl-16592	82	18	to	to	PART
crl-16592	82	19	target	target	VERB
crl-16592	82	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	83	1	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	83	2	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	83	3	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	83	4	e	e	VERB
crl-16592	83	5	-	-	VERB
crl-16592	83	6	mailed	mail	VERB
crl-16592	83	7	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	83	8	a	a	DET
crl-16592	83	9	monday	monday	PROPN
crl-16592	83	10	morning	morning	NOUN
crl-16592	83	11	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	83	12	the	the	DET
crl-16592	83	13	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	83	14	-	-	NOUN
crl-16592	83	15	mail	mail	NOUN
crl-16592	83	16	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	83	17	campus	campus	NOUN
crl-16592	83	18	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	83	19	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	83	20	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	83	21	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	83	22	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	83	23	sent	send	VERB
crl-16592	83	24	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	83	25	a	a	DET
crl-16592	83	26	tuesday	tuesday	PROPN
crl-16592	83	27	afternoon	afternoon	NOUN
crl-16592	83	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	84	1	follow	follow	VERB
crl-16592	84	2	up	up	ADP
crl-16592	84	3	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	84	4	-	-	NOUN
crl-16592	84	5	mails	mail	NOUN
crl-16592	84	6	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	84	7	sent	send	VERB
crl-16592	84	8	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	84	9	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	84	10	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	84	11	twice	twice	ADV
crl-16592	84	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	84	13	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	84	14	weekly	weekly	ADJ
crl-16592	84	15	intervals	interval	NOUN
crl-16592	84	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	85	1	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	85	2	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	85	3	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	85	4	collected	collect	VERB
crl-16592	85	5	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	85	6	qualtrics	qualtric	NOUN
crl-16592	85	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	85	8	scrubbed	scrub	VERB
crl-16592	85	9	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	85	10	excel	excel	PROPN
crl-16592	85	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	85	12	coded	code	VERB
crl-16592	85	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	85	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	85	15	analyzed	analyze	VERB
crl-16592	85	16	using	use	VERB
crl-16592	85	17	spss	spss	PROPN
crl-16592	85	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	86	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	86	2	scrubbing	scrub	VERB
crl-16592	86	3	process	process	NOUN
crl-16592	86	4	included	include	VERB
crl-16592	86	5	deleting	delete	VERB
crl-16592	86	6	unnecessary	unnecessary	ADJ
crl-16592	86	7	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	86	8	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	86	9	the	the	DET
crl-16592	86	10	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	86	11	set	set	VERB
crl-16592	86	12	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	86	13	timestamps	timestamp	NOUN
crl-16592	86	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	86	15	ip	ip	NOUN
crl-16592	86	16	addresses	address	NOUN
crl-16592	86	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	86	18	start	start	VERB
crl-16592	86	19	date	date	NOUN
crl-16592	86	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	86	21	end	end	NOUN
crl-16592	86	22	date	date	NOUN
crl-16592	86	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	86	24	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	86	25	so	so	ADV
crl-16592	86	26	on	on	ADV
crl-16592	86	27	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	86	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	86	29	deleting	delete	VERB
crl-16592	86	30	incomplete	incomplete	ADJ
crl-16592	86	31	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	86	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	87	1	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	87	2	419	419	NUM
crl-16592	87	3	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	87	4	started	start	VERB
crl-16592	87	5	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	87	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	87	7	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	87	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	87	9	74	74	NUM
crl-16592	87	10	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	87	11	incomplete	incomplete	ADJ
crl-16592	87	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	87	13	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	87	14	deleted	delete	VERB
crl-16592	87	15	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	87	16	the	the	DET
crl-16592	87	17	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	87	18	set	set	VERB
crl-16592	87	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	88	1	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	88	2	additional	additional	ADJ
crl-16592	88	3	submissions	submission	NOUN
crl-16592	88	4	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	88	5	deleted	delete	VERB
crl-16592	88	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	88	7	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	88	8	no	no	DET
crl-16592	88	9	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	88	10	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	88	11	recorded	record	VERB
crl-16592	88	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	89	1	of	of	SCONJ
crl-16592	89	2	49	49	NUM
crl-16592	89	3	surveys	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	89	4	started	start	VERB
crl-16592	89	5	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	89	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	89	7	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	89	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	89	9	7	7	NUM
crl-16592	89	10	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	89	11	incomplete	incomplete	ADJ
crl-16592	89	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	89	13	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	89	14	deleted	delete	VERB
crl-16592	89	15	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	89	16	the	the	DET
crl-16592	89	17	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	89	18	set	set	VERB
crl-16592	89	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	90	1	three	three	NUM
crl-16592	90	2	additional	additional	ADJ
crl-16592	90	3	submissions	submission	NOUN
crl-16592	90	4	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	90	5	deleted	delete	VERB
crl-16592	90	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	90	7	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	90	8	no	no	DET
crl-16592	90	9	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	90	10	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	90	11	recorded	record	VERB
crl-16592	90	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	91	1	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	91	2	statements	statement	NOUN
crl-16592	91	3	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	91	4	coded	code	VERB
crl-16592	91	5	into	into	ADP
crl-16592	91	6	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	91	7	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	91	8	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	91	9	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	91	10	c	c	PROPN
crl-16592	91	11	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	91	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	91	13	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	91	14	12	12	NUM
crl-16592	91	15	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	91	16	overlapping	overlap	VERB
crl-16592	91	17	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	91	18	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	91	19	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	91	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	91	21	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	91	22	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	91	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	92	1	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	92	2	an	an	DET
crl-16592	92	3	example	example	NOUN
crl-16592	92	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	92	5	the	the	DET
crl-16592	92	6	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	92	7	pertaining	pertain	VERB
crl-16592	92	8	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	92	9	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	92	10	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	92	11	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	92	12	instilled	instill	VERB
crl-16592	92	13	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	92	14	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	92	15	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	92	16	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	92	17	coded	code	VERB
crl-16592	92	18	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	92	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	1	each	each	DET
crl-16592	93	2	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	93	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	4	such	such	ADJ
crl-16592	93	5	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	93	6	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	93	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	8	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	93	9	three	three	NUM
crl-16592	93	10	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	93	11	—	—	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	12	one	one	NUM
crl-16592	93	13	each	each	DET
crl-16592	93	14	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	93	15	the	the	DET
crl-16592	93	16	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	93	17	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	93	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	93	20	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	93	21	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	93	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	93	24	the	the	DET
crl-16592	93	25	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	93	26	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	93	27	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	28	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	93	29	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	93	30	the	the	DET
crl-16592	93	31	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	93	32	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	93	33	the	the	DET
crl-16592	93	34	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	93	35	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	93	36	the	the	DET
crl-16592	93	37	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	93	38	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	93	39	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	40	swconfidencee	swconfidencee	NOUN
crl-16592	93	41	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	42	swconfidencep	swconfidencep	ADV
crl-16592	93	43	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	93	44	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	93	45	swconfidenceg	swconfidenceg	PROPN
crl-16592	93	46	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	94	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	94	2	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	94	3	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	94	4	refer	refer	VERB
crl-16592	94	5	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	94	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	94	7	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	94	8	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	94	9	desired	desire	VERB
crl-16592	94	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	94	11	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	94	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	94	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	94	14	the	the	DET
crl-16592	94	15	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	94	16	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	94	17	refers	refer	VERB
crl-16592	94	18	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	94	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	94	20	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	94	21	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	94	22	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	94	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	95	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	95	2	g	g	PROPN
crl-16592	95	3	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	95	4	refers	refer	VERB
crl-16592	95	5	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	95	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	95	7	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	95	8	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	95	9	table	table	NOUN
crl-16592	95	10	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	95	11	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	95	12	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	95	13	’	’	PART
crl-16592	95	14	indication	indication	NOUN
crl-16592	95	15	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	95	16	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	95	17	sought	seek	VERB
crl-16592	95	18	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	95	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	95	20	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	95	21	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	95	22	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	95	23	contacting	contact	VERB
crl-16592	95	24	the	the	DET
crl-16592	95	25	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	95	26	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	95	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	95	28	what	what	PRON
crl-16592	95	29	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	95	30	the	the	DET
crl-16592	95	31	most	most	ADV
crl-16592	95	32	common	common	ADJ
crl-16592	95	33	type	type	NOUN
crl-16592	95	34	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	95	35	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	95	36	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	95	37	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	95	38	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	95	39	seeking	seek	VERB
crl-16592	95	40	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	96	1	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	96	2	percentage	percentage	NOUN
crl-16592	96	3	computer	computer	NOUN
crl-16592	96	4	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	96	5	software	software	NOUN
crl-16592	96	6	issues	issue	NOUN
crl-16592	96	7	158	158	NUM
crl-16592	96	8	47	47	NUM
crl-16592	96	9	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	96	10	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	96	11	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	96	12	copiers	copier	NOUN
crl-16592	96	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	96	14	printers	printer	NOUN
crl-16592	96	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	96	16	scanning	scanning	NOUN
crl-16592	96	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	96	18	faxing	fax	VERB
crl-16592	96	19	120	120	NUM
crl-16592	96	20	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	96	21	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	96	22	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	96	23	finding	find	VERB
crl-16592	96	24	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	96	25	materials	material	NOUN
crl-16592	96	26	82	82	NUM
crl-16592	96	27	24	24	NUM
crl-16592	96	28	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	96	29	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	96	30	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	96	31	wireless	wireless	ADJ
crl-16592	96	32	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	96	33	internet	internet	NOUN
crl-16592	96	34	connection	connection	NOUN
crl-16592	96	35	89	89	NUM
crl-16592	96	36	23	23	NUM
crl-16592	96	37	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	96	38	pickup	pickup	NOUN
crl-16592	96	39	supplies	supply	NOUN
crl-16592	96	40	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	96	41	markers	marker	NOUN
crl-16592	96	42	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	96	43	stapler	stapler	NOUN
crl-16592	96	44	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	96	45	etc	etc	X
crl-16592	96	46	.	.	X
crl-16592	96	47	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	97	1	69	69	NUM
crl-16592	97	2	21	21	NUM
crl-16592	97	3	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	4	reserving	reserve	VERB
crl-16592	97	5	a	a	DET
crl-16592	97	6	group	group	NOUN
crl-16592	97	7	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	97	8	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	97	9	project	project	NOUN
crl-16592	97	10	room	room	NOUN
crl-16592	97	11	50	50	NUM
crl-16592	97	12	15	15	NUM
crl-16592	97	13	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	14	logging	log	VERB
crl-16592	97	15	a	a	DET
crl-16592	97	16	call	call	NOUN
crl-16592	97	17	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	97	18	ticket	ticket	NOUN
crl-16592	97	19	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	97	20	3900	3900	NUM
crl-16592	97	21	47	47	NUM
crl-16592	97	22	14	14	NUM
crl-16592	97	23	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	24	getting	get	VERB
crl-16592	97	25	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	97	26	touch	touch	NOUN
crl-16592	97	27	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	97	28	a	a	DET
crl-16592	97	29	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crl-16592	97	30	48	48	NUM
crl-16592	97	31	14	14	NUM
crl-16592	97	32	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	33	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	97	34	logging	log	VERB
crl-16592	97	35	into	into	ADP
crl-16592	97	36	moodle	moodle	NOUN
crl-16592	97	37	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	97	38	myiwu	myiwu	VERB
crl-16592	97	39	41	41	NUM
crl-16592	97	40	12	12	NUM
crl-16592	97	41	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	42	looking	look	VERB
crl-16592	97	43	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	97	44	directions	direction	NOUN
crl-16592	97	45	29	29	NUM
crl-16592	97	46	9	9	NUM
crl-16592	97	47	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	48	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	97	49	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	97	50	email	email	NOUN
crl-16592	97	51	30	30	NUM
crl-16592	97	52	9	9	NUM
crl-16592	97	53	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	54	getting	getting	AUX
crl-16592	97	55	started	start	VERB
crl-16592	97	56	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	97	57	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	97	58	31	31	NUM
crl-16592	97	59	9	9	NUM
crl-16592	97	60	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	61	getting	get	VERB
crl-16592	97	62	advanced	advanced	ADJ
crl-16592	97	63	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	97	64	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	97	65	19	19	NUM
crl-16592	97	66	6	6	NUM
crl-16592	97	67	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	68	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	97	69	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	97	70	campus	campus	NOUN
crl-16592	97	71	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	97	72	personal	personal	ADJ
crl-16592	97	73	telephones	telephone	NOUN
crl-16592	97	74	14	14	NUM
crl-16592	97	75	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	97	76	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	77	total	total	ADJ
crl-16592	97	78	336	336	NUM
crl-16592	97	79	100	100	NUM
crl-16592	97	80	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	97	81	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	97	82	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	97	83	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	97	84	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	97	85	365	365	NUM
crl-16592	97	86	the	the	DET
crl-16592	97	87	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	97	88	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	97	89	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	97	90	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	97	91	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	97	92	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	97	93	calculated	calculate	VERB
crl-16592	97	94	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	97	95	subtracting	subtract	VERB
crl-16592	97	96	the	the	DET
crl-16592	97	97	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	97	98	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	97	99	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	97	100	the	the	DET
crl-16592	97	101	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	97	102	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	97	103	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	98	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	98	2	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	98	3	words	word	NOUN
crl-16592	98	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	98	5	g	g	PROPN
crl-16592	98	6	=	=	X
crl-16592	98	7	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	98	8	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	98	9	e	e	PROPN
crl-16592	98	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	98	11	where	where	SCONJ
crl-16592	98	12	a	a	DET
crl-16592	98	13	negative	negative	ADJ
crl-16592	98	14	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	98	15	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	98	16	indicates	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	98	17	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	98	18	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	98	19	expect	expect	VERB
crl-16592	98	20	more	more	ADJ
crl-16592	98	21	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	98	22	the	the	DET
crl-16592	98	23	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	98	24	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	98	25	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	98	26	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	98	27	a	a	DET
crl-16592	98	28	given	give	VERB
crl-16592	98	29	measure	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	98	30	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	98	31	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	98	32	perceive	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	98	33	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	98	34	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	98	35	receiving	receive	VERB
crl-16592	98	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	99	1	results	result	NOUN
crl-16592	99	2	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	99	3	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	99	4	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	99	5	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	99	6	do	do	AUX
crl-16592	99	7	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	99	8	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	99	9	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	99	10	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	99	11	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	99	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	99	13	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	99	14	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	99	15	the	the	DET
crl-16592	99	16	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	99	17	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	99	18	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	99	19	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	99	20	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	99	21	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	100	1	independent	independent	ADJ
crl-16592	100	2	samples	sample	NOUN
crl-16592	100	3	t	t	NOUN
crl-16592	100	4	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	100	5	tests	test	NOUN
crl-16592	100	6	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	100	7	run	run	VERB
crl-16592	100	8	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	100	9	spss	spss	PROPN
crl-16592	100	10	to	to	PART
crl-16592	100	11	compare	compare	VERB
crl-16592	100	12	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	100	13	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	100	14	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	100	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	100	16	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	100	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	100	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	100	19	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	100	20	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	100	21	to	to	PART
crl-16592	100	22	service	service	VERB
crl-16592	100	23	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	100	24	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	100	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	100	26	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	100	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	100	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	100	29	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	100	30	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	100	31	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	100	32	each	each	DET
crl-16592	100	33	overlapping	overlap	VERB
crl-16592	100	34	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	100	35	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	101	1	twelve	twelve	NUM
crl-16592	101	2	overlapping	overlap	VERB
crl-16592	101	3	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	101	4	means	mean	VERB
crl-16592	101	5	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	101	6	were	be	VERB
crl-16592	101	7	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	101	8	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	101	9	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	101	10	11	11	NUM
crl-16592	101	11	out	out	ADP
crl-16592	101	12	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	101	13	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	101	14	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	101	15	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	101	16	a	a	DET
crl-16592	101	17	statistically	statistically	ADV
crl-16592	101	18	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	101	19	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	101	20	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	101	21	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	101	22	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	101	23	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	101	24	table	table	NOUN
crl-16592	101	25	5	5	NUM
crl-16592	101	26	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	101	27	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	101	28	results	result	NOUN
crl-16592	101	29	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	101	30	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	101	31	d	d	PROPN
crl-16592	101	32	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	101	33	a	a	DET
crl-16592	101	34	complete	complete	ADJ
crl-16592	101	35	list	list	NOUN
crl-16592	101	36	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	101	37	descriptive	descriptive	ADJ
crl-16592	101	38	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	101	39	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	101	40	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	102	1	six	six	NUM
crl-16592	102	2	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	102	3	these	these	DET
crl-16592	102	4	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	102	5	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	102	6	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	102	7	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	102	8	e	e	PROPN
crl-16592	102	9	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	102	10	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	102	11	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	102	12	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	102	13	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	102	14	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	102	15	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	102	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	103	1	•	•	VERB
crl-16592	103	2	swconfidencep	swconfidencep	ADV
crl-16592	103	3	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	103	4	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	103	5	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	103	6	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	103	7	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	103	8	instill	instill	VERB
crl-16592	103	9	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	103	10	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	103	11	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	103	12	•	•	NUM
crl-16592	103	13	swreadyp	swreadyp	NOUN
crl-16592	103	14	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	103	15	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	103	16	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	103	17	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	103	24	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	103	25	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	103	26	•	•	ADJ
crl-16592	103	27	swwillinge	swwillinge	NOUN
crl-16592	103	28	:	:	PUNCT
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crl-16592	103	30	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	103	31	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	103	35	to	to	PART
crl-16592	103	36	help	help	VERB
crl-16592	103	37	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	103	38	•	•	VERB
crl-16592	103	39	swknskillse	swknskillse	ADV
crl-16592	103	40	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	103	41	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	103	42	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	103	43	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	103	47	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-16592	103	48	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	103	49	skills	skill	NOUN
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crl-16592	103	52	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	103	53	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	103	54	•	•	NUM
crl-16592	103	55	swknskillsp	swknskillsp	NOUN
crl-16592	103	56	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	103	57	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	103	58	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	103	59	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	103	62	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	103	64	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	103	68	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	103	69	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	103	70	•	•	INTJ
crl-16592	103	71	reftolibp	reftolibp	VERB
crl-16592	103	72	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	103	73	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	103	74	it	it	PRON
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crl-16592	103	76	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	103	77	the	the	DET
crl-16592	103	78	ease	ease	NOUN
crl-16592	103	79	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	103	80	speed	speed	NOUN
crl-16592	103	81	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	103	82	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	103	83	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	103	84	am	be	AUX
crl-16592	103	85	connected	connect	VERB
crl-16592	103	86	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	103	87	a	a	DET
crl-16592	103	88	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crl-16592	103	89	five	five	NUM
crl-16592	103	90	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	103	91	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	103	92	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	103	93	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	103	94	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	103	95	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	103	96	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	103	97	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	1	•	•	PROPN
crl-16592	104	2	swconfidenceg	swconfidenceg	PROPN
crl-16592	104	3	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	4	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	104	5	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	104	6	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	104	7	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	104	8	instill	instill	VERB
crl-16592	104	9	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	104	10	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	104	11	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	104	12	•	•	ADJ
crl-16592	104	13	swreadyg	swreadyg	NOUN
crl-16592	104	14	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	15	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	104	16	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	104	17	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	104	21	to	to	PART
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crl-16592	104	23	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	104	24	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	104	25	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	104	26	•	•	VERB
crl-16592	104	27	swunderstandg	swunderstandg	ADV
crl-16592	104	28	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	29	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	104	30	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	104	31	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	104	32	who	who	PRON
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crl-16592	104	34	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	104	35	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	104	36	•	•	PROPN
crl-16592	104	37	swhandleg	swhandleg	NOUN
crl-16592	104	38	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	39	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	104	40	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	104	41	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	104	42	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	104	43	dependably	dependably	ADV
crl-16592	104	44	handle	handle	VERB
crl-16592	104	45	the	the	DET
crl-16592	104	46	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	104	47	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	104	48	bring	bring	VERB
crl-16592	104	49	them	they	PRON
crl-16592	104	50	•	•	PROPN
crl-16592	104	51	deskg	deskg	PROPN
crl-16592	104	52	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	53	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	104	54	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	104	55	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	104	56	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	104	57	a	a	DET
crl-16592	104	58	comfortable	comfortable	ADJ
crl-16592	104	59	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	104	60	inviting	invite	VERB
crl-16592	104	61	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	104	62	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	104	63	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	104	64	to	to	PART
crl-16592	104	65	consider	consider	VERB
crl-16592	104	66	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	104	67	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	104	68	was	be	VERB
crl-16592	104	69	a	a	DET
crl-16592	104	70	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	104	71	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	104	72	help@ames	help@ame	VERB
crl-16592	104	73	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	104	74	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	104	75	instilled	instill	VERB
crl-16592	104	76	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	104	77	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	104	78	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	104	79	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	80	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	104	81	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	82	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	83	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	104	84	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	104	85	a	a	DET
crl-16592	104	86	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	104	87	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	104	88	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	104	89	5.21	5.21	NUM
crl-16592	104	90	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	104	91	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	104	92	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	104	93	a	a	DET
crl-16592	104	94	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	104	95	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	104	96	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	104	97	4.72	4.72	NUM
crl-16592	104	98	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	105	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	105	2	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	105	3	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	105	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	105	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	105	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	105	7	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	105	8	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	105	9	0.48	0.48	NUM
crl-16592	105	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	105	11	indicating	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	105	12	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	105	13	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	105	14	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	105	15	fall	fall	VERB
crl-16592	105	16	below	below	ADP
crl-16592	105	17	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	105	18	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	105	19	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	105	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	106	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	106	2	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	106	3	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	106	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	106	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	106	6	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	106	7	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	106	8	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	106	9	1.15	1.15	NUM
crl-16592	106	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	107	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	107	2	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	107	3	to	to	PART
crl-16592	107	4	consider	consider	VERB
crl-16592	107	5	the	the	DET
crl-16592	107	6	readiness	readiness	NOUN
crl-16592	107	7	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	107	8	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	107	9	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	107	10	to	to	PART
crl-16592	107	11	provide	provide	VERB
crl-16592	107	12	assistance	assistance	NOUN
crl-16592	107	13	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	107	14	swready	swready	ADV
crl-16592	107	15	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	107	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	107	17	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	107	18	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	107	19	a	a	DET
crl-16592	107	20	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	107	21	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	107	22	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	107	23	5.47	5.47	NUM
crl-16592	107	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	107	25	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	107	26	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	107	27	a	a	DET
crl-16592	107	28	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	107	29	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	107	30	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	107	31	5.00	5.00	NUM
crl-16592	107	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	108	2	swready	swready	ADJ
crl-16592	108	3	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	108	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	108	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	108	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	108	7	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	108	8	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	9	0.36	0.36	NUM
crl-16592	108	10	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	11	the	the	DET
crl-16592	108	12	swready	swready	ADJ
crl-16592	108	13	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	108	14	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	108	15	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	108	16	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	108	17	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	108	18	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	19	1.36	1.36	NUM
crl-16592	108	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	21	indicating	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	108	22	a	a	DET
crl-16592	108	23	considerable	considerable	ADJ
crl-16592	108	24	differtable	differtable	ADJ
crl-16592	108	25	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	108	26	coding	coding	NOUN
crl-16592	108	27	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	108	28	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	108	29	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	108	30	three	three	NUM
crl-16592	108	31	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	108	32	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	108	33	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	108	34	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	108	35	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	108	36	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	108	37	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	108	38	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	108	39	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	108	40	instill	instill	VERB
crl-16592	108	41	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	108	42	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	108	43	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	44	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	108	45	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	108	46	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	108	47	swconfidencee	swconfidencee	NOUN
crl-16592	108	48	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	108	49	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	108	50	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	108	51	swconfidencep	swconfidencep	ADV
crl-16592	108	52	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	108	53	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	108	54	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	55	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	108	56	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	57	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	108	58	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	108	59	swconfidenceg	swconfidenceg	PROPN
crl-16592	108	60	366	366	NUM
crl-16592	108	61	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	108	62	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	108	63	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	108	64	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	108	65	march	march	NOUN
crl-16592	108	66	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	108	67	ence	ence	NOUN
crl-16592	108	68	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	108	69	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	108	70	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	108	71	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	108	72	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	109	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	109	2	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	109	3	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	109	4	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	109	5	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	109	6	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	109	7	understood	understand	VERB
crl-16592	109	8	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	109	9	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	109	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	109	11	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	109	12	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	109	13	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	109	14	a	a	DET
crl-16592	109	15	swunderstand	swunderstand	NOUN
crl-16592	109	16	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	109	17	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	109	18	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	109	19	0.45	0.45	NUM
crl-16592	109	20	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	109	21	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	109	22	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	109	23	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	109	24	1.00	1.00	NUM
crl-16592	109	25	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	109	26	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	109	27	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	109	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	110	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	110	2	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	110	3	to	to	PART
crl-16592	110	4	consider	consider	VERB
crl-16592	110	5	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	110	6	willing	willing	ADJ
crl-16592	110	7	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	110	8	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	110	9	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	110	10	to	to	PART
crl-16592	110	11	help	help	VERB
crl-16592	110	12	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	110	13	swwilling	swwille	VERB
crl-16592	110	14	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	110	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	110	16	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	110	17	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	110	18	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	110	19	a	a	DET
crl-16592	110	20	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	110	21	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	110	22	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	110	23	5.97	5.97	NUM
crl-16592	110	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	110	25	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	110	26	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	110	27	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	110	28	a	a	DET
crl-16592	110	29	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	110	30	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	110	31	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	110	32	6.33	6.33	NUM
crl-16592	110	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	111	1	this	this	PRON
crl-16592	111	2	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	111	3	the	the	DET
crl-16592	111	4	only	only	ADJ
crl-16592	111	5	case	case	NOUN
crl-16592	111	6	where	where	SCONJ
crl-16592	111	7	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	111	8	ranked	rank	VERB
crl-16592	111	9	a	a	DET
crl-16592	111	10	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	111	11	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	111	12	than	than	ADP
crl-16592	111	13	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	111	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	112	1	when	when	SCONJ
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crl-16592	112	3	to	to	PART
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crl-16592	112	7	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	112	10	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	112	11	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	112	12	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	112	13	swknskills	swknskill	NOUN
crl-16592	112	14	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	112	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	112	16	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	112	17	users	user	NOUN
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crl-16592	112	19	a	a	DET
crl-16592	112	20	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	112	21	expectation	expectation	NOUN
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crl-16592	112	23	5.56	5.56	NUM
crl-16592	112	24	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	112	25	a	a	DET
crl-16592	112	26	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	112	27	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	112	28	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	112	29	5.12	5.12	NUM
crl-16592	112	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	113	6	expectation	expectation	NOUN
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crl-16592	113	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	113	10	skills	skill	NOUN
crl-16592	113	11	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	113	12	5.05	5.05	NUM
crl-16592	113	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	113	14	a	a	DET
crl-16592	113	15	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	113	16	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	113	17	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	113	18	4.63	4.63	NUM
crl-16592	113	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	114	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	114	2	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	114	3	whether	whether	SCONJ
crl-16592	114	4	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	114	5	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	114	6	dependably	dependably	ADV
crl-16592	114	7	handled	handle	VERB
crl-16592	114	8	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	114	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	114	10	the	the	DET
crl-16592	114	11	swhandle	swhandle	NOUN
crl-16592	114	12	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	114	13	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	114	14	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	114	15	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	114	16	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	114	17	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	114	18	0.50	0.50	NUM
crl-16592	114	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	114	20	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	114	21	the	the	DET
crl-16592	114	22	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	114	23	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	114	24	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	114	25	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	114	26	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	114	27	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	114	28	1.15	1.15	NUM
crl-16592	114	29	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	115	1	reflecting	reflect	VERB
crl-16592	115	2	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	115	3	the	the	DET
crl-16592	115	4	atmosphere	atmosphere	NOUN
crl-16592	115	5	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	115	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	115	7	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	115	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	115	9	the	the	DET
crl-16592	115	10	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	115	11	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	115	12	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	115	13	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	115	14	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	115	15	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	115	16	0.27	0.27	NUM
crl-16592	115	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	115	18	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	115	19	a	a	DET
crl-16592	115	20	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	115	21	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	115	22	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	115	23	0.74	0.74	NUM
crl-16592	115	24	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	115	25	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	115	26	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	115	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	116	1	finally	finally	ADV
crl-16592	116	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	116	3	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	116	4	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	116	5	to	to	PART
crl-16592	116	6	reflect	reflect	VERB
crl-16592	116	7	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	116	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	116	9	speed	speed	NOUN
crl-16592	116	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	116	11	ease	ease	NOUN
crl-16592	116	12	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	116	13	being	be	AUX
crl-16592	116	14	connected	connect	VERB
crl-16592	116	15	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	116	16	a	a	DET
crl-16592	116	17	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crl-16592	116	18	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	116	19	reftolib	reftolib	PROPN
crl-16592	116	20	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	116	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	116	22	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	116	23	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	116	24	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	116	25	a	a	DET
crl-16592	116	26	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	116	27	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	116	28	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	116	29	5.68	5.68	NUM
crl-16592	116	30	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	116	31	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	116	32	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	116	33	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	116	34	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	116	35	a	a	DET
crl-16592	116	36	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	116	37	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	116	38	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	116	39	5.15	5.15	NUM
crl-16592	116	40	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	117	1	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	117	2	figures	figure	NOUN
crl-16592	117	3	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	117	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	117	5	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	117	6	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	117	7	a	a	DET
crl-16592	117	8	comparison	comparison	NOUN
crl-16592	117	9	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	117	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	117	11	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	117	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	117	13	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	117	14	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	117	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	117	16	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	117	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	117	18	respectively	respectively	ADV
crl-16592	117	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	118	1	table	table	NOUN
crl-16592	118	2	5	5	NUM
crl-16592	118	3	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-16592	118	4	e	e	PROPN
crl-16592	118	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	118	6	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	118	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	118	8	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	118	9	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	118	10	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	118	11	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	118	12	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	118	13	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	118	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	118	15	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	118	16	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	118	17	where	where	SCONJ
crl-16592	118	18	differences	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	118	19	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	118	20	statistically	statistically	ADV
crl-16592	118	21	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	118	22	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	118	23	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	118	24	<	<	X
crl-16592	118	25	0.05	0.05	NUM
crl-16592	118	26	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	118	27	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	118	28	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	118	29	participant	participant	NOUN
crl-16592	118	30	type	type	PROPN
crl-16592	118	31	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	118	32	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	118	33	sig	sig	PROPN
crl-16592	118	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	119	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	119	2	2	2	X
crl-16592	119	3	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	119	4	tailed	tail	VERB
crl-16592	119	5	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	119	6	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	119	7	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	119	8	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	9	330	330	NUM
crl-16592	119	10	5.21	5.21	NUM
crl-16592	119	11	0.046	0.046	NUM
crl-16592	119	12	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	13	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	119	14	4.72	4.72	NUM
crl-16592	119	15	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	119	16	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	17	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	119	18	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	19	0.48	0.48	NUM
crl-16592	119	20	.053	.053	NUM
crl-16592	119	21	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	119	22	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	23	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	119	24	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	25	1.15	1.15	NUM
crl-16592	119	26	swready	swready	NOUN
crl-16592	119	27	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	119	28	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	29	328	328	NUM
crl-16592	119	30	5.47	5.47	NUM
crl-16592	119	31	0.044	0.044	NUM
crl-16592	119	32	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	33	35	35	NUM
crl-16592	119	34	5	5	NUM
crl-16592	119	35	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	119	36	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	37	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	119	38	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	119	39	0.36	0.36	NUM
crl-16592	119	40	0.005	0.005	NUM
crl-16592	119	41	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	42	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	119	43	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	44	1.36	1.36	NUM
crl-16592	119	45	swunderstand	swunderstand	NOUN
crl-16592	119	46	g	g	PROPN
crl-16592	119	47	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	48	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	119	49	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	50	0.45	0.45	NUM
crl-16592	119	51	0.025	0.025	NUM
crl-16592	119	52	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	53	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	119	54	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	55	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	119	56	swwilling	swwille	VERB
crl-16592	119	57	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	119	58	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	59	339	339	NUM
crl-16592	119	60	5.97	5.97	NUM
crl-16592	119	61	.057	.057	NUM
crl-16592	119	62	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	119	63	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	64	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	119	65	6.33	6.33	NUM
crl-16592	119	66	swknskills	swknskill	VERB
crl-16592	119	67	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	119	68	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	69	333	333	NUM
crl-16592	119	70	5.56	5.56	NUM
crl-16592	119	71	0.018	0.018	NUM
crl-16592	119	72	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	73	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	119	74	5.05	5.05	NUM
crl-16592	119	75	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	119	76	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	77	326	326	NUM
crl-16592	119	78	5.12	5.12	NUM
crl-16592	119	79	0.046	0.046	NUM
crl-16592	119	80	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	81	35	35	NUM
crl-16592	119	82	4.63	4.63	NUM
crl-16592	119	83	swhandle	swhandle	NOUN
crl-16592	119	84	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	119	85	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	86	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	119	87	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	88	0.5	0.5	NUM
crl-16592	119	89	0.019	0.019	NUM
crl-16592	119	90	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	91	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	119	92	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	93	1.15	1.15	NUM
crl-16592	119	94	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	119	95	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	119	96	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	97	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	119	98	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	99	0.27	0.27	NUM
crl-16592	119	100	0.029	0.029	NUM
crl-16592	119	101	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	102	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	119	103	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	119	104	0.74	0.74	NUM
crl-16592	119	105	reftolib	reftolib	NOUN
crl-16592	119	106	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	119	107	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	108	282	282	NUM
crl-16592	119	109	5.68	5.68	NUM
crl-16592	119	110	0.028	0.028	NUM
crl-16592	119	111	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	112	33	33	NUM
crl-16592	119	113	5.15	5.15	NUM
crl-16592	119	114	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	119	115	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	119	116	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	119	117	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	119	118	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	119	119	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	119	120	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	119	121	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	119	122	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	119	123	approaching	approach	VERB
crl-16592	119	124	significance	significance	NOUN
crl-16592	119	125	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	120	1	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	120	2	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	120	3	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	120	4	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	120	5	367	367	NUM
crl-16592	120	6	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	120	7	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	120	8	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	120	9	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	120	10	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	120	11	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	120	12	a	a	DET
crl-16592	120	13	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	120	14	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	120	15	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	120	16	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	120	17	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	120	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	120	19	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	120	20	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	120	21	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	120	22	provided	provide	VERB
crl-16592	120	23	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	120	24	the	the	DET
crl-16592	120	25	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	120	26	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	120	27	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	120	28	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	121	1	descriptive	descriptive	ADJ
crl-16592	121	2	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	121	3	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	121	4	calculated	calculate	VERB
crl-16592	121	5	using	use	VERB
crl-16592	121	6	spss	spss	PROPN
crl-16592	121	7	to	to	PART
crl-16592	121	8	determine	determine	VERB
crl-16592	121	9	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	121	10	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	121	11	was	be	VERB
crl-16592	121	12	a	a	DET
crl-16592	121	13	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	121	14	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	121	15	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	121	16	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	121	17	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	121	18	reported	report	VERB
crl-16592	121	19	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	121	20	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	121	21	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	121	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	122	2	addition	addition	NOUN
crl-16592	122	3	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	122	4	the	the	DET
crl-16592	122	5	12	12	NUM
crl-16592	122	6	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	122	7	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	122	8	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	122	9	also	also	ADV
crl-16592	122	10	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	122	11	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	122	12	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	122	13	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	122	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	15	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	122	16	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	122	17	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	122	18	to	to	PART
crl-16592	122	19	reflect	reflect	VERB
crl-16592	122	20	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	122	21	communications	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	122	22	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	122	23	the	the	DET
crl-16592	122	24	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	122	25	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	122	26	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	27	communication	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	122	28	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	29	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	30	self	self	NOUN
crl-16592	122	31	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	32	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	122	33	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	122	34	training	training	NOUN
crl-16592	122	35	materials	material	NOUN
crl-16592	122	36	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	122	37	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	122	38	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	122	39	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	122	40	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	122	41	made	make	VERB
crl-16592	122	42	available	available	ADJ
crl-16592	122	43	online	online	NOUN
crl-16592	122	44	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	45	selfhelplib	selfhelplib	PROPN
crl-16592	122	46	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	47	selfhelptech	selfhelptech	NOUN
crl-16592	122	48	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	49	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	50	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	122	51	the	the	DET
crl-16592	122	52	availability	availability	NOUN
crl-16592	122	53	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	122	54	online	online	ADJ
crl-16592	122	55	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	122	56	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	122	57	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	122	58	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	122	59	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	122	60	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	122	61	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	62	swonlibres	swonlibre	NOUN
crl-16592	122	63	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	64	swontechres	swontechre	NOUN
crl-16592	122	65	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	122	66	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	123	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	123	2	distinction	distinction	NOUN
crl-16592	123	3	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	123	4	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	123	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	123	6	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	123	7	self	self	NOUN
crl-16592	123	8	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	123	9	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	123	10	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	123	11	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	123	12	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	123	13	selfhelplib	selfhelplib	NOUN
crl-16592	123	14	measured	measure	VERB
crl-16592	123	15	asynchronous	asynchronous	ADJ
crl-16592	123	16	assistance	assistance	NOUN
crl-16592	123	17	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	123	18	tutorials	tutorial	NOUN
crl-16592	123	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	123	20	online	online	ADJ
crl-16592	123	21	explanations	explanation	NOUN
crl-16592	123	22	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	123	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	123	24	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	123	25	swonlibres	swonlibre	NOUN
crl-16592	123	26	measures	measure	VERB
crl-16592	123	27	synchronous	synchronous	ADJ
crl-16592	123	28	assistance	assistance	NOUN
crl-16592	123	29	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	123	30	chat	chat	NOUN
crl-16592	123	31	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	123	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	124	1	chat	chat	NOUN
crl-16592	124	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	124	3	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	124	4	a	a	DET
crl-16592	124	5	communication	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	124	6	method	method	NOUN
crl-16592	124	7	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	124	8	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	124	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	124	10	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	124	11	measured	measure	VERB
crl-16592	124	12	specifically	specifically	ADV
crl-16592	124	13	because	because	SCONJ
crl-16592	124	14	anecdotal	anecdotal	ADJ
crl-16592	124	15	evidence	evidence	NOUN
crl-16592	124	16	suggested	suggest	VERB
crl-16592	124	17	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	124	18	avoid	avoid	VERB
crl-16592	124	19	chat	chat	NOUN
crl-16592	124	20	due	due	ADP
crl-16592	124	21	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	124	22	low	low	ADJ
crl-16592	124	23	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	124	24	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	124	25	interactions	interaction	NOUN
crl-16592	124	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	125	1	figure	figure	VERB
crl-16592	125	2	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	125	3	summary	summary	NOUN
crl-16592	125	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	125	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	125	6	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	125	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	125	8	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	125	9	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	125	10	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	125	11	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	125	12	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	125	13	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	125	14	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	125	15	swwillinge	swwillinge	NOUN
crl-16592	125	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	125	17	swknskillse	swknskillse	ADJ
crl-16592	125	18	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	125	19	statistically	statistically	ADV
crl-16592	125	20	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	125	21	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	125	22	368	368	NUM
crl-16592	125	23	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	125	24	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	125	25	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	125	26	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	125	27	march	march	NOUN
crl-16592	125	28	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	125	29	the	the	DET
crl-16592	125	30	above	above	PROPN
crl-16592	125	31	methodology	methodology	NOUN
crl-16592	125	32	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	125	33	able	able	ADJ
crl-16592	125	34	to	to	PART
crl-16592	125	35	determine	determine	VERB
crl-16592	125	36	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	125	37	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	125	38	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	125	39	statements	statement	NOUN
crl-16592	125	40	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	125	41	were	be	VERB
crl-16592	125	42	gaps	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	125	43	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	125	44	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	125	45	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	125	46	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	125	47	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	125	48	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	125	49	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	125	50	the	the	DET
crl-16592	125	51	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	125	52	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	125	53	perspective	perspective	NOUN
crl-16592	125	54	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	126	1	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	126	2	all	all	DET
crl-16592	126	3	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	126	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	126	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	126	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	126	7	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	126	8	lower	low	ADJ
crl-16592	126	9	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	126	10	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	126	11	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	126	12	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	126	13	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	126	14	to	to	PART
crl-16592	126	15	receive	receive	VERB
crl-16592	126	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	127	1	a	a	DET
crl-16592	127	2	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	127	3	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	127	4	greater	great	ADJ
crl-16592	127	5	than	than	ADP
crl-16592	127	6	+0.25	+0.25	NOUN
crl-16592	127	7	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	127	8	less	less	ADJ
crl-16592	127	9	than	than	ADP
crl-16592	127	10	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	127	11	0.25	0.25	NUM
crl-16592	127	12	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	127	13	considered	consider	VERB
crl-16592	127	14	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	127	15	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	127	16	libqual+.22	libqual+.22	NOUN
crl-16592	127	17	the	the	DET
crl-16592	127	18	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	127	19	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	127	20	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	127	21	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	127	22	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	127	23	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	127	24	each	each	DET
crl-16592	127	25	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	127	26	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	127	27	less	less	ADJ
crl-16592	127	28	than	than	ADP
crl-16592	127	29	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	127	30	0.25	0.25	NUM
crl-16592	127	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	127	32	indicating	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	127	33	a	a	DET
crl-16592	127	34	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	127	35	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	127	36	in	in	ADP
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crl-16592	127	38	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	127	39	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	127	40	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	127	41	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	127	42	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	127	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	128	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	128	2	largest	large	ADJ
crl-16592	128	3	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	128	4	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	128	5	related	relate	VERB
crl-16592	128	6	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	128	7	speed	speed	NOUN
crl-16592	128	8	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	128	9	ease	ease	NOUN
crl-16592	128	10	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	128	11	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	128	12	a	a	DET
crl-16592	128	13	user	user	NOUN
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crl-16592	128	16	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	128	17	an	an	DET
crl-16592	128	18	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	128	19	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	128	20	member	member	NOUN
crl-16592	128	21	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	128	22	reftoit	reftoit	PROPN
crl-16592	128	23	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	128	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	128	25	where	where	SCONJ
crl-16592	128	26	the	the	DET
crl-16592	128	27	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	128	28	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	128	29	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	128	30	0.94	0.94	NUM
crl-16592	128	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	129	1	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	129	2	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	129	3	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	129	4	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	129	5	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	129	6	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	129	7	a	a	DET
crl-16592	129	8	gap	gap	NOUN
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crl-16592	129	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	129	11	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	129	12	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	129	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	129	14	perceptions	perception	NOUN
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crl-16592	129	17	provided	provide	VERB
crl-16592	129	18	by	by	ADP
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crl-16592	129	20	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	129	21	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	129	22	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	129	23	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	130	1	descriptive	descriptive	ADJ
crl-16592	130	2	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	130	3	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	130	4	calculated	calculate	VERB
crl-16592	130	5	using	use	VERB
crl-16592	130	6	spss	spss	PROPN
crl-16592	130	7	to	to	PART
crl-16592	130	8	determine	determine	VERB
crl-16592	130	9	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	130	10	there	there	PRON
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crl-16592	130	12	a	a	DET
crl-16592	130	13	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	130	14	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	130	15	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	130	16	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	130	17	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	130	18	reported	report	VERB
crl-16592	130	19	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	130	20	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	130	21	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	130	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	131	1	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	131	2	providers	provider	NOUN
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crl-16592	131	4	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	131	5	to	to	PART
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crl-16592	131	8	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	131	10	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	131	13	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	131	14	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	131	15	were	be	AUX
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crl-16592	131	17	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	131	18	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	131	19	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	131	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	131	21	but	but	CCONJ
crl-16592	131	22	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	131	23	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	131	24	coded	code	VERB
crl-16592	131	25	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	131	26	a	a	DET
crl-16592	131	27	separate	separate	ADJ
crl-16592	131	28	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	131	29	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	131	30	speedrefit	speedrefit	NOUN
crl-16592	131	31	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	131	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	1	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	132	2	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	132	3	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	132	4	were	be	AUX
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crl-16592	132	6	to	to	PART
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crl-16592	132	8	figure	figure	NOUN
crl-16592	132	9	2	2	NUM
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crl-16592	132	11	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	132	12	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	132	13	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	132	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	132	15	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	132	16	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	132	17	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	132	18	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	132	19	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	132	20	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	132	21	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	22	swconfidencep	swconfidencep	ADV
crl-16592	132	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	24	swreadyp	swreadyp	ADJ
crl-16592	132	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	26	swknskillsp	swknskillsp	NOUN
crl-16592	132	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	132	29	reftolibp	reftolibp	NOUN
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crl-16592	132	31	statistically	statistically	ADV
crl-16592	132	32	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	132	33	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	34	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	132	35	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	132	36	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	37	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	132	38	369	369	NUM
crl-16592	132	39	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	132	40	the	the	DET
crl-16592	132	41	ease	ease	NOUN
crl-16592	132	42	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	132	43	speed	speed	NOUN
crl-16592	132	44	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	132	45	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	132	46	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	132	47	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	132	48	connected	connect	VERB
crl-16592	132	49	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	132	50	a	a	DET
crl-16592	132	51	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crl-16592	132	52	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	53	reftolib	reftolib	PROPN
crl-16592	132	54	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	55	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	132	56	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	132	57	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	132	58	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	132	59	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	60	reftoit	reftoit	PROPN
crl-16592	132	61	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	62	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	63	those	those	DET
crl-16592	132	64	same	same	ADJ
crl-16592	132	65	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	132	66	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	67	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	132	68	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	132	69	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	132	70	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	132	71	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	132	72	related	relate	VERB
crl-16592	132	73	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	132	74	a	a	DET
crl-16592	132	75	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	132	76	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	132	77	’s	’s	PART
crl-16592	132	78	ability	ability	NOUN
crl-16592	132	79	to	to	PART
crl-16592	132	80	recognize	recognize	VERB
crl-16592	132	81	a	a	DET
crl-16592	132	82	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	132	83	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	132	84	should	should	AUX
crl-16592	132	85	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	132	86	referred	refer	VERB
crl-16592	132	87	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	132	88	an	an	DET
crl-16592	132	89	expert	expert	NOUN
crl-16592	132	90	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	133	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
crl-16592	133	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	133	3	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	133	4	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	133	5	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	133	6	to	to	PART
crl-16592	133	7	reflect	reflect	VERB
crl-16592	133	8	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	133	9	online	online	ADJ
crl-16592	133	10	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	133	11	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	133	12	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	133	13	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	133	14	concurrently	concurrently	ADV
crl-16592	133	15	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	133	16	self	self	NOUN
crl-16592	133	17	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	133	18	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	133	19	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	133	20	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	133	21	both	both	PRON
crl-16592	133	22	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	133	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	133	24	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	133	25	issues	issue	NOUN
crl-16592	133	26	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	133	27	a	a	DET
crl-16592	133	28	single	single	ADJ
crl-16592	133	29	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	133	30	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	133	31	shlibtech	shlibtech	NOUN
crl-16592	133	32	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	133	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	134	1	figure	figure	VERB
crl-16592	134	2	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	134	3	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	134	4	compared	compare	VERB
crl-16592	134	5	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	134	6	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	134	7	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	134	8	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	134	9	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	134	10	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	134	11	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	134	12	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	134	13	figure	figure	VERB
crl-16592	134	14	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	134	15	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	134	16	compared	compare	VERB
crl-16592	134	17	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	134	18	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	134	19	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	134	20	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	134	21	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	134	22	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	134	23	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	134	24	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	134	25	370	370	NUM
crl-16592	134	26	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	134	27	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	134	28	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	134	29	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	134	30	march	march	PROPN
crl-16592	134	31	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	134	32	similar	similar	ADJ
crl-16592	134	33	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	134	34	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	134	35	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	134	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	134	37	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	134	38	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	134	39	lower	low	ADJ
crl-16592	134	40	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	134	41	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	134	42	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	134	43	they	they	PRON
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crl-16592	134	45	to	to	PART
crl-16592	134	46	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	134	47	offered	offer	VERB
crl-16592	134	48	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	135	1	however	however	ADV
crl-16592	135	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	135	3	the	the	DET
crl-16592	135	4	gap	gap	NOUN
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crl-16592	135	14	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	135	15	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	135	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	136	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	136	2	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	136	3	words	word	NOUN
crl-16592	136	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	136	5	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	136	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	136	7	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	136	8	perceive	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	136	9	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	136	10	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	136	11	receiving	receive	VERB
crl-16592	136	12	service	service	NOUN
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crl-16592	136	14	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	136	16	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	136	17	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	136	18	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	136	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	136	20	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	136	21	is	be	VERB
crl-16592	136	22	even	even	ADV
crl-16592	136	23	more	more	ADJ
crl-16592	136	24	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	136	25	a	a	DET
crl-16592	136	26	discrepancy	discrepancy	NOUN
crl-16592	136	27	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	136	28	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	136	29	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	136	30	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	136	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	136	32	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	136	33	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	136	34	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	136	35	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	136	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	137	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	137	2	only	only	ADJ
crl-16592	137	3	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	137	4	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	137	5	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	137	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	137	7	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	137	8	a	a	DET
crl-16592	137	9	larger	large	ADJ
crl-16592	137	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	137	11	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	137	12	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	137	13	than	than	ADP
crl-16592	137	14	users	user	NOUN
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crl-16592	137	16	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	137	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	137	19	speed	speed	NOUN
crl-16592	137	20	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	137	21	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	137	22	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	137	23	were	be	AUX
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crl-16592	137	25	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	137	26	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	137	27	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	137	28	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	137	29	reftoit	reftoit	PROPN
crl-16592	137	30	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	137	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	138	1	however	however	ADV
crl-16592	138	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	138	3	the	the	DET
crl-16592	138	4	wording	wording	NOUN
crl-16592	138	5	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	138	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	138	7	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	138	8	did	do	AUX
crl-16592	138	9	not	not	PART
crl-16592	138	10	allow	allow	VERB
crl-16592	138	11	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	138	12	a	a	DET
crl-16592	138	13	direct	direct	ADJ
crl-16592	138	14	comparison	comparison	NOUN
crl-16592	138	15	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	138	16	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	138	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	138	18	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	138	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	138	20	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	138	21	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	138	22	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	138	23	reflected	reflect	VERB
crl-16592	138	24	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	138	25	the	the	DET
crl-16592	138	26	speed	speed	NOUN
crl-16592	138	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	138	28	ease	ease	NOUN
crl-16592	138	29	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	138	30	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	138	31	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	138	32	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	138	33	connected	connect	VERB
crl-16592	138	34	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	138	35	an	an	DET
crl-16592	138	36	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	138	37	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	138	38	member	member	NOUN
crl-16592	138	39	through	through	ADP
crl-16592	138	40	the	the	DET
crl-16592	138	41	speedrefit	speedrefit	NOUN
crl-16592	138	42	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	138	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	139	1	figure	figure	NOUN
crl-16592	139	2	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	139	3	reflects	reflect	VERB
crl-16592	139	4	the	the	DET
crl-16592	139	5	appropriate	appropriate	ADJ
crl-16592	139	6	comparison	comparison	NOUN
crl-16592	139	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	140	1	discussion	discussion	NOUN
crl-16592	140	2	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	140	3	building	build	VERB
crl-16592	140	4	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	140	5	the	the	DET
crl-16592	140	6	strengths	strength	NOUN
crl-16592	140	7	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	140	8	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	140	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	140	10	shifting	shift	VERB
crl-16592	140	11	the	the	DET
crl-16592	140	12	focus	focus	NOUN
crl-16592	140	13	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	140	14	a	a	DET
crl-16592	140	15	single	single	ADJ
crl-16592	140	16	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	140	17	point	point	NOUN
crl-16592	140	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	140	19	this	this	DET
crl-16592	140	20	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	140	21	sought	seek	VERB
crl-16592	140	22	to	to	PART
crl-16592	140	23	combine	combine	VERB
crl-16592	140	24	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	140	25	methodologies	methodology	NOUN
crl-16592	140	26	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	140	27	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-16592	140	28	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	140	29	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	140	30	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	140	31	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	140	32	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	140	33	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	140	34	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	140	35	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	140	36	corporate	corporate	ADJ
crl-16592	140	37	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	140	38	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	140	39	literature	literature	NOUN
crl-16592	140	40	to	to	PART
crl-16592	140	41	determine	determine	VERB
crl-16592	140	42	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	140	43	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	140	44	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	140	45	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	140	46	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	140	47	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	140	48	a	a	DET
crl-16592	140	49	joint	joint	ADJ
crl-16592	140	50	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	140	51	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	140	52	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	140	53	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	140	54	support	support	NOUN
crl-16592	140	55	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	140	56	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	140	57	a	a	DET
crl-16592	140	58	small	small	ADJ
crl-16592	140	59	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-16592	140	60	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	140	61	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	140	62	and/or	and/or	CCONJ
crl-16592	140	63	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	140	64	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	140	65	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	140	66	differently	differently	ADV
crl-16592	140	67	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	141	1	managing	manage	VERB
crl-16592	141	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	141	3	being	be	AUX
crl-16592	141	4	aware	aware	ADJ
crl-16592	141	5	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	141	6	discrepancies	discrepancy	NOUN
crl-16592	141	7	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	141	8	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	141	9	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	141	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	141	11	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	141	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	141	13	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	141	14	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	141	15	a	a	DET
crl-16592	141	16	critical	critical	ADJ
crl-16592	141	17	step	step	NOUN
crl-16592	141	18	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	141	19	assessing	assess	VERB
crl-16592	141	20	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	141	21	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	141	22	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	142	1	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	142	2	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	142	3	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	142	4	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	142	5	significantly	significantly	ADV
crl-16592	142	6	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	142	7	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	142	8	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	142	9	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	142	10	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	142	11	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	142	12	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	142	13	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	142	14	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	142	15	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	142	16	words	word	NOUN
crl-16592	142	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	142	18	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	142	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	142	20	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	142	21	groups	group	NOUN
crl-16592	142	22	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	142	23	perceptually	perceptually	ADV
crl-16592	142	24	incongruent	incongruent	ADJ
crl-16592	142	25	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	142	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	142	27	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	142	28	would	would	AUX
crl-16592	142	29	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	142	30	difficult	difficult	ADJ
crl-16592	142	31	to	to	PART
crl-16592	142	32	design	design	VERB
crl-16592	142	33	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	142	34	deliver	deliver	VERB
crl-16592	142	35	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	142	36	satisfactorily	satisfactorily	ADV
crl-16592	142	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	143	1	put	put	VERB
crl-16592	143	2	another	another	DET
crl-16592	143	3	way	way	NOUN
crl-16592	143	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	143	5	we	we	PRON
crl-16592	143	6	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	143	7	to	to	PART
crl-16592	143	8	know	know	VERB
crl-16592	143	9	what	what	PRON
crl-16592	143	10	our	our	PRON
crl-16592	143	11	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	143	12	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	143	13	value	value	NOUN
crl-16592	143	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	143	15	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	143	16	they	they	PRON
crl-16592	143	17	define	define	VERB
crl-16592	143	18	satisfactory	satisfactory	ADJ
crl-16592	143	19	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	143	20	to	to	PART
crl-16592	143	21	deliver	deliver	VERB
crl-16592	143	22	those	those	DET
crl-16592	143	23	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	143	24	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	144	1	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	144	2	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	144	3	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	144	4	addressing	address	VERB
crl-16592	144	5	the	the	DET
crl-16592	144	6	first	first	ADJ
crl-16592	144	7	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	144	8	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	144	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	144	10	statistical	statistical	ADJ
crl-16592	144	11	analyses	analysis	NOUN
crl-16592	144	12	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	144	13	this	this	DET
crl-16592	144	14	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	144	15	demonstrated	demonstrate	VERB
crl-16592	144	16	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	144	17	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	144	18	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	144	19	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	144	20	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	144	21	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	144	22	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	144	23	approximately	approximately	ADV
crl-16592	144	24	the	the	DET
crl-16592	144	25	same	same	ADJ
crl-16592	144	26	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	144	27	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	144	28	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	144	29	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	144	30	the	the	DET
crl-16592	144	31	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	144	32	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	144	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	144	34	since	since	SCONJ
crl-16592	144	35	only	only	ADV
crl-16592	144	36	six	six	NUM
crl-16592	144	37	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	144	38	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	144	39	statistically	statistically	ADV
crl-16592	144	40	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	144	41	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	144	42	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	145	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	145	2	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-16592	145	3	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	145	4	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	145	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	145	6	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	145	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	145	8	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	145	9	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	145	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	145	11	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	145	12	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	145	13	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	145	14	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	145	15	must	must	AUX
crl-16592	145	16	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	145	17	considered	consider	VERB
crl-16592	145	18	separately	separately	ADV
crl-16592	145	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	1	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	146	2	example	example	NOUN
crl-16592	146	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	4	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	146	5	considering	consider	VERB
crl-16592	146	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	146	7	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	146	8	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	146	9	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	146	10	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	146	11	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	146	12	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	146	13	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	14	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	15	0.48	0.48	NUM
crl-16592	146	16	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	146	18	the	the	DET
crl-16592	146	19	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	146	20	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	146	21	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	146	22	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	146	23	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	146	24	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	25	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	26	1.15	1.15	NUM
crl-16592	146	27	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	28	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	146	29	we	we	PRON
crl-16592	146	30	can	can	AUX
crl-16592	146	31	only	only	ADV
crl-16592	146	32	understand	understand	VERB
crl-16592	146	33	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	146	34	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	146	35	was	be	VERB
crl-16592	146	36	a	a	DET
crl-16592	146	37	much	much	ADV
crl-16592	146	38	larger	large	ADJ
crl-16592	146	39	gap	gap	NOUN
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crl-16592	146	41	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	146	43	level	level	NOUN
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crl-16592	146	45	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	146	46	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	146	47	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	146	48	the	the	DET
crl-16592	146	49	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	146	50	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	146	51	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	146	52	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	146	53	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	146	54	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	146	55	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	146	56	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	147	1	what	what	PRON
crl-16592	147	2	this	this	PRON
crl-16592	147	3	does	do	AUX
crl-16592	147	4	n’t	not	PART
crl-16592	147	5	indicate	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	147	6	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	147	7	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	147	8	high	high	ADJ
crl-16592	147	9	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	147	12	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	147	13	how	how	SCONJ
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crl-16592	147	15	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	147	17	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	147	18	was	be	AUX
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crl-16592	147	20	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	147	22	place	place	NOUN
crl-16592	147	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	148	1	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	148	2	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	148	3	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	148	4	especially	especially	ADV
crl-16592	148	5	meaningful	meaningful	ADJ
crl-16592	148	6	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	148	7	considering	consider	VERB
crl-16592	148	8	trends	trend	NOUN
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crl-16592	148	10	a	a	DET
crl-16592	148	11	population	population	NOUN
crl-16592	148	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	148	13	such	such	ADJ
crl-16592	148	14	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	148	15	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	148	16	trends	trend	NOUN
crl-16592	148	17	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	148	18	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	148	19	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	148	20	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	148	21	trends	trend	NOUN
crl-16592	148	22	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	148	23	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	148	24	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	148	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	149	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	149	2	significance	significance	NOUN
crl-16592	149	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	149	4	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	149	5	lack	lack	NOUN
crl-16592	149	6	thereof	thereof	ADV
crl-16592	149	7	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-16592	149	9	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	149	10	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	149	11	perceptions	perception	NOUN
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crl-16592	149	14	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	149	19	better	well	ADJ
crl-16592	149	20	picture	picture	NOUN
crl-16592	149	21	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	149	22	the	the	DET
crl-16592	149	23	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	149	24	groups	group	NOUN
crl-16592	149	25	’	’	PART
crl-16592	149	26	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	149	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	150	1	that	that	DET
crl-16592	150	2	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	150	3	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	150	4	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	150	5	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	150	6	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	150	7	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	150	8	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	150	9	not	not	PART
crl-16592	150	10	statistically	statistically	ADV
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crl-16592	150	12	between	between	ADP
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crl-16592	150	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	150	15	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	150	16	suggests	suggest	VERB
crl-16592	150	17	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	150	18	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	150	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	151	1	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	151	2	the	the	DET
crl-16592	151	3	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	151	4	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	151	5	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	151	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	151	7	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	151	8	related	relate	VERB
crl-16592	151	9	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	151	10	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	151	11	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	151	12	swconfidencep	swconfidencep	ADV
crl-16592	151	13	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	151	14	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	151	15	statistically	statistically	ADV
crl-16592	151	16	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	151	17	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	151	18	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	151	19	=	=	PROPN
crl-16592	151	20	5.21	5.21	NUM
crl-16592	151	21	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	151	22	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	151	23	=	=	X
crl-16592	151	24	4.72	4.72	NUM
crl-16592	151	25	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	151	26	indicates	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	151	27	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	151	28	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	151	29	feel	feel	VERB
crl-16592	151	30	better	well	ADJ
crl-16592	151	31	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	151	32	this	this	DET
crl-16592	151	33	measure	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	151	34	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	151	35	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	151	36	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	151	37	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	151	38	do	do	VERB
crl-16592	151	39	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	151	40	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	151	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	152	1	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	152	2	12	12	NUM
crl-16592	152	3	overlapping	overlapping	NOUN
crl-16592	152	4	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	152	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	152	6	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	152	7	were	be	VERB
crl-16592	152	8	a	a	DET
crl-16592	152	9	possible	possible	ADJ
crl-16592	152	10	24	24	NUM
crl-16592	152	11	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	152	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	152	13	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	152	14	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	152	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	152	16	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	152	17	only	only	ADV
crl-16592	152	18	6	6	NUM
crl-16592	152	19	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	152	20	the	the	DET
crl-16592	152	21	24	24	NUM
crl-16592	152	22	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	152	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	152	24	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	152	25	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	152	26	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	152	27	statistically	statistically	ADV
crl-16592	152	28	different	different	ADJ
crl-16592	152	29	mean	mean	ADJ
crl-16592	152	30	ratings	rating	NOUN
crl-16592	152	31	may	may	AUX
crl-16592	152	32	suggest	suggest	VERB
crl-16592	152	33	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	152	34	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	152	35	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	152	36	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	152	37	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	152	38	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	152	39	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	152	40	approaching	approach	VERB
crl-16592	152	41	overall	overall	ADJ
crl-16592	152	42	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	152	43	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	152	44	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	153	1	further	far	ADV
crl-16592	153	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	153	3	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	153	4	five	five	NUM
crl-16592	153	5	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	153	6	those	those	DET
crl-16592	153	7	six	six	NUM
crl-16592	153	8	conditions	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	153	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	153	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	153	11	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	153	12	ranked	rank	VERB
crl-16592	153	13	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	153	14	more	more	ADV
crl-16592	153	15	harshly	harshly	ADV
crl-16592	153	16	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	153	17	did	do	VERB
crl-16592	153	18	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	153	19	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	153	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	1	to	to	PART
crl-16592	154	2	put	put	VERB
crl-16592	154	3	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	154	4	another	another	DET
crl-16592	154	5	way	way	NOUN
crl-16592	154	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	7	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	154	8	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	154	9	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	154	10	more	more	ADV
crl-16592	154	11	satisfied	satisfied	ADJ
crl-16592	154	12	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	154	13	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	154	14	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	154	15	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	154	16	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	154	17	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	154	18	along	along	ADP
crl-16592	154	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	154	20	dimensions	dimension	NOUN
crl-16592	154	21	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	154	22	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	154	23	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	154	24	perceptual	perceptual	NOUN
crl-16592	154	25	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	26	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	154	27	371	371	NUM
crl-16592	154	28	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	29	swconfidencep	swconfidencep	ADV
crl-16592	154	30	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	32	readiness	readiness	NOUN
crl-16592	154	33	to	to	PART
crl-16592	154	34	help	help	VERB
crl-16592	154	35	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	36	swreadyp	swreadyp	ADJ
crl-16592	154	37	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	39	the	the	DET
crl-16592	154	40	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-16592	154	41	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	154	42	skills	skill	NOUN
crl-16592	154	43	necessary	necessary	ADJ
crl-16592	154	44	to	to	PART
crl-16592	154	45	perform	perform	VERB
crl-16592	154	46	their	their	PRON
crl-16592	154	47	jobs	job	NOUN
crl-16592	154	48	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	49	swknskillsp	swknskillsp	NOUN
crl-16592	154	50	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	51	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	52	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	154	53	referrals	referral	NOUN
crl-16592	154	54	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	154	55	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	154	56	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	154	57	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	58	reftolibp	reftolibp	NOUN
crl-16592	154	59	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	154	60	than	than	ADP
crl-16592	154	61	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	154	62	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	154	63	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	154	64	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	155	1	although	although	SCONJ
crl-16592	155	2	the	the	DET
crl-16592	155	3	comparisons	comparison	NOUN
crl-16592	155	4	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	155	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	155	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	155	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	155	8	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	155	9	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	155	10	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	155	11	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	155	12	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	155	13	not	not	PART
crl-16592	155	14	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	155	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	155	16	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	155	17	was	be	VERB
crl-16592	155	18	a	a	DET
crl-16592	155	19	trend	trend	NOUN
crl-16592	155	20	where	where	SCONJ
crl-16592	155	21	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	155	22	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	155	23	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	155	24	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	155	25	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	155	26	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	155	27	lower	low	ADJ
crl-16592	155	28	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	155	29	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	155	30	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	155	31	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	155	32	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	155	33	did	do	VERB
crl-16592	155	34	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	155	35	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	155	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	156	1	this	this	DET
crl-16592	156	2	trend	trend	NOUN
crl-16592	156	3	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	156	4	not	not	PART
crl-16592	156	5	surprising	surprising	ADJ
crl-16592	156	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	156	7	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	156	8	we	we	PRON
crl-16592	156	9	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	156	10	often	often	ADV
crl-16592	156	11	our	our	PRON
crl-16592	156	12	own	own	ADJ
crl-16592	156	13	worst	bad	ADJ
crl-16592	156	14	critics	critic	NOUN
crl-16592	156	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	157	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	157	2	seeking	seek	VERB
crl-16592	157	3	to	to	PART
crl-16592	157	4	establish	establish	VERB
crl-16592	157	5	a	a	DET
crl-16592	157	6	baseline	baseline	NOUN
crl-16592	157	7	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	157	8	understanding	understand	VERB
crl-16592	157	9	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	157	10	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	157	11	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	157	12	help@	help@	PROPN
crl-16592	157	13	ames	ames	PROPN
crl-16592	157	14	desk	desk	PROPN
crl-16592	157	15	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	157	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	157	17	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	157	18	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	157	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	157	20	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-16592	157	21	the	the	DET
crl-16592	157	22	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	157	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	157	24	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	157	25	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	157	26	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	157	27	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	157	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	157	29	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	157	30	across	across	ADP
crl-16592	157	31	several	several	ADJ
crl-16592	157	32	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	157	33	suggests	suggest	VERB
crl-16592	157	34	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	157	35	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	157	36	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	157	37	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	157	38	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	157	39	evaluating	evaluate	VERB
crl-16592	157	40	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	157	41	similarly	similarly	ADV
crl-16592	157	42	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	158	1	moving	move	VERB
crl-16592	158	2	forward	forward	ADV
crl-16592	158	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	158	4	these	these	DET
crl-16592	158	5	results	result	NOUN
crl-16592	158	6	will	will	AUX
crl-16592	158	7	provide	provide	VERB
crl-16592	158	8	a	a	DET
crl-16592	158	9	frame	frame	NOUN
crl-16592	158	10	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	158	11	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	158	12	through	through	ADP
crl-16592	158	13	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	158	14	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	158	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	158	16	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	158	17	administrators	administrator	NOUN
crl-16592	158	18	may	may	AUX
crl-16592	158	19	consider	consider	VERB
crl-16592	158	20	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	158	21	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	158	22	concerns	concern	NOUN
crl-16592	158	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	158	24	complaints	complaint	NOUN
crl-16592	158	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	158	26	since	since	SCONJ
crl-16592	158	27	we	we	PRON
crl-16592	158	28	can	can	AUX
crl-16592	158	29	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	158	30	reasonably	reasonably	ADV
crl-16592	158	31	assured	assure	VERB
crl-16592	158	32	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	158	33	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	158	34	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	158	35	operating	operate	VERB
crl-16592	158	36	under	under	ADP
crl-16592	158	37	comparable	comparable	ADJ
crl-16592	158	38	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	158	39	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	158	40	values	value	NOUN
crl-16592	158	41	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	158	42	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	158	43	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	159	1	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	159	2	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	159	3	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	159	4	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	159	5	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	159	6	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	159	7	equal	equal	ADJ
crl-16592	159	8	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-16592	159	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	159	10	the	the	DET
crl-16592	159	11	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	159	12	methodology	methodology	NOUN
crl-16592	159	13	allowed	allow	VERB
crl-16592	159	14	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	159	15	comparison	comparison	NOUN
crl-16592	159	16	within	within	ADP
crl-16592	159	17	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	159	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	159	19	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	159	20	groups	group	NOUN
crl-16592	159	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	160	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	160	2	the	the	DET
crl-16592	160	3	case	case	NOUN
crl-16592	160	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	160	5	both	both	CCONJ
crl-16592	160	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	160	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	160	8	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	160	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	160	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	160	11	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	160	12	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	160	13	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	160	14	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	160	15	a	a	DET
crl-16592	160	16	lower	low	ADJ
crl-16592	160	17	level	level	NOUN
crl-16592	160	18	than	than	SCONJ
crl-16592	160	19	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	160	20	expected	expect	VERB
crl-16592	160	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	161	1	analyses	analysis	NOUN
crl-16592	161	2	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	161	3	not	not	PART
crl-16592	161	4	conducted	conduct	VERB
crl-16592	161	5	to	to	PART
crl-16592	161	6	determine	determine	VERB
crl-16592	161	7	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	161	8	a	a	DET
crl-16592	161	9	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	161	10	condition	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	161	11	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	161	12	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	161	13	statistically	statistically	ADV
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crl-16592	161	15	than	than	ADP
crl-16592	161	16	the	the	DET
crl-16592	161	17	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	161	18	condition	condition	NOUN
crl-16592	161	19	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	161	20	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-16592	161	25	not	not	PART
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crl-16592	161	27	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	161	28	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	161	29	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	161	30	techqual+	techqual+	X
crl-16592	161	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	162	1	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	162	2	disappointing	disappoint	VERB
crl-16592	162	3	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	162	4	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	162	5	were	be	AUX
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crl-16592	162	7	lower	low	ADJ
crl-16592	162	8	than	than	ADP
crl-16592	162	9	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	162	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	162	11	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	162	12	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	162	13	’	’	PART
crl-16592	162	14	gaps	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	162	15	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	162	16	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	162	17	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	162	20	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	162	21	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
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crl-16592	162	24	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-16592	162	27	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	162	28	’	’	PART
crl-16592	162	29	gaps	gap	NOUN
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crl-16592	162	31	erratic	erratic	ADJ
crl-16592	162	32	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	163	1	figure	figure	NOUN
crl-16592	163	2	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	163	3	suggests	suggest	VERB
crl-16592	163	4	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	163	5	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	163	6	may	may	AUX
crl-16592	163	7	place	place	VERB
crl-16592	163	8	greater	great	ADJ
crl-16592	163	9	importance	importance	NOUN
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crl-16592	163	13	like	like	ADP
crl-16592	163	14	readiness	readiness	NOUN
crl-16592	163	15	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	163	16	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	163	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	163	18	but	but	CCONJ
crl-16592	163	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	163	20	data	datum	NOUN
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crl-16592	163	22	not	not	PART
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crl-16592	163	24	explanations	explanation	NOUN
crl-16592	163	25	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	163	26	why	why	SCONJ
crl-16592	163	27	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	164	1	recent	recent	ADJ
crl-16592	164	2	literature	literature	NOUN
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crl-16592	164	4	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	164	10	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	164	12	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	164	13	included	include	VERB
crl-16592	164	14	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	164	15	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	164	16	surveys,23	surveys,23	X
crl-16592	164	17	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	164	18	this	this	DET
crl-16592	164	19	study	study	NOUN
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crl-16592	164	24	three	three	NUM
crl-16592	164	25	feedback	feedback	NOUN
crl-16592	164	26	questions	question	NOUN
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crl-16592	164	28	each	each	DET
crl-16592	164	29	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	164	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	165	9	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	165	11	understanding	understanding	NOUN
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crl-16592	165	13	why	why	SCONJ
crl-16592	165	14	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	165	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	165	16	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	165	17	rated	rate	VERB
crl-16592	165	18	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	165	19	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-16592	165	20	differently	differently	ADV
crl-16592	165	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	166	1	figure	figure	VERB
crl-16592	166	2	5	5	NUM
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crl-16592	166	4	of	of	ADP
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crl-16592	166	13	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	166	14	372	372	NUM
crl-16592	166	15	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	166	16	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	166	17	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	166	18	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	166	19	march	march	VERB
crl-16592	166	20	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	166	21	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	166	24	this	this	DET
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crl-16592	166	32	providers	provider	NOUN
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crl-16592	166	34	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	166	35	their	their	PRON
crl-16592	166	36	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	166	37	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	166	38	perceptions	perception	NOUN
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crl-16592	166	42	compare	compare	VERB
crl-16592	166	43	to	to	ADP
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crl-16592	166	46	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	166	47	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	166	48	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	167	1	if	if	SCONJ
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crl-16592	167	16	part	part	NOUN
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crl-16592	167	21	desk	desk	NOUN
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crl-16592	167	25	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	167	27	can	can	AUX
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crl-16592	167	30	from	from	ADP
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crl-16592	167	33	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	167	34	employee	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	167	35	mistakes	mistake	NOUN
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crl-16592	167	38	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	167	42	greater	great	ADJ
crl-16592	167	43	collaboration	collaboration	NOUN
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crl-16592	167	47	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	167	48	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	167	49	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	168	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	168	3	this	this	DET
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crl-16592	168	7	additional	additional	ADJ
crl-16592	168	8	assessment	assessment	NOUN
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crl-16592	168	11	which	which	PRON
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crl-16592	168	16	points	point	NOUN
crl-16592	168	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	169	1	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	169	2	not	not	PART
crl-16592	169	3	providing	provide	VERB
crl-16592	169	4	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	169	7	which	which	PRON
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crl-16592	169	10	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	169	11	holistically	holistically	ADV
crl-16592	169	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	169	13	when	when	SCONJ
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crl-16592	169	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	169	25	libraries	library	NOUN
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crl-16592	169	34	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	169	35	experiences	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	169	36	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	169	37	learning	learn	VERB
crl-16592	169	38	to	to	PART
crl-16592	169	39	look	look	VERB
crl-16592	169	40	critically	critically	ADV
crl-16592	169	41	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	169	42	the	the	DET
crl-16592	169	43	assumptions	assumption	NOUN
crl-16592	169	44	we	we	PRON
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crl-16592	169	47	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	169	49	desk	desk	NOUN
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crl-16592	169	51	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	169	52	those	those	DET
crl-16592	169	53	assumptions	assumption	NOUN
crl-16592	169	54	shape	shape	VERB
crl-16592	169	55	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	169	56	delivery	delivery	NOUN
crl-16592	169	57	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	170	1	conclusion	conclusion	NOUN
crl-16592	170	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	170	3	further	further	ADJ
crl-16592	170	4	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	170	5	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	170	6	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	170	7	experiment	experiment	NOUN
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crl-16592	170	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	170	11	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	170	12	design	design	NOUN
crl-16592	170	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	170	14	staffing	staffing	NOUN
crl-16592	170	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	170	16	new	new	ADJ
crl-16592	170	17	methods	method	NOUN
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crl-16592	170	20	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	170	24	those	those	DET
crl-16592	170	25	desks	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	170	26	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	170	27	necessary	necessary	ADJ
crl-16592	170	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	171	1	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	171	2	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	171	4	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	171	5	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	171	6	design	design	NOUN
crl-16592	171	7	will	will	AUX
crl-16592	171	8	not	not	PART
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crl-16592	171	10	feasible	feasible	ADJ
crl-16592	171	11	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	171	12	every	every	DET
crl-16592	171	13	institution	institution	NOUN
crl-16592	171	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	171	15	the	the	DET
crl-16592	171	16	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	171	17	tool	tool	NOUN
crl-16592	171	18	described	describe	VERB
crl-16592	171	19	here	here	ADV
crl-16592	171	20	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	171	21	flexible	flexible	ADJ
crl-16592	171	22	enough	enough	ADV
crl-16592	171	23	to	to	PART
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crl-16592	171	26	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	171	27	local	local	ADJ
crl-16592	171	28	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	171	29	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	172	4	the	the	DET
crl-16592	172	5	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	172	6	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	172	7	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	172	8	based	base	VERB
crl-16592	172	9	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	172	10	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	172	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	172	13	perceptions	perception	NOUN
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crl-16592	172	17	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	172	18	and	and	CCONJ
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crl-16592	172	20	users	user	NOUN
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crl-16592	172	22	this	this	DET
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crl-16592	172	27	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	172	33	meeting	meet	VERB
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crl-16592	172	36	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	172	37	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	172	38	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	172	39	support	support	NOUN
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crl-16592	172	42	the	the	DET
crl-16592	172	43	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	172	44	wesleyan	wesleyan	PROPN
crl-16592	172	45	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	172	46	community	community	NOUN
crl-16592	172	47	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	173	1	a	a	DET
crl-16592	173	2	previous	previous	ADJ
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crl-16592	173	5	both	both	CCONJ
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crl-16592	173	8	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	173	9	circulation	circulation	NOUN
crl-16592	173	10	students	student	NOUN
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crl-16592	173	13	iwu	iwu	NOUN
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crl-16592	173	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	173	16	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	173	17	,	,	PUNCT
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crl-16592	173	19	students	student	NOUN
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crl-16592	173	23	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	173	24	very	very	ADV
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crl-16592	173	31	desk.24	desk.24	NOUN
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crl-16592	173	39	supervisors	supervisor	NOUN
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crl-16592	173	44	which	which	PRON
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crl-16592	173	47	training	training	NOUN
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crl-16592	173	64	how	how	SCONJ
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crl-16592	173	76	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	173	77	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	174	8	.	.	PUNCT
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crl-16592	175	8	wherein	wherein	SCONJ
crl-16592	175	9	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	175	10	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-16592	175	11	may	may	AUX
crl-16592	175	12	also	also	ADV
crl-16592	175	13	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	175	14	analyzed	analyze	VERB
crl-16592	175	15	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	175	16	considering	consider	VERB
crl-16592	175	17	university	university	NOUN
crl-16592	175	18	affiliation	affiliation	NOUN
crl-16592	175	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	176	1	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	176	2	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	176	3	words	word	NOUN
crl-16592	176	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	176	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	176	6	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	176	7	could	could	AUX
crl-16592	176	8	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	176	9	broken	break	VERB
crl-16592	176	10	into	into	ADP
crl-16592	176	11	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	176	12	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	176	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	176	14	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	176	15	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	176	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	176	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	176	18	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	176	19	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	176	20	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	177	1	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	177	2	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	177	3	could	could	AUX
crl-16592	177	4	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	177	5	broken	break	VERB
crl-16592	177	6	into	into	ADP
crl-16592	177	7	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	177	8	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	177	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	177	10	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	177	11	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	177	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	177	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	177	14	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	177	15	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	177	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	178	1	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	178	2	might	might	AUX
crl-16592	178	3	be	be	AUX
crl-16592	178	4	possible	possible	ADJ
crl-16592	178	5	to	to	PART
crl-16592	178	6	determine	determine	VERB
crl-16592	178	7	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	178	8	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	178	9	are	be	VERB
crl-16592	178	10	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	178	11	differences	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	178	12	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	178	13	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	178	14	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	178	15	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	178	16	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	178	17	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	178	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	178	19	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	178	20	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	178	21	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	178	22	its	its	PRON
crl-16592	178	23	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	178	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	178	25	thus	thus	ADV
crl-16592	178	26	lending	lending	NOUN
crl-16592	178	27	depth	depth	NOUN
crl-16592	178	28	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	178	29	the	the	DET
crl-16592	178	30	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-16592	178	31	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	179	1	moreover	moreover	ADV
crl-16592	179	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	179	3	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	179	4	were	be	AUX
crl-16592	179	5	also	also	ADV
crl-16592	179	6	collected	collect	VERB
crl-16592	179	7	to	to	PART
crl-16592	179	8	divide	divide	VERB
crl-16592	179	9	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	179	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	179	11	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crl-16592	179	12	into	into	ADP
crl-16592	179	13	distinct	distinct	ADJ
crl-16592	179	14	subcategories	subcategorie	NOUN
crl-16592	179	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	179	16	like	like	ADP
crl-16592	179	17	first-	first-	NUM
crl-16592	179	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	179	19	second-	second-	NUM
crl-16592	179	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	179	21	third-	third-	NUM
crl-16592	179	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	179	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	179	24	fourth	fourth	ADJ
crl-16592	179	25	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	179	26	year	year	NOUN
crl-16592	179	27	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	179	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	180	1	additional	additional	ADJ
crl-16592	180	2	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	180	3	might	might	AUX
crl-16592	180	4	compare	compare	VERB
crl-16592	180	5	first	first	ADJ
crl-16592	180	6	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	180	7	year	year	NOUN
crl-16592	180	8	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	180	9	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	180	10	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	180	11	fourth	fourth	ADJ
crl-16592	180	12	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	180	13	year	year	NOUN
crl-16592	180	14	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	180	15	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	180	16	to	to	PART
crl-16592	180	17	see	see	VERB
crl-16592	180	18	if	if	SCONJ
crl-16592	180	19	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	180	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	180	21	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	180	22	change	change	VERB
crl-16592	180	23	over	over	ADP
crl-16592	180	24	the	the	DET
crl-16592	180	25	course	course	NOUN
crl-16592	180	26	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	180	27	time	time	NOUN
crl-16592	180	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	181	1	further	far	ADV
crl-16592	181	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	181	3	while	while	SCONJ
crl-16592	181	4	this	this	DET
crl-16592	181	5	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	181	6	suggests	suggest	VERB
crl-16592	181	7	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	181	8	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	181	9	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	181	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	181	11	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	181	12	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	181	13	approaching	approach	VERB
crl-16592	181	14	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	181	15	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	181	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	181	17	an	an	DET
crl-16592	181	18	interesting	interesting	ADJ
crl-16592	181	19	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	181	20	might	might	AUX
crl-16592	181	21	investigate	investigate	VERB
crl-16592	181	22	the	the	DET
crl-16592	181	23	effect	effect	NOUN
crl-16592	181	24	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	181	25	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	181	26	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	181	27	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	181	28	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	181	29	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crl-16592	181	30	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	181	31	an	an	DET
crl-16592	181	32	ethnographic	ethnographic	ADJ
crl-16592	181	33	point	point	NOUN
crl-16592	181	34	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	181	35	view	view	NOUN
crl-16592	181	36	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	182	1	such	such	DET
crl-16592	182	2	a	a	DET
crl-16592	182	3	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	182	4	could	could	AUX
crl-16592	182	5	look	look	VERB
crl-16592	182	6	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	182	7	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	182	8	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	182	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	182	10	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	182	11	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	182	12	two	two	NUM
crl-16592	182	13	populations	population	NOUN
crl-16592	182	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	182	15	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	182	16	divide	divide	VERB
crl-16592	182	17	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	182	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	182	19	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	182	20	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	182	21	university	university	NOUN
crl-16592	182	22	affiliation	affiliation	NOUN
crl-16592	182	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	182	24	asking	ask	VERB
crl-16592	182	25	how	how	SCONJ
crl-16592	182	26	the	the	DET
crl-16592	182	27	differences	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	182	28	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	182	29	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	182	30	affect	affect	VERB
crl-16592	182	31	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	182	32	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	182	33	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	182	34	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	183	1	finally	finally	ADV
crl-16592	183	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	183	3	repeating	repeat	VERB
crl-16592	183	4	this	this	DET
crl-16592	183	5	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	183	6	over	over	ADP
crl-16592	183	7	time	time	NOUN
crl-16592	183	8	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	183	9	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	183	10	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	183	11	institutions	institution	NOUN
crl-16592	183	12	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	183	13	similar	similar	ADJ
crl-16592	183	14	size	size	NOUN
crl-16592	183	15	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	183	16	mission	mission	NOUN
crl-16592	183	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	183	18	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	183	19	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	183	20	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	183	21	desks	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	183	22	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	183	23	similar	similar	ADJ
crl-16592	183	24	staffing	staffing	NOUN
crl-16592	183	25	models	model	NOUN
crl-16592	183	26	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	183	27	could	could	AUX
crl-16592	183	28	reveal	reveal	VERB
crl-16592	183	29	interesting	interesting	ADJ
crl-16592	183	30	patterns	pattern	NOUN
crl-16592	183	31	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	183	32	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	183	33	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	183	34	expectations	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	183	35	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	184	1	acknowledgements	acknowledgement	NOUN
crl-16592	184	2	this	this	DET
crl-16592	184	3	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	184	4	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	184	5	supported	support	VERB
crl-16592	184	6	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	184	7	an	an	DET
crl-16592	184	8	artistic	artistic	ADJ
crl-16592	184	9	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	184	10	scholarly	scholarly	ADJ
crl-16592	184	11	development	development	NOUN
crl-16592	184	12	grant	grant	NOUN
crl-16592	184	13	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	184	14	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	184	15	wesleyan	wesleyan	PROPN
crl-16592	184	16	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	184	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	185	1	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	185	2	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	185	3	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	185	4	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	185	5	373	373	NUM
crl-16592	185	6	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	185	7	a.	a.	PROPN
crl-16592	185	8	2004	2004	NUM
crl-16592	185	9	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	185	10	wesleyan	wesleyan	PROPN
crl-16592	185	11	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	185	12	libqual+	libqual+	PROPN
crl-16592	186	1	core	core	PROPN
crl-16592	186	2	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	186	3	instrument	instrument	NOUN
crl-16592	186	4	affect	affect	NOUN
crl-16592	186	5	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	186	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	186	7	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	186	8	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	186	9	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	186	10	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	186	11	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	186	12	1	1	X
crl-16592	186	13	.	.	X
crl-16592	187	1	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	187	2	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	187	3	instill	instill	VERB
crl-16592	187	4	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	187	5	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	187	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	187	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	188	1	2	2	X
crl-16592	188	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	188	3	giving	give	VERB
crl-16592	188	4	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	188	5	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-16592	188	6	attention	attention	NOUN
crl-16592	188	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	189	1	3	3	X
crl-16592	189	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	190	1	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	190	2	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	190	3	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	190	4	consistently	consistently	ADV
crl-16592	190	5	courteous	courteous	ADJ
crl-16592	190	6	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	191	1	4	4	X
crl-16592	191	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	191	3	readiness	readiness	NOUN
crl-16592	191	4	to	to	PART
crl-16592	191	5	respond	respond	VERB
crl-16592	191	6	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	191	7	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	191	8	’	’	PART
crl-16592	191	9	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	191	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	192	1	5	5	X
crl-16592	192	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	193	1	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	193	2	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	193	3	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	193	4	the	the	DET
crl-16592	193	5	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-16592	193	6	to	to	PART
crl-16592	193	7	answer	answer	VERB
crl-16592	193	8	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	193	9	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	193	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	194	1	6	6	X
crl-16592	194	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	194	3	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	194	4	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	194	5	deal	deal	VERB
crl-16592	194	6	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	194	7	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	194	8	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	194	9	a	a	DET
crl-16592	194	10	caring	caring	ADJ
crl-16592	194	11	fashion	fashion	NOUN
crl-16592	194	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	195	1	7	7	X
crl-16592	195	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	195	3	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	195	4	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	195	5	understand	understand	VERB
crl-16592	195	6	the	the	DET
crl-16592	195	7	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	195	8	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	195	9	their	their	PRON
crl-16592	195	10	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	195	11	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	196	1	8	8	X
crl-16592	196	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	196	3	willingness	willingness	NOUN
crl-16592	196	4	to	to	PART
crl-16592	196	5	help	help	VERB
crl-16592	196	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	196	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	197	1	9	9	X
crl-16592	197	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	197	3	dependability	dependability	NOUN
crl-16592	197	4	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	197	5	handling	handle	VERB
crl-16592	197	6	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	197	7	’	'	PUNCT
crl-16592	197	8	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	197	9	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	197	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	198	1	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	198	2	control	control	NOUN
crl-16592	198	3	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	198	4	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	198	5	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	198	6	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	198	7	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	198	8	10	10	NUM
crl-16592	198	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	199	1	making	make	VERB
crl-16592	199	2	electronic	electronic	ADJ
crl-16592	199	3	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	199	4	accessible	accessible	ADJ
crl-16592	199	5	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	199	6	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	199	7	home	home	NOUN
crl-16592	199	8	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	199	9	office	office	NOUN
crl-16592	199	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	200	1	11	11	X
crl-16592	200	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	201	1	a	a	DET
crl-16592	201	2	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	201	3	website	website	NOUN
crl-16592	201	4	enabling	enable	VERB
crl-16592	201	5	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	201	6	to	to	PART
crl-16592	201	7	locate	locate	VERB
crl-16592	201	8	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	201	9	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	201	10	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	201	11	own	own	ADJ
crl-16592	201	12	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	202	1	12	12	NUM
crl-16592	202	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	203	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	203	2	printed	print	VERB
crl-16592	203	3	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	203	4	materials	material	NOUN
crl-16592	203	5	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	203	6	need	need	VERB
crl-16592	203	7	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	203	8	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	203	9	work	work	NOUN
crl-16592	203	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	204	1	13	13	NUM
crl-16592	204	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	205	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	205	2	electronic	electronic	ADJ
crl-16592	205	3	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	205	4	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	205	5	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	205	6	need	need	VERB
crl-16592	205	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	206	1	14	14	NUM
crl-16592	206	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	207	1	modern	modern	ADJ
crl-16592	207	2	equipment	equipment	NOUN
crl-16592	207	3	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	207	4	lets	let	VERB
crl-16592	207	5	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	207	6	easily	easily	ADV
crl-16592	207	7	access	access	VERB
crl-16592	207	8	needed	need	VERB
crl-16592	207	9	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	207	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	208	1	15	15	NUM
crl-16592	208	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	208	3	easy	easy	PROPN
crl-16592	208	4	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	208	5	to	to	AUX
crl-16592	208	6	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	208	7	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	208	8	access	access	NOUN
crl-16592	208	9	tools	tool	NOUN
crl-16592	208	10	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	208	11	allow	allow	VERB
crl-16592	208	12	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	208	13	to	to	PART
crl-16592	208	14	find	find	VERB
crl-16592	208	15	things	thing	NOUN
crl-16592	208	16	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	208	17	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	208	18	own	own	ADJ
crl-16592	208	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	209	1	16	16	NUM
crl-16592	209	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	210	1	making	make	VERB
crl-16592	210	2	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	210	3	easily	easily	ADV
crl-16592	210	4	accessible	accessible	ADJ
crl-16592	210	5	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	210	6	independent	independent	ADJ
crl-16592	210	7	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	210	8	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	211	1	17	17	NUM
crl-16592	211	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	211	3	print	print	NOUN
crl-16592	211	4	and/or	and/or	CCONJ
crl-16592	211	5	electronic	electronic	ADJ
crl-16592	211	6	journal	journal	NOUN
crl-16592	211	7	collections	collection	NOUN
crl-16592	211	8	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	211	9	require	require	VERB
crl-16592	211	10	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	211	11	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	211	12	work	work	NOUN
crl-16592	211	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	212	1	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	212	2	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	212	3	place	place	NOUN
crl-16592	212	4	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	212	5	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	212	6	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	212	7	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	212	8	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	212	9	18	18	NUM
crl-16592	212	10	.	.	NUM
crl-16592	212	11	library	library	PROPN
crl-16592	212	12	space	space	NOUN
crl-16592	212	13	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	212	14	inspires	inspire	VERB
crl-16592	212	15	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	212	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	212	17	learning	learning	NOUN
crl-16592	212	18	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	213	1	19	19	NUM
crl-16592	213	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	213	3	quiet	quiet	ADJ
crl-16592	213	4	space	space	NOUN
crl-16592	213	5	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	213	6	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-16592	213	7	activities	activity	NOUN
crl-16592	213	8	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	214	1	20	20	NUM
crl-16592	214	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	215	1	a	a	DET
crl-16592	215	2	comfortable	comfortable	ADJ
crl-16592	215	3	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	215	4	inviting	invite	VERB
crl-16592	215	5	location	location	NOUN
crl-16592	215	6	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	216	1	21	21	NUM
crl-16592	216	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	217	1	a	a	DET
crl-16592	217	2	gateway	gateway	NOUN
crl-16592	217	3	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	217	4	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	217	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	217	6	learning	learning	NOUN
crl-16592	217	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	217	8	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	217	9	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	217	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	218	1	22	22	NUM
crl-16592	218	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	219	1	community	community	NOUN
crl-16592	219	2	space	space	NOUN
crl-16592	219	3	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	219	4	group	group	NOUN
crl-16592	219	5	learning	learning	NOUN
crl-16592	219	6	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	219	7	group	group	NOUN
crl-16592	219	8	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	219	9	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	220	1	374	374	NUM
crl-16592	220	2	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	220	3	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	220	4	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	220	5	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	220	6	march	march	PROPN
crl-16592	220	7	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	220	8	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	220	9	b.	b.	PROPN
crl-16592	220	10	2015	2015	NUM
crl-16592	220	11	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	220	12	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	220	13	techqual+	techqual+	X
crl-16592	221	1	core	core	NOUN
crl-16592	221	2	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	221	3	instrument	instrument	NOUN
crl-16592	221	4	connectivity	connectivity	NOUN
crl-16592	221	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	221	6	access	access	NOUN
crl-16592	221	7	tell	tell	VERB
crl-16592	221	8	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	221	9	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	221	10	your	your	PRON
crl-16592	221	11	ability	ability	NOUN
crl-16592	221	12	to	to	PART
crl-16592	221	13	access	access	VERB
crl-16592	221	14	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	221	15	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	221	16	through	through	ADP
crl-16592	221	17	the	the	DET
crl-16592	221	18	internet	internet	NOUN
crl-16592	221	19	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	221	20	it	it	PRON
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crl-16592	221	22	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	221	23	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	221	24	1	1	X
crl-16592	221	25	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	221	26	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	221	27	an	an	DET
crl-16592	221	28	internet	internet	NOUN
crl-16592	221	29	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	221	30	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	221	31	operates	operate	VERB
crl-16592	221	32	reliably	reliably	ADV
crl-16592	221	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	222	1	2	2	X
crl-16592	222	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	222	3	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	222	4	an	an	DET
crl-16592	222	5	internet	internet	NOUN
crl-16592	222	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	222	7	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	222	8	provides	provide	VERB
crl-16592	222	9	adequate	adequate	ADJ
crl-16592	222	10	capacity	capacity	NOUN
crl-16592	222	11	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	222	12	speed	speed	NOUN
crl-16592	222	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	223	1	3	3	X
crl-16592	223	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	223	3	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	223	4	an	an	DET
crl-16592	223	5	internet	internet	NOUN
crl-16592	223	6	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	223	7	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	223	8	provides	provide	VERB
crl-16592	223	9	adequate	adequate	ADJ
crl-16592	223	10	wi	wi	ADJ
crl-16592	223	11	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	223	12	fi	fi	NOUN
crl-16592	223	13	coverage	coverage	NOUN
crl-16592	223	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	224	1	4	4	X
crl-16592	224	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	224	3	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	224	4	adequate	adequate	ADJ
crl-16592	224	5	cellular	cellular	ADJ
crl-16592	224	6	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	224	7	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	224	8	mobile	mobile	NOUN
crl-16592	224	9	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	224	10	coverage	coverage	NOUN
crl-16592	224	11	throughout	throughout	ADP
crl-16592	224	12	campus	campus	NOUN
crl-16592	224	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	225	1	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	225	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	225	3	collaboration	collaboration	NOUN
crl-16592	225	4	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	225	5	tell	tell	VERB
crl-16592	225	6	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	225	7	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	225	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	225	9	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	225	10	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	225	11	web	web	NOUN
crl-16592	225	12	sites	site	NOUN
crl-16592	225	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	225	14	online	online	ADJ
crl-16592	225	15	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	225	16	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	225	17	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	225	18	technologies	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	225	19	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	225	20	collaboration	collaboration	NOUN
crl-16592	225	21	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	225	22	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	225	23	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	225	24	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	225	25	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	225	26	5	5	X
crl-16592	225	27	.	.	X
crl-16592	225	28	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	225	29	web	web	NOUN
crl-16592	225	30	sites	site	NOUN
crl-16592	225	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	225	32	online	online	ADJ
crl-16592	225	33	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	225	34	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	225	35	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	225	36	easy	easy	ADJ
crl-16592	225	37	to	to	PART
crl-16592	225	38	use	use	VERB
crl-16592	225	39	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	226	1	6	6	X
crl-16592	226	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	226	3	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	226	4	online	online	ADJ
crl-16592	226	5	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	226	6	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	226	7	enhance	enhance	VERB
crl-16592	226	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	226	9	teaching	teaching	NOUN
crl-16592	226	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	226	11	learning	learn	VERB
crl-16592	226	12	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	226	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	227	1	7	7	X
crl-16592	227	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	227	3	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	227	4	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	227	5	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	227	6	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	227	7	allow	allow	VERB
crl-16592	227	8	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	227	9	to	to	PART
crl-16592	227	10	collaborate	collaborate	VERB
crl-16592	227	11	effectively	effectively	ADV
crl-16592	227	12	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	227	13	others	other	NOUN
crl-16592	227	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	228	1	8	8	X
crl-16592	228	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	228	3	having	have	VERB
crl-16592	228	4	systems	system	NOUN
crl-16592	228	5	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	228	6	provide	provide	VERB
crl-16592	228	7	timely	timely	ADJ
crl-16592	228	8	access	access	NOUN
crl-16592	228	9	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	228	10	data	datum	NOUN
crl-16592	228	11	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	228	12	informs	inform	VERB
crl-16592	228	13	decision	decision	NOUN
crl-16592	228	14	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	228	15	making	making	NOUN
crl-16592	228	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	229	1	9	9	X
crl-16592	229	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	229	3	the	the	DET
crl-16592	229	4	availability	availability	NOUN
crl-16592	229	5	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	229	6	classrooms	classroom	NOUN
crl-16592	229	7	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	229	8	meeting	meeting	NOUN
crl-16592	229	9	spaces	space	NOUN
crl-16592	229	10	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	229	11	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	229	12	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	229	13	enhances	enhance	VERB
crl-16592	229	14	the	the	DET
crl-16592	229	15	teaching	teaching	NOUN
crl-16592	229	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	229	17	learning	learning	NOUN
crl-16592	229	18	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	229	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	230	1	support	support	NOUN
crl-16592	230	2	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	230	3	training	training	NOUN
crl-16592	230	4	tell	tell	VERB
crl-16592	230	5	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	230	6	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	230	7	your	your	PRON
crl-16592	230	8	experiences	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	230	9	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	230	10	those	those	PRON
crl-16592	230	11	supporting	support	VERB
crl-16592	230	12	your	your	PRON
crl-16592	230	13	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	230	14	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	230	15	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	230	16	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	230	17	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	230	18	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	230	19	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	230	20	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	230	21	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	230	22	10	10	NUM
crl-16592	230	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	231	1	getting	get	VERB
crl-16592	231	2	timely	timely	ADJ
crl-16592	231	3	resolution	resolution	NOUN
crl-16592	231	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	231	5	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	231	6	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	231	7	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	231	8	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	231	9	am	be	AUX
crl-16592	231	10	experiencing	experience	VERB
crl-16592	231	11	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	232	1	11	11	NUM
crl-16592	232	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	232	3	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	232	4	support	support	NOUN
crl-16592	232	5	staff	staff	NOUN
crl-16592	232	6	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	232	7	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	232	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	232	9	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crl-16592	232	10	to	to	PART
crl-16592	232	11	answer	answer	VERB
crl-16592	232	12	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	232	13	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	232	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	233	1	12	12	NUM
crl-16592	233	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	234	1	receiving	receive	VERB
crl-16592	234	2	communications	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	234	3	regarding	regard	VERB
crl-16592	234	4	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	234	5	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	234	6	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	234	7	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	234	8	can	can	AUX
crl-16592	234	9	understand	understand	VERB
crl-16592	234	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	235	1	13	13	NUM
crl-16592	235	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	235	3	getting	get	VERB
crl-16592	235	4	access	access	NOUN
crl-16592	235	5	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	235	6	training	training	NOUN
crl-16592	235	7	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	235	8	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	235	9	self	self	NOUN
crl-16592	235	10	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	235	11	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	235	12	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	235	13	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	235	14	increases	increase	VERB
crl-16592	235	15	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	235	16	effectiveness	effectiveness	NOUN
crl-16592	235	17	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	235	18	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	235	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	236	1	copyright	copyright	NOUN
crl-16592	236	2	2015	2015	NUM
crl-16592	236	3	timothy	timothy	PROPN
crl-16592	236	4	m.	m.	NOUN
crl-16592	236	5	chester	chester	PROPN
crl-16592	236	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	236	7	all	all	DET
crl-16592	236	8	rights	right	NOUN
crl-16592	236	9	reserved	reserve	VERB
crl-16592	236	10	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	1	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	237	2	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	237	3	administration	administration	NOUN
crl-16592	237	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	237	5	this	this	DET
crl-16592	237	6	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	237	7	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	237	8	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	237	9	items	item	NOUN
crl-16592	237	10	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	237	11	prohibited	prohibit	VERB
crl-16592	237	12	unless	unless	SCONJ
crl-16592	237	13	administered	administer	VERB
crl-16592	237	14	through	through	ADP
crl-16592	237	15	the	the	DET
crl-16592	237	16	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	237	17	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	237	18	techqual+	techqual+	X
crl-16592	237	19	project	project	NOUN
crl-16592	237	20	web	web	NOUN
crl-16592	237	21	site	site	NOUN
crl-16592	237	22	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	237	23	PRON
crl-16592	237	24	X
crl-16592	237	25	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	237	26	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	237	27	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	28	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	237	29	375	375	NUM
crl-16592	237	30	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	237	31	c	c	NOUN
crl-16592	237	32	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	237	33	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	237	34	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	237	35	coded	code	VERB
crl-16592	237	36	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	237	37	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	38	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	237	39	distributed	distribute	VERB
crl-16592	237	40	to	to	PART
crl-16592	237	41	service	service	VERB
crl-16592	237	42	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	237	43	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	237	44	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	237	45	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	237	46	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	237	47	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	237	48	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	237	49	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	237	50	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	237	51	name	name	NOUN
crl-16592	237	52	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	53	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	237	54	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	237	55	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	237	56	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	237	57	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	237	58	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	237	59	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	237	60	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	237	61	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	237	62	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	237	63	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	237	64	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	237	65	instill	instill	VERB
crl-16592	237	66	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	237	67	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	237	68	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	237	69	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	70	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	237	71	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	237	72	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	237	73	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	237	74	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	237	75	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	237	76	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	237	77	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	237	78	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	237	79	instill	instill	VERB
crl-16592	237	80	confidence	confidence	NOUN
crl-16592	237	81	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	237	82	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	237	83	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	84	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	237	85	it	it	PRON
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crl-16592	237	87	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	237	88	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	237	89	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	237	90	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	237	91	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	237	92	give	give	VERB
crl-16592	237	93	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	237	94	individual	individual	ADJ
crl-16592	237	95	attention	attention	NOUN
crl-16592	237	96	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	97	swattention	swattention	NOUN
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crl-16592	237	115	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	237	116	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	237	123	my	my	PRON
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crl-16592	237	125	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	126	swready	swready	ADJ
crl-16592	237	127	when	when	SCONJ
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crl-16592	237	130	to	to	ADP
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crl-16592	237	141	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	237	142	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	237	143	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	1	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	2	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	238	3	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	238	4	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	5	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	238	6	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	238	7	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	12	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	13	skills	skill	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	16	my	my	PRON
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crl-16592	238	18	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	19	swknskills	swknskill	VERB
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crl-16592	238	35	user	user	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	37	…	…	PUNCT
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crl-16592	238	45	speed	speed	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	47	which	which	PRON
crl-16592	238	48	i	i	PRON
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crl-16592	238	51	to	to	ADP
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crl-16592	238	54	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	55	reftolib	reftolib	NOUN
crl-16592	238	56	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	57	it	it	PRON
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crl-16592	238	66	a	a	DET
crl-16592	238	67	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crl-16592	238	68	…	…	PUNCT
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crl-16592	238	72	to	to	ADP
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crl-16592	238	76	speed	speed	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	79	i	i	PRON
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crl-16592	238	86	member	member	NOUN
crl-16592	238	87	reftoit	reftoit	VERB
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crl-16592	238	101	member	member	NOUN
crl-16592	238	102	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	103	speedrefit	speedrefit	NOUN
crl-16592	238	104	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	105	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	106	when	when	SCONJ
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crl-16592	238	122	…	…	PUNCT
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crl-16592	238	137	fashion	fashion	NOUN
crl-16592	238	138	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	139	swcaring	swcare	VERB
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crl-16592	238	154	fashion	fashion	NOUN
crl-16592	238	155	…	…	PUNCT
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crl-16592	238	161	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	238	162	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	165	my	my	PRON
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crl-16592	238	167	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	168	swunderstand	swunderstand	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	176	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	180	needs	need	NOUN
crl-16592	238	181	…	…	PUNCT
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crl-16592	238	187	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	238	188	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	192	to	to	PART
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crl-16592	238	194	me	i	PRON
crl-16592	238	195	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	196	swwilling	swwille	VERB
crl-16592	238	197	when	when	SCONJ
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crl-16592	238	202	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	238	203	employees	employee	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	207	to	to	PART
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crl-16592	238	209	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	238	210	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	211	when	when	SCONJ
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crl-16592	238	214	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	215	help@	help@	PROPN
crl-16592	238	216	ames	ames	PROPN
crl-16592	238	217	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	238	218	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	238	219	who	who	PRON
crl-16592	238	220	dependably	dependably	ADV
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crl-16592	238	222	the	the	DET
crl-16592	238	223	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	238	224	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	238	225	bring	bring	VERB
crl-16592	238	226	them	they	PRON
crl-16592	238	227	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	228	swhandle	swhandle	VERB
crl-16592	238	229	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	230	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	238	231	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	238	232	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	233	help@	help@	PROPN
crl-16592	238	234	ames	ames	PROPN
crl-16592	238	235	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	238	236	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	238	237	who	who	PRON
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crl-16592	238	239	handle	handle	VERB
crl-16592	238	240	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	238	241	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	238	242	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	243	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	244	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	238	245	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	238	246	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	247	a	a	DET
crl-16592	238	248	comfortable	comfortable	ADJ
crl-16592	238	249	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	250	inviting	inviting	NOUN
crl-16592	238	251	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	238	252	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	253	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	238	254	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	255	it	it	PRON
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crl-16592	238	257	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	258	a	a	DET
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crl-16592	238	260	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	261	inviting	inviting	NOUN
crl-16592	238	262	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	238	263	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	264	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	265	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	238	266	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	238	267	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	268	getting	get	VERB
crl-16592	238	269	timely	timely	ADJ
crl-16592	238	270	resolution	resolution	NOUN
crl-16592	238	271	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	238	272	problems	problem	NOUN
crl-16592	238	273	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	238	274	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	238	275	am	be	AUX
crl-16592	238	276	experiencing	experience	VERB
crl-16592	238	277	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	278	resolution	resolution	NOUN
crl-16592	238	279	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	280	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	238	281	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	238	282	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	283	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	238	284	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	238	285	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	238	286	providing	provide	VERB
crl-16592	238	287	timely	timely	ADJ
crl-16592	238	288	resolution	resolution	NOUN
crl-16592	238	289	of	of	ADP
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crl-16592	238	291	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	238	292	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	238	293	experiencing	experience	VERB
crl-16592	238	294	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	295	376	376	NUM
crl-16592	238	296	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	238	297	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	298	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	238	299	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	238	300	march	march	PROPN
crl-16592	238	301	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	238	302	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	238	303	c	c	PROPN
crl-16592	238	304	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	238	305	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	238	306	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	307	coded	code	VERB
crl-16592	238	308	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	238	309	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	310	as	as	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	311	distributed	distribute	VERB
crl-16592	238	312	to	to	PART
crl-16592	238	313	service	service	VERB
crl-16592	238	314	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	238	315	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	316	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	238	317	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	238	318	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	238	319	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	238	320	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	238	321	questions	question	NOUN
crl-16592	238	322	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	238	323	name	name	NOUN
crl-16592	238	324	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	325	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	238	326	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	238	327	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	238	328	questions	question	NOUN
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crl-16592	238	330	it	it	PRON
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crl-16592	238	332	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	333	the	the	DET
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crl-16592	238	335	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	238	336	online	online	ADJ
crl-16592	238	337	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	238	338	with	with	ADP
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crl-16592	238	340	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	238	341	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	238	342	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	343	swonlibres	swonlibre	NOUN
crl-16592	238	344	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	345	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	346	when	when	SCONJ
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crl-16592	238	350	getting	get	VERB
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crl-16592	238	352	to	to	ADP
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crl-16592	238	354	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	355	self	self	NOUN
crl-16592	238	356	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	357	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	238	358	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	238	359	that	that	PRON
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crl-16592	238	361	my	my	PRON
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crl-16592	238	365	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	238	366	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	367	selfhelplib	selfhelplib	PROPN
crl-16592	238	368	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	369	*	*	PUNCT
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crl-16592	238	375	availability	availability	NOUN
crl-16592	238	376	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	238	377	online	online	ADJ
crl-16592	238	378	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	238	379	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	238	380	using	use	VERB
crl-16592	238	381	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	238	382	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	238	383	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	384	swontech	swontech	NOUN
crl-16592	238	385	res	re	NOUN
crl-16592	238	386	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	387	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	388	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	389	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	238	390	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	238	391	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	392	getting	get	VERB
crl-16592	238	393	access	access	NOUN
crl-16592	238	394	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	395	training	training	NOUN
crl-16592	238	396	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	397	self	self	NOUN
crl-16592	238	398	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	399	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	238	400	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	238	401	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	238	402	increases	increase	VERB
crl-16592	238	403	my	my	PRON
crl-16592	238	404	effectiveness	effectiveness	NOUN
crl-16592	238	405	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	238	406	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	238	407	resources	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	238	408	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	409	selfhelptech	selfhelptech	NOUN
crl-16592	238	410	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	411	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	238	412	shlibtech	shlibtech	NOUN
crl-16592	238	413	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	414	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	415	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	416	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	238	417	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	238	418	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	419	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	238	420	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	238	421	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	238	422	sharing	share	VERB
crl-16592	238	423	training	training	NOUN
crl-16592	238	424	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	425	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	238	426	self	self	NOUN
crl-16592	238	427	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	428	help	help	NOUN
crl-16592	238	429	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	238	430	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	238	431	increases	increase	VERB
crl-16592	238	432	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	238	433	effectiveness	effectiveness	NOUN
crl-16592	238	434	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	238	435	the	the	DET
crl-16592	238	436	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	238	437	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	238	438	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	238	439	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	440	when	when	SCONJ
crl-16592	238	441	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	238	442	comes	come	VERB
crl-16592	238	443	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	238	444	receiving	receive	VERB
crl-16592	238	445	communication	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	238	446	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	238	447	i	i	PRON
crl-16592	238	448	can	can	AUX
crl-16592	238	449	understand	understand	VERB
crl-16592	238	450	…	…	PUNCT
crl-16592	238	451	communication	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	238	452	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	238	453	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	239	1	please	please	INTJ
crl-16592	239	2	tell	tell	VERB
crl-16592	239	3	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	239	4	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	239	5	a	a	DET
crl-16592	239	6	positive	positive	ADJ
crl-16592	239	7	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	239	8	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	239	9	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	239	10	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	239	11	the	the	DET
crl-16592	239	12	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	239	13	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	239	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	240	1	please	please	INTJ
crl-16592	240	2	tell	tell	VERB
crl-16592	240	3	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	240	4	something	something	PRON
crl-16592	240	5	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	240	6	feel	feel	VERB
crl-16592	240	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	240	8	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	240	9	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	240	10	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	240	11	do	do	VERB
crl-16592	240	12	well	well	ADV
crl-16592	240	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	241	1	please	please	INTJ
crl-16592	241	2	tell	tell	VERB
crl-16592	241	3	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	241	4	about	about	ADP
crl-16592	241	5	an	an	DET
crl-16592	241	6	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	241	7	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	241	8	had	have	VERB
crl-16592	241	9	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	241	10	the	the	DET
crl-16592	241	11	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	241	12	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	241	13	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	241	14	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	241	15	prefer	prefer	VERB
crl-16592	241	16	had	have	AUX
crl-16592	241	17	gone	go	VERB
crl-16592	241	18	differently	differently	ADV
crl-16592	241	19	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	242	1	please	please	INTJ
crl-16592	242	2	tell	tell	VERB
crl-16592	242	3	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	242	4	something	something	PRON
crl-16592	242	5	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	242	6	feel	feel	VERB
crl-16592	242	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	242	8	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	242	9	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	242	10	employees	employee	NOUN
crl-16592	242	11	need	need	VERB
crl-16592	242	12	to	to	PART
crl-16592	242	13	improve	improve	VERB
crl-16592	242	14	upon	upon	SCONJ
crl-16592	242	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	243	1	please	please	INTJ
crl-16592	243	2	provide	provide	VERB
crl-16592	243	3	any	any	DET
crl-16592	243	4	feedback	feedback	NOUN
crl-16592	243	5	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	243	6	would	would	AUX
crl-16592	243	7	like	like	VERB
crl-16592	243	8	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	243	9	to	to	PART
crl-16592	243	10	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	243	11	regarding	regard	VERB
crl-16592	243	12	the	the	DET
crl-16592	243	13	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	243	14	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	243	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	244	1	please	please	INTJ
crl-16592	244	2	provide	provide	VERB
crl-16592	244	3	any	any	DET
crl-16592	244	4	additional	additional	ADJ
crl-16592	244	5	feedback	feedback	NOUN
crl-16592	244	6	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	244	7	would	would	AUX
crl-16592	244	8	like	like	VERB
crl-16592	244	9	us	we	PRON
crl-16592	244	10	to	to	PART
crl-16592	244	11	have	have	VERB
crl-16592	244	12	regarding	regard	VERB
crl-16592	244	13	the	the	DET
crl-16592	244	14	help@ames	help@ame	NOUN
crl-16592	244	15	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	244	16	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	1	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	2	each	each	DET
crl-16592	245	3	variable	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	245	4	has	have	VERB
crl-16592	245	5	three	three	NUM
crl-16592	245	6	measures	measure	NOUN
crl-16592	245	7	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	8	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	245	9	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	10	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	245	11	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	13	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	245	14	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	15	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	245	16	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	18	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	245	19	g	g	PROPN
crl-16592	245	20	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	21	the	the	DET
crl-16592	245	22	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	245	23	equal	equal	ADJ
crl-16592	245	24	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	245	25	the	the	DET
crl-16592	245	26	perception	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	245	27	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	245	28	minus	minus	ADP
crl-16592	245	29	the	the	DET
crl-16592	245	30	expectation	expectation	NOUN
crl-16592	245	31	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	245	32	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	245	33	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	246	1	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	246	2	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	246	3	question	question	NOUN
crl-16592	246	4	was	be	AUX
crl-16592	246	5	asked	ask	VERB
crl-16592	246	6	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	246	7	either	either	CCONJ
crl-16592	246	8	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	246	9	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	246	10	or	or	CCONJ
crl-16592	246	11	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	246	12	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	246	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	246	14	but	but	CCONJ
crl-16592	246	15	not	not	PART
crl-16592	246	16	both	both	PRON
crl-16592	246	17	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	247	1	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	247	2	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	247	3	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	247	4	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	247	5	377	377	NUM
crl-16592	247	6	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	247	7	d	d	PROPN
crl-16592	247	8	descriptive	descriptive	ADJ
crl-16592	247	9	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	247	10	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-16592	247	11	e	e	PROPN
crl-16592	247	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	247	13	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	247	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	247	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	247	16	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	247	17	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	247	18	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	247	19	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	247	20	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	247	21	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	247	22	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	247	23	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	247	24	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	247	25	all	all	DET
crl-16592	247	26	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	247	27	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	247	28	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	247	29	participant	participant	PROPN
crl-16592	247	30	type	type	NOUN
crl-16592	247	31	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	247	32	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	247	33	std	std	PROPN
crl-16592	247	34	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	247	35	deviation	deviation	NOUN
crl-16592	247	36	std	std	NOUN
crl-16592	247	37	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	247	38	error	error	NOUN
crl-16592	247	39	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	247	40	sig	sig	PROPN
crl-16592	247	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	248	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	248	2	2	2	X
crl-16592	248	3	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	248	4	tailed	tail	VERB
crl-16592	248	5	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	248	6	swconfidence	swconfidence	NOUN
crl-16592	248	7	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	248	8	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	248	9	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	248	10	335	335	NUM
crl-16592	248	11	5.62	5.62	NUM
crl-16592	248	12	1.251	1.251	NUM
crl-16592	248	13	.068	.068	NUM
crl-16592	248	14	.628	.628	NUM
crl-16592	248	15	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	248	16	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	248	17	5.51	5.51	NUM
crl-16592	248	18	1.520	1.520	NUM
crl-16592	248	19	.243	.243	NUM
crl-16592	248	20	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	248	21	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	248	22	330	330	NUM
crl-16592	248	23	5.21	5.21	NUM
crl-16592	248	24	1.375	1.375	NUM
crl-16592	248	25	.076	.076	NUM
crl-16592	248	26	.046	.046	NUM
crl-16592	248	27	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	248	28	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	248	29	4.72	4.72	NUM
crl-16592	248	30	1.386	1.386	NUM
crl-16592	248	31	.231	.231	NUM
crl-16592	248	32	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	248	33	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	248	34	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	248	35	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	248	36	.48	.48	NUM
crl-16592	248	37	1.492	1.492	NUM
crl-16592	248	38	.081	.081	NUM
crl-16592	248	39	.053	.053	NUM
crl-16592	248	40	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	249	1	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	249	2	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	3	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	249	4	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	249	5	1.15	1.15	NUM
crl-16592	249	6	2.059	2.059	NUM
crl-16592	249	7	.330	.330	NUM
crl-16592	249	8	swattention	swattention	NOUN
crl-16592	249	9	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	249	10	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	11	335	335	NUM
crl-16592	249	12	5.74	5.74	NUM
crl-16592	249	13	1.195	1.195	NUM
crl-16592	249	14	.065	.065	NUM
crl-16592	249	15	.068	.068	NUM
crl-16592	249	16	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	17	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	249	18	6.10	6.10	NUM
crl-16592	249	19	1.021	1.021	NUM
crl-16592	249	20	.163	.163	NUM
crl-16592	249	21	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	249	22	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	23	329	329	NUM
crl-16592	249	24	5.45	5.45	NUM
crl-16592	249	25	1.381	1.381	NUM
crl-16592	249	26	.076	.076	NUM
crl-16592	249	27	.225	.225	NUM
crl-16592	249	28	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	29	35	35	NUM
crl-16592	249	30	5.74	5.74	NUM
crl-16592	249	31	1.245	1.245	NUM
crl-16592	249	32	.210	.210	NUM
crl-16592	249	33	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	249	34	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	35	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	249	36	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	249	37	.38	.38	NUM
crl-16592	249	38	1.287	1.287	NUM
crl-16592	249	39	.070	.070	NUM
crl-16592	249	40	.078	.078	NUM
crl-16592	249	41	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	42	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	249	43	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	249	44	.95	.95	NUM
crl-16592	249	45	1.919	1.919	NUM
crl-16592	249	46	.307	.307	NUM
crl-16592	249	47	swready	swready	NOUN
crl-16592	249	48	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	249	49	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	249	50	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	51	333	333	NUM
crl-16592	249	52	5.76	5.76	NUM
crl-16592	249	53	1.177	1.177	NUM
crl-16592	249	54	.065	.065	NUM
crl-16592	249	55	.675	.675	NUM
crl-16592	249	56	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	57	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	249	58	5.85	5.85	NUM
crl-16592	249	59	1.136	1.136	NUM
crl-16592	249	60	.182	.182	NUM
crl-16592	249	61	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	249	62	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	63	328	328	NUM
crl-16592	249	64	5.47	5.47	NUM
crl-16592	249	65	1.285	1.285	NUM
crl-16592	249	66	.071	.071	NUM
crl-16592	249	67	.044	.044	NUM
crl-16592	249	68	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	69	35	35	NUM
crl-16592	249	70	5.00	5.00	NUM
crl-16592	249	71	1.475	1.475	NUM
crl-16592	249	72	.249	.249	NUM
crl-16592	249	73	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	249	74	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	75	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	249	76	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	249	77	.36	.36	NUM
crl-16592	249	78	1.422	1.422	NUM
crl-16592	249	79	.077	.077	NUM
crl-16592	249	80	.005	.005	NUM
crl-16592	249	81	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	82	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	249	83	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	249	84	1.36	1.36	NUM
crl-16592	249	85	2.032	2.032	NUM
crl-16592	249	86	.325	.325	NUM
crl-16592	249	87	swcaring	swcare	VERB
crl-16592	249	88	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	249	89	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	90	334	334	NUM
crl-16592	249	91	5.84	5.84	NUM
crl-16592	249	92	1.187	1.187	NUM
crl-16592	249	93	.065	.065	NUM
crl-16592	249	94	.230	.230	NUM
crl-16592	249	95	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	96	38	38	NUM
crl-16592	249	97	6.08	6.08	NUM
crl-16592	249	98	.997	.997	NUM
crl-16592	249	99	.162	.162	NUM
crl-16592	249	100	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	249	101	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	102	327	327	NUM
crl-16592	249	103	5.61	5.61	NUM
crl-16592	249	104	1.238	1.238	NUM
crl-16592	249	105	.068	.068	NUM
crl-16592	249	106	.620	.620	NUM
crl-16592	249	107	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	108	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	249	109	5.72	5.72	NUM
crl-16592	249	110	1.186	1.186	NUM
crl-16592	249	111	.198	.198	NUM
crl-16592	249	112	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	249	113	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	114	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	249	115	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	249	116	.33	.33	NUM
crl-16592	249	117	1.381	1.381	NUM
crl-16592	249	118	.075	.075	NUM
crl-16592	249	119	.374	.374	NUM
crl-16592	249	120	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	121	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	249	122	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	249	123	.64	.64	NUM
crl-16592	249	124	2.096	2.096	NUM
crl-16592	249	125	.336	.336	NUM
crl-16592	249	126	swunderstand	swunderstand	NOUN
crl-16592	249	127	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	249	128	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	249	129	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	130	333	333	NUM
crl-16592	249	131	5.71	5.71	NUM
crl-16592	249	132	1.146	1.146	NUM
crl-16592	249	133	.063	.063	NUM
crl-16592	249	134	.975	.975	NUM
crl-16592	249	135	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	136	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	249	137	5.72	5.72	NUM
crl-16592	249	138	1.395	1.395	NUM
crl-16592	249	139	.223	.223	NUM
crl-16592	249	140	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	249	141	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	142	327	327	NUM
crl-16592	249	143	5.35	5.35	NUM
crl-16592	249	144	1.248	1.248	NUM
crl-16592	249	145	.069	.069	NUM
crl-16592	249	146	.283	.283	NUM
crl-16592	249	147	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	148	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	249	149	5.11	5.11	NUM
crl-16592	249	150	1.190	1.190	NUM
crl-16592	249	151	.198	.198	NUM
crl-16592	249	152	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	249	153	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	154	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	249	155	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	249	156	.45	.45	NUM
crl-16592	249	157	1.401	1.401	NUM
crl-16592	249	158	.076	.076	NUM
crl-16592	249	159	.025	.025	NUM
crl-16592	249	160	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	249	161	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	249	162	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	249	163	1.00	1.00	NUM
crl-16592	249	164	1.821	1.821	NUM
crl-16592	249	165	.292	.292	NUM
crl-16592	249	166	swwilling	swwilling	NOUN
crl-16592	249	167	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	249	168	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	249	169	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	249	170	339	339	NUM
crl-16592	249	171	5.97	5.97	NUM
crl-16592	249	172	1.113	1.113	NUM
crl-16592	249	173	.060	.060	NUM
crl-16592	250	1	.057	.057	NUM
crl-16592	250	2	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	250	3	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	250	4	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	250	5	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	250	6	6.33	6.33	NUM
crl-16592	250	7	1.108	1.108	NUM
crl-16592	250	8	.177	.177	NUM
crl-16592	250	9	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	250	10	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	250	11	336	336	NUM
crl-16592	250	12	5.78	5.78	NUM
crl-16592	250	13	1.187	1.187	NUM
crl-16592	250	14	.065	.065	NUM
crl-16592	250	15	.137	.137	NUM
crl-16592	250	16	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	250	17	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	250	18	6.08	6.08	NUM
crl-16592	250	19	1.025	1.025	NUM
crl-16592	250	20	.171	.171	NUM
crl-16592	250	21	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	250	22	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	250	23	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	250	24	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	250	25	.24	.24	NUM
crl-16592	250	26	1.206	1.206	NUM
crl-16592	250	27	.065	.065	NUM
crl-16592	250	28	.165	.165	NUM
crl-16592	250	29	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	250	30	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	250	31	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	250	32	.72	.72	NUM
crl-16592	250	33	2.051	2.051	NUM
crl-16592	250	34	.328	.328	NUM
crl-16592	250	35	378	378	NUM
crl-16592	250	36	college	college	NOUN
crl-16592	250	37	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	250	38	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	250	39	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	250	40	march	march	PROPN
crl-16592	250	41	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	250	42	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	250	43	d	d	PROPN
crl-16592	250	44	descriptive	descriptive	ADJ
crl-16592	250	45	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	250	46	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-16592	250	47	e	e	PROPN
crl-16592	250	48	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	250	49	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	250	50	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	250	51	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	250	52	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	250	53	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	250	54	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	250	55	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	250	56	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	250	57	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	250	58	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	250	59	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	250	60	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	250	61	all	all	DET
crl-16592	250	62	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	250	63	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	250	64	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	250	65	participant	participant	PROPN
crl-16592	250	66	type	type	NOUN
crl-16592	251	1	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	251	2	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	251	3	std	std	PROPN
crl-16592	251	4	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	251	5	deviation	deviation	NOUN
crl-16592	251	6	std	std	NOUN
crl-16592	251	7	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	252	1	error	error	NOUN
crl-16592	252	2	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	252	3	sig	sig	PROPN
crl-16592	252	4	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	253	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	253	2	2	2	X
crl-16592	253	3	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	253	4	tailed	tail	VERB
crl-16592	253	5	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	253	6	swknskills	swknskill	VERB
crl-16592	253	7	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	253	8	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	253	9	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	10	333	333	NUM
crl-16592	253	11	5.56	5.56	NUM
crl-16592	253	12	1.256	1.256	NUM
crl-16592	253	13	.069	.069	NUM
crl-16592	253	14	.018	.018	NUM
crl-16592	253	15	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	16	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	17	5.05	5.05	NUM
crl-16592	253	18	1.376	1.376	NUM
crl-16592	253	19	.220	.220	NUM
crl-16592	253	20	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	253	21	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	22	326	326	NUM
crl-16592	253	23	5.12	5.12	NUM
crl-16592	253	24	1.362	1.362	NUM
crl-16592	253	25	.075	.075	NUM
crl-16592	253	26	.046	.046	NUM
crl-16592	253	27	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	28	35	35	NUM
crl-16592	253	29	4.63	4.63	NUM
crl-16592	253	30	1.592	1.592	NUM
crl-16592	253	31	.269	.269	NUM
crl-16592	253	32	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	253	33	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	34	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	253	35	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	36	.53	.53	NUM
crl-16592	253	37	1.634	1.634	NUM
crl-16592	253	38	.088	.088	NUM
crl-16592	253	39	.191	.191	NUM
crl-16592	253	40	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	41	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	42	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	253	43	.90	.90	NUM
crl-16592	253	44	1.861	1.861	NUM
crl-16592	253	45	.298	.298	NUM
crl-16592	253	46	swhandle	swhandle	NOUN
crl-16592	253	47	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	253	48	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	253	49	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	50	329	329	NUM
crl-16592	253	51	5.74	5.74	NUM
crl-16592	253	52	1.204	1.204	NUM
crl-16592	253	53	.066	.066	NUM
crl-16592	253	54	.821	.821	NUM
crl-16592	253	55	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	56	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	57	5.69	5.69	NUM
crl-16592	253	58	1.239	1.239	NUM
crl-16592	253	59	.198	.198	NUM
crl-16592	253	60	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	253	61	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	62	321	321	NUM
crl-16592	253	63	5.35	5.35	NUM
crl-16592	253	64	1.298	1.298	NUM
crl-16592	253	65	.072	.072	NUM
crl-16592	253	66	.200	.200	NUM
crl-16592	253	67	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	68	35	35	NUM
crl-16592	253	69	5.06	5.06	NUM
crl-16592	253	70	1.211	1.211	NUM
crl-16592	253	71	.205	.205	NUM
crl-16592	253	72	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	253	73	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	74	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	253	75	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	76	.50	.50	NUM
crl-16592	253	77	1.609	1.609	NUM
crl-16592	253	78	.087	.087	NUM
crl-16592	253	79	.019	.019	NUM
crl-16592	253	80	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	81	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	82	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	83	1.15	1.15	NUM
crl-16592	253	84	1.967	1.967	NUM
crl-16592	253	85	.315	.315	NUM
crl-16592	253	86	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	253	87	*	*	NOUN
crl-16592	253	88	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	253	89	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	90	337	337	NUM
crl-16592	253	91	5.99	5.99	NUM
crl-16592	253	92	1.152	1.152	NUM
crl-16592	253	93	.063	.063	NUM
crl-16592	253	94	.470	.470	NUM
crl-16592	253	95	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	96	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	97	6.13	6.13	NUM
crl-16592	253	98	1.080	1.080	NUM
crl-16592	253	99	.173	.173	NUM
crl-16592	253	100	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	253	101	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	102	336	336	NUM
crl-16592	253	103	5.73	5.73	NUM
crl-16592	253	104	1.304	1.304	NUM
crl-16592	253	105	.071	.071	NUM
crl-16592	253	106	.802	.802	NUM
crl-16592	253	107	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	108	37	37	NUM
crl-16592	253	109	5.68	5.68	NUM
crl-16592	253	110	1.270	1.270	NUM
crl-16592	253	111	.209	.209	NUM
crl-16592	253	112	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	253	113	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	114	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	253	115	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	116	.27	.27	NUM
crl-16592	253	117	1.249	1.249	NUM
crl-16592	253	118	.067	.067	NUM
crl-16592	253	119	.029	.029	NUM
crl-16592	253	120	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	121	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	122	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	123	.74	.74	NUM
crl-16592	253	124	1.585	1.585	NUM
crl-16592	253	125	.254	.254	NUM
crl-16592	253	126	resolution	resolution	NOUN
crl-16592	253	127	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	253	128	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	129	333	333	NUM
crl-16592	253	130	5.83	5.83	NUM
crl-16592	253	131	1.147	1.147	NUM
crl-16592	253	132	.063	.063	NUM
crl-16592	253	133	.220	.220	NUM
crl-16592	253	134	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	135	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	136	5.59	5.59	NUM
crl-16592	253	137	1.312	1.312	NUM
crl-16592	253	138	.210	.210	NUM
crl-16592	253	139	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	253	140	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	141	325	325	NUM
crl-16592	253	142	5.32	5.32	NUM
crl-16592	253	143	1.400	1.400	NUM
crl-16592	253	144	.078	.078	NUM
crl-16592	253	145	.146	.146	NUM
crl-16592	253	146	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	147	37	37	NUM
crl-16592	253	148	4.97	4.97	NUM
crl-16592	253	149	1.258	1.258	NUM
crl-16592	253	150	.207	.207	NUM
crl-16592	253	151	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	253	152	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	153	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	253	154	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	155	.62	.62	NUM
crl-16592	253	156	1.680	1.680	NUM
crl-16592	253	157	.091	.091	NUM
crl-16592	253	158	.369	.369	NUM
crl-16592	253	159	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	160	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	161	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	162	.87	.87	NUM
crl-16592	253	163	1.576	1.576	NUM
crl-16592	253	164	.252	.252	NUM
crl-16592	253	165	reftolib	reftolib	NOUN
crl-16592	253	166	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	253	167	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	253	168	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	169	304	304	NUM
crl-16592	253	170	5.77	5.77	NUM
crl-16592	253	171	1.212	1.212	NUM
crl-16592	253	172	.070	.070	NUM
crl-16592	253	173	.164	.164	NUM
crl-16592	253	174	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	175	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	253	176	5.47	5.47	NUM
crl-16592	253	177	1.320	1.320	NUM
crl-16592	253	178	.220	.220	NUM
crl-16592	253	179	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	253	180	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	181	282	282	NUM
crl-16592	253	182	5.68	5.68	NUM
crl-16592	253	183	1.287	1.287	NUM
crl-16592	253	184	.077	.077	NUM
crl-16592	253	185	.028	.028	NUM
crl-16592	253	186	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	187	33	33	NUM
crl-16592	253	188	5.15	5.15	NUM
crl-16592	253	189	1.439	1.439	NUM
crl-16592	253	190	.250	.250	NUM
crl-16592	253	191	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	253	192	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	193	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	253	194	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	195	.45	.45	NUM
crl-16592	253	196	2.035	2.035	NUM
crl-16592	253	197	.110	.110	NUM
crl-16592	253	198	.475	.475	NUM
crl-16592	253	199	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	200	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	253	201	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	202	.69	.69	NUM
crl-16592	253	203	2.067	2.067	NUM
crl-16592	253	204	.331	.331	NUM
crl-16592	253	205	reftoit	reftoit	VERB
crl-16592	253	206	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	253	207	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	208	301	301	NUM
crl-16592	253	209	5.85	5.85	NUM
crl-16592	253	210	1.172	1.172	NUM
crl-16592	253	211	.068	.068	NUM
crl-16592	253	212	.930	.930	NUM
crl-16592	253	213	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	214	38	38	NUM
crl-16592	253	215	5.87	5.87	NUM
crl-16592	253	216	1.319	1.319	NUM
crl-16592	253	217	.214	.214	NUM
crl-16592	253	218	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	253	219	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	220	274	274	NUM
crl-16592	253	221	5.26	5.26	NUM
crl-16592	253	222	1.475	1.475	NUM
crl-16592	253	223	.089	.089	NUM
crl-16592	253	224	.091	.091	NUM
crl-16592	253	225	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	253	226	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	253	227	5.69	5.69	NUM
crl-16592	253	228	1.327	1.327	NUM
crl-16592	253	229	.221	.221	NUM
crl-16592	253	230	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	253	231	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	253	232	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	253	233	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	253	234	.94	.94	NUM
crl-16592	253	235	2.099	2.099	NUM
crl-16592	253	236	.113	.113	NUM
crl-16592	253	237	.176	.176	NUM
crl-16592	254	1	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	254	2	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	254	3	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	254	4	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	254	5	379	379	NUM
crl-16592	254	6	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	254	7	d	d	PROPN
crl-16592	254	8	descriptive	descriptive	ADJ
crl-16592	254	9	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	254	10	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-16592	254	11	e	e	PROPN
crl-16592	254	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	254	13	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	254	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	254	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	254	16	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	254	17	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	254	18	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	254	19	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	254	20	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	254	21	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	254	22	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	254	23	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	254	24	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	254	25	all	all	DET
crl-16592	254	26	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	254	27	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	254	28	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	254	29	participant	participant	PROPN
crl-16592	254	30	type	type	NOUN
crl-16592	254	31	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	254	32	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	255	1	std	std	PROPN
crl-16592	255	2	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	255	3	deviation	deviation	NOUN
crl-16592	255	4	std	std	NOUN
crl-16592	255	5	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	256	1	error	error	NOUN
crl-16592	256	2	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	256	3	sig	sig	PROPN
crl-16592	256	4	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	257	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	257	2	2	2	X
crl-16592	257	3	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	257	4	tailed	tail	VERB
crl-16592	257	5	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	257	6	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	7	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	257	8	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	257	9	.46	.46	NUM
crl-16592	257	10	1.790	1.790	NUM
crl-16592	257	11	.287	.287	NUM
crl-16592	257	12	communication	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	257	13	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	257	14	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	15	336	336	NUM
crl-16592	257	16	5.93	5.93	NUM
crl-16592	257	17	1.093	1.093	NUM
crl-16592	257	18	.060	.060	NUM
crl-16592	257	19	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	20	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	21	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	22	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	23	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	24	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	25	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	26	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	27	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	28	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	29	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	30	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	31	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	32	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	33	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	34	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	35	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	257	36	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	37	330	330	NUM
crl-16592	257	38	5.69	5.69	NUM
crl-16592	257	39	1.193	1.193	NUM
crl-16592	257	40	.06	.06	NUM
crl-16592	257	41	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	42	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	43	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	44	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	45	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	46	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	47	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	48	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	49	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	50	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	51	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	52	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	53	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	54	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	55	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	56	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	57	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	257	58	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	59	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	257	60	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	257	61	.33	.33	NUM
crl-16592	257	62	1.315	1.315	NUM
crl-16592	257	63	.071	.071	NUM
crl-16592	257	64	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	65	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	66	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	67	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	68	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	69	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	70	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	71	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	72	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	73	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	74	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	75	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	76	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	77	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	78	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	79	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	80	swonlibres	swonlibre	NOUN
crl-16592	257	81	e	e	X
crl-16592	257	82	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	83	321	321	NUM
crl-16592	257	84	5.84	5.84	NUM
crl-16592	257	85	1.192	1.192	NUM
crl-16592	257	86	.067	.067	NUM
crl-16592	257	87	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	88	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	89	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	90	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	91	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	92	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	93	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	94	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	95	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	96	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	97	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	98	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	99	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	100	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	101	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	102	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	103	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	257	104	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	105	308	308	NUM
crl-16592	257	106	5.54	5.54	NUM
crl-16592	257	107	1.332	1.332	NUM
crl-16592	257	108	.076	.076	NUM
crl-16592	257	109	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	110	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	111	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	112	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	113	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	114	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	115	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	116	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	117	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	118	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	119	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	120	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	121	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	122	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	123	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	124	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	125	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	257	126	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	127	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	257	128	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	257	129	.49	.49	NUM
crl-16592	257	130	1.598	1.598	NUM
crl-16592	257	131	.086	.086	NUM
crl-16592	257	132	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	133	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	134	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	135	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	136	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	137	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	138	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	139	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	140	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	141	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	142	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	143	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	144	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	145	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	146	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	147	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	148	swontechres	swontechre	NOUN
crl-16592	257	149	e	e	X
crl-16592	257	150	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	151	316	316	NUM
crl-16592	257	152	5.87	5.87	NUM
crl-16592	257	153	1.192	1.192	NUM
crl-16592	257	154	.067	.067	NUM
crl-16592	257	155	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	156	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	157	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	158	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	159	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	160	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	161	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	162	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	163	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	164	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	165	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	166	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	167	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	168	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	169	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	170	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	171	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	257	172	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	173	300	300	NUM
crl-16592	257	174	5.41	5.41	NUM
crl-16592	257	175	1.350	1.350	NUM
crl-16592	257	176	.078	.078	NUM
crl-16592	257	177	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	178	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	179	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	180	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	181	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	182	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	183	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	184	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	185	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	186	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	187	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	188	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	189	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	190	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	191	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	192	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	193	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	257	194	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	195	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	257	196	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	257	197	.67	.67	NUM
crl-16592	257	198	1.843	1.843	NUM
crl-16592	257	199	.100	.100	NUM
crl-16592	257	200	n	n	ADP
crl-16592	257	201	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	202	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	203	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	204	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	205	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	206	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	207	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	208	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	209	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	210	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	211	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	212	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	213	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	214	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	215	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	216	selfhelplib	selfhelplib	ADJ
crl-16592	257	217	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	257	218	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	219	302	302	NUM
crl-16592	257	220	5.78	5.78	NUM
crl-16592	257	221	1.178	1.178	NUM
crl-16592	257	222	.068	.068	NUM
crl-16592	257	223	n	n	CCONJ
crl-16592	257	224	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	225	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	226	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	227	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	228	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	229	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	230	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	231	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	232	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	233	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	234	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	235	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	236	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	237	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	238	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	239	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	257	240	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	241	283	283	NUM
crl-16592	257	242	5.41	5.41	NUM
crl-16592	257	243	1.350	1.350	NUM
crl-16592	257	244	.080	.080	NUM
crl-16592	257	245	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	246	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	247	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	248	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	249	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	250	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	251	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	252	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	253	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	254	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	255	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	256	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	257	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	258	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	259	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	260	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	261	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	257	262	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	263	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	257	264	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	257	265	.63	.63	NUM
crl-16592	257	266	1.840	1.840	NUM
crl-16592	257	267	.099	.099	NUM
crl-16592	257	268	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	269	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	270	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	271	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	272	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	273	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	274	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	275	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	276	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	277	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	278	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	279	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	280	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	281	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	282	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	283	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	284	selfhelptech	selfhelptech	NOUN
crl-16592	257	285	e	e	X
crl-16592	257	286	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	287	307	307	NUM
crl-16592	257	288	5.76	5.76	NUM
crl-16592	257	289	1.247	1.247	NUM
crl-16592	257	290	.071	.071	NUM
crl-16592	257	291	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	292	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	293	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	294	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	295	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	296	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	297	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	298	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	299	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	300	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	301	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	302	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	303	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	304	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	305	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	306	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	307	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	257	308	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	309	292	292	NUM
crl-16592	257	310	5.41	5.41	NUM
crl-16592	257	311	1.368	1.368	NUM
crl-16592	257	312	.080	.080	NUM
crl-16592	257	313	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	314	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	315	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	316	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	317	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	318	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	319	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	320	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	321	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	322	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	323	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	324	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	325	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	326	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	327	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	328	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	329	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	257	330	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	331	343	343	NUM
crl-16592	257	332	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	257	333	.55	.55	NUM
crl-16592	257	334	1.773	1.773	NUM
crl-16592	257	335	.096	.096	NUM
crl-16592	257	336	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	337	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	338	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	339	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	340	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	341	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	342	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	343	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	344	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	345	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	346	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	347	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	348	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	349	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	350	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	351	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	352	shlibtech	shlibtech	ADJ
crl-16592	257	353	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	257	354	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	257	355	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	356	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	357	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	358	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	359	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	360	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	361	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	362	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	363	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	364	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	257	365	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	366	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	257	367	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	257	368	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	257	369	a	a	DET
crl-16592	257	370	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	257	371	37	37	NUM
crl-16592	257	372	5.54	5.54	NUM
crl-16592	257	373	.900	.900	NUM
crl-16592	257	374	.148	.148	NUM
crl-16592	258	1	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	258	2	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	258	3	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	258	4	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	258	5	a	a	DET
crl-16592	258	6	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	258	7	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	258	8	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	258	9	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	258	10	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	258	11	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	258	12	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	258	13	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	258	14	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	258	15	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	258	16	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	258	17	a	a	DET
crl-16592	258	18	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	258	19	34	34	NUM
crl-16592	258	20	5.09	5.09	NUM
crl-16592	258	21	.900	.900	NUM
crl-16592	258	22	.148	.148	NUM
crl-16592	258	23	380	380	NUM
crl-16592	258	24	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	258	25	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	258	26	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	258	27	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	258	28	march	march	PROPN
crl-16592	258	29	2017	2017	NUM
crl-16592	258	30	appendix	appendix	PROPN
crl-16592	258	31	d	d	PROPN
crl-16592	258	32	descriptive	descriptive	ADJ
crl-16592	258	33	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crl-16592	258	34	comparing	compare	VERB
crl-16592	258	35	e	e	PROPN
crl-16592	258	36	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	258	37	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	258	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	258	39	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	258	40	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	258	41	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	258	42	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	258	43	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	258	44	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	258	45	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	258	46	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	258	47	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	258	48	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	258	49	all	all	DET
crl-16592	258	50	variables	variable	NOUN
crl-16592	258	51	variable	variable	ADJ
crl-16592	258	52	factor	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	258	53	participant	participant	PROPN
crl-16592	258	54	type	type	NOUN
crl-16592	258	55	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	258	56	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	259	1	std	std	PROPN
crl-16592	259	2	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	259	3	deviation	deviation	NOUN
crl-16592	259	4	std	std	NOUN
crl-16592	259	5	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	260	1	error	error	NOUN
crl-16592	260	2	mean	mean	VERB
crl-16592	260	3	sig	sig	PROPN
crl-16592	260	4	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	261	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	261	2	2	2	X
crl-16592	261	3	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	261	4	tailed	tail	VERB
crl-16592	261	5	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	261	6	g	g	PROPN
crl-16592	261	7	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	261	8	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	9	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	10	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	11	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	12	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	13	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	261	14	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	15	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	16	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	17	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	18	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	19	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	20	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	261	21	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	22	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	23	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	261	24	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	261	25	–	–	PUNCT
crl-16592	261	26	.82	.82	NUM
crl-16592	261	27	1.876	1.876	NUM
crl-16592	261	28	.300	.300	NUM
crl-16592	261	29	speedrefit	speedrefit	NOUN
crl-16592	261	30	e	e	NOUN
crl-16592	261	31	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	261	32	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	33	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	34	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	35	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	36	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	37	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	261	38	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	39	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	40	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	261	41	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	42	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	43	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	261	44	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	261	45	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	46	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	47	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	261	48	37	37	NUM
crl-16592	261	49	5.70	5.70	NUM
crl-16592	261	50	1.288	1.288	NUM
crl-16592	261	51	.212	.212	NUM
crl-16592	261	52	p	p	NOUN
crl-16592	261	53	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	261	54	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	55	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	56	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	57	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	58	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	59	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	261	60	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	61	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	62	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	261	63	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	64	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	65	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	261	66	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	261	67	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	68	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	69	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	261	70	35	35	NUM
crl-16592	261	71	4.77	4.77	NUM
crl-16592	261	72	1.477	1.477	NUM
crl-16592	261	73	.250	.250	NUM
crl-16592	261	74	g	g	NOUN
crl-16592	261	75	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	261	76	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	77	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	78	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	79	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	80	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	81	a	a	PRON
crl-16592	261	82	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	83	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	84	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	85	n	n	PROPN
crl-16592	261	86	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	87	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	88	n	n	NOUN
crl-16592	261	89	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	261	90	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	91	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	261	92	39	39	NUM
crl-16592	261	93	–	–	SYM
crl-16592	261	94	1.13	1.13	NUM
crl-16592	261	95	1.838	1.838	NUM
crl-16592	261	96	.294	.294	NUM
crl-16592	261	97	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	261	98	shaded	shaded	ADJ
crl-16592	261	99	cells	cell	NOUN
crl-16592	261	100	indicate	indicate	VERB
crl-16592	261	101	that	that	SCONJ
crl-16592	261	102	there	there	PRON
crl-16592	261	103	is	be	VERB
crl-16592	261	104	a	a	DET
crl-16592	261	105	statistically	statistically	ADV
crl-16592	261	106	significant	significant	ADJ
crl-16592	261	107	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	261	108	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	261	109	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	261	110	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	261	111	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	261	112	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	261	113	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	261	114	responses	response	NOUN
crl-16592	261	115	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	261	116	p<0.05	p<0.05	PROPN
crl-16592	261	117	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	261	118	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	262	1	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	262	2	*	*	PUNCT
crl-16592	262	3	difference	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	262	4	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	262	5	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	262	6	providers	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	262	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	262	8	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	262	9	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	262	10	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	262	11	approaching	approach	VERB
crl-16592	262	12	significance	significance	NOUN
crl-16592	262	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	1	notes	note	NOUN
crl-16592	263	2	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	263	3	.	.	X
crl-16592	263	4	candice	candice	PROPN
crl-16592	263	5	benjes	benjes	PROPN
crl-16592	263	6	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	7	small	small	ADJ
crl-16592	263	8	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	263	9	elizabeth	elizabeth	PROPN
crl-16592	263	10	kocevar	kocevar	NOUN
crl-16592	263	11	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	12	weidinger	weidinger	NOUN
crl-16592	263	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	14	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	15	secrets	secret	NOUN
crl-16592	263	16	to	to	ADP
crl-16592	263	17	successful	successful	ADJ
crl-16592	263	18	mystery	mystery	NOUN
crl-16592	263	19	shopping	shopping	NOUN
crl-16592	263	20	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	21	a	a	DET
crl-16592	263	22	case	case	NOUN
crl-16592	263	23	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	263	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	25	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	26	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	263	27	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	263	28	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	263	29	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	263	30	news	news	NOUN
crl-16592	263	31	72	72	NUM
crl-16592	263	32	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	33	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	263	34	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	263	35	5	5	NUM
crl-16592	263	36	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	37	may	may	AUX
crl-16592	263	38	2011	2011	NUM
crl-16592	263	39	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	263	40	274–87	274–87	NUM
crl-16592	263	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	264	1	2	2	X
crl-16592	264	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	264	3	lynda	lynda	PROPN
crl-16592	264	4	duke	duke	PROPN
crl-16592	264	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	264	6	andrew	andrew	PROPN
crl-16592	264	7	asher	asher	PROPN
crl-16592	264	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	264	9	college	college	NOUN
crl-16592	264	10	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	264	11	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	264	12	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	264	13	culture	culture	NOUN
crl-16592	264	14	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	264	15	what	what	PRON
crl-16592	264	16	we	we	PRON
crl-16592	264	17	now	now	ADV
crl-16592	264	18	know	know	VERB
crl-16592	264	19	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	264	20	chicago	chicago	PROPN
crl-16592	264	21	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	264	22	american	american	PROPN
crl-16592	264	23	library	library	PROPN
crl-16592	264	24	association	association	PROPN
crl-16592	264	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	264	26	2012	2012	NUM
crl-16592	264	27	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	264	28	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	1	3	3	X
crl-16592	265	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	265	3	robert	robert	PROPN
crl-16592	265	4	burns	burns	PROPN
crl-16592	265	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	6	jr	jr	PROPN
crl-16592	265	7	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	265	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	9	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	10	a	a	DET
crl-16592	265	11	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	265	12	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	265	13	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	265	14	attitudes	attitude	NOUN
crl-16592	265	15	toward	toward	ADP
crl-16592	265	16	selected	select	VERB
crl-16592	265	17	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	265	18	offered	offer	VERB
crl-16592	265	19	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	265	20	the	the	DET
crl-16592	265	21	colorado	colorado	PROPN
crl-16592	265	22	state	state	PROPN
crl-16592	265	23	university	university	NOUN
crl-16592	265	24	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	265	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	26	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	27	fort	fort	PROPN
crl-16592	265	28	collins	collin	VERB
crl-16592	265	29	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	265	30	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	31	colorado	colorado	PROPN
crl-16592	265	32	state	state	PROPN
crl-16592	265	33	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	265	34	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	35	1973	1973	NUM
crl-16592	265	36	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	37	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	38	wyma	wyma	PROPN
crl-16592	265	39	jane	jane	ADJ
crl-16592	265	40	hood	hood	NOUN
crl-16592	265	41	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	265	42	monte	monte	PROPN
crl-16592	265	43	james	james	PROPN
crl-16592	265	44	gittings	gitting	NOUN
crl-16592	265	45	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	46	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	47	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crl-16592	265	48	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	265	49	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	265	50	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	265	51	the	the	DET
crl-16592	265	52	general	general	ADJ
crl-16592	265	53	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	265	54	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	265	55	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	56	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	265	57	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	265	58	oregon	oregon	PROPN
crl-16592	265	59	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	265	60	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	61	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	62	oregon	oregon	PROPN
crl-16592	265	63	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	265	64	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	65	eugene	eugene	PROPN
crl-16592	265	66	school	school	NOUN
crl-16592	265	67	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	265	68	librarianship	librarianship	NOUN
crl-16592	265	69	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	70	1975	1975	NUM
crl-16592	265	71	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	265	72	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	1	4	4	X
crl-16592	266	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	266	3	carolyn	carolyn	PROPN
crl-16592	266	4	jardine	jardine	PROPN
crl-16592	266	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	6	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	7	maybe	maybe	ADV
crl-16592	266	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	266	9	55	55	NUM
crl-16592	266	10	%	%	NOUN
crl-16592	266	11	rule	rule	NOUN
crl-16592	266	12	does	do	AUX
crl-16592	266	13	n’t	not	PART
crl-16592	266	14	tell	tell	VERB
crl-16592	266	15	the	the	DET
crl-16592	266	16	whole	whole	ADJ
crl-16592	266	17	story	story	NOUN
crl-16592	266	18	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	19	a	a	DET
crl-16592	266	20	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	266	21	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	22	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	266	23	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	266	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	25	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	26	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	266	27	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	266	28	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	266	29	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	266	30	56	56	NUM
crl-16592	266	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	32	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	266	33	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	266	34	6	6	NUM
crl-16592	266	35	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	36	nov	nov	PROPN
crl-16592	266	37	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	266	38	1995	1995	NUM
crl-16592	266	39	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	266	40	477–86	477–86	NUM
crl-16592	266	41	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	1	5	5	X
crl-16592	267	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	267	3	julie	julie	PROPN
crl-16592	267	4	banks	banks	PROPN
crl-16592	267	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	267	6	carl	carl	PROPN
crl-16592	267	7	pracht	pracht	PROPN
crl-16592	267	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	9	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	10	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	267	11	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	267	12	staffing	staffing	NOUN
crl-16592	267	13	trends	trend	NOUN
crl-16592	267	14	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	15	a	a	DET
crl-16592	267	16	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	267	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	18	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	19	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	267	20	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	267	21	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	267	22	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	267	23	quarterly	quarterly	ADJ
crl-16592	267	24	48	48	NUM
crl-16592	267	25	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	26	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	267	27	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	267	28	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	267	29	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	30	2008	2008	NUM
crl-16592	267	31	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	32	54–59	54–59	NUM
crl-16592	267	33	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	34	laura	laura	PROPN
crl-16592	267	35	boyer	boyer	PROPN
crl-16592	267	36	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	267	37	william	william	PROPN
crl-16592	267	38	theimer	theimer	PROPN
crl-16592	267	39	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	40	jr	jr	PROPN
crl-16592	267	41	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	267	42	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	43	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	44	the	the	DET
crl-16592	267	45	use	use	NOUN
crl-16592	267	46	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	267	47	training	training	NOUN
crl-16592	267	48	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	267	49	nonprofessional	nonprofessional	ADJ
crl-16592	267	50	personnel	personnel	NOUN
crl-16592	267	51	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	267	52	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	267	53	desks	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	267	54	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	267	55	selected	select	VERB
crl-16592	267	56	college	college	NOUN
crl-16592	267	57	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	267	58	university	university	NOUN
crl-16592	267	59	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	267	60	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	61	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	62	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	267	63	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	267	64	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	267	65	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	267	66	36	36	NUM
crl-16592	267	67	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	267	68	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	267	69	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	268	1	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	269	1	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	2	may	may	AUX
crl-16592	269	3	1975	1975	NUM
crl-16592	269	4	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	5	193–200	193–200	NUM
crl-16592	269	6	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	7	andrea	andrea	PROPN
crl-16592	269	8	stanfield	stanfield	PROPN
crl-16592	269	9	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	269	10	russell	russell	PROPN
crl-16592	269	11	palmer	palmer	NOUN
crl-16592	269	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	13	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	14	peer	peer	NOUN
crl-16592	269	15	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	16	ing	ing	NOUN
crl-16592	269	17	into	into	ADP
crl-16592	269	18	the	the	DET
crl-16592	269	19	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	269	20	commons	common	NOUN
crl-16592	269	21	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	22	making	make	VERB
crl-16592	269	23	the	the	DET
crl-16592	269	24	most	most	ADJ
crl-16592	269	25	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	269	26	student	student	NOUN
crl-16592	269	27	assistants	assistant	NOUN
crl-16592	269	28	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	269	29	new	new	ADJ
crl-16592	269	30	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	269	31	spaces	space	NOUN
crl-16592	269	32	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	33	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	34	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	269	35	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	269	36	review	review	VERB
crl-16592	269	37	38	38	NUM
crl-16592	269	38	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	39	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	269	40	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	269	41	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	269	42	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	43	2011	2011	NUM
crl-16592	269	44	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	45	634–46	634–46	NUM
crl-16592	269	46	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	47	beth	beth	PROPN
crl-16592	269	48	woodard	woodard	PROPN
crl-16592	269	49	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	50	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	51	the	the	DET
crl-16592	269	52	effectiveness	effectiveness	NOUN
crl-16592	269	53	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	269	54	an	an	DET
crl-16592	269	55	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	269	56	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	269	57	staffed	staff	VERB
crl-16592	269	58	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	269	59	graduate	graduate	ADJ
crl-16592	269	60	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	269	61	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	269	62	nonprofessionals	nonprofessional	NOUN
crl-16592	269	63	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	64	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	65	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	269	66	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	269	67	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	269	68	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	269	69	50	50	NUM
crl-16592	269	70	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	71	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	269	72	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	269	73	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	269	74	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	75	july	july	PROPN
crl-16592	269	76	1989	1989	NUM
crl-16592	269	77	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	269	78	455–67	455–67	NUM
crl-16592	269	79	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	270	1	6	6	X
crl-16592	270	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	270	3	rachel	rachel	PROPN
crl-16592	270	4	applegate	applegate	VERB
crl-16592	270	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	270	6	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	270	7	whose	whose	DET
crl-16592	270	8	decline	decline	NOUN
crl-16592	270	9	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	270	10	which	which	DET
crl-16592	270	11	academic	academic	ADJ
crl-16592	270	12	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	270	13	are	be	AUX
crl-16592	270	14	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	270	15	deserted	desert	VERB
crl-16592	270	16	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	270	17	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	270	18	terms	term	NOUN
crl-16592	270	19	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	270	20	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	270	21	transactions	transaction	NOUN
crl-16592	270	22	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	270	23	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	271	1	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	271	2	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	271	3	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	271	4	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	271	5	quarterly	quarterly	ADJ
crl-16592	271	6	48	48	NUM
crl-16592	271	7	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	271	8	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	271	9	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	271	10	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	271	11	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	271	12	2008	2008	NUM
crl-16592	271	13	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	271	14	176–89	176–89	NUM
crl-16592	271	15	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	1	7	7	X
crl-16592	272	2	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	272	3	donald	donald	PROPN
crl-16592	272	4	beagle	beagle	PROPN
crl-16592	272	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	6	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	7	the	the	DET
crl-16592	272	8	emergent	emergent	ADJ
crl-16592	272	9	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	272	10	commons	common	NOUN
crl-16592	272	11	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	12	philosophy	philosophy	NOUN
crl-16592	272	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	14	models	model	NOUN
crl-16592	272	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	272	16	21st	21st	ADJ
crl-16592	272	17	century	century	NOUN
crl-16592	272	18	learning	learning	NOUN
crl-16592	272	19	paradigms	paradigms	NOUN
crl-16592	272	20	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	21	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	22	journal	journal	PROPN
crl-16592	272	23	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	272	24	library	library	PROPN
crl-16592	272	25	administration	administration	PROPN
crl-16592	272	26	52	52	NUM
crl-16592	272	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	28	no	no	INTJ
crl-16592	272	29	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	272	30	6	6	NUM
crl-16592	272	31	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	32	2012	2012	NUM
crl-16592	272	33	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	34	518–37	518–37	PROPN
crl-16592	272	35	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	36	stacey	stacey	PROPN
crl-16592	272	37	kimmel	kimmel	PROPN
crl-16592	272	38	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	39	smith	smith	PROPN
crl-16592	272	40	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	41	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	42	ten	ten	NUM
crl-16592	272	43	years	year	NOUN
crl-16592	272	44	after	after	ADP
crl-16592	272	45	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	46	the	the	DET
crl-16592	272	47	integrated	integrate	VERB
crl-16592	272	48	computing	computing	NOUN
crl-16592	272	49	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	272	50	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	272	51	help	help	VERB
crl-16592	272	52	desk	desk	NOUN
crl-16592	272	53	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	272	54	lehigh	lehigh	PROPN
crl-16592	272	55	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	272	56	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	57	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	58	internet	internet	NOUN
crl-16592	272	59	reference	reference	NOUN
crl-16592	272	60	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	272	61	quarterly	quarterly	ADJ
crl-16592	272	62	11	11	NUM
crl-16592	272	63	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	64	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	272	65	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	272	66	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	272	67	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	68	2006	2006	NUM
crl-16592	272	69	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	272	70	35–55	35–55	NUM
crl-16592	272	71	.	.	NUM
crl-16592	272	72	8	8	X
crl-16592	272	73	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	273	1	PROPN
crl-16592	273	2	9	9	NUM
crl-16592	273	3	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	273	4	PROPN
crl-16592	273	5	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	274	1	10	10	NUM
crl-16592	274	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	275	1	ian	ian	PROPN
crl-16592	275	2	hall	hall	PROPN
crl-16592	275	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	275	4	jessica	jessica	PROPN
crl-16592	275	5	stephens	stephen	NOUN
crl-16592	275	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	275	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	275	8	sarah	sarah	PROPN
crl-16592	275	9	kennedy	kennedy	PROPN
crl-16592	275	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	275	11	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	275	12	can	can	AUX
crl-16592	275	13	you	you	PRON
crl-16592	275	14	measure	measure	VERB
crl-16592	275	15	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	275	16	?	?	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	1	the	the	DET
crl-16592	276	2	uk	uk	PROPN
crl-16592	276	3	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	276	4	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	276	5	techqual+	techqual+	NUM
crl-16592	276	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	7	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	8	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	276	9	measurement	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	276	10	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	276	11	metrics	metric	NOUN
crl-16592	276	12	15	15	NUM
crl-16592	276	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	14	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	276	15	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	276	16	1/2	1/2	NUM
crl-16592	276	17	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	18	2014	2014	NUM
crl-16592	276	19	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	20	32–40	32–40	NUM
crl-16592	276	21	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	22	gail	gail	NOUN
crl-16592	276	23	salaway	salaway	NOUN
crl-16592	276	24	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	25	judith	judith	PROPN
crl-16592	276	26	borreson	borreson	PROPN
crl-16592	276	27	caruso	caruso	PROPN
crl-16592	276	28	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	29	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	276	30	mark	mark	PROPN
crl-16592	276	31	nelson	nelson	PROPN
crl-16592	276	32	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	33	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	34	the	the	DET
crl-16592	276	35	ecar	ecar	ADJ
crl-16592	276	36	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	276	37	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	276	38	undergraduate	undergraduate	ADJ
crl-16592	276	39	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	276	40	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	276	41	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	276	42	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	276	43	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	44	2007	2007	NUM
crl-16592	276	45	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	46	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	47	educause	educause	NOUN
crl-16592	276	48	center	center	NOUN
crl-16592	276	49	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	276	50	applied	applied	ADJ
crl-16592	276	51	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	276	52	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	53	2007	2007	NUM
crl-16592	276	54	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	55	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	276	56	available	available	ADJ
crl-16592	276	57	online	online	ADV
crl-16592	276	58	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	276	59	https://net	https://net	NOUN
crl-16592	276	60	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	277	1	NOUN
crl-16592	278	1	[	[	X
crl-16592	278	2	accessed	access	VERB
crl-16592	278	3	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	278	4	february	february	NOUN
crl-16592	278	5	2016	2016	NUM
crl-16592	278	6	]	]	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	7	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	8	gail	gail	NOUN
crl-16592	278	9	salaway	salaway	NOUN
crl-16592	278	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	11	judith	judith	PROPN
crl-16592	278	12	borreson	borreson	PROPN
crl-16592	278	13	caruso	caruso	PROPN
crl-16592	278	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	278	16	mark	mark	PROPN
crl-16592	278	17	nelson	nelson	PROPN
crl-16592	278	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	19	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	20	the	the	DET
crl-16592	278	21	ecar	ecar	ADJ
crl-16592	278	22	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	278	23	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	278	24	undergraduate	undergraduate	ADJ
crl-16592	278	25	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	278	26	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	278	27	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	278	28	technology	technology	NOUN
crl-16592	278	29	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	30	2008	2008	NUM
crl-16592	278	31	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	32	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	33	educause	educause	NOUN
crl-16592	278	34	center	center	NOUN
crl-16592	278	35	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	278	36	applied	applied	ADJ
crl-16592	278	37	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	278	38	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	39	2008	2008	NUM
crl-16592	278	40	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	41	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	42	available	available	ADJ
crl-16592	278	43	online	online	ADV
crl-16592	278	44	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	278	45	PROPN
crl-16592	278	46	[	[	X
crl-16592	278	47	accessed	access	VERB
crl-16592	278	48	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	278	49	february	february	NOUN
crl-16592	278	50	2016	2016	NUM
crl-16592	278	51	]	]	PUNCT
crl-16592	278	52	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	279	1	11	11	NUM
crl-16592	279	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	279	3	william	william	PROPN
crl-16592	279	4	doll	doll	PROPN
crl-16592	279	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	279	6	xiaodong	xiaodong	PROPN
crl-16592	279	7	deng	deng	PROPN
crl-16592	279	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	279	9	t.s	t.s	PROPN
crl-16592	279	10	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	279	11	raghunathan	raghunathan	PROPN
crl-16592	279	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	279	13	gholamreza	gholamreza	PROPN
crl-16592	279	14	torkzadeh	torkzadeh	ADV
crl-16592	279	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	279	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	279	17	weidong	weidong	PROPN
crl-16592	279	18	X
crl-16592	279	19	X
crl-16592	280	1	NOUN
crl-16592	280	2	NOUN
crl-16592	280	3	NOUN
crl-16592	280	4	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	280	5	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	280	6	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	7	in)congruence	in)congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	280	8	381	381	NUM
crl-16592	280	9	xia	xia	NOUN
crl-16592	280	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	11	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	12	the	the	DET
crl-16592	280	13	meaning	meaning	NOUN
crl-16592	280	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	280	15	measurement	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	280	16	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	280	17	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	280	18	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	280	19	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	20	a	a	DET
crl-16592	280	21	multigroup	multigroup	NOUN
crl-16592	280	22	invariance	invariance	NOUN
crl-16592	280	23	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-16592	280	24	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	280	25	the	the	DET
crl-16592	280	26	end	end	NOUN
crl-16592	280	27	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	28	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	280	29	computing	compute	VERB
crl-16592	280	30	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	280	31	instrument	instrument	NOUN
crl-16592	280	32	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	33	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	34	journal	journal	PROPN
crl-16592	280	35	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	280	36	management	management	NOUN
crl-16592	280	37	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	280	38	systems	system	NOUN
crl-16592	280	39	21	21	NUM
crl-16592	280	40	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	41	no	no	INTJ
crl-16592	280	42	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	280	43	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	280	44	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	45	summer	summer	NOUN
crl-16592	280	46	2004	2004	NUM
crl-16592	280	47	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	48	227–62	227–62	PROPN
crl-16592	280	49	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	50	james	james	PROPN
crl-16592	280	51	mckeen	mckeen	PROPN
crl-16592	280	52	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	53	tor	tor	NOUN
crl-16592	280	54	guimaraes	guimarae	NOUN
crl-16592	280	55	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	56	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	280	57	james	james	PROPN
crl-16592	280	58	wetherbe	wetherbe	PROPN
crl-16592	280	59	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	60	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	61	the	the	DET
crl-16592	280	62	relationship	relationship	NOUN
crl-16592	280	63	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	280	64	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	280	65	participation	participation	NOUN
crl-16592	280	66	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	280	67	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	280	68	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	280	69	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	70	an	an	DET
crl-16592	280	71	investigation	investigation	NOUN
crl-16592	280	72	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	280	73	four	four	NUM
crl-16592	280	74	contingency	contingency	NOUN
crl-16592	280	75	factors	factor	NOUN
crl-16592	280	76	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	77	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	78	mis	mis	PROPN
crl-16592	280	79	quarterly	quarterly	PROPN
crl-16592	280	80	18	18	NUM
crl-16592	280	81	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	82	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	280	83	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	280	84	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	280	85	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	86	dec	dec	PROPN
crl-16592	280	87	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	280	88	1994	1994	NUM
crl-16592	280	89	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	280	90	427–51	427–51	NUM
crl-16592	280	91	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	281	1	12	12	NUM
crl-16592	281	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	1	timothy	timothy	PROPN
crl-16592	282	2	chester	chester	PROPN
crl-16592	282	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	4	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	5	history	history	NOUN
crl-16592	282	6	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	7	designed	design	VERB
crl-16592	282	8	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	282	9	practitioners	practitioner	NOUN
crl-16592	282	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	11	informed	inform	VERB
crl-16592	282	12	by	by	ADP
crl-16592	282	13	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	282	14	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	15	built	build	VERB
crl-16592	282	16	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	282	17	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	282	18	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	282	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	20	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	21	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	282	22	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	282	23	techqual+	techqual+	X
crl-16592	282	24	project	project	NOUN
crl-16592	282	25	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	26	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	282	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	28	planning	planning	NOUN
crl-16592	282	29	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	30	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	282	31	continuous	continuous	ADJ
crl-16592	282	32	improvement	improvement	NOUN
crl-16592	282	33	tools	tool	NOUN
crl-16592	282	34	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	282	35	it	it	PRON
crl-16592	282	36	organizations	organization	NOUN
crl-16592	282	37	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	282	38	higher	high	ADJ
crl-16592	282	39	education	education	NOUN
crl-16592	282	40	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	282	41	available	available	ADJ
crl-16592	282	42	online	online	ADV
crl-16592	282	43	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	282	44	https://www.techqual	https://www.techqual	PROPN
crl-16592	282	45	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	283	1	org	org	PROPN
crl-16592	283	2	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	283	3	docs	doc	NOUN
crl-16592	283	4	/	/	SYM
crl-16592	283	5	about.aspx	about.aspx	NUM
crl-16592	284	1	[	[	X
crl-16592	284	2	accessed	access	VERB
crl-16592	284	3	31	31	NUM
crl-16592	284	4	august	august	PROPN
crl-16592	284	5	2015	2015	NUM
crl-16592	284	6	]	]	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	7	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	8	bruce	bruce	PROPN
crl-16592	284	9	thompson	thompson	PROPN
crl-16592	284	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	11	colleen	colleen	PROPN
crl-16592	284	12	cook	cook	NOUN
crl-16592	284	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	14	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	284	15	fred	fred	ADJ
crl-16592	284	16	heath	heath	NOUN
crl-16592	284	17	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	18	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	19	the	the	DET
crl-16592	284	20	libqual+	libqual+	PROPN
crl-16592	284	21	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	284	22	measurement	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	284	23	model	model	NOUN
crl-16592	284	24	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	25	the	the	DET
crl-16592	284	26	bad	bad	ADJ
crl-16592	284	27	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	28	the	the	DET
crl-16592	284	29	ugly	ugly	ADJ
crl-16592	284	30	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	31	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	284	32	the	the	DET
crl-16592	284	33	good	good	NOUN
crl-16592	284	34	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	284	35	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	284	36	measurement	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	284	37	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	38	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	39	performance	performance	NOUN
crl-16592	284	40	measurement	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	284	41	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	284	42	metrics	metric	NOUN
crl-16592	284	43	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	284	44	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	45	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	284	46	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	284	47	3	3	NUM
crl-16592	284	48	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	49	2000	2000	NUM
crl-16592	284	50	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	284	51	165–78	165–78	NOUN
crl-16592	284	52	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	285	1	13	13	NUM
crl-16592	285	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	1	james	james	PROPN
crl-16592	286	2	jiang	jiang	PROPN
crl-16592	286	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	4	gary	gary	PROPN
crl-16592	286	5	klein	klein	PROPN
crl-16592	286	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	7	debbie	debbie	PROPN
crl-16592	286	8	tesch	tesch	PROPN
crl-16592	286	9	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	10	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	286	11	hong	hong	PROPN
crl-16592	286	12	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	13	gee	gee	PROPN
crl-16592	286	14	chen	chen	PROPN
crl-16592	286	15	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	16	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	17	closing	close	VERB
crl-16592	286	18	the	the	DET
crl-16592	286	19	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	286	20	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	286	21	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	286	22	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	286	23	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	286	24	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	286	25	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	26	a	a	DET
crl-16592	286	27	method	method	NOUN
crl-16592	286	28	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	286	29	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	286	30	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	286	31	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	286	32	that	that	PRON
crl-16592	286	33	includes	include	VERB
crl-16592	286	34	both	both	CCONJ
crl-16592	286	35	the	the	DET
crl-16592	286	36	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	286	37	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	286	38	is	be	AUX
crl-16592	286	39	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	286	40	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	286	41	perspectives	perspective	NOUN
crl-16592	286	42	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	43	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	44	communications	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	286	45	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	286	46	the	the	DET
crl-16592	286	47	acm	acm	NOUN
crl-16592	286	48	46	46	NUM
crl-16592	286	49	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	50	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	286	51	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	286	52	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	286	53	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	54	feb	feb	PROPN
crl-16592	286	55	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	286	56	2003	2003	NUM
crl-16592	286	57	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	286	58	72–76	72–76	NUM
crl-16592	286	59	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	286	60	14	14	NUM
crl-16592	286	61	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	287	1	jiang	jiang	PROPN
crl-16592	287	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	287	3	klein	klein	PROPN
crl-16592	287	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	287	5	tesch	tesch	PROPN
crl-16592	287	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	287	7	chen	chen	PROPN
crl-16592	287	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	287	9	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	287	10	closing	close	VERB
crl-16592	287	11	the	the	DET
crl-16592	287	12	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	287	13	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	287	14	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	287	15	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	287	16	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	287	17	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	287	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	287	19	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	287	20	73	73	NUM
crl-16592	287	21	.	.	NUM
crl-16592	287	22	15	15	NUM
crl-16592	287	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	288	1	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	288	2	general	general	ADJ
crl-16592	288	3	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	288	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	288	5	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	288	6	libqual+	libqual+	X
crl-16592	288	7	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	288	8	charting	chart	VERB
crl-16592	288	9	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	288	10	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	288	11	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	288	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	288	13	available	available	ADJ
crl-16592	288	14	online	online	ADV
crl-16592	288	15	at	at	ADP
crl-16592	288	16	NOUN
crl-16592	288	17	[	[	AUX
crl-16592	288	18	accessed	access	VERB
crl-16592	288	19	31	31	NUM
crl-16592	288	20	august	august	PROPN
crl-16592	288	21	2015	2015	NUM
crl-16592	288	22	]	]	PUNCT
crl-16592	288	23	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	289	1	16	16	NUM
crl-16592	289	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	1	colleen	colleen	PROPN
crl-16592	290	2	cook	cook	PROPN
crl-16592	290	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	4	fred	fred	PROPN
crl-16592	290	5	heath	heath	NOUN
crl-16592	290	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	290	8	bruce	bruce	PROPN
crl-16592	290	9	thompson	thompson	PROPN
crl-16592	290	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	11	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	12	score	score	NOUN
crl-16592	290	13	norms	norm	NOUN
crl-16592	290	14	for	for	ADP
crl-16592	290	15	improving	improve	VERB
crl-16592	290	16	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	290	17	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	290	18	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	290	19	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	20	a	a	DET
crl-16592	290	21	libqual+	libqual+	PROPN
crl-16592	290	22	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	290	23	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	24	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	25	portal	portal	ADJ
crl-16592	290	26	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	27	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	290	28	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	290	29	the	the	DET
crl-16592	290	30	academy	academy	NOUN
crl-16592	290	31	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	290	32	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	33	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	290	34	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	290	35	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	290	36	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	37	jan	jan	PROPN
crl-16592	290	38	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	290	39	2002	2002	NUM
crl-16592	290	40	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	41	13–26	13–26	NUM
crl-16592	290	42	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	43	fred	fred	PROPN
crl-16592	290	44	heath	heath	NOUN
crl-16592	290	45	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	46	colleen	colleen	PROPN
crl-16592	290	47	cook	cook	PROPN
crl-16592	290	48	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	49	martha	martha	PROPN
crl-16592	290	50	kyrillidou	kyrillidou	PROPN
crl-16592	290	51	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	52	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	290	53	bruce	bruce	PROPN
crl-16592	290	54	thompson	thompson	PROPN
crl-16592	290	55	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	56	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	57	arl	arl	PROPN
crl-16592	290	58	index	index	NOUN
crl-16592	290	59	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	290	60	other	other	ADJ
crl-16592	290	61	validity	validity	NOUN
crl-16592	290	62	correlates	correlate	VERB
crl-16592	290	63	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	290	64	libqual+	libqual+	NOUN
crl-16592	290	65	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	290	66	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	67	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	68	portal	portal	ADJ
crl-16592	290	69	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	70	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	290	71	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	290	72	the	the	DET
crl-16592	290	73	academy	academy	NOUN
crl-16592	290	74	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	290	75	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	76	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	290	77	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	290	78	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	290	79	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	80	jan	jan	PROPN
crl-16592	290	81	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	290	82	2002	2002	NUM
crl-16592	290	83	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	84	27–42	27–42	NUM
crl-16592	290	85	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	86	bruce	bruce	PROPN
crl-16592	290	87	thompson	thompson	PROPN
crl-16592	290	88	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	89	colleen	colleen	PROPN
crl-16592	290	90	cook	cook	NOUN
crl-16592	290	91	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	92	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	290	93	russel	russel	NOUN
crl-16592	290	94	thompson	thompson	PROPN
crl-16592	290	95	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	96	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	97	reliability	reliability	NOUN
crl-16592	290	98	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	290	99	structure	structure	NOUN
crl-16592	290	100	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	290	101	libqual+	libqual+	PROPN
crl-16592	290	102	scores	score	NOUN
crl-16592	290	103	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	104	measuring	measure	VERB
crl-16592	290	105	perceived	perceive	VERB
crl-16592	290	106	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	290	107	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	290	108	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	290	109	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	110	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	111	portal	portal	ADJ
crl-16592	290	112	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	113	libraries	library	NOUN
crl-16592	290	114	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	290	115	the	the	DET
crl-16592	290	116	academy	academy	NOUN
crl-16592	290	117	2	2	NUM
crl-16592	290	118	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	119	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	290	120	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	290	121	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	290	122	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	290	123	jan	jan	PROPN
crl-16592	290	124	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	290	125	2002	2002	NUM
crl-16592	290	126	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	291	1	3–12	3–12	PROPN
crl-16592	291	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	292	1	17	17	NUM
crl-16592	292	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	1	jeffrey	jeffrey	PROPN
crl-16592	293	2	edwards	edwards	PROPN
crl-16592	293	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	4	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	5	the	the	DET
crl-16592	293	6	study	study	NOUN
crl-16592	293	7	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	293	8	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	293	9	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	293	10	organizational	organizational	ADJ
crl-16592	293	11	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-16592	293	12	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	293	13	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	14	critique	critique	NOUN
crl-16592	293	15	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	293	16	a	a	DET
crl-16592	293	17	proposed	propose	VERB
crl-16592	293	18	alternative	alternative	NOUN
crl-16592	293	19	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	20	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	21	organizational	organizational	ADJ
crl-16592	293	22	behavior	behavior	NOUN
crl-16592	293	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	293	24	human	human	ADJ
crl-16592	293	25	decision	decision	NOUN
crl-16592	293	26	processes	process	VERB
crl-16592	293	27	58	58	NUM
crl-16592	293	28	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	29	1994	1994	NUM
crl-16592	293	30	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	31	51–100	51–100	NUM
crl-16592	293	32	.	.	NUM
crl-16592	293	33	18	18	NUM
crl-16592	293	34	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	293	35	irene	irene	PROPN
crl-16592	293	36	chew	chew	PROPN
crl-16592	293	37	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	293	38	albert	albert	PROPN
crl-16592	293	39	teo	teo	PROPN
crl-16592	293	40	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	41	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	42	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	293	43	differences	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	293	44	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	293	45	recruiters	recruiter	NOUN
crl-16592	293	46	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	293	47	students	student	NOUN
crl-16592	293	48	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	293	49	the	the	DET
crl-16592	293	50	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-16592	293	51	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	293	52	applicant	applicant	ADJ
crl-16592	293	53	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	293	54	job	job	NOUN
crl-16592	293	55	characteristics	characteristic	NOUN
crl-16592	293	56	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	57	a	a	DET
crl-16592	293	58	research	research	NOUN
crl-16592	293	59	note	note	NOUN
crl-16592	293	60	based	base	VERB
crl-16592	293	61	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	293	62	evidence	evidence	NOUN
crl-16592	293	63	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	293	64	singapore	singapore	PROPN
crl-16592	293	65	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	66	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	67	international	international	ADJ
crl-16592	293	68	journal	journal	NOUN
crl-16592	293	69	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	293	70	human	human	ADJ
crl-16592	293	71	resource	resource	NOUN
crl-16592	293	72	management	management	NOUN
crl-16592	293	73	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	293	74	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	75	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	293	76	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	293	77	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	293	78	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	79	feb	feb	PROPN
crl-16592	293	80	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	293	81	1993	1993	NUM
crl-16592	293	82	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	83	231–40	231–40	NUM
crl-16592	293	84	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	85	mel	mel	PROPN
crl-16592	293	86	schnake	schnake	PROPN
crl-16592	293	87	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	88	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	89	effects	effect	NOUN
crl-16592	293	90	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	293	91	differences	difference	NOUN
crl-16592	293	92	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	293	93	superior	superior	ADJ
crl-16592	293	94	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	293	95	subordinate	subordinate	ADJ
crl-16592	293	96	perceptions	perception	NOUN
crl-16592	293	97	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	293	98	superiors	superior	NOUN
crl-16592	293	99	’	’	PART
crl-16592	293	100	communication	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	293	101	practices	practice	NOUN
crl-16592	293	102	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	103	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	104	journal	journal	NOUN
crl-16592	293	105	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	293	106	business	business	NOUN
crl-16592	293	107	communication	communication	NOUN
crl-16592	293	108	27	27	NUM
crl-16592	293	109	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	110	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	293	111	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	293	112	1	1	NUM
crl-16592	293	113	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	114	winter	winter	NOUN
crl-16592	293	115	1990	1990	NUM
crl-16592	293	116	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	293	117	37–50	37–50	NUM
crl-16592	293	118	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	1	19	19	NUM
crl-16592	294	2	.	.	X
crl-16592	294	3	alexander	alexander	PROPN
crl-16592	294	4	benlian	benlian	PROPN
crl-16592	294	5	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	6	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	7	effect	effect	NOUN
crl-16592	294	8	mechanisms	mechanism	NOUN
crl-16592	294	9	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	294	10	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	294	11	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	294	12	between	between	ADP
crl-16592	294	13	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	294	14	systems	system	NOUN
crl-16592	294	15	professionals	professional	NOUN
crl-16592	294	16	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	294	17	users	user	NOUN
crl-16592	294	18	on	on	ADP
crl-16592	294	19	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	294	20	with	with	ADP
crl-16592	294	21	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	294	22	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	23	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	24	journal	journal	PROPN
crl-16592	294	25	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	294	26	management	management	NOUN
crl-16592	294	27	information	information	NOUN
crl-16592	294	28	systems	system	NOUN
crl-16592	294	29	29	29	NUM
crl-16592	294	30	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	31	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	294	32	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	294	33	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	294	34	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	35	spring	spring	NOUN
crl-16592	294	36	2013	2013	NUM
crl-16592	294	37	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	38	63–96	63–96	NUM
crl-16592	294	39	;	;	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	40	jiang	jiang	PROPN
crl-16592	294	41	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	42	klein	klein	PROPN
crl-16592	294	43	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	44	tesch	tesch	PROPN
crl-16592	294	45	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	46	chen	chen	PROPN
crl-16592	294	47	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	48	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	49	closing	close	VERB
crl-16592	294	50	the	the	DET
crl-16592	294	51	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	294	52	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	294	53	provider	provider	NOUN
crl-16592	294	54	service	service	NOUN
crl-16592	294	55	quality	quality	NOUN
crl-16592	294	56	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	294	57	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	294	58	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	295	1	20	20	NUM
crl-16592	295	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	295	3	benlian	benlian	PROPN
crl-16592	295	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	295	5	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	295	6	effect	effect	NOUN
crl-16592	295	7	mechanisms	mechanism	NOUN
crl-16592	295	8	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	295	9	perceptual	perceptual	ADJ
crl-16592	295	10	congruence	congruence	NOUN
crl-16592	295	11	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	295	12	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	295	13	66	66	NUM
crl-16592	295	14	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	296	1	21	21	NUM
crl-16592	296	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	297	1	thompson	thompson	NOUN
crl-16592	297	2	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	297	3	cook	cook	PROPN
crl-16592	297	4	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	297	5	heath	heath	PROPN
crl-16592	297	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	297	7	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	297	8	the	the	DET
crl-16592	297	9	libqual+	libqual+	PROPN
crl-16592	297	10	gap	gap	NOUN
crl-16592	297	11	measurement	measurement	NOUN
crl-16592	297	12	model	model	NOUN
crl-16592	297	13	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	297	14	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	298	1	22	22	NUM
crl-16592	298	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	299	1	colleen	colleen	PROPN
crl-16592	299	2	cook	cook	PROPN
crl-16592	299	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	299	4	fred	fred	PROPN
crl-16592	299	5	heath	heath	NOUN
crl-16592	299	6	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	299	7	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	299	8	bruce	bruce	PROPN
crl-16592	299	9	thompson	thompson	PROPN
crl-16592	299	10	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	299	11	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	299	12	libqual+	libqual+	PRON
crl-16592	299	13	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	299	14	spring	spring	NOUN
crl-16592	299	15	2004	2004	NUM
crl-16592	299	16	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	299	17	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	299	18	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crl-16592	299	19	wesleyan	wesleyan	PROPN
crl-16592	299	20	university	university	PROPN
crl-16592	299	21	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	299	22	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	1	23	23	NUM
crl-16592	300	2	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	3	brian	brian	PROPN
crl-16592	300	4	detlor	detlor	PROPN
crl-16592	300	5	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	300	6	kathryn	kathryn	PROPN
crl-16592	300	7	ball	ball	PROPN
crl-16592	300	8	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	9	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	10	getting	get	VERB
crl-16592	300	11	more	more	ADJ
crl-16592	300	12	value	value	NOUN
crl-16592	300	13	from	from	ADP
crl-16592	300	14	the	the	DET
crl-16592	300	15	libqual+	libqual+	PROPN
crl-16592	300	16	survey	survey	NOUN
crl-16592	300	17	:	:	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	18	the	the	DET
crl-16592	300	19	merits	merit	NOUN
crl-16592	300	20	of	of	ADP
crl-16592	300	21	qualitative	qualitative	ADJ
crl-16592	300	22	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crl-16592	300	23	and	and	CCONJ
crl-16592	300	24	importance	importance	NOUN
crl-16592	300	25	-	-	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	26	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
crl-16592	300	27	matrices	matrix	NOUN
crl-16592	300	28	in	in	ADP
crl-16592	300	29	assessing	assess	VERB
crl-16592	300	30	library	library	NOUN
crl-16592	300	31	patron	patron	NOUN
crl-16592	300	32	comments	comment	NOUN
crl-16592	300	33	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	34	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	35	college	college	PROPN
crl-16592	300	36	&	&	CCONJ
crl-16592	300	37	research	research	PROPN
crl-16592	300	38	libraries	librarie	VERB
crl-16592	300	39	76	76	NUM
crl-16592	300	40	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	41	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	300	42	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	300	43	6	6	NUM
crl-16592	300	44	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	45	sept	sept	PROPN
crl-16592	300	46	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	300	47	2015	2015	NUM
crl-16592	300	48	):	):	PUNCT
crl-16592	300	49	796–810	796–810	NUM
crl-16592	300	50	.	.	PROPN
crl-16592	300	51	24	24	NUM
crl-16592	300	52	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	301	1	crystal	crystal	PROPN
crl-16592	301	2	boyce	boyce	PROPN
crl-16592	301	3	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	301	4	“	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	301	5	secret	secret	ADJ
crl-16592	301	6	shopping	shopping	NOUN
crl-16592	301	7	as	as	ADP
crl-16592	301	8	user	user	NOUN
crl-16592	301	9	experience	experience	NOUN
crl-16592	301	10	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crl-16592	301	11	tool	tool	NOUN
crl-16592	301	12	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	301	13	”	"	PUNCT
crl-16592	301	14	public	public	ADJ
crl-16592	301	15	services	service	NOUN
crl-16592	301	16	quarterly	quarterly	ADJ
crl-16592	301	17	11	11	NUM
crl-16592	301	18	,	,	PUNCT
crl-16592	301	19	no	no	NOUN
crl-16592	301	20	.	.	NOUN
crl-16592	301	21	4	4	NUM
crl-16592	301	22	(	(	PUNCT
crl-16592	301	23	autumn	autumn	NOUN
crl-16592	301	24	2015	2015	NUM
crl-16592	301	25	)	)	PUNCT
crl-16592	301	26	.	.	PUNCT
crl-16592	302	1	NOUN
crl-16592	302	2	VERB
crl-16592	302	3	NOUN