College and Research Libraries By CAROLYN F. ULRICH New- Periodicals of 1943-Part I Miss Ulrich is ChiefJ Periodicals DivisionJ New York Public Library A MONG the new periodicals which have .L""\.. appeared during the first half of 1943 a continued interest in the field of technical and economic production is ap- parent, primarily in those which keep their readers informed on all sorts of matters dealing with the many phases of the war activity. The technique of record- ing processes of production by short, well-written descriptive articles accom- panied by very carefully reproduced photographic illustrations, descriptive drawings of cross sections of mechanical parts, maps, graphs, and charts is an impelling development of the new house organs issued by various industries. From the Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corpo- ration comes Plane TalkJ a house organ of wide general appeal giving firsthand reports of battle experiences in the air forces, also accounts of new repair meth- ods, new production methods, and new types of planes with striking illustrations. Another house organ of specific inte-rest to students of aviation is PegasusJ pub- lished by the Fairchild Engine and Air- plane Corporation, which offers excellent photographic reproductions of new types of airplanes as well as the technical con- struction and equipment. The articles are of general interest. Turning to an- other great channel of war effort, that of chemical research, which has contributed so vitally to the present war in drugs, synthetics, and substitutes, the Rohm and Haas Reporter contributes well-illustrated descriptive articles on the technical de- velopment of processes and research studies on synthetic organic products, and these articles from this important house organ are abstracted in Chemical A b- stracts. A welcome addition to the growing list of periodicals on plastics and of timely interest to engineers, chemists, and other industrial specialists is Plastic and Resin Industry devoted, as the title suggests, to the production and commercial appli- cation of plastics and resins. The illus- trations, diagrams, charts, and record of latest patents add to its usefulness. Closely related to the requirements of various industrial jobs and their successful func- tioning is the Quarterly of Applied Mathe- maticsJ published under the sponsorship of Brown University; "it prints original papers in applied mathematics which have an intimate connecti~n with application in industry or practical science." The treatment is of a high scientific standard and there are many illustrative graphs, tables, and charts. Initial in the' field of camouflage and, as the preface states, "to meet a demand for an authoritative publication devoted exclusively to camou- flage-past, present, and future," is the Camouflage DigestJ prepared primarily by active members of the American Camouflage Corps and former members now connected with the armed forces of the U.S.A. It contains information about the theoretical developments of the art 318 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES and current methods of application with illustrations and some diagrams. The text is reproduced from typewritten copy, and each issue consists of about six pages. With the increasing study in postwar problems and planning, wome~ in war and industry, industrial management, job evaluation, and our cultural and com- mercial contact with Latin America there is a more pronounced interest in economic, political, and social conditions both here and abroad. A learned publication, giving the results of research on contemporary economics, with the emphasis on postwar planning, is the bulletin of the Institute of World Economics named World Eco- nomzcs. The .articles are written by ex- perts in the various fields. The object of the institute is "to study the problems arising out of changes in the economic relations between nations, to examine the place of the United States in the emerg- ing world economy, to bring together organizations and individuals concerned with regional and special problems . . . and to serve as a center of world eco- nomic research." Postwar Readjustments Bulletin published by the United States Cham her of Commerce is a series of small pamphlets; each one takes up a particular problem in postwar planning with occa- sional brief bibliographies of new books on planning. Very simply written, it is similar to the Public Affairs Pamphlets and might perhaps be used in connection with a freshman economics course. In an allied field of interest the American Arbitration Association publishes Arbitra- tion in Action which contains articles on government, postwar planning, inter- American news, labor-management rela- tions, trade, and commerce. It also gives a review of recent court decisions in labor and commercial cases and lists new pub- SEPTEMBER, 1943 lications on the subject of arbitration. From London comes an important publi- cation, the Trade Union World, which aims "to present the affiliated organiza- tions and trade unions all over the world with firsthand information regarding international trade activities and all prob- lems interesting world labour." There are articles about general problems stating the viewpoint of the organization, signed articles giving the ideas of individual trade unionists, and news from various countries about internal conditions. It is also a valuable source of information on the international labor movement, labor's plans for the future, and labor problems from labor's point of view. The section called "Press Review" contains excerpts from the press in free and occupied coun- tries and information about the under- ground press, all of which is particularly interesting because such information is not readily obtainable. The Peruvian-American Digest is issued by the Peruvian-American Association of New York. Although it consists of only one large page reproduced from type- written copy with text on both sides of the page, it is of value chiefly for its com- mercial and financial section which gives brief, up-to-date .information, often sta- tistics, on economic conditions in Peru and also miscellaneous and international news. A current discussion of public welfare problems in Washington with notes about the activities of various public welfare council groups is presented in Public W el- fare, successor to Public Welfare News and published by the American Public Welfare Association. The Family- Community Digest, published at Vassar College by the National Council of Parent Education and cooperating organizations, 319 gives not only digests but also brief origi- nal articles. It states that '' . . . it will concern itself with human personality and direct face-to-face human relations, with family and community life. It will deal with the war and with world problems as they relate to these personality and family relationships." Many magazines and broadsides from devastated countries have been published in England, South America, and this country, keeping the public well-informed of their political and intellectual ideals and the social and e~onomic conditions abroad. The Norseman, an independent literary and political review, is published in London by an editorial board "com- posed of Norwegians temporarily residing in Great Britain." Contributors are chosen from renowned writers or states- men, and the articles are of literary inter- est with discussions of various aspects of postwar planning and Norway's role in past, present, and future world politics. Review-43, a quarterly review of litera- ture, art, and science, also published in London, "aims to show the Czech contri- butions of European culture," while the Lithuanian Bulletin, text primarily in English with some articles in Polish, contains information on current events in Lithuania and neighboring countries from both the neutral and German- controlled press. It is published in New York. The Jewish Review, a semiannual devoted to the study and interpretation of Jewish life and thought, published by the Jewish Teachers' Seminary and Peo- ple's University, states "it will foster the Jewish social research and contribute to a scientifically valid approach to the history and contemporary problems of Jewish life such as reconstruction of E uro- pean Jewry, upbuilding of Palestine, guiding the postwar migration .... " The text is in English and Yiddish, and signed book reviews are included. Renaissance, published by L'Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes at the New School of Social Sciences and edited by the combined efforts of the exiled pro- fessors, is a new literary and political quarterly review. L'Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes has been formed by a group of scholars from France, Belgium, and other French-speaking countries now resident in America and resolute in their allegiance to freedom, independence of research, respect for human personality, and the guarantee of spiritual liberty. This publication and M edievalia et H u- manistica, an American journal for the Middle Ages and Renaissance which con- tains learned articles, the results of re- search on medieval and Renaissance literature including detailed manuscript studies, history, and political science, are desirable additions to scholarly studies. Many of the contributors to the latter are well-known scholars and the editorial board consists of professors from Yale, Cincinnati, Cornell, Duke, Johns Hop- kins, Chicago, and Colorado. Research students as well as collectors of coins, medals, and paper money will receive with interest the new Numismatic Review. "Two classes of articles in par- ticular will be presented. First, purely scientific discussions. . . Second, articles of a popular nature ... and in some sense it is hoped to revive some of the virtues of the old American 1 ournal of Numismatics." The format is pleasing, paper good, and full-page photographic illustrations follow each article. Although published by the firm of Stack, dealers in coins, it is stated in the foreword that the publication is not a house organ and 320 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES that it has no commercial interest in its contents. The Colby Library Quarterly, pub- lished by Colby College Library, gives articles of literary interest as well as extensive notes on the library's exhibitions and collections. Small and attractive, outstanding among college library publi- cations, it compares favorably with the Princeton University Library Chronicle and Yale University Library Gazette. It i3 an excellent example for other library publications to follow. In the field of medical science there are three periodicals to observe. The official journal of the American Gastro- enterological Association, Gastroenterol- ogy, comprises " ... clinical and in- vestigative contributions of interest to general practitioners as well as to spe- cialists, which deal with the diseases of digestion and nutrition, including physio- logical, biochemical, pathological, para- sitological, radiological, and surgical aspects." It offers good book reviews and illustrations and a section on abstracts of current literature. Experimental M edi- cine and Surgery, devoted to experimental investigations of clinical problems, con- siders original papers. The charts, bibliographies, book reviews, and ill us- trations give added significance to its issues. The 1 ournal of Oral Surgery, published by the American Dental Asso- ciation, includes articles by specialists and contains information of new developments in the field of oral surgery. It gives book notices and reviews. All three journals are indexed in the Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus. From the inter-American standpoint there is noticeable increase in periodical literature with the introduction of em- phasis on economic and cultural relation- SEPTEMBER, 1943 ship. Estadistica, the official publication of the Inter-American Statistical Institute, published in Mexico, is a journal of especial note, for not only is it of great value in the social and economic aspects of continental interest but it is the first of its kind on the Americas to be pub- lished. It will be of importance to large industries, banking and commercial insti- tutions. The articles are very specialized and scholarly in nature. The text of the articles is given in English, French, Span- ish, or Portuguese, with summaries usually in some one of these not used for the article itself. Increasing the value of the publication are excellent statistical tables in each issue. Also from Mexico are Estudios historicas, a scholarly publication concerned almost entirely with Mexican history; Revista de ciencias sociales, organo de la facultad de derecho y ciencias sociales, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, which is devoted to legal problems and social science; and S.E.J.,· Revista de estudios juridico-penales. The last of these has for its purpose the study of criminal law and of the possibilities of improving existing penal codes and in- vestigating the causes of crime. Interesting as evidence of the growing cultural cooperation between this country and the various nations of South America is Revista do lnstituto Brasil Estados U nidos. This journal offers a wide in- clusion by authorities in the fields of eco- nomics, political science, education, his- tory, literature, and art. Revista de la Universidad del Canca, from Colombia, contains learned articles in the fields of the humanities, legal science, economics, and natural science. In general the arti- cles refer to Colombia and there is a section which reproduces pages from rare or interesting books in the university's 321 library. There are also illustrative maps, diagrams, illustrations, and plates. Revista de Ia Sociedad Malacologica "Carlos de Ia Torre/~ published by the University of Havana, consists of scholarly articles devoted to the study of mollusks. Descriptive charts, diagrams, tables, plates, and illustrations are a useful feature. Found in Feria del libro~ also from Cuba, are notes about new periodicals, forth- coming books, events of interest to pub- lishers, librarians, and authors, articles of literary criticism, and numerous book reviews. The publishers' advertisements form a good source of information re- garding new books being published m Cuba. In format and in many respects m contents Feria del libro is similar to the former French publication Toute !'edition. Periodicals Arbitration in Action. American Arbitration Asso- ciation, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, v. r, no. r January I943· Monthly. $r. Camouflage Digest. American Camouflage Corps, 120 W. 45th St., New York City, v. I, no. I, March ( ?) I913· Monthly. Six issues for soc. Colby Library {Juarterly. Colby College Library, Waterville, Me., series r, no. r, January I943· Quarterly. $2. Estadistica,· Journal of the Inter-American Statistical Institute. Apartado postal 213, Mexico, D.F., v. r, no. r, March I943· Quarterly. $2. Estudios historicos ,· RevJSta semestral. Apartado 732, Guadalajara, Mexico,~, v. r, no. I, January I943· Semiannual. In .Mexico, $2.50 Mex. Experimental Medicine and Surgery; A Quarterly Devoted to Experimental InvestigatJons of Clinical Problems. Brooklyn Medical Press, Inc.~ SII E. New York Ave., Brooklyn, v. r, no. r, .l:'ebruary 1943. Quarterly. $6. Family-Community Digest. Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, N.Y., v. r, no. I, February 1943. Bi- monthly. $I. Feria del libro; Gaceta litera ria y artistic a edit ada Por Felix Lizaso. Apartado postal 2228, La Ha- bana, Cuba, v. r, no. r, February I943· Monthly. IOC per COPY. Gastroenterology; Official Journal of the American Gastroenterological Association. Williams & Wil- kins, Mt. Royal and Guilford Avenues, Baltimore, v. r, no. r, January 1943. Monthly. $6. Jewish Review; Devoted to the Study and InterPre- tation of Jewish Life and Thought. Jewish Teach- ers' Seminary and l>eople's University, 154 E. 7oth St., New York City, v. r, no. r, May 1943. Semi- annual. $2.50. · Journal of Oral Surgery. American Dental Asso- ciation, 222 E. Superior St., Chicago, v. r, no. r, January 1943. Quarterly. $5. Lithuanian Bulletin. Lithuanian N a tiona! Council, 73 W. ro4th St., New York City, v. r, no. r, Apr. rs, 1943. Bimonthly. No price given. Medievalia et Humanisticak· An American Journal for the Middle Ages and enaissance. 3939 Broad- way, Boulder, Colo., no. r, January I943· Ir- regular. $ per no. The Norseman,· An Independent Literary and Po- litical Review. Norway House, Cock spur St., S.W.r, London, v. r, no. r, January I943· Bi· monthly. ISS. Numismatic Review; A Scientific Digest Pertaining to Coins, Medals, and Paper Money. 12 W. 46th St., New York City, v. r, no. r, June 1943. $4. Pegasus. Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corp., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York Cit_Y. v. r, no. r, January I94~· Monthly. No pnce given. Peruvian-Amencan Digest. Peruvian-American As· sociation, inc., I r r Fulton St., New York City. First issue, Jan. 2, 1943. Semimonthly. No price given. Plane Talk. Hill and Knowlton, 330 Fifth Ave., New York City, v. I, no. I, April I943· Bi- monthly. Free to college and research libraries. Plastics and Resins Industry; Devoted Exclusively to the Production of Plastic Products. General Business Publications, 41..5 Lexington Ave., New York City, v. r, no. r, january I943· Monthly. $J. Postwar Readjustments Bulletin. Committee on Economic Polic_x~ Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington, D.C., no. r, February I943· Monthly. No price given. Public Welfare,· Journal of the American Public Welfare Association. IJIJ E. 6oth St., Chicago, v. r, no. r, January_ 1943. Monthly. $5. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis., v. r, no. I, April I943· Quarterly. $6. Renaissance,· Revue trimestrielle publiee Par l' Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes. 2I W. 12th St., New York City, v. I, no. r, January-March 1943. Quar- terly. $4. Review ·4~; A Quarterly Review of Literature, Art, and Setence. 9I Langford Court, Abbey Road, London, N.W.8, v. r, no. I, Spring 1943. Quar· ter!y. IOS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Michoa· cana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Madero (Po- niente) No. 4I4, Morelia, Mich., Mexico, v. r, no. I, October-December I943· Quarterly. $5. Revista de Ia Sociedad M alacologica "Carlos de Ia Torre." Museo Poey, Universidad de Ia Habana, La Habana, Cuba, v. r, no. r, May 1943. Fre- quency and price not given. Revista de Ia Universidad del Cauca. Universidad del Cauca, Popayan, Colombia, no. r, January- February 1943. Bimonthly. No price given. Revista do Instituto Brasil Estados Unidos. Insti- tuto Brasil-Estados Unidos, Rua Mexico, 90-7 An- dar, Rio de Janeiro, Brastl, v. r, no. r, January 1943. Frequency and price not given. Rohm & Haas RePorter. The Rohm & Haas Com- pany and Its Associate Companies, Washington Square, Philadelphia, v. r, no. r, 1943· Fre- quency and price not given. S.E.J.,· Revista de estudios jurfdico-penales. Socie- dad de Estudios Juridico-Penales, Av. Madero 69, Desp. 4II, Mexico, D.F., v. r, no. I, February 1943. Quarterly. No price is given. Available for exchange wtth similar publications. Trade Union World. Transport House, London, S.W. r, no. r, January 1943· Monthly. 8s. World Economics. Bulletin of the Institute of World Economics, 3000 39th St. N.W., Wash- ington, D.C., v. I, no. I, January I943· Irregular. $r a copy. 322 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES