College and Research Libraries By D O R O T H Y K E L L Y C H A T W I N Canadian Agricultural Documents, Federal and Provincial From her vantage point in the reference department at the library of the Univer- sity of British Columbia, Mrs. Chatwin sends this illuminating description of certain Canadian government publications. AG R I C U L T U R A L D O C U M E N T S of C a n -• ada, lacking guides of all kinds, are an uncharted sea for librarians. It is im- possible to speak as an authority on the subject. W i t h few printed sources to con- sult, information has had to be built up from three sources: 1. Letters written to the directors or ministers of the various experimental sta- tions and provincial departments of agricul- ture asking for information regarding specialized fields of research, means of dis- tribution, and indexes or checklists available 2. Study of annual reports and other pub- lications available in the University of Brit- ish Columbia library 3. Six years' work building up a docu- ment collection, with particular attention to agriculture . Necessarily many details are lacking, par- ticularly for the provincial documents. Since its origin in 1852 the Dominion Department of Agriculture has built up a well-organized department, the hub of which is in O t t a w a . Here initial research is done, some of which is later carried to its conclusion at the various experiment stations throughout Canada, where find- ings can be tested under conditions similar to those experienced by the farmer. T h e accompanying map shows the location of these stations across Canada. Also sit- uated in O t t a w a is the main library of the department, which houses a reference collection of the agricultural publications of all countries, including probably the most complete file on Canadian agriculture in existence. Miss A . L . Shaw, librarian, is most helpful in solving difficulties. Research in the Department of Agri- culture is carried on by four services— science, experimental farms, production, and marketing—each with its own allotted field of research. T a b l e I shows the gen- eral organization. T h e work of the four services falls into the following groups: Science Service—"Solution of practical problems of agriculture through the applica- tion of scientific investigations. It deals with problems relating to the ravages of in- sect pests and diseases affecting plants and animals, the deterioration of plant and ani- mal products through invasion of fungi and bacteria, the nutritional requirements of ani- mals and plants, and the chemistry and micro- biology of soils and dairy products." Work in the laboratories is coordinated with re- search of the National Research Council of Canada and with that of universities and agricultural colleges. Experimental Farms Service—"Equipped to conduct experiment and research work it\ connection with practical farm problems in all parts of the Dominion and to demon- strate findings to those in a position to put them into practice." Production Service—"Gives national leadership in organizing agricultural produc- 62 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES A G R I C U L T U R A L E X P E R I M E N T S T A T I O N S OF C A N A D A T a k e n f r o m Fifty Years of Progress on Dominion Experimental Farms 1886-1936, opposite p. 7. tion. Coordinates work of Dominion and provincial field staffs." Marketing Service—"Responsible for all activities of the department relating to the efficient marketing of agricultural products under standard grades."1 Designed to give the lead to planned and profitable produc- tion. M o s t of the experimental stations carry on general work in field and animal hus- bandry, forage crops, poultry, and horti- culture. Certain specialties have devel- oped however: Beaverlodge, Alta. Agronomy, northern horticulture, meteorological records, swine husbandry. Brandon, Man. Breeding of barley, poul- try, swine, and dual purpose Shorthorn cat- tle. Cap Rouge, Que. 1911-33, breeding of French-Canadian horses and cattle; 1933-, 1 T h e above quotations are f r o m C a n a d a . De- partment of A g r i c u l t u r e . Directory of Organiza- tion and Activities of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, p. 7, 13, 19, 25. horticultural and poultry problems. Charlottetown, P.E.I. Development of suitable varieties of cereals for the mari- times, poultry, forage crops, fox farming. Fredericton, N . B . Cattle, swine, fertili- zer studies, potatoes. Harrow, Ont. Tobacco, hybrid corn breeding, soybean breeding, poultry breeding. Indian Head, Sask. Breeding of Clydes- dale horses, Shorthorn cattle, Yorkshire pigs, Barred Rock poultry. Kapuskasing, Ont. Soil drainage, field, vegetable, and orchard crops. Kentville, N.S. Horticulture—selecting and growing fruit varieties, handling and marketing the products. Lacombe, Alta. Swine, poultry, cereal, and forage crops. L'Assomption, Que. Tobacco (up to 1940) ; since 1940, horticultural crops, field crops (corn, soybean). Lennoxville, Que. Cattle, swine, sheep. Pasture improvement, orchard problems. Lethbridge, Alta. Irrigation and prob- lems of irrigation (the only station on the prairies practising irrigation on a large DECEMBER, 1943 8 7 scale), animal breeding, and genetic re- search. Manyberries, Alta. Range research, deal- ing with forage and animal husbandry phases. Morden, Man. Horticulture, field corn investigations, including plant breeding. Nappan, N.S. Fertilizer formulae, drain- age, and cultural methods on dyke lands. Also to a lesser degree, breeding and feed- ing of livestock of all kinds. Scott, Sask. Special work on snow utili- zation in prairie agriculture, methods of establishing grasses and clovers under semi- arid conditions on prairie plains, control of soil drifting, dual purpose Shorthorns. Summerland, B.C. Horticulture (largely fruits), dairy cattle. Sutherland Forest Nursery Station, Sask. Research in windbreak trees and fruits (new- ly established). Swift Current, Sask. Drought and re- habilitation problems. Windemere, B.C. Experimental breed- ing and feeding work—cattle, sheep, and swine. T h e most important series currently is- sued by the Dominion Department of Agriculture are: Canada. Department of Agriculture. Annual Report (Experimental farms and sta- tions) Bulletin (n.s.), 1-181, 1922-35. Circular (n.s.), I- 1922- Farm News—Press Clip Sheet Farmers' Bulletin, 1 - 1935- Household Bulletin, I - 1935- Pamphlet, no. 1-168, 1928-35. Progress Reports Report of the Minister, 1852-53- Report of the Proceedings of the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act, 1935-36— Reports of the branches and divisions Technical Bulletin, 1 - 1935- Wartime Production Series, I- Canada. Department of Agriculture. Entomological Branch. Annual Report of the Forest Insect Survey, 1938- Canadian Insect Pest Review, I- April 1923- Each station published an annual report up to 1930. Superseded by the Prog- ress Report. Series discontinued. Popular, shorter than the Farmers' Bul- letins. Formerly Press Copy. Complete studies of agriculture and re- lated subjects, vary in length from four or five to one hundred pages. Nontechnical. Popular. Subjects of interest to the housewife—canning, baking, menus, buying. Series discontinued. Since 1930 the reports of the various experimental farms and stations are issued at irregular intervals of from three to five years and called Prog- ress Reports. Annual. An administrative report, with a survey of work done or proposed during the year. Published as separates as well as in the Report of the Minister. Technical as indicated by title. Reports 1 and 2 not published. Monthly. 64 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Canada. Department of Agriculture. Livestock Branch. Canadian Record of Per- Annual. formance for Pure Bred Dairy Cattle, I- 1908- Canada. Department of Agriculture. Marketing Service. Annual Market Review, 1- 1919- Cold Storage News Letter Monthly. Dairy News Letter, 1- 1919- Monthly. Dairy Produce Market Report Weekly. Economic Annalist, 1- Jan. 1 9 3 1 - Monthly. Egg and Poultry Market Report Weekly. Fruit and Vegetable Weekly Crop and Mar- ket Report Weekly. Livestock Market Review, 1- 1920- Weekly. In 1935 the policy of giving an over- all publication number to each document issued was adopted by the Department of Agriculture. T h e bulletin and pamphlet series were discontinued and the publica- tions divided into four s u b s e r i e s — F a r m e r s ' Bulletins, Household Bulletins, Technical Bulletins, and Circulars—with a subseries number as well as the general publication number. T h e Reports of the Minister and the Wartime Production Series are not included in those given a publication number. A l l publications of the department are distributed by the Publicity and Extension Division, Department of Agriculture, O t - tawa. Besides the publications of the Depart- ment of A g r i c u l t u r e itself, much valuable statistical material is issued by the A g r i - cultural Branch of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. U n f o r t u n a t e l y much of the value of this agricultural material is lost because it is unindexed or because librarians have no w a y of knowing that it exists. A d e - quate checklists and subject indexes would be a boon to cataloger, reference librarian, and agricultural research worker alike. U n t i l we have them, use of these publi- cations means w a d i n g through hundreds of documents for information, something which f e w research workers and librarians have the time to do. Listed below are the checklists and in- dexes available: Checklists Canada. Department of Agriculture. List of Publications. (Issued annually, formerly as one of the pamphlet series, now as a separate. Arranged by series but giv- ing the publication number and not the series number, which makes it very awkward to use and quite useless for checking any par- ticular series when cataloged as a series and not under the general inclusive publication number. N o t cumulative.) Canada. Department of Agriculture. Outline of Series Issued, 1887-1939. Issued by the Main Library, Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa, 1939. Mimeographed. (Reports, periodicals, separates, and some series are not included.) Canada. Department of Public Printing and Stationery. Annual Report (Reports up to 1939-40 contained a list of annual departmental reports and miscellaneous pub- lications, arranged by title, with no cross references. Since 1939-40 this has been omitted.) Canada. Department of Public Printing and Stationery. Catalogue of Official Pub- lications of the Parliament and Government DECEMBER, 1943 8 7 T A B L E I of Canada. (Issued annually up to 1938-39, which was the last Catalogue published. A new edition to be issued this fall. Con- tains titles and selling prices of official pub- lications sold by the King's Printer, which makes it very incomplete as a checklist. Ar- ranged by striking word in the title. Nu- merous cross references.) Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Canada Year Book. Ottawa, King's Prin- ter. (Includes a section listing publications of the Dominion departments. Annual re- ports of the various stations are listed, also reports of the branches; other publications of the Department of Agriculture are omit- ted.) Gregory, Winifred, ed. List of the Serial Publications of Foreign Governments, 1815- 1931. New York, H. W . Wilson, 1932. (Very out of date but contains the only list of provincial publications in existence, other than the Weston list2 for British Columbia and the Library of Congress entries.) Higgins, Marion V. Canadian Govern- ment Publications. Chicago, American Li- brary Association, 1935. (Now hopelessly out of date but still essential for work on Canadian government publications. Since its publication major changes in depart- mental organization have taken place. Lists Dominion government publications only.) Ontario Library Review. Public Librar- ies Branch, Ontario Department of Edu- cation, Toronto. (Quarterly. Lists Cana- dian, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec government publications. Very in- complete. The section on British Columbia is a reproduction of the provincial library list of British Columbia documents.) and Regulations, 1-20. (Pamphlet, no. 122, n.s.) Compiled by the staff of the Main Library. Ottawa, 1930. (An author, sub- ject, and title index for the series indicated. Very brief entry form but useful for the period and series covered.) Canada. Department of Agriculture. General Index to Reports and Bulletins of the Experimental Farms of the Dominion of Canada, 1887-1901. Ottawa, King's Printer, 1902. 194P. (A subject index with good indication of the contents of each publication. Excellent for the period covered.) Canada. Department of Agriculture. Index to Entomological Publications of the Department of Agriculture, 1884-1936, by A. C. E. Petch. Ottawa, 1938. 4 i o p . Is- sued in three parts. Mimeographed. (The only index of recent date available. Has elaborately planned cross references. Ar- ranged alphabetically under scientific names of insects. Contains 4800 names and 15,000 references. Preceding the index proper are abbreviations used for publications reviewed, a list of publications consulted, a bibliogra- phy of authors, and a list of authorities with abbreviations. Unfortunately references listed under any particular insect give no indication of the length or title of the articles. A number of inaccuracies in refer- ences have been noted in using the index. Despite these weaknesses, it is a useful tool and a decided advance in the right direction.) Public Affairs Information Service. In- dexes the Economic Annalist and the Quar- terly Review of Agricultural Statistics (formerly Monthly Review of Agricultural Statistics). Indexes Agricultural Index. Indexes all the pub- lications series since 1938. Annual Reports are not indexed. Canada. Department of Agriculture. Index to Publications of the Federal De- partment of Agriculture of Canada as Fol- lows: Bulletins, I-IOO n.s.; Pamphlets, I- IOO n.s.; Circulars, 1-70 n.s.; Acts, Orders, 2 Publications of the Government of British Co- lumbia, 1871-1937, a Checklist, by S y d n e y M . W e s - ton. K i n g ' s P r i n t e r , V i c t o r i a , B . C . , 1939. ' Provincial Agricultural Documents T h e policies of the p r o v i n c i a l a g r i c u l - t u r e d e p a r t m e n t s v a r y c o n s i d e r a b l y . Some, such as O n t a r i o , Q u e b e c , B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a , and A l b e r t a , d o considerable research and issue n u m e r o u s p u b l i c a t i o n s . O t h e r s , p a r t i c u l a r l y the m a r i t i m e s , p r e f e r to l e a v e the field of research to the D o - m i n i o n g o v e r n m e n t and to c o n c e n t r a t e on ..practical a d v i c e to the f a r m e r . DECEMBER, 1943 8 7 T A B L E I I Provincial Agricultural Publications FIELD ( s ) OF SPECIALIZED RESEARCH MAIN SERIES PUBLISHED (CURRENT) COMMENTS ON PUBLICATIONS DISTRIBUTED BY PUBLICATIONS LISTS AVAILABLE Alberta General, emphasis on weed and insect pests, swine, poul- try, the home. A l t a . Department of Agriculture. Annual report igos-o6-(earlier reports under Northwest Territories) Bulletin Circular Joint series (University of Alberta and provin- cial Department of Agriculture) Leaflet P l a n s (unnumbered) Separates A l t a . University. College of Agriculture. Bulletin (technical) Circular (popular) Extension circular Extension leaflet Mimeographed publications (unnumbered) Series mainly num- bered. General, practical, largely nontech- nical. Fairly uniform in size. Agricultural Extension Service, Department of Agriculture, E d - monton. E xtension Department, University of Al- berta, Edmonton. Mimeographed list of publications of the Alberta Depart- ment of Agriculture circulars, leaflets, and bulletins all numbered consecutively in one series. N o dates or authors. Includes only those in print. Annual report, Publications and Statistics Branch, Agri- cultural Extension Service. L i s t s new publications each year from 1939 on. A l t a . University. Extension Department. List of Agri- cultural Publications Available for Distribution, i p . Lists bulletins, circulars, and leaflets in series, giving numbers, titles, and dates. A l t a . Department of Agriculture. Extension Service. List of Women's Bulletins and Leaflets. Mimeographed, i p . Lists bulletins and leaflets of interest to women. N o dates or authors. British Columbia Honey, dairy, poultry, fruit, livestock. B . C . Department of Agriculture. Agricultural department circular, no. x - 1 9 1 2 - Annual report, 1 8 9 1 - Bulletin, no. 1 - 1893- Climate of British Columbia. Report, 1927- Dairy branch. D a i r y circular, no. 1 - 1 9 2 1 - Field crop branch. Field crop circular, no. 1 - 1923- Field crop stencil circular, no. 1 - 1 9 3 1 - Horticulture branch. Horticultural circular series, no. 1— 1 9 1 2 - Livestock branch. Livestock circular, no. n - 1 9 3 1 - Poultry branch. Poultry circular series, no. 4 - 1925- Statistics branch. Agricultural statistics report, 1 5 - 1928- ( T h e Department of Agriculture and each of its branches publish numerous separates which are listed in the Weston list.) B . C . University. College of Agriculture. Bulletin, no. 1 - 1 9 2 1 - Numbered series, fairly uniform in size. Practical, technical, and nontechnical. Department of Agri- culture, Victoria. Publications of the Government of British Columbia, 1871- 1937, a Checklist, by Sydney M . Weston. K i n g ' s Printer, Victoria. 1939. $2. Serials and separates listed, giving author, title, date, paging, editions, etc., for each number in a series. Provincial library list of Recent Government Publications. Quarterly, cumulated annually. Supplements Weston list and keeps i t up to date. Typewritten. T h e quar- terly list is reproduced in the Canadian government documents section of the Ontario Library Review, the annual cumulation is not. Annual report of the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, includes a list of printed publications for the year. List of Publications of the Department of Agriculture. Separate, issued annually b y the B . C . Department of Agriculture. Printed. Lists only those publications in print. Arranged by subjects, in very abbreviated form. Manitoba General. M a n . Department of Agriculture & Immigration. Circular Crop bulletin Manitoba Farmers' Library. Extension bulletin. Separates (some technical) M a n . Soil Survey. Soils report, no. 1 - 1938- (technical) Publications Branch, Department of Agri- culture, Winnipeg, or J. L . Johnston, Esq., Librarian, Provincial Library, Winnipeg. List of Publications (Man."*Department of Agriculture.) i p . Mimeographed. Lists those in print only. T i t l e s arranged in subject groups. N o series, author, date, or paging indicated. Manitoba. University. List of Faculty Publications, 1924- 1937. Contains section on faculty of agriculture publi- cations. Arranged in chronological order of publica- tions for each author under the various departments. Very few government publications included. T A B L E I I — C o n t i n u e d Provincial Agricultural Publications F I E L D ( s ) OF SPECIALIZED R E S E A R C H MAIN SERIES P U B L I S H E D ( C U R R E N T ) COMMENTS ON P U B L I C A T I O N S D I S T R I B U T E D B Y P U B L I C A T I O N S LISTS A V A I L A B L E N e w Brunswick Does not enter field of agricultural re- search. Feels it is no use duplicating Do- minion research. N . B . Department of Agriculture. Annual report, 1859-60- Leaflet, no. 1 - (Poultry branch) Separates Popular, nontechni- cal. Department of Agricul- ture, Fredericton. List of Publications of the Department of Agriculture, i p . Mimeographed. Lists those in print only. N o particu- lar order. N o series, author, or date. Annual report of the Department of Agriculture occa- sionally mentions a publication or two. N o v a Scotia Soil surveys. N.S. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin, no. 1 - 1 9 1 3 - Leaflet, no. 1 - 1940— Report, 1886- Numerous separates. Extension division. Bulletin Horticulture division. Bulletin (Horticulture series), no. 1 - 1938- Practical, popular. Department of Agricul- ture, Halifax. List of Publications (typed) from Department of Agricul- ture. 2p. T i t l e s only, arranged in subject groupings. N o series, author, date, or paging. Ontario Soil research (out- standing), poultry, animal nutrition, vitamin content of fruits and vege- tables, storage of fruits and vege- tables. Poultry, dairy, and disease work carried on b y Bacteriology and D a i r y Depart- ments of Ontario College of Agricul- ture. Ont. Department of Agriculture. Annual report, 1868- Bulletin, no. 3 - 1886- Report of the Minister, 1909-10- Soil survey reports — — Statistics and publications branch. Extension circular, no. 1 - M o n t h l y crop report, 1 - 1882- Monthly dairy report. Bulletin, no. 1 - 1938- (Separate reports of the various agricultural so- cieties and branches are also published. T h e s e are also included in the annual report.) M a n y technical, some general in- terest and popu- lar. Bulletins are par- ticularly useful. Bulletins 3-146 were issued as bulletins of the Ontario Agricul- tural College. Statistics and Publica- tions Branch, De- partment of Agricul- ture, Toronto. Ontario Library Review includes quarterly list of recent publications. List of Agricultural Bulletins and Circulars (Ont. Depart- ment of Agriculture.)2p. Mimeographed. Lists those in print only. T i t l e s arranged in subject groupings, with bulletin number and date only. Annual report of the Department of Agriculture. Some publications listed, very few. Annual report of Ontario Agricultural College includes List of Publications. Bulletins printed and mimeo- graphed and special articles. Prince Edward Island Dairying, poultry, field crops, fur farming. P . E . I . Department of Agriculture. Annual report, 1 9 0 1 - Department of Agricul- ture, Charlottetown. None. Quebec N o specialization. Quebec. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin, no. 1 - 1899- Report of the Minister, 1896-97- Institute of Oka. Notes d'economie rurale L a revue d'Oka Department of Agricul- ture, Quebec C i t y . None, except the Publications of MacDonald College Jour- nal Series, and the printed list of MacDonald College study pamphlets. Saskatch- ewan N o specialization. Sask. Department of Agriculture. Annual report, 1907- (includes reports of vari- ous branches) Annual report of the Commissioner of Co-opera- tion and Markets, 1 9 1 3 - 1 4 - Bulletin, no. 1 - 1906- Co-operation and markets news (monthly) Circular Crop report, no. 1 - Leaflet Stencils Standard descriptions Popular. Large number of unnumbered sepa- rates. Statistics Branch, De- partment of Agricul- ture, Regina. Extension Department, University of Sas- katchewan, Saska- toon. Lists of Publications of the Department of Agriculture, i p . Mimeographed. Lists those titles in print only, b y series. Frequently no series number given. N o author, date, or paging. T a b l e II, showing specialized fields of research, publications issued, distribution agencies, and lists available, was compiled after correspondence with the various provincial departments, consultation of available lists, checking our Library of Congress catalog and files of provincial documents. N o claim of completeness is made for the table; it represents merely those series known in this library. Publications lists of the provinces give only those documents in print; frequently these are titles only and listed in subject groups with no indication as to whether or not they belong in any series. T h e only really complete checklist is the Weston list for British Columbia. W r i t i n g to the departments for information and publica- tions has not been found very satisfactory, and mailing lists are not to be depended on. A t present, considering the amount of work necessary to collect these files and the general nature of the publications is- sued, it is doubtful whether an attempt to build up files of provincial documents is justified. Ontario, British Columbia, and possibly Alberta and Quebec are excep- tions to this, as are certain isolated series of a technical nature such as soil reports. Personally I feel it is questionable whether checklists are justified in the case of most of the provinces. Attention of agriculturalists has recently been given to the problem of federal and provincial documents at a meeting of the Extension Group of the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturalists. Their Survey Dealing with the Prepara- tion, Publishing, and Distribution of Agri- cultural Bulletins, 1942, of which a typed copy has been received, reaches certain encouraging conclusions. Attention is given to Dominion-provincial coopera- tion, mailing lists, and general make-up of bulletins. N o mention, however, is made of lack of series numbering or of adequate indexing and listing. T o make Dominion and provincial doc- uments truly usable we need: 1. C h e c k l i s t s and indexes f o r the cata- loger, reference librarian, and research w o r k e r 2. N u m b e r i n g of series, even if only mimeographed 3. A t t e n t i o n to u n i f o r m i t y of size 4. I m p r o v e d distribution of provincial documents 5. Increased cooperation between f e d e r a l and provincial departments. Some specific tools required for effective use of Canadian agricultural documents are: 1. A n index of publications of the C a - nadian D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e , modeled on the U n i t e d States D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i - c u l t u r e Index to Publications 2. A similar index to provincial a g r i c u l - ture publications, either included in the above or issued as a separate 3. A checklist of C a n a d i a n g o v e r n m e n t publications (including a g r i c u l t u r e ) similar to the Document Catalog 4. C h e c k l i s t s of provincial publications similar to the W e s t o n list f o r O n t a r i o , Q u e b e c , and A l b e r t a 5. A complete revision of H i g g i n s ' Ca- nadian Government Publications. M o s t of these projects would require a subsidy, to cover cost of research and pub- lication. Some, on the other hand, could be done as research projects by librarians doing graduate w o r k — f o r example, the index to provincial publications could be done in nine sections, one for each prov- ince, by a librarian from that province. W h i l e such an arrangement would be far from ideal it would at least be a start. Checklists for the various provinces could be done in the same way. (Continued on page 74) 70 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES took advantage of issuing a reprint for exchange purposes. T h i s time it was A Tennyson Exhibition from the first num- ber of the Colby Library Quarterly. T h i s year in commemoration of the birth of Henry James we issued for ex- change purposes an eight-page pamphlet containing a list of the first editions of Henry James in the Colby library and a genealogical chart showing the various connections of the James family with Col- by College. W e have just published a volume of Edwin Arlington Robinson letters to Howard Schmitt, printed by the South- worth-Anthoensen Press of Portland, M e . W e were able to issue this volume at a reduction for all prepublication orders. One of our next experiments will be in the bibliographical field. W e hope to have ready for the printer early in 1944 a bib- liography of the writings of Rufus M . Jones, who is a native of Maine and is "the greatest spiritual philosopher living in America since William James." In becoming a publisher it is not neces- sary to own a press; the local printer may be able to handle the job. However, un- less the local printer is an exceptionally good one, it will pay in the long run to do business with a well-established firm even if you have to go quite a distance to obtain the services desired. It should be a pleasure and certainly will pay dividends for any library if the librarian sees to it that occasionally some information is prepared regarding treas- ures which can be passed on to other in- stitutions, scholars, research students, book collectors, etc. T h i s does not mean that the library staff should do the actual work in preparing the material for the press, but they should be responsible for having it done. T h e library staff knows who of the college faculty are interested and capable of doing the actual editing. Their job is to get these people to do the work. T h e librarian should be a good judge of whether or not the material is really worthy of passing on to other institutions and know which institutions and individ- uals are apt to be interested in the material. Canadian Agricultural Documents (Continued from page 70) Bibliography A l b e r t a . D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e . The Department of Agriculture, Its Func- tions and Services (with Statistical Sum- mary). E d m o n t o n , K i n g ' s P r i n t e r , 1939. ( N o mention is made in this pamphlet of publications issued by the d e p a r t m e n t . ) C a n a d a . D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e . The Department of Agriculture, Its His- tory, Organization, and Work. C o m p i l e d and edited by the Publications B r a n c h , D e - p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e , 1933. 42p. ( T h e department w a s completely r e o r g a n i z e d in 1 9 3 9 . ) C a n a d a . D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e . Directory of Organization and Activities of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. O t t a w a , K i n g ' s P r i n t e r , 1939. 32p. C a n a d a . D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e . Fifty Years of Progress on the Dominion Experimental Farms, 1886-1936. O t t a w a , K i n g ' s P r i n t e r , 1939. I58p. C a n a d i a n Society of T e c h n i c a l A g r i c u l t u r - ists. E x t e n s i o n G r o u p . A Survey Dealing with the Preparation, Publishing, and Dis- tribution of Agricultural Bulletins. 1942. T y p e w r i t t e n . ( A n n u a l reports of the D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e f o r the D o m i n i o n and f o r each of the provinces w e r e also consulted. C h e c k - lists and indexes already listed have not been included in the bibliography.) 74 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES