College and Research Libraries • New Periodicals of r 944-Part II Miss Ulrich completes here another of her reviews., the first half of which appeared in the September 1944 number of College and Research Libraries. I N THE NEW PERIODICALS the general em- phasis is on postwar possibilities. As one would expect, this covers the trends in trades and professions and the new oppor- tunities and jobs opening in every field. Sociological interests, however, are now taking an especially prominent place, an.d there is a more established viewpoint toward race problems, housing conditions, changes in educational curricula, and similar mat- ters concerning the general welfare in a changing world. Science and industry meanwhile continu'e their rapid wartime advancement. Many publications are issuing separately, or as departn1ents within their issues, graphic newssheets, forecasts, and Washington let- ters indicating what has happened to many professions and industries during the war and predicting what is likely to be the trend after the war. Science and tech- nology today embrace the whole world, yet the far-flung war has dislodged many a scientist from his home country. A group of Polish engineers living in Canada, form- ing the Association of Polish Engineers in Canada, are issuing a well-planned journal -Polish Engineering News. The text is in English and .Polish with an .occasional article in French. It contains abstracts, By CAROLYN F. ULRICH good · illustrations, tables, and charts. Steel Construction Digest~ published by the American Institute of Steel Construction, offers articles condensed from the Archi- tectural Record~ Engineering News-Record., Public Works~ Civil Engineering~ Indus- trial Standardization and Commercial Standards~ Construction Methods~ and other important j