College and Research Libraries By R O B E R T W . O R R Photostats in a College Library IN T H E L A S T T E N Y E A R S much more has been published on microfilms and their use in improving and extending library service than on photostats. F o r certain purposes microfilms are unquestionably su- perior to photostats. I n other instances the reverse is true, and at the t w o extremes there is almost no controversy as to the relative merits of the t w o forms of photo- duplication. H o w e v e r , between the ex- tremes is an area in which photostats are in competition w i t h microfilms. T h e r e is reason to believe, however, t h a t more attention lately has been given to photostats than may be indicated by the pre- ponderance of publications relating to microfilms. T h e I o w a State College L i b r a r y , f o r example, is finding an increas- ing number of uses for photostats for which microfilms, although available, have proved to be unacceptable. F u r t h e r m o r e , the li- brary has f o u n d that, by installing and operating its own photostat equipment, much better service to the public and to itself is possible t h a n w h e n it was necessary to rely upon outside facilities. T h e decision to purchase and operate photostat equipment was not an uncon- sidered one. C e r t a i n u r g e n t needs for photostats in connection w i t h w a r research projects hastened the inauguration of photo- stat service, but they were not solely re- sponsible. O t h e r reasons are connected with the recent g r o w t h and use of the book collections, particularly in holdings of scien- tific and technical periodicals. P a r t i a l l y responsible for the greater use of the library's collections in recent years has been the wider use of j o u r n a l s in the basic sciences. As is commonly realized, hard and fast boundary lines between the sciences no longer exist. Also, research workers in the applied sciences recognize today t h a t they must be thoroughly grounded in certain of the basic sciences. A n investigator in dairy industry must not only keep u p w i t h the literature of his applied field but also w i t h t h a t of chemis- try and bacteriology. Scientific and tech- nical periodicals in chemistry are n o w used intensively not only by chemists and physicists but by research workers in such applied fields as agronomy, dairy bacteri- ology, and veterinary pharmacology. As a result, files of j o u r n a l s in the field of chemistry, for example, may be insufficient to meet the demand. T h e same may be t r u e of the j o u r n a l s in other basic sciences. T h e I o w a State College L i b r a r y ' s policy concerning loans of scientific and technical periodicals to faculty members has, by tradi- tion, been liberal. H o w e v e r , w i t h increas- ing demands on the collections, certain revisions in it f r o m time to time have been necessary. T h e problem has not been one simply of f u r t h e r restricting volumes to use within the library building. W h a t has been needed is a way to make the collec- tions available both in and out of the library and to readers on the campus as well as to persons w h o are located elsewhere. Extensive duplication by purchase of addi- tional sets, in order to improve and extend library service, was out of the question for obvious reasons. Of all the possible ways of achieving the desired objectives, a photo- duplication service in the library seemed to be the most feasible. 220 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Choosing Photostating Once the decision was made to inaugu- rate a photoduplication service, the next step was to choose between microfilming and photostating. T h e comparatively large body of literature on the experience of other libraries with microfilms was consulted. As there was a paucity of articles on photo- stats, however, the writer visited a number of eastern libraries in the spring of 1944. Some of these institutions employed both microfilming and photostating, although if only one of the two was used it almost in- variably was microfilming. In contrast, at the Iowa State College there was a definite preference for photostats. T h e Iowa State College Photographic Laboratory—not a part of the library—has offered both microfilm and photostat service for many years. During that period micro- films have, in general, been ordered in lieu of photostats only if the length of the ma- terial copied made the latter too costly. By far the greater number of orders from out- of-town purchasers have specified photo- stats, irrespective of actual or relative cost. Faculty members have been extremely vocal on the question. T i m e after time they have elected to pay the higher prices of photostats. T h e y point out that the micro- film is inconvenient and that reading it causes eyestrain, whereas photostats may be read anywhere and without the aid of any device. T h e poor quality of some of the microfilms obtained both locally and else- where in the past may be partially responsi- ble for the disfavor in which they stand. Sometimes there are perfectly valid reasons for the poor quality of microfilms, but it has been impossible to persuade users of them to appreciate those reasons. Neither one of the two photostat services now on the campus handicaps the other, for there is ample work for each. Except in emergencies, the library limits its copying to library materials or to volumes borrowed on interlibrary loan. All other types of orders, irrespective of place of origin, are declined. O n the other hand, the library does practically all of the photostating of library materials. Such a policy has certain advantages. W h e n pages of irreplaceable items, like expensive architectural folios, war issues of scientific and technical periodi- cals, or theses, are photostated, there is less likelihood of loss if they do not leave the library. Another advantage is that when the photostating is done by someone trained by the library staff there is less chance that the volumes will be damaged. It is particularly easy for an inexperienced or improperly trained technician to injure book bindings. Other hazards, such as rough handling ^and the splattering of chemicals, are minimized by proper care of the volumes as photostated. Classed as Indispensable Although the library's equipment has been in operation about two years, it is already classed as indispensable. Briefly the reasons are: ( 1 ) photostats have made it possible for the library to circulate articles in its files of scientific and technical journals more widely and on more liberal terms; ( 2 ) photostats at low cost have been used to complete important volumes which lacked pages; ( 3 ) graduate students, in studying foreign languages, have used photostats of specialized articles at reduced prices, for the purpose of making practice translations; ( 4 ) duplicate copies of ma- terials in the form of photostats have been provided for assigned reading; and ( 5 ) special files of photostats of widely scattered information have been assembled in the reference department for the convenience of time-pressed readers. Under the conditions of great demand now existing the library cannot, without J U L Y t 1946 20 7 seriously i m p a i r i n g service, lend volumes of some of its scientific a n d technical j o u r n a l s to the f a c u l t y f o r extended periods. M o r e o v e r , w a r issues a r e r a r e and should never be l e n t f o r use outside of the l i b r a r y building. A n d even if t h e original volumes can be spared f r o m the l i b r a r y , t h e r e is always t h e d a n g e r , a n d a very real one w h e n the books are taken to chemical lab- oratories, t h a t serious d a m a g e to t h e m w i l l r e s u l t . Shoul d the volumes escape chemical h a z a r d s , the bindings may n o t be overlooked by v e r m i n . Also, in the past a n u m b e r of fires in buildings on t h e campus have de- stroyed l i b r a r y publications shelved in offices and laboratories. M a n y of the volumes w h i c h w e r e destroyed can never be replaced except by p h o t o g r a p h i c r e p r o d u c t i o n . T o obviate these difficulties, the l i b r a r y i n a u g u - r a t e d a policy of m a k i n g p h o t o s t a t s available at reduced prices. Such an ar- r a n g e m e n t has proved to be a d v a n t a g e o u s to both parties to t h e t r a n s a c t i o n , since a t times it is essential f o r research w o r k e r s to have access indefinitely to d a t a published in scientific a n d technical j o u r n a l s . T h e r e are m a n y objections likewise to sending v a l u a b l e a n d much-used j o u r n a l s a b o u t the c o u n t r y on i n t e r l i b r a r y loan. H o w e v e r , if n e i t h e r the j o u r n a l s n o r copies of them are f u r n i s h e d w h e n needed, impor- t a n t research m a y s u f f e r . O n the basis of requests received f r o m b o r r o w e r s in this c o u n t r y and C a n a d a , the* I o w a S t a t e Col- lege L i b r a r y a p p a r e n t l y has certain volumes w h i c h are available in f e w , if any other, libraries in t h e U n i t e d States. I t is impor- t a n t t h a t the i n f o r m a t i o n in such volumes be available to research w o r k e r s regardless of w h e r e they m a y be located. T h e n t h e r e is t h e m a t t e r of replacements. F o r a n u m b e r of years the l i b r a r y has m a d e a systematic e f f o r t to fill in missing pages and even w h o l e n u m b e r s of incomplete, d a m a g e d , or m u t i l a t e d volumes w i t h photo- stats w h e n originals w e r e n o t available. I t is n o w possible, because of savings m a d e possible by l i b r a r y o w n e r s h i p a n d operation of p h o t o s t a t equipment, to provide fill-ins on a m o r e liberal scale a n d at reasonable cost to t h e l i b r a r y . Photostats for Language Students T h e r e a d i n g of specialized m a t e r i a l by s t u d e n t s in l e a r n i n g f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e s also has entailed a problem. T h i s , done f o r the sake of f a m i l i a r i t y w i t h specialized vo- c a b u l a r y a n d subject m a t t e r , has resulted on several occasions in t h e r u i n i n g of irre- placeable volumes. T h e f o r m s of i n j u r y included ink smears, heavy u n d e r l i n i n g s in ink, and perspiration stains. T h e l i b r a r y finally w a s forced to f o r b i d the u n r e s t r i c t e d use of periodicals f o r this purpose. E x t r a volumes of certain periodicals in such fields as chemistry, botany, a n d zoology w e r e then purchased and e a r m a r k e d f o r the sole use of s t u d e n t s in l a n g u a g e courses. B u t u n t i l p h o t o s t a t service w a s available in the l i b r a r y no f u l l y satisfactory solution to t h e p r o b l e m of supplying m a t e r i a l f o r t r a n s l a t i o n w a s f o u n d . T h e e a r m a r k e d collection lacked a sufficiently w i d e subject variety of m a t e r i a l . N o w , however, a stu- dent w h o wishes to use a specialized article in any scientific a n d technical j o u r n a l may do this provided he secures a photostat copy of the article. H e may purchase the photo- stat c o p y ; or, if he does n o t wish to do so, the l i b r a r y may assume the expense of p h o t o s t a t i n g and lend him the m a t e r i a l . A r e q u i r e m e n t of the l a t t e r a r r a n g e m e n t is t h a t the l i b r a r y have a voice in the selection of the pieces. A r t i c l e s are selected w i t h the aim t h a t they w i l l be u s e f u l to others. Assigned Readings T h e one activity of the l i b r a r y photostat service w h i c h is of greatest direct benefit to u n d e r g r a d u a t e s is the m a k i n g of photostats 222 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES for assigned reading. T h e original volumes of many of the library's periodicals, especially bound ones, for obvious reasons cannot be placed in the assigned reading room. T h e r e they would be subjected to the ruinous handling of classes of students ranging in number from ten to several hundred. Moreover, the limited number of copies of a periodical in the library would be insufficient to fill the demands during rush periods. M a n y times instructors re- quest library material for assigned reading that is out of print or on such short notice that there is not time to order additional copies. Formerly the alternatives were to purchase photostats at the full commercial price rate or to make typewritten copies. Both methods were inordinately expensive. It is now possible to be more liberal in pro- viding additional photostat copies at no greater total cost to the library. This, in turn, has improved service in the assigned reading room by shortening the time stu- dents must wait during rush hours to read their assignments. If necessary, photostat copies can be provided in two hours. T h e r e is a final service which has proved to be a timesaver, for undergraduates espe- cially. Certain assignments, which are re- peated annually and in some cases every quarter, involve the search by students for items in widely scattered periodicals. Some- times the information is difficult to locate. W h e n each student takes the time to as- semble and read a few articles, the total expenditure of class time and effort may be out of proportion to the apparent benefit derived. T h e objectives for the courses referred to apparently do not include train- ing for greater proficiency in using the li- brary. Hence, both reference staff and students are helped if photostats of materials are made and filed at the reference depart- ment. Charges and Costs Although a detailed discussion of costs is beyond the scope of this article, the library's position on that topic should be stated. Photostat service to the faculty and students is available at reduced prices. A part of the cost of making such photostats is absorbed by the library in accordance with the gen- eral policy applicable to all specialized serv- ices, such as translations and interlibrary loans. T o do otherwise in the case of photostats would, it is felt, constitute an u n - justifiable exception. A few items naturally are covered by the charges made to faculty and students for photostats. Anyone may consult price lists of sensitized paper and photographic chemi- cals to ascertain the cost of those supplies. Add to that figure the cost of labor and utilities—light, power, and water—and the total is what the library considers to be a fair basis for the price of photostats sold to the faculty and students. Other purchasers are required to pay the regular prices in effect at both photostat services. T w o years are too short a period in which to develop the maximum possibilities of the photostat equipment. Enough time has elapsed, however, to show that with library-owned and -operated photostat equipment it is possible ( i ) to make the library's collections available to more per- sons and on a more liberal basis; ( 2 ) to save the library, the faculty, and students money on photostats of material in the li- brary's collections or of interlibrary loans; and ( 3 ) to give better care to the li- brary's collections by making it unnecessary for volumes to be sent out either on inter- library loan or to be photostated. T h e above advantages alone would seem amply to justify the purchase and operation of photostat equipment. J U L Y t 1946 20 7