College and Research Libraries • Review- Articles Formula fo~ Writing The Art of Plain Talk. By Rudolf Flesch. New York, Harper, 1946. xm, 210p. How to write readable English is the main topic of this compact little volume. It is a skilfully written popularization of the au- thor's doctoral dissertation, Marks of a Read- able Style (Teachers · College, Columbia University, 1943). It contains many go~d hints illustrated by fitting sample passages of ·easy and difficult style. But it is more than a book of rules foi' asptnng writers. Dr. Flesch offers his own objective device for determining how difficult any given sample of reading matter is in terms of the educational level of readers. His formula takes account of average sen- tence length, frequency of affixes, and fre- quency of personal references, and assigns a specific weight to each ·of these factors. The final score tells us where the reading sample falls on a scale running from "very easy" (comics) to "very difficult" (scientific articles) . ' The selection of the three factors is justi- fied as foll