College and Research Libraries National Conference of Theological Librarians A CONFERENCE which is unique ~n the history of theo'rogical librarianship in America was held on June 23-24 at Louis- ville, Ky. Responding to a call sponsored by the American Association of Theologi- cal Schools, fifty-one theological librarians and administrators gathered on the campus of the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary to consider common problems and responsi- bilities and opportunities of seminary libraries. Recent years have witnessed rapid growth among the libraries of theological seminaries of the United States and Can- ada. At present, approximately one hun- dred and ten theological seminaries are affiliated with the American Association of Theological Schools, whose program of accreditation includes an examination of library facilities, program, personnel, and support. It was in connection with its concern for intensive study of seminary libraries during 1948-50 that the associa- tion, at its meeting of June 12, 1946, re- quested its executive committee to con- sider the calling of a national conference of theological librarians and of others in- terested and to make preliminary arrange- ments for the calling of such conference. In addition to the discussion of basic probiems, attention was given to matters of organization and the execution of spe- cific projects. Tentative approval of a constitution was given, setting up the American Theological Library Associa- tion, with provisions for both individual and institutional memberships, and having the following stated purpose: . . . to bring its members into closer work- ing relations with each other and with the OCTOBER~ 1947 American Association of Theological Schods; to s,tudy the distinctive problems of theologi-: cal seminary libraries, to increase the pro- fessional competence of the membership, and to improve the quality of library service to theological education. The following projects were determined upon, for intensive consideration during the coming year: AATS Booklist, Cata- loging and Classification, Periodical Ex- change, Religious Periodical Indexing, Publications, Personnel. Officers for the year are: president, L. R. Elliott, South- western Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Tex.; vice president, Raymond P. Morris Yale Divinity School, New Haven,' Conn.; secretary, Robert F. Beach, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill.; and treasurer, Ernest M. White, Louis- ville Presbyterian Seminary, Louisville, Ky. The executive committee consists of the above officers, a representative of the American Association of Theological Schools, and the following members-at- large: Kenneth S. Gapp, Princeton Theo- . logical Seminary, Princeton, N.J.; E. ~ยท George, Evangelical Theological Semi- nary Naperville, Ill.; 0. Gerald Lawson, Dre~ Theological Seminary, Madison, N.J. ; Lucy W. Markley, Union Theologi- cal Seminary, New York City; and Evah Ostrander, Chicago Theological Seminary. A full summary of the proceedings of the conference has been prepared. Persons de- siring copies are invited to communicate with the secretary, Robert F. Beach. In- quiries and applications for membership in the American Theological Library Asso- ciation may be directed to the treasurer, Ernest M. White . RoBERT F. BEACH, Secretary 449