College and Research Libraries By R A L P H E . E L L S W O R T H and N O R M A N L . K I L P A T R I C K Midwest Reaches for the Stars' Dr. Ellsworth is director, and Mr. Kil- patrick, associate director in charge of tech- nical processes, State University of Iowa Libraries. IN 1940 the presidents of 13 M i d w e s t uni-versities expressed their interest in a cooperative storage library for the M i d w e s t . A survey, financed by the Carnegie C o r p o - ration, was made and published. Aspects covered were problems concerned with the transfer of books, cost figures, plans of in- corporation, and objectives. T h i s plan came to naught for reasons unknown to us. T h e war, the constitution- al inability of librarians to agree on any- thing, the inherent weakness of the storage library idea by itself, plus the basic philoso- phies of the librarians concerned were prob- ably the relevant factors. O n c e more in 1947 the presidents of the Midwestern universities have suggested that we librarians open the question. T h e r e is no war, there is more knowledge about the storage idea, librarians agreed on one point and found that it didn't kill them, and there is a n e w generation of librarians in 13 of the Midwestern universities—some of us imbued with the graduate library school experimentation, the rest, wise, fearless, and scholarly. In fact, with men like Doane, M i l l e r , W a r n e r Rice, Pargellis, Parker, Henkle, M c D i a r m i d , Hazen, Moriarity, N y h o l m , O r r , Manchester, T o w n e , and D o w n s , it is inevitable that the dragons will be slain. W e have our St. Georges, our doubting Thomases, our D o n Quixotes, but 1 P a p e r presented b y D r . E l l s w o r t h at the C o n f e r - ence of E a s t e r n C o l l e g e L i b r a r i a n s , C o l u m b i a U n i v e r - sity, N o v . 29, 1947. also", as a group, w e have a fairly honest common understanding of scholarship and its bibliographic implications. So now, under the chairmanship of Presi- dent C o l w e l l , a new committee consisting of Presidents C o l w e l l , Fred, and W e l l s , and librarians M c D i a r m i d , Doane, and Ellsworth, is at work with t w o subcommit- tees appointed. O n e is making a fresh survey, and one is studying centralized cata- loging and acquisition. T h e contents of this paper represent only the personal opinions of the authors. W e are the subcommittee on cataloging and acquisition. T h e concepts we state have not been submitted to or approved by our committee. The Regional Idea N o w , a f e w preliminary statements about the regional idea are in order. W e are well aware that there is a kind of psycho- logical disorder which causes a man w h o cannot solve his personal problems to turn to grandiose schemes which are often nearly perfect in themselves, but which lack a f e w connecting links with reality, and the lack destroys the validity. It is often difficult to distinguish, at any given time, between the efforts of a man w h o has a toe hold on a truly great idea to a man whose toes, all ten of them, are up in the clouds. W e librarians have a bit of this disorder in our blood. W e turn to the "larger unit of service" idea, in part, because of its sweet reasonableness, but also because we cannot or will not meet our own problems on their home grounds. 136 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Exajnple i. W e cannot or w i l l not agree a m o n g ourselves in the large libraries on a division of collecting policies, because at heart w e are all bibliographic empire build- ers. T h e r e f o r e , w e turn to F a r m i n g t o n , because w e sincerely hope it w i l l permit us to eat our cake and have it, too. Example 2. T h e small public library turns to the county or regional idea, because the t o w n cannot afford a librarian. But it can afford teachers, preachers, lawyers, doctors, and dentists. W h a t w e mean is that w e can't convince the citizens that they w a n t to pay f o r a librarian. But w h e n w e get a county or regional librarian, have w e really convinced the citizens that they w a n t her, or have w e merely spread the cost so that the citizens are not conscious of it, or the librarian? Example J. In a given metropolitan area, w e have t w o medium-sized universi- ties and a f e w small colleges. Just w h a t do w e add to the intellectual resources of the g r o u p when w e make a regional library center out of them, unless in so doing w e succeed in causing them to eliminate un- necessary duplication and thereby purchase additional teachers and books they w o u l d otherwise not have? Example 4. W e speak glibly about eliminating duplication in collecting fields. W e are keen on the idea, but w e think in an academic vacuum. W e seem unaware that our plans might have curricular im- plications, the results of w h i c h w e w o u l d be unable to face. L e t us take a state uni- versity and a nearby state college of agricul- ture. T h e professor of poultry diseases at the state college publishes his research in the highly specialized poultry journals w h i c h the university does not have or need. But his research is based on data w h i c h he can get only f r o m the basic science and medical journals, w h i c h w e librarians w o u l d like to think the university and not the state college should o w n . T h i s cannot be. Both institutions must o w n them. T h e poultry journals are cheap, but the others are not. Supposing the university creates an institute of atomic research and the other an institute of nuclear physics. W i l l they not require the same literature? C o u l d either exist without the literature? O u r basic objective is to see w h a t can be done regionally either to make our money go further, or to increase the quantity and quality of printed research and instruc- tional facilities in the M i d w e s t within a ten-year period—because after that w e ' l l probably be defending the status quo. A t the very beginning w e must have the librarians' and their institutions' stand on one basic issue, " A r e w e prepared to dis- card our inherited philosophy of trying to make each of our libraries as large and in- clusive as possible in favor of a philosophy of building the contents of each of our li- braries in relation to the inclusive contents of a g r o u p of homogeneous libraries?" If the answer is yes, w e can proceed to an examination of the pig in the poke, but if it is no, then there is no use starting. T h e reason w e shall insist on this declaration of intention is that practical experience has shown that a group can never r e f o r m itself, unless its members wish to do so. T h i s question sounds simple. It is not, as you can see f r o m the f o l l o w i n g examina- tion of its ramifications. Implications First, the legal aspect. R e g i o n a l c o - operation is going to mean that local funds w i l l be sent outside of the state to pay f o r books that are going to be located outside of the state. T h i s issue can be dodged at first by calling it payment f o r bibliographic service, but sooner or later it must be faced directly, even if n e w state legislation is necessary. W e are leaving this up to our APRIL, 1948 137 presidents, because they got us into this, and they can get us out. Previous commitments made in terms of special collections will limit our freedom to act, but will not stymie us seriously. Second, the curricular implications. T h e direction we take will determine the nature of the problem. If w e go in the direction of assigning special collecting fields to each of us, then in time these collections will be- come so strong as to fix the research focal points of our universities. O r else, they will be white elephants to us. If Iowa, for example, is to have the one complete collection in psychology, one of its strongest departments today, then the uni- versity should make this the strongest psy- chology department in the M i d w e s t , and everyone concerned should accept this as a responsibility to be met no matter what the effect is upon the research welfare of Iowa's other departments in w a r or peace, in pros- perity or depression. T h i s has t w o implications, one internal and one external. # First, it implies that the other depart- ments in our university will operate at a somewhat narrower scope—all at the P h . D . level to be sure, but with beer instead of champagne. Second, it implies that the other universi- ties will keep their psychology departments limited in favor of the subjects they are to operate on an unlimited basis. W o u l d w e accept this idea? A n d do our presidents, deans, and faculties under- stand it? A Midwest Library Center T h i s is only one possible direction. T h e other w o u l d be for us not to build exhaus- tive collections in any field on any of our campuses, except in special libraries or in special cases, but rather to make our cam- pus collections w o r k i n g libraries f o r teach- ing and research, and to build the exhaus- tive collections in the M i d w e s t library cen- ter. If this were done, w e could cull out little used materials, dead or alive. W e could begin positive acquisition by placing all our foreign importations that come f r o m the Farmington Plan, and buy for campus use only the foreign titles our faculty request. Such a plan w o u l d not force our research curricula in any direction. W e w o u l d be free to build working research collections in any or all fields, but we w o u l d be freed of the necessity of acquiring and maintain- ing the little used, elusive, minor publica- tions for any or all of our fields. These would be in the center, paid for coopera- tively by all of us. In periods of severe depression, w e w o u l d not have to starve most of our departments in order to meet commitments f o r a f e w departments. W e w o u l d merely ask all to go on a moderate diet. In normal times we w o u l d not be in the position of controlling the introduction or shift in emphasis of research programs. N o r w o u l d w e be required to support an exhaustive research collection that had g r o w n apart f r o m faculty^ development. Neither would we be denying researchers access to an exhaustive collection in their field. T h i s would be available to them in C h i c a g o ; not on our campus. If w e do this, and w e hope w e shall, then let us be frank in admitting that some day in Chicago w e shall have a great research library that will dwarf all our campus li- braries in importance. Effect on Chicago University Let us admit also that if this center is located on the campus of the University of Chicago, as I hope it will be, that its pres- ence will increase the prestige and resources of the University of Chicago, and will give it an advantage over the rest of us. Its presence also gives the University of Chi- 138 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES cago a chance to become a great intellectual host to scholars in the region. Is this a g o o d or bad thing f o r I o w a or Northwestern or Illinois? T h a t w i l l de- pend on one's point of view. T h e university could extend some very real and useful courtesies to scholars w h o come to use the center. It could a l l o w them access to the faculty club. It could encourage them to feel at home a m o n g the resident faculty in their subject field. B y cultivating this kind of faculty relationship, we believe the entire region w o u l d profit. Nature of the Center T h e nature of the library center w i l l be determined by the collecting policies w e adopt. Its services should include lending and copying of all types. It should be con- nected to each of us by either teletype, leased telephone w i r e , facsimile reproduc- tion, radio, or television. Deliveries by air mail should be c o m m o n . It might w e l l have a translation service. It should obviously contain special study facilities f o r visiting scholars and should have a complete set of bibliographic tools and a staff of expert bibliographers. T h e concept of ownership between it and us should be so fluid that any local condi- tion can be met. T r a v e l expenses f o r scholars f r o m each library should be anticipated and handled locally so that red tape is avoided and so that the scholar does not need to beg. In addition, the center should be tied into the needs of the smaller colleges of the region at a level consistent with their needs. T h e financial relationships should be so flexible and simple as to encourage use. T h i r d , the technical processes aspect, and n o w w e come to the piece de resistance. W e should be smart enough to centralize a large share of the purchasing and catalog- ing of the participating libraries at the center. Centralized Acquisition and Cataloging F o r some time n o w , along with most other sensible librarians, w e have been con- vinced that w e needed a basically n e w ap- proach to the cataloging problem. It has seemed reasonable that w e should cen- tralize cataloging nationally. W e are n o w convinced that this w o n ' t be done, because there is too much inertia to overcome, that no agency that must catalog f o r all types of libraries can do the j o b ( w e refer to the L i b r a r y of C o n g r e s s ) , and that it cannot be done unless the centralizing agency can at the same time include acquisitions. T h e latter is obviously impossible on a national basis. But the regional approach f o r a group of homogeneous libraries looks promising. W e are trying to sketch out methods of centralizing cataloging and acquisitioning. O u r report w i l l be made to the M i d w e s t committee during the winter. W e wish to describe our proposal in enough detail to show you what w e are up to, without pretending that w e k n o w h o w to solve all the difficulties that have to be overcome, or that our committee w i l l find the proposals acceptable. W e must neces- sarily w a v e a magic w a n d here and there to cause a f e w embarrassing rabbits to appear and disappear at our convenience. T h a t is legitimate at this stage of development, though it w o u l d be intolerable later. First, w e offer a f e w general observations and assumptions. O n e , it seems absurd f o r each of the M i d - west libraries to catalog and classify col- lections of which approximately 6 0 per cent are c o m m o n to all. T w o , cooperative cataloging is no an- swer, because most librarians think it repre- sents an added cost. T h r e e , there are f o u r reasons w h y pres- ent day use of printed L . C . cards does not permit us to l o w e r our costs significantly, APRIL, 1948 139 ( a ) cards are available f o r only approxi- mately 65 per cent of the materials w e acquire; ( b ) w e consider it necessary to make changes on many of these cards; ( c ) w e consider it necessary to adapt the recom- mended classification numbers on the c a r d ; and ( d ) those w h o furnish cooperative cataloging copy must initiate an expensive process. Four, if w e are to receive the maximum benefit from centralized acquisition and cataloging, w e shall have to be willing to accept a uniform assignment of classifica- tion numbers and entry f o r m . Likewise, a uniform assignment of subject headings— if w e continue our present system of subject cataloging, which I assume reluctantly. Five, our basic objective is t w o f o l d : one, to provide each of us with a union list of our joint holdings, and t w o , to free each of us of a large share of our present cataloging costs and to a lesser extent of our acquisition costs. Six, w e propose to centralize acquisition not because w e expect sizable savings, but because it is a necessary element in cen- tralized cataloging. A n d n o w to the pro- posals : Plan I. T h e center w o u l d purchase, process, catalog, and mark each publication acquired by the participating libraries and send it along ready f o r the shelf. Since it is probably true that the largest share of acquisition cost comes f r o m the selecting function, the center will try to reduce this as much as possible by making advance arrangements with publishers for automatic supplying of new publications according to the nature of the publication and the wishes of each university. Each library will retain the right to acquire and ignore what it wishes, but the center will have enough high quality personnel to enable it to engage in selecting f o r each li- brary in areas where this is possible. Sovereignty, nevertheless, stays in each library. A direct means of conversation communi- cation between each library and the center will be established, so that confused order requests can be handled directly with no wasting of time through letter correspond- ence. T h e center will develop a union list of the holdings of its participating libraries, using a system of Kardex Visible Index on panels which can be kept either on circular posts, in tubs, or in letter file cabinets. T h e basic size of the entry slip on the visible index panels might be 1 " x 8 " , though the height of the slip can vary f r o m to the height of the panel. Each entry will include the classification number, and the biblio- graphic data for each item. T h e bottom line of each slip will contain a r o w of num- bers f r o m 1 to 40, each being the symbol f o r one of the participating libraries. Ownership f o r each title will be indicated by checking the library's number on each slip. Basic Catalog W h e n the holdings of the libraries have been recorded (and here w e wave our w a n d ) each panel will be photographed and reproduced by the most appropriate method —photo-offset, enlarged microprints, or O z a l i d prints, and the resulting sheets gathered together in volumes and sold to the libraries. W e might call this our basic catalog. T h i s will be each library's identification catalog of its o w n holdings, as well as f o r the holdings of the other libraries in the region. Each library will no longer use its o w n card catalog f o r this purpose and will discard its identification cards. Additions Additions of n e w titles by the libraries 140 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES will be recorded in the visible index master file, either by adding a new entry, or check- ing ownership as the case may be. T h e r e are several ways in which this information can be put into our campus copies of the printed basic catalog. O n e , each panel could be reproduced as it is changed and new prints sent out to the libraries. T w o , a system of cumulative supplements could be used with a new edition of the basic cata- log every ten or twenty years. Individual Library Records Each library will need to keep a record of its new additions until such time as the record is incorporated into the printed cata- log. T h i s could be done in one of several ways. If the title is already listed in the basic catalog, the library w o u l d need only to check its number on the relevant card. If the title is not in the catalog, a small card file would be kept until such time as each entry is incorporated in the basic catalog. It will already have such a card f r o m the order process. Ordering would be done by a typical multiple card order system—copies of which would go to the center and additional copies w o u l d remain in each library for whatever use it cared to make of them. Accounting f o r each library would be done at the center. Since the Kardex Visible Index panel is flexible in terms of the size of card it will accommodate, it would be feasible to in- clude the necessary cross references for identification, and, of course, w e could in- clude title entries if we wished. Subject Cataloging For the time being the f o l l o w i n g method of handling subject cataloging w o u l d be used. T h e center w o u l d compile sets of guide cards with L . C . subject headings (plus improvements) printed on the tabs. Each library would buy a set and use this for forming a new subject catalog. Behind each guide card it would file the relevant subject cards it n o w owns. Its o w n set of cross references w o u l d be discarded. In the future when new processed books come f r o m the center, they will contain the right number of printed cards to be filed in the subject catalog, but no headings are to be typed on these cards. Each will be filed behind its appropriate subject guide tab. T h i s method of handling subject head- ings (as well as " S e e " and "See also" refer- ences) will simplify the business of keeping them up to date. W h e n a change is in order, the center will merely print new guide cards, and send us copies. W e will pull the old guide and its accompanying cards. W e discard the guide, and file the new guide, and the accompanying cards in their correct alphabetical place. Current changes in subject cross reference will come f r o m the center. Each library can do as it pleases with special card indexes of purely local matters. If it wishes to have these, it may do so at its own expense. Each library could do as it pleased with the subject guide cards that are not repre- sented by books in its library. W e would leave them there for book selection purposes, if for no better reason. Standardized Classification N o w on the basis of this bird's-eye view of a new proposal, w e are ready to claim that we could live with standardized classi- fication. M a n y of the local adaptations that are necessary are shelving problems anyway, not classification problems. Other local adaptations are indulgences just to please someone. W e are ready to say that w e cannot afford these, because the values APRIL, 1948 141 w e get out of them are not very high. T h i s problem should be looked up by someone not hindered by library bias. Campus location symbols could be added to the identification catalog, and the number of copies owned could be recorded there or in the shelflist, which could be just an extra card furnished by the center. By the way, the center would get these cards f r o m L . C . if available, or it could make its o w n , or even make its own instead of buying f r o m L . C . Standardized Subject Headings Difference of opinion will exist on the centralized classification question, and w e will have to count noses sooner or later, but on the question of centralized subject head- ings as suggested, w e fail to see h o w much of an argument can be developed. Perhaps we are w r o n g . Effect of Project on Staffs W h a t effect w o u l d all of this have on our staffs? W e would each need a high class bibliographic expert to coordinate the remaining parts of acquisition, cataloging, and bibliographic service. W e would need a small staff of filers. T h e professional members of our order and catalog staffs would be absorbed, in part, by the center, and in part by finding positions in other libraries in other parts of the country, not so fortunate as to be located in the M i d - west. Effect on Library Profession W h a t effect on the library profession? W e l l , w e all admit n o w that the primary source of our procurement difficulties lies in our inability to keep high-powered li- brarians interested, because w e can't sep- arate professional w o r k f r o m clerical duties. T h i s project w o u l d make a dent on that problem. Plan I, as you might guess from reading between the lines of my statement, calls for a complete recasting of the entire purchas- ing and cataloging system n o w being used. T h i s is bitter medicine, and is going to be considered radical, Utopian, unrealistic, etc. W e are so convinced that drastic measures are called for that the idea no longer frightens us. But others in our midst will react differently. Second Proposal T h e r e f o r e , we propose a second plan for centralization that accepts the present card system, that can be expanded in scope as our group is ready to expand, and that avoids the use of standardized classification and subject headings. Plan II relies upon the printed card system as n o w used. T h e center w o u l d develop a union card catalog of our respective holdings, but this would not be reproduced. It w o u l d be used mostly for ordering purposes and for the answering of inquiries for interlibrary loan purposes. Purchasing, processing, and cataloging, but not classification would be done in the center, and books that come to us f r o m the center would have the catalog cards in them. T h e center would secure L . C . cards if they are available, or it could compose its own. Each library, if it insists, could ap- ply its o w n classification and subject headings. It should be obvious that the only econ- omy in this plan, in terms of cataloging costs, comes from central cataloging of the books for which libraries are unable n o w to secure printed cards f r o m the Library of Congress—approximately 40 per cent, w e are told. T h e r e might be other economies resulting from central purchasing, but these would never be large and might not exist at all. N o w if w e w o u l d accept centralized clas- 142 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES sification and subject heading assignments f r o m the center, in other words if we would get our cards all ready for the catalog, the economies would be greater, but the task of reconciling present and past records in card form would be complex and perhaps impossible. T h u s , although we are going to develop such a plan, we are probably going to say that our group should either go all the way, or do nothing at all. W e are pretty well convinced that in this situation half way measures will probably serve only to add further confusion to an already chaotic condition. If the M i d w e s t committee is willing to consider the idea of a basically new plan, w e shall find ways of studying and solving the problems that must be faced before any new plan could be approved. T h e problem is not so much one of stubborn details as it is one of agreeing upon fundamental values, and being willing to give up small advan- tages for the sake of securing large values. Coordinating Subject Cataloging and Bibliography Later on w e should hope that we w o u l d address ourselves to the problem of subject- ing the relationship between subject cata- logs, printed bibliographies, and abstracting services to fresh, unbiased, scholarly scrutiny. But for the time being, w e con- sider it wise to concentrate our attention on straightening out a program of identification cataloging, and ordering. T h e t w o prob- lems are quite different in nature, and prob- ably will require different organization and publication media. Midwest Library Center and the Farming- ton Plan W e wish to close this paper by going back to the regional concept in relation to the Farmington Plan. F o r some time n o w in the Association of Research Libraries, we have debated the merits of the Farmington Plan, and we have had difficulties because the plan forces us to face up to issues which w e do not wish to face or know how. O u r original plan was to assign subject priorities to each library and to make each library accept responsibility for building exhaustive research collections in its priority subjects. W e had two objectives: first, to get one copy of everything into the country, and second, to encourage libraries to special- ize and to avoid the alleged evils of the present situation which are that w e all more or less specialize in the same fields and all ignore the same fields. W e assumed that each university would continue to build large collections for re- search, but that each would build exhaus- tive collections in only a f e w fields, and that these would be divided among the libraries. If the priorities were to be assigned in broad areas, such as chemistry, modern Russian history, or physics, only the largest libraries could afford to accept such broad responsibility. If the broad fields were to be divided into narrow units, there would be practical difficulties from the point of view of the dealers in getting the books where they belonged, and f r o m the point of view of the librarians, in building expensive subject catalogs to tell scholars where the books are. T h o s e libraries that were assigned priori- ties that coincide with major research pro- grams in their universities could justify more or less perpetual commitments in favor of these subjects, because they could assume that their institution would be will- ing to remain strong in those fields—even at the expense of other departments. But the libraries that could not afford broad and expensive priorities w o u l d inevitably have to take subjects that would not be matched APRIL, 1948 143 by active research w o r k in their universities. T h e i r librarians hesitated because it seemed illogical, even f o r the g o o d of the cause, to put money where it w o u l d not produce lo- cal results. T h e miserable part of all this is that w e do not really wish to build diversified specialized libraries ( b e y o n d certain o b - vious exceptions) because w e k n o w perfect- ly w e l l that all our universities are g o i n g to f o l l o w pretty much the same curricular pat- terns in research ( w i t h specific exceptions) and in about the same relative proportions. T h e y w i l l differ m o r e in level of attainment than they w i l l in diversity of effort. T h e s e things are determined by factors w h i c h are not necessarily subject to the control of the university administrations. T h i s explains w h y much of our talk in the A . R . L . is so h o l l o w . W e really care very little about these minor publications if their acquisition costs us very much. T h e second variation in the F a r m i n g t o n Plan was based on a frank realization of these facts. T h i s was the regional idea. T h i s said, let us do w h a t w e believe in d o i n g ; namely, buy selectively w h a t w e think w e need in our libraries to support the research activities that are thriving n o w w i t h o u t regard to w h a t the other universi- ties do. L e t us next admit the validity of importing one copy of foreign books, but let us do so in the least expensive and most convenient manner, w h i c h w o u l d be to put them all in one place so w e w o u l d k n o w where they were, and w o u l d , therefore, not need to build an expensive catalog to locate them. T h a t w o u l d logically be at the L i - brary of Congress. B u t this is a big country and W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . is number one target f o r an atomic bomb, so w e said, let us im- port as m a n y as three copies and spot them regionally, and pay f o r each of the three collections cooperatively on a regional basis. B u t there are n o regional libraries at the present time, so f o r the first year w e w o u l d import only one copy and put it in the L i b r a r y of Congress, and let the future take care of itself. T h a t is w h e r e w e are today. Summary If in C h i c a g o w e can have a M i d w e s t e r n library center that w i l l do the f o l l o w i n g things: 1. Become a reservoir collection of Farm- ington importations plus all of the little used materials we wish to get out of our respective collections. 2. Supply us with a union catalog of its and our holdings. 3. Enable us to get rid of a significant per cent of our technical processes costs by doing centralized purchasing and cataloging for us. 4. Supply us with the kind of bibliographic service mentioned earlier in this paper. T h e n the M i d w e s t w i l l gain because it w i l l have m o r e books than it n o w has and better bibliographic service than it n o w has. T h e Universities of I o w a , Illinois, M i n - nesota, and others w i l l gain because w e w i l l have to buy less marginal material, w e w i l l get rid of a large share of o u r technical processes costs, w e can buy m o r e of the books needed f o r present day teaching and research, and w e can keep the size of our libraries d o w n to w h e r e w e w a n t them. W e w i l l be meeting the problem of library specialization in the only w a y it can be met honestly and permanently. T h u s , it comes out that our collecting problems are tied up w i t h our cataloging problems. O u r cataloging problems can be solved only through centralization. C e n - tralization of cataloging can be done ad- vantageously only when accompanied by central purchasing. Central purchasing can be done advantageously on a unit no larger than the region. So the region is the place to start, and the M i d w e s t is the region in w h i c h to start. 144 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES