College and Research Libraries New Members PE R M A N E N T membership records have been kept only since 1 9 4 6 — s o in this listing members joining during the period Jan. i - A p r . 1, 1948, are called " n e w " if they did not belong in either 1946 or 1947. B e c a u s e of v a r i o u s f a c t o r s there may be an unusual degree of e r r o r in this first listing. W e w o u l d appreciate y o u r help in making our records accurate. So w o u l d you please n o t i f y N . O r w i n Rush, E x e c u t i v e S e c r e t a r y , 50 E . H u r o n St., C h i c a g o 11, of any corrections which should be made. N e w institutional members w i l l appear in a l a t e r listing. A c k l e y , M r s . C o r i n n e B., University of W a s h i n g t o n A d a m s , D o r o t h y Jeanette, R i v e r s i d e , Calif., Central Junior H i g h A d a m s , F l o r e n c e Elizabeth, Y a l e U n i v e r s i t y A g u a y o , J o r g e , U n i v e r s i d a d de la Habana A l e x a n d e r , Leona M a y , Oakland, Calif., P u b l i c L i b r a r y A l e x a n d e r , Virginia, U n i v e r s i t y of South Carolina A l f o r d , Attie A . , Florida State University A l f o r d , Ruth V i r g i n i a , University of D e l a w a r e A m e s s e , Helen M . , U n i v e r s i t y of D e n v e r A n d e r s , Richard Lear, Champaign, Illinois A n d e r s o n , Geraldine D . , Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal C o . A n d e r s o n , Isabelle T . , U n i v e r s i t y o f Utah A n d e r s o n , M a r y A g n e s , Belhaven College A n g l e m y e r , M a r y , N e w Y o r k State Division o f Place- ment and U n e m p l o y m e n t Insurance A p p e l l , A l i c e Jacquette, University of Illinois A r c h e r , L e o n a r d B . , Jr., Detroit Public L i b r a r y A r m a n t r o u t , Collean S., A r m y M a p Service A r m b r i s t e r , Roberta F., D a v i d T a y l o r M o d e l Basin A r m s t r o n g , Clifford R . , State College o f Washington A r m s t r o n g , D . G., Calif. Institute o f T e c h n o l o g y A r p k e , E r n a Fredericke, U n i v e r s i t y of California, Berkeley Asterholdt, Aileen, L e n o i r R h y n e College A v e r i l l , Elizabeth A . , Joslyn M e m o r i a l A r t M u s e u m of Omaha A v e r i t t , Edith, Chapel Hill, N o r t h Carolina A v e r i t t , R u b y Elizabeth, T e x a s State College f o r W o - m e n Bach, H a r r y , University of O r e g o n Bacon, V e r a J., U n i v e r s i t y of Iowa Bailey, D o r o t h y , M c C o r m i c k T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a r y Bailey, Joe Handen, M u r r a y , K e n t u c k y , State Teach- ers College Bailey, L u c i l l e E . , H u n t e r College Bailey, M . L o i s , N o r t h e r n State Teachers College, A b e r d e e n , South Dakota B a i r d , M r s . V i o l e t M . , Southwestern M e d i c a l College Baker, M r s . Mabel Peterson, Boise Junior College Baker, M r s . M a r y W . , Chicago Natural H i s t o r y M u s e u m • Baldwin, Ruth M a r i e , San Jose, Calif., State College B a l f o u r , Greta H . , Catholic U n i v e r s i t y of A m e r i c a Ball, Phyllis, University o f A r i z o n a Ballou, H u b b a r d W . , U n i v e r s i t y o f Illinois Banay, George L . , W o r c e s t e r , Mass., State Hospital Bane, Suda L o r e n a , S t a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y Banwell, Katharine E., C a l i f o r n i a State L i b r a r y Barber, Constance Roberta, H o w a r d U n i v e r s i t y B a r d e n , Bertha R . , W e s t e r n R e s e r v e U n i v e r s i t y Barham, Elizabeth J., Catholic U n i v e r s i t y o f A m e r i c a Barksdale, Gaynelle W . , Atlanta U n i v e r s i t y Barrett, Elizabeth, T o l e d o Public L i b r a r y Barrett, M a r g u e r i t e E., Creighton U n i v e r s i t y Barrnes, V e r a Mae, Grinnell College Barron, M r s . Kathleen M . , Georgia State Dept. o f P u b l i c Health Bartlett, E l e a n o r Louise, Massachusetts Institute o f T e c h n o l o g y Bartlett, H e l e n , P a r s o n s Junior College Bartolini, R . Paul, U n i v e r s i t y o f W i c h i t a Bassett, M a r y Flenrian, Southern Christian Institute Batten, Charles E., Crozer Theological S e m i n a r y B a x t e r , Mabel G., Kansas State L i b r a r y B a x t e r , M a r i e W i n s l o w , U n i o n College ( B a r b o u r v i l l e , K y . ) Beard, Geraldine, U n i v e r s i t y of California, B e r k e l e y Beckham. Jessie E., Grand Rapids Junior College B e e m , M i s s Blake, U n i v e r s i t y of L o u i s v i l l e Bell, B e r n i c e K . , W e s l e y Junior College Bellingham, H a r o l d , University of D e n v e r Bennett, Melvin, Kent Library ( C a p e Girardeau, M o . l Bentz, Dale M . , East Carolina T e a c h e r s College ( G r e e n - ville, N . C . ) Berg, V i r g i n i a A . , U n i v e r s i t y o f Illinois Bevis, L e u r a D o r o t h y , University of W a s h i n g t o n Bielby, Ruth M . , S y r a c u s e U n i v e r s i t y Billington, Donna Jean, H a r r i s College of N u r s i n g Bishop, A m i e - L o u i s e , University of Colorado Bishop, M r s . Ethel L a n g d o n , Nebraska W e s l e y a n U n i - versity Bishop, H . E . , U . S. A r m y M e d i c a l L i b r a r y Bitting, Barbara, U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois Blackburn, Robert H a r o l d , University of T o r o n t o Blackie, M a r i a n Lois, LTniversity of C a l i f o r n i a , Berke- ley Blair, Naomi B., Indiana University Blake, N e l s o n M . , T h e National A r c h i v e s Blakiston, Joan Madeline, W e l l e s l e y College Blazier, G e o r g e J., Marietta College Bleyhl, Norris A r t h u r , M e s a College Bliss, Helen, Eastern O r e g o n College Bobbitt, Margaret S., Marshall College Bond, Elizabeth M . , Minneapolis Public L i b r a r y B o r d e n , Elmira, Dayton Public L i b r a r y B o r d e n , F a n n y , V a s s a r College Borden, Joseph C., U n i v e r s i t y of Arkansas B o u r n e u f , Mother A i m e e C., Manhattanville College B o u w h u i s , L . A n d r e w , Canisius College B o w e r s , Constance C., Champlain College B o y c e , George Kenneth, Pierpont M o r g a n L i b r a r y B o y d , A l i c e L . , University of Illinois B o y s w o r t h , W i l l a M . , H u n t i n g d o n College Bradley, M a r y , R i v e r Falls, W i s c o n s i n , State T e a c h e r s College Branch, V i v i a n , U n i v e r s i t y o f Georgia Branham, A l i c e Irene, Minneapolis P u b l i c L i b r a r y Breedlove, Stella, U . S. Dept. of A g r i c u l t u r e , Plant Industry S u b - B r a n c h , Beltsville, M d . Brett, W i l l i a m H o w a r d , U n i v e r s i t y o f California, Berkeley Bright, F r a n k l y n F u r m a n , B r o w n U n i v e r s i t y B r i n k l e r , Bartol, H a r v a r d College Britton, Jasmine, L o s A n g e l e s City Schools B r o w n , Flora M . , Minneapolis Public L i b r a r y B r o w n , Janet E., U n i v e r s i t y o f Buffalo B r o w n , Robert B., University o f M i c h i g a n B r o w n , Susie P e r s o n s , John B . Stetson U n i v e r s i t y B r o w n l e e , M r s . L e n o r e M . , A d a m s State College ( A l a - mosa, C o l o r a d o ) Brubaker, Hastings A l t o n , L a w r e n c e College Buchholz, Marion, B u f f a l o , N e w Y o r k State College f o r T e a c h e r s B u c k , Gertrude, Manhattanville College o f Sacred H e a r t B u c k , K a t h r y n L . , Chadron, Nebraska State T e a c h e r s College B u f f u m , Charles W a l b r i d g e , L i b r a r y o f C o n g r e s s Bullock, M a r y L o u , Pennsylvania State College Burge, D o r o t h y E., A m e r i c a n Institute f o r Foreign T r a d e Burgess, V i r g i n i a Leslie, U . S. Office o f Education Calmbach, Elinor, Southwestern M e d i c a l College Cam, Gilbert A . , N e w Y o r k Public L i b r a r y Camacho, Blase, W . R. Farrington H i g h School Li- brary ( H o n o l u l u 35, H a w a i i ) Campbell, Ella M . , University o f M i c h i g a n Campbell, M a r i l y n I d a , Columbus P u b l i c L i b r a r y Canny, Robert A . , D e n v e r Public L i b r a r y Carabelli, Angelina J., U . S. Dept. o f A g r i c u l t u r e JULY, 1948 •279 Carbutt, Mrs. Katharine K . , Los Angeles Public Library Carleton, Florence Mildred, W a y n e University Carlson, Bern M . , Golden Gate School of Manage- ment Carlson, Ruth A . , Augustana College Carnes, Mrs. Frances Cox, Westminster College Catey, Georgia E., University of California, Los Angeles Cavanaugh, Mrs. Joyce J., Joint Reference Library (Chicago) Cavenauglv, Lucile C., St. Francis College Challenger, Helen Field, Los Alamos Library Chandler, Louise F., Massachusetts College of Phar- macy Charvat, Beatrice, Cleveland, Ohio Chidekel, William, New Y o r k University Chism, Harriet Jean, Washoe County ( N e v a d a ) Li- brary Clayton, Frances, Texas College of Mines and Metal- lurgy Clark, Annie Ree J., New Rochelle Public Library Clay, W a f a F., Mount A i r y , M d . Clayton, Herbert Vincent, California State Library Cleckner, Marie E., Library of Congress Clemence, Stella Risley, Library of Congress Cleveland, Hazel E., Western Michigan College of Education Clugston, Katharine W . , Library of Congress Coblentz, Ruth Irene, Manchester College Coffin, Lewis Charles, Library of Congress Cohen, Joseph Lorence, Rutgers University Colcord, Mabel, Entomology & Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D.C. Coleman, Laura Marion, N e w Jersey College f o r W o - men Collins, Eleanor Stuart, University of Michigan Collins, Eugenia A . , Judson College Collins, Wallace Clifford, University of New Zealand Colson, Elizabeth, Armstrong Junior College Colvin, Laura Catherine, Simmons College Coninx, Ardis Dechman, Evanston Community College Conklin, Robert J., Springfield College Connor, John Michael, Washington, D.C. Conrad, A g n e s C., University of California, Los Angeles Conrad, Rev. Simon R., St. Fidelis Seminary Converse, Helen C., Virginia Polytechnic Institute Cooksley, Mrs. Florence A . , Washington, D.C. Cooley, Eleanor Graham, Berwyn. R . F . D . , M d . Cooper, Dorothy M., University of Washington Cooper, Evelyn L., Glendale (California) Public Li- brary Cope, Barbara Jean, University of California, L o s Angeles Corbin, Phyllis May, Potsdam ( N e w Y o r k ) State Teachers College Costello, Dora H., Oregon State College Covalesky. Eleanor Eunice, American National Red Cross, Washington, D.C. Cowgill, Lois, Oberlin College Craig, Alice L., North Dakota A g r i c . College Cramer, Dorothy Mildred, National Institute of Health Creekmore, Pollyanna, Lawson McGhee Library Crenshaw, Esther Mary. W i l b e r f o r c e , Ohio, College of Education and Industrial Arts Cronin, John William, Library of Congress Crutcher, Florence Jennings, St. Louis Public Library Currier, Margaret, Harvard University Curtiss, Dorothy W . , Wells College Custer, Benjamin Allen, Detroit Public Library Cutlip, Mary E., U . S. Naval Powder Factory, In- dian Head, Md. D a f o e , Elizabeth. University of Manitoba Dalil, Carl, R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. Printers, Chicago Damgard, Mrs., Detroit Public Library Dana, D. Brownell, Ripon College Dana, Virginia, K n o x College Danielb, Lorna M., Harvard Business School Dauphinee, Bede A . , Siena College Davis, Lillian C., Florida A & M College Davis, Nannie Jo, Jacksonville, Alabama State Teachers College Day, Katherine Bolt, Duke University Dean, Mrs. Maud L., John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art DeRenne, W . W . , University of Georgia de Tirefort, Mrs. Magdelaine, Amherst College DeVolder, Arthur Leon, Tacoma Public Library D e V o r e , Helen Lawton, Evans Signal Laboratory, Long Branch, N.J. Dickson, Janet S., University of Iowa Dimock, Fred L., University of Michigan Dix, William S., The Rice Institute Dolan, Philip Hilary, Harvard College D o n d y , Emanuel, Dept. of Agriculture Doolittle, Elizabeth Whiting, Plymouth ( N e w Hamp- shire) Teachers College Dover, Leta Sowder, Bacone College Downey, Bernard Francis, Jr., Harvard University Dozier, Lois G., University of Notre Dame Drewry, Lucie T . M., Virginia Polytechnic Institute Drozda, Raymond J., Armour and Co. Patent Library, Chicago Dugan, Mrs. Hammond J., University of Kentucky Dunlap, Joseph R., City College of New Y o r k Dunlap, Mollie E., W i l b e r f o r c e , Ohio, College of Education and Industrial Arts Dunten, Bernice L., Purdue University D u P r e , Mary S., W o f f o r d College Dwelle, Alberta Barbara, Alderson-Broaddus College Dyer, Lila N., Our Lady of the Lake College Earle, Elinor S., Lincoln Library, Springfield, Illinois Earley, George Edward, Boston Public Library Eaton, Thelma, Washington, D.C. Edwards, V . W . , Edwards Brothers, Inc., A n n Arbor, Michigan Eileen, Sister M . , Caldwell College Ekstrand, Margaret L., Eastern Illinois State College Eldredge, Lucile Mildred, Yankton College Elliott, Evelyn, University of Washington • Elliott, L . R., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Ellis, Helen Harriet, Detroit Public Library Ellis, Sidelle B., Clemson College Elvira, Sister M a r y , College of Saint Francis F.ndelman, Theodore, Santa Maria Junior College Enders, Gertrude E., U. S. Civil Service Commission Entrikin, Isabelle W e b b , A r m y Medical Library Erkert, Clayton A., University of Pennsylvania Eulass, Elizabeth M., The Viking Press, Inc. Evans, Hazel, Cedar Rapids Public Library Evans, Miss Kennedy, Texas State College for Women Evans, Luther H., Librarian of Congress Ewen, Florence S., Oregon State College Ewing, William S., University of Michigan Farrell, Colman Joseph, St. Benedict's College Featherly, Lucia C., Gary Law Library, Chicago, Illinois Feehan, W m . H., Maryland Historical Society Fehner, Cornelia Maria, University of Southern Cali- fornia Felland, Nordis, American Geographical Society Fenner, Hilda Hisey, Madison College Ferguson, Priscilla Just, University of California, Berkeley Ferren, Dorothy Adele, Seventh-day Adventist Theo- logical Seminary Ferring, Geraldine, Napa Junior College Fields, Donald E., Lebanon Valley College Finder, Jane, A . L . A . Headquarters Finney, George J., Dept. of the A r m y , Civil Affairs Division Finney, Jeannette E., Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chicago Fisher, Gwendolyn, Lyons Township High School and Junior College Fletcher, Charlotte Goldsborough, St. John's College Floyd, Lawrence C., Columbia University Library School Ford, Carolyn W . , Tuskegee Institute Forsberg, Helen M . , University of Washington Francis, Kathleen Burke, University of Richmond Francis, Roger B., New York Public Library Frank, Emma Lucile, Oberlin College Franks, Mary Loretta, University of Idaho Fraser, Bessie Fairbairn, Presbyterian College Fraser, C. C., Detroit Public Library Fraser, M . Doreen, University of British Columbia Friedrich, Mrs. Esther B., Pennsylvania State College Fritchman, Mary Louise, Pratt Institute Gallagher, Agnes, Harvard University Gallaway, Margaret, University of Arkansas 280 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Galloway, Mary Elizabeth, Freed-Hardeman College Gambee, Budd L., University of West Virginia Gambuto, Lucille E., Brown University Ganfield, Jane, Purdue University Geheren, Margaret E., St. Thomas College Genung, Marie D., Mills College Giles, Eloise, American Federation of Labor, Wash- ington, D.C. Gillette, Fredericka Botsford, University of Michigan Gillingham, Frank Truscott, Crozer Theological Semi- nary Gilmore, Rev. Lawrence Blair, Reformed Episcopal Theological Seminary Gilmore, Sylvia, University of Illinois. Giordina, Angela, Pace Institute Githens, A l f r e d Morton, Mt. Vernon, New York Gnoza, Edmund, University of Oregon Goettel, Harold M., Academy of Medicine of Northern New Jersey Goldsmith, Gertrude, Detroit Public Library Goode, M . Harriet, Detroit Public Library Goodman, Martha, Youngstown Public Library Gould, Mabel P., University of Iowa Gould, Marie L., U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Portland, Oregon Gourlay, John Wallace G., Indiana University Graham, Cornelia A y e r , Clemson College Graham, Kathryn, Galesburg Branch, University of Illinois Grainger, William Keith, Compton Junior College Graves, Mrs. Louise Harper, Georgia Baptist Gray, Ruth M . , Northern Baptist Seminary Green, Mrs. Jean Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania Greenfield, Kathleen Elizabeth, Schenectady Public Library Greenwood, Walter Bart, Library of Congress Gribbin, John Hawkins, University of Missouri Grimmett, Mrs. Mary E., Newton D. Baker V . A . Center, Martinsburg, W . V a . Groesbeck, Joseph, Detroit Public Library Groves, May M., Oklahoma Agric. & Mechanical Col- lege Gruen, Sonia L., New York, New Y o r k Hale, Ruth E., University of Washington Hambrick, Thera Ollis, Georgia State W o m a n ' s College Hamilton, Carl Wessberg, University of Denver Hamilton, Chas. G., Library of Congress Hamlyn, Mary Grace, McGill University Hammond, Dorothy S., Iowa State College Hamrick, Lillian Aline, Library of Congress Hansen, Oda Bali, University of Michigan Harper, Mrs. Mildred M., Yerkes Observatory Harper, Mrs. Thelma G., Wilberforce, Ohio, College of Education and Industrial Arts Harrell, Rena C., Queens College Harris, Virginia, McPherson College Harrison, Alice Lucille, LTniversity of Michigan Hartkopf, Margy Alberta, Clemson College Hauck, Celia R., Marquette University Hauck, Helen G., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Haughn, Myrtle Mary, Citrus Experiment Station, Riverside, Calif. Hausle, Ruth E., Washington, D.C. Hayes, Margaret, University of Denver Haynes, Virginia Priest, Evansville College Hebert, Mary Alice, Louisiana State University Hedstrand, Lillian, New Y o r k State College of Agri- culture Heeth, Louisa Varnedoe, Florida State University Hefiing, Helen, University of New M e x i c o Heicke, Dorothy Elizabeth, Southern Illinois Uni- versity Hemens, Rollin D., University of Chicago Press Hendricks, King, Utah State Agricultural College Hennig, Mrs. W i n i f r e d St. John, Wellesley College Herling, John P., New York Public Library Hettich, Ernest L., New Y o r k University Hexner, Gertrude, Washington, D.C. Heyer, Ann Harriet, North Texas State Teachers Col- lege Hicks, Mary Elizabeth, University of Maryland Higgs, E. Lucille. Meredith College Higley, Mrs. Lutie Lee, University of Arizona Hill, Gertrude Frances, University of Arizona Hill, Mildred M., Washington State Library Hiller, Louise L., University of Denver Hitchcock, Carrol Doane, Triple Cities College of Syracuse University Hitchcock, Jessie C., University of Minnesota Hoffman, Kathleen E., A . F . S . S . S . Library, Craig Field, Selma, Alabama Hofmaester, Mrs. T. M., Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois Hogg, Elizabeth Olin, University of Chicago Holcomb, Laurel E., University of Illinois Holder, Elizabeth Jerome, Woman's College, Uni- versity of North Carolina Holland, Mrs. Sarah B., Tulane University Holman, Emma Linton, Mary Baldwin College Holmes, Donald C., Library of Congress Holt, Grace Frances, Smith College Hooker, Mrs. Ruth H., Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. Hooper, Blanche H., Tufts College Hoven, Earl Emery, Madison, Wisconsin Howard, Valerio Supearl, Tallahassee, Florida, Carnegie Library Howe, Harriet E., University of Denver Hoyle, Nancy E., F. E. Compton Co. Hughes, Jessie Flopwood, Ashland Junior College Hulbert, James Alexander, Virginia State College Hulbert, Mabel Irene, Michigan College of Mining and Technology Huston, H. N. Dorothy, Madison ( W i s c o n s i n ) Free Library Inez, Sister Marie, The College of St. Catherine Irvin, Charles Edgar, University of Miami Irvine, Kate Tipton, University of Kentucky Jacks, Beulah B., U. S. Navy Laboratory, San Diego Jackson, Ellen, University of Colorado Jackson, Eugene Bernard, A i r Materiel Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio Jackson, Ruth Whitlock, A i r Materiel Command, Wright F"ield, Dayton, Ohio James, Alice, Creole Petroleum Corp., Caracas, Venezuela Jamison, Louise, University of Corpus Christi Jeeck, Elsa L., University of Wisconsin Extension Division Jennings, John Melville, Virginia Historical Society Jennings, Laura Louise, Cornell University Johns, Loeta Lois, University of Washington Johnson, Bessie Margaret, University of Michigan Johnson, Elmer Douglas, Limestone College Johnson, Lacie M., North Carolina A & T College Johnson, Louise C., Rockford Public Library Johnston, Margaret Young, Lockwood Memorial Li- brary, Buffalo Jones, Elizabeth Burch, Princeton University Jones, Harold Degner, Fairmont, West Virginia, State College Jones, Sarah Frances, Emory University Joseph, Sister M . , Rivier College Joyce, Phyllis Bray, Rhode Island State College Kaestle, Sarah Elam ( M r s . K a r l ) , Goodwyn Institute Kahler, Doris Lucille, East Orange Public Library Kanable, Sara Marjorie, Pembroke (North Carolina) State College Karpenstein, Katherine, Standard of California, San Francisco Kelley, Edna Irene, Illinois State Normal University Kelly, Frances H., Carnegie School of Technology Kemp, Erie Pilcher, Citv College of New Y o r k Kemp, Virginia, Baylor University King, Dorothy, Smith College Kirwan, Alice Stokes, Eleventh Naval District Head- quarters Kistler, Delilah E., P . A . C . C . Rittenhouse College Kistler, Ellen Downey, South Bend Public Library Kneil, Gertrude M., University of Pittsburgh Knight, Mrs. Hattie M., Brigham Y o u n g University Knox, Margaret E., University of Illinois Library School Koenig, Rev. Harry Corcoran, St. Mary of the Lake Seminary Komier, Helena Craig, University of Virginia Kopp, Emma Lue, Purdue University Koster, Claire Desmong, Florida State University Kovanda, Anne, Illinois Geological Survey Kramer, Sidney, Washington, D.C. Krenitsky, Michael V o n , Texas Military College Kruger, Charles F., Regis College Kruse, Mildred M., Jersey City, New Jersey State Teachers College LaHue, Katherine M.. Colorado W o m a n ' s College Lanning, Roland J., University of British Columbia JULY, 1948 •281 Lee, Kathryn A n n , A . L . A . Headquarters Lee, Margaret I., Columbia University Lejeune, Eugenia Dickson, Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Virginia Lester, L. Alma, Florida State University Levesque, Elaine M., U . S. Dept. of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C. Levins, Hazel Kirk, Mutual Benefit L i f e Insurance Co. Lewis, Alice Martha, Worthington, Minnesota, Public Schools Lewis, Eleanor F., Northwestern University Lewis, Esther, New Y o r k Public Library Lewis, Katharine Wendell, University of Louisville Lewis, Leora J., F. E. Compton and Co. Lewis, Samuel F., University of Michigan Libbey, David C., State College of Washington Linton, Howard Philip, Columbia University Lockhead, John L., The Mariners' Museum Library Loser, Aria Lorraine, Illinois Department of Labor, Chicago Lowe, Frances Somers, Georgia School of Technology Lowe, Mrs. Velma Singleton, Nashville, Tennessee, A and I State College Lowenthal, Mrs. Ruth H., Fort Hays, Kansas, State College Lucas, Aileen, Fairmont State College ( W e s t Virginia) Lumbard, Emily Charlotte, University of California (Berkeley) Lunn, Jean, Fraser Institute Lyman, W . Newlin, Minnesota Bookstore (Minneapolis) Lyons, John Frederick, McCormick Theological Semi- nary McCameron, Lloyd, University of Texas McCarthy, Cecelia M . , University of Illinois McClelland, Marybelle, Iowa State Teachers College McConagha, Iva, Muskingum College MacConomy, Edward Nelson, Library of Congress McElderry, Stanley, Chicago, Illinois M c G o r d y , Emily L., Wilmington Institute Free Li- brary Macgowan, Margaret, Los Angeles City College McGrath, Alice V . , Pasadena Public Library Mack, Tames D., Lehigh University McKechnie, Agnes Mary, University of Denver McKillop, M a r j o r i e Leslie, Istanbul W o m a n ' s College McKnight, Eugene C., Riverside College MacLean, Helen Hirt, Chase College McNerne.v, Charles Thomas, Jr., University of New Hampshire M c T i g h e , Marianne, University of Scranton M a d d o x , Eugenia, University of Tulsa Marguerite, Sister Mary, Dominican College Marshall, Elizabeth B., Cleveland College Marshall, Shelley Virginia, Pacific Union College Marshall, Mrs. Tommie M., Campbellsville College Martin, Adele Bernice, Southern University (Louisi- ana) Martin, Mrs. Ethel Garey, Dartmouth College Martindell, Diane, Westminster Choir College Martini, Mrs. Helen Brown, Georgia School of Technology Maslenikov, Mrs. Emily L., University of California, Berkele^ Mayhew, Isabel, University of Washington Means, Frances Corry, University of Denver Meckel, Clara Louise, Vanderbilt University Meduri, Sarah Ernestine, White Plains, New York, Public Library Meeks, James D., Yonkers Public Library Meisel, Max, Hall-Mark Electrical Sales Co., Inc., Miami Beach, Florida Mengel, Mildred M., Kutztown, Pennsylvania, State Teachers College Ment, Bernadine, Detroit Public Library Menzies, Elizabeth K., University of Washington Merrill, Ilallie Scott, Lees Junior College Messier, Mary J.. Trenton Public Library Metcalf, Milton C., Brooklyn Public Library Michael, Helen, College of St. Elizabeth Miles, Gertrude E., Bucknell University Miller, Gladys G., University of Minnesota Miller, Mariana Kennedy, Columbia University Miller, Mary Jo Evans. Austin College Mitchem, Avis Dean, Fleming, Ohio Modemann, Harriett Field, New London Junior College Molenaer, Harriet, University of T e x a s Montanari, Mrs. Phyllis Lee, c / o American Consulate, Vitoria, E.S., Brazil Moore, Betty Blaske, Catlin Memorial Library, Detroit Moore, D. Eric, Lincoln University Moore, Sister Esther Marie, Siena College Moore Mildred Allen, Manhattan, Kansas, State College Moran, Leila Padgett, Goucher College Morgan, Whitney N., B. T. Batsford, Ltd. Morris, Sereta, S . C . A . P . , C.I.&E. Library, K y o t o , Honahu, Japan Morris, True, University of Oregon Morrow, Olive Irene, Fort Wayne Public Library Moss, M . Eugenia, National College for Christian Workers Mountain, Richard Allen, Caterpillar Tractor Co. Muenscher, Elizabeth Anna, University of California, Berkeley Mullenberg, Joan R., Ripon College Mullman, Jeanne H., Oklahoma City University M u n r o , Janet Elizabeth, Temple University Murdock, Mrs. Mary, South Pasadena Public Library Murphy, Mabel Ardis, Oklahoma College for W o m e n Murray, Thomas B., University of California, Berkeley Murray, Virginia E., McGill University Myers, Joseph H., Wilkes College Myers, Lenore Miller, Bluffton College Nemenzo, Mrs. Catalina A . , Cebu College Library Nemoy, Leon, Yale University Nichols, Gladys, Urbana Junior College Noone, Isabell Faith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nott, Mrs. Goldie Tilman, Ferris Institute Odell, Gertrude Deirdre, San Bernardino Valley College Oellrich, Gertrude L., Newark Public Library Oldfather, Margaret, University of Illinois Oliver, Rosa Virginia, Marshall College Olney, Eleanor, Ohio State University Ooton, Velma E., U . S. Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk Orin, Leonard A . , Alabama Polytechnic Institute Ostrander, Evah I., Chicago Theological Seminary Ostvold, Harald, Northwestern University Owen, Grace Arlington, San Diego Public Library Owen, Margaret, University of New Hampshire Pangborn, Mark W . , Jr., U . S. Geological Survey Partridge, Frances Jane, Washington, D . C . Public Li- brary Paulin, Alice Davidson, American Steel & W i r e Re- search Laboratory Pearson, Barbara Elliott, Smith College Pease, Margaret Gertrude, Whitworth College Peerson, Ethel, Kingsport Public Library Pehansek, Elizabeth V . , University of Minnesota Peirce, Billie Jo ( L o c h r i d g e ) , T e x a s A & M College Pendell, Lucille H., Gallaudet College Penley, Mrs. Lavina Kirkman, California State Poly- technic College Penrose, Charles, Bethany College Peskind, Ira James, Wright Junior College Peters, Frances Elizabeth, Free Library of Philadelphia Peters, W i l k Smith, Tuskegee Institute Petersem, Agnes J.', Feature Dept., Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Peterson, Odrun E., Gustavus Adolphus College Petronia, Sister Mary, Madonna College Pezuela Ferrera, Manuel Gomez, M e x i c o City, M e x i c o Phelps, Dorothy Tayne, University of Utah Phipps, Barbara Helen, Emmanuel Missionary College Pierce, Dorothy E., College of W & M , V . P . T . . N o r f o l k Plaut, Berta Gertrud, Congregation Emanuel, New Y o r k City Plummer, Julia W . , Lamar College Plummer, Mary A n n , Bucknell University Poland, Robert Ralph, University of Illinois Poole, Mary Elizabeth, North Carolina State College, Raleigh Pouncey, Lorene, Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif. Prince, Evelyn H., University of Chattanooga Prince, Vivian C., University of Florida Protzman, Ruth Marie, University of Oregon Provendter, Kathryn, Pace Institute Quinan, Jean Fuller, Stanford University 282 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Rackstraw, Elsie, Library of Congress Randall, Paul L., Western Michigan College Rasmussen, Sigurd Hartz, United Nations Library Reed, Melia Randall, Chicago College of Osteopathy Reed, Nanette, Michigan State College, East Lansing Reiners, Thomas V . , Manhattan College Remley, Ralph Day, U . S. Civil Service Commission Rendell, Mary Diana, University of British Columbia Reparata, Sister Mary, Rosary College Rettig, Mrs. Cleveland B. G., Florida Southern College Reynolds, Helen Margaret, University of Illinois Rice, Nannie H., Mississippi State College Rich, Mrs. Annie B. F., Nathan and Henry B. Cleaves Law Library, Portland, Maine Richard, Elizabeth, Kansas State College Riddagh, Dorothy Jane, Albright College Riddle, Margaret Selman, Ouachita College Rieru, June, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Rise, Bernice M . , University of Oregon Roberts, Olive L., Northwestern State College, Natchi- toches, La. Robertson, Eleanor M . , University of Illinois Robertson, Florence R., Danville (Virginia) Public Library Robertson, Ida Forbes, Iowa State College Robinson, Dorothy Steckler, Southeastern College, Hammond, La. Rodabaugh, Mrs. Edna H., Purdue University Rodell, Elizabeth G., Rice Institute Rollins, Ruth A l i c e (Mrs. Dean B . ) , Institute of Paper Chemistry Root, Elizabeth de W . , Hartford Seminary Foundation Rose, Mary Alice, Loyola College (Baltimore) Ross, Marian, Louisiana State College Rothstein, Samuel, University of British Columbia Rowe, Helen Frances, University of Denver Rowe, John R., Encyclopaedia Britannica Rowell, Gordon A . , Brooklyn College Russell, Anna Loe, George Peabody College Rystrom, Luella S., University of Michigan Sachs, Judith Eve, Princeton Institute for Advanced Study Saeger, John, Oberlin College Sanders, Lvlah A . , Rolvaag Memorial Library, North- field, Minn. Sanford, Dorothy Louise, Dillard University Sanford, Frances E., Providence Public Library Saupe, Frances Helen, Oklahoma A & M College Sayer, Edith Angie, Truett-McConnell Junior College Schilpp, Emily C., Johns Hopkins University Schimansky, Helene Elizabeth, University of California, L o s Angeles Schuler, Eric T., Library of Congress Schlueter, Reinhold A . , University of Wisconsin Schlutie, Lorraine, Pratt Institute Schuerman, Rev. C. J., Saint Joseph's College Schweickart, Ruth L., Miami University Schweikart, Helen L., Huntington, W . V a . Scott, Walter B., Alabama Polytechnic Institute Scranton, Mrs. Faith Burnett, Stephens College Scriven, Margaret, Chicago Historical Society Secor, Jane Curtis, Denison University Segan, Mildred Marie, University of Notre Dame Sewell, Mary Robert, University of North Carolina Shankroff, Dorothy, University of California, Berkeley Shannon, Dwight W . , Texas A & M College Sharp, Camilla, Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, A r k . Sheffield, Pyrrha Buchner, Portland Cement Association Library Sheppard. Edward Lee, University of Illinois Shields, Ethel A., Eastman Kodak Business Library Shine, L o u Sullivan, University of North Carolina Shipley, Oliver M., U . S. Dept. of Agriculture Shreve, Emily Gray, Dept. of A r m y , Office of Chief of Transportation Sieving, Hilmar A . , University of Chicago Simmons, Mildred, Lexington, Kentucky Simpson, Mrs. Beth A.. Medical Field Service School, Fort Sam Houston, T e x . Sioussat, St. George L., Library of Congress Sivertz, Chloe Thompson, University of Washington Skinner, Mrs. Olive D., Madison, Wisconsin Skofield. Mrs. Harriet Clark, University of Florida Smith, Betty Clem, Hawaiian Economic Foundation Smith, Diana C., Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk Smith, Ella Frances, University of Virginia Smith, Martha Frances, Florida State University Smith, Sidney Butler, University of Vermont Smith, Stewart Peden, University of North Carolina Smogard, Elaine Carol, Beloit College Snavely, Virginia Graham, Ohio State University Snead, Marie Elverna, Ambridge, Pennsylvania, Junior High School Snider, W i n i f r e d Helen, Lake Erie College Snyder, Maye E., Pennsylvania State Library Southworth, June C., Ohio University Spartz, A r l y n Mary, Marquette University Spence, Elizabeth Henke, Beloit Public Library Spengler, Alice Louise, Colorado W o m a n ' s College Spofford, Walter R., University Club of Chicago Sprague, Morteza Drexel, Tuskegee Institute Sprow, Allen Jenkins, Brown University Sprug, Joseph William, Catholic University Stahlecker, Luanna H., University of Iowa Stalker, Frances, Indianapolis Public Library Stanford, Spencer C., Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York Stapleton, Margaret L., Tacoma Public Library Steele, Marion D., Library of Congress Steeves, H. Alan, Museum of American Numismatic Society Stewart, Frederic W . , Hunter College Stewart, Harriett W . , A r m y Information School, Car- lisle, Pa. Stickle, Nellie R., Elmhurst College Stirling, Margaret, A r m y Medical Library, Wash- ington, D.C. Stockert, Helen, West Virginia Wesleyan College Stokes, Katharine M . , University of Illinois Stone, Evelyn P., U . S. Dept. of Agriculture Stones, Mrs. Elleine H., Detroit Public Library Stover, Webster, American Librarians' A g e n c y Stowe, Fern Elizabeth, New Paltz, New York, State Teachers College Studer, Charlotte, Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago Sturtevant, Anne F., University of Iowa Suartz, Beatrice M., Wellesley College Sullivan, Lola E., University of Missouri Sullivan, Thomas Edward, Yale University Sumner, Oween, Florida Southern College Swain, Olive, California State Library Swern, Earl Gregg, William and Mary College Swift, Emma Belle, Rochester Public Library Syler, Rosa Mae, Lamar College Tangen, M a y , University of Iowa Tapper, Ethel W . , Aurora College Taube, Mortimer, Library of Congress Taylor, Lucille G., Washington University Taylor, Mary D., Texas State College f o r W o m e n Thayer, Frances Theodora, University of California, Berkeley Thayer, Mrs. Lewis A . , Lewis and Clark Library, Portland, Oregon Thickman, Mrs. Muriel H . , College of the City of New York Thomas, J. Luther, Florida Agric. and Mech. College Thomas, Martha Reynolds, Columbia University Thomen, Harold Ordell, Library of Congress Thompson, John Richard, Indiana University Thompson, Margaret W . , U . S. Information Service Thumm, Janice Levaine, Baldwin-Wallace College Ticknor, William Edward, Enoch Pratt Free Library Tierney, Jessie N., Chadbourne, Wallace, Parke & Whiteside, N e w York, N . Y . Tiffany, Ellen M., Pennsylvania State College, Schuyl- kill Undergraduate Center Tisdel, Kenneth S., University of Missouri Tish, Lois, Cascade College Tjaden, Priscilla Charlotte, University of Kansas Todd-Davis, Elmyra R., Langston University Tolman, Lorraine E., Worcester, Mass., State Teachers College Toth, Mrs. Margaret K., Women's College Library, Rochester, New Y o r k Trammell, Mary Pauline, University of Florida Trautman, Ray L., New York, N . Y . Trelease, Robert J., Remington Rand, Inc. Trevillian, Mrs. Bernice S., Phoenix College Tucker, Cynthia Furneaux, Amherst College Tucker, Elinor Brown, University of Iowa Tucker, Rosalie G., Vassar College Tuffley, Anna Frances, Northern Michigan College of JULY, 1948 •283 Education Tullis, Isabel B., Central Washington College of Edu- cation Tunnell, Mrs. Enrica, Columbia University Turner, Justin G., El Royale Library, Los Angeles Uhr, Frances, U. S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Philadelphia Valldejuli, Maria A., University "of Puerto Rico Vander Ploeg, Jeannette, San Jose, California, State College Van H o m e , Bernard, John Crerar Library, Chicago Van Norman, C. Elta, Geneseo, New York, State Teachers College Van Zee, Gertrude M., Kalamazoo College Verghese, P. Joseph, Dept. of Agriculture, Malayan Union Vernon, Daisy May, Wichita University Vognild, Evelyn S., University of Denver Walker, E. Virginia, Swarthmore College Walker, Lois Janet, Pacific Union College Walkinshaw, Mildred Frances, Sidney Blumenthal & Co., Inc., Shelton, Conn. Wallace, M r s . M. Isabella B., Whiting, Indiana Walsh, Bertrand M c K . , New York Public Library Ward, Elizabeth Willingham, Lakewood Public Library Warner, Sam B., Library of Congress Webb, David A., Northwestern University Weedon, Pauline D., Tampa Public Library Wefel, Emelia Elizabeth, Cleveland Public Library Wegner, Mary Jean, North Central College, Naper- ville, Illinois Welbes, Rev. Crispin, Quincy College Weld, E l e a n o r Virginia, Princeton University Wrelle, Edith Louise, University of Denver Wellman, Murrell C., American Dental Association Welsh, D o r i s V., Newberry Library, Chicago Welsh, Dorothea, Winfield, Kansas, Southwestern College Wember, Bertha C., Brooklyn College Wenzel. Caroline, California State Library West, Mary Ellen, Schenectady Public Library West, Norbert Dick, Wayne University Western, Mrs. Ida B., Simmons College Wheeless, Estelle, Du Pont Technical Library, Wil- mington Whetstone, Vane Rea, Carnegie Library, Knoxville White, Gretchen, College of Wooster White, Viola Chittenden, Middlebury College Whitehead, Olive F., American Sugar Refining Co., Philadelphia Whitenack, Arthur Elmer, Mary Washington College Whitman, Davis, University of Mississippi Whitman, Ruth, North Dakota Agricultural College Wilder, Annettfe B., M.S.C. Demonstration School, Hattiesburg, Miss. Wilkins, Frances Vroman, Keuka College Williams, Marie B., Chicago Public Library Williams, Virginia, University of New Mexico Williamson, M r s . Jeanette G., Sampson College Williamson, William Landram, Baylor University Willingham, John R., East Texas State Teachers College Willoughby, Mabel E., Howard College Wilson, Mabel Zoe, Western Washington College of Education Wilson, Rebecca, University of Michigan Winchester, Genevieve E., University of Wisconsin Winer, Mrs. Monalee Ellis, Dept. of State, Washing- ton, D.C. Wissler, Mary V., American Museum of Natural History Wistrup, Ann Marie, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Withenow, Lois Esther, Stockton Public Library Wolfard, Nancy S., Queens College Wood, M r s . Chloe M., University of Southern Cali- fornia Wood, Lulu L., Ashland College W o o d , Mrs. Rachel F., Mt. Vernon Seminary Woodward, Anne M., Mary Baldwin College Wright, Emma G., University of Oregon Wuertz, Mrs. Clara Lorelle, University of Wichita Wynne, Marjorie Gray, Yale University Yager, Athol, University of Texas Yelland, Philippa I., Michigan State College, East Lansing Yen, Wen-Yu, National Roosevelt Library, Chungking Yerkes, Helen Hay, Columbia University Young, Dorothy B., Texas Technological College Young, Elma L. Clark, Placer College Young, Mrs. Gladys ( D r i v e r ) , Bendix Products Di- vision, South Bend, Indiana Zabriskie, Mary E., Radio Corporation of America, Lancaster, Pa. Zeides, Solomon, Yeshiva College Zimmerman, Lee Franklin, University of Idaho Zumstein, M a r j o r i e Anne, University of Chicago Committee on Implementation of the National Plans T h e C o m m i t t e e on Implementation of the N a t i o n a l Plans, recently authorized by the A . L . A . E x e c u t i v e B o a r d and o r g a n i z e d d u r i n g the m i d w i n t e r meeting, is now at w o r k . U n d e r the chairmanship of E d w a r d A . C h a p m a n , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute L i b r a r y , the C . I . N . P . is charged w i t h seeing that some- thing is done about the national plans w h i c h have been completed f o r every type of library service in the c o u n t r y . T h e mimeographed list of national plans, " L i b r a r y P l a n n i n g and S t a n d a r d s " (revised J a n . 1948) is available upon request f r o m A . L . A . H e a d q u a r t e r s . T h e committee's o v e r - a l l objective is to assist in the development and execution of plans f o r all types of l i b r a r y service in every state as a unified national e f f o r t , by all li- b r a r i a n s w o r k i n g together, instead of along separate lines of special interest. A s the first order of business, the committee is proposing a 1948 model state planning committee f o r libraries of the c h a r a c t e r indicated in the f o l l o w i n g statement of the committee's basic f u n c t i o n : T o cause and assist the o r g a n i z a t i o n , in every state, of state planning committees f o r libraries so that they u n i f o r m l y represent the interests of all types of libraries and li- b r a r y services at the same time, and includc all outside representation that can conceivably contribute to or affect l i b r a r y planning and plan execution. T h e w o r k of C . I . N . P . is directed t o w a r d the achievement of one of the important ele- ments of the A . L . A . ' s Four Year Goals— " . . . the f u r t h e r development of state plans w i t h i n the f r a m e w o r k of the national plans f o r all types of l i b r a r i e s . " 284 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Publications Committee to Assemble Significant Documents on Library Administration T h e f o l l o w i n g letter and checklist re- cently sent to l i b r a r i a n s of college, univer- sity, and research libraries by the Publications C o m m i t t e e of A . C . R . L . in- a u g u r a t e s a p r o j e c t to assemble at A . L . A . H e a d q u a r t e r s a comprehensive collection of source materials f o r the study of libraries in the sphere of interest represented by A . C . R . L . T h e letter is self-explanatory. If your l i b r a r y did not receive a copy of this letter it is hoped t h a t you will consider this as a request f o r the material described. T h e P u b l i c a t i o n s C o m m i t t e e of the A s s o - ciation of C o l l e g e and R e f e r e n c e L i b r a r i e s needs y o u r help in a plan to assemble in the office of the E x e c u t i v e S e c r e t a r y of A . C . R . L . a collection of significant d o c u m e n t s r e f l e c t i n g c u r r e n t p r a c t i c e s in the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of col- lege, u n i v e r s i t y , and r e s e a r c h l i b r a r i e s . T h e decision to u n d e r t a k e this p r o j e c t w a s dictated by the desire to m a k e g e n e r a l l y a v a i l - able to all interested l i b r a r i e s and l i b r a r y schools the w e a l t h of i n f o r m a t i o n and e x - perience recorded in d o c u m e n t s n o w a v a i l a b l e only t h r o u g h i n d i v i d u a l search and contact w i t h i n d i v i d u a l institutions m o r e or less on a t r i a l and e r r o r basis. I t is the f u r t h e r hope of the c o m m i t t e e t h a t the existence in one place of a c o m p r e h e n s i v e collection of such m a t e r i a l s w i l l s t i m u l a t e the p r o d u c t i o n of use- f u l a r t i c l e s and publications in this field. Spe- cifically, the m a t e r i a l s assembled f r o m this request w i l l be a n a l y z e d to d e t e r m i n e the p r a c t i c a b i l i t y of c o m p i l i n g a s o u r c e b o o k f o r c o l l e g e and u n i v e r s i t y l i b r a r y a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . T h e plan, as n o w envisaged, provides f o r c o n s u l t a t i o n of these m a t e r i a l s at A . L . A . H e a d q u a r t e r s , the loan of the m a t e r i a l s to l i b r a r i e s , and possible r e p r o d u c t i o n f o r use of l i b r a r i e s and l i b r a r y t r a i n i n g agencies. F o r y o u r convenience, a checklist of the types of m a t e r i a l w a n t e d is presented b e l o w . In g e n e r a l , the aim of the p r o j e c t is to b r i n g t o g e t h e r in one place not only the published m a t e r i a l s such as l i b r a r y handbooks, person- nel codes, s t a t u t e s r e l a t i n g to the l i b r a r y , rules, r e g u l a t i o n s , and loan p r i v i l e g e s , but also m a n u s c r i p t m a t e r i a l s such as b u d g e t s and b u d g e t j u s t i f i c a t i o n s , l e t t e r s and m e m o r a n d a p r e p a r e d f o r policy c o n f e r e n c e s w i t h l i b r a r y staff or institutional officers and f a c u l t y , and m e m o r a n d a or o r d e r s issued to implement policy decisions. C o n f i d e n t i a l or semiconfiden- tial m a t e r i a l could be labeled so t h a t it w o u l d not be released except by permission of the o r i g i n a t i n g institution. T o a s s u r e the continued success of this p r o j e c t , it is requested t h a t y o u not only sup- ply m a t e r i a l s c u r r e n t l y a v a i l a b l e b u t t h a t you continue to send w i t h o u t f u r t h e r solicitation s i m i l a r m a t e r i a l s as they become a v a i l a b l e . A n y questions r e g a r d i n g i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of this request or r e g a r d i n g use of the m a t e r i a l should be sent to N . O r w i n R u s h , E x e c u t i v e S e c r e t a r y , A . C . R . L . , A m e r i c a n L i b r a r y A s - sociation, 50 E . H u r o n St., C h i c a g o 1 1 , w h o w i l l either supply the i n f o r m a t i o n desired or f o r w a r d correspondence to the P u b l i c a t i o n s C o m m i t t e e f o r reply. Y o u r cooperation in this p r o j e c t is e a r n e s t l y solicited. R I C H A R D H . L O G S D O N , Chairman A . C . R . L . P u b l i c a t i o n s C o m m i t t e e C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y Checklist of Materials Desired A n n u a l r e p o r t s S t a f f m a n u a l s S t u d e n t h a n d b o o k s c o n t a i n i n g l i b r a r y d a t a F a c u l t y h a n d b o o k s L i b r a r y n e w s l e t t e r s and book lists c o n t a i n i n g n e w s items S t a t e m e n t of rules, r e g u l a t i o n s , l o a n p r i v i - l e g e s B u d g e t and b u d g e t j u s t i f i c a t i o n s P e r s o n n e l codes C l a s s i f i c a t i o n and pay plans S t a t u t e s r e l a t e d to the l i b r a r y I n t e r p r e t a t i o n s of s t a t u t e s O r g a n i z a t i o n c h a r t s S t a t e m e n t s describing book selection policies D e p a r t m e n t a l m a n u a l s such as acquisitions, c a t a l o g i n g , binding and i n t e r l i b r a r y loan B u i l d i n g plans G e n e r a l o r d e r s S t a t e m e n t s c o v e r i n g o r g a n i z a t i o n , f u n c t i o n s JULY, 1948 •285 or responsibilities of the l i b r a r y or any of its departments L e t t e r s , m e m o r a n d a , or other documents pre- pared f o r policy meetings w i t h l i b r a r y staff, institutional officials, l i b r a r y committees, etc. L e t t e r s , m e m o r a n d a , or other documents is- sued to implement policy decisions Statements of responsibility or functions of li- b r a r y committee or other advisory g r o u p s R e p o r t s of surveys including s e l f - s u r v e y s D o c u m e n t s describing o r g a n i z a t i o n and activi- ties of staff associations, etc. Statements describing local cooperative a g r e e - ments r e g a r d i n g book acquisition, service, etc. D o c u m e n t s describing local agreements f o r ex- change of c a t a l o g cards and establishment of union c a t a l o g s ( p a r t i c u l a r l y those not gen- e r a l l y k n o w n to the profession) D o c u m e n t s describing " F r i e n d s of the L i b r a r y " and similar activities D o c u m e n t s describing extent of staff participa- tions in management of the l i b r a r y . N e w Program at Columbia WITH the w i n t e r session of 1948-49, the School of L i b r a r y Service, C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y , i n a u g u r a t e s t w o completely new p r o g r a m s of study leading to the g r a d u a t e degrees of m a s t e r of science and doctor of philosophy. T h i s is the first basic revision of the p r o g r a m and degree s t r u c t u r e since the school w a s r e o r g a n i z e d in 1926. T h e content of the c u r r i c u l u m f o r the master's degree may be described under the f o u r headings of foundations, resources, read- ers, and methods, and consists of ten three- point required courses, and an additional six points taken f r o m the elective offerings of the school or other departments of the u n i v e r - sity. T h e d o c t o r a l p r o g r a m of instruction f o r 1948-49 w i l l o f f e r a series of seminars in f o u n - dations of librarianship, bibliographical re- search, l i b r a r y resources, readers and reading, o r g a n i z a t i o n of materials, l i b r a r y administra- tion, and education f o r librarianship. T h e minimum period of residence f o r the m a s t e r ' s p r o g r a m is a w i n t e r , spring, and s u m m e r session. F o r those students w h o cannot c a r r y the expense of a f u l l - t i m e study p r o g r a m , the w o r k - s t u d y p r o g r a m offers a h a l f - t i m e position in a college, research, or public l i b r a r y to be combined w i t h a semester study p r o g r a m of nine hours taken f o r f o u r consecutive w i n t e r and spring sessions. In- come d u r i n g the w i n t e r months ranges f r o m $85 to $100 w i t h a double s a l a r y during the s u m m e r months. A p p l i c a t i o n f o r admission to all courses must be made on f o r m s obtainable f r o m the Office of U n i v e r s i t y Admissions or the School of L i b r a r y Service, C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y . 286 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES