College and Research Libraries other factors than floor area alone on capacity is well taken and to be remembered. I am sure that not even the authors (neither of whom can be characterized properly as a modest man) would call this a great book. I will not even call it a good book, because that adjective is out of place when applied to a writing of this sort. But it is a useful book, and its usefulness, like that of the type of building it describes, is not of a temporary kind.—W i l l i a m M. Randall, U. S. Merchant Marine Academy, King's Point, N.Y. Names and Places in the N e w s World Words; Recommended Pronunciations. By William Cabell Greet. 2d ed. N e w Y o r k , Columbia University Press, 1948. 6o8p. This new edition of Professor Greet's World Words has been revised and greatly enlarged. N o w listing about 25,000 entries, it contains more than twice as many as the 1944 edition. T h e dictionary might be more precisely titled "names and places in the news" since more than 95 per cent of the entries are for personal and place names of current in- terest. Phonetic and "spelled-out" pronunciations are given f o r each entry. W h e n there has been considerable disagreement over a certain pronunciation, Professor Greet inserts an ex- planation for his particular choice. World Words is a highly useful compilation of pro- nunciations, many of which are not to be found easily in other reference w o r k s . — C a r l Reed, Columbia University Libraries. I FOR SALE: P r o c e e d i n g s of A m e r i c a n Society f o r Engineering Education ( f o r - merly Society f o r the P r o m o t i o n o f Engineering E d u c a t i o n ) V o l - umes 1 through 53 (years 1893 to 1 9 4 6 ) , and V o l u m e s I and II of B e p o r t of the Investigation of En- gineering Education 1923-29, in- c l u d i n g a report on technical in- stitutes, 1928-29. $ 3 . 0 0 per vol- ume. A v a i l a b l e f r o m Lancaster Press, Inc. Lancaster, Pennsylvania 374 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH. LIBRARIES