College and Research Libraries By ARTHUR M. SAMPLEY Five Years of Library Cooperation in the North Texas Region Dr. Sampley is librarian~ North Texas State Teachers College, Denton. A PROJECT in library cooperation in the North Texas region has extended from its inception in December I942, to the publication in mimeographed form on Aug. I, I948, of a completely revised North Texas Regional Union List of Serials. The publication of this list may ap- propriately be the occasion for a summary of the history of this project and a brief account of what it has accomplished. In December I942, a survey to deter- mine whether it was feasible to organize a cooperative regional library enterprise was authorized by the presidents of North Texas State Teachers College, Southern Method- ist University, Texas Christian University, and Texas State College for Women. Dr. A. F. Kuhlman, who carried out the survey, included in it also the public libraries of Dallas and Forth Worth and the library of Southwestern Baptist Theological Semi- nary. Thus three libraries in Fort Worth, two in Dallas, and two in Denton were brought into the enterprise. These li- braries, located within an hour's driving distance of each other, are in the heart of the thickly settled North Texas region, and contained in I943 a book stock of 8Io,ooo volumes. As a result of the survey, Dr. Kuhlman recommended the organization of the North Texas regional libraries with a coordinator or director ; the mimeographing of a union list of serials; the expansion of the serial resources through planned, cooperative pur- chasing; cooperative acquisition of addi- tional reference and bibliographic tools; a regional program for collection of govern- ment documents, newspapers, and manu- script collections; a union catalog of books; proper financial support; systematic plan- ning for the strengthening of library re- sources; and local coordination of libraries. 1 Of these recommendations two have been carried into effect: the mimeographing of a union list . of serials, and the expansion of_ the serial resources through planned, cooperative purchasing. Some progress has been made in the local coordination of li- braries. On the proposals involving the creation of some central library system, no steps have been taken. The fact that each of these libraries operates under a separate governing body is an obstacle which is not likely to be overcome in the near future. · The recommendation · for the mimeo- graphing of a union list of Serials has been fully carried out. Each of the cooperating libraries sent i.n cards of their serial holdings to North Texas State Teachers College, where the master card catalog was _ estab- lished. ·From this catalog the first North Texas Regional Union List of Serials was published in mimeographed form in N ovem- ber of I943· A supplement to this list was issued Jan. I 5, I 94 5, and a second 1 Kuhlman, A. F., The North T exas Regional L i· braries: An Inquiry into the Feasibility and Desira· bility of Developing_ Them as a Coop erative Enterprise (mimeographed), Nashville, Peabody Press, 1943, pp. 77·82. 24 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES supplement was added Mar. I5, I946. On Aug. I, I948, a completely revised union list was published. 2 ln the original Union List, Dr. W. Stanley Hoole, the editor, compiled the foliowing table of titles held in the region: The growth in serial holdings over the period from November I5, 1943, to June I, 1948, is indicated in Table III. These rates of increase, ranging from 49 to 85 per cent, must be attributed in great measure to the stimulus of the regional project. Not only have the libraries rapidly in- creased their holdings in serials; they have also made a concerted effort to eliminate Table J3 Titles in the Region (I) (2) (3) • (4)