College and Research Libraries of reproduction—a Dutch process of semi- dry diazo printing, pages 147-49. T h i s method, already in operation for the dis- semination of abstracts on "fiches" (folded index slips) has implications for publishing and for card production in libraries. Section I V under the editorship of H . M u n r o Fox considered "Reviews," "Recent Advances," and "Annual Reports of Progress." It was pointed out that there are two main purposes for these types of publications. T h e first is to gather together and present for the specialist the progress which has been made in a whole subject during a period of time or to review the state of knowledge in a particular branch of a subject. T h e second is to provide scientists with knowledge of what has been going on, not so much in their own field but in. other fields. Reviews may well be written to suit several levels of interest. For example, a review of a particular aspect of physical chemistry may be written for physical chem- ists, for chemists in general, in a simpler form for other scientists or even in a still simpler form for the intelligent layman. T h e whole conference points up the fact that scientists have evolved in the course of years a remarkably effective system for pro- viding themselves with information, but the system is suffering from strain and requires renovating and strengthening. In order to do this there needs to be more research into how scientific information is used.—Thomas P. Fleming, College of Physicians and Surgeons and School of Library Service, Columbia Uni- versity. Source Material on Meteorology Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography, Vol. 1, no. 1. Boston, American Meteoro- logical Society. January 1950. $3.00 per year. T h e important role played by military avia- tion in the settlement of the last world conflict awakened much interest in aeronautics and allied sciences. Meteorology, in particular, rose to a position of great significance in the field of applied science. College and research librarians were besieged by demands for com- prehensive source material in meteorology. Professional meteorologists realized that the poorly organized material was a definite handi- cap in the pursuit of basic research and in the exchange of ideas in their field. Technical librarians soon recognized the gaps in their reference collection: ( 1 ) T h e r e was no com- prehensive meteorological bibliography being published anywhere in the world, and (2) there was no meteorological abstracting serv- ice comparable to those existing in nearly all the other fields of science. Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography vol. 1, no. 1, dated January 1950, sponsored by Geophysical Research Directorate, A . F . C . - R . L . and the American Meteorological Society, with the cooperation of the Library of Congress, is the latest of many sincere attempts to provide a comprehensive, inter- national, bibliographic and abstracting service for meteorology. Each issue will contain: ( 1 ) A review of 20 to 30 scientific journals, part of an asymp- totic plan to evaluate the contribution to meteorology of some 15,000 technical journals; (2) approximately 150 abstracts from ma- terial of current interest; (3) a cumulative annotated bibliography on a special phase of meteorology [vol. 1, no. 1, Atmosphere Pol- lution (240 entries), Aerobiology, Artificial Precipitation, Hail, Tornadoes, etc. to fol- low.] M . K . Rigby, outstanding American bib- liographer, editor, and D r . C . E. P. Brooks, dean of British meteorologists, corresponding editor, have done a creditable job on their first issue. Important features of this journal are: international coverage; objective evaluation of periodicals in the light of their contributions to the field of meteorology; succinct annota- tions ; and an excellent index. T h e MAB subject heads each bibliographic entry. It is the only permanent international abstracting journal to have such a feature. These subject headings, however, are too specific for the small and medium-sized libraries, and the large and highly specialized libraries will have to make a conversion before integrating MAB subject headings with their catalogs. These subject headings are also inconsistent, some are qualified by the term "meteorology." Others that obviously should be qualified are not. T h i s failing and other problems, e.g., the magnitude of the field to be covered, and the journal's lack of that pres- tige which comes only with age and tradition, will be solved with the passage of time. JULY, 1950 25 7 However, the inauguration of this journal is important to librarians. It will be an aid in acquisitions work and cataloging—an in- valuable reference tool in a scientific field which, heretofore, has had inadequate cover- age.—Edward J. Doherty, Jr., Geophysical Research Library, IVatertown (Mass.) Arsenal. Library Education Education for Librarianship. Papers Pre- sented at the Library Conference, Uni- versity of Chicago, August 16-21, 1948. Edited by Bernard Berelson. Chicago, American Library Association, 1949, 307P. $4.00. A f t e r nearly three decades of relative sta- bility, education for librarianship has become an area of change and experiment. T h e flux of new thinking on library education has pro- vided a theme for innumerable books, pamph- lets, and periodical articles. It has been the subject of at least a score of conferences and meetings. As an area which reflects the whole complexity of the profession, each issue in- volved has found scores of highly vocal dis- cussants frequently reflecting very differing points of view. A s D r . Berelson's "Intro- duction" to the report of this conference indicates, these new patterns of thought on library education as they have developed since 1946 represent as significant a period as any other in our history. Library education very appropriately became, then, the subject for the conference of 1948 at the University of Chicago. T h e particular contribution of this meeting to its subject lies in part in its three distinctive characeristics: first, in the preliminary de- termination to confine it to general problems of library education rather than to allow it to be dissipated in consideration of perhaps temporary experimentation; second, in the in- clusion of library practitioners rather than the professional educator in presenting the sub- ject; and third, in employing a discussant to bring some ready evaluation to each paper presented. This third device would seem to have gone far in bringing to the report of the conference more continuity of thought than is usually possible with such a medium. Sixteen papers were presented at the con- ference, and these were arranged in five general groups. T h e first group on "General Education and Backgrounds" includes the role of the professional school, educational prob- lems of allied professions and historical and foreign aspects of the subject. A second division, "Preparatory Education," was a paper on preprofessional education. T h e third group entitled, "Professional Education for Librarianship," included presentations of the problem peculiar to public libraries, academic institutions, service to children and youth, special librarianship, and a general summary of issues. T h e fourth, "Special Problems," included advanced study and research, clerical and subprofessional employment, and admin- istrative problems of library education. T h e final group, "General Summaries," consisted of " T h e Non-Librarian Inquirer," (Robert D . Leigh) ; " T h e Practicing Librarian," (Luther H . Evans) ; and " T h e Library Edu- cator," (J. Periam Danton). A conference of such breadth carrying the differing theses of 16 major presentations and 11 discussants is impossible to summarize. Some issues emerge, however, as providing the structure of basic problems of library educa- tion. These include: T h e stratification of library education (and a correspondent strati- fication of library positions) ; general library education as opposed to specialized library education; preprofessional and postprofes- sional education; the quality and number of library schools; the academic point at which various types of library education should occur, and the length of various types of pro- grams; the relationship of library education to the field of practice; and the role of the Board of Education for Librarianship and other interested bodies. Quite aside from its necessarily speculative nature, this conference follows a trend in a number of recent meetings where the presenta- tion of problems is sharpened by definite recommendations and proposals. As Berelson points out, this conference had neither author- ity nor mandate to recommend action, yet from it come a body of specific proposals. These are: 1. T h a t the number of library schools be sharply reduced in order to improve the qual- ity of the remaining schools. 284 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES