College and Research Libraries By CHARLES W. MIXER Insurance Evaluation of. a University Library's Collections Mr. Mixer is assistant director of li- braries, Columbia University. T HE Columbia University Libraries have recently co~npleted the regular triennial reappraisal of the collections for fire in- surance purposes. Because of the effective teamwork manifested by the six Supervising Librarians and the twenty-three Depart- ment Heads and because of the procedures we had developed during the earlier evalua- tions, th~ reappraising of the three million items proceeded with dispatch. Since some other libraries may find helpful the methods which were followed, they are being de- scribed below. At the time of the appraisal last Febru- ary, the collections comprised 2, 793,605 volumes, plus many files of manuscripts, maps, clippings, phonograph records, micro- films, etc. These research materials are shelved in 34 d~partrnentallibrar"ies, library . dep~rtrnents (e.g., Acquisitions, Cataloging, Administration), and in special reading rooms. The collections are located in I 2 buildings, of which all but two (the Medi- cal Library, I 39,384 volumes, and the Optometry Library, 2,3I6 volumes) are oq the main campus. Over half of the to'tal book holdings are in the Nicholas Murray Butler Library (I,772,626 vol- umes). Since the University administration takes care of the insurance coverage of the build- ings, the Libraries are concerned only with the insurance of the collections. At the time of the I 9 5 I appraisal, the total in- surance valuation amounted to $I2,237,8o8, including the $33I,405 coverage on rarities (see Table). Jrypes of insurance The University carries blanket insurance against the hazards of fire, windstorm, tornado, hail, airplane damage, and one or two minor hazards, on its real and per- sonal educational property, excluding, how- ever, property of a fine art nature which is more specifically insured. Because of the type of construction and the nature of oc- cupancy of the buildings on the main earn- pus and at the Medical Center, Columbia is eligible for a form of blanket coverage which carries no "co-insurance clause" but a "stated amount of insurance clause." Under this latter clause, if the University carries insurance up to the stated amount, it will collect the full amount of any loss (up to the amount of the insur~nce) re- sulting from the hazards covered. An affidavit signed by the University is required by the underwriters every three years to determine the stated amount used in the blanket insurance form. This figure is ap- proximately go % of the insurable value indicated in the affidavit. If a co-insurance clause had been re- qi.Iired, it would have been necessary for the University constantly to watch the value of its property since this clause is an agreement between the underwriters and the assured that insurance would be carried up to a certain percentage of the insurable value of the property covered. If at time 18 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES INSURANCE SCHEDULE, FEBRUAR'f 1951 SUI LOIN& 1 . VOI..UMH l[. AV. m. VALUE OF ~.OTH£1\ KATfiiAI IV· VALUE OF l~llltl rm R'ti,~fE~F fm TOTAl VALUE. TOTALS VALUE aooKs IKINDS AMOUNT MI~C.MA'fEIUAl5 SUTLER 5,6~4J,'581 . 25 ACQUISITIONS - - - - -- 9,52-4 . 00 80o~ OltD~It 0111. 2,3+2 ... 9,52<4.00 SEIWII..'S 12,009 • 12,090 .00 CATIILOt ~~-~ttgf 1,5'&0.00 - - o'!l,t>So.oo CriFT!> . 282,750 • 53, 1~5.75 - - - - - 53,135 .75 1>9po~it collf'' . 111,000 - 1.29,600 .00 • • 1,<400 .00 - - 1'!11,000 . oo CATALOCr DE PT. 15,000 2 .50 37,500.00 • CATAL06o~ 220 .. ~10 . 00 - - 257,910 . oo AOMIIIIHRATIOI'I - - - - 3 1,500 .00 o,soo . oo 6URCrE55 17 , 309 2 .50 68,272 . 50 POlTUIT I 100.00 - - 68,572 . 50 BUSINESS llb,720 • 309.800 .00 • • <44,000 .00 • 1,000.00 35-4,800.00 CARPENTER,ETC 32,592. • 83,52& . 00 • .. 1 S,e.oo .oo - - 99,126 .oo CIRCULATION 737,266 2.5'0 1,843,165 . 00 - - - - - 1,94'51 16'.i .oo COLLtG-E 3+,610 1 .50 86,525 .00 • • 2,768 .00 - - 89,293 .00 l.ENOIN6 SERVKE 3,086 2 .50 7,715 .00 - - - - - 7,715 . 00 MIU.O· NEWSPAPERS 7, 500 2. .00 15,000,00 ~"·""" 1,~01 1'2,105 00 - - 27, I05.oo PER1001(AL/8ROW!IN6 4,303 • 11,1 oo . oo :~i~. I 150·00 - - 11,1.50.00 PHilO~OPHV 8,<421 2 .50 21,051..50 - - - - - 2.1,052 .50 REFEREN<.E. 20, soo ... 120,000 ·00 - - - • 4,250 00 12-4,250.00 501 . LI8R. SE RVKE 65,328 • 174,511.00 • • 19,500.00 - - o94 10 II 0.0 LAW OVERFLOW 3'3,000 1 .75 156,750.00 - - - - SEE. SP£C COLL 156,750. 00 RU~~IAN ARCHIVE - - lit • 11,000. 00 3lll 12,750 . 00 1.~. 750. 00 PHOTOORAPH OIV. - - - • .. 8 .'190. 00 - - 8,990 .00 SPECIAL COLlECTIONS 1'31,95'1 • 1,809, 381.50 • * 5~ . e~o . oo - 19~.315 00 J,058,53tt.50 Law ruitit's - - - - - 3* 2,100 .00 2,100 .00 1'\tdiul rarillts :2,000 5. 50 11,000.00 - - - 9. ''· soo .oo J.2,5oo.oo Mtdical <.ANIATH .SOC.LI8RAII.Y 13 000 "''~;;~\~ 57.~ 50.00 MINE5 TRAOE 27,952 .00 361,378 .00 EG-LESTON 55,571 6 .00 333,4'16 .00 CATAL06 279,5H• - - 361,~78 .00 PUP IN 5.2,37"'t . OO PI-IYSICS 8,729 6 .00 52,37+.00 - - - - - 52,'371 .00 S31,-405 .00 10,934,%6 .00 10,934,406.00 MEOitAL 1,287,874.00 M£01CAL 1'39,384 * 1,2'30,0"t9.00 * • 57,825 00 - S£l SPEC. (OLL~ . ,I