College and Research Libraries Notes from the A.C.R.L. Office The year 1952 will be unusual in the history of ACRL because of important commitments now made. Membership dis- tribution of College and Research Libraries gambles on the expectation that increased membership and advertising revenue will eventually compensate for the loss of about $4,000.00 in subscription revenue. The in- creased ALA dues will undoubtedly mean some drop in divisional income unless the ALA Executive Board agrees to lift the pres- ent allotment ceiling of $6.oo for any single divisional membership, or to share its in- creased income in some other manner with all the divisions. The first two issues of ACRL MONOGRAPHS are modest, and the future of this series depends entirely on demand. The Research Planning Committee, first convened last January, is off to a fresh start under Louis Kaplan and could lead the way to regular and important accomplishments. Our first local chapter has been established and will serve as a pilot model. The Pure and Applied Science Section now at last offers a place for useful service to all university librarians working in these fields. Several new committees were established in July and will make their first contributions shortly. A beginning has been made in the develop- ment of research projects which will attract foundation support of college library prob- lems. While college enrolments and many col- lege library budgets suffered minor setbacks last fall, we are obviously on the threshold of a period of further expansion unless war intervenes. According to the 1948 report of the President's Commission on Higher Edu- cation, the next decade may see nearly as large an expansion in higher education as the last decade. Few libraries are adequate for existing needs and any enrolment increases will entail either frantic building and ex- pansion of staffs or tragic inadequacies in service rendered. The ACRL Committee on Administrative Procedures (formerly Budgets, Compensa- tion, and Schemes of Service) has general responsibility for oversight of the financial problems and support of college libraries. Just what means it will take to encourage JANUARY~ 1952 the better support of libraries has yet to be determined, and the Chairman Ralph H. Parker (Librarian, University of Missouri, Columbia) welcomes suggestions. We could attempt to work principally through ac- crediting agencies, or directly with individual .institutions. We could work directly by complaint and specific charge, or indirectly by advertising minimum standards, by preach- ing the role of libraries in the educational process, and by other hortatory measures. Whatever methods ar~ used, a large measure of judgment is needed in the selection of any institution which is to be pressed to improve its library facilities. The Duplicates Exchange Union has al- most one hundred members regularly sending lists to each other. This cooperative entl!r- prise for the exchange of duplicates has proved most useful to smaller college li- braries, but all institutions are invited to ]om. The new chairman is Miss Wixie E. Parker, Periodical Librarian, Duke Univer- sity, Durham, North Carolina. The Buildings Committee has been re- sponsible for a series of useful articles in College and Research Libraries. The chair- man has lists of librarians qualified and willing to act as consultants to institutions planning a new library building. He does not recommend architects but will name buildings which have met with the general approval of the committee. Much of ·the usefulness of this group is in answering individual inquiries on building problems. Fancy being selected, as was Dr. Jesse of the University of Ten- nessee; to go to Hawaii for a few weeks in the dead of winter as consultant on the new university library building to be built there! The conference on building problems, origi- nally scheduled for November 1951, has been postponed until spring. This two/three day conference is planned for librarians with build- ing problems. In attendance will be architects and experts from various allied fields. Any who are interested in ·attending should write to the Chairman, Dr. Robert H. Muller of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. More and more libraries are reporting their statistics to the ACRL committee headed by Dr. G. Flint Purdy of Wayne University. 65 Space and typesetting costs limit the number that can be included in the published report, especially at this time when all costs are up. If the statistics were published as a sepa- rate, a photographic process of reproduction from typewritten copy could be used in place of typesetting, every library reporting could be included, and modest publication costs met by the sale price of the publication (probably $1.00 or less). On the other hand, separate publication involves a separate buying and selling transaction, additional cost to most libraries, less handy referral to the statistics, and probably other disadvantages. There seems to be little doubt but what usefulness increases in proportion to the number of li- braries included. Possible solutions to this vexing problem are solicited, as well as com- ments on the statistics. . Several state associations collect the statis- tics of all their college libraries. The Minne- sota Library Association College Section is doing so for the first time, and their tables will be published in Minnesota Libraries. The ACRL statistical blanks were used for the gathering of information. While the ACRL Constitutio_n has always made provision for local, state, and regional chapters, only this fall has the first one been established. By a mail vote the Board of Directors approved a petition to recognize the ACRL Chapter for the Philadelphia area. Included is approximately the area covered by the Philadelphia Union Catalogue-most of eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and most of south Jersey. As anyone can tell from a quick glance at the ACRL Constitution (College and Research Libraries 9:1, p. 77), chapters have no financial obligations and are otherwise extremely independent. With num- ber one now taken, where will our second chapter be? As careful readers of this column will remember, the Board voted in July that your Executive Secretary " ... encourage re- gional chapters ... and ... give such positive aid as he can within his time and expense budget." ALA Headquarters now houses four di- visional executive secretaries (for public li- braries, children and young people, school libraries, and college and reference). For the first time all these divisions are on the new financial arrangement with ALA. The four of us who represent divisions have pro- gressively conferred more and more together as we discovered the similarity of our indi- vidual interests and problems. We have been able to reach agreement on practically all matters of mutual concern. As many members know, the College Li- braries Section had a series of discussion groups at the Chicago Conference in place of the usual program of several speakers. The results or findings of the groups were reported by the discussion leaders at a short "general session." These findings represent the collective contributions of all those in at- tendance and seem to be extremely valuable. Enthusiastic comments have come to me and to Miss Thornton from a number who at- tended. Even though the arrangements for discussion groups present all sorts of space and time difficulties, other sections may wish to investigate this procedure. On an adjoining page is reproduced the condensed report of Thomas S. Shaw, ACRL Treasurer, with the 1951/52 budget as ap- proved by the Board of Directors in July. The two documents were joined in order to conserve space. The report shows a deficit of slightly over two hundred dollars for the past year and the expectation of a considerable deficit for the year ahead, principally because of member- ship distribution of College and Research Libraries. The Board of course hopes that distribution of the journal and other new ac- tivities will increase the membership and therefore the income. Librarians could help tremendously in securing advertisements by mentioning the journal when placing orders.- Arthur T. Hamlin, Executive Secretary. The following issues of College and Research Libr~ries are out of print. Copies no longer needed by readers will be very much appreciated at Headquarters and will be put to good use in completing files in libraries. Please send any you can spare to The A.C.R.L. Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago II, Ill. 66 Vol. 2, Nos. 2 and 4 (March and September 1941) Vol. 6, No.2 (March 1945) Vol. 7, Nos. I and 2 (January and April 1946) Vol. IO, Nos. 1, 2, and 4 (January, April, and October 1949) COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Condensed Treasurer's Report, 1950--51 and 1951--52 Budget Income, Budgeted I95I·52 Membership Dues ......•.•.••••.•.•••..•..•.......••••..•........••....•••••..•..•..•....... Executive Secretary TIAA Premium Dues ....................................................• Total Income Budgeted ........................................•...........•..•.......... Income Statement, September I, I950-August 3I, I95I ALA Allotments to ACRL from Dues ........................................................ . Additional Section Dues ............................... . ..................... .. ........... ... . ACRL Survey Supervision .................................................................. . Executive Secretary TIAA Premium Dues ...........................................•......... Sale of Rare Books in the University Library ......... .. ...................................... . Sale of lttnior College Directory ........ .... . .......... .. .. .. ...... ........ . ... . ............ . Sale of Engineering Libraries Directory ...................................................... . ALA Life Memberships in ACRL ........................................................... . Refund Office Expense Account, President Wright ............................................. . $I6,ooo.oo 300.00 $I6,300.00 $I5,827.98 97.00 333·34 2J5.00 42.50 5.25 8.00 14.00 5.00 Total ..... .... ... ...... ....... ...... ............ . ... ......... .................... , . ....• ~~ Expenditures C. & R. L. I949·50 unpaid balance ...............................•• C. & R. L. subvention •••...•••.........•............•............ ALA Washington office support .......•.........•.................. Annual conference expenses •••.....................•..........•.••• ACRL Quarterly "Vewsletter . ..... . .... .... .. . •.......... ...... .... American Council on Education Membership .......................•. Council of National Library Associations dues ....................... . CNLA American Standards Committee Z39 ........................• Section Expenses: Agriculture •..........................•................... : . ..•..• ~~~l~~eri~g' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Junior College ................................................... . Reference ..•...............•..•...••••.••..•..•....••..•......•... Pure and Applied Science ...•...•.....••.•••••.....•...•........... b~l~~~~i~r~i~~~~.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: Committee Expenses: Audio-Visual ..•...•••.•................•............•............ Budgets, Compensation, and Schemes of Service .. .. ...... ......... . . Administrative Procedure ••.•.......••.•........... · .•.............. Buildings ......•• ...•........• ... ••.• ......................... .. . . Financing College and Research Libraries . ... .... ....... .... .... .. . . Pn~~~llb;~~Y Er_c::~sge. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ·: : : Preparation and Qualifications for Librarianship .................... . Publications .............•.....•.••.•..••......................... Study Materials for Instruction in Use of Library ................... . r~~~~;: 7 ~:-:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Membership Distribution of College and Research Libraries ........... . Policy •...•..•...•••••••..••.••.••.....••••••••....•.....•........ Officers' Expenses: President ... . ....................... ..... ........•.......... . ..... Treasurer ..............................••......•................• General administrative expense including travel ...............•...•..• Executive Secretary TIAA ...•...•••.•••..•......... ...... . ...•...• Executive Office Expenses: Salaries (2'%), Social Security, etc. . ..... ......... ... ......... . .. .. . Travel of Executive Secretary .............•.....•................. ~~~reE~~~~~tl~~~~ . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Communications, Supplies, etc. . ................................... . Totals .•....••.............••••...•......•.•..........•....•.. Balance on Hand, Sept. I, 1950 Balance on Hand, Sept. r, 1951 JANUARY, 1952 Budgeted $ 6oo.oo 400.00 I5o :oo 8oo.oo 100.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 300.00 100.00 75-00 75-00 100.00 200.00 100.00 25.00 400.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 175.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 700.00 6oo.oo 11,!00.00 900.00 100.00 250.00 400.00 $x8,235.oe 1950·51 Actual $ 623.65 400.00 I50.00 441. r8 100.00 r6.79 74·31 76.83 339·24 II$.34 3I.53 30·95 213.68 I2.19 18.54 259·78 4.22 30.00 175.00 49.15 43.00 5.00 25.00 IO.OO 7r6.5o 550.00 10,613.64 970.05 122.59 146.40 448·35 $r6,8x2.91 1951·52 Budgeted $ 3.750.00 400.00 150.00 500.00 100.00 10.00 5.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 35.00 100.00 . 450.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 25.00 25.00 !75.00 175.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 85o.oo 6oo.oo 1 r,roo.oo 900.00 !00.00 100.00 400.00 $2I,OIO.OO $II,504.62 $11,299·78 67 College and University Library Statistics T HE annual compilation of statistics has been speeded up this year in order to achieve publication in the January issue of College and Research Libraries instead of the April issue in which these figures have appeared in previous years. . It is hoped that this earlier reporting may enhance the use- fulness of these statistics for librarians gen- erally and for those who may make use of them in their own budget estimates in par- ticular. As in former · years, the general statements concerning the statistics have been prepared largely by the librarians who com- piled them. Statistics for Group I libraries were assembled by Dale Bentz of the Uni- versity of Tennessee Library, for Groups II and III by Dan Graves, Preparations . De- partment, University of Kansas Library, Law- rence, Kansas, and for teachers colleges by Wen dell W. Smiley, librarian, East Carolina College. In order that users of the tables presented on the following pages may understand the objectives of the ACRL Statistics Committee - in collecting and publishing quantitative facts about college and university libraries, the Committee, through its chairman, ' Dr. G. Flint Purdy, librarian, Wayne University, has suggested that the following statement of purposes - may be helpful: 1. The major purpose of the published tables is that of supplying ammunition by means of which librarians may im- prove the status of their own libraries, primarily their budgets and salaries. 2. An important additional purpose of the collection is to accumulate files of data for research purposes. This purpose is the reason for collecting statistics from many libraries not included in the pub- lished list. 3· In pursuit of these objectives, our mail- ing lists are selected to constitute a random sample of college and university libraries, but the published tables are intended to emphasize conditions which approach standards rather than norms. · Each of the compilers has called attention to the increasing incidence of "confide~tial" or "unavailable" data which are not reported. Most frequently these figures relate to salary even though such information is among that most eagerly sought . by ACRL membership. Since the usefulness of the statistical tables is directly proportional to their completeness, it cannot be emphasized too strongly that li- brarians who withhold information are de- feating the purposes for which the statistics program was established. · In view of the mounting costs of these annual compilations, it is especially important that they be as com- plete and as useful as it is possible to make them; in other words, a table made up largely of blank spaces (or marks of omission) is just as costly to reproduce as one which in- cludes significant figures. Unquestionably the practice of . many larger libraries to mark as "confidential" or to withhold information about salary schedules or_ other factors in li- brary service has influenced other libraries to follow suit. In each succeeding year this iron curtain becomes a more effective barrier to reasoned evaluat-ion of the progress of academic libraries and librarianship. Librari.:. ans are once more urged to reconsider their policies of withholding information called for and, wherever possible, to endeavor a return at least to former standards of completeness if not to improved ones instead of continuing to lose ground ·each year as more and more libraries fail to furnish data essential to effective statistics reporting. Statistics were received from only seventy- nine institutions in Group I this year as compared with one hundred for 1949-50. This reduction in number of reporting libraries may have resulted from the earlier deadline date. However, the completeness of data included in individual reports seems not to have suffered because of the earlier deadline. Only one institution was omitted for failure to send in its report on time. Others have been omitted because of space limitations. Smaller libraries not included in previous years have also been omitted. Of the seventy institutions included, only fifty ( 71 per cent) were represented in last year's tables. Thirty-seven (53 per cent) of 68 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES these fifty have reported for four consecutive years. The present compilation includes seven libraries not previously included in Group I. For purposes of comparison and to show trends, continuity of reporting by the same institutions is highly desirable. It is to be hoped that future reports may reflect a higher incidence of continuity than has been possible heretofore. Special note should be made of the 1951-52 budget figures included in this year's report. For small colleges and universities (Groups II and III) library operating expenses rather than enrolment have been used as the basis for group divisions. Libraries which spent $31,000 or more are included in Group II; those • which spent less than $31,000 in Group III. A total of 142 reports were received for these two groups as compared with 128 received last year. Lack of space, incomplete reporting, and late reports are among the reasons for using only fifty-nine reports in Group II and only seventy in Group III. Comparison with statistics for former years was attempted but because of the difference in bases for the compilations and the attendant variances, valid comparison was impossible without so many qualifying .statements as to make it impractical. It is felt, however, that the compilation as it stands will be useful to librarians who can make their own compari- sons while considering the differences in li- braries represented, and the ranges of operat- ing expenses and size of student body. Medians were determined from the figures appearing without footnotes in the tables. Confidential figures were not considered. Only fifty-one reports had been received from teachers college libraries at the time tabulation was begun. This represents a marked decrease from last year when nearly seventy reports were used for the tabulations. A survey of this year's statistics indicates a steady growth in nearly all measures included in these tables. Staff salaries have increased consistently during the past year in spite of the decrease in student enrolment reported by nearly every institution. Indications are that staff size has not changed appreciably during the past year. The institutions in- cluded in the published tables are arranged alphabetically by state.-Carlyle 1. FrareyJ Columbia University. A.C.R.L. Initiates New Publication Because many fine manuscripts are crowded out of C&RL and other professional journals on account of space limitations, the ACRL Publications Committee has inaugurated a series of occasional papers known as ACRL MONOGRAPHS, which will appear at three or four month intervals. Format is in book-face multilith, with a cover designed by a well-known typographer. Issue No. I, which came out recently, is a study on Wil- liam Beer, the famous New Orleans Librarian , by Joe W. Kraus, Librarian of Madison Col- lege. Issue No. 2, just off the press, traces the growth of reference service in the U.S. from I876 to I893, and is by Louis Kaplan, associate librarian University of Wisconsin. A number of other provocative manuscripts are now being considered by the committee. Further manuscripts pertinent to all phases of academic and reference librarianship are now being sought. Authors need not be mem- bers of ACRL, but, since the same editorial standards as have been set up for C&RL will be maintained, the approval of a manuscript by JANUARYJ 1952 at least three members of the Committee is required before publication. The present members of the Committee are: Mrs. Francis B. Jenkins, David K. Maxfield,. Felix Reich- man, Rolland E. Stevens, Colton Storm, Maurice F. Tauber, Clyde Walton, Jr., John C. Wyllie, and Lawrence F. Thompson, Chairman. Manuscripts submitted for their consideration should be addressed only to Chairman Thompson at the University oi Kentucky Library, Lexington, Kentucky. All issues will be separately priced, de- pending on cost of manufacture, and may be ordered separately, although it is recom- mended that standing orders be placed, if possible. Orders should be addressed only to the Business Manager, David K. Maxfield, at the Chicago Undergraduate Division of the University of Illinois Library, Chicago 11, Illinois. The cost of issue No. 2 has been set at twenty-five cents and that of No. I at thirty-five cents, although it is likely that future issues may be somewhat less reason- able. 69 College and University Libra Library Operating Expenditur Student Enrolment2 Fiscal Total Total Year Fac- Under- Gradu- Book Volumes Neos- Periodi- Staff Student Library Ending ulty1 graduate ate Stock Added papers cals Salaries Service Alabama ......... ..... . 30Se51 530 6, 1.51 498 380,024 23,014 131 2,879 $128,590 22,940 Arizona ............ . ... 30Je51 334 ·5,388 305 398,95319 8,425 41 2,332 58,373 14,063 Brown ..... ... ........ . 30Je51 327 3,312 440 752,885 18,534 20 6 0001S 129,954 10,474 California (Berkeley) .... 30Je51 1,910 14,989 4 , 927 1,744,784 79,721 173 :19:4~ 864,61418 193,95016 California (Los Angeles) . . 30Je51 1,045 11,049 2,979 790,012 72,139 143 12,313 432,120 139,647 C~ic~go ... . 30Je51 874 3,226 4, ~54 1,862,07[ 20 53,971 81 1,no 12 ... 12 476,2 Cmcmnatl. .... .... ..... 30Je51 544 6,116 844 660,140 12,198 22 2,291 111,925 11,299 123,2 Colorado7 ... .. . .... .. .. 30Je51 545 7,260 804 720, '686 30,329 ) 43 3,467 104,513 33,686 138,1 Columbia .... . ... ... .... 30Je51 3,44215 10,776 17,950 1, 936,923 57,636 123 5,266 775,728 25 775,7 Cornell . . ....... .... .. . . 30Je51 1,364 8,492 1,654 1,509, 728 44,420 12 12 368,093 33;397 401,4 Denver ...... . . . ..... .. . 31Ag51 378 7,483 1,867 281,655 19,587 38 1,836 141,826 17,726 159,5 Duke ....... . . . .... . ... 30Je51 450 3, 742 1,144 1,038,898 45,643 70 4,943 204,812 30,981 235,7 Florida .......... .. ..... 30Je51 669 8,602 1,437 445 , 246 37,810 145 3,593 244,819 58,824 303,6 Florida State . .. ..... ... 30Je51 450 4, 795 607 275,277 44,479 130 1,251 153,945 10,539 164,4 Georgia . ....... . .. .. . . . 30Je51 287 5,977 453 269,029 15,070 70 2,102 106,999 13,518 120,5 Harvard .. . ... .. . ..... . . 30Je51 12 4,676 10,632 5,542,674 145,388 .. 12 12 851Y,9'11 45,00016 900,9 Hawaii. ... ... ...... . ... 30Je51 227 4,466 460 219,233 9, 791 26 3,502 10'9, 792 10,753 120,5 Idaho . . . . .. .. . . .. ...... 30Je51 244 3,237 259 134,968 5,849 57 898 56,900 8,815 65,7 Hlinois .. ... .. ..... . ... . 30Je51 1, 916! 18,456 3,812 2,476,954 93,451 573 17,322 739,81!1. 96,216 836,0 Indiana .... . ..... ... .. . 30Je51 1,248 9,038 3,419 831,755 34, 95 ~ 1 8 181 10,076 223,200 . 32,800 256,b ~Iowa State . . .. . ........ 30Je51 1,~~~1~ 6,600 1,220 423 ,_.385 13,126 103 2,601 109,051 14,422 123,4 .l9i-nt-Univ!l!§.it.v . , . . .. . .. 30Ap51 3, 703 1,871 -i9, 765 25,508 31 3,816 .tOO, 748 39,147 .. ~..s Kans~ . . ...... . . . .. 30Je51 603 6,661 905 66 , 747 21,598 178 2,071 176,250 '39:-958 ~'- 6' 2 ' I f:hi~hc~y.". ~: ::::: :::: :: 30Je51 529 5,629 919 528,211 30,810 158 3,301 131,914 21,655 153,5 30Je51 277 2, 799 619 303,578 4,968 5 1, 400 37,300 3,500 40,8 Louisiana States .. . . . . ... 30Je51 11 5,116 1,270 416,871 21,935 69 2,197 183,681 20,158 203,8 Maine .. ... .. . ....... .. 30Je51 . ' 408! 3,556 139 241,635 8,116 15 1,132 30,581 6,169 36,7 Maryland .. . .. .. ... . ... 30Je51 1,379 13,666 2,595 252,505 14,853 32 2,823 100,168 16,242 116,4 Mass. Inst. of Tech .... .. 30Je51 436 3,496 1,675 465,639 15 , 625 6 3,00018 130,850 16,132 146,9 Michigan . . .. . .......... 30Je51 1,269 11,595 7,966 1,472 , 837 42,546 91 6, 725 557' 790 61,780 619,5 ., Michigan State .... . . ... . 30Je51 847 111r 1,580 472,915 57,3!!6 57 2,569 102,250 52,244 154,4 Minnesota . . ..... ..... .. 30J 2,380 8, 29 3,551 1,606,316 54,507 100• 25 , 000 390,516 29,496 420,0 Mississippis . . .. . ..... . .. 30Je51 252' 2,576 229 106,346 14,881 17 954 43,29630 12,99230 56,2 Mississippi State . . . .. . .. 30Je51 177 2,697 2U 147 ' 986 8, 783 46 1,357 51,906 7,100 59,0 Missouri9 . ·: . ... . . ... . . . 30Je51 604 9,127 1,319 731,700 25,975 20016 3,70016 156,325 22,416 178,7 Montana State10 . . . . .... . 30Je51 183 2,660 175 314,328 11,848 29 910 48,086 10,500 58,5 New Hampshire .. .. . . . .. 30Je51 246 2,995 218 181,077 8,069 73 1,112 43,314 8,378 51,6 New Mexico .. . ... ... .. . 30Je51 258 3,951 692 193,949 12,772 63 5,493 63,404 20,898 84,3 New York (N.Y.U.) ..... 30Je51 2,208 22,861 17,830 927,577 39,086 18 5,000 12 12 410,8 North Carolina . ... . ... . . 30Je51 620! 5,044 1,820 581,682 24,493 55 4,018 i87 ;595 · a7;s6o 225,4 Northwestern . . .... .. ... 31Ag51 . 674 21,536 2,094 1,053,392 44,640 75 10,199 12 12 Ohio State .. .... .. . ..... 30Je51 1,831 17,369 3,143 907' 103 43,949 97 4,846 271,007 · 45;o2s 316,0 Oklahoma ..... . ... . . . . . 30Je51 449 7,622 1,250 328,555 14,923 37 2,025 94,284 25,951 120,2 Oregon .. . . . .. . ... . . . .. . 30Je51 363! 4,507 944 474,548 24 , 417 146 2,822 168,786 17,820 186,6 Oregon State ... . ...... . . 30Je51 488 ! 5,888 512 260,941 14,021 114 2,378 131,232 20,000 18 151,2 Pennsylvania ........ ... 30Je.51 2,60018 13,010 5, 747 1,237,278 46 , 021! 82 5,007 301,786 28,652 330,4 Pennsylvania State ..... . 30Je51 1,122 9,694 1,438 335,185 14,559 75 3, 747 145,314 39,316 184,6 Princeton ... . . . ...... . .. 30Je51 70018 2,921 59518 - 1,193,085 25,220 53 20,000 266,683 9,523 276,2 Purdue .. . .......... . ... 30Je51 1,079 10,444 1, 254 305,004 f9,555 15 4,583 130,675 21,635 152,3 Rice . ... . . . . ... . ..... .. 30Je51 1zr-l;:l 155 215,880 10,476 4 1,962 53,143 14,534 ' 67,6 Rochester . . .... .. ... . . . 30Je51 541 5,633 685 531,119 19,142 44 2, 799 136,700 12,750 149,4 Rutgers . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . 30Je51 1,046 7,306 794 615 , 710 40,528 30 3,000 229,910 26,~20 256,..2 St. Louis . .. .. .... . . . ... 31Jy51 605 7,692 1,251 465,247 32,298 77 4,010 130,597 17, 11 ' 148 ,5 South Carolina ... . .. . .- .. 30Je51 20317 2,48917 92917 263,232 7,653 38 1,130 75,002 11,201 86,2 Souther.:! California .. .. .. 31Ag51 622 13,673 6 , 288 605~ 996 39,808 25 4, 728 250,170 52,306 302,4 Syracuse .. ... . .. .. .. .... 30Je51 1,038 11 ,44~ 3,6fiQ 33.!.,912 18,4G4 41 2,982 158,.540 22,435 180,9 Temple .... . . ...... ... . 30Je51 683 5,405 1,980 339,885 22,460 1922 2, 783 161,884 16,694 178,5 Tennessee ............. . 30Je51 48923 6,669 1,153 337,898 15,642 39 2, 941 152,241 9,840 162,0 Texas .... .... . ....... . . 31Ag51 893 11,840 2,357 973,279 . 38,989 175 7,047 222,893 68,278 291,1 Utah . .. .......... . ... .. 30Je51 431 6,861 1,247 256,117 16,425 36 2,927 83,084 33,982 117,0 ~r:~~~t ·. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30Je51 241 3,026 111 190,478 3,040 7 858 50,535 4,800 55,3 30Je51 404 2,9 9 1,293 630,63321 38,243 140 3,179 201,413 25,762 227,1 Washington (St. Louis) ... 30Je51 536 _ 10,908 1,140 543,464 16,807 5 1,822 136,~1 9,990 146,4 Washington (Seattle) .... 31Mr5l 885 11,525 3,065 733,429 33,949 205 11,026 303, 5 88,102 391, Washington Stat~ . . ... . . 31Mr51 360 4, 762 ' 602 600,000 12,148 201 12 140,231 34,573 174, Wayne . .. . ....... . . . . . . 30Je51 664 15,511 2,796 408,876 31,015 77 3,063 190,625 32,582 223, Western Reserve . . . ..... 30Je51 55116 4,984 1,970 679,878 15,831 9 2,512 141 j833 26,592 168, Wisconsin . . . . ... .... . . . 30Je51 2,270 11,948 3,818 818,761 40,992 17 9,69!)24 287,856 52,550 340, Wyoming ... .. ... . . .... . 30Je51 265 2,331 310 162,974 8,881 26 1,362 48,033 8,715 56, Yale . .. ... . . .. .. . ... .. . 31My51 1,505 4,236 3,131 4,056,276 73,634 90 2,911 573,830 Q26 573, High . ... . ... .... . .. 3,442 22,861 17,950 5,542,674 145,388 573 25,000 864,614 193,950 1,058, Median ...... .... . . 603 6,13314 1,25214 473,731" 22,73714 5714 3,000 141,~6 21,64$: 164, Low ... . . ... . . ... . . 123 1,354 111 106,346 3,040 4 858 30,~81 36, N1a . ...... ... ... .. . 69 70 70 70 70 68 67 67 66 1 Resident teaching faculty, including part time equated to full time basis. 2 Total number of resident and special students (no person counted tures not specifically reported. 6 Exclusive of capital expenditures and those for auxiliary enterprises such as dormitories, cafeterias, etc. 7 Boulder reported or not available. 13 Number of libraries on which high, median, and low are based. 14 Average of two medi,v.ns. 15 Includes summer documents and books on film. 22 General library only. 23 Knoxville division only. 24 Includes all se ials. 25 Included in staff salaries. 26 Notch funds, and gifts. 32 McKissick library only. 33 1949-50 figure. 34 Included in books, periodicals, and binding. · atistics 1950-51 (Group I) Library Operating Expendituresa Ratio of Library Ex- Total Per Total penditures to~-- Budget, 1951- 1952 --~ for Books Other To' al S ~udent Institu- Total Insti- Total Booka . · Periodi- Operating Operating Operating tiona! tutional Ex- Library Period.i- Salaries Periodi- cals & Expendi- Expendi- Expendi- Expendi- penditures Operating cals & and Books• cals Binding Binding tures5 tures tures tures6 (Per Cent) J :Mudget Binding Wages 103,37228 sii;239 $13,108 $116,480 s 18,675 $ 286,685 $ 43.11 s 5,447,755 s 320,00016 $125,00016 s 175,00016 21,526 8,334 41,099 5,894 119,429 20.97 3,648,912 132,620 43 , 500" 81,320 47,597 17' 752 10,695 76,044 15,946 232,418 61.94 3,420,439 243,194 78,795 149,847 399,69716 81,18916 480,88616 82,49516 1' 621' 94516 81.43 12 1,750,500 468,000 1,186,310 227' 961 48,547 76,585 353,093 46,750 971,610 69 . 26 i2;666;6o618 835,448 172,059 582,545 119,724 26,127 52,450 198,301 45,797 720,357 89:' 15 46,642,718 2 743 '679 206,424 496,859 31,904 8, 721 11,014 51,639 4,367 179,230 25.75 6' 200' 00016 3 201,465 54,865 141,375 30,140 16,861 10,588 57,589 11,958 207' 746 25. 7o 4,314,112 5 214,472 64,388 141,975 194,76328 55,700 250,463 47,341 1,073,532 37.02 12 1,069, 298 226,204 788,863 .. ..... .27 27 27 195,499 36,597 633,586 62.44 23,034,001 707' 70016 168,47516 409,22516 55,69528 12 10,928 66,623 6,637 232,812 22.76 12 226,600 60,000 156,600 27 27 .. 27 166,680 17,018 419,491 85.85 12 12 160,000 12 27 27 ... 27 162,795 23,027 489,465 48.75 12 507,00016 165,00016 323,95016 155 , 041 . 7; 997 13,821 176,859 8,112 349 , 455 64.68 · 5; i9o; i7i 7 366,000 169,395 183,400 64,825 18,587 8,845 92,257 8,235 22 . ,009 34.37 3, 628,611 6 221,831 85,043 128,293 370,68928 86,880 457,569 243,957 1,602,437 104.67 28,978,413 6 1' 500' 00016 358,28516 900,00018 42,991 12,210 7' 116 62,317 8,332 191' 194 38.81 4,076,471 5 171,135 52,040 119,095 17,010 11,652 5,096 33, 7&8 7, 730 107,203 30.95 3, 752,771 3 113,084 35,527 72,384 2'l. .. 27 27 385,445 58,949 1,280,429 57 . 50 37,146,239 3 1,332,650 319,000 936,790 159,200 63,000 31,800 254,000 20,000 530 , 000 42.50 12 575,000 245,000 330,000 24 '940 2~, 940 _;1Jll,8 75,898 8,162 207,533 26 . 53 12,753,089 2 248,538 91,000 150~ 568 !i28 2i ;222 17J,.% 104168-t 1~ 257,007 46.26 4, 6lg. 791 5 ~1~ 101_,~.! u~~~ ,O?r 16,462 122,76 -. 1 ' 352,362 46.57 7,028,267 5 32 ' . 12!f; l1 47,22729 17,289 16,677 81,19 29 13,946 248,708 37.95 !! '800' 00018 3 227,51818 72, ~6118 153,25711 12~420 7,645 7,450 27,515 4,730 73,045 21.37 2,400,000 3 76,120 31,970 40,650 30,905 40,891 20,587 92,383 13,980 310,202 48.57 10,567' 720 346,313 125,000 207,840 14,394 6,046 2,462 22,902 2,614 62,266 16 . 85 3,187,408 59,111 21,750 36,034 47,482 15,645 11,230 74,357 9,188 199,955 12 . 29 12 196,24116 67,47516 133,21616 26,380 ' 11,000 -. ~~~0~27 46,880 10,450 204,312 39.51 i6;ooo;ooo 2 212,00018 63,00018 165,90018 27 27 242,900 36,795 898,365 45.92 12 906,210 243,000 639,000 53,000 34,000 11,000 98,000 13,000 265,494 20.25 13,500,000 2 309,430 111,000 162,040 113,814 33,438 16,594 · 163,846 192,350 776,208- 30 . 62 ' 27' 223,494 3 777,032 137' 735 736,953 27 27 27 35,00080 3,20()30 94,48830 33.68 1, 783,43430 5 95,550 28,000 63,550 19,651 16,586 10,841 47,078 8,700 114,784 39.44 5, 949,622 2 125,000 56,000 64,500 51' 626 41,352 19,643 112,621 23,645 315,007 30.15 13,082,591 2 318,250 115,000 1/7,000 13,878 5,101 5,110 24,089 5,609 88,284 31.14 12 90,178 22,345 63,725 15,340 3,665 5,698 24,703 3,534 79,929 24.87 3,021,924 2 95,170 30,000 59,270 43,39928 9,010 52,409 7,651 1 4,362 31.09 2,520,531 6 150,260 46,492 94,040 127' 97528 16,063 144,038 24,540 579,425 14.23 21,148,482 3 529,200 90,200 409,000 69,764 76,110 11,515 157,389 18,546 401,390 58.47 5,679,524 7 328,01431 62,590 242,474 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 498,82131 143,300 328,260 184,34228 is-1;3.42 . i5;225 ··si5;662 25.13 2i ;563; 923 2 640,000 210,000 420,(}()()1 27 27 .. 27 82,660 6,999 209,894 23.65 5,001,074 4 280,242 100,681 147,441 55,750 i6 ; 6ss 13,184 79,019 24,230 289,855 53.17 3, 729,991 290,372 80,900 195,375 34,612 12,301 13,992 60,905 7, 739 219,876 34.35 12 236,754 63,851 162,455 100,4~5 24,868 30,725 156,088 20,280 506,806 27 . 02 17,576,21833 3 581,397 156,179 401,749 37,163 21,876 11,471 70,510 19,648 274,818 24.68 17' 988,406 2 303,550 73,500 212,000 79,992 30,271 20,651 130,914 30,601 437.721 124.49 6,563, 203 6 408,857 121,232 287,625 8(};679 22,773 17,088 120,540 9,350 282,200 24.12 12 298,070 97,000 186,070 33,163 9,908 6,209 49,280 4,488 121,445 80.48 1, 130,998 17 136,770 60,670 72,600 .!J1..,660 25,154 14,805 97,619 13,193 260,262 41.19 12 250,180 81,050 157' 720 27 . .. . 27 17,000 103,200 25,380 384 , 810 47.50 i6; 269;529 · '4 3~3,6.10 102,200 260,390 . 32;897 27,867 14,560 75,324 14,328 238,160 26.63 12 198,177 73,149 130,806 32,726 5,828 6,310 45,864 4,688 136,755 40.01 . . 12 104,00732 40,00032 61,30732 11.6,92728 19,983 136,910 18,530 457' 916 23 . 14 9, 972,800 413,470 119,000 291,040 54,511 - 9,916 11' 136 75,561 5,431 2.61, 969 17.33 6, 76s;3i2 12 229,580 50,000 174,030 63,873 16,996 11,134 92,003 17,317 287,898 38 . 98 '4 293,818 90,385 191,556 47,859 20,120 10,369 78,348 12,142 252,571 32.21 8, 794,711 3 244,915 70,400 163,469 87,762 49,001 29 , 609 166,372 20,459 478,002 33 . 66 12 475,500 143,300 307' 700 44,519 18,113 13,950 76,582 2,938 196,586 24 . 24 -5;664; 736 205,147 72,500 112,647 7,200 8,000 2,000 17,200 4,000 76,535 18.50 3,500,00018 78,135 16,000 55,700 62,099 21,493 20,706 104,298 20,811 352,284 83.24 5,000,000 360,00016 105,00016 235,00016 21" . .... ~7 '27 98,393 10,977 255~ 21.23 9,~5 238,970 87,315 159,010 70;643 42,282 39;845 152,770 28,501 . 572, 39.25 10, ,000 554,517 179,517 375,000 29,000 15,000 5,337 49,337 13,931 238,072 44.38 12' 490' 69816 254,552 61,000 181,052 109,179 _, 21,107 12,133 142,419 5,280 370,906 20 . 21 8,603,353 4 380,000 150,000' 230,000 27 27 27 76 , 021 15,083 259,529 37.33 6,154,423 4 274,484 72,351 185,294 i7i;os2 44,142 22,405 237,629 24,985 603,020 38.24 22,113,492 3 620,726 198,300 390,676 22,320 8,360 5,531 36,211 6,157 99,116 37.52 4,120, 602 2 92,451 31,082 57,775 27 27 27 366,852 34 940,682 127.68 14,734,355 6 845,087 270,804 574,283 99,697 76,110 86,880 480,886 243,957 --1,621' 945 127.68 46,642,718 17 1, 750,500 468,000 1,186,310 53,7~4 17' 93214 13,14614 92,383 13,66214 265,494 37.33 6,868,28914 3 290,372 I 90,~14~ . 177,000 7,2 3,665 2,000 17,200 2,614 62,266 12.29 1, 130,998 2 59,111 16, 36,034 58 48 58 69 68 69 69 52 51 69 70 69 trallibrary and all agencies. 4 Includes all library materials except periodicals. 5 Includes supplies, transportation, and all other noncapital expend!- Excludes Schools of Law and Medicine. 9 Includes School of Mines lor first time. 1 0 Excludes School of Law. 11 604 full time, 251 part time. 12 Not timate. 17 Fall, 1951, figures. 18 Approximation. 19 Includes 170,000 documents. 20 Includes 18,659 volumes not previously counted. 21 Excludes budget. 27 Not broken down. 28 Includes periodicals. 29 Excludes film. 3~ Budget figures. 31 Excludes anticipated income from trust and endowment College· and University Libra Salaries (As of September 1, 1951) Assistant or Associate Head Librarian Librarian and j or School, College, and Division H ead Department Heads Departmental (Prof.) Library Librar-ian Minimum Median Maximum Minimum Median Maximum Minimum Median Maxim Alabama .. ... .. . . ... .. . .... $ .. . ... 12 $ . . .. $ .. .. . $ ..... $4,000 s ..... 12 $4,800 s .. ... s ..... $ .... Arizona .. ............ .. .... 6, ( 00 4,6506 3,250 12 3,800 3,200 Brown .. . .. . ... . . . ......... 5 , 750 6;2767 3,240 3;57o 4,400 2,880 3,120 3,20 California (Berkeley) . ... . . ... 11,400 7 , 2006 3,300 5,352 8 , 190 California (Los Angeles) .... .. 10,200 6,0006 7,80()6 4,620 5,640 6,600 12 3,540 4,320 12 4,86 Chicago .... . . . . ....... . 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Cincin"nati. .... . .. . .. ... . ... 7,000 3,520 12 4,120 2, 760 3,000 3; 74 Colorado2 .. . .. . ... . ....... . . 7,800 5,4966 3,617 4,080 4,350 3,756 Columbia .. . : ..... 12 5,5007 12 12 3,200 4,340 5,200 3,600 4,500 5 , 06 Cornell .. . ... . ....... .. .. . .. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Denver ........ .... ........ . 5,40015 5,1006 3,550 3; 75o 3,850 2,800 2,900 4 , 2C Duke .. ..... .. .. ........... 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Florida ........ . . . .... . . . ... 7,300 5,2506 4,100 4,500 5,000 3,000 4,500 5, 70 Florida State ..... . . ... ... . . 6 , 400 4,3007 12 5,2006 3,800 4,300 4,800 3,200 3,60 Georgia . · . . .. . .............. 12 12 3 , 700 4,100 • 4,300 2,800 3,250 3 , 70 ~:~~r~.- . ·.·. ·.: ::: :::: ::::::: .. 12 12 12 12 2, 700 3,600 lO, 7,260 5; i8s6 6,0806 3,690 4;o37 4;385 4,956 17 5,52617 6,09 Idaho ... ......... ......... . 5 , 520 4 , 4407 3,600 12 4,020 3,600 Illinois ..................... 12,900 6,30()6 8,5006 8;85os 4, 700 5,810 6,600 3,850 4,960 6,8 Indiana ............. . .•.. . . 12 5 JfJ~2 12 12 5,300 5,300 5,300 3,000 4,100 6,00 Iowa State . . .. .. . . ..... . .. . 8,500 4,080 4,200 4,200 Joint University ............. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Kansas ........ . ...... .. .... 6,300 4;5o Southern Methodist ..... ..... 30Je51 230 4,580 766 304,895 22 , 113 24 1,317 87,474 14,948 102,422 19.16 50,605 13,227 '8,221 72,053 13.48 5,508 179,183 l:) Texas A. & M .. ........ ..... . 31Ag51 490 6,228 447 188,697 13,706 50 2,350 72,486 4,832 77,318 11.58 28,542 49,049 8,640 86,231 12.92 7,436 170,985 0.. Toledo ...... .. . ... . .. ...... . 30Je51 191.5 4,388 150 157,363 5,591 5 724 20,344 4, 765 25,109 5 . 53 10,207 3,524 2, 734 16,465 3 . 63 2,590 44,164 c Trinity . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... . .... . 30Je51 75 887 30 219 , 249 3,508 6 440 24,949 2,658 27,607 30 . 11 6,930 2,300 1, 934 11,165 12.18 1,677 40,449 Tulsa . .... .. .. ..... .. . . . .... 31My51 153 2,544 156 141 , 056 10,864 17 737 39,604 8,300 47.904 17.74 20,174 7,222 1,997 29,393 10.89 5,943 83,240 l:) Valparaiso .. .. . . . . . .. ....... . 30Je51 116 1,875 65,029 2,443 8 320 18,712 4, 919 23,631 12 . 60 7,476 1,928 800 10,204 5.44 2,085 35,920 ...... Vassar . . ........ . ..... . .... . 30Je51 175 1,370 11 277.915 8,330 45 1, 750 91,138 3,729 94,867 68.69 14,093 9,615 4,937 28,645 20 . 74 6,413 129,925 < Virginia Polytechnic Institute .. 30Je51 442 3,529 252 143,495 8 , 371 94 1,481 95,561 95,561 25 . 27 14 , 075 16,804 7,161 38,040 10.06 6,395 139,996 ~ t-1 Wellesley .. . ... . ...... . . . . . .. 30Je51 169 1,656 62 277.786 9,169 23 1,111 86,597 1,172 87 , 769 51.09 20,519 8,681 5,453 34,655 20.17 4,811 127,235 (JJ Wichita . . ...... .. .. .... .. •. . 30Je51 142 2,772 158 93,242 4,394 7 610 27,300 5,598 32,898 11.23 11,980 3,175 9 15,155 5.17 2, 791 50,844 rl-' Williams ... . . . . . . .. . .. ... ... . 30Je51 110 1,028 15 203,368 . 3,863 7 611 31,006 2, 731 33,737 32.35 10,452 7,751 '4;342 22,545 21.62 2,567 58,849 '< Wittenberg .......... . ...•.. . 30Je51 76 1,089 91,284 3 , 369 13 551 18,797 1,695 20,492 18.82 7,247 3,38ti 776 11,409 10.48 935 32,836 Wooster .. . ....... .... ..... . . 30Ap51 100 1,239 116,035 2,953 9 373 18,790 2,518 21,308 17.11 7,044 . 2, 703 832 10,579 8.50 1,323 33,210 r:-c ...... High . ... • .... . . .. •••...• 729 I ,582 22,113 449 49,049 15,935 86,231 24 . 81 2,617 207,871 0"' t-1 Median .... .. .....• . . ... 140 141 4,733 13 3,554 2,469 16,340 9.43 3,187 55,247 p.> p.l Expendi· Total Number of ~ ....... .'Total ture .tn Associ- Employees in Full- (Jl Expendi· Total · Total ·· ate Head of All Other Professional All on professional Time Equivalent ~ ....... ture College Expendi~ Chief Chief Divi- Department Head School or Assistants Assistants Pro- Non pro- Hours () Per Expendi- ture of Li- ' Li- sion Mini- Maxi- Dept'! Mini- Maxi- Mini- Maxi- fes- fes- Student ~(Jl Library Student ture College brarian brarian Head mum Median mum Libraries mum Median mum mum Median mum sional sional Total Assistance 1-1 !~:~~~y: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : $19.86 $1,309,800 3.6 $2,000 6 . 5 4 10.5 11,193 \() 28.51 616,112 5 . 1 10 5 3 8 3, 726 vt 0 Am erican ...... .. ..... .. . ... · .. 11.64 1,554,000 3.1 $3 ; s:io s2;5:io 8 2 10 9,545 I Amherst ........ . .... . . .... ... 69 .20 1,~~:~~i 5 . 1 3,180 S3,975 $2,800 $2,970 $1,600 $1,868 $2,310 8.6 7 15.6 5,014 vt Antioch ............. . . ...... 38.06 4.5 $6,300 2,400 3,900 2,400 3,900 2,300 5 1 6 13,560 1-1 Beloit ................. .. ..... 29.88 675,562 4.8· 10 $3,100 ... . . 3,100 3,150 3,200 3,100 3,150 3,200 1,680 2,100 3.5 4 7.5 4,526 Boston ... .. ........... . ..... 23.64 i;o:i6;2ss 4:7so i;sso 6 11 17 10,747 ........... ·Bowdoin ....... ............ . 55.72 4 :5· 7,000 3,200 3,600 2,028 4 4.6 8.6 C) Brooklyn ...... .........•. ... 11.62 3,650,3 i7 5.2 8,550 4,600 4,954 5, 338 3,400 4,050 4,600 2',100 3,080 3,790 26.2 17.1 43.3 2s:aoi 1-1 Bryn Mawr .... . .. . . .. ... . . . . 80.83 .1,470,264 4.0 s:ooo a:4oo 8 7 15 45,000 0 Bucknell ... ............. . . . . 23. 80 2 , 800 2,600 2,800 1,200 2,600 7 5 12 5,658 c: Clemson . ... .. . . . . ....... .... 25. 77' 2,258,101 3 .'3 4,175 :i;soo 2, 750 3, 190 3, 740 s2:soo 1,695 1,800 2,000 9.5 5 14 . 5 "0 Colby.: ...... . ..... .. ... 39.64 ~,291,000 3.4 2 ,800 :i;2oo a:2oo 1,300 1,500 1,800 4 7 11 6,800 -Colgate ..................... . . 36.81 s4;2oo 3,200 3,260 3,500 3,200 2;22o 2;4oo 6 9 15 4, 786 -Colorado A; & M . ........ .. .. . 18 . 92 5,800 4, 700 3,600 3, 700 4,200 3,000 2,600 2:sso 2, 790 8 8.5 16 . 5 13,714 -...- D a rtmouth ... .. . ... , .... . . .. 73.87 3 .• ~~~:m 5.9 6,600 4,500 3,000 3,300 4,200 17 2,550 3,000 1,380 2,850 22 30.5 52 . 5 I2,476 D enison .... ···· ············· 34.26 5 . 4 4,100 3,080 2,30024 3,100 I , 27024 I,900 6 5.5 11.5 D e Pauw ... . . ....... ........ 23.48 I,226,148 3 .8 ·. to 7 4 11 4, 712 Dickinson .... ... ... ........ . 38.73 . 421,650 8.9 4,500 3,700 2,800 :i; 7oo 2,400 I,500 2;<>00 1,900 5 3.5 8.5 3, 719 Drake . ... . ······ · ···· ······· 19.45 l; 720,179 5. 7 . ... . 10 3,500 4,250 2,800 2,940 3, 120 I, 710 2,580 10 8 18 20,694 Fisk ................•....... 48 .66 . 716, 673 5 . 4 4', 750 3, 700 2,400 2,600 2,800 2,100 2,450 2,800 1,560 I,680 1,800 7 4 11 5,101 Hamilton ....... 72.80 738,139 5 .6 2,400 3,400 2,400 3,400 1,200 2,200 4.25 7 11.25 1,916 Houston ... .. ... ...... ..... . . 13.84 3,485,000 4 . 1 7,100 15 3,600 4,000 2,730 1,820 2,400 13 12 25 30,476 Howa rd .. . . , . . ........... 38.06 3,640, 733 4.4 6,400 3,825 3,825 4,600 18 3,100 3,100 3,100 2,450 2,650 2,875 15 14 29 15,845 Idaho State . . ... .... .. . . .. , .. . 33.40 76~ ,511 6.5 4,800 3,468 2,400 3,060 3,408 3,072 3,072 3,072 2,204 2,400 3,000 5 . 5 3.25 8 . 75 10,134 Illin ois Institute of Tech ....... 10 .30 6,600 3,500 4, 700 19 2,800 3,500 I, 920 2, 700 9.5 7 16.5 K a nsas State ..... 24.17 6,180 5,000 . 4,020 4,020 4,020 3,000 3,300 3,600 1, 716 1, 716 1,980 15.5 3 18.5 26,293 Knox ........ .. .. .......... .. 37 . 46 651 ;658. -4.8 4,500 3,400 1,800 2,000 3 3 6 4,320 Lewis & Clark ............... 26 .5 1 682,545 5.3 4,38011 · 2,34513 3,300 3,40011 2,000 1,680 2,100 4.67 2 6 . 67 6,634 Maca lest er .. . ......... , .. . .. 20.84 4,500 2,400 2,700 ·2,300 2,000. 5.5 1 6 . 5 Mars ha ll ............•......• '22 . 84 4,482 2,650 3,850 1,800 2,051 6 2 8 10,629 Michi ga n Coli. of Min. & Tech . . 20 . 78 4;4oo ·4,400 1,800 3,322 1,800 2,838 2 4 6 1,26426 Montan a State ... . 25.85 2,500 ,000 2.4 ' 5,300 3,200 3 ,850 3,000 4,150 1,800 2,000 10 2 12 6,483 Moun t Holyoke ...... 55.69 1,3 17,009 5 .3 10 8 9 17 3,814 Muhlenberg ... .. ....... 44 . 94 587,861 6 .3 6,000 4,500 :i::ioo 2,500 2,650 2,800 1,500 1,620 1, 740 8 2 10 2,076 orth Carolina State .... 24.56 10 10 10 20 9,559 Oberl in• : ... . . 62.69 .. 2,573 ,678 5 .3 4;<>00 :i:soo 17.7 21.5 39.2 7,549 Occidental. ... ... . ........ 41.19 931,167 6.1 3,500 2,800 2,000 2,700 6 5 11 5,703 Ohio ......... . 22.01 3,259,420 3 .1 10 s;67o 4; i25 9 12 21 3,000 Queens .... , .... 23 .94 1,500,000 5 . 5 6;o9o 4, 746 :i:soo 3,400 3, 100 3,550 4,100 1,510 2,230 2;47o 13 4 17 12,000 Roose'velt ....... . .. .. . 18 . 11 1,600,24 3 4.4 4,400 3,200 3,200 2,800 2,900 2,100 2,330 2, 775 9 13 22 767 St. Cathe~ine ..... . .. 43 . 93 518,418 6.1 4,600 2,900 20 2,800 2,850 2,900 6. 75 6.75 St. Thomas .. .... 31.55 980,319 5.6 5,040 3,000 3 ,300 5.5 2 7 . 5 11,187 Skidmore . . .. . ........... . 39.18 850, 325 4.2 4,450 10 2,964 3,250 2 ,080 2,400 6 3.25 9.25 7 South Dakota State . .. ...... .. 23.72 1,559,192 2.6 5,400 4,000 3,600 3,300 3,600 1,800 2,200 4 2. 75 6. 75 i4:soo Southern Illinois ...... 62.42 3,372,215 5 . 7 7,150 5,335 4,180 4, 730 5,060 4,455 3 , 575 4,180 1, 740 1,848 3,630 13 17 30 31,226 Southern Methodist . 33.52 2,935, 738 6.1 6,500 3,900. 3,300 21 2,400 2, 700 2,900 1,800 1,800 2,280 20 12.5 32,5 25,165 Texas A. & M ... .... . 25.62 4,364,000 .3.9 6,000 5,000 3,600 3,960 3,4,00 2,530 3,000 3,600 I,680 I,860 2,300 14.5 22 36.5 ' 7,7IO Toledo ....... 9. 73 I,306,690 3.4 ..... 5 3.25 8.25 7,858 Trinity ... . .. 44.Ir 934,378 4 . 3 s:ooo 2;i9o i;68o 5 2 7 4,600 Tulsa.: .· ..... . ....... .. ..... 30.83 1,283,208 6 . 5 2,316 2,964 · 3,636 3,000 2,580 3,000 2,040 2,328 11 3 . 5 14.5 I6,231 Valparaiso . . ... . , .. ........ .. I9.16 869,552 4.I 5 ; 200 3,300 3,0~0 s:ooo :i;o4s s:ioo 2:aoo 3 4' 7 Vassar . ...... . ............... 94.08. 2,014,000 6 . 5 5,200 5,400 22 4,IOO I,664 3,003 I6. 75 IS 31.75 6,471 Vi rginia Polytechnic Institute . . 37.03 654,401 2. 5 5,600 3, 752 4,184 4,616 23 2,852 3,320 3, 752 I, 716 I,848 1, 980 17 2I 38 Wellesley . . .................. 74 .06 2,079,171 ·6.1 2,600 2,900 3,500 I,809 2,100 3,120 17.9 I2.4 30 . 3 2,24221 Wichita ....... ......... .. ... 17.35 993,427 5 . I Ji;OOO 3,800 3,000 3,600 2,400 2,800 3,000 2,000 7 3 10 12,726 Williams . ... .. . . .... ..... . . . .56.42 1,526,899 ·a~ 9 {),500 3, 700 4,500 2,700 I,760 2,310 6 5 11 3,632 · Wittenberg ....... . .. .' ... . ... 30.I5 788 , 754 4'.2 10 4.5 5 9.5 ·Wooster .. .. ·· · · · · · · · · ·· · · · ·· 26.67 835,439 4 . 0 10 5.5 2 7.5 5,532 High ................ ... . 94.08 4,364,000 8.9 8,550 6,600 4, 746 5,000 5,200 5,400 4,455 3,575 4,180 5,100 2,800 3,080 3,790 26.2 30.5 52.5 45,000 Median ........ • .... . . .. 30.15 1,291,000 4.8 5,300 4,000 4,050 3,200 3,530 3,900 3,400 2, 750 2,970 3,250 1,760. 2,020 2,310 7 5 11.25 11,193 Low ... . ..... ... ...... . . 9. 73 .421,650 2.4 4,100 3,080 3,000 2,000 2,600 2,700 2,800 1,800 2,000 2,730 1,200· I,SOO I,740 2 I 6 767 N~ . ............•........ 59 49 49 '33 19 6 37 ' () :::9 8 ?" 22 31 41 22 S8 59 58 59 47 .. u . 1 Oberlin College 'library statistics include expenditures for :Oberlin ;public library which is ·under college library administration. 2 Number of libraries on which high, low, and median are based. 3 Plus 4,101 government documents. 4 Plus 35,000 unaccessioned volumes. 5 Plus I ,026 government documents. 6 Plus 35 ·document periodicals. 7 Not in library budget. 8 Included in books. 9 Included in periodicals. 10 Confidential. 11 ·Includes ad- ditional a for summer work."12 Excludin a roximatel I o -n · "!lt · · · · 2 • 'I'otal Total Associate Department Head Assistaota Assistants Pro- Non pro- Hours · .... ; I"E:xpenditure Exp. of Chief or Chief Mini- . Maxi- Mini- Maxi- Mini- Maxi- fes- · fes- .Student ~ Library · of College Coll~ge Librarian Librarian mum Median mum mum Median mum mum Median mum sional sional Total Aaeia~n~e ...... ·0 Agnes Scott .............. I 82,500 SI,600 3 1.5 4.5 fll Alabama College . . . ..... . .s •. 667 :soo 3.4 14:800 $3,150 sa:aoo 2,800 4 4 .5;606 ~·- ::is ' 1-C Alaska University · .. ...... 1, 750,()()()- 1.4 6,250 si;8oou 3,600 1 1.25 3,310 .o;o Alma ................. .. 289,407 3 .. 1 3,200 ·sa;ioo 3;3oo i;soo. si;7oo 1 r 1l 4;2o8 VI Arkansas State· ...... . .. .. ·· · 394;oio 2:9 3,900 3 3 ' 6 0 Arkansas A & M ........ . 3,800 3,600 ·2;2oo 2 . i 2 3,000 1.· Ashland ................. 236,789 5 . 5 3,600· $2,300 2 3 ·:::::: ~ Augustana ............... "4oo;ooo · 3,000 2,800 2 2 ~ Austin . . ...... ........... 2.9 2,000 . 2,000 2 . 2.5 2 Baldwin-Wallace ......... 836,900 3 . 7 I 4 6.5 ..-- . Bard ......... 360,000 7.3 4;ioo 7 3,000 2;oooir 1,650 $2,000 2,200 2.5 2.5 5 2;~48 Cl' 'Bates ..... . . . 4:6 _3,200 2,550 1,800 4 1 5 1-1 Bennett ............ • ... . .. 233;o84 2,.975 1,900 3 3 3,027 0 Bridgewater . ........... . 200,169 3.6 2,500 1 1 2 c Carroll .: .. . . . 435,835 3.9 3,200 2,400 2 . 5 1 3.5 2,267 "'0 Carthage .... 346,091 3.0 2,150 1,100 2 2 - ~ Catawba .... 575,463 2. 7 3,7001 2,6008 2,4008 3.5 3 .5 · 3;975 -Central . . .. . 560,367 2.3 3,500 3,000 1,200 1,300 2 2 4 -..._,; Coe ......... 521,262 3.0 3, 750 3,200 2;4oo 2; 7oo 3 . 2.5 3 2,631 Colorado .. . 597,531 4.9 4,100 2,800 2,400 1,500 4 6.5 6,657 Concordia .. . . . .. . 451,939 3.1 2,900 2;i75 1,5751~ 2,650 2 1 3 3,381 Davidson ... . ..... 600,957 4.2 4,882 2, 772 3,050 3.5 3.5 5,500 Davis & Elkins ..... 160,040 9.2 1.5 1 2.5 2;992 Doane .. ..... 212,000 6.3 4,010 2,65013 ..... 2 · i.5 2 Drury .. , . .. .. 361,887 4.9 a:ooo 3 4 . 5 2,948 Earlham .. .. .... . . ... ... 429,516 4.6 4,200 1,200 1,800 2.5 21 4i 3,000 Emory and Henry .... . .. . 240,504 3 . 1 3,270 1 1 4, 793 Elmira . . . ... 456,574 2.9 i;94o 1 2 3 3,360 Erskine .. .. . 179,167 4 . 5 2,323 1 1.3 2.3 Evansville .. . . 894 , 600 1.9 4,000 3,100 1,440 3 1 4 2,300 .Findlay ..... . 169,678 4.0 3,000 2;6oo 1 1 ... . -~ Guilford .. ... 231,085 6.2 2:soo 2,400 2 2 2,148 Heidelberg . . 459,568 4.2 3,600 2 '2.5 2 4, 726 Hiram .. ........... . . 388,852 4.9 3,600 2,300 2;soo 1,440 2.5 5 963 Hood .. .... . 750,000 2.6 3,700 '3;4oo 600 2,000 3 2'1- ~t 4,650 Hope ....... 494 ,613 4 .4 4,200 3,000 900 3 3, 738 Houghton ..... ... . 312,966 6.9 2,200 1,900 1,800 $1,900 1,400 1,500 1,700 2.5 3 5 . 5 7, 700 Illin ois Wesleyan . .. 593,500 3.6 3,900 2,650 1,620 ' 3 1.5 4.5 160 Juniata ... . ....... 584,292 3.0 3, 755 2, 700 2,400 i;soo 3 3 5,335 Lawrence . .. ....... 575,891 3.6 5,100 3,500 2;1oo 3,200 3,000 3 2 5 2,119 Lebanon Valley . ... 327 t 771 7.0 3,500 3,300 3,300 - 2,500 2, 700 4 1 5 3;96i Linfield .... 270,232 5 . 1 3,500 2,800 2;600 i;600 2 .5 2 . 5 Livingstone . . ........ 245,144 3.1 3,000 2,800 3,000 1,200 1,800 1 2 3 2,040 Luther ......... .. . . . 412,585 4.8 4,200 2;80013 3,000 1,~00 4 4 2,320 ' Manchester . .... 3,3509 2 2 7,824 Marietta .. . ...... . .. 4,100 3,000 2, 700 2,000 3 2 5 5 , 164 James Millikin .... 613,027 3 . 4 3,600 3,150 2;4oo 3 1 4 2,620 Millsaps ......... 323,882 3 . 5 . . ... 10 14 2, 700 2 1 3 Mount Union ... 488,871 4 . 6 5,800 4,200 2;aoo 2;4oo 2,360 2,600 1,800 4 .67 4.67 5,400 Muskingum .. · .... . . . ..... 485,092 3.6 3,800 4; iss 2,350 4 3 7 4,250 New Mexico Highlands .. . . 4,620 3,600 2:9oo a:aoo i;6oo 2;oso 2 2 4,284 New Rochelle ...... .. ai3;o72 4:7 i; 70011 5 4 9 4,929 Otterbein .. ...... 3,100 2; 7oo . 2. 75 .5 3.25 3,189 Parsons . . .......... 226,000 6.9 4,000 a;iso 1,200 i;ooo 1,500 2 2.5 4.5 700 Randolph-Macon ...... 849,055 2.8 4,620 4:sso 2,400 2,835 900 1,045 4 3.5 7.5 Ripon ....... 332,756 5.3 6; 24,883 30.79 427,953 5.81 00 . 00 205.50 4 , 705.50 7.68 824.75 193 . 10 0 . 00 1, 263 . 85 2 . 74 0.00 6,029 15 . 36 121,000 2.09 55 . 00 2 , 690.00 14 ,080 .00 17 . 51 5 , 800 .00 1,337 . 94 898.50 8 , 276 . 92 7. 56 750 . 00 24 , 883 27 . 28 616,061 4.61 70 . 61 21,882.46 95 , 953.07 36 . 00 28 , 253 . 49 4 , 550. 00 3,843.33 34,704.00 28 . 34 10,580.58 131 , 969 74 . 71 2,464,550 10 . 38 Not reported. 2 Paid for General Book Fund. Not kept separately. 3 Do not budget separately. 4 Most subscriptions paid for two years last year. Teachers College Assistant or Associate Beginning Department Heads Chief Chief Professional Mini- Ma Library Librarian Librarian Salary mum Median Alabama, Jacksonville, State Teachers College . . .... ... . . .. $4,400.00 $2,200.00 $3,900.00 Arkansas, Conway, State Teachers College ....... .. ....... 3,600.00 3,000.00 s3;o6o : oo 2, 750.00 California, w cata, Humboldt State College . .. .. ........... 6,672.00 California, Chico, State College .............. . . . . . ....... 6,060.00 3,060.00 3,540.00 $3,900.00 $4,276 California, Fresno, State College .. . ............ .......... 6,060.00 3,060.00 California, San Francisco, State College ........... . ....... 6,360.00 3,060.00 3,900.00 4,092.00 4,296 Colorado, Alamosa, Adams State College .. ................ 4,000.00 3,500.00 3,150.00 4,500.00 1 5,500 Georgia, Collegeboro, Georgia T eachers College . ........... 4,650 . 00 3,550.00 3, 700 Illinois, Charleston, Eastern State College ................. 7,600.00 3,600.()()2 5,060.00 I 5,170 Indiana, Muncie, Ball State Teachers College . . . ...... . ... I 3,087 . 00 3, 775.00 4,660.00 5,686 Indiana, Terre Haute, State Teachers College ... ... .. . ..... 1 1 1 Iowa, Ceda · Falls, State Teachers College ......... . ....... 6,346.00 1 4,160 . 00 I 4,372 Kansas, Pittsburg, State Teachers College ................. 5,550 . 00 3,600.00 3,610.00 3, 950 . 00 4,410 Kentucky, Murray, State College . .. . . .. .. .............. .. 4,100.00 1 Lo!iisiana, Natchitoches, Northwestern State College .... . . . 4,880.002 2,400.00 Maryland, Frost burt\; State Teachers College . .... . ....... . 5,175 . 00 3,240.00 Massachusetts, Nort Adams, State Teachers College ....... 1 Michigan, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan College of Education s;soo : oo 4,800 . 00 3,000.00 4,400.00 4,600 Minnesota, Bemidji, State Teachers College .... . .... . ..... 4, 760.()()2 3, 968.00 Minnesota, Mankato, State Teachers College ..... . . . .. .... 5,320.00 5,180.00 Minnesota, Moorhead, State Teachers College ... ....... ... 4,800.00 3,600.002 Minnesota, St. Cloud, State Teachers College . . . ..... ..... . 4,986.00S 4,840.00S 3,600.00 4,224.()05 Minnesota, Winona, State Teachers College . ..... : .... ..... 4,400.00 4,200.00 .. 1 Mississillpi, Cleveland, Delta State Teachers College ........ 3,900.002 3,000.()()2 2,400.00 Missouri, Springfield, Southwest Missouri State College . .... 4,533.00 3,338.00 3,777 Missouri, Warrensburg, Cent ·al Missouri State College . .. ... 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,600 Nebraska, Kearney, State Teachers College ... . .... ... .. ... 4,600.00 4,200.00 New Hampshire, Keene, Teachers College ............... . . 3,960.00 3,960.00 New York, Albany, State College for Teachers ..... . .... ... 6,505. 92 2, 784.00 4, 777.68 5,100 New York, Oswego, State Teachers College ....... .. ...... . 5,900.00 2,484.00 3, 700.00 4,600 North Carolina, Boone, Appalachian State Teachers College . 4,224.00 3,108.00 3,132.00 3,492 North Carolina, Greenville, East Carolina College .......... 6,228.00 3,980.00 4,~60 . 00 4,420 North Dakota, Minot, State Teachers College .. .. ... .. ..... 4,500.00 3,450.00 Oklahoma, Alva, Northwestern State College . .... ...... . .. 3,960.00 Oregon, La Grande, Eastern Oregon College of Education . .. 5,400.00 4,600.00 3,900 . 00 Oregon, Monmouth, College of Education .. . .............. 5,600.00 4,070.00 Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, State Teachers College . . ....... 4,041.00 3,204.00 Pennsylvania, California, State Teach )rs College .... .. ..... 4,041.00 3,204.00 3,204.00 Pennsylvania, Clarion, State Teachers College .... .. . ... . . . 4,383.00 4,041.00 Pennsylvania, Mansfield, State Teachers College ... .... ... . 4,412.00 4,212.00 Pennsylvania, West Chester, State Teachers College ...... . . 4,554 . 00 4,041.00 4,383 Tennessee, Murfreesboro, Middle Tennessee State College ... 3,900.00 3,600.00 3,3oo:oo a;6oo:oo 4;ooo Texas, Commerce, East Texas State Teachers College .. ..... 4, 700.00 3,800.00 Texas, Huntsville, Sam Houston State Teachers College .... 6,133 . 32 2,587.50 4,000 Virginia, Farmville, Longwood College ....... . . . ....... ... 5,650.00 2,800.00 3,618.64 Virginia, Harrison burg, Madison College .................. 6,000.00 2, 772 . 00 West Virginia, Fairmont, State College ......... . .......... 4,950.00 3,600.00 West Virginia, Glenville, State College ...... ...... .. .. .... 3,000.00 Wisconsin, Milwaukee, State Teachers College ....... ...... 5,650.00 3,300.00 3,450.00 4,400.00 4,600 Wisconsin, Oshkosh, State Teachers College .. . .. . ........ . 3, 687.50 Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Central State Teachers College ... 5,285.00 4,285.00 4,310.00 4,335 Low .......... . ............. .. ...... . .......... .. . 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,400.00 2,587.50 3,600 . 00 3,492 Median . ....... ....... .. .. . .... . .... .. ... ...... . .. 4,880.00 . 4,070.00 3,060.00 3, 700 . 00 4,092.00 4,372 High ....... ... . . .... .......... .. ....... . .. .. . . .... 7,600.00 5,180.00 3,900.00 5,060.00 4,660.00 5,686 ry Salary Statistics, September 1, 1951 All Other Nonprofessional ratory Professional Assistants Assistants Hours of chool Mini- Maxi- Mini- Maxi- Profes- Non pro- Staff Student brarian mum Median mum mum Median mum sional fessional Total Assistants 3 3 9,496 000.00 4 4 13,596 $3,060.00 $3 , 546 . 00 $4,092 . 00 4 .5 4.5 3,847 3,060 . 00 3,372.00 3, 720 . 00 $2 , 400 . 00 $2 , 640.00 $2,916.00 6.5 1.5 8 7,604 3,060 . 00 4,296.00 2 , 280.00 2,640 . 00 8.875 3 11 . 875 13,372 720 . 00 3,060.00 3,372.00 3 , 720 . 00 2,520.00 2, 772 . 00 2, 919 . 00 16 5 21 15,633 2 2 1 s4o:oo 3 . 5 3. 5 1 4,620 . 00 1,800 . 00 1 1,980.00 7 3 10 ii ;866 3,100 . 00 3,845.00 4, 000.00 1,680.00 1,980 . 00 2, 180 . 00 15 11 26 36 , 000 1 1 1 8 1 9 1 4;9os:oo 1,740 . 00 2;2oo:oo 9 4 13 is;627 950.00 3;6oo :oo 2,000 . 00 6 1.5 7. 5 15,580 2,340.00 2, 700.00 4 '9 5 , 847 3,000.002 3,815 . 002 1,980.00 2,850.00 6 3 14,194 40 . 00 2,200 . 00 4,050 . 00 2 2 4 675 1 ·o 1 411 4,400.00 4 , 400 . 00 2,040 . 00 2 , 190 . 00 8 4 12 11,973 3,840.00 2 1 3 3,288 3,360 . ()()4 24 1 3 5,354 3 0 3 2,300 2 ,025 . 00 2, 748.00 4 4 8 4,938 2;4oo :O