College and Research Libraries By H. DEAN STALLINGS College and University Library Buildings: Results of the Questionnaire Mr. Stallings is librarian, North Dakota Agricultural Co!lege, Fargo. T HIS IS another of a series of articles resulting from a questionnaire sent out by the ACRL Buildings Committee. Other articles have appeared in College and 10 50 ~ - t- 20 - t- 1- 1: ,__ 1- 1- :I r-1-1-1: ~ t- t- -~-t-r-I--1: r- 1- t- - -lr-.._ -- ..... ..... - - .._ 10 occupy a sep~rate main building? Yes: 582 ; No: 846. Question No. 2 : Give the year of original construction. According to the question- naire, a total of 57 3 buildings were built from I84I-I95 I. -r-- -I- r-- r-- r-- r-- t- t- r-- t- t- 1- ~ t- t- 1- - r-r-r-- r- t- t- 1- r- t- t-1- r- t- '--- t- ~ - -- ~ r-- 1-1- ~ 1- - r- 1- - - -- r- t- 1-1- r-- t- :- r- ~ - ~r r- 1- t-~ t- t- - r- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~-~~ r-- ~ - r- ~ - r- - ~ 1- - - r-- -.._ - - .._ - .._ ..... - - - - FIGURE I: Library Buildings Constructed, I89I-I950, by 3-year Periods. Research Libraries1 and one more article pertaining to the relationship between seat- ing capacity and size of student body is in process and should be completed during the current year. This questionnaire was sent to I,86o col- lege and university libraries; I,555 replied. Thus, very complete and up-to-date infor- mation is available on college and university library buildings. In this report, complete results are given or reference is made to other articles written as a result of the questionnaire. The first question was: Does your ~ibrary 1 O ctober 1950, J anuar y and July 1951, and April 195 :.!. I C!> 1-1---+--+-+--+--+--+--+-+--+----t 14 1-+--+--+--+-...... l '21-+--+--+--+---' z FIGURE 2: Additions to College .and Uni- versity Library Buildings, 1924-1951, by 2- year Periods. 212 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES • l 1 \5 f-.- f-.- f-.- f-.- f-.- 10 f-.- f-.- f-.- ~ 1-- 1-- f-.- f-.- f.- f.- f-.- f.- f-.- 1-- 1-- 5 f-- f--f-- f-- 1-- f.- f-.- f.- f-.- 1-- f-.- 1-- f-- f-- f-- f-.- f- 1-- 1-- f-.- 1-- 1-- 1-- f-.- f-.- f.- f-.- 1-- f-.- t-- r-lr- 1-- 1-- 1-- f-.- - f-.- 1-- 1-- t-- f-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- f-.- 1-- 1-- ..__ .__ .__ '-- '-- '-- '--- .___ L,__ L- L,__ FIG U RE 3 : Add it ions to College and Univer sity Libr a ry Buildings, 1947- 195!. Number of Libraries 100 6 , 0 50 0 •• 1- 1-- 10 1- 1-- I~ J- J- 1-- J- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- f- f--1-- f- 1-- f- f--1-- f- f- f- f- 1--- 1--- 1--- f- f- f- f- 1-- f- 1--- 1--- 1--- 1-- 1--- 1--- 1--- 1--- 1-- f- f- 1--- 1--- '-- '--- '--- '--- 1--f-- f- 1--- J- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1--- 1-- 1--- 1-- f- 1-- f- 1-- f- 1-- f- 1-- 1-- 1-- f- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1--- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- f- 1-- 1-- ~~~ 1-- 1-- 1--- 1--~ 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1--- ~lr- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- f- 1-- 1-- ~~~~ ....._ '-- '-- ....._ '---- La.... '---- ..___ Ill 0 - 10 - ~0- 3() - ~0- !iO- '!IS.. 100- 1'15 · 150 - zoo- '2SQ- ~oo- '\00 - soo- 1~- 1oeo- zooo- \0 2,(') ?,() ~ 50 'f5 \tO 125 1'50 2.00 2.5() '?>00 '100 500 "\SO 1000 Z.OOO ?>SOO FIGU RE 4 : Book Capacities of Libr ari es, in Th ou sands of V olum es. I ULY, 1952 213 Figure I shows the number of buildings built in each three-year period from I89I to I950. For example, from I948-I950, 78 libraries were built. Question No. 3 asked: If the building was originally built for some other purpose, ·check here. Ninety libraries checked this, so there might . be a problem for further study. Question No. 4 asked: Additions · built since then? One hundred thirty eight ad- ditions have been built. Figure 2 shows_ the number of additions for each two-year period, I924-I95I; Figure 3, the number built during each of the last five years. For example, fifteen additions were built in I949· Question No. 5 stated: How many vol- umes could your library hold if it were completely filled? Figure 4 shows the number of libraries and the capacity of the libraries. For ex- ample, there are 9I libraries whose capacity IS between 50,000 and 7 5,000. There are eleven libraries that report a capacity of one million volumes or over, and thirty-two more libraries have a capacity between soo,ooo and I ,ooo,ooo. Question No. 6 asked: Is your library now completely or almost filled? 267 re- ported "Yes" and 30 I reported "No." These figures are for separate library build- ings only. Questions 7 and 8 relate to the seats in the buildings as compared to the student body, and whether or not the seating is ample, barely ample, or insufficient. The ACRL Buildings Committee is studying this and a report will be forthcoming in the near future. Questions 9 and IO relate to new build- ings before I 960, and was reported on in the April I952 issue of College and Research Libraries. Finally, Question No. I I shows that I I4 li-braries plan an addition in the near future, and 28 plan to construct or add a depart- ment library. New LC Albums of Recorded Poetry Five new albums of recorded poetry read by the poets themselves have been issued by the Library of Congress. These albums con- taining 25 double-face, 12-inch, unbreakable vinylite ( 78 r.p.m.) records, comprise the second series of five albums ·issued under the title Twenti eth C entury Po etry in English. The first series was issued in 1949. Prepared under a special grant from the Bollingen Foundation, the second series includes poems by Robert Frost, Archibald MacLeish, Stephen Spender, Theodore Roethke, Muriel Rukeyser, William Empson, Conrad Aiken, Robert Lowell, Leonie Adams , Elizabeth Bishop, Richard Blackmur, Howard Baker, Marya Zaturenska, Delmore Schwartz, Wittner Bynner, Herbert Read, Phelps Putnam, John Harryman, Horace Gregory, Janet Lewis and Robert Fitzgerald. Available either singly or in the albums, the recordings are an important guide to the interpretation and meaning of individual poems since they cap- ture the poet's emphasis and shading of tone. A leaflet containing the texts of the poems, biographical notes, and a bibliography is prov·ided with each record, and a catalog list- ing all of the records available in this series may be obtained for 5 cents from the Record- ing Laboratory, Library of Congress,. Wash- ington 25, D.C. 214 COLLEGE AND .RESEARCH LIBRARIES