College and Research Libraries access to this volume therefore becomes of utmost importance to most scholars. The absence of place maps ^nd regional maps is a disadvantage, too, but considering overall size and comprehensiveness, this omission can be overlooked on the grounds that the volume is large and expensive as it is. The Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer un- doubtedly will be the standard English lan- guage gazetteer for many years. As such, it is and will be an indispensible library refer- ence tool in geographical, historical, and many related fields of investigation.—Merle C. Prunty, Jr., Department of Geography, Uni- versity of Georgia. English Literature 1660-1800 English Literature 1660-1800: a Bibliography of Modern Studies compiled for Philologi- cal Quarterly. By Ronald S. Crane, Louis I. Bredvold, Richmond P. Bond, Arthur Friedman, and Louis A. Landa. Vol. I : 1926-1938. Vol. I I : 1939-1950. Prince- ton: Princeton University Press, 1950-52. Vol. I, $5.00; Vol. II, $7.50. The compiling of annual period bibliog- raphies within the field of historical and literary research is a noteworthy phenomenon of the last generation in America. Since 1916, when the first one was started, nearly every field with some overlapping has acquired its own special bibliography, usually with the blessing or active sponsorship of a correspond- ing research group of the Modern Language Association. Neither the annual cumulations nor such a collection as the present can ever supersede in general library usefulness such comprehensive bibliographies as the Cam- bridge Bibliography of English Literature, but scholars have found the annual period bibliog- raphy the most useful guide to recent publica- tion; even when a comprehensive bibliography is new, the period bibliography records (and often assesses) all publications too recent to have been incorporated in the proofs of the larger work. Now, since the task of search- ing year by year through the annual volumes of the Philological Quarterly has grown in- creasingly burdensome, the Princeton Press has made this series conveniently available to libraries and scholars by reprinting it photo- graphically. T o the reprint Professor Landa has prefixed a brief "Foreword," and an Index (to both volumes) in Vol. I I . Since the entries of the first volume are more or less incorporated in the Cambridge Bibliography, the second volume (1939-1950) with the consolidated index will be more used. T h e index of some sixty pages is not exhaus- tive, but it is the most significant addition to the- reprint. Included in a single alphabet without analysis are page references to the names of scholar-authors of books and articles, the names of eighteenth-century figures dis- cussed, and some references to selected topical entries like Booksellers, Gothic, Plato, Primi- tivism, the Spectator, and Voyages. Not much duplication is allowed in the topical entries; e.g., Straus's Curll is indexed under Straus and under Curll but not under Book- sellers; Professor Jones's Ancients and Moderns under Ancient-Modern Controversy but not under Bentley, Swift, or Idea of Progress; and Professor Landa, who himself reviewed Professor Fairchild's Religious Sentimentalism in the Age of Johnson, de- clines to index it under Sentimentalism. The index, therefore, is no substitute for a search through the critical comments on books and articles of interest to the inquirer. A fuller subject index would prove useful, and sixty- five page references under Shakespeare will prove tedious to inquirers asking what has been written concerning Shakespeare by scholars dealing with later authors, but no extension of the index seemed feasible within the plan of this reprint. Regrettably, no space has been found to record significent errors or omissions dis- covered in this quarter-century cumulation, save for one page of embarrassing but harm- less misspellings of personal names.—A. T. Hazen, Columbia University A C R L M O N O G R A P H S Send your standing or single copy orders of ACRL Monographs to A C R L Monographs c/o University of Illinois Library, Chicago Graduate Division, Chicago 11, Illinois. Next four to eight issues (depending on size) $5.00; issues No. 1-7, $3.50. Make checks payable to The Association of College and Reference Libraries. Send cash or stamps in advance for single copies costing less than $1.00. The monographs are issued irregularly and have no annual subscription price. APRIL, 1953 265