College and Research Libraries B y C O N S T A N C E M . W I N C H E L L Reference Books of 1952'1953 Miss Winchell is reference librarian, Columbia University Libraries. Introduction A S IN PREVIOUS ARTICLES in this s e r i e s 1 this survey is based on notes written by members of the reference staff of the Columbia University Libraries. T h e r e has been some experimentation as to the form the listing should take—the first two num- bers were survey articles followed by alpha- betical lists, the third was an annotated bibliography, the entries being given in much the same form as is used in the Guide to Reference Books. Jth ed.2 Some refer- ence librarians have indicated a preference for this last as they believe it is easier to check and to use with the Guide. There- fore, this is the arrangement used. Once again, as the purpose of the list is to present a selection of scholarly and foreign works of interest to university libraries, it is not necessarily well-balanced nor compre- hensive. Code numbers (such as A 1 6 ) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide.2 Bibliography hidex bibliographicus: Directory of Cur- rent Periodical Abstracts and Bibliogra- phies, Repertoire des revues courants de bibliographies analytiques et signaleti- ques. Comp. by Theodore Besterman. Paris, U N E S C O , 1 9 5 2 - v. 1 - 2 ( I n progress) 1st ed., 1925; 2nd ed., 1931 ( A 1 6 ) . This is the 3rd ed. completely revised. v.i, Science and technology; v.2, Social sci- 1 College and Research Libraries, 1 3 : 30-36, 234-41, Jan., J u l y 1 9 5 2 ; 14:72-78, J a n . 1953. 2 Winchell, Constance M. Guide to Reference Books. 7th ed. Chicago, A L A , 1 9 5 1 . ences, education, humanistic studies. List pub- lished bibliographies in book form and in periodicals. Arranged by the Universal Deci- mal Classification. Malcles, L . N . Les sources du travail bibliographique. Geneve, E . D r o z ; L i l l e , Giard, i 9 5 2 . v.2 in 2 pts. This is the second volume of this notable bibliographic manual, the first dealing with general bibliography was published in 1950 and noted previously. (College and Research Libraries 13:30, Jan. 1952). This second volume devoted to the humanities and the so- cial sciences is not limited to bibliographies but includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, texts, periodicals, and other types of reference and source materials. There are also special sections on the language, literature and history of Slavic and Balkan countries and of the Near, Middle and F a r East. A full index by author, subject and title completes the volume. Volume three is to cover the natural sciences and medicines. Periodicals Dahl, Folke. A Bibliography of English Corantos and Periodical Newsbooks, 1 6 2 0 - 1 6 4 2 . London, Bibliographical So- ciety, 1 9 5 2 . 283P. il. This is an expansion of his earlier "Short- title catalogue of English corantos and news- books, 1640-1642" which appeared in The Library in June 1938. Its aim is to "list and describe all corantos and newsbooks of foreign news in the English language printed during the period 1620-1642". Detailed bibliographical descriptions are given with reference to sources and locations of copies. The corantos are arranged in chronological order under places of printing; the newsbooks are listed in chronogical order in their series. Introductions to sections and notes give changes of publisher, mode of print- ing, size, typographical features, identification of printers, variant copies, etc. There is no index. JULY, 1953 259 Tiirkiye makaleler bibliyografyasi. Bibli- ographie des articles parus dans les periodiques turcs. Istanbul, 1 9 5 2 - n o . i , M a r t 1 9 5 2 - ( M i l l i kiitiiphane bibliyografya enstitiisii yayimlarindan. Publications de l'lnstitut national turc de bibliographie) Monthly. Articles in about 275 journals, annuals, and society publications are listed in this new Turkish index, which is arranged by subject with an author index. All titles are given in both Turkish and French, and very brief anno- tations are added for some entries; book reviews are included. Annual indexes by author and subject are planned. Of particular interest is the intention of the Institute to make available microfilms, translations, or abstracts of all articles included. Religion Dekkers, Eligius. Clavis patrum latin- orum, qua in novum corpus christianorum edendum optimas quasque scriptorum re- censiones a Tertulliano ad Bedam; commodo recludit Eligius Dekkers; opera usus qua praeparavit et iuvit Aemilius Gaar, Vindobonensis. Steenbrugis, In Abbatia Sancti Petri [ 1 9 5 1 ] 4 6 1 P . (Sacris erudiri; jaarboek voor gods- dienstwetenschappen, 3, 1 9 5 1 ) A key to the Latin writings of the church fathers that have appeared in collections and periodicals. There are three indexes: 1, Index nominum et operum; 2, Index systematicus; 3, Initia. Kasher, Menahem M . Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation, a Millennial Anthology. Translated under the editor- ship of Rabbi D r . H a r r y Freedman. N . Y . , American Biblical Encyclopedia Soc., 1 9 5 3 - v . i - ( I n progress) v.i covers Genesis, 1 : 1 - 6 : 8 . A monumental collection of Jewish interpre- tations of the Bible. Includes an anthology of passages drawn from the Talmudic-Midrashic literature pertaining to each verse of the Bible, with indication of sources; a commentary containing exegetical passages from ancient and modern sources, and an appendix contain- ing four essays: Concept of time in Biblical and post-Biblical literature; The atom in Jewish sources; Creation and the theory of evolution; Creation and human brotherhood. M i l l e r , Madeleine S. and M i l l e r , J . Lane. Harper's Bible Dictionary. N . Y . , Harper, 1 9 5 2 . 8 5 1 P . il. $7-95 >' T h u m b indexed $ 8 . 9 5 . A useful and usable one-volume alphabeti- cally arranged encyclopedic dictionary, though not as comprehensive as Hastings (K89) nor Jacobus ( K 9 3 ) . It treats the archaeology, geography and chronology of the Bible, includ- ing names of persons and places, ideas, Books of the Bible, phrases, objects, etc. Pronouncia- tion is indicated for some but not all difficult or unusual words or phrases. Illustrated with photographs, line drawings and maps, Biblio- graphical references are sometimes but not systematically given. Reallexikon fiir Antike und Christentum; Sachworterbuch zur Auseinandersetzung des Christentums mit der antiken Welt. In Verbindung mit F r a n z Joseph Dolger, Hans Lietzmann, J a n Hendrik Waszink und Leopold Wenger, hrsg. von Theodor Klauser. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1950- 52. v . i - 2 (incompl.) ( I n Progress). Bd. 1, L f g . 1-8, A-Bauen; Bd. 2, L f g . 9 - 1 1 , Bauer-Boser Blick. Long signed articles by many scholars deal- ing with the relationship of the ancient world and Christianity up to the sixth century A . D . Social Sciences Current Sociology. La sociologie conte?n- poraine. [ P a r i s ] U N E S C O , 1 9 5 3 - v . i , no. 1 - This new quarterly journal will present in some issues classified bibliographies of socio- logical publications and in others articles in the field of sociology. In this first issue the bibliography includes publications, both books and periodical articles, that appeared between January and June 1951. The scope is inter- national and sociology is used in its widest sense. However, an attempt is made to avoid overlapping with other indexes in this field, such as the Population Index and Psychological 260 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Abstracts. A list of the periodicals used, and author and subject indexes, are included. Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften. Stuttgart, G . Fischer [ 1 9 5 2 - ] F a s c . i - This new edition of the Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften (4th ed. 1923-29) (L229) is now being published in fascicles, which will start at three different points of the alphabet, A, H and Re. T h e first part to appear covers Handelsrecht to Hume, David. Articles are signed and include bibliographies which give author, title, place and date of publication. There are some statistical tables and a few footnotes. Inside the front and back covers is the table of con- tents (in alphabetical order) giving the subject headings which appear in this or in other parts. When the set (6v.) is completed in 1955, an extra volume is planned to contain the over- all table of contents, a list of all the writers, and a list of all the references cited. International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who, 1 9 5 3 - London, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., 1 9 5 3 - annual. A new annual in four main parts: ( 1 ) An introductory section covering the reigning royal families of the world and information on various international organizations; (2) the states of the world, giving, for about 95 countries, constitution and government, area and population, financial and banking system, industry and commerce, communications, edu- cation, religion, etc.; (3) a diplomatic section listing the names and addresses of ambassadors and ministers of each country; (4) a bio- graphical section giving brief biographical sketches of some 8,000 persons including statesmen and politicians, ambassadors, heads of government departments, military chiefs, great ecclesiastics and eminent lawyers, heads of the greater industries and leading bankers and merchants. Theses de sciences sociales: catalogue analytique international de theses inedites de doctorate, 1940-1950. Theses in the social sciences: an international analytical catalogue of u?ipublished doctorate theses, 1940-1950. [ P a r i s ] U N E S C O [ 0 1 9 5 2 ] 236p. $ 1 . 2 5 . Contains listings from 30 member states, and from Germany, which was not a member at the time of the survey. Titles have been translated when necessary into French or English. Listings are under broad subject, and then alphabetical by the French version of a country's name. There is an index to authors and an index to the broad subjects used. Business • Benn, A . E . The Management Dic- tionary; Standardization of Definitions and Concepts of the Terjninology in the Field of Personnel Management. N . Y . , Exposition Pr., 1 9 5 2 . 375p. $7-50. An attempt to provide standard definitions for terms connected with personnel manage- ment; 8,624 sources from 1945 to date were searched, and a list was made of those terms on which at least five sources agreed. This list was considered by a group of experts and only those terms on which they agreed were included in the dictionary. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business; pre- pared by the Editorial Staff of Prentice- H a l l , Inc. N . Y . , Prentice-Hall, 1 9 5 2 . 704P. il. Covers terms in the many fields of business activity. Designed to provide an understand- ing of business operations, methods and prac- tices, and a warning of possible legal difficulties concerning terminology. Education Sasnett, Martena Tenney. Educational Systems of the World: Interpretations for Use in Evaluation of Foreign Cre- dentials. [ L o s Angeles] U n i v . of South- ern C a l i f . Pr., 1 9 5 2 . 838P. Bibliography, p.754-838. Gives detailed information on the educa- tional system of each country, with indications of equivalent evaluation in the U.S. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. World Hand- book of Educational Organization and Statistics. 1st ed., 1 9 5 1 . Paris, U N E S C O , 1 9 5 2 . 469P. $9. 5is-6d 2 . 5 o o f r . JULY, 1953 261 " T h e ideal entry for each state comprises a short descriptive passage, bibliography, dia- gram, classification of school types and set of statistical tables." Pref. Compiled mainly from replies to questionnaires or, where these were not returned, from official printed statistics. Fifty-seven countries are covered. A useful glossary of terms gives English equivalents for foreign types of educational institutions, in five groups (pre-school, primary school, etc.). Your Opportunity, to Help Others, to Help Yourself, 1952/1953- ; an Annual Catalog of Grants, Fellowships, Scholarships, Opportunities, Awards, Prizes, Loan Funds, Competitions, ed. and pub. by Theodora S. Jones. M i l t o n , Mass., 1 9 5 2 - ( 1 9 5 2 / 5 3 , paper $ 3 . 9 5 , cloth $4-95-) Arranged alphabetically, with many cross- references from individual fellowships, prizes, etc. to the field of interest concerned. Gives names and addresses of administrative agen- cies, funds available, eligibility requirements, closing dates for application, etc. Linguistics Romera-Navarro, M i g u e l . Registro de lexicografia hispdnica. Madrid, C . S . I . C . , 1 9 5 1 . i o i 3 p . (Revista de filologia espanola. Anejo 5 4 . ) This is an index to some 80,000 articles or studies on individual Spanish words, listed alphabetically by the words. The references are to periodicals, books, and scholarly collec- tions in various languages, excluding Spanish or Latin-American dictionaries and general etymological glossaries, and complete linguistic studies of individual authors. Latin-American and dialect words are included, and some Portuguese words which are closely related to the Spanish. Dictionaries Kurath, Hans, ed. Middle English Dic- tionary. Sherman M . Kuhn, assoc. ed. A n n Arbor, Mich., U n i v . of M i c h . Pr., 1 9 5 2 - P t . E , 1 - This important new dictionary, a research project of the University of Michigan, is based on a vast collection of Middle English quotations, which includes all those assembled for the Oxford English Dictionary, both pub- lished and unpublished, in addition to hundreds of thousands gathered for this work. It is to be completed in ten years, in parts of 124 pages each, the whole to consist of about 8,000 pages. The bibliography and a full description of the editing plan are to appear as a separate part in 1953. The first letter to be published is E, of which parts 1-2 ( E - escheu) have so f a r been received; F , D, C, B and A will follow, in that order, and then G - Z in alphabetical sequence. Science Gaudenzi, Nerio. Guida bibliografica internazionale per il chimico. Libri e riviste. Firenze, Sansoni, 1 9 5 2 . 509P. Introduction and classification scheme in Italian, French, English, and German. A classified bibliography of about 3268 books and 1 1 2 5 periodicals in the field of chemistry, with indexes of periodicals, authors, subjects, and publishers. A second volume is planned to cover metallurgy. Wilson, E d g a r Bright, J r . An Introduc- tion to Scientific Research. 1st ed. N . Y . , M c G r a w - H i l l , 1 9 5 2 . 388p. $ 6 . Mainly concerned with statistical methods and laboratory techniques. Brief bibliographi- cal notes at the end of each section, but no general bibliography. A useful guide for graduate students and others beginning re- search in the sciences. Technology Boone, L a l i a Phipps. The Petroleum Dic- tionary. Norman, U n i v . of Oklahoma Press., 1 9 5 2 . 338p. $5- Bibliography, p.333-8. Gives definitions and sources of about 6,000 terms used in the oil industry. The dictionary is preceded by a general introduction (p.3-37) to the language of the oilfield. Home Economics Simon, A n d r e L . Bibliotheca gastrono- mica, a Catalogue of Books and Docu- ments on Gastronomy, comp. and anno- 262 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES tated with an Introduction . . . London, T h e W i n e and Food Society, 1 9 5 3 . I96p. il. 84s. " T h e production, taxation, distribution and consumption of food and drink, their use and abuse in all times and among all peoples." An annotated listing of 1644 items, arranged alphabetically by author, with indexes by short- title and by subject. Simon, Andre L . A Concise Encyclo- paedia of Gastronomy. London, Collins, 1 9 5 2 . 827p. 42s. Originally published in parts from 1939- 1949. The sections cover ( 1 ) Sauces; (2) Vegetables; (3) Cereals; (4) Fruit; (5) Fish; (6) M e a t ; (7) Birds and Eggs; (8) Cheese; (9) Wine. Includes definitions of terms and ingredients as well as recipes. Architecture and Decoration Hamlin, T a l b o t , ed. Forms and Func- tions of Twentieth-Century Architecture. N . Y . , Columbia University Press, 1 9 5 2 . 4 V .