College and Research Libraries Review Articles W h o ' s W h o in Library Service Who's Who in Library Service. Third edi- tion. A Biographical Directory of Profes- sional Librarians of the United States and Canada. D o r o t h y Ethlyn Cole, editor. Prepared under the direction of the Council on Who's Who in Library Service f o r the School of L i b r a r y Service, Columbia U n i - versity. N e w Y o r k , T h e G r o l i e r Society, 1955. 546P. $6.00. A t long last the third edition of Who's Who in Library Service has made its ap- pearance, the result of the cooperative effort of many volunteers. Its organization, plans and policies w e r e under the direction of the Council on Who's Who in Library Service of which C a r l M . W h i t e w a s chairman and L e e A s h co-chairman, and due to the generos- ity of the H . W . W i l s o n Company, M i s s D o r o t h y Ethlyn C o l e w a s granted part-time leave to serve as editor and chairman of the Committee on Editorial Policies. T h e greater part of the actual labor w a s done by numer- ous volunteers from the N e w Y o r k area who processed the thousands of returned question- naires and, quite properly, the names of eight f a i t h f u l w o r k e r s w h o did an exceptional number of these questionnaires are listed in the front of the volume. A f t e r considerable investigation the G r o l i e r Society w a s chosen as publisher and the Science Press in L a n - caster, Pennsylvania, prepared the final copy f o r reproduction by the photo-offset process. T h i s edition includes sketches for more than 11,000 librarians f r o m the United States and Canada, compared with 5764 in the first edi- tion ( 1 9 3 3 ) , and 8869 in the second ( 1 9 4 3 ) . According to the introduction the f o l l o w i n g categories are included: 1) Professional librarians, defined as per- sons holding degrees f r o m accredited library schools, or others classified as professional in libraries. ( I t w a s the responsibility of the Committee on Eligibility to evaluate the records of these latter).; 2) Persons active in such closely related fields as library school teaching, bibliographical and editorial w o r k ; 3) Librarians w h o retired during the past y e a r ; 4) O t h e r s w h o have retired, but w h o are still w e l l known in the profession through writing, teaching, w o r k in professional as- sociations, or consultant service; 5) Foreign librarians employed in agencies of an inter- national character w h o are in the United States on a more or less permanent basis. T h e sketches are w r i t t e n in as concise a form as possible, using abbreviations and omitting non-professional information (home addresses are given only f o r persons w h o have retired or w h o are employed in libraries out- side of the United S t a t e s ) . U s u a l l y given is full name, place and date of birth (if given by biographee), education, i.e., college, gradu- ate w o r k , and library school; honors, publica- tions, memberships, and positions held. Facts have been taken f r o m the question- naires w i t h o u t further checking with other sources and f o r the most part seem quite accurate, although a f e w errors in tran- scribing have been noted. U n f o r t u n a t e l y , the stringent budget did not permit follow-ups for persons w h o did not return the question- naires. W h i l e it is possible that some of these may not wish to have been included, it would seem highly desirable that a certain amount of follow-up be provided when another edition is to be prepared. A f e w minor deficiencies have shown up as the volume has been used; e.g. 1 ) present position is given in caps at the end of the sketch which is usually an excellent arrange- ment, but in the case of persons w h o have held several positions in the same library the name of the library is given only w i t h the first position and sometimes it is necessary to check back quite carefully to discover the name of the institution at which one is direc- tor, head, technical processes, acquisition librarian, etc.; 2) date of retirement is not indicated so that, frequently, part-time jobs held a f t e r retirement are given more promi- nence than the career position of an individual; 3) in some cases abbreviations used for in- stitutions with lack of place-names make for ambiguity. In spite of these f e w criticisms the volume is most welcome and w i l l be heavily used. It is to be hoped that some adequate arrange- ment can be made f o r bringing out revisions at regular intervals.—Constance M. Win- chell, Columbia University Libraries. OCTOBER, 1955 40 7