College and Research Libraries A - V Clearing House Edited by the A C R L AUDIO-VISUAL C O M M I T T E E Louis Shores, Chairman; Fleming Bennett; Jane Culler; Budd Gambee; , Rufsvold ; Walter Stone. N o ^ Culler; Budd Gambee; John Harvey; Margaret I. A U D I O - V I S U A L E Q U I P M E N T By Otis McBride Director, Audio-Visual Center Library School, Florida State University WHAT'S HAPPENING W I T H A-V E Q U I P M E N T ? In the space of an A-V Clearing House not too much can be said; but it might be well to run down the line arbitrarily, pick some of the most-used types, and list some of the characteristics and special features. For fuller information see Edward F. Ahrendt, editor, The Audio-Visual Equipment Direc- tory, National Audio-Visual Association, Evanston, Illinois, 1955. Some of the infor- mation in this report was collected through reference to the NAVA Directory, for which grateful acknowledgment is hereby made. Suppose we hold to some six main cate- gories, with mention at the end of special or unusual developments of recent times. J 16mm Motion Picture Projector (Bell and Howell Film-O-Sound 385-C Specialist) 16MM SOUND MOTION PICTURE PROJECTORS These get better and better. The addition of such things as longer film shoes, simple rewind procedures, automatic loop setters, sapphire parts, etc., make for greater ease of operation and longer life. Sound systems are being made larger and more adequate. Be- cause of space limitations, only five projectors will be listed. There are many more. Bell and Howell Film-O-Sound Specialist 385. The new Bell and Howell Specialist 385 has a 15-watt amplifier instead of 10 as in the former model and an 8-inch speaker instead of a 6. The automatic loop setter has proved to be quite a convenience, rather consistently resetting the loop without need for stopping the machine. A new all-aluminum blimp has been designed, more effectively to cut out machine noise. Model CR, $479.95 Amplifier 15 watts Reverse and still picture Radio Corporation of America Model 400 Junior, $475 Amplifier 10 watts No reverse and still picture Eastman Kodak Company. Features a new shutter. When the projector is started the shutter, which has three blades, immediately reduces to two, thus increasing materially the amount of light. Model: Kodascope Pageant, AV-073, $425 Amplifier 7 watts No reverse and still picture Technical Service Incorporated. Has a special ingenious mirror and small screen arrange- 342 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES ment to do rear projection on its own screen, 135 square inches, or on regular screen. Small screen gives good results in lighted room. Model: Duolite DU-5, $498 Amplifier 5 watts No reverse and still picture Lenses: 2" f/1.6 and 5 / 8 " f/2.0 Victor Animatograph Corporation. Two fea- tures of the Victor are the 180 degree swing- out lens and the single drive sprocket which controls the film entering and leaving the projector. Model: Assembly 10, $447 Amplifier 10 watts Reverse and still picture MAGNETIC SOUND MOTION PICTURE PROJECTORS Still greater usefulness is brought to the educational film by the magnetic sound pro- jector. A film may be sound-striped, the stripe being placed beside the optical track, and either can be used. The magnetic track has the same flexibility as a tape recorder. Teach- er and pupils may make up their own narra- tion and change it at will. Film production can be greatly aided by the magnetic strip- ing. The magnetic equipment adds approxi- mately 50 per cent to the cost of the projec- tor. Though you may feel that you cannot af- ford to own one until they are more widely used and more universally available, they are doubtless here to stay and will be available at a later date, as they add appreciably to the usefulness of films. Most of the companies make special magnetic projectors or attach- ments to convert standard projectors to mag- netic. THE OPAQUE PROJECTOR Most people seem to agree that this is the most versatile piece of equipment of all. It requires more darkening than others, as opaque materials do not reflect much light. But the room does not have to be pitch dark! What a convenience it is to be able to show the composition of one student to a whole class. The shorthand teacher, the art teacher, the math teacher will find many uses for the opaque. The sewing student may sketch her dress eight inches in over-all height and then blow it up to actual size with the opaque be- fore beginning work on a pattern. Many are the uses! Most models have special f e a t u r e s such as built-in pointers and automatic feed. Charles Beseler Com- pany. The new Bes- eler Vu-Lyte II is about the same weight and size as former models. Though it uses the same 1,000 watt lamp as previous models, it develops about twice as much light, a dramatic improve- ment. Much less darkening is needed. Cool- ing, unfortunately, is about the same as in former models. Model: Vu-Lyte II, $249 (without automatic feed and built-in pointer) Aperture 10" x 10" American Optical Company Model AO Opaque 1000, $255 Aperture 10" x 10" Squibb-Taylor, Inc. Model TS-3, $287.50 Aperture 10" x 10" Charles Beseler Company. We bought one of these and call it "Little Henry." It has a small lamp, only 5" x 5" aperture, and you have to pick it up and place it over the work. But it does a good job. If your school does not happen to have $275, for $32.25 it will go a long way toward convincing a superintend- ent or administrator what the opaque will do and why it is needed. Then you could talk about getting a larger, more versatile and more adequate machine. Model O, No. 2003, $32.25 Aperture 5" x 5" Weight, 9 lbs. THE OVERHEAD PROJECTOR The overhead projector provides light un- derneath the transparency which reflects the image into the lens above. A mirror reflects this image at right angles onto the screen, thus the instructor may look directly at the work he has placed on the aperture, while the students see it on the screen behind him. He may even write with a grease pencil on a cellophane sheet drawn across the aperture, Opaque Projector (Vu-Lyte II, Charles Beseler Company) JULY, 1956 343 the writing appear- ing on the screen be- hind him. A finger or a fountain pen will serve quite well as a pointer. Thus the teacher may con- centrate on his work, facing the class, with- o u t the i n c o n v e n - ience of constantly turning to look back at the screen. This is not an opaque pro- jector. The material must be transparent. But material rang- ing in size from about a $i/4" x 4" slide up to 10" x 10" (if the overhead is the large type) can be handled with ease. Charles Beseler Company Model: Master Vu-Graph No. 3900, $295 Aperture 10" x 10" Keystone View Company. This projector is primarily for 314" x 4" slides. It will take other transparencies up to those dimensions. Model 1045, $184 Victorlite Industries, Inc. Model: VisualCast Challenger, Type TA-C, $274 Aperture, circular, 9" in diameter Charles Beseler Company. This little fellow is brand new. It will project transparencies up to 5" x 5". The machine folds compactly, over-all size and case being 10" x 18i/£" x 8", and weight is only 1614 lbs. Model: Vu-Graph 55, $155 C O M B I N A T I O N F I L M S T R I P A N D 2 " x 2 " P R O J E C T O R S Because of the popularity of filmstrips and 2" x 2" slides, competition has been keen in this area. Most families now contain at least one camera-bug, so that 2" x 2" slides and filmstrips can be produced at home, with subjects of your own choosing, and even in beautiful color. Classroom projectors have lamps of 300 to 750 watts. Five hundred is enough for large classrooms and will make possible showings with almost no darkening. Practically all these projectors intended for classroom use at all are in combination, 2" x 2" slides and filmstrips. It would be question- able procedure to buy for your school one that would not handle both, as most teachers who use one will likely want to use the other also. Here is some infor- mation on a few. All these are c o m b i n a - tion 2" x 2" slide- filmstrip projectors. Therefore only name, m o d e l , p r i c e , a n d wattage will be given. Many other models and makes are available. American Optical Company MC, No. 3800 (300 watts), $92 Educator 500, No. 3824 (500 watts), $103.50 Eastman Kodak Company Signet 300 (300 watts), $85 Signet 500 (500 watts), $98 Society for Visual Education Instructor 300 (300 watts), $89.50 Instructor 500 (500 watts), $109.50 Three Dimension Company (Division of Bell and Howell) 224 Schoolmate (300 watts), $59.75 124 Schoolmate (500 watts), $75 Viewlex, Inc. V22CL (300 watts), $86.75 V25CL (500 watts) ,$104.75 S O U N D F I L M S T R I P S A N D 2 " x 2 " SLIDES It is certainly my prediction that we shall see more and more sound filmstrips and 2" x 2" slides. All that is necessary is that a disc or tape be made to carry the narration with an appropriate signal (small chime, pencil tapped on desk, or something) to let the op- erator know when to move to the next frame or slide. Narration, if a tape recorder is avail- able, can be made by the teacher or the stu- dents. Equipment necessary. No particular pur- pose is served by having a recorder and pro- jector built into each other. You need both. Buy them separately and use them together Overhead Projector (Master VuGraph 3900, Charles Beseler Com- pany) Filmstrip and 2" x 2" Projector (Viewlex V- 25CL) 344 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES any time your filmstrip has sound. Then when you have a silent filmstrip or a set of slides, the tape or disc playback can be made available to some other user. TAPE RECORDERS There are lots of these. Recorders are be- ginning to appear now with multiple speak- ers built in ("tweeters" and "woofers") and a range that makes possible rather high fidelity. Tapes are now stronger and brakes on recorders greatly improved, so that tape breakage rarely occurs. New machines are avail- able that reverse, recording or playing back, either to the left or to the right, on opposite edges of the tape, without the necessity of the reel's being lifted and turned over. If you can afford such, footage counters are available at slight extra cost. They are quite a convenience, as nobody has figured out a good way to "find your place" in the tape otherwise. If, for example, a 1200 foot tape has a selection from Bach in it that you want to use, you may determine ahead of time that it starts at 758 feet. When it is needed, run the tape to that point, as indi- cated by the counter, and proceed. Any num- ber of spots can thus be found quickly and easily. Most new records have fast-forward or re- versing equipment. Many have multiple speeds, 3y4 and 7 y2, or 714 and 15 inches per second. Here is some information on a few. Ampro Corporation Model 757 hi-fi, 3% and 7i/2, $239.95 Bell and Howell Company Model: Specialist 300-S, 3s/4 and7y£, $299.50 Magnecord, Inc. Model M-30, 3s/4 and 7i/2, $299 Webster Chicago Corporation (Web-Cor) Model: Webcor 2110, 3s/4 and 7]/2, $209.95 Wilcox Gay Corporation Model: Recordio 4A10, and 7i/2, $149.95 RECORD PLAYERS Of course, a large number of record play- ers, even "home-type" record players, will serve quite satisfac- torily, except that it would seem pointless to spend money for a b e a u t i f u l w o o d cabinet to be carted a r o u n d f o r s c h o o l use. Three speeds are essential. The dual needle set-up is nec- essary because the blunt needle used for 78 r.p.m. stand- ard recordings will not fit in the 33 1/3 r.p.m. microgroove records. The five record players listed below all offer speeds of 78, 45, and 33 1/3 r.p.m. and have turnover cart- ridges with two needles. They are self-con- tained, each having its own speaker. Many models are available to play through a radio or separate amplifier and speaker. Audio-Master Corporation Model A-M, No. 53-PA, $89.50 Record size, up to I7i4"; 12" speaker in de- tachable cover Calif one Corporation Model 16VP2-5 Quartet, $139.50 Record size, up to 16"; 12" speaker in detach- able cover 4 speeds plus variable Magnavox Company Model P-50 Classmate, $85 Record size, up to 12"; two built-in 6" speak- ers Newcomb Electronics Corporation Model R-16, $115 Record size, up to 17\/4"\ 10" built-in speaker Webster-Chicago Corporation Model: Webcor Maestro 1134, $54.50 Record size, up to 12"; 6" built-in speaker THE FUTURE Many new things in the audio-visual field are in the offing. Perhaps a few are worth mentioning. Tape Recorder ( We b- cor 2110) Record Player (New- comb R-16) JULY, 1956 345 D r a m a t i c d e v e l o p m e n t s are b e i n g a n - n o u n c e d c o n s t a n t l y i n n e w films. T h e T r i - X film is faster n o w t h a n a n y film that has b e e n b e f o r e us i n film h i s t o r y . Still i n t h e m i d s t o f e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n , e m u l s i o n s p e e d s h a v e b e e n f o u n d that r a n g e f r o m 200 past t h e c a p a c i t y o f p r e s e n t d a y l i g h t m e t e r s . C o l o r is c o m i n g in f o r its share o f a t t e n t i o n a n d s p e e d a n d ease in h a n d l i n g a r e b e i n g i n c r e a s e d . X e n o n l i g h t , n o w t o o e x p e n s i v e f o r m o s t users, w i l l p r o b a b l y b e r e l e a s e d i n t h e n e a r f u t u r e f o r 1 6 m m a n d p e r h a p s o t h e r types o f p r o j e c t i o n . T h e a n a m o r p h i c lens, w h i c h is o f c o u r s e a b y - w o r d i n 3 5 m m c o m m e r c i a l m o v i e s , is c o m i n g i n t o w i d e r use a n d f u l l e r r e c o g n i t i o n i n t h e 1 6 m m field. A n u m b e r o f lenses are o n t h e m a r k e t f o r use w i t h c a m e r a s i n 1 6 m m c i n e m a t o g r a p h y . R e c e n t l y e n t e r t a i n m e n t films b e c a m e a v a i l a b l e f o r use w i t h t h e a n a - m o r p h i c l e n s a n d w i d e s c r e e n . E q u i p m e n t is c o m i n g o u t i n l a r g e r a n d l a r g e r q u a n t i t i e s , m o r e s t r e a m l i n e d , m o r e a d e q u a t e , m o r e s e r v i c e a b l e . W a t c h f o r it! U. S. Steel and Remington Rand Grants to Libraries T w o important grants totalling $35,000 have been received by the American Li- brary Association for the Association of College and Reference Libraries program of grants for college libraries. T h e United States Steel Foundation has allocated $30,000 to A C R L to strengthen college and university libraries by im- proving their collections, equipment and programs as adjuncts to the teaching and learning processes. In making this grant, Roger M. Blough, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, stated that "the Foundation was pleased with the re- sults of the initial grant made to the As- sociation last year and desired to continue participation in the plan by which mod- est aid is provided to scores of colleges for improving their libraries as important adjuncts to teaching." Loyal members of A C R L will appreciate these words of praise for the handling of last year's grant as well as the continued financial support. T h e Association has wide latitude in the use of the grant. It is expected that dis- tribution of the money this fall will fol- low the same general policy used in 1955. Remington Rand has likewise granted the Association $5,000 for the A C R L pro- gram of foundation grants. T h e money will be used to make approximately 8-12 grants to college libraries for equipment. Remington Rand is a division of Sperry Rand Corporation, but is better known to librarians for its Library Bureau. These grants, as well as the New York Times grant previously announced, are primarily for the benefit of four-year, non-tax-supported colleges and universi- ties. T h e September issue of COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES will carry a full statement on all grants available, the purposes for which they will be dis- bursed, the general policy of A C R L ' s Committee on Foundation Projects in making grants, and the procedure of ap- plication. Readers are urged not to apply for further information until this state- ment has appeared. T h e application forms will be mailed out to librarians in October. N o action will be taken on ap- plications until the middle of November. T h e distribution of funds should be completed on or about the end of the year.—Arthur T. Hamlin. 346 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Personnel First woman to hold the position of li- brarian at Oberlin College will be EILEEN THORNTON of Vassar who will succeed JULIAN S. F O W L E R . M i s s T h o r n t o n will assume her duties at Ober- lin on January 1, 1957. I r i s h - b o r n , Miss Thornton was grad- uated from the Uni- versity of Minnesota a n d r e c e i v e d t h e A.M. degree from the University of Chica- go. She has been li- b r a r i a n at V a s s a r since 1945, following three years as college librarian and administrative assistant at the University of Chicago. Prior to that she had held various library posts at the University of Minnesota, the Hibbing Public Library, and at other places in the Midwest. Last year Miss Thornton was college li- brary consultant for the Division of Higher Education of the New York State Education Department. In the summer of 1953 she taught two courses at the Western Reserve University School of Library Science and in 1949 she directed a summer workshop on college libraries at Columbia University's School of Library Service. Miss Thornton has been an officer or na- tional committee member of various organ- izations frequently over the years and is, at present, vice-president and president-elect of the New York Library Association. Editor's Note: As this issue goes t o press, offi- cial news of Miss T h o r n t o n ' s election as first vice-president a n d president-elect of A C R L has b e e n received. T h e biographical information on JAMES SKIPPER which accompanied the notice in the May C&RL of his appointment as as- sistant librarian in charge of technical serv- ices at Michigan State University was in error. Formerly acquisition librarian at Ohio State University, Mr. Skipper did his under- graduate work at the University of North Carolina. H e received his bachelor's and master's degrees in library science at the University of Michigan, where he is now working on his doctorate. T h e librarian whose career was described under Mr. Skipper's name is HENRY KOCH, whose appointment as divisional librarian in the Social Science and Literature R o o m at Michigan State University was announced in the March issue of C&RL. FORREST PALMER, for five years on the staff of the North Carolina State College Library, left Raleigh last September to become Di- rector of Libraries at Mississippi State Col- lege. Mr. Palmer, a native of Wisconsin, did his undergrad- u a t e w o r k at V a l - paraiso where he re- ceived his B.A. in 1948. He received his B.S. in L.S. at George Peabody in 1949 and his M.S. in L.S. at the same institution in 1953. Mr. Palmer came to N.C. State in 1950 as serials cataloger at which position he worked for one year, be- coming serials librarian in 1951 and remain- ing in that position until his departure. During the period of his stay at North Carolina State College, Mr. Palmer partic- ipated in the planning of a new library build- ing and remained to observe the results of his planning and to make use of the areas in which his work was concerned. He represented North Carolina State Col- lege in the preparation of the "Checklist of Scientific Periodicals," a finding list of sci- entific periodicals and serials in the Libraries at Duke University, North Carolina State College, University of North Carolina, and Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. This was published in 1954. North Carolina State College at Raleigh regrets the loss of Forrest Palmer and salutes Mississippi for its fortune in securing the services of an excellent librarian.—Harlan C. Brown. F O R R E S T P A L M E R JULY, 1956 347 Appointments J. ARCHER EGGEN is the librarian of the St. Paul Public Library. He was formerly in charge of the Cedar Rapids (la.) Public Li- brary. Prior to that he was librarian of the Fergus Falls (Minn.) Public Library. GARLAND R . FARMER, JR., is assistant to the director of the Hoover Institute and Library at Stanford. For the last three years he has been director of the World Affairs Council of Northern California. JAMES J . HESLIN, formerly assistant director of libraries at the University of Buffalo, is librarian and assistant director of the New York Historical Society. M A R Y SHELDON HOPKINS has been appoint- ed librarian of the Bennington College Li- brary, Bennington, Vermont. Miss Hopkins is a graduate of Vassar College and of the School of Library Service, Columbia Univer- sity. She was assistant librarian, Webster Branch, New York Public Library before join- ing the staff of the Bennington College Li- brary as assistant librarian in 1935. D R . RICHARD G. IRWIN, librarian of the East Asiatic Library and research associate in oriental languages at the University of Cal- ifornia, Berkeley, has been awarded a Ful- bright scholarship for the academic year 1956- 57 to do research on the Chinese novel at Kyoto University, Japan. GERALD JAHODA is group leader in the re- search and development department of the Colgate-Palmolive Co., Jersey City, N. J. PATRICIA B . KNAPP is associate professor of library science at Rosary College, River For- est, 111. Mrs. Knapp earned her A.B. and her M.A. in library science from the University of Chicago where she is a candidate for the doctorate as well. She worked as a cataloger and later librarian at Chicago Teachers Col- lege, and as a U. S. Army librarian at Sara- sota and Miami Beach. Most recently she was librarian and assistant professor of English at George Williams College. MRS. IRA KOIV is a member of the staff of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Li- brary of the University of Maryland. HARRIET LAUBACH is reference librarian at the University of Pittsburgh. The following appointments to the staff of the Purdue University Libraries have been made: IDA MASONE, assistant reference librar- ian; MARGOT M O F F A T , assistant circulation li- brarian; PHILIP J. SCHNEIDER, assistant order librarian. Louis D. SASS will become dean of the Li- brary School of Pratt Institute and professor of librarianship on August 1, 1956. He has been assistant professor of librarianship at the University of California at Berkeley since 1953, following a year as lecturer there. Dr. Sass holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Colum- bia University as well as his professional li- brary degree from the same institution. Be- fore going to California, he held a variety of positions in the technical services depart- ments of the City College of New York Li- brary. IRENE M. STRIEBY, head of the library of Eli Lilly and Company since its establish- ment in 1934, has the newly created post of library consultant. LOUISE C. LAGE, formerly assistant chief librarian, succeeds Mrs. Strie- by. DAVID R . WATKINS is head of the reference department in the Yale University Library. He was assistant reference librarian at the University of Minnesota. Foreign Libraries W I L H E L M BRAUN, director of the Univer- sity of Greifswald Library since 1947, retired last year at the age of 66. CARLOS A. BRAVO, noted lecturer and au- thor, is director of the Biblioteca Nacional de Nicaragua in Managua. He succeeds RA- MON R O M E R O . ALBERT PREDEEK, formerly director of the libraries of the Technische Hochschule in Berlin-Charlottenburg and of the University of Jena, died 10 February 1956. Dr. Predeek was well known in England and America for his writings on the libraries of English- speaking countries. 348 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Books Received American College Life as Education in World Outlook. By Howard E. Wilson. Washington: American Council on Education, 1956. Bookman's Guide to Americana. Part II—Lit- erature. By J. Norman Heard. New Brunswick, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 1956. 254p. Books and Publishing, 1955. Vol. II. By Charles E. Sunderlin, David C. Mearns, Frances Lan- der Spain. Boston: School of Library Science, Simmons College, 1955. 55p. $1.75. Contents.— " T h e Challenge of Scientific Literature," by Charles E. Sunderlin.—" 'Of More Portentous Sound:' A Codicil to Boston's Literary Testa- ment," by David C. Mearns " A Mid-Century Look at Children's Books," by Frances Lander Spain. Careers for Graduates: A Handbook of Informa- tion. Ed. for the University of London Ap- pointments Board. London: University of Lon- don, T h e Athlone Press, 1956. 196p. Directory of Libraries and Information Sources in the Philadelphia Area. 9th ed. Ed. by Ger- aldine R . James for the Special Libraries Council of Philadelphia and Vicinity, a chap- ter of the Special Libraries Association. Phil- adelphia, 1956. 132p. (Order from Secretary, Special Libraries Council, Philadelphia.) Gifts to the Emory University Libraries, 1945-55. Emory University, Ga., 1956. 18p. A Guide for the Study of Exceptional Children. By Willard Abraham. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1956. $3.50. (Porter Sargent, 11 Beacon St., Boston 8) The Harry W. Bass Collection in Business His- tory in the University of Oklahoma Library: As of February 20, 1956. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Library, 1956. 76p. (mimeo) Libraria Magna et Libraria Parva dans la Biblio- theque universitaire du XHIe siecle. Par H . J. de Vleeschauwer. Pretoria [University of South Africa] 1956. 60 p. (Mousaion, Nr. 7) Library Expenditures, 1920-1955; Library Ap- propriations, 1944-1956. Lincoln: University Libraries, University of Nebraska, 1956. 48 p . (Cornhusker Librarian, No. 18) List of Subject Headings for Small to Medium Sized Law Libraries (Mainly Anglo-American). Comp. by Helen McLaury. Chicago: North- western University School of Law, 1956. 97p. The Papers of Cornelius Cole and the Cole Fam« ily 1833-1943: A Guide to Collection 217. Ar- ranged, annotated, and indexed by Elmo R . Richardson. Los Angeles: University of Cal- ifornia Library, 1956. 53p. (UCLA Library Oc- casional Papers, No. 4) Political Handbook of the World, 1956. Ed. by Walter H. Mallory. New York: Harper, 1956. 228p. $3.75. (Published for the Council on Foreign Relations) Proceedings of the World Symposium on Ap- plied Solar Energy, Phoenix, Arizona, Novem- ber 1-5, 1955. Sponsored by the Association for Applied Solar Energy, Stanford Research In- stitute, University of Arizona. Menlo Park, Calif.: Stanford Research Institute, 1956. 304p. $5. The Religious Press in the South Atlantic States, 1802-1865: An Annotated Bibliography with Historical Introduction and Notes. By Henry Smith Stroupe. Durham, N. C.: Duke Univer- sity Press, 1956. 172p. $4.50. Toynbee and History: Critical Essays and Re- views. Ed. by M. F. Ashley Montagu. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1956. 385p. $5. Union List of Serials of Government Agency Li- braries of the Philippines. Comp. by the Staff of the Inter-Departmental Reference Service, Institute of Public Administration, University of the Philippines. Manila, 1955. 623p. University Library Problems; Dedicated to Dr. P. C. Coetzee. Pretoria [University of South Africa] 1955. 87 p. (Mousaion, Nr. 5-6) T h e Library of Congress has published Herbert Putnam, 1861-1955, a Memorial Tribute. Putnam was Librarian of Congress from 1899 to 1939 when he became Librarian Emeritus, a post he held until his death last summer. T h i s b o o k on one of America's great librarians is largely the work of David C. Mearns, Library of Congress historian and biog- rapher of Dr. Putnam. JULY, 1956 349