College and Research Libraries Review Articles Bibliotheca Walleriana Bibliotheca Walleriana, the Books Illustrat- ing the History of Medicine and Science Collected by Dr. Erik Waller and Be- queathed to the Library of the Royal University of Uppsala. A catalogue com- piled by Hans Sallander. Stockholm: Alm- qvist and Wiksell, 1955. 2 v. (Acta Biblio- thecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis v. VIII-IX) Sw.Kr. 200. Now that the catalog of this remarkable collection of some 21,000 volumes has been published, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is a bibliographical event of a high order. The catalog presents a collection the possession of which has made Uppsala one of the world's centers for research in the history of medicine and science. The material has been classified systemati- cally. The list of 150 incunabula is followed by the main section, medicine, subdivided into veterinary medicine and dentistry. This material forms volume 1 and includes some 10,800 items. Volume 2, with some 10,000 additional items, is arranged in the follow- ing sections: natural sciences in general, chemistry (including alchemy), physics, bot- any, zoology, astronomy, other natural sci- ences; history of science in general, history of medicine, and history of natural sciences; biography (general) and biography (spe- cial); bibliography, with a sub-section, litera- ture on autographs; and finally, miscella- neous. The largest sections in this second volume are those of history of medicine, with about 3,000 items; biography, about 2,300 items; and bibliography, over 1,300 items. The material has been arranged alpha- betically, with the one exception that works of some of the most important authors whose production has been treated in mod- ern bibliographies were classified in ac- cordance with the bibliographical treatment concerned, and under the numbers there established. For instance, the comprehensive Hippocrates collection has been arranged in accordance with the catalog of the British Museum. The titles are given in full. Printers' and publishers' names are indicated for imprints prior to 1700. There are detailed data on number of pages, type pages unnumbered or paginated by a special method, illustrations, number of plates, and supplementary ma- terial, if any. Information, when considered of interest, is given in a special type of print, e.g. references to bibliographies, data on provenience, etc. The volume ends with an extremely detailed general index to the en- tire catalog. The catalog is written in Eng- lish and contains 56 full-page plates, in- cluding 8 color plates. The format is 182x260 mm. The catalog of the Bibliotheca Walleriana will be welcomed as a valuable reference work by librarians, scholars, book collectors and booksellers. In addition to reliable bib- liographic information, the comprehensive index with thousands of entries refers to the literature of a variety of fields in the area of medicine and historical research. No ref- erence library attempting to cover these fields can afford to pass up these volumes.— T. P. Fleming, Columbia University. Future of the Book The Future of the Book: Implications of the Newer Developments in Communication. Papers Presented Before the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Graduate Li- brary School of the University of Chicago, June 20-24, 1955. Edited by Lester Asheim. Chicago: University of Chicago, Gradu- ate Library School [cl955]. 105 p. $3.75. Published originally in Library Quarter- ly, October 1955. The subtitle of this collection gives a bet- ter indication of its content than does the more provocative wording, "The Future of the Book," for in the main the ten authors do not indulge in prophecy but derive opinions from careful study of past and present re- alities: they have used the microscope rather 444 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES