College and Research Libraries By CONSTANCE M. WINCHELL Selected Reference Books of 1955-1956 INTRODUCTION L IKE THE preceding articles in this semiannual series1 this survey is based on notes written by members of the staff of the Columbia University Li- braries. Notes written by assistants are signed with initials. 2 As the purpose of the list is to present a selection of recent scholarly and for- eign works of interest to reference work- ers in university libraries, it does not pretend to be either well-balanced or comprehensive. Code numbers (such as All and 1A26) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide 3 and its first Sup- plement. BIBLIOGRAPHY Leip~ig: Deutsche Biicherei. Bibliogra- , phie der verst,eckten Bibliographien aus deutschsprdchigen Bilchern und Zeitschriften der Jahre 1930-1953. Leipzig, Verlag fiir Buch-und Biblio- thekswesen [1956] 371p. (Sonderbi- bliographien der deutschen Biicherei 3) DM 50. Covering the years 1930-53, this valuable contribution lists German bibliographies published as parts of books or in periodicals. Although it aims to be comprehensive, only bibliographies of some substance, generally consisting of more than 60 titles, are in- cluded. Arrangement is alphabetical by sub- ject with a classified index of subject head~ · ings. The editors intend to keep it up to date by an annual publication, ] ahresver- zeichnis der Bibliographien des deutschen 1 CRL, January and July issues, starting January, 1952. - 2 Eleanor Buist, Eileen Grady, Kenneth Lohf, Su- zanne Szasz, Eugene Sheehy, John Neal Waddell. 3 Constance M. Winchell, · c~tide to Reference Books (7th ed.; Chicago, ALA, 1951); Supplement (Chicago: ALA, 1954). Miss Winchell is reference librarian, Columbia University. Schriftums, which will list separately pub- lished bibliographies as well.-S.S. U.S. Library of Congress . British Manu- scripts Project,· a Checklist of the Mi- · crofilms Prepared in England and JVales for the American Council of Learn ed Societies, 1941-1945, comp. by Lester K. Born. Washington, D.C. , Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, 1955. 179p. $2. During the war some five million pages of manuscript, and a few rare books, in British public and private collections were filmed, and the films subsequently turned over to the Library of Congress. The present check li st is compiled to indicate to the American scholar something of the contents of the collection and to serve, as well, as a source for ordering copies of the films. Ar- rangement is first· by location, then by name of collection and manuscript number, with a brief descriptive listing for each item. Although the index is restricted to personal and geographic names, it includes more than 10,000 entries, with subjects, editors, trans- lators, etc., as well as authors.-J.N.W. PERIODICALS IIandbuch der deutschsprachigen Presse ausserhalb Deutschlands. Wiirzburg, Holzner, 1956- A geographically arranged list of current German language newspapers and periodicals published outside Germany and concerned primarily with trade and manufacturing, although publications dealing with politics, humanities, economics and political science are also listed. Included for each title is the following information: address, editor, pub- lisher,_ date of founding, frequency of publi- cation, amount of circulation, format, pagi- nation, type of content, audience · intended for, and advertising policies. There is a· title index. Further editions are planned.-K.L. Nifor: Guide to Indian Periodicals, 28 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES --- --~~-------------------- 19 55/ 19 56- . Poona, India, National Information Service, 1955- The first directory of its kind in India, this guide gives a classified listing of 2,127 Indian periodicals and newspapers, and a separate alphabetical list of 1,526 additional unclassified titles. The classified section is in four main sequences: language, subject, pe- riodicity and geographical, and is followed by 12 statistical tables. The language section gives the main information about each pe- riodical including title, date of establish- ment, size, frequency, cost, editors and pub- lishers, with references to subject classifica- tions. DISSERTATIONS Microfilm Abstracts Author Index~ cover- ing volumes I-ll, 1938-1951 of Micro- film Abstracts (now Dissertation A b- stracts )~ camp. by the Georgia Chapter, Special Libraries Association, with the cooperation of University Microfilms. Atlanta, Georgia Chapter, Special Li- braries Association, 1956. 27p. $2. A useful index compiled to make more readily available the material in the first eleven volumes of Microfilm Abstracts. Author's names are in a straight alphabetical arrangement with reference to volume, num- ber and page. LIBRARIES Wieckowska, Helena and Pliszczynska, Hanna. Podreczny slownik bibliote- karza. Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydaw- nictwo Naukowe, 1955. 309p. zl 61.80. This dictionary of Polish library terms in- cludes about 3000 words used in the pro- fession and in allied fields. Definitions are in Polish, with Polish synonyms for each word and equivalents in English, French, German, and Russian. There are separate glossaries for each of these languages giving for each foreign term its Polish equivalent.-S.S. PsYCHOLOGY . Grinstein, Alexander. The Index of Psy- choanalytic Writings. New York, In- ternational Universities Press, 1956- v.l- . $75 the set. JANUARY~ 1957 Contents: v.l Aall-Freud. A revision and considerable expansion of John Rickman's Index psychoanalyticus, this valuable and comprehensive index includes books, monographs, periodical articles, re- views and abstracts written by psychoanalysts or concerning the subject of psychoanalysis, and published in any language from 1900 through 1952. The main listing is by author, but there is to be a subject index in the con- cluding volume. A set of appendices lists the works of major . writers chronologically; in the first volume this includes the writings of Karl Abraham, Sandor Ferenczi and Sig- mund Freud. For greater usefulness each foreign title is followed by an English trans- lation. To be completed in five volumes. -K.L. SociAL SciENCEs America Votes: a Handbook of Contem- porary American Election Statistics, comp. and ed. by Richard M . Scam- mon. N.Y., Macmillan, 1956- . v.l- (Governmental Affairs Institute, 1- $12.50. A new handbook giving for each state "the vote and percentage figures of the most recent elections for President ( 1952), Gov- ernor, and the state's two sitting Senators, together with listings of the postwar vote for Congress." Each, state section is preceded by an outline map showing counties, congres- sional districts, etc. 1952 statistics for Presi- dent, Governors, etc. are broken down by county, and for cities of over 500,000, maps and election statistics are given in the ap- propriate state section. Further details are enumerated in the Introduction . The British Commonwealth~ 1956. [1st ed.J London, Europa Publications, 1956. 918p. $14.70. An impressive compilation of general and statistical information on all countries and territories of the British Commonwealth. Three introdu..:tory essays ("The Evolution of the Commonwealth," "Downing Street," and "The Commonwealth : Economic As- pects") are followed by sections on the indi- vidual countries. The latter include articles (usually signed and by specialists) on geog- raphy, history and economic conditions, plus 29 sections incorporating statistical tables and directory-type information on constitution, government, political parties, religion, press, finance, trade and industry, learned societies, museums, libraries and universities. A select bibliography, a directory of Commonwealth organizations, and a group of maps complete the volume. The index is only to regions , countries, territories, and islands, with a "synopsis of subjects" preceding the sections on individual areas. Future editions are planned.-E.S. Naas, Bernard G. and Sakr, Carmelita S. American Labor Union Periodicals)· a Guide to Their Location. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell Univ., 1956. 175p. $7. Locates copies of files in 20 cooperating libraries. For each library indication is given of interlibrary loan and microfilming facili- ties. Pt.l , List of Union periodicals arranged alphabetically by name of union; pt.2, Re- gional union periodicals, arranged by state and city. Title indexes to each part. United Nations. Statistical Office. World Weights and Measures)· Handbook for Statisticians. Provisional ed. New York, 1955. 225p. (Statistical Papers, Series M, No. 21.) $2. A handbook compiled mainly for statisti- cians working in the field of international economics, which provides factors for convert- ing magnitudes, quantities and values from the units in which they are stated to cor- responding units in other systems. The ma- terial is divided into five sections: interna- tional systems and units of weight and meas- ure; national systems and units of weight, measure and currency; unit weights of se- lected commodities; national currencies, with equivalents in U.S. currency; indexes of weights and measures, abbreviations and cur- rencies. For magnitudes, equivalents are shown in the metric and British systems. For quantities, equal units in the single, usual system are shown (e.g. , decimal equivalents of fractions, Gregorian equivalents of other calendar periods). For values, equivalents are given in U.S. dollars, and, where officially established, in grams of fine gold.-E.G. Yearbook of the Int ernationa l Socialist Labour Movement) 1956/ 57- Ed. by Julius Braunthal. London, Lin- coins-Prager In tern a tional Year book, 1956- . Annual. £3 3s. Published "under the auspices of the So- cialist international and the Asian socialist conference." Gives data on the socialist and labor parties of each country and on the in- ternational socialist organizations. DICTIONARIES Chicago University. Oriental Institute. The Assyrian Dictionary. Chicago, In- stitute, 1956- . v.6- To be cited as the CAD (i.e., Chicago As- syrian Dictionary). v.6, H , (266p .) published first , to be continued, by G, E, D , B, A, and thereafter to follow the sequence of the al- phabet beginning with I and J, each letter in a separate volume. An Assyrian-English dictionary giving meanings in English with examples and citations to literature. Littre, Emile. Dictionnaire de la langue fran~aise . Edition integrale. Paris, Jean-Jacques Pauvert, I 956- . t.l- $45 a set. T.l, A-Caz Edition integrale; la seule compU:te des etymologies et des differents supplements et additfs reclasses dans le texte selon les in- tentions de l'auteur. A reprint of the famous Littre (Guide MI73) in modern format in which the ma- terial in the Supplement of the early work has been incorporated into the main alpha- bet. Important for the history, etymology and grammar of the French language. Music Coffin, Berton. Th e Singers Repertoire. New Brunswick, N.J., The Scarecrow Press, I 956. 839p. $ I 6. A selective list of approximately 7,500 songs and arias, primarily those "sung by notewor- thy or accepted singers," compiled as an aid to "all singers and teachers of singing in their repertoire problems." Under each of nine voice classifications (coloratura, lyric, dramat- ic and mezzo sopranos, contralto, lyric and dramatic tenors, baritone and bass) material is listed according to the various character- 30 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES istics of songs--nationality, mood, technique, subject-and subdivided by language. Com- poser, title , range, and publisher are given in all cases. There is no index.-K.L. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE Bibliografie ceske linguistiky za leta 1945-1950: jazykoveda obecnd indoev- nopskd., slovanskd a ceskd. Zapracoval Zdenek Tyl. Praha, Nakladetelstvi ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved, 1955- . (Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved. Sekce jazyka a literatury. Studi a pra- meny.) This is the first five-year volume in a new series of bibliographies on Czech linquistics. It succeeds an earlier series published annu- ally from 1929-35 with the title, Bibliografie Ceskolovenskych praci linguistickych a filolo- gickych. It is hoped to publish the new series quinquenially. This volume lists books and periodical articles, primarily in Czech but with some entries in other languages. Many entries are annotated and give references to reviews. Cordie, Carlo. Avviamento allo studio della lingua e de.lla letteratura fran- cese. Milano, Marzorati, 1955. 1,222p. $10.75. Intended for Italian students as a com- panion to French studies, this guide is di- vided into three sections. Part One deals with general reference works and lists grammars, dictionaries, etc., needed for the study of the French language. Part Two, a bibliography of French literature from the earliest times to the present, is arranged by periods; under each, general works dealing with the litera- ture of the period are followed by an alpha- betical list of authors. The length of treat- ment of individual authors varies with the importance the compiler has attributed to each. Generally only standard editions of their collected works are listed and French and Italian articles predominate in the list of criticism. Part Three discusses histories of French literature and indexes Sainte-Beuve's articles. Although the presentation is in the form of bibliographical essays, a detailed in- dex gives easy access to the work. There is a 200-page "Addenda e Corrigenda" which brings the work up to date.-S.S. JANUARY~ 1957 Critical Bibliography of French Litera- ture: D. C. Cabeen, general ed. v.2, The ·sixteenth century, ed. by Alex- ander H. Schutz. Syracuse, N.Y., Syra- cuse University Press, 1956. 365p. $6. For v.l see Guide R570; v.4, Supplement lR58. This volume was compiled by a number of contributing specialists under the general edi- torship of D. C. Cabeen and follows the same general plan as the earlier volumes. Books, periodicals, articles and dissertations are list- ed, with annotations and, in many cases, ref- erences to reviews. Miller, Edmund Morris. Australian Lit- erature; a Bibliography to 1938. Ex- tended to 1950, ed. with a historical outline and descriptive commentaries by Frederick T. Macartney. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1956. 503p. 84/. Represents an extensive revision of Miller's two-volume Australian Literature (Guide R254) and extends the work to 1950. The pre- vious chronological grouping under literary form is abandoned in favor of a straight author listing, and the fiction, name and sub- ject indexes dispensed with. The present work is limited to purely literary works, with translations, scholastic and critical works, and children's books largely excluded. There are biographical notes on most authors and brief descriptive annotations for many individual works. References to critical studies are, for the most part, no longer included.-E.S. The New Century Handbook of English Literature. Ed. by Clarence L. Barn- hart and William D. Halsey. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1956. 1,167p. $12. Designed to "answer those questions about English writers, works of literature, charac- ters from works of literature, and various re- lated (but not necessarily English) items which are most likely to be raised by modern American readers of English literature." The scope of the work is extended to include out- standing Irish writers and the more impor- tant "Anglo-Americans." It offers a prepond- erance of names, real and fictional, but in- cludes definitions of terms, brief plot sum- 31 maries, and some general critical comment. There are numerous cross-references and pronunciation is indicated. Its defined limits place this new compilation somewhere ~e­ tween the Oxford Companion to Englzsh Literature (Guide R281) and the R eader's Encyclopedia (Guide R29) though it includes some items not found in either, making it a welcome addition to the reference shelf. -E.S. Pop, Sever. Bibliographie des question- naires linguistiqu es. Publiee avec une subvention de L'Organisation des UNESCO. Louvain, Commission d'En- quete Linguistique [1955] l68p. (~a­ mite International Permanent de Lin- guistes. Commission d'Enquete Lin- guistique. Publications. 6) 160 fr. Of major interest to scholars and research workers in the field of linguistics, this bibliog- raphy is primarily devoted to the question- naires employed in linguistic field work, al- thouo-h monographs concerned with related methbods of research, as well as those of his- torical interest, are also included. Arranged chronologically, the entries cover the years 1394 through 1954, and annotations and sources of reference , usually the author's Le dialectologie (Louvain, 1950), are given for each item. The wo:rk is intended to provide the basis for an evePltual history of the subject. There are indexes of personal names, geo- graphical names and subjects.-K.L. Pyritz, Hans. Goethe-Bibliographie. Hei- delberg, Carl Winter, 1955- . Lfg. I- . $1.95 per lfg. This highly selective bibliography, to be complete in 8 to 10 fascicles, will list only scholarly publications needed for Goethe re- search. Covering Goethe literature to the end of 1954 on a systematically critical and selec- tive basis, it will serve as a guide for scholars and librarians to the vast field of Goethe criticism of which a comprehensive inventory can be found in Goedeke's Grundriss (Guide R505). Arrangement is by types of publica- tions, i.e., editions of Goethe's works, textual criticism, biography, etc., with chronological listing of items under each chapter. Biblio- graphical · information is detailed and there are some annotations.-S.S. Wright, Austin. Bibliographies o.f Stud- ies in Victorian Literature for the Ten Years_, 1945-1954. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1956. 310p . $5. Reprints of the annual Victorian Bibliog- raphies, 1945-1954, published in Modern Philology. Forms a sequel to W. D. Temple- man's Bibliographies of Studies in Victorian Literature ... 1932-1944 (Guide R277). GEOGRAPHY [Atlas mira] English Translation to Atlas MiTa [by] Vladimir G. Telberg. Tran~­ lation and key to: Glavnoe upTavlenze geodezii i kartografii USSR. Atlas of th e World / Atlas Mira. Chief ed., A. N. Baranov. Moscow, 1954. New York, Telberg Book Co., 1956. 87p. $25. Mr. Telberg has provided, in mimeo- graphed form, a translation of the text and legends of the important Russian world _atlas. Introductory material of the separate mdex gazetteer is also included. The translator h~s added an abbreviated index and an appendix section with "the intention ... to issue from time to time the appendices which would contribute towards the revision of the Atlas Mira," e.g. population figures. The Library of Congress transliteration system is used. The work would have benefited by more stringent English editing and proofreading, but the unusual layout is essentially clear. -E.B. Gt. Brit. General Register Office. Census 1951. England and Wales. Index of Place Names. London, Stat. Off., 1955. 2v. £3 3s. "An index of place names was first pro- duced in the series of Census publications in 1831, and most recently in 1924 as a separate volume in the 1921 series of Census publica- tions." This edition gives names of every area mentioned in the tables of the various census volumes, and also villages, hamlets and lo- calities without legally defined barriers, in- dicating location and 1951 population. Kosack, Hans Peter and Meine, Karl Heinz. Die Kartographie 1943-1954_, eine bibliographische Obersicht. Lahr/ 32 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Schwarzwald, Astia Verlag, 1955. 216p. DM26. . Owing to the tremendous advances in map-making made during World War II , this bibliography of books, periodical arti- cles and serial publications of societies and governments on all phases of cartography , will be particularly valuable. Material in all languages is included, although there is a preponderance of German titles. The classed arrangement includes the following subjects: the history of cartography, allied fields (geography, photogrammetry and topogra- phy) , official and private map-making, sub- ject maps, map materials used in schools, photographic techniques, and instruments measures. There is an index of authors. -K.L. BIOGRAPHY American Men of Science: a Biographical Directory~ ed. by Jaques Cattell. 9th ed. v.3, The Social and Behavorial Sciences. N.Y., Bowker, 1956. 762p. $20. For v.l , Physical Sciences and v.2 , Biologi- cal Sciences, see Supplement 2N27. Volume 3 includes the sketches of persons in psychol- ogy, geography and anthropology previously included in America n M en of Sci ence a nd new sketches in other fields of the social sciences. It was first planned to include his- torians so that biographies were requested for this purpose but it was later decided to hold these for publication in the third edi- tion of the Directory of American Scholars , scheduled for 1957, which will include all those in the humanities fields, including his- tory. Many cross references to this projected volume are given. Kaufman, I. M. Russkie biograficheskie i biobibliograficheskie slovari. [Rev. and enl. ed.] Moskva, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo kul'turnoprosvetitel' noi literatury, 1955. 7 51 p. 3lr.40k. . Kaufman's valuable work is a guide to Russian biography and biobib1iography in a wide range of fields, from the eighteenth cen- tury through 1954. The 1950 edition (Sup- plement 1S27) contained 735 entries; the new edition has 1592, most of which are annotat- ed in detail. The focus is Russian "science JANUARY~ 1957 and culture," and some individuals of pri- marily political importance are omitted. The name index is comprehensive, completely in- dexing most of the sources listed. Title and series indexes provide further access to the classified arrangement. In research libraries where the bibliography of Russian contribu- tions is utilized, the work serves as a supple- ment to such tools as Arnim and Poggen- dorff.-E.B . K1'lrschners biographisches Theater- Handbuch; Schauspiel~ Oper~ Film~ Rundfunk. Deutschland~ Osterreich, Schweiz, hrsg. von Herbert A. Frenzel und Hans Joachim Moser. Berlin, Wal- ter de Gruyter, 1956. 840p. $14.50. Offers information on the lives and careers of German, Austrian and Swiss personalities in the fields of theatre, opera, film and ra- dio, including writers, directors, etc., as well as performing artists. For the latter, particu- lar attention is given to debuts, engagements, roles played, and film appearances. In some cases references are made to biographies in . K urschners Deutshcer Gelehrten-, L iteratur-, and Musiker-Kalenders for further informa- tion. A number of persons who gained fame in Germany but now live abroad are in- cluded.-E.S. Who 's Who in G ermany. Munich, Inter- national Book and Publishing Co., 1956. 1,311, 114p. $20. Published in English under the auspices of the Central European Times Publishing Company, this new directory contains about 10,000 biographies of prominent persons of the German Federal Republic, plus a listing of some 2,300 organizations, associations and institutions. The usual biographical material is included, based, whenever possible, on in- formation furnished by the biographee, and with no attempt to relate length of the sketch to importance of the personality. The sep- arately paged "Directory of Organizations" is mainly a classified list with addresses, though a statement of purpose or other de- scriptive remark is sometimes included.-E.S. Who's Who: Israel~ 1955- . Ed. by Pereta Dagan and Amiel Sharaga. Tel Aviv, P. Mamut, P.O.B. 2001, [1955]-. 33 Added t.p. in Hebrew. For earlier editions see Supplement 2S20. This edition for the first time gives the biographical sketch in Hebrew with an Eng- lish summary. HISTORY Bibliographie internationale des travaux historiques publies dans les vo.lumes de "Melanges/' 1880-1939. :Etablie avec le concours des comites nationaux sous la direction de Hans Nabholz par Mar- garethe Rothbarth et U. Helfenstein. Ed. par le Comite International des Sciences Historiques. Paris, Armand Colin, 1955. 443p. 3,500 fr. The valuable essays appearing in Fest- schriften or homage volumes have been large- ly lost because of inadequate indexing, but, fortunately, there have been several bibliog- raphies of late it?- various subject fields indi- cating the contents of such volumes. A wel- come addition to these is this comprehensive international bibliography of historical arti- cles, which in the first part lists under coun- try of origin, the volumes indexed, from twenty-five Europ ean countries. In the sec- ond part, articles contained in the volumes listed in part one, are arranged by class fol- lowed by a list of subjects treated. There is an index of the persons, historical events, and scientific institutes and societies to which the volumes of "Melanges" are dedicated, and an index of authors. Clark, Thomas Dionysius. Travels in th e Old South 7 a bibliography. Norman, University of Oklahoma press, 1956. 2v. illus., facsms. $20. Five hundred and seventy items, covering the years 1527 through 1825, are included in the two volumes, arranged in seven sections according to period and region. Each section has been compiled by a specialist, who has contributed a brief preface as well as assumed responsibility for choice and bibliographic description of the individual items. Although there is considerable variation in form of bibliographic entry, description is generally detailed, and there are full annotations indi- cating the value of each item for historical research. Each volume has a single index of authors, subjects, and of persons and places mentioned in titles and annotations.- J.N.W. Fairbank, John King and Banno, Masa- taka. japan ese Studies of Modern Chi- na; a Bibliographical Guide to Histori- cal and Social-Science Researc h on the 19th and 20th Centuries. Rutland, Vt., Published for the Harvard-Yenching Institute by C. E. Tuttle, 1955. 331 p. $6. This companion volume to Fairbank and Liu's Bibliography of Modern China (Guide V192) describes over one thousand books and articles. Beyond its valuable bibliographic function for librarian and Far Eastern special- ist the work may well interest many social scientists. Chapters are devoted to general works (textbooks and surveys), late Ch'ing political history to 1900, political institutions, power politics (Japanese and Russian expan- sion), Republican China, intell ectual and cultural history, economic history and insti- tutions, Chinese society, and reference works. The general index contains additional sub- ject headings in English and all authors, edi- tors, compilers and titles of books and arti- cles, in Romaji. There is also a character in- dex of author's names.-E.B. Gomez Molleda, D. Bibliografia historica espaiiola7 1950-1954. Madrid, C.S.I.C., Instituto Jer6nimo Zurita de Historia [e] Instituto Nicolas Antonio de Bib- liografia, 1956. 49lp. 120 ptas. A classified list of some 6,000 titles, this work supplements the recentl y inaugurated lndice hist6rico espafiol (C & RL, July, 1956, p.34l). The principal difference in the two sets, other than the period covered, is that while the lndice includes writings on His- panic history by authors of various nationali- ties, the Bibliografia is restricted to historical works of Spanish authorship, including a small number of Spanish Americans. Ma- terial listed is mostly on Spain, with brief sections on other countries. There are no annotations, and the index includes only authors and titles of anonymous works.- J.N.W. Italy. Esercito. Corpo de Stato Maggiore. Ufficio Storico. Saggio bibliografico 34 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES sulla seconda guerra mondiale. Rome [Tipografia Regionale] 1955. 524p. L. 1200. First published in 1949, this new and en- larged edition lists nearly 2,500 works dealing with World War II. Most of the items are Italian monographs, but also included is a fair number of French, English and German titles. Some government documents and clan- destine publications are also li sted. Arrange- ment is alphabetical by author with detailed bibliographical information and a descrip- tive annotation for each item. There is a classified index.-S.S. Peel, Bruce Braden. A bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953. [Toron- to,] University of Toronto press, [1956]. 680p. $10. A selective bibliography of books and pamphlets, this work is primarily directed to- wards the discovery and development of the prairie region of Canada, which area the compiler defines as "that agricultural arc resting on the international boundary." In- cluded are accounts of early explorers and travelers, pamphlets concerning the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, British blue books and Canadian Sessional Papers, fiction and poetry with a prairie locale, and the writ- ings published in languages other than Eng- lish of the racial groups who have settled there. Unfortunately, local imprints, provin- cial government documents and technical bulletins relating to agriculture have not been listed. Most of the items were examined by the compiler, consequently, bibliographi- cal information is detailed and location of copies is indicated. Since the work is ar- ranged chronologically, there are indexes of subjects and authors, the latter with brief biographical notes.-K.L. Rossler, Hellmut and Franz, Gunther. Sachworterbuch zur d eu tschen Gesch- ichte. Miinchen, Oldenbourg, 1956- JANUARY~ 1957 . Lfg. 1-2. (In progress) Subscription price, per lfg. Planned as a companion volume to the au- thors' Biographisches W orterbuch zur deut- schen Geschichte (Supplement 1V49) this new compendium of German history, in diction- ary form, deals with "events, institutions, countries, peoples, and ideas," including the cultural, economic and political aspects. The initials of Professors Franz, Hoppe or Ross- ler appear at the end of most articles; others are signed by specialists in law, art, music, etc. Numerous cross references tie the mate- rial in with the biographical volume, which also uses symbols referring to the dictionary. Clear printing and good paper help to com- pensate for the maze of abbreviations unfor- tunately typical of many German handbooks. The work is to be completed in seven fasci- cles appearing at about two-month inter- vals.-E.B. Turnbull, Robert J. Bibliography of South Carolina~ 1563-1950. Charlottes- ville, University of Virginia press [for the Bibliographical Society of the Uni- vers!ty of Virginia] 1956. 5v. $85. A chronologically arranged list of manu- scripts and printed books by South Carolin- ians or pertaining to the &tate from 1563 to 1950, "the work is produced here as an un- corrected typist's copy posthumously made from an author's uncompleted handwritten manuscript" (prefatory note). Indeed, the original appears so "uncompleted" and the copy so "uncorrected" that the wisdom of publication in this form seems questionable, particularly so at the price. Although a wealth of bibliographic information is included, the inconsistencies of entry and the amateur tech- nique employed throughout will probably limit the value of the work to a highly spe- cialized circle. An index mentioned in the Society's brief preface, which was not includ- ed in the set received in the reviewer's li- brary, would, of course, make the work con- siderably more useful.-J .N .W. 35