College and Research Libraries By EDNA MAE BROWN New Periodicals of 1956-Part II F ROM THE EXAMINATION of Library of Congress receipts of periodicals launched in 1956 it appears that the number is greater than in some years. Many come from Europe, including areas under Russian occupation, and from Latin Am,erica. Subject, purpose and style vary widely as always. Those in- cluded in the list which follows were con- sidered as having some significance for libraries. ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS. Bibliotheca C lassica Oriental is published by the In- stitut fiir Griechisch-Romanische Alter- tumskunde of the Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften contains reviews of books and abstracts of periodical articles on studies in classical antiquities which have been made in the USSR and the satellite countries. Monitor published in Dallas is "an indexed abstract of signifi- cant information published each month in t.he oil and gas industries press." Neue Politische Literatur, Berichte Ob er das Internationale Schrifttum is published in Stuttgart. As the title indicates this jour- nal is made up of reviews of periodical articles and a few book reviews. Weston College of the Holy Spirit, Weston, Mass- achusetts, has published an experimental first issue of N ew Testament Abstracts of books and periodical articles. AccouNTING. The American Society of Military Comptrollers has begun the publication of The Armed Forces Comp- troller as. its official publication. The journal "is a forum for the presentation of the activities of military comptroller- Miss Brown is head, Serials Section, D escriptive Cataloging Division, Library of Congress. A1ARCH, 1957 ship." "Financial Management in the De- fense Department," by the Comptroller of that Department, and "Comptroller- ship in the Navy" by the Comptroller of the Department of the Navy are articles in volume one, number one. AUTOGRAPHS. Collectors of autographs, as well as historians will find Scripta Manent published by the Swiss Society of Autograph Collectors of interest for its articles on autographs and collections of autographs. Included in the first number are a listing of German letters and manu- scripts in Swiss libraries and announce- ments of public auctions. CIVIL WAR HISTORY. A tedious under- taking, is that of Joseph A. Huebner of Chicago who is preparing Civil vVar In- dex which is intended to cover the entire literature (books and periodicals) of the . Civil War period of American history. The index is arranged by subjects with the references consisting of author's sur- name, title of the work, date of publica- tion and page citation. The compiler notes that Lincoln and Jefferson Davis will not be treated. \ ENGINEERING. British Chemical Engi- neering is a journal devoted to the tech- niques of chemical engineering as ap- plied to industry. The first number treats such subjects as Britain's first synthetic rubber plant, viscosity control, jet pump design and others. Die Atom Wirtschaft is published in Dusseldorf. The chief of the Bundesministerium fiir Atomfragen has contributed "The State's Role in Atomic Affairs." Other articles include "Development of Nuclear Energy in the United States," and "Use of Atomic En- ergy in the Soviet Union." The text is in German with digests in English and 147 French. Aviation Research & Develop- ment is published in New York. It will report on new products and discoveries and the research under way by business firms, universities and the government. It is intended for aviation engineers and civilian and military technical execu- tives. Electrical Design News will present "worldwide coverage of news and ideas for electrical designers and electronics specialists." Elites et Responsabi,lites is a scholarly journal published in Paris by the Centre economique et social de per- fectionnement des cadres. Articles in the first issue treat of technology and culture, civilization and technology, scientific re- search and technology, nuclear physics and its industrial application and many other subjects. Journal of Fluid Mechan- ics from London will publish theoretical and experimental investigations of all as- pects of the tnechanics of fluids. Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway reports on the construction of the seaway and the eco- nomic development and possibilities of the area. Missiles and Rockets} Magazine of World Astronautics deals with space flight, rockets and satellites and many other phases of this new subject. Motor Guide will present the reader with per- formance records of cars, give him a pre- view of imported cars, help him buy sup- plies and otherwise inform and entertain him. Nuclear Engineering from London treats of the production of nuclear en- ergy, such as the building of reactors, the disposal of fission products and the train- ing of nuclear engineers. Nuclear Power also from London is concerned with the industrial application of nuclear energy. GEOGRAPHY . The Indian Geographer is published by the Association of Indian Geographers . It will report on studies and research in geography in papers, re- views and bibliographies. LIBRARIES. The International Associa- tion of Agricultural Librarians and Docu- mentalists is publishing a Quarterly Bul- letin to maintain connections and spread information during the intervals between meetings of the Association . A regular feature will be bibliographical news on new periodicals (also changes of title and cessations) and new reference works. Mountain-Plains Library Quarterly is the official publication of the Mountain- Plains Library Association . It will deal with the special problems of this seven state region and the libraries' role in their solution. There will also be includ- ed news of professional activities. LINGUISTICS. Zeitschrift fur Slawistik published in Berlin "im Auftrage der Deutschen Akademie der \Vissenschaf- ten" includes articles on Slavic linguis- tics and book reviews. Of importance in volume one, number one, is the bibliog- raphy "Zehn Jahre Slawistik und Osteu- ropa-Kunde im Spiegel der Deutschspra- chigen Veroffentlichungen Ostdeutsch- lands, 1945-1955." LITERATURE. A brief, literary and the- atrical journal, A lcor is of interest largely because it comes from Asuncion, Para- guay. Paraguayan poets, dramatists and the theater are discussed. Aletheia whose fields are to be philosophy, art, literature and science is a small journal published in Buenos Aires. The Berkeley Review from Berkeley, California is to be "a mag- azine devoted to discovery." The first is- sue is dedicated to the French poet, Saint- John Perse. Another journal, interesting because of its origin, La Paz, Bolivia, is C ordi.llera published by the Departamen- to de Publicaciones y Difusion Cultural of Bolivia. Ficci6n is published in Buenos Aires under the direction of the novelist, Juan Goyanarte. Grael} Poesia} Teatro} Fi~dio} Ensaio} Critica is published in Lisbon under the direction of Antonio Manuel Couto Viana. Panoramas is a general literary and cultural journal pub- lished in Mexico and edited by B. Costa- Amic. Studi Internazionali di Scienze e Lettere is published by the Instituzione Roerich in Bologna. Enrico Gerardo Car- pani is the director with a large number 148 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES I ~ of collaborators and consultants from all over the world. In the first issue is "Ras- segna Critica di Bibliografia." Somewhat similar in scope is Ciencia y Cultura from the Universidad Nacional del Zulia in Venezuela. MEDICINE AND HOSPITALS. Hospital Ad- ministration is the quarterly journal of the American College of Hospital Ad- ministrators. Human relations in admin- istration and hospital trusteeship are treated in the initial issue. A new journal on psychiatry is the ] ournal of the Phila- delphia Psychiatric Hospital. It is the purpose of the editors to encourage sci- entific writing and to have contributions from the visiting and resident staffs as well as from prominent persons else- where . "The Caine Mutiny" is the sub- ject of an interesting article by one of the hospital's staff doctors. Physics in Medi- cine and Biology will report research in the physical properties and constitution 9f living matter and the applications of physics to the elucidation of problems in medicine, biology and physiology. Polish Medical History and Science Bulletin published in Chicago by the Polish Medi- cal Alliance aims to present to the Eng- lish speaking physician the outstanding research works, both past and present, along with resumes of the accomplish- ments of Polish medicine. Mr. H. G. Schulz of Munich is an editor and the publisher of Review of Eastern Medical Sciences. A note from the editors state that their desire is "to assist scientists of the Western world to become acquainted with the status of medical sciences in the USSR and in other Eastern countries. The review is a scientific journal and has no political or propagandistic aims. Its only goal is the objective reporting of activities in Eastern medical sciences." MUSIC, DANCING, ART. Church Choral Music is a journal for choir directors and ministers of music. In addition to helpful articles such as how to develop and train a choir there are included some scores of MARCH~ 1957 anthems. Danzas N ativas~ Revista A rgen- tina de Danzas y Folklore has for its aim the study, preservation and performance of Argentinian folk dances. Included are articles with directions, diagrams, even lyrics and scores for the dances. European Art This Month is a summary of art ac- tivities in Europe. The editor and pub- lisher is James Fitzsimmons, an American now living in Ziirich who addresses his journal to American museum personnel. Exhibitions, auctions, salons, competi- tions and prizes are announced and de- scribed. A list of "Art Works; a Checklist with Occasional Comments" is included in volume one, number one. Parnas is a journal on art and architecture from Amsterdam. Quadrum~ "revue interna- tionale d'art moderne" is published in Brussels. On the international board of editors is Mr. J. J. Sweeney, director of the Guggenheim Museum in New York. The need for better school design has led to the publication of School Planning in which there will be articles on the im- provement of the "environment of learn- ing." "Classroom Hazards to Health & Learning," "Better Sound Systems Need- ed for Learning" and "Color and Learn- ing in the Coordinated School" are ar- ticles illustrative of the beginning issue. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. A group of French professors and French govern- ment officials with Pierre Mendes-France as president of the Comite de direction are publishing Les Cahiers de la Repub- lique. The first issue includes articles on "Socialisme et communisme," "Geo- graphie du poujadisme" and other ar- ticles. of interest. From Buenos Aires comes Ciencias Sociales~ Revista de In- vestigaci6n Cientifica with two principal articles, one on national income, the other on social legislation. The two con- tributors are the editors of the journal. Freiheit und Verantwortung from Stutt- gart has as its aim education for good citizenship in a democracy. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LAW. Re- 149 vista de Administraci6n Publica deals with matters of Mexican public adminis- tration on the national, state and munici- pal level. It is the organ of the Instituto de Administraci6n Publica. The U niver- sity of Costa Rica has started the publi- cation of Revista des Ciencias ]uridico- Sociales which deals largely with Costa Rican questions. RELIGION. From Washington comes ChTistianity Today whose contributors include the Reverend Billy Graham, G. C. Berkouwer, Professor of Theology, Free University of Amsterdam and other qualified persons. In addition to articles there will be included book reviews and brief notes on periodical articles. SCIENCE. Annales d'Histochimie is the official organ of the Societe franc;;aise d'histochimie. It will contain papers on clinical and physical studies and research in cytology and histology. ETniihrrungs- forschung will publish reports from the Institut fur Ernahrungsforschung and from the Anstalt fiir Vitaminforschung in Potsdam. SPECIAL AREAS AND PEOPLES. Africa South presents the political and social problems of that area. Such matters as in- dependence, socialism, better living and better education are presented from the point of view of the colored race. Etudes Slaves et Est-Europeennes is a publica- tion of the Department of Slavic Studies, University of Montreal. The editorial board is composed of members of Ca- nadian university faculties, many of whom have come from Poland, Russia, the Ukraine and other countries which are the field of investigation of the Slavic Department. Some articles are in English, some in French. Der Donauraum is the journal of the Forschungsinstitut fiir Fra- gen des Donauraumes located in Salz- burg. The institute hopes through the journal to present the historical, geo- graphical, ethnological, cultural, legal and economic problems of this area. Ger- many~ the International Magazine of the Federal Republic presents the story of German post-war recovery. Portugal~ an Informative Review although published by the Secretariado Nacional da lnforma- c;;ao states that it is not a medium of prop- aganda. Such subjects as the industriali- zation of Portugal, personalities of Por- tuguese life and Portuguese museums are treated in the first number. TAXATION. British Tax Review is for the practicing accountant and lawyer. There will be included articles on taxa- tion problems written by persons with practical knowledge. Finance acts will be discussed and important cases annotated. UNIVERSITIES. To publish information in the research, teaching, and other ac- tivities of universities, particularly Latin American universities, Revista Universi- taria has been launched in Buenos Aires . Such subjects as political parties and uni- versities, the organization and adminis- tration of Swiss universities, legislation affecting universities and their faculties are treated in the first issue. Periodicals Africa South. Ronald M. Segal, Editor, P. 0. Box 1039, Cape Town. v.1, no.1, October;De- cembcr 1956. Frequency not given. Price not given. Alcor. Apartado Postal 71A, Asunci6n. v.1, no.3, April 1956. Monthly. Gs 15 per issue. (v.1, no.l not available for examination) Alethia. Sayos 6033, Buenos Aires. v.1, no.J, March/April 1956. Frequency not given. $4. J1nnal es d'Histochimie. Societe frans:aise d'histo- chimie, 45 Rue des Saint-Peres, Paris 6. v.l, no.1, January/March 1956. Quarterly. 3,000 F. The Armed Forces Con;ptroller. American Soci- ety of Military Comptroller, 3130 Wisconsin Ave., N .W., Washington 16. v.l, no.1, July 1956. Quarterly. $2. Die Atom Wirtschaft. Verlag Handelsblatt G.m.b.H., Dusseldorf. v.1, no.1, January 1956. Frequency not given. Price not given. Aviation ReseaTch & Development. 140 E. 40th 150 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES i St., New York 16. v.1, no.1, October 1956. Monthly. $10. The Berkeley Review . Barlow, Huppert and Tong, P. 0. Box 487, Berkeley 1, Calif. v.l, no.l, winter 1956. Quarterly. $1.75. Bibliotheca Classica Orientalis. Deutsche Akade- mie der Wissenschaften, Jagerstrasse 22-23, Berlin W 8. v.l, no.l, 1956. Quarterly. DM 6,50 per issue. British Chemical Engineering. Heywood and Company, Ltd ., Drury House, Russell Street, London W .C. 2. v.l, no.1, May 1956. Monthly. $6. - British Tax Review. 3 Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 2. June 1956. Quarterly. Price not given. Les Cahiers de la Republique. l bis, Place de Valois, Paris l. no.l, 1956. Bimonthly. 1500 F. Christianity Today. Today's Publications, Inc., 1014 Washington Building, Washington 5. v.l, no.l, October 15, 1956. Biweekly. $5. Church Choral Service. Choral Services, Inc., 410 S. Michigan Ave ., Chicago 5. October 1956. Monthly (except July-August) $15. Ciencia y Cultura. Universidad Nacional del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. v.l, no.1, Janu- ary/March 1956. Frequency not given. Price not given. Ciencias Sociales. Cerrito 484, Buenos Aires . v.l, no.l, February 1956. Bimonthly. $60. Civil War Index. Joseph A. Huebner, 2952 N. Wisner Ave., Chicago. v.l, no.l, March 1956. Quarterly. $5. Cordillera. Departamento de Publicaciones y Difusi6n Cultural, La Paz. v.l, no.l, July 1 August 1956. Frequency not _given. Price not given. Danzas Nativas . Virrey del Pino 2750, Buenos Aires. v.l, no.l, July 1956. Monthly. $68. Der Donauraum. Imbergstrasse 22, Salzburg. v.1, no.l, 1956. Quarterly. 96 s. Electrical Design News. Rogers Publishing Com- pany, 3375 S. Bannock, Englewood, Colo. v.1, no.1, May 1956. Monthly. $10. Elites et Responsabilites. Centre economique et social de perfectionnement des cadres, 30 Rue de Gramont, Paris 2. no.1, February 1956. Monthly. 6.000 F. Erniihrungsforschung. Akademie- Verlag, Berlin. v.l, no .2, 1956. Frequency not given. Price not given. (v.l, no .1 not available for examination) Etudes Slaves et Est-Europeennes. Department of Slavic Studies, University of Montreal, P. 0. Box 6128, Montreal. v.l, no.1, spring 1956. Quarterly. $4. European Art This Month. James Fitzsimmons, Froschaugasse 5, Zurich l. v.l, no.1, November 1956. 10 no. a year. $6. Ficci6n. P~raguay 479, Buenos Aires. no.l, May/ June 1956. Bimonthly. $4. MARCH) 1957 Freiheit und Verantwortung. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart. v.1, no . 1, June 1956. Every six weeks. DM 3 per issue. Germany. Dbersee-Verlag, G.m.b.H., 28, Neue Rabenstrasse, Hamburg. no.1, May 1956. Quar- terly. $1. Grael. Empresa Nacional de Publicidade, Av. da Liberdade, 266, Lisboa. no.l, ApriljMay 1956 Bimonthly. 50$00 Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway. 4461 West Jef- ferson, Detroit 9. v.l, no.l, May 1956. Monthly. $3. Hospital Administration. 620 N.. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11. v.l, no.l, fall 1956. Quarterly. $5. The Indian Geographer. Association of Indian Geographers, Post Box 644, . New Delhi .. v.l, no.l, August 1956. Semiannual. $4. International Association of Agricultural Librar- ians and Documentalists. Quarterly Bulletin. Mr. T. P. Loosjes, Centrum voor Landbouw- documentatie, General-Foulkes Weg 1 A, Wag- ' eningen. v .l, no.l, January 1956. Fr S 50. journal of Fluid Mechanics. Taylor and Francis, London. v.l, no.l, May 1956. Frequency not given. $16.50. Missiles and Rockets. American Aviation Publi- cations, Washington. v.l, no.l, October 1956. Monthly. $8. Monitor. P. 0. Box 476, Dallas 21. v.l, no.l, No- vember 1956. Bimonthly. $7.50. Motor Guide. Motor Publications, 814 H St., N.W., Washington. v.l, no.l, August 1956. Bi- monthly. $1.50. Mountain-Plains Library Quarterly. Bibliograph- ical Cenrer for Research, Denver Public Li- brary, Denver. v.l, no.l, spring 1956. $2. Neue Politische Literatur. Ring Verlag, Stutt- gart. v.l, no.l, July 1956. Monthly. DM 2 per issue. New Testament Abstracts. Weston College of the Holy Spirit, Weston 93, Mass. May 1956. Fre- quency not given. Price not given. Nuclear Engineering. Temple Press Limited, Bowling Green Lane, London E.C. l. v.l, no.l, April 1956. Monthly. $7. Nuclear Power. 3 Percy St., London W l. v.l, no.2, June 1956. Frequency not given. $8. (v.1, no.1 not available for examination) Panoramas. Calle Mesones 14, Mexico. no.l, spring 1956. 4 no. a year. $3. Parnas. Nieuwe Achtergracht 102 -104, Amster- dam. no.l, 1956. Biweekly. f20. Philadelphia. Psychiatric Hospital. journal. Ford Road and Monument Ave., Philadelphia 31. v.l, no.l, September 1956. Frequency not given. Price not given. Physics in Medicine and Biology. Taylor and Francis, Ltd., Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, 1.51 London, E.C. 4. v.l, no.l, July 1956. Frequency not given. £3 lOs. Polish Medical History and Science Bulletin. Polish Medical Alliance, 2424 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago 47. v.l, no.l, July 1956. Frequency not given. $1.50 per issue. Portugal. Secretariado N acional da Informacao, Lisbon. no.1, JulyfAugust 1956. Frequency not given. Price not given. Quadrum. Association pour la diffusion artisti- que et culturelle, Palais des beaux-arts, 10 Rue Royale, Bruxelles. no.1, May 1956. Semiannual. Price not given. Review of Eastern Medical Sciences. H. G. Schulz, Postfach 26, Miinchen 62. no.1, Jan- uary fMarch 1956. Frequency not given. Free. Revista de Administraci6n Publica. Instituto de Administraci6n Publica, Av. Juarez 4-807, Mex- ico 1. no.1, January;March 1956. Frequency not given. Price not given. Revista de Ciencias ]uridico-Sociales. Univer· sidad de Costa Rica, Apartado 3862, San Jose. v.l, No.I, March 1956. Frequency not given. Price not given. Revista Universitaria. San Martin 244, Buenos Aires. v.l, no.l, May 1956. Frequency not given. $30 for 6 no. School Planning. 75 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago 1. v.l, no.1, JunejJuly 1956. Bimonthly. $5. Scripta Manent. Holbeinstrasse 57, Basel. v.l, no.1, September 1956. Semiannual. Fr S 20. Studi Internazionali di Scienze e Lettere. Instit- uzione Roerich, Via Rizzoli 4, Bologna. v.l, no.1, March 1956. Quarterly. Price not given . Zeitschrift fur Slawistik. Akademie Verlag, Ber- lin. v.l, no.l, 1956. Quarterly. DM 12 per issue. Sources for the Study of European Labor and Socialism (1840-1914) at Wisconsin (Continued from page 143) The periodicals are easily the prize of the Russian collection, if for no other rea- son than that to acquire them now on a piece-by-piece basis would be a hopeless task. Each one is a rare item. The most famous of them all, but not the rarest, is Iskra} of which Wisconsin has all 112 is- sues. Lenin was among those who found- ed this organ of the Social Democratic Party. Later, when Lenin went into the opposition, he founded the Vpered. The Osvobo zhdenie} of which 79 issues ap- peared, represented the non-revolution- ary constitutional reformers. Finally, and the temptation to list more is strong, there is the Svobodnoe Slovo, issued by the followers of Tolstoi. The ({International" As an agency within which the social- ists revealed their differences in outlook, and as a platform for propagandistic ac- tivity by Marx, the International Work- ingmen's Association (founded 1864) is worthy of study. Of the proceedings of this Association, Wisconsin has an almost complete file; unfortunately, there is lack- ing the parallel material for the anarch- ists, bitter enemies of Marx. The outstanding item on the Interna- tional .is the manuscript book of the min- utes of the meeting of 1872, the year in which the anarchists were expelled from the Association. This minute book, never before published, will soon appear in printed form. In the proceedings of the Second Inter- national (founded 1889) can be traced the warfare between the various socialist groups and the attempts of the partic- ipants to settle the differences between the Russian representatives. Wisconsin has a complete file of these proceedings. 152 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES