College and Research Libraries Subgrants from Lilly Endowment Go to Nine Libraries Nine college and university libraries are recipients of subgrants from the $26,000 grant to ALA made by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. The subgrants were made by the ACRL Committee on Foun- dation Grants after careful review of seventy-three applications from institu- tions in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and 'Ohio. Aurora College, Aurora, Ill.; Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind.; Denison University, Granville, Ohio; De- Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.; Goshen College, Goshen, Ind.; Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.; Roosevelt University, Chicago; Union College, Bar- bourville, Ky.; and Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio, are the institu- tions receiving grants. In making the grant to ALA, the Lilly Endowment stated as its purpose the promotion of "the more extensive and imaginative use of library resources by undergraduate students." In requesting ' applications, Arthur Hamlin, chairman of the ACRL Foundation Grants Com- mittee, commented: "These grants should make important contributions to the educational functions of the institu- tions involved and at the same time set precedents and establish practices which may be adopted by other colleges .... The Committee will use its best judg- ment in taking a few considered risks with imaginative and untried programs, and yet must be certain that not all the funds are expended in noble experi- ments." The Committee was disappointed that the applications reflected a scarcity of really "imaginative" projects, but was pleased with their wealth of statements of . thoughtful and useful projects for promoting · the use of library resources JULY 1957 with undergraduates. A brief summary of the projects for which subgrants were awarded follows. AuRORA CoLLEGE Aurora College received a subgrant for the extension of the audio-visual services and resources of its library "for use by individual students under condi- tions planned by the class instructor and controlled and supervised by the li- brary." The program financed by the subgrant will be under the direction of Ethel W. Tapper, librarian and profes- sor of English. BALL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE A program for the creation and use of "recorded explications of poetry" will result from the subgrant to Ball State Teachers College. "The program," ac- cording to the application prepared by Librarian Marion B. Grady, "is designed not only to develop the holdings of Ball State Teachers College Library in taped discussions of particular poems by spe- cialists in literature but also to develop a set of master recordings from which other tapes may be cut for the benefit of other institutions." DENISON UNIVERSITY Denison received a grant to place twenty-four collections of paperback books in residence halls and other loca- tions heavily frequented by students. Ex- cept for a core of the same titles, each group of books will be different, and the collections will be rotated in the vari- ous locations. Denison's application in- cludes an excellent list of the books to be provided. It comments: "The pro- gram is based on the belief that readers are created, at least in part, through con- 335 venient access to books, and that if a college succeeds in creating undergrad- uate readers, it matters little whether the stimulus was received through class- room, college library, residence hall book collection, or college bookstore. Lois E. Engleman, librarian of Denison, will direct the project. DEPAUW UNIVERSITY Audio-visual activities are the basis of DePauw's project also. The Lilly grant will provide basic equipment and mate- rials for the expansion and increased use of the audio-visual facilities of DePauw's new Roy 0. West Library. Use of the grant will be at the direction of Librar- ian Russell S. Dozer. GosHEN CoLLEGE The subgrant to Goshen College will support a program in which students themselves will prepare annotated bibli- ographies for their regular courses. It will. be used specifically to complete cer- tain periodical files and to purchase nec- essary bibliographies. Expenditure of the subgrant will be by Librarian James R. Clemens. PURDUE UNIVERSITY Purdue's project will promote with the fullest possible use of advertising, even "huckstering" techniques, student use of a collection of paperbacks promi- nently located in its library• as a "free bookstore." It will endeavor to intro- duce students to a well-selected book col- lection that will introduce them to "the whole range of interests of 'ladies and gentlemen' -the popular, the curious, the intellectual, the scientific, the newsy, the historical, in short, the 'appealing.' " "Reading among Purdue undergrad- uates," states the Purdue application, "is often a sheer skill and nothing more, comparable to what dumb-bell handling was in physical education fifty years ago. Physical education has advanced to the understanding that the playing of games, usually just for fun, is a better type exercise, and the use of reading for similar pleasure and excitement should likewise be added to the Purdue stu- dents' capacity." The project will be under the direc- tion of Librarian John H. Moriarty. RoosEvELT UNIVERSITY 1\!Irs. Marjorie C. Keenleyside will di- rect Roosevelt's compilation of a library handbook. As Roosevelt is an urban uni- versity with a large proportion of irreg- ularly scheduled students, it has special problems in the production of a hand- book. The Lilly grant will enable it to publish a "conversational" handbook which "will bring out not only the rudi- ments of library use, but also sections on reading for fun, seeking answers to personal problems, selecting a career, linking hobbies or club work with li- brary materials, enjoying music and art through the library, and using library services outside the U ni versi ty." UNION CoLLEGE Union will be enabled by the Lilly grant to s·upport a program "helping the faculty in their task of providing motiv- ation and instruction to students.'' The program will provide visiting consult- ants on the general subject of "The Li- brary in College Instruction," faculty members committing themselves to serv- ice regular hours each week in the li- brary as consultants to students, and the training of student assistants to act as student consultants after the first year of the program. The work will be di- rected by Librarian Luther A. Bennett. WEsTERN CoLLEGE FOR WoMEN The Lilly Grant will furnish funds for the Western College for Women to purchase books and related materials for a special reading room in its library de- voted to the College's Intercultural Stud- ies program. The project will be super- vised by Librarian Esther I. Duggleby. 336 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES