College and Research Libraries Books Received Bibliograph y of Latv ian Publications Publish ed Outsid e Latvia, 1955. Ed. by Dr. phil. Ben- jamins Jegers, Mag. hist. Vitauts Kalnins, Mag- dalene Rozentale, M.S. Washington , D. C.: American Latvian Association in the United States, Inc., Foundation for Latvian Culture, 1957. 63p. $ 1.50. California State Publications, a Manual for Their Acquisition, Processing, and Use . By Members of the Documents Committee of the California Library Association. Sacra- mento: California Department of Finance, 1957. 125p. Fund Og Fo rs kning, I Det Kongelige Biblioteks Samlinger, IV, 1957. Kobenhavn: Udgivet Af Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 1957. 148p. Ind ex to Philippin e P eriodicals, First Annual Cumulation, Oct ob er 1955-Septemb er 1956. Ed. by Maxima M. Ferrer. Manila: Inter-De- partmental Reference Service, Institute of Public Administration, University of the Philippines , 1956. 459p. Polish Periodicals 1953-1956, An Annotated Bib- liography. By Jan Wepsiec. Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1957. 169p. $3.50. Select List of Standard British Scientific and Technical Books. Ed. by L. J. Anthony, F.L.A. Atomic Energy Research Establishment , Har- well. Comp. at the request of the British Council. London: Aslib, 1957. 88p. Union List of Microfi lms, R evis ed, Enlarged and Cumulated Edition, Supplement 1952- 1955. Philadelphia Bibliogra phical Center and Union Library Catalogue. Ann Arbor, Michi- gan: J. W. Edward , 1957. 1019p. $11.00. Us ing Library R esources in Educational Re- search. By Ruth E. Seeger. Bureau of Educa- tional Research , Ohio State University. Co- lumbus: The University Press, 1957. 26p. Classified Advertisements Rate: $1 per line; 3-line minimum. Closes first of month preceding date of issue. OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS BARNES & NOBLE, INC. supplies books not obtainable from publishers immediately from stock of over a million volumes or in reasonably quick time through free Search Service. Send lists to Dept. CR, Barnes & Noble, Inc. , 105 Fifth Ave. , New York 3, N.Y. CATALOGER. Starting salary $4,000. Month's vacation. Usual benefits. Faculty status. Write Librarian , Springfield College, Springfield 9, Mass. STANLEY GILMAN, American History, Newspaper History and Out of Print Books. Box 131, . Cooper Station, New York 3, N.Y. IRREGULAR SERIALS is one of our spe- cialties. Foreign books and periodicals, cur- rent and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Box 352, White Plains, N. Y. WE ARE LOOKING FOR TWO top- notch librarians who want challenging po- sitions offering a real future: one to super- vise ordering, cataloging, and processing, the other to direct an ambitious program in the field of audio-visual materials. Salary for both, $5,046-$5,916, three weeks vacation , sick leave, retirement, and other benefits. Rapidly expanding library system in pro- SEPTEMBER 1957 gressive community which offers the best in Southern California living. Looking for- ward to new central library building and additional branches. Apply Raymond M. Holt, Librarian, Pomona Public Library, 380 North Main Street, Pomona, California. ASSIST ANT LIBRARIAN CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS SERVICE To assume complete charge of a world-wide chemical literature selection and procure- ment program plus administrative duties. Training or experience in chemical litera- ture with facility in languages. Open salary. E. J. Crane, Director and Editor, Chemical Abstracts Service, Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio. POSITION as Assistant Librarian-Medi- cal Library of 80,000 volumes, in Baltimore. Cataloging and varied duties. Salary depend- ing on qualifications. Forty-hour week, no night work. Box 230, ACRL, 50 East Huron St., Chicago 11 , Ill. EMORY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY is seek- ing head circulation librarian, upper age limit 35 , experience in public services, appli- cation with photograph, starting salary $5,500. Apply Guy R. Lyle, Emory University, Georgia. 423