College and Research Libraries BY EDNA MAE BROWN New Periodicals of 1957-Part I T HERE FOLLOWS A SELECTED LIST of periodicals launched in 1957 made from the acquisitions of the Library of Congress. There are included some titles which will be of reference value to li- brarians; some will be of interest and help to students, teachers, and other pro- fess!onal people; and some will be en- joyed by the general reader. INDEXES AND ABSTRACTS. A monthly in- dex of articles published in British tech- nical periodicals was begun in February under the title, The Index of Technical Articles. It is arranged by author and subject. Each citation gives the title of the article, the author or authors when known, abbreviated title of journal, vol- ume number, number within the vol- ume, date of publication, inclusive pag- ination, and illustration statement. Ap- proximately four hundred journals are indexed in the first issue. The Tobacco Literature Service of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station is pre- paring Tobacco Abstracts. These ab- stracts are arranged by subject with author index. Articles from foreign and American journals are included. Cita- tions are brief, giving title of journal, volume number, paging and date. LIBRARIES. An interesting little publi- cation is the PLA Quarterly ) a journal for the members of the Private Libraries Association. The first issue includes ar- ticles on hand-binding of books, private press printing, one private library, and a review of the activities of the Associa- tion during the preceding year. GENEALOGY. Th e Virginia Genealogist will publish source materials and ac- Miss Brown is head) Serials Section ) D escriptive Cataloging Division) Library of Congress. counts of families of the Old Dominion. Old wills, tax records, and marriage and death notices from old newspapers are treated in volume one, number one. ART. Drawing is composed of pen and ink, charcoal, pencil and brush sketches by modern, lesser known artists. It is published in New York and edited by Bruce Duff Hooton, Daniel Brown, and David Johnson. MUSIC. The Yale School of Music has launched journal of Music Theory. Here will be printed translations of primary documentary sources together with pa- pers based on current research and study. Book reviews will be a regular feature. LITERATURE. The Centennial Review of Arts & Science derives its name from the fact that it was founded during the centennial year of its sponsor, Michigan State University. The first issue contains four papers delivered at a symposium, "The New View of Man," arranged by the University's College of Science and Arts. This is a scholarly and academic journal. An article, "I Edit a Latin Text," by Arnold Williams is especially interesting. The Colorado Review is published by Jay Pell and John Lewis in Fort Collins. Included are works by E. E. Cummings, Mark Van Doren, and other writers less well known. The first issue of Letras por la Libertad) published in Mexico, is four folio pages and deals with such subjects as the work of the Spanish poet Juan Ramon Jimenez and the Colombian poet German Pardo Gar- cia, now a resident of Mexico. It includes also a poem of Eunice Odio of Costa Rica and an article on "La Re belion de los Intelectuales." Manuscripta is pub- lished by St. Louis University Library and should not be confused with an ear- 488 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES lier publication of the same title pub- lished by the Knights of Columbus Foundation for the Preservation of the Historic Documents at the Vatican Li- brary and also published in St. Louis. The new journal will publish lists of the Vatican codices available at the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library at the University as well as articles based on the research and study of these man- uscripts. In addition there will be in- cluded scholarly articles intended to aid those persons actively engaged in teach- ing or research in the humanities and history. Poetry Broadside~ a twelve page folio, will present the works of young poets. Each poet published will be rep- resented by at least three poems. Some prose selected for its interest and reada- bility will be included. Southwestern Louisiana ] ournal is to be the means of publishing the scholarly writing and re- search of the faculty and staff of the Southwestern Louisiana Institute at La- fayette. Other writers in this area and persons writing about the area are in- vited to submit manuscripts. Spectrum is published by the Associated Students of the University of California, Santa Barbara College, Goleta, California. Contributors range from English, Irish, and American poets to undergraduates at the College. PHILOSOPHY. Gandhi Marg published in Bombay is a quarterly "dedicated to the study and discussion of the way of life that Gandhi taught and lived." Con- tributors to the first issue include men from the West as well as from the East. Philosophy Today publishes condensa- tions of articles from current European . periodical literature in philosophy. It is published by the Society of the Pre- cious Blood at St. Joseph's College, Col- legeville, Indiana. RESEARCH. Scientific World comes from London and treats of such subjects as "Automation in America," "Training of Soviet Research "'\t\Torkers," "Research in NOVEMBER 1957 Brazil," "India's Fuel Prospects," etc. The Stanford Research Institute is pub- lishing SRI ] ourna,l. It will contain the results of the Institute's research on prob- lems of interest to leaders in business, industry, education and government. "Teaching Machines to Read," "The Economic Prospect for the United States," and "Guided Missiles and Re- search" are articles in volume one, num- ber one. METALLURGY. Platinum Metals Review from London is a "quarterly survey of research on the platinum metals and of the developments in their applications in industry." PHYSICS. Annals of Physics "is intended to provide a medium for original work of broad significance, in which the au- thor will be able to give attention to clarity and intelligibility, so that his paper may be read by the widest possi- ble audience." Articles are accompanied by summaries and bibliographies. Aca- demic Press, Inc., New York, publisher of this journal, has asked that it be noted that the] ournal of Fluid Mechanics and Physics in Medicine and Biology~ listed in "New Periodicals of 1956-Part II" as published in the March, 1957 issue of CRL are available through the Aca- demic Press in New York. These jour- nals received at the Library of Congress bear the London imprint of Taylor and Francis. NUCLEAR SCIENCE, ROCKETS. Energie Nucleaire from Paris will deal with the chemistry of the production and utiliza- tion of nuclear energy. Military Automa- tion has articles on analog computers, aeroballistics, digital techniques, and other new technical and scientific sub- jects. American· Rocket News is a publi- cation of the Southern California Sec- tion of the American Rocket Society. ROADS. Modern Highways is intended for highway contractors. The chief in- terest in the first issue was the Federal 489 highway program and its effect on the construction business. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT. From Milan there comes A utomazione e A utomatismi which treats of the use of machines in jobs formerly handled by men. Articles have summaries in I tali an, French, Ger- man, and English. Work Study and In- dustrial Engineering comes from Man- chester, England, and also treats of auto- mation in industry and commerce. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Articles in Aer- onautical Purchasing are based on actual cases of changes and improvements in practice. All procurement officers should find this journal helpful. In IBM ] our- nal of Research and Development Inter- national Business Machines Corporation will describe their latest ideas and prod- ucts . This is a very technical journal. There are included studies in physical and mathematical sciences which IBM staff members have conducted in connec- tion with the development of new ma- chines and methods for data processing, computer technology, communications, etc. MAP! Financial Review published by the Machinery and Allied Products Institute devotes the first of its three articles to "Electronic Data Processing at National Supply." Other matters treat- ed are travel accident insurance plans and standards for research and develop- ment expenditures. The College of Busi- ness Administration, University of Den- ver, launched Western Business Review. Contributions are from authorities in the academic, industrial, and business worlds. ADVERTISING. Mediascope deals with the function of media buying and mar- ket selection. It is published by Standard Rate and Data Service. POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMIN- ISTRATION . The Asia-African Review is published in New Delhi by the Asian Solidarity Committee . It will "make an effort to give authentic news about the movements carried on in the different countries for the improvement of the masses in different spheres of life, about the consolidation of their newly won freedom, about their efforts to liberate themselves from colonial oppression and foreign interference in their domestic affairs." It stands for disarmament and for the banning of nuclear weapons. British Affairs is published by the Brit- ish Information Services in New York and is designed specifically for United States readers. It supersedes Labor and Industry in Britain . Volume one, num- ber one treats of such topics as "The Birth of Ghana," "Agricultural Price Support in Britain," "U.K. Export Achievements," and others. Orbis is pub- . lished by the Foreign Policy Research Institute of the University of Pennsyl- vania. The first issues includes "The Menace of Communist Psychological Warfare," "The Crisis of the Commu- nist Mind," and "Anticolonialism in Latin America ." Midwest Journal of Political Science is published for the Midwest Conference of Political Scien- tists. The contributions from members of university faculties are interesting treatments of such subjects as "Wood- row Wilson's Concept of Human Na- ture," "Notes on James Madison's Sources for the Tenth Federalist Paper," and others. The section, "Book Re- views," includes former President Tru- man's review of Schubert's "The Presi- dency in the Courts." Philippine ] our- nal of Public Administ-ration is pub- lished by the Institute of Public Admin- istration, University of the Philippines. The aim of this journal is to organize and make available information on Philippine public administration and to contribute to the advancement of the knowledge of public administration in general. EDUCATION. West Af-rican Jou-rnal of Education is to provide a "medium for the exchange of information about post- 490 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES primary education in British West Af- rica." Included in the first number were such articles as "Curricula in Nigerian Secondary Schools" and "The Place of African Languages in the Secondary School Curriculum." LAW. The American Society for Legal History has adopted The American journal of Legal History published by Temple University School of Law as its official publication. This journal will publish the results of research in the his- tory of all legal systems such as English law, Roman law, and canonical law, as well as American law. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the introduction. The journal of Business Law is an English publication whose aims are "to indicate new trends in the modern development of business law and to analyze the be- wildering amount of new law which is constantly created b y Parliament, the courts, and commercial practice, with a view to appraising its probable effect on the conduct of business affairs." Th e Tax Counselor's Quarterly will furnish tax assistance on questions arising from interpretation of Federal and State tax laws. Illustrative of the contents of the first issue are such articles as "Watch Out for Tax Problems on Gifts of Se- curities for Minors," "Common Disaster Can Mean Tax Disaster," and "How Can Legal Fees in a Corporate Reorgani- zation Be Made Deductible?" Th e T rial Lawyer's Guid e treats of such matters as "Demonstrative Evidence and Hand- writing Testimony," "Sound Record- ings," and "Hospital Records." MEDICINE. The editor's "message" in MD~ Medical Newsmagazine states that "medical journals are usually dedicated to satisfying the professional needs of the physician, leaving his many other interests to lay journals. MD is dedi- cated to satisfying all the needs of the physician, medical, cultural, and social." The contents are arranged in three sec- tions: World of Medicine, where new drugs, new treatments, etc., are dis- cussed; Medicine in the World, with bio- graphical and historical sketches of per- sons and places related to medical science; Medicine in the Arts, with dis- cussions of medical television shows, motion pictures, and drama. Survey of Anesthesiology consists of condensations of articles from basic science, surgical, medical, and anesthesia journals of par- ticular interest to the anesthesiologist. VETERINARY SCIENCE. Avian Diseases is published by the Corn ell Veterinarian with contributors from the faculties of colleges and schools of veterinary medi- cine and staffs of agricultural experi- ment stations. Articles are accompanied by summaries and references. GARDENING. Flower & ~arden Maga- zin e for Mid-America is a well written and well illustrated journal of interest to the amateur gardener. Periodicals A eronautical Purchasing . Industrial Publishin g Corpora tion, 812 Huron Road, Cleveland. v.l , no.1 , January 1957. Monthly. $6. The American journal of L egal Histo ry . Tem- ple University School of Law, 1715 North Broad St. , Philadelphia 22. v.1 , no.l , Janu- ary 1957. Quarterl y. $7.50. A merican Rock et N ews. Southern California Section, American Rocket Society, 5880 Holly- wood Boulevard, Los Angeles 28. v.1, no.1, February 1957. Monthly. $3.00. A nnals of Physics. Academic Press, Inc., 111 NOVEMBER 1957 Fifth Ave., N ew York 3. v .1 , no.l , April 1957. Monthly. $8.00 (for v.1) , $ 14 .00 for v.2 - ). Th e Asia-Africa R eview . Asian Solidarity Com- mittee , 14 Janpath Barracks, New Delhi. v.1 , no .1, January 1957. Quarterly, Rs. 5. A utomazion e e A utomatismi. Istituto d'Informa - zione e di Assistenza per l'Automazione, Corso di Porta N uo va n.3 , Milano. v.1 , no.1 , Jan- uary 1957. Bimonthl y. L.5.000. Avian Diseases. Cornell Veterinarian, Inc., Ithaca, New York. v.l , no.1, May 1957. 4 no. a year. $5.00. 491 British Affairs. British Information Services, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20. v.l, no.l, March 1957. Quarterly. Free. · · The Centennial Reviews of Arts & Science. 112 Morrill Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansin~. v.1, no.1, winter 1957. Quarterly. $3.00. The Colorado Review. Jay Pel!, 85 Circle Drive, Fort Collins. v.1, no.1, winter 1956/57. Quar- terly. $2 .7 5 . . Drawing. Broadaxe Press , 281 East Broadway, New York 2. v.l, no.1, cl957. Frequency not given. Price not given. Energie Nucleaire. :Edition des Presses Docu - mentaires, 28, Rue Saint-Dominique, Paris VIl e. · v.l, no. I , January j March 1957. Quar- terly . 3.000 fr. Flow er & Garden Magazine for Mid-America. Mid-America Publishing Corporation, 559 Westport Road, Kansas City 11 , Mo. v.1, no.1 , January 1957. Monthly. $3 .00. Gandhi Marg. Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, Mani Bhuvan, Laburnum Road, Bombay 7. v.l, no.l, January 1957. Quarterly. $1.50. IBM Journal of Research and Development. International Business Machines Corporation , 590 Madison Ave ., New York 22. v.l, no.i, January 1957. Quarterly. $3 .50. The Index of Technical Articles. Iota Services, Ltd. , 38 Farringdon St., London, E.C.4. no.l, February 1957. Monthly. Price not given. The Journal of Business Law. Stevens and Sons, Ltd., 119-120 Chancery Lane, London, \V.C.2. January 1957. Quarterly. 30s . Journal of Music Theory. Yale School of Music, New Haven, Conn. v.l, no.l, March 1957. Semiannual. $3.50. Letras por la Libertad. Donceles 91-106, Mexico 1, D.F. v.l, no.l, February 1957. Frequency not given. $0.50 per issue. MAP! Financial Review. Machinery and Allied Products Institute, 1200 Eighteenth St., N.W., Washington 6. March 1957. Frequency not given. $ 1.00 per issue. MD, Medical Newsmagazine. MD Publications , Inc., 30 East 60th St., New York 22. v.l, no.1, January 1957. Monthly. $7 .50. Manuscripta. St. Louis University Library, St. Lo~is. v.l, no.l , February 1957. 3 no. a year. $4. Medzascope. Standard Rate and Data Service, Inc., 1740 Ridge Ave., Evanston, Ill. v.l, no.l, January 1957. Bimonthly. Price not given. Midwest Journal of Political Science. Wayne State University Press, 4841 Cass Ave., De- troit 2. v.l, no.l, May 1957. Quarterly. $6. Military Automation. Instruments Publishing Company, Inc., 845 Ridge Ave., Pittsburgh 12. v.l, no.1, January /February 1957. Bimonthly. $10. Modern Highways. Scranton Publishing Com- pany, Inc., 185 N . Wabash Ave., Chicago. v.l , no.l, January/February 1957. Bimonthly. $4.00. Orbis. Foreign Policy Research Institute, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia. v.l, no.1, April 1957. Quarterl y. $5 .00. PLA Quarterly. Private Libraries Association, 12 Roundwood Way, Banstead, Surrey, Eng- land. v.l, no.l , .January 1957. Frequency not given. Price not given. Philippine Journal of Public Administration. P.O. Box 474, Manila. v.l , no.l, .January 1957. Quarterl y. $4.00. Philosophy Today. Saint Joseph's College, Col- legeville, Ind. v.1, no.l, March 1957. Quar- terly. $4.00. Platinum Metals Review. Johnson, Matthey and Company, Ltd., Hatton Garden , London, E.C.l. v.1, no.1 , .January 1957. Quarterly. Poetry Broadside . Contemporary Craftsmen, Inc., 62 ·west 93rd St., New York. v.1, no.l, April 1957. Quarterly. $ 1.25. SRI Journal. Stanford Research Institute, Men- lo Park, Calif. v.l, no.1, first quarter 1957. Quarterly. $4.00. Scientific World. World Federation of Scientific Workers, 27 Red Lion St. , London, W.C.l. no.l, 1957. Quarterly. 2/6. Southwestern Louisiana Journal. Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette. v.1, no.l, .Jan- uary 1957. Quarterly. $1.50. Spectrum . Associated Students of the Univer- sity of California, Santa Barbara College, P.O. Box 535, Goleta. v.l, no.1, winter 1957. 3 no. a year. $1.00. Survey of Anesthesiology . Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore 2. v.1, no.l, February 1957 . Bimonthly. $10. The Tax Counselor's Quarterly. Callaghan and Company, Chicago. v.l, no.l, March 1957. Tobacco Abstracts. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh. v.l , no.l, Jan- uary 1957. Monthly. Free? The Trial Lawyer's Guide. Callaghan and Com- pany, Chicago. v.l, no.l, February 1957. Fre- quency not given. Price not given. The Virginia Genealogist. John Frederick Dor- man, Box 4883, \Vashington 8. v.l, no.l, Jan- uary /March 1957. Quarterly. $5.00. West African Journal of Education. Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, 200 Euston Road , London, N.W. 1. v.l, no.l, February 1957. Frequency not given. 1/6 per issue. Western Business Review. College of Business Administration, University of Denver, 1445 Cleveland Place, Denver 2. v.l, no.l, Feb- ruary 1957. Quarterly. $3.50. Work Study and Industrial Enginee1·ing. Man- agement Publications Ltd., 8 Hill St., Lon- don, W.l. v.l, no.l, Jan. 1957. Monthly 30s. 492 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES