College and Research Libraries Books Received A Bibliographical Examination of the Earliest Editions of the Letters of Junius. By T . H. Bowyer. Charlottesville: University of Vir- ginia Press, 1957. l47p. $6. The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature. By George Sampson. Reprinted 1957. (Distributed in American Colleges and Universities by The Dryden Press, 110 W. 57th Street, New York 19.) The Freedom to Read: P erspective and Pro- gram. By Richard McKeon, Robert K. Mer- ton, and Walter Gellhorn. New York: Pub- lished for .the National Book Committee by R. R. Bowker Co., 1957. llOp. Guide to the Manuscripts of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Supplement Number One. By 1 osephine L. Harper and Sharon C. Smith. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1957. 222p. $5 .00. Historical Fiction. (Reader's Guides, Second Series II.) Introduction by Alfred Duggan. Reading list compiled by W. A. Taylor. Cam- bridge: Published for the National Book League, 1957. 48p. 75c. Th e Measurement of Meaning. By Charles E. Osgood, George 1. Suci, Percy H. Tannen- baum. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1957. 342p. $7 .50. Metallurgical P rogress: A Third Series of Criti- cal Reviews. London: Iliffe and Sons (New York; Philosophical Library) , 1957. 88p. $6. Michigan's First Bookstore: A Study of the Books Sold in the D etroit Book Store 1817 - 1828. By Wallace J. Bronk. Ann Arbor: Uni- versity of Michigan, Department of Library Science, 1957. 36p. (Studies, 3.) Second Report to the President. The President 's Committe on Education Beyond the High School. Washington: 1957. l08p. Social Functions of Libraries . By B. Landheer. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1957. 286p. $6. Classified Advertisements ยท Rate: $1 per line; 3-line minimum. Closes first of month preceding date of issue. COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE-Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices (Granger Poetry; Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Want lists invited. 23 East 4th St. , New York 3, N.Y. OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS BARNES & NOBLE, INC. supplies books not obtainable from publishers immediately from stock of over a million volumes or in reasonably quick time through free Search Service. Send lists to Dept. CR, Barnes & Noble, Inc. , 105 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. We are looking for a top-notch librarian who wants a challenging position supervising an ambitious program in the field of audio- visual materials. Salary $4,932-$5,916, three weeks vacation, sick leave, state retirement, optiqnal hospital benefits. Rapidly expand- ing library system in progressive community which offers the best in Southern California living. Looking forward to new central library building and additional branches. Apply Raymond M. Holt, Librarian , Po- mona Public Library, 380 North Main Street, Pomona, California. INTERNA TIONAL CONGRESSES is one of our specialties. Foreign books and period- icals, current and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Box 352, White Plains, N.Y. Physics Librarian: Position available July 1, 1958. Salary $5,400. Fifth year Library degree , science background and experience desirable. Immediate opening for Serials cataloger, salary $4,500-$4,800, 39 hour week, one month's vacation, 2 weeks sick leave, good retirement plan. Apply: Mary Lois Bull, Assistant University Librarian for Personnel, University of Illinois Library, Urbana. Avail- able at ALA Midwinter meetings to discuss Library Careers at Illinois. Man to take charge of Circulation Depart- ment. M.S. degree or equivalent, a sound general education, and an adaptable per- sonality along with ability for and interest in administration and advancement. Faculty status, month vacation, all "fringe benefits," starting salary $4,000-$5, 000 depending on qualifications; annual increments have been 5 per cent or more. Write Director, Uni- versity of Detroit Library, 4001 West Mc- Nichols Road, Detroit 21, Mich. 516 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES