College and Research Libraries By H O W A R D ROVELSTAD More Library for Your Building Dollar: The University of Maryland Experience ON F E B R U A R Y 1 4 , 1 9 5 6 , bids were opened for a library building to be constructed on the College Park campus of the University of Maryland. In the Baltimore-Washington area the winter months of 1956 were favorable for put- ting a building out for bids: general construction work had slowed down, and contractors were anxious to obtain com- mitments for work to be started the fol- lowing spring and summer. Sixteen contractors submitted base bids that ranged from $2,354,200 to $2,- 519,000. T h e comparatively small differ- ence (only $164,800) for a building of this size between the low bid and the high bid indicated that all the con- tractors had made serious bids: they clearly needed the work to fill in their schedules. It is interesting to note that the value of building construction in Baltimore decreased from $87,551,000 in 1955 to $64,750,000 in 1956. Similarly, in Washington, D. C., a drop of $21,082,- 000 was experienced in the value of building construction in 1956.1 In ad- dition to the cost figure on the University of Maryland library each contractor stipulated in his bid the number of days that would be required to complete the work. These ranged from a low of 420 days to a high of 700 days. T h e successful bidder submitted the figure of 425 days to complete the work. 1 U. S. B u r e a u of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1958. ( W a s h i n g t o n : U. S. Govern- ment P r i n t i n g Office, 1 9 5 8 ) , p. 756-57. Mr. Rovelstad is Director of Libraries, University of Maryland. T o be assured that bids could be rec- onciled with appropriated funds, eleven alternates were included in the bidding in the form of possible deductions from the base bid. One alternate in the form of a possible addition to the base bid was also included. T h e deductions covered bookstacks, metal partitions, interior painting, asphalt tile, wall around a parking lot, finish in one reading room (the Maryland and Rare Book Room), service desks, loan desk, acoustical tile, screens and screen doors, and water coolers. T h e one possible addition was for metallic waterproofing in the base- ment. Because of the limited funds avail- able at the time, alternates of the book- stacks and the wall around the parking lot had to be deducted from the base bid and not included initially as a part of the general contract. T h e State Legis- lature later appropriated funds for the bookstacks, which were added to the general contract. General construction conditions and climatic conditions (i.e., the best build- ing season in the particular locality) are important factors in the final determi- nation of the cost of a building. If a contractor is able to begin construction early in the spring, he will be able to get his building under roof by the time in- clement weather of the late fall and winter sets in—with the result of fewer work stoppages and lower costs to him. For the Maryland building these factors were significant in keeping the square- foot and cubic-foot costs low. But it is seldom possible to select deliberately a period of low construction activity or MAY 1959 189 even a particular season of the year in which to let a bid; there are, however, in the planning of a building various means of keeping costs down over which one does have some control. From preliminary considerations in planning the University of Maryland Li- brary it was obvious that in order to meet the board requirements of the pro- gram—accommodations for at least 2,000 readers and 1,000,000 volumes—it would be necessary to plan a very economical building. Various shapes, various ways of achieving flexibility, and the possibilities of modular-type construction were tried on the drawing board. It was soon determined that a rectan- gular building approximately 120' by 240' would best meet functional requirements, would be most suitable for the proposed site, and would be most economical to construct. As desirable as flexibility is, it was decided that to allow for com- plete interchangeability of reader space and book space was not feasible; books can be very conveniently and suitably housed in areas not necessarily comfort- able for large numbers of readers. T h e number and size of columns, heights of ceilings, placement of electrical outlets, and types of wall construction, floor coverings, lighting, and heating systems are among the factors to be considered in comparing construction costs of reader areas with book areas. Fortunately, in smaller library buildings where flex- ibility is more essential than in larger libraries the cost of allowing for it is relatively low. In larger library buildings some concentration of book storage and some concentration of reader accom- modations are significant economy meas- ures. T h e educational implications of a close relationship between books and readers were recognized and studied in developing the Maryland plans. T o make books easily accessible was a major ob- jective. It was therefore decided to plan a central stack core that would be sur- rounded on three sides by reading areas. T h e exterior wall at the rear of the building would enclose the fourth side; on this fourth side future additions to the building could be constructed. T h e stack areas were to be immediately ad- jacent to the reading areas; in fact they were actually to extend into the reading areas, as will be explained below. Although the interior arrangements of the library were planned before the exterior, it may be well in explaining an economical use of space to view the building as an empty shell—no par- titions and no floors, but rather 1,974,569 cubic feet of space enclosed by exterior walls and a roof. T h e n the problem that presents itself is how to make the best use of the cubic space available. In a library are many activities that can be comfortably accommodated in areas with low ceilings. A floor to ceiling clearance of eight feet or less is suitable for bookstacks and for such smaller rooms as offices, seminars, studies, con- ference rooms, toilet facilities, and closets. Higher ceilings are desirable in large areas where there is to be a concen- tration of readers. T h e higher ceilings are especially essential in these areas when air conditioning is not a possibility, and they are also thought desirable by many people because of psychological factors involved. It must be mentioned in passing, however, that many new libraries have been constructed recently with reading rooms of ceiling heights of eight to eight and one-half feet that are pleasant, comfortable and completely acceptable to their users. On the second floor of the Maryland library, the main operating floor, are included two large reading areas, each measuring 108' x 52' and located at the north and south ends of the building. On three sides of each area are balconies that extend seventeen feet on one side and eighteen feet at the ends into the 190 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH L I B R A R I E S - McKeldin Library room. T h e balconies in the two rooms provide 5,616 square feet of floor space— sufficient space for almost 225 readers or for approximately 56,000 volumes. T h e area under the balconies is suitable for books or readers. Accommodations for in- formal furniture or for current periodi- cal shelves in these low-ceilinged areas give these large rooms a more attractive, informal appearance than one might ex- pect. T h e balconies of the two rooms are the north and south extremities of a mezzanine floor which extends through the building. T h i s mezzanine floor is a part of the bookstack core of the build- ing, i.e., the stack floor extends into the reading rooms to form balconies. On the third floor a similar pattern is followed: a large reading area (with bal- conies) at either end of the building. T h e fourth floor is similar, but there are no balconies as the reading areas are some- what smaller than on the lower floors. T h i s floor does include a high-ceilinged auditorium seating 160. In areas with seven and one-half feet clearance from floor to ceiling through- out the building are located all offices, fourteen seminar rooms of various size, open carrels, faculty studies, receiving room, and bookstacks. In the low-ceil- inged area on the second floor are located the card catalog, bibliography area, tech- nical services, offices, conference rooms, and toilets. T h e loan desk and card cata- log are under low ceilings but are im- mediately adjacent to a foyer and hall respectively with fifteen-foot ceilings. Because a rather high percentage of activities in a large university library can suitably be accommodated under low ceilings, it is economical to use this kind of space for them. T h e Maryland library has four floors, three intervening mez- zanine floors and a basement. Each mez- zanine floor has at least three-fourths as much floor space as has one of the main floors. T h e combination of main and mezzanine floors gives the library well over fifty per cent more floor space than the main floors alone could provide. MAY 1959 191 Thus by using low ceilings in bookstacks, work areas, etc., and high ceilings in large reading areas it is possible to use both efficiently and economically the cubic footage that a building provides. As indicated above, the decision in re- gard to ceilings and to the relative positions of stacks and reading areas called for a low-ceiling core in the build- ing. This core is made up of 12' x modules. Modules of these dimensions are less costly to construct than large modules such as those measuring 221/4' x 221/9': higher gauge steel can be used in the supporting uprights and in the steel reinforcements of the concrete. T h e 12' x 131/2' dimensions are suitable for book shelves and aisles: the 12' dimen- sion will accommodate four sections of shelving, and the 131/2' dimension will accommodate two single-face and two double-face ranges of shelving as well as three three-foot aisles. T h e type of con- struction of the core is reinforced con- crete. Bookstacks are anchored to the floor and ceiling, thus eliminating the need for lateral and diagonal sway bracing, except where the core extends into the reading areas (here, free stand- ing stacks are used). T h e core area is flexible to the extent that the inter- mediate upright supports of the book- stacks are not supporting members of the building. T h e anchoring of bookstacks to the floor and ceiling makes changes from stack space to reader space some- what difficult and costly, but in a library of this size it seemed highly doubtful that any large conversion would ever take place. Another feature of the core construc- tion that resulted in efficient use of space was the employment of a so-called star column as the structural upright member in the module. It is star-shaped, with four points, rather than H-shaped, as is usual. This star shape allows for the erecting of sections of shelving between structural columns with virtually no loss of space because of supporting columns. In order to use load-bearing columns in this way all column center-lines must be held within a tolerance of ±l4"> a s standard shelving must fit between the columns in one direction. A good con- tractor can meet this requirement. T h e additional shelf space allowed by the star column is an important factor in al- lowing for a maximum amount of usable floor space in a given area. T h e modular core of the building is surrounded on three sides by a steel- skeleton type of construction. This type of construction allows large reading areas free of columns. T h e combining of the reinforced concrete (as in the core) and steel-skeleton methods seems to present no special problems in construction. T h e proximity of bookstack areas to reading areas is important functionally. T h e fine arts area, for example, includes not only the reading room where refer- ence materials and current journals in music, art, architecture, photography, theater, and recreation are housed, but also the adjacent core or stack area where listening facilities and a piano (in sound-proof rooms provided for those studying recordings and scores), and all related materials in the main collection are located. Similarly the social science area is a center of information in the fields of economics, education, history, law, political science, sociology, travel, and customs and folklore: in the room itself reference materials of all kinds and current periodicals are readily available to readers; in nearby stack areas are shelved the library's holdings in these fields. A student who is working in zoology will find all his books and jour- nals in the technology and science room or in the bookstacks immediately ad- jacent to the room. Similarly, users of the general reference and humanities rooms will find related materials in readily ac- cessible areas. Materials used in the construction of 192 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH L I B R A R I E S - the building include Alabama limestone and red colonial brick on the exterior. T h e roof is of gray slate. Interior walls, with few exceptions, are finished in plaster. Wainscots of Norwegian rose marble are used in main lobbies and halls. Hardware, stair rails and balcony rails of satin aluminum give the building a modern, clean appearance. T h e Mary- land and Rare Book Room is colonial in design with painted wood paneling and ornamental windows. Floors are of as- phalt tile, terrazzo, and ceramic tiles. Air conditioning is provided in only about 5 per cent of the building; convectors will allow air conditioning in an ad- ditional 10 per cent of the building. T h e bookstack area has forced ventilation and humidity control. T h e building will accommodate 2,000, and in addition fourteen seminar rooms will seat 360 and a small auditorium will seat 160. T h e r e are 57 studies, 130 open carrels, and 400 lockers. T w o elevators service the building, and 34 display cases ranging in size from 4'6" high x 10' wide x 2'2" deep to 3' x 4' tack boards behind sliding glass doors. T h e book capacity is a million volumes. T h e total cost of the building, includ- ing architect's fees and bookstacks, was $2,467,227. Floor space totals 190,839 square feet, constructed at a cost of $12.93 a square foot; cubic feet of space totals 1,974, 569, constructed at a cost of $1.25 a cubic foot. Compared with costs of other library buildings constructed in today's building market, these figures are low. T h e cost of new furniture and equipment, and of refinishing old fur- niture was $200,000. T h e University of Maryland accepted the library building on December 15, 1957. During the following three weeks and a day all materials, equipment and furniture were moved from the old li- brary building to the new. W h e n stu- dents and faculty returned to the campus from Christmas vacation the doors of a functional, attractive, and economically constructed library were open to them. Retrospective Catalog Cards for the Short Title Catalog Microfilm Series A n u m b e r of libraries have expressed an interest in o b t a i n i n g a set of cat- alog cards for the titles in the Short Title Catalog microfilm series. T h e s e titles have been cataloged by the University of Michigan Library in A n n Arbor. U p to the present time approximately 11,000 catalog cards, representing some 9,000 titles, have been produced. T h r o u g h the cooperation of the University of Michigan Library, these cards will be made available for reproduction by the Xerox-Copyflo process, using regular catalog card stock. A copy of every catalog card produced for titles filmed through 1957 will be furnished. L h i s project will not continue beyond 1957, as current cards are available on a subscription basis from the Univer- sity of Michigan Library. If a sufficient n u m b e r of libraries are interested, University Microfilms, I n c . will reproduce the cards for five cents each, or approximately $550 for the 11,000 cards. Please write to J a m e s E. Skipper, Assistant L i b r a r i a n , Michigan State Uni- versity Library, East Lansing, if your library is interested in this project. A firm price will be established before libraries are asked to place their formal orders. MAY 1959 193