College and Research Libraries Selected Reference Books of 1958-1959 By C O N S T A N C E M. W I N C H E L L I N T R O D U C T I O N LI K E T H E P R E C E D I N G A R T I C L E S i n this semi-annual series1 this survey is based o n notes written by members o f the staff o f the C o l u m b i a University Libraries. N o t e s written by assistants are signed with initials.2 A s the p u r p o s e o f the list is to present a selection of recent scholarly a n d f o r e i g n works of interest to r e f e r e n c e workers in university libraries, it does n o t p r e t e n d to be either well-balanced o r c o m p r e h e n s i v e . C o d e n u m b e r s (such as A l l , 1A26, 2S22) have b e e n used to refer to titles in the Guide3 a n d its Supplements. B I B L I O G R A P H Y EVANS, CHARLES. American Bibliography, volume 14—index, by Roger Pattrell Bristol. Worces- ter, Mass., American Antiquarian Society, 1959. 450p. This long-awaited index to the thirteen vol- umes of Evans' bibliography (Guide A142) in- cludes all authors, titles, pesudonyms, attributed authors, and corporate authors given by Evans. Under government entries breakdowns are pro- vided. Titles are given as in the original work and entry is also made for names of people, ships, etc., when these form an important ele- ment in a title. Authors' dates appear after their names. Reference is made to the Evans entry number of a work and the complete list of volumes with inclusive entry numbers appears, boxed, on each right-hand page of this index.— R.K. La librairie beige; ouvrages d'expression fran- gaise edites en Belgique, 1945-1955. Bruxelles, Cercle beige de la librarie c1959?3 81 Ip. Fr.b.675. A dictionary arrangement by author, title, and catchword, this compilation of Belgian trade books will be welcomed by librarians and others heretofore furnished with no cumulations be- 1 CRL, January and July issues starting January 1952. 2 Reference: Eleanor Buist, Rita Keckeissen, Eliza- beth J. Rumics, Eugene Sheehy, John Neal Waddell. 3 Constance M. Winchell, Guide to Reference Books (7th ed.; Chicago: ALA, 1951); Supplement (Chicago: ALA, 1954); Second Supplement (Chicago: ALA, 1956). Miss Winchell is Reference Librarian, Columbia University Libraries. yond the annual indexes of Bibliographie de Bel- gique (Guide A179). It will obviously be even more useful to those libraries needing an inex- pensive record of Belgian bibliography but not possessing the more comprehensive official list- ings in the Bibliographie. As indicated in the subtitle, Flemish materials are excluded. Stand- ard publishing information is found under main entry, and a useful list of publishers is ap- pended. Format, paper, and binding are excel- lent. Further volumes to cover five-year periods are planned for the future.—J.N.W. L I B R A R I E S H O R E C K Y , P A U L L O U I S . Libraries and Bibliogra- phic Centers in the Soviet Union. [Blooming- ton, Indiana University, 1959] 287p. (Indiana. University. Publications. Slavic and East Eu- ropean series. No. 16.) T h e first comprehensive study in English on the library system of the USSR, this well docu- mented reference work was prepared by a li- brarian and biblographer of the Library of Con- gress staff. It may be consulted most profitably by any scholar planning to visit or work in Soviet libraries. T h e student of Soviet cultural and scientific organization will also find an ana- lytical awareness of the Soviet setting in which the libraries operate. In addition to text, charts, and maps, there is a supplement of documents in translation and a selective bibliography of sources. T h e study was supported by the Coun- cil on Library Resources, Inc.—E.B. T R A N S L A T I O N S KAISER, FRANCIS E . Translators and Transla- tions: Services and Sources. New York [Special Libraries Association] 1959. 60p. $2.50. A project of the Georgia Chapter of Special Libraries Association, this should prove a very useful volume. T h e three principal sections pro- vide (1) a directory of translators and translation services, (2) an international list of translation pools, and (3) an annotated list of biblographies of translations. There is a geographical—sub- ject—language index.—E.S. 20 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S I N T E R N A T I O N A L M E E T I N G S U . S . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. GENERAL REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY DIVISION. Documents of In- ternational Meetings, 1953. Compiled by R o b - ert W . Sehaaf, International Organizations Section. Washington, 1959. 210 p. $1.50. Although limited to documents in the Library of Congress collections emanating from meetings convened in a single year, this bibliography should nonetheless prove a very useful refer- ence tool. (1953 was selected since it marked the beginning of the Library's efforts to identify all international meetings and to acquire systemat- ically documents thereof.) In addition to listing publications of the 1953 conferences, a note de- scriptive of the sponsoring body is usually pro- vided, together with indication of earlier and later meetings. An appendix lists an additional 399 conferences excluded from the main list- ing either because they were intergovernmental or because the Library of Congress does not have the documents. T h e r e is a subject index and an index of organizations with titles both in Eng- lish and foreign languages. N o indication is given of plans to continue the publication.—E.S. E N C Y C L O P E D I A S Focus, upplagsbok; Almqvist & Wiksell stora, illustrerade bildnings- och uppslagsverk. Stock- holm, Almqvist & Wiksell [1958-59], v. 1-3. (In progress). 65kr. per vol. Contents: v.1-3, A-Sd. Terse articles, abundant and attractive black- and-white or colored plates, maps, diagrams, and cuts, and a neat format characterize this new general encyclopedia from Sweden intended for the general reader. Five volumes are planned, the last to be an index to the four volumes of text. Articles are clear and brief, and unsigned, with a list of subject consultants, contributors, and illustrators in each volume; there are no biblographies. Information is up-to-date (1958 Nobel prize winners; St. Lawrence Seaway open- ing, 1959; but Davis Cup results to 1957 only), and the treatment of science and technology would seem to be as thorough as that of art and literature.—E.J.R. P E R I O D I C A L S U . S . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. PROCESSING D E P A R T - MENT. Russian Periodicals in the Helsinki Uni- versity Library; a Checklist. Washington, 1959. 120p. Not priced; apply Order Division, Li- brary of Congress. T h e Helsinki University Library was formerly a depository for Russian publications. This checklist is based on a microfilm of portions of the catalog. A very useful feature, unfortunately not indicated on the title page, is that the hold- ings of three American libraries (Harvard Col- lege Library, the New York Public Library, and the Library of Congress) are listed for each Hel- sinki entry. ALA form of entry is used. T h e periodicals are nineteenth and twentieth century titles in all fields, to approximately 1940, but the collection is particularly strong for the years prior to 1917. T h e checklist therefore ties in chrono- logically with Serial Publications of the Soviet Union 1939-1957, and reduces the need to con- sult the Union List of Serials for older Russian periodicals. Some newspapers are included.—E.B. J O U R N A L I S M PRICE, WARREN C. The Literature of Journalism, an Annotated Bibliography. Minneapolis, Uni- versity of Minnesota Press [1959] 489p. $10. Limited to books in English, this bibliography lists more than three thousand items, most of them annotated. " T h e base of the work is frankly historical and biographical, with more than two-fifths of all the titles in these two categories" (Foreword), but sections are included for selected works on journalism in its broader aspects: e.g., journalistic periodicals, press man- agement, public opinion, radio and television, foreign press, etc. Criteria for inclusion are dis- cussed at some length in the preface. Within established limits, coverage is meant to be com- plete through 1957, with some 1958 titles in- cluded.—E.S. P H I L O S O P H Y P O O R T M A N , JOHANNES JACOBUS. Repertorium der nederlandse wijsbegeerte. Supplement I. Ams- terdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1958. 168p. Listings of periodical articles and books for the period 1947-57 make up this supplement to the 1948 volume (Guide H9). T h e work is again in two parts: (1) subjects or "ideas," and (2) in- dividual philosophers and their philosophic schools. T h e latter section includes editions and translations of a philosopher's works as well as writings about him. T h e r e is no author index. —E.S. R E L I G I O N The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia. Cecil Roth, Ed.-in-chief. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1959. 1978p. il. $22.50. Not intended to compete with the multi-vol- umed standard Jewish encyclopedias (Guide K243 and K246), this new work is none the less J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 0 21 a practical and useful compilation of a large amount of ready information. Particularly wel- come, of course, is the inclusion of material on recent events, not found in the older sets. Most articles are necessarily very brief (some, barely more than identifications), but many of the more important subjects receive much fuller treatment—e.g., Hebrew literature, Israel, United States, etc. Cross references and see-also listings are adequately handled, the latter by capitaliza- tion of those words in an article which are themselves additional headings. T h e r e are no bibliographies, nor are articles signed, although a lengthy list of contributors is included. Illus- trations are numerous and generally good, and paper and typography are excellent.—J.N.W. M Y T H O L O G Y Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. With an introduction by Robert Graves. N. Y., Prome- theus Press, 1959. 500p. il. $15. "Translated by Richard Aldington and De- lano Ames and revised by a panel of editorial advisers from the Larousse Mythologie Generate edited by Felix Guirand." First published in France in 1935, this lavishly illustrated work, translated and revised, presents articles on the mythologies of various countries and civilizations from prehistory to present times. Strictly speaking, it is not an encyclopedia in the usual sense of the term as the material is presented in essay form with n o easy approach to specific points, nor is it limited to mythology, as various aspects of folklore, legend, and reli- gious customs are also included. In libraries it will probably be more used for reading and browsing than for quick reference work as it of- fers many fascinating and little-known stories but provides no direct access to particular ideas or concepts. E C O N O M I C S D E N M A N , D O N A L D R O B E R T , SWITZER, J . F . Q . , AND SAWYER, O.H.M., Bibliography of Rural Land Economy and Landownership, 1900-1957. [Cambridge] Cambridge University, Dept. of Estate Management, 1958. 412p. 355. A classified list of works dealing exclusively with rural land economy and omitting urban aspects of land ownership, this bibliography aims " t o include all books, articles, memoranda, and periodicals, published in Britain from 1900- 1956, and unpublished theses for higher degrees . . ." (Foreword). A few books published in 1957 are included as well as books and articles on general themes published in the United States. T h e r e is a very brief section of works in for- eign languages. T h e classified section is followed by two in- dexes: (1) authors, (2) subjects. T h e latter gives, in alphabetical order, more detailed subjects than can be found in the classification scheme. E D U C A T I O N EELLS, W A L T E R CROSBY. American Dissertations on Foreign Education. Washington, Commit- tee on International Relations, National Edu- cation Association of the United States, 1959. 300p. $5.75. T h i s bibliography lists nearly 5,700 "doctor's dissertations and master's theses written at American universities and colleges concerning education or educators in foreign countries and education of groups of foreign birth or ances- try in the United States, 1884-1958." Arrange- ment is by country, with author and subject indexes. Where applicable, publication and ab- stract data are given.—E.S. International Handbook of Universities, ed. 1- . 1959- . Paris, International Association of Universities, 1959- . 338p. $6. Planned to supplement geographically the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook (Guide 1.765) and American Universities and Colleges (Guide L742), this new handbook attempts to supply general information about universities in seventy-one foreign countries. Although the amount of information for each university varies, the outline provides for address and tele- phone, names of principal administrative and academic officers, founding date, duration of academic year, admission requirements briefly outlined, fees, language of instruction, degrees and diplomas, libraries and museums attached to the university, publications, number of aca- demic staff, and size of student enrollment. In- formation relates "as far as possible" to the aca- demic year 1957/58; figures for staff and enroll- ment are for 1956/57. Institutions other than those of full university rank are listed at the end of the section for each country. T h e r e is an in- dex for names of institutions in the original language and in English translation, but no index of personal names. Most information is given in English translation. On the basis of this useful but unevenly edited first edition, it is hoped that later editions will approach the standards of the other two established reference works.—E.B. D I C T I O N A R I E S BULAS, K A Z I M I E R Z AND W H I T F I E L D , FRANCIS J . The Kosciuszko Foundation Dictionary, Eng- 22 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S glish-Polish, Polish-English. T h e H a g u e , M o u t o n and Co., 1959- . v . l . English-Polish. 1037p. (Poland's m i l l e n i u m series of the Kosci- uszko Foundation), fl. 70. T h i s is a superior bilingual dictionary, r e c o m - m e n d e d for libraries. It will take the place of the Lilien dictionary ( G u i d e M381) which ceased p u b l i c a t i o n with fascicule 19, 1951. A c - c o r d i n g to the preface, " i t is h o p e d that V o l u m e II, the Polish-English part, will b e off the press within a year of the appearance of V o l u m e I . " — E . B . LAROUSSE, PIERRE. Petit Larousse; dictionnaire en- cyclopedique pour tous. Paris, Larousse [1959] 1795p. il. 2,850fr. T h i s really new edition of the long-popular desk dictionary ( G u i d e M172) includes consid- erable revision of text, as well as new format and illustrations. Particularly w e l c o m e is an i m - p r o v e d type face, w h i c h , with the o t h e r physical changes, furnishes a m u c h needed i m p r o v e m e n t in ease of reading. Spot checking reveals inclu- sion of a substantial n u m b e r of newly listed words in the dictionary section and additional p r o p e r names in the e n c y c l o p e d i c second half ("Arts, Lettres, Sciences"). Presumably to p r o - v i d e space f o r the new listings, a n u m b e r of words formerly i n c l u d e d have been deleted; o n the w h o l e , most of the changes seem wise.— J . N . W . Mittellateinisches Worterbuch bis zum ausge- henden 13. Jahrhundert; in Gemeinschaft mit den A k a d e m i e n der Wissenschaften zu G o t - tingen, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Mainz, W i e n u n d der Schweizerischen Geisteswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, herausgegeben v o n der Bayeri- schen A k a d e m i e der Wissenschaften u n d der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. M u n i c h , Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhand- lung, 1959- (In progress) $3.75 per fasc. Contents: Abkiirzungs- u n d Quellenverzeich- nisse; B a n d I, Lief. 1, a-adcumen. T h i s n e w medieval Latin dictionary is based chiefly o n literary texts and d o c u m e n t s c o m - posed p r i o r to 1280 in the area n o w k n o w n as Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, b u t these geographical boundaries are not strictly o b - served since the main collection of medieval German texts, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, includes many writings of foreign origin. A l - though the editors have further extended the coverage to i n c l u d e some D u t c h and Belgian col- lections, this dictionary will not completely replace D u C a n g e ( G u i d e M350). T h e w o r d treat- ment is historical, b e g i n n i n g with earliest mean- ing, and with several quotations f o r each mean- ing of a word.—S.F.W. SCIENCE AUSTRALIA. C O M M O N W E A L T H SCIENTIFIC AND I N - DUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION. Scientific Serials in Australian Libraries, edited by A d e - laide L . Kent. M e l b o u r n e , 1958. v . l - . loose- leaf. " T h e present loose-leaf v o l u m e is intended to p r o v i d e an up-to-date finding list o f scientific periodicals and serials in Australian libraries. It supplements, amends, and is designed to su- persede the Union Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals in the Libraries of Aus- tralia, Second Edition, 1951, edited b y Ernest R . Pitt." (Foreword). R e p l a c e m e n t sheets contain- ing additions and revisions are issued p e r i o d i - cally, the 1951 edition thus being superseded section by section.—E.S. M I C H I G A N . UNIVERSITY. L I B R A R Y . C O M M I T T E E ON SCIENTIFIC AND T E C H N I C A L RESOURCES. Union List of Scientific and Technical Serials in the University of Michigan Library. A n n A r b o r , 1959. I 7 l p . A listing of the scientific and technical serials in the General Library and twenty-one depart- mental libraries of the University of Michigan, this is intended as a finding list, so that b i b l i o - graphic i n f o r m a t i o n is slight a l t h o u g h , occa- sionally, place o f p u b l i c a t i o n and dates are in- c l u d e d to avoid ambiguity. Entry follows A L A rules as applied in the Michigan Library, and holdings are indicated in the f o r m used in the Union List of Serials. T h e University of Michigan does not lend journals o n interlibrary loan b u t will supply p h o t o c o p i e s at stated reasonable prices. T h e in- f o r m a t i o n o n holdings is so specific that the list should b e useful in other libraries f o r lo- cation purposes. U N I T E D N A T I O N S EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION. Bibliography of Monolingual Scientific and Technical Glos- saries. v.2, Miscellaneous sources. Bibliogra- phie de vocabulaires scientifiques et tech- niques monolingues. v.2, Sources diverses. By Eugen Wiister. "[Paris] U N E S C O , 1959. 146p. $2.50; 875fr. V . l ( S u p p l e m e n t 2P9) listed standardized tech- nical glossaries as approved by national stand- ardizing organizations; v.2 lists 1,043 privately published glossaries in twenty-six languages. J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 0 23 Both volumes are arranged by Universal Deci- mal Classification with indexes by subject, lan- guage, and author. L I T E R A T U R E A N D L A N G U A G E A K A D E M I I A NAUK S S S R . INSTITUT IAZYKOZNANIIA. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' literatury po iazy- koznaniiu, izdannoi v SSSR c 1918 po 1957 god. Moskva, 1958- . v . l - . 10r.65k. A bibliographic index, planned in five vol- umes, of writings on all branches of linguistics published in the USSR between 1918 and 1957. T h e first volume covers books, collections, and doctoral dissertations written in Russian to 1955. Later volumes will index: (v.2) articles, candidate dissertations, and books of 1956 and 1957, written in Russian; (v.3-4) books and arti- cles on linguistics written in other languages of the USSR; (v.5) dictionaries and indexes to the bibliography as a whole. Because of its broad coverage, this subject bibliography will be use- ful in any library concerned with research in lin- guistics.—E.B. A L L G A Y E R , W I L H E L M . Dramenlexikon; ein Weg- weiser zur etwa 10,000 urheberrechtlich ge- schiitzten Biihnenwerken der Jahre 1945-1957. Begriindet von Friedrich Ernst Schulz; neu herausgegeben von Wilhelm Allgayer. Koln, Kniepenheuer und Witsch, 1958. 594p. $9. This postwar edition (earlier ed., edited by F. E. Schulz, 1942, 6,000 titles) lists alphabet- ically by title 10,000 German plays or plays translated into German, which were copy- righted between 1945 and summer, 1957. By use of abbreviations, code letters, etc., it compresses into an inch or so of space per title such in- formation as: earlier title (or title in original language), prizes won, translator or adapter, date of first production, type of play, time and place of action, cast and sets required, copy- right holder, publisher. An author index con- tains over 3,000 names; where known, nation- ality and dates of birth and death are given. T h e listing is of plays for the professional the- ater; certain specialized categories were omitted, some of them to be picked up in the projected annual supplements. W h i l e a subject approach would have been valuable, that lay outside the editor's plan. Instead, he gives a standardized list of types of plays and names and addresses of publishers who will, on request, send subject catalogs. Devised as a practical guide, Dramen- lexikon seems potentially most useful for United States reference libraries for its secondary data— as a record of recent plays in German, for iden- tification of lesser known playrights, dates of production, and so forth.—E.J.R. CIORANESCO, A L E X A N D R E . Bibliographic de la lit- terature du seizieme siecle. Paris, Klincksieck, 1959. 745p. 12,000fr. More extensive in coverage than volume 2 of D. C. Cabeen's Critical Bibliography of French Literature: The Sixteenth Century edited by A. H. Schutz, this new bibliography of sixteenth- century French literature should be of great assistance to students of this period. Divided into two parts, the first deals with " G e n e r a l i t y , " the second with individual authors. Part two, which comprises the larger part of the volume, is arranged alphabetically by six- teenth-century author, listing works by him fol- lowed by a record of studies about him. These include books and articles published through 1950. A note explains the coverage of the index. In general, it includes the names of authors or persons not included in alphabetical order in the main work, names of places, anonymous works, literary themes, etc. It does not include the main entries for sixteenth-century authors nor the names of the modern authors of books and peri- odical articles. GOHDES, CLARENCE. Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the Literature of the U.S.A. Durham, N. C „ Duke University Press [1959] 102p. $4.; $3 paper. Undertakes to list "books which will aid the professional student of the literature of the United States in the acquiring of information and in the techniques of research." (Preface). Titles are grouped in sections ranging from "Aids to information on all subjects" through lists of indexes, works on American studies, American history, literary genres, folklore, com- parative literature, etc. Although most of the entries are annotated, something in the way of an introductory essay o n research method or an explanatory paragraph at the beginning of each section would have been desirable. Designed for student use, printing is on one side of the sheet, with unnumbered blank pages left for notes and addenda—E.S. H O R N - M O N V A L , MADELEINE. Repertoire biblio- graphique des traductions et adaptations fran- faises du theatre etranger du XV siecle a nos jours. Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1958- . T . l - . (In progress). Contents: T . l . Theatre grec antique. 122p. 1,000f r. T.2. Theatre latin antique. Thea- tre latin medieval et moderne. 114p. l,200fr. (Continued on page 99) 24 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S Selected Reference Books of 1958-1959 (Continued from page 24) A m b i t i o u s in plan, this new series of b i b l i o g - raphies of French translations and adaptations of foreign plays should prove generally useful to students of drama and the theatre. Eight vol- umes are projected, encompassing some 20,000 entries, i n c l u d i n g manuscripts as well as printed editions. V o l u m e 1, devoted to the ancient Greek theatre, lists 2388 items arranged alpha- betically by author and individual work, then chronologically by date of p u b l i c a t i o n . T h e r e is a title i n d e x and o n e of translators and adap- tors. V o l u m e 2, t h o u g h published, was not avail- able f o r examination at this writing.—E.S. Literary History of the United States. Bibliogra- p h y supplement, edited by R i c h a r d M. L u d - wig. N e w York, Macmillan, 1959. 268p. $10. F o l l o w i n g the arrangement and scope of the 1948 b i b l i o g r a p h y v o l u m e , this supplement p r o - vides selective b i b l i o g r a p h i c data f o r the p e r i o d 1948-58. Sixteen new individual author b i b l i o g - raphies have been a d d e d — u n f o r t u n a t e l y placed at the end of the v o l u m e rather than in alpha- betical sequence in the a p p r o p r i a t e section. T h e index represents an expansion and revision of the i n d e x to v o l u m e three of the Literary His- tory, and thus serves both f o r the main b i b l i o g - raphy and this supplementary volume.—E.S. NICOLL, ALLARDYCE. A History of English Drama, 1660-1900. v.6, A Short-Title Alphabetical Catalogue of Plays Produced or Printed in England from 1660 to 1900. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1959. 565p. $13. M o r e than just a title i n d e x to the earlier volumes of the History, this work may also be used independently. It not only indexes by title those plays m e n t i o n e d in the text and handlists of the first five volumes, b u t provides additional i n f o r m a t i o n (e.g., author, date) o n numerous plays, as well as listings for many plays not pre- viously m e n t i o n e d . Of particular value are the hundreds of cross references f r o m alternate titles and subtitles u n d e r which the plays may have been p r o d u c e d o r p o p u l a r l y known.—E.S. 0KSNF.VAD, REIDAR. Norsk litteraturhistorisk bi- bliografi, 1900-1945. Oslo, Gyldendal Norskfor- lag, 1951. 378p. Kr.32.50. . Norsk litteraturhistorisk bibliografi, 1946-1955. Oslo, Gyldendal Norskforlag, 1958. 143p. Kr.27.50. Norwegian literature from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries is the subject of this b i b l i o g - raphy w h i c h lists books, essays in collections, and periodicals. Introductory chapters o n bibli- ography and general Norwegian literary history are f o l l o w e d by chapters f o r each century, and a name index. T h e supplement follows the same arrangement as the main v o l u m e . — E . B . SCHMITT, FRANZ ANSELM. Stoff- und Motivge- schichte der deutschen Literatur; eine Biblio- graphic, begriindet von Kurt Bauerhorst. Berlin, d e Gruyter, 1959. 226p. D M 24.50. A virtually c o m p l e t e re-working of Bauer- horst's Bibliographie der Stoff- und Motivge- schichte der deutschen Literatur (Berlin, 1932, 118p.), this is a b i b l i o g r a p h y of scholarly studies o n the use of themes and motifs in German lit- erature. (It is not an index of original literary works—fiction, drama, poetry, etc.—under sub- ject treated.) Arrangement is alphabetical by " S t o f f " o r " M o t i v , " with 1800 such headings as " A b e n d , " " A b e n t e u e r , " " A b s c h i e d , " " A d a m und Eva," etc. U n d e r each are listings of available studies of the given theme as treated i n Ger- man literature. Coverage is b r o a d , i n c l u d i n g books, periodical articles, dissertations, chapters in books, and papers in Festschriften. In all, some 37,000 titles are listed, mostly German, with a few foreign titles. T h e r e is an author i n d e x — J . N . W . WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE. A Check List of Ca- nadian Literature and Background Materials, 1628-1950. C o m p i l e d for the Humanities R e - search Council of Canada. [ T o r o n t o ] Univer- sity of T o r o n t o Press [1959] 789p. $15. Intended as a first tool f o r the comparative study of Canadian letters and culture, the Check List "attempts to p r o v i d e as c o m p l e t e a record as possible of the separately published works that constitute the literature of English-speak- ing Canada." Arranged by genre, the first part aims at a comprehensive listing of Canadian poetry, fiction, and drama; Part II is a selec- tive listing of books " w h i c h seem likely to b e of value to anyone studying the literature o r cul ture of C a n a d a . " Both listings are limited to works in English by Canadians, and include works published outside Canada. B i b l i o g r a p h i - cal i n f o r m a t i o n was gleaned chiefly f r o m library catalogs and published bibliographies, with n o attempt to list reprints and variant editions. W h e n known, library locations are given; other- wise the b i b l i o g r a p h i c a l source is usually indi- cated. Keeping in m i n d its preliminary aspect, this should p r o v e a very useful volume.—E.S. J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 0 99 BIOGRAPHY The Dictionary of Welsh Biography down to 1940, under the auspices of the H o n o u r a b l e Society of C y m m r o d o r i o n . O x f o r d , B. H . Blackwell, 1959. 1157p. £ 6 , 6s. Originally published in Welsh in 1953 u n d e r the title Y Bywgraffiadur Cymreig hyd 1940 (Supplement 2S30), this English language edi- tion is not merely a translation of that work, b u t includes additions and corrections. Intended as a " b i o g r a p h i c a l reference-book f o r students of the history of W a l e s , " the v o l u m e contains biog- raphies b o t h of eminent W e l s h m e n and of n o n - Welshmen w h o have greatly influenced Welsh history. T h e r e are entries for families as well as individuals, and n u m e r o u s cross references f r o m variant spellings. Sketches are signed and usually i n c l u d e a brief list of references. T h e r e is an a p p e n d i x of additional biographies.—E.S. H I S T O R Y O ' R E I L L Y , PATRICK. Bibliographie methodique, analytique et critique des Nouvelles-Hebrides. Paris, Musee de l ' H o m m e , 1958. 305p. (Soci- ete des Oceanistes. Publications. 8) 4,000fr. A c o m p a n i o n v o l u m e to the author's Bibliog- raphie de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Supplement 2V93), the present work includes some 3,000 b o o k and j o u r n a l references. Classification, bib- liographic f o r m , and brief annotations all f o l l o w the pattern established in the earlier v o l u m e . — J . N . W . O ' R E I L L Y , PATRICK. Hebridais; repertoire bio- bibliographique des Nouvelles-Hebrides. Paris, Musee d e l ' H o m m e , 1957. 298p. il. (Societe des Oceanistes. Publications. 6). 3,000fr. Similar in plan and execution to the author's Caledoniens . . . (Supplement 2S23), this is pri- marily a biographical dictionary of persons of all periods and nationalities prominently con- nected with the life and growth of the N e w Hebrides. Both living and dead persons are in- c l u d e d , the sketches varying in length accord- ing to relative importance of the subjects. Bib- liographical aspects of the work are slight, so that to the A m e r i c a n librarian, at least, the sub- title is somewhat misleading.—J.N.W. R E A D , CONYERS. Bibliography of British History; Tudor period, 1485-1603. Issued u n d e r the di- rection of the A m e r i c a n Historical Association and the Royal Historical Society of Great Brit- ain. 2d ed. O x f o r d , Clarendon Press, 1959. 624p. 635.; $10.10. M u c h revised and considerably enlarged, this second edition follows the general pattern of the first, p u b l i s h e d in 1933 ( G u i d e V274). " A n ex- haustive survey of the material in print has been m a d e to 1 January 1957. Many entries have been m a d e of books and articles appearing since that date, b u t n o c o m p l e t e survey of this m o r e re- cent literature has been a t t e m p t e d . " (Preface). In many cases the introductory notes remain almost the same as in the first edition; in others new titles have been added. However, there are over 2,000 additional entries in the n e w edition and the v o l u m e will b e w e l c o m e d by all stu- dents of this p e r i o d . T H O M A S , DANIEL H . AND CASE, L Y N N M . Guide to the Diplomatic Archives of Western Eu- rope. Philadelphia, LTniversity o f Pennsylvania Press [1959] 389p. $7.50. Separate chapters are devoted to state archives of fourteen Western European nations, with an additional f o u r chapters f o r "Special Archival Sources" (e.g., U.N., U N E S C O ) . Chapters are generally d i v i d e d i n t o f o u r sections: (1) a brief history of the country's d i p l o m a t i c archives; (2) i n f o r m a t i o n o n organization and classification of materials; (3) notes o n administration, regula- tions, and facilities (including hours o f o p e n i n g , special permission required, availability of m i - crofilms and transcriptions, etc.); and (4) a b i b - liography of printed collections of d o c u m e n t s and of guides and reference works relating to the collections. T h e v o l u m e offers a wealth of in- formation b o t h to the scholar p l a n n i n g to visit the archives themselves and to librarians and scholars working at home.—E.S. YUAN, T U N G - L I . China in Western Literature; a Continuation of Cordier's Bibliotheca Sinica. N e w Haven, Far Eastern Publications, Yale University, 1958. 802p. $15. " A record of virtually all books concerning China published in English, French, and Ger- man [and Portuguese] between the years 1921 and 1957," but omitting periodical articles, maps, and charts. Cordier's scheme of classifica- tion has been changed so that titles are here arranged u n d e r b r o a d e r subject groups. T h e forms of Chinese names adopted by the authors themselves are used f o r the main entries; h o w - ever, in order to identify the names m o r e clearly, Chinese characters are inserted beside the ro- manized forms. A supplementary v o l u m e may appear later containing any i m p o r t a n t omis- sions.—E.L.R. 100 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S