College and Research Libraries Another compromise with the desirable is that the circulation file contains cards, not only for all books on loan, but also for books not yet due which have already been re- turned. The file is of value for reference only after the shelves and all possible way stations for newly returned books have been checked. Despite these limitations, the Brooklyn College system is probably the most effective mechanized system devised for a medium sized university or college library situation. It is certainly not the ultimate, and newer technological developments will in time re- duce the compromises between expediency and desirability. Perhaps the ultimate system can achieve the advantages of the former book card systems, using simpler procedures and requiring the borrower to write nothing. -Ralph H. Parker, University of Missouri Library. Cataloging-in-Source The Cataloging-in-Source Experiment; a Report to the Librarian of Congress by the Director of the Processing Department. Washington, Library of Congress, 1960. xxiv, 199 p. This well-organized, well-written document will surely earn a permanent place on the shelves of most libraries throughout the coun- try and undoubtedly in a good many of the large foreign libraries. It makes one wish that it had been printed instead of dupli- cated by offset lithography, as it may very well stand for a good many years as the record of the second major, unsucessful at- tempt to print full cataloging information in books. This is not a progress report, but the final statement by the Library of Con- gress on an experiment which led to the con- clusion that Cataloging-in-Source should not be continued-at least as presently conceived. L. Quincy Mumford, Librarian of Con- gress, describes the experiment in the pre- face in this way: "The immediate purpose of the experiment was to test once more, under modern conditions, the feasibility of a pro- posal which was first advanced, and tested, during the 1870's and 1880's. The present- NOVEMBER 1960 day phase of the proposal, denominated as "Cataloging-in-Source," envisaged the print- ing by publishers in their current publica- tions of facsimiles of Library of Congress cards. This would be made possible by hav- ing the Library of Congress catalog these titles in advance of publication from page proofs and data sheets supplied by the pub- lishers." After stating that the experiment proved that it is possible for the Library of Congress to catalog some books from page proofs before they are published, that it is possible for a selected number of publishers to print catalog entries in a considerable number of their publications, and that a representative group of libraries would wel- · come having cataloging information printed in the books, Mr. Mumford goes on to say: "The underlying purpose of the experiment, however, was to ascertain whether a perma- nent, full-scale program of Cataloging-in- Source could be justified in terms of financ- ing, technical considerations, and utility. As regards this, the answer must be a regretful negative." The two basic problems tested were: (1) the financial and technical prob- ler:ns and the practicability of the proposal from the viewpoint of the Library of Con- gress and the publishers, and (2) what actual use could libraries and other consumers make of the catalog entries appearing in the publications. Among the reasons given for the decision, the rna jor determining factors were: (1) the very high cost to both the publishers and the Library of Congress, (2) the disruptions of publishing schedules, (3) the high degree of unreliability of catalog entries based on texts not in their final form, and (4) the difficulty libraries would have in using this unreliable information and adapting it to their indi- vidual requirements. The criticisms to Cata- loging-in-Source that are reported are very interesting to note. Some of the major ones are: ( l) en try of a book under the original author when published as the original au- thor's work but largely rewritten by an edi- tor, (2) entry under the first named author when the editors consider a later-named au- thor as being principally responsible, (3) the publishers' strong objections to real name entries for pseudonymous works (and none were printed in the books that way), (4) the authors' objection to the use of their birthdates in the headings, (5) even the 493 catalogers found the work "unrewarding and taxing" because of the inevitable inaccura- cies in the cataloging and the rushing pres- sure. Of the cataloging entries printed 48 % had some discrepancy with the book as pub- lished. The Cataloging-in-Source experiment was begun in May 1958. Many publishers of varying sizes and types were contacted; 157 of them were willing and able to cooperate and sent in proof for cataloging. The goal was to catalog 1,000 titles, and by the end of February 1959, 1,203 publications had been cataloged by the Library of Congress, 100 of which were cataloged cooperatively by the · Department of Agriculture Library. After the cataloging phase more than 200 libraries were visited by the consumer reaction team. Consumer reaction was sought from libraries of various sizes and degrees of specialization. This report is very complete in including all of the procedures followed. This does not have to detract from the ease of reading it by those who wish to skim over these details. However, if anyone has difficulty in under- standing the complications of the special cataloging routines involved for the Library of Congress, let him be sure to read pp. 5-7 where the basic routines are outlined. The make-up of the report involves first twenty- four pages of introductory remarks and ac- knowledgements-including a chronology of events. Then follows the main text for ninety-nine pages. Here the experiment is described step by step along with the Library of Congress' viewpoint, the publishers' ex- perience and attitude, the report on the con- sumer reaction survey, the report of the ALA Cataloging Policy and Research Committee, as well as the final considerations and pos- sible alternatives. The rest of the report is taken up with fourteen appendixes which in- clude among others: samples from a similar experiment in the late nineteenth century, the forms, procedures, and other material sent to the publishers, the report on Cata- loging-in-Source in the Department of Agri- culture Library, the tables of statistics that were accumulated, the libraries that were visited during the Consumer Reaction Sur- vey and the questionnaire used, and even a bibliography entitled "A Chronological De- scription of the More Important Published Accounts of the Experiment." The library world is grateful to the Coun- 494 cil on Liprary Resources, Inc. for the grants which made this experiment possible, to the publishers who cooperated in it, and to the Library qf Congress for carrying it out. This fine report records in one convenient place all that has been involved in the experiment, the results, the conclusions drawn, and the possible future alternatives. Librarians every- where will certainly want to read it.-Ken- neth W. Sod erland, University of Chicago Library. Studies in Microforms Production of Micro -Forms. By Reginald Hawkins. (The State of the Library Art, edited by Ralph R. Shaw, Vol. 5, Pt. 1.) New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1960. 208p. $5.00. Reading Devices for Micro-Ima ges. By Jean Stewart and others. (The State of the Li- brary Art, edited by Ralph R. Shaw, Vol. 5, Pt. 2.) New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni- versity Press, 1960. 205p. $5.00. These two volumes are the first to appear out of the Rutgers project on "Targets for Research in Library Work" sponsored by a grant from the Council on Library Re- sources, and directed by Ralph R. Shaw. Part three on the "Production of Full-Size Copies," due shortly, will complete the por- tion devoted to "Reproduction of Materials." The purpose of these volumes is to show what has been done in the past, evaluate those previous studies, and point out direc- tions for future work. The arrangement of materials is somewhat different in each book. Hawkins starts out with the review of what has been written on the production pf microforms. This covers the history of microcopying, equipment in general, types and characteristics of micro- copies, quality factors, production costs, and storage. This 149-page review is based on a list of some 439 references. It is followed by a thirteen · page summary and suggestions for future study. Hawkins lays out five research projects ranging from a study to determine which types of microforms are necessary to one on information retrieval based on micro- forms. COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES