College and Research Libraries Review Articles Virginia Almanacs A Checklist of Virginia Almanacs, 1732-1850. By J a m e s A. Bear, J r . , and Mary Caperton B e a r . Charlottesville: Bibliographical So- ciety of the University of Virginia, 1962. xliv, [208]p. $7.50. Because the almanac played a significant role in the reading habits and in the history of p r i n t i n g of the U n i t e d States, studies such as that of the Bears are welcome. However, coming as it does, just prior to the publica- tion of M i l t o n Drake's comprehensive bib- liography of American almanacs, 1639-1875, some may wonder if it is essential. Checking the Bears's work against the col- lection of Virginia almanacs at the American A n t i q u a r i a n Society, this reviewer found only o n e almanac not listed, the 1808 issue of The Good Old Virginia Almanack (Rich- mond, T h o m a s Nicolson). W e also have sev- eral issues of The Farmer's Calendar, by Charles Egelmann, which, although printed in Baltimore, nevertheless bear a Virginia imprint. T h e Bears, no doubt, excluded this on the basis of its origin, a decision certainly defensible. Proofreading slips in numbers 165 and 290 resulted in the exclusion of the location symbols, although Massachusetts Worcester A n t i q u a r i a n Society has both. I n addition, M W A is not credited with owning the fol- lowing items: 33, 36, 37, 38, 103, 147, 209, 240, 253, 256, 284, 294, 329, 339, 348. T h i s library also possesses variants of 245, 336, 340, and 354. E x c e p t for 245, they are minor. T h e first, however, is worthy of mention as the variation is to be found in the im- print, " J ° h n W a r r o c k for Frederick A. M a y o . " Generally, the compilers have produced a useful work of limited scope. T h e biographi- cal notices of the philomaths are a happy addition. I n truth, half a loaf is b e t t e r than none, b u t it is sad that the publications of so distinguished a society appear in such shabby r a i m e n t . — M . A. McCorison, American Anti- quarian Society. Books Briefly Noted Annual Report of the Librarian of Con- gress for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1961. W a s h i n g t o n : L i b r a r y of Con- gress, 1962. 153p. $2.00. Calendar of Meetings of National and Re- gional Educational Associations, 1962. W a s h i n g t o n : T h e N a t i o n a l C a t h o l i c Edu- cational Association, [1962]. 44p. $1.00. The Catholic Bookman's Guide, a Critical Evaluation of Catholic Literature, edited by Sister M . Regis. New Y o r k : Hawthorn Books, Inc., [1962]. 638p. $12.95. The Communities of New York and the Civil War, the Recruiting Areas of the New York Civil War Regiments, com- piled by C. E . Dornbusch. . . . New Y o r k : T h e New York P u b l i c Library, 1962. 31p. $1.50. The Contemporary Arts, by B a r t l e t t H . Hayes, J r . [Chicago]: A L A in Coopera- tion with the P u b l i c Affairs Committee, Inc., [1962]. 20p. ( R e a d i n g for an Age of Change, No. 2) $.60. Directory of Finnish Research Libraries, abridged English ed. of the Guide to the Research Libraries of F i n l a n d , compiled by E i n o Nivanka; translated by L e e n a Salminen. H e l s i n k i : T h e Council of Re- search Libraries in F i n l a n d , 1962. 52p. 300 F M K . Garrick and Stratford, by M a r t h a W i n b u r n England. New Y o r k : T h e New York Pub- lic Library, 1962. 72p. $2.50. The Guide to Catholic Literature, 1961.... Joseph A. Placek, editor, J o s e p h i n e Riss Fang, assistant editor. Villanova, P e n n a . : T h e C a t h o l i c L i b r a r y Association, 1962. 355p. $9.00. N O V E M B E R 1 9 6 2 541