College and Research Libraries Warheit's "The Use of Computers in In- formation Retrieval." It displays a keen understanding of the basics of information science and states fundamental criteria for mechanization of the information retrieval process in concise terms. If you have been a follower of the first aforementioned alternative, there is not much here for you that is new. If, however, you belong to the second class, these papers are recommended as a good starting point. The authors present their material clearly, and in the language of a librarian.-H ow- . ard W. Dillon, Ohio State University. Books Briefly Noted An Arizona Chronology; The Territorial Years~ 1846-1912. By Douglas D. Martin. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1963. SOp. $1.95. A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations on Adults and Adult Education. By Law- rence C. Little. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1963. 165p. $4.50. A Bibliography of Russian Literature in English Translation to 1900. By Mau- rice B. Line. London: Library Association, 1963. 74p. $3.60. Catholic Serials of the Nineteenth Century in the United States~ A Descriptive Bibli- ography and Union List. By Eugene P. Willging and Herta Hatzfe1d. Series 2, Part 6. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Uni- versity, 1963. ix 44, and 6p. $1.95. Foreign Service Directory of American Li- brarians. Edited by Mary Ann Adams. Chicago: American Library Association, International Relations Round Table, 1963. 98p. (Available from Mary Rapp, University of Illinois Library, Navy Pier, Chicago 11, Illinois.) $2. International Scientific Organizations; A Guide to Their Library, Documentation, and Information. Prepared under the di- rection of Kathrine 0. Murra. Washing- ton, D.C.; Library of Congress, 1962. 794p. $3.25. Librarianship and Publishing. Edited by Carl H. Melinat. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University School of Library Sci- ence, 1963. 36p. $1.50. Library Adult Education; The Biography of an Idea. By Margaret E. Monroe. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1963. 550p. $12.50. SEPTEMBER 1963 National Geographic Atlas of the World. James M. Darley, Chief Cartographer and Melville Bell Grosvenor, Editor-in-Chief. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1963. 304p. 115 maps. $18.75, de- luxe edition $24.50. The London Stage 1600-1800; A Calendar of Plays, Entertainment and Afterpieces Together with Casts, Box-receipts and Contemporary Comment C ompilt!d from the Playbills, Newspapers, and Theatrical Diaries of the Period. Ed. with critical introductions by William Van Lennep, Emmett L. A very, Arthur H. Scouten, George Winchester Stone, Jr. and Charles Beecher Hogan. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1963. 3v. $75.00. Reference Sources in Agriculture; An An- notated Bibliography. By M. L. Singhvi and D. S. Shrimali. Udaipur, India: Ra- jasthan College of Agriculture, 1962. 418p. $10. Resources of Canadian University Libraries for Research in the Humanities and So- cial Sciences, Report of a Survey for the National Conference of Canadian Uni- versities and Colleges. By Edwin E. Wil- liams. Ottawa: National Conference of Canadian University and Colleges, 1962. 87p. S. Harrison Thomson Bio-Bibliography. By Lubomyr R. Wynar. (Bio-Bibliographical Series: No. 1). Colorado: University of Colorado Libraries, 1963. 32p. Serial Publications Indexed in Bibliography of Agriculture. Library List No. 75, Na- tional Agricultural Library, United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agri- culture, 1963. 163p. • • 439 '