College and Research Libraries who, having made great contributions and reputations, relaxed their vigilance over the whole in order to pursue one aspect which particularly appealed to them or in which they were particularly gifted" (p. 179). And in speaking of the Newberry's cataloging ar- rearage he remarks, "It is always difficult for a layman to understand that cataloging takes time and a certain amount of backlog is a · necessity to efficient operation of a catalog- ing department." Not that Williamson ex,_ cuses some of Poole's mistakes; he has given as objective a view as a biographer probably can, and there is no special plead- ing to cover his subject's weaknesses. The reviewer shall resist the temptation to cover the final chapter with Williamson's evaluation of Poole's contribution to pro- fessional life. This is an excellent biography, well written and thorough, and every librar- ian ought to read it for himself.-Edward G. Holley, University of Houston. Books Briefly Noted American Theological Library Association. Seventeenth Annual Conference. Sum- mary of Proceedings. Golden Gate Bap- tist Theological Seminary, Mill Valley, California, June 17-21, 1963. Austin, Texas: 1963. $2.50. Basic Tools of Research, An Annotated Guide for Students of English. By Philip H. Vitale. Great Neck, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series, 1963. 173p. $1.95. Calligraphy and Handwriting in America, 1710-1962. [Exhibition 1 assembled and shown by the Peabody Institute Library, Baltimore, Maryland, November 1961- January 1962. [Comp. by P. W. Filby1• 1 vol. Caledonia, N.Y.: Italimuse, 1963. (unpaged) illus., facsims. $6. A Guide to Information Sources in Space Science and Technology. Vol. 1. By Ber- nard M. Fry and Foster E. Mohrhardt. New York: Interscience Publishers, 1963. xiv, 579p. $9.50. International Dictionary of Literary Awards. By Jane Clapp. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1963. 545p. $15. Introduction to Bibliography and Reference Books. By B. Wynar. Denver, Colo.: Uni- versity of Denver, 1963. 225p. $3.50. Jo-ho Kan-ri Bin-ran [The Handbook in In- formation Control 1• By N. Muroo, 0. Ide, S. Kanemura, T: Kono, Y. Tsuda. Tokyo, Japan: Nik-Kan Ko-gyo Shin-bun-sha, 1963. 1330p. 4500 yen. Kentucky Literature, 1784-1963. By Ish Richey. Tompkinsville, Kentucky: Mon- roe County Press, 1963. 23-6p. $5.25. A New Dictionary of British History. By S. Steinberg. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1963. vi, 407p. $10. Periodica Philologica Abbreviata, A List of Initial Abbreviations of Periodicals in Philology and Related Subjects. Compiled by Tor Ulving. Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell, 1963. 137p. Sw. Kr. 15. PR Blue Book. Ed. by Edwin C. Mead. Meriden, N.H.: PR Publishing Company, 1964. xiii, 286p. Swedish Commentators on America 1638- 1865. By Esther Elisabeth Larson. New York: New York Public Library, 1963. 139p. $5.50. The Talfourd P. Linn Collection of Cervan- tes Materials. Ed. by Paul J. Kann and Rolland E. Stevens. Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1963. 91p. $2. United States and Canadian Publications on Africa in 1961. Ed. by Peter Duignan (Hoover Institution Bibliographical Se- ries XIV). Stanford, California: Stanford University, The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, 1963. vi, 114p. $3. U. S. Office of Education Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1961-1962. Washington, 1963. $1. • • 156 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES '