College and Research Libraries Index to Dissertation Abstracts Tms NOTE is intended to facilitate the use of the indexes of Microfilm Abstracts and Dissertation Abstracts. The present title, Dissertation Abstracts, began with volume twelve. 1. The first eleven volumes, Microfilm Abstracts, are covered by a single cumu- lated author index, published by the Georgia Chapter of the Special Libraries Association in 1956. Approaching these first eleven volumes by subject is some- what more difficult. The only subject lists available are cumulated tables of contents, arranged by broad topic, e.g.: chemistry; political science; literature, American. The following cumulations of these lists need to be searched to cover the first eleven volumes: Vol. 3 no. 2; Vol. 6 no. 2; Vol. 9 no. 3; Vol. 10 no. 4; Vol. 11 no. 4. 2. Volumes twelve through fifteen (Dissertation Abstracts) contain single- year author and subject indexes at the end of each volume. The subject portion of these annual indexes is, again, a cumu- lation of the tables of contents of the separate nuD?-bers. . 3. Beginning with volume sateen (1956) Dissertation Abstracts took over the publication of the Index to Am~rican Doctoral Dissertations, an annual mdex to all American doctoral dissertations. The Index has an author index and an arrangement of subject headings some- what finer than those used in Dissertation Abstracts, but it is not so detailed as those found in a standard dictionary catalog. 4. Volumes sixteen and seventeen of Dissertation Abstracts depend entirely upon the Index to A.meri~an Docto~al Dissertations for their mdexmg. If a dis- sertation has been microfilmed and is abstracted in volume sixteen or seventeen JULY 1964 BY CARL E. ORGREN Mr. Orgren is Chief Reference Librarian in the University of Detroit. of Dissertation Abstracts, its entry in the subject or author portions of Index to American Doctoral Dissertations will give its location in Dissertation Abstracts. 5. Volumes eighteen and nineteen of Dissertation Abstracts are covered by a separately published, cumulated, two- year author index. For a subject approach to these volumes it is necessary to refer to the relevant volumes of Index to American Doctoral Dissertations. The method of such a subject search is indi- rect. The searcher first finds a dissertation in which he is interested in the subject entries of Index to American Doctoral Dissertations. This entry will give the author. The author's name is then checked in the cumulated author index to volumes eighteen and nineteen of Dis- sertations Abstracts to see if that particu- lar dissertation was microfilmed and ab- stracted. 6. Volumes twenty and twenty-one of Dissertation Abstracts have single vol- ume author indexes at the end of each volume. Subject searches are done, again, by using the corresponding volumes of the Index to American Doctoral Disserta- tions. 7. Beginning with volume twenty-two of Dissertation Abstracts a new policy has been followed. A subject index ap- pears in each number along with the usual author index. At the end of the vol- ume (no. 12, Part 11) these are cumu- lated. These cumulated volume indexes include for the first time a true subject index. The subject headings are basically 279 SUBJECT INDEXES Volume Number 3 2 6 2 9 3 10 4 11 4 12 6 13 6 14 12 15 12 16 13 Index to American Doctoral Dissertations 1955-56 17 13 Index to American Doctoral Dissertations 1956-57 18 7 Index to American Doctoral Dissertations 1957-58 19 13 Index to American Doctoral Dissertations 1958-59 20 13 Index to American Doctoral Dissertations 1959-60 21 13 Index to American Doctoral Dissertations 1960-61 22 12 Part II 23 12 Part II AUTHOR INDEXES Volume Number 1-11 cumulated author index 12 13 6 14 12 15 12 16 13 Index to American Doctoral Dissertations 1955-56 17 13 Index to American Doctoral Dissertations 1956-57 18-19 cumulated author index 20 12 Part II 21 Vol. 22 no. 5, usually bound at end of Vol. 21 22 12 Part II 23 12 Part II those of the Library of Congress and so are familiar to many users. Index to American Doctoral Disserta- tions has been treated here chiefly as it concerns the indexing of Dissertation Ab- stracts. It is necessary to point out that it is an important service in its own right. It is not limited- to the listing of micro- filmed dissertations as is Dissertation Ab- stracts. It is a more complete list of American doctoral dissertations, and so is the first place to look if only basic bib- liographical information of the disserta- tion is needed. The information thus far contained in this note may be assembled in tabular form for convenience in searching: Such a search can be simplified by the use of colored tabs . The above index vol- umes may be tabbed in red, including the volumes of Index to American Doc- toral Dissertations which serve as indexes to Dissertation Abstracts. All volumes of Index to American Doctoral Dissertations may be tabbed in green. •• 280 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES